Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 014214094




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 014214094





I now that I was born And I know that I’ll die The in between is mine I am mine

(Taken from song lyrics “I Am Mine” by )



I would really like to express my greatest gratitude to Almighty God who always accompanies me. Due to His blessings and mercy I could finally accomplish this thesis. He always guides me in good and bad times.

I would like to thank my happy family as they always love me and support me in every step of life. It is great blessing to have them all in this life, and I would like to thank them: my father, Pak Peno, my mother, Bu Harti, and my sisters, Lia and Tina.

I would like to thank my major advisor, Dra. Th. Enny Anggraini,

M.A., for her guidance, patience, and sharing so that I was able to complete this thesis. And also for my co-advisor, Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S., M.Hum. They really have supported and guided me through the accomplishment of this thesis.

I also thank Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M.Hum for her advice, suggestions and support. I also express my gratitude to all of my lecturers who have taught and given me useful knowledge during my study in Sanata Dharma

University, Yogyakarta.

I also would like to thank my best friends who made me experience such a wonderful friendship; climber crew: Bang Udin, Mas Iko, Mba’ Lia, Mba’

Fani, Mba’ Dedek, Vera, Rusman, Philip, Kang Bayu, Kang Yudha, Yanuar and

Kak Santi who have accompanied me climbing the mountains. Jogodayoh crew:

Wawan, Jacky, Wiwin, Natalia, Septa, Lian, Sisca, Ratih and Anell. Angkringan

Agung Fans Club: Kowok, Doni, Moko, Yoga, Suko, Danang and Kang Agung.

v H.8 community: Mas Mbodo, Mas Thesis, Mas Cipto, Mas Wicak, Denny and

Aan. PS crew: Dhanny, Fembri “Vokolos”, Eko “Oke”, Pey-Pey and Endang.

Fishing crew: Aan “Gondrong” and Amrih “Si Sri”. English Letters crew:

Neo”Yongkie”, Vembri “Genjik”, Fariz “Bola”, Yoseph “Pukon”, Wawan

“Kardiman”, Ikhsan “Kothos”, Hari “Sinyo”, Deni “Item”, Petrus “Sepep”, Wisnu

“Slash”, Garry, Freddy “Kupret”, Sigit “Kunthet”, Galih, Bertus, Sandi, Ian,

Bimo, Sinda, Adek, Er, Dewi and so on. I thank them for being my incredible memories and part of my life. For my imaginary friends: Che Guevara and Thom

Yorke for giving me the imagination in my life. Also for my best friends:

Neovarsena Yongkie, Arif “Berlin”, Pahlevi, Heru “Timbul” and Agung for their sharing of everything and support in doing my thesis.

I am aware that there are many people who have not been mentioned yet, and I thank to them for coloring my life.

Agus Tito


PAGE OF TITLE ………………...... ……………………………… i PAGE OF APPROVAL …………....……………………………...... ii PAGE OF ACCEPTANCE…………………………………………………iii PAGE OF DEDICATION………………………………………………… iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………....……………………………. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………...………………………….. vii ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………. viii ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………………ix

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………….. 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation…………………………………………….. 5 C. Objectives of the Study……………………………………………5 D. Benefit of the Study……………………………………………….5 E. Definition of Terms……………………………………………… 6

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ……………………………..8 A. Review of Related Studies………………………………………... 8 B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of Character and Characterization……………………….. 14 2. Theory on Moral…………………………………………………. 17 3. Theory of Friendship………………………………………………19 4. Theory of Loyalty………………………………………………….23 5. Theory of Love…………………………………………………… 24 6. Theory on Message………………………………………………. 26 C. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………….. 27

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY…………………………………… 29 A. Object of the Study……………………………………………… 29 B. Approach of the Study…………………………………………… 29 C. Method of the Study…………………………………………… 30

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS……………………………………… …….. 33 A. The Characteristics of Harry Morgan.……………………………. 33 B. Moral Values through Harry Morgan Character………….. …… 47 C. The Messages from the Novel……………………………………..55

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ……………………………………… 58

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………… 61


Agus Tito. (2007). Moral Values as Seen in Harry Morgan’s Characteristics in To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

This study is concerned with the novel entitled To Have and Have Not written by Ernest Hemingway which was first published in 1937. The novel tells the story of Harry Morgan who is a sailor and his struggle in making the living for his family. The problem formulations of this study are: How is Harry Morgan’s characteristics described in the story and what are the moral values revealed through Harry Morgan’s characteristics and also what are the messages from the novel. The study discusses the characteristics of Harry Morgan; the moral values revealed through Harry Morgan’s characteristics and the messages from the novel. The primary source is the novel itself. Meanwhile, the secondary sources are some relevant and supporting references. The moral-philosophical approach would be appropriate to analyze the problem together with the theories. The theory of characterization of M.J. Murphy is applied in this study to analyze Harry Morgan’s characteristics. The theory of friendship of Baron, Byrne, Beebe, Murel and Louis, the theory of love of Hauck and Formm, the theory of loyalty of Encyclopedia Britannica, the theory of moral values by Chambers are used to analyze the moral values in Harry Morgan’s characteristics, the theory message of Beatty and Hunter used to analyze the messages from the novel. The writer found out that Ernest Hemingway uses character as seen by another, speech, conversation of others and thought in describing Harry Morgan’s characteristics. The writer found out the characteristics of Harry Morgan are tough, strong, smart, conceited, greedy, loves his family and loyal to his wife. Harry Morgan does some moral actions identified by the writer as moral values which can enrich our lives. Harry Morgan shows that friendship, love and loyalty are moral values. The writer also found some messages from the story that related to moral: we should support our friends who are in a trouble, love our family, loyal to our wife, have courage to do anything in difficult situation to feed or save our family, we should not do the bad habit because it is difficult to stop this habit, we should not be greedy because we can lose our precious life if we are greedy and the bad effect if we do bad things.


Agus Tito. (2007). Moral Values as Seen in Harry Morgan’s Characteristics in To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

Skripsi ini mengenai novel yang berjudul To Have and Have Not yang ditulis oleh Ernest Hemingway dan diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1937. Novel ini mengisahkan tentang seorang pelaut yang bernama Harry Morgan dan perjuangannya dalam menghidupi keluarganya. Rumusan masalah skripsi ini adalah bagaimana Harry Morgan digambarkan, nilai moral apa saja yang terdapat pada karakteristik dari Harry Morgan serta pesan moral apa saja yang terdapat dalam novel tersebut. Skripsi ini membahas tentang karakteristik dari Harry Morgan, nilai moral yang nampak pada karakteristik dari Harry Morgan, serta pesan apa saja yang terdapat pada novel tersebut. Sumber utama dalam studi ini adalah novel tersebut sedangkan sumber- sumber pendukung diambil dari sumber-sumber yang mendukung dan sesuai. Pendekatan filosofi-moral dengan teori-teori penunjang dianggap cocok untuk menganalisa masalah. Teori karakteristik milik M.J. Murphy digunakan dalam studi ini untuk menganalisa karakteristik Harry Morgan. Teori persahabatan milik Baron, Byrne, Beebe, Murel dan Louis, teori cinta milik Hauck dan Fromm, teori kesetiaan milik Encyclopedia Britanica, teori nilai moral milik Chambers digunakan untuk menganalisa nilai-nilai moral pada karakteristik Harry Morgan. teori pesan milik Beatty dan Hunter digunakan untuk menganalisa pesan apa saja yang terdapat pada novel tersebut. Penulis menemukan bahwa Ernest Hemingway dalam menggambarkan karakteristik dari Harry Morgan, ia menggunakan cara karakter yang dilihat oleh tokoh lain (character as seen by another), cara berbicara (speech), percakapan tokoh-tokoh (conversation of others) dan pikiran tokoh yang bersangkutan maupun tokoh lainnya (thought). Penulis menemukan beberapa karakteristik Harry Morgan yaitu; Harry Morgan adalah sesorang kuat, pintar, tamak, cinta terhadap keluarganya dan setia kepada istri. Penulis menemukan beberapa karakteristik Harry Morgan yaitu; Harry Morgan adalah seorang yang kuat, pintar, tamak, sombong, cinta terhadap keluarganya dan setia kepada istri. Harry Morgan melakukan beberapa tindakan moral yang diidentifikasi sebagai nilai moral yang dapat memperkaya kehidupan kita. Harry Mogran menunjukkan bahwa pertemanan, cinta dan kesetiaan adalah nilai moral. Penulis juga menemukan beberapa pesan yang berhubungan dengan moral dari novel tersebut yaitu: kita harus memberi semangat atau dorongan pada teman kita yang sedang kesulitan, berani melakukan apa saja di dalam situasi yang sulit untuk memberi nafkah atau menyelamatkan kehidupan, kita tidak boleh melakukan kebiasaan yang buruk karena sangat sulit untuk menghentikan kebiasaan tersebut, kita tidak boleh rakus karena kita dapat kehilangan kehidupan kita yang berharga jika kita rakus, dan dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan jika kita melakukan tindakan yang buruk.

ix 1



This chapter provides some information about background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. In the background of the study, the writer explains about the necessity of analyzing the topic and the reasons for choosing the topic. The objectives of the study explain what aims of this study are. The problem formulation describes the questions to analyze later. The benefits of the study explain who can get the benefits from the study. Finally, the last part of this chapter is the definition of some terms related to the topic.

A. Background of the study

In literature, there are several types of literature; short stories, poetry, novel, and drama. In this case the writer wants to analyze the novel. Novel as a part of literature also contains some values. Clara Reeve states that novel is a picture of real life and manners (Wellek and Warren, 1956:216). It also describes about moral values, as values that govern our attitude in a real life. There are several elements in the novel such as setting, character, setting, plot, theme, which contains a message from the author toward the readers that the readers can interpreted the message according to their point of view. The message it self contains about value in life that connected with moral.



The terms moral according to Ross belongs from Latin plural mores meaning manners or moral (Ross, 1972: 62). According to Longman dictionary, moral first concern with or based on principles of right and wrong behavior and the difference between good and evil (1992: 862). Moral value is a value that differentiates between goodness and badness. Moody states that literary work always offers moral messages that connected with human’s noble behaviors, struggles for the rights and dignity of human being (1971: 48).

In this novel, Ernest Hemingway tells the life of a sailor who has to struggle to make a living. Harry Morgan as the main character in To Have and

Have Not faces many problem in struggling for his life. Harry Morgan made a wrong way in solving his problem. Then it traps him in his strong desire to earn a lot of money in easy way.

The writer decides to analyze Ernest Hemingway’s To Have and Have Not because of some consideration: first, Ernest Hemingway is an American novelist and a short story writer, who is widely recognized as one of the great authors of the twentieth century. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. Second, this novel entitled To Have and Have Not is not as famous as the others such as A

Farewell to Arms, and . Therefore by analyzing this novel, the writer hope that readers will have more knowledge and references about Ernest Hemingway’s other works. Third, the writer sees that there are some moral values in that novel.

According to David Gagne, To Have and Have Not is particularly well- suited to a discussion of Depression-era literature. Set in the cities and waters of


Cuba and South Florida in the early , the novel delves into not just the psyche of one man struggling to survive through hard times, but also the angst of a world in which the already-thin line between good and evil is blurred beyond recognition. The characters Hemingway represented run the gamut from wealthy socialites to drunken locals and crooked officials. The choices they make because of a society which has abandoned its faith in traditional morals are often not really choices at all, but merely the only apparent avenues of survival.

I don’t know who made the laws but I know there ain’t no law that you got to go hungry. (1950: 98)

Hemingway deals with racism against blacks and other minorities as well. The character with whom Harry makes liquor run early in the book is black. Although

Harry addresses the man by his name, Wesley, the narrator refers to him only as,

“the nigger,” or, “the negro.” There was money to be made in smuggling illegal immigrants into America in the 1930s, and the Chinese immigrants that Harry is talked into smuggling to America are referred to in a derogatory fashion as

“Chinamen” and “Chinks” and they are said to have a foul smell. Morgan makes a point of trying to get rid of their odor before he lands his boat. The pains and deaths of minorities, considered sub-human, are marginalized in the story, not by the author but by the other characters. Hemingway’s experimentations with the novel form are also notable features typical of early twentieth century literature.

To Have and Have Not breaks from the traditional five act dramatic plot sequence of setting, rising action, climax, closing action, and summary. The author, who had lived in Paris, Spain, Mid-Western America, South Florida, and Cuba, was


not satisfied with presenting the novel from one point-of-view. No one character narrates the story. The book’s ending is not contained by the standards of time and spatial continuity. Hemingway utilized and sometimes invented these new literary devices to try to push the American novel beyond its limits. Like his contemporary, James Agee, he was creating something which was not supposed to be thought of as art. (


The novel To Have and Have Not it self is about the fishermen’s lives in

Cuba and the US states of Florida. Most of the fishermen are poor and try hard to improve their economic condition. Ernest Hemmingway, the author, once lived in

Cuba for several years. He knew the fishermen’s lives very well. That is why he portrayed the fishermen’s lives through the novel To Have and Have Not. The novel was first published in 1937. In this novel, Ernest Hemingway tells the life of a sailor who has struggled to make a living. Harry Morgan as the main character in To Have and Have Not faces many problems in struggling for his life. Harry made a wrong way solution in solving his problem. Then he traps him in his strong desire to earn a lot of money. The novel To Have and Have Not is particularly well-suited to a discussion of depression era. Set in the cities and waters of Cuba and south Florida in the early of 1930’s. The novel is not delves into not just psyche of one man struggling to survive through hard times, but also the angst of a world in which the already thin line between good and evil is blurred beyond recognition. The focus of the novel is Harry Morgan’s life, a fisherman’s life. Ernest Hemmingway wants to portray how hard and dangerous


Harry Morgan’s life is. In Harry Morgan’s characteristics there are many moral values that the writer interest to discuss.

B. Problem Formulations:

Based on the background of the study, the problem can be formulated into the following questions:

1. How is Harry Morgan’s characteristics described in the story?

2. What are the moral values revealed through Harry Morgan’s


3. What are the messages from the novel?

C. Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to give the answers of the problems that have been stated above. They are: to explicate the characteristics of Harry Morgan and to find out the moral values revealed through Harry Morgan’s characteristics and also to find out the messages from the novel.

D. Benefits of the Study

This study is conducted in the hope of giving my self and other students studying English Literature a better understanding and insight about Ernest

Hemmingway’s works, especially the novel entitled To Have and Have Not.

Understanding this novel can bring us to take a close and deeper look at human life, especially about moral values. In addition, it can serve a reference for future


researchers studying Hemmingway’s works and as a collection that enriches the

Department of English Letters of Sanata Dharma University that it is beneficial to enrich the library of the university.

E. Definition of Terms

There are several key terms in this study. They are necessary to be defined and explained in order that the readers have the same interpretation on several terms, as well as to avoid the readers’ confusion in the further study. Those terms are:

1. Character and Characterization

According to Abrams, Characters are the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say-the dialogue-and by what they do-the action. The grounds in characters’ temperament, desire, and moral nature for their speech and action are called their motivation. A character may undergo a radical change, either through the gradual process of motivation and development or as the result crisis (Abrams. M.H, 1981:20).

According Rohrberger and Woods, characterization is the process by which an author creates a character, the devices by which he makes us believe a character is the particular type of person he is (Rohrberger and Woods, 1971: 80).


2. Moral Values

Chambers (1973: 606) states that moral is the principles of good and evil, or right and wrong in human’s life. It means that if we do good or right things it can be said that our moral is good but if we do evil or wrong things in our life it can be said that our moral is bad. Moral value is a value that differentiates between goodness and badness. Moral is a clue how to act in the society in the right way, moral is to differ what is good and what is not good. We can learn moral from a story or events in this world by knowing which is wrong action and right action based on the principles of good and evil. Moral value is the thing that we seriously believe in and important to be done, it helps us to differentiate what is good and what is not.




This chapter is divided into three parts of discussion. The first part contains certain criticism that follows the improvement of the author’s work,

Ernest Hemingway ant the novel To Have and Have Not.

The second part is the theories used by the writer to analyze the novel.

These theories are the basic guidance in answering the problem. The writer is going to discuss about the main character, in this case is Harry Morgan’s and his characteristics that reflected to the moral values.

The last part of the chapter is going to present the theoretical ground to give some clues to the readers to get description of what will be discussed deeply in the analysis.

A. Review of Related Studies

Criticism could be as the appreciation, comment, judgment, analysis and suggestion. As Warren and Wellek say in Theory of Literature, criticisms of literary works are born along with the birth of literary works. The decision is made to spare time and give attention to certain author on her or his work in general has contained criticism (1956: 336).

Hemingway is known as one of the great American literature. Hemingway has his own style in writing literature that makes him well known writer not only in USA but also around the world. He received the Nobel Prize in 1954. Philip



Young in Hemingway: A Defense says that Ernest Hemingway is a great prose writer who deserves the Nobel Prize.

“And I must agree with the Nobel people. The citation was proper, however belated. For me, Hemingway is, next to Thoreau, the greatest prose stylist in our literature”. (In Weeks, 1962:173)

Philip Young in Weeks book entitled Hemingway: A Collection of Critical

Essays, states that Ernest Hemingway always uses his experiences in drinking, hunting, fishing, love making and killing in all of his works.

“Well,” what of the substances?” on the drinking, hunting, and fishing, I would agree, a little. These are relatively superficial activities. But it seems to me that at his best Hemingway has treated them, from “The Sun Also Rises to The Old Man and The Sea”, as means for saying other thing…” “However, the notion that love making and war making are “superficial activities” finds me with no defense at all” (in Weeks, 1962:172)

According to Alex Wilber, the novel entitled To Have and Have Not is the dramatic, brutal story of Harry Morgan, an honest boat owner who is forced into running contraband between Cuba and as a means of keeping his crumbling family financially afloat. His adventures lead him into the world of the wealthy and dissipated yachtsmen who swarm the region, and involve him in a strange and unlikely love affair. In this harshly realistic, yet oddly tender and wise novel, Hemingway perceptively delineates the personal struggles of both the

"haves" and the "have nots" and creates one of the most subtle and moving portraits of a love affair in his oeuvre. In turn funny and tragic, lively and poetic, remarkable in its emotional impact, To Have and Have Not takes literary high adventure to a new level. As the Times Literary Supplement observed,

"Hemingway's gift for dialogue, for effective understatement, and for


communicating such emotions the tough allow themselves, has never been more conspicuous.(


Harry Morgan is literally trying to stay afloat in the depression-era 1930s.

His boat is his only source of income - whether through legal party-fishing or illegal smuggling of rum, people or anything else that will pay. It's a sometimes violent business that keeps Harry on the edge of disaster.

The story opens with Harry's refusal to carry Cuban revolutionaries to the United

States. As the revolutionaries leave the cantina in which they have been negotiating, they are gunned down. Harry's next venture is a marlin-fishing expedition with a wealthy businessman. The man refuses to follow instructions and loses a huge fish, along with Harry's tackle and line. He blames Harry for his failure to catch any marlin and runs off without paying some $500 in charter fees, plus the damage to nearly $300 worth of equipment. In order to find the money to return to Key West, where he lives, Harry agrees to ferry illegal Chinese workers to Florida. Upon receiving payment, he murders the contractor, and then sets the workers ashore inside Cuba. The story picks up the following winter. Harry is wounded during a run-in with Cuban government officials while he's carrying a boatload of illegal rum from Cuba. As a result, he loses an arm. Worse still,

American Customs Service confiscates his boat. Harry's friends are working in depression-relief projects or low-paying menial work. With a wife and two kids to support, Harry feels he can not take this kind of work. Finally, in desperation,


Harry agrees steal back his boat and ferry revolutionaries now in the United States to Cuba. (

According to To Have and Have Not is a 1937 novel by

Ernest Hemingway about Harry Morgan, a fishing boat captain who runs contraband between Cuba and Florida. The novel depicts Harry as an essentially good man who is forced into black market activity by economic forces beyond his control. Initially, his fishing charter Johnson skips out on the bill, forcing Harry to attempt smuggling Chinese immigrants into Florida in order to feed his family.

(He double-crosses the immigrants and returns them to Cuba.) The Great

Depression features prominently in the novel, forcing depravity and starvation on the residents of Key West, referred to as "Conchs."


According to Nathan Kotas, the novel entitled To Have and Have

Not is different from Ernest Hemingway’s other novels. The differences can be seen from the dialogues, characters, environment and setting of time. This book was so much different from the previous ones. It seemed like it was written in this generation, if that makes any senses. The feel of this book through dialogues, characters, environment, and story is generally different than any of the previous Hemingway novels we had read. The obvious change is the brutality and violence of this novel not seen “”. (

Leo Gurko in his book Ernest Hemingway and the Pursuit of

Heroism, states that the strength of the novel entitled To Have and Have


Not is that the novel can give a detailed description of everything happening in the novel. The readers can see what happens as if they were the part of the novel that can see everything in the novel through their eyes.

“The strength of the novel lies here. The fishing and shooting, the talk, the drinking, the love making, the fist-fight are described with extraordinary concretes” (1969:150)

Leo Gurko also states that To Have and Have Not is Ernest

Hemingway’s depression novel because there are a lot of descriptions of depressions. The first depression is about Harry Morgan’s worry about his family if any bad things happen to him.

“Harry Morgan, the central figure, is worried about what would become of his wife and two daughters if anything should happen to him; keeping them off relief is one of his major concerns.” (1969:143)

In To Have and Have Not, Harry Morgan as the main character worried about his family. He worried about the economic condition of his family and tried to solve it.

The second depression is about the economic situation and political system at that time as well as the state welfare.

“There is a larger aspect of the depression at work in the book, perhaps its controlling aspects. The depression broke up the old laissez-faire procedures of American Capitalism, and paved the way for massive Federal intervention, giant trade unions, and the welfare state.” (1969:143)

The third depression is about the transition time when this novel was being written in mid thirties.


“…the height of the depression there was a period when the old order was cracking up while the new one was not yet in sight. To Have and Have Not appeared at precisely this period, and it is this pattern of disintegration that dominates the book.” (1969:143)

According to Asselineu in his book The Literary Reputation of Hemingway in Europe, states that Hemingway is complete honesty and very considerable skill but even he admits that Harry Morgan is a flagrantly romantic figure; he notes that

Hemingway still distrusts thought but he is also concerned about the state of the world and his technique, fashioned exclusively to deal with the world of sensation, does not quite know how to deal with the change (1965: 21-22).

From the reviews above, the novel tells about the struggle of the main character Harry Morgan. Here, the writer wants to give the analysis about Harry

Morgan’s characteristics in struggling how to survive in order to fulfill his and his family needs. And also wants to give the clear description about what kind of moral behavior that presented by the main character through his action in surviving his life and also his family in the story.

B. Review of Related Theories

Some theories are used in this study. They are connected each other in order to answer and give a profound analysis of the problems that are formulated above. In this study, the writer uses theory of character and characterization, theory on moral, the relation of literature and moral values, theory of friendship, theory of loyalty, theory of love and theory of message.


1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character in a literary work is very important, so that the readers can understand the story. Therefore, the theories of character and characterization are needed.

“Characters are the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say-the dialogue-and by what they do-the action. The grounds in characters’ temperament, desire, and moral nature for their speech and action are called their motivation. A character may undergo a radical change, either through the gradual process of motivation and development or as the result crisis.” (Abrams. M.H, 1981: 20).

The author describes the characters in his/her work through the dialogue and action created in novel. A character also needs and experiences facts of human life like birth, sleep, breath, love and death.

We need another element to help us build a complete description on the character, either psychologically or physically. It is known as characterization.

Rohrberger and Woods (1971: 20) define the word characterization as “the process by which an author creates character, the devices by which he makes us believe a character is the particular type of person he is”. In other words, characterization is a process used by the author to create a character. Thus, in describing the character, an author cannot illustrate directly all about the character. If he or she does so, his or her work will just become a drill long story about the character. Characterization in a novel is also not merely related to the selection of personality but the way it is described to facilitate the whole understanding of a story. Therefore, the readers have to decide by themselves all about the character from the whole story in order to understand the characters.


Each character should have his or her or its own characteristics, which can be personalities or physical appearances or characteristic that differentiate each character from others.

According to Holman and Harmon (1986: 82) state that in a character we find the idea of the moral constitution of the human personality, the presence of moral uprightness, and the simpler notion of the presence of creature in art that seem to be human beings of one short or another. Character in a story can be a kind of creature which imitate so that they can exist as life like. We can find the moral value from the characteristics of the character in the story.

As each character has particular personality and physical attributes that distinguish them from other characters, we need to know how the author makes us understand their characteristics and their personalities. For the purpose, the author usually employs some techniques of characterization. M.J. Murphy (1972: 161-

173) lists nine ways through which an author may reveal the personalities of the characters and show them to the reader. They are presented as follows: a. Personal description.

The author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes (1972: 161). The

personal description can be seen through physical appearance such as face,

body, and clothes. It is important because each character has specific

appearance in the novel or play.


b. Character as seen by another.

The author can describe the character through the eyes and opinion of

another (1972: 162). The reader will get the impression and the sense toward

the character that was appeared by the author. c. Speech.

The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons in

the book through what that person says (1972: 164). The readers will get

some clues through character’s conversation or opinion. d. Past life.

By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author

can give us a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character

(1972: 166). The readers will know about the character in the past, about the

thought, behavior and action. e. Conversation of others.

The author can also give us clues to a person’s character through the

conversation of other people and the things they say about him (1972: 167).

The readers can analyze the character by what other people say in the novel

abut the character. f. Reaction.

The author can also give us a clue to a person’s character by letting us know

how that person reacts to various situations and events (1972: 168). The

readers will get some views to watch the character.


g. Direct comment.

The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly (1972;

170). Here the author gives direct explanation about the character. h. Thoughts.

The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about.

In this respect, he is able to do what he cannot do in real life. He can tell us

what different people are thinking. The reader then is in the privileged

position; he has, as it were, a secret listening device plugged in to the inmost

thoughts of a person in a novel (1972: 171). The readers will know about the

person’s mind and feel in the novel. i. Mannerism

The author describes a person’s mannerism and habits, which may also tell

the readers about his character (1972: 172). The readers can understand the

character’s personality based on his behavior and his habit either the good

or the bad ones. From the description of his behavior and his habit, the

readers can conclude the character’s personality.

2. Theory on moral

Human beings can not live alone in this world, he or she always needs someone else to accompany him or her and make some interaction in a community or society, and human can be called as a social creature. In the interaction among human being in the society or community there is must be a values or norms, which have the meaning of the goodness of those people who


live side by side in a society. In every society in this world, there are some values.

And the writer here will explain about the moral values in the connection with the analysis of the novel entitled To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway. This value is used to make judgment on the goodness of moral conscience in analyzing

Harry Morgan’s characteristics.

Chambers (1973: 606) states that moral is the principles of good and evil, or right and wrong in human’s life. It means that if we do good or right things it can be said that our moral is good but if we do evil or wrong things in our life it can be said that our moral is bad. Moral value is a value that differentiates between goodness and badness. Moral is a clue how to act in the society in the right way, moral is to differ what is good and what is not good. We can learn moral from a story or events in this world by knowing which is wrong action and right action based on the principles of good and evil.

Rachel In his book The Elements of Moral Philosophy, states that the rule of goodness in moral is that you should be helpful to people regardless of your particular wants and desires (1995: 118- 119). It means that someone can be judged to have a good morality conscience if he or she does not have any purpose in helping another people.

3. The Relation of Literature and Moral Values

Literary works come from the creation of human feelings and sense. It is connected with human’s daily life such as sadness, happiness, ecstasy, joy, friendship, love, anger, jealousness, hate, lost, freedom, loyalty, honestly, traits,


etc. Moody states that literary work always offers moral messages that connected with human’s noble behaviors, struggles for the rights and dignity of human being

(1971: 48). Those human noble behaviors can be displayed through characterization of attitudes and the behavior of the characters in the novel.

The author will try to give the message that can be about the moral values toward the readers by his/her literary works such as novel, plays, poem, etc. from the literary works, the reader will see many characters’ behavior in various events and the readers will understand about the good behavior and the bad behavior.

Therefore, the readers will catch the idea of moral values from literary works and be able to apply the moral values in their life as social creature.

4. Theory of Friendship

Human need relationship with others and the relationship it self can be between individuals, organization, groups etc. and in the relationship with other people, there are mutual relationships that exist in it.

Baron and Byrne stated in their 5th Edition Social Psychology:

Understanding Human Interaction book define friendship as something that is happened if there are two are more individuals who give influence to each other.

Conviction, feeling, and attitude are the factors that play important rule in relationship (1987: 236).

Beebe in his book entitled Interpersonal Communication Relating to

Others gives an explanation about the nature of friendship. A friend is someone


we trust. We share a good and bad time with our friends. We want to be with our friends and we make time for that purpose.

A real friend is one who will continue to talk to you over the back fence even though he knows he is missing his favorite television program. (1966: 412)

In her book, Beebe also states the reason for building friendship. There are three reasons for building friendship, namely: the need for inclusion, the need for control and the need for affection. (1996: 413)

The explanations of each of them are as follows: a. The need for inclusion

It means that we need to be included in the activities of others. We need human contact and fellowship. We need to be invited to join others, and perhaps invite others to join us. b. The need for control

It means that we need some degree of domination over the relationship we establish with others. c. The need for affection

We need to give and receive love, support, warmth, and intimacy. The degree of fulfilling these need vary enormously from person to person.

The greater our inclusion, control and affection needs are, the more likely it is that we will look for others as friends or companion. In her book, Beebe also states that:

Besides helping us enjoy a healthy life, friends help us cope with stress, take care of our physical needs, and even help in the


development of our personality. Friends help us cope with uncertainty and have a profound influence on our behavior. (1996: 413).

According to Hornby (1987: 345), friendship means the feeling or relationship that exists between friends. The situation in a friendship is like a home wherever we can relax because it involves intimacy, communication and empathy. It is a place where each need can be shared. A friendship is an in-depth relationship wherever we can feel comfort and relaxes. It also requires meeting the needs of both friends. A friendship is like a media wherever we can share everything. We can find love, affection, and attention.

Friendship is very useful activity to make life interesting, more meaningful, colorful and cheerful. We never feel lonely anymore, and we can have partner for sharing or support our life. If we have some problems that make us feel terrible, we can share it to our friends that can help us to overcome our problems. So in our life, we have joy and affection to be shared together.

Murel and Louis mention five requirements to build a true friendship from their book entitled The Heart of Friendship, they are: The first is patience. Murel and Louis state “patience is also a requirement to build a successful friendship”

(1975: 153). To know and understand our friendship deeper better is by process, and through the process, patience is needed. The Second is being faithful. If we want to build a friendship we should have a faith to our friends. In friendship, there is no insurance against failure, pain or disappointment (1975: 165). The third is understanding. Murel and Louis state “the only one who truly understands is a true friend” (1975: 165). The forth is loyalty. If our friend has a problem, we


should support him/her to overcome his/her problem (1975: 172). The fifth is honesty. We should be honest to our friend in every aspect and try not to insult or make him/her feel cheated. As Murel and Louis state “Pretense is a sign that a friendship is loosing its vitality, perhaps dying. Pretense leads to bigger pretenses.

The overall effect is destructive of true friendship” (1975: 173).

In a friendship we have to be able to set some limits. It means that we cannot always give and do what our friends want. While our friends are in trouble, we cannot take their whole problems when we help them. It will increase their dependency on us. Their involvement in solving their problems can make them know their mistakes and they can get a lesson from it. We also have to be able to say ‘no’ if we think that what they want has bad effects for both of us. McGinnis

(1979: 146-154) gives five suggestion in maintaining a friendship. They are:

The first is locating the trouble spot. When we are in trouble, we need to look for the causes of it by reviewing what we have done. The second is apologizing when you are wrong, means that if we make a mistake we have to apologize. The third is checking to see if your neuroses are spoiling your friendship. When our friendship goes sour we have to be able to see whether our neurotic patterns are causing the problems or not. The forth is checking to see if you employ old methods of relating that no longer works. It means that we have to be able to see whether our old neurotic patterns, which once worked with someone else, we can be applied in new friendship or not. The fifth is checking to see if you have excessive need for approval. It Means that we can not depend on our friends all of the time.


We have to be able to set some limits in friendship that means we cannot always give and do what our friends want. When we see that our friends in a trouble, we cannot take their whole problems when we help them. It will increase their dependency to us. They will know their mistakes and know how to solve their problem and get the lesson from it by their involvement in solving their problems.

5. Theory of Loyalty

In our life, loyalty is needed by people. People need a friend who can understand his friend’s need and claims that his friend is more important and everything for him. In this case, he considers his friend as the primary or valuable thing more than any other things such as personal gain, comfort, demands of an authority and so on.

According to Encyclopedia Britanica, loyalty, as a general term, signifies a person’s devotion or sentiment of attachment to a particular object, which may be another person or group of persons, an ideal, a duty, or cause. It expresses it self in both thought and action and strives for the identification of the interest of the loyal person with those of the object. Loyalty turns into fanaticism when it becomes wild and unreasoning and into resignation when it displays the characteristics of reluctant acceptance. A man without loyalty can not exist. It stirs and arouses him, brings meaning, direction and purpose into his life and his activities. (www.encyclopediabritanica/topic/


Loyalty is very complicated concept. It can be interpreted in many point of views and related to many other terms such as love, friendship, family relationships, business partners and many others. Loyalty is mostly of the time the basis of these other concepts. When there is no loyalty that presence, a strong relativity can never be build. Loyalty can surmises, begin with fellow feeling for one’s family, group and friends. Loyalty appears naturally among small group or tribes where the prospect of the whole casting out of the individual seems like the ultimate, unthinkable rejection. (

When we say loyal to something such as person, unit, country, ethnic group etc, we should claims that the person, the unit, the country, the ethnic group is more important and everything to us. We should consider that the person, the unit, the country, the ethnic group as the primary and valuable things more than any other things such as personal gain, comfort, demands and so on.

6. Theory of Love

Human being has a feeling that called love. Love is a feeling from the depth of the heart. It cannot be predicted when it comes and also can not be denied. In our life, if we ever had experience about love we can say that love is the most wonderful thing. Pieper (1974: 18) says that love is both something that we practice and do as conscious actors, and also something that comes over us and happens to us like an enchantment.

Hauck (1983: 16) defines love is that powerful feeling one has for persons, animals, or things that has satisfied, is satisfying, or will satisfy our deepest


desires and needs. So here, love is a kind of relationship between one people towards object of love. The object it self is not limited only in a person but it is wider, the cope is also everything in the world.

Understanding is needed in love. We can forgive other’s mistake with love, and love also can help us in our journey in our life. In our life, we get many obstacles; problems that make us feel uncomforted. With love, we can get the power that makes us stronger in our journey in our life. Pieper (1974: 42) adds to love a person does not mean to wish him to live free of all burdens. It means, rather, to wish that everything associated with him may truly be good.

Love is not only for lover but also for others in the world such as family, friends, neighbors, animals, plants and others. Fromm (1956: 47-82) states five types of love, which depends on the kind of object which is loved. Those are: a. Brotherly Love

Brotherly love is most fundamental kind of love, which underlies all types of

love. It means that the sense of responsibility, care respect, knowledge of

any other human being, the wish to further his life. Brotherly love is love for

all human beings. In brotherly love there is the experience of union with all

men and of human solidarity. b. Motherly Love

Motherly love is unconditional affirmation of the child’s life and his needs.

The relationship of mother and child is by its very nature one of inequality,

where one needs all the help and the other gives it. It is for this altruistic,


unselfish character that motherly love has been considered the highest kind

of love, and the most sacred of all emotional bonds. c. Erotic Love

Erotic love is the craving for complex fusion, for union with one other

person. It is by its very nature exclusive and not universal. It is the most

deceptive of love. Erotic love excludes the love for others only in the sense

of erotic fusion, full commitment in all aspect of life, but not in the sense of

deep brotherly love. d. Self-love

It is assumed that self-love is the same as selfishness. Selfishness and self-

love, far from being identical, are actually opposites. If an individual is able

to love productively, he loves himself too. If he can love only others, he

cannot love at all. It is true that selfish persons are incapable of loving

others, but they are not capable of loving themselves either. e. Love of God

This kind of love is the religious form love. Love of God is the same as the

believe in God, in God’s existence, God’s justice and God’s love. The love

of God has many different qualities and aspects as the love of man has and

to a large extent we find the same differences.

7. Theory on Message

According to Jerome Beaty and Paul Hunter in New World of Literature, message is the realm meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated


or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899). It means that message is a conclusion that can be found inside the literary work.

Henry Hudson in his book An Introduction to the Study of Literature states that a good message is a message that discloses a new and bigger possibility that they do not realize. Most writers would try to tell and to show those possibilities by using their work. In fact, he even tries to create those possibilities themselves.

A good message does not tend to follow general pattern or norm but it creates new pattern based on human values (1958: 23).

Every work of literature may offer moral value or moral message and there are many types of moral lessons conveyed. The type of message occurring in a literary work depends on the author’s belief, wish, and interest. It may help the readers to know and imply the moral value in their interaction with others in the world.

C. Theoretical Framework

There are two main problems in the previous chapter in order to discuss the moral value in the novel entitled To Have and Have Not by Ernest

Hemingway. The first problem is about how is the main character in this case

Harry Morgan described. To support the answers, the writer uses the theory on character and characterization from Abrams and Murphy.

The next problem is about moral values revealed in Harry Morgan’s characteristics. It is hoped that by using the theory of character and the theory on moral, the writer will gain the answer through the character’s action.


The theory of literature and moral values is used as the main reason why the writer tries to make this analysis. The writer chooses to reveal the element of moral values from the novel in which the content and the message that can be learnt by the reader so the reader can understand the meaning of moral value and apply it in their daily life. The relation between literature and moral value is very important because literature contains human’s feeling and senses as a creature with intelligence, conscience and faith, like the moral elements. Then the theory of friendship, the theory of loyalty and the theory of love are used to analyze the values from Harry Morgan’s characteristics. Finally the theory of message is used to analyze the messages from the novel.




A. Object of the study

The work that will be analyzed in this study is the novel entitled To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway. The novel was first published in 1937. But here, the writer uses the novel that was published by The Travellers’ Library. It was published in 1950 and printed in Great Britain by Bradford and Dickens. This novel is composed of 256 pages divided into 18 chapters, and into three primary parts, each a season in Harry Morgan’s life. Spring, fall, and winter are paralleled not with the passage of real time in the story, but with traumatic events which occur to the main character. The story tells about a man called Harry Morgan who is a sailor. He usually makes money by taking people who want to go for fishing or to go for a trip on his boat. At first, he makes “clean” money for his family but after he was cheated by Mr. Johnson, he is broke. He no other choice, then he tries to earn money illegally by smuggling some Chinese people to Tortugas. He does this thing because he loves his family and he does not want his family to starve and suffer. Then he becomes a man that only thinks about money that makes him enter to the new world.

B. Approach of the Study

This study is connected with moral values revealed through a character.

When we say about moral, it is always about something that is good and bad.



Something that deals with human life that needs the intellectual and rational ability to find and develop the moral value in human daily life. Since the analysis deals with moral value, the writer will use moral-philosophical approach. Guerin states that Moral-Philosophical approach is approach which insists on

“ascertaining and stating what is taught”. (1979: 39).

The writer chooses Moral-Philosophical approach because this approach will help the writer in analyzing how the main character reveals moral values. In the story, the major character in this case is Harry Morgan shows some moral values by his character and his experiences. So, the writer hopes that this approach will lead to answer the previous problems.

C. Method of the Study

In this study the writer used literary research method in analyzing To Have and Have Not written by Ernest Hemingway. The writer also used library research to support the research. Reading those books is the most important source in it.

There were two kinds of resources used in this study.

The primary source of the research was obtained from the novel entitled

To Have and Have Not written by Ernest Hemingway. The secondary sources were obtained from the books on literature related to the theory of character and characterization, the relation between literature and moral, and the theory of moral value.


This study also used the data from internet in order to get complete in analyzing the novel entitled To Have and Have Not written by Ernest

Hemingway, the writer searched the data by browsing in the internet.

There were some steps that the writer used in finishing this thesis; the first step was reading the novel To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway as the main data source. By reading the novel, the writer will understand the content of the novel. Here, the writer not just read only one times but the writer read the novel again and again with careful reading. The writer focused on the action of

Harry Morgan as the main character, his thought, feeling and action.

The second step was to collect the data that described about moral value and other theories that supported the analysis in the books and internet. The writer also read references about the novel and looks for some theories and criticism which dealt with it. Those theories and criticism helped the writer in analyzing the novel.

The writer presents the thesis in five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. It consists of background of the study, problem formulation, objective of the study, and definition of terms. The second chapter is theoretical review. It consists of some criticism toward the novel entitled To Have and Have

Not by Ernest Hemingway and some theories that support the thesis. The theories are theory of friendship, theory of love, theory of loyalty and theory of message.

The third chapter is methodology. It consists of the study, approach of the study which is suitable with the analysis, and the method of the study. The fourth is analysis. In this chapter the writer tries to answer the problem formulation that is


in the previous chapter. In analyzing the novel, there are also some steps that the writer uses in this chapter. First step is analyzing the characterization of the main character in this case is Harry Morgan’s characteristics as the writer stated in the chapter I by using the theory of character and characterization. Then, tries to answer about the moral values and messages that revealed in Harry Morgan’s characteristics by using the theory of moral and other theories like theory of friendship, theory of love, theory of loyalty and theory of message which applied in the analysis. Finally, the last chapter is conclusion.




This chapter is going to analyze the problems that have been stated in the first chapter. Based on the two problems, this chapter is divided into two major sections. The first is going to identify the character and characterization of the main character of the story. The second is intended to find out the moral values that are presented by the major character.

A. The Characteristics of Harry Morgan

According to Milligan, there are two classifications of fictional characters; major and minor characters (1983: 155). Harry Morgan is the main character in this novel because he appears more often than another character. His experience from the beginning until the end of the story composes the whole story. He endures problems, conflict, happiness, sorrow, etc. To analyze Harry Morgan’s characteristics, the writer uses Murphy’s theory of characterization. Harry Morgan is a sailor; he has a wife and three daughters. He at the first time makes money by taking people who want to go fishing or to go for trip by using his boat. He likes to have “clean” money for his family and do not like doing illegal things to get the money.

Murphy in his book Understanding Unseen says that the author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what that person says (1972:164). The readers will get some clues through character’s



conversation or opinion. Here Harry Morgan refuses the three Cubans who want

Harry to take them to the States.

“I can’t do it,” I told him. “I’d like to do as a favor. But I told you last night I couldn’t” “You can name your own price.” “It isn’t that. I can’t do it. That’s all.” (1950:9)

From the dialogue above, the writer can see that Harry Morgan is a good man and a tough person. Although the men that he meets in the San Francisco Café offered him a lot of money to smuggle them to Cuba but Harry Morgan refused it. Money is not the only thing that Harry wanted; he thinks that smuggling people is very dangerous to him because it breaks the law and it is risky for his boat and also his family. He does not want to see that his family will get the negative things if he does such illegal things. He shows that he is not a weak person.

Harry loves his boat so much because he considers that without his boat he cannot work to earn some money for his family.

“I make my living with the boat. If I lose her I lose my living.” “With the money you buy another boat.” “Not in Jail.” (1950:10)

He is a good person who has good decision. He thinks about his family and not thinks about him self. He thinks that if he does illegal work and gets jailed, who will feed his wife and his three daughters.

Then the man named Mr. Johnson charters Harry to accompany him fishing. Harry has just known Mr. Johnson for the first time and he does not know that Mr. Johnson will cheat him. When Harry still has taken a rest, Mr. Johnson just leaves him without paying the money. Knowing that Mr. Johnson cheats him,

Harry is broke because Mr. Johnson promised him to pay eight hundred and


twenty dollars. Harry becomes the man who has no money and tries to get much money by willing to do anything.

“I’ve got to carry something, Frankie,” I said. “I’ve got to make some money.” “I’ll see,” said Frankie. ………. “You carry anything?’ Frankie asked. “Sure, “I said. “I can’t choose now.” “Anything?” “Sure.” “I’ll see, “Frankie said. “Where will you be?” “I’ll be at the Perla,” I told him. “I have to eat” (1950: 33-34)

Harry dares to do anything without thinking about the risk anymore. In his mind only how to earn much money.

A Chinese man named Mr. Sing offers Harry to take twelve Chinese people to Cuba. Harry takes it because Mr. Sing offers him much money. Harry wants to obtain the money for himself and he does not care about Eddy, his crew.

“I hear we’re going to across today,” he said. “Well I guess there isn’t any use to stay around.” “You’re not going.” “What’s the matter Harry? There’s no sense to get plugged with me.” “No, get off her.” ……. “What do you want me to do? Stay here and starve?” “Starve hell,” I said. “You can get back on the ferry. You can work your way back.” (1950: 42-43)

The writer thinks that Harry is selfish and he just thinks about himself, he does not care the others. Although his friend named Eddy wants to join in his boat in smuggling the Chinese people to the United States he rejects Eddy because he thinks he will earn a lot of money and the money only for him and his family not for Eddy. It makes his value of friendship is fading by the money.


On smuggling the twelve Chinese people, Harry kills Mr. Sing. He grabs

Mr. Sing’s wrist and his throat, and then kills him. It is the first time for Harry in killing human just like he kills the fish as usual. He just thinks about his life does not think about the value of life.

“I got his arm around him and came up on it but I brought it too far because I felt it go. When it went he made a funny little noise and came forward, me holding him throat and all, and bit me in the shoulder. But when I felt the arm go I dropped it. It wasn’t any good to him anymore and I took him by the throat with two hands, and brother, that Mr. Sing would flop just like a fish, true, his loose arm flailing. But I got him forward onto his knees and had both thumbs well in behind his talk box, and I bent the whole thing back until she cracked. Don’t think you can’t hear it crack, either.” (1950: 58)

From Harry Morgan’s speech, the writer thinks that Harry Morgan is willing to do anything even for killing human in order to get a lot of money. Harry Morgan does not have human feeling anymore.

Harry also has a willingness to kill his crew Eddy but finally he refuses to kill him. Harry thinks to kill Eddy because he does not want anybody know about what he has done. Besides that, at the first time he did not like Eddy join in his trip for smuggling the twelve Chinese people. He thinks that a lot of money he earn in smuggling the twelve Chinese people should be divided between Eddy and him.

“Well, now it was all simple except for Eddy. Because he’s a rummy he’ll talk when he gets hot. I sat there steering and I looked at him and I thought, hell, he’s as well off dead as the way he is, and then I’m all clear. When I found he was on board I decided I’d have to do away with him but then when everything had come so nice I didn’t have the heart. But looking at him laying there it certainly was a temptation. But then I thought there’s no sense spoiling it by doing something you’d be sorry afterwards. Then I started to think he wasn’t even on the crew list and I’d have to pay a fine for bringing him in and I didn’t now how to consider him. (1950: 64)


Harry Morgan also becomes a liar; he lies to his friend Eddy about the wound in his finger. He tells to him that he had cut his finger but actually the wound is because he was bitten by Mr. Sing when he tried to kill Mr. Sing.

“What’s the matter?” he said when he brought it. “I cut my finger.” “Do you want me to steer?” “Get a sleep,” I said. “I’ll wake you up.” (1950:63)

Harry Morgan not only lies about the wound to his crew Eddy, but he also lies about the amount of payment in smuggling Chinese people that he gets from

Mr. Sing. He says to Eddy that he only gets six hundred dollars, that in fact he gets twelve hundred dollars.

“Twelve hundred dollars, Captain, is not to be despised at the present.” “When would I get the money?” “Two hundred when you agree and a thousand when you load.” “Suppose I went off with the two hundred?” (1950: 38-39) “How much did you get out of last night?” he asked me. “Only six hundred,” I told him. (1950: 66)

He lies to Eddy although Eddy is his friend; Harry Morgan does not want to be honest to Eddy because he does not believe Eddy or his friend for business.

Harry feels that he should earn a lot of money for his life and his family.

He feels that become smuggler makes him easy to earn much money although it is risky and will bring him in the problem. He thinks that the first thing is money; he does not care if the way he does to earn that money is breaking the law.

On the next trip, Harry Morgan has the job for smuggling liquor with the nigger called Wesley. When they are in the trip of smuggling liquor, the Cubans officers shoot them in Mariel. Wesley gets hurt and can not stand the feel of pain while Harry is shot in his right arm.


“I hope they can fix my arm. How was I to know they’d shoot at us in Mariel after we could go and come there open for six months. That Cubans for you. Somebody didn’t pay somebody so we got the shooting.” (1950: 88)

His friend the nigger called Wesley is also shot too. Harry knows it, but he does not care to Wesley. It’s better for him to keep the liquor than the nigger.

“I hurt,” the nigger says. “I hurt worse all the time.” “I’m sorry, Wesley,” the man said. But I got to steer.” “You treat a man no better than a dog,” the nigger said. …….. “You don’t care what happens to a man,” the nigger said. “You ain’t hardly a human.” (1950: 72-73)

In loading the illegal liquor with his nigger friend named Wesley, He becomes greedy because when Wesley is shot and wants to surrender it makes

Harry gets angry and does not want to surrender. Wesley can not stand the feel of the pain anymore but Harry just let him get the pain without paying attention to him. He thinks that other’s live is unworthy compared with the load of liquor in the boat.

“You treat a man no better than a dog,” the nigger said. He was getting ugly now. But the man was still sorry for him. “I’m going to make you comfortable, Wesley,” he said. “You lay quiet now.” “You don’t care what happens to a man,” the nigger said. “You ain’t hardly human.” “I’m going to fix you up good,” the man said. “You just lay quiet.” “You ain’t going to fix me up,” the nigger said. The man whose name was Harry Morgan, said nothing because he liked the nigger and there was nothing to do now but hit him, and he couldn’t hit him. The nigger kept on talking. “Why didn’t we stop when they started shooting?” The man didn’t answer. “Ain’t a man’s life worth more than a load of liquor?” The man was intent on his steering. “All we have to do is stop and let them take the liquor.” “No,” the man said. “They take the liquor and the boat and you go to the jail.”


“I don’t mind jail,” the nigger said. “But I never wanted to get shot.” (1950: 73)

Harry Morgan thinks if he surrenders to the Cuban officers he will lose his liquor that can give a lot of money to him. He also thinks that surrenders to the Cuban officers, he will lose his boat and he will be jailed. It is better for him to keep the liquor and feels the pain than to surrenders and does not care to Wesley although he is being shot and can not stand the feel of the pain.

Harry Morgan also lies to Wesley by pretending the boat which has to come and take the liquor does not come. Finally the boat is truly does not come so

Harry dumps the liquor into the sea.

“You think they’ll come out?’ the nigger asked. “Sure, “the man said. “Why not?” “It’s blowing too hard.” “They’re looking for us.” “Not with like this. What you want to lie to me for?” The nigger was talking with his mouth almost against a sack. “Take it easy, Wesley,” the man told him. “Take it easy, the man says,” the nigger went on. “Take it easy. Take what easy? Tae dyin’ like a dog easy? You got me here. Get me out.” (1950: 77)

Harry Morgan is also an angrier person. When he meets the lawyer at

Freddy’s place, the lawyer asks Harry about his right arm.

“What happened to your arm?” the Harry. Lawyer asked Harry had the sleeve pinned up to the shoulder. “I didn’t like look of it so I cut it off,” Harry told him. “You and who else cut it off?” “Me and a doctor cut it off,” Harry said. (1950: 93-94)

When the lawyer asks about his arm, Harry gets angry and lies to the lawyer. He says that he does not like his right arm so he cut it off. Actually his right arm was


shot by the Cuban officers while Harry and his friend Wesley smuggling the illegal liquor.

Harry Morgan is also a bad temper, he can get angry easily. It can be seen when the lawyer asks his right arm and what has happened to his right arm, Harry

Morgan becomes angry because of that question.

“What happened to it that they had cut it off?” the lawyer asked him. “Take it easy,” Harry told him. “No, I’m asking to you. What happened to it and where were you?” “Go bother somebody else,” Harry told him. “You know where I was and you know what happened. Keep your mouth shut and don’t bother me.” “I want to talk to you,” the lawyer told him. “Then talk to me.” “No, in back.” “I don’t want to talk to you. No good ever comes of you. You’re poison.” (1950: 94)

Harry Morgan does not want his bad tragedy in loosing his right arm is known by another person. He just lies to the lawyer when the lawyer asks him about his right arm. Why Harry Morgan and the doctor cut Harry’s right arm, and where were they. The lawyer does not trust easily to Harry’s answers so he asks again in details. But the response of Harry toward the lawyer’s questions is angry and

Harry feels that the lawyer’s questions is bothered him and Harry asks the lawyer to not bother him but bother somebody else.

Losing his right arm, does not make Harry feel so upset because he has lost the respect of himself even he has no respect to his life.

“Losing your arm don’t make you feel better.” “The hell with my arm. You lose an arm you lose an arm, and you’ve got two something else. And a man still a man with one arm or with one of those. The hell with it,” he says. (1950: 98)


From that conversation it can be seen that Harry Morgan does not care about his body especially his right arm; he just thinks how to earn a lot of money in an easy way.

Harry Morgan is also a conceited and greedy person. When Harry met his friend Albert, Harry told him the way to earn money.

‘I’d just as soon go if there’s any money in it.’ ’Listen,’ he said. ‘You’re making seven dollars and a half a week. You got three kids in school that are hungry at noon. You got a family that their bellies hurt and I give you a chance to make a little money.’ ‘You ain’t said how much money. You got to have money for taking chances.’ ‘There ain’t much money in any kind of chances now, Al,’ he said. ‘Look at me. I used to make thirty-five dollars a day right through the season taking people out fishing. Now I get shot and lose an arm, and my boat, running a lousy load of liquor that’s worth hardly as much as my boat. But let me tell you, my kids ain’t going to have their bellies hurt and I ain’t going to dig sewer for the government for less money than will feed them. I can’t dig now anyway. I don’t know who made the laws but there ain’t no law that you got to go hungry.” (1950: 97, 98)

Here, Harry Morgan tells to Albert the easy way to earn a lot of money.

Harry earns a lot of money by smuggling people and liquor and he refuses to work as a path digger because of the little money. He chooses this way because he does not want to see his family get to go hungry. Harry does not care about the laws, he thinks only for money although the way to earn it is illegal.

Another characteristic of Harry Morgan is a rude person. He sometimes treats another person rudely. Like when he is in Freddy’s place, Harry meets a woman who interested toward Harry but he just insults that woman with a dirty words.

Just then Harry came in and the tall tourist’s wife said,” isn’t he wonderful? That’s what I want. Buy me that, papa.”


“Can I speak to you?” Harry said to Freddy. “Certainly. Go right a head and say anything you like,” the tall tourist’s wife said. “Shut up, you whore,” Harry said. (1950: 129)

Harry Morgan also uses the dirty words toward his wife Marie at home. He feels so upset because the officers have found the boat where he hides it.

“Tell me about the boat.” “They saw it from a truck. A high truck.” “Shucks.” “Worse than that. S--.” “Aw, Harry don’t talk like that in the house.” “You talk worse than that in bed sometimes.” “That’s different. I don’t like to hear s—at my own table.” “Oh, s—“. (1950: 123)

From that conversation above, the writer can see that Harry Morgan is a bad- tempered and like to use the dirty words when talking to others even with the women.

Murphy in his book Understanding Unseen also said that to know the character it can be seen from another character. The author can describe the character through the eyes and opinion of another (1972:162). The reader will get the impression and the sense toward the character that was appeared by the author.

Harry Morgan as seen through Wesley’s eyes while Harry is shot in his right arm and tries to dump the liquor into the sea. In doing this activity Harry Morgan does not feel the pain.

“The man sat up feeling hollow and unsteady. The nigger’s eyes watched him as he rose on one knee, his right arm dangling, took the hand of his right arm in his left hand and place it between his knees and then pulled himself up by the plank nailed above the gunwale until he stood, looking down, down at the nigger, his right hand still held between his thighs.” “He was thinking that he had never really felt pain before.” (1950: 77)


It can be described that Harry Morgan is a strong man, although his right arm is wounded because of being shot but he still tries to dump the liquor into the sea. It was hurt but Harry Morgan does not feel the pain.

Beside the nigger who has an opinion about Harry Morgan, Marie who is

Harry Morgan’s wife describes Harry’s physical appearance.

“She watched him go out the house, tall, wide-shouldered, flat- backed, his hips narrow, moving, still, she thought, like some kind of animal, easy and swift and not old yet, he moves so light and smooth- like, she thought, and when he got in the car she saw him blond, with the sunburned hair, his face with the broad mongol cheek bones, and the narrow eyes, the nose broken at the bridge, the wide mouth and the round jaw, and getting in the car he grinned at her and she began to cry.” (1950: 127)

In Marie’s eyes, she describes her husband as the man who is tall, well-built, blonde, active, with the wide mouth and round jaw, his nose is broken at the bridge.

When Captain Willie passes by with two passengers in his boat, he is also accompanied by the two passengers who are the Federal authorities. They see

Harry Morgan while he is dumping the liquor into the sea. The two passengers are suspicious to Harry Morgan and then they ask about it to Captain Willie.

“Is the owner a fisherman?” “Well some say he is.” “What do you mean?” “He does a little of everything.” (1950: 81) ….. “That man is a bootlegger, isn’t he?” “What do you think?” “There’s probably a reward for him.” “I doubt that.” “He is a law breaker.” (1950: 83-84)


From the conversation above, Harry Morgan has changed that for the first time he is the man who wants to have “clean” money into the man that obey to do the things that break the law like smuggling the liquor. He does anything in order to earn a lot of money. Harry Morgan is also well known as a smuggler.

Murphy says that author can also give us clues to a person’s character through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him (1972:

167). The readers can analyze the character by what other people say in the novel abut the character.

“Who’s the other one who speaks so rude?” “Him? Oh, he’s a fellow from around here.” “What does he do?” “Oh. A little of everything, “Freddy told her. “He’s a fisherman.” “How did he lose his arm?” “I don’t now. He got it hurt some way.” “Gee, he’s beautiful,” the wife said.” “Freddy laughed. “I heard him called a lot of things but never heard him called that.” “Don’t you think he has a beautiful face?” “Take it easy, lady, “Freddy told her. “He’s got a face like a ham with a broken nose on it.” “My, men are stupid,” the wife said. “He’s my dream man.” (1950: 135-136)

From the conversation above between the wife and Freddy, the writer thinks that the wife is interested to Harry Morgan. According to her, Harry Morgan is rude but he is her dream man because he is so beautiful to her. Freddy told her that

Harry Morgan is a fisherman from around that town.

Harry Morgan also a smart person. In his last trip before he die, he is offered by Mr. Simmons to take four Cubans back to Cuba. Those four Cubans are revolutionists. Harry Morgan does not know it, but he takes the offer because he will earn a lot of money. Knowing that this is a dangerous trip, Harry Morgan


then lies to the Cubans. He says to the Cuban that he can speak in Spanish language so that he can know the conversation among the Cubans. Harry Morgan is using Frankie’s boat in this trip. Actually he has tried to bring his boat back by stealing it, but the customs now it and takes his boat back. In this trip he is not alone but he is accompanied by his friend Albert. Before starting the trip, the

Cubans rob the bank and kill Mr. Simmons. They also kill Albert because for preventing them in this trip. All of these things make Harry so angry and he makes some strategies to revenge and in order to grab their money they had robbed at the bank.

“I want a drink, Harry was thinking. What the hell do I care about his revolution. F—his revolution. To help the working he robs a bank and kills a fellow works with him and then kills that poor damn Albert that never did any harm. That’s working man he kills. He never thinks of that. With a family……. “The hell with their revolutions. All I got to do is to make a living for my family and I can’t do that.” (1950: 165-166)

Harry Morgan is trying to get friend in the Cubans. Then he chooses the kindest one, his name is Emilio. Harry Morgan always has the conversation to Emilio.

Harry Morgan knows that none of them are the sailor, so he asks Emilio to take the wheel. Because Emilio is not a sailor, so he can not keep the boat’s course.

“He stepped over Albert’s body as he walked forward. As he came to the wheel he looked at the compass. The boy was sitting about twenty- five degrees off and the compass dial swinging. He is no sailor, Harry thought. That gives me more time. Look at the wake” (1950: 157)

From those quotations, the writer can see that Harry Morgan is a smart person. He asks Emilio to take the wheel because he knows that Emilio is not a sailor so he can not keep the wheel in the right way. It can make the Cubans feel sea sick and this chance will be used by Harry Morgan to kill them all. Because Emilio can not


keep the boat course, it makes the Cubans have sea sick. This chance is used By

Harry to take their gun and shoot them all. In this chance, he can kill all of them but he also being shot in his belly. He is dying then, and in his mind he only thinks about his family; his beloved wife Marie and his three daughters. He thinks that if he dies who will feed his family.

Murphy says that by the thought of the person or character can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about (1972:171). The readers will know about the person’s mind and feel in the novel.

“Then, he thought, I wonder what she’ll do. I wonder what Marie will do? May be they pay her after rewards. God damn the Cuban. She‘ll get along, I guess. She’s a smart woman. I guess we would all have gotten along. I guess it was nuts all right. I guess I bit off too much more than I could chew. I shouldn’t have tried it. I had it all right up to the end. Nobody’ll know it happened. I wish I could do something about Marie. Plenty money on this boat. I don’t even know how much. Anybody be O.K. with that money. I wonder if the coast-guard will pinch it. Some of it I guess. I wish I could let the old woman know what happened. I wonder what she’ll do? I don’t know. I guess I should have quit trying to go in boats. There’s no honest money going in boats anymore. If the bitch wouldn’t only roll. If she’d only quit rolling. I can feel all that slopping back and forth inside. Me, Mr. Bee- lips and Albert. Everybody that have to do with it these bastards too. This must be an unlucky business. Some unlucky business. I guess what a man like me ought to do is run something like a filling station. Hell, I couldn’t run no filling station. Marie, she’ll run something. She’s too old to peddle her hips now. I wish this bitch wouldn’t roll.” (1950: 172)

From those quotations, the writer can see that Harry Morgan loves his family so much. He tries to smuggling the Cuban revolutionists in order to earn a lot of money for his family. He is also a brave person. He is not afraid toward the Cuban revolutionists although they had killed Mr. Simmons and Albert but Harry does


not want to give up easily to them even he tries to grab their money by killing them all.

Actually Harry Morgan is considering that what he has done like smuggling the Chinese people and also the liquor is illegal and breaks the law. It is risky for him, his family and also his boat but he has no heart anymore he only thinks how to earn a lot of money in an easy way to feed his beloved wife Marie and his three daughters.

“Above the roar of the motors and the high, slapping rush of the boat through the water he felt a strange, hollow singing in his heart. He always felt this way coming home at the end of a trip. I hope they can fix that arm, he thought. I got a lot of use for that arm.” (1950: 89)

Harry Morgan feels strange and hollow feeling, he wants to come home and meet with his family. Harry Morgan also wants to have his right arm because he knows that the man without his right arm is difficult to do something.

B. Moral Values Revealed through Harry Morgan’s characteristics

After describing the characterization of Harry Morgan’s characteristics in the novel entitled To Have and Have Not written by Ernest Hemingway, in this part, the writer will discuss the moral values seen through Harry Morgan’s characteristics. From Harry Morgan’s characteristics, the writer also tries to analyze some moral messages.

According to Baron and Byrne stated in their 5th Edition Social

Psychology: Understanding Human Interaction book define friendship as something that is happened if there are two are more individuals who give influence to each other. Conviction, feeling, and attitude are the factors that play


important rule in relationship (1987: 236). When Harry Morgan can earn a lot of money by smuggling people or liquor, he meets his friend called Albert. Albert is a poor man he works on the relief, his job is digging the sewer and taking the old street rails up. Albert earns seven and a half dollars in a week for his job.

Although Harry Morgan earns more money than Albert does, in fact Harry does the illegal job as a smuggler. Knowing that Albert is a poor man, Harry offers a job to Albert so Albert can earn a lot of money and fix his economic.

“I’m not starving,’ I said. “What the hell with you always talking about starving for?” “May be you’re not, but your kids are.” “Cut it out,” I said. “I’ll work with you but you don’t talk that way to me.” “All right,” he said. “But be sure you want the job. I can get plenty of men in this town.” “I want it I said. “I told you I want it.” “Then cheer up.” (1950: 99-100)

Albert accepts the job that is offered by Harry Morgan because he thinks what

Harry has said is true. He earns a little money and it is not enough for him to make the living to his family. Albert knows that his kids are suffer and hungry, his wages in the relief in digging the sewer and taking the street rails up is not enough for him because it is too little.

The writer can see that having friend in life does not only keep the feeling of lonely away, but also finds partner to support life. To have someone talk about problems, to share experiences and express feelings, is also human needs and also that every human being needs to give affection to other and receive it from them.

We should give the affection toward other person that needed it. Just like Beebe says in his book entitled Interpersonal Communication Relating to Others, he says


one reason for building friendship is the need for affection (1996: 413) For example if our friend has a trouble in his or her life what we can do is try to give him or her affection that can make his or her life beautiful. This is the same like

Harry Morgan who helps Albert to earn a lot of money to his family.

Murel and Louis in their book entitled The Heart of Friendship state that pretense is a sign that a friendship is losing its vitality, perhaps dying. Pretense leads to bigger pretenses. The overall effect is destructive (1975: 173). It means that we should be honest to our friend in every aspect and try not to insult or make our friend feel cheated. It can be seen when Harry Morgan lies to his friend named

Eddy about the payment he gets after smuggling the Chinese people. Harry

Morgan tells Eddy that he gets six hundred dollars but in fact, he gets twelve hundred dollars.

“Twelve hundred dollars, Captain, is not to be despised at the present.” “When would I get the money?” “Two hundred when you agree and a thousand when you load.” “Suppose I went off with the two hundred?” (1950: 38-39) “How much did you get out of last night?” he asked me. “Only six hundred,” I told him. (1950: 66)

From Harry Morgan, the writer can learn that we should not lie to our friend because it can make our friend feels upset and the value of friendship is losing its vitality. We should say everything in the right way not just say gossip or untrue statement.

Murel and Louis also mention five requirements to build a true friendship and one of them is loyalty. If our friend has a problem, we should support him/her to overcome his/her problem (1975: 172). When Harry Morgan smuggle the liquor with Wesley and they are being shot by the Cuban officers. Wesley can not


stand the feel of the pain anymore and he asked Harry to stop and let the Cuban officers to take the liquor but Harry Morgan refuses Wesley’s request. Because

Harry Morgan thinks that liquor is more important than Wesley.

“Ain’t a man’s life worth more than a load of liquor?” The man was intent on his steering. “All we have to do is stop and let them take the liquor.” “No,” the man said. “They take the liquor and the boat and you go to the jail.” “I don’t mind jail,” the nigger said. “But I never wanted to get shot.” (1950: 73)

From Harry Morgan, the writer finds out that we should support our friend when he/she has a problem. The feeling of loyalty is revealed when we have feeling for someone in relation, for example for someone we love, or we appreciate, someone important for us, or someone we care a lot. When Wesley is shot and can not stand the feel of the pain anymore, Harry should stop the boat and let the Cuban officers take the liquor. Who knows that the Cuban officers would take Wesley to the doctor to cure his wound.

Hauck in his book How to Love and be Loved (1983: 16) defines love is that powerful feeling one has for persons, animals, or things that has satisfied, is satisfying, or will satisfy our deepest desires and needs. So here, love is a kind of relationship between one people towards object of love. The object it self is not limited only in a person but it is wider, the cope is also everything in the world.

Harry Morgan loves his boat and his family so much. Although the three

Cubans asked him to take them to the state, he refuses them because it can take him into the trouble that is risky for his boat and his family.

“I can’t do it,” I told him. “I’d like to do as a favor. But I told you last night I couldn’t”


“You can name your own price.” “It isn’t that. I can’t do it. That’s all.” (1950:9) “I make my living with the boat. If I lose her I lose my living.” “With the money you buy another boat.” “Not in Jail.” (1950:10)

As a husband of his wife and as a father of his three daughters, of course

Harry takes the responsibility in making the living of his family. He chooses his family and his boat than earn a lot of money by doing an illegal job. Harry thinks that if he accepts the offer from the three Cubans he will earn a lot of money but if he is caught by the officers and get jailed he can not earn the money anymore and his wife and his three daughters will get hungry and suffer. From Harry Morgan’s action above, he shows motherly love that has the meaning of the sense of responsibility, care and respect to his family. The writer can learn that we should avoid illegal things because it is too risky to be done.

After Harry Morgan is cheated by the man called Mr. Johnson, Harry

Morgan is broke. He feels so upset because he looses the money that Mr. Johnson had promised to him. In this difficult situation, he had no other choice, he tries to smuggle Chinese people to Tortugas in order to earn a lot of money although the way he chooses is illegal. He loves his families so much, he does not want to see his family to get starve and suffer so he does this thing.

“So there it was. I was broke. I’d lost five hundred and thirty dollars of the charter, and tackle I couldn’t replace for three hundred and fifty more.” …….. “I’ve got to carry something, Frankie,” I said. “I’ve got to make some money.” “I’ll see,” said Frankie. ……. “You carry anything?” Frankie asked. “Sure,” I said. “I can’t choose now.”


“Anything?” “Sure.” (1950: 33)

From the conversation between Harry Morgan and Frankie above, the writer finds out that Harry will do anything in the difficult situation to save his life and also his family. Thus, the moral message is that we should have courage to do anything in the difficult situation to save our life and also our family.

According to Fromm (1956: 22), love also means sacrifice. In love, it is not all about us but also about others. Love always deals with happiness, although it needs sacrifice and understanding. Love is an activity, not passive effect, in loving someone purely is primarily giving not receiving.

Harry Morgan shows his love to his family until the time of his death. He accepted the offer from Mr. Simmons to take the four Cuban to Cuba. In this trip he does not know that the four Cubans are revolutionists, they kill Albert in this trip and then Harry wants to grab the money of the Four Cubans they have from robbing the bank. Harry Morgan shoots them all but he also being shot in his belly. He has a serious wound in his belly then dying. While he is dying, he remembers his wife Marie and his three daughters.

“Then, he thought, I wonder what she’ll do. I wonder what Marie will do?” …… “I wish I could let the old woman know what happened. I wonder what she’ll do?” …… “Marie, she’ll run something. She’s too old to peddle her hips now. (1950: 172)

From Harry Morgan, the writer can see that we should think first before we do something and regret always comes late. In that dangerous trip Harry


Morgan dares to kill all of the Cubans in order to get the money because they had killed his friend Albert and they had robbed the bank. Harry Morgan then considers what all he is doing is wrong but it is too late. He regrets why he does not work as a gas station-attendant or a path digger and does not smuggle people or liquor and the other illegal things that break the law. He used to earn lot of money by doing illegal things, because he thinks that it is easiest way to earn a lot of money, Harry becomes addicted in doing illegal things. The regret always comes late; the writer thinks that we should think first before we do something.

The writer finds out that as a human being we need the money to fulfill everything that we needed but family is more important than the money. Harry

Morgan believes that family is above everything. Money is easier to find if we lose it, but family is invaluable. So the family comes first.

The other evidence showing that Harry Morgan loves his family is when

Harry Morgan had a conversation with one of the Cuban revolutionist named

Emilio. Emilio tells everything about their revolution and about their dream to make revolution. After knowing all of the statements from Emilio, Harry just thinks about how to make the living for his family

“They all double cross each other. They sell each other out. They get what they deserve. The hell with their revolutions. All I got to do is to make the living for my family and I can’t do that. Then he tells me about his revolution. The hell with his revolution.” (1950: 166)

From the quotation above, the writer can see that Harry Morgan takes the responsibility and cares to his family. As a husband, he has the responsibility to making the living for his family. No matter the risk or dangerous the job is, he has


to fulfill his obligation as a husband. As human being we should prefer to our family rather than other’s business.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, loyalty, as a general term, signifies a person’s devotion or sentiment of attachment to a particular object, which may be another person or group of persons, an ideal, a duty, or cause. It expresses it self in both thought and action and strives for the identification of the interest of the loyal person with those of the object. Loyalty turns into fanaticism when it becomes wild and unreasoning and into resignation when it displays the characteristics of reluctant acceptance.


Harry Morgan is loyal toward his wife Marie it can be seen in the conversation between Harry Morgan and Marie when they are making in love.

Harry Morgan tells her that she is the best woman Harry Morgan ever made love with.

“..Who’s the best you ever did with?” “You.” “You lie. You always lie to me. There. There. There.” “No. you’re the best.” “I’m old.” “You’ll never be old.” “I’ve had that thing.” “That don’t make no difference when a woman’s any good.” (1950: 114)

From Harry Morgan, the writer learns that we should be loyal to our wife. We should give her our truly attachment. Like Harry’s statement which tell us that his wife is the best one who ever made love with him. It makes his wife like a real woman. Marie feels that she is the only one who can give the satisfaction to

Harry. Harry Morgan is the person who can understand his wife’s need and claims


that his wife is more important and everything to him. Harry Morgan considers his wife as the primary or valuable thing more than any other things. Physically,

Harry Morgan is attractive man, he can use it for making love affair to other women but he does not do it because he has the feeling of devotion, duty and attachment to his wife. From Harry Morgan, the writer can learn that we should loyal and respect to our wives although in difficult situation.

C. The Messages from the Novel

From Harry Morgan’s characteristics, the writer also found some messages that related to moral. According to Beaty and Hunter in New World of Literature, message is the realm meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899). Based on what Beaty and Hunter said, the writer tries to discover some messages in the story that the writer needs to share to the readers.

Because the man named Mr. Johnson cheats Harry Morgan, he becomes broke and does illegal job like smuggling people and liquor. Harry feels that he has found the easiest way to get a lot of money. Harry Morgan thinks that he has found the way how to earn much money easily. Harry notices that the way is breaking the law but he can not stand to have much money. Harry flattered by the illegal things. In illegal things, Harry smuggle Chinese and revolutionist people.

He also kills a Chinese man in order to get the money. In this case, Harry uses his desire not his mind and his heart. He loses the feeling of humanity


From this, the writer can learn that if we do bad things we tend to do it again and again. It is difficult to us to stop this habit because we feel that we have found the way to get our goal. It is like get drunk or using drugs. First, we just want to try it but after we know that if it tastes good we becomes addicted and we will do it again and again. We never feel satisfy with everything we have got. It makes us greedy. The message is doing bad things that can bring us the advantages will bring an addict to us.

Harry Morgan is greedy person and because of his greed, then he dies. He just thinks how to get a lot of money at a time without thinking first what the kind of way he uses. And once he gets a lot of money illegally, he is not satisfied and tends to get more and more money. He does not care if the way is right or wrong; he becomes accustomed to the way to earn money since it is easier. The writer thinks that as human being, we should not be greedy. Because greed can make our mind just oriented toward money without giving any tolerate to others. The message is that greed will bring us to suffer. Harry Morgan just thinks about the money without thinking the way to get the money and the risk in getting illegal money. As human being, money is not everything to get.

From Harry Morgan, the writer also can learn that we will get the effect of what we did in the past. If we do something good, we will obtain a good result.

But if we do something bad, we will obtain bad result. Like Harry Morgan had done. He smuggles people and liquor then kills Mr. Sing. Although he can get a lot of money but finally he loses his good personality and his precious life.


When Harry Morgan will die, he remembers his wife and his three daughters. He is worried about them and their future without him. He feels confuse who will make the living to them. He regrets why he does not work as a gas station attendant or as a path digger and does not smuggle and break the law.

He can not change his past life. It shows that he really loves his family and he has courage to do anything for his family.

I guess I should have got a job in a filling station or something. I should have quit trying to go in boats. There’s no honest money going in boats anymore. if the bitch wouldn’t only roll. If she’d only quit rolling. I can fell all that slopping back and forth inside. Me. Mr. Bee- lips and Albert. Everybody that had to do with it. These bastard too. It must be an unlucky business. Some unlucky business. I guess what a man like me ought to do is run something like a filling station. Hell, I couldn’t run n filling station. (1950: 172)

The writer can see that in our life we should have courage to do anything but it should be for good thing and we should responsible to our family also that the writer can learn that regret always comes late. It always comes after all bad things happen to us as the result of what we have done before. We can not turn back the time. Life is not the same as VCD player, means that if we watch movie by using

VCD player and we missed one scene in that movie, the solution is we can play back the movie. It is different in real life, if we made any mistakes in our life, we can not turn back the time for fixing what we had done in the past. We should consider toward the things that we will do in order to minimize the fatal effect.




In this chapter, the writer tries to conclude about the analysis that has been done. The moral value in the novel entitled To Have and Have Not through Harry

Morgan’s characteristics.

In answering the first problem formulation about the characteristics of Harry

Morgan, the writer has analyzed it in chapter IV. Harry Morgan is a hard worker and loves his boat and also his family. Harry Morgan will do anything for his wife and his three daughters. He likes to make “clean” money because he does not want to get the risk if he does illegal job to get the money. But after Mr. Johnson cheated him, he broke and does the illegal job like smuggling people or liquor.

Harry Morgan also a loyal husband. He loves his wife although his wife is older than him. Harry Morgan always supports his wife and told her that she is the best woman he has ever met. Harry also says that his wife is the best woman he has ever made love with. It makes his wife becomes the real woman.

Harry Morgan is a greedy person. Harry Morgan always thinks about money, he does anything to get the money although it is very dangerous to him.

He becomes the smuggler person who smuggling people or liquor in order to get a lot of money.

Harry Morgan likes to help his friend who needs help. Although Harry is greedy but he does not want to see his friend get suffer. He offers Albert



occupation as a smuggler because he knows that Albert is a poor man, he works on the relief, and his job is digging the sewer and taking the old street rails up.

The moral values that seen in this novel according to the writer after he analyzes it are first, Harry Morgan have courage to do anything in difficult situation to feed his family because he takes the responsibility to feed his family and he does not want to see his family get suffer. He loves his family and love means sacrifice. It makes Harry have courage to do anything for surviving his family although he does the dangerous activities for it. From Harry Morgan, the writer can learn that we should have courage to do anything to save our family.

The second moral value is Harry Morgan supports his friend named Albert in order to get a lot of money by smuggling people. Although the job which is offered is illegal job but the important thing is how to help Albert in fixing his economic. In this case, Harry Morgan gives affection in friendship. From Harry

Morgan, the writer can understand that we should support our friends when he or she is in a trouble

The third moral value is Harry Morgan is a loyal person toward his wife named Marie. Harry never makes his wife fells down but he makes his wife to be a real woman. Marie is the best woman Harry ever made love with. He never makes a fair to other women although his wife is older than him. From Harry

Morgan, the writer can see that we should loyal and respect to our wives although in difficult situation.

From the novel To Have and Have Not there are some messages related to moral, those are: Harry becomes a smuggler and by smuggling, he gets a lot of


money but it is risky for him and his family. He becomes lose his precious life. It is difficult to him to stop this habit (smuggling) because he is addicted. From

Harry Morgan, the writer can learn that we should not do illegal things because once we try and we think that it can give us the advantages, it is difficult to us to stop this habit. Like when we drink alcohol, once we taste it is good and then we become addicted.

Harry Morgan is a greedy person. He just thinks about money without thinking the way is right or wrong. And for the result of his greed is he losing his precious life. Greed makes Harry Morgan and his family suffers. As human being, we should not be greedy because greedy can destroy our life. If we are greedy, we can have many problems in our life.

At the time Harry Morgan is about to die, he remembers his wife and his three daughters. He is worried about them and their future without him. He regrets all things he had done. He regrets why he does not work as a gas station attendant or as a path digger and does not smuggle and break the law. But it is too late. All the thing he has is the effect what he did in the past and regrets is always come late. From Harry Morgan, the writer can learn that if we want to do something we should think and consider what we will do and the risk that will come to us.



Abrams, M.H. The Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston inc., 1981.

Asselineau, Roger. The Literary Reputation of Hemingway in Europe. New York: New York University Press, 1965.

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