Series 011 Edwards Correspondence

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Series 011 Edwards Correspondence ROBERT C. EDWARDS CORRESPONDENCE 1959-1965 SERIES 11 Introduction: The Edwards Presidential Records consist of the following series: Series 11 Correspondence 1959-1965 Series 12 Correspondence 1966-1970 Series 13 Correspondence 1971-1976 Series 14 Speeches and Writings 1956-1979 Biographical note: Robert Cook Edwards was born 25 March 1914 in Fountain Inn, South Carolina, the son of John T. and Effie Cook Edwards. Edwards entered Clemson College as a freshman at age 15 and graduated in 1933 with a Bachelor of Science degree in textile engineering. His career in textile management began as supervisor of the quality control laboratory of the Dunean Mill, a division of J. P. Stevens and Company, in Greenville. Later he worked as plant manager for the Charles B. Thoms Company, Red Springs, North Carolina, and as plant superintendent at Aberfoyle, Inc., Norfolk, Virginia. Although Edwards interrupted his career in textiles to enter active service in the United States Army in 1942 (Edwards rose to the rank of major), he resumed his work in textiles in 1946, first as treasurer and then as general manager of the Abbeville Group of Deering-Milliken Mills. In 1956 Edwards returned to Clemson College as Vice-President for Development. At once, he became an active participant in the legal struggle with the Army Corps of Engineers concerning the inundation of Clemson College lands brought on by the construction of Hartwell Dam. The outcome of the litigation resulted in the recovery of several hundred acres of Clemson land. In 1958, on the death of President Poole, the Board of Trustees named Edwards Acting President, and in April 1959 the Board elected him President. Under Edwards' twenty-one year administration, Clemson College changed dramatically: University status was acquired, Negroes and women were admitted, and six colleges were established. Approximately $78 million was spent on permanent improvements. Edwards, who retired in 1979, has served on the boards of directors of several corporations such as Duke Power and Dan River, and in leadership capacities in numerous educational organizations. He and his wife, Louise Odum Edwards, have two children, Nancy Louise and Robert C. Edwards, Jr. 10 ROBERT C. EDWARDS CORRESPONDENCE 1959-1965 SERIES 11 Extent: 16 cu. ft., 202 photographs, 35 oversized items Inclusive dates: 1927-1966 Bulk dates: 1959-1965 Provenance: The files contained in this series originated in the offices of E. W. Sikes, 1925- 1940; R. F. Poole, 1940-1958; and R. C. Edwards, Vice-President for Development, 1956-1958; Acting President, 1958, and President, 1959-1979. President Edwards maintained the files. The files were transferred to the Library at various times over the years. Some of the files were stored for a time in the basement of Johnstone Hall, while others were kept in the South Carolina Room of the Clemson University Library before coming to Special Collections. Access: Unrestricted Processing: Michele Bittner and Michelle Clark, student assistants, 1987-1988. Description: This series consists primarily of the general and subject correspondence of Robert C. Edwards. Also contained in the series are reference materials used in the administration of the office of President. The bulk of files falls into the following categories: 1. Administrative staff members files: These records relate to administrative staff members who ended their service to Clemson College during the late 1950s or early 1960s. Depending upon a staff member's length of service, most folders have these items in common: employment agreements, letters, biographical information from vitae, and lists of publications. The file folders are arranged alphabetically by surname. 2. Harvey Gantt files (1961-1963): These records document the admission of Harvey Bernard Gantt, the first Black student to enroll at Clemson College. The files contain correspondence; letters of support and criticism about the admission; legal documents, for example, depositions, injunctions, writs, and transcriptions of court proceedings; newspaper clippings and other articles about the admission that appeared in magazines and periodicals. 11 ROBERT C. EDWARDS CORRESPONDENCE 1959-1965 SERIES 11 3. Hartwell Lake and Dam files (1947-1963): These records document the construction of the Hartwell Dam on the Savannah River and the ensuing controversy about the inundation of lands that belonged to Clemson College. The materials include a chronology of the construction, legal materials used in court proceedings that prevented the flooding of Clemson land, minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees, maps of various Clemson lands affected by the Seneca River diversion project, and aerial photographs of the lands that were flooded. 4. Honorary degrees files: These records contain information about the recipients of honorary degrees and other special degrees that were awarded by Clemson University. Most of the folders contain biographical information about the recipient of the degree, a copy of the citation read at the commencement ceremony, correspondence, and photographs of the recipient. 5. South Carolina files. These records deal with issues common to Clemson College and the state of South Carolina. Represented within the correspondence are most agencies of state government, for example the Department of Agriculture and the South Carolina Forestry Commission. Topics include agriculture, economic development, education, forestry, legislation, and textiles. In addition to these records, the series contains files that document the development of Clemson College and its achievement of university status in 1964. Included are files on admissions and registration and the construction of buildings financed by the Olin and Sirrine Foundations. The series is arranged alphabetically by subject. Copies of letters made by the thermofax photocopy method and letters written on an acidic stock have been replaced with photocopies printed on archival quality bond. See the "Separation List" for a listing of photographs and oversized materials. Subject headings: Bray's Island Plantation Camp, William B. Clemson University--Administration Clemson University--Admission of students Clemson University--Alumni 12 ROBERT C. EDWARDS CORRESPONDENCE 1959-1965 SERIES 11 Clemson University--Athletics Clemson University--Buildings Clemson University College of Agriculture--Cotton Spinning Laboratory Clemson University College of Forestry Clemson University--Commencement Clemson University--Cooperative Extension Service Clemson University--Curricula Clemson University--Faculty and Staff Clemson University--Fort Hill Clemson University--History Clemson University--Honorary Degrees Clemson University--Housing Clemson University--Office of the President Clemson University--Presidents Clemson University--Race relations Clemson University--Retirement Plan Clemson University--ROTC Clemson University--Student Organizations Cotton textile industry--South Carolina Cox, Walter T. Cresap, McCormick, and Paget Earle, Samuel Broadus, 1978-1978 Educational television stations--South Carolina Forests and forestry--South Carolina Gantt, Harvey Bernard, 1943- Hartwell Dam Land use--South Carolina National Aeronautics and Space Administration Research Poole, Robert Franklin, 1893-1958 Race relations and the press--South Carolina Retirement age--South Carolina SACO-Lowell Research and Development Sikes, Enoch Walter, 1868-1941 13 ROBERT C. EDWARDS CORRESPONDENCE 1959-1965 SERIES 11 Sirrine Textile Foundation Soil conservation--South Carolina South Carolina--Politics and Government--1951- South Carolina Textile Manufacturers Association Textile industry--South Carolina Tobacco--Marketing--South Carolina Water resources development--South Carolina Winthrop College Added entries: American Association of Land Grant Colleges and State Universities Bloss, Arnold M. Clayton, Edgar H. Cloaninger, Bruce Dayvault Cooper, H. P. Cooper, J. Roy Farrar, Milton Dyer Garrison, Olin Branford Gentry, John Baker, 1910- Gourlay, John Wallace Gordon Horn, Charles L. Hunter, Howard Louis, 1904- Hurst, Victor Jones, Jess Willard, 1914- Kinard, Francis Marion, 1902-1960 Lehotsky, Koloman Lowry, Walter Lee, 1907-1961 Macaulay, Hugh H. McClure, Harlan E. Metz, Gustave Ernest Milbank, Jeremiah Milliken Corporation National Science Foundation 14 ROBERT C. EDWARDS CORRESPONDENCE 1959-1965 SERIES 11 Nicholas, Stanley G. Nutt, George Bass Olin Foundation Rich, Linvil Gene Sams, James Hagood, 1903- SACO-Lowell Sherman, Joseph Edgar, 1912- Sirrine Textile Foundation South Carolina Agricultural Marketing Commission South Carolina Forestry Commission South Carolina State Budget and Control Board South Carolina Textile Manufacturers Association Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Southern Regional Education Board Teller, Edward S., 1908- Trevillian, Wallace D. United States. Department of Agriculture United States. Department of Defense United States. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare United Student Aid Funds Washington, William Harold, 1893 Water Resources Research Institute Wiley, William Henry, 1913- Williams, Jack Kenny Young, T. B. Separation List A. Maps (located in oversize folder) 1. Clemson Agricultural College Lands (taken from Technical Education Centers folders), 1961, 22"x18" 2. Clemson Area, Proposed Relocation of Clemson College Agricultural Facilities,1959, 15"x21" 3. Clemson lands used by departments, 1958, 17"x40" 4. Diversion dams, Seneca River, n.d., 34"x22" 15 ROBERT C. EDWARDS CORRESPONDENCE 1959-1965 SERIES
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