Gulf Research Reports Volume 9 | Issue 2 January 1995 Observations on Extant Populations of the Softshell Clam, Mya arenaria Linné, 1758 (Bivalvia: Myidae), from Georgia (USA) Estuarine Habitats Erik Rasmussen University of Copenhagen Richard W. Heard Gulf Coast Research Laboratory,
[email protected] DOI: 10.18785/grr.0902.02 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Rasmussen, E. and R. W. Heard. 1995. Observations on Extant Populations of the Softshell Clam, Mya arenaria Linné, 1758 (Bivalvia: Myidae), from Georgia (USA) Estuarine Habitats. Gulf Research Reports 9 (2): 85-96. Retrieved from This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. GuljXesearchRqmrts,Vol.9.No. 2.85-96.1995 Manuscript received August 16. 1994; accepted November 25, 1994 OBSERVATIONS ON EXTANT POPULATIONS OF THE SOFTSHELL CLAM, lMYA ARENARIA LINNE, 1758 (BIVALVIA: MYIDAE), FROM GEORGIA (USA) ESTUARINE HABITATS Erik Rasmussen' and Richard W. Heard2 'ZoologicalMuseum, Universityof Copenhagen, Universitetsparken15, DK-2100 Copenhagen @,Denmark %vertebrate Zoology Section, GurfCoustResearch Laboratory, P.O. Box 7000, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39566-7000, USA ABSTRACT Thesoftshellclam,MyaarenuriuLinnt, 1758,isreportedfrom Georgia(USA)estuarinehabitats based on studies conducted between 1969 and 1972. Observations on Gcorgiaestuarinehabitats whereextantpopulations of softshellclams occurred aredescribed. On severaloccasions, fresh shells withperiostracum and tissueremnants were foundin a brackish drainage system on SapeloIsland.