worldwide What is happening in the 6 /19

■ Antroposophical Society

June 2019 • N° 6

Pause for thought 3 Dealing with the digital world

Anthroposophical Society 1 Facing the underlying anxiety 2 : Vaccination 3 Letter from Justus Wittich 3 Young Members’ Initiative 4 Added designation ‹General› 4 France: In three places 5 Germany: Branch newsletter 10 100th birthday: Traute Lafrenz Page 11 Obituary: Jaime Padró Transformative qualities: courage, 11 Membership News open-mindedness and forgiveness By way of example, the international students conference at the in April, hosted by Goetheanum 5 Leadership: Understanding Christ the Youth Section, engaged close on 700 learn- 5 Stage: Fear and health Facing the ers in the exploration of what it means to have courage. A Youth Conference in Spring Valley School of Spiritual Science underlying anxiety in August will focus on ‹Questions of Courage›. 6 Medical Section: What is our global The summer conference staging the Four Mys- attitude to vaccinating? Dear Members and Friends, tery Dramas at the Goetheanum: ‹Spirituality 7 Medical Section: Anthroposophic in Anxiety and Health› will focus on the central Medicine in Lucerne We live in a world dominated by fear and anxiety, theme of anxiety as a doorway to health and 7 Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive either explicitly experienced in the face of danger spirituality, by awakening to self-transformation. Social Development: New Newsletter and threat, or as the implicit underlying state of The Social Initiative Forum, a growing network of 8 Youth Section: Acting from the heart unease in the face of growing unpredictability in organizations, initiatives and individuals working (Conference on «Courage») 9 Performing Arts Section: seasonal and environmental stability, social com- actively to transform discrimination, marginal- Thomastik violin plexity, and economic security. This underlying ization and inequality through developing open- tone of anxiety may manifest in many different mindedness, empathy and forgiveness, will host Anthroposophy Worldwide guises, including states of paralysis and avoid- a seminar on ‹Ethical Individualism: transforming 9 Switzerland: Meaning and purpose ance, denial of real-life situations, panic reactions, self and society› at the Goetheanum in October. 9 Russia: Spiritual ecology and aggression and violence towards self and In addition, an extensive Forum on ‹Unfolding others. Life circumstances continually demand Individual Potential for the Future› will be held Forum that we recognize within ourselves how often in , Egypt, in December. 10 To the meeting of group we fall prey to the rulership of anxiety which so We warmly invite you to participate in these leaders and the agm easily determines our perceptions and responses and other events, with the intention of contribut-

Feature in our daily dealings. ing to a courageous, open-minded future based 12 (Re)Search: Always developing Currently much attention is being directed on the transformative qualities of forgiveness to addressing the above through self-transfor- and love. | Joan Sleigh, Goetheanum mation for world-transformation. Three funda- mental qualities can be identified in the call to Image Developing courage: members face anxiety: courage, open-mindedness and of «Courage» youth conference in Basel forgiveness. What conditions allow these quali- ties to develop, and be put into practice? 2 | Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19

■ Pause For Thought Rudolf Steiner Vaccination Dealing with the digital world Warmth, strength How should one handle this under the kind of difficult conditions in our area, and technology with education and so on having such a When Laura Scappaticci wrote this contribu- negative influence? tion, she was using her laptop computer at a coffee shop, a prevalent picture in us society Then you simply have to vaccinate. There’s no other choice. I would be absolutely today. Technology is with us whether we are against opposing these things in a fanati- interested or not. Why should we be inter- cal way, not for medical but for generally ested? How can we use it as a tool to create anthroposophical reasons. […] I have a connection with anthroposophy and each always seen this as something I had to other? combat when with medical friends such The Anthroposophical Society in America is us- as Dr Asch, for instance, who absolutely ing technology to establish a learning space, did not vaccinate. I would always fight and a place of connection. We’ve created webi- against this. For if he does not vaccinate, nars – interactive online classes – on anthropo- someone else will. It is utterly absurd to sophical topics such as economics, meditation, be fanatical in particular situations. and health. We use technological platforms for national branch meetings where branch mem- Source Rudolf Steiner, Physiology and bers from across the country come together to Sense of community Healing. Treatment, Therapy and Hygiene, share challenges and innovations. We have a pod- Forest Row 2013, tr. A. Meuss, p. 239. cast (similar to a radio show) that features inter- What must be present in our online work is views with anthroposophists around the globe. warmth and connection. We cannot approach See Georg Soldner’s contribution on p. 6. Does all this replace the gifted speaker who technology and let it remain cold. If technology offers an in-person workshop? It will never do has the potential to isolate us, we must use it that. However, what it does is encourage listen- to counteract that anti-social force. We must ers to explore a topic in live time or a convenient strive to create something warm together; a ‹Anthroposophy Worldwide. What is hap- time in a way that is easy to access, affordable, mood of welcome, a sense of community. In pening in the Anthroposophical Society› ap- pears monthly in German, English, French and and ecologically appropriate. Our members are our online classes we ask participants where Spanish as a supplement to the weekly ‹Das thanking us for our online content, mentioning they are joining us from, we use their names, Goetheanum›. Publisher General Anthropo- their limited mobility or the lack of an anthro- we integrate drawing and writing activities. It is sophical Society represented by Justus Wit- posophical community in their area. not possible for everyone to attend face-to-face tich. Editors Sebastian Jüngel (responsible events, though we know that at those gather- for the German edition), Margot M. Saar Strengthening the forces of the soul ings we create something powerful and deep (responsible for the English edition), Michael These days it seems that the destiny path of hu- that lives within us for days, months, years. We Kranawetvogl (responsible for the Spanish edi- tion), Jean Pierre Ablard and Anselme Killian man beings is accompanied by technology. The need both the accessibility of online gatherings (French edition; coordinator: Louis Defèche). Google search can be the question Steiner told and in-person experiences to reach all those Proofreader for the English edition: Amadeus us to wait for. When someone types in, «What seeking deeper meaning in life. Bodenstein. Address Anthroposophy World- is anthroposophy?» we must respond with a Technology is a tool, and we can use it, or it can wide, po Box, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland, warm, welcoming hello that offers them a path use us. If we greet it with open-mindedness and fax +41 61 706 4465, aww@dasgoetheanum. to human connection and wisdom. strength, it can be a positive experience used com • We expressly wish for active support At the same time, we must be awake to the for humanity’s growth, and we can redeem it and collaboration. Subscriptions To receive ‹Anthroposophy Worldwide› please apply to forces we are working with and against. Rudolf together. | Laura Scappaticci, Placerville (ca/us) [email protected]. Digital sub- Steiner states in Art as Seen in the Light of Mys- scriptions are free. As a supplement to ‹Das tery Wisdom, Lecture 1, 28/12/1914: «It would be Web Goetheanum› ‹Anthroposophy Worldwide› the worst possible mistake to say that we should is also free. If the printed edition is posted to resist what technology has brought into mod- Laura Scappaticci is the Director of Programs you directly, we ask for a donation to cover ern life, that we should protect ourselves from for the Anthroposophical Society in America. costs. Printed by Birkäuser + gbc, 4153 Rein- Using her background in adult education and Ahriman by cutting ourselves off from modern ach, Switzerland. Design concept according event planning, Laura creates accessible edu- to Karl Lierl, Unterföhring, Germany. © 2019 life. In a certain sense this would be spiritual cational opportunities for anyone interested in General Anthroposophical Society, Switzerland. cowardice. The real remedy for this is not to let anthroposophy. She lives in California with her the forces of the modern soul weaken and cut husband and three children. themselves off from modern life, but to make Picture credits p. 1: Tim Lucas Bauer | p. 2: cgs the forces of the soul strong so that they can | p. 3, 5: Sebastian Jüngel | p. 6: iwa | p. 7: z. V. g. | p. 8: Tim Lucas Bauer | p. 9: Dirk Kruse | p. 10: stand up to modern life. A courageous approach Auswärtiges Amt / Amy Weaver | p. 11: Retrato to modern life is necessitated by world karma, Jaime | p. 12: Philip Wilson and that is why true spiritual science possesses the characteristic of requiring an effort of the soul, a really hard effort.» Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19 | 3

■ Antroposophical Society

General Anthroposophical Society Letter from Justus Wittich

Dear Members of the Anthroposophical Society,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you most warmly for the trust you placed in me and for your agreement to my continued position on the Executive Council as treasurer of the General Anthroposophical Society. The Goetheanum staff members clearly also agreed with this decision and I take both these votes very seriously. It was a busy lead-up to the agm and the An- nual Conference of the global Anthroposophical the experience and expertise in areas that con- Society, with additional meetings of the repre- nect you with the School of Spiritual Science, but sentatives from 30 countries. The Goetheanum also yourself – on a purely human level – into was ‹buzzing›, particularly because directly after the anthroposophical work in your area. Only the agm, more than 1100 early childhood educa- then can the School become the «soul of the Young members' initiative tors from all over the world came together here, Anthroposophical Society» (Rudolf Steiner) and followed by 700 Waldorf students, all filling contribute to meeting the challenges of our time. A sympathetic ear the buildings and the campus with vibrant life. If you are working in an anthroposophically Since the Annual General Meeting in These events, which were part of the Waldorf oriented institution or enterprise it is worthwhile 2018 more than twelve members under 100 celebrations, showed the Goetheanum as finding out whether it has already signed up the age of 35 (most of them students) the heart of a strong, future-oriented movement. to the charter of our World Goetheanum As- have been working together on the con- sociation and can therefore work actively out tents of the Christmas Conference Affirming the evolving human being of anthroposophical impulses within this global of 1923/1924. My Executive Council colleagues Joan Sleigh (for alliance. Call people’s attention to the interesting the English-speaking world), Constanza Kaliks World Goetheanum Forum at Michaelmas 2019 At the last agm of the General Anthropo- (also Youth Section leader) and Matthias Girke ( sophical Society new ways of collaboration (also Medical Section leader) and I, together with between members and the Vorstand came the other Section leaders at the Goetheanum, Freedom of choice under threat about. We, a group of young members, that feel supported and encouraged in the direction And finally, it is important to take action to de- came into being in order to study the Christ- we have taken on behalf of the Anthroposophi- fend the individual freedom of choice that is mas Conference, were given the chance to cal Society. presently under threat even in the Scandina- put into practice some of what we worked «In the Heartbeat of the Time» is our motto vian countries, which are usually seen as lib- on. It turned out that the rhythms of the this year and this motto is linked to the question eral, for instance when it comes to the use of Foundation Stone and the beautiful content as to the effectiveness of Anthroposophy in its anthroposophic or complementary therapies of the Christmas Conference prepare us to forthcoming second century. How are we shap- and medicines. The introduction of mandatory meet in a respectful way in spite of differ- ing the social life? How do we meet the future vaccinations or the digitalization of schools are ent opinions. in our actions? How do we affirm the evolving similar concerns. Many civil society initiatives human being? The concrete examples from all and alliances could grow from the conscious Trust in one another over the world of how spiritual knowledge is put search for knowledge and deepening within This kind of sticking together will continue to into living practice were impressive and inspiring. the context of the Anthroposophical Society. be our guideline. It also motivated our Open Such achievements require an Anthroposophical If this can be achieved, the Anthroposophical Space during the agm, where the Vorstand Society! The task before us is to transform the Society will be able to make the effectiveness gave us the trust to openly invite members image of the Anthroposophical Society where and healing influence of spiritual science visible to speak out their concerns. Carried by trust you are, in your situation, with your initiative wherever it is applied in practice – an endeav- in one another a lot of quite controversial and active engagement, and to make the Society our that could also be attractive to the younger discussions could take place and will contin- visible. This is something we can only achieve generation. ue through the year by personal invitation together. The Leadership and staff at the Goetheanum, to our group. A sympathetic ear for other We therefore call, above all, on all members together with the country representatives members' views on how the Christmas of the School of Spiritual Science! We need your worldwide, look forward to working with you Conference has developed over time will active commitment as representatives of the in the year leading up to the next annual con- be our next focus. To work on a common «anthroposophical cause», in the branches or ference in the first week of April 2020.| Justus ideal might help to overcome the mistrust groups, locally, regionally and nationally. Take Wittich, Goetheanum around our Society. | Michael Sölch, Bern (ch) 4 | Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19

■ Antroposophical Society

Added designation France Why ‹General› In three places Anthroposophical Society? For the first time, the Anthroposophical Soci- ety in France invited its members to meetings Uwe Werner explains why the designation‹general› is essential in the name of the Society that that took place in three places at the same was established at the Christmas Conference of 1923/1924. He also refers to motion 7, which time – and three times as many people came. was submitted on 15 February 2019 by Eva Lohmann Heck and Thomas Heck (cf. Anthroposophy The Anthroposophical Society in France wanted Worldwide 3/2019 and to make it easier for its members to meet face to face and its Council therefore invited all mem- A closer look at the roots of the Society reveals simply call it an occult law that any truly viable bers to come together on 23 February 2019 at why the name «General Anthroposophical Soci- and fruitful spiritual movement is universally meetings that took place in three places at the ety» is significant. It is true that Rudolf Steiner’s human, that it is what one would trivially call same time. For decades, the branch and group initial references to the Society appear to be ‹international›.» He then continued, «This does, leaders in France met twice a year in Paris. These ambivalent: in the title of the Newsletter, which of course, not mean that it cannot do justice gatherings were usually attended by thirty to was decided upon at the Christmas Conference to individual groups or associations. One can fifty (out of 1220) members on average. This year of 1923/1924, it says ‹What is happening in the do justice to one’s own nation as much as to almost 150 members came together in Colmar, Anthroposophical Society›, while the title of all others. Each nation has, without doubt, its Avignon and Paris in order to share their views Rudolf Steiner’s account of 13 January 1924 was important impulses to bring to humanity as a on the question of «What should the future of «The Foundation of the General Anthroposophi- whole. The belief that being international im- the Anthroposophical Society be like and what cal Society at the Christmas Meeting, 1923». That plies any disregard for the individual nation is can I contribute to it?» account starts with the sentence «The purpose entirely unjustified. It is especially within the The rich moments of exchange alone, the ple- of the Christmas gathering that has come to an international context that the own national nary sessions and work groups, the meetings in end now was to give the Anthroposophical Soci- characteristics can be valued and presented in the intervals, the chance of getting to know new ety the form most suitable for the development the right light.» (ga 259) people, make us wish that this kind of initiative of the anthroposophical movement.» will be repeated. A federative gesture And there was another premiere: technology Inner space and form In Steiner’s view, the ‹international› – that is, made it possible for us to take part in what hap- Rudolf Steiner clearly wrote ‹General Anthro- the ‹general› – aspect will not eliminate the pened in the three different places. We were able posophical Society›. Why, then, did he refer national or specific aspects when it comes to to listen to the lively and competent report of to it as the ‹Anthroposophical Society› in the what is generally [or universally] human, but the treasurer, Marc Brosier, who presented the very next sentence as well as in the title of the accommodate it within the overall Society. financial situation as comprehensibly, interest- Newsletter, throughout the Statutes and on the The founding of Societies always started at ingly and engagingly as other aspects of the membership cards? The name does, of course, the national – or specific – level and the na- anthroposophical life. also belong to the form of the Society, but when tional societies together then formed the joint the ‹anthroposophical› nature of the Society is ‹general› Society – from the periphery, and not Warmth, light and life meant – its inner space – the statutes determine the other way round. It is a federative gesture. Many members experienced this day as filled the form, and the fact that it is a ‹general› so- The Goetheanum Leadership’s proposal to form with warmth, light and life and felt encouraged ciety becomes less important. At the founding an advisory organ of national representatives and enthused by it. Thanks to the wider partici- meeting of the English Society on 2 September within the Society therefore seems to me to be pation, a space was created at all three venues 1923, Rudolf Steiner characterized such an inner a sensible further development of the Christmas that is now available to receive Anthroposophy. space, when he said that the Society had to be Conference Statute. The seeds planted here bode well for the fu- constituted in such a way that «a kind of vacuum In my view the significance of the fact that, ture of the Anthroposophical Society as it ap- is created, an empty, free space, in which it truly at the Christmas Conference, the designation proaches its hundredth anniversary, in need of unfolds.» (ga 259) ‹general› was added to the name of the Soci- a metamorphosis that allows it to implement When Rudolf Steiner attended the founda- ety must not be underestimated. | Uwe Werner, its impulses into the present time. | René Becker, tions of societies in other countries in 1923, Malaucène (fr) representative of the Anthroposophical Society he pointed out that, at Christmas 1923, the in France national societies would become the Interna- cf. Motion 7, which was submitted on 15 Febru- tional Anthroposophical Society (ga 259). The ary 2019 by Eva Lohmann Heck and Thomas Web programme of the invitation for the Christmas Heck Anthroposophy Worldwide 3/2019 and Conference still reflected this intention ga( 260). On 24 December 1923, at the very beginning of the conference, Rudolf Steiner then said explic- itly in his opening lecture that the designation ‹international› had to be replaced by ‹general› (ga 260). This transition was already tangible on 2 September 1923, when Rudolf Steiner said at the founding of the English Society, «We could Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19 | 5

■ Antroposophical Society ■ Goetheanum

Stage Zweigblatt Durchlebtes, Ergründetes, Anregendes 9. Ausgabe, 26. Januar 2019 Fear and health

„Es ist nichts schrecklicher als eine tätige Bezug zwischen Ge- Unwissenheit.“ sellschaft und J.W.v. Goethe Christengemein- At the forthcoming summer conference at the schaft noch offen Liebe Mitglieder, bleibt und von dieses Zweigblatt hat „Die Christenge- Zweigblatt Lesern Goetheanum, from 29 July to 4 August, on meinschaft“ im Verhältnis zur „Anthropo- gerne ergänzt wer- sophischen Gesellschaft“ zum Thema. den darf. Grund dafür ist untenstehender Artikel von Frau Gerhild Hobe vom Johannes- ,,Die Gründung der Spirituality, Fear and Health the Goetheanum Zweig Alfter über die Gründung der „Be- Christengemein- wegung für religiöse Erneuerung“ in schaft in Russland Russland 2018. Gestiftet worden ist Stage will perform Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Schon 1913 gab es in Moskau und Peters- die Christenge- burg anthroposophische Zweige, die je- meinschaft von den doch 1922/23 wieder schlossen, da mit Engeln im Himmel, so führte Vicke von erste russische Persönlichkeit geweiht, Dramas. einem Verbot durch die Bolschewiken zu Behr, Erzoberlenker der Christengemein- und das ist Anna Geyer (liebevoll rechnen war. Über Jahrzehnte hielt man schaft Rudolf Steiner zitierend aus, aber Anuschka genannt), die seit Herbst 2017 unauffälligen Kontakt. Ganz ohne Inter- gegründet werden muss sie von den in Moskau wohnt, einen deutschen Ehe- netpräsenz wuchs die Untergrundbewe- Menschen auf der Erde. Und so fand mann und zwei erwachsene Kinder hat «What I experience inside has increasingly an gung und in den 70gern bildeten sich diese Gründung in Russland in der Micha- und die derzeit bestehenden fünf Ge- heimlich Studiengruppen. Aus dem Aus- eli-Zeit diesen Jahres (2018) statt, 100 meinden betreut, jeweils hunderte von land wurden die Gruppen mit anthropo- Jahre nach der Oktober-Revolution. Es Kilometern voneinander entfernt: Mos- immediate effect on the outside – there is no sophischem Material versorgt, eine le- war ein freudiges, tief bewegendes Fest, kau, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostow am bensgefährliche Aufgabe mutiger anthro- von russischen Freunden liebevoll und Don, Molino, eine in den Waldai-Höhen posophischer Freunde. kundig vorbereitet, das Vertreter der gelegene Dorfgemeinschaft. buffer or protective zone in between», says Gioia Anfang der 90ger änderte sich die politi- Christengemeinschaft und der Anthropo- Anna Geyer ist eine ebenso kräftige wie sche Lage, die „Anthroposophische Ge- sophischen Gesellschaft aus der ganzen (aus-) strahlende „Wanderpriesterin“. Germanysellschaft in Russland“ eröffnete neu, erst Welt in Moskau feierten. In einem geräu- Lenker für Russland ist Gerhard Ertlmaier in Moskau, Petersburg und Odessa, bald migen, herbstlich geschmückten Kon- aus Deutschland. Falk, who is the artistic director in the present gab es auch an anderen Orten Zweige. gress-Zentrum war drei Tage lang, von 2004 haben die Wala und die Christenge- Heute hat sie etwa 500 Mitglieder. der Bühne herab, die Menschen-Weihe- meinschaft gemeinsam ein halb verfalle- Ich bitte die Leserschaft weiter- handlung zu erleben, über dem Altar ein nes Gebäude gekauft und aufgebaut. production of Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas hin um Artikel-Beiträge für das Zweig- Bild, das die Gemeinde in Samara ge- Heute ist das stattliche, rosafarbene Ge- Leavesblatt. Es darf in jeder Sprache geschrie-growingmeinschaftlich gestaltet hatte, im Beisein bäude von einem biologisch-dynamisch ben werden - auch in Russisch - die Ver- vieler weißgekleideter Priester mit ihren gepflegten Garten umgeben und ist eine at the Goetheanum. Mystery Dramas project antwortung für das Geschriebene liegt michaelisch pfirsichblütfarbenen Stolen Insel des aktiven Friedens in einer Hoch- beim Autor. und Gürteln. Es gab Vorträge in deut- haus-Siedlung in Moskau. – Mögen viele scher und russischer Sprache, jeweils ent- mutige Gedanken, Gefühle und Taten inner processes outside. In these dramas Rudolf fromFranziska Bücklers branchessprechend übersetzt, Darstellungen von diese Gründung auch in Zukunft beglei- Meckenheimer Allee 86, D - 53115 Bonn Eurythmie, Musik, Sprachgestaltung, ten! [email protected] Bothmergymnastik, fröhliche Sketche „Mit dem Verstand ist Russland nicht zu und im Vorsaal Ausstellungen, mit denen fassen. Steiner presents human beings as they experi- In Inhalt2018 a ‹Branchsich Newsletter› die fünf russischen Gemeinden vor- wasMit dem gemein initiateden Maß nicht zu ermes- Die Gründung der Christengemeinschaft stellten und Geschenke empfangen konn- sen. in Russland, Gerhild Hobe ten. Es gab gemeinsame Mahlzeiten, Be- Es hat besondere Gestalt – ence inner challenges in their encounters with withZitate Rudolf thoughts, Steiners quotesgegnungen, Gespräche, and immer wieder tips er- An for Russland mussevents. man wissend glauben.“ It klang plötzlich ein gemeinsames Lied. F.J.Tjutschew Folgender Artikel von Frau Gerhild Hobe Wie kam es jetzt zur Gründung in Russ- Gerhild Hobe, Alfter bei Bonn“ Goetheanum Leadership each other and try to work together in their lives. erscheint verspätet, da ich eine Ergän- land? Schon seit vielen Jahren reisen comeszung zu ihrem Artikelout anforderte, irregularly, nämlich Priester, die des Russischenwhenever mächtig sind, Ausgesuchte enough Zitate Rudolf Steiner cons: - den Bezug zur Anthroposophischen Ge- besonders nach Moskau und St. Peters- ... „Da mag die Anthroposophische Ge- The one succeeds, the other fails. sellschaft in Russland. Stattdessen erhielt burg, um die Sakramente zu spenden, die sellschaft in gewissen Epochen so oder so tributionsich ein Buch über die „Mensche havenweihe- comeschon seit längerer together. Zeit übersetzt sind, ausschauen -–die Anthroposophie ist un- handlung“ samt eines Briefes, sodass der Vorträge zu halten, Ferienlager mit zu or- abhängig von jeder anthroposophischen Understanding Christ ganisieren. Aber erst 2014 wurde die 1 The impact of spiritual experiences The newsletter, called Zweigblatt , was started The Goetheanum Leadership contemplates in 2018 by Franziska Bücklers, who finds it im- approaches to Christ, the situation of anthro- Through spiritual realism and in the personali- portant that people are in contact and that the posophy and the requirements of the Sections. ties of the protagonists we encounter our own «organism of the Anthroposophical Society is existential questions. Stefan Hasler, director of brought to life» through this publication. Her Over the past year the Goetheanum Leadership the Goetheanum Stage, says, «Fear and disorien- guiding questions are: How can we support each has studied the Foundation Stone Meditation tation are an expression of how we experience other, know of each other and promote anthro- in depth. Now it is contemplating the Christ the impact of spiritual experiences. The images posophy without complaining about and criticiz- impulse as a universally human phenomenon. of the Mystery Dramas can help us relate our ing each other? How can free will and selfless What is special about looking at Christ from a own vulnerable soul situation to the experience support within the Society grow from the active non-confessional point of view is that one can of standing at the abyss». Gioia Falk adds another engagement of ‹lone fighters› (with all possible leave behind any local or cultural ties and see aspect, «When I participate in the outside world intermediate stages)? And lastly: Do we live in in Christ a force that is at work in all of human- as it is, I may well hear my conscience speaking a parallel society as anthroposophists? Which ity and on all continents. This question is also and in my actions I take responsibility.» is the ‹real› life? To what extent do we manage particularly relevant because anthroposophy is The General Anthroposophical Section, the to integrate anthroposophy in our daily life? increasingly practised in non-Christian cultures. Medical Section and the Youth Section at the However, all present members of the Goethea- Goetheanum complement the performance of Inspiring inner deepening num Leadership have a Western Christian back- the four Dramas at the Summer Festival week by The contributions to this newsletter are printed ground and have therefore the wish to look more embedding them in a programme that focuses in different colours and include information closely at certain conventions. on the «Fear and Health». Joan Sleigh of the provided by the editor, articles, reports from In recent months, the Goetheanum Leader- General Anthroposophical Section says, «The branches, information regarding initiatives, ship has also considered the situation of anthro- Mystery Dramas allow us to engage with a spiri- as well as memoirs and quotations by Rudolf posophy and of anthroposophical institutions in tuality that does not deny fear but encourages Steiner and others, such as . various countries. Their wish is to gain a better us to find our own strength by approaching it Topics addressed so far include co-existence, understanding of these situations in order to be consciously.» | Sebastian Jüngel the hundred-year rhythm, threefolding, and better able to work together on common tasks. the relationship between the Anthroposophi- What, for instance, do the British requirements Performances (in German) Four Mystery Dra- cal Society and . The for safety and safeguarding and the way the mas by Rudolf Steiner, Goetheanum Stage quotations inspire inner deepening, for instance Waldorf Schools there respond to these require- Adelheid Petersen’s recollection of a statement ments mean for the Goetheanum Leadership? Conference (lectures and work groups in German and English) Spirituality – Fear and by Rudolf Steiner that working for many years on How is it dealing with this question? Health. Challenges for Individuals and Society, a character weakness «brings you much further Within the School of Spiritual Science, new 29 July–4 August 2019, Goetheanum than listening to a hundred lectures or even leaders need to be appointed for the General knowing all the cycles by heart». Anthroposophical Section, the Visual Arts Sec- Web Zweigblatt is presently published in German tion and the Natural Science Section. As part of Limited special offer for under 35s: 250 CHF and French. | Sebastian Jüngel these discussions the Goetheanum Leadership (incl. meals and accommodation), www.youth- is also reviewing all the other Sections and their the-goetheanum-youth-offer 1 The title is a play on words: ‹Zweig› is the leadership. | Sebastian Jüngel German word for branch, ‹Blatt› can mean leaf or newspaper Contact franziskabuecklers@ Image Goetheanum Leadership and guests Image Zweigblatt: cover of Issue 9 6 | Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19

■ School of Spiritual Science

National recommendations «Physicians who are trained in are expected to act in accordance with national legislation and to carefully ad- vise patients (or their caregivers) to help them understand the relevant scientific information and national vaccination recommendations. In countries where vaccination is not mandatory and informed consent is needed, this may in- clude coming to an agreement with the patient (or the caregiver) about an individualized vac- cination schedule, for example by adapting the timing of the vaccination during infancy.» This paragraph refers to national vaccination recommendations as well as scientific informa- tion. The latter may well contradict the national vaccination recommendations, which differ from one country to the next. After several deaths have occurred, France, for instance, no longer rec- ommends to vaccinate babies against diarrhoea (rotavirus) – unlike Germany, where not one (of more than a hundred) daily newspapers reported on these fatalities (own research) even though the complications are known to German scientists. Medical Section It has been criticized that the statement does What is our global attitude to vaccinating? not clearly condemn mandatory vaccinations. There are two reasons for this: firstly, the state- On 15 April 2019 the Medical Section and the International Association of Anthroposophical ment is a global one. There are regions in the Medical Societies (ivaa) responded to multiple requests from anthroposophic physicians and world where child mortality is high, along with published a statement on the question of vaccination. Georg Soldner, deputy head of the Medi- poverty levels, and there are situations in the cal Section, explains the circumstances of this statement. context of major refugee movements, where mandatory vaccinations against life-threatening In the global vaccination campaigns anthro- due. Our colleagues in India, for instance, empha- pathogens seem to be justified. But even in coun- posophic physicians are often vilified as «anti- size how much some vaccinations have contrib- tries where mandatory vaccination has been vaxxers» and, using this accusation as a pretext, uted to reducing child mortality in their country. introduced without sufficient cause (as in Italy or efforts are even being made to ban Anthropo- «Anthroposophic medicine fully appreciates Hungary), it is not necessarily helpful to publish sophic Medicine altogether. On the other hand, the contribution of vaccines to global health a global statement on Anthroposophic Medicine there are one-sided campaigns that oppose vac- and firmly supports vaccination as an important that includes views on questions of vaccination. cination indiscriminately. measure to prevent life-threatening diseases. This does not mean that the statement defends Given this situation, the attempt has been Anthroposophic Medicine is not anti-vaccine mandatory vaccinations. The opposite is the case. made to keep the discussion factual and protect and does not support anti-vaccine movements.» The statement explicitly mentions the in- Anthroposophic Medicine against one-sided at- This says clearly that we are talking about formed consent of parents or patients and tacks and generalizations. It soon became evident vaccinations for life-threatening diseases, in emphasizes their right to make an informed that, in some countries, the statement was very which mumps and chicken pox are not necessar- decision not only regarding vaccination itself important for the public image of Anthroposoph- ily included, while – in the global context – the but particularly also regarding the time when ic Medicine and that it was welcomed according- measles jab has saved the lives of many children. it should be given. Scientifically speaking, vac- ly. Others expressed clear criticism, often based The statement clearly rejects any indiscrimi- cinating children under the age of one against on misunderstandings. I will therefore explain nate anti-vaccine movements. While many measles – as recommended in Switzerland (from the joint statement, paragraph by paragraph. believe in and disseminate the view that the the age of nine months) – will have the effect Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccina- that many will no longer be protected as adults. The need to differentiate tion has caused an epidemic increase in autistic Aluminium-containing ‹dead› vaccines – agai­ «Vaccines, together with health education, hy- disorders, there are no personal experiences or nst tetanus and diphtheria for instance – are sus- giene and adequate nutrition, are essential tools scientific data that would support such an as- pected to increase the risk of asthma and the sus- for preventing infectious diseases. Vaccines have sumption. This does not mean, however, that ceptibility to infections if given in early infancy, saved countless lives over the last century, for there is sufficient evidence of this vaccine be- in very poor countries they are even suspected example, they allowed the eradication of small ing totally safe. Because the measles vaccine to increase the overall mortality from infections. pox and are currently allowing the world to ap- is a live vaccine it can contribute to the posi- proach the elimination of polio.» tive maturation of the immune system (in poor Pro-science Good communication requires, in the first in- countries it also reduces the mortality rates of «Taking into account ongoing research, local stance, recognition and positivity where they are other diseases). infectious disease patterns and socioeconomic Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19 | 7

■ School of Spiritual Science

risk factors, individual anthroposophic physi- Council for Inclusive Social Development cians engage at times in the scientific discussion New newsletter on specific vaccines and appropriate vaccina- tion schedules. Anthroposophic Medicine is In addition to its journal Seelenpflege and pro-science and continued scientific debate is its website, the Anthroposophic Council for more important than ever in today’s polarized Inclusive Social Development now also plans discourse on vaccination.» to introduce a newsletter for passing on infor- The statement emphasizes that vaccinations mation. have to be judged against the background of the The Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive So- actual health challenges in the individual case cial Development (formerly Curative Education (climate, poverty, crowded living, malnutrition and Social Therapy Council) is planning to use etc.). Anthroposophic physicians and their pa- a quarterly newsletter to inform readers about tients enhance their chances of being listened its own activities and those of the international to by the civil society, health authorities and movement for anthroposophic special needs politicians, if they express differentiated and Medical Section education, social therapy, special education and informed views on questions of vaccination. social work. Anybody interested can subscribe to A polarizing debate, on the other hand, where Anthroposophic this newsletter and read it online. The Council powerful economic interests and a certain fa- Medicine in Lucerne (Jan Göschel, Bart Vanmechelen, Sonja Zausch) naticism play into each other’s hands, destroys will use the newsletter to pass on information At the beginning of this year, Anthroposophic the foundations of a freedom that is rooted in on research, past events as well as publications Medicine and therapy were intro- the free spiritual life and that needs to be de- and forthcoming colloquia and conferences. duced on the rehabilitation ward of Lucerne’s fended in the sphere of rights, in the civil society. You can read there, for instance, that Bernd St Urban Hospital. Kalwitz has initiated a long-term study at Alanus Asking about the meaning of illness After completing medical training in Arlesheim University in Alfter (de) on ways of dealing with The question that remains is that of the meaning (ch), the physician Thomas Glinz introduced self-harming behaviours; that the Department of illness – a question that is rarely asked today. Anthroposophic Medicine on specialist wards for Anthroposophic Healthcare at Leiden Uni- Acute febrile illnesses are certainly important for at Lucerne’s St Urban Hospital. In addition to versity (nl), under the direction of Eric Baars, is the maturation of the child’s immune system conventional forms of psychiatric treatment, planning quantitative and qualitative studies on and we can support this by not giving antipyretic patients on these wards can now also benefit the outcomes, values and practices of long-term drugs or unnecessary antibiotics, by providing from anthroposophic medicines and eurythmy anthroposophic nursing; or that scientists at the an appropriate diet and competent nursing and therapy. Eurythmy therapists find ways of reach- University of Botswana are cooperating with medical care. Anthroposophic physicians support ing patients that are not necessarily accessible to the Camphill Community Trust in Botswana on such an approach and are increasingly listened other approaches. In the summer, the nurses will evaluating means of support for people on the to by experts. Fever helps children not only to begin to use compresses and poultices. Training autism spectrum. overcome an infectious disease but also to in- has been provided thanks to the organization dividualize their organism. Lucerne Psychiatry, the Paracelsus Hospital and Supporting young co-workers It is a fact that measles are globally consid- Soleo, the Swiss Academy for Nursing. «Work forms and formats of encounter» is an- ered today to be too dangerous. But there are The new methods have been very positively other area that is being addressed. The «Young many febrile infectious diseases that can be well received by staff and patients and any fears that Co-workers» work group seeks to set up a net- controlled medically. A healthy child develop- complementary medicine might be rejected work that connects and supports trainees, stu- ment is possible without measles if children proved unfounded. Leaving behind the world of dents and young co-workers and includes them grow up surrounded by love, good food, sun- manuals and guidelines and entering a medical in the international curative education and social light, and if they receive appropriate care and universe where comprehension can be a fleeting therapy movement. As a first result, a paper has treatment when they develop a fever. | Georg phenomenon is challenging but also enriching. been made available as a basis for conversations Soldner, Goetheanum First successes with treatments have been en- with co-workers. In addition, the young medics couraging and Thomas Glinz is gathering experi- have founded an interdisciplinary work group for ences with basic therapies. Strengthening the medical and therapeutic professions in curative Web, life forces and general wellbeing has a positive education and social therapy. In accordance with, effect on the underlying illnesses and everyone the Council’s international orientation, its journal involved is happy that these new steps have Seelenpflege will be developed into a bilingual ter/masern.html been taken. | Thomas Glinz, St. Urban (ch) organ (English and German). | Sebastian Jüngel Web declaration news/article/article/anthroposophic-medi- cine-statement-on-vaccination, Thomas Glinz, M.D., is deputy consultant and Web (German, English) head physician of the specialist wards at St Ur- Image Supporting a differentiated ap- ban Hospital in Lucerne, Switzerland proach to vaccinations Autumn conference «Practice Spirit-Behold- Web ing», 3 to 5 October 2019 event/offene-hochschultagung/?lang=en Image Thomas Glinz and Noëmi Böken 8 | Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19

■ School of Spiritual Science

norms and rules, when we let go of everything that allows a ‹We› and ‹You› to emerge? The question as to what identity means in relation to a group also featured in the ‹Creative Intervention› that was performed in Basel. Par- ticipants were invited to observe themselves as part of a group in relation to those outside the group. A great openness and warmth, noticeable from within and without, was emanating from the group. An unspoken conclusion could be that it is possible to be part of a clearly defined group and yet enrich the life of those outside the group; that it is possible to have warmth within and carry this warmth outside, so that the ques- tion of inside and outside becomes irrelevant. The musician and journalist André Stern then spoke of freedom in child development, raising Youth Section the question as to whether formal learning and Acting from the heart educational institutions prevent this freedom. How do education and learning influence the «Courage» was the theme and title of an international student conference at the Goetheanum way children find their own identity? from 23 to 27 April. Around 650 students from more than thirty countries shared their thoughts The day ended with group performances by on courage in various contexts, including a public performance on Basel’s Münsterplatz. students from different countries. One student from Brazil expressed her gratitude for Waldorf Question 1: what is courage? In what kind of comes from fear.» «I feel reckless or fearful when Education and for having the chance to unfold situations are you courageous and where does I lose control or when I feel alone.» «Fear is an her potential freely in her school in Brazil. this courage come from? What is the role of instinct, courage a decision». courage for us young people today? How do Question 3: What would the world be like Fighting for one’s goals courage and fear affect intercultural encounters if what lives in you became reality and what On the last day we returned to question 1: what and personal or social developments? would you do to make this happen? We asked is courage? After five days of discussion, some In her opening lecture Constanza Kaliks, head ourselves this question, which was inspired by students presented the essence of what had of the Youth Section at the Goetheanum, spoke a question once posed by Rudolf Steiner, on the lived at this conference. Lorena Carazo from of the origin of the word ‹courage› which, literally third day. A research project on this question is Spain said how important it was to critically translated, means ‹acting from the heart› - a def- being conducted by the Youth Section at the question one’s inner attitude towards the world: inition that resonated strongly with the audience. Goetheanum (see page 12). if hatred of other people’s mistakes is the driv- In the Foyer, the students could write their an- Helmy Abouleish (CEO at Sekem, EG) spoke in ing force behind my actions, the message of my swers to the various questions on large placards his lecture of two future streams, Futurum and actions can’t be one of love. and some of these answers were read out the Adventus. Futurum means looking towards the Pedro Munizaga Sgombich, a student from next morning. Two examples of answers to the future from the past and seeing the future as a Chile, concluded the presentations with the first question were: «Courage is breaking with series of logical consequences. Adventus means encouragement to fight for one’s goals even in norms» and «Courage is the absence of fear». looking at our task from the future or looking at times of darkness and to see the darkness as a what wants to come towards us. Some of the necessary counterpart of light and as a chance Choice and decision answers to questions 3 were: «A place of balance for oneself and for the world to develop further. Fear was also at the centre of questions that between giving and taking». «A world where Some answers to the question were: «Courage is were asked on the next day. Question 2: How one can love oneself unconditionally». «Can taking a chance in order to bring about change», do you experience fear and recklessness within we create a shared utopia? Could my utopia be «Courage is trust in yourself and in the world», yourself and in the world? Where are the bound- another person’s dystopia [pessimistic image «Courage needs love and love needs courage». aries between courage, recklessness and fear? of the future]?» The question we gave everyone to take along Are there situations where fear and recklessness with them was «Can courage lead to freedom?» can be useful? Marina Helou, a state representa- A challenging freedom | Ronja Eis and Till Höffner, Youth Section co- tive from São Paolo (BR), explained that, for her, Working on these topics together brought us workers and main organizers of the conference courage had to do with an impulse that comes to question 4: the question of personal and «Courage» from the heart but that is then weighed up by shared identity. What is identity? What do we the head. If there is no choice first of all, fol- identify with and why? How can we develop an Image «Trust your heart. It can’t be wrong!» lowed by a commitment to a particular decision understanding of our self that no longer requires Words sung on the Münsterplatz in Basel or action, one cannot really speak of courage, us to identify with external, mostly excluding, because the person in question acts either out circumstances such as culture or being a Waldorf of fear or recklessly. pupil? What is left to us as a young generation Here are some of the responses to question 2: that has grown up with the quite challenging «Recklessness is born from insecurity, insecurity freedom of not having to obey social or religious Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19 | 9

■ School of Spiritual Science ■ World

Switzerland Meaning and purpose A book on the meaning and purpose of the School of Spiritual Science discusses the pub- Section for the Performing Arts lic effectiveness that Rudolf Steiner envisaged for the School. Thomastik violin The Anthroposophical Society in Switzerland On 4, 12 and 19 May the Goetheanum presented dedicates its annual conferences to the «un- three concerts played by the Basel violinist Volk- derstanding and future effectiveness of the Russia er Biesenbender on a Thomastik violin. Christmas Conference of 1922/1923». With the exception of a few Class Lessons, the 2017 annual Spiritual ecology With these concerts the Section for the Per- conference was open to the general public. The forming Arts at the Goetheanum supported organizers hoped to demonstrate how impor- The summer week on«Spiritual Ecology» is the endeavours to re-enliven and continue the tant the cooperation of Class members is for about light and shadow over the White Sea, reform impulse introduced by the vio- the effectiveness of the work that is being done sound space and the stream of time, and lin maker Franz Thomastik (1883–1951). In 1910 within the School of Spiritual Science. about the Nordic mysteries. Thomastik took out a patent for a new violin Between Karelia, the land of the Kalevala, in the model. Rudolf Steiner visited his workshop in Serving all of humanity west and the Russian Arkhangelsk region in the 1922 and 1923 and gave him advice on how to It was Rudolf Steiner’s wish that the work of the east lie the mysterious Solovetsky Islands with develop his idea further. Thomastik’s workshop School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum their enigmatic stone labyrinths. The ancient and most of his instruments were destroyed should serve the cultural life of humanity as a Greeks spoke of them: from there – from the in a bomb attack in World War II. Only seven whole. He even thought that it would contribute land of the Hyperboreans – the sun god Apollo Thomastik violins are known to exist today. The considerably to its salvation. By establishing travelled every spring to Delos and Delphi. Hu- instrument made available to Volker Biesen- the First Class he created the School’s esoteric mans accompanied his journey on ships, bearing bender was bequeathed to the Goetheanum centre; its path of inner development was for offerings across the Baltic Sea, the Dnieper River by Renate Schmidt in 2014. him an absolute condition for its effectiveness. and the Black Sea. Druids guarded the hidden While there are particular conditions for becom- Drotten mysteries here. Further development ing a First Class member, membership is open Rudolf Steiner associates this archipelago Following a period of several decades during to anyone who is prepared to take responsibility with Skythianos, the teacher of humanity. In which the instruments and design of Thomas- for anthroposophy on earth and decides freely this place, where the purest sun forces prevailed, tik’s pupil and co-worker Karl Weidler (1901–1987) and consciously that they want to belong to nature’s clairvoyance was to be preserved in its received more attention, Thomastik’s original the Michael community. The contributions to purest form: through the darkening of Atlantis, ideas and concepts are now again coming to the the conference, which are included in this book, the Kali Yuga and the intellectual age - until a fu- fore. After his death they were rarely taken up illustrate how Rudolf Steiner founded the School ture time when cultural ties can evolve between or researched. Presently the violin maker Arthur of Spiritual Science with the intention of creat- Europe and Siberia. The first Gulag labour camp Bay (de) and the violinist Adolf Zinsstag of the ing «a solid foundation for the effectiveness of was established on these islands under Lenin Himmelsbach Foundation in Basel (ch) are most anthroposophy». and Stalin, its dark shadows still tangible today. active in this respect. Why must the fruits of the path of inner de- Because of this multifaceted past, a small At the end of the second of these concerts, velopment not be restricted to the purposes of group of geomancers will carry out some «ener- which featured works for solo violin by Johann a small inner circle? Why must, and can, they getic tidying up» on the islands. This will be fol- Sebastian Bach and Georg Philipp Telemann, be made available for the development of all of lowed by a St. John’s festival under the midnight there was opportunity to compare the Thom- humanity? These are important and highly rel- sun, with new musical instruments. The retreat astik violin directly with the violin played by evant questions that this publication addresses. will include perception exercises and excursions. the young Yehudi Menuhin. The instrument | Andrea Meyer Jeserich, Dornach (ch) This gathering is about the dialogue with the in question was made by Carlo Ferdinando life forces through the deepened observation Landolfi (1714–1787) during the «golden age of of nature, and about research into generative /Marc Desaules (eds): Die Freie Italian instrument making». After listening to forces and the use of biodynamic preparations Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft. Ihre these instruments, it seemed clear that it was Bedeutung und ihr Ziel. With contributions by and mistletoe-blossom-essences for healing worthwhile to urgently and actively promote Peter Selg, Marc Desaules, Mario Betti, Mat- the landscape. Will the unification of druidic the research and further development of the thias Girke, Tomas Bonek, Stefano Gasperi, schooling and modern natural science – assist- Johannes Greiner, Johannes Kühl and Thomas Thomastik instruments. | Felix Lindenmaier, Meyer, Verlag des Ita-Wegman-Instituts, 2018. ed by angels and elemental beings – succeed? Goetheanum (ch) An English translation is anticipated in winter | Raphael Kleimann, Vinterbro (no) 2019/2020 (Title: The School for Spiritual Sci- ence. Its Meaning and Purpose) Web Arthur Bay, Contact [email protected] Web Adolf Zinsstag, Web Web, Pictured Instrument No 62 of 1924 Image From the work in 2018: Mysteries in North and West 10 | Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19

■ Forum ■ Antroposophical Society

To the meeting of group Executive Council work 100th birthday leaders and the agm together. Traute Lafrenz Looking at the flood of After the ‹cardiac arrest› expe- motions, on the other hand, Page M.D. rienced by some members at dampens some of this enthu- the agm in 2018, the response siasm. What lies behind these Traute Page could celebrate her was quite different this year. motions? Every year, so many 100th birthday on 3 May. She is in There was a noticeable will to motions are submitted. good health in every sense. During look towards the future, cau- the Third Reich she was a member tious optimism and a lack of • In 2018, there was, for in- of the student group ''The White the kind of emotional reactions stance, a motion that the Rose"1, of which she alone survives. that were so prevalent last year. Goetheanum journal should On her 100th birthday she was At the meeting of group have one page with texts by awarded Germany’s First Class Or- leaders, conversations were Rudolf Steiner every week. der of Merit. The German Foreign held about the most diverse The vote on this motion Office wrote on Twitter, «She is forms of approaches to the received a majority in the among the few who had the cour- work of the branches work. Auditorium. age to stand up against the crimes One question that seemed to • The 2018 motion that Ex- of the National Socialists.» Vorstand came. Prior to the meet- gain ever more urgency was ecutive Council members In 1947 she moved from Germany ing both Council and Vorstand met how we deal with oppositional should be affirmed with a to San Francisco to continue her concerning the future of Anthro- views. Do I have to tell others two-thirds majority was medical training, later to Chicago. posophy in the western part of the ‹the truth›? And how do I tell it withdrawn in 2019. world. Today, only Traute Page and without hurting them? Or do I • In 2018 and 2019 there were Calmness, insight, experience this contributor still are alive and try to develop tolerance for the requests to evaluate the Traute Page spread warmth, human could follow the significant develop- other’s way of looking at the balance sheet differently. understanding and often humour in ments and metamorphoses in the world? This proposal assumed that many circumstances. She made sig- anthroposophical work from this «What you understand with everyone present was ca- nificant contributions during a time pivotal moment 38 years ago. inner tolerance in the least pable of carrying out highly of transformation in the Anthropo- Traute Page's tasks for the Society of your fellow human beings, demanding accounting tasks sophical Society in America. As of also include her time as Co-General even if they are mistaken, you in their head and expected the late 1970s the work in America Secretary at the end of the 1980s have understood of me, and them to grasp and assess was divided into three regions. into the next decade. Until recently I will let you overcome these everything that was said Each region formed a council: east, she visited the Goetheanum regu- prejudices when you seek to within minutes. middle-west, west. The regional larly and remains aware of the work attenuate them by entering • And the question as to the councils led to forming a national world-wide. with tolerance into the think- salaries of retired Execu- council of each region: for the West ing and feelings of others.» tive Council members that Rene Querido and Virginia Sease; Present at crucial turning points (ga 189, lecture of 16 February had been answered by the Mid-West TrautePage and Werner This short retrospect also wishes 1919) This question was de- Council in writing but was Glas; East Dietrich von Asten, Henry to thank her for her work with the scribed and evaluated variously nevertheless discussed again Barnes and Carlo Pietzner. First Class of the School of Spiri- by the participants – in the end in detail in front of a large The seven representatives met in tual Science which inspired many it was left open without giving audience. February 1981 at the Center of the people - young and old. It is a deep in to the urge to find consensus. Anthroposophical Society in New pleasure to extend heart-felt birth- The next meeting of group Why is this happening? It is York City. The first agenda item day greetings and good wishes to a leaders in November will be clearly not only about the per- was crucial: the city of New York special person whose life encom- on the topic of «Practising a sonal quest for answers. What withdrew the tax­exempt status passes crucial turning points in culture of conversation». There are the motions about? of the building; taxation would be the 20th century and into the 21st will be a facilitator who will How can the motions and $ 20'000 yearly. The Council decided century. | Virginia Sease, Emerita practise this with the group those who submit them, the that the center of the Society would Member Executive Council, General leaders. membership and the Executive need to be sold! In this situation Anthroposophical Society, Goethea- The agm, with its inspiring Council contribute to a situ- Traute Page contributed calmness, num, Dornach presentation of initiatives in ation where we are working insight into the feelings of the mem- the various countries and the together on the future while bers and experience with govern- 1. See "being human", ed. John solid support for Justus Wittich being aware that a living being ment regulations. Beck, quarterly publication of as an Executive Council mem- stands behind the Anthropo- This difficult decision was placed the Anthroposophical Society in America, Spring issue 2019 ber, has made many members sophical Society? These are before the membership at the Annu- feel more optimistic and en- unresolved questions that al General Meeting in May 1981and Image Traute Page hanced the impression that should be worked on in some the Council invited the Vorstand to the Anthroposophical Society form because they have such a participate in this meeting and the Source: printed with permission of the German Foreign Office/ can be strengthened when the strong impact. | Heike conference "Hearts are Beginning to Amy Weaver membership and the Oberschelp, Hanover (de) Have Thoughts". The Goetheanum Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 5/18 | 11

■ Antroposophical Society

30 April 1946 • 12 March 2019 We have been informed that the following 48 members have crossed the threshold of death. In their remem- Jaime Padró brance we are providing this information for their Jaime Padró devoted his life to friends. | Membership Office at the Goetheanum Anthroposophia. It was his ideal to make the working of this be- Sonja Zimmermann Radebeul (de) 8 October 2017 ing experienceable through inner Helen Holloran Rochester/ny (us) 30 November 2017 practice. He wanted to make it Jánosné Földes Budapest (hu) in 2017 possible for everyone to find their Dorothea Pollok Überlingen (de) 16 December 2018 individual access to Rudolf Steiner. Marilou Coats Chattanooga/tn (us) 17 December 2018 He studied thinking and perception, Martina Polo Treviso (it) 11 January 2019 seeking to bring both together – as Anneke Wijnbergh Zeist (nl) 13 January 2019 the seed of reality. Greet Crum Maarssen (nl) 17 January 2019 Christoph Schenk Wesenberg (de) 18 January 2018 Overcoming national egotisms Rian Lapré Son (nl) 25 January 2019 As a pioneer of the anthroposophi- Timothy Mowrey Dallas/tx (us) 28 January 2019 cal movement in Spain he decided light in his soul enhanced his work Juske Manssen Leersum (nl) 2 February 2019 against a secure existence and de- of nurturing what is good, of nur- Ine Krijgsman Nieuwekerk aan den Ijsse (nl) 7 Feb. 2019 voted himself to the spiritual world, turing love. This light quality was Nelly Gravestein Sneek (nl) 8 February 2019 to love and to the studies required always visible in his eyes. Jacobus Gelaudie Haarlem (nl) 11 February 2019 to understand them. One of his A few days before he passed away, Boudewijn Wilmar Nuenen (nl) 18 February 2019 foremost concerns was a spiritu- he quoted enthusiastically from Ru- Euphemia te Riele Beverwijk (nl) 24 February 2019 ally and culturally united Europe dolf Steiner’s book The Threshold Hans Neumann Berlin (de) 5 March 2019 and he therefore set out to explore of the Spiritual World (ga 17), «Love Mária Scherák Budapest (hu) 12. March 2019 the relationships between the folk is experiencing the other in one’s Irmgard Mertens Dörverden (de) 20 March 2019 souls. In his book on the spiritual own soul. […] Love is for us the most Monika Vonarburg Oberwil (ch) 29 March 2019 evolution of the Spanish culture1 important result of our living in the Inger Carlsen Frederiksberg (dk) 2 April 2019 he wrote, «The Spanish folk spirit sensory world. If we penetrate the Frieda Stauffacher Weggis (ch) 3 April 2019 wants to give Europe the spiritual essence of love, of compassion, we Edeltraud Nietz Kassel (de) 9 April 2019 fruits of its work. Its future shape will find that it is the expression of Irene Schalk Nuremberg (de) 9 April 2019 will evolve from a long path towards the spiritual reality in the sensory Elisabeth Allenbach Matten-Interlaken (ch) 11 April 2019 human brotherhood. Europe will ac- world. […] We must also say that Tim Gibbons Hebden Bridge (gb) 11 April 2019 cept this gift if it comprehends that, love awakens the spirit in the sen- Hanni Sommer Binningen (ch) 11 April 2019 once the national egotisms have sory world». Helmut Hoffmann Mesekenhagen (de) 13 April 2019 been overcome, a time will begin Twenty years ago, Jaime Padró Gustaaf Claes Capelle a/d IJssel (nl) 15 April 2019 when the spiritual and the practical founded the Foundation for the So- Hans Haberl Vienna (at) 15 April 2019 life go towards the future together.» cial Arts (Fundación Círculo de Arte Hiltrud Werner Stuttgart (de) 15 April 2019 All his life, Jaime Padró sought to Social). He intended this foundation Mairis Wittkowsky Überlingen (de) 16 April 2019 deepen the theory of knowledge as as a living organism, a school of per- Ingo Craubner Munich (de) 17 April 2019 the key and leitmotif in the search ception, awareness and meditation. Carlo Portner Haldenstein (ch) 17 April 2019 for truth. Based on this solid founda- It was his way of working towards Ingo Hackel Spardorf (de) 18 April 2019 tion, Jaime Padró gave many semi- conscious community building. Volker Kurz Gundelfingen (de) 20 April 2019 nars on the theory of the senses, in |Marta Arahuetes, Jesús Atencia, Mona Jacobi Stuttgart (de) 22 April 2019 which he pursued the building up of Marta Garbayo (es) Elisabeth Oswald St. Gallen (ch) 26 April 2019 the resurrection body described by Gisela Krämer Griesheim (de) 28 April 2019 his teacher Friedrich Benesch. Paul Schweizer Riehen (ch) 28 April 2019 1. Jaime Padró: El devenir espiri- As a master of community build- Donna Martin Thornhill (ca) 29 April 2019 tual de la cultura española : el ing and the reverse cult, Jaime Padró método goetheano en la inte- Peter Matthiessen Herdecke (de) 30 April 2019 discovered again and again images gración de Europa Volker Zielonka Bautzen (de) 30 April 2019 from the non-sensory world which Maria Schütz Vienna (at) 2 May 2019 he passed on to his companions in Erdmute Gustafsson Tumba (se) 2 May 2019 order to prepare them for the task Annemarie König Kilkeel (gb) 3 May 2019 of bringing the other side of the Yarlan De Carvalho Piment Vignate (mi) (it) 3 May 2019 threshold closer to the earth.

Experiencing the other The Membership Office registered 76 new members in April 2019. 45 people left the Society between 13 April His friends often say, «My life is and 10 May 2019. divided in the time before and the time after I met Jaime». A column of 12 | Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 6/19

■ Feature

The great majority of interviewees were critical of religious practices which they linked to ideas of oppression and experiences of institutionally- imposed morality. Nevertheless, young people speak often of a relationship to God, divinity or spirituality, as something that has meaning for them. On the search for a deeper knowledge of oneself they have engaged in activities such as specific spiritual paths, meditations, rituals and even substance use. According to them, experi- ences of this sort offer a space for self-reflection and questions about the nature of life, humanity, and human relationships. Social Study ‹(Re)Search› on the spiritual striving of youth Integrating pluralities and differences Always developing Interviewees spoke of relationships as one, if not Since 2017, a team of young researchers has put this question to their generation peers: the most, significant aspect of their present real- What would the world look like in 2030 if what lives within you becomes a reality? What ity. This includes their relationship to themselves, will you do to make it happen? A first report based on the answers of young people from which according to interviewees, influences the 23 different countries has now been published. way in which they connect with others. A strong sense of togetherness arises when relationships One of the objectives of this study is to learn For these young people, reality asks us to based on the sharing of ideas, questions and about youth’s experiences of reality. For this, confront a world of polarities, differences and aspects relating to all of human nature. young researchers carried out in-depth inter- multiculturalism. To meet this request, they start They often maintain a reflective attitude views that allow participants to reflect upon by looking at their own national, cultural and towards their relationships, as if seeking to life experiences and wishes and hopes for the ancestral heritage. In most interviews, personal constantly learn through trial and error. This future with a peer. origins are explored and described with light- leads them to form ever evolving bonds with the The first phase of the research consisted of ness and acceptance, even in those cases where people they share experiences with. The values 40 interviews with people aged 18–35 from 23 challenging origins are present. It is clear that which they identified to be vital for meaningful countries and a variety of cultural backgrounds. young people are actively enquiring and seeking relationships include authenticity, honesty and During interviews, it was up to the young people for an understanding of their origins and how transparency, all of which lead to good commu- to choose the topics of discussion. In the re- these have contributed to their identity building. nication, which for them is at the base of mean- sulting dialogues we identified some universal This is even more apparent amongst those with ingful relationships. They also seek to learn ways themes appearing across interviewees’ testimo- mixed nationalities. «I don’t define myself as if I to integrate pluralities and differences as they nies: origins, education, profession, spirituality were from a specific part of the world because I strive for acceptance out of the understanding of and relationships. feel from the whole world», said an 18 year-old the «otherness». A strong sense of togetherness Bolivian woman. arises when relationships are able to be based Space for our own questions on the sharing of ideas, questions and aspects One of the first observations is that these young Being seen and understood relating to all of human nature. people perceive life as an ever-changing, trans- With regard to education, some interviewees Participants were not interested in ready- formative experience that requires constant linked a positive educational experience with the made solutions or quick fixes to personal and awareness of self and others, as well as constant feeling of being ‹seen› and understood by teach- world-problems; instead, they expressed a questioning and dialogue with self and the en- ers as an individuality. Particularly (though not need for tools that will enable their thinking to vironment before taking action. We called this exclusively) amongst the interviewees coming encounter the challenges that come to meet a state of ‹Conscious Becoming›: «I think I’m from Asian countries, it was possible to observe them. What lives within these young people really conscious that a human being, as a whole, the challenge that arises when young people is a strong longing to generate life-conditions is developing; and always developing», said a experience a tension between what is expected where it is possible for humanity to act from a 21-year-old woman from Germany. of them by family members in terms of educa- place of awareness and deep knowledge of all Interviewees said that they thrive in environ- tional and career choices, and what they long the factors involved in the challenges we face. ments where there is potential for change and for themselves. For interviewees, it all starts with individual becoming, but reject situations where they are In their profession often they described situa- action. | Andrea de la Cruz Barral, Goetheanum asked to perform finite tasks determined by tions that do not allow them to fully unfold their another, and where there is no space for their interests and potentials, or that do not ensure that own questions to be posed. In a world that is they receive the financial compensation needed ‹(Re)Search› Team Andrea de la Cruz Barral and Ioana Viscrianu. Mentors Constanza Kaliks, perceived to be in constant transformation, how in order to be financially independent from others Pepa and Luis Miguel Barral. Allies Alina Fes- can one generate stability and security? «If ev- (family or the state). There is ‹no-tolerance› for a sler, Janna De Vries, Johannes Kronenberg, Na- erything is moving – and that is OK –, then I have professional setting with a lack of ethics, or where huel Waroquiers and Sibel Caliskan. Web www. to understand what I need in order to navigate meaningful relationships cannot be formed. Images Essential in life: relationships – sharing of views for the through that», said a 29-year-old participant They speak also of the difficulty of combining (Re)Search Project from England. one’s own vocation to their professional reality.