Dynamics of Wetting: from Inertial Spreading to Viscous Imbibition
IOP PUBLISHING JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER J. Phys.: Condens. Matte 21 !"##$% &'&(") !(*++% do,:(#.(#--.#$/*0-$-&."(.&'.&'&(") Dynamics of wetting: from inertial spreading to viscous imbibition L Courbin(,", J C Bird(, M Reyssat( and ! "tone(,* ( S1hoo2 o3 En4,nee ,n4 and A++2,ed S1,en1es5 Ha 6a d Un,6e s,ty5 Ca78 ,d4e5 MA #"(*-5 USA " IPR5 UMR CNRS '"/(5 Ca7+9s Bea92,e95 Un,6e s,t:eRennes (5 */#&" Rennes5 F an1e E-7a,2: hastone;+ ,n1eton.ed9 Recei6ed "# Ap ,2 "##$5 in <nal fo 7 $ J9ly "##$ P982,shed "$ Octo8e "##$ On2,ne at sta1=s.,o+.o 4.JPhysCM."(.&'&(") !bstract >e e+o t the ,n?9en1e o3 the nat9 e o3 8o9nda ,es on the dyna7,1s o3 @ett,n4. >e e6,e@ so7e @o = e1ently +982,shed and h,4h2,4ht ne@ eApe ,7ental obser6ations. O9 paper 8e4ins @,th the s+ ead,n4 o3 d o+s on s98st ates and de7onst ates ho@ the eA+onents o3 the s+ ead,n4 2a@s a e a33e1ted e,the 8y the s9 3a1e 1he7,st y o 8y the d o+2et sha+e. >e then d,s19ss the ,78,8,t,on o3 1o7+2ete2y and +a t,a22y @ett,n4 ?9,ds ,nto 1hanne2s and o6e 7,1 oteAt9 ed s9 3a1es. Start,ng with the one0di7ens,ona2 ,78,8,t,on o3 1o7+2ete2y @ett,n4 2,B9,ds ,n t98es and s9 3a1e teAt9 es5 we sho@ that !,% sha+e 6a ,at,ons o3 1hanne2s 1han4e the +owe 02a@ es+onse o3 the ,78,8,t,on and !,,% the 4eo7et ,1a2 +a a7ete s o3 a s9 3a1e o94hness 1han4e the s+ ead,n4 8eha6,o .
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