FCDH Newsletter Volume 2, Number 3, June 2015

After sixteen years, the day finally came to say good-bye. On Tuesday 12 May, The Hague and Leiden joined forces in a festive farewell to our dean, Professor Jouke de Vries. Under De Vries’ leadership, Campus The Hague developed into a full-fledged seventh faculty of .

Jouke’s farewell party was attended by many visitors from within and outside the University. The assembled company - from dignitaries to former colleagues, and from directors of educa- tion and research institutions in The Hague to the Faculty’s first caretaker - reflected on De Vries’ career in The Hague.

In the Diligentia theatre, a wonderful programme was organised in which every member of Jouke’s extensive network was invited to commemorate his sixteen years in The Hague in the form of an ‘open podium’. The contributions varied from speeches to a song of farewell com- posed by Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. The programme was presented by two talented academic staff members of the Faculty, Caspar van den Berg and Ruth Prins. Jouke was praised for his determination, perseverance, wilfulness, diversity and profound understanding of what matters to the city of The Hague and the University. The Mayor, , present- ed him with the medal of honour of the city of The Hague. The Executive Board of Leiden University offered a PhD position linked to the Jouke de Vries Research Grant.

In the evening, the entire staff of Campus The Hague and Jouke’s family enjoyed an Indone- sian buffet followed by a party where the music was provided by the first secretary of the Faculty, Frank Nodelijk and his band Crazy Friends. The Campus will now for the first time acquire a new dean and administrator. De Vries can look back with pride on what he has achieved in The Hague. In this issue:

 Review departure Jouke de Vries

 Jouke de Vries Research Grant

 New report Daan Wegge- mans & Beatrice de Graaf

 Review anniversary Gala Public Administration

 The Campus in motion

1 Photo-impression departure Jouke de Vries, 12 mei jl. Diligentia Theatre Photographer: Nicole Romijn Make your donation for All pictures are available to watch at Flickr! the Jouke de Vries Research Grant!

The Jouke de Vries Research Grant is an initiative to mark the important role that its namesake Professor Jouke de Vries has held for many years at Campus The Hague, initially as Scientific Director and later as Dean of the Faculty.

The Jouke de Vries Research Grant is being set up to enable a young PhD candidate at Cam- pus The Hague to conduct PhD research on this question. The research will generate con- crete recommendations. Pro- fessor Jouke de Vries will be a member of the PhD Com- mittee.

You can support the Jouke de Vries Reseach Grant by making a contribution via:

Jouke de Vries Research Grant, NL21 RABO 0101314140 in the name of Leiden University, reference Campus The Hague.

2 Anniversary Gala Public Administration Daan Weggemans on recidivism and reintegra- This year the Institute of Public Administration is celebrating its 30th anniversary. To commem- tion of jihadist former orate this a formal ball was organized in cooperation with B.I.L on May 8th in the Nieuwe Kerk detainees in The Hague. Students, alumni, (former) employees and friends of the institute are all invited to join us in the festivities.

Terrorism experts Daan Weggemans (Leiden Universi- ty) and Beatrice de Graaf (Utrecht University) conducted one of the first scientific stu- dies on the societal reintegra- tion of jihadist former de- tainees. They showed that the reintegration process isn't without problems. Their conlu- sions are presented in the re- port "Upon release". (ISBN 9789035248359, only in Dutch)

f.l.t.r. Bestuur BSK; Nadine Stokkink (student-member, Jelmer Schalk, Sandra Groeneveld, Caspar van de Berg, Wanda den Boer

f.l.t.r. Robin van der Zee, Eduard Schmidt, Tanachia Ashikali, Pedro Roco, Wout Broekema, Mark Reijnders, Jan Porth

Daan Weggemans & Beatrice de Graaf

Studentes and old studentes Pubic Administration

3 The Campus in motion Contact us

Activities For more information about the newsletter, please contact Over the last couple of weeks, the opening of the Schouwburgstraat building during the weekends the editors by e-mail. turned out to be a great success. Therefore, the opening hours will be extended. Starting Saturday 30 May 2015, the Schouwburgstraat building will be open from 10.00 to 23.00 hrs. on Saturdays and If you have an interesting arti- Sundays. cle for the newsletter or To ensure that only students of Leiden University make use of the facility, students need to show their LU-card to enter the building during the weekends. If you do not have a LU-card yet, please would like to contribute apply for it here. something on a regular basis, you can e-mail us at: P&O News [email protected] New commuting allowance regulation per 1 June For more information and The Executive Board has recently established a new commuting allowance regulation. Thanks to the new structure, a much larger group of university employees are now entitled to an allowance. In background, visit the faculty addition, the regulation has been simplified. All employees are entitled to an allowance of 7 cent per portal and website: kilometre, with the exception of the first 10 kilometres (20 km round trip) up to a maximum of € 45 per month. The allowance depends on the number of commuting days in the week. All current regu- lations are hereby cancelled, including the 20% allowance for an NS train season ticket and the com- muting allowance on the basis of a table with fixed amounts. A guarantee scheme is however in place, which means that employees retain the right to at least their current amount of commuting allowance. More information (only Dutch)?

New Collective Labour Agreement (cao) for Dutch Universities On Friday 24 April, the parties to the Collective Labour Agreement reached agreement about the definitive text of the cao NU that runs from 1 January 2015 up to and including 1 July 2016. The full text of the cao is available via the staff website.

Started: Johan Christensen - Assistant Professor at Public Administration Jan Pieter Beetz - Lecturer at Public Administration Eline Burgers - Researcher at Public Administration Maud Hachmang - Assistent at Leiden University College


9 juni: [Dutch] Ontmoeting tussen Kunst en Wetenschap met Marileen Dogterom en Francine Hou- ben 16 juni: [Dutch] Bijeenkomst ‘integriteit in Nederland; Wat gaat er mis en wat doen we er aan?’ 22 juni: [Dutch] Haagsch College ‘Waar blijft de macht van Den Haag’ 23 juni: [Dutch] Ontmoeting tussen Kunst en Wetenschap met Bas Haring en Colin Benders (Kyteman) 25 & 26 juni: Lustrum Leiden University 9 juli: Save the date! Reception for all personnel Campus The Hague Submit your own topics? Interested in joining the news- letter editorial board? Send an e-mail message to: Is there an activity or announcement that should be included here? E-mail it to: [email protected] [email protected]

Faculty Campus The Hague Postbus 13228 2501 EE Den Haag 4