0S-JLJL-2004 19'-10 PRIU. OFF. SEC. GEN. NATO 32 2 7074609 P.02/03


SG(2004)0870 °7 J"'V 2004

v "\ I

Many thanks for your recent letter regarding that reached me on the eve of the Istanbul Summit. „ I welcome your thoughts on this important topic which is of highest priority for our two organisations.

You are, of course, aware that Afghanistan figured highly in our discussions at the level of Heads of State and Government We aJso had the honor to welcome President: Rarzai as a speciat guest at the meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. I can confirm that many of the concerns raised in your letter, from security issues to the slow pace of DDR, are shared by Allies and Partners alike^

That said, and following deliberations at highest levels, I am gjad jg^cpnfirm not only NATO's continuing commitment tp,Afghanistan and the°T^AF mission, but also an Increase'"iri the overall level our forces participating in ISAF. At Istanbul, NATO Heads of State "arid "Government approved a major expansion of NATO's role in the country in support of the Afghan authorities and have committed the resources needed to make this mission a success.

In practice.JSAjMs in^he process of establishing a network in the North of the country. This expansion includes the Gnited Kingdom-led Provincial Reconstruction (PRJs) in lyiazar I Sharif^ and Meyrnana, and, in the near future, a.new edrPRTln^ Feyzabad, and a -led PRT in feaghian. Temporary satellite presences at a number of locations in this general area will equally increase ISAF's presence and visibility. NATO is currently also engaged in filling the requirements for expansion of ISAF to the West of the country, with details to be finalised in due course.

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - Organisation du TraH)i.de 1'Adantique Nord Boulevard Leopold III - B-l 110 Bruxelles - Eclgique Tcl.: +32 2 707 49 17 - Fax: +32 2 707 46 66 08/07 '04 THU 13:11 [TX/RX NO 8824] i]002 32 2 7074609 P.03/03 0e-JL)L-2004 191-10 PRIU. OFF. SEC. GEN. NATO

Finally, following President Karzai. the Alliance and ISAF will assist wrth H ^ctigrsupport. within meansy an^n.f\d capabilities/%*ar**^i^lllfi^c-, an*a«*"dl witIk^i-flht ••fhthe^ understandinI fc*-\j-JaRe»+*?sr-u'-J ir%«^gi tha+l-»»^-tf Th -H-i^rei '• primary~respbnsibilky for overall security during this process rests with the Afghan authorities. Again, in practice, support will be provided through the temporary .1 aumentation of each ISAF-led PRT. a quick reaction force in theatre, anH aririitjgpai /I hat could move into theatre at Quick notice. ISAF will share!/' geographic responsibilities for election support with the US-led Coalition .

At the same time, I note that ISAF's enhanced capabilities for the election process // will be time-limited although the deployment of additional forces will occur in a timely i 1 fashion in the run-up to the actual vote. We are therefore ajting^confirrnatioji.bv j / anH FH ithorif i«g ffl ,.., . Equally, Trom a I / "IslA'fO perspective, the success of the electoral process is not exclusively related to security matters but is rather dependent on a multilateral effort by different actors, including the Afghan authorities and several international players and organisations, with their own respective responsibilities.

Looking ahead, NATO will continue to keep Afghanistan at the top of its priorities. |l. am also pleased that we have been able to establish close co-ordination and consultation mechanisms in theatre between ISAF and the office of the NATO Senior Civilian Representative, and UNAMA, respectively.

I am looking forward to staying in touch on these issues.


Jaap de Roop Scheffer

His Mr Kofi A. Annan Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters United Nations Plaza 2 New York 10017 U.S.A. Fax: 001 2129632155

-2- TOTfiL P. 03 08/07 '04 THU 13:11 [TX/RX NO 8824] *


6 July 2004

Dear Mr. President,


assurances of

A. Annan

His Excellency Mr. Mihneao £laon Motoc jp) i 0 E 1 V E JUL -6 2004 1 EOSG / CENTRAL Note to Mr. Riza Z If - / 00 fO NATO Report on ISAF Operations

Please find a cover note to the President of the Security Council conveying the NATO report, dated 21 June 2004, regarding Afghanistan ISAF operations for the Secretary- General's signature.

larie Guehenno /July 2004 '4-


25 June 2004

Dear Mr. Secretary- General,

I write to you in advance of the forthcoming meeting in Istanbul of the Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), at the level of Heads of State and Government, to seek your support in meeting urgent needs in Afghanistan.

Over the past two years, very significant advances have been made in Afghanistan, with the strong assistance of the international community. This included most recently the successful Constitutional Loya Jirga that concluded on 4 January 2004, which has laid foundations for further progress.

The holding of planned presidential and parliamentary elections would represent a further vital step in Afghanistan's political development, and would help pave the way for lasting stability in the country and within the neighbouring region. However, the achievability of this goal and indeed the sustainability of all of the gains made to date are in question, unless additional assistance by the international community is swiftly made available.

The most pressing concern is the security situation in Afghanistan. Violence is occurring in areas of the country previously judged to be safe, and international and humanitarian workers appear to be increasingly targeted, hampering the humanitarian relief efforts and preparation for elections. While this violence threatens the electoral process itself, the negative influence of local militias, jeopardizes the legitimacy of the democratic exercise. Although some progress has been made toward the cantonment of heavy weapons, programmes for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration have otherwise made little progress, and the goal of 40 per cent disarmament of militias by the end of June, agreed upon as a benchmark for the elections by the Afghan Government and international community in Berlin earlier this year, will not be met.

His Excellency Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer JUN 2 8 2004 Secretary-General North Atlantic Treaty Organisation EOSG / CENTRAL IS"

An immediate and substantial increase in the presence of international military on the ground would make an essential contribution toward stabilization and improvement of the situation. In this connection, it had been foreseen that five additional Provincial Reconstruction Teams would be deployed in the north in advance of elections, together with the additional forces and resources needed to provide a safe environment for the electoral process. Given the recent deterioration in security in Afghanistan, it is vital that these deployments take place as soon as possible.

I would be grateful if you would share my concern with the Member States of NATO, that without further efforts at the highest political level to address these security needs, the viability of the electoral process remains in doubt. I would like to make a personal appeal for your leadership to help ensure that these requirements are addressed during the forthcoming summit meeting in Istanbul, and that Afghanistan receives the support it requires to make progress toward lasting stability, and a better future for its people.

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan