V o l. 8.—N ew Se r ie s . ROCKLAND, , TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1889. N umber 24.

HOW IT STANDS wages are paid, recognizing their labor organi­ EDITORIAL CHAT. NEW ENGLAND OIL STOVES, zations and studying tbeir various needs and no IT W ILL PAY YOU The Maine Granite Cutters and Their employer need fear any direful results as the The Woodruff and the Maine Stain State Bill of Prices. opponents of such organizations so gloomily should hitch horses. They would make a good CLOTHING HOUSE! WINDOW SCREENS, predict.’’ team as professional state’s evidence men. Woodruff’s stories are now labelled as his Ever since the granite cutters of Maine have THAT RAILROAD. — DEALERS IN — N ot only to read this advertise­ Hammocks & Ice Cream Freezers been fully organized they have been “latest confession." in the habit ol drawing up an agreement, Warren and Her Opportunity —Points or as they term it, a bill of Worth Considering. The efforts of the venerable President Cheney Clothing, Hats, Caps, ment, but to profit by it, by

Governor Burleigh and council visited Rock­ MEN AND WOMEN. | imprisonment for life for killing his mistress. land and Thomaston last week and were evi­ Lawrence is a fine looking man and has been a dently pleased with the looks ot this section of Personal Paragraphs oi More or L ess good convict. He testified that he was drunk the state. Thursday morning, on their way to Interest to Our Readers. when he shot the woman. He was sentenced H? GALLERT’S E.6.HASTINGS Fred Simonton is home from B iwdoin. to be hanged, but this was afterward commuted BARGAINS! Thomaston they inspected our quarries in which they were vt ry much interested. ' he Frank Andrews has returned from Orono. to life imprisonment. Lawrence was a gallant governor, council and staff arc planning to he Hon. Joseph Farwell of Thorn llkq is in the soldier nml has laid up about $1000. He says WILL SELL city. if pardoned lie would be a good citizen. He is present at the li ay Point opening, July 10th. George Spear is home from Worcester, BARGAINS The governor was greatly interested in the Mass. in charge of the laundry department of the home of Knox and expressed regret that the Reuben Brainard of Belfast was in the city prison and lives in a little hut near the wash old Knox mansion should have been des­ last week. house. He was 00 years old last February. THIS WEEK: troyed. M rs. A. C. Hamilton has returned from His parting remark was, that if the State owes OF Lawrence, Mass. a favor to anyone it certainly is to the old Paving will go to Lindsey and Park streets. J. I’. Cilley, Jr., was home from Bowdoln soldier. TWO DIFFERENT DAYS O ne case 'Tis well. It's high time now to begin a little College last week. Eldridge Stone of St. George wanted agitation with reference to the straightening of Theodore McIntosh is recovering from a his sentence of five years commuted. He MERIT! Sea street and the paving thereof. The street can fortnight’s sickness. Charles S. Dennis of Boston has been the burglarized a Rockland stnrc and stoic silk now lie widened and paved without too great guest of Chas. T. Spear. handkerchiefs. He thought his punishment CH A L L IE S’ expense, and another summer should see it Mrs. C. E. Sturtevant of Augusta is visiting excessive, and presented a petition for commu­ FIFTEEN PIECES done. A great many people who come here in her old borne in this city. tation signed by prominent citizens of the the boats and are obliged to wait over,walk up Mr. Wm.H. Harrington from Allston.Mass , was in the city last week. town. Sea street a few rods, see nothing ahead but Charles II. Keenan, the prison tailor, serv­ Woolen Dress Goods, more crooks and dilapidated dwellings, return Mrs. Louise Furbiish returned Tuesday from In RtylcR 36 inchpn wide, the At 5c. Per Yard. a visit to Rochester, Mass. ing a life sentence for killing n man in Port­ to the boat discouraged, and thus carry away FULLER regular 50c quality, at Chas. Messer and wife of Union were guests land. wanted to get out. He is now serving very dismal impressions of our front-family of It. W. Messer last week. the 23d year of his sentence. He killed the city. There is an immense amount of traffic Ralph E. Baker and wife of Bath have been man In a drunken fight. lie is 47 years old, 2 5 c y d . on this road ar.d the neetl for the two improve­ visiting a few days in town. served in the navy and came out of a rebel ments suggested—straightening anti paving—is M rs. Clementine Higgins ol M l. D esert is prison to enter the State prison. He has a pen­ One-half case urgent. ______visiting her son, V. E. Higgms. sion of $8dollars a month ; has saved $500 and Mrs. B. F. French retnrniWhome last week wants to go into the tailor business. He has All Woolen Serges, HAD A GOOD TIM E. from an extended visit in Boston. 40 Inchon wide, nt Mrs. Norcross of Hallowell Is visiting her been a good convict, and lias saved the Slate a The following Knox County ladies attended sou W. F. Norcross, 118 Broadway. great deal of money. Qoods! the State Convention, W. S. It. C., in Water­ Mrs. John Tillock of Bucksport is visiting Walter Eaton of Bucksport, sentenced for 4 7 c . i d . her daughter, Mr-. David A. Friend. ville last week, returning Thursday evening ten years in 1837 for obstructing a railroad, Mrs. Samuel Roge’s, Miss Lana Rogers and wanted to go home to take care of his mother. well phased with their trip: Mrs Simon Blake are visiting in Hillsboro, 30 in. wide, Rockland, Mrs. J. E. Rhodes. Mrs. Jona. N. B. He is 19 years old and not a bad looking boy. Silk Plushes, Crockett. Mrs M A. Austin, Mrs. Dr. Wil­ Mbs Alia J. Simonton is visi’lng in Water­ He is n good mechanic and works In the fur­ liams, Mrs. It H. Burnham, Mrs. Wm. Steele, niture shop. COBB’S. ville, the guest of Miss li ittle V. Hall. S irs. John Simpson. Camden, Mrs. C. L. Pascal and Mrs. Calvin Packard of Hud-on. Mass . visited Lewis Hopkins of Albion, sentenced in Jan­ 47c vd. Fuller. relatives ami friends In town last week. uary, 1881, for seven years for manslaughter, At gc. Per Yard. Union, Mrs. Beni. Burton. Mrs. II A. Mrs. E. W. Pendleton and Mrs.E. M. Perry an old Indian being the victim, wanted to get Hawes, Mrs. a. P. Robbins, Mrs. Geo. Stone, have been visiting friends in Lincolnville. out this summer. His term expires in Decem­ Miss Alice Thompson. Miss K. A. Jeffery avis called to Hyde Park, ber and he wanted to get out now to get clothes B atiste, Appleton, Mrs. M. F. llanly, Mrs. Mary Mass., Friday.by the drowning ot her nephew. Sample pieces of these goods aud the like, as the prospect for a man in Maine Wide goods, worth 25c, nt Hamlin. Mrs Maria L. Burns of Maulewood, Mass , is visiting Mr-. I.. C. llaii'li, Ingraham's in the middle of the winter without employ­ to be seen in our North win­ FIX IN G UP. Hill. ment under the new tramp law, is not cheer­ 12->c yd. Mrs. lletia Giltnun of Medfield, Mass,, is ing. Hopkins says he wants to go to Fort dow this week. A. 1). Bird is making great improvements visiting Mrs. William Thompson, Middle I’ayne, Alabama, where things are booming, about his premises.... A handsome iron fence street. lie was a member of the Company II., 19th improves the appearance of the Merrill house, Mrs. Ella Fendcrson sailed for corner Main and Granite streets... .Capt. Europe Saturday, June 13th on the Gurnard Maine. Hopkins did gallant service at the Turkey Red Table E. A. Butler is having his grounds tastily steamship Catalonia. time of the recent fire in the prison and saved graded... .Beech street is being materially im­ i r i i i j , proved by having a gutter dug on the northern Walter V. Wentworth is home from Ticon­ considerable property. He has two children In our south window we side and the road bed graded.... Earth is deroga, N. Y. lor a vis.t to his parents, T. A. whom he has helped to support since in prison Cloth, being removed from the path of flic pavers Wentworth aud wife. by his pension money. and dumped into the gulleys in the recently True P. Pierce, esq., of tills city and J. H. Jeremiah McGillieuddy of Lewiston, aged shall show 50 pieces of Double accepted extension of Summer street ...... Montgomery, esq , of Camden has been attend­ H. <3. Hall,'corner of Broadway and Middle ing law court in Bangor. 73 years, stated that he was sentenced for live 25c. yd. W id th streets, is having a handsome job of grading Edwin Chit It.wife and daughter of Brockton, years for manslaughter and had been in nine JUNE 2 6 , done on Ills premises...... A. C. an I Isaac Mass., arc visiting Mr. Clark's parents, Joseph months, lie was sick and wanted to spend ♦ Gav have had the sidewalk raised in front of Clark and wile, Grace sired. their residence, the grounds terraced and the few days left him on earth with his family. Mrs. Herbert Donnel of Lynn, Mass., who He is un inoffensive appearing old man nnd other general improvements carried out...... has been visiting her father, Geo. Cabico re­ Persian Curtain Dra­ Dress Goods! E. B. Spear's new house, Middle street, is pleaded his case earnestly. He has 12 children W e shall sell a lot of nearly completed and the grounds are being turned to her home last week. laid out....The Singhi house on Lisle street Mrs. Benjamin F. Smith an 1 Miss Smith of now living, having brought them over to this has l«ien painted pea green----Edward Hard­ Warrenton will lie at home to iheir friends country in three lots. peries, which we shall offer at the low ing is tuning up his new house lot by grading, Thursdays in July and August from 3 to G The Governor and Council dined with War­ W orth 20 cents per yard, at etc. o’clock. den Allen, and then took the noon train for price of Mrs. Sprague and son Ernest of Scarstnont Augusta. They stopped at Waldoboro for a 10c. PUBLIC DAY. and .Ve''i-Carter and Mrs. II. Thorndike and grandaughter oi South Hope are visiting at L. few minutes to inspect the quarry from which NOTTINGHAM S. Robinson’s. the stone is being quarried for the addition to The closing exercises of the Lincoln St. I. T. Lovejoy and wife of Hotel North, the State House. The stone is a handsome Grammar Scho >1 wdl occur on Friday after­ Augusta, were In the city Friday, en route for Castine, where they assume charge of the fine grained rock, closely resembling the Hal­ Lace Curtains, 2 5 c . Per Yard. noon. June 28th. Parents and friends are Acadia House lor the summer. lowell stone. Thirty men are employed at cut­ cordi illy invited to be ptesent. The program Hr. F.E.Hitchcock and wife left on the early ting. The governor was well pleased with the LACE will be as follows train yesterday morning for Newport, It. I., looks of the stone. 87c. pr. Some of these goods are Better grades at the lowest prices. Slngirg by the School. where ihe doctor attends the session of the r 1st, A rithm etic, American Medical Association. marked down from 50c ar.d Class work, /2nd, Grainiinir C. C. Hill and family of San Francisco are < 3rd, Geography visiting Mrs. Hill's old home at Tenant’s Singing by the School. 62 l-2c a yard, and at 25c will Recitation, Annie Frost Harbor, the residence of Capt. Jackson Watts. SAMPLES! Table Oil Cloth Sandalphon, They have not been east for eleven years. Maggie Cleveland, Beasln Lawry, Rose B 11. Andros and wife went to Gardiner Thurs­ BEST Wall, Sadie Thomas, Margie bhercr, be found a great bargain. Maud Brackett, Faonle Bunker. day, to attend the graduating exercises of Mr. 12‘c yd. Piano Solo, Maggie Flanagan Andros’ son. Stephen Osgood Andros from tho r lHt, L an g u ag e Gran mar School. Master Andros leads his Class work, ' 2nd, History class. .W'fli ( 3rd, Arith. J. T. Young leaves In a week or so for Marl­ St. Louis Roller Flour Binging. Best English Silesia, P aper, Charles McLoon boro, Muss., where he will build a house and We are showing this week ra Piauo Solo, Ferd Slrghi reside with his son Jesso who has been em­ P aper, Bessie Hull ployed there for some time. Mr. Young is one Paper, Laura Fish of our best known and most respected citizens, 121c yd. new line of Recitation, Grace Witham and a teacher of note. A great many people $ 5 .2 5 . A Medley Exercise, Boys of 1st Class regret his departure. In the proper place will he found the notice of ihe marriage of W. II.Spaulding, formerly These are all of the patterns CLOSING OUT! FOR JOHNSTOWN. of tills city, now of Waltham, Mass., to Miss The Best Flour offered in this city Black Silk Fish Nets Nellie Anstress Hook of Charlestown. Mr. Edwin Libby Post, G. A. R., at a recent Spaulding is the son of Capt. Edward Spaul­ styles. We shall commence O N E L O T O F meeting sent a sum of money to Johnstown. ding of Ingraham Hill’s. He graduated from For Butter Milk Bread Mixing, The latest thing for lacc dress­ our High School , class of '78, and is a smart, Pa., in answer ttyan appeal from Commander capable and honorable young man. to sell them at 9 o’clock A. M. Drew. The Post has also Just sent money to We sincerely wish the happy couple a long life Gent’s Fancy Shirts, es. Also a lot of Stripe Laces Laundered, reduced in prl aid a Virginia Post that was burned out. of prosperity. $ 6 .0 0 . from $1.00 to A correspondent of the Camden Herald in a for $1.50 per yard. readable letter on “Simonton’s Corner” has the SHE CAN’T HELP IT. following: “That old school house gave to the 50c. city of Rockland two of her smartest liusiness Fancy Rio Coffee! “ I wish you'd either get Tub C -G. out ear­ men, Theodore and Fred Simonton, who left their boyhood homes rich in energv, enterprise lier or later," said a suhseriber, Friday. “ It mid ambition, aided only by their inherited O N E L O T O F gets to the house about the middle of Tuesday business tact, uud gentlemanly bearing, they W e have just closed out from afternoon, my wife sits down to read it and the gradually rose from clerks to efficient, success­ 28 CTS. consequence is that my supper Is an hour late ful business men.” Boys’ Waists, a New York cloak manufac­ every Tuesday!" The Bluehill brought the following passen­ gers from Pulpit Harbor Monday of las: week. — — -— ------Mrs. J.T.Coombg,Mrs.Isaac Bnwn.Mrs. Cyrus CI I A ST. SPEA R H iy Morning, A'‘’5c. turer all his samples of Carver and sister Addic Carver, Lizz'e and CUSHING'S CELEBRATION. Alice Beverage, Hanson Crockett en route for Augusta, John C. Waterman mid wife enroute The town of Cushing will celebrate her cen­ for Union where they will be the guests 295 297 Main St., Rockland. tennial the Fourth of July with appropriate of Cant, and Mrs. Henry Sleeper. Mrs.Coomlis Egyptian Lace, SPRING JACKETS! ceremonies. There will he an oration by IL and Mrs. Brown were the guest of Miss Carrie In cream ar.d beige, 0 inches M. Lord of this city, poem and historical ud- Pillsbury while in the city. They went to wide, at Camden Tuesday noon on the Rockland. dresses by Rev. J. Dana Payson of Union and JUNE 27, There are among the lot some Capt. Hanson Gregory, Jr., or Rockland F. B. Miller, esq., of Cushing, and others. spent Sunday in this city with his daughter, 8c. yd. Ingraham's Band of this city will be present. Mrs. A. W. Hull. Capt. Gregory is largely very handsome styles; sizes run The arrangements are In the hands of an elil- interested in some recent improvements In electrical dynamos ami motors for lighting, in At 9 o’clock A. M„ we shall [>ace FlOUllCillgS, mostly in 34 and 36. W e shall cient committee. the development and perfecting of which he Cushing was incorporated Jan. 28, 1789, hut has been engaged with the inventor, Daniel commence to sell a lot of | __ . _ it was decided to observe the day on the glori­ Higham, in for three years past. sell them for just ous Fourth. These improvements include a new method of constructing armatures whereby the “resist­ 25c, 40c, 60c. ance” is lessened and “sparkling" prevented Worth twice uh much. BAY PO INT. and the cost of the power much reduced. They also include an automatic process by which 50 Cents on the Dollar, the power is graduated to ibc number of lights This Elegant Summer Home to be in u circuit, it is claimed that Ihe various im­ Opened With Great Eclat. provements in the generation and distribution Round Tables Hamburg Flouncings Making them the cheapest lot ol the current under the Highuiii inventions The several committees who have the July will reduce the cost nearly one half. The Across the Street! loth affair at Bay Point in band have been "Higham Electric Light Companv” lias been of Jackets ever offered in this busily at work and everything points to one of organized with a capital of $2,000,000, and 50c., 75c. arrangements are being made fora pr

The Mountain View, House Camden than THE SHOOTISTS. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. CAMDEN u*«. We do uol muke or sell pany. The Belfast Republican Journal of this S iil man —Waldoboro, June 11, Charles Shuman, merits of these Celebrated Soaps we the graduating exercises. aged 65 years. CUE 11* Flrett ork«. COBB, WIGHT & CO., Rockland, Mo1 week has the following concerning them : W h it m o r e —Oceanvilie, Deer Isle, June 10, No other goods compare with their excellence ni offer you a sample or Introductory The Royal Society of Good Fellows is now The Atkinson & Cook Company, now play­ William Whitmore, aged 70 years. original combinations, artistic designs, duration of H o w a rd —North Deer isle, June 9, Hannah, color und variety of material. Thousands of cus­ fully organized, and launches out onto the sea ing a week's engagement at the Belfast Opera wife of Amos Howard, aged 87 years. tomers in New England have endorsed their merit CAUTION. Package containing 45 cents worth of life with the following officers: Ruler, A. House, has already strengthened the good im­ W h it m o r e —Deer Isle, June 9, Seth Whitmore, since our first introduction of them, lo r the Season pressions made on a former visit. The com­ aged 62 years, 2 months, 22 days. of 1889 they arc the best we cun make. We hereby uollfy our patrons and frleoda and H. Jones; Instructor, J. B. Howard; Councillor, pany is certainly an excellent one, and the star. ARROTT—Drowued at Vineyard Haven, Mass., A direct order to us ttuvva the purchaser50 other* in Rockland. Cumdeu ui.d surrounding of Soap for only 25 cents. jpeeutly, date uncertain, Thomas F. Abbott, of per cent, mi retail privets, freight ami exprvhtt towns in Knox und Lincoln Counties, that Henry F. D. Healey; Fast Ruler, R. 11. Burnham; Mr. Thomas E. Shea, is a talented and versatile K. Genthner of Nobleboro, is not iu our employ, actor. The opening play was “ Monte Cristo,” Vinalhaven. a native of Rockland, seaman on charge* also. Secretary, Oliver Otis; Financial Secretary, schooner Elbridge Gerry, aged about 40 years. Send for descriptive Catalogue, and get your and any orders given him will not be supplied from II. F. Robert s; Treasurer, R. A. Urie; Frelater, and it was presented in a very satisfactory man­ SMITH—Cambridge, Mass., June 15, Anna M-, order in early to rvoid disappointment. Address, ihe Fonthill Nur«triea. ner to u good audience- Tuesday evening the STONE fc WELLINGTON. Nurserymen. A. C. Everett; Director, A. C. Hamilton; widow of the late Ralph Smith, aged 93 years, bill was “Liverpool by Night/’ and this thrilling Il mouths, 15 da>s. M asten <& W ells, N. B. Our patrons will oblige u» by re»aining Guard, O. L. Bartlett; Sentry, C. E. Bicknell; drama was admirably given. Pulpit Hurbor, North Haven, June 18, Nora, their orders for our duly accredited renreaentutive, Bicknell Tea Co. wife of William Brown. Manufacturers, Etc., who will soon call on you with a lull Hue of »u>ek. Trustees, F. W. Wight, F. J- Simonton, F. 11. Large audiences should greet them as they J91NRAR —W arren, Ju n e 19, Mary E., wife of STONE 6c WELLINGTON. Berry. deserve them. Austin A. Dunbar, aged 35 years, 7 mouths, 16 days 18 Hawley, near Milk St., Boston. Mass. Montreal, Canada, June II, 1889. 23-25 398 MAIN STREET.



Avoid whispering in the sick room. Fdgnr L. Wnkenxn writing to the A People Who Sing and Play From Chicago Intor-Ocean from Valentin Childhood to Old Age. IS YOUR Ammonia affords speedy relief when Ireland, gives a very entertaining ac­ bitten by a misqnilo or spider. Chicago Inter-Ocean. count of the typical Irish fisherman and There is, perhaps, no country in the To remove grease spots from papered his surroundings. Old World where the notion and appre­ BAKING POWDER walls,try rubbing the spots with a piece Thus lie speaks of tlie interior of a ciation of music are so widespread ns in nf flannel, moistened with spirits of fisher’s cot:—And yet how little served this. Every Belgian, from the most wine. these quaint folks Inlly. There was not heavy looking peasant lo tlie most re­ a chair within the cabin. Two stone fined among tile upper ten thousand, PURE? Young poke sprouts are said to be "strangers’ seats,” one nt either side of good boiled like asparagus and eaten has learned how to sing or play on some Do its Manufacturers Publish all the chimney, and a few rude stools string, wood, or brass instrument, and with salt, pepper and vinegar, or with answered in good stead. A bunk against the Ingredients Used? drawn butter. the reason why is very curious. It lies tlie wall was tlie lied of tlie fisherman in tlie political organization of tlie 18 IT FREE FROM AMMONIA? Upon rising, open the bed and the and liis wife. Tlie bouchaieens am country and tlie unlimited freedom of windows. A daily fresh-air bath is as girslias slept upon the floor of the lult Vito As is well known, ammonia is unhealth- assoc ntion vouchsafed to its citizens. ful in food, and dries up the bread necessary for bed linen as a weekly Their only mirrors were each other’s King Leopold’s subjects have always material. cleansing. eyes. One table of heavy deal stood been so accustomed lo dull together Protection to consumers of food com­ beneath the window. One cupboard that tlie lialiit lias giown into a down­ pounds lies in their ability to choose In making a mustard plaster the mus­ made by a little recess in tlie wall, and tard should he mixed will) the while of right want; ami tlie result is tliat there those made from healthful substances. anotlier of nncient Irish oak. easily held are no fewer than 35,009 associations of Unless manufacturers publish just what an egg; it will draw perfectly, but will all the household scant though prized not produce a blister, no matter how nil kinds in a country numbering no their baking powder is made of, do not belongings. One or two case-knives, more than 6,500,000 inhabitants. Tlie use their goods, but buy instead long it is allowed to remain upon the several fish-knives used in cleaning fish part. Belgians meet together for tlie mere and in al! seafaring work, two or three sake of meeting; those who are at tlieir CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR The letters may be obliterated on a earthen bowls, a pewter mug for the wit’s ends to discover an object meet to The Chief ItenRon for the marvellous suc­ flour sack by first dipping the sack in rare treat of sugar, one modern tin pan, cess of flood’H Sarsaparilla Is found In the fact make puns or to invent practical jokes, that this medicine actually accomplishes all BAKING POWDER. iV)kl water and letting it soak fifteen a huge pewter basin, and two or three anytliing for a pretext to start a society; that Is claimed for It. Its real merit has won This powder is made only of strictly pure minutes; then soap it well, and let it saucers, comprised all the ware for the but the larger number come together to grape cream of tartar, and strictly pure soak a little longer, and when it has table tlie fisher family posessed. Besides learn vocal or instrumental music where­ Merit Wins a popularity and sale bicarbonate of soda, with a little wheat been washed through one water it is these, there were a lew of those rare old with to charm tlie “ savage breasts" greater than that of any other blood purifier. Hour to preserve it. This is attested by the ready to be boiled. Irish mothers, or square drinking-cups It cures Scrofula, all Humors, Dyspepsia, etc. mentioned by Sliakcspere. I have olteu Prepared only by C. I. Mood & Co., Lowell, Man. othcinl analyses of Government and State carved out of solid wo id. These arc remarked witli amusement the wonder­ chemists, and physicians, and chemists of A writer in recommending the use of precisely the same as those used in Erin Boards of Health throughout the country, j onions says During unhealthy seasons ing looks of Americans or other strangers twenty centuries ago. A strong hot or in Brussels at tlie sight of ill clad native Cleveland Brotukbs, Alban y, N. Y. when diphtheria and like contagions tub, hud its place beneath the table. z\ diseases prevail, onions ought to be roughs singing as they march pa t will) schrahag, or fiat osier basket with a sweetness and ensemble tliat would do eaten in the spring of the year at least narrow sides, always held the boiled once a week. Onions are invigorating credit to tlie most select of professional potatoes at tlie meal. And the choirs. Not a single hamlet, perhaps, anil prophylactic beyond description. cooking utensils were the same, and as I P YOU TRY TO USE THE SAME To­ Further, I challenge the medical frater­ throughout Flanders or tin; Walloon few, as were used by tin; peasantry provinces could be found without its ll BACCO FOR BOTH CHEWING ANC nity or any mother to point out a place since there were such in Ireland. where children have died from diphtheria brass band, and no bund, cither, could SMOKING, YOU'LL HAVE EITHER Of the fisheries lie says: The Irish be found tliat does not seize every possi­ or scarlatina anginosa, etc., where onions fleet, including possibly 100 Isle of Man A POOR CHEW OR A POOR SMOKE. were freely used." ble opportunity to “air its talents,” com­ boats of from twenty to sixty tons each, peting for and gaining prizes in interna­ IF YOU CHEW,______with crews of seven men and little en­ A wooden coffin lias been discovered tional festivals, executing bridal hymns gines for “shooting" and liauliiig the in nuptial processions, deatli marches at in the oryt ol the parish church of seines, comprises about 22o0 boats. Tlie Linares, in Spain, bearing the /allowing funerals, or political anthems in tiie ONLY QE T R y greater portion of these are the open midst of the most stormy political dem­ pNZER’S THE ( Perfect Substitute strange inscription: ‘'Herein lies the "Kerry yawlers,” twenty-eight feet iu V M A D E B Y pretended corpse of Francisco Pizarro.” onstrations. A burlesque is at present J U F using keel, four and one-half leet in the beam, being performed at one of tin; Brussels Y ONLY I for Mother's Milk. It was found to contain a corpse which of the same depth, and carrying a crew had been carefully “mummified,” and theatres in which one of these bands is A Quickly Assimilated Food of lour men. They arc a “thin, pulling- seen to turn up, with blowing trumpets, O^d Hones was clothed in a garment of violet cloth. boat for nasty weather.” Tlie sailers WHICH IS For DYSPEPTICS, The countenance is said to lie remark­ are principally four-ton, cutter-built every five minutes and in eveiy conceiv­ S old e r drijggssts. CONSUMPTIVES, ably like tile portraits of Pizarro, and able circumstance of life. Native spec­ A ENO NOT ONLY THE - BEST - craft, very sharp and litted only with I’EERT.rsS BRONZE PAiNTS -G Colors, CONVALESCENTS. it has a pointed beard like his. One ol “lug" and "mizzen” sails. There are a tators hardly smile; it seems so much pi.:.::li • s i . u ndr , b:,i inc. BUT CONTAINS 20 PER CENT. MORE the bunds was detuched, and lay near like a satire and so much like what Pl I Ci.I X ; ! \ii p a n hKi:< .» Kinds? Color*. TOBACCO THAN ANY OTHER BRAND a m o W /e f cholera Infantum number, now rapidly increasing, of fifty- everjo. e sets everyday off'tlie stage. VEEItl.I • HOP. JI A RM -ci J>RESTING. I he body, while the other hand reposed ton, smack-rigged vessels, cutler-built I'KERLO S I.GG IHLb—b < olors. OF SIMILAR QUALITY, „ r A n r c _ upon tlic breast. Despite that universal initiation into and is THEREFORE the | ,n [ and Teething. and fined willi main, fore, jib and top tiie mysteries of music, Belgium lms not A story is told by Dr. Aird. moderator sails and a "jigger.” Theso craft arc IN THE MARKET, every plug 13 A PERFECT NUTRIENT yet furnished tlie world with many com- of the free chinch of Scotland, respect­ for swift work in reaching early markets posersof the very first rank, and indeed at STAMPED “ FlNZER'S OLD HONESTY" In all W asting D iseases. ing a minister who in the old days of alongshore. Tlie French licet is an im­ REQUIRES NO COOKINC. posing sight in itself. It comprises the present moment only two living Belg­ AND HAS A RED [_l ™ patronage was forced upon a congrega­ ian masters could bo mentioned as soar­ Keeps in All Climates. tion at Alness, lie was coldly received, between 800 and 900 boats, each ol from Get the Genuine. 1 ' ing in the loftier regions of art. Gevuert, SEND f “ The Care and Feeding but calling one day upon all old eider, 100 to 150 tons burden; much larger tiie director of tlie Brussels Conserva­ DON'T TAKE ANY OTHER. In; took a chair in spite of his gruff re­ vessels than those forming our own Ouf'Book. 1 °f Infants," toire and author of “Quentin Durward,” Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, is ception. In order to meet an awkward Gloucester fleet. They each carry crews ind Peter Benoit, the Flemish composer, theVI1V UJHJ'only medicine IIICUIUIIU uof its clues that is g u ar­ DOLIBER-COODALE CO., pause lie took out his snuff box. “ Oh,” of from twenty to twenty-five men for anteed to benefit or cure “ curling” on board, as with our fishing whose cantatas and liedurs, much in the rWARRAHTED,j in all diseases for which ARTHUR SHEA, BOSTON, said tile elder, “ ye tak' snuff, due ye ?” style of Handel’s, art becoming popular recommended or vessel# t**.",! 'u ic' "b?.uks.” Tlie single the money paid for it ‘•On, yes,” was the reply. “ Weol,” said from tlie banks of the Scheldt to the will he promptly refunded. Practical Plumber. tlie eider, “ that's the lirst sign < gracjjJjF€?Tnction under wlii.l^Uie French enjoy borders of the Neva. But look at tiie Golden Medical Discovery cures nil humors, I've seen in ye.” "How's that?” “J),.,’ their tremendous privilege here is nnmtipr nf tin- Inillinnl ju -vA ...... - I "'"'ifrom criiniiionthe common piinpio, pimple, niotcii, blotch, or eruption, or eruption, Fate i Closet*. Tub*, Water Fixtur ye no read of Solomon’s temple,” ' 1C- simply that they can not sell tliJr lisj‘ nuuilH ot jrncju Ill.Uini To A'/'-av^I.finrofula, or Mood-poison, salt- Set up iu the best manner wJeN'.uTiu and Violoncello little Belgium rhouiu or Tetter,. .. 'KeitefSitr¥.''X‘ii#‘9,,s-...... Fcver- plied tile elder, “that a’ tile snuffers we p,. in Irish ports. They may puidnRc and has produced, from Vieuxtemps down sores. Hip-joint Diseasi-. Scrofulous tfiTosuind Perfection in Drainage & Ventilation. of pure gold?" / cure on board ur equal terms with the Swellings, Enlarged Glands. Goitre or Thick” ST.,opposite the Lindsey House, t^)i.-l). to Servais and De Beriot and Isaie, so Neck, nod Eating Sores or deers. t7r4U‘JreHH u» by Mall at A venerable, white haired clergyiiAun iccently welcomed and admired through­ Golden Medienl Discovery cores Consump­ 17 **'*» ROCKLAND, MAINE of I'iiila'd'e'ipTlia lif.lL ii'.Icil iSj Mackerel fisliing begins on but never of tion (which is Scrofula of tho Lungs), by its W before St Patrick's Day. Any !• reneb out the United States, not to speak wonderful blood - purifying, Invigorating, gratified at receiving Severn •equests or Irish fisher violating this unwritten Thomson, whom the enthusiastic Ital­ mid nutritive properties, if taken ill time. ians have christened Paganini Kedivivus, For Weak Lungs. Spitting of Blood, Short­ from ladies for a lock of his hair. But' law would bo forever driven from the ness of Breath, Catarrh in tlie Head, Broil, (tie other day his wife received a note and of tlie quartet of string instruments ehitis, Severo Coughs, Asthma, and kindred coast. The greatest number of vessels which have made the band of the Thea­ affections, it is a sovereign remedy. It that put a different light on the subject. will Ire found off tlie Skclligs. Here promptly cures the severest Coughs. Cochran, Baker & Cross, It ran as follows: “ My Dear Mrs. X .— they are massed so densely that fre­ ter de lo Monnnie famous throughout For Torpid Liver, Biliousness, or “ Liver tlie world. Beside these special acquire­ Complaint,’’ Dyspepsia, und Indigestion, it is Fire, Marina, Life and Accident Won't you please ask your good husband quently the water eannot Ire seen an unoqualcd remedy. Sold by druggists to send me just a little lock of his hair. Irum a fisliing smack's deck. Casting, ments, the widespread practice of music Wc have all been taking lpssons in mak­ or “shooting” tlie nets which requires in Belgium has imparled to its popula­ INSURANCE AGENCY. ing hair flowers. So many of the other about one hour’s time, is invariably dooe tion a keenness of appreciation and gilds asked him and lie sent it to them, judgment almost unrivalled anywhere. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER^ just before sunset, so that tlie boats can but 1 tliougnt I would rather ask you to see each other's night berths; and also NINETY MILLION DOLLARS. get it for me. Now, won’t you please in order to “trim” and make everything A Somnambulist Robs Himself. do this for me, it is so hard to gel white snug for tlie night. The ligiits carried hair for lillies of the valley.” in tlie yawlers and smaller sailers are Not long since rather an amusing in­ PREVENTS APOPLEXY Lohhhh AdjuHted and Paid at thia Office, simply a common lantern set in a cident occurred only a few miles Irom by keeping tho nerves, blond, blood vessel)* Mr. Crumpton, who lives in the Ar­ Austin, Texas. A young gentleman ol and heurt in a heulthy condition. kansas flats, seven miles soutli of Qua- “crut 'll" amidships, about six feet from tlie deck. Kudu “ flashes” of cotton- one of the best families discovered, when CURES PARALYSIS 406 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND. ' nail, had an inkling that something was lie put on liis top shirt in the morning, by giving strength und vigor to tho norves anil j wrong about his place, and determined waste soaked in petroleum and struck muscles enfeebled by disease. with matclies, arc also provided for dark that some one hud stolen au elegant 1 to seek out tlie trespasser. Going a pair of geld cuff buttons from him dur­ CURES HEART DISEASE.' j short distance from tlie house.be entered nights and foggy weather; and wlien the It Is u “heurt tonic," and by Its action renders fogs close in too heavily, tlie crews keep ing the night, lie tried to discover tlie a cave, and in tile darkness he whs eon- thief, but found no trace of him. He the formation of deposits upon the lining of A. J. ERSKINE [ fronted with a pair of rierce. glaring up a terrible bellow with buffalo and tin the heart Imimsslhle. belief Is speedy and horns. Alter everything is trim lor tlie bought anotlier pair of buttons, and it effective. Fire, Life and Accident eyes and rumbling growls. Whipping was lint a few days until they were miss­ out his revolver, lie shot nt liis mark, tin; night,a watch of tlie men is stationed CURES RHEUMATISM, INSURANCE AGENCY, ing in like manner as before, the buttons which Is n blood (llsens<», resulting from an 838 Main Street, - Rockland, Me. when a scream was uttered and suddenly ami all others go to tli 'ir hunks below. Precisely at midnight,all arc awakened, having been stolen during tlie night. excess of acid. The oclil Is wholly eliminated (Room formerly occupied by Cobb Lime Co.) an enormous panther sprang upon him, The young man was perplexed no littl e and tho sullerer l'ully restored In a few days. Lokmum adjusted and paid at th’s ollice. Agent knocking him some feet backward, when and “ hauling up” begins. for the well-known Travelers’ Accident Insurance Wlien done by hand this requires near­ not being able to ucuounl for tlie loss, CURES DYSPEPSIA ! Company of Hartford. Iy3* a hand to hand fight ensued. After a lie again bought buttons, and a few by exciting the llow of gastric juice, It aids 1 tierce struggle and being violently ly five hours labor, and hut half that tho digestion of food aud elfectually relieves T H E G R E A T where tlie “donkey engine” is used. nights afterwards liis younger brother, scratched in tlie face, Mr. C. finally suo- who occupied tlie same room witli him, all the unjdeasant and painful symptoms. oeeih d in firing tlie fatal shot which The “sole-rope” which hauls in tiie DR. 0. L. BARTLETT, siine is "wrenched” in by two men; waked during tlie night and found him CURES LIVER COMPLAINT. , stretched bis game out. Tlie animal standing by tlie chair that lie bad Itegulates the How of bile, relieves congestion German Remedy, [ was dragged from tlie eave and meas­ two men are required to “shake out” aud eradicates all symptoms of Jaundice. Physician & Surgeon, tin; fish ns tlie net “ comes home;" one placed liis clothes on, and saw him care­ ured nine feet. CURES KIDNEY AND BLADDER [Bucceasor to Dr. E. L. Estabrook.J m f RUTHS FOR THE SIC K .° man is needed to coil tlie slack “sole- fully remove tlie buttons horn the shirt- cuffs and leisurely walk out and go Diflieiili lea by relieving all congestion aud M -N itfh t C alls aiiNwered from the Office. A FRIENDLY LION. rope;” and two men are iu tlie hold InUammatlou speedily aud effeotually. | I I ,,!• ...... !• Hilly e 1 .fN,i( « ill be stowing away tlie seine. Whatever tlie around tin: bouse, dig a liolu in tlie I liii:i.,ii« '|iiii-'i, pi'iid fo r a case where m i.- catch—one seine loud of over 30,000 ground, place tlie buttons there, care­ CURES CHRONIC BRONCHITIS I I .n~i i.i iii itim ilks I'lll It BIT IT IH Will fully cover them up, and then return io (especially in the aged) by acting Jniinedl- | t l m ill i-iiri- you. a,tassist or cure. Jl ,S7. 1aili (Hube i),. mackerel was taken at Garnish last ately upon tho bronchial tubes aud relieving lever falls. | October—tlie entire Irish fleet is away liis room and enter lied. It just then all Irritation and coughing. JOMUSTED VITALITY, E3 T IV it II “ 1 had a frigid, from a lion once, laid dawned upon tlie younger brother that II ;i 11 foil a i id nJ I g,. i „■ > h aii.-i'the vitiatei!] ' a gentleman who liad been an habitual from their liciths by 5 o’clock in tlie SOLD HY ALL DRUGGISTS. A Great Medical Work for Young and .vi-ling; if so. u.-v ilia,d wlien you st-i l tlie cider brother was a somnambulist, -U’l.l'lil'K Itl lTElta : is iiupuriilt's hurst I traveller, the oilier day. “A party of morning for tlie markets at Village Middle-Aged Men. Harbor, Dingle, Ventry Harbor and and lie would wait devclopemenls, So I ng through the skiul us left tlie Cape of Good Hope after the next morning wlien lo liis annoy- uT.'ian u I'iinph's, Blob-lies I Kinsale, where the eurers have their KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. READ! |i| Hurl Itclv i lions, and bad proceeded some distunee aneii, liis cuff buttons were gone again, lonely Confined in Sl'l.i'lll I- 111 I I LUS.M 1 into tiie interior, wlien our attention was buyers; and Iron) whom, myil a few the m ills :;| I Work ■ ol health will fol years since, every lisii taken was sent lo liis younger brother told him to follow . clerk-.ul.mlo called to an object skulking in tlie him, and lie would show where tlie but­ not 'procure siiilirienl bushes. Three of us dismounted and Manchester, England. About tlie mid­ Tutt’s Pills exercise, and all who si i.I'm ii l i n n ii- tons were. They proceeded together, arcconfined in door-, 1 crept forward, scattering us we went. dle of Juno tlie Isle of Man fleet leaves Hl im ii lutes tlie forpiil liver, strength' ill cure l.lv eil tan theso waters and proceeds to tlie Shet­ and tlie younger brother scratched down en .s I h e d j f f e s f i v e orj4*uiiM« r e ^ ’ii Iu I e s H ie should use hi I.Pitt u laid . I... 'I b e l l i- I made for the brush, and as I turned it, bowels, und ure im equuled us ui* Bute it 4- They will i,iii'used; it will curt land Islands wiiere fisliing fur tierring is in I lie ground and fouud all three sets not then be weak and being on my bunds and knees of tlie buttons, greatly to the surprise of sickly. 1 eaiue face to luce will) a lion. I was carried on until October; and on July 1, ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. i i.i'iii K in i n its tlie crews ol the home or Derry, boats tlie older brother, and it was witli great "TT^nrr^rmTb will build you up and within four feet of bis bead wlien 1 dis­ difficulty tliat he was made to he.ieve In inuluriul dUfrietM th eir vii lu« >, urc KNOW THYSELF. to suher from Kbcum also discontinue quest lor mackerel, and widely recognized, us they possess pee- Utkin, use a bottle ol lake you stronguud covered bill). His eyes were open wide, that lie in his sleep liad been playing More Thun One Million Copies bold. i.illhy. begin “ long lino” fishing in water of iiliur properties in 1 reein^ the sy sieir ->t ij'iit u B ull.us; and liis breath came to me with sicken­ sucl) tricks. 1 roin Ihut poison. Ue^unlly siij^ui VfOUNG and middle aged men who arc suffering it nc\« r tail- incur -i i.eiii it Bi i runs ing odor, but lie neither growled nor forty to iilty hithoms lor herring, ling ------eouled. Hose sm all. l*riee, 25els. * from the Indiscretions of youth, Exhausted "fion ’ t Tlewlthouta ,111 make your blood sq moved for a long minute. We looked and cod. All interesting fact lo Ameri­ PeitSOMAL. Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature bottle. Try It; you ore, rich and strong, U cans regarding these south-west Irish Sold Everywhere. Decline, Ace., uud the thousand untold mUerjescon- will not regret it. ud vourlle-h hard. into eu. Ii oiber’s eyes,and I was so over­ Mi. N. II. Fiuhlkhslbin, of Mobile, Ala. sequent thereon, and al/who are sick and suffering come that I was like one pualyzed for coast fisheries is lli.it a few years since, writes: 1 take great pleasure in recommend- Office, 4 4 Murray Kt., New York TuHcVT/irX" Try Si l,i'lll t, HIT some far-scented Yunkeu fishermc u of inu lfr. King’s New Discovery for Consum­ and do not know what alls them, can bo cured with­ health, will, arc ai H its to-nighl, ami the time. At tlial sliort distance liis yK JiliAM II Id 1 ICE out fall by following the Instructiona In the Science run down, rhmihl ii». ill sleep well I eves had the brightness of electric Gloucester and Boston, noticing the ption, having used it lor a severe attack of of Life or Self Preservation. Price only $1 by mall S c tl'liik BlTTKMx. el heller f„rit. ligiits. indeed, they secmid to burn scarcity of mackerel in the American Uruuchilis and Calarrh. It gave me inslunt postpaid, sealed. It is a book for every man, - Do1 you want tile i e-t Mi di, al Work published? market, and the enchanting margin usu­ relief and entirely cured me and 1 have not pages, full gilt, 1'25 prescriptions for all acute and Send 3 2-eeut stomp n, A. 1‘. OltDWAl A Lib mine, and Unit feeling did not leave me been afflicted since. I also beg to slate that 1 Boston, Maos., and leeeiio u copy, free. for four or live days. ally existing between pauper labor and had tried other remedies with no good result. 3P chronic diseases. Fully indorsed by the National exorbitant product prices, quietly came Have also used Elctlric Billers und Dr. King’s Medical Association, who awarded the gold and Alter a minute or so the lion uttered a New Lite Pills, both of which I can recom­ Je walled medal to the author. Illustrative sumpm, low growl and sal up for a better look here, and have since been able to pur­ chase, cure, pack and pay tlie import mend. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con­ with indorsements of the press, sent tree If you M.T. CRAWFORD, al me. I was on my knees, and be sumption, Coughs and Coulds, is sold on a apply now’. Address, Thu Peabody Medical Juki sniffed at me and uncovered bis great duty ol $2 per barrel on mackerel, and positive guarantee. Custom M s Co. , P. O. bo* ...... c ” • iKEi^grud Attorney & Counsellor at Law, teeth. Perhaps anolber might have together annually lay by a greater profit Trial bottle free at W. II. Kittredge. Drug WIltSiKHOV CLOCK. to the i'eabody Medical Institute, who may 1 tired at him, as liis big head and cliest than has been yearly secured by the Store. suited confidentially. Specialty, Diseases of Wan. ROCKPORT, MAINE. combined mackerel fishers of our entire nowing 311 Main St. Itoekland. Do not be deceived by w orthless imitators. he sum offered a target like a lairn door, and I Woirrtt K . you address or call at the Peabody Medical lu^ti Savings Bank Block. Notary Public. northeastern coast. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City. our -umplc. urn! lute. No. 4 hulllnch St. No. 4. bail my gun already, but I hadn’t tlie r«Ji r f >r the 14 I' power to raise my arms. lie growled Fla., was tukeii wlih a severe cold, ailtndcd TEXAS HUMQR. with a distressing cough and running iuio again and then turned around and consumption in its first stages, lie tried many o. G. M O F F IT T , sneaked off' through the bushes and got There is a grim humor about some of so-called popular cough remedies and steadily PANTS! W oodfi Metal Working! Fire and Life Insurance. away. When my companions came up Judge Lynch’s executions. A bank grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had diffi In the world. X- Loased adjusted at,thid office, 1 was too weak to walk to my horse, president in Southwest Texas made way cully in breathing and was unable to sleep. and on reaching camp I bad to go to Finally tried Dr. King’s New Discovery for Over W0 ot)les to i Select From. NOVEITIES! CABINETWORK! Unior Block. 278 Rockland. Me. with all the funds under his charge and Consumption and fouud immediate relief, and tta~'rQ ever- purelu s- r we i.il'i r »he Inflowing Pattern Making, Scroll Sawing, Light Grinding bed. then (Misted on the door of liis institu­ afler using about a half dozen bottles found guiirai.ieu; I» the Pa< i» «a* not entirely and Polishing. -- — <♦»---- - tion, “Bank Suspended.” Tliat night himself well und has had no return of the fu elo ry we will make m o th e r p a ir o r n liu id Repairing of all Kinde Neatly Done ! Says the Loudon Globe, the superla­ he was interviewed by a number of

NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY. BOYCOTTING A FUNERAL. HE TOOK NO CHANCES. BEST n o w it_ started: STEEL Woven Wire Fencing BOSTON & BANGOR S. S. GO. The Arrnnnt of Two Serton* Dlsnsfen Jeweler*' Review. Bouton G’obe. Mr. Barclay, a Now York truckman, WIRE i t a r ^ w i re Rope Selvage It will not surprise many peoplo to lost $130. With very little hope of which come W it liont W arning—How Filigree jewelry is bidding liigh for getting the money, Kiernan sent out to Keep Out of the Pit of Danger. favoritism again. know that the trust wo have always with SUMMER SERVICE. us, even to the portals of the tomb. notice of the loss over the tape, with the The armlets now so much in vogue Mr. William Z. Cowlton, of Worcester, Mnss« Tlie National Trust and Burial Associa­ addendum that a liberal reward would Commencing Moprtay, June 17. wnlkcd rapidly to catch a trnin. thus getting arc fastened with jeweled pins. tion, which originally received its char­ be paid to tlie finder. Ip the afternoon StenmerA will Leave Rockland a« Follotfra: Into a perspiration, and carelessly sat I a tough looking little messenger boy For Boston daily, except Sunday, about 6 p. m., or Pretty silver linger-bowls display on ter from Maine, is n il extensive organi- upon arrival of steamers from Bangor and Mt. draught after tin* train had started. The next their outer surfaces specimens of the zition located in Philadelphia. It is not camo into Kiernan’s, asked for the man­ Desert. day he was In bed with physicians attending most exquisite chasing. a trust in the bad sense of the term, but ager, and handing him an envelope For Camden, Belfast, Bucksport, Winterport, him, and the third day he died. went out. Tlie envelope contained $100 80c TO $2 PER ROD. Hampden and Bangor at about 0 a. m., or upon A hairpin top that is attracting atten­ rather a c o operative scheme, by which All sizes nnrl wldthn. OntPRto match. Sold byunordeAiert arrival of steamer from Boston daily, except Mrs. Frederick Man tion just now is a (lying angel in vari- one can get htrnself under ground on and tlie following note: fiirm uT PAID Infnmmti™ free, Monday, and at 12.30 p. m.,daily, except Sunday. ton, residing on Com­ m i . M ctu i.i.ex woven w ire i i n- t <■«. For Northport an.I Fort Point at 12.30 p. m. daily, giited gold with diamond wings. the installment plan. But this scheme Inclosed please fin-1 $100, found on Nos. n s A 180 N. Market BE, Chlcnro, III. monwealth Avcntio Seligman's steps today. You advertise except Sunday. Another use found for that mucll-iltil- to slip by the regulars in the undertak­ For Searsport at 6 a. m. dally, except Monday. .,9 B osto n , contrnctc ing profession and get quietly laid away a reward, and I therefore, semi you $100 For Green’s Landing, South Weal Harbor, North severe cold while at­ izetl clothes-pin is that of a book-mark, to be honest and keep $30 for the re­ DEMON East Harbor and Bar Harbor daily, except Mon­ tending an evening which come in both gold and silver. on the installment plan is meeting with day, at 6 a. m , or upon arrival of steamer from fierce opposition on the part of tlie ward. Ax Honest Boy. Boston. reception, which sc Fur Seal Harbor Wednesday and Saturday at 3 ' •- *$ ) V - 1,CI‘ Among the most artistic ring-setings Undertaker’s Protective Association, are five or six circlets of semi-precious DYSPEPSIA a. rn. \^thut she n e v e r re* which is the real graveyard trust. It Chappy—“ Oh dealt! I'm so noyvous For Sorrento Saturday at 3 a. m. stones arranged so that tlio colors blend. seems that a short time ago Mrs. about that speech I've got to make at th- For North West Harbor (Deer Isle) Sedgwick, <• o v e r e d fro m it| DOOMED! Brooklin, Bluehill, Surry and Ellsworth, Tues­ effects. A small piece of rope in gold wire, Josephine Gibson, who bad invested in the club! I'm afwaid I’ll bweak down The mental and physical suffering day, Thursday and Saturday at about 0 a. m. The reader says t hese wen- only colds I Verv sprinkled witli pearls, is what some the co-operative association the basis of in the delivery.” Ch-jlly—"Aw, but.me RETURNING TO ROCKLAND : true. But do you not know that nearly ail arc wearing in lieu of ordinary ear­ from a disordered stomach—when the known disejises start fio;n colds? They an a $76 burial for n weekly in.-tallment of dealt boy, why don’t chcr liiab a messen- From Bo-ton daily, except Sunday, at 5 p. m. slight beginnings, Ian how frightful their end rings. 26 cents, died suddenly. Her body wns jah bov and get him to dclivaw it faw digestive organs cannot perform their From Bangor, touching at Hai/ipden, Winterport, lug! It is only a slight ••old. hut it goes to th# immediately taken in charge by tiie un­ yah?” Bucksport, Fort Point, Belfast, Northport and lungs ami caiiM-s pneunpaua ami consumption ; Ingenuity has conceived a silver cane work, is equal to demon let loose. It Camden at 6 a. m. daily, except Sunday. only a cold that flies to the heart ami c h i i w s head that shall contain a small wax dertaker of her association and the day From Bangor, touching at Hampden, Winterport, instant tleatli; only a cold that settles in the candle and matches, ihgtoandlo to he of burial announced. Meanwhile the Peterson lor July begins the new volume unfits one for everything and nptkes Bucksport, Searsport, Belfast and Camden at 11 kidneys, liver amt I.ladder, ami brings ilnal life a burden, and this condition of the a. in., daily, except Sunday. death, with lingering agony. No man ever died raised by the aid of a sF<- attachment. Undertakers’ Protective Association, with a tempting array of attractions. There From Bar Harbor, daily, except Sunday, at lp .m ., of kidney or bladder disease who did not first having worked a corner on caskets, had ore numerous tine engravings, and some of system brings on Heart Diseases, Liver touching at North East Harbor, South West Har­ take cold : no woman ever became a conllrnr A notably riel) and &*■. nt brooch is bor and Green’s Landing. invalid who could not trace its origin to a col a more Ilian ordinary ,.uge opal, pointed determined to boycott the funeral. Mrs. the preitiest dress and needle-work patterns ami Kidney Troubles, ami in the end From Seal H arbor Monday and T h u rsd ay at 1.20 Such belli r the terrible truth, the necessity top ami bottom, encircled by a filigree Gibson's undertaker made frantic but that ever delighted a woman’s eye. “A Chap­ p. m. g uarding these lirst beginnings in time m ust bo futile efforts to secure a casket, but the a weak and broken-down existence. From Ellsworth, touching at all landings Monday, plain to all. gold frame set closely with rubies. ter On Umlirellns" is very entertaining and is How can this nliliction be cured? Na­ Wednesday ami Friday at 7 a. m. 1 >r. Gardiner, of the American Medical Col- regulars had worked so successfully at beautifully illustrated. The early chapters of CHAS. E. WEEKS, Agent, Rockland. lege, recently ... While most colds go It would be difficult to excel in beauty the game of futures that no casket could ture has provided a way. and Nature's CALVIN AUSTIN, Agent, Boston. direct to t he ki im as a queen china pendant a tiny gold Miss Bowman's serial, “ In St. Tammany Par­ W M. 11. HILL, Jit., Gen. Manager, Boston. or bladder, I ha be secured. Hay after day passed, but remedies alone nre found in BELL'S never known a < ; obelisk with bciroglyptiics on the surface still no dealer could be prevailed upon ish,” nrc full of striking interest. "The End where, if taken represented by numberless rubies. to break the faith of the undertakers’ of It," by Frank Lee Benedict, and “ Benson’s SAIIS^I’AIHLLA. Hundreds have time, by the prepa been cured l-y this splendid medicine ration known a- A rare and beautiful laec fan is of a trust. Finally, growing desperate, the Romance," by Clarence M.Boutelle nre capi­ KNOX AND LINCOLN RAILROAD. H n u t’s Kerned irregular undertaker sallied out and suc­ tal stories, and there are various others of ex­ when everything -dsn failed them. they could not be f flowered pattern with a sparkling gem MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1889. ceeded in bribing a regular to furnish ceptional merit. “ Woman On A Tricycle” is The case of Mrs. L. E. Farrar, o f Glen- cured mid expelled > ''/ — in the center of eaeii flower, about fifty ASSENGER TRAINS will leave Rockland at IV precious stones being used in its decora­ him acaskct on the quiet. 'file next an amusing and Instructive sketch, and the burn, Me., is a goml test. In her own 5 A a . m ., and 1.25 p . m . Due in Bata at day tlie burial took place, the regulars “Talks By A Trained Nurse" otters admirably words she says: “Two years '-go my 7.05P a . m ., 10.50 a . m . and 3.45 P. M. is allowed to linger, tion. Passenger Trains leave Bath at s.10 A. M., 2.55 t-ir.-.-t cas, k. „ re- LAY?' crying treason and vengeance upon the clear and practical directions for giving aid in stomach was in such a condition that O.ie of the neatest conceptions im­ p. m , ana G.40 p . m . Due in Rockland at 10.35 a. m., suits in continued / /-/ ! J recreant brother who tiad broken the I could scarcely take any kind of food. ( 5.13 p. m. and 0.07 P. M. 1’1 health or .! nth. aginable is a glass biscuit jar, colored sudden accidents. Now is a good time to get This great Ke»icdy superior to anything now boycott. It is not likely that tlie I had trie-1 many other remedies, hut Freight Train leaves Rockland at 5.10 a. ai. Due up a clul) at greatly reduced rates. Send for a i in Bath at 0.45 a . m . known to doctors or me ical instirutions for and designed so as to present the ap­ National Trust ami Burial Association sample copy. Address Peterson's Magazine, found nothing that would help me Freight Train leaves Bath at 12 m . Due in Rock- the cure of kidney or bladder discuses or for pearance nf stained-glass windows. j land at 4.45 p. m . female troubles,* ami I endorse it most will get caught in such a dilemma tlte Philadelphia, Pa. till I commenced taking Bell's Sarsa­ h e a rtily .” Its top and cover are of fluted silver. second time. It will immediately take parilla. It is all you claim for it. Hav­ I he 8.35 a . m . train from Rockland connects for The danger nf small beginnings are too oft The newest departure in card cases is all points on the Maine Central, Eastern and Wes- overlooked. Take them in time 1 Use tl-.o right steps to promote home industry by the ing found its great value in my own ! tern Divisions of Boston & Maine Railroad, ar- remedy and only sm h remedy as lias been one of tile heavily chased silver that is manufacture of its own caskets. Nor is Swift’s Specilic eared me of uglv and very case, I take pleasure in recommending . riving in Boston at 4.45 P. m . T h e 1.25 p. at. train endorsed by the highest authorities and has painful bolls or risings. 1 had twenty-three connects with Boston and Maine R. R., arriving In made to serve outsirleof its original duty it likelv that the scheme of the Under­ it to others." Boston via. Eastern Division at 9.30 p . m . F a r e pr oven its worth by years of popularity. as a pocket-book of ordinary proportions. takers' Protective Association of apply­ on my back and neck at one time and a great , o n ly 9 3 .5 0 . many on my body. I took S. S. S., and two Sold Everywhere at 50 cts. Per Bottle Freight leaving Rockland in the morning is due The idea is a good one and will soon ing tiie boycott to irregular burials will bottles cured me. This was live years ago, Alex. M. Robinson, Jr., Apothecary, Bangor, Me in Boston next morning, ami Freight leaving Bos­ spring into popularity. prove a permanent success. The trust and have had no boils since. ton in the evening is due in Rockland next P. M. ChiSdren Cry for tiaving progressed to the confines of the W. M. Miller, Arlington, Texas. 2 W . L. W HITE, Supt. Pitcher’s Castoria. A FATHER’S VIGL. grave, it remains to be seen how much W. II. Wight, of Rogers, Ark., a prominent farther it can and will go. But we farmer and stock grower, says that Swift’s Rockland and Vinalhaven Terre Haute Express. Specific cured him of teller of twenty years’ Fred R. Spear If any dealer says he has the W . L. I)oi would advise tile Undertakers’ Protec­ Shoes without imine and price stainuc C H A PTER I. tive Association to hall on the borders standing. Of course in that time he had n Has in stock all of the following ON AND AFTEK SATURDAY, JUNE 1st. the bottom, put him down an a fruu u . Mr. Figg—Here’s a little toy I ’ve great amount of treatment, and says the of eternity and woigh the subject seri­ wonder is that he did notserateh the flesh from bought for Tommy to amuse himself ously before proceeding further, lest Ills bones. S. S. S. cured him quick and per­ STRfJ’R P IO N E E R with. Pigs in clover. 1 believe they call somewhere they should suddenly bring manently. FIRST QUALITY GOALS C A PT. WM. R. CREED, up against an uncomfortable crematory Will Make Two Round Trips Daily. it. The continued use of mercury mixtures And is the only dealer in the city who has at the CIIAPTEIt It. arrangement. Leave Vinalhaven 1< r Rock­ poisons the system causes the bones to decay, present time the genuine land nt 7 o’clock A. M. and 1 Tommy—Say, paw, ain’t you goin’ to and brings on mercurial rheumatism. The o'clock P. M. lemme see that puzzle? MUMMIES IN THE BOX OFFICE use ofS. S. S. forces impurities from the blood, R eturning — Leave Rock­ gives a good appetite and digestion, and builds land, Tjllson’s W harf, at 9.30 A . M., and 4 P. Mr. Figg—Go t > bed ! You ought to be up tlie whole human frame. Send to Swilt Franklin QQAI y Red Ash M., touching at Hurricane Island morning trip off in bed an hour ago! It is related that on one occasion, Bart­ Specific Company, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga., for. and afternoon trip on. CHAPTER III.. ley Campbell visited Boston at a time My stock Includes all sizes G-. A. SAFFORD, Agent, Rockland. Treatise on Blood Diseases. A. B. VINAL, Agent, Vinalhaven. 37 Mrs. Figg—John Figg, are you going when bis plav, “ My Partner,” was being Free Burning White Ash,Lehigh Egg and May 1889. given at tiie Museum. Bartley thought Tlie Swift Specilic Company, Drawer 3, to sit up all night? Atlanta, Gu„ oiler a reward of one thousand Broken White Ash, Franklin Stove, Mr. Figg—I'll be there in a minute. he would like to see how it was being dollars to any one who will lind by any analy­ I’ve got litem all in but one. done, so be npplied at the ticket-win­ sis a particle of mureury iodide of potash, or Keil Ash, (the only genuine,) Bangor & Rockland Line. CHAPTERIY. dow for a seat. “Tlie best one you have other poisonous substances in S. S. S. George’s Creek Cumberland Mrs. Figg—Have you been up all to spare for a dead-head,” lie said to the You can never know till you try, bow quickly Coal, Boston & Bangor S. S. Co. man behind the glass, jocularly. a dose of Ayer’s Pills will cure your sick head­ The staunch steamer ROCKLAND, Capt. David night, John Figg? (Unequalled for Smithing and Steam purposes.) Robinson, has been refitted, refurnished, and put Mr. Figg—None of your business. “Free list suspended,” replied the ache. Your stomach and bowels need cleans­ in complete order for the local passenger service clerk grullly. ing, and those pills will accomplish it more between ROCKLAND AND BANGOR, fo r Tommy—Say, paw, where's my puz­ etleetually and comfortably than any other —ALSO A FULL STOCK OF— “ A ll,” tlie Seaaon of 18S0, and will make daily trips zle? said the playwright, cheerilly, medicine you can find. (Sundays excepted) commencing Thursday,May 18, Mr. Fi« -In the stove! “ I see you do not know me by sight. 1889, leaving Bangui at 6 a. m., and Rolkland at W. L. DOUGLAS My mime is Campbell—Bartley Camp­ Impurities of the blood often cause great Wood, Hay, Straw, Lime, Hair, 12.3U p. in., und make landings at Hampden, Win­ annoyance at this season ; Hood's Sarsaparilla terport, Buckspoit, Belfast, Northport, Camden A Grain-Bin Problem Settled bell." purifies the blood, and cures all such affections. BRICK, SAND, und Rocklund. $3 S H O E GENTLEMEN. “An orchestra seat will cost you TO B A N G O R Best in the world. Examine his St. Paul Pioneer Press. $1.50,” responded the ticket-seller. Saved.—A line family of children were nil Rosendale &. Portland Cement, 95.00 GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE. afflicted with scrofula. Two died early; the Leave Rockland, 12.30 p. in.; Camden, 1.15 p. m .; 94.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. St Paul grainmen have been vexing j ■But, I tell you. Pm Bartley Camp­ rest would soon have followed, but for the N orthport, 2.30 p.• in.; Belfast, 2.50 p . m .; F ort 93.50 POLICE ANI> FARMERS’ SHOE. Point, 4 p. m ,; BueKsport, 4.45 p. m. Winterport, 93.50 EXTRA VALUE CALE SHOE. their souls over a problem touching a bell, author of tlie piece you're playing timely und persevering use of AVer’s Sarsa­ 5.30 p. in .; Ham pden, 8 p. m .; Bangor, 6.38 p .m . 93.35 WORKINGMAN’S SHOE. grain bin and contents, tile solution of here.” parilla, which built them up into a healthy and F I R E C L A Y 93.00 ami 91.75 BOVS’ SCHOOL SHOES vigorous manhood. RETURNING TO ROCKLAND: AU made in Congress, Button and Lace. which has dawned on not a few of them. “ Never heard of you before in my Leave Bangor at 6 a.m .; Uarapden, 0.25 a.m .; Given a bin ; dump into it, separately, life,” said the man slamming down the The Captain W interport, 7.10 a. m .; Bucksport, 7.45 a. m .; W. L. DOUGLAS Chimney Pipe & Tops F ort Point, 8.30 a. in.; Belfast, 9.40 a. m .; N orth- live distinct qualities of wheat, for in window with emphasis. Of good ship Storm King says: For the past port, 10 a. in.; Camden, 11.15 a. m.; Rockland, 12 stance; open the spout a “ Well,” shouted Bartley in a rage, live years 1 have used Sulphur Bitters on "This pipe is made from Pure Fire Clay expressly u. rn. S 3 S H O E l a fd°,rE s . for chimneys and is the safest and most durable of Excursion tickets at reduced rates. Tickets will Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. the bottom, and the query is which layer shaking bis list at the clerk behind tlte board my vessel, und have not lost a man. If not sold by your dealer, write of wtient comes out lirst?" Tito uniniti­ glass, “ I’ve beard before that they had They are u sure preventitive of nil contagious any chimney pipe in the market. It is easily put be good on any steamer of the Main fine, and W. L. DOUGLAS. BROCKTON. MASS fevers so incident to warm etiolates. Please up by any intelligent person. tickets sold on any steamer will be good on any ated say at once, with a few exceptions. mummies inside of this theatre, but I other steamer. “Examine W. L. Dougin* 93 00 Shoes for semi me at once two dozen bottles, and oblige Meals of superior quality served on board. Gentlemen ami Ladies.” •■Ttie lirst layer at tlte bottom,of course.” never knew they kept ’em in the box J, Starrct. ( Il AB. E. W EE K S, Agent, Rockland, — FOIt SALE BY— 52 W. A. Van Slyke was determined to get oflice!" And with this ho walked away. WM. II. HILL, General Munuger, Boston. at tlie facts, and watched the bin with Facts Worth Remembering. Akron Drain Pipe ! WM. ill. MUiiROE, Rockland. bis eagle eye very closely the other day, SEASONABLE DESSERT. La Grange, Me., Oct. 17, 1888. The Akron is now the standard for excellence all over the United States, and is more reliable as to alter having caused a layer of barley to STRAWBERRY HUM PUN (IS Dtt. F. S. Hctciiinhon 8- Co., Deur Sirs: Portland, Mt. Desert and Machias II. C. PEASE, Appleton. bo placed on top ot several layers of Having had for years a severe heart trouble, I durability and finish than any other kind. Put one pint of sifted flour into a commenced taking Anti-Apoplcetine, und have STEAMBOAT CO. different kinds of wheat. The spout was bowl, rub into it two ounces of butter, received great benefit from it,' and tbltik very KEROSENE OIL AT WHOLESALE. pencil and the barley came lushing out add a teaspoonful of salt, a heaping tea- bii-bly of your medicine. Please lind inclosed First Quality Goods! fust. $1.00, for which kindly send me another bot­ RESUMPTION of SERVICE. spoonful of baking powder and sufficient tle ot Anti-Apopleetine and oblige, Prices as Low as the Lowest! On a n d A fter M u rd i fi, 1HH0, CHECKING THE BABY. uiilk to moisten, about oue gill, mix Yours respectfully, Prompt and Satisfactory Delivery! quickly, lake out on a board and roll out Mits. H. W. Danforth. into a sheet a quarter of an inch in thick­ » “<)rders received by Telephone. Please call STEAMER CITY OF RICHMOND. The owner of a baggage checking Eleven Years In Charge. ind obtain prices before purchasing. CAPT. W . E. DENNISO N, bind at tlie Union depot, Kansas City, ness, cut into cakes with a round biscuit Will leave Portland, weather permitting, every was in trouble one morning last week. cutter, put about three strawberries in Of the package department, Boston & Maine FRED R. SPEAR, Tuesday and Friday at 11 p. in., or after arrival of each eake, fold them over neatly and Depot, Boston, Mass. Miss Helen Junes says : train leaving Boston at 7 p. in., for Rockland, Cas­ \ woman loft a baby carriage contain- I was a sufferer from general debility, billious- tine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Southwest Harbor, Bar ng a baby, in the stand,chocking it,and steam about twenty minutes. While ness and water brash for several years, and SO. 4 PARK ST., - ltOCKLANH. ME Harbor, Mi 11 bridge, Jonesnort and Muchiusport, h e they are steaming make tlie landing at Surgontsvillo on Friday’s trip only. promising to hack in half an hour. tile seemed almost a burden io me. After Returning from Maehiusporl every Monday and “ If tlie baby cries, just shako tlie car­ STRAWBERRY SAUCE. using almost everything, Sulphur Bitters Thursday ut 4 a. m., via. all landings, connecting at riage a little,’’ sbo suid, “and she’ll go cured me. Portland with early morning trains for Boston. Beat two ounces of butter to a cream, 'Lime lor leaving Rockland, going east, 6 u. m., right to sleep,” As soon as the mother adding gradually four ounces or a half For restoring the color,thickening the growth going west 5 p. in. **» . uni disappeared tlie child awoke and and beautifying the bair, and for preventing Freight taken at usual rutes, and forwaFcAgil w ith cup of powdered sugar, then add twelve baldness, Hall's Hair ltenewer is unsurpassed. dispatch. For inform ation upply to agents kviUwi (creamed. The more the man rocked strawberries, one at a lime, mashing varlOUB landings. tlie carriage the louder the baby howled. ami beating until the whole is perfectly 100 LADIES WANTED. A. F. Crockett & Co. F. E. BOOTUBV, PAYSON TUCKER, Flnaily, in desperation, lie hired a young light. If it lias a separated or curdled Anil 100 men to --all on any druggist for a Gen'l Puss. Au’t. Gen'l Muuuger. boy to wheel tlie baby up anil down the free trial paekuge o f Land’s Family Medicine, E. II. CLARK, Agent, Rockland. appearance, add a little more sugar and the great root and herli remedy, dieovered by —DEALERS IN- February 18, 18&9. 7 platform of the depot. He says that lie stand in a cold place until wanted. l)r. Silas Lane while ill tin- Rocky .Mauntains. will cheek no more babies. • — -»♦*— —— For diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys it Wife—‘ Cyrus, this is a pretty time is a positive cure. For constipation and clear­ CULINARY MAXIMS. ing the complexion it does wonders. Chil­ New York <&. Bangor for you to be coming in. Il’s half an dren like it. Everyone praises it. Large-size COAL. STEAMSHIP LINE. June Table 'Talk. hour past midnight. You’ve been at the package, 80 cents -It druggists’. TO NEW VOKK DIRECT. club again, drinking.’' Hi shank (will) Beauty will buy no beef. impressive gravity and maintaining bis ADVICE TO MOTHERS. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Enquire not what is in another’s pot. equilibrium with much effort)—“M'ria, Are you disturbed at night and broken of Broken, Egg, Stove and The regular sailing dale of the Steamer “LUCT your rest by u sick child suffering and crying I’. Mil l e r " from pier 18 E. R., New York for Better half an egg than an empty my -lear, you do me injustice. 1 was with pain ot cutting teeth ? If so send at once Rocklund, Rockport, Belfast, Buck-port and Ban­ hell. caught on jury. Couldn't get oil till and get a buttle of Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing gor, Maine, will be Saturday. Returning leuve few minutes ago. Caiue straight home." Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is in­ Franklin Coal Rocklund and river laudiugs, Wednesday ut|12 A good stomach is the best sauce. W in;—"You are deceiving me, Cyrus calculable. It will relieve lire poor little suf­ o’clock noon. Better some of the podding than no Say meniouiandransactificaduhaudaiiall- ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, Fare to New York 96.50, iucludiug; Berth pie. there is no mistake about it. ft cures dysentery a n d M eals. elolipedonisemically Husband (cau­ and diarrbieu, regulates the stomach ami bovv- A. F . C R O C K ETT & CO. Passengers who prefer to purchase tickets w ith­ ., . For all of lie who depends on another -lines ill tiously)—"Certainly, m’dear. Memoraii els, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces out meals will be accommodated us follows ' Rock and sups worse. —moran—banilansact”—(getting reck­ uliaiuiuation.and gives tone and energy to the land and Rockport to New York, $1. Excursion t^cse tf\irigs U\er$ whole system. Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Crockett Block, North End, Tickets, without meals, will be sold, good for Make not your sauce till you have less and letting go all hold)—“ G’out o’ Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the thirty days, as follows : Between New York and my way. Madam! ’f 1 can’t get into my Rocklaud, Rockport, und lielfast, $6. Meals can is nothing equal to taught your tisli. taste, and is the prescription of one of the old­ be obtainedlaiuid of the steward atut fifty cents each. E x­ lie that dines and leaves lays the own house ’thout giving 'fernal pass­ est und best female nurses un-t physicians iu ROCKLAND. cursionon Tickets, good for thirty duy», with meals, cl --til twice. word I’ll resign as liead o’ this family. the United States, and is for stile by all drug­ w ill be>e soldi . _ as follows _ : Between New York ana G’way 1”—Chicago Tr-bune. gists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a Rockland, < 11; between New Y’ork und Rockport, bottle. | <11.50. lie deserves not the sweet who will ! Pier 18, East River. not taste of tlie sour. From an old bachelors album: “It's Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Perry Davis' too soon to marry when one is young J. T. LUTUROP, Agcut, Rockisnd. lie fasts enough whose wife scolds at ami too late when one is old. The inter­ The Best Balyk iu the world for Cuts, dinner lime. Bruises, Burus, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum, val may profitably be devoted to reflec­ Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chii- Painkiller He who would have hare for break­ tion.—Tid Bits. blains, Corns, and all Skin Fruptioi s, und H . 0 . G U R D Y & CO. iMOttd &, Boston Steamers. fast must bunt over night. Diner—"Waiter, how came tiiis positively cures Piles or no pay. It is guar­ w h ich is kept by every anteed to give perfect satisfaetiou or mouey re- -DLAI.EKS IN — Fltt.T-Cl.aS8 STKXMBttS uf this When a man cannot have what he sleeve button in my soup?" Waiter funded. Price 25 eents per box. For sale by loves, he must love what be has. "Sleeve button? Is that so, sir? Beg W. H. Kittredge. Iy47 OLD RELIABLE LINE druggist in the land. pardon ; we never give sleeve-buttons in COAL leave Franklin Wharf, l’erttaud. “ My love, what magic spell is thrown tomato soup; only collar buttons. Lot Of all sixes, every eveuiug (Suudays exeepteJ) Upon your face ? Its charm 1 own. me exchange it for you sir?”—Boston ut 7 o'clock, arrlviug In lioetou iu whence value thy pure and pearly teeth ? j,___kcmaju fur earliest traius for J -o » - Courier. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, « W O O D B O A T W O R K . Thy rosy lips ? Thy perfumed breath ?” , Wall hum, l.uwrouce, Providence, She said in accents sweet and clear, A boy traveling with iiis father got up Wbeu she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, Long and fitted for the stove. Worcester, Fall itlver, Sprlutttleld, Ke»v J B. I oriug. l-oa- builder, is prepared Io do “ T'is only SOZODONT, my dear.” in the night, and walked out of the door York etc. Through Tickets to Boston at priuct- fuarioo work ■ all kind., law work and jobbing. When site became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Limo, Cement and Plastering H air, pat U. K. S U tioa.. p StH. V4U? pul.i-s boau au^ac.^-P ^kiand. 8 of the sleeping-ear. which was going at Wlu-u shu ha-1 Cliildreu, she gave them Castoria, The Atmosphekk of Love full speed, and did not wake until he UROCKUIES, PltOVlBlONtj, j SUNDAY THI PM leave Fo it laud aud Bos- Is a pure, sweet breath. This desideratum is began turning somersaults. Then be t ' l u O U H . ufKTsarJD i too at 7 F. M., -ud couUui.e same mull one ot the results of usingSOZODONT, which September 1 fl. not only invigorates and preserves the teeth, said, “All right, pa, I’m getting right Children Cry for hut renders the mouth us fragrant us a rose. up,” and was fast asleep again when the If* U I I ale, a. e. - u f'/v V •‘SrAtuiNo’s Gutis," handy about the house, truckmuu found him.—Oil City Uliz- The good old Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. Best known cure for Coughs, Coldt m Consump­ No. 1 CamdenhSt., Rockland, Me. Pitcher’s Castoria. mends everything. lartl. tion. Genuine: Cutler Bros, tie Co-. Boston. 6 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1889,

THOMASTON. VINALHAVEN ECHOES. CAMDEN. ROCKPORT. WARREN. SOUTH THOMASTON. E. A. Wentworth is at home from Virginia. High School closes Friday next. The Baptist church is being painted. Walter Hobbs is visiting bis parents. George Green has returned from a western Don't forget “Pepita” next Friday evening. ! Capt. L. C. Morse ami Edwaid A. Barrett Daniel Yates has gone to South Windham trip. Friday was the longest day of the year. More Salt Air From the Place Where arrived here this week from California. to work. It Grows. The work on the hall is progressing slowly. Mrs. Ruth Coombs is visiting in New Bruns­ Beech street has been widened and nicely S Bark J. H. Bowers, Magnne, is loading Ncwall Walter and Walter Follansbee have wick. Strangers and visitors are coming on every E. D. Mansfield is in Camden from New lumber at Port Blakely, W. T., for Rosario, gone to Dover, N. II., to work in the shoe shop. Cbnrles Keller has a position with Geo. graded. boat. Jersey. , S. A. Henry V. Starrett lias been home from Orono Green A Co. Mrs. M. F. Brown is visiting in Lynn, Mass., Mrs. Patil Stevens of Washington is here for for a day and has now gone to Cape Elizabeth The Adams & Cook Dramatic Co. play here | Ship Wandering Jew, Nichols, at Melbourne, Henry Wiggin is making repairs nnd paint­ for a few weeks. the season. Australia, will load at Sydney, N. 8. W., for to work. ing his bouse. during tbc week. Judson, son of Albert Johnson,is in Camden Hong Kong. Rev. Mr. Hunnewell conferred the right of Officer Blunt of the M. 8. Prison is otr duty John Ingram is contemplating a business Canton Vinalhaven sports a handsome on a vacation. Col. J. D. Rurt will attend the annual cn immersion on three persons at North Pond, trip to the west. on account of illness. Sunday last. banner costing that organization 8150. E. S. Vose of Thomaston called on its campment of the G. A. R. at the Brown A Wade are increasing their force nt Charles Tnyson of Boston is a guest at the Thursday last. last week in August. A scow came up the river Friday loaded with Deputy Sheriff Gray captured a barrel of empty fish barrels nod returned the next tide their granite works. house of Mrs. Sarah Snow. Dr. Samuel Tibbetts has certainly made him Rev. C. 1. Mills, formerly pastor of the George Hurtling is to have a bay window lager beer on the Pioneer Friday evening. a very beautiful home. for Booth bay. Capt.Samuel Watts and wife of Boston are at M. E. church here, now of Albuquerque, New added to his house. The Vinalhaven Band gave a concert and J. B. Stearns has moved his horses, carriages, Mexico, hns been elected president of the col The Thomastons nnd Warrens played a their house on Knox street. lege in that city. game of ball here Saturday, and the Warrens Hiram Hall, Jr., is having his buildings nt dance at the Town Hall, Saturday evening. etc., into his new stable. got badly beaten, 29 to 1. ’ Snow’s Hill repaired. Dr. Charles T. Chase and wife with son The congregations at the Union Church are Rev. F. J. Bicknell of Rocklnnd preached in Mrs. Chester Pascal and Mrs. John Fuller Fred B. Moulton's Comedy Co. of Boston Abel Allen nnd wife returned home from DeWitt R. Chase arc in Boston. the Baptist Church Sunday. attended a meeting of the L. II. C. at Water Malden, Mass., Thursday. gaining in numbers since the arrival of the ville this week. Mrs. Pascal has been quite came here on Tuesday last, stoppingat Wight's Wra. H. Gilley and wife of New York arc Rose Bros, are fitting up a very handsome Hotel, and rehearsing. Friday evening they Mrs. Archibald Spalding of Washington, minister. office in the rear of their store. sick since her return. presented “ Hearts and Homes,” Saturday D. C., Is visiting J. P. Spalding. a t the Gilley homestead, Mill River. A costumer from Portland has been engaged The Atkinson A Cook Dramatic Co. arc The graduation exercises of the Rockport evening the “ Little Rebel,” which was enjoyed J. P. Spalding and J. Fred Dow went fishing Mrs. E. W. Prince and daughter llattle leave to furnish 100 suits of fancy styles for the billed for Mcgunticook Hall July 1, 2 and 3. High School will take place at Union Hall by our people. They nre a fine set of fellows, Wednesday and made a good haul. Walters, Glidden of New York is visiting Wednesday evening. Music will be furnished nnd our people take to them. They will return Wildwood, Fla., en route for the north. centennial procession. here again about the middle of July.- From James McConehic of Clark's Island began Edward 0. Burgess and wife are on a visit to his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Seward. by the Rockport Orchestra. work for Geo. Green A Co., Monday. A woman, who claimed to hall from Bangor, here they go to Camden. Mrs. Henry W. Bryant, Brockton, Mass. Reuben Leland and family of Brooklyn, N. The timber tor the ship frame arrived n John A. Davis, who haB been at work in tbc J. P. Spalding nnd familv visited Mrs. took up a collection among the stone cutters Y., have taken possession of their cottage on Carleton, Norwood A Co.'s ship vard this woolen mill for the past eight months, nnd who MeKnight of Georges River, Thursday. Miss Kitty Tobcy of Boston, is taking a last week for a friend of hers who lived in that High street for the summer. week by vessel from Virginia. Four oxen were also brought safely on deck. assisted In the late drama, to the entire satis­ E. C. Cnlderwood and John Pierce began to vacation by visiting friends and relatives here. city. Twelve young men in three days picked the faction of all, has left for his home in Mass. pick green pens for the market yesterday. N. S. Falcs is taking n vacation, and with stones from the surface of eight acres on the Tbc schools of the incorporated districts Previous to his departure, the members of the A new sidewalk has been laid ;across the farm of J. B. Stearns. A good job for the dosed Friday nfter a term of eleven weeks club gave him a nice reception nt the house of Miss Maud Swcetland has returned from his wife passed the past few days in St. Marsh on that portion of School street, for boys. The examinations were very satisfactory, nnd Wm. O. Robinson, where refreshments were Boston where she has been for some time. George. The Bay View House, which has been there was a marked improvement in the regu served in fine style. Mr. Davis won many Captain E. Bartlett received a visit from Mr. which all the scholars tender their grateful and Mrs. J. D. Dolhnm of Rockland, Sunday. Miss Edn Chapman of Brooklyn, N. Y., for­ dosed six months, is now open to the public. lar attendance of the pupils. frlenos during his Btny here, and will be wel­ thanks. Electric lights and other Improvements are comed back, with a cordial greeting nnd open • Al. Snow is doing some fine work on an urn merly of Thomaston, starts on a European trip ticing made nnd the travelling public will find The Woman’s Relief Corps tendered a re­ doors when he comes here agnln. The Advent Conference has been in session ception to Mrs. Albion McAllister, president of of a very artistic design nt the works of John this week. here for several days, quite a large number of all the conveniences and comfort of a first-class The work of repacking nlcwivcs wns finished Ingram. hotel. the organization, Wednesday evening, nt their Mrs. Antionettc Fales, of Boston, and Mrs ministers and friends of that society being in hall. A large number attended ami enjoyed Saturday. Nearly 1100 barrels nre wailing Eveleth Bickmore hns repaired nnd pninted Thnt pretty little operetta, "Pepita," will be for a market before they will be shipped. They the Leonard Tripp boat nnd will use it this S. Dexter Carleton of Rockport,nieces of Mrs attendance. very pleasant lime. Refreshments wore served given in Mcgunticook Hall next Friday eve­ Mrs. McAllister wns the recipient o f a silver arc taken out of strong pickle and salt, which summer. Sarah P. Snow, made her a visit a few day Frank H. Winslow was married Saturday to ning under the auspices of the Cnmden High makes them hnrd. Then the packers put in berry dish nnd spoon from the society. dry salt nnd place tillec layers of tish in the John Ingraham received a visit from one of since. Miss Ida E. Dyer of North Haven. Frnnk is School. Miss Emmie Bachclder takes the lit­ the firm of Nichols A Co. of Chicago, III., tle role which will be surety that the part will Rev. T. E. Brastow with his wife and son bottom of the barrel, then they dump in and Tuesday. Miss Alida M. Meban returned Saturday an A 1 boy and deserves the choice he has be well taken. The other parts arc all well fillid, left here Friday to attend the Commencement press down until the top Is reached, when three from a visit at Smith College,Mass., (her nlma made of a good helpmate. our local talent being assisted by Dr. T. E. exercises at Mt. Holyoke Keminnry nnd Col layers more are made, so that when either George McConehic, « ho has been confined Tibbetts and II. M. Lord of Rocklnnd, Stud- lege, commencing June 23d. Miss Frances C end Is opened all will look nice. Each to his house with quinsy fora few days, was mater) where she attended the Commencement Just as you are going to press we shall be ley’s Orchestra will furnish music, and Brastow is a member of the graduating class barrel contains 1!H) pounds of lish, with layers out Sunday. exercises. celebrating our 100th anniversary with all the Mrs. Reuel Robinson will preside nt the piano. There will be a reunion of the class of 1861 of dry salt. No pickle is added. Henry Sweet land hns udded one top buggy George W. Bowers, who has been an officer The hall should be packed. The management from which Mrs. Brastow graduated. Mrs nnd one elegant extension top surry to his splendor of bands, fantastics and the largest MATINICUS. livery outfit. at the M. S. Prison the past 18 years, has re have been put to great trouble and expense, Wm. Ilayford of Bangor accompanied the procession ever seen in Vinalhaven. and we hope our peoplo will lend their hearty party. Mrs. Julia Wardwcll is in town. Edward J. Miller hns hten awarded the con­ signed and gone into trade at West Main street, support by attending and packing tho hall. The scholars in the High School delivered PORT CLYDE. Arthur Nunan of Cape I’orpoise was in town tract e.t making a group of three statues at keeping a market and grocery store. some very excellent pieces Friday evening in At the annual meeting of the Cnmden Home recently. East Bluehill. for Aged Women Association the 13th inst.,the Summer visitors are beginning to arrive. J. The public schools close the present term the Union Church. Miss Carrie Crockett won W. Hupper hns a house full engaged. Edward Ames made a business trip to Rock­ Capt. 8. S. Thayer is applying n coat of treasurer reported the Birth Place Fund for lnnd last week. hand-nine colors to Messrs. Green nnd Wood­ Friday, the 28th, nnd will take a vacation until the prize badge for young ladies. Her select­ the year to amount to 8118, including 810 sent Sch. Mnttie E. Eaton, thnt was dismasted iu ard’s house, Elm street. September. Miss Mehan.the supervisor,is busy a collision off Cape Cod, was towed in here Orris Hall passed a few days with his broth­ ion was entitled : “ Iicgulus to the Carthagin­ by Georgia Estabrook Freeman in response to er, James Hall, recently. Mrs. W. II. Luce is receiving a visit from this week examining the several schools. a Birth Place circular, Mrs. J. B. Swan 85 on the 16th inst. and is being repaired at the dock ians," and was well delivered. The boy’s Bradbury Grant and Henry Mandlc of Vinal- her mother. Mrs. Dexter Carlton, and aunt, subscription, Chas. Myrick 81, gifts from of Washburn Bros. Mrs. Fales of Boston. The law rooms of J. E. Moore, esq., the old badge was won by Eddie Condon, who recited friends 8'4- The dinner in January netted liaven were In town Inst week. “The Defense of Hofer” in a very pleasing The poles for the telephone from Tenant' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sleeper arc pleased, rooms of the Inte A. P. Gould, esq., have been 880.17, parlor concert 81.15, one life member, Harbor to this place nre being delivered, nnd a Mrs. Esther I’hilhrook went to Rockland style. Miss Evelyn Manson showed consider­ Mrs. Lavina Thorndike, 820. Whole receipts the 21st for medical treatment. having received die news of the birth of a elegnntly fitted up, and are without doubt the crew of men will be nt work putting them up grandson, Wednesday. able dramatic talent nnd with n little practice for year 8318.82, making the total fund of the this week. We arc getting out of the woods Chas. II. M. Robbins of Camden called on best arranged nnd furnished law rooms in this society 81.478 81, besides the land on which relatives nnd friends here last week. Mrs. Nancy McLoon left town Saturday,nnd portion of the state. The Thomnston cus. would make n very fine reader. Frank the Home is to be built. One member of the Sch. Searsville discharged a cargo of 32J will visit friends at Rockland, Camden nnd McNicol made a favorable impression in bis part society, Mrs. Lucy P. Adams, has died during tons of coal last week for Franklin Trussell Mrs. Helen M. Ames made a business trip to toms headquarters, D. P.Rose in charge,is also Rocklund on packet Julia Fairbanks, last Lincolnville before she returns. and some of the audience thought his piece the year. The following officers were elected : Mr. Trussell has enlarged his coal sheds, and here. Capt. Isaac Cooinos, President; Mrs. S. E. week. Sherman A Hatch have the George Green the best delivered. The others who partici­ made extensive repairs to his wharves this and John Woodard house ready for plastering. Wood, Mrs. Sarah Brastow, Mrs. Eveline spring. W. Scott Young nrrived home on Inst Wed­ Five buy windows have been added. We congratulate Wallace E. Mason on his pated all did well and they deserve the praise Orbeton, Vice Presidents; Myra D. Coombs, nesday’s boat. He has completed his course A man was drowned in our harbor Tuesday Joseph W. Ames nnd family and Mrs. J. H. appointment as clerk at the Maine State PriS' thnt was freely given them. The Vinalhaven Secretary; Mrs. John C. Curtis, Treasurer; Capt. Peter Cushman runs a small freighter, at Farmington, Me. on. Mr. Mason is a graduate of Bowdoin Johnson Knight, George Burd, F. M. Rich­ Sch. Abbie S. Emery, Maker, Cnmden, nr­ Alien and Muster Claud Allen go to Pleasant Band attended nnd gave some of their best ards, Trustees; Committees to decide on en- and several weeks ago when in Bangor Bench Friday to occupy their cottage for tho College, taught the Thomaston High School selections during the evening. a man came on board and wanted rived here Inst week with a load of fish barrels summer. terta nments fur the year, Mrs. B. C. Adams, to ship, said be belonged in liar- for Henry Young, esq. for a number of years, and is a young gentle Mrs. John C. Curtis, Mrs. Fred E. Richards, Deacon Mark Ames stnrtid for Boston on man of culture and ability. He will mako Our v illage schools are now enjoying their Miss Ella Adams, Miss Myra Coombs, Mrs. rington, but did not give his name. When Misses Jessie M. nnd Nellie A. Ames went to long summer vacation. The High School they got to Camden Mr. Cushman was taken Vinalhaven the 20th in sch.Henrietta II. Ames business, Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. competent clerk. Justin Sherman. Ames who goes us fur ns Oakland to visit her Friday completed a most satisfactory term, sick and went to the hospital, leaving tbc old to visit their aunt,Mrs.Evelyn L. Smith,Lane’s Our postoflice was entered nt one o’clock man in charge of the vessel, who remained on Island, Vinnlhaven. daughter who is teaching there. Ebcn Creighton, Jr., goes to Boston this and our citizens ascribe equal credit to the Tuesday morning. The entrance was effected board. When he arrived In this harbor, Mr The schools will close Friday and many of by breaking a back window sasb. Eighty-one We wish the Appleton scribe would inform week nnd will enter the employ of the Boston pupils and teachers for the successful work ac­ Cushman, huving recovered came home, nnd us at his next scribbling if there has been any our people will go to Pleasant Bench for the and Baltimore Transportation Company of complished. The unpleasantness which pre­ dollars were stolen. II. Z. King, aged about Tuesday morning about six o’clock went on summer. The good beaches, beautiful drives twenty, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, who had board of tbc schooner and found the old man word from Jesse L. Wentworth and family. und desirable locations for cottnges are as in­ which G. Edwin Smalley is the superintendent vented the public exercises which our town’s been at work on the electric lights, was spend­ eating his brenkfast. He said to Cushman, Mr. Wentworth has many friends in this vicin­ viting us any on the coast of Maine to the and mnnager. Eben is a very worthy young people expected, is to be regretted, still we ing money freely Tuesday forenoon and was that after breakfast he was going on board of a ity who are very anxious on his behalf. summer sojourner. man and we trust he will meet with success in trust that the lesson has been leurned. The suspected by Postmaster Singhi and arrested. three-master that was laying near by to see if Sanborn A Young have their herring weir in Ten dollars was found on his person and he he could get a chance to ship. Cushman told fishing order and anticipate a good catch this UNION. his new employment. prize competition was a literary attraction and owned up. He had spent the rest of the him all right; as it would be some time before season. Schooners from all directions are ar­ J. P. Fish lost a valuable cow last week. Henry Washburn and wife, of Boston, are afforded a mental feast, to w'hich our citizens money. He said his partner was Frank W. he should be able to sail,and then went ashore. riving after bait. In two days recently they Mrs. Louise Bachclder is in Rockland for a testified their enjoyment by a large anuience Bisbee, a carpenter, son of O. J. Bisbee, nged About 10 o'clock Cushman again went on sold from their weir 8119 worth of herring. few days. guests at the bouse of Mrs. Abbie Washburn about 20 years. Bisbee was arrested that af­ board, and found the dory upset und the old and marked appreciation. The parts were the ternoon while going to work from dinner, lie WASHINGTON. Have patience, friends, we will have the Knox street. Mr. Washburn is a sister of the man under it, drowned. lie got help and sidewalk before the -1th. late George K. Washburn and a nephew of best yet presented and to be numbered with owned up and gave up the money, thirty-six brought the body ashore to Franklin Trussell’s I-aac Hatch of Morrill nnd Mrs. Hatch the participants is honorable mention. Tbc dollars. The young men were taken in charge and notified the selectmen who took charge of visited friends in town lust week. James Fossett has his barn moved and it is Mrs. Sarah P. Snow, who lies ill nt her resi­ by the deputy sheriff and locked up. King’s it, and hud it put in the tomb, and they are Willie W. Kenniston of Vershirc, Vt., is a great improvement to the looks of his place. dence, West Main street,nt the advanced age of committee of awards was Rev. Warren Apple father nnd mother have been spending the bee, D. H. Glidden, E. II. Lyford, Exerctt trying to find his folks. F. II. Marshall thinks looking up old friends in this vicinity. There will be an afternoon and evening 90 years. Mrs. Snow was a sister of the late month past in Camden and nre now ut Brown­ the man’s name is Nathan Strout and thnt Miss Lonn Burns of Howard, It. I., is in dance here the Fourth, for the benefit of the Rev. Job Washburn and the family are noted Mills and FredJCarver. Following is the pro­ ville, Maine. Bisbee formerly lived in Iowa. he wus a shipmate with him in 1877. The town visiting her parents und Iriends. hall. gram ; He has a wife and a child in Massachusetts. man’s full name was Nehcmiah A. Strout, of Mr. nnd Mrs. May of Winthrop have heen for their longevity. King knew where the Key to the old style safe Harrington. Mr.nnd Mrs. Alphonzo Mitchell of Appleton Music. was kept. Bisbee Is now out ou bail. have been visiting nt Mrs. B. P. Upham’s. spending a few days with the family of E. F. The Thomastons think they redeemed them­ Toussaint L'Ouverture, Frnnk McNicol SOUTH MONTVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Issac Upham of San Francisco Joy. Irish Aliens, Arthur Smith EAST BLUEHILL. selves Saturday at Warren when the score at Iicgulus Io the Curthaglnians, Carrie Crockett Mrs. Daniel C. Little is quite sick. have retained to their home, leaving Saturday. Mrs. Eunice Burkett has been making ex­ Menu's Waters, Georgia Rolfe There was a slight frost Monday night. tensive repairs on her house, putting in large close of game stood Thomastons 30, Warrens C. S. Adams has added 20 feet to the length Ethel, little daughter of Dunicl H. Clark windows, etc. 1. We suppose there will be explanations to The Stygtnu, Ella Dollotl' The celebration will be quiet this Fourth in of his barn. fell Wednesday breaking the elbow joint ol one Music. this place. arm. Cooper Relief Corps of Union sent five rep­ be made, and reasons assigned for this change fense of Hofer, Eddie Condon C. T. Randall has moved bis barn across the resentatives to the convention ut Waterville. Whistling in Heaven, Edith McIntosh Geo. Perry leaves for his home in Rocklund roud, enlarged it and put on u new roof. Mrs. Oliver I). Brown of Rockland has been since the game at Thomaston. But when the The Sioux Chief’s Daughter, Evelyn Munson Wednesday. Riling her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. They report one of the best of times. games are all “one way” there is no fun in the Our Folks, Annie Kittredge The Fourth of July is going to spread itself Upham. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Russell and daughter Music. Several of the granite cutters have left here out all over Georges River Trotting Park. game. Play on boys, but be gentlemen and the past week. ot Cambrldgeport, Mass., are spending a num­ The Bridal Wine Cup, Albra Vinal Flora Cram, who has been in Worcester, P. R. Nevens of Searsmont, former proprie­ ber of weeks the guests of Mr. und Mrs. A. L. you will have the respect of all. Tlie Musician's Tale, Mahelle Burge Elias Allen has returned from his home in Mass., the past year, is at home on a visit. tor of the Centra! House, spent Thursduy at Jones. Tlie Life.Boat, Minnie Black South Thomaston. that hostelry. Henry M. Gardner, harness dealer, has The Muideu Martyr, Muude Shirley Mrs. C. N. Cram has gone to China to spend Books are in circulation soliciting stock for Music. Charles Appell arrived here this week from a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. E. D. Jep- Andrew A. Skinner has leased the Dr. Carter the railroad. People are subscribing liberally, moved into the Carr ft O'Brien block, West Award of l’rizes. Washington to spend his vacation with his residence ut East Jefferson und will move son. there Thursday. and with a little help from outside the road Main street. Ilis increase ;of business neces­ APPLETON. parents. Mrs. II. C. Pottle had new potatoes for din­ can be built. sitated more room, and he occupies rooms C. F. Wentworth has a new horse. Miss Sarah Treworgy held religious services ner the 20th Inst. She has potatoes, squash, Edgar F. Hoak has been using and inunag­ Next Wednesday will be the 5th anniver­ Tuesday evening on the dance platform of I. ing the roud machine in town ami as a result above as well as on the lower floor for his busi­ Geo. Ames has repaired his buildings. cucumbers and tomutoes in blossom. has given us good word. sary of Rural Lodge, I. O. G. T. When the ness. He now has an order for 1000 harnesses Candnge. lodge wus organized some suid it might stand Mrs. Fred Gushee is visiting in Hope. Some twenty Masons went to the village Danvers Cram launched his little steamboat Mr. nnd Mrs. T. 8. Bowden nre in attend­ six months, some said one year, but Rural which will give employment for a great many There was quite a large congregation at Monday evening, to Bluchill Lodge, F. und in Georges Pond lust Saturday. She is 20 feet ance ut the annual convention of the Maine Lodge still lives. men. Success to him, und this will be a boom church Sunday. long, 6 feet wide and wus built by the Warren Farmers’ Almanac Association, Augusta. A. M., to witness work on the third degree. Bros., Searsmont. Capt. Crum built his own Isaac Upham, formerly of Worcester, Mass., for Thomaston in the right direction. Deacon Dyer has recovered and is working Charles Whitham died Monday ut his home, engine, the first work of the kind he ever did. Madison Howard cut a severe gush in his has opened a general repair shop in the build­ with the vim of a tnan 60 years younger. North Bluehill. He was buried Wednesday The engino is about two-horse power. It is a foot Thursday while splitting wood. He will ing known ns the Frank Rice paint shop. Mr. Wm. O. Blunt, son of Oscar Blunt, is locat­ Mrs. Nellie Smith and daughter of Hallow­ under Masonic ceremonies. He leaves a wile nice little craft. be incapacitated for labor for several weeks. U pbam is an exemplary young man and a ed with a boot and shoe firm at Ridley Park, ell arc visiting at her mother's, Mrs. Hattie and three children. While puinling on the residence of II. Bliss, finished workman, und all in need of his ser­ a short distance from Philadelphia. He was Simmons’. A small vessel belonging to Swan’s Island PULPIT HARBOR. Jr., Allred Bicknell fell from a staging, a vices will do well to give him u cull. listance of ten feet to the ground, dislocaiing present at the Johnstown disaster. He was on Mrs. Adaline Robinson celebrated her 80th discharged freight at the Corner one day lust Miss Ada Curver was home from Rockland week, und in beating out of the harbor got on is left shoulder and splintering the shoulder PALERMO CENTRE. board of a train at the time crossing a bridge, birthday by walking to Stephen Simmons’, last week. inc. about three miles. to a ledge and filled. Fred Coombs and wife of Vinalhaven visited J. W. Turner has purchased n fine yoke of and most of the train was swept with the bridge Mrs. Chas. Rucklitf received word that her Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bliss attended the oxen. A colt owned by Seldom Dunton and pas­ Mrs. Coombs’ parents here last week. wedding o f Mias Marcia Fessenden Bliss, at down the stream. Mr. Blunt was in the second tured on tbc Point, got his leg badly cut on a daughter, Mrs. Herbert Farr, living in Rock­ Mrs. J. T. Coombs and Mrs. Isaac Brown Mrs. Cordelia Bradstreet of Bridgewater, is car from those that were swept away. At the barbed wire fence one day last week. land, is very sick. She left Wednesday morn­ Bangor I hursday of last week,which to k (dace visiting friends in town. ing on the Bluehill for Rockland. went to Rocklund Tuesday on the Bluehill. at the First Congregational Church at noon. note of warning he jumped out and ran upon Philander Pitman of Knox visited in Ap- It wus pronounced u brilliant affair. Mr. und Mrs. Charles Hamilton of Natick, A man by the name of Coughlin died at the The Sunday School will have a picnic the Muss., are spending the summer in Palermo. the hill and thus wus saved. ileton and Hope lust week. His Charlie, a 1th. A large number 19 expected from Isles- Mrs. Alden Weaver died Wednesday after a Drew colt 32 yeurs old, will dust out many a boarding-house, Eagle quarry, Tuesday night. boro. Elon Kitchen has contracted to curry the younger animul. He hud been drinking hard of lute which wus long and painful illness which she bore with mail from Liberty toAugustu for the next four HURRICANE. tbc cause of his death. His friends hud the Cut worms are making sal havoc among great patience und resignation. Deceased was years. Nathan Hawkes has invented a potato-digger day before brought him from Ellsworth. the hoed crops. They have neurly destroyed an estimable lady and highly respected. She that is quite an ingenious contrivance. He has several plots of potatoes and beans so that leaves a husband, one son und two daughters. •S. B. Jones and family have moved Io Brunch Martin and John Shields spent Sunday ut a working model that is a curiosity. We think White, Gates A Co., Niantic, Conn., the they have had to be planted over. Mills. We nre sorry to lose them, und hope his machine will prove a success. parties who recently bought the Wescott A pleasant entertainment was held by the they may return. their home. Rev. Mr. llowcs, J. F. Coombs, Samuel John Davis is improving some in health. Hinckley quarry, have commenced work in members of Evening Star Grange Wednesday Mrs. S. M. llandy of Somerville, Muss., is Alex Munroe's family have moved to Red­ earnest ulreudy. Quite a number of the quarry Nutt nnd F. A. Joyce went to Islesboro Wed­ evening. A varied and interesting program His grand-daughter, Miss Edna Davis, came men here and some of the cutters have gone nesday amt held meetings in the Baptist wus presented, closing with the drawing of a iu town for u few days. stone, N. II. home to see him. She was accompanied by there to work. It is reported that this com puny church. There seemed to be quite an interest beautiful silk quilt, the fortunate number C. C. Sprutt has returned from Pittsfield, Mrs. Hugh Maxwell is visiting friends in Miss Emma Meservey of Blair, Neb. has bought a quarry on Vinalhaven, where among the people there. Two young ladies being belli by .Samuel Weaver which article of where he graduated recently. He contemplates E. 11. Conant und wife of Belfast made a W interport. they intend to get out platforms and rough took a start. housekeeping comes to him verv opportunely. entering Butes College the coming full. short visit in Appleton u week ugo. Your cor­ stock. The receipts of the evening were large. respondent received a pleasant hut brief call SUNSET. MARTINSVILLE. Mrs. T. F. Haley and daughter are visiting NORTH HAVEN. in Rockland. from Mr. Conant. Wm. 11. Conant und wife, Mrs. Galen F. Ilix of Rockland is visiting SEAL HARBOR. Capt. Pbineas Hurris is at home. of Belfast also visited in Appleton a few days Henry Duncan has moved from Iron Point her parents here. Services were held at the hall SundBy by ago. into the Elroy Banks house. Joseph Emery visited Waldoboro on busi­ Capt. John Bond is stopping at home for a Fred W. Fitield arrived home from Kent’s ness, Tuesday. shoit time. Rev. Fr. Quinn. The Maine Farmers' Almanac Convention J. C. Waterman and wife have been visiting Hill, Saturday, where he has been attending Herbert Higgins is building a house near J. W. Hupper had two guests urrive last Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Hill are visiting their will he held at Hotel North, Augusta, tomor­ at Capt. Henry J. Sleepers’ in Union. school. Harrington’s Cove. week aud more are coming soon. row, Wednesday. T. U. McLain of Rockland Dr. Simons was at Widow’s Island last week, son at Winterport. has the roll-call, the salutatory is by Prof. 11. Mrs. Hiltz and son arrived from Washing­ The Sewing Circle meets at Mrs. George Capt. Joshua Hawley aud family have ar­ returning to Portsmouth, Wednesday. ton, D. C., Saturday, and opened their cottage Burton’s Thursday next. rived home, Capt. Hawley’s son, Geo. Ituwley, Mrs. Moses Shields and daughter were at B. Capenof Dirigo Business College, Augusta, the poem by Prof. Small, obituary notices by A drifting double-ender was picked up in the at Sunset. Daniel McLeod has returned from Saratoga has taken command of the vessel. the city, Saturday. Southern Harbor, (Thursday afternoon, by E. Stephen Knowlton, a student ot Amherst Thamas Barter has his new house up und Hon Josiah H. Drummond of Portland, and C. Brown. and is at work ut the Atlantic. Capt. W. G. Butman has removed his fam­ the vuledictory by Volney A. Sprague, esq., of College, arrived home last week on u brief boarded, and it will he quite an ornament to C. S. Staples is doing quite a business in visit to relatives. Mrs. Hall of Matinicus is visiting her the place when completed. Fred R. Hupper is ily to Round Pond. Dexter. The program gives promise of the mother, Mrs. William Stanton. most interesting session yet. buying fresh fish and making them at bis School at Sunset, District 12, commenced duiug the work. wharf. They are very nice fish. Henry Waldron has udded one or two new Sch. John Brasewell took a load of cut The Appleton Amateur Dramatic Cluti gave Monday, taught by Miss Addle Spofford of carriages to his livery business. stone from here last week. the drama "Our Folks or Running Io Waste” Seb. F. II. Smith, Capt. Crockett, landed the Northwest Harbor. BIG F IS H . first muckerel of the season in Gloucester, this Miss Georgia Brainerd of Rocklund is visit­ in Riverside Hall, Thursday evening to a large The season in this vicinity is remarkably The Bangor Commercial says the officers on Mr. and Mrs. Perkins of Castine were the and appreciative audience. The list of charac­ week. There were 25 barrels and they sold early and the farmers will begin haying two ing at Willis Adams', on the Island. guests of G. E. Tilden, Thursday. ters we gave last week. Without particulariz­ for 815 per bbl. weeks before the usuul time. Schcol closed Friday. Mrs. Godfrey has the Boston steamers report whales exceedingly ing it would be the simple truth to say that the taught a successful term und given excellent numerous on the coast just now and the boats Mr. and Mrs. F. Styles of Cambridge were There is to be a lecture at the Thoroughfare Mr. Simeon Dow and wife, who have been parts were all well rendered and the drama a school-house next Sunday afternoon on “ The satisfaction. have no difficulty in striking large schools ol guests of W. A. Healey the past week. complete success. The sum of 827.80 wus Rise and Fall of King Solomon's Temple,” by stopping a few days at Sunset, returned to Eben Elwell was obliged to return home taken at the door, which was presented to Rev. Prof. J. T. Coombs. their home at Dow’s Point Saturday. from his work Friday, receiving a severe blow them. On a recent trip ol the Penobscot,Capt. There have been no more cases of diphtheria • H. Beale. Ingraham says that at one time during Alfred Bowditcb of Boston is to have a club­ SOUTH WARREN. iu the eye from a flying stone. reported for some time aud we are in hopes to CUSHING. house built on his lot at the Thoroughfare. the day it looked us if the boat Miss Blanche Sumner visited at Job Spear's WEST APPLETON. have no more. Joshua Rivers has painted his buildings. Mr. Bowditcb is a grandson of the author of last week. were ruuning into a bed of rocks over “ Bowditcb’s Nuvigatur.” Mrs. Doia H. Blake is in Warren. Wm. Williamson was quite badly injured Mrs. Mary Freeman has gone to North Miss Inez Bucklin has been visiting relatives which the sea was breaking. The rocks Waldoboro. HOPE. in St. George. Miss Effie Hart is in North Searsmont. were whales and the monsters were resting on while running the engine on the Island Belle James Hurt is now digging a cellar for one one day last week. Miss Fannie Miller has returned home from We say gohleu rod. Mrs. A. R. Jorduu and daughter visited in the waters apparently unconscious ut the near­ Medfield, Mass- The Grange held a picnic Thursday near the Thomaston, recently. of his buildings. ness of the boat. Little Agatha, daughter of Mr. und Mis. Mrs. Benjamin Wenthworlh is visiting her lleadof-the Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Fuller returned home Mrs. Nellie Lotbrop and family are now pre­ •------«♦»------■ sister in Warren. paring to go west. Wm. Cogun, who died at Warren the 16th, of Quite a heavy frost Monday night of last from Lynn, last week. SLUMBEROUS CARGO. diphtheria, is missed by a large circle of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben McKinsley of White- week in low places. Wm. L. Jordan has sold bis horse to Everett Miss Alvira Parsons, a relative of Mrs. field have been in town. Cook of Friendship. Japbet Boynton, has been visiting there for the friends. She wus a bright, utfeetionate child. A deer was seen by some ot our boys this past fortnight. Sch. Mary C., Bennett,was discharging 3500 Vinal Wallace has sold his horse to George week near Hobbs Pond. M. A. Waller of Boston is visiting bis A. Wallace of So. Waldoboro. Amos Boynton has been laid up for the past sleepers from Moncton, N. B., for the Knox A young lady accidentally fell overboard Rev. Mr. Kimmel aud wife and Rev. Mr. parents, Henry Walter aud wife. few days with a sore foot, caused by the bite or A Lincoln ut Ruilroad wharf lust week. while getting on shore from a small boat, Fri­ Mr. aud Mrs. Roscoe J. Bowler of Water­ Hooper of Orono called ou frieuds in town one Miss H. B. Walter closed a successful term sting of some insect. ville have been in town calling on friends. day last week. of school in St. George, Friday. day evening. Assistance was promptly ren­ Fred Rockwell of Washington has been Damarisgotta has a small vessel in dered and she was rescued without Injury Mrs. A. F. Cater, who has been visiting her Messrs. A. R. Bills and Henry Wise o f Miss Sadie Winchenbach of South Framing­ slopping ut Ambrose Muddocks’ the pust wick, sister, Mrs. M. L. Woodcock, has returned to Rockland with their wives took dinner with ham is stopping with her sister, Mrs. Job frame, and several new houses are in process except a cold bath. being taken suddenly sick while on a journey her home in So. Waldoboro. J 8. L. Bills, Bunday. Spear. to some adjoiniug town. of erection. V


THE CHURCHES. C H IPS FLY. Marine ^tpartment. KN OX COUNTY--In Court of Probate hold at Twenty-eight men arc at work on the new Rockland, on the third Tueaday of June, 1889. Paste This in Your Hat! Maria A. Packard, widow ofChene 8. Packard, Rev. B. C. Wentworth, presiding elder of vessel in Cobb's yard. The crew will soon be PAVING Sch. Ella Ijjancls, Foster, arrived Friday. the Bangor M. E. circuit, will make his home late of Camden, In enld County, deceased, having Sell. Edw. Lameycr, Beals, Is in New York. increased to 35 men. presented her application for allowance out of the in Dexter. He was tendered a most cordial personal estate of said deceased: Schs. Fleetwing, Granville and Nile arrived reception by the people there tho other evening. O r d e r e d , That notice thereof be given three Friday. HEADS THE LIST. weeks successively in the Courier Gazette, printed Sell. Altarctta Campbell sailed from Boston Mr. Wentworth Is a native of Cushing....The IllIFftPKIili lit IlliltS. in Rockland, in said countv, thnt all persons inter­ tbc 21st. Congregational June meetings were held in ested may attend nt a Probate Court to be held at C. W. Thurston of Union is doing his part Rockland, on the third Tuesday of July next, Sch. I^evi Hart arrived nt Philadelphia the Portland last week, and interesting nnd profit­ and show cause, il nny they have, why the prayer 18th from Sagun. able sessions nre reported. There have been towards carrying out the crow tramp law. He For the next few (lays of said petition should not be granted. Sch. Stephen G. llnrt discharged onk timber has corralled 130 up to date. 24-26 RKUKL ROBIN8ON , Judge. commissioned during the year 01 ordained the street and sidewalk A tru e copy—A ttest:—A. A. BRATON, R egister. at Bath last week. ministers and 40 licentiates and students. The ------Sch. Edw. Lameycr arrived at Bridgeport BAD DROUTH. KNGX COUNTY—In Court, of Probate, held at lfitb, from Richmond. aggregate amount of service is equal to nearly in front of onr store must Rockland, on the third Tuesday of June, 1889. Sch. Commonwealth. Kinney, arrived yester­ 74 years. The average attendance upon Sun­ of necessity he in a Helen M. Ames, widow of Elmer E. Ames, late day from Boston, light. day services has been 8812; 0931 have been Private advices from Florida state that there of Mu'inicus, in said County, deceased, having presented her application for allowance out of the Sch. Brigadier, Tolman, was at St. Domingo found in the Sunday Schools, 2245 are found will be but half the usual crop of oranges there personal estate of said deceased : 29th tilt., for New York. in the week day prayer meetings, and 4248 this season because of the drouth. CHAOTIC STATE. O r d e r e d , That notice thereof be given, three Brig M. C. Haskell, Perry, arrived at Gal­ families belong to the missionary churches, weeks successively, in the Coitrftr-nrwttt, printed veston 17th, from New York. in Rockland, in said County, that all persons inter­ ’llte membership is reported as 1700 males and OLD REMINISCENCE. Through all this turmoil ested may attend nt n Probate Court to be held at Sch. Sadie Wlllcntt, Hart, nrrlved at Fernan­ Rockland, on the third Tuesday of July next, dina, 18th, from St. Pierre, Mnrt. 3801 females, making a total of 5021. This gives to the aided churches nn average of 55 we can discern the many and show cause, if nny they have, why the prayer Sch. Cattawamteak, Strout, cleared from A citizen informs us that Rockland’s first And don’t forget that the place to of said petition should not be granted. Charleston the 20tb for Rockport. members. The reports record 307 hopeful con­ steamboat captain was Sabin B. Blalsdcll, who blessings to follow and 24 20 REUEL ROBINSON, Judge. find the most complete assortment A true copy—Attest:—A. A. B e a to n , Register. Sch. Thomas R. Pillsbury nrrlved nt versions, and 201 additions by profession, and was the first commnnder of tho steamer Rock­ Havana the loth from Philadelphia. 109 by letter, making 370 in all. The average land. He originally ran a packet. are perfectly satisiied of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Straw KNOX COUNTY.—In Probate Court, held at Ship Rosie Welt, Welt, was nt Melbourne grant to churches with pastors was 8151, nnd with any reasonable sac­ Ilats, Nobby Light Still’Hats, Kersey Rockland, on the third Tuesday of June«1889. l'itli tilt., for Sydney or Puget Sound. the average money salary was 8008. Thirty- C. E. Meservey, administrator on the estate ABOUT CROPS. of Catherine1 Nason,late of Rockland,in said county, Sch. 11. L. Kcnnoy, Shaw, is on the way six of them have parsonages or rentals. Tbc rifice which we are called deceased, having presented his first account of ad- from Rondout with cement for Boston. nldcd churches have given to this society Local gardeners report thnt crops are not ministration of said estate for allowance : Sch. Stephen G. Loud, Bennett, sailed from upon to make. Now we O r d e r e d , That notice thereof be given, three Fall River the 20th for a southern port. 81,430.12, and to all other benevolent objects doing so well this yenr as last. The early weeks successively in the Courier-Gazette printed in Rockland in said county, thnt all persons inter­ Sch. Nntitilus, Tolman, s tiled Friday from 81,303.51. Five have been ordained to the drouth and succeeding heavy rains have been don’t intend to let this HATS! ested may attend at a Probate Court to be held at Clark’s Island for New York with stone. gospel ministry during the year: Mr. Iliscock, unpropitlous. - I S A T - Rockland, on the third Tuesday of July next, S?h. Mail, Kent, sailed from Rockport Fri­ Fort Fairfield; Mr. Adams, at South Gardiner; inconvenience interfere nnd show cause, if any they have, why the said ac- day for Wiscasset to load for New York. count should not be allowed. Mr. Stowe, Dexter; Mr. Wheclock, at Tops­ MAKING RIGGING. with onr USUAL RUSH, 24-26 REUEL ROBINSON. Judge. Srhs. Thomas Hix and J I). Grillin are ham; and Mr. Woodrow at Mechanic Falls. A tru e copy—Att, si — A. A . B e a to n , Register. bound here with coni fur 11. 11. Hall & Co. The receipts from churches nnd individuals Longley, the rigger, has a crew at work in so for the next KN<>X COUNTY—In Probate (’ourt, held at Rock­ Sell. Caroline Knight, Ward, is on the way were 80,249.91; from women's auxiliary, $1,- l O r r y ! Ci.’s, land on the third Tuesdny of June, 1889. home from New York with coal nt 96 cents. his lofts, Atlantic wharf, on rigging for" dis­ (’In Istopher Prince, administrator on the estate of Ship Edward O'Brien, Taylor, soiled from 039,27; Irom legacies, $1.505.90....Sunday masted schooner Mattie Eaton al Port Clyde, Jul a Bennett, late of Thomaston, in said county, was Children’s Day nt the First Baptist. The Where prices are guaranteed as low deceased, having presented his first and linal ac­ Sydney, N. S. W., April 18th, for San l’ctlro. and also a lit-out of rigging for Capt. A. J. count of administration of said estate for ullowance: Sell. Maynard Sumner, Dyer, is nt the At­ pastor, Rev. W. S. Roberts, preached an in­ as the lowest, and where you are Hall's new schooner. -5 DAYS - O r d e r e d , That notice thereof be given, three lantic loading lime for Jacksonville from Cobb. teresting sermon to the children in the morn­ sure to find the very latest styles and weeks successively, in the Courier-Gazette, printed Sch. Addle Snow nrrived in New York ing, the younger members of the Sundny in Rockland, in said County, that ali persons inter­ KEPT TALLY. novelties.] ested may attend at a Probate Court to be held nt Tuesday from San Domingo City, with sugar. School assisting in the service. In the eve­ We shall oiler special Rockland, on the third Tuesday of July next, and Sch. G. M. Brninerd, Mullen, sailed Tuesday ning the school gave its Children's Duy con­ show cause, if any they have, why the said uccount front Yinalhaven for Philadelphia with cut A gentleman In one of the Ingrahnm's Hill inoncements in every should not be allowed. cert, under tho direction of the superintendent, stone. houses kept an account of the amount of pas­ 24-26 KEUEL ROBINSON, Judge. E. W. Porter. The Y. M. C. A. Orchestra as­ department. A true copy—A ttestA . A. B eaton, Register. Sch. J. II. Bodwell, Metcalf, is oil the way sing there Sunday of last week, and reports to Boston from Rondout with cement at 21 sisted in the exercises. The auditorium was You Must Have Them KNOX COUNTY.—In Court, of Probafe, held at 430 teams and 1066 persons. This does not In­ Rockland on the third Tuesday of June, 1889. cents. tilled in the morning, nnd In the evening both clude those that may have passed during the Christopher Prince, Executor of the last will and Sch. Jennie A. Cheney. Cushman, js coming the audience room and the chapel were packed. If you want a Fine Shoe, made on evening. testament of Peter Vesper, late of Thomaston, in to Portsmouth with coal from New York at The decorations were very pretty....The Uni­ CKEJS ^flD said County, deceased, having presented his 81.05. Stylish Lasts, Most Serviceable, first and final account of administration of the es­ Sch. Empress, Hatch, nrrived Friday. She versalist nnd Congregational Societies observe Y. M. C. A. Easy and Flexible tate of said deceased for allowance: loads from Almon Bird alter receiving slight next Sunday ns Children’s Day, with appro­ O r d e r e d , That notice thereof given, three repairs. priate sermons in the morning and a concert Beaded W /tfp s weeks successively in the Courier-Gazette, printed The State convention of the Y. M. 0. A. in Rockland, in said County, that all persons inter­ Sch. Maggie S. Hart nrrived nt Pascagoula at the Universalist in the evening. Several will he held in Waterville during the coming HORSEHIDE SHOES! ested may attend at a Probate Court to be held at the 18th for New Orlcuns, to load for South children will be christened at the Congrega­ have all been MARKED Rockland, on the third Tu nday of July next America. October....A delegation from the Y. M. C. A. [CORDOVAN.] and show caitse, if any they have, why the said ac­ Sch. S. Warren Hall, Walker, sailed from tional in the morning.. .Mr. Baxter had a full will attend the meeting ut the South Camden DOWN. count should not be allowed. house nnd gave many excellent tests and good 24 26 R EU EL ROBINSON, Judge. Rockport Thursday lor Washington, IL C., school-house next Sunday afternoon, Secretary A true Copy—Attest:—A. A. Be a to n , Register. satisfaction nt Armory Hall, Sunday. Mrs. txty ty ice-laden. Garland will lead the meeting. KNOX COUNTX—In Probate Court, held nt Rock* Sch. Florida, White, loads fish scraps nt II. S. Lake of Boston will speak in this city, laud, on the third Tuesday of June, 1889. Mystic, Conn., for Weymouth, Mass., at 90 l^W e have the exclusive sale for Sunday, July 7. THE CREAMERY. R. W. Messer, Administrator on the estate of cents a ton. this city. Laura E. Messer, late of Rockland, in said County, Sch. J. B. Holden, Look, is on the wav from -PA PASOLS- deceased, having presented his first aud final ac­ Philadelphia to Boston with coal at 81.20 and BAT AND BALL. During May it took 1 87-100 inches of cream count of administration of said estate for allowance: discharged. to make a pound of butter at our creamery. “ Tho Proof of tho Pudding is in the O r d e r e d , That notice thereof be given, three Marked Down. weeks successively, in the Courier-Gazette, printed Sch. Speedwell, Weed, sailed from here lust The result of the Thomaston-Warren game Mr. Hills thinks this cannot be beaten by any in Rockland, in said County, that all persons inter­ week with plaster from Red Beach for Bridge­ creamery in the state, 2 inches being the usual Eating.” ested may attend at a Probate Court to be held at port and New York. Saturday considerably changed the standing of Rockland, on the third Tuesday of July next, nnd four county clubs. The It. C. C.’s takes the amount required. The butter is A 1, and finds show cause, if any they have, why the said account Bark Hattie G. McFarland, Dodge, and sch. a ready market. The Ipswich creamery where should not bo allowed. Ella M. Watts, Stevens, were at Montevideo lead once more, while our Thomaston neigh­ 24 26 REUEL ROBINSON, Judge. 9th ult. for New York. bors get a foot-hold. Mr. Hills learned his trade and which began in A true copy—Attest:—A. A. B ea t o n , Register. Sch. St. Elmo, Rogers, discharged coal last a small way a few years ago, is now making U p D E p W E A P HEADQUARTERS PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. week lor Crockett from New Yorn. She will Played. Won. Lost. Per-cent won 2000 pounds per week and brings a high price. II. C. O., ft 4 1 .800 STATE OF MAINE. load lime for Providence. W arren, 3 2 1 .tlfltf ------*♦,------Marked Down. For Gents’ and Boys' K nox hs.—Court of Insolvency. Sch. Clara Colcord, Colcord, sailed Tuesday Thom aston, 3 1 2 .333 V i 4 I k/ J 4 3 3iStf 4 J VY. In the case of John D. Morse nnd William F. tor Spring Gnrden, near Baltimore, with Ice Camden, 2 0 2 .000 Morse, copts. as J. I). Morse & Co. and as indi­ and excel.lor from Bangor. viduals insolvent debtors. Notice is hereby given ‘•Walker and Simonton make one of the Everybody on Vinalbaven has been hard at FINE CALF SHOES! that a petition has, on this eighteenth day of June Sch. Gen. Ames, Jameson, is on the wny strongest batteries the county ever produced.” work preparing tor tho centennial celebration A. D. 1889, been presented to said Court for said from New York to Fernandina, where she loads -SPECIAL SACRIFICE- County by John p, Morse and William F. Morse lumber for Portland at 87.50 per M. —Thomaston Herald. What’s the matter with of the town which occurs today. The Button, Balmoral and Congress of all of Thomaston in the County of Knox praying that Gray and Simonton ? features of the day will be the thoy may be decreed to ft full discharge from Sell. Hume, Post, arrived Friday from Ports­ procession, in which will he superbly repre-. 5 SALES DAYS, 5 grades, qualities and prices. all their debts provable under the Insolvent Act mouth, after making a very quick round trip. George Newbert captains the Warren nine of the State of Maine, approved February 21, 1878, She sailed from here the preceding Monday. this season. sented the principal industries of the place and Aots amendatory thereof, and Sch. Manitou, Arey, was at Wiscasset Fri­ Civil bodies, historical floats, etc., will help to VPOQ reiitfo;,, I t O ppEijup Ral^- day discharging coal from New York. She The Bostons have started in finely on their make the procession a pleasing panorama to Court that a lit-arlhg be had Upon the same before said Court nt Probate Court Rdottt ifi Rockland, in goes to Vinulhavcu to load stone for Philadel­ western trip,taking four games from Pittsburg, look upon. A short history of the town by O. said County of Knox, on Tuesday, the sixteenth phia. making a total of eight straight thut they have P. Lyons, containing from 75 to 100 pagys, day of July, A. D. 1889, at two o’clock in the after­ Sch. Nile, Manning, nrrived Friday from won from that club this season. LADIES! noon ; and that notice thereof be published in the Salem where she discharged cement from will be distributed free to towns people. Courier-Gazette, a newspaper published at Rock­ Rondout. She Is at the South Railway for The 11. C. C.’s have made 78 scores to their S IM O N T O N ’S. Who desire a Fashionable and Com­ land in said County of Knox, once a week for (taint. opponents’ 61 so far this season. OUR VICINITY. three successive weeks, the last publication to bo fortable Shoe try a pair of our justly six days before the duy of hearing; and that all Sailed from Melbourne April 13th, bark Jen­ The R C. C.’s play ut Vinalbaven to-day creditors who have proved their debts, and other nie Harkness, Amesbury, for Manila; 30th, ►P Islcsboro.—J. L. Coombs, formerly of celebrated persons interested, may appear ut said place and ship William A. Campbell, Trusk, for Sydney, with the local nine, for a purse of 815. this place, hut now residing, when at home, in time, and show cause, ii nny thoy have, why a dis­ N.S. W. charge should not bo granted said debtors accord­ They play ball in Thomaston under difficul­ Foxboro, Mass., hns been given charge of the ing to tho prayer of their petition. Sch. Hannah Blackman, of New London, ties, evidently. Tuesday three boys, two of A t t e s t :— from Tenant's Harbor for New York, put into bark Charles F. Wade, and has sailed In her 24 26 A. A. BEATON, Boston lfitlt inst, leaky, nnd was run on the whom are prominent members of the Thomas­ for Barbadoes. Ills friends here will be glad t f E p ’S ROCHESTER SHOES! Register for said Court for said County of Knox. flats off South Boston to stop the leak. ton club, were arrested and compelled to pay to learn of his merited success....J. Murray TO TIIE JUDGE OF PROBATE FOR THE Sch. Mary Brewer sailed Thursday for New lines for passing hall on the street. Rttthcr Ho«e has hired the little steamer "Alvah” of For Style,Finish and Superior Fitting County of Knox. York from Perry Bros. Copt. Charles Bur­ rough on the national game. Camden for his own use during the summer Qualities they cannot be excelled. The undersigned represents that William II. gess has tuken command. He is a likely WP/TE SP/PTS Humlin of Rockland in said County, died on or young man, and has had a long experience at The Thomastons went to Warren last Satur­ ....There are 120 barrels of lime in the market Hand Turns and Hand Welt, French about the 28th day of February, (drowned) 1889, seafaring life. day and turned the tubles on that team, defeat­ from the quarry at Turtle Head....The Rich­ iutestute, leaving personal estate to tho amount Kill and Bright Dauga. of twenty dollars, to be administered: That Sch. Jennie G. Pillsbury, Wall, was in New ing them 30 to 1, the home team huving a mond recently landed Mr. Howe and family We have just bought 100 tloz George llarnlin of Wiscasset, County of Lincoln York last week from the West Indies with narrow escape from a whitewash. The Thomas- here. and tho minor children of Edward llarnlin, lute fruit, having made a very quick passage. She Men’s White Shirts at a great of Wiscasset aforesaid, brothers of said William was ready to leave New York Wednesday for tons took with them Brown, who pitched on II. Humlin, are sole heirs at law of suid W. II. Rockport with coal. last year’s Hath nine, and he proved a veritable COMMENCEMENT ECHOES. Humlin's estate, residing in Maine, and John C. loss to the manufacturer. These $ 2 . 2 5 Budd of Wiscasset is the guardian of said minors. The following vessels are bound to Rich­ puzzle to the Warren batsmen, they making Mervyn A. Itiee graduates from Bowdoin Wherefore your petitioners, the said George Ham­ mond : Alfred Keene, Greely, loading lime only one hit oil'him. Walker who has hereto­ lin and John C. Budd, guardian us aforesaid, heirs College thia week. at law of said deceased pray that letters of admin­ Fridav from Crockett. W. H. Allison, Kcnnis- fore pitched excellent hall was hatted ut leisure. Shirts are full size, Pure Linen The Latest, Greatest and Best ton, Warner Moore, Crockett, M. A. Achorn, Mra. J. D. I.uzell is in Brunawiek attending istration on suid estate may be grunted to Achorn, Abbott W. Lewis, ice-laden froui We ure unable to furnish the details of the P. Cilley, Esq., of Rocklund. the Bowdoin Commencement. GEORGE HAMLIN. Bangor. game, not being present. Bosoms, extra fine -cloth and Bargain By R. K. Sewall bis Atty. I.iMEHTEits.—Yankee Maid, Police, sailed Gray and Chaples of the It. O. C.’s played A. S. lliee, esq., and family went to Bruns­ JOHN C. BUDD, Guardian. Wednesday for New York from (/ty.... Annie wick yesterday to attend the graduating exer­ oil the Thomastons Saturday, the former in perfectly made. We have ever seen in this city for Ladies’ fine KNOX COUNTY—In Probate Court,held ut Rock­ J. Russell, Sprague, was in the stream Friday cises. from Rankin for New York----Georgiu Berry, right field and the latter at third. Boots is our land, on the third Tuesday of June, 1889. Ginn, arrived in New York Wednesday, lime The Commencement exercises at the Maine never before offered a Bargain On the foregoing Petition, Or d e r e d , That notice The Y. M. C. A. juniors, average nge 14, be given by publishing a copy thereof and of this from Crockett----IL W. Hammond, Elanders, Stute College were inaugurated Saturday even­ order, three weeks successively prior to the third was louding Friday from Messer for New York would like games with local teams on Wednes­ SPECIAL BRIGHT DONGA ing, with the Sophomore prize declamations. equal to this Tuesday of July next, in the Courier-Gazette, a .... Pearl, Harlow, sailed Tuesday for Salem days and Saturdays. Address,Albert McLoon, newspap< r printed in Rockland, thut all persona from Messer----Billow, Whitten, wus louding captain. Sunday evening Rev. C. F, Allen, U. D., for­ Common Sense and Opera Toe at interested may attend at a i’robate Court then to Friday from Cobb tor New York... .Idaho, merly president of the college, delivered the be held in itocklund, and show cuuse, if uny, why French, was loading Friday from Abbott lor The Warrens play in this city tomorrow. only the piayer of said Petition should not be granted. Baccalaureate address at tho Town Hall,Orono. REUEL ROBINSON, Judge. New York.... Ringdove, Marston, arrived in A true copy of the petition and order thereon. Richmond the 22d from Cobb... ..Mary Lang­ Ada B. Y’ouug and W. Scott Young of Ma- SPECIAL DRIVE! Attest,—A. A. B ea t o n , R egister, 24-26 don, Emery, sailed lust week for l’roi idenee, QUICK WORK. tinicus were in the city lust week on their way from Cot b...... AT ...... $ 2 . 3 5 - KNOX COUNTY—In Probate Court, held at ---- »^,---- We reported lust week that schooner Ella F. home from l-’urtuington where they have just Kocklund, on the third Tuesduy of Juue, 1889. ALONG THE WHARVES. Bartlett wus ashore on Hay Island, partially graduated with honors. The exereisesof the A Certain Instrument purporting to be the lust will and testament of Lincoln L. Henderson, late under water arid probably a total loss. One of school were very successfully performed. Miss of South Thomaston, in said County, deceased, Sch. Martha Innis is painting and caulking. the owners telegraphed I. L. Snow & Co. to Hattie E. Young of Mulinicus is one of the < 3 £ > o . THE CORRECT STYLES! having been presented for probate: She loads lime this week from Gay for New successful teachers ot the Institution. O R D E R E D , Thut notice be given to all persons in­ look out for his interest. Capt. Snow drove (Unhiundered), and terested, by publishing a copy of this order in the Yotk.... Daniel Webster, Tupper, is at CrtA k- down to the schooner, arriving at three o’clock Courier-Gazette, printed at Rockland in said Coun­ etl's wharf, receiving slight repairs.... F. G. ty, three weeks successively, that they may appeur French, French, is huving blight repairs at in the afternoon, looked the ground over, put at a Probate Court to be held in Rockland, in suid Perry Bros.’ wharf----Sch. Abide Walker is at a crew ut work removing the ballast, telephoned 7 5 c . County, on the third Tuesday of July next, aud the Allantic whurl having her masts shortened to his force in this city to have the necessary FINE NECK WEAR! show cause, if any they have, why the said instru­ and refitting rigging----Sell. A. F. Crockett (Laundered.) ment should not be proved, approved and allowed has been on the South Railway tor paint.... barrels ready, went down with schooner Arcu- as the last will und tostumeut o f the deeeused. larius, and ut live o’clock the next day the iin g u i : Just received. 24-26 REUEL ROBINSON, Judge. Sch. ". It. Crabtree ot Ellsworth, with a cargo A true copy-A ttest:—A. A. Be a to n , K egister. of gratiile, is at the South Railway stopping a damaged schooner was at the railway la this leak....Sch. Currie C. Miles, al the Atlantic, city. ______KNOX COUNTY—In Probale Court, held at Rock- has nearly completed repairs... .Sch. E. Areu- ■ — *♦------All the New Shades in Silk and Lisle luud, on the third Tuesduy of Juue, 11>89. I irius was launched from the Sooth ways, SIMONTON BROS. Thread A Certain Instrument, purporting to be the last Friday, newly painted... .Sch. W. M. Snow HERE'S LUCK! WALTER A. WOOD will uud testament of Mury Bentley, late of was launched from the South wavs Thursday, Thoiuuslou, in said County, deceased, having been having been painted... .Seh. American Chief O. P. Hix left Friday for Saratoga, N. Y., T3Z O S I E R Y . presented for probate: is at tlie South Railway for repairs..■ .Sch. to attend the Master Car Builder’s Convention O R D E R E D . That notice be given to ull persons Ella F. Bartlett, reported liv u< last week on which opens today for the week. The Hix THE CELEBRATED interested, by publishing u copy of this order in llay Island, is at the South Railway having (he Cvuricr-UuitUd, printed ut Rocklund, iu said car-coupler will he exhibited and tested. J O B L O T County, three weeks successively, that they way keel repaired.... appear at a Probate Court to be held iu Rock Uud, — —■—«♦»------— NEW MODEL BUCKEYE F.& C. Collars and Cuffs iu said County, on the third Tuesday of July LINKLETS. next, uud show cause, if uny they have, why tho CONCERNING HEALTH. said instrument should not be pioved, approved ExTW S upE R All the late styles always on hand. and allowed as the last will aud testumeut of the Belfast’s elegant new Odd Fellows Hall will The Board of Health reports the diphtheria deceased. probably be ready for dedication July 4th.... outbreak well in bund. Five cases have been KEUEL ROBINSON, Judge. There will lie a Field Day of eastern Odd 24-26 A tte s t:—A. A. B e a t o n , Register. Fellows at Fort Fairfield, tomorrow and next discharged aud few new ones are reported. 10,000 Strawberry Baskets I day....Three new lodges will soon he in­ Will the Hoard kindly inform the readers of STATE OF MAINE. stituted in Maine—at Bur Harbor, Hermon and FOR SALK CHEAP BY a r p e t SILK UMBRELLAS K nox ba—Court of Insolvency. The C.-G. what is needed in this city in the C S! Dunforlb....There are now 117 lodges in Third Tuesduy of June A. D. 18b9. Maine, the numbers being unbroken.... Waldo way of better sanitary regulations? We A large line of these goods, New aud In the mutter of Frederick J. Hull, Rockland, Lodge,Belfast, has added thirty members since should be pleased to publish any communica­ G. W. DRAKE. Insolvent Debtor. Nobby Handles, just in. It is hereby O r d e r e d That notice be given to all Jan. 1st, says the Journal....The Maine tion from them. 22-33 persons interested in the settlement of the first lodges have contributed liberally to the suffer­ Recount of C. E. Meservey, assignee of the above ing brethren in Johnstown, Penn. 5 5 c . named Insolvent Debtor, by causing a copy of ibla THE MEADOWS. GEO. C. CHAMBERLAIN, M. 0., E. BERRY & CO., order to be published three weeks successively, in Sch. Mabel Hooper. Capt. J. Hooper, left O. L. Farrand aud wife went to Union Sat­ W. the Courier-Uuzeile, u newspaper priuted iu Rock­ Matanzas, Cuba. June 9th, 8 o’clock a. m., and urday.... Wm. Bisbee has returned from Vir- Five pieces, good style at Ol’P. THORNDIKE HOTEL. land, iu suid County, that they may appear at a arrived ut Delaware Breakwater the 15tb, ut 8 I giniu with bis fumily, aud now lives in the B. Physician and Surgeon. Court of Insolvency io be held at the Probate Court Room on the third Tuesday of July next, a. m., being a passage in less than six days ; B. Gardner bouse....Some of our farmers are Willoughby Block, 341 Main Street. REMEMBER that me Guarantee at two o’clock iu the afternoon, and be heard there­ instead of us before reported. commencing haying. Rather tuo early unless g p on, und object if they see cuuse. ,, ., . ;------71 £ r i tire grass is lodged... .The Sherer kiln is being (Over Thorndike A Hix.) Rockland has a fine opening fora foundry filh-d.... After this week P. V. Grunge wifi Rock Bottom Prices on all goods 24 26 REUEL RGB1NBON, AjrNigbt culls answered from No. 41 Pork Street. SIMONTON'S. Judge of Insolvency Court. business. Who’s the man? | meet hut once ip two weeks until September. sold. A true copy,—Attest:—A. A. B ea to n , lUgister.


V O L . b. ROCKLAND, MAINE, JUNE 25, 1889. NO. 24

i Secretary. I wish to extend my thanks to injustice of the article and expressed them­ the work, to a Relief (Corpsjdurlng the first those ladles whoso kindly aided mein perform selves on the subject to me by letters. My six months would result in great good to them W. S. R. C. 'ing my work at the several places in a most thanks are also due to Mrs. A. M. Sawyer, as a Subordinate Corps and to the State Corps satisfactory manner. who replied to It at some length in her usual as a whole. I found some Corps that had cfficial visits. able manner and ut her own expense sent a become almost discouraged from the fact they copy to each Corps. I will also state that I they had not received the help they needed In During the year 1 hive visited nineteen replied to it, having the Ihrce nrticlcs appear Its Annual Convention in Kenne­ Corps, two of which I hive visited twice, mak­ the way of instruction nnd advice. Some in one issue and sending to each Corps. I Corps are situated where it is Impossible to bec’s Virgin City. ing in all 21 visits, h would have given me would also extend thanks to Mrs. C. E. Moul exchange fraternal visits and gain in knowl­ great pleasure, had funds and time allowed me ton. Mrs. B. F. Beals and Mrs. L. A Bickford edge by seeing the work of Sister Corps, such to do h o , to have visited all In the state, but it of Burnside II. C. for their very kind interest is the case ot Corps in north-eastern part of was impossible. Judging from Ihe work and at the time. Words alone are empty and can ' condition 1 found those Corps I visited, it is the state, and in order to keep our number A Most Profitable Session and a in no way convey my appreciation of the help good in that section wc must look after our safe to say all are doing a good work. I wish the above named ladies were ut the time. to mention in particular Gerry R. C. of Mon interests sharply for the year to come. “A Large Gathering. 1 b ipe from time (o time in the future we word to the wise is sufficient.” If you wish to son, who have had so much that was diseourag- shall continue to hear ot the well doing of the 1 ing to bear, und how well they have bom it hold what you possess in that part of the state, Corps of the Woman’s State Relief Corps of send your officers to look nfter your property and surmounted all oh-t teles. It will be re­ Maine through the medium of The Rockland Official Report of the Doings of This membered this was the Corps that in Dec., '88, before It is too late; much can tukc place in a CovRiER-OAZETTEjOr some other journal which year. Noble Organization. was burned out, losing ull they possessed in •nay be adopted by the State II. C., as an the way of property and supplies. A new DECISIONS. The seventh annual session of the State Re­ olfieial medium. And 1 would recommend charter with supplies was sent them from he id- after the year sh ill h ive expired lor which the lief Corps, Auxiliaty to the Maine G. A. R., quarters, n circular was issued and sent to each s p a c e was oirered, that we have some perma­ Question—Has any olfieer, except the Vico was opened in Waterville Tuesday by State Corps asking contributions lor them. T'he President, any right to leave their office and nent arrangement perfected inasmuch as we fill the President’s chair in her absence ? President Mrs. J. E. Rhodes of Rockland, consolidated membership of Gerry Post and hive never been able to have communications, Corps did not exceed 81 at that time. Al­ ill it have been sent to the National Tribune, Answer— Article VI, Sec. 2, Constitution and pruyer being ofiere 1 by State Chaplain Mrs. though small in number they have a full sli ire appear in its columns from our order, but Rules. The Vice President shall preside in M. J. Starbird. The committee on credentials of energy und perseverance and are a good invariably left out. the absence of tbe President. In the absence reported us follows: example of the principles of our order demon­ I feel that our N itional sisters are doing a of President and Vice President the meeting strated by the fraternity they bear towards great und good work, und If they are honest id should be called to order by the Secretary, State o IUl-i s , one another as a Post and Corps, Charity for their convictions I respect them for it. How­ and a member elected to fill the chair of the Past State Presidents, all und Loyalty for their order and all that Is ever, there are some features in (he work of President tor the evening, after which she Corps presidents, connected with it. My reception by them will shou d proceed with the work as given in Delegates, the National Relief Corps, Department of be one long to be remembered by me as one Maine, in this state thit are entirely foreign to Ritual, by filling all vacant chairs. Total • 288 of the pleasantest things ol my year's work. our motto us an organization, namely, the Question—Cun a Past President or member 1 wish to extend to the Corps who responded example set by their Past Department Presi­ give the State password to any momber outside Then came the various reports from which so generoiu'y to the call for contributions in dent to injure us by misrepresenting us as an of our own Corps ? we cull ihe most important points, that of the aid o our sister Corps, the heartfelt thinks Order. Such treatment could never be classed Answer— No, they cannot. The passwords president by vote of the convention being of Gerry Relief Corps and Post. If you could under the he id of Fraternity. I think the must be given at a regular meeting of a Corps look into the pleasant faces of the members, by Past President when requested to do so by printed in full. Woman's State Relief Corps of Maine realized you would feel with me, that it is indeed the true sense ol Fraternity us never before the President. p r e s id e n t ' s a d d r e s s . “more blessed to give tli in to receive.” Follow­ and that all joined with me in my'endeavors Question—Can a member after taking a ing arc the names of Corps who contributed to inculcate the principles of F. C. and I. withdrawal card from a Corps rejoin again, To the officers and members of thc7th annual I with amount in full: throughout the Subordinate Corps. still holding her honors, said member being convention of the Woman’s State Relief Corps Bosworth. Portland, $50; Edwin Libby, Io March Comrade C. E. Milliken, Assistant Past President, or will she have to begin as a ol Maine. Rockland, $10; Sodgwick, Bath, $10; Cloud­ Adjutant General of the Department of Maine, new member and work her way back again ? Ladies:—It is now my pleasant duty to man, Saccarappa, $5; W.S. Heath, Waterville, also, will she have to pay the usual initiation render to you arc port of my labors during inv G. A. R , received a communication from T. $5; Heath, Gardiner, $5; V. Mountfort, H. Savage o f Richmond, V'a.. Superintendent fee ? olfieial term. Brunswick, $5; Burnside, Au burn, $5; Almond of Cold Harbor National Cemetery, with a Answer— Page 144, Decisions nnd Opinions The rapidity with which time has brought Gushee, Appleton, $ i; E. B. Clayton, Strong, request for contributions of Illgs to be placed ol Committee and Judge. A withdrawal card us to another annual convention, only reminds $3; Kimball, Livermore Falls, $2; Chas. L. upon the graves of the Union dead in thnt being an honorable discharge from our order, us that we as an organization, as well as that Stevens, Castine, $1; I,. Carver, Vmalhaven, cemetery. During my visit in Portland in the the receiver thereof is not a member and in noble order to which we ure the auxiliary (die $10; E. O. Parker, Kitlsry, $3; Webster, same mouth Comrade Milliken suggested thut order to l>e again admitted must mike a new (fraud Army of the Republic) are last passing Kennebunk, $5; Daniel Brookline, Randolph, ihe Woman’s State Relief Corps ol Maine send application to bo regularly referred and ro- away. One year ago I received the trust ol $10; Chas, D. Thompson, Springfield, $2; a contribution and that they be used for thu poried, and upon receiving a two-thiids vote of State President from your hands. It seems Fred S. Gurney, Saco, $5; Vining, Windsor, graves of the Maine soldiers who tell in that members present and voting at a regular meet­ but yesterday that I was called to preside $1; Nathan Blunt, Bingham, $3; J F. Apple- battle and ure buried in Cold Harbor Cemelery. ing she shall be admitted without keing ini­ over the Woman's State Relief Corps of Maine; ton, Farmington, $2; Storer, Portsmouth, Aeiing upon that suggestion, upon my return tiated except to take anew the obligttlon. A tomorrow, I will transfer the authori’y to a N. II. $5; P. Henry Tillson, Thomaston, $1; I immediately communicated with Comrade Past President who has been disehatged and wiser leader, better pleased to obey than to S. J. Oakes, Oldtown, $5; C L Douty, Fox- B. F. Beals, Assistant Quartermaster General ugnin becoming a member stands u)on the command, to follow than to lead. One year i rolt, $5; Larry, So. Windham, $5; J. Weston of the Department of Maine, G. A. 11 , for same footing as a new member. Cor[s must ngo the olHciul workings of this order came to Clark, Liberty, $2; Cooper, Union, $5; A. A. advice us to umouut to send, also size and cost have a regular initiation fee from new member­ us from our predecessors in excellent condition, Dwinal, Mechanic Falls, $2; Thatcher, Port­ of same per gross, with printing and transpor­ ship. today we trust we are ready to pass them over land, $10; II. J, Gray, Bridgewater, $2; lotal tation. Comrade Beals very kindly olfered to to our successors in the same order. $180. Question—Can a President of a Corps send I am conscious ol having accomplished but attend to the matter for us thereby saving password in writing to absent members ? 1 alsalso wish to mention my visit to our Corps both time and money. The number sent was Answer—No, it must not in any case be little, seemingly, during the year so soon to situated in Aroostook Co. 1 found them in two gross. Mr. Beals kindly uitended to the close. I believe, however, as a whole, that much better condition than I expected, und written or sent. The President could, how­ the Woman’s State Relief Corps of Maine was matter of preparing the II igs for transportation ever, Instruct the President of the Corps where was highly pleased with the amount of work and forwarded tbe same to Richmond, Va , memlier wished to visit to communicate the never in a more harmonious and prosperous performed by them during ihe year, and think and I feel to extend thinks to him for his condition than ut this time. It is with feelings with what little instruction they Inve had and password to her stating she was duly entitled of thankfulness and no little pride, that I have many kind favors and advice. A letter ac to the same. considering the scattered condition of them all, knowledging the gift was received from Mr. Question—Can a candidate for admission the pleasure ol presenting to you a roster with situated as they are in a funning section, they Savage. I feel it is my duty and pleasure to the numbers filled, showing that we have re­ are worthy of compliment und much encour­ that presents an application and has been ac­ gained all that we hud lost and also added to express my thanks to Comrades Williams, cepted, and properly notified of her acceptance, agement. I found them to be a veiy hospitable Cross, Rhodes and Fish of Edwin Libby Post, and does not present herself for eleven months our number by Corps and membership. I am an I plea-ant people and my visit throughout also to Comrade A. M Sawyer of Bosworth well aware that members alone do not consti­ that section will be one long to be remembered for initiation come in on the same application ? tute u Relict Corps, it is the kind of members, Post for many favors received during my term Answer—She cannot! If on account of sick­ | by me. My duties as Inspecting Olfieer (de­ of office und to all others who have assisted ness or absence from town she is not able to thut count for strength, possessing the elements tailed by Mrs. 1). F. Beals, State Inspector, me In any way. of harmony and life with the spirit and power gave to my charge eight Corps, seven i I which present herself within the given lime for ini­ lor retaining them and working together in the I visited and performed my work as requesied. RITUALS AND OFFICIAL VISITS. tiation, a dispensation may be granted by State true spirit of Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty. President upon application and stating reasoas, ' The other 1 was obliged to make a detail for, otherwise applicant must muke out u new REPORTS. us they could not arrange to bold a meeting on During the year it was found necessary to the dute fixed by me, the full report of which procure a new supply of Rituals, and Mrs. application. I invite your attention to the reports of the A. M. Sawyer very kindly took charge of same Question—Is a wife, daughter or sister of a officers of my stall', who are to follow me with will be given by Mrs. B. F. Beals, State In­ veteran of the war of 1812 eligible Io member­ their reports which show in detail the work of spector, and will be found to be a very able and uitended to the necessary changes which and comprehensive report. involved the adding of another page after they ship in the \V. 8. R. C. ? their several departments. All the otHcers had been bound which required much time Answer—They are not! Only the mothers, have given me their earnest support and und labor Altogether the changes that have wives, daughters, sisters, step-sisters and ex­ heartiest co-operation and have discharged been made in Hie ritual, by cutting olf margins, army nurses of the soldiers who fought iu the their duties in a thorough manner deserving I have written during my term 312 letters making the book in ire compact in form and war of the Rebellion ure eligible to member­ the highest commendation. and 39 postals, have issued 5 Generul Orders tbe like ure u great improvement over tbe old ship in the Woman’s State Relief Corps of MEMBERSHIP. und 2 circulars. 1 wish to call your attention one and 1 feel we owe our thanks to Mrs. Maine. June 1st, 1888, whole number of Corps 52; to circular No. 2, which was issued under Sawyer for the neat und womanlike manner in DISPENSATIONS QUANTED. whole number members 2,077; June 1st, 1889, peculiar cireumstunces und was ihe result of a which the work was performed. During my whole number of Corps 57; gained 5, lost communication from the pen of Mrs. Inzettu term I received the gift ol u copy of Death's Dispensation was grained Bosworth II. C., none; whole number oi members 304-1, gained Small, Department President of the National Blue Book from Comrade 11. F. Beals, No. 1, to initiate two candidates, satislaetory 307; Corps organized during the year:—Jan. Corps of Maine, to the Lewiston Journal oi A. Q M. G., for my personul use. 1 witli evidences having been given thut on account of 10, 1889, Knox Relief Corps, No. 37, Lewiston, Saturday evening, Feb. 8th. Her description pleasure trunsfer the gift to the Woman's sickness they could not present themselves 103 charter members; May 15, W. S Stratton of our Order, the W. S. R. C. of Maine, was State Relief Corps from him and suggest that withiu the time named in rules and regula­ Corps, No. 50, Washburn, 10 members; May very unjust and wholly uncalled lor. As an the gift be suitably acknowledged by us und tions. 17, Geo. Campbell Corps, No. 55, Limestone. 22 order, we have never, to my knowledge, done recorded. Dispensation was granted F. G. Flagg R.C., members; May 28, Rail iw Dunbar Corps, No. anything ihut would in any way injure or be 1 wish to cull your attention to the practica­ No. 48, to initiate a member who had been 0, Newcastle, 25 members; June 3, Chas. detrimental to ihe prosperity of the National bility of having suitable blanks for ilispensa- absent from a town for a number of months Keizer Corps, No.,50, Waldoboro,33 members. Corps us un order. We bad worked for years lious, and I respectfully recommend that dur­ and was unable to present herself fur initiation 1 will say besides the above, six petitions quietly and unostentutiously, conlented to let ing this session of the convention some arrange­ withiu the given time. have been sent out from headquarters to dilfer- our work praise us and not worldly display, ment be made whereby the new hoard of Dispensation was grunted Edwin Libby 11. ent places and are still under consideration. but when we were so openly attacked I felt the olllcers can have them prepared. I would O., No. 20, tolballot for and elect, at a special In organizing Corps No. 37, 1 was assisted by time bad come when we should assert ourselves also recommend ibut all Corps who have not a meeting held for the purpose, two candidates. Mrs. 11. F. Beale, State Inspector, Mrs. C. E. and show thut we were fur from being, as we resident stute olticer in their midst lie visited Reasons they were about to leave the city. Moulton, East State President, and several were called, “a simple organization," und 1 at least once before tbe month of inspection by Disp nsution grunted Edwin Libby 11. U., other ladies of Brunswick lleliel Corps; at truly think that instead of being an injury to some one of the different state olllcers whose No. 20, to receive, accept, refer, ballot and ini­ Washburn by Mrs Bordell u member of Bos­ us it bus been the means of welding us together duly it shall be to iustruet them in the work of tiate at a regular meeting a lady living in a worth Relief Corps, but now living ut Maple­ more closely, and by passing ibrougb these tbe order, and that these visits shall be made western state und nut a member of any Relief ton ; ut Limestone, by Mrs. Erankliu Ball, UrtaU we have come out purified and better among the weaker corps. Particular attention Corps, but who wished to join the Woman’s President of Ruel Attnis R. C .; ut Newcastle able to work in the true spirit of F. C. and L. should be given newly organized Corps. 1 Stale Reliet Corps of Maine before leaving for uud Waldoboro by Mrs. K. A. Bragg, State I wish to thank all who ut that time felt the believe a visit from a state olfieer, well up in her western home. Mrs. Dr. Main, sister of 8 TIIE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1889

SEA AND SHORE. OUR STATE. SALT AIR A TALENTED THIEF. ZR,ZEZD S T O K E . Vinalhaven’s Centennial Committees— A hoarder in a fasliinnahle Now York C.F.WOOD*GO A Jolly Trip in a Gallant Ship What Has Happened in Its Borders Other Items of News. house, who had linen delayed one night the Past Week. last w e e k , arrived home as a seedy-look- A. II. Blood cut his wrist quite badly. ing individual came down the front From Rockland to Ellsworth Along a Packet Lillian is now tripping it between steps with an armful of spring over­ 366 MAIN STREET. Beautiful Coast. Important Bits From Here, There and this town and Portland. coals. The hoardin' recognized some of Out from Blnehill rcc again pick our razzlc Everywhere. Sch. Hattie A. Marsh, Capt. Barker, of New these as the property of friends in the dazzle way, and round the point ol Newbury Maine State College Commencement occurs London, Conn., loaded with paving from J. P. house, and stopped the man. Neck. On a ledge near the shore some hund­ the 22nd-2Sth inst. Ambrnst for Philadelphia when coming into "Where did you get those?” he de­ manded. i i i r i r red or two seals, big and little, were gambol­ 1 ommie Collins, a 13 year old boy, son o the harbor, collided with the sloop yacht Ella, ing, and were so tame that the whistle of the John Collins of Lewiston, was drowned here at Capt. Emery Bray, which lay at her mooring. A smile (lashed over the man’s face as steamer failed to disturb them. The eastern noon Tuesday while bathing. Capt. Bray offered to settle for $8 but the cap­ he replied: BOSTON slope of Newbury Neck is a pleasant stretch of tain of the Marsh refused to do so. Saturday, Judge C. B. Rounds of Calais has purchased “I’m a tailor around the corner, and land with fertile fields as iar as the eye can Officer J. W. Gray attached the Hattie A. the gentlemen sent lor me to press and ►J* ►p »p $p »p $p a beautiful and attractive property nt the Devil's reach. On one of these slopes Mr. Stewart of Marsh, the captain signing a receipt for her. fix their coats.” Head on the St. Croix river. the N. Y. Mutual Insurance Co. is putting up The trial was assigned for yesterday. The boarder suddenly remembered Rev. Y. S. Lewis, a graduate of Bangor a fine cottage, with a bath house on the shore. The following committees have charge of our that ids own eoat needed repairing, -CLOTHING- Theological Seminary, '89, has assumed pas­ Some very beautiful sandy beaches lie along town s centennial celebration today : On gran­ so ho gave it to the man wilh •p >p $p $p »p »p toral relations with the Congregational church, this shore. As we swing into Surry we see ite industries, L. M. Crockett, L. W. French, the instructions to fix it wilh the others SPECIAL DRIVES oil' on the right the place of rustication of Bristol. nnd return it. When lie got down to the C. F. Noyes, Charles E. Littlefield and George table he said to one of the hoarders; many of Ellsworth's people, A man named Joe Rhobash was drowned Griffith; paving industry, J. S. Black, J. P. FOR THIS WEEK. ".Tones. I met the tailor witli your Choice St. Louis Flour...... $5.75 STORE “ shady nook” Sunday of last week while attempting to ride n Ambrust, F. W. Klftrcdgennd William Grant; single log through the rapids at the Carrying coat as I was coming In, and I gave him “ Corn per bng...... LOO I J J L By name. The mosquitoes of Shady Nook fishing industry, Joscpti Rogers, Wm. Claylor mine, too ’’ “ Cracked Corn, per bag...... LOO Place on the Kennebec. have a world-wide reputatation for size and nnd Joseph D. Arcy; merchants or trading in­ Jones looked tip wonderingly. “ Meal, p er bng...... 1.00 ferocity. At Surry our boat journey ends, The strike for less hours and more pay In dustry, E. W. Arey, E. S. Bodwe'l nnd John "W hat are you talking about?” ho “ Fine Feed, per 100 lb*...... 1.12‘£ because why ? When the tide serves the the woolen mill at Oakland has coded. All W. Hopkins; ancient relics, George S. Carver, asked. 3 cans Pens...... 26 Bluehill runs up to Ellsworth, the collection of hands returned to work Monday upon the same Samuel Julian and Capt. W. R. Creed; to The boarder explained, and in a 3 “ Tomatoes...... 26 mill refuse making such an obstructive bar terms as before the strike. represent some historical event, F. L. Carver, moment there was a panic. Several of 3 " Sugar Corn, Maine packed...... 26 3 “ S tring Beans, •• 25 across the mouth of Union Iliver that it is only Frank Winslow and II. M. Noyes; farming in­ the coats were afterwards recovered in the MDyepnrtmcnt Con"nanjer Williams was Oakes, Oldtown; Webster,Kennebunk; Merrill INFORMATION FROM A WOMAN, SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS. Tho Odd Fellows of the State have done 3 “ Clnmn, •• ...... 26 dustry, James C. Calderwood, Benj. Coombs, a pawn shop, but the thief is still at Richmond ;FIagg. Hampden (Cushman,Phillips ; passible at lilgh water. Ellsworth with her nobly for the Johnstown sufferers. It is esti­ 3 •* Apples, •• ...... 26 Visitors Surprised! Jonathan Clulf; base ball, J. A. Davis, Harry large. lumber business and maritime Interests should mated that at least two thousand dollnrs will —-♦---- -—. 2 " Best Yellow Peach...... 26 Whitman, Bryint’s Pond; Gray, Bridgewater; New York Sun. Rev. Archibald McCullagh Has Some­ have her water avenue cleaned out and kept he sent out from the Maine Odd Fellows. Julian, Eddie Libby; F. S. Carver to raise n Nickleby — "That’s a stran je pair of 2 “ Beat Bartlett Pea nt...... 25 Vining, Windsor; Storcr, Portsmouth, N. 11. thing to Say About Them. company of little boys and uniform them ; on It was the evening of the graduating open, and Uncle Sain should attend to it. It At Buxton Lower Corner Tuesday night scales yon hnvo there. I s u p p o s e they 2 good Broomn...... 26 Fourteen corps report losses, Heath Corps of exercises in a philanthropical institution Brooklyn Eayte. aged citizens over 80 years old, C. B. Vinal, 2 “ PailR...... 25 1 was granted E. B. Clayton it had been Rockland it would have been re­ Lcndell McKinney fell down his cellar stairs, are ol the Ambuscade kind.” Grocer— Gardiner beading the list with 8. Said the reporter to the lady in charge Rev. Archibald McCullagh, of the moved long ago. But it's there now, and we John Vinal; carpenters, It. A. Dyer; on teams, "Ambuscade? What is Unit?” "Why 6 Ibfl. good Coffee...... 1.00 ^a0soCSsndhnvi,ng’i!ee0n The following Co ps have been organized rustling around in the dignity of a new Ross Street Presbyterian Church, Buyers Delighted! receiving dangerous injuries. He was In the 4 '• T e a ...... 1.00 had to ride from Surry to Ellsworth behind C. B. Vinal, L. M. Crockett, Geo. Hoyt; boat they lie in weight as it were.” interest of said Corps.8 W“S f°r tl10 since the last annual report: black silk: preached on Sunday Observance nnd bouse alone and crawled nearly to the street, 20 '• Rice...... 1.00 David McFarland's high-spirited coursers. building, Abner Dyer, Geo. G. Webster, K nox, Ja n . 1ft, 18S9, 105 m em bers Sunday Newspapers. His text was, where he was found. 4 “ Tobacco ...... 1.00 datDispensation snt :f?8,(Cept’ was !?ll0tand granted I.arryi K e It C Nn ‘ How many graduates have you?” There is a great deal of variety in the road Moses Young; on nets nnd twine, Frank Rob­ S. W. Stratton, May 14, “ 16 “ "O, dear me, are you a reporter? I "Remember the Sabbath to keep It There is an immense jam of logs, estimated *FCome early as our stock is limited nnd is G eorge C am pbell, May 17, “ 22 " from Surry to Ellsworth, but it’s erts,Edwin R. Roberts, James Smith ; painting i- iO T t r v f s going faet. date satisfactory evidence being given H arlow D unbar, May 28, " 25 “ just dread to see one coming in. They holy.” Concerning the newspapers he at from thirty to thirty-five millions nt Weston industry, E. J. Tolman; sail-making, C. E. C harles K eizer Ju n e 3, •' 32 " never get anything right, I never said: , , o • MOSTLY VP AND DOWN. A- Brainard s boom, near Skowhegan. Forty J. Dcnahue & Co,, The secretary wrote 203 letters and 63 postals, What is the origin of the Sunday Bowman; barbers, D. R. Manson; to solicit "-eH «<"g.ooC"tr‘n?ora,‘eef knew one to I think they do it on pur­ The land along the way is more or less men are employed booking them otr, and they subscriptions, W. S. Curvcr, Geo. Northrop, BORAGIG j^C R EA M ! MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. and received 168 letters and 57 postals. Re­ pose. It is too mean for anything. I newspaper? When did it begin? There fertile, but of the rocks there is no doubt. The are getiing six million through the boom per John W. Hopkins; on athletic sports, Wm. <3TOur Store in Painted Red. 3 S - r T h ^ ceived $303.20 for charter fees and per capita hate-----” is no man that appreciates tlie newspaper people of Hancock County have evidently been day. An unfailing remedy for roughness and more than I do. It is a perfect detective Grant, Robert White, Win. Frazier; to draw Timothy, Clover, $“ i clos ng my report as I nm about to surrc’nde? tax. But two corps reported the observance "But will you tell me tlie number of F I K E G O O D S using that road as a dumping ground for their A test case on the alien contract labor law is up a program and award prizes, O. P. Lyons, hardness of the skin arising from any of Children’s Day, Edwin Libby and Webster. graduates?” When courts of justice have failed to rock heaps. There are evidences of prosperity to be made in Eastport. An Eastport man H. M. Noyes, F. S. Carver. The centennini cause. lied'Toji.'Fieid. ' ,,‘^3“ | From the report of the Treasurer, Mrs. R. “O. ever so many, and they are just ferret out ciime the newspaper accom­ and thrift all along the way. and several new tlie brightest girls. O, it is such a won­ plishes it. You and I remember when —A N D - went to St. Stephens nnd employed a plumber. has brought out a silver dollar in the hands of H. Burnham, of Rockland, we learn that the houses are in process of erection. As wc drive LADIES—Housework always affects Garden and Flower total receipts for tbc year were $24,460.73; derful thing that this institution can edu­ Tweed rule controlled everything in He was nt once sued Tor violation of that law. Edwin Arey dated 1732, a wooden plow, nnd the skin of the hands unpleasantly. New York. It was the newspaper that into Ellsworth we recover our spirits, hat and There will be a curious state of affairs, if the a cannon hall owned by Ben.). Coombs, found Bradley’s Superphosphate, Hammond's Slug Shot paid for incidentals $14,258.60, of tills amount cate them as it does. It is perfectly equipoise, and make quite a decent appearance Horr’s Boracic Cream will prevent and for potato and oilier huge; Hammond* Powder for splendid. I don’t suppose it is any use brought him lo hay. Whatever wrong suit is maintained. on his farm eighteen inches under ground, sup­ Moths. An^noT1!,'"1^' l^ e ir edufiesr $11,249.60 being raised by Bosworth Relief as we drive through the streets. In Ellsworth remedy this. to tell you about it, for you won’t get it may he committed, such as Pan Handle All the Italian laborers on the Dexter & Pis­ posed to have been lired there during the Revo­ Corps of Portland and paid over to the Soldiers Railroad or Broadway boodlers, it is the we were ^ g damlss lSPlthnmwy 8J!cce8sor n,“y '’"‘I noth- Monument Association of that city. Tbc right any way.” cataquis railroad extension struck for $1.50 lution. The free use of Ilorr's Borscic Cieam Choice Variety V Family Groceries ...g amiss in tlie work we turn over to h»r newspaper that ferrets it out. I ani a amount paid out for charity was $1439.48, paid “What do they graduato in?” Low Prices! PLEASANTLY DISAPPOINTED. per day wages Tuesday morning. Work is LIBERTY. will keep your hands soft and smooth, BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS assi'shume’an l°f "’f hc“rty c°-°peration and “Why, everything most. That’s the reader of the newspaper nnd rely upon out per capita tax $272.55, making a total ex­ now suspended. The men arc now peaceably whatever your employment. washes L o ' r ,g W“h you my b™rifclt idea of the institution, to make them so it for current topics and events of the It is a city with handsome residences, neatly WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ..sues lor the future prosperity of the penditure of $15,971.63, which Icnves a total of assembled in knots upon the street, nnd no Womans State Relief Corps of Maine Ire self-reliant and ready for emergencies day. It was during the war that the kept premises and well kept thoroughfares. L. C. Morse received from the fish commis­ It will prevent and in lime remove all main yours m F. C. and L. ' $8,589.10, cash in hand, passed over to the trouble is apprehended. tendency to Warts and Corns. (>. B. TALES, and-----” Sunday newspaper originated. Down The hills of the city, while not particularly sioners a tank containing about 5000 land Mas. J. s. Rhodes, Pres. W. E. R. C. succeeding treasurer. South, not twenty live years ago, this DO THE WORK. pleasant perhaps for pedcstrianism, servo to Hon. Z. A. Gilbert, of the State Board of 29 J MAIN STREET, - ROCKLAND. "Who are the patrons of the institu­ locked salmon last week. He put into them Hort’s Boracic Cream is good fur all In the above address reference is made to the 0FEICE1U ELECTED. Government pnt millions of men and show olf some of the handsome residences. tion?” Agriculture, says that in his opinion the fruit Georges Lake. diseases ol the skin. sending of (lags to the National Cemetery at An able board was elected for the ensuing millions of dollars to ernsh out slavery. On the top oi a hill, overlooking the city and "O.nice people. Everybody ought to crop is to he a light one. Farmers are behind­ Danvers Cram has launched his little steam­ Cold Harbor. 1'he.receipt of these (lags was year as follows: he interested in it. They would be too, Down in Utah they want polygamy, hut Union River, is the elegant home of Senator Eminent physicians have examined it ‘CHAS. E7 BURPEE? hand on their hoeing, because of the wet er Punola into the placid waters of Luke and pronounced it free from all injurious acknowledged by Supt. Savage of the cemetery President—Ella A. Beals, Burnside Corps, Au if tlie papers took it up in the right way, tho Government has determined to put Hale and the beautiful drives, shady vales and weather, and as the haying season is coming burn. but they won’t. They never get any­ it down. It is needless to say that the George. Though it is a small boat it is a rather ingredients and freely prescribe it. HOUSE SHIP AND SIGN PAINTER in the following letter: Vice President—Mrs. John Williamson, Bos­ dense forest growth of his big estate. Work­ forward unusually enrly, these days are exceed­ momentous event, ns it is the first thing of the worth Corps, Portland. thing right,tlie reporters—(), I can’t tell reason why the Sunday newspaper is United States National Cemetery:•} men are now engaged on the premises continu­ ingly busy ones for them. kind ever built here, and we hope there’s more An indispensable toilet article. GRAINER, PAPER HANGER, Secretary—Mrs. Cora Atwood, Auburn. you how they twist tilings ” published is because the people want it. ing the work of improvement. Ellsworth's Gold Hakiiok, Virginia Treasurer—Mrs. Lydia Bickford, Auburn. Charles, the 9-yearoldson of W. E. Leonard to follow. If she is a success we will describe —AX’D DEALER IN— May 1889 Past President—Mrs. J. K. Rhodes, Rockland. "How many instructors do you em­ London regulates tlie world in more new shoe factory is a handsome building, an of Caribou, while at the cutting-off mill of A. her more fully later. Prepared at tlie I nhoratory of the Forest City Directors—Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Kaunce,Mrs. Wards- ploy P” sensos than one. It is seven tunes as W E A R E ornament to the place as well as an important Medicine (’o., nh«l for sale at the following Drug PAINTS, OILS, DRYERS, M'’ Dear Madam—Your very kind present worth, Mrs. Uuuly and Mrs. Small. "O,we have the loveliest teachers I’ll large as tho City of Brooklyn and has a Holmes, came in contact with the large s a w , Elias Skidmore is at the Maine General Hos­ Stores in Rockland: ofmore two H gross ‘h “ of cerae‘ery' flags arrived Believe safe me and they in duel^e Inspecting Oilieer—Mrs.JA. J. Crockett, Rock­ Sunday newspaper. What effect has the addition to its industries. The city raised and was nearly killed, the saw completely cut­ land. go and ask Miss B----- to come nnd tell pital, Portland, for treatment for a sore mouth. C.H. rE.XDI.ETON, F. F. HUltl'EE Varnishes, Glass, Etc. Installing Officer, Mrs. E. A. Osgood. Sunday newspaper? I am not supersti­ about $25,000 for the plant. The structure is ting off the calf of his leg, and making a gash • I. II. WTGGIN, more than appreciated, coming from the lovul you about them. Stie knows them per­ S. T. Young spent a few days among the Conductor—Mrs. K. B. I'hlnney, Carleton Corps, sonally—all the family history,you know. tious, but 1 cannot gainsay tlie fact that 162x44, and three stories high. The central 20 inches long and two deep. His condition is J. W. COAKLEY, W. II. KITTKEDGE. MATERIALS FOB ARTISTS women s hands of the North, and if nothing Saeearappa. tower rises to a height of 84 feet. Plenty of islands in Penobscot Bay last week,purchasing 14 26 happens they shall be placed ov.r the graves Chuplain— Mrs. J. D. Williams, Thatcher Corps, But ol course we don’t want you to pub­ all 'he great battles of tho Revolution critical and his recovery doubtful. ° „ h°se b™ve boys of Maine who gave un Portland. light comes through 475 windows, and at night wool. A Great .Specialty. lish that. Papers are just tilled with commenced on Sunday resulted in defeat. The Leaders! Dr. George H. Bailey, State Veterinary Sur­ nfLthi VeS wc IniSht enjoy the blessings Guard—Mrs. A. Robbins, Gurney Corps, Saco. So with those of our late civil war. So the light will be electricity. The ppwer to run Judging by the number of runners that come I grand country, and that we might live These officers were impressively installed by every one’s private affairs now. It is geon, went to Paris Tuesday, to examine a sus­ Berry Bros. Block. with the Chicago tire. Il was started by the machinery will be furnished by a 25 h. p. to this town business must be good. and enjoysee thut God's dear llug blessing. fioat overYou canthis rest country nZ Mrs. J. 1). Williams, State Installing Officer, just horrid, but I suppose tho reporters pected case of tuberculosis in the herd of W. don’t care what they sav if they just get making hot milk punches on £u™'liy 11 electric motor, and the building will be heated ------— The Safest 20 >$rPrice Low? Satisfaction Guaranteed. Mrs, Williams performing the ceremony pei- H. Cole. The doctor found a nice ox 6lck nnd sured that they can look down from that creat their pay. Excuse me. I’ll go and speak there is any class of men on God s foot­ throughout by the Sturtevant hot air system, ATLANTIC. ND most powerful alterative is encampment above and see tbut the foval fectly. had him killed. His lungs were found to be in M. F. WIIITON. A . M. J amehon. to Miss Smith,” and she rustled away. stool that needs a Sabbath it is the news­ steam for the heater being generated by a 10 h. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Young and ''’0Iuen of their homes and State have not for­ STRAY NOTES. very bad shape. It was an unmistakable ease gotten them, and thut memory still lives And The reporter waited while they counsel­ paper men. 1 don’t know but this will p. boiler. The factory is equipped with Aold are alike benefited by its use. For I say, God bless and keep yoS safe and when The ladies were greatly pleased with band- appear in the papers tomorrow. I am of tuberculosis. A large crowd was present. Ilobie Stockbridge returned from Rowley _y- tho eruptive dis­ M. F. WHITON & CO., ed together, and, approaching, heard : LATEST STYLES, automatic sprinklers. It is to be operated Mass., Wednesday, where he has been ut work —AGENTS FOR— decorating shall cease here- on earth thaT a somo Waterville. eases peculiar to ° ‘h°r Sh°rC’ parting "O, I think she’s lovclj in that dress informed on reliable authority that they by Burrell, Houghton & Co., Boston, and will Henry Bartlett of Phipsburg was found for the past winter. Two weeks ago he was If members of Corps who have ordered You know I advised her to pul those might, with little diilieulty. be allowed drowned near Bear Island. It is not known unfortunate In falling froln a carriage, dislocat­ children nothing copicB of this issue fall to receive them they probably start up about July 1. Men's machine ing his right shoulder....Rev. William Hall else is so effective Ilinoham Cordage Co., reveres on—so much more becoming than a nay of rest. A prominent editor in­ whether it was a case of suicide or an accident. — D KALE UH IN — I uni, Madam, —A N D T I I E - sewed shoes will be largely manufactured. supplied the pulpit at the Baptist church Sun­ ns tliis medicine, Very respectfully yours in F. C. & L., can be supplied by writing us a postal card. a plain wai-t. O, there’s that dreadful formed me that all heavy editorials Ellsworth has one paper, the American, J. C. He left his brother’s house at the “basin,” day morning and evening, and baptized the while its agreea­ LAWRENCE MILLS COTTON DUCK. 1. L. Savage, Supt., All members of Corps wishing for copies can reporter. I ’m tired to de ith telling him could readily be written on Saturday, Chilcott editor, one of the best local journuls where he has lived fora number of yeurs, uhout following persons at the shore: Mrs. Stephen ble flavor makes Wire Rope, Chains, Anchors, Bolt Hope, Oakum, S. Rig.kinJ regarUs ,0 0,1« « of°?he VW. be supplied from tbis office. about things. You tell him about the and that for the collection of the general 5 o'clock Friday morning, and about three Albey, Mrs. Winfield Staples, Mrs. Leroy Bunting, Etc. General agents lor the Russell nows for Sunday but few would be re­ Guiding Star and one of the most ably edited papers in the Smith, Mrs. John Trask, and John Collins.... it easy to admin­ Friclionless Pump. Tuesday evening a reception was tendered teachers, won’t you, dear, and put those state. In Ellsworth also we found three old hours later his lifeless body was found floating Edgar Smith returned from Gloucester Wed­ ister. 31 and 33 Commercial Street, - Boston. the State Corps by the Waterville Corps, with violeis up a little nearer your chin.” quired.’ ______ABSTItAC’TS FROM REPORTS. Colby College classmates, A. W. King, the in the water. nesday...... David Smith is slowlv recovering “ My little hoy- ♦10 35 the co-operation of the Waterville Camp, S. of “I? Why, I don’t know anything R EFLECTIONS. -FOR- ...... Mrs. Philip Meltay is confined to her talented young lawyer of the firm of Wiswell, The railroad commissioners have been in had large scrofu­ -M's. Ella A. Beals, Inspector.—Number of about it. and I’m busy; I’m on tbc flow­ lied by a severe attack of tonsilitis...... S eth lous ulcers on liis V., who served the refreshments In fine style. King & Peters, W. It. Whittle, the popular session for the lirst time in their new quurters Corps inspected, 51; 38 Corps meet in O. A R er committee.” C entury. Stockbridge paid the Island a living visit re­ neck and throat The entertainment by the Waterville people "Well, we might as well let it go. principal of the High School, and Rev. A. A. in the Maine Centrul railroad station. J. B. cently... .Edgar Erskine is making Dr. Ers­ fro m which lie AWNINGS halls, 9 In different balls, 4 at residences of wus all that could be asked, and tbc conven­ Stills are no belter in conversation than SUMMER BARGAINS kine a short visit...... Jelferson Torrey is fish­ suffered terribly. members; one Corps reports an average at­ I’ve told him nil about it, hut he’ll get Cambridge, pastor of the Baptist Church. Mr. I eaks ot Dover, J. B. Mayo of Foxcroft, and / x - Made and put up at short notice and tion was perhaps the most profitable and suc­ in a foot race. ing for lobsters at Duck Islands...-str. Mt. Two physicians tendance of 55, one of 43, four of 35, two of 't all wrong, any w»y. It is perfectly Cambridge delivered the Memorial sermon F. W, Hill of Exeter, nppeared before the Desert made her last cull at the Island Satur­ attended him, hut he grew continually cessful of any in the history of the order. The awful the way those reporters miscon­ It is the foolish aim of the atheist to before the Ellsworth Post, a most able dis­ hoard in the interest of the extension of the day. We shall miss the genial faces of Capts. AT REASONABLE RATES J5, the lowest average attendance, one Corps scan infinitude with a microscope. worse under their care, ami everybody being 0; the work is memorized by 25 Corps-’ next convention will be held with Bosworth strue things and never get anything course. Ellsworth has also a very handsome Foxcroft terminus t.r the Dexter & Piscataquis Sawtellc and Conary... -Str. Mary Field makes expected he would ilie. I hud heard of — BY— her regular daily calls as usual....The quarry one Corps is ranked Excellent for discipline, 17' Corps, Portland. right." When poverty conies in at the cottage soldiers monument. The city seems to be railroad a mile further so that it will be in tho the remarkable cures effected by Ayer’s at the North-end has shut down until further Sarsaparilla, and decided to have my W. F. TIBBETTS, door Hue love goes at it with an ax. entering upon a new lease of life, nnd the new vicinity of the Bangor A Piscataquis depot. F. notice. There is a chance for a man with cap­ Very Good, 27 Good, 3 Medium ; 49 Secretary SEEN FROM THE COTTAGE PORCH hoy try it. Shortly ufter ho began to W hite & Case W harf, Itncklitnd, Me. Danger of Drinking Ice Water. A vein of humor should lie made visi­ residences going up in all parts of the city are A. Laughton ot Bangor asks the commission ital to invest in a paying business. The gran­ take ibis medicine, tho ulcers com­ books are properly kept, and 47 Treasurer American Ai/ricu/tiirlti. ble without the help ol a reduction mill. ite is excellent and easily quarried.... Pettin- menced healing, and, alter using several books; 34 Corps have a charitable fund li Trees about the house make it more legion. Ellsworth is eerlainly a fine city, but for a charter to build an electric railway in Bar gill’s quarry at the Old Harbor is runnirg and The reformer becomes a fanatic when our purling word of advice is to clean out that Harbor. Providing he obtains a permit he hotties, he was entirely cured. He is Corps have a general fund. The expense ol homelike and attractive, and shield it Ninth Amirlcan Itcvieu). the wharf is ready lor shipping. They have now as healthy and strong us any hoy from tile cold winds of winter and the he begins to use bis emotions us a sub­ river. proposes to build and equip a three mile road taken out about 50,000 paving blocks. of his age.”—William F. Dougherty, Cotton Duck inspecting the fil.Corps reported wus $101.99. Water for drinking purposes should stitute for bia reasoning faculty. Hampton, Vu. iiot Hun of summer. never he below fifty degrees. We can M E O AAI> IIO l Ai’ at once from Bar Harbor to tho foot of Green ------the Inspector placed great emphasis upon the A grapevine over the out-building Many an object in life must be attained Mountain, to connect with the mountain rail­ JOHNSTOWN'S LOSS. " Ill May last, my youngest child, FO R S A L E need of memorizing the work and duties, and alwuys get it even in the hottest weather W . C. T. U. Wholesale and Itetuil, at BOSTON PRICES. will not injure the building, will increase by flank movements; it is the zigzag road, having it in operation this summer. fourteen months old, began to have soles wearing of budges. ns cool as litis by letting it run for a gather on its head and body. W c ap­ the attractiveness of the premises, and minute or two from any household faucet road that leads to the mountain top. Col. Rogers, who is in charge of the Johns- plied various simple remedies without S. T. MUCRBDCE, Mrs. E.A. Bragg, State Secretary.-Number ------F or God, Home and Native Lund. will furnish wholesome, agreeable food or drawing it from any country well. All the paths ol life lead to the grave, Alden s Manifold Cyclopedia, town iiurenu of registration, reports to Gen. avail. The sores increased in number Brown’s Wharf, Rockland. ol Corps It. good standing 52, gained during at slight cost. A German saloon keeper says the letters Hastings that the aggregate registration is and discharged copiously. A physician year 5, at present 57; whole number of mem- If not, there is no objection to cooling it and tho utmost that we can do is to 15,569 names; 2500 survivors have left the When liiu garden gets as much atten­ avoid the short cuts. W. C. T. U. mean “ women constantly torment was called, hill tho sores continued to bcrs utlast report 2077, gained during year to tlie point mentioned. The East India C lo tiiin G The issue of the tenth volume calls attention loculity without registering, and many others multiply until in a le w months they tion us the swine lot, and tlie fruit trees monkey, which can now he hud almost The office should seek the man, hut it us." to the rapid progress which this excellent pop­ 4Lt, loss 48, members at present 3044, net ga in are being entertained in the vicinity who, nearly covered thechild's head and body. as much feed and cave as the cattle, anywhere in this country, and by means should inspect him thoroughly before The Connecticut House passed a bill giving ular cyclopedia is making. The publisher because they were not affected by the fiood, At lust we begun the use of Ayer's Kur- READ’CAREFULLY! J67. Edwin Libby Corps, Rockland bus the promised the volumes at intervals of about a refuse to register, as they think they urc not there will he more health and good of which tlie contained water is cooled tuking him. women the right to vote on the question of the saparillu. In a few days a marked M . A. .JOITANSON argest membership 221, Bosworth Corps,Port- huinor on the farm, and just as much month; he is recently more than keeping bis legitimately survivors. Col. Rogers estimates chunge for the better was manifest. Tim by its own evaporation, answers the Humility is most serviceable as an sale of intoxicating liquors. word. The volume extends from Cosmog, the survivors ut 25,000, and says the figures sores assumed a more healthy condition, Will buy and sell real eatute, investigate titles to land, 195; Burnside Corps,Auburn, 173;Cloud- money. purpose admirably. I am quits sure GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. raphy to Debry, contains about 640 pages and ure presumably approximately correct. De­ property, secure situations for girls and men. nian Corps, Saeearappa, 102,Knox Corps Lew­ ----- «♦»----- undergarment and should never ho worn Dr. Kate C. Bushnell says that, although the discharges were gradually dimin­ Will sell debenture bonds, paying 9 per cent, coin- that if iee water should be generally as an overcoat. about 100 illustrations, handsomely printed and ducting these 25,000 from the total population ished, und finally ceased altogether. pound interest for any one. iston, 105. These are the only corps that ex­ Police judge—“ State how the trouble prohibition Maine is a large lumbering state, it neatly hound in cloth, all for 50 cents I The leaves 4215 lives lost. This estimate is us discarded as a drink the average duration The child is livelier, its skin is fresher, ceed 100 in membership. In the list of gains originated.” Accused—"W e wus hold - has probably a smaller number of degraded Manifold is more comprehensiva than any positive as it will probably ever be possible to uml its appetite better than wc lun c ob­ OFFICE 388 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. in’ a debatin’ society, and I said 1 hud of life would he lengthened and existence Quick to Act: Smith—I’ve just taken women in proportion to its population than any oilier cyclopedia except Cassell's (which costs give, us it is made up from careful research, served for months.”—Frank M. Griffin, Cloudman Corps of Sueearuppa heads the list the tloor, and he called mo a liar.” rendered more intolerable. some of Dr. Quaek’s medicine: thought several times as much,) including an un- house to house canvass and comparisons with Long Point, Texas. with 18, Burnside, Auburn, 10, Edwin Libby Hats, Caps, Trunks, Etc. other state in the Union, the estimate being but abridged dictionary of the English language proof sheets of the Johnstown directory, which “ What followed?” “From thut time I’d try a now doctor. Do you know 500 to 500,000 population. in addition to ordinary cyclopedia matter, and was compiled just a month prevous to the “ The formula of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla 0. E. HAHN & CO./ Rockland, 14, J. W. Clark, Liberty, 10 W L much about him? Junes—Yes a little. presents, for chronic diseases of almost Haskell, Yurmoutb, 17, Cooper, Union’ 10 ? until we were arrested we both liud the New Arrival—Can I come in? St. though many of the articles arc necessarily disaster, und is now in the hands of the floor." Peter—Where are you from? New Ar­ A friend of mine took some of his medi­ A Massachusetts manufacturer is alleged to brief they are sufficiently full for practical printers. every kind, the lust remedy known to A. Hodge CMtoO, 12, O. F.Sbepley.Omy.’ 11,' have paid one Saturday to his army of labor­ the medical world.” —D. M. Wilson, House, Ship, Sign, Ornamental Returned miner—“Talk uhout your rival—From Boston. St. Peters—Boston, cine once. Smith—Did, eh? Was it people, and some articles are surprisingly ex------<«»----- E. O. Parker, Kittery, 15. The other Corps quick to act? Jones—Oh, yes; there was ers seven hundred bright, crisp ten-dollar hilts. tended-—for instance, Cotton occupies 26 pages • M, D., Wiggs, Arkansas. t moral towns! In Deadville, Nolife eh? Well, you can go in, hut I want lo T HE NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT. and A rtistic making gains are Bosworth, Portland; Sedg­ cnipc on the door next morninx- Each man received one wilh his pay. All were I rannogs, 8 pages; Creeds and Confessions, 5 county, Ari., there hasn’t been a light, a warn you, you will be disappointed.— pages; Cricket, 4 pages; Crusades, G pages; wick, Bath; Sheridan, Biddeford; Rideout murder, a robbery, hanging scrape, nor New York ilerald. l’alher-"Rohert. is it not ab< u- marked so as to lie recognized. By Tuesday, Darwin and Darwinian Theory, 17 pages, und Comrades of the Grand Army who intend to PAINTERS AND DECORATORS, Bowdoinham; Heath, Waterville; Carver’ four hundred and ten of these bills had been so on. It would be strange indeed if a cyclo­ go to the National Encampment are requested Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, even a drunk for tlie last 10 years.” Pro­ A Discourager of Hesitancy ; Merchant tiiue tliat little boys were abed? Robs pedia ol such great merit, published at a cost ----- ALSO DEA1.KU8 IN ------Viuulbuven ; Tillson,Thomaston; Stevens Cas­ hibitionist—"All duo to tlie fact that it —Arn’t you a little quicker than usual, ert (age six, carelessly glancing at bi deposited in the banks of the city by the bur- to notify E. C. Milliken, assistant adjutunt DllEl'AIlED BY so surprisingly low, did not reach an enormous general, box 1119, Portland, at us early a dale Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, tine; Gushee, Appleton; Thatcher, Portland; is a prohibition town, I suppose?” Min­ Johnny? District Messenger Boy— watch)—"Really, father, I must be ex­ keepers. circulation. A specimen volume may be or­ us possible. Stule also whether accompanied Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. McGluufiiu, Mapleton; Kimball, Livermore er—"Naw! IJeadville was deserted 12 Couldn’t help it, boss. Kelly’s bulldog's cused from venturing an opiniou. 11 is dered and returned if not wanted. John B by ladies or not, und what railroad and hotel MARVELS OF POPULARITY Price $1; tlx bottles, $5. Wurth $5 u bottle. Artists’ Materials, Brushes. Falls; Dwinal, Mechanic's Fulls; Fessenden years ago, wheu the gold diggings gave loose again. Chased me clean up ter a subject ia which I have little interest; Alden, Publisher, New York, Chicago, Atlanta uccomuiodutious are desired. The rate of lure Freeport; Douty, Foxcroft; Gerry, Monson '■ ...IN.... SUMMER SOUNDS. aud ban Francisco. has not yet been announced, but the commit­ <^rCheni>e»t place lu the country for out- dor door—Time. I have no little boys you know. tee ure yet in hopes to secure favorable rates. Sign slid Bulletin Board Painting. Echoes From Spots Where Busy Man They urc also in hopes to be able to make Seasonable Styles! SOUTH BRISTOL. satisfactory arrangements with the hotels, but Scenery Paiutiug u Specialty, Rests Himself. as the accommodations are limited, comrades *04 Multi Htrr.l, Opp. Harwell Halt, >,♦ Is Its boro is seeing busy times. Two should advise the committee ut once of their JJART5RQRNS ....AND.... Lew Foster has returned from Jefferson----- wishes. Accommodations can be secured i a steamboats, the Electa and Castine, touch there G. C. Snow is ut work for E. P. Gamage, cul­ private houses by applying to the committee, and it is probable that the Richmond will make ling paving---- Your correspondent witnessed who will secure them. A. J.BIRD1& CO., a landing there before the season closes. The FAIR FIGURES! the lauehing of sch. Lillian Woodruff, Thurs­ ------DKALKllB IN ----- whurf at Dark Harbor will soon he completed. day, ut East Boolhbuy---- School closes here A M A IN E MAN. SARSAPARILLA Cottagers are beginning to arrive at next Friday after a very successful term Pemaquid Point. Hotel Pemaquid, built in taught by Miss Barker. A Washington dispatch to Saturday’s Argus AND -:C-O-A-L,:- the summer o f '88, will be opened on the 21st ----- < • •---- - | says: inst. This place and vicinity are rapidly com­ Congressman Farquhur, who lingers here, ing in favor as a place of resort. The section C OBBLE VS. HAVING. is sliil feeling tor Commissioner Morton’s H A R D W O O D We are reaching out for of paved street, which was discovered some scalp, but lai's to get a firm hold on it. Unc In the eilv of Portland the streets are being day he thinks he has it aud the next day he years ago in plowing, bad a small building knows he has not. Meantime he is wearing Flour.Groceries.Provisions, improved by taking up the slippery cobble aud For Scrofula and ull Humor*. Skin Diseases of aJl lurius more trade with IRRESISTI­ erected over it lust fall. The pavement to­ out his influence with the President, aud wheu Tumors. Sun *. Blutvhts. Dy .pip.iu. lltuduchc, Costivunss. gether with humun bones, cannon bulls and In­ substituting grunite blocks. Wheu cobble a change is made a Maine man will get the Weariness, Debility. Biliousness. Itneumulism, Neuralgia, PRESSED HAY AND STRAW. place. Nervousness, Lu.» of Appeiile, Liver Cowpluiuts, Nuxob- B LE INDUCEMENTS be­ dian stone implements which have from time stones were in demand scows aud pinkies did a good business picking up beach stones and to time been found make an interesting little MARINE MATTERS. “if Out of Sorts’’ o r‘n «^un“/ luu‘e’ Cement, Lime, Hair, &c_. yond the whisper of competition museum. freighting them to points where they were saleable. TONIC BLOOD PURIFIER. DTt. BW EET, ------. The new tug that is to replace the H. F. The world celebruted Nulural PhyniCiun und Bone LIVERY LACONICS. Prioe only *zq c o n t w . burgeon, bus arrived in Boston at 16 Union Park or comparison. Come and see Ethel (dreamily) "They say there is a Morse, which was wrecked on Harding’s Ledge Btreet, lo remain untu further notice. Ail kinds E. HARTSHORN & SONS, BOSTON, MASS. of Lameness, and dill^ult chronic discuses treuted M. Frank Donahue has just added to his mao iu the moon.” Amy—“ Yes, it kis lust winter, will be the largest in the world. by tho famous “6wee% Method.” Bend stump for lor yourself. M j rolling stock a tine Goddard buggy. not a summer resort.” Her propeller will have a sweep of 12 feet. Baittboru’ii Flavoring Extracts the Best. Medicul Magazine c\cry thing. 23