The Republican Journal VOLUME M AIA E THURSDA YEEBRU AR Y 1912. 84_BELFAST 15, NUMBER 7 of Today’s Journal. NEWS OF THE Contents OBITUARY. GRANGES. SECRET SOCIETIES^ THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. THE SONS OF VETERANS’ CAMPFIRE. • PERSONAL. Churches — Obituary.. .Leslie The Twenty-five members of Victor Waldo Lodge, K. of P., of Burnham, confer- E. F. Hanson \;..nter Robert .... News of the Mrs. Sarah Erskine from this life Grange, Nominated for Mayor. passed red the rank of on two candidates at A. E. Clark S. of observed Lin- R. L. The Year Without a Sum- Searsmont, visited Georges River Lib- esquire Camp, V.f Pitcher of Caribou was registered at mges. Jan. 30, at her home, 53 White street, Grange, The Democratic city caucus was held at the in Real Estate... 1912, their Feb. 2d. coln’s in Memorial ball last ►he Windsor mer .Transfers jrty, Wednesday evening, Feb. 7th, and meeting Friday evening, birthday Monday Hotel, Bangor, Feb. 7th» East Boston, from heart failure. She was report court house last Monday evening. It was called ret Societies. .Mt. Desert Corres- ‘a time." At the of Phoenix evening. The guest of honor was Division good regular meeting Lodge, to order G. C. chairman Miss Alice Aborn left last to .Mr. Dooley Says...The born Oct. 18, 1828, in Liberty, , the by Kilgore, of the city Ernest Saturday spend y.ndence.. F. and A. the Entered Commander, G. Waldron of Bangor,and two mocratic Caucus. .. .Meeting of conferred M., Monday evening and weeks’ vacation in Boston and daughter of David and Margaret Bartlett. She Morning Light Grange, Monroe, committee, Charles B. Eaton was made Thomas H. vicinity. Co. The Sons of Vet- on one Marshall Post and Circle, the local v jj,,jii Grange. :he third and fourth on three Apprentice degree was worked candi- chairman and M. married when quite young Mr. John K. Erskine degrees candi- W. Lord and F. I. Wilson sec- Milton B. Hills of Northport left on the ins’ Campfire. .The Freeport Shoe date. clergymen and Ladies were also iates Feb. 3d and the of au retaries. Frank Auxiliary, loon Personal. of Jefferson. They were both students at building extension H. Mayo moved and Eben F. train Tuesday for Presque Isle on busi- Factory. guests. A picnic supper was served at 6.30, :o the hall was discussed. Osceola of Littlefield seconded the ness. .• Favor Prohibition—Star Flow- Freedom ago. council, Daughters Pocahontas, nomination of E. F. r.\ 1 Academy many years Mr. the long tables occupying the entire floor had a class initiation last Hanson for joem). ..The Situation in Maine. Erskine went to California in ’49, and on his Harvest Home has extend- Tuesday evening, mayor, and on motion Frank I. Rev. and Grange, Brooks, apace. The stage was decorated with a Mrs. Albert E. Luce of Dexter ; :ial Water Power..A Minister when a number of candidates were the Wilson cast the vote of large return they made their home in East Boston, ed an invitation to Monroe to given the caucus for Hanson "'ere Wife. .La Follette. .Raisirg Grange meet picture of Lincoln, evergreen and stacked guests of Rev. and Mrs. Montford S. degree and several acted and he was declared where most of their married vith them Feb. an applications upon. the unanimous choice of arms. .: oes on Metinic. .Trolly Line Ex- they spent life, Monday night, 26th, giving After supper the tables were Hill last Tuesday. the caucus. Mr. replaced -., ns A Cat Ranch...Plaisted’s living on their farm at Jefferson summers for >pportunityto return the the Brooks The United Order of the Golden Cross have Hanson then addressed the seats and hospitality by a large and interested audience Mrs. Alice W. Forsaith of Waning. caucus. Fred W. Everett, Mass,, a number of years before Mr. Erskine’s death, Grangers enjoyed when some 58 members visit- moved from the Odd Fellows building to the Brown, Esq., nominated Capt. listened to a Lincoln program arranged irrived and is the :;-tian Courtesy and Religious J. W. for road by yesterday guest of Mr. and which occurred about four years ago. Mrs. id Monroe Grange several weeks ago. Knights of Pythias and changed the meeting Burgess commissioner and Why- Commander ♦■ration. ..Border State Ballads Frank O. Whiting and Past Com- Vlrs. Robert P. Chase. Erskine was a woman of keen and night from the first and third to the land Knowlton, Esq., withdrew the name of ■en. i...A Dickens Love Feast.. intelligence the and Monday j mander Charles F. Among instructing inspecting depu- Merriam. A vocal solo, "1 Miss Lela Howard Towns. Pittsfield Personals, of a sweet, and lovable first and third in each month. Harvey S. Cunningham as a candidate for that entered the employ of patient disposition. ties appointed by C. S. Stetson of Thursday hear you Calling," and an Greene, encore,"The Rosary” if the National bank on uils Trade uf Porto Rico She was a true friend. She office. Dr. G. C. then the City Monday, where very hospitable,and Waster of the State Grange, are the James N. ReaJ, the oldest Odd Fellow in Kilgore presented | were rendered by Arthur N. he ... .The News following: Johnson. An ad- »he act as a check clerk. leaves three son, Mr. John Ers- in name of H. M. Bennett. A was then wjll children,—a V. Martin of E. Nash Maine, died Feb. 9th at his home Portland, ballott dress of welcome was ill 1. ast. Liberty, George of then given past com- taken and by Mrs. J. C. Nichols of kine, who is a lawyer in , and Camden and G. F. York of at the age of 91 He the order Capt. Burgess received 48 and H.M. mander Searsport sailed from News of Belfast. Monroe. Edward years. joined Chas. F. Merriam and was cordial and Bennett 96 Is*ew York Feb. 8th on two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Waters of Svans of Waldo is lour months after it was instituted in Maine. votes, and the latter was declared the hite Star steam- B aid's Most Perfect Ear of appointed a general deputy. impressive. His reference to Lincoln exalted and Mrs. Clarence Ford of He the nominee. are the ship Arabic for an extended tour abroad. Lincolnville .The Lin- Monterey, Calif., was a member of Maine Lodge, the first Following nominations him as a man and a poem). At the last meeting of Seaside Grange it was statesman. The response by e Club. .County Correspond- Whitefield, Me.; also one sister, Miss Margaret one organized in Maine. *n the wards: Mrs. George A. Leavitt left last for roted to donate So to the fund for rebuilding Capt. A.W. Hassan was appreciative and voiced Monday Bartlett, who was deeply attached to her, hav- ward 1. Putnam, Conn., called there the death of the at the Good Will At the of Camden the thought of the G. A. R. that the Sons of by t .Marine Grange cottage Farm, regular meeting lodge, Primary Explained. ing been her inseparable companion for many Alderman, Edward F. Littlefield. ler brother-in-law, Mr Charles M. Ellis. 'ables. .Maine Fair Association, vhich was fire a few weeks K. of P held last evening, three can- Veterans will soon take their and on Her destroyed by ago. Monday p.lace carry in years. family ties were strong and her Councilmen, Percy A. Bradford and Percy John of tering Somerville. .The News ^t the meeting tomorrow, a didates were the second rank. their work. Mr. H. k. Drinkwater rendered a Vogel Castine was at his cottage at Friday, evening given Monday j B. Redman. ks The Utility of Pine Trees. children, as tvell as relatives and friends, will Ylamoosook lake :lass of candidates will receive the third degree. evening, Feb.-19th, past chancellor’s night will trombone solo, “Home Sweet Home,” and vari- last week with a party of >>rt.. .Stockton miss her The School committee, Orrin J. Springs....Ship greatly pleasant companionship. be will be Dickey. ations, Mrs. friends, for a few days’ and Burnham Grange, P. of H.. had a at- observed. The third rank worked, accompanied by Drinkwater. The outing fishing.* Births. Marriages.. Deaths, funeral services were held in East Boston Feb. large Constable, J. O. Black. with the address on Lincoln Rev. M F. A. Cushman of y Correspondence... The News endance at their last past chancellors filling the offices. by S. Hill was said Montville came to the city meeting Thursday night, Warden, R. II. Cassens. Brooks. by good to be the best ever He /isitors w'ere from Clinton and Sebas- ! The of Aurora Rebekah judges delivered Monday morning. reported the temper- where services were held Feb. 3d, and the in- present fortnightly supper Ward Clerk, E. S. Pitcher. hereon alike occasion. Mr. Hill iture at his home that icook Granges. The first and second lodge of Odd Fellows took at the Odd dealt with morning as 14 be.ow. terment was in the family burial beside degrees place ward 2. ground Lincoln as a and as a 1 he Churches. vere worked and seven new names Fellows hall last and prophet man pre-eminent Mrs. Arthur Ritchie her husband. were pre- Tuesday evening, follow- S. S. L. Shute. returned yesterday Alderman, above the and lented. It is exnected that State Master C. S the was conferred on a number of president statesman,and said he ’rom Plymouth, where she ing degree M. O. and F. Mass., was the >: il church will hold services at Councilmen, Dickey Leslie was the leader of Charlotte w’ife of William H. ; stetson will be candidates. Tne received a the world’s great men of all »uest for several of S., Clough, present at the meeting Feb. lodge has large Elms. days her sister. Mrs. E. b. jreh vestry next Sunday after- His died 7th at her home in !9th. number of and has made a generations. remarks were Rowell. February Rockport, applications good School G. G. Abbott. warmly ap- committee, Division after a painful illness of four months. She gain in in the plauded. Commander Ernest G. Miss Abbie At the regular of Star membership past year. L. H. Colcord. Doak of Belfast, who has ,>een club of the Universalist church meeting Evening Constable, Waldron of was born in and Bangor said that he was a working ^siting her aunt, Mrs. Frank retim- Rockport February 4, 1843, grange, Washington, Feb. 3d 48 members were At a snprinl mpptino- nf Kincr Snlnmnn f'niin_ A. C. Tuttle. Haskell, c-jal next noon. All men j Warden, rather than ed to her home Feb. Sunday was the of the late and Har- a talking commander. He 7th.-Rockland Courier- daughter Joseph >resent. The executive committee cil, R. & S. M., last th*. three Ward Mark Wadlin. pre- gazette. invited. following Tuesday evening clerk, sented the riet Shibles. Her entire life had been leading objects of the Sons of Vet- spent vas elected for the year: B. K. degrees were worked on two candidates. R. ward 3. ensuing Ware, erans as Rev. Father Dennis service will be held in the First in her native town, where her deeds fidelity, the maintenance of law, the McCabe and his niece, by kindly N. M. Prescott, J. R. Danforth. The master I. Deputy Grand Master of the Grand L. F. Marden. Council, Alderman, endeavor to Vliss Rose will n February 25th. A service of and nature she had eradicate evil influences wherever McGovern, return today, Thurs- friendly endeared herself ippointed Leland Johnston, Jesse Overlook Harry E. Larrabee of Gardiner, was Councilmen, E. A. Wadsworth and C. A. present lay, from a few arranged and given by the choir, to in the who with the they exist, and to be good citizens of city, days’ visit in Boston and many community, rela- ind A. E. Poland committee on finance, and B. and officially inspected the Chapter. Refresh- Pooler. tives lament her State and nation and an honor to their order. vicinity. •.m F. FTetcher of Waterville oc- greatly departure. Besides 2. Cunningham and wife and Ernest "Wellman ments were served after the work. School E. B. Lunt. committee, A male a husband she leaves one quartette, A. T. Gay, C. F. Philip H. Pike, brakeman on the .[ list pulpit last Sunday morning son, Herbert W. ind wife sick committee. The new executive R. D. Shute. Merriam, Belfast A stated conclave of Palestine Constable, Leon of and Commandery, Beckwith and Earl Talbot, with Mrs. >ranch of the M. C. R. was This was Mr. Fletchers second Clough Rockport, two sisters and four :ommittee furnished a treat of R., called to Lynn, crackers and Knights Templar, was held at Masonic Tem- Warden, H. H. Smalley. all of Mrs. Emma Tol- Beckwith accompanist, In the Mass., last Friday the sudden death of his brothers, Rockport: :andy at recess, after which an excellent Ward R. C. rendered, by pro- ple Wednesday evening,with work in the Order Clerk, Logan. Prison man, Mrs. Josephine Bohndell, John W., James Cell” and "Tenting on the Old mother. f the sermon at the Universa- gram was furnished by the lecturer. of the ward 4. Camp- Temple. Eminent Chas.W. Jones, Grand Mrs. Dora E., Fred F. and Edgar P Shibles. Funeral ser- ground.” Bridges read with good Ralph D. •xt will be “What The officers of Harvest Home Generalissimo of the Alderman, James E. Wing. Southworth, Belfast, Lewis E. Sunday morning Grange, Grand Commandery of effect a Memorial vices were held at her late residence Sunday Ode to the Boys in Blue, White, Winterport, and Frank L. Teach in to Future were installed was Councilmen, Cassius E. Hamilton, George Blanchard, tually Regard brooks, Monday evening Feb. Maine, present to make his official visit of Commander L. afternoon, Rev. H. A. Corey, pastor of the C. Putnam of the G. A. R. Stockton served on .th State Herbert. Springs the grand jury of by Deputy Evans, assisted by Mr. inspection, and the work was followed a made a Methodist church, Camden, De- by thrilling and brief address in which he ;he U. S. Court in Portland last officiating. ind Mrs. Gilbert of and School committee, E. M. Cunningham. week. :ian Scientists hold services in Monroe, the ceremony banquet. voiced a ceased was a member of Harbor Light Civil War veteian’s love and honor Chap- vas Constable, W. A. Bennett. Miss Louise J. Read will leave T-7 Main street, Sunday morning very impressively performed. The work At the Feb. 8th of for today, Thurs- ter, O. E. S., who attended in a body and per- regular meeting Enterprise Lincoln, saying .that the ;name of Lincoln vas a John Small. lay, for visits in Boston and r. and at 7.30 followed by literary program and a sup- Warden, vicinity. She Wednesday evening formed their burial service. Lodge, Ancient Order of United meant more to the soldiers of 1361-5 than to Workman, Edward Mason. vill be the of i.ich all are welcome. >er. The officers are as follows: W. M., A. B. Ward Clerk, guest Mrs. Ernest Taylor of District Deputy Past Master Workman E. any other class of He read an people. extract who was Alfred S. Jackson of Poor’s Mills died sud- tayson; O., Clarence Hamlin; S., W. S. ward 5. Medford, formerly Miss June Howes r\ ice at the First Parish Church Jones; H. Haney installed the officers: Mas- from Lincoln's of following T. L. Shute. prophecy present day enndi- •f Belfast. denly Feb. 13th, aged 79 years, 5 months and 'hap., Laura Jewell; Treasurer, E. G. Cox; ter Alderman, f our next Sunday,with sermon Workman, Willis S. Wight; Free tions, that he was more by foreman, Alfred C indicating than the 17 He was his son in Secy., Grace Bachelder; G. K., Councilmen, D. Shute, Melvin Prof. tells the Oxford >unday school meets days. assisting hauling Henry Reynolds; man O. Roberts; recorder, Melville C. ordinary president in his Chapman County Cit- immediately 1 Hill, knowledge of the wood when he exclaimed, "I can’t see 2eres, Inez Payson; Pomona, Nettie Knowlton. zen that he has decided to decline the offer to se of the morning you,” Bowen; financier, Charles H. Sargent; M. W. country, its conditions and worship, receiver, School W. Patterson. dangers. and immediately fell backward. A plora, Hattie Ryder; L. A. S, Olive Roberts. committee, George »° to California and will remain in the east at the physician Lord; representative to grand lodge, Willis E. Mrs. of ngs Universalist church Alton Michaels. Mary Russ, president the Ladies was summoned, who said that he died Constable, ind continue, with other the Maine ial the week. instantly Wight; alternate, Maurice W. Lord. The ses- Circle, G. A. R., of the aims and ;his work, coming Preaching rHE YEAR Robert Patterson. spoke objects from heart failure. He wfas born in WITHOUT A SUMMER. sions of the Warden, nusic festivals. if school and Morrill, grand lodge will be held in Ban- of the Circle, of its motto and of g, Sunday men’s Ward Everett Nickerson. its duty to the the son of the late Samuel and Sarah Feb. 15th. Clerk, Mr. and on, and K. 0. K. A. Saturday Gurney gor today, past and to coming generations. In her tribute Mrs. John A. Fogg, Dr. and Mrs. W. and was a Our Swanville Center sent us Jackson life-long farmer. He correspondent West, L. T. Charles F. MEETING OF WALDO CO. GRANGE. to Lincoln she said that as as a member of Shales, Swift, B. O. is survived 1 he article from the Omaha Mt. Desert long by his widow, formerly Lucy following World, Correspondence. Norton, I. L. J. A. McKeen the Circle remains so long will his birthday be Perry, and S. A. for the week at the A. four sons, H. F. Jack- < opied from an old scrap book; Waldo Pomona met Feb. 6th Baptist Woodbury; by County Grange held in saerpd rpmomhrarw»n Jarker attended the food and auto shows in Manset, Me., Feb. 10, 1912. Our harbor as follows: this, Thursday, even- son of Thorndike, W. of The year 1816 enjoyed an open winter with Riverside West Belfast. The Joseph Silverton, during Grange, day A. Bangor last week. has thus far been clear of J. Knowlton, Superintendent of meeting; Sunday, at 10.45, Frank A. of West 1 he entire twelve months, entirely ice, al- was and the and public Colo., Chesterfield, N. H., being frequently pleasant traveling fairly good Miss it has been schools, read an instructive on the meth- Louise Knowiton returned Feb. 7th school at 1 eferred to winters as though very cold in this section. paper hip. Sunday noon; and Dr. Wilbur R. Jackson of Poor’s one by contemporaneous the the attendance was very large. The hall, Mills; ods used to teach true rom a most .visit to .it The lowest the thermometer has patriotism to the rising delightful California, 6.30 {>. m.; evening service daughter, Mrs. Grace N. Patterson of Los ear without a summer. All through the set- registered which is a fair sized one, was packed to an wras 13 below on Jan. 8th. generations and inculcate a love and respect 'he came by the way of the Southern Pacific, and one Jack- 1 led of the United States there was a Monday, overflow. The State Master and Angeles, Calif., brother, Lewis portions Worthy for the Our popular grammar school Mr. R. flag. topping several days in New Orleans, and son of Morrill. He was a member of 3 rost in every month. were ruined and teacher, Brother and Sister Webb from North Waldo Phcenix Crops Miss K. Stanley, who has been drilling his Florence White very gracefully recited ilso visited in Boston en route. every .Sunday until further Lodge, F. and A. M., of Belfast and was one of 3 armers called it the year of eighteen hundred pupils Pomona Grange were present. The officers for some “The time, presented the Jolly Minstrels Independence Bell.”, Richard F. Crocker and Roland E. if:g service at 10.30 a. rn. with its most loyal members. The funeral will take J ,nd starve to death. Snow fell on November were all present and the meeting was presided Stevens, Mr. A. T. a ■ at Ward’s hall and it was a perfect success in Gay gave comprehensive and >oth former B. H. S. basket pastor, Rev. C. E. Walsh; Sun- plaje at his late home, tomorrow, Friday. el5, but there was none in December or Jan- over by the new master, C. M. Howes. After ball players, are practical talk on the work every way and showed much care on the done by the Sons of back and 1 L45 a. m., preaching service in tarv to speak of. Christmas and New' Years part the exercises a class of 53 was in- Maying center, respectively, on the K opening Veterans in Mrs. Elsie enr.ey Patterson died at 3 p. m of the teacher and pupils. outposts and in military training, team at the at 7 o’clock. yere warm, open and green, and faithful to the During interims- structed in the fifth degree. The noon recess Sophomore University of Maine, Feb. 7th, at the home of her Mrs sion ice cream and home made emphasizing the benefits of the latter daughter, saw a candy ./era on i physi- n an inter-class series of be services next Sunday at Ma- Id that green Christmas makes a fat was then taken and the visitors were well games. Charles F. Toothaker, Belmont avenue, sale. Some 540 were realized and cally, morally and politically. He also spoke aged hurch the old all sorts will be cared for the host A fine address Messrs. Arthur W. and .3"a. m.and at Trinity' Ueform- yard people predicted by grange. of how Norman A. Read of 87 years, 10 months and 16 days. She was used for a clock and the Sons of Veterans are f dire calamities, and the result buying maps for the of welcome was Mrs. Everett Banks endeavoring 2 3*' p. m., with sermons by Rev. would justify given by Portland spent several days the past week born in Foxcroft, the daughter of the late school. to second and aid the work of the G. A. R. -•ban, followed by Sunday school, j t. January was a very mild month, the sun and a very able regponse by Gracie Bowen. vith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Aaron and Sally Phelps Kenney, and was the Mrs. Jane Fernald of Islesford has Posts. at hone every day and the little snow that fell passed Remarks were made several about the loss iead. Arthur came to his sister’s in- ig Trinity Church this, Thurs- by Mrs. accept widow of David S. Patterson and formerly away after a few weeks of sickness with Etta F. Dodge, President of the Ladies’ i-.t 7.30 o’clock. j lardly covered the earth and soon melted. of the grange cottage for girls at the Good 'itation to the leap year cotillion party. lived in Knox. Two daughters Mrs. heart trouble. She leaves a Auxiliary, spoke and survive, j for storms and husband, Mr. Geo. Will in and it was con- briefly interestingly ’eople prepared great extreme Farm Fairfield, voted to Miss Agatha M. Hatch, daughter of Rev. E. for the week at the Methodist Ella Toothaker of this city and Mrs. E. P. H. Fernald, and a daughter, Mrs. Arthur along' the same lines as Mrs. Russ, old weather in February, but were disappoint- Spur- tribute $25 from uur grange fund to help re- applying I. Hatch of Kennedy street, was operated or. as of and her follows: this, Thursday even- Sawyer Knox. The funeral services were ling, other relatives, to mourn their loss, remarks to the order he represented. at the General for d, as it was milder than January. Tow-ard j build the cottage. The host grange program ruesday, Augusta hospilil « meeting; Sunday, at 10.45, held at 12 o’clock Rev. David L. Mr. Alonzo Rev. Chas. B. Ames the bene- ippenuicitis. The operation is to have Saturday, , he end of the and the Bryant, who underwent a taken and was as pronounced believed month, during first days surgi- was then up, follows: -»een with sermon the of the entirely successful and the patient was 1 by pastor; Wilson, pastor Congregational church, ( ? March, a terrible storm raged and cal operation at Bar Harbor diction. The whole affair was a credit to the gave hospital, is im- music by choir; music by orchestra; address •esting comfortably at last reports. -New Age. at 12 m.; Junior League at 3.30 officiating. The remains were in the ilace to cold and boisterous winds. The weather A. E. Clark placed } proving and is expected to return soon to his to the new officers Mrs. Lester Camp. 1 n was in but it by Wilson; Mr. Hiram P. Farrow returned last -s- g -t-rvice at 7.30 m.; tomb at Grove and January repeated April, grew A full Thu p. Tuesday receiving cemetery will be home in Islesford. Bertha Grace attendance is requested at their reg- older as the days passed, ending with snow song by Mears; reading by from where he Epw orth League meeting. taken to Knox for interment. ular lay Lewiston, attended the an- nd ice and very low temperature. In Mr. Bloomfield Reed of Island Woods; W. music meeting next Monday evening, as several May Greening’s original potn by Monroe; by luai session of the Maine Society of Civi Wilson a series of mid- ce formed an inch thick on rivers and streams. has been to the for are began Albert B. died taken Maine General orchestra; address State Master Stetson. A applications membership expected. Mosher Feb 8th at his home Suds and flowers were frozen and the Hospital, by The for discus- at the North j entire engineers. principal subject Church Sunday, in Orono, aged 79 years. He was born in China Portland for an operation for an abscess on vote of thanks was the host < orn crcp was tilled. Frost, ice and snow the given grange for ion was roads. were The general theme is “Moderp and was the of his liver. THE FREEPORT SHOE good They banqueted youngest parents’ 12 chil- j (tere common in June, and all to raise courtesies and the was closed. FACTORY. it!es and dates of the sermons attemps Tremont grange ind also dren and was the last of his family. He leaves tailed. The Lodge, No. 77, F. & A. M worked photographed. ttUi vs: regetable products condition of The to mourn their loss two Charles 1 the E. A. degree Feb 8th on two next meeting will be with Harvest A. W. sons, HM and he farmers is described as being desperate candidates. Shaw, President and Manager, a De- Mrs. Arthur I. Brown, who has been in Corey The Modern Church. William A. Mosher of three Preparations are being made to hold the Odd Moon grange, Thorndike Station, March 5th. Bangor,and daugh- tnd they were compelled io hoard their crops dill for Modern Patriotism, ters, Mrs. Blanche Townsend of Fellows’ convention at I’emetic Lo faulter. Hospital, Brookline, Mass., severa Bangor, Miss »f the year preceding and necessitated a big .ge room, Program: opening exercises; conferring 5th Frances Mosher and Mrs. Southwest in the near A. W. under the care of Dr. Maurice Richard- Ada W. Campbell of ncrease in Almost Harbor, future. Shaw, founder, president and general veeks, most cordially invited to attend prices. everything was I of committee; recess; Orono. Mr. Mosher came to Orono when he Mr. Cliff Foss has returned with his bride degree; appointment tilled and the fruit was nearly all destroyed, i manager of the A. W. Shaw Corporation of lon, left there last Monday and was accom- was but 18 years old and had remained there 1 from Brooks, Maine. music; report of granges; address of welcome uly was accompanied with frost and ice. The shoe >anied Mr. Brown to to ever for three Freeport, manufacturers, has absconded by Augusta, spend at the North will be as since, except or four years ! ith was and a some member of host church cold, blustering wind, raw and by grange; response by leveral before to that he was in California. He for and is a self-confessed defaulter of a days returning Belfast. i worked mcomfortable, swept the entire Atlantic coast. the for large hursday, afternoon at 3.30 p. m. Jacob Bean in the MR. DOOLEY SAYS lecturer; topic discussion, “Which will ; express business and later )n the following day ice was formed of the sum from his company. In a letter to J. Amick Herbert Foster left for Portland E. meeting; at 7.30 m. the entered the business for count the most in a technical train- yesterday p. himself and warf suc- hickness of window1 glass in New York profession, of his cessful for City. That He Writes for the Boston Freeport, partner for 22 years, and the ifter a brief visit with his aunt, Mrs. Win. H. g: Castle North, K. O. K. A. Fri- many years. About ten years ago Ml through New England and in Only Sunday ing or practical experience?” to be opened by was Pennsylvania heaviest he wrote he 1 he obliged, because of poor to re- n Globe in stockholder, that intend- Juimby. Mr. Foster had been in ex- k. at health, August ice half an inch thick was frequent- New England. B. F. Foster; remainder of program host Bangor morning worship Sunday tire. by ed to commit suicide y seen. and October The all in mid-ocean. libiting the auto and White auto .’ day school at 12 m.; C. E. September presented reading public through New England grange. Playing Haynes j prayer he nearest to summer the stock market approach weather of has cause to appreciate the wonderful for years with varying suc- ruck for ihe Eastern Sales He has i cordial invitation is extended to News has been received of the death of Mr. galaxy Company. iny month in the year, but in November ex- of writers of National fame whose articles ap- WEST WINTERPOxT. cess, cleaning up $300,000 only 18 months ago, :harge of the Portland office of the company. attend these services, King Pierce of Worcester, Mass., a farmer ;reme cold weather began and continued a in the Boston pear Sunday Globe. In no otner The Branch the S. I. he then all ievere winter to when Longfellow of L. M. wrote, losing because, like resident of Lincolnville, owned the up April, summer be- paper in New England appears the and others, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pendleton, who had i church next|Sunday having the farmers to timely held their last after- he wanted evening, 1 janaand permitted raise a bounte- philosophical humor of Mr. He and regular meeting Friday $10,000,0(0, was assigned as the place now owned Fred He is sur- Dooley. )een the guests of Mrs. Pendleton’s parents, 1 a lecture will be by Wiley. >us The same condition of affairs ex- his stereoptican crop. friend, Mr. Hinnessey, have a way of hit- noon at 3 o’clock with the following rhetori. cause of his downfall. The defalca- vived a who alleged VI r. and of d by wife, was Miss Mary Fuller of sted in as in this but it was the nail on the Mis. Joseph Fogg Orland, for a few The American Highlanders England country, ting head every time. Mr. cals: select tion was described | lot so severe in Central reading, Amy Clark; declamation, by Treasurer Amick as not Warren; a daughter, Mrs. Florence Fulton of New York. It is Dooley bids fair to add to his laurels the left on the Boston boat last people among whom Abraham by “The lays, Bucksport [ stated corn was so frozen in this summer new Donald Dyer; exercise, Four Seasons,” exceeding $75,000. Receivers have been Vancouver,B. C.jthree sisters and two brothers. badly series just begun in the Sunday Globe. ap- afternoon for where Mr. Pen- rn and the lecture will be hat it was cut down and dried for rhursday Lynn, very fodder. The “The Adventures of Cobb" one of by four children; recitation, Julia Clark; decla- pointed and the bnsiness will be Kitty by continued, lleton has a with an electric well illustrated. The is varm weather in January so a the most famous artists in the accepted position public LESLIE encouraged country, James mation, Daniel Dyer. The League is and it it to the in | MANTER ROBERTS. /ermont farmer that he and in laboring hoped pay obligations full. t*‘d. An will be received planted corn,* Montgomery Flagg, is another feature of the lompany. offering act some in under considerable difficulty to the loss There are about 300 of of it was good condition in March, Sunday Globe. The and dramatic draw- owing hands, many them for work Leslie Manter Roberts, the of Mrs. i large Doris, the little of Mr. and Mrs* religious among these nephew ■'armera were compelled to pay $4 or $5 per tell their own and Mr. of their record books, and their finances are stockholders. daughter Franklin died in ings story, Flagg's sub- P Joseph Wight, Boston sudden- | >ushel for the corn of 1815 f«xr Willis who has been for the seeding pur- ject is one full of human interest—the therefore uncertain. What one could Arthur W. was Hazeltine, ill past ly on Wednesday, December 20, 1911, of heart story any Shaw born in Hampden, Me., joses. of a in the week with has disease. He seemed in excellent health simple country girl large city. want of these passes Oct. 1856. At the of pneumonia, nearly recovered p"- successful features of Bangor and so When series properties comprehension 26, age 14 he went to sea xour uorresponueni was tainng v/itn a ae- the is finished. Globe readers will and is his death was all the greater shock to his for could be and now considered out of danger. Mrs. Hvocation week, held last week, have a book of pictures of great value. they rjpt legally removed from saved enough money to give him a two friends. cendant from one Barlow who lived n Monroe Hazeltine’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Small y Rev. D. L. Wilson and A. A. George Ade is another author whose writ- the building without the consent of the League. years' course at the Maine Central Institute at Mr. Roberts was born in it that He Carmel, Maine, time. his potatoes and hit of have returned a planted ings the popular fancy. His fables of the ....Mr. Lewis E. White was drawn Dexter, home after visit j ;iity, taking his B. L. I ground Littlefield and Mrs. F. T. were The Mass. Dr. testimony to the broad Morrow’s interviews with faYnous men, Frank Bussey guests Freeport business was founded in 1886 and pital, Brookline, Maurice Richard- degree in 1883. hey could pick them up 'he Seminary in its doors G. Carpenter’s articles on travels in in North one Mr. Shaw had full »on performed the operation and the patient’s | opening For eight years he taught as principal in foreign Searsport day recently.Mr. always charge of the books lands, and Mr. C. B -Lewis' column of humor, Dr. S. its good things for all, without ; various high schools and one year as professor Eugene Dana spent Sunday in Frankfort vil- and credits of the corporation. father, W. Johnson, was present. Dr. | which tells of the troubles of Mr. are | of English in the South Side school of TRANSFERS IN REAL ESTATE. Bowser, lohnson /. n.mation. Rev. George A. Mills High alone worth the of the lage at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. He was twice married and has two returned home Tuesday. . Since then he has been price paper. daughters " engaged convulsed the with 1 Other well-known Globe contributors Delphinus Dana.Mr. and Mrs. Freeman his first wife and two his Wm. H. assembly in business in New York until the last Sunday by by second wife. Quirnby returned Wednesday from a City, The transfers in real estate are Alfred Townsend and T. P. O’Con- parisons and stories, is well two years, when he has lived with following were George Batchelder of Frankfort were guests He maintained a beautiful home in business to | his aunt, nor. Sunday Freeport. trip Boston. He was accompanied her in ecorded in Waldo of :‘SC being the father of the Rev. assisting business. County Registry Deeds at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Curtis... Mr. W. C. Shaw of the Leonard & A. | The Boston as con- Barrows by Mrs. George Quirnby, who was recently The many letters of to his 1 or the week 1912: Sunday Globe, always, j former of the North sympathy testify ending February 13, tains all the the best Miss Mabel Dana of Frankfort is the of shoe was to pastor 1 as a friend news, illustrations and guest factory superintendent of the Free- :alled West Yarmouth, Mass., the death loyalty who would stand by when Lizzie M. to by and now of Ellis, Monroe, John Gibbs, the cleanest and funniest comic section Mrs. Thomas Mr. and ,t church, Benning- all the rest had failed, his cheerful Christian printed Lang... Mrs. Daniel port factory for five years. Those who know )f her uncle, Simeon Lewis, and Miss Kath- land in Brooks. any by 1 his Irooks; by Sunday newspaper. and two I’. Williams of Houlton, for- spirit, ready helpfulness in joy or sorrow Dyer sons, Donald and Daniel, spent Mr. A. W. Shew intimately do not believe he arine C. Ouimbv. who had hppn vi^itir.rr and his in and James F. Heal, to A. ! bore to pleasure helping guarding alike Lincolnville, Lavaughn in Monroe at the home of Mr. and n "i-t, tribute the great Horticulture and U. of M. Sunday Mrs. has any intention of committing sticide Boston for the past six weeks. youth and old age.—The Townsman, Wellesley, ] leal, do.; land and in Poultry Courses, ?be Week to the large number buildings Lincolnville. Fred Cunningham-Mrs. James Burns of j Mass. F. A. Nickerson, of Portland, Maine, '

\ For old scenes and old friends, and the land of our birth; LEMCOLNVILLE. For all we hold sacred while we tarry on earth; For these may we strive till our hearts cease to thrill With devotion to all and to old Lincoln ville. W. of Lineolnville. and read at of the Uncoln- [Written bj Arno Knight the annual meeting ARNO W. KNIGHT. ville Club, Boston, January Slst.J When the hills, vales and forests of the State of Maine Were a part of proud old Massachusetts domain; THE LINCOLNVILLE CLUB. When Boston unwillingly harbored her foe, And gave that tea party in the dim long ago. And old King George the third, with a lack of good sense, Last week we published a report of the fourth annual banquet and reunion of for that little Sought to punish your city offense, the Lincolnville Club of Massachusetts in Boston, January 31st. Following is He found your brave sons could resist, undismayed the menu of the * By the strange lack of wisdom, which he displayed banquet: In to in this land of the Oyster Cocktail presuming think, free, SOUP to drink of his old He could force them English tea; Bouillon in been Cup, Bread Sticks For tea as a beverage they’d taught to think FISH Was only fit for Chinese and old women to drink; Fried Chicken Halibut, Tartar Sauce While the great fighting fluid of New England’s brave men Dressed Lettuce Potato Croquets Tomatoes Cucumbers Is as it was then. ROAST had himself. Palm something quite different, just “Just a countryman—that’s all,” is better chance than he Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Delmonico Potato | on a farm near the way the grower of this remarkable | was born and brought up So the Colonists resolved to make common the cause ENTREES owned a ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! ear of corn, Mr. Fred C. Palin, styles Newtown, Ind. He has never the injustice of King George and his laws Chicken Croquets, Peas Lobster Salad 360- Against Scratch and rub—rub and scratch— himself. he is admitted to be foot of farm land in his life, and the And shoulder to stood in the Escalloped Oysters, Banana Fritters, Rum Sauce Though shoulder, they fray until you feel as if you could almost acre farm the ear of ICE CREAM one of the leading corn experts in the on which champion Of that glorious struggle in our ancestors’ tear the burning skin from your bo he be- Psoriasis, ostentation. he now occupies. Nine years ago Of each son and daughter of your proud Commonwealth, Minot Crehore, Rheum or any other skin trouble. And here’s to our club, may it ever defend Rogers Crehore, We can give you a full size b/dt’ Julia Crehore. of the genuine I). P. P. r- rw-dy Everyone who can claim to be Lincolnville’s friend. >1.00 and Nellie Jones Clark, Mass. if the very first bottle" f. Roslindale, to give relief it will not cost The World’s Greatest Ear of Corn. Mr. and you a Dear neighbors and friends of our earlier days Mrs. Wyman Collemer, Westboro, Mass. cent. \V. K. Fred B. Collemer and daughter, Mass. can VARIETY—Palin’s Corn Flake Yellow. (Named after winning the Who have won in Life’s battle the fair meed of praise, Roxbury, We also give you a sample b. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carver, Everett, Mass. tie for 25 cents. suffer anot;. You who have for Fame’s star Why r Kellogg $1,000 sought glittering Geo. S. Clark, Boston. Mass. day vlicn you can. got D. D. D. ? Trophy.) search have wandered And in your long weary and far F. O. Clark, A HYBRID—The seventh year production. Wm. O. Poor & Son, Me. While you have triumphed in the long, weary strife Mr. Churchill, Brookline, Mass. Belfast, Male-Reids Yellow Dent. And have won some achievements in Wm. F. West Mass. PARENT PLANTS l and.glory life, Dickey, Somerville, ■■ m ■■ r-j=t 1 Female—Alexander's Gold Standard. We feel no success no wealth, no renown Ernest L. Dickey, Has your devotion to your fair native town; David W. Duncan, Beverly, Mass. 7 3-4 inches. Num- changed DIMENSIONS—Length, 10 1-8 inches. Circumference, That each hill and lake and each grand mountain view W. E. Easton, Portland, Me. ot Annie G. Farrer, Chelsea, Mass. ber of rows, 20. Length of kernels, 3-4 of an inch. Width kernels, Have ne’er been and are still dear to WEBSTER’S forgotten you; Jennie Lamb Fuller, Allston, Mass. an inch. Arrange- That our fair fertile each and about 3-8 of an inch. Thickness of kernels, 1-6 of valleys, village glen, Alice J. Fletcher, Peabody, Mass. I NEW e of The home of fair women, and of brave men; Clarence F Mass. ment, very kernels in straight rows the entir length sturdy French, Waltham, uniform, running The forest crowned the brook and rill of slope, stream, Allen D. French, 1 INTERNATIONAL the ear without a their length well to the ends misplaced grain, holding Those scenes of your childhood so dear to you still; Florence Hallett Forte, Canajoharie, N. Y. 20 ounces. the ear, tip being well covered with dented grains. Weight, Proclaim there’s no spot on the face of the earth Georgia Frohock Ferguson, Somerville, Mass. DICTIONARY Miss Edith Gates, Charlestown, Mass. Estimated 92 8 cent. So dear to your hearts as the land of your birth. proportions—corn, per cent; cob, per Mrs. Edith Genthener, MERRIAM WEBSTER Mrs. Lulu Jones Mass. j|THE Now least we forget to give the honor that’s due, Gile, Roslindale, The New dic- r^-\,-.-—- —-=- — Mrs. A. S. Mass. j Only unabridged Let me a brief sketch of our to Hatfield, Beverly, give people you Marjorie Heald, West Somerville, Mass. tionary in many years, Of the true men, and the woman whom ^ sturdy Fate, Earie S. Heald, Contains the and essence environment have decreed should be pith Opportunity, great; Eveline S. Howe, Allston, Mass. of an authoritative Great in achievement and that conquering zeal Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hallett, Brookline, Mass. library, ■ Covers field of know]. Which the heroes, reformers and patriots feel Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Robart, Arlington, Mass. every And which has emblazoned on the fair scroll of fame Mrs. A. B. Howe, Somerville, Mass. edge. An Encyclopedia in & James A. Mass. * From old Lincolriville’s full a name. Harris, Westminster, single book. borders, many Edith Field Since the earliest settler, brave old Nathan Harris, The with, the! Knight, A. J. Huston, Portland, Me. Only Dictionary With and Indians and bears had to privations fight, Mr. J. R. Keene, Boston, Mass. New Divided Page. Encountering danger and hardship that few Florence Keene, I 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages Of encountered or knew. and Mrs. A. W. succeeding generations Mr. Knight, Lincolnville, Me. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly Geo. W. Kelley, Rockland, Mass. those < half a million dollars, Our hardy forefathers, old pioneers, Miss Norma L. Kelley, Won meager return for the hard toil of years Mrs. E. H. Luce, Brookline, Mass. i Let us tell you about this most The ear of corn was not an gan careiuuy Dreeaing mis new variety champion Except in that wealth that can scarce be appraised, Miss H. C. Luce, remarkable volume. accident. There can be no greater lesson of corn. For two years he planted two single The strong sons and fair daughters that our ancestors raised, Mrs. Elizabeth Lovett, Roxbury, Mass. | in the value of careful study and pains- rows of Reid’s Yellow Dent, than two of While peace and contentment and the pleasures of health. Mrs. Lucie Lovett, selection of seed and breeding than Alexander’s Gold Standard, detassling Annie Mcllvene, Waltham. taking Were that were greater than wealth of this same Palin. The the Gold Standard. From the detasseled blessings possessed Clara E. Me Newton Centre. the experiences As with that injunction to increase they Wain, farmer who thinks he stands a chance to rows he picked for seed only the ears complied Josiah McCobb, Kittery, Me. With no thought of transgression and no race suicide Mr. and Mrs. J. C. into his corn field and by a piece of carrying the characteristics he wanted Mathews, Somerville. go Thus a few generations in peace passed away A. Lincoln Waltham. luck out an ear which Nature has to reproduce, planting these in breeding Moody, pick Till Time in his flight brought that dark fearful dav 'Crissie M. Moody, Waltham. fashioned even more perfectly and with plots and maintaining careful selection, When the struggle of war, and our great civil strife J. Homer Mathews, South Framingham. wrest the honors from this Indiana so that in nine time he had devel- it years’ its full toll of treasure and Rev. N. C. Maynard, Peabody. a well-settled Claimed blood, life. man, cannot do better to disabuse his : oped type. John M. Oxenham, Brookline, mind of this fallacious notion than to ! The Palin champion ear was the first It claimed from our firesides our bravest and best Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Pendleton, Brockton. winner of the W. K. read the story of Palin and his champion | Kellogg National And many of our heroes have found honored rest J. A. Pitman, Salem. Corn a handsome and Ear! C. Salem. ear. Trophy, silver Neath far Southern skies, on the fierce battle field Pitman, T. Jr, enamel cup made by Tiffany of New Where devotion to with their life blood was sealed. Edgar Pillsbury, Lynn. j country, Rose M Boston. York at a cost of $1,000. Mr. Brave there Piilsbury, Kellogg, v.apt. George Bragg, gave his young life Ella S. Medfield. as the and manufacturer of Pottle, originator Like a soldier of honor amid carnage and strife; Miss Mary E. Pulsifer, Brookline. Toasted Corn has a Flakes, naturally And young Lindley Coleman at old Arlington Height Mrs. Pulsifer Brookline. deep interest in the development of the Went down to his death for the cause he deemed right; Miss J. E. Pendleton, Roxbury. higher grades of corn, for the company While gallant John Fletcher at old Port Hudson fell Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster Holmes, Needham. of which he is the Mrs. E. S. Somerville. president, Kellogg Mid the booming of cannon and the of shell. Heald, screaming Clarence L. NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY, Toasted Corn Flake Co., requires ten Sam Levenseller, Frank Samson, Fred Norton, all dead Randall, Brockton. corn a Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Stevens, Roxbury. thousand bushels of day for the On the field of their where their was NEW fame, life blood shed. Miss Mabelle S. YORK, N. Y. making of its The Seaverns, Boston. product. Kellogg Marcia K. Smith, Dedham. was offered to be awarded in an Ed. Mathews, Ed. Mike and still more, Assets December 31,1911. trophy Rankin, Heal, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stoddard, Have never returned from that far Southern shore. Roxbury. Real annual competition forthe best single ear Miss Tucker, Dorchester. Estate.$ 163,5. of corn until won twice by the same pro- Lieutenant Fletcher, John Tabor, Frank Smith, Robert Heal, Mrs. Eva M. Rockland. Mortgage Loans. 13,3K Thayer, Stocks and ducer. The fact that the Captain Wadsworth, Israel Cross with true courage and zeal, William P. Trask, Bonds. 4,478,::: Kellogg product Peabody. Cash in Offices and Bank. 87 is made from selected white S. Coose, B. Crooker, Carver, Innis and Dean, Frank H. Thomas, Camden, Me. 587 only corn, Agents’ Balances. 853.9- while the ear was of a Am. William and Ed. Luntwere all seen Nellie Snow Wiley, Brockton. winning pronounced Spaulding, Knight Bills Receivable. 14.202 the Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wadsworth, Somerville. yellow type, was a peculiar feature. On red field of battle, stern soldiers and true Interest and Rents.. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Wade, Lynn. 39,01' The was won in 191b at All fighting like heroes for the red, white and blue. All other Assets. Kellogg trophy Mrs. Maude Cushing Nash, Brookline. 347,' There were Heals there and Columbus, Ohio, by R. A. James of Youngs, Duntons, Manning, Monroe Mr. S. E. Young, Gross Charleston, 111., with a magnificent ear Thomas, Tower and Norton all were facing the foe, Urbon C. Young, Medford. Assets.$6,498,o Deduct items not admitted. of Reid’s Yellow Dent, but not so per- McKusick, Moody, Del Knight and many more still Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O. D. Urquhart, Arlington. 509,4 fect an ear as that which won On that proud roll of honor from Lincolnville. originally OFFICERS OF THE CLUB FOR 1911-12. Admitted Assets..$5,988.5- the trophy and which has become known i For that great civil war emblazoned many a name Fred C. Palin. President, Joseph S. Crehore Peabody, Mass. Liabilities December as “the best ear of corn On the roll call of and the scroll of fame. 31, 1911. ever grown.” honor, proud Vice G. W. Austin P. Presidents, Judge Kelley, Rockland, Mass.; Wade, Lawrence, Mass.; Net Losses.. Millard M. Randall E. Unpaid .$ 843,:' In the first place, Palin knows corn. If But Peace has her trophies with laurels as bright Prohock, Boston, Mass.; Young, Dorchester, Mass.; Joseph S. Mullen, Unearned Premiums. j Lincolnville, Me. 1,845.' —., As those gained by War in the tierce bloody fight All other Liabilities. 294, there were no more proof of this fact than | Secretary-Treasurer, Ellen W. Say wood, Bradford, Mass. And her victories in life, love, lore arid law Cash Capital 1,500.0 the bare of the development and | Committee on Entertainment and Banquet, Judge Geo. W. Kelley, J. Asbury E’itman, Mrs. story Are no less renewed than the victories of war; Surplus over all Liabilities. 1,507,6- it would W. L. Haliett. discovery of the champion ear, j For the conquerors of evil, passion and strife Total Liabilities and Surplus.$5,988,5- be enough. And in proof of this fact, Are heroes of honor in the battle of life. A FAMILIAR FRIEND OF 100 YEARS MR. F. Let me recall some who our FREEDOM. L. MARSTON, Agent, as it himself: have honored town here is the story he told j Stockton Maine. 3\ W'ho, at home and abroad, have fame and renown. AGO. Mr. Fred Nichols is in Boston on business. Springs, “It was in November, 1910, and we 1 Among many who respond unto Memory’s call -Mrs. T. P. Williams from Houlton is visit- were harvesting our crop. The Marvelous have been in of Belfast & Moosehe*. just Are those schoolmates of yore Henry B. and Board Hall. changes wrought ing her children, Mrs. A. M. Small and Phill Redemption weather had been but we were a I of in the last 100 We j good, Boston share in their fame and the way living years. Though may renown, and Gordon .. little late with the harvest. The men our food in a different way, we eat Williams Mrs. Mary Whitney Lake Co.’s 4 % Bonds, | We claim both for our club and our town. prepare Kailway I proudly are differ- from was were going through the fields with the differently, dress differently, taught Unity the guest of Mrs. Lucy Bangs in the schools. If we a moment to The following numbered bonds of the at usual the 01 ne s a time nonorea ently stop and Susan wagon in the way gathering ouuge iveny nocmanu, guest, Mrs. J. Flye the past week_Mrs. issue have been drawn for b\ ! compare our “ways” with those of a hundred payment corn, and the harvest was a promising Who comes to our town each summer to rest Ella who is with her Trustees in with the years ago, we are almost led to believe that Sprowl, staying sister, conformity mortgag* one. On his fair little his home fair to view island, everything has changed and everything has Mrs. James W. Libby, visited her aunt, Dollie ! will be paid by the Belfast Savings Bui. we at and accrued “We have a sort of corn show at mv Where welcome the Judge and his family too. been May 15, 1912, par interest improved. Bryant, recently-Mr. Newell Harding was an There’s another with a and a summer home the matter of our ailments the j surrender of the bonds. Interest will cea farm all the time, and there is always cottage there In treating in the village shopping Feb. 6th_Mrs. Frank accrue on and after that date. Nos. 2, award for ears of Cyrus H. Curtis, our one lone millionaire, changes are no less noticeable than in other exceptionally good who has been ^ 51 and 100 for and No, a. Who is things. Old and old methods are gone. Flye, poorly since she returned 37, $1,000 each, corn—ears true to type to using his wealth, and it seems a wise plan, ways sufficiently Amid all this we are almost from the $500. For the of the world and his own fellow change, however, hospital last summer, is very much of their being exhibited. There good man. j WILLIAM B. permit startled when we think of one household prep- in SWAN, on corn in The Crehore Minot and improved health and is able to go out some. is a small box every wagon Brothers, Joseph, Harry aration which has come down to us out of the ; ALBERT C. BURGESS, Trust Are men whom we where ever -Miss Lucille which the most perfect ears are thrown. honor, they tarry. remote past unchanged, and which is today Noyes visited her parents in ! 3w5 BEN D. FIELD, ) If claims or ever These, when properly selected, consti- Peabody them, where they dwell more highly respected than ever before. We W'aterville Feb. 10th and 11th_Abouttwenty and these to this and the old town as well. refer to that old reliable household 1 PROSPECT. tute the seed corn, among They belong club, remedy, five of the young people attended the drama, ears we find Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment, which has been Mrs. Emma Bachelder was a visitor in more perfect occasionally J. Warren Lamb of and of old Harvard fame Captain Rockett, played by the Samoset Club to in a Hartford, used continuously by the people of this coun- an ear that we are willing exhibit in Montville gor Friday-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Br Is a lineal descendant of a time honored name try for 101 years. Friday evening, Feb. 9th. It will contest. have returned home after a week And his grandfather’s name, you may learn if you search One hundred years is a long time. To go be played in Dirigo Grange Hall, Freedom, spent “On the the ear was Is renowned as the builder of our back to when it is to out of the age relatives in Ellsworth... M. H. he day champion famous Old Church. began get Friday evening, Feb. 16th. Mr. Thomas Vose Haley I was at the house and at dinner of the flying machine, the automobile, the tele- found. Like Joshua of old, who stayed the course of the sun, will number which drew the whicl and the to a time when such furnish vocal and Tozier’s orchestra in- lucky quilt time one of the men it in and phone telegraph brought He sleeps with his fathers, his life work is Sisters sold last done; things were not even dreamed of. It goes strumental music for the and dance_ Pythian Thursday evening laid it, with a number of other ears, upon But the Old House still stands to play Meeting proclaim back the steam railroad into the realm Miss Vera Benson has to \s me beyond Mr. Atchison had a gone Belfast, the window sill in the well room for That Joshua Lamb’s is a time honored name. fine sermon Sunday morn- of the stage coach. The steamboat was a hun- she has take and in the seed house. Feb. and employment.Prospect Ten to put away Joseph Mullin, our poet, and our humorist, too, dred years ago a new thing. In 1810, when ing, 11th, considering the severe cold will hold an Old Folks I ‘do you think Is a Johnson’s was com- Pythian Sisters, “‘Well,’ said, you’ve gentleman well known to many of you. Anodyne Liniment first and drifts of snow there was a goodly number a ear there?’ It is there are mid the pounded, James Madison, 4th President of the at Pythian Hall Saturday evening, Feb. got good $1000,00 said, many great human swarm present... Some one from Montville made a ‘It looks to me like a ear,’ he fSr U. S., had just been Abraham and good Who are not wear human inaugurated. Coffee will be served... men, though they form. to the humane in to doughnuts J ‘What do think of it?’ Lincoln was then a one-year old baby. The complaint society regard said. you [MnONALCORN TROPHY] But Mullin is not one of that low selfish clan. ter Brown and Luther Ames have had and looked it over. country then had less than one-tenth of the a horse owned by Mr. Varney Weed on Goose- j “I picked it up -MADE BY TIFFANY"* But one of God’s and inch of him noblest, every Man. population it now has and not one in a hun- phones installed in their homes_Mr ‘Well,’ I said finally, ‘I think it is the Twice Awarded. To be pecker ridge. Mr. Walker of Belfast was sent Com dred thousand of its 90 million Mrs. Burton and Mr. and Mrs. ever saw. It’s But lest we our fair of Eve present people the Bachelder most perfect ear of corn I peted for a£ain at the next forget daughters had then been born. by society to look after the animal and win the W. K. Who are striving, our failures and to retrieve Dockham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hi good enough to Kellogg 5howatCQLUM faults, With the age of this 101-year-old friend when he arrived and saw the condition the at Omaha.’ We hasten to say, that in and Treat in Frankfort 1 $1,000 trophy this year goodness worth, goes respectability. The respect is due sole- horse was in he Wednesday_The BIA.S.C.^ the decided to kill it and so led “And I was confident the moment I They’re hope of the world and “the salt of the earth.” ly to its virtues. It could not have lived over Bee Club will hold their next ^orn him out of doors and meeting and her liO if it struck him in the head saw it and looked it over, that I held the Accomplished modest in wisdom and knowledge years had not been one of the most Mrs. Hannah Dow Feb. 21st with an ax and left him as Wednesday, so 1 he next award of this will Stands Miss Helen of old Maine’s efficient remedies the world has ever known he supposed winner in my hand. So much trophy be Bragg, Colby College, dead, Several v trophy for the aches and and ailments Sisters from Prospect Temple that when I left Omaha to exhibit the nade at the next National Corn Leading onward and upward for truth and reforms pains, the ills but Mrs. Weed, hearing a pitiful sound, looked Exposi- to which the human is to Brewer and assist in which will be held in In the of life mid its and family subject. During out of the window and Friday organi? ear, I took it out of my grip and showed tion, February, pathway struggles storms. its discovered the horse lifetime thousands of other liniments have in that a the 1913, at Columbia, S. C. It is to Ellen Saywood, Lilly Barker and Clara McWain still and Pythian Temple place_Quite it to the station agent words, planned come and gone and been The 101- living suffering terribly. She tried to nake this forgotten. went from here to last ‘That’s the ear I’m to win the exposition much broader in Edna Dunton, Mary Young. —but we must refrain liniment Sandypoint Friday going year-old lives and grows in the af- get several different men as they passed to scope than held in the and con- For there’s so women who are noble and fections of the by to attend the dance, and all a fine t $1,000 trophy with.” any past, many true people. Where it has once finish the report a killing poor creature, but no one sequently longer time will be So deserving of honors and of been used in a family it is a rare that -Miss Clark of Clark’s Corner " So there’s the story of the champion required compliments, too, thing seemed to want to do Evelyn tor That suffice it to that in anything else has ever been found to take its it. At last Mr. Frank And on the preparation. Special buildings are say, beauty and worth the of her Mrs. L. C. re* ear as Palin told it himself. in from Freedom guest aunt, Dow, tieing erected for the exposition, the main Our Lincoinville women, are the best upon earth. place. Thus, innumerable households it has Tylor was passing by, and Mrs. of it who will say that Fred C. come ly-The friends of Mrs. Isabel Harris, v strength down, like a valued heirloom, from father Weed was so nervous tuiiding to be 400 by 167 feet, ground and pleaded so hard, that Paiin doesn’t justly merit the title, “The Reverend E. Frohock, Camden's to son for generations. at the Waldo County in Belfast, neasurements. This show will last ten eloquent preacher, Mr. finished the horse Hospital Man who Knows Corn?” And J. Frank her musical The Liniment is manufactured Tylor killing after it had The Thomas, teacher, Anodyne by glad to hear that she is ver\ iays. State of South Carolina has I. S. Johnson & laid there in the cold snow improving But that’s not all of Palin’s story. He We are pleased to know stand the Lincoinville test Co., Boston, Mass., and is sold for nearly two ippropriated $40,000 for the of dealers and hopes to be home again very soon. tells it though modestly, for expenses And receive the welcome accorded by generally throughout the country. hours, suffering both from the blow' and freez- willingly, the and the glad each guest. he knows that his whenever told is exposition prospect is that ing cold. story Knight, Miller and Ross, in our State legislation Clubbing Dixie “will do herself proud” in an ef- Offers. The following clubbing FRANKFORT. a source of great encouragement of the Have striven in the State as have some m the nation fort to make this the offers apply to in ad- The masquerade hall held in the K. of 1 thousands of farmers who never had a exposition greatest To to our that inalienable only subscriptions paid jf its kind ever give people right held. vance; and when is made it should be Tuesday was at*' For which our forefathers had to struggle and fight; payment SANDYPOINT. evening, February 6th, stated what F. Ellis has been ed one of the And we honor those statesmen who truly can heed premium, if any, is desired. It is A. at work at the village by largest crowds of the se The voice of the and as also necessary to say that none of these for J. E. Lancaster the week_F. S. many coming from the surrounding towns, The af>d the Rum Question. people patriots lead, publi- past j hild r 6 11 Like Tom Reed and cations are went to Belfast it was a success and Q Cry j Fessenden, Hamlin, Jim Blaine, mailed with The Journal or from Harriman Monday on business. socially financially, Our Plaisted and Johnson and Gardner of ■ FOR FLETCHER’S The best blood of the Maine cities to- I Mane. this office. We have to pay for these publica- ! -There was no school in the upper room for oyster supper was served in the dining Our and scholars and men poets great of State tions one in two the week to of the hall at Batchelder’.- i“ as year and are then days past owing the illness of intermission. day just pronounced in favor of Show Maine’s men ever advance, they "I | ^0^ proud rank with the great. chestra sent from their respective offices to our sub- the teacher. Mr. Snow-The supper last Sat- furnished music for the occasion. _temperance and decency as are the coun- the men scribers. Our are as urday evening at the new hall was well attend- Hon. Albert Peirce has returned from a try districts.but this element is vastlyout- Though great of earth, in thought, action or deed clubbing offers follows Maine Potato Are confined to one ed_F. S. Harriman attended ness to Boston... t * Shipments. numbered in many of our cities by that no State, no race and no creed, for year’s subscription paid in advance: j the auto show trip .Miss julia E. But abide in each each Feb. and for the Mount Grai _ other class that cares not a whit about country, village and glen, The Journal and Farm and Home.$2.00 in Bangor 7th, H. F. Partridge Feb. stenographer Waldo Shipments of over the Ban- Broad aa that of 'Good and potatoes the state of Maine> or the cit in which degree Will Unto Mem;’ The Journal Tribune Farmer. 2.25 3th and 9th, demonstrating the International Works, is spending her vacation with friend gor & Aroostook road in January, ae- are And as wide and as as creations The Journal and McCall’s they existing for the time being, as grand, great plan Magazine.2.10 auto truck, for which Mr. Harriman is Portland and Boston.The K. of P. Sis to a The Journal and New Idea agent. cording report compiled by Traffic as can a That includes the whole race of our own man. Magazine. 2.25 long they get drink when brother hood were entertained M: G. F. were bush- ftey In all our The publications included in our of- ....Mrs. Josephine Stowers, Mrs. Fred Per- pleasantly by Agent Shaw, 1,434,502 want jt and where want conceptions of life’s fairest ideal, clubbing they it, with ten may be sent to different addresses. Mrs. Willis and Fred Dockham at her home in Thurs- els, as compared with 1 039,831 bushels none In all our endeavors to make those visions kins, Young Capt. S. M. Grant Prospect to molest; and when the liquor press real, in December and bushels in Let us strive for the that The publishers of the New Idea were in last week-Miss Abbie day, February 1st.Emery Calderwood, 1,479,928 and liquor advocates weep and lament goal, our labors may give Magazine Bangor Per- last The from To the on have advised us of an increase who has been here Stockton Springs, was in town this week ca* January year. shipments over the suffering cities whose citizens millions who are yet this old earth to live in their sub- kins, since last summer, the of the season to That clearer and a on friends-The sawmill is now one •: opening January 31, cannot enjoy the privileges which iustlv perception of achievements sublime scription price consequent advance in went to Massachusetts recently for an indefi- ing were 8,729,087 or 3,218,629 bush- To be won in the with the swift and The the busiest in as are taking bushels, belong to them, because of an inconsid- future, flight of Time. clubbing rates, Journal and New Idea nite stay .. Miss Abbie Partridge of the Nar- places town, many els more than in the same last period erate and are now advantage of the to haul in u opposing country population The suppression of evil, of crime, sin and strife, $2.25. rows is in Bangor having glasses fitted_The good sledding 8h’Pments aK8rp8ated they that the H. Treat is lumi forget applying troy weight The follies and weakness that mar human The publishers of McCalls magazine have The Trans Lumber Co. are a logs-Hiram getting out 5,510,458 bushels.uth,6 to life, installing porta- the cities of Maine, the in- To the for two modern which he will erect t recording triumph of justice, love, honor and sent us this notice: “The subscribers able mill at the Narrows and intend to do a houses, trinsic value instead truth. may of numbers, the To the visions made that were on the site of the old homes tea real, dreams-of our youth, select their free patterns within 30 after large amount of lumbering there at once_ coming spring tbpmaelvea would stand unmistak- Are reforms to days K mrlAl For lndisestloa achieve ere the victory’s won the Cu.ies™tb the the receipt of their first magazine by making Saturday morning thermometer registered I\OC£Oi abl* country districts in their And we share in that praise, ‘Faithful well done.' the CHIEDKEU L.KE. ,7 R,liev«sourstomaSt servant, a Request on an 20 below and Sunday morning 22 below zero in palDitation of the heart <*ue8*'on‘ For each human each hope, doubt and ordinary post card, stating Diffesmwhatyoaest longing;, fear; that the pattern desired is a free The dance KENNEDY’S LAXATIVE ^TheOxford County Citizen"1 For each and pattern to this village... at Griffin hall last grand aspiration, our homes ever dear; which they are entitled.” Friday evening was attended by 46 couples. COUGH SYRUP ■ 7 5 i _——1 in We ere Primary Explained. Wintering Somerviile. of Brooks 1S[Z j^gt entering Behoof always Direct The News pleased to receive a call from the former •SEVEN YEARS Brooks people when in town. It The confirmed for Cox they happen the Measure in Plain English. “globe trotter” has Leroy Godding is clerking Young, A -4 of often recalls pleasant memories of bygone much greater difficulty in new Payton. candidates for political hon- finding days which hold much of interest to us. N v that and untried making their announce- places for his wintering than Lawrence O. Estes has moved into the James usually OF MISERY Mrs. Mary Collier, widow of the late Dr. to seek at has the summer and G. Morse house. mi,! preparing support traveler, usually is Joel T. for abstract of Collier, many years a resident of ..’Vries, the following npore or less disappointed with his choice. Mrs. Judkins of Newport recently visited this village, visited her friend Mrs. Mary Rose rect primary law, compiled by How Mrs. Bethune was Re- The her Florida habitue finds California too daughter, Mrs. N. R. Cook. and the ,an Civic League, should be of recently they enjoyed occasion very stored to Health cool for his sensitive are t!\' interest. by Lydia nature, and the en- Delbert O. Bowen and wife spending the much. It gave them an opportunity to discuss are to be nominated thusiast of winter on Monroe. old times and old mu lidates E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- California’s pleasure places their farm in friends. Her daughter, Miss w direct law? Amanda primary is too warm and much too moist in the Claire Roberts will have his nice new house Collier, who is remembered by our for Infants and Children. for U. S. Senator, repre- ble Compound. Floridian resorts. for the former residents as a bright school after and all Bermuda, Cuba and ready occupancy in spring. girl, to the U. S. Congress, several The Kind You Have has Nassau each have their years residence in Massachusetts,where Always Bought borne tlic signa- o ijnty officers. charms. But Rev. H. G. Booth was in Bango: last week — ture of Sikeston, Mo. “For seven I she married Mr. Charles E. Peabody, a retired Clias. H. Fletcher, and lias been made under bis tacts the business of the pri- years New England is most enjoyable for the attending the Convocation Services. shoe manufacturer, now lives at South for over 1,0 no u, in for each and pre- suffered everything. I was in bed for Brooks, personal supervision years. Allow one party entire year. And one can not think- drove to Frankfort help Roy Thompson Saturday where have a nice home. imrty platform? — awwiiijwwwi'w four or At a they cozy to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and ing of dear old Belfast and to^pend the week-end with friends, “ v holds a State convention, Northport j :,;irt time every month, It might have shocked some of the friends Just-as-good” are but Experiments, and endanger the •ruuiate and adopt a platform, Campground; both places have their re- A. E. Chase has harvested his crop of ice. and so weak I could j of Mr. Dow, who intend to vote for health ot Children—Experience against Experiment, ■ and coun- ect State, district, turning year after and It was very thick but not very sound. hardly walk. I had population year him for senator from Waldo county, to have 11, ,-s by whom the primary elec- their confirmed admirers. It remains Mrs. of Islesboro has seen him one for the nomination of cramps, backache J. C. Fairfield been day last week in blue overalls The Kind You .mpaign for the beautiful of Have and, subsequently, the re- and headache, and city Somerville, visiting her friend, Mi9s Nettie Bowen. and jumper helping bring in a car load of hay, Always Bought was so nervous and to materialize a which gion campaign will be conduct- Mass., marvel of per- David Fogg and family have gone to Pros- he wished to ship. But they may weak that I dreaded fection in temperature and scenery for pect with the Lawrence lumbering crew. understand that if he wins that senatorial are these State con- arid when to see anyone or him has toga he will make and can muster who the price to reach Somer- Mrs. A. E. Dow several last week good pass for the of spent days adoption platform have anyone move in with his associates; or if their lack of in- be ville and find himself and with her Sarah Cole, in Thorndike. by .•mu of committees to held? room. family nicely sister, ’’ the The doc- terest they allow him to fail of he on dates located at Benton Road. winning, ,t .uch places and such Mrs. Fred Ham of Thorndike visited her tors gave me medi- will still retain the old rig, and able to and ninety days prior to The traveler does not ready Mxty cine to ease me at average appre- sister, Mrs.Wallace,0. Estes, one day last week. as the occupy any position as a plain, man Monday in June present hend practical uiose umes, ana saia uiai to much of the information he reads that •mmitiees shall determine and ougni Miss Jennie Reynolds of Augusta sang and may be required of him in an emergency. In Use For Over 30 Years. an in the “literature” of the State con- have operation. I would not listen to at the Friends last morn- (The Republican steamship spoke Chapel Sunday The State of Maine has lost one of ita ablest be held in 10, that, and when a friend of husband’s or travel and 1,.ill Bangor, April my companies bureaus; so, ing. citizens by the death of ex-Governor Robie. the Democratic State conven- told him about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- when he arrives on the finds the :J spot, Mrs. L. A. Bachelder has been assisting Mrs. He was a representative of the best type oi Augusta March 18th.) etable Compound and what it had done he has but things dimly known some- Elmer G. Roberts in some nice dress- manhood which has honored our State. Re- .re the State conventions of the for his I was doing wife, willing to take it. what ■ strange, and proceeds to take in sourceful, and he made political parties made up? Now I look the picture of health and feel making. ready able, good in ire made of delegates elected facts and figures that are more or less every position of his eventful life. His up like too. I can do all own house- Charles E. Lane has returned from one of his* sym- re- it, my otes of the different parties, ua ha hnnnano tn run aoonoa n was with the masses rather than work, work in the garden and entertain frequent Aroostook trips. He has property pathy with mailed Dy tne city, town, ana the classes in all matters of and and can walk reliable citizen who instructs him. interests there. general interest ,n committees the company enjoy them, throughout He was approachable and friendly wjth as far as any ordinary woman, any day The hotels here are sufficient for the Lewis Godding has moved his family into the ever} one who had legitimate business with him. He riant Note—The selection of the in the week. I wish I could talk to every needs of the city; the boarding houses Rufus Lancaster house and is employed in the was a-tower of to the cause of tem- ,-..s to the State conventions is of woman and and tell them strength suffering girl, fairly numerous; and furnished and un- Jenkins & Colson mill. importance. The character and what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable perance and prohibition and made many publi< furnished apartments are to be found Lawrence Estes and wife are comfortably addresses in their •f the campaigns depend upon Compound has done for me.’’—Mrs. defence. We remember t to the inclination or installed in the James G. Morse house u-acter and doings of theconven- Dema Bethune, Sikeston, Mo. according purse for the very eloquent address which he made at Lak< character and of the remainder of the winter. The doings of the visitor; and, superior to all Maranacook while he was governor. Bui ■ the mans the character Remember, remedy which did this depend upon other one finds to eat and above his eloquence was the and the will was Lydia E. Pinkham’s things, plenty ; quiet simplicity legates, delegates Vegetable of the and has been with which he of the best if fortunate in secur- grip kept close to the put any one at ease who hac or bad according as good citi- Compound. quality, house for the past month. personal business with him. We well remem ■ select them or board -.ith fully carelessly It has helped thousands of women who ing with Mr. A. J. McLeod, who ■ to do so. Will do E. A. the week-end ber an occasion when at his home on a mattei ?.t- m their duty you have been troubled with displacements, conducts the finest place of its kind in Carpenter spent with his home last of general interest, when completed we wen ,ur part? located at 85 Central street. family, coming Saturday from a election take inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irreg- Somerville, somewhat to n does the primary month's on the road. surprised receive an invitation t< ularities, periodic pains, backache, that Mr. McLeod’s comfortable trip present quar- stop to dinner, given in such a cordial way tha which bearing down and Emmons & Barden have their carpenter the third Monday in June, feeling, indigestion, j ters, occupied by himself, and family— we could refuse. His habit of nervous hardly gow is June 17, between the hours of prostration, after all other means shop finished, have installed a gasoline engine, Mrs. McLeod and two daughters—are made him friends and woi ’’ av-> fellowship many ■ ak noon, and 9 o’clock at night, fa: led. Why don’t you try it ? and are ready for job work. to be for his in- him many votes. in towns and of 3000 beginning inadequate plantations Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leeman are here for the ants of less, where the polls will creasing business, which is patronized ; penditures, in securing the nomination, winter as usual. They have a nice home with rom 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. by the following named regular boarders: Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, ! properly subscribed and sworn to. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Young. is the primary election to be Mrs. C. pimples, rashes, etc., are due to impure blood. To what extent may a candidate spend Armatage, MissC. E. Armatage, Samuel Ryan is care of the Burdock Blood Bitters is a blood ■ to win his nomination in the taking horses of cleansing money pri- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Andrews, Miss tonic. Makes you clear-eyed, regular voting places through- J. W. Hobbs, who will have some ones to clear-brained, mary election? Helen j good State. | Andrews, Freddie Andrews, Mr. take to Bar Harbor In case of nomination, for any office, next spring. the separate primary elections to Abbasee, Mrs. L. V. Miss E. J. to be voted for by the whole State, as Baker, | Miss Edith for each political party? Hobbs, who is attending school in THE UTILITY OF PINE TREES. governor or U. S. Senator, the amount Baker, Miss R. E. Barrett, Miss M. F. All political parties unite in one Waterville, brought her chum, Miss Whitmore, expended must not exceed $1,500; for Miss J. H. r. election at the same time in Bartholemne, Bartholemue, home with her last week to visit over Of all the trees of the forests members of for State Sunday. of the the State, j congress $500; Miss Grace E. Butler, Miss M. L. Boyce, bting place throughout senators and county officers ,$150 for each Frank B. Stimpson has stuck close to his United States, the pine trees are per- a: the names of the candidates of all Miss Miss Z. 10,000 votes cast for governor within the N. F. Byard, E. Bromley, blacksmith this winter. Fred the most abundant and to be shop Varney haps useful. rent parties printed upon at Miss county the last election; for members E. Belyea, Mr. R. Brown, Mr. C. worked with him for awhile the a e ballot for the primary elec- during Thirty-seven species of pine grow in of the legislature in districts Ijaving B. Mr. Mr. A. R. rush. Bird, E. V. Bennett, sharpening this No one in all the three or more representatives, $100; in country. species F.ach will have a Mr. A. D. Miss L. political party all other districts, $50. To exceed these Bosworth, Brackett, Ernest S. Wing, D. D. G. Master, of Sears- States, yet perhaps with one exception c-M- ballot and each party ballot will Miss F. E. visited limits forfeits the nomination. Cann, Camp, Miss G. Cotter, mont, Marsh River Lodge no State is without one or Ae •v in color from the others. The officially more. legal voters that have Miss D. E. Feb. 7th. Only complied Cushman, Miss L. Colton, Wednesday evening Work was done as 1668 the ballot of the party casting the with law early shipbuilding industry regarding enrollment are elig- Miss and a lunch served. number of votes for governor in M. E. Chaplin, Mr. F. A. Crozier, had become in Mass. ible to sign nomination papers for the quite important New Eng- Boston, State election will be white; Mr. A. C. Mr. P. C. Miss Erma Barker has been back in her old various candidates. Those engaged in Crosby, Daugherty, land, and into this entered extensively f the next largest party will be Mr. E. F. Mrs. C. M. place at the West Brooks school and made the circulating petitions should therefore Dellebarre, Dyer, the use of white In 1721 Massa- Thatofthe third, blue; the fourth, drive from as pine. provide enrollment blanks to be signed Mr. and Mrs. Deuhig, Mr. and Mrs. R. daily home usual. We have at 1 d ballots will be brown, least chusetts alone were an- sample at the same time. a few capable business girls in Brooks. yards launching 1857 an candidates for office have E. and Miss Muriel Miss L. F. El- LET YOUR CROPS DECIDE1 .»io. » any _ Estes, nually over 150 vessels, for certain Rev. H. G. Booth and Prof. Trotte headed a parts ames placed on the primary elec- MARINF. dridge, Mr. L. B. Mr. C. D. which white was I VEGETABLES. Foster, Frey, of pine considered un- will tell to use delegation of eleven at the Conference in K They you E. FRANK COE FERTILIZERS. Manufactured •: allot? Mr. C. H. Farwell. Mrs. E. A. BoyB excelled. Masts other than of white | Gardiner, in the candidate for office must file with While the Waterville. The boys .enjoyed the occasion were seldom (| Best Equipped Fantory in the Country at Belfast, Maine. « people of the United States Miss C. M.Gale, Miss F. M.Grow, Miss K. pine stepped on a vessel tary of State, before the first have in the sense very much and it was doubtless of much bene- built in New and not, that the Japanese England, while the & Belfast ;i an a Gifford, Mr. R. E. Miss K. Gould, JACKSON HALL, Agents. May preceding election, have, utilized to any great extent the Gifford, fit to them. wood was liable to quicker decay than | -•am jj| paper signed by qualified “marine vegetables, never- Mr. A. B. Gould, Mr. E. S. Gregory, Mr. the Riga pine at points of inlersection they have, M. J. Dow has taken the agency for the r his party, in number not less was THE COE-MORTIMER NEW theless, not overlooked in every case the Gurney, Dr. R. C. Given, Mrs. J. S. Oliver and below decks, it treated for this COMPANY, YORK. Iy nor more than two Typewriter and is learning to run it him- | per cent, to be derived from weakness holes in ( profit farming the Miss B. by boring the tops of jf the entire vote cast for Hayes, E. Hayes, Miss Dorothy self. This may be some relief to the corre- gov- ; ocean on the Atlantic coast. masts and filling them with oil, which I the last in Hayes, Miss R. Miss H. E. Her- spondents upon whom his preceding election, On Cape Cod, for instance, the gather- Herrick, he. imposes crooked gradually penetrated downward and pre- 1 or wherein district, county ing of what is known as “sea moss” is rick, Miss L. Harrington, Miss L. Hay- penmanship. vented decay. Specifications for spars :idate is to be voted for. an and the 114 feet and 38 inches in important industry, product "«‘u» u. r. uiuo, mis. u. u. uig* Miss Hester Rose has finished her in long diameter a candidate for school ample, first, is widely employed in the making of cer- were common in those days. must file with the of gins, Robert Higgins, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Jackson, which is a lucky thing for her. She secretary tain desserts. A fine blanc mange is It was from the best parts of old boarded at home and it was several large compounded with the help of this species ! Hart, Belfast, Miss A. Ingham, Miss M. miles drive trees called pumpkin pine that figure- tied voters of his in the eacn day, but she to her ana party of seaweed. “Laver,” a kind of sea : M. Jackson, Mrs. G. E. Leighton, Mr. piuckily hung job heads for New England built vessels not not K number less than one per but a diu miss a day. were for the yl ; spinach, indubitably seaweed, is and Mrs. L. M. Kidder, Mr. A. Leighton, carved, reason that the more than two per cent of the much eaten in of this wood could Philadelphia, being cooked We are all glad to learn that grain be cui in all di- Livery, Boarding & Transient Stable ■ Miss E. Mr. Tom “Baby John,” * •. te for governor cast at the last like and there is McBride, Songister, rections like a ordinary spinach, the little son of Earle D. and Alice Dow pumpkin. When Phila- • a Bessey = Is situated on street, off Main street. I have r election; second, candidate known as an Miss L. B. Miss McNeal, came into Washington just single and “dulse,” widely article of McLaughlan, of delphia prominence as a mast office must file with the Zanesville, Ohio, who had a serious illness double buckboards, etc. Careful drivers if jnty diet in Europe, that is not without recog- Miss E. C. Morrison, Miss A. H. Moul- market, the prices were regulated by ijv hitches, desired. Your patron- v(| of St te a nomination from bronchial pneumonia, has recovered and paper nition on this side of the Atlantic. the diameter in inches twelve feet from fm age is solicited. Telephones—stable 233-2, house 61-13 « 2 ton, Mr. Alfred Marshall, Mr. S. Mc- is around the ly28 qualified voters of his party It be added our running same as ever. the A common should, however, that ground. price was SI.51] W. G. PRESTON, e county in number not less of seaweeds is Lean, Miss G. MacLeod, Mr. R. R. Nick- for inch in j Proprietor. crop yet exclusively wild, Miss Sarah S. Haskell is every diameter. So rapidly nor more two spending the win- 4S-:« hv *»•<] u !V 4* £ •<* per cent, than and of that which is a Miss E. were uur forests available only erson, W. Nolan, Mrs. I. A. decimated of this use- SES CS HI SB CHI (a 4 30 » a a dt a ■f the entire vote cast for ter with her friend Mrs. Mary Staples, 6he gov- small part is gathered. We are assured Mr. H. ful wood, however, that by the Nelson, Orvis, Mr. G. Peckham, la begin- hat county at the last preced- that there are a number of marine bumeuiiijg ui a literary nature, naving com- of the nineteenth plants, Mr. and ning century not a sin- 'ion. The of such a nomi- Mrs. G. E. Penny, Mrs. I. S. several that filing plentiful enough in the shallow waters posed poems have attracieu ai- gle white pine tree suitable for a mast BELFAST entitles the candidate to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. t-aper of our Atlantic and Gulf coasts, which Paine, Perkins, Miss tention, and is very highly respected here. for a 600-ton vessel could be found with- A > 11 I ame the an a placed upon primary might furnish addition to our tables Eva E. Mrs. L. B. 1 in 600-mile radius from | Perkins, Belfast, To see our neighbor Geo. B. Ruperts in his Philadelphia ballot. were their merits once In east to Boston and BURNHAM ■ recognized. Mrs. L. C. Miss B. E. beyond. such nomination be Pillsbury, Pennock, farmer’s rig one would hardly realize that ne may papers Japan similar plants are deemed great White pine was also at one time usee Porter, MissH. Mrs. J. had been delicacies. Parsons, H.Pope, wearing a white starched shirt and a for On and mains and pipes for municipal water Dr. D. lifer* after October 2, 1911, trains connect- The are Mr. E.G. Mr. Harold clean collar in the week for the I | ination can be be- said to lead the Parkinson, Peacock, every day ^ast works, and some use of it for that at paper signed Japanese pur | ing Burnham and Waterville with through rirst of world in their utilization of the resources Mr. Robert Mrs. L. Miss ft 1 teen years. But he is back home for bUoi- pose still while its Announces that he has limited his practice day January, preceding ; Peacock, Rose, continues, lasting I trains for and from Bangor, port- ten. All of their and for such service Waterville, nomination papers must waters, competent authority | L. Miss B. ness, and business it is with him. qualities cannot be ques to diseases of the land and Boston has E.Rose, A.Raymond,MissI.M. will run as follows: voted and filed in the office of the it that their ocean crops reach each tioned. At Wilmington, Del., some tim Record, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryder, Mr. H. Stew- Mrs. Rose I. Forbes went to Augusta last of State before the first Mon- year the value of more than one million ago, when 3C0 feet of pine pipe was takei FliOM IlFl.FAST. week to attend the of her dollars. art, Dr. G. B. Mr. C.E. Mr. funeral cousin, Miss it was found to be May, which for 1912 is 6th. Squires, Town, up, sound although il A M- P. M. May ,, P. Nos3 and fhroat r, M. a The seaweed known as Florence A. whose death was a had been [ye, far, candidate’s nomination papers porphyra is, in Arthur Taylor, Mr. Wallace Taylor, Miss Gilley, great underground at least seventy Hellast, depart. 7 05 12 15 2 20 '■ I deemed the shock to her in In City Point. 10 and filed by the act of his Japan, most important of all E. A. Taylor, Mrs. L. Tead, Miss G. A. manyfriends Brooks.where her years. about the year 1800 pipes ot ,7 ,12 20 ,2 26 thout his knowdedge or consent? marine foods, and it is cultivated in childhood was passed. Her mother, Mrs. this kind were laid in the Jamaica Pond AND REACTION. ;a™. ,7 20 112 30 ( 2 36 Miss Miss Miss A. 7 32 districts. are Tead, Upton, Ward, waterworks at ®rooks. 12 42 2 47 Whoever expends money or con- many Bushy twigs planted Louise Gilley, is in very feeble health. Boston, and in 1895 sec- Office hours—1) a. m. t> 12 n 1 to 3 p. m ,7 44 112 54 12 59 to aid in an effort to se- in regular rows in shallow and brackish C. Woodward, Miss Whittemore and Mr. tions were removed in condition. tu0X j-n. liability good Thorndike. 7 50 1 00 Mrs. L. C. Gilley, who was so very ill a year 7 to 8 m., and 3 06 no nination of any candidate water, there being left between the rows L. Winner. When wooden pipes are kept full of p. by appointment. his sufficient to the ago and whose life was saved by a severe sur- water under considerable knowledge or consent for- space permit passage of are the pressure, the Winnecook t8 08 1 18 Following names of those, CORNER CHURCH AND BRIDGE STREETS '3 23 V hi, to be recovered indictment, canoes. gical operation, has kept around most of the water fills the pores of the wood and pre- Burnham, arrive. 8 2u 1 30 by best known to the look 3 36 ■or, the Late in winter the delicate writer, who time since. She has vents 8 39 1 candidate’s written agree- marine many sick days, however, decay. connection. 23tf ^,lnt°n. 59 5 20 after this often times Telephon Benton 8 48 accept the nomination must be plants gather upon the twigs between hungry swarm, of and sometimes gets discouraged. The frequent 5 30 Bangor... 11 35 3 00 ah his nomination in the tide marks. They show the form of leaf- which a number are 5 06 paper goodly teachers: attentions of her many friends cheers her up 854 f the secretary of State, like sheets, purple in color. Girls WatfviMe. 2 13 5 38 pick Head waitress, Miss Winnie as- perceptibly. Portland. 11 50 4 50 8 20 vote at them from the wash them to re- Kent, MONEY LOST may primary elections? twigs, Hoston. 305 8 05 5 sisted Miss Jennie Miss are pm 16 ■i ration voters who have move mud and sand and them on by O’Malley, We very much grieved to record the Sickness and DR. E. H. BOYINGTON —Only dry j By Enforced Idleness. a. m properly registered before the pri- reed mats in the sun. The pieces ad- Ruth Woodbridge, Mr. A. Francis, Miss death in Augusta of Miss Florence Gilley, Many of the days of sickness and TO KK I.FAST here to hction occurs are to one another by their own gela- Ida Mrs. E. daughter of the late R. I. of this town. misery, too often loss PM- a.m. qualified Moahn, Ghent, Mr. E. Cilley accompanied by EYE SPECIALIST n a.m. 1 he list of voters used at the last tine, and when off in sheets of Boston. 10 00 peeled large Nellie For many years she had been employed in the pay, may easily be charged to neg- 8 55 Ghent, Miss Barrey and Miss A.M. ; ! election is the are folded and sent to or t» P. M basis of regis- they market. U. S. Pension office at where she lect indiscretion on th^, part of the To fiil a Augusta, sup- Portland,. [ 20 2 ter the election. This For edible purposes are Johnson. long felt want, Mr. individual. Just a little more care Glasses Fitted 00 12 35 primary they usually herself and her in Accurately. baked. ported mother, Mrs. Louise Waterville. 7 15 9 50 3 15 ■'■over, is subject to correction by McLeod will in the near future add to the matter of diet and attention to reg- She was a excellent and had Bangor 7 00 1 =0 r authorities. Voters not Cilley. very lady of habits will such Benton prop- his a three ularity change days 44 South Main St., W1NTERPORT, MAINE. 7 21 19 56 3 23 present quarters story annex, many friends in her native town. iered should apply to the rnm .noowun 1iwi>. Brooks, into happy and ones. Give Clinton... 7 30 regis- Tn the direction and profitable 10 04 3 33 iiices for in the extending nearly heed to Nature’s first of Office and I Burnham leave. 8 35 10 25 registration, Charles E. Small, a former resident of this warnings ap- Oays, Moidays Tuesdays. 3 50 oner as for in to School and Winnecook ,8 45 provided regular Feb. 8. The Maine through street, equip- proaching trouble, keep your stomach 10 35 4 00 Waterville, Me., town, but who now lives in Swanville, has 1J",ty e the same with the and and bowels 54 10 50 4 09 Association of Agricultural Fairs was ping latest improve- digestion right your been at work at his trade as a painter, with Thorndike. 9 02 11 00 4 15 ■ ouent—In addition to in this a regular,—then everything will look registra- organized city at ments to save labor. llnna 1-- V.,, today meeting UOlinl £no*. 10 HI 10 t4 23 h voter must be enrolled as a in Hall of cheerful and your day’s work will be City delegates from various C E. Perkins. J. H. WOOD, 9 25 11 4 38 r lost his easier. f f Pro,°,ks. 30, of some recently horse—thirty-three years old, political party. Any associations throughout the State. 5 iOl’TOMKl'ltlST ,i Wahid". ,9 35 ,11 40 ,4 48 On the , •;. d voter, however, who has not The new has for its and which had done quite good work the past first appearance of acid stom- Kye Measuring Specialist) City Point... ,9 45 ,1]50 organization pur- <| Belfast, ■ Children or arrive. 9 50 11 rolled may be enrolled on pri- pose the securing of uniform administra- Cry season. There are probably more real old ach, nausea, headache, constipation, your eyes so as to 55 6 05 accurately, (1 ♦ mi cut: uatiuc uiern.. in tion take one or two of L. F. e exact lens that re- Flag station. uy of the fairs of the State; preventing FOR FLETCHER’S horses in the country than we realize, as teaspoonfuls your vision ! less than and Atwood’s Medicine, and the functions No guess work. Office in Ma- f tickets for Hoston are now sold at plantations having conflicting dates, mutual aid. their exact age is lost in change of owners. 'itants will resume their normal Temple, Room No. 1, Belfast, Me. < a,‘d a" atations on enrollment by These officers were elected: R. W. C ASTO R I A activity, you H v Branch. political 128-13 ! wTi noml : not Patten of The citizens of and we believe of will avoid the expense of sickness, and Passa"*-Agent. required. Skowhegan, president; F. W. SEARSMONT. Brooks, ! earn usual Get a MORuYsAMcDONALDn,erai s Hill of vice C. D. Waldo will endorse the candi- your pay. bottle to- the voter mark hie primary Exeter, president; E. S. visited Star in county, gladly Vice President & General Miller Deputy Wing the West day from your dealer or write us to Manager, of J. C. BfSt Pnrtloml M r. .. ..allot? Skowhegan, secretary; dacy of Hon. E. C. Burleigh for U. S. Senator. Fuller of Lodge, Unity, and Marsh River Lodge, Brooks, mail a free The “L. F.” Med- "cates his choice the can- Waterville, treasurer. His sample. among F. and A. Jan. 30th and intelligence and ability, his fidelity to icine tor each E. M. Atkins of Ezra Mc- M., 3lst_Mrs. Co., Portland, Maine. office by making a cross Dexter, his his William Lincoln West of Martha Wetherbee, who has been is principle, courtesy to constituents, his the square, at the right of the Laughlin Presque Isle and Dr. L. G. quite sick, of willingness to attend to their requests, his long Bureau of Animal the person he for each Bunker Waterville constituted the slowly recovering District Superintendent Ex-Veterinary Inspector prefers in his Eastern committee which drew the experience public life, intimate acquaint- up constitu- D. B. Phelan held the 4th quarterly confer- NOTIGE OF FORECLOSURE Industry V. S. I fj Hilu cnl «»f Agriculture. Steamship Co. horn tion. ance with the methods of in and to whom are the returns ence at this place Feb. 7th. Written reports proceedure public William S. Dyer of Lincolnville election to be made? R. W. Patten, F. W. Hill, W. J. affairs in Washington, make him an ideal can- in the of Waldo and State of VET primary from all departments of church work were WHEREAS, County ERINARIAN REDUCED WINTER FARE returns the result of Wheeler of South Paris and E. C. Butler didate. Maine, by his mortgage deed dated the thir- ■' announcing given and committees made for the confer- primary election in each of Skowhegan were made a permanent tieth day of October. A. D. 1909, and recorded TREATS ALL DISEASES OF ANIMALS city, town, ence The official board the Mr. Walter H. of the firm of '“ will be Legislative committee. year. requested Young Young, in Waldo Registry of Deeds. Book 294, Page 25, Belfast and plantation, made by the and Boston, $2.25, rf return of a Cox & had a and his conveyed to one Sidney J. of said Lin- Hospital, Pharmacy Office, 3 to the of State within Rev. H. P. Taylor by unanimous Payson birthday recently Moody "" secretary colnville, a certain lot or of land with the ISLESBORO. vote-Levenseller’s mill is a wife and some few immediate friends made parcel SPRING '"ays from the date of the election. rising busy up thereon, situated in said Lincolnville STREET, BELFAST MAINE TURBINE STEEL STEAMSHIP oho a nice buildings BELFAST what Mr. W&Bhburn has returned home from & Bb F. Fuller is some little reception for him. He was some- determines candidates have place. landing unusually and bounded as follows: Beginning at the N. H Never oepital Closed. Leave Belfast at 2.00 m. for nominated each trip to Boston and New York.... Herman handsome lumber what dazed at first by the atten- W. corner of land owned G. A. p. Boston Mon- by political party Capt. there....Willis Berry has unexpected formerly by day and Thursday. Farrow on the side of road Primary election? has gone to Boston to take his vessel, returned from are tion, but quickly recovered and made as Knight southerly leading For Portland-The farmers good Phones—Hospital 69-13. Residence 69-11 Bangor at 7.30 a. m. Wednesday and governor and on or from Rackliff’s turn by Chester Dean's farm; council, before after spending a few days at home with his their ice from It is the “subject” of the occasion. The fact is Saturday. cm harvesting Quantabacock. thence following line of said road. S. 8J& deg. ;! Tuesday in July, which for 1912 .Mr. “Wallie” is not so Leave Boston at 5.00 p. m. and | family... and Mrs. Will Foster have re- of a good and 24 inches thick.... Geo. old yet that birthdays have W., 209 feet to a stake; thence S. W., 217 Tuesday Fri- "ly 2nd, must tabulate the returns in quality 9£'deg. NORTH MONTV1LLE. day. turned' from their honeymoon to Dark Harbor, H. Clark has been elected to the become stale with him,and so he feet to a stake; thence N. 83Jj deg. E., 209 feet the lay delegate enjoyed being Earl Nutt is working for Ira Hall this win- Leave Rockland at 5.15 a. m. on secretary of State and to a stake in said line; thence follow- (or arrival ot 4,e1 n where Mr. Foster has “coddled” and “cuddled” and made of like Knight’s steamer " iine work.The Islesboro electoral conference in was from Boston) and what persons, for each office, lay Rockland, April 5th, ing said line, N. 9f deg. E., 217 feet to the place ter-E. F. Bantom in Belfast on busi- Wednesday Satur- h' en school a drama at the some sweet little and can day. * each as High recently gave and Miss J. E. McFarland reserve delegate.... four-year-old, you of one acre, more or ness nominated, by party, beginning; containing Monday.Edna Downer of Freedom FRED W. POTE, "dates to Town a just bet that he rose to the occasion and that and whereas said J. his Agent, Belfast. Maine. be voted for at the Sep- Hall followed by sociable. Mrs. Lucy A. Bean has returned from Attle- less; Sidney Moody, by visited her sister who is at ternher of said dated December Ivy, working election. boro, Mass Her daughter, Mrs. Dora Bab- everybody had the best time that ever was. assignment mortgage ,,w and recorded in Waldo of Charles Colby’s, one day last week_Mrs. WILLIAMS’ will candidates learn of their The Shoe Situation. 7, 1911, Registry KIDNEY PILLS bock, has passed through a critical surgical Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Smith of Gardiner Book who has Have overworked 'nation? Deeds, 297, Page 43, assigned to me, the Lizzie Jackson, been confined to her you your nervous sys- and is the said the debt tem and caused trouble with operation slowly recovering.... Mrs. H. have been visiting friends in Brooks. Mrs. undersigned, mortgage, note, home for some time with sciatic your kid- successful candidate will be noti- Business in rheumatism, neys and bladder? („ the New England footwear P. attended the and claim thereby secured, and all his interest, Have you pains In at Taylor lectures convocation Smith was formerly Miss Abbie is a little better-Most of the farmers once, by jbe secretary of State, market shows a slight expansion, owing to the Seavey, by virtue of said mortgage, in and to the very loins, side, back and bladder? Have you week in Her husband her a ."Kistered and such candidates receipt of outside contracts. Leather is Bangor. joined daughter of our old friend and prominent therein and whereas the have been busy the past week their flabby appearance of the face, and un- letter; quiet premises described; harvesting der and business fails to reflect the conditions Thursday and returned Mr. and It condition of said has been the eyes? A frequent desire to pass not'fy the secretary of State, Saturday. citizen, Henry H. Seavey. may inter- mortgage broken; ice from Freedom pond_Claude Nutter visit- urine? by shown in raw If so, Williams’ Kidney Pills will material. Tanners are holding Mrs. of the course of lectures now, therefore, by reason of the breach of the with letter, of their acceptance Taylor speak est some of her many friends who read ed Calvin Bangs in Freedom over cure you—Druggist, Price 50c. prices very stiong, but buyers are holding off condition thereof, I claim a foreclosure of said Friday night days after being notified, given by the Theological seminary as of wide The Journal to know that she is the mother of and WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. «nd 1"send 8jVen and taking only small quantities.—Dun’s Re- mortgage. 3w6 Saturday... Fred Davis, who has been Props., , Ohio therewith a statement of ex- view Feb. 10th. interest and educational value. a nice pair of twins, now about seven January 19, 1912. AMY B. DYER sick for some remains about the same. years time, For sale by WM. O. POOR A SON. SEARSPORT. The Current Events club, favored last week by wind andweather.met Feb. 7th at The Stock- ton for the the fol- Miss Lena Nye was in Bangor last week annual mid-winter dinner, lowing ladies the visiting friends. u has no substitute for m sitting around tables special- Royal ly arranged to accommodate the number pres- Mrs. Elizabeth Sylvester is visiting friends Our“Divide delicious ent^ Mrs. Este'le B Crosby, president; Mrs. Four”Sale in Brewer arid Penobscot. making home-baked foods (*lj Abbie T. Mrs. Lillias S. by Treat, vice president; has been confined to the How times after a Capt. F. N. Treat Emery, secretary; Miss Alice Hichborn, treas- many reading big advertisement of “cut prices,” “tremendous house week with bronchitis. the past urer; Mrs. Almeda H. Recdell, Mrs. Carrie bargains” etc., have you got your “appetite all whetted up” to save to be Thomas R. Howe had two broods of chickens A. Gardner, Mrs. Etta B. Griffin, Mrs. Alice M. money only when attended the sale. Not that hatch out Thursday for spring broilers. Hichborn, Miss Mary Highborn, Miss Leora disappointed you any decided fraud was practiced, only Partridge, Mrs. F. Mrs. Ada E. W. Scarboro of the Hubbard Fertilizer Blanche Staples, you were lead to expect more than was really offered. L. Mudgett, Mrs. Ada P. Mrs. Eleanor •| * 1 Co. was in Presque Isle last week on business. Griffin, B. Colcord and Mrs. Ada M. Hopkins. After Then are Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Corey were in Bangor again bargains usually what the merchant wants to be rid of. are decorating the tables tastefully with green They last week the convocation attending meeting. and the result of his “Slow seller” odd red—pine branches and carnation pinks— sizes, mistakes in buying, etc. So if you don’t a number of our citizens attended the happen Qbite the president and vice president joined the la- to want in last his “slow sellers” and the odd sizes are not your are food fair and automobile show Bangor dies in the one sizes—you bound to be dis- mu parlor, presenting each with a week. large red to be indeed do find crepe paper letter, pinned up- appointed. Rarely you up-to-date fresh desirable merchandise offered at Barge Boylston arrived Friday from Wey- on the dress by which each was to find her any appreciable discount. mouth with 1,600 tons of fertilizer to the A. seat in the dining room, the place cards bear- A. C. Co. ing letters of the The 1 corresponding alphabet. Just a year ago we held our first “Divide Four” sale. I Powder You Dickens By attended Ralph Meyers, second officer of the bark program--it being the centenary of the it liberally. Baking author's a mound of one was Mabel I. Meyers, aftived last week from Rich- birth—embraced green in No disappointed for everyone found “his” or “her” size in the the center just style wanted Va. of the table, having a red ribbon in- mond, ABSOLUTELY PURE at a TWENTY FIVE PER CENT reduction from terwoven, bearing in white figures 1812 and straight regular. there Barge Greenwood finished discharging at the g || Furthermore, each 1912, place card having upon the obverse were no ficticious former as the Penobscot Coal dock Thursday and sailed for values, selling price is plainly on the side an original the stamped BOTTOM Elizabethport. rhyme by president bring- OF NEARLY EVERY SHOE WE SELL. We ing in the name of some of Dickens’works,which again offer you this The Mrs. Emma F. Davis was in Rockland last The opportunity. only Baking Powder made after the company was seated each lady was restriction is time and that is limited to week visiiing her uncle, Hon. D. N. Mortland, \y only |) requested to read in turn, beginning at the w ho is in very poor health. M from Cream of Tartar Royal Grape m foot of the table. The red geranium being Harold E. Smith left for Monday Bangor, the novelist’s favorite flower an effort was where he has taken a in the wholesale i and position made to obtain those for the occasion; but the Friday Feb.16-17 house of R. B. & Co. Saturday, Dunning greenhouse could lurnish red carna- ii '■■■ ——— only deep I_—_-_ W. P. Sargent and H. N. Colcord have been tions, which were substituted, the geranium John Smart, Nathaniel Smart, William Smart at work the past two weeks destroying the ! STOCKTON SPRINGS. leaves being freely mingled with the pine Alfred Shute, William Small, Jcb Small, James “DIVIDE BY FOUR” “DIVIDE browntail moths’ nests in town. branches over the linen, with a beautiful BY FOUR” Sprague, Josiah G. Staples, Truworthy Stubs, attended the ! As these items are finished an Arctic wave carnation at each place-card. An excellent Price of the Rev. and Mrs. C. H. McElhiney Jona John Sweeney, Alexander The Regular The Sa^fery, over Maine. well Regular Price of the convocation week services in last is*sweeping | dinner, served, added to the enjoyment of Bangor ; Switcher, John Scott, James W. Treat, Robert Dr. C. E. Britto was ill last week from a se- all present, tales of Dickens week, returning home Saturday. D. Thompson, Alfred Thompson, Charles W. many enlivening FAMOUS HOLEPROOF HOSE vere cold, but has recently been out again. the passing hours. When the dessert had been VERY Revenue cutter Androscoggin, Capt. Daniels, i ,Twist, Samuel Trask, Clair Tarr, Samuel West, BEST RUBBERS finished, the president announced the “arrival was anchored in the harbor last week, sailing Samuel Wentworth, Asa R. Waterhouse, James Misses Lizzie B. and Evelyn L. Colcord, East IT MEANS IT MEANS of the foreign mail,” an enveloDe morning to the westward. V. Vickery. Main street, were in Bangor last Thursday for containing Thursday Withington, Benjamin addressed to each lady, “sent from Punch,” as The $1.50 Kinds $1.13 Men’s 90c. Kind Steamer Kanawha, Burns, arrived Sat- shopping. for 68c. Capt. | a London contribution to the Club’s Dickens- WINTERPORT. “ “ “ urdav from Norfolk with 3.460 tons of coal to Mrs. Frank Foster spent two days the past 2.00 1.50 75c. These — The funeral services of Mr. Thomas Atwood Day. communications jokes from 57c. the Penobscot Coal Co. at Mack’s Point. week in Bangor and Orrington, returning Punch—were read aloud by each “ *« took place Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 6th, at the afternoon. recipient, Famous from the fact that they Women’s 75c. 57c. R. R. Lime Co. No. 2 arrived last Thursday require barge the Gar- causing much merriment. Later the “ Methodist church, under direction of company six months. “ “ week from Weymouth with 1,600 tons of fer- Misses Beuiah Cousens and Sadie Merrithew retired to the no mending tor 50c. ( field L-odge, I. O. O. F., and Mizpah Rebekahs. parlor spending the time until 38c. tilizer to the A. A. C. Co. at Mack’s Point. spent February 6th in for 4.30 o’clock in a Bangor, shopping, social, chat with quotations from “JUST DIVIDE BY FOUR.” Rev. A. J. Lockhart gave short address and “JUST DIVIDE BY FOUR.” returning by the last train. Dickens and stories of his all The firemen's annual benefit masked ball offered prayer and the beautiful service of the life, feeling at Club a “Ladies’ the hour of that the occasion will take place in Union Hall Tuesday evening, order was carried out in a very impressive Wassaumkeag enjoyed adjournment had been a Feb. 20th. Music orchestra of Bel- manner last Friday having a most success--a day and “DIVIDE BY FOUR” by Keyes’ by the members. There was a large Night” evening, pleasantly profitably “DIVIDE BY fast. dance for the member’s wives and spent all members of the FOUR” attendance, as he was held in high esteem by his pleasant by Current Events daughters. Club participat The Regular Price of the Steamer Kennebec, Capt. Morgan, arrived many acquaintances. Thomas Atwood was the ng. The Saturday frcm Newport News with 3,465 tons son of Capt. Thomas Atwood, formerly of Mr. Frank L. Blanchard, Sandy point road, a Regular Price of the of coal to the Penobscot Coal Co. at Mack’s Orrington, and Mary Rich Atwood of North member of the U. S. grand jury in Portland The News of Brooks FAMOUS REGAL SHOES Point. Bucksport. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. a portion of last weeky arrived home Thurs- I MEN AND WOMEN) Ida L. Atwood, and two daughters, Mrs. C. E. day night. For (FOR ONE Miss Sarah Fogarty of Roxbury, Mass., Mrs. additional Brooks news see 7th page. NINETY-FIVE SHOES Bartlett and Miss Alice and two O’Connell of and Mrs. Atwood, by Mr. Simeon B. Merrithew, School street, re- Mary Bangor Mary Mrs. Fogg’s sister, Mrs. Helen T. Wells, IT MEANS little grandchildren. His age was 61 years. turned last from FOR MEN Doyle of Nova were in town last week Saturday Portland, having came Scotia, from Boston Monday to spend some time AND^WOMEN. He was a man ot strict integrity and his sudden been a member of the U. S. calling on relatives. petit jury during here. passing out brings a loss to the whole com- last week. MenV^Women’s $5.00 Regals $3.75 Mr. who has been Eugene Warren, visiting Delmont who had Mrs. Lizzie Gross Smith has to Thorn- At regular you are munity-Mrs. Thompson, The Ladies Aid will meet for gone “ getting from his Mrs. R. L. on society sewing aunt, Weymouth, Howard been ill for dike to visit the family of her Burton very many weeks, passed away with nephew, 4.00 3.00 returned to his home in South Mont- Thursday afternoon, February 22nd, Mrs. 50c. to $1.00 extra street, She is survived her hus- Gross. value, but- Sunday morning. by Lillias S. street. A “ ville last week. Emery, Maple full attend- band, an only daughter, Mrs. Estelle Smith of Mrs. T. 1. Huxford is for her ance is desired by this always genial hostess. caring mother, 3.50 2.65 for Two Days $1.47. Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Fairchild arrived Saturday Bangor, and two grandsons_Most of those Mrs. Rich, in addition to the household duties Mrs. Abbie F. Staples was confined to the and will occupy the Partridge house, formerly who were reported ill last week are recover- of her own large home. bed last week by a bad cold and an aggravated 1 “JUST DIVIDE BY FOUR.” “JUST Dr. C. R. who Tonsilitis is DIVIDE BY occupied by Hines, recently | ing. quite prevalent..:. Mrs. D. Frank went to last FOUR.” heari disturbance. We hope for a re- Fogg Prospect week to moved to Mass. H. Smith has speedy Amesbury, gone to Portland to spend the see his son Merton, who is covery for our estimable neighbor. working at the of remainder of the winter with her Arthur The installation officers of Searsport R. A. son, Lawrence Bros.’ lumber camp. Mrs. D. Shute left will be held N. Smith-A large barn to Walter Harry Monday for Rock- Chapter Wednesday evening Feb. j belonging Mrs. S. H. Lord of Belfast REMEMBER: land to spend an indefinite time with Mr. S. kept house for 21st. Powna! and Mariner’s are invit- Haley, on his farm just above the Lodges village, her fat her several the j who is in the as bis steamer uays past week, dur- ed. Refreshments will be burned There was no in city considerable, store served. Friday morning. hay Mrs. Forbes absence in our reserved. Anything and for makes there the ing in Augusta. Nothing everything the but there were a headquarteis during winter. Friday Mar.ter E. Decrow took of barn, quite good many charge the Stock- Mrs. Grace Bachelder has been at a reduction of tools and to Capt. J. French Hichborn, who had sewing the and Saturday straight ton, and Belfast agricultural implements belonging recently Searsport express Monday past week with Mrs. Elmer and Mr. Edward and others, and there was a bad cold, is much better. Mrs. Jennie Roberts, will Mr. Decrow will reside on the east- Neally (Rich- morning. dressmake for Mrs. Lena Chase for no insurance. It is thought to have been ardson) Staples is keeping house lor this aged several ern end of the route at Stockton Springs. | days. caused by rats getting hold of some matches, j gentleman the present year, caring for his TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. Nehemiah Roulstone, salesman for the as there were no tracks to be seen anywheie every want. The mercury has again been playing havoc Massachusetts Motor Co. of j Boston, spent with the w'ater near_The Monroe Dramatic Club gave the | Mrs. W. of Owls pipes in town, causing numer- Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Flora George Speed Head, the Roulstone, The Maid of the to a I ous people considerable trouble. play, Desert, large au- guest of Misses Emma and Nellie Thermome- on Reservoir street, to Boston Mon- Hichborn, ® returning dience at Union Hall ters registered 33 below on Friday evening_All West Main street, for several weeks, left Sun- Sunday morning, day. the friends of Mr. C. A. and not much better on many McKenney are day lor Searsport and Belfast, where she will Monday. W. F. Runnells, who was called here the glad to know that he is Our by steadily improving visit before leaving for her home. pastor, Rev. Harold Booth, spent last serious illness of his mother, Mrs. W. C. T. since his return from the hospital.Mr. ! week in Bangor, where he attended the convo- Mr. Jason an resident of our returned to his home in Joshua Treat and Miss Clara Littlefield, aged Runnells, Newbury- Atwood left on ! cation services, from which he derived much 1 village, to the life last Mass., his mother some- boat for Boston to attend the wed- psssed higher Saturday port, Thursday, being Monday's j and back en- after pleasure benefit, coming greatly what ding of Miss Frances Hanscoin_Miss suffering successive apoplectic shocks j improved. Louise thused from his association with some of the j the week. went to Boston during Deep sympathy is extended Augustus Walker, in the employ of John McDonough .Monday to visit j grandest men of our country. friends-Mr. Edward to the bereaved widow, sons and daughters in Murphy & ^on, had one of his hands quite Boyington and family] their sorrow. Mrs. C. H. Forbes returned from of Boston are his Augusta btLl-ASf fhitt severely injured while loading freight on to visiting parents, Dr. and ! OUnridlk 1. HORN Thursday, where she had spent a few da>s SHIP NEWS. the team at the Eastern Mrs. E. H. and other friends in the Mrs. John E Lancaster, East Main street, Steamship Companies Boyington, j with her | Corrected Weekly lor Ike uuuinai. aged aunt, Mrs. Louise Cilley, and Babbidge. In r-.;. vicinity-A very pleasant little social affair I and Mrs. Albert M. Ames, Church street, re- | Springfield, Mass., Febru: attended the funeral of the PKUPUOE MARKET. Aik iKUoCChk. b, to Mr. and Mrs. daughter,Florence, AMERICAN FORTS. ; Adelbert Babbidge. a son took place Wednesday evening, Feb. at turned last from 1 7th, Thursday Bangor, having 1 I We are indebted to Charles A. Mathews of whose unexpected and illness and IiKYANT. In Simont r, to V the home of Mrs. M. C. The been the of painful New York, February 6. Ar. stmr ISorinquen, February 5, Arey. occasion ! guests Mr. and Mrs. Manley Lan- Apples, per tm, 40a50 and Mrs. Charles a Chicago, formerly of Searsport, general pas- death was a great shock to her friends in ! seh Sallie I’On, Promised Hav, lT.Ot'alSOO Bryant daughter, Lillian was the celebration of the 13th Searsport; 3, sld, C HOATE. In birthday anni- caster for two days, the dried, per lb., 7 Hides, 8 Belfast, F bruary 13, to Mr. ,.r Benger agent of the Northern Pacific R. R., for attending fcFood Fair, Waldo as well as in Land for Norfolk; J. R. Bodwell, Rockland; county her late home. j Beaus, pea, 2.50a2.75 Lamb Mrs. W. W. Choate, a da versary of her son Norman. It was etc. 9, ar, sch Etna, 10 ghter. a very unique and beautiful calendar of the arranged shopping, She was born and her Ella M. Willey, Savannah; Y. Gray. In i spent young life in this Stockton. Beans, E„ 2.50a2.75 Lamb Skins, 50u65 Brooksville January 2S, to V by Mrs. Arey and she was assisted one of i Stonington; 10, ar, stmr Millinocket, and Mrs. Northern Pacific Railroad Co. by Mr. Manter Decrow' of is town. Mrs. is over Butter, 80 8 Albert Gray, a svi. " Dorchester, Mass., ( Cilley eighty years of age, 7. Sld, schs Mary A. Hu 1, Mutton, the seniors. The Boston, February 1 Mixer. In guests were the members of with his Beef, sides, Oats, 32 45 j Penobscot, ebruary 3, to M Ihe names of the five now sister, Mrs. Wellman L. Hanson and the daughter Florence, who was an em- Ralph M. Hayward, 6Ja7| lb., steamships build- (from Jacksonville) Lynn; and Mrs. Manford C. Mixer a the freshman class to which he belongs. They I sch Pendleton Brothers, Beet,forequarters, 6JI Potatoes, 1 00 son. ing at Sparrow’s Point, Md., for the American Sandypuint road. Mr. D. of at the State House for was New York; 8, ar, Kay. In 1 recently bought ployee many years, Barley, bu, 60 Round 8 Ellsworth, January 28, to Mr. ai Hawaiian line are to be the arrived and were ushered in very and Georgetown, S. C.; 9, sld. schs Alice Holbrook, Hog, Mrs. Pennsylvanian, quietly, Mr. Truman the line between her She has one brother left of Cheese, 16 Ernest E. Ray, a Lathrop express only support. Norfolk and Hume, Belfast; 10, sld, Straw, 6 00 daughter. .Panamarian, Minnesotan, Montanan and Dako- Norman had no inkling of their presence until Maypc.rt; Chicken, 16 ; Starrktt. In Belfast, and Stockton and a Forbes of Brooks. sch Methebesec, Turkey, 26a28 Warren, February 4, to .V tan. Work is being rushed on these vessels Searsport Springs, large family—Marion sch Kineo, Cardenas; 12, sld, Calf and Mrs. Charles he was sent into the room where they were as- Skins, 15Tallow. 2 Starrett, a son. and they Vr ill be ready for service when tne j J will soon move here to take ehuige of the Stonington, Me. j Duck. I'api.ey. In sch S. G. 20 Veal. 12 j Charleston, December 25 canal Y. Marine Journal. sembled. They had a very pleasant time play- Mobile, February 6. Ar, Haskell, ; Mr. and Mrs. opens.—N, business. Mrs. Decrow joined him Wednes- o W AIN V lLLt- Dggs, 33 Woo!, unwashed, 20 John S. Tapley, a daughter, M ing games until 9.30, when they were called Mrs. T. Aguadilla. j 14 Louise. of the steamer George Nickerson, who underwent 6. Kan- Wood, hard, 4.l)0a4.50 1 Capt. George Wainwright day. Newport News, February Sld, Wentworth. In into the dining room to of a conun- I Wm H Geese, 18 Wood, soft, 3.00 Appleton, January 30, Kennebec, on the outward from Sears- partake an operation for appendicitis at Dr. E. D. awha, Searsport; 7f ar, sch Sumner, Mr. and passage Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Hichborn were in Tap- Mrs. Jesse Wentworth, a son. drum menu supper. The tables were ! Fernandina. RETAIL PRICE. RETAIL MARKET. to News one foot so prettily ley's hospital in Belfast, returned home Feb- j port Newport injured for the day last Thursday, returning 6. sch James W the color scheme and Bangor Norfolk, February Ar, Beef, 12 1.10 that it was to decorated, being pink ruary 6th very much in health. Miss Corned, Lime, badly necessary amputate two of the last train. Between “Convocation improved Providence; sld, sch Wm E Downes. MAItKIKI) white. A fine cake, 13 by Paul, Jr, Butter Salt, 141b., 18a22 0at Meal, 5 his toes in a at Norfolk. The steamer birthday bearing light- j Dorothy Nickerson is for her. sld, sch Gen E S Greeley, hospital Week,” the “Automobile Show” and a “Food j woiking Georgetown, Dem; 8, Corn. 83 Onions, 5 ed candles ornamented the table, and a M is in command of L. J. first very j Misses Flora and Doris New Haven; 10, sld, sch Margaret Ford, Cracked Com, Capt. Morgan, Fair,” Bangor offered attractions to peisons of Seeley Nickerson, stu- 78’Oil, kerosene, 12al3 nice supper ice cream and other i de Cuba. Corn Brackett-Hoffses. In Waldoboro, Febr. officer. including dents at Castine Normal came home Santiago Meal, 78‘Pollock, 7 various tastes and inclinations during the past < school, N February 6. Ar, sch ary 3, G. Chandler Brackett of Warren ar dainties was served. The menu cards, which Wilmington, C, Cheese, 22 Pork, 12 for a few vacation.The York. Miss Blanche E. of was one of the most week. Railroad rates were reduced for the Saturday days’ Elizabeth Gilbert, New Cotton 1 75 Hoffses Waldoboro. Saturday disagreeable were artistic, were sketched the Seed, Plaster, 1.13 very by boy j friends of Mr. and Mrs F. E. Savannah, February 7. Ar, sch Thelma, Cundy-Averill. In Winterport, Febru; days for the winter, the thermometer six days. many Nickerson Codfish, dry, 10 Rye Meal, 3J register- himself, that he was them for Norfolk. 10, by Rev. A. J. Lockhart, J. a thinking doing of Everett, will be Cranberries, 10 Shorts, 1.70 Harry Cundy from 12 to 15 below in the and as (Maud Chase) Mass., pleased 8. sch Wawenock, Miss both of ing morning, some one else. When at a late I the Darien, Ga, February Ar, Clover Seed, 20 7 At>by Averill, Winterport. they departed From Cape Jellison piers, following to hear have a 10 lb. born Sugar, the sun rose a northwestern they boy, February Savannah. JACKSON-Emery. In Belfast, 1 howling came hour all united in that it was Flour, 6.75a7.00 Salt, T. 1., 40 February they saying one shipping report was telephoned Monday even- 4th... Mr. and Mrs. Albert 9. Ar, sch Mary A by Rev Charles B. Ames, V. Jacks, along with it and continued the 1 Cunningham spent Lynn, Mass, February H. G. Seed, Sweet Potatoes, 0 Leroy during day, of the “best times” ever Nor- steamer Millinocket ar- and Carrie L. both of Belfast. they enjoyed. ing: February 6th, in ...Miss Nicker- Hall, Boston (to finish discharging.) Lard. 12iWheat Meal. Emery, with the thermometer near the zero mark. Sunday Prospect Augusta 4J man is very popular with his schoolmates, and ! rived with from New also Charleston, February 9. Sld, bark Kremlin, McCorrison-Morse. In Belfast, Febru general cargo York; son of Jellison spent the week-end with the thermometer 1 Cape in tow Tormentor; 12 ar, sch 8, by Rev. Montford S. Hill, Neil Johnson V Sunday morning registered he received many little gifts as tokens of their A. C. Morrison from Rockland. Philadelphia, tug tug. February her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nickerson.... R R Pendleton, San Juan. Corrison and Gladys Morse, both from 12 to 30 below. It was very calm, and BURNHAM. Myrtle friendship. 7th, schooner Clarence H. Vanner arrived with Aid S C, February 9. Sld, sch Alice Belmont. The Ladies Society has adopted the follow- Wiggins, Hunt died Feb. 4th from Penobscot bay was once more coated over with New York. Timothy heart fail- Sawyer-Aldrich. In Vinalhaven, Februa TROY. cargo of phosphate, and schooner Gracie J. resolutions: L Pendleton, ice about three inches in thickness. | ing S. Feb. 12. Sld, sch John ure. aged 51 years. The funeral was held Feb. 3, Arthur C. Sawyer and Evelyn M. Aldri Monday for Rockland. Georgetown, C., A little son came to the home of Mr. and ! sailed, light, February 7th, tug Whereas one of our most loved both of Vinalhaven. morning a strong northwest wind to members, Bossert, New York. 6th at his home, conducted by Rev. C. L. Beebe began 1 A. C. Morrison, sailed for Rockland. Fehruarv Mrs. D. Mrs. Charles Wren Feb. 10th. Mrs. Wren was Mary Nickerson, has been removed N. C., Feb. 12. Cld, sch Brina Stevens-Grindle. In West Brooksvil blow at sunrise and the ice broke Wi.mington, of Clinton with vocal selections Mrs. O. B. up rapidly. from among us, to that “home of many man- S. C. by Ja 31, Wallace A. Stevens and Miss M. formerly Miss Stella Whitaker of Troy and is 8th, steamer Millinocket sailed for New York, P. Pendleton, Wiggins, nuary At noon the harbor was once more clear of ice. sions”; therefore, be it Stockton, Me, Feb 7. Ar, sch Clarence H. McKechnie and Messrs. Geo. Allen and Fred Ja ne Grindle, both of Brooksville. now in with a cargo of and potatoes. living Thorndike. Her sister, Miss pa^er Resolved, That we, members of the Ladies Wood. He leaves a The L. B. B. club met last after- Venner, Baltimore. son, Hosea, aged 15 years, Thursday Bessie Whitaker, is with her....Mr. and Mrs. Aid Society, feel deeply the loss of one who Feb. 6. R & R L Co. Mrs. W. L. her Searsport, Ar, barge and an aged mother, and to both the loss comes noon with Mrs. F. A. and Mrs. Fred Smith J Hanson, accompanied by us her enthusiasm and OIKI) Nye Truman Cook were in gave unsparingly labor No. 2, Weymouth; 9, ar, barge Boylston, Wey- Bangor Wednesday.... ] Mr. Manter drove to Belfast hard, as it breaks the home he at G. A. R. hall. Six tables were brother, Decrow, of many years, and may her patience in long Greenwood, Rockland; 10, very up had arranged Mrs. Nellie Goodale mouth; sld, barge spent two days last week j last to the with their sis- illness, her zeal, cordial fellow- Kennebec, tried so hard to for his and a very pleasant afternoon Mrs. Thursday spend day self-forgetting ar, stmra Kanawha, Newport News; keep them, despite Ames. In Rockland, February 8, Joseph spent. in with Mrs. Leon Hamil- in our and words of wise Unity her mother, Mrs. Hexbert of ship work, many Norfolk; 13, sld, stm Kanawha, Newport News; suffering and health. There are Ames, 74 years, 5 months and 20 days Ella was the winner of the roos- ter, Staples Philadelphia, Pa., physical poor ag^d Mowry prize who is ill....Mr. and Mrs. Holton counsel, be an inspiration to us to emulate her R & R L Co, No 2, Rockland. Barter. In N. ton, quite who came to Belfast with her Mr* barge also left four brothers and two sisters, all of Verona, J., January 29,Caps ter with an poem the j cousin, noble example. Feb 13. schs Catawamteak, original composed by of visited at Otis Danforth’s Rockland, Ar, Albion K. Barter, formerly of St. Geoiv Bridges Charles R. called there the sad to sons whom were at the funeral hostesses. The were Mrs. Dccrow, by Resolved, That we extend her and Boston; Eliza Levensaler, do; Mary Curtis, present except Mrs. 78 guests Nickels, last week.Mrs. Etta aged years. Hawes spent several of the remains of his daughters our heartfelt sympathy and may sch Frances V Sawyer, Nassau, Clement Brown of was confined at Clough. In Ch r- Miss Curtis, Miss Alice Mrs. F. K. necessity bringing young Camden; sld, Clinton,who Rockport, February 7, Curtis, in Pittsfield last Luce and the sweet memory of a devoted mother, and a N P. H. 1 days week.Ralph wife for interment in her native Mrs. D. home by illness... Mrs. Nellie Shaw closed a lotte S., wife of W'illiain Clough, ageii Sawyer, Mis. H. G. Curtis, Mrs S. M. city. life well lived, to soften their in Feb sch Morris & Webber, Willie Sanderson are in the saw- help grief Rock port, Me, 13, Ar, years and 3 days. neighborhood was formerly Miss Grace Littlefield. Mr. D. this their time of sorrow. successful term of school in District No. 10, u. v. ninuL-u, mio. n. ;u, ivuss, 1UI&. Dilil Cliff, Boston. Googins. In Trenton, Febiuary 3, Fa nr. wood with a ac- ing gasoline engine....On and Mrs. S. left on their re- Resolved, That these resolutions be placed Friday, Feb. 9th. A nice treat of and 29 Mo wry, Mrs. S. C. Mrs. N. F. Friday morning FOREIGN FORTS. candy M., wife o’ Lewis Googins, aged years. Pattee, Gilkey, j on our records and a sent to The count of the weather the attendance at the turn to copy Repub- was furnished the Grindle. In Bluehill, February 1, Lero\ Mrs. Edson Fletcher, Miss L. S. Mrs. Philadelphia. lican Journal apples pupils_Waldo Sargent, | for publication. Hav ana, Feb 2. sch Carrie Strong, Mo- 61 6 months and 22 da\ was small. Sld, K. of is these Grindle, aged years, Newell Miss Mabel Mrs. Grange meeting Saturday evening Lodge, P., busy evenings, having Shute, Griffin, B. F. \ Last week’s weather is as follows: “Beautiful toiler thy work all done, bile. Harriman. In Greenville, 29, Ch A will be held report January Mrs. J. special meeting Wednesday for j Beautiful soul into Feb 2. In bark Matanzas, degree work at each meeting... Victory Tem- H. Harriman of 58 Colcord, W. Black, Mrs. W. H. Goodell, fine for winter; glory gone, Bermuda, port, Orland, aged years. Corner Read- Sunday, day Monday, pleasant j Beautiful its crown now sch John 7, ar, held their V Mrs. L. V\. Miss conferring degrees-The Troy life with won, discharging; Pqul, repairing; ple, Pythian Sisters, first meeting Jackson. In Poor’s Mills, February *“3, Gilkey. Maude Smith, Miss < but rather raw, with high wind; Tuesday, half- God rest.” sch James W Norfolk 79 5 mm ing club will hold a meeting at the grange hall giveth the Elwell, with the new officers in the chairs Feb. 6th. Alfred S. Jackson, aged years, Edna Jenkins. Mrs. J. W. Black will enter- sunshine, threatening rain toward night; Rosario, Dec 18. Sld, sch Hattie P Simpson, and 17 Feb. 22d, with an entertain- Alice G. Kane, ) Committee The next will be Feb. 20th... Mr. days. tain the club Friday evening, Colastine and Delaware Breakwater. meeting II. Mosher. In Albert i today, Thursday, at her home on Wednesday, very beautiful and mild day, with Arletta J. Chase, v on Orono, February 8, ment and supper. There is a large increase in Puerto Mexico, Feb 6, 2 a. m. Ar, stmr E. Kinney spent Sunday with friends in Free- Mosher, 79 7 months and 28 days Main street. southeast Thursday, mild, Martha M. Nickerson, ) Resolutions. aged years, and the will be held in wind; desultory American, Brodhead, New York; Feb 8, 4 p m, Patterson. In EFn membership meetings dom. .. .Our Station agent, E. P. Sullivan, and Bangor, February 7, Following is a partial list of some of the old snowstorm in morning, half-sunshine at noon, sld, stmr Texan, Parse, Delaware Breakwater widow of DavidS. Patterson, aged 87 yean, the grange hall... Our “birds of passage,” Dr. LIBERT V. bride, are stopping for the present at the Sulli- of back in with snow in and a clear (for orders.) months and 16 days. tax-payers Prospect 1838, Geo. A. Stevens and of falling again afternoon, W. family Stockton Mrs. L. Cargill is visiting relatives in Salina Cruz, Feb 8, 2 p. m. Steamed, stmr van homestead with his sister, Miss Maria_ Richard iimart, Esq., as collector of taxes,from sunset, with northwest wind; Friday charming Springs, write from Florida of picnics, roses, Boston. She was accompanied by her mother, Alaskan, Patterson, San Diego. Geo. E. Bryant has leased the Murray stand an old diary: John F. Brown, Ephraim Bell, sunshine, colder atmosphere; Saturday, bright orange blossoms and of the beauty of climate Mrs. Walter Merrow of Bangor.... Dr. Dar- and will move there in April.... Mrs. Pearl Francis John Isaac Au- and a from Bolds, Bell, Jr., Berry, and we sunshine, zero temperature gale scenery. Well, have “beautiful snow,” ling of Belfast was in town Thursday to see Ends Life Crockett has returned from Aroostook County. gustus Brown, Joseph Berry, Jr., Levi Curtis, and of the nox'thwest. Croup plenty ice, which will be better appre- the dogs in the vicinity that are sick with a She will soon go South for the remainder of Curtis, Aaron Curtis, Nathan ( George Cottle, dated next if we can them all Fire July, only manage to live No. E. S., has distemper. He improved Many Children Die of Every Year the winter and Miss Helen will accompany her. & Bethany Chapter, 76,0. adopt- pronounced Croup John Cousens, Cummings Seavy, Benja- tnis through freezing weather to enjoy it. The ed the following resolutions of respect on the but Woodcock, Dr. Cargill’s well known bird Before a Doctor Can Be Summoned. _Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gerald and son min Carr, Jr., Alfred Chase, Abel Chandler, chickadees are singing on the piazza facing j death of Sister Alice Merrithew, a cha.ter dog, which it was thought best to painlessly with her parents, Mr. Daniel Baruch Hiram Parents of children should be at Wayne spent Sunday Denean, Elltf, Eaton, the south while I prepared Insurance write. member and one of the first sisters taken from send away-Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Ritchie of and Mrs. Joseph Call-Mis. John Hart is John Emmons, Alfred Fletcher, Samuel Ford, all times for a spasm of croup. the order. Belfast visited at Dr. noit’s last week- entertaining company from Searsport-Mtb. Representing Companies whose Darius French, Simeon Farmer, Josiah French, WALDO STATION- Keep in the house a remedy that will give Whereas, Our Heavenly Father has seen fit John Hoit has been in Belfast the past week, Henry Winn of Clinion was in town the past Assets aggregate over 2nd, Leonard L. Gray, John Griffin,.2nd, Sears People in this vicinity have harvested their instant relief and keep the child from choking to call our Sister Merrithew from a short his treated. friends.... Rufus Gilmore is 1 having eyes until the of weeK visiting Goodale, Daniel Glidden, John B. Gross, Francis ice. It is of unusual thickness, varying from earthly life to the perfect knowledge of a arrival the physician. eternal be it quite feeble this winter. Hall, Samuel H. Harriman, James Hartford, two to two and a half feet, but not of as good heavenly home; therefore, OAK HILL (Swanville). Get a 50 cent bottle of HYOMEI today and Resolved, That we the members of Bethany $35,000,000 James Harris, James Jordan, Abel Johnson, luality as usual....Bert Hamlin and family of Miss Helen Knowlton is spending two weeks in case of an attack of croup pour 20 drops Chapter, have lost a good and faithful mem- with her Arthur at into a kitchen bowl of water. Hold the HALLDALE. Nathaniel Kidder, Nathaniel A. Kidder, James Belfast have moved here. He is now foreman ber from our order, sister, Mrs. Thompson, boiling Rev. J. McAuliff at the church Lanpline, John Lanpline, Thomas Lanpline, >f this R. R. section... .The Home Departmenti Resolved, That we express our deepest sym- Poor’s Mills_Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toothaker child’s head over the bowl so that it can breathe preached to the bereaved husband and son in this her the last He will hold John M. Ames Jeremiah Lindsey, Walter Mathews, Robert »f the Station Sunday school, which was or- pathy of Northport were guests of parents, Mr. soothing, penetrating vapor that arises. In Sunday morning. meetings Company their time of trouble. MAINE Collins and Mrs. W. R. Mr. James the meantime send for a physician. at the houses evenings this week-Mr. and STOCKTON SPRINGS, Morrow, Oliver Marston, McCarty,Dan- ganized last November, is gaining in interest Resolved, That our charter and badges be Peavey, recently.... Mrs. Hall of Brookp were week-end visitors at iel McMahan, Thos. McMahan, Nathan N. Mar- rod promises to be well attended... .Potatoes draped in mourning for thirty days; that a Webster sold two cows Feb. 7th to Mr. Crowell This treatment has saved the lives of many of these resolutions be spread on our re- of Mrs. F. Porter Webb children and is a that all Ira Hall’s....Moses St Denis, who has been tin, Gillman Piper, Nathaniel Patterson, Chris- remain t$1.00 per bushel. Several cars were copy Monroe....Mr. and precaution parents cords, one sent to the bereaved family,and one for Bert has Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, Moses L. James loaded here last week.... Mrs. B. Wentworth attended the of Waldo Pomona Grange should promptly take. chopping wood Hall, gone to topher Pendleton, Poland, Pay, in The Journal. meeting pimples, rashes, etc., are due to impure blood published Republican Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tobie 1 at Poor’s Feb. 6th_The Oak Hill sew- HYOMEI is sold A. A. Howes & Co. and Lowell, Mass... and Burdock a blood Jr., William Porter, George B. Rendall, Benja- »f West Waldo called on friends in this place Eleanor B. Colcord, ) Committee Mills, by Blood Bitters is cleansing circle Mrs. James Webster and is children and Mrs. M. W. White visited at J. E, tonic. Makes clear-braino!, min Rendall, Orlando Roberta, Dennis Runnels, last Monday.... Mr. and Mrs. John Swett of Annie K. Harriman. V on ing will meet with druggists everywhere guaranteed for you clear-eyed, Resolutions. clear-skined. Owen Rollins, John Rollins, Richard Smith, Knox visited relatives here recently. Charles Kneeland, ) Feb. 16th. croup, catarrh, asthma and bronchitis. Hall’s Feb. 9th.