A Private Letter from Los In Old Angeles. Mexico. released in order that lie attend to some he drives on the rivers and hunts in the may The 19th Maine. Into the Wilds of Maine. logs of Belfast aud Good Templars. iPl BLICAN JOURNAL private business. Me is now to News Viciuitj. the of Prof. L. c. Pnte- •.. "I’ permitted ap- winter. He is as familar with the forests of Through courtesy HM1S <’<>I.I.E,'TM> 11 I'll It AND I 1||'I!H p* nr daily upon the streets, but is close- FROM ARMY I.FTIT.Us nil KO. *2. memorial services in honor of the liian \ve are to HV "I II SIT, III. always fr.XIHACTS Appropriate permitted glean from another CDltliKsl'DNDl.NT. cl u- two Washington county as the company arc with Quoting a recent item from the .Tuimial concern- ly guarded by soldiers and obliged to re- FRONT.] Air Line w now it ; HI K'i*U .MOUSING BV THE l.'l-'NT 11 A ITI :N IN, is IN 'Hilt CAC1 I s Tin; Calais road, hile but lit- memory of the late head of the Order, John I*. private letter from Prof. A. A. Drury M !. cm X- turn in his prison cell before sunset, of each the streets of Belfast. Intelligent, hard work- ing decorated bean pots, the pra< tiral, bean-loving THY. tle u'< d, has a bard and smooth road-bed, but Finch, were laid a number of Maine day. Du rim; his confinement bis NO. O. lord of the Hot klanl Ca/.ettc ‘*In by large Angeles. California. The letter in pari covets long proper- ing, thoroughly reliable, he endears himself to Courier siys (if Hie has un ited was bniit as were of the in old- Lodges .Sunday, the Uth. [CoiTespomUiice ty away, his reduced to The are -till behind 1 li«*ir s» many roads the our a so the same as the one .lournal.] family pov- enemy i..j*«»I he with and deserves the eyes bean-pot is never handsome as when ground recently puhli-l.cd ci and » every company goes 11 A Cl Ml Nice. Nov. , ty wry hope and ambition of bis own en times. Our forefathers built aiitli. Iss7. Yen are at and continue to strongly ? generally it i< well tille: from one to A bargain was made with him for a week's in ii: the other in time. a otlor of the In of the 1«. \V. Issued facility for rapid transportation i> being pi hounded sin'] rise. \\e were slarlin- oil' ha- caused a deni of skinless in th>- kettle is longer lying down than standing savory the '‘teaming mass discounts charge Lodge. monthly i-. * burg good J on i '. li; a !\aiice, :?-_vno a year; ided in and around Los her in Sonora the gold fever is growing trip, he jumped board the team, and in a cold Angelo- to mak ihi- "ii n b-w .bn's into the ereel. One of the but not the delicate seent of ernshed rose leaves.” at *1 a year. sj :> >; ,t the expiration of the jaunt inlerior. s„ apace*. The famous new mines are in 111th. Co. A. has lost eleven by death ami i longest ascents, the great central point, and I cannot hi.t | placer drizzling snow squall we headed for the Race i- 'In eirens hi the sierra Azul (Ithic south-west of is the Chick in Amherst. We are indebteii to the lit 1 fast No. :;<• the winter cam that it will hold its far into the I'iylily c-tccir.cd tlii- country I Range,) most of the companies have lost more in- loss. steepest, Ilill, Up publishers of the CYui- Lodge opening \ Ti'.ums. J o'.ie square. 'one tin h ascendancy the ej|\ j ground in Plantation 30. At noon a lunch of if of Nogales, and about eight one side and down the No. 1 fora At its eve .■ •. -I o’i i«.r one week. ami l'» future, not forever. In regard to the town- -lienl-i r.aii uni e.n.ie down lien- witli Ids leagues The can into action with about other Is nearly three gregationalist, Somerset street, Boston, paign promi-ingly. meeting, Monday west id' the Mexican central railroad station regiment go j corned beef and hardbread was eaten the in-ertion. \ fraction of lot eraze which i> being derided throughout miles. by of the < Manual for issfi. it ning, the f»th inst., -< v« n members were added "areal.-t -hnw on earlli." I am not Mire ‘•ailed limn is. 500 men. Ilow vivid and sad i- the id This hi!! could not, however, have been copy i.ngregatinnalist by the it but Several band* of Yaqui Indians memory roadside and the horses baited and rested for an country, certainly -eetn< ridiculous, hut contains -‘The Parson's hv Pose initiation. Meetings evening at the H lie people, in their wild prowling about in that section are that old Falmouth on that «-»*ld well avoided, as the country is in this Prayer Metting-’ e\cry Monday von know if there i- a demand for an arti- l. w enthusiasm, committing camp windy j hilly hour. A tumble down furnished >liel- 1 ail manner of and life a shanty Terry Cooke, and a great variety of useful infor- I'niversali^t \e-try, opening at 7 o'clock. \\ ill he as as the d- e\i-t- ••|1' •>"1" -e I'1 -idem Ilia/ ;,i „ure depredations making and O! that little on tie* section. To assi>t the horses the out ...e .su:h 1.;/.e«l for the produced long maud and hill; graveyard knoll, j party got ter for the agents '• rror to l!ie miners. Near the of Zacat- horses, but the company ate their mation, a calendar for isss. and lias to and it is so with towns and in '' city something jn.-t lot.-. Tlio-«* ll-'' b ai. eon man mi. r > how was in the 10tl: and walked up the incline, but before At the hi't i•; Hillside G. of of tli- nation. a- also, a very old mine called “La Asturi- it grew. There cheering i long cold lunch meeting Lotlge, T., \ -'urn.-toti Si., Boston. who come lure entire -’.range:-, --Men Imu-- standing ankle deep in the mud. say of that excellent newspaper, The Congregn- '■:rann" lo >a.. Iheie are 1.0 ,ii:: which has been abandoned several times one and some of the old -oldier- wanted to reaching the top cursed Old Chick for Laity, the following resolution was passed, and 1 a •' i; \\ .-.'hisi^tou >».. Boston. withoiit ivek!es-l\ | eranilitilatir.- day, having with the investigation. join the <-r ing, but | damp snow falling upon them. Mc- tionalist. .Miss Frances J. Dyer, of this city, is a '• • < > non-j»a\ now such a on the was instructed to send it to the Re- I .v .. Slate si.. Boston. ""Use-ill M, I lie ..ne recently deepened—is old fellow hill bis premises. secretary and have heen known to in\e-t in "paper in-;ilution .fine know what it was for. Some speaks ! member of the editorial stall* of The < ! '. \\ in bonanza, out ore at the rate of Donald and the Doctor would have hot coffee ongrega- a-iii:ijt«.ii st., Boston. town-"' so on turning $24.- At East publican Journal lor publication “Resolved that high toweling peak- *.V tie- !• ‘1 '■ i* < statil is!.. ■. in lid- ejp,. conducted oflh week. out: “Oh, the 10th Maine is going to hive a Eddington there is a handsome vil- s mice St New York. Sierra by per at all hazards so built a lire the we commend liro.J. \Y. of Bel- Madres that when they Maud m the and a by wayside. heartily Mitchell, .:->w New York. th >n hi broth, -. and i- en ah ut four- oh Monday of last week the (fitif/enc.io run- railroad built over to their graveyard and i! lage, good water power. A. F. Merrill eoveteil spot, if ever do, will lie /The others washed down the cold lunch with Castim:. A. M. Devcrcux was in town again fast, for ids eftective cP.brts to enforce our they they nin. between and was prohib- liflln Of the ar. I' :. more dalapa iVrate, assault- tickles so solemn but tin- A Cm. mn a and mill here. A thetnsel\es so near lea\« n that the afno-, 1; iv ;, really 'ii,.- n them.*’ No subject spool grist stop -< in aid of a new ■ <•■! near cold water from a brook near The s recently, liciting money survey -\ i. e ;»y bandits, the of by. hor>« mirier or lesirin:' to will he too rarefied for comfort. i: f\" p. rl o in lin in a third rale fhealri village Tepeyahual- old soldiers would have their jokes about it. was made at niojie;. Put > their store and oats bought for the for the and < a**. •• A warlike Bangor astine railr lie sureeed- _:• I. must >tate tile lli'in :l l'e.neir passenger, Mr. Teodoro Teeu- i- were harnessed and the was i* no need of taken in in that w circus, i 11. buildimr itself is of The army of the I'. t mine again under march taken up T!ie new unw ritten work is being as rapidly dis being ona, refix d to horses. Crain had to be taken into the ed in ! ■'.! :!'c paper has heeil sent, as w mhI. with canvas “put bis nose to the ground** for a rail; woods, raising about *.hn, which, with amounts re for if thev wi l go ami inv.-tigati* tie v w .'! roof- half plaza de forms, marching ord« rs and but drenching for the Race ground. u. i>. seminated as the Grand !•* v. s-i " i!< n iinmandi possible among Lodges, i'i hie!) i: ir.t. i' d II" id w d and showed tight,—which :*. hut the main was to at «vi\ d from other sources, will -tar? the work. The lind towns with water to ; ,tii | ar,|Ue!ie. pit and I' storm would have given tin* rebel- sound supply he obtained Bed- pij.ed .-ry lot u?n:>i:ai so Brackett gave it to the District lied ii -e ivr in led proceeding astonished the robbers Secretary Lodges pure mountain s- urc* line ecmt 1.1 and may be inferred from thrashing. Two days of rain have converted the of from civiliza- Mineyiug party will start from Bangor about the ;.p(i bat ran otfiii j dington. point departure '• ta-l mould < ; they iiaste and the coach arrived an Notes and Comments. of Kennebec and Penobscot, Counsellor Hamilton tum walks, horse ear lines, ch-r! rj. 1 el-.;. ! rratuibuis adv. rl i-illir the soil of old Virginia into enormous soup middle of tliis month- Mr. Warren Nickerson, of -I io l. s« notice ..f the at ils j tion. Crain was at several " < safely destination. procured places to -team motors A »;• i' h III" trriiis l'ee. i.e .. the Mevi. an tin.* movement, of troop< a!mo- Androscoggin and Franklin, and other ofticors :i;;i to tlie r. Ii provided. A new —rendering Oiriugfon. will he chief engineer.s-lir. Mabel, pap* ia!e paper, called l.n i’mz a!, ng route, France must without are •• Id 11.0 i::ll J'tmalaria A few since «mr eon:-. : the and the farther east we went get along (ire\y. The .1 1.1.a i.-is!. I-I.r !.i e. old Spani-h grant-, ae-1 hu t( <> that ejly lew-paper- been impossible. days army on to Somerset and Cumberland, last week at their re ba< him le it> in the< of 1 Capt. >tout. arrive l Sunday with lumber from Isis', in- I hat ■: raimm of appearance ity Mexico, the was reviewed Gen. Hum-i-io. French i! He ip! urn pai-i to can he ho ill'll] :.t a moderate hv i ; 1 i | each pi iTorm- 2nd, by t!i higher the At oats were Premier has District pr■*•••■ ii i- dt voted to the inti rests of Free price. Eddington resigned. Alex. field, with which a new spective Lodge-. 11 ■ -lid.bl O di-n al were with u- on a Campbell, Cherry pa lilt imeie. I ae .i:111- ais or-\ndieate-. to he ro*,« d. nr 1 1 il'Uted ly ill Ihe ir- Masonry. Many, alas! who similar j m; day. but will take an f"t i v-liw cents at Aurora <50 In the -!; -I. active in Of < per bushel, cents, absence of John I.. Sullivan Boston shed roof will lie built on the front of the The ! a...i -riN mi*. ’-•»!»i at i-.i ad 'd i' I eh .-II- 11::.I part polities. occasion two months ago at this time d p be- store >ecembcr immln'r <»l tl>>* Maim* Temper uoo-1 protit-. ye nr. b'lddilly. peo- cour-o It i -. i. n \ mi n: ■ n -> .auti-<'ntholie. and the name ud at To cents. If the eon- founder-, tiii- wiil 10 lh-i• p, i.ln-v, '.lie;; lo Apert. The Me\i an places neatli the bloody lield of Frederick-burg. lHsr- i lloddington price has found consolation in a savage dog light. house on .teamboat wharf for the protection of anre Kreord, thc.otlieial organ of the i<<•<>«I Tern » a!*- r;i*ers iii arrears -' f R.irlirio Diaz at tlie head of its columns as m of in t. a t, a ,i the advance of tin* our < timer! to in something in the natun of the < ieia:. |. send m- ing present army, r| | increase geometrical progression it freight and passengers in stormy weather. plars of the .State. < loses Vol. In. it is published ■ it' candidate for a One of Barnum’s swallowed over is •• ■ r I in.ei, I k'liahl-. li.i-ni-li perpetual presidency. is held in reserve, we will hav» no \ elephants that ..f -p- illation am! vami-lir r, Perhaps Grand in ilii- It a productive A* i*.ling to the Ditn in the customs would have bankrupted the company before At the of a now the .-eats in by.the secretary city. propose- ■ ■* ; -111..- ..11 lie:-- ■:■!.. if, Ojicial in the we will hu\e ill.- three hundred hut we opening Congress ami town-are loumied and a t m t- ••! tided by a baud. part battle—perhap- | cents, should have lee; ; t at \ era Cru/ for tlie ten are series of portraits ami brief of leading ih -nils coinage forth? not in the v members have to a Templars •itninyr ,/. ; ?•* r< Inm-es all built and furnished. a:. •: poj.'.hi.'. st Imre. bring Verily r.daily It after dark when was necessarily take back scat. A rei\ sul»rrip- I would can minis during tin* tiseal foots long Aurora past year up l'x-(iov. .St. John declines in advance the Brackett Co., I’ubii-hi rs, Belfast. Hi. -loti run I -urprise you to see how -ueliuii! i.. t :t !v r: up. I ii« : : i.iki r\ of si'T.ldd.PTt. in ami silver. he had thought of There to a boom in Good all ili*. \ 1.. .\ M l.i '< >ii. -’.inn*! a lr«-i;/'. of gold ed in, if a th« *ma!!<--t regard Charles Sill lie could not us Tcmplary hi” irirls. will sp> or to hold the r :ij»i*i*ol person possess; j y*s place. put up, he is to be deposit : I to the of Perhaps waiting bought. taken and there, over tie * hie .! ■! U 11 ( iia-f. i'i-! a-uiv. A\ a s P first October there were 3.S4S) for Absence of is -on lirst, although were a good many state. can hanllv read a local Maine fu-ai a -a a .a. jn-rfonucr i»h*a> personal safety. body but that we of lot for hour tinm. to have mi!- <>f suggested drive to Mr. Henry ! M. ’i* if-i:;!-. ! *«11S t. ci '•!:<» a.-riiu- ! 11 railway built and in operation, and the safest: but. I trust, few are tin i nn wlm The Vermont arc good seats left, he wandered round for live min- paper but from one to a half dozen items arc found advaneeit ean lie -old at,and tbi- i> <*r ba- h, ly Republicans organizing «•••’ ;• '•> u < >■ \ ci'al lines are A 1.. Rowe"*?, a few rods farther down the road. 'villi n-i ! will; being rapidly extended. hold their own lives dmier ilian tha: ii; ir and clubs the utes before lie settled on the rigid. Mr. referring to the work and of the Order, done but n member tbi- i- a : .1 /e. 1 forming campaign throughout Republican doing- largely, r‘ '• ! ■ * I'";: "W igi h !•' h !!••'!. i > :u,• : :ri l: gu railroad from Doming has lately ■ with whom we State. a country. T!ic 10th i.-back in wi, Wr i«i.iri Every person spoke in regard HoatelU*, who came soon after, had to content him .!< ■ re-ult of booming boom. several I ke the K< i<*an urnal, have v he J out nal. born d south of pap*-, pul*1 n rnjreP along tin; foothills the after the mud march of doe Hooker. A n- 1 to : If I bad mean- I wm: ! ..I a th.t dEtamv said >o rods, instead Maine holds an election two month* befor. self with seat on the outer row.’’ Mr. R, < \ < buy ••i rra Madiv a invariably many got a regular department of iood Templar news, and !. tii.-i mill 'ii.; •; 1 ii*: .-.• 1;«! through mining section which cent of the g;\cs us the i ean i-e bad ia a-; \ c t •>. inspection regiment on piaee- up 1 Of a** is the custom in Belfast. next as a -cat ihe outer but a new member course oxer •" '■if' •: i‘ !; * n-i >! i. ns a v.'orld of wealth. Articles of incor- yards The and is our motto we should row, almo-t of with .'o.nuo member- in the State *:h I. < 11* I \\ •! .V Co., i n:. p “There i- m> bett. n gi- ■ Vermont, Dirigo railroad faeditie-. 1. u si no 1 ., 1 following report: ample >. 11 ha\c l*ct i. U A Vain "1. i >. I* !• t■ r ii< > :»i.■ :**:\ l.» -ii mi •;ati• tiled, making it the “1 >em- lliont in the serviee of it- Well drhh-d I house was many rods, or the would not let the (Green Mountain ahead of immediately ga\e him a better seat on the lirst Re there are si <»res of readers interested in le--. w In r- all kin I- "f 1 ruiI and \> _* ? d.i.-- 1 age. gun boys get directly ! ini■ II'.' "•■■ill I •" .-iii*! i" inn; «*|»air< an I h.m-lm> iug. >ierra Madr»* A: Pacific R. R.,*' and the and well : so near «•* e h disciplined and cared for tine tvgi- -hoot rods. At Mr. Rowe’s we found us in for publican aisle, Ids nid one. « pt the oraii”e ar.d lei:e-n m r n- i : a i: many preparing the important contests of V' I**.-! *.. r**M. I.m r:« .!>...{» \\ Camp town., large tracts of timber lands have visited tlx* west of the Missouri, by .Jones, Cndine. No. :;«o. S-. oxer -i\ years it ha- been your money j- 'll''1' 1 ! * \ ! in-. Tw>. firms country il '-aini! !*f 1 iir hai •. heavy banking of (iermany The ti-h were rai-iii”. I should he a- sure 1 ai; a : m-• and in t!u winter a that there will he a rise in the ol Rangor. obtained from the govern- i/.ed and has been In ami II ilic conducts business. sharp price orgus prosperous, numbering -n;>\ i'i.Ii<■!." 'ii\ a aid -am.* which have bandied tiik 111th in m: i.imj .-liria; < ami*.\i<..\ logging FA-^T DIRECTORY that a- ! ini- iv-t ■ beef at an fuel that there i* a ment, and were property .-lamldof an II had a crew hi** early day. They fifteen in number and about two now an even one hundred members. Its ii i:. •. \\ l.u; ! p>:i; 1 the bulk of tin Mexican securities, at house and was paid up •-•li.j- i!».- h,-? ■ making less ment bonds. I mentioned -tnek an i .*u:tr\ > After participating in all tin? Hum-id a-*.! number of cattle In proportion to popula- inches when into tie* m-" puitiiM up tin* funds for the enterprise. to into the long dropped pond through leading otlieers for t'nis -juarter arc L. d. (.'aider will milk ten «• ••n»- *.-m 1. Hooker the 10th ft Ii in dune lV.h i preparations go woods. The house lation than has been the case for a number of say that i- p. ri. : campaigns, .. ■ •. ii« i- to the ice. after \ ! \\J l>.i * \ I S. Nl line only forty miles long, designed Mr. .Jones sV.d the farm and w<»•. I, < i ; Hattie Moulton. \ T.. Oria best butter .V> « t-. and -h lai V -A V, I M\ I I. !\ i;i I.! •niillil'M, and footed on the bark Hark tswari in :bo of the and years. [Boston Journal. Libby, pel pound, connect Dcming with the along days Bangor Calais staging bad .*. 'a.. '*. If. AlTiU1 10.4"* corporation recently hiard nothing about the fate of the lish until So'.. Laura L. A 1*. e””- |‘> et-. d< /< II. Yi t o|| ean I ! !• 1 •'« a -i«A. ;• ■«••!. \ reaehing then- in-• a- ti..- tv! = Crockett, Treas.; Calderwood, per y 1 i/ lo Ilw ! 11m- iciia cl.: rt- red in Mexico known the same Gettysburg, j i- a tavern and the barn attached i> This confirms the opinions of Hon. I.< by name, fitted up Libby w in n he reei iv« d a six- a, ... u were e>m--- recently, express I )c M-. ets ex ■ at iiood hotels for sl.dd and s-;>.nn | it II Il '■! ! Sjt >. \\ hi, I, m- 1m ill! ■;n;.e emerging from the mountain-. W«- by carp put;.. Thur-day enings. « ■ p.-r ai.d ilic i; .V.* l:i\ \\ 1IM -I; :t\ !;> colonization and settlement of tlie re- for a number of horses. All the in an l (Governor Bodwcll, in the Journal the above as -1 m- the sin. '• ii ed the near aid ed- i large beds printed teen inriiis anil two a > mention it I r* In in:.i ia.- t•;in*--1 Ini!! a ln»u i:inr Oecoquan Coh-he-ter pree long weighing am! half M i• 11 ! line, or oil ar- :: u i- a par! of tin* scheme. One of tie mtv be-t Lodges In Waldo eotiiity Is without the evil, ill' I it s 11 !'•! I 'M a r< •< ed o Centrevillc. We then took the line of t he house were of Dec. l*t. peel a’«d’ \ 1 -:i | I !• -ntiamv of 1 hi- K :11 ! Faxnii: II. Wai:i». occupied, hut the front room, in pounds. The Ii• was accompanied by a letter * lleseue No J : Mo ili. w hi*-';. h:t- been strong or :•! iulermeiliate iainl- tllill” I -I e. all I I- not SO over 1 ro\\ ‘le i. lor ui.i Iln < -Mi I hl/a. M 1 !.•• « cl Mi \i- ina* eh to Thoroughfare dp. cm—ing th old li> winch there was a open was Louis the from Mr. \. .J. Margrange, of Ca.-line, who wrote ■ large tire-place, "chilling, (German-Amcrican who noxv ct •*.it li *!:t v at about it he for some time, while lie- demand i.-i a T; ii,!,;- i\ threw n in»*»n ih* m-< m Hull Hun battlefield and reaching 11:*? < ij> in and vigorous for many years. It numbers j to is i froiu that caught seven of tiie :ish in the < generalities. to off a gi'en up tin* In the where Washington demanding reparation tii'-y pond. tho-e lands will steadily im-r. a-e. n-i.i•/ tin- a a 11 I in 11 •! in- :i11-i ih > ••! at j. is- time bead column of th. nemy. lb r<- party. country members, live, earne t and -ipiare on the hooks. the Mexican (Government for cruellies Four of tln-sc were w -i 1 ~ the rebel u- alleged put back in the riter and the For tin- pia ui this i- poo;- man'- p.o Ii iii* ha!"!•-. a.,.'| iln- liiammiil "l fair ta- cavalry kept till wideawake. wood is the farmer aulieres to the tire- The ollieers are L'ii-ha Frank W. -j., plentiful him. is a Brown, Deputy; < j- -aid j,, <.\jst in = practiced upon pronounced regular M for lie ean 1 tent in whi- Ii I i 1 .1 ; '-in \v ii ii imn--u.il x. A \ \ l.cprc.sy Rathsay. Minn. Ilaymarket, on our leaving tin* Gap. lie- other three were retained. Mr. M. says: “The thfoii^li .rrill, piteh which consumes as much wood as a Rock- cram;. 1 liief Lilia M. Hutch. Vice 1 place. Woodbury. Templar; i. a no and 1 am p*id -■ an-! !liicjiaf*!i• shelled us from a the roadside, kiil- is 11:\ Ia*a\f- rivfilom ealdn matter ln>\\ poor, au*!it-me \va- -_r;*th* ;a *i. D is < battery by pond ful of fish of all sizes, from one inch long j (-ported tied hil.a has decreed the land lime kiln. As a source of warmth the fire- Tho.. la-kine. see.: Isaac L. Iliiteh, !’.• l:a-t at ill'- a. in. work ean l»e found r- adiiv all am! iln-re are i:•< !11ii.. ing one man in the 10th and wounding in lie must be a crank. American citizen Templar; by ami ild< of « oiva. many Any to the size of tins one.” Thus h -.this that Mr. -• pclldeliee !'•*. :a at 1 |>. in arri\ injr at of ehaiu*. for tho-e of ;n■•an- •! ai-i the Division. One of our I.ait- re wn.-« !-. 1 is iiot a Treas. Meet- evenings, rain or shine, pleiily business j nitir.i i. i'iic terrible vim wit!: which plan- success, about ninety percent, of who would look to the present Administration •Jones' Saturday '■ la '.II experiment has successful. tin- into ar.d soon proved entirely c ami eiidtiranee. fi;«:. 1 i tnrr» ru-In-i! ahiml. m>rinu' !i«»r<<-s •lolm I.. Sullivan is drawing large and prolil- position caused tia-m to limb.-r the heat the and all Good Templars are onlially invited to i:.;! m i.iiifthroiiuli tin- t.»\\ ns of going up chimney, but nothing for protection or red res.* from injuri*‘s rereived •'!. ! ii:•••:* :mn. wa- _rr<-«*if I with mi- :d : house- in Kngland. up and leave. From Kdwards we march- ><»rni M<>mvii.i.i:. Mrs. >. ( .Johnson is at the outer door and come in and o. Winter- !■'■> Ferry very •five the .-i^na! l‘r* l iaiikfoi t. ‘■In « rs the belated traveler like the Tin* Flu MMrrv i.aiih «! ulit. a- r< n crackling on foreign soil mu*t be a crank, s. sick....Samuel I’ _.*i I >ail\ f\<«'|»t >ni:- better rotary Fowles, who has been quite -Irk, parti, ipae- in the ever- i-» s, which are always in \ S:i\«!«-:*. iin Indiana pedestrian who couldn’t dt) and 40 miles a li re \v« li!i’d .. A t' a! a. in. Ihtimi There were Ih e lair sisters, and »:a h had ;• a ut ! burg, making day. wood, placed a generous band on the has ottered a on sort is '!< of by Bayard premium this <>f better.... Leonard look and wife have moved ■ i» walking, exhalation. a am to i. at 1 a. m.. arriving in I»el Flora would lain he a fashion.-*n|e dam* >i»cal*i:i ci •»i!I li-hl-. mu- -con h, i-hmun struck snag. I only referring llie 2nd andirons. Camp blankets were spread on the thing and enjoys it. That is what be is in the into the house with Harris..m Wallace. Mr-. scholarly Susan selection w.a- !• in a- that -ni t d t!i!:;i- in \ii• ni• u. ami Corps, commanded at this time by Gen. Han- No. j- j, of Thorndike, returns A ‘-ow-milking machine has been invented w Saywaid Lo.igc \ -a t 1m uiarli tin- towns < < a I’oor itli comfortables and robes for of Heifa- i, is ini otp-.eltisli <»ra eared more for .v* I I •••!.-. •'■a ; i1: tin •ciMiiiar cm cock. At we nu t tin wh.de covering, State Department for. Wyman, kcej ing house for Mr. das. | ili-im -nt: I-ut and a man. Gettysburg Army «.:• meinliers with the ollieers. Joseph .. .a: Nebraska following l.ibrrtv. Moiitvilie, I'alor- Anna, a 111 hitioils, aspire*l a ft* w»alt ii: ■ patented by of the Potomac it- new and w i:b feet W ailaee .11 >11 is J.. ''••: 11 -:! f r .i''the mi. I >jmrt i- a \vc- under commander their towards the tire the Belfast .Jackson has engaged to \ ---a ■ a. *l Auiru-ta. cn- 'M-Msible sarah lir-t l«.t it ii. W. i fennas. a of s a the whole rebel army on the l-t da\ of duly, copy Social Science, a journal < ery and yrew healthy ami !>i**oni:i>y. ('•*: 1' h-. oj salary 10,000 year. with their weekly pub- rill. M ilowi'-s is to begin the winter school 1! :i- and no wen* from lirst day’s Treas. Meets at Har- a > -it. In in.-. via >\v an- i hi- t: i \liicrican turns having support driven their journey. Dyer, Saturday evenings -1 •> (pliekly faded: >us;m eye-iylit failed inm lished in New York The entire number here next tiovernor of Delaware, owns eleven Gen. city. Monday. Mr. Howes taught here two -t at : n. iifturiiin^, Fim a heeatne nervous un i freli'ul m .:w:.\ in •ii-im-t. i! wa- luv id Mint1. »m. tin,- l»iggs. position and their brave commander. idi'iay morning we awakened to tind a mon's hall. The ar.nual session of the Waldo over-stud;. is devoted to alt. I farm- and iias made a fortune from them. killed. th 2nd portraits and sketches of tlx* An- y ars ago and gave good satisfaction_Tin* re- -tmin^r fashion, am! -iekiy I'umih pt a.-". !•• iiiti: Ili-rnamli/, tin-in-»-t fasu- Reynolds, Wednesday night >‘>uthea>t and rain District Lodge w ill be he'd with them about the .i.i!.: ; to\\ ns gale prevailing descending iirou-li tlf Anna's husband poor. I’.ut -ensihie saral* yi*-w Corps camped about two mile- from the Held. archists recently executed at , from ligious meetings -tiil continue at the .Joel Jackson an The llaroiivs* DurdetM 'outts has re- in middle of February. There i< another good Lodge .!<■. annli li t Uni'klaihi* daily more healthy. hanum am! intehiyenl. and just All the other were dose Thursda\ torrents. Alas! the prophesies of the Judge 11 m vi i: m t.t -i !i.ii i:t: a Corps by. which we infer that the science it advocates is school house. There has been several conversions ... -. Ainw at iJella.-t at 12 m. -lie married rich. d hripio-i of sn.ooo.oOO from a relative. in the town ol Betiiel No. JJirJ at Last at we all fell in.'after Wi re \( ritied. It was to start out rimrnitike, morning daylight partak- impossible in ami are interested.C. T. Randall and .J. m o' W'»||. >•» i\ \ w in the use of bomb*, a that many Thorndike. It returns members with the fol- Mistress— “1 >id;:'t llic maear.■!.i r.'im1 fi«*iu tie- ijin^ tin* Aii unfortunate sailor fell between two eot- ing of short rations of hard bread and pork, dynamite study oii,\..... ij miles, throe such a storm and the made themselves I L. M: bi "dli-iI ail" Ilia: tlic IA .• tin*:: -and moved party and Howell ha ve ugiq a large lot of hoop poles B. 1. Moifiav.-, Tlmrs- irroeer’*, liridpet?’ Ilridpe! ^ i-. !ti. hat 7 “-j |mm.pie ton hales at and smothered to and slowly and solemnly t<> the future naturally, properly, leads to the gallows. lowing ollieers for Hi:- quarter. A. Boberts, ii* l! h./a d ;•! ■' wn ;v as comfortable as on a\ o I clitn same -ilit it lat -U. 1 rrv \v:ill u\ thim -tilll- va i upon iln-ir ft. t in battlefield. The 2nd was called a possible for the day. The the Jack-on place in Freedom which fliev are !.» imp! death. Corf)- light- We can get along in this well ( T.; Abbie Small, S'. T.; i.. s. Small, See., B. A. a -t ile i »,:.••,! country very IJ in wild.In-ion. \elied ihcin- ing Corps and had left on battlclields more probable duration of the storm was discussed ami sociable met lUriliaWII'n (.real Work. without that kind of cutting hauling.The with Files, Treas.; M. T. Higgins. Input;.. Meet-Sat v. i; 111 f\ct '■M\.- !" ar-e and v."iiicii faint. '! -all Im .anise Fi\ e si-ters in Terrell (ia.. have men than its ranks then contained, but all science. eounty, and tla* sailor of the said that no i Mrs. Olive Ran ,!i .1. m. and 7 did p. m.. Tin* .-tattle of 1.ii•rt. «• !i_rI»t«• *tii• u '< \mi! !•’. 'i> h rii 1 had ner\. nomih t<> throw eaeh ehildrcn. all of whom are ex- party Wednesday evening, unlay evenings. eighl hoys were conscious of the terrible ordeal marked Our have the St. -i lain, la aw w hhh Nt amis on 15. I- .: m tin- I:*•».«»'- yachtsmen may courage of Nov. Rot it. 'Hie next will meet Mr-. < 'M-aii-port d i : !;• liere. one. southeast rain storm at this season of the with II. ■ pa!u bull and pierce empt out for it on that ami it moved firmly and year (•olden t.. Lodge. No. J7. of Great Laid In a... .; iim at IU Hast in Now York, is on.- of t.m> -f -nhlnm .• :-t:c -; day (George himself, but they cannot beat a (Gener- lit in to t lie heart a ■_ 1<* t Iirnst. I; was on. All was -till in the mm n lifted over twelve hours. The how- 1‘ottlc Wednesday evening iicc. lt«b. •.tin- trains. 1 lions <.f modern tine Tim t a ! »i j. Several have been killed and others resolute!) early landsmen, al Paine so long as lx* can view the Hancock c-u ! n< of too.-, which ■: lewe'.l f. rmai:<*. or; ! persons en»-m>\* nty, Lodges < p< lie ami save the of men ami the of «:le*s lipht- tin* nation- of tin- earth j a- r |'M strongest tramp rumble long ver. as we no band six months before he meets him. Lon- A l >M : ! 1 :i:\ p i:. I'm In* this u tin- Law i’M.S. wounded an in the declared that had had fall rains cap*:< have been a bles-ing to their It num- norite ami tin on.* h I iln-rt fits! inii'-: in I i i« 'o,;:;i v iia | Im eii adver- l»y earthquake province trains of ambulances in the distance as tin \ ommunity. j*ropr*-*>. of ( alabria. don Field. rci.ro, Ma- of \>>v. _‘qi., -ribc- •a I I m Italy. the storm would he a one. Mr. Itowe Haily Kngle bers an even half a hundred m< with d. C. In:: Mr pr< .^ramunr for riy*’ is ait empty word to the thousand- of p-< I make tli- i: \• 11 irreali r, i! wa> uncoiled from position and moved along with long mbers, as n<-> w niioii n;-ln\cd ! 11•• -:<• i; dhuei.; a hum! •! aiui' inn. I ;ha! '•nonti In point of fact (Gen. Paine did not “view follows the invention of a former re-hamt of ; |• ll.-rnande/ would A \oumr woman of Heading, Pa., threw a the column. Tin* thought that -mm* of our brought out eider and apples and entertained Duie.i.c.T.; Jennie Crawford. A. i hann Will- lit «ifu. K. Tufts, f< ! ! i.ior*1 ih 11 at. \ n To -u*• 1 -vt ■ -/. this : tyrannical ii,di! y. a’-nieti \\iih mil) a -1;• *rt glass ».f vitriol into a man's inn; because he number would them before night, the enemy’s hand” until he gave them a *tern city iams. S''.: .loin: It. In in.. l.'» I»r. '- occupy the company with stories of wood life. In the shaman, Deputy. making p. piv.n liinjr. |>. brer- Pierce l avoriti Ihvsciipthm Imid- -Wold. -..: ■ I wills f the tt-md defen'ee- deelined t>» her. wounded and could not be Mr. lb N. Wiu-Ii w. our well-know n tail r, has foi th :;ii' of a, onto. It a- a marry bleeding, repn-1. view of the Volunteer. The Thistle was his to h< -AS hen promise -peedy spcilw « :;f!< muon some of report udquarter-the deputy .-ay.- an '•>.•!’ I <>:< d -e:u .■ -o that in The was too am! 1 the more enthusiastic, dress- just l*i*» n granted a patent on a lang.-r in «•-*• .ut •!' Marki't and in nil those laritiesnnd w< very certainty apparent, many pantaloon "- derangement*-, irropi ■ and we organized tin n wa- 1 of drunkenness a-' t m deal to t e Mr. Charles I)iekens. dr., seems to have been built under lock and launched in .t stretcher. It is an ingenious device u.-ed !'*>r II. ! iI K. 1 va*-i.:n- at lu.iio i:<•<-« which make life a. harden to so whim > Is he hra\e il l. our numbers would never see at.other *i in rubber clothes and sallied forth for a hunt key, bag, many ’day. the wrinkles out "i Tb> in >\; i. I hv and of it ■ taking pantaloons and inning around, w bi.-h ha- been This -x .: m*. ; p!"i_ nnaUni; nr on Tin* medicine dd «s, umiei a pi wen- small, a. live ami greatly impressed Niagara spoke Who would it be was a natural n il ti n.. The ■mi the and false measurements sent to this ; --hanged. bigap- only by mountain, hut it proved fruitless. Fri- country the bottom- in ihe same a- when tin '. Hit v w ii in : i, |. :lii iln Isi.ni- as **a of terror/’ shap. po-ili guarantee from '.in- laaiuifacUivcM--. that !ly of :i' h were plaee ahjeet summer morning, so peaceful and beautiful, and (Gen. tin hands of ple ounty and t>*rmerl\ llmn-ands of gallons of M-h*m>i night was as the Paine did not know anything about the prc<-man. It consi.-ts of a -priug Ni-.di buildiiJi:, will L'ive satisfaelbm in or in.mi'y wi!' m.. •■! !i;i ill oint-- were soon day passed night before—upon every i"d ) would be marred the wild commotion wive w ith "il in tin- centre and a wo n eider w i-ie made, but that is done ith.and ■ I'h.-ian. The State of Texas is to fall heir to by hIi fornii away 1 ; 1.-. l atlu he refunded. See guaianiee on \\r;:pp« bii-Mi a- i. ".d, likely tie ti"< r her until hi* own craft was built and printed Mini a'mo-i as -harp. NYv.-r of battle and the little birds tin; road-in- in front cl tin* large open lire. Mr. rigged. hung on a a! each end. Tin* ends of the w ire li snnda> in r\«*r\ iimaili. iiottlo. sio.nno.noo or •■'•'In ,000.000 left tlie millionaire by pivot our Lobis iu a Ibu-ii-hieg eomluioii. We are em-losing did \>!<: ,• r by a arc turni-hed :> < \V» perform more excellent wmld soon be when screaming Ib’W! 1 to (Gen. Paine i* yachtsman and not a -ncak with prong which protrude «•«•! IP H. ntwortli IP-an. who ha l no relatives. frightened agree! have the hunters for an through u- e new ieill w i.ieh \\e lo •' up e.\peet have tin 1 v elite : !h former- and cab-be.- to the in-ide of .In building "a'-diath Srlio.d, A row with *i\ h p.- is on of the :*._r' i« -o' by this yoiltll- shells and their bursting fr.igiu.mt- would till thief hunter. panla- -iiiy '■tart cup to them it- ished and lor d» ■ ;a atmn b> ( hristina-." .1 >m h a e..u ...... ; i'! : m ... A the t. s(. Saturday morning. Country people i"ons, kceji po-item. It work- read;. p li: mill" products of mlsun. Kan-as. i with raire. With large a surplus the eountry would tlie air. Soon we halted by the e.-niiv of the equally -• well on a large or small of being a great coii\enicneo to In rs'li. >h-* can w d d hi- lit; ions .-Iiar_fc. -he stood not the a few millions in line of battle. The walls and fence- ar torn are risers, blit Mr. Itowe Atlanta, (Georgia, had an elcciion to pair pantaloon-, per- grudge spending the proverbially early recently so Hillside L-Ige, of t mix. at a recent meeting -am 1 arranged that the prong- protre.de further on a pitot with lour lops ami kirk with tin 1 .. he had • approaeh* i| within three of down to facilitate the handling of :r was s decide whether or experiment penny postage. jwhen apparently alway up. Ilis clock was run- prohibition should prevail larger pair, where there i< more power t > the n -hi mu- ,the death of .IP a. m.. '• '•lid-!• required adopted following suniiay !.' i: .o' !.* n!y -priniriiur aside as the ] called into action. hold them in It is Tin* throe Us broiiph; beprei. i.In- on I* i*:»! rum resume its Bum was place. claimed that a pair of w I. The latest census shows that the time* and fully minutes sway. victorious*. Fiore,.- \ .lone nierso to a groat political party it? 1'! Tl ; it one hand she would greater Soon the men returned to their arm- Jo n -t ninety pantaloons hung on this hanger will never get out * -d of men in so \\ It: iva »■!.!' I 11 1: lid' II'- !'■ in.'.T" i*V, win'*n I>r. 1‘n ico ;o. i'. d 1 in the In--, w it ii tin* M-arlet cloak number engaged the Massachusetts a for the* march of two hun- fuM. that four o’clock his time was The following Item from The Metropolis, of ol shape, hut it out of shape win n will sipnifyin_- 1 little, long weary l»y quite hung up, j Wisdom ha- iviimi'd from this Jij.* our < -bvim-d !«•!-. bring l'oaco to thi* min i. I*. a. i. i.a atoii't- i hi*- aimer, and with the j li-hing business are native Americans. dred miles does not leave them in a Florida, tells soon resume their origin:*.I -hape. If vv during Ma-n'i, IVmpIr, very early. At midnight the were awaken- Jacksonville, how the victory -i-tiT nee 1 Vrfi at ion !u a:ih t.. the •• »• l \. sleepers a wet and on thi- dev ice over thev l’h»n A. Jones. i. -tl»i.l> -in. .' hand d \t. roils,\ thrust into his neek a nimble state. Their faces arc and hag- day hung i.ighl, j A mob of armed men undertook to pale < 1 1 a was celebrated: will have tin* lies *lvi d. ilia wo n .• this u r a Ml lot ion, and v /"'i, '■ wi:o-e lifty -y shouting outside and a man appearance ..f being latelv pi. d. eognb T So. H. liivnlar The sound- t in :..i ■’//»/. barb. :i< it their worn and covered witii presently Knglish language funny -harp on; lie* town of Kan., and live gard, clothing We wish for Mr. Win-1* w the ip. the workings o| an A 11 \\ 1 lather. > \vi|ie C>psum, a p. a a. i.i r.trh niontli. or. coiiio -ai an ! ed !b- lh -h. e.ui-ed him to roar w itli a rai'ed the window and Charnel white nun. wa* "I will hy-amlby aid on;. pi raire mud, but quiet self-po-ses-ion and determi- demanded lodging for Hightower, young vention dc.-erv. !,i'-'ii\ i*i 1, tiiat w her hr till* r- and -•.-tors in h men were killed in (he resulting affray. set surely American. ami tin- -hopketpe; ha*l an attack oi an 1 pain. nation marks man. Aero-- the narrow upon bv three I.AMUN'i. W'e iv.-, i.ilv «r:i\.* n wlm>o inlluono. has ever t•• •« m to streimthoi! and -v liiitr in oa*di inot.iM. hy Hug., in.. Uanirrr hunters hound for the Sabio. we*re t us. j i* le'd di Ml'. .-I :«» I..- a!w > vaded a "Isoj'l time Hnee. S1 .000.000 to of Lee. Hushed with their of They they hurrahing for the triumph <>f liquor, of the salt* nf a n|*!ii Alt V\h(* ^llfiVr iroin • -oiiirl ! ;tv n ! !> ay< by beipieat’ned legions victory «|ii:nvy ;tt this p!ae>\ ;uii Hn«i fur- :■ I •• d were and struck him on the a Hesoiv ti a wo extol 1 t-- •: ■ t mi1\ ami < ''1 _M-|. >ise a \ J h n. him \il< town of for charities. the man be -mv full of rum and enthusiasm. and were they head with stone d, \ !i i. \.». 7 IParular iho t.roi.ohial tubes. or temiom to on planned native N'ewry previous day. "Every his ther in t ie < pp'i- '.mptem particulai e.irrospomlenec f the bll- friomI ur ’n tin-1r a a' b» leave aiid -;: •., i- ., from tin: cfleets of whieli he died Wednes di'i'p -yr111•:11!i*- \finnj •l owing 11;;i moon. a 1 i >»:. V. ts’i u; it w w i- M « m.i: '< i e. a! would a itue.i-.-. are all right" i- tla- lay. I cartridges pa—eu along very noi-y. Mr. Howe gave them wort!i AmiTie;1.n meat. ■ Tiie famous 1 doin of Huston is something 1 was a vi n»o«l\ a- agree-dde to ti.o th om n uni;! a! last, idee-liuir. si.j- :nd e.\- gild.* gradu- >• on ma of h-ceased merely passing along the street pa ompl.'tel\ line, and all heed the caution. Bt*«o!\ ed. that a ■ 1' tin r---o!i.shm- he -cut n r a r •■! U-d In-. It t'» cat, fed their horses and 2 o’clock •' ( I n moving uggested at they when attacked. He did not know the villains. ( m.li el ImI*. ;t!::! la. i\ m.-ht p«-a-a.d. pain. Howard's batteries opened on tin* enemy but to the alMietcd family, that a copy p!ae. d upon nr li. ! ;;I 1 ram U I- i» !.m o > ih I lh.it il i- 1 for id- modern Athens. <’t the I’anl ! mirluv. i:>. h.:li' el' :.' ^J, f ntiTIlil •pioiv lili:ol) W-n!! t: ft: no lie Me. i '; 11 wdid bllils Were 'di'Iihi; 110 a daited on the road. The storm abated in the tie mountain .•ur an ! !••• could get reply. For long time nothing an reeord' tiia: they |• .!•;l-!•< -1 in the Be 31urat Halstead send* editorial letter from i wind the line .. -. elllCS. i> in# granite ou-irry of Thurlow IL ";'i! ">;• tlsi-w:-. b. the fair Ca-tilian: and could out of them and d ;•.«!>:< I a ! :’ |uild< an .!■ an..: j d i.u: in: tin* Indian who tired begot idi-iii and at t.dn o’clock we \ rigid <>f no f. t •-> i I n•• the i! recently Saturday morning New York to the Cincinnati Commercial-Ga- way leading \ v W hon (In- in n,II. «•;.•: : th 1 led a- -!i. Inti -t ha. e In III. earn, tile 1 our <■■■ W. \i:m i Ij.ipt ti. In killed two of his rise in minds about tiie.'r willingne— shore, lias been leaded oft A. Ktl-s for -_;n year-. > yen:,,* Agency. guards continued our I MIIA »M l*-< iN Wdill a -inn II -I W ::and 11 « or a t i. k i.; n: \ 'll til. bdlilbneiit o| Ver! journey. after leaving TlJ* -pi h\\ Undo A •!' to kid a nil. ii it a -W Old areel v to were I! we’s we crossed the w ill be constructed from tires make their coffee; oHicer- loung- middle branch of the rived, the i.uarry to the I I \»: W III to to him “Uill. n;u. ,. I a ah says: a -Mai., .in p-optn -ay po. A- b I' I'-. W I.d !a: Mi -I! flit- 1 v *■ 1 01 -bore. Ilu-kell A: > nail have Hl^li j «iir« -t d\ Saline county. Kansas.came with- | ing about in groups, and quietness and x i; \ 1 nion ri\er and the n»n|raei to fur- ill -o; vt lit entered upon one of the The have ianded in the Demo- ni-h the tie- m t out "t him. !1» \*'i• *•!' d feating ihe most popular man seemed to prevade the hour. Suddenly Mugwumps railway anal al-o are to l.uihi a stable ■>: V Pi inofts <>f T:.-- t fm:11 j cratic party. entered the three an«l sheds. Fight derricks are to he at I **l have* « \i .nt •-.! pi. at teii. si-!.-.*t.'d Y: :!ii- in the eoutitv for the ollhe of Kegister of! boom! boom! boom! and shrieking sln-li- filed IIOIISKKACKS, They rapids put up Hit* Bills Agair.si ll;r Vary once. Mr. Shields ha- a r>.o*im to 7 V, -~ei .Morgan | I have i -oun* mii,- withoif foolii'p M'-iiid .-im n of .,*■ ra«*«*. ! !:<*k. i!*i «:• I Ml on; puny has captured Setia- known locally as the “whales hack.” (ieolog- party as an agency of reform, and they have ? of smoke indicated their well chosen loads each week. •• c .. 11» po-itions. for.* the l S. distre t eourt at i-a n t m- :. V i.. 1 I -. ! a h ;ii 1 w lid h v no s.",:i. |* th.. l'-r KmerC.- oil I'oitlan !. holding pa in relinery near Philadelphia, !*t' these shot Niagara and are deelari ng, with the oh! Thurlow •• n “Lie down men" is tin* command, am! say horsebacks, or knmos, the latter Dios., have n.o\ed their ilerrieks and v > T in. ■ v.-ry t!;>* -learner liable for dents a a- all. A |a r ) 1 had been .:>t i side j •!. tide ut ••oiicurii on the Atlantic that the of to incurred recently ■ copperheads, highest duty patriot- the of the liemntain nean t the promptly it is The shells ui: tl.i- k a >cotcli word to engine part \ il- h ill*. SI Tee 1 r»' > >■;;'*. »a I’d. obeyed. applying peculiar to w rail, j graved ism is patient submission to the Solid South la ire and their in# goes on u itlmiit pu! ;• lie.'. Judgments w costs v. ere ordered as If I Mi.ot ..i ;■.!«•• keep !Js and fast; some high in the air: some bounding i ipiarn Interrup wo ii-r a .*rk. lie >"\ernor of tin 1 ridges, were made the submission to the nullification of the war tion. The rnment contract which was -u 1 w ntiii. -in- ; lit to mill n a a souk; an •••one during glacial period, govt job follows !.‘*ra t pu. -I Mem « •' 1 A-• ti-'-!. of Yi v l'ioideut of the along the ground: to the right ! (•!.■}, ;, 'r n ;-"or‘vuX lb-. 1'■ '-a-i"i: .v. Harper, the amendments of the constitution: submission let to them i.\ Nolan A son of M-w York, and up f' i incinnati, wrecking that left, bursting they ] to of on whirh they have been at work for m-ariv a aprooim writlnp. i-a!!." i N the exclusion Dakota; submission to tin* !»• a!.• ii_r» ..'i i.i'iiiii!1" 1 b\ the late wheat deal, is deadly fragments in every direction. "Look d do we find evidences of the i< now in their hand- direct from Govern- l wl.ee!!;i.*ic. S'-'-. A M• 11 !'■!•. Kipa n hitu* a- of f Ik* bull-rintr tiirm d pale. progress- only glacial consolidated section in the name of peace and year, "li*}. carpenter, .• i- i \« I ha>» not out," and down several thousand lead- ment. Nolan & ■'on worked tbeu.-ch e- out •- -i lie I _ra\e 1. i lied ing rapidly. dodge ! . Ileiin B. tlil-'MIudiOUt ■ route, hut the fear of trom c-aiarri. Pn tuoi\< a -. i- n. 11 to a cannon tu one along agitation. non fulfillment in diireivnt y» po: '■ escape ball that lia- ofthejohhy way.-. 1 '-i. >-t ia 1*1.e ■ lireman. e -. .i. nan n 1 ho I <*at ■-'■ lia to ha 1 :.!*ipitlr ALdji ‘ounrrmrirl. the Biehard, Mini tin man, d iay a; -o.itinp dropping hi p< The captain of a hark just arrived in lios- seen bounding tin* !Jr.{ the y large deposits of boulders in the vicinity d; w h id- «'iu.*l\ fash io along ground. It is intended that Jake shall si..\n>Mi>n i. Mi-- 1 .11: i,.ni'll llsoa-o, and m -r ic oil almost I 11 it 1 ni: ii*oI In r limb-, n- evidently Sharp Margaret (,am. ;-\t•;-irk. A--:' Ht'iin I! h ut: -t( -7' parlor. .!ai!> U>n i- charged w ith the murder of a Japanese missile ! a no mission. < )n\\ ard ii of Lead Mountain and Pond. At the igg igc _\v. Allen <■ ous l.am dii v. t.< hi ■ a In n tin sin-ri -w d deadly good Kooky ;.I Mar-'...11 I’ -P \. if.. it!mt.11" 1:1 :i ki.-t \pi ord, >aiut. the t I'.altn ad\oiti-. intiio lo.-toe .Mi U. io.-. I I l" ••!;.Mil'. Wit ii a little shout kitb r place huge boulders have been A'l--‘*'•: lo-.i'g. Ingraham. si;.;.;, l-.dward tie* wa- mutinous. wa\ dropped career of and in the con- tending tiie >4 at ... I a ulo an since ; h-* ! i 1 J.ip that memorable it* bribery corruption miliary I’nck-p'it_IL\.O.M. : \. if 11..', Main St'. Itnopot. pioruro! I ! mine- w v. ii. la r seaVlet cloak to day, plowing through by Morrithow deel ha: i, Item Met rithew. \eitv the ice so that it is to C. ita\•• ha im r" t he -oiv,:c the several in two and. wound- gorge thickly possible of New York \Ve are Stilphen and .1. Knight are in Anirusta < layn-e .locliiiy id' mii m:-. M hi- moment tin* distam-e In- l iie >i!preme < ourt deeided that the otiicials ranks, cutting genial atmosphere city. visiting deckhand, si*- Bernard Mcrritia w, amn hov No. li ‘-entire.-. ”.me !• i, |»a n!- m. 11» t J I*, .-ton more. Hundreds witnessed the sad walk for miles them and not and other ■T- -I -v >n;cu. w a it va. lingular : w* u tin .n was ab nil tw hnndre l IV,d. of a state e.iuld not he for ing many upon touch the that even the Boston Herald should towns on the Kennel.ee_1 .J. t r< k< Mary John-m. ■ ’I i.e punished enforcing surprised • -i ::r limy a! iVnuiiM’iil Itmlpot. J.n nmi iv w t;i the IP -toa .i-uir and soon the wounded hobble to wu;tii -s. Julia Carr, stew.af les-. sjl. « sight, 'IT. I,; It !i iils e\ e Mllell! ;.|id !'.'b" ili'7 S;::!«* law-, tliii' the case of the slightly >('i!. vary in size from rocks the size of dr., of Anattsta. ga\« a re.-nliiia lu re ,.< -drengthenin^ They of the taken Saturday -Judgment was ordered in lava "r the material r/NorilM-ori. V -- •’ the rear and the dead are removed a short dis- approve preliminary steps just by Stroke f r.n-ite I!i •-lo>ii the ear!1, hi ill'* tier, eliess i,f hi- I'a'_*'«•. •■•"i:. "U-cnishers in a sat ut a\ n.••'•led Virginia. man's head to boulders as as ning, Dee. .'id. Owing to another entertainment li en a- follows Bangor I i.ia:-ln < .... s7o|o, II" slomier Mi-- ie j-: a- tance out of the way. are establish- large dwelling which it is will .the !• i,. A a'-i -ta upi.o, o :ii ;i;*i i"11. With s and Hospitals expected Sharp escape I'.. A I- K. A7-.I7. II' k lev load, ■ i:Ieamin_ > the same stetson, A l.gvn an In im.th»*i a- h dk :ar \n effort will he made in this ed red The men now house--. One of the latter beside the c\ening hi-an lienee wa-.-mall, out iho.-e they sa> id d ia* M; ound. Ik v[ !rie.i at full Congress, by displaying Hags. highway of his crimes. The Boston Evening Iron t !ini| :,ir., A1 ;*.».•-;, A Ina.a I. Barronoii, *-i •• w nun ..' •• :< rp. i, w penalty t-iaiis la-i 11 the in*’ rot. of to stand* in readiness to their arms and who heard him were much he t en v '. ; in I.k*,i« »> ■ ■ 1 economy, prevent the seize is called < pleased. 1 tin A 7 ‘-I. Al J w a- '! «d hi- ha11*. ! ;e ea I ml \ amp Kook, and beneath an overhang- Hopkins, ,th ••-.-t- In :• 1 .1 s 1 of hills until after shall into line at a Record takes the correct view of it. when it o!insi*n Hit \ ear 1- I. ■:: -o' -a; a. 1 t w printing private they spring moment's notice. Tin.1 ! tertainmeiit w as a lantern exhibition and eaeli ease, 'i he libel of !.. M a lead id poo i:. .It. '! d !e it tlii* tweiltv f- 1. W hell a ma-ie§ Wasgatt, a iaat ing many hunter has the d .Momia-f li have 1 iceii favorably reported. horses have berm sent to the rear. \o!- portion passed night minor and (laughter of the charterer, fi r as _i.iar habit vv lien the e ii. a le ; o m .*ii> ‘Mi her short >tilt>. sin Sharp | says: was yery good-Dick Mart/, was l.ere Fr! lay wages j body of resound on both sides. Tin- in comfort. Hut to return to the whalesbaek. storekeeper, and that of B-ig. r- f-w storage, am! im Id thi in. -w"!*'* a! -hmiMer leys musketry a iu w Il V\ 1 V < '• height, n-:«i!v It i- said that an will be made in That Jake should be and was a audit nee of that of Leiimati for ork -I A l‘ I’ll .11 attempt 1st and lid are on our left and res- Sharp granted evening, greeted by large siipplie-, which were furnish j f hi- ■ -■ »i11i*._. \\ \ Corps rigid, This formation extends for a distance of i.' lohn-on Hall. hat r mav lno |„ ,.]j h,.j* 1 hi.- Cmierevs !<» amend tlie interstate law so three trial the New York court of is a ills old townsmen. This is his native town.... ed with the know of t! cl,aid r ai I tin 'll I ‘it* I 'M VlM V of i,i! r:.| and in a few minutes arc hard at it. by appeals ledge upon Jiliy t-n- ■ .. pectively, i:. -I.. r\rmi:ir- Ilf i;n Ii in lii -tipiei Uioni i, ii w.i- a a- to hard blow to the faith the of this coun- t'l'edit of the charterer, v, ii-ini--. -l w ithout ailed the Canadian roads running It was mills, the road winding the which people W illiam of l the school Mi :. 1:i i- or. thus far upward of two hours, at which along ridge Mason, Montville, egal’, at j •1 ii iid lime for in.- -p.eialor-. When the l nited Slates have been to repose in it* courts of through territory. time (>en. Hancock rode the line in is no wider than the road-bed try taught Client Dee. nth. lie., d. F. ilarrin.an hiiire n. 1.. w within l-Uir f. et.-lie thr* W along wearing many places also a Monday, Tin- Bangor C« mmciiu:;| .,| says that !'!n- t trail •»r .iii < it i;i >. ]- -••..wini r her- justice. It ought to prow telling argu- -attr.dny I U-'-ia v I'H'lilli;; .t! I 1«‘] a troubled face. We had been silent none of these hills ha’• e ft '« ! -'id I M Wal'd, l:;-.. one «’alifornia i- makiirr of rai- spectator* itself and in it from to occupied the pulpit of tin M. F. Church y been ; aid, but that -.me fl.Mi til,-It ut .1 Hi.U:. I,Hi till- n-lilik !•' l' body ijui.k tlirtl-t large shipments height ranges forty ment against the system of electing Sunday, ;l : j elephant all day. The 2nd but few in number, pernicious time sima* the owner of the -t- imer. Mr. ! 1 MM ;■ ..I whu'iii. with -w<>rd. and. without w to m to the Hast. A train of cars, Corps, Dee. 1th.... Mr. do.-hua l.::~scll died Biekloy :.1 nMilerablv llim III :! ;t I *Mtiiu note twenty feet. It a the which in New York. That Mill- H ill, been fifty is to ride the judges prevails Wednesday, sent to to hi- conn- .. ( left had held in reserve, but bad suth red n r- I grand sight along Bangor harliP. stetson, j th«' *m; "i th.- ol w.-wu*u a-oiin l on her win lly raisin-laden, Fresno recently, dcco- was tried cannot be doubted. Dee. 7th. lie was one of the oldest residents of i.. it-' from shot and shell, dm. Hancock had of tins kame and look down front either side Sharp fairly I* -*t-. u-king for a tatement of t!:c a< c, i,i.t- of the > -lid- m.i < raied with and streamers. ribly i top \ .. i;. in- i-\ f\ tin sainted th* i*»\« riior. In the. Hags was ■ i-:i'ii.ii -•!in# Every loophole in the law discovered and the town, J old. He w a.-a member steamer ami 'lying that he would forward checks t:iI’l'it < aii I- <•*.;••••! iv'ikinii ,r i. exclusive command of the 1st. 2nd and .‘id 1 and being years, -:ip,ir; !w nk him an. > -In- turned to fa---.- t Me hud. behold the tree tops many feet below. If made use of his in settlement. 'Hie latter eour.-e lia- not been Tin* have raided another Nihilist run- Gen. Meade conferred by lawyers. of the < hurelt and b\ •; i- Mni'lav eve "I ll i II ,t-» iif it -■ lot a- i'd so police I Corps, having that hon- j baptist highly respected all IlilM- till I If. j.; 1,1; 1 I V :-t -h I.e dl'op]r.‘d !' a !. eio-e 1 the wagon should overturn it would roll down adopted however. Tic libellants have a right to ■ /veils in St. where or and I ii • : ur. 1. \ II t" Petersburg, dynamite responsibility upon him. “Into line We receive marked of the | who knew him. He was sick a few a-k for an exeetiti. a s,. that the steamer I aii'l know ii i- ,;. .:• M. : v. .i! 1 •;i ith- -if niovitm from h.-r -iri -u. frequently copies only (lays. any day ilia, it ; ; n either side feet. H-. a avi11• 1. w;i> manufactured. Tliere was Colonel, into line,” was the command of our upon fifty will be -old and the Mils i. 'll. d O foot tli* ll. ek of In ;• m>w desperate1 of tl»o far West, with pai They have not vet eradiealc thi.-terrinio l:-,-. vY.F. l- >,» >i piae. Upon enterprising journals ucounier and serious bloodshed. brigade commander, and in an instant :ii bri- done so however a- th. v w :-h to Mr. Bieklev .-I HI I* I pro-irai I I.lad. .dileete.l the Along the road we noticed log houses, built in give -harp by to sections. The Burk Memorial Library. a time I ijiv-Mu 11 i.•. i < i,i I was on its feet to do or die. The invitations boom their respective reasonable for a -eitlemeut. flic Man- Mm 1 .iddh ii uni •>,- gade ready :i :n I J.iM |». m. tiii-woiid. rfuiiv S'!f-im--. --ed Tin of bevelled in the primitive and at each one cheeked is at in oi largest plate glass liUli took its to :i style, rosy we g.an Bui'k-pori charge a keeper. i' position support mdt.Ty and But while are glad to read of tin progress Dur been !. I-. ia-i.uii 7.»i.*> a. in., and i.o-i made iIm- «•<.:;:»ti*. aii'i man ill town : .ml. I..;-1 >: v eiv> I !ia«* -pinal * u■■!, and '■■■:•!> ;t U mi who unmade ic'.ii. y on w i!.'i !.!1111 •»ii*. 1 '■ r a moment the-reat i_:!1111- of a foot in thickness. It is in tlie Corps and of and part of this in our item on the Hack Memorial wi ieh hard and was prosperity any every | Library, ■. a- jI. II.oil a. •:»i: i; -i.« •. v< r> being pressed falling back. Tin* ducements a man can have to A Belfast Captain Abroad. m., i; w tin- It-.m.iir«*i• w :th*i;‘ goiim amiiemv -.1! hreal:i» if am! flout of a saloon. dwell among these ! paralyzed, window Detroit liquor rebels were close at we are has been .-»» extensC ely copied by our exchanges. 1 •' ’•! !‘ '■'• \\ hie ul lilt1 mark. their heels and were per- great country, actively engaged just !11« n ik-1) a *di'»w cr .!' and -»is >- ruai-. f«•! rocks and rear a of passes our Mr. IL I’. Duck was horn and in thi- wild with excitement and the family children, to brought up The eh Annie L. M« Iveeii recently disehaigod a :11 *: 1 n<' ib of Illinois, pro- fectly thoughts now in helping boom this city and section, tow Beware of Swindlers. tin si t »ri >us u< mu'*! have 11resetiative Townshend, Fifteen miles j i), going to New Y *rk when a yamiig man and all the bureaus at of an easy victory. comprehension. from Aurora cargo of lumber at Bridgi-port, ( inn ami the Morn l Iht t- r Ii 1 Ika consolidation of and thus are to leave the newspa- entering into business there. His widow ami Malm-. We Inu during tin* last year, many When the 3d had we compelled u. I Or^.jjdzalituis iii exposed, Washington in a new be known Corps passed by and over reach the tannery of K. K. Church, at Bed* (htugliter now- occupy as a summer residence, the lug \ w- of Nov. J b has a para w ,-s m tiio name "i nu 11 department,to complimentary imll.-i who at| iti-e. i'll*r I ! I»l our and the rebels came of other to work out their own Kl.O, a.*- of and lines, within sixi\ pers places old lluck homestead, which lias been in the • hum:; the Industries l*ublie Here are the head waters of theCber- family out t.c under the me. vile compound' which tail tncrcu'c Department diugion. since graph apt. rgc Mahoney caption !iu<•1:i• -i.I» m'ciii' (■> 1 »i»m«• a yards, the command “Commence tiring" was salvation. This not sound well, hut it i< the settlement of this town by Col. donathan To ail win need re iiietliriue a ini mania in cos-lain Works. may “Has Saved ihillant < suffering. pa < river. is the Ituek in lTUli—one hundred amt Many Lives, apt. Mulumev, -I II Hull. I'Yed’k '• and almost a solid sheet f tire rylield Tanning business twentv-foer year- vve ran hunt recommend >! I- a'oiis. uai now tin- i* given, instantly only lil*i*ml purifier, II;. jusi former racing with human nature the same. the way. Our : \. \ .-i fifla rv, » of was into their just By ago. item intimated unintentionally that Mr. of Belfast, Me." The New- Itn, Hitters. /:>lifi>r sun -1a l‘.» Atm or. 11. is \: nee tin < ■ Women l not generally avail themselves poured ranks. Thn ugh the dune, and around the lias a says Iillnr ole in Mexican tannery sprung up Ituek was not a native of this town. \ j j»i;.»!. smoke we could see wouldn’t it be a for our con- The name it of the to vote for school officers in them advancing, but -low- good plan prairie ( Mahom-\ ‘>1 ltd tit "S a Me., i- 111« • •>nmtuml- M\i-r> I*«m1\ any coii'c *(»i• yuii-,; Massachusetts. 837 women have regis- ly and hesitatingly, for in a few moments their to to their readers that a I't'of the liuniifr Anni*■ I.. Mckccu, which is un -• hand. ami nt in*I:\ m in- Only man's »iitii Tiif.iff. \. I,. liritle to I * a her r< ---e- nia*!e promim idiial', it >:ii«I, the scene temporaries suggest birthplace. Itiieksport Clipper. faithfully trying this in Poston in 1SS5 line had melted and there wen* is an animated one. The hides tan- I• ling lumber at Swords' Lumber (.o.’s dock in '' .• «1111 *_r‘■ ia tered year against 2,238 strong away i -a tland. Ui suit her litis* atolS i«i< a «»l !n»v. a wmi;::-.i «-:ir: challenges, cither •_i\« 11 or received, sniff of the salt sea air on the Maim: coast a few ones the upper harbor. She l as a cargo of '.’-P.'.nun feet, two or and 1,193 in issti. only daring left. And when the ned are from South America. The tan- im< i.i i:i: .1 M. I»eer- tti dress. lime deep per diem. That Chieniro mostly a small .»ne f«»r her. ami to elear by “Fix was Liv- next summer would do them a world of good. expects light / ,\ < dlhcrl, s, ,-n-tarv, editor sva> imt so far ami's who command, bayonets, forward," is situated a announce'!, in •The < hurchman*' calls the nery in good hemlock Tho Prohibition Decision. Thursday. ('.apt. Mahoney is a native «»t Kelfas’t \ i, ..... upon bishops en. onward dashed all that was left of the i;uh district, to Mothers. nt IMease consider this a marked item. Jin-1 an- Id friend of t lurles II. of Advice appaia irood faith, that esers mat in Mexico, to some which was Fleming, this hi; of the Church take further rose the inducement to it so far \ ---»« v pi*in Hon. d. 1*. Episcopal | while cheer upon cheer above the tumult place It K >:til that tin* to luht a duel,—ami he city. aged man, medium height, -1 Mus. Winslow’s en.-aired action to about Christian It I'./.ra I.. steams, See. bring unity. says of battle. The enemy scampered in di- hack in the Here we States court it) the Kansas sus- rmld\, am! a blonde nious teething is the prescription of one of th i»e>i '.va' an oeto^enariaii. h ft-hand. d and stone j every country. made our Ia9t supreme cases, soliilly put up, -ports the and laity of the Kpiseopal Church I some behind rocks Notes. taehe. There i~ ;i»>*»ut him to .Urate muses ami in tin- I 'idled slate clergy rection; hiding and Ini-ho Newspaper taining tin* State laws im.h r the nothing it that < VI I I.I. A SSt it female physicians hliml. The Mexican are tilled purchases before into the woods. Po- prohibitory math »n papers every day arc anxious for striking he is a salt He wear- the conventional drc>s of e ’• fail- unity. to the and afterwards of I' N ami has heeii use*! for forty years with never with item* ivtleetina fhi— hellico>e escape charge coming poliee power the States, foreshadows the i:. Pike, Seere- di'po'ition. tatoes were Si and The usual courteous Lewiston Journal occa- la ml lubber and one would never know that he hits stieeess millions of mother.' for their ehil into our lines. Only a few got hack to their per bushel, everything else decision in the Maine ease, when it to ing hy lh i' i> one. for example, cl pet I from a One of the methods suggested by which im- gets in two it v alue is ip promi- in the same leaves its ofliee iloor unlocked thus in- figured eonspieuou-ly important steamship 'i.i > -l •: -". i- v!. mu ( Iren. I Hiring the process of teething own lines. proportion. We were told that it sionally eourt, sustaining the of the siafe to ll;n S. nent daily : "(.on J Maria liammdia sent migration may he restricted is to require power disasters, but lie has a gold medal and a gold '! s incalculable. It relieves the ehihl from pain,cures 19th Me. on the battlefield at the c|om* of blackguards to enter and use the sanctum. ! a ie| Hoard to The was useless to to hunt viting prohibit the sale of imported liquors. [Port- wateh its of service to ami diarrhica, in the howe!-, am! l.i' seeontl.'. (*en. ieiuilace Topcte and Setior every transatlantic steamship company give attempt about the head Whatever the visitors leave iti the of trophies shipwrecked pas .11- \ a. n la dysentery gi iping the second day. way land Kx and his w ill not he bv to it rests Mania Llaven, to Seiior A. bonds to a sum for press. senders, kindness forgotten •- i: -— wind colic. giving health the ehihl challenge 11. article published in tin* Xariontil, relative to the The of «l«>ia i.-nt ah\a\ A in of Fishermen. Wo have received a of The New Court on the Kansas prohibition eases is the ; passengers and crew to the number of thirty \i '• !si i;s1 sstm quickest way thing a in provincial English newspaper noticing Nationality The names of several sample copy I\i.i A \ rni\ Hairs <*uatemala. Seiior L'teva instructed t'herrytield. good guides most which the two, of the *tearner Den. Karnes of the s.nnnnali < the best or most satisfactory way. A gas leak. for the recent American Hoard meeting at Spring- j a new weeklv started important judicial triumph M" Pl'e.-i I Ii t. li.-lllel ; | I Well- his seconds, < al Adolfo M. de and Thu that the business was Christianity, paper just line w hich foundered ofl’ llattems in October lsTs. instance, is easiest discovered hy going in sea re 11 (Jrscyon field made the ludicrous blunder of story fishery oper- wcr. given, and among them the Ilayeoek the Association of cause has won. Had the Court decided that ii '.;.f\ Poland. S nor Alherto (Jareia to supposing j hoys by Swedenborg Publishing He w;ts also .in eomtniind of the schooner Fannie of It with a lighted lamp, Imt very few men try (iranados, accept the to ated in Massachuset ts i>- < must be made to the interests ■i. ;;’ivi sin i.i- i;.;i;i;i»i:i:s’ \ssoriA- that it was a meeting diseu-s the propriety | largely by foreigners and harlcs F. Corliss, of Cherry Held. Half an Germantown, Pa. Sample copies sent free. compensation A. (b.tham, which was making' for New ) oik that method more than once. challenge. the of it W aikliam. President. Anson ; . 547; Canadian, TSC»; Spanish. pattern. weekly journal printing, paper The steamer Caroline Miller, w hich has taken Landlord—"Two of sir.” Guest—"I tiuht a duel: Imt that, the (iovermnent for tlie next fiscal prohibit the manufacture for xport and I»«« < ’em, thought explained although to run the Portuguese, Swedish, German. in-all he was the ami trades, Inman may j .title i“ 1(H) n» live weight— 153; 10; 421; picture of a professional stationery published by the of the 1’. Miller on the so. The fire all escaped from my room last night, article in *|iiestion was sinned "La Kedueeion,” which is #1,344,999 more than the esti- seize and destroy liquors so manufactured'.! place l.ucy route be JTin.'i .'»<); Ilrst quality, $4 75^3 year, 34; Greek, 2, and unknown. 70s. limiter. We halted Bros.. Keen, N. JI. The new coiner is neat in ’’ and I came near freezing. it was not written ineinher of the and more than him, when the following This decision is regarded as an ! tween liangor, Belfa-t, Kockland and New ■;" lit \, s4 -2."»a4 ; third quality, $3 by any mates of last year, #16,899,406 Of the non-resident fishermen. 99$ are Amer- appearance, as it should be, and evidently in- foreshadowing York, < coarse was for this conversation took equally radical when the Maine* ease, has an unusual It i.-ore-t ^racef cattle have been tell he has as or “Yes.” Is well edited. The is a The compensation taken up and cancelled by the liritmh authorities. 1 light. may you something just good, just to refuse a Irish and 4 Canadian. daily year. to ■ ••! petually oticnding somebody,—and of Midi as breweries | the host grades are costing higher at the the*same*. Don’t be deceived, but insist upon get- There has been an extraordinary demand for Maine State Press Is published ami Is the'Owners property, Fourteen months after the wreck occurred, ( apt. challenge, however absurd and uncalled for, Of the packers, 120 were American and is “You turn oft to the left at the lince ground weekly, ami distilleries, which could not be drover-are more for the same Dr. New which is guaran- Darwin’s in a model a readily K. c. Miller, an American citizen and resident of asking ting King’s Discovery, be to out as a biography England. one, containing summary of all the • « would write himself sneak and a Port uguesc. seven or used for other and had Ha Hi the wreck from titan they have been asking of teed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest eight miles from here.” a purposes, consequently more, Md., bought Morse anti men a census news, markets, etc., besides variety of general if are as the affections. Trial bottle free at It. II. coward, to be despisedof all forever after- Mrs. Burnett lias made the success This is the first time that of the suffered great in value. The Harbor for $300, and at great trouble and nu>ing sparingly, high Moody’s Drug greatest “Are familiar with the reading matter, and it Is well worth the depreciation expense -la -i are more than butchers can afford to .Store. Bottles wards. of the fishermen has been taken, you hunting grounds #2 court holds that got it afloat and towed it to Huitimore, where he Large $1. of her life with her pretty book, “Little Lord nationality for it. such prohibition is within I li\« attic to with the Western that the United unusual in tlii> charged rebuilt her at a cost to him of about compete Notwithstanding States gov- Fauntleroy. The 40th thousand is now on the and Colonel Carrol I). Wright says vicinity?'’ “the police power" of the State, and >o i* not substantially ! beef trade, l'riees from lIn- $30,000. I’pon Capt. Miller’s application to the ranged $46.r>50? Walter (to Col. Clueby, who has ahsentmindcdly ernment has interceded wjth that of Mexico in care was taken in preparing this portion of “Yes” “The Boston and Journal are repugnant to t lie Constitution, which forbids -u,‘ 'vcight lor butchers’ cattle. press. Dally Weekly collector of the port fora register, it was found 1dm bis key-ring for a tip;) “Xeu.se me, behalf of the condemned Mexican officers who statistics. without the the taking of for use without ami Lambs—Those from the West were all “We are from Itelfast and question among ablest and best property public \ that the wreck not having been on American shore, {jlvenMiss, but this yer quarter’s punched.” invaded American soil last and rescued The Trollope have written 275 books, are going to the 1,1 ! butchers and taken direct to the spring family papers published in New England. One of the compensation and without due process of law. I he could not he grunted a register save slattgh- a as follows: Mrs. Sabio, and want a by special 1 front the is two of their imprisoned countrymen, second Trollope, Sr., 115; Anthony Evidence has been found that the first wili guide.” oldest in It has al- The is not taken. The State has sim- act of and he had a In- cars. There not any change A Hound papers published Boston. property Congress, Immediately bill •>b in Legal Opinion. court martial has Trollope, 100, Adolphus Trollope, 50; Mrs. The- of 1 troduced Him the to prices from those of one week ago. of W. F. Storey, proprietor the Chicago “1 am a guide ami recently had a party from ways kept up with the times, and Is ply declared that the making of liquor for otli- granting right fly the Ameri- "w it.e \V. K. A odosia 10. to-day It -ti-rn Fat i logs a re costing f»l*g5>i c V Bralnbridge Munday, Ksq., County tty.. Trollope, Times, bore the indorsement, “Revoked by a more enterprising and vigorous tliau at er than medical, scientific and manufacturing can flag. was passed some two years ago after 1 “Have used Electric Bitters CONFIltMKI* Til Kilt DEATH SKXTKNC’I!. Monroe and Wintcrport—Fisher and any considerable trouble. Our ight, landed at the slaughter houses, all Clay Co., Tex., says: later will. W. F. S.” This indorsement was Ncalley— time In its The Journal lias purposes is to the welfare of the general commercial laws *•’’’• II. new in the history. injurious peo- ned In butchers, none offered on with most happy’ results. My brother also was Mrs. F. Burnett’s story begins from We killed twelve deer in always tlo not permit vessels built in foreign countries to u"‘ being However, this docs not interfere with the erased with acids. The later will is the your vicinity. made a of New news, and ple, and must, be prohibited. The right of the market for sale. very low witli Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but < li list mas number of St. Nicholas. It is called specialty England be furnished a tinted States register or be enrolled of President Dias to exercise executive one which the courts have overthrown on a few there is no in Boston people, speaking their was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am power “Sara Crewe,” and it depicts the life of a little days.” to-day paper published through legislative rep- In the American marine. If stink in American wa- Electric Bitters saved his life.” and it is that he will not the of and if this wi'l is that furnishes so much local New news resentatives, to forbid the use of in ters and recovered citizens of satisfied clemency, hoped per- in a boarding school in London. ground insanity, “What is your name?” England property by thcl'nitcd States, 11" a girl must be such a as "tale of New York is about to embark Mr. D. 1. Wilcox son, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds mit tin; execution of a punishment so far out declared void the estate distributed as The Jourual. We do not know of a better way to atlect the community, as they they can then become American vessels. 1 Lie like He believes lie “Charles F. of is enterprise of raising and keeping deer. testimony, saving: positively of proportion to the crime. Donald <«. Mitchell will contribute to Wide by probate. Corliss, Chorryfydd” fan,!)} p .per or one that we could more cor- believe, injuriously, explicitly upheld by the •>t would have died, had it not been for Electric Bit- Mar the Legislature voted $5000 for the <«cii. Juan N. Cortina, the veteran revolu- Awake next year a entitled “Farm Life Such ht proved to be. Char es F. Corliss Is dially recommend to our subscribers to court. [New York Tribune. “Keoulatk the “With 1 ters. paper try.-’ regulator/’ pure ; didnui-ut of a State deer the Cats- tionist. who has so years in con- for People.” Another article which ap- In order to prevent the total destruction of the So says the North Star, of Vt. and parkin This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure, spent many Young best guide in Washington county. He is Davisville, Mood comes health. Use Warner’s of a deer of acres good Log 'L/bhtains, and the Forest Commission all Malarial and for all ’and tir.cmcnt at the dreadful military prison of San- pears among the announcements this excel- game in Wisconsin, park 10,000 the Republican Journal says ditto. The Boston A ship which lately arrived at San Francis- i'1 •' d. Diseases, Kidney years old, and cf these Mgnated Mr. Frank (’. Parker to take Stomach Disorders stands Price 50c. rialtelolco—for once revolted on lent bears the curious title of “The is to be laid out and in the north- thirty-live twenty years Journal ranks next to the Bible in the homes co from had a of 31*20 tons of sul- Cabin Sarsaparilla and secure both. Best rem« l,,‘ unequaled. tiago having magazine protected Japan cargo matter in hand. ami if I, at R. If. Moody’s. the wrong side—has at last been temporarily Bringiug Up of Puppies.” ern pnrt of the State. have been speut in the woods. 1 \ the summer of New England. phur. edy. I.argest bottle. 120 doses for $1.00. The Public Library Building. The steam lire has been ! News of Belfast and engine shipped to New Will “C.” of North Searsmont semi real name? Xoutii 1 vicinity. Haven. A correspondent of the Port- Searsport Locals. York on South Moktvillk. first for last The llazeltinc Library building is completed steamer Caroline Miller. land Press [See page , Eggs retail in this at cents per says: Little River bridge has been and is now city twenty-eight week’s Items.] J. W. Collins lias a nlee mare and ready for the books, winch will be in be- repaired A a A. V. very I IJELFAST, TIin^DAV, Dl ( KMBKK 1887. put Belfast market man says that turkeys will be dozen. Among fleet of 15 mackerel seiners there has (dipt. Nichols,of ship Iroquois, is at home passable. been butone am! colt. The colt is *ix month’s oh I ami Mr. tween now and February first. This has scarce ami at Christmas time. (the Amy Wixon, Capt. W. F. Rrown) on a visit. | building high AH stores in Rheumatism the city will he open which has paid her bills the the oth- Collins has refused $135 for it. The mare is been from a left for the Water has been into the Windsor Hotel and kept evenings past season, worth erected legacy purpose by put Mr. A. ers F. ! G. Hunt, of this city, has from until after the having incurred debts ranging from $-100 to (Jeorge Mathews and wife left by train Mon or more. ri in.isin:!) nvnn r.n rsdai mokn’inu in the the the Belfast brought holidays. C. V. Follctt ami Elden Pease have We doubt if there is, or can be, a late Paul li. llazeltinc, and is the only stone post-office. Boston $1000 each. Among the successful individual mem- for specific a number of horses and mules. day I.os Angeles, Cal. each a nice II. A. Starvett has a attractive hers of fishermen, Janies C. stundsat very colt ...The December session of for but thousands who building in the city. The body of die structure is The Commissioners will their very window—a Witherspoon remedy rheumatism; County begin Mr. Dennett hasacalla In bloom at the head of the list as line. He was cook of I>avid Nickels and wife the F. W. of red from Otter Joseph lily Chinese doll enihedded in a lot of ar- high (■’apt. arrived home from liaptist (piarterly meeting will be held have suffered its have been ben- granite Creek, and the finish December session of court in this on hahy fancy the David of pains greatly city Tuesday his house which is old. The is Osier, Matinicus. a trawler, his share Portland at and twenty years plant ticles. him Saturday evening. Washington, commencing Friday, Dec. Kith. efited Hood's If you have CHARLES ril.sm KV.Editor. trimmings of Somcsville gray granite. The next. netting $514. Robert Rrown, cook of the j by Sarsaparilla. four and a half feet stone are laid in high. steamer Novelty, of Portland, comes next, with a Miss McClure Jackson. Mrs. failed to find relief, try this great remedy. Ul'SbELL DVKH. rough ashlers, break range courses Everything in the Christmas line of boots and Mary opened a private school at i Lydia Larrabce, died at her G. Local Editor. A company of young people in this are re- share of nearly $500 to his credit. Crock- with red cement between. city To absent friends no more and Eugene the Y. M. C. A. rooms “I was afflicted with rheumatism twenty The building is 54 acceptable enjoy- shoes may be fount 1 at Francis, in llowes block, ett and Elmer of the same Monday. residence, of typhoid pneumonia, for a to be on later in Rrown, vessel, with Friday morning ! hearsing play put the stage able than Previous to 1883 I found no relief, bi t feet long and 27 feet wide at one etid and i7 at the Christmas gift can be made a year’s sub- Main st. $410 and $375 respectively as their shares. None i D. ( ’. Dec. IMh. It is reported that she assert- years. the season. Capt. Nichols, of ship Wandering Jew, ar- resolutely The vs. Fare Water. of the others have realized much more than one- worse, and at one time was almost Frog. Age other. The end is and the one on ! scription to the Republican Journal. ed until the last her innocence of the murder grew help- westerly square The City Point Musical Club will furnish music third of this their rived home hv train Tuesday. very Mr. W. E. Mitchell, at the Head of amount, shares for the whole less* Hood's Sarsaparilla did me more good Miller street in The vestibule is 12 postmaster The season from of Mrs. Helen M. or of in \\V were t,> octagon shape. Knights of Pythias Lodge in this city, has re- for a dance at Dcnslow’s Hall, Stockton, this ranging $140 down to even as low as Larrabce, being any surpri-d read in the l'rojj. A^e | the last week as ill from ( apt. Win. Myers has gone to P.oston to take than all the other medicine I ever had." 14 feet. The rooms are li) feet from lloor to Tide, Belfast, reported $10 per man. There are at least ltio men who have manner instrumental in by ceived some handsome furniture for the new hall (Thursday) evening. causing her death, she j of la>t week that apprehensions had been ex- paralysis, is shared less than $.‘15 apiece. command of hrig II. II. Wright. II. T. Balcom, Shirley Village, Mass. ceiling. The roof is a mansard, laid witii colored recovering. which will be was buried at So. Unity beside her first husband. dedicated at an early day. Mr. C. W. rheumatism three and no cited in to the of our Jenness, dentist,has moved to this city, The soeiable will meet with Mr. and Mrs. “I had years, got regard purity present slate surmounted by an iron cresting. There is a Large quantities of hay came to market last Stockton. L. It. Gridin has gone to Portland to Congl. .lames (i. Kimball lost a very valuable 3 year The Mount Waldo l*ramie is ami has taken rooms in the relief till I took Hood’s It has water company shipping Knovvlton building, the Sarsaparilla. supply. This will be news to every one dome over the vestibule, the top of which is 45 week but went into the store houses. Good hospital.U. P. Hcrrinian has gone to Ash- McDougall tliis, Thursday, evening. old steer; he was found dead in the pasture with mostly a amount ol' stones to New and he invites the to call. done for me. I recommend it to large paving York, High street, where public his neck great things who i at all informed in the matter. There feet high. The book room is 20 by 27 feet and is hay is worth $1*2 per ton. land, Mass., to work in a shoe factory. He has Mrs. Mary Perkins will a term of school broken and it is supposed that it was done has an order for granite to build Harlem bridge. begin oiliers.” Lewis Bikhank. Biddefonl, Me. a window on one ! The mail car on the Belfast branch road has been been there for the last four or live with a ha' n< \er been any question as to the of lighted by triplet High street, Walton will at the term years_Your at I'nion District school house next i by fighting neighbor’s cuttle found in tin- purity Judge preside January Mr. J. Monday. mullion window on the end and three G. Brown, of Liberty had a cancer re- taken oil'for and Mail Snow has to correspondent called at W. II. Ac Co.’s pasture with them i 1 11: water in c, id nor as westerly repairs, Agent Kelley ...Charles IJrackett is teaching Hood’s Sarsaparilla is character!:., y 1’rook, to that which of the s. J. Court in this city, beginning on the first moved from his foot at Hotel North Dr. I/tura Curtis, \ddic Sargent and Theodate lllaek yesterday. assort bis mails in ■■■ < windows in the rear. The windows arc each ten G. one corner of the baggage car. pants factory last week and found them on school at llrooks village, instead of Jackson as three peculiarities : 1st. the cou/ ir I eon.i > down the main stream from the Shaw of the month. \V. Martin performed the operation. | Augusta running left boat for Mas.;. Tuesday full by Monday Medlield, feet in height. The reading room is 17 by 27 feet Journal Mb. Mr. W. C. Tuttle photographed the recent dis- time. The work is good, and also prices. Mr. was erroneously stated in last week’s issue of tin remedial agents; 2d, tin ?nv>/;oi. i'.v and Iidir«eom!» springs. The only apprehen- The friends of Mr. Frank N. will he The recent rains the for a and is six windows 10 :» 4. Ilodgdon has been in the business a number spoiled skating time, Journal.... M r. if tin ;.cti\e m- ... : lighted by by The ceil- We have been shown a bureau scarf, the work of play of water works. Tin* picture represents three Kelley of years, Frank DollotV, of Monroe, began process seeming was as to wa- to learn of his which occurred at his the ice remains linn in the ••ontaminatioii from t!ie salt \ » c pained death, and although pond. the The result is a m ings arc finished with stucc >rnith aged about 3!1 she ■ The rain of Sunday and Sunday Merchants Marine railway company will be held j Harry taking trip at years, purities my blood, sh :ri i-i; m\ ai id < sold, of their and of his intention to Saturday v.ighr, The 1 uried ^a in earl hern over the cross a marble threshold and a tiIt* lloor three l'eet | liability, prose- ported... Sunday School will meet next Sun in the had been an invalid for several and a seems to make me \< r." ,1. I*. '1 incurs- n. tvdy pipes pools night, left the streets in a bad condition. Where at the store of .1. W. Frederick, Belfast, on Wed- ship Wandering Jew, arrived home Friday. years great when come to a of inner door- cute. in the school room, at 2 o'clock m. sufferer. Register of l>eeds. L well, M **nearl\ tided with a material wide, you pair at 1 r. day High p. i stron^-smellim; the trendies had been dug for water pipes the nesday .Ian.4, isss, Mr. Tliaxter Miaw (meniht r of the great tannery with and over the Those to the be All arc invited to attend_We hear Penobscot “Iloud’s S•ir^np.irill.i b« .1 nil other-, and eommon thraekish water paneled, plate glass, plate top. having clothing give needy may j >\v \\\ illk. deposits” and the earth sank, making bad holes. linn) and wife, of Kingman, spent Sunday with I£. I>. MrKcen closed a vt*ry prof- is worth u> w.-ight in /" !. 1; \ui;i>< ion, At the enter a hat room 5 7 feet. On sure will lie of if left Sam Holt's Nettie while up the are to a sociable Christmas eve. Full ! ‘•river *iit and ve-etab!- j right you by they judiciously disposed yacht heating Lodge give his itable term of school 130 Bank New Y*ak growth” (Prof. Car-! CilL'UCH N'otks. The of J. A. Inother-in law, Dr. Horn. in district No. 5 last Thins Street, C.iy. tin. left is the stairway leading to the cellar. The with Mrs. W. It. Couant, Miss Mary Collier or Miss subject Savage's harbor Tuesday fouled with a vessel lying at Hen particulars next week. i.' 1 had1 dinet to the !:iv ami left fur Vinalhaven and tin- winter pumping station, and* sermon at the Cnitarian church next Sunday morn llnzeltiiic's lucre will 1 •'* a collection at the church begun in.-dde doors open into the reading room and from Mary Stewart. wharf. The Nettie’s topmast was Knox. It Cong, lvaehe- tji never rains hut it pours and that:-just term there Mr. .Melvoen autliori/ed us Hood’s Sarsaparilla e‘>nsinners in it*. original ! ing will be, “The Solstice, or standing still of the carried next Sunday morning to make up the for Monday. purity. thence you pass into the book room. This room is away and jib torn. what it has deficiency six f >r Mndo 'uiong the many show windows in town none done for the past is hours and ever, to say that was an factor Sold by .ill druggists. $1 ; The IV"-. \ -• while and Sun.”....The I'niversalist will he occupied the -iipjiort of tin* gospel for the year. punctuality importune eureumusly unfortu- furnished with fourteen book racks nine feet pulpit The is afloat. past I. HOOD & ( <>.. lmw. ;i, } high are more elaborately and handsomely decorated boiler for the steam healing apparatus in thing Mud is ankle deep now and it looks ; in the success of the school. Several of the schol only by 0. liar. at next ltev. K. K. of Mass. The friends ol !y error on this point seems to have ae- and inches are and Sunday by Marggraf, Charles It. Norris will he glad to twenty deep. They double, than those of Mr. Geo. W. Burkett. The trimming the post olliee building arrived last and rather dubious for Santa Clans unless lie chums on ars who Thursday j ’> would be pleased to see their name in Doses One Dollar. kn.-w i. da< in ! the in eitlu r The-e The local banks a deal of in trn tlm; lie has located at Scotia. Neb., and 300 ‘blind another direction. w here books can be placed from side. was done Mr. his clerk. report good gold Mr. Head to have the steam on this week. wheels, I never heard oi his In:t bought by Randall, expects something doing ; print) were not absent or the t< nn. a mill <1 tardy during lyr:ss it had been at of racks are from six to nine l'eet other circulation. The Belfast National Bank 1 Pouring two hundred barrels per e look Mr-. Catlin, of widow of the late Belfast Bank, t*i- '•t<*r<' structure earned I * \ a rain them, paneled Nobody fessed to presents ! Philadelphia, l>ec. their Savings away before a committee of the Executive setting lire to the Oak drove Seminary, by presence at his home, it being the kill, appeared use. Bills are as a medium. over the Pobcrt ( at lit), w bo 1 vtorm. A.* The main body of the paint is straw color, and the preferred circulating stock of Mrs. Bowen. She it cv-t readv to was proprietor of our hotel V 'TH i: hereby •/ivi n th.it l: \ tli■ -ays: “This will be sullieient now says that he wa> bewildered and did not tell •’7th of his Il was a com \ Council last week and asked for anniversary birthday. 117b. issued 11.; Ita li 1-. I of the racks arc with pardon. show and would like to back in the liftics, is vi.-itin r her si-lcr. Mr- -he i by « ■ gilt, bronzed Fred ii. of the goods, have you look oven if i io tin whoh* -ml• moulding Moses, Buc.ksport the and he is Iiis ■ of th estuary, ami Conservatory, truth, that innocent. counsel plete surprise to him, although his daughters pro appliealhm t<>r duplicate- ha -, •... cornices. The cellar has a .• mcret*1 tloor ami terra Cranberries have advanced in price and were announces that during the holiday season ell'orts you do not of the V. Ik. I ill eph Niehol.-. h will maintain that is buy-Comrades j | a nice cordanee w ith law will wad mil Hit imj unties of (lie surface, a will be redoubled to customers who order he not guilty. pared treat for the occasion. They were ; cotta overhead. The is tire quoted l:i.-t week at $11 per barrel. McDonald & please for three cheers for Mrs. the •P \V. •b ‘IIS li Hi i -I ID !’;■> tiling building proof kind of tlower work. The new roses com- hearty Packard, l.laek is making extensive preparations t.» well entertained and wh.eli would have been bad any are Pensions have been granted to Janies M. the evening wa> very pleas Ih lla-t, Dec i:|, !>s7 :tw.‘.o required of this have 1$0 bushels in store, and Palmer, Soldiers and then follow > in ail its parts. There is an outside entrance to Drown, city, ing on rapidly, ami the most extensive order ean Friend, her advice t the j rut ice the resent season and addition Hi. Centre Daniel propose.-in antly passed in playing games and in a social man dam remained." This. if eourse. was! 11. L. Woodcock and If. II. Sides each have a be promptly tilled. M. I*. Woodcock & Son are the original, Montvillc; Wood,increase, letter. Let us act and all in tit: the cellar for coal. The building w ill be heated by together together j to hi ’oral ice, to eat ;,nd w inter a Belfast West Thomas quite quantity nor. ...Wo saw in the Chelsea, Mass.. loader a made <• ear months a--) agents. \Vinterport; Cunningham, original, business of Mf.ssrs. Kaytnoml A Whitcomb'* (allloi i:. by the expert employ- a Gurney hot water heater. The contract for quantity. pensions, and let us ii"t take our for ait. j South -liipm notice of the death of ('. II. Mack's little son. lb- The Liberty ; Joseph H Mears, reissue, Morrill; shoulders Tours. ed by tie water company, out in i the was awarded to Mr. James T. The Cottrell Bros., of this city, who are engaged temporary wooden dam at Little Biver has from the wheel so long a- we have a September building library James it. * >i:r trader- ire nuking some creditable was a bright, little Mr. and Mrs. been and the flowed. It was built Swcetser, original, bearsport; Orlando very promising hoy. '•i't. '•everal months after this was Pottle, who sub let the -tone work t<- Mr. J. in the business, have 300 eggs which will completed, pond treasury groaning with money and there is a .-ingle j The many mt s the t report poultry <-f u-ehii articles for Christmas Mack have the sincere of their friends presented by Herrick, Hell'ast. di.-pl-iys gifts. sympathy nia W'.n’er — Hall. The contract has been hatch out at and from that time for- by Mr. Ilenry \V. Mason, of this and is a comrade on Pa.-.- the word Trip-, managed by 'I !:■;.• printed, the editor of the visited Little faithfully performed Christinas, city, dependent charity. j ami in " Ape <»ive \our i'-eal dealers the preference when you relatives this place in their bereavement. hitia ml' have made these tour- « \. the is ward their incubators will turn out chicks in good piece of work. In permanent dams Hydrant Hose Company No. 2 met Tuesda even down the line, llivcr :md <-f and building, apart from it- useful purpose, large building y hoys. To w ith. niL»nl th< -« reported the surface of the estu- can in bt.\ ing. Me saw in last week’s Journal an item from popular. begin they j.; next the water would do well to and elected the otlicers: l.• latitude in a decided addition to our city. Mr. Williamson numbers. spring company ing following Captain, the every p<•--i• -electing h: r*a.t. : “\. tin; whole of it i- Sanuy Point. The readers of the •Journal Portland Press rather the n < ally tiriniy irrassed j Peter P. may I »r. d. A. of Portland assisted Di- retleeting upon and from alihouia, iii- time and ] !.: n the w ill not be lirst as employ local builders. Welch; Foieman, Andrew >. Fa by ; Asst. .'-paiding by says Library open January Sanborn’s of this which has "11 ■ -at w nil liiai-h and the orchestra, city, he interested in a few items concerning the ligiotis standing of our little tow n. We propose to tile r-ieilie (oast. and tin* time I'i I, pras- compact humus [ Foreman, Clerk and .Sher- li. Ilopkis.-. performed a vcr\ ilelieate surgical heretofore announced, a.- it will be impossible to excellent Some Wal matter will be found on Henry Staples; Treas., Me ran e.,\er "I !i;> ,-tav w Dl. m ■ achieved deserved success for its music, interesting V iew at Point cm.dm ted I explain when we over our hurrv. every day oiid. i:< alh. it serins to Poultry yard Sandy rati-'U *■ get u-, cannot be more man O. swift. H. P. It was .mda> upon the i-v of little Ida. I'"li.-. g""d at any of the leadim at- -,\ | get the hooks properly arranged by that time, and will be increased to eleven this winter. the first page, in addition to the usual Hydrants, Thompson. the 1 pieces correspond- I*reuch Bros. Their buildings, an I Brooks. Dr. about at his own W in n he ■. uuwi..* ji*• than tla soil higher voted to hold on the first covering daughter ■>! :.pi.. t A. Whittier. Bieii has snld hi.- place in M< uroe plea-uy. pra-sy up.** the will not take much before l'eb- ence and ar.d on regular monthly meetings opening place There is no better orchestra in Maine for concerts miscellany; the fourth page some- area of 1*42 are from 12 to ->s ft. in return, he may either travel with a p. r of ft., width and fortiie sake of Ids nearer 1 h idea that -1.« Friday ach month. i'is re wvr u» service- at the church last getting property together. train. ,.r I mm. tlii* tii j.»lot of salt ruary lirst. or a lit mt Loan and Associations from Cong, special g>> independent li dances. thing Building divided into from <1 to 7 ft. wide, with a pens cum i ••■Mrs. True who has for sometime been ay. in > a-e. aln ai I ■11 -m Ciliey any pan:, i 1 i- u-dii.: to the of Bank Examiner and bits We have a letter from ( A. J. Hieh Sunday count of the storm. Next Sunday the | ady perpetually pollute the! report Bichnrds, private apt. tinuous tieket-bonks' he a The wild horses sold in Belfast last summer are ; passage through them :>to 4 it. wide. Ti <• ; si< k died last week ...Mrs. win* w iii found a pa. -; ! m su t f->r the moi di-i our.-e w ill he Aphia Doubling W'aier li.s to i> ridiculous.*' It if*even more I Belfast's Octogenarian*. of Students Fun tr mi the Ariel, published at E. b »rn, of C C. arrived at 11j-• n'n.g ••Christ- that can he had "U and at I.<»!»:-. not out well. Mr. Dolloff, of this who ship Ciiapir.an, recently are all warmed with hot water, which lias been sick is railway turning city, j buildings So ( very much improved- Dr. homeward the same a-in la- ! li nil n- fertile M. C. New York from in ian iali-in." ommunion .-er\ ice at ■> o'clock journey utw..i Aje to intimate at tiii- one Seminary. Calcutta, which he says: “The p lay s aerommodatha are n -m •. appreh'-nsioiis octogenarian-- their UclfaH has bought by Geo. O. Dailey of C'apt. Trim and later houses thoroughly ventilated, thu- ensuring ness this way and is much liked ...Tilton dib it, j for iii- li--. \ at a local and was about the last 1 looked i' iecu.an M< A. -| ial -,.eeia !• » llw 1'in iP. of Hie from < old Brook. We at least and more. The la-t died from the received in Christinas comes on Sunday this year. papers, paper the health of the feed Cilvery Po.-t,t,. 1C. passed a \utc Mipplv ; lifty-nine, perhaps -old, injuries handling. Arrange- poultry. They a full variety Mrs. Miller and Hiram 1’attee arc hav ing a hu-\ cm -ur-ion- i- that Bn!.man d:u at before I palace ki; w ments have been made with Bov. Hen. E. sailing. am going to China this time ol ti.a.ik- to .1. !1 '■mllivnn for the of ! that the Aim the introduction of census report include.- a list x-f thirty-tight wo- Tufts, of grains in a very manner, and think presentation season in the business. David Brack ; Pullman | altcv Imtei ear- an j opposed | 1; a as stated in the Journal recently that Mr. J systematic clothing and tin* paper will be sent to me there/’ •« train, and run the rut.n « v. ater. -t men and men who are over pastor of the Bapti-t church, to to the Tem- a I i i; of the p hellion for the lihrarv ; al-o to through but I }; ha-1 !>* e,mie eon\ertetl twenty-one eighty preach that the true way ol kin*l of ett is as much as and John Cordon e.\ George W. Nash, of Centre Montville, was insane. only feeding any doing ever, meals are insured at b»’i;r- n the \\ on;;:ii' I ( regular ■” of Their names ami are a- fol- forenoon, Dec. 2w. Palestine Com C<>i.i> P.uook Dam Com:. The dam on Cold 1C ii orps for a pre-cut of live dol- 'ml .it years age. ages plars Sunday fowl. The water is seven tenth- of a to .. "f 111in-. e. »\ lea-t wan'd refrain Physicians say this was an error. Mr. Nash was brought peets start up in January .We arc informed phu and rireum-tanet H of this to Brook was a lar.s. -een at once n i, lows mandery, will go the church carried away by freshet it mile that the patron- of th. is ]'o w i n uf do -is upon the of the ill. but is now in health and has no signs of city, Baptist Sunday, and flows from bed rock. Cleanliness i- con- by Mr. Walter Penney, our Supervisor of school-, purity good combat- and \ < i -1 m. Dehorn Mor.iioii. in a The Eminent Commander will issue was from this dam that the Belfast many -penal ;i water Murphy.it.! Nancy body. an Water Works sidered essential and the houses are t lenient A Adams have made a hit in add- that the term of Free School closed furnished. i i-anity. Mr. Nash is a hay buyer and the report thoroughly great High recently ; ance< inseparable fr ail ordinal y 11.. * 1. i.; Thomas Tap ay...... Mary J. Mal:«me\. order later. its received supply of water. The dam was cleansed ing to their cxt.n.-i\ -toek of Christmas a at south Brooks was in even success. may be said the Me\ir- ban--. -a w hwli u. Nathan Wight.'.*'arah ( Prc-t.>:>'- did him injury. mostly every second day. The houses are cun goods degree a built of t«» he tu t Iii -ea "i.. .lamia p; Abagail Whim- —MaryJ. Prm-i*•ton- J’uivati: En:i: Mania:. Mathews Bros, viil earth and was washed out by the great nected by ,'{00 feet <>f snow w alk- t ft. wide, so they l-'U'g" line of well bound books, consisting of bis. Mr. Boss Higgins, the teacher, is a son of the late y Tii insurance companies will come to Delfast to j departure .a the tir-t. Tiie < alii, vn a Mr. Blaine A Joshua ‘'mart.'7 Mary Maddork-.-j rii'h of water. It can be can t Message. organize at their sash and b’ind factory i:i this city easily replaced. There pass from the house to the hen imu-e- w itliout : -ry. pi eti-' Petion. Ac. They iiave made an ex Kphrnim Higgins of Thorndike whotau-ht a vety leave Boston 2. 12, Hi, and 21. !'« ■< Leonard l». Corbett *^;ti':ih AV. M«• i >• .ji;i l, *... j c\ mine the water works whenever the chief on- | .January is now a of water circulars of either the ( alibuiiiu "i M.\ a lire service. Tw » good supply in the main reser- out of rain or whieh add- much low -e "ii large number of schools. We remember s Dorr.st! Alfred Walton.-1 private hundred feet of new going doors, shine, treme!;. them and are country — Abagail j pi-: they selling] •I tin (i. I>'■.'!n• in !*.i• 1 i- ;t 1 ginocr is ready. Mr. McDonald says lie wants be obtained a.i.'1 hose will be bought ar.d kept in an accessible purposes, that there to tin* comfort of those who care h»r the low 1-. I: via as a very diligent pupil.The ( hri.-tmas ^ '• m« .ittlc time to the new hose com rapidly. street, opposite >chool >tn et, lb ; n. than l’re-i \ ut i x-daud .,t and Jonathan Durham. ...so Lydia ll. !-'erg— -l practice need he m* alarm on that score. Washinpton; In case of lire at the mill will attach tiic houses for the older fowls each pen Pa- lnm; entertainment is being by a Lucy Malioi e. 11. Km>wh-.-1 •unit ;;nd thinks the will take soon place. they Mr. W. It. >,awycr, as-'isfed his class, will 1 properly arranged •*' -j*it• the lath s it;\* and .Mary I display place 'ey give pi'eia•_ patronage j Johanna Perkin-.M John Lam*.-| the hose to the hydrants in that The residence in (iravesend, L 1., by fifteen to thirty hints. Last season they hatched committee of interested citizens. Our young folks Bangor Hum Holes ifused after ( hristmas. vicinity. They occupied tin- i-eh hr; ted « autala King Winter, w ith a Chri.-t th' al--< i,' -talisman !.a-a Calvin Pitcher.M Loui-a Murei:.M a time when l.-.rper folluwinp in propose to extinguish a lire, if one occurs, before Mr. and Mrs. C. M was burned with its about5000 chicks and ducks and have mnrkelid all generally get up good they really try John Aunis.si Catharine Pi!!-leu ...>1 Berry, m:. tree, on >aiurdu> the Tit It in.-t., at Cnion Hall. thi- t< The reason The store oil Main street owned by A mold Har- hut for It....Our merchants have in a stock The ten nofcioe untry da; i> easily stat- LlixaW. ...si lizra _s! a general alarm is given. It is an excellent idea. contents last Friday night. Air. Berry was ab- about Too, which are the choicest selected fr» n ; put good days' Ilodgdoii. P.Gray. All are Inviti d to take their gilts to the hall Satur Hamm.in an* Ma\ ilk- to th< 1. Mr. i- Nathaniel Simmon-... >4 ris, and formerly occupied as a saloon by the the tlicm some tine lord- to ! of goods-Miss «.t the Blaine the foremost Aineri- ! Uridget ILuirahau.si sent. Mrs. picked up a little and some whole, giving very holiday Fanny staples, rlo-e theii -t living The Daughters of Bebckah odd Fellows are Berry dog da;, alte: noon Here a committee will -hop-, and >p riling, un- u;. •, Annie I.. smart.. >4 Martha Ilodgdoii..—-1 Kitoultoii lives., is and will be breed from. Their eompeteiif tirin of «!fc Colson of has been in can ami th** ablest of undergoing repairs and ran to a hotel near from which stock consists of Wyandotte.-, Staples Monroe, lay. and during the day. tli* -* «•*!;. ,;-i- ; e\poneiit American I David Gil.non. ;l LP/a Matldocks.so making preparations for a ( hristmas tree in odd clothing by j be i-n luiid t" receive them. (.(•••upied by Mr. Waterman, who will move his Ilo-.idlcttc Strain, Light Brahmas, Duke of York town visiting her father, 1. >. Staples.M. J. Dow many of the-aloou-about the oit\ to .■ !|i* a-, ib if i is recent Annie Llli-. .s: L-thcr Lam-a-ter. ,.m on she witnessed the It tal destruction of her house. interview lias had mure I Fellows Hall Saturday' cvruing Dec. 24th. All proprietors ha*t done in to ti.• n ; Natli'l s. Greer.-4 Alfred A. Patterson., .hi clothing business there. A plate glass front will strain, Hawkins Pekin has had a neat office painted Will White regard leader-, attracted The house was owned by J. M. Caballes. Mrs. Plymouth Bock, -train, j A lit: i• three ; ear old here, who was being sign by -tale that all tin- the. visit,-.I more attention, and will "u-an Harkne--.si Nt Odd Fellows with their children arc invited amt They pko-e- Kii/a 171 li-.. be in and the in lirst-ciass condi- Kankin which he will out in a few stoi m put premises put had about in and in Ducks, strain. They arc un.-iirpa.--cd for her brother the central truth of her hang days_The no tratlie in tin- liquor line, and that th-- exert more influence A. Hazcltine — Ml Jane Carr.-a to their to be on Berry £1.700 money $0,000 taught by iiij^ | than the Pre-id* ut*s nie-- Mary requested bring presents placed of had out of the la, Holmes.s.4 diamonds in the marking, size and At sabbath last Saturday spoiled the proposed (iood Tom ptietors apparentl) gone Sail) Jeremiah Jewett.so the tree. house, which were lost. Mr. Her great laying qualities. school )es.-on “That it i- lawful to do do m-t ^r* I’laine a- ail -Santa Claus and old Mother House will The) say mueh in regard to tin ; speak- American to Patterson .>:» < harle- Moore ..._so lar and it is now to be held next Mary A hotel meeting was held last rr estimate.- his loss at present the proprietors are getting live d«.z*m eggs well the '-ahbath after a moment’s meeting, Saturday ns. a * Saturday evening $30,000: insured for $1,000. | upon day,” his "V Americans. iVe-id, nt < lexeh.ml !- Miles Leary.sJ .L unette Townsend...™* be present to distribute the gifts to the little ones. Tuesday tin* mouth- and the committee to the per and will soon have more. Two in. evening. I: is to be lliat all (iood Melinda shut*-.s-J IbJierr Walker. hi appointed ascertain if His Belfast friends are sorry so learn of his mis- day many thought .-ai,! ‘-it i- air/'ni to do well upon the Imped Templar.-, of < There will be music, Mugingand declamations. piece 11n* olden Club of a 1- cubators are w and all who desire to be W.- would cad e Lnpland, Catharine G. Hailey... .v.’ Ibibert W. lirowt:.so stockholders would consent to an increase of the fortune. running ith 1200 hens eggs, and the abbath day.” Having attended a Sunday school such, will put in an appear- the attention our it-.. ; *. He Lost ms m. A tin- advertisement nt 11 a: .Vi .. di*e--e- handful of mi and free trad- I-aac Abbott.sj Almira ltueknor*-. ...™> Ki Belfast man recently thin! will be started about Dee. when the tirst ; \\... pwuinp- c.je.tal stork, and to mortgaging the building for loth, concert where a collection was taken in the old -t to Itet-ey Dodge.si Mrs. Pobie I-rvc.™» sent for Our neighbor, Mr. C. W. Haney, Belfast, not iuston reel. I -’on, ( aiifornia excur-ion- .■ er-. ami ivrrixt the a case of liquor to come by express. To hatch of the season will come off. The plaudit- of fore u lnanu- < the amount necessary to sat- French fashioned Im.Ms would adv ise all who a re nieu. ip J.-raeM \... s-J Mary Howard.*.so complete it, reported a j with long handles she said: “1 lit < KspoUT. After Mr. 11. C Herbert and wife |.er-oi.- \ oat iiu. insure success only has large assortment of made to taetuivrs ;.*! Sarah Pitcher.. ...—hi lie had the box addressed to anoth- ready clothing, Bros, have on hand at 10 of trip any point \vi st ot the Mi— om riv. rot Hietr .m* nts in tin’s countrv. The isfactory progress. Another meeting will he held present tons grain for ecii in the bad hats and put my “popper.*’ returned from church Tuesday evening, the stilt \\ ith them before er person and told the expressman about it. lie gents furnishing goods, caps, etc., for the p ineha-itigtielo :- tarn.er. t: m :.* r and tin* artisan—the well- this Thursday) evening. winter's feeding, some kinds of w hich will have the but be has them for all seasons •»th. they began to smell smoke and going up stairs went to the otliee for several no holiday trade, I»ert Da*, who is 1 : •C. days but liquor to he replenished from time to time. At this time is, nine years old, clothe- him- 1 ’»Ii*i nameii of America, men of Good Templars. A gentleman of this who wished to make his ton bed room Miss Ann city came. of the year. By a system of fair dealing and occupied by Harding they it was suggested that ir living three men in -elt and earns -ome !.e-ide the sale of In;n*l ! .i- perhaps might they have their care of money by The Hasten Produce a- mu-* !: r.-ad, digest and hear- wife a present of a muff, took home two for her to he has employ taking found it so full of smoke that it vv to Market. conic prices won and kept the confidence of the a.-impossible Relfast Lodge is making arrangements l*.»*• a by the other express, which proved to be the the headed Mr. w ho home made erst.balls. The lii.e stock he '•min* select from, one a and the other a hennery, by Manly Kichards, always tily i:d : 1 1 jtpi**nt pha in their behalf cheap high people. See his adv erti.-ement in another column. stay in it more than a few moments at a time. pleasant Christmas enlct taimm nt at their Lodge case. The man to whom the package wasnddress- is to the work. earrie.-. his business methods atid De<- Mill. priced article. to have a little fun at the equal prompt gentle Mis- The wet h open, d v. it it a rcam-t th* tree trad: fd'-fie- and Thinking — W. T. Colburn, boot and shoe Missing llanlingfrom her hed they rushed in un-Ameri- room at ! v<-<: mber e«'. received it and Belfast, dealer, lmtter and eliee-i ,u Monday evening's meeting. 2m. his thought some Iloston friend had man!v vva "attract tlie attention of ami Line -•«..,d 11 -! < expense of better half he changed the labels. everybody t > her room where found In-r facedown cau lit ill! Ids f !**\ 'ami*- me--a advertises Christmas for the trade. Pkospect. The selectmen have sitting they ruled linn, hut other kind- ruled ea re. They 8_*nt him a present. slippers holiday bought new miii*1i i-i his is 'hie t«> this ami the fact The (.rami >ot retarv e\p«cts to le in York Tin one was much admired, but the patnmag.* with to :’,o rent- w- reali/. cheap seeing Boots and shoes are always substantial holiday for the Lane upon the lounge part of her body lying on the per pound f.-r lino that if the idea-iu the latter document plank and Hawse bridges on the that ail fee! a desire to such Wednesday ami to the new on the the wife said she A was received here encourage industry >ales of e!a at II. to pj *. county Thursday give pric, ticket, could not telegram Saturday e\cuing tloor. It was a case of or a gilts—Calvin Belfast, is now a stream, and other in town probably apoplexy, I• Tax will hav< 1.-- to Hervey, opening bridges will be replunk- ami hu-.ii;—; as lie We -trirt 1) line Northern. prevail buy wif li and he unwritten \v..rk of the order, at aif'»rl that an' would take the other. It looks a for a Miss Walsh, of in this cit\ on a 'pialities manifests. pre- Kennebur.Lporl llangor, visit, of a shock from which she ha- stitVoivd •. ■ stock of ami his repetition Kss* -teadv at to ::u t- f..? :. < e large gold silver goods at store. ed. roads and are im\ in o p i i i i -IX mm for w hat to dedicate a new Good that her Prospect’s bridges dict f.>r this a height husiness future. tiny buy. Their Templars Hall Thursday little as though tin* was on the man of the stating brother William II. Walsh wa> hoy laid. Others kinds :tf Jd P- -u joke This class of is much after for Christ- nearly two years. Life was extinct when she was quiet goods sought order—Last Sunday’s rain raised the water in I’oultrv is ver\ wanes must e* im down to Hie l*. M. for Multum ami in Portland house. killed at Waterville while cars. Miss dull. 1 lie he-; level of those Lodge, Friday shackling '1 he remains of Mr. Thomas w in» discovered. Somehow this time Mrs. Her mas gifts and at llervcy’s will he found the best. South stream the for the season_.Man Sawyer, died at during are in le-s -upplv. and better ri« m 1 ;u I.t to instruct o timers in the new work. Walsh was absent and did not the highest ; r>.pe. and foreign lnanufaeturers get telegram l’»o-ton 1 :i-t bert succeeded in ten of water from h\ -hi.; it.. 1.1st week we announced that Mr. Ilazcal Me- -\t tent ion is called to the announcement of Mr. goni Lanpher is off the lumber to clear F.ghlands "aturday mornisig. were carry ing pail.- until cutting *• >• wi lix the at No. Sunday morning. Several years ago another I'otat-•« i' >n ,id\ at to ! ni ■. I !■ pra which pood- will he sold Rescue Lodge, G. T. ji’>. of Morrii;, iias Kecn had tiie ice business of the Shaw 1 red T. ( who is now his land for a farm. Ilis brought In re for hurial Mr. Saw er came the kitchen below, and by the presence of mind of bought base, Belfast, prepared to new barn looks lonesome Tuesday. > lie I troii -. and >•'* no e brother was killed on the old and a id for u.o-; ther i- ;u our markets. T the resolutions on the death <>:' a Colony by to both herself and husband and the arrival of hat i> the sure outcome of parsed following Bros., of this Since then Mr. McKeen has properly lit the eye with and without a house near Sear-m.ri in hi- boyhood and learned the join timely city. coincidence Miss spectacles eye by. Pcsides the new hou~e strange Walsh was on a visit, the It< an- are -r\ the — ers trade w ith "eth ( two or three men who heard Mr. Herbert*.- alarm adv in .-.mi,;.:' practical application of the President's free sold a half interest to Cap!. James JI. Perkins, glasses Mr. Fred T. Chase, of the tirm of Hi- in contemplation a good substantial wile would Wyman. For many years pi telegram came Saturday evening, and -lie did not K:e-ii heef eontiiim -'dud. | w Whereas, Death has imaded our l*Hge and tv- ram he was .1 member of the ehoir. of lire, saved their house and also a sad -t• trad- argument-, a- illustrated former ex- who will have of the business. Twelve Chase & Son, has returned from New York help out in his situation-The interest in the re- Methodist He en- they >ry mi I a orahle. and lie by moved from us curia-loved sister, Nellie L. daek- charge receive it until >upp!\ u:; t Sunday morning. listed i.i < «». K. -JtJth Mi*. which mti-t have been told of the of the ti«m- uotninallv perience. son,therefore. hundred tons w ill In* cut this winter on tiie Gurney and Boston with a 1 ich assortment of gold and sil- ligious meetings continues. Last Sunday wa- tin* Ib-gt. as a musieiau. 1'he burning iiiahaum I. A prominent of Portland came t II.-1 :<• Muttons and uimh- are in fit!! ; Resolved: That 1»\ her death we have Io>t a sin. and -tored on Mr. A. I. Brown’s This physician ver l<> which call but that there a lull'd-:.i*, w I del this regiment was remains of Miss Harding. Miss Harding was about pond place. good they attention_Seethe only stormy day has been go. i suhjeeted, mat k«-t i- \\ (•••re I will be for home The will pertv-- operation svatemei.ts of the Belfast and more being tanks expedition, and tin* climate sixty three years of age and lias lived in the ehoiee the ina rket ; lu e who demamk*(| our warmest consumption. gentlemen Searsport National congregation every Sunday for than three hasalways friendship an and was Governor BodwelJ. eye, entirely successful. Later be had <>f I.r a time, our town will Apple- are m no iia.d' in- : ami highest c-teem. be ready to take advantage of a good ice year and Banks.See notice of Savings Bank hooks lost. months... Wc send thanks to Mrs. .Joseph P. iter long mis$ some faliev |. u- at do an eu: ua ; : Resolved: That while we :< grcl tin- correspondence with his from im arable disease the one s = ileeply will if the market it. patient concerning of fora box of during hist of its best nurses, who had a I ii'* iiaiiK- :>:• ! m e ship warrants ry, Prospect Kerry, beautiful How twenty.live alway pleasant l-ard-ton-. .j-J do. or;.- m pr-< of Hon. J. j;# of • ur we how t«» Ior \ Soi.mkk or 1S12. .Joshua -I. sister, >uhmi.->i\edy the will and been to Cassell, spectacles, having again railed this ers—six varieties id' yeai Mr. '-a v\er h ave a w id<*w and two word and a smile for tho.-e she had attended as ina' to '1 he-,- an r.M'hy, II an- -•• 1 llim who doeth in bloom. daugii- ijtialit) priee- familiar in Maine, and all things well. Imfin>vmmi:nts at who died in Searsmont Dee. 7th, US chrysanthemums indeed tiie Dock. Improvements last weed, he he aged nearly w-u he due 1 I Resolved: That we hereby extend to her be- vicinity thought would improve Mrs. I terry has over loo dowers in hioom of the ter-. well those she met every day. >hc carried jobbing priee- 1 hroii-dimit N w was of < Knyland. that the news of his reaved arc still goingon at Common street and in the vicini- the years, French descent and was horn on orateil apple- are .:ted at 11- t• parents, sisters ami brothers an expression opportunity h\ calling. armed above cheer and was a < hristian in Sunday night, varieties, and some choice California plants everywhere every ij IOe for S' " I. >erimi- Him-> created a ol our in this their hour of alUirlion. of the The owned what is now known as Cassell’s Island. Tut: 1 >i \ri1.1.1» Min. We take from wi,le>j read alarm, and sympathy ty depot. building by the rail- with a lantern, and with hr. Lombard as Islesboro, Resolved: That these resolutions bo guide, he that are very beautiful will bloom in sense. Her funeral occurred Friday at 10 A. M presented road Feb. Is, 17!Ci. His Sarah was horn February_ the l':\lield < iti/eii the article, of in many a .j' : pra\.-r w. nt for his company and occupied by Charles Lancaster sallied forth in of his wife, Sweetland, following up recovery. to the family of the deceased, a copy spread upon toui-;k, <;<»m. Some particulars of the bills against steamer married at Jan. ami lived tastefully arranged cheap. month ago. the lir-t spool being street and on its site will erect a for Mr. Hope 20, Isis, together N the Liu.v M. Hatch, : on building turned out last ami '"Uaiiei! Frank a !-. "earsport. Tins died of pneumonia, from which he ban l’« *i: • »1 it! \- uy. 1-ortunatily later reports from his Mary are in an article on the first 7o Mr. Cassell in Grangers Thursday rc-liingh 1 1.1- i T. N. Pjiakson. 1 Resohui Lancaster’.- business. The Mathews Morgan given nearly years. lived Searsmont f>5 eompanv have os.of the lines! mills i.i the State. '• egg .> few were at hi- ! < m. n: e ■ Bros., the horse shed and lixed •sendees held have : eii moit page. The Commercial of He was a up everythin" t.»r the It- iratmwor!-, brnmlation only day.- vuiiiv t It. m-ournyiny and there wiil the : llangor Saturday says years. joiner by trade and has built and and .-ill those things occupy cooper shop for a store house. the -cut to winter’s and the sisters whieh to make a solid and following day at ld.r> and lii- remains l>. e >. -oh ,| i- la as,-n t 1 .i'-ve that hi- Mr. II. M. Ilicklev, the owner of the steamer inn houses. Mr. C. was an officer of the meetings, weir on hand g up building, by a ponder, dr. linllook. lh -; sturdy constitution Next season the Flliot store will he raised and Mary nearly war In J>i:li:. The Commercial of with one of their pre\ehiioti of jarring make the marainery run so New !<• his former home, lb a I h .lame 11• 11 ine-, I,* Kangor Sat- who Is is to of 1 >12 was good dinners in the dining hall. Hampshire and t, lia’-it will Morgan, here, trying cfleet a settle- and receiving a government of much belter, have been I ‘t o is.pm-ale carry him safely last “The of made into a tenement house. pension attended to eaieflllh The |u. -eh- Lillian. Ihdlel -oil. Id | } urday say>: greater proportion ment with the thing is now in order. A son of Mr. lingers who for several years has had creditors of the boat but has made per month. For nearly 00 years he has been an Lvery apple pie main building i- luxlon feet, two -lories' higii. Warren. » o|.-oii, I’.o-toii. through tin ; cri' u hi- him —. The tin* dealers in thi- will Hose 11 ei U'ater- liquor city new « of the house connected with the *. ■ OF little stove in the dining hall and one above lapboarded and painted and finished. charge hoarding Id n W T Kuu p, bars and wiii remain Hosed NKCKoMMiY THE \VaM>0 CoFNTY BAK. The progress thus far, so we are informed. None upright and exemplary ( hristian, and a member of nieely vi 1, Ma voi«-e- tl-i- to-night they lor The a line.. of live Dee 14. -eh- yei.eral sentiment when it B of in the hall, four stoves, turni- engine, very seventy F M. < seminary, and wa- respected and oved Teimnali, Mai'-ha!,. New )..• some little or see porter of Decisions has sent to Clerk of them are to make the church, lie was making good time, until the owm-rs what Courts disposed any reduction in tin? Baptist always punctual in hot-.o power, was nurehased of the Pemuws, of l-do a l'.n on, I- reneli, lio-tou. ~: di man -u lai _e ture, and all who knew him lie was about I of benevolentc, yreat the of the new State Constables i- i.. Wadliu for the names of the of the Waldo amount of their but hold for his attendance at everything eonvenient, with funds Me. lianie Falls, and in an room •_,n\.".n by year- policy lawyers bills, the full amount. divine service until the infirmi- engine SAIt.llt. a nt A number of will run in the ami boiler room lb\.!’) feel, steam is age and had been in feeble health for sometime ■vl*tril, in business and places bars with closed county bar who have died in the last decade. The In the meantime an execution ban been ties of confin' d him to his home. Of their treasury. Now the grange is ready to supplied by threatened age Dee PJ, -ell ! *: 11:11 k: I. ( lla I, O'!-.- ": front two lilty lmv-e power hollers, and tin* engine U w plf-. 'i< ihdi‘-. and (■: doors. Kverybody i- receive candidates. The of ers Tho.-e ho mourn his loss have our heartfelt -y in iiiaral and catholic a anxiously awaiting is the li.-t, with tiie date ofl’*death: against the boat. children live survive. election Min will Die 1 I. Seh a: ie- II -im. I! ;• p the outcome of the Governor’- following eight An affectionate daugh- run bv Sir. ( lias, \ne -.oneof the workmen who • appointments. take next The holies of the I.lm >t. ish turn- h hi. -• t'-w :trd m.-n f -,!! and sects Nchcmiah, ’877: W. P. ter has cared for her place Saturday evening_Mr-. Hattie eamc from ."ear-port, w here a portion of the ma- patliy. pa VMIdtl' W I'Oins. parlies all The ten notice which the eon-tables gave Abbott, July *27, llarriinan, parents with the tenderest days* A lias been burned at the was of the ( .... ished |or ltd at go cent- each ami ■ 1 lyeeuni Fppcr (.lam- Hichboru has arrived from chinery purchased Searsport "pool slipper people 1 from on Jan. I'd, I.-'78: J. G. Dickerson. i. care. The funeral services were held his visiting relatives in !’hfla«!i •, 1 nr < l*0; Win. G. March 21, iisst. and the num- Merrill, l- a oi iln Hixtield morality, busint and they Crosby, very large l.--p, partner "pool \v» port s Ada Cook, ice ers ehureli to tlieir liou.-e. 'I'he tal « were s, lmt be interfered with if sold for 1"1. < president; Sally Durham, presi- ber of are for potatoes and Putter w ill -o«.n ( o. and nianago- manufai tore of the help repair iemperam Mm- to h.- they only | Hiram >. Alden, April 15, 1884; W. II. Bur- friends ami neighbors in attendance showed eggs. go spool-.. i' 'I re-tiny upon him to Miss « we mechanical or medicinal o- -.Tin* Maine Ment; Pierce, assistant if cattle feed don’t take a m the ground lb-op liml six i-otighers, run lecorati’d vv ith ware and «*.d purp j rill, <>ct. s, A. G. 1885, all of teacher, secretary; the to his Tin* services higher drop back again. elegant lighted by I'Vri<:iii'l!ii:i. l» ^;ii- ,.ii. ; 5» I I o'v.. rd to a -in■« '--fill 1884; Jewett, April ] ork It'ir. fit Belfast. David S. Flanders, Monroe, 1882. Albert were conducted by Wev. Ceo. I-:. Tufts of Belfast. wintering se n -poii. From thi- floor, after the sliav are i ''iii/.m,s. oral son Tucker, of tie Maine Cen- ing^ \ \\ i 111 \\ lie New Vw \< ! '.a-ardle-- ,,f the Manager Pay I kett and Mattie committee on one to w a i party, haxiny Wentworth, enter- ami them are some ... sifted out. the biork.-are taken elevator to the from three light.-. A evening L. among promising stepper- by pleasant I»;i :< .•! /:«• W •. tral, has about decided to establish the new i Kelley, Winterport, Aug. 18, 1885, and John Disastkks to Bki.kast Yksskls. on !.i/ II I* '\ :, \ |', III- \ "d "j ,.ur man at tainment. Last the exercises Tuesday The third lloor. where thev are in i.in-. eaeh -i/o ail The > •« in-art, will pray for his Friday evening con- butchering season is now in full force and kept enjoyed by present.... library wa- •} !.<•-!• > \ !.< w i-. M. ; I* .|-t Maine stock yards at a point between Greeley, Palermo, 1885. J. \\\ ir.-ni liungor | Frederick A Co., of this eitv, received a tel- bv itself, which they are put in hoppers sim- \< r. eo\ sisted of singing the school; n records; beef and are S evening and lilteen t• •» r<- d: W I*. 'It' I \ 1 speedy .-ry.** and Ilermon. It is that Mr. Tucker by adingof pork cheap. The village folks ean ilar toil.o^e of a mill, vv hieli eondm is them iturday gathered likely from ( grist I Till v \ ■ •: ma:i ironi tno egram apt. Woodbun Burgess of the Soli. k -op, 15.111 M11' 11' M h | means to them far out of the country came into the store of business; debate—“Resolved that Women should now u of the to the .second floor vv here tla are turned, .... I’iirker ha- turned the steam wide put just enough buy <|iinrtcr farmers and shorten up y polish spolford = ri 11 I ’• -''ii ! ■ ■ 15 1. w Wm. Frederick, at Baltimore, that his vessel l. railroad limits iu to Hones A stating d. am! for There are c •• ••• yard Jhmgor prevent them Co. recently and rcmjvrked: “I hear vote,” Annabel Swan and Ferric* Dyer in tlieallirm- their store bills. tamped hanged shipment. I- generated bv a boiler in the -her in; tie pit Nt*'-\ 'l k 1 ir. A t-| \\ lli^ !i'.' tilin’ of tin* 1 from becoming a nuisance in handling was run into Monday by a and cut down to thirteen men employed on tins lloor. Here we ib-;'ii »INational you have a Hour for a barrel.” “We ative; Mr. Ilrown, and 1-1*1- Pratt in the tugboat hi- house. It i-a sun.. I -arrai.ee. lianaor \ 11 i• I. \\ i: good $5 teaclM*r, liml tin- olliee, ami ia another room on the same riiiining through * iii .I In* second trial at Sioux < Iowa. of the water’s edge. No further were 5>. arrived -«•! «.. !\ II it.-h. < .. ..i *»n1111i11• Wa-hingCm last was ity. have,” Mr. “and will warrant it to negative; declamation Ala particulars given Wintkkpokt. (Jeorge Pratt Lodge, (.. T. cele- lloor the r> lim d vv ith Mr. Gunn has retur ed in to M Thursday replied Howes, by Cook; song by pair-liop, up almost every- just trip more Till, i\i1 i- 1 captain would brated their first- on oedful lor the re of the a !,’-'-l\ itt< ii!*'I. State and satisfaction.” on Sally Durham; bv repair Momlax e\china- thing pal ing machinery w lu re he ru.-li of busine--and ev ei i.. .■ Every Territory Haddock was ended Tin* give Finally, being told that if dialogue committee; declama- anniversary* report- pn if ''!|i. el.-ared -Id; I \\ Friday evening. and The The iir-t were about two weeks ■ proceed. Frederick cleared from Balti- at I nion Hall. spool- siiipped 111 t *1 m limn*; I tii!'. iirn vI i. < v.ith "iii- or two •. tin* ll<*ur was not all tion lilanche The members were out in full force t'ession tilled to its utmost i_ || x was rendered a verdict of ‘not This right he need not pay for it, a by Sullivan, ami singing by school. ami go p.the ('..nant Thread Co.. capacity..'-nturday represented, jury guilty. ago Pawtucket, 111<- li1.. ■ ■ more on tiie 10th for Savannah. The vessel was ami as each had >ri.. Minn's M.'ii.'l ii •; I p sii'.-i' Mid a wa> a ruin murder and rum has been bai 1***1 was taken on trial. *Hie week later the man the privilege of inviting one, there I*. I. This are now turning out about and gay us the heaviest tain fail •>: the 'onii'ient >11iiit piv,ailed. chairman money A Stockton of the Com- eompanv Sunday e> i.. N’ '• dlols, >al a > ■ correspondent Danger towed hack to Ceo. K. of sell, ten thousand but have used to secure an port—C'apt. Carter, was a number gloss per month, of < .1 *n< acquittal.Wadiburn l*ro>. returned and paid for that barrel and two goodly present and it was a very en- plenty season and ai- » broug it the highc-t mn-e of tide ISostuii, 1 >•'<• »». '■ail. 'I i'ii Fan nit \ -poke of tlie outlook for bougftt mercial gives some further of the croton loom am! to increase this amount. eneouraainaiy of 'rhomaston, have the particular l'eiiobseot, writes from Jacksonville that his ves- power greatly ( o\ e bought occasion. The v Warren. lark Till, el.-an-d I.ri_i i. Stimpsoti pro- more, ami wanted the of six bar- joyable program, which was a verv < this fall... Hi >. I., one of the ablest I lie ewiiona' as privilege taking oil case last There are n.-vv mployed in and about the mill llaiiseom, campaiiri;. lid the niemhers perty, Port < a amount of reported week. The oil was put in sel was run into a river steamer and his t.• \\tr•> Norfolk. to :• t.w ra lyde, including large by boat line one, with all the men. i'hirtccn rels later at the same lint as flour is al- part- well rendered, wa as twenty-three of this number are Mem. dist :n Fast Maine .u.feiei:.-.-, Its I il a. 1 r»*ui tin hind. store and contents, marine price, cider and on some to be -erved as clergymen -••li dial Pendleton. I11 i. several States. Tin of wharves, rail- candy refresh- completely smashed, with from to feet from one. Mr. Kdvvard", from making up Mr. thirty forty follows: Minstrel Overture. Orchestra: ."ear-port, Paris, ■> I -.'li .Mark P< in I lei.. a I'm !- I. I way, three houses, blacksmith ready advancing Ilowes could not agree to Dee., The formerly located at Thomaston and now in Lucks dwelling ments at a dance. Four of the of and the re~l are re-blent" >o far. three families 1 ill; i-stie the l’re.-i >hop girls partook the ilv rail. The said the owners of \\ lllv .‘V :>•: !: ■! u by 1-jit in his me-sage in the last randy captain the Cause of K. s. l:.i ;. tl. i and other The new linn will proposition, Good Hour at five dollars a Temperance, Fernald; Piano Dim. here < a ot has receiv ed and a -:tl» to property. pro- have moved aeeour.t this port, accepted Limbing < before the trick was discovered. The effect was steamer enterprise, I 'i t'll '!• N. v\ Y> is 'r. : .Me I. lavorof farin’for revenue as the a would pay the hills, but it was difficult to From i! only against bably build large four masted sehooner there barrel is very Home Polka, Misses Lillie and Ada and is h* pod ami expected that m-.re d the ham. at a handsome and leaves at I'M. I’t.i Join (1 \ cheap. terrible. The Hardy Alabama, -alary I■ U next •M girls fainted and were carried home obtain a small boat at w orkmen vv id their families another season. of was season.The President has iit to the Jacksonville_Sell. Day- bring (’arev Low W :i •*« •. principle protection, gladly aeeepted. Littlefield; Uec., Selected, Planche Tyler : Male once to preach there tne tir.-t Sunday in e, interpor? ; lltli. ri\ 1 Senate An Attempt to steal a Whistle. in an insensible condition and were Want of rents seems m>w to be tin-trouble. The .January. A nominations for the offices tilled during Mr. Or- not expected light on the passage from Baltimore to Boston F I »*_• iviix. t.e w-t town. | !. | |',ni MU. u siaiiitiean! event in connection with this Quartette, Speed Away, Messrs. Lnugcc, Paldwiu. entire number oi here the M r. Han.-roiue Is al-o a member of the Fir.-t Maine the recess of < If. French, « i lando w ho runs a steam mill in to live. Three of four people brought by lion -e. sra ? I ‘a W I' T I ongres.-.John Sanborn, Waldo the fellows concerned with soft coal into Dec. :- got difficulty loth when Wheelden and starling >•! Ii;i enlt rprise twent v -seven. besides < netting wa- the piv-ence of .Mr. a an eminent and Hardy; ltec., Late Carrie avalry Association and hi- departuie is regretted e lea ed Ill'll I >.'! V id 15.1-! IT. >f>w ,•! >1 Gallagher, Kastport, lawyer scholar of for shelly, <• ••• wood-working purposes, a left fur parts unknown but one stands live miles fr«>m Block many ui >re have mii< here on a unit of this and • recently bought immediately Island. she lost her main Crockett; The Letter that l-v I’altinioiv. In.-. lean d -el.- Ki• -■ from the New culture, died at noon .Monday, of Solo, Never Came. Anna tlie eoru bu-inc-s. many friend- throughout the state. delegate York suddenly whistle packing < o. I [. Workingmen’s large from a steamship and placed it on his his ground. The parents of the girls claim *1000 ami mizzenmast with .several sails. The »ui is, I lo s; I* „••,! :,T. i'iiilhi,-. | aired lie was law captain II. Scott; I>ct:., Northern Laborers. U '\ < i;iiilc!>l;.ii'l ;i,:n tin1 ^i ( • I;iU- apoplexy, lifty-onc. formerly II Lord; < < party, and hi- .speech to the Committee. 11 is mill. A number of eoneeived the 111«*iii)• /a.'k >l.< ni;am. u.i>', 15. -1.>i I of the iate Lion boys idea of damages from each of the perpetrators of the of the '1 hir«l district tin- ii.:ihn1 'hmu re ot boxes :il tlu*ii* :in!•'•:<•..! wanted a the and Mr. affair. iiii'ii now in tin1 wood- box timber 'I 11«* 1 parly high tariff, ollice at Chester Mills. stealing whistle, Sanborn of The that each one of the disaster sent cutting I- •: protective strong Penobscot countv. was bearing physicians say the tug Oertrude and'the revenue Mamie C. Mr. Spurgeon's Secession. rama*-, new 15' r. Han., or > a a U Jepson; Selection, The silver Dell, or- v.:ii !•<• in tlu-M- w the remained in s11i11111'• 1 boxc-. which ill I- •' I»i. r—i' navy, more roast defences and internal im- discontinued Saturday.Part man Houghton, plan his mill all night. girls had a narrow from and it will cutter Dexter to her i'Tl.'k -, "a vaiuia li ! _’!! Sixty escape death, relief. The chestra < Daylight was ; lice., Stella ! Decla- I cu-i i li\ tii.' thread m 11»: 111 for tho-c To hi: Kim mu ok hi. .Joins to I :. one of the oldest and wealthiest retired busi- of steam was Temperance, shipping w. Referring Man I. r-. \\ |5..t pounds kept up. About midnight be some time before another affair of that sort towed to haud.-ome lhr. in' ;i-c> wr >cc in our stores. This provement.-, compulsory education, and to pro- Bristol, it. 1., where arramrements were K. 11 a I -1 ■ a. I »< a if .-I I nessmen of died mation, .C. Carlelon; Solo, Rock a-Byc Bahv, Mr. Tull's letter in nook's issue. I semi -u i Kastport, Monday aged eighty- the in an ought lo a to the thread maim last t-ci in other boys put appearance and climbed up on occurs. prove great saving l-os-. Ilaltinioi <•. >allio Id ip. \V« ;. K ways the labor of American work* two. He was a former member of the made to tow her t»» Boston. ( apt. was with Tableau, Lulu A Legis- Hodgdon Thomas; Dec., Drunken taeiur* aid we know «»!' no better suited wa\ "I comment— not short ex- W « the roof of the Just as one a place i»y controversy—a sail.**! '. Ii elaka. ollreil. !. Jloeore. 'l ie- lature....The members of the building. applied Fatal not in command of the vessel at of boxes ingmen. ami full of Maine delegation Accident at Matini< rs Island. Mr. the time, Florence to the mair.:i;: Hire than this, wl'ieli o hearty co-operation having Husband, Tyler; Reading, The New Way traot tinman just tn liaml. in doing l{o' k il. Mr. I'.- '•ail' : : r will he as last Mr. !{•■< wrench to the whistle, Mr. Sanborn the abounds ;n and tir. The timber for English pa per the < ommittee was voted to the men apportioned year. d will opened George Lunt, of Matinieus, was killed remained at home lor a No as and -aplinir pine It. la. k.'Oin ilit- v ;n Ik ;t. -i. repro- instantly trip. particulars the Old, Ada Littlelield; Selection, II.me so 1 that .Mr. is a man to the ami Means’t I throttle w this \car conies trom Mexico. 1 ’em and may say Mushes leading s < go Ways ’ommittoe, Dingley ide and there went up Into the stillness to what, ..'oriiPlow ii, 11,-.- 7. \ na : h ;i -ented Mr. It was Friday last by the accidental discharge of a gun in caused the vessel to l»e dismasted have Circle, Orchestra. A vote of'thanks \\n- tendered t-< ( art all -awed iulo of hy Gallagher. decided to will serve on the huge, squares proper size, among Methodists— a bod\ *t' w a ll it in ritMiin. N< w 1 a committee on Shipping, Mil- of the such a screech as was never English W.I, k j night before the hands of William Lunt been hut and the large .-lied l’_'ux4u is now tilled hold the m-xt liken on the on Young. and Young received, doubtless the spring star the orchestra who their seiviee- dry feet, Mol'iif. li.'- '• An -I National Convention in Chicago committee Public ISuildingsand ! beard in part- generously gave scarcely he charged that the\ an*‘-light ol 1->\ Waldo. People from their beds with tiie-1■. The company will use about l.ouo A I.IIM-. <. 1 "I and Jfoutelle will jumped Jive in the same house. Mr. sent his to ed. and whose line music was a on June 1!>, lsKs. (Grounds, attend to Naval Young gun great addition t.. the eords ol l.lreli tliis a of which in matters of faith. The extract f..it~.: Tuesday. in affright and wondered what was The year, part will, speaks Portia <1. !>• ■ \ •• !,. ,v \ AIIairs.Hon. W. French died at up. hoys Mr. Lunt for and the latter occasion. ie George the Rockland, by repairs, At the close of the the hereafter. -awed at the The entire 1 JSot"I'll liiMuKS. The Free .School at So. program large factory. Mi;. Sl'l uukon's INI !.! 1N< I.. The Rev. Hugh • |oii. 11 o. I -•;. i., \. ... V ... tumbled oil' the roof of that mill as High residence of Oliver K. in Orlando, though shot, returned with it Mr. bu-ii c-• will to men in 1 Copeland Friday. Young was not at Brooks, Dist. No. closed Dec. company were invited to the dining hall where a give employnient many Price Hughes, writing :n the Methodist l imes tin Katli. I a-. 7 ■; a 11 a rao !••..- *J, Thursday Sth after towns To convert the I’nitod States is Florida, the Sth inst., after a short illness. He and as they as as tlieir would thi- and neighboring the coming winter, dor the <.real Mi-taki llloolll. \ W 'I oi k. II |.|'\ indeed a tri- departed, rapidly legs home at the time. A brother took the and went a tit!e,“Mr. Spurgeon's -.a) gun and successful term bountiful supper awaited them. The ali e\ a so 1 was very pleasant of ten weeks. guests and will -mat in this section ■ Tin- Cuhden Cluh will horn in Thomaston in ts-jd. and them. prove help pro- It ran no longer lie ennooaled that Mr. spurgeon >a\ aimah. I» .. rr.I i« < :: iimph. henceforth set practised carry Sanborn fired a gun. The whistle is still to the shore for birds. When lie We law and looking returned The whole number of scholars school pressed much pleasure in the entertainment, and litic in birch. can but wish this company is out of touch wit It the new denioer.ae\ and the r. \\• v. Op a special shrine for the of Presi- there held various public offices, lie j attending 11, rk. worship home he left the abundant si:ea La, I Km- I him all its justice territory average Among many knocking our w publica- ning of a bttsiuess boom for tow n, hich shall still. When Mrs. and ltT. r.att.'l -• "II. \.‘U ! a.. i.'H tions ta. and of the barrels. Mr. Win. took his standing .Josephine Butler gratis. Colnlcn founded free trade: secretary territory of Wyoming Steam Kit Notes. Young subsequently tending from other districts arc Misses Kva and sion at our gates now that roc w hat a live in he healthful and The Penobscot took every- they prosperous. others began the great crusade lor soeial pnritx, \ Seattle, I \ saved it. Such is for four years. He leaves a widow ami* a son. down to examine the not Tim m ml ei «.t the lirtn are Me<.-r>. 11. (.. the burden of the gun repairs, knowing Abide Ward of Burton stitution ITatt is_Several of our Rey- Mr. was entreated to hut old- ! er. •>aii I »na.. of body by surprise by arriving here at 7 o’clock Fri- Thorndike; Clay and I$lin tieorge Lodge Spurgeon co-operate, song all through England ..Judge lirewer the Cnited States Circuit that his brother had nolds and I ..ink Manley, of l>ixtield, t»co. Mer- fashioned ideas about the of New Haven. I>ee to-day. loaded it. At that moment Stantial of Knox ; John business men and at least one business woman re- indelicacy discussing Court, at issued a decree Sat- day morning....Since the three trips per week ar-1 Lane, Wendell Reynolds, rill. oi and John of such closed hs W hen the The above is from a Topeka, Kansas, Mr. Lunt "carsport. Stanley, Fsip, questions mouth le vi- Cable to the came in and took a seat near by. Mr. ceived last week a ! despatch urday declaring Worliruff at Lawrence angement went into effect most of the storms have Ethel Foss, Charlie Littlelield, Iilla Littlefield, circulars from Boston linn ad I'.r.i rim outside business is managed by ed Version of the Bible appeared, old-fashioned brewery let Me--.-. and and it is estimated r«»s!Ki-.N i'ui:;'. New York Herald, “A Member of as a < ommon on Y'oung the hammer down w hen the gun went James Kllis and Seth their stock of and >tanley Reynolds, predjudieos led him to look signed par- nuisance, directing the C. S. Mar- boon the off and Knowlton, of Brooks. Three vertising large liquors soliciting unkindly upon 1 nights the boats have suffered will to I no men with it.J ii.-utta, n .\ v in I;. !. shal to shut it and oil the Mr. Lunt in the breast kill- give employment nearly When the Salvation Army sprang into existence, |>.;■( -i,,|. liament.* It is for up abate the same. 'File n<* charge striking written examinations were orders. The addressed envelopes which were n Niello*-. !<>r Ne\\ good reading Americans. detention-The steamer Caroline Miller has given during the term teams during the winter. About forty men will old-fashioned notions of led him to ^ oik. decree him public worship perpetually enjoins the brewery from ing instantly. closed were tilled with be in the mill while the birch is < In »>,• a. V. *. They will readily see the source of Cleveland’s made the run from New York to inside and the rank obtained gave evidence of careful promptly appropriate tem- employed being denounce it bittcrh When justice to Ireland he •'iii^ajHire, }...ri or Bangor, of ver\. lor New ^ manufacturing selling any intoxicating sawed, .1. F. is l’res. of the company, came the test ot ork l.ark In. 1' •••:.;i. SkAUCll AND SKtZLKK. Mrs. and perance tracts by some of the recipients and return- Stanley question national polities, old- inspiration, and by whom he is and This is the first iorty hours....The M. & M. has an occasional Saturday Eliza study thorough training. The closing exercises tiro. Merrill sec. and inside Frank ^ o.iii-, line. applauded, liquors. brewery declared manager; fashioned notions about Romanism lcd him to sup Davis, of this made a consisted of select ed to the sender. had better reserve their F. ti. Ori ;>-2. Arri\. •! l.-el.. it will remember both when cast a nuisance under the prohibition law. “break-down,” but still sticks to the Bangor and city, complaint against readings, recitations and decla- They Stanley Treas., and Reynolds, Agent. port Orange Coercion. And now Valparaiso, 'iiip they their bal- old-fashioned, Tahalmano. Kev. C. A. J Jerry, of Rockland route.. ..The Electa is Ed. Kimball, who it is alleged keeps a mations. Brizes were won Blin F. Stan tin advertising matter for some town which doesn't Puritan formula are driving him into a reaction lots next Cleveland Wolverhampton. Kng- doing well on the liquor shop by I, I I». 7 I year. himself has made and Let us all love and re Ion*? Koii^r, Arrived lai-k \ I I*. land, has declined the call to Church. I in one of the brick near Kthel boast of a live and and Mrs. ary vanquished camp. Plymouth Belfast. Islcsboro and Castinc route, and Is buildings the foot of Main Foss, Mary Reynolds and Clara Ames. Host* Lodge Temple_Mr. Id IiNHAM. Mrs. Stratton, wife of the late Rev. O' llrieii. Tae.ana. the issue and the will a just vere Mr. Spurgeon. Hut let us, at the same time, people his chal- .France has named s accept (iuiteau, Aubcrtin, the boat wanted for street. It is that Kimball is C. of Thorndike was and It. S. Itundlctt left for on last. N. I'.'. Arrived •; Uv. i. that business....The Caroline supposed not the real Higgins principal gave Bangor Friday ( harlcs straiten, Inis sold her farm to Rev. Willard kiudU but emphatically refuse to support. e\on in Lacuna, lenge. who shot Jules Ferry three times at the Cham- , Sar-eiil. New ^ ork. Miller landed at owner. Sheriff Wadsworth with Mr. J. C. Cates excellent satisfaction. They will visit Dover, N. II., before to his cherished society, a polii y f tolerance and co Bangor 150 returning Carr and removed to Albion — Carl ~. ’■• ber of Deputies Saturday afternoon. The Friday Germans, Weymouth Kin--loii. da. N<»\ J‘a. In | ..n ^l n Greeks and visited the the their home in Boston-Rev. W. Baldwin wounds at tirst were Swedes, skilled railroad, shop Saturday, Sheriff going to the attend- fell a liver, lor I’liiladi via Moiai.l I5av. considered slight, hut fev- workmen, Boon’s Mills. The last of from fence a short lime ago and dislocated Iphia The time i- jot far regular meeting the The of are not so bad as Mr. < off when the eitv wi II he er w ho will front while Mr. Cates was at the back. ed the funeral services of Mrs. Baptists England Kit* Janeiro. N»v I", sailt <1 dark ( a: I i.-i set in aggravating them. The assassin work on the Canadian Pacific There was Ksthcr Calderwood one of his arms at the elbow-Lovena Bennett to build a sewer on Railroad Boor’s Mills Circle was held at the home of Mr. obliged Broadway to carry- lie a no at her Spurgeon’s ex parte statement might lend outsid- Parks, llarl'atloe proves lo member ot a soci- the in the front door, which was fastened a late residence in on m ... off the water revolutionary during winter. She had a large general key by Prospect Sunday p. died Dee. -1th aged id years... It is reported that surplus from motors. are freight and Mrs. F. 8. Johnson. As this was the first ers t< and in of the secession M A KI mil MIX'! I l.\M They ety who liail sworn to kill, among others, Ker- ami machine and bolt over the latch. *>n the sheriff Mr. C. W. a citizen suppose, explanation such a convenient and economical *y hoisting for the Mount sliding entering Trevette, highly respected of from abroad have been over the power that engines of the Circle with them parties looking ■ ry.Tlic Fishery Com mission lias meeting in their new house this it need be sai l that in ids beliefs Mr. ! ship lleniys xanford, < «•!«••■!. I. h..m >! 1 i: 1 of them will be in use in this adjourned Waldo Granite slid the bolt ard w as a search w hen he place, died Saturday morning after a ami only Spur- many city before to Company. The Miller left here making the long water at the village with a view to locat- New A oi k or Poston, which n;; awav h i. January without accomplishing anything, occasion was treated something as a house privilege “out Calvins Calvin’’ and months. heard a noise as illness. g‘on champions the! < many [Sterling, Kansas, Republican. it is um.erstooil that Monday for New York.The that though some one was up stairs. distressing lie was born in Wintcrport during a hurricane at Cchu pivviouI >. ... the obstinacy of tile Can- report Steward After justice to a bountiful On warming. doing sup- faith from the standpoint of the past, and great, returned to Manila tor The same problem will present itself here adian representative, Sir Charles is Smith of the Penobscot is Is untrue. going to see, Kimball, who was concealed, un- June 111, 1822, and was a son of Itiehard Trevette. repair-. Tupper, wasting away per, each one of the seem- x li AM»io \\ as.-oti, tow, I into \\ ... -i lb large company present Monkok. F. M. Rost ti. A. R N 74, and he he is to I and can the cause of a failure to some re- He is fat enough to kill ...In fastened the front door and made his Mr. He went to California in 1853 where he Billings good, eloquent though is, apt bring shortly, only be solved in one wav. agree upon view of the possible escape. ed to outdo remained • •utter «ial.it in. lias li.-eii be ie ied. H nil-' trying the others in enjoyment, till the ( commendation.The one has elected ollieers as follows. om. F. L. Raini- all w ho do not with him under condemn:! .. Now hundredth birthday dropping into the of the Cates was called but the bird had flown. (letween eleven years returning in isfd. He leaves a wife agree gone and -tern wa-he-l "tit. i'lie e.»j--.. 1 p.n, that we have water works a sewerage of briny deep steamboat time for saying the when Thomas (lallaudct was good nights, they depart- V ( .. still remains in Iter hold, and l.a- been i. Hopkins appropri- wharf here twenty and of contained In but no children. Mr. a er; S. V. ( ., J. S. ( rockeit; .). Lemuel I’lum- > " sb m is Agent Pote has trained his “Pen” thirty gallons liquor, Trevette was member of absolutely necessary and must he ately celebrated on Sunday at the American dog ed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Johnson much pleasure insuranee emnpanv tor -boo- instiled for -i.-. to come to his two two and several bottles were seized Howard F. A A. M. His took mer; Surgeon, C has. Holmes; Chap.. Rev. John F. That there are two sides to the i- -.how n Asvluin for the Deaf in rescue....Freight Clerk Holden is kegs, jugs Lodge, funeral place question -at/aei a leo-. Mr \. In. !; », rare (.. .\\ provided. It is a work that will be and'Dumb Hartford, in their new and commodious home.On the fillt O. I> appreciated and taken to the Leathers; tymtr., John strattard; Sanford the storm of which his strictures have ! foiW inside id the in \ei the first asylum of the kind in America, where suffering from rheumatism contracted at the first jail. Tuesday....Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cole, of Cole’s by protest reported grounded bar, when done, and will add to Inst. Miss Abbic of Mr. and feet of water, she is deck!, ad. I I., greatly the comfort battle of Bull Woodbury, daughter an Col-on: o. Dennis Moody—F. M. Billings called forth from numerous members of the de di-charging Gallaudet first introduced instruction in the Bun, from his Corner, buried infant six months old ; 1 although youthful Mr. Mrs. H. Friday. vessel remains tight, and will :d «'■ me Hi and healthfulness of the J. II. Sanborn, of Vinalhaven, son of Mr. Woodbury, was married to Mr. llollis has elected the jo, city. sign language.Kev. Isaac S, Kallocb, I).!».. appearance one would — Mrs. who has been is re- Woman’s Relief Corps following nomination from which Mr. Spurgeon has exiled, next tide hardly take him to be a of Babbidgc, quite ill, well known in this State, died in Sail Francisco Joseph Sanborn, of this city, was in town Moody, Montvilic. Though we are sorry to lose L. battle scared veteran. Monday. covering... .Mr. J. W. Lowe sold his pair of fat ollieers for tin* ensuing year President, Miss himself, including distinguished leaders and ex ship Alfred Watts sailed from l’hil lelphia curl) Saturday.Cabinet ollices go in Mr. Sanborn is a successful (isli merchant and car- Miss Woodbury from the neighborhood we all in October for Japan, and foundered 7 .i.i\- The Maine with the hunting cattle which took the first premium at the Waldo M. l'almer; S. V. 1\, Mrs. A. B.Strattard; J. V. C., presidents or chairmen. Yours etc.. delegation, exception of France. M. Fallieres abandons the ries in All but two of twent) even «*n board v\, attempt to Siiiri-iNu Items. T. li. Bartlett writes on ids business at Malinlcus Island. He join wishing the couple much happiness and Belle J. Capt. buys and Penobscot fair held last to Mr. Albert Mrs. Susie F. Holmes; Treas., Mrs. Calm- It. G. Hakim it. The Alfred W atts was a tine -ion m Ja 1 ; Mr. Reed, have unreservedly declared them- form a Cabinet for Carnot.Asa a fall, Ilodsdon, from Jacksonville tliat Ids the lisii fresh from the cures them on life.Our winter term of during recent passage fishermen, prosperity through er: Mr.-. F. B. Mosman; t on., Mrs. Carrie Dec. lssT. gross and i.xVlsr, ,,et tons !.,. 11 i;e. bud: in selves in favor of the prominent citizen and fancy goods dealer, of Bean, of Bangor, last week. The terms arc not (’hap., Searsport. 7, renomination of Mr. from lie I fa st lie encountered a lieavv the island and to the markets. He thinks school is in of M. J. West, who the Thomaston. .Me., in I-71, and wa- m\ i.ed tin ie. died To gale and laid ships charge taught F. Colson; Mrs. Ahhie J. Stevens. .. Vjilley Saco, Saturday morning, aged years. known but he probably received a fancy price_ Prig llavihh. Coomb-. at New i.d, ii.oa Blaine, and are alike unanimous in condemn- was to eiglit Iiours. The foresail that next season lie will fresh fish to Belfast. fall term. The taken in the to secure A Man Murdered In California. He born in Newficid and was was tom dur- ship pains past tree and drama. Burksport < foruianv liadly Mr. Kdward lost a horse of last Lodge intends to have a Christmas Pang or, reports l>ce when ill I .mlki.et i, 1.. will be iced Page Thursday ing Hie free trade fallacies of the President’s years in charge of one of the of ing tlie gale. The captain lias chartered to lend They at Matiuicus, shipped to Rock- first class teachers has brought our school into a was in collision with sell Helen Ange-ta. Pint:. departments week. While on St. in _The H range sociable met at J. Strattard’s last driving Main Bangor, f lic Ifoni New the Great Falls cotton mills. He was a hoards at for New land, and can be delivered here in condition. condition, and the show an Wm. a man from u mi A'ork with coal lor Middirt..wn. 1 ..nn message. promi- ifli.50 York, to have the cargo as good nourishing pupils eager an time.The Misses Ilopkins, young Buekspmt whittle tree unfastened and fell week and bad whieii 1 nent Free against the horse’s enjoyable to California > from there sank All tin rew, e\< om Mason.The big timber raft from fast as lie can take it. Mr. Sanborn with the of this term to their sometime ago ami new immediate]) pt Freights have dropped since says, exception mackerel, disposition surpass good work of attrac- sailor, in tin* iwd hunt St. John, N. U.. is now toward New legs, him so that he ran and collided Colson and Staples have got in a large and shows that he was murdered there a lew i P.angoi brig living day and full faro lay-out, and the of four and half miles an hour.O’Brien is thereby getting extra half dollar a line <»i easkeis execneni in si\ ir, proprietors, Vinamiavkx. Tnc following have ltecn elected into his breast nearly two feet. Ho was driven manuiactunng particulars of the a flair. Ilis lettei «I;111 • 1 at and some headgear carried aw ;n and anrliou d re-elected of Boston bv I.Too on a thousand....Sell. E. W. hatching and restocking our waters. He says fish- ing It is but a short time Mayor plurality Wilson, Capt. James of linish and — Mr. Bowden, of is as follows. I ( it) island for w here -lie transferred It captured. since the Lew- officers of Lafayette Carver Post, G. A. R.: L. W. into Swell’s stable and that lie was re- beauty durability Colusa,Cal. Yosterdn> investigate!! repairs, in ’80 and in ’So. ermen arc Hading past to the -. against 4,OSS 8,038 The Aider- Patterson, of tills city, lias from Kockland successfully catching large codfish in school and is the cause of the death of a man b\ name ol W'il rescued erew brig l'eh trout Pargor iston Journal was its hands in brought Smith, G. W. S. V. ft. was killed. Penobscot, is teaching the village J holding up holy men elected are 8 2 Denis, and 2 Ind. Com.; Burns, Com.; Arcy, covery Mr. Page was thrown out In liam live at or New A'ork. Iteps.. to lielfast the past season between and Ipswich bay, Massachusetts, where codfish have Hopkins whose people llm-k.-port 8,000 0,000 an A No. I teacher. There is no doubt fell 1 s. 'llie oi horror over alleged in Bangor. Items. Common Council—4ft Items.: 29 2d, J. V. Coni.; .John Vinal, Surgeon; George Grif- tlie race, but although somewhat bruised was not considered some tow n near there. If you know of them or lilt Freight (in alar •'imw A gambling Iteps. casks of lime. About casks been unknown for years, and thinks this is the on 3,000 have been brought will be one of to can word ran that the man Purgess. New A'ork, for the week ending l>ee. loth The vote license was: Yes, 20,517; no, 18,- fith. O. of !>.; S. Colson, O. of G.; \V. W. Kittredge seriously injured-Mr. Lewis Merrill is at home but that the present term profit get there, you say by other parties, our lime business with direct result of codfish hatching at Cape Alin. was cut in the abdomen on reports: The Kiver Plate trade 1- railing for t.u. 094. Last year, yes, 21.223; no, 10,780. The making O. W. It. for He all. Mr. IS. has several terms here and is Hopkins mimlay A Democratic ciub was M.; Creed, Chap....J. W. West, of Lew- a visit. has been in Ohio for the past year. taught Nov. 27 ami died Wednesdav \.*v. nage to load general cargo lienee and lannbet organized in Au- made a dean in ltockland about It!,000 casks. A night morning liepublicans sweep Lowell, large portion of 1'eksonal. Mrs. 8. L. Millikcn lias to in his of teacher and as a the but as in other lit gone iston, has been in town in the interest of the ...Mr. Howard Crant is quite sick with a sore well liked both capacity 30. The coroner’s verdict was that the man came Fast, departments shippers last but the to its or- and but the three cities tills over gusta week, attempt give Lynn Salem, voted for goes the railroad....Capt. Hart is Boston for a short visit and will return to his death knife wound ami the man it ditlieult to till their w ants in t ,\ ith-landing tin x Byron home be- Maine Benefit Asso.Mr. in throat....Mrs. Linina and son resident of the village ...The farmers have their by charged small Geo. G. Webster is Coppin returned to 1. a send-off a license; majorities. in command of sell. James Dixon did the with the crime of are prepared meet rather belter laics. Some ganization by rousing evening Holmes, Capt. Geo. F. fore Christmas....Mrs. G. W. Cottrell returned cut and are now for (who cutting) Boston for a steam to run be- from Boston on boat.Mrs. Sarah hay pressed and wool waiting have issued • is also tot Fundin' South tor same home negotiating yacht Saturday’s murder. I as coroner a warrant for ptiry reported meeting was a flat failure. The enthusiasm re- ltyan remaining for a trip_Capt. Fred S. home last week from a to Massachu- A Whit- destination. PraziI t. with, how pleasure trip tween Boston ami Bar Harbor next season-The Morrill left on Monday for Burlington, Yt., where snow to do their teaming.... E. II. Neal ley his arrest, hut the last heard from Dixon he was freight-are .pm The President has not Dyer, of soh. Carrie A. Lane, writes from Savan- setts— Mr. Klmer Rankin has for Mexico. ever, rates linn. The West India 1, mained in the ‘•original only accepted the issue gone to Boston to slic the out a new street on the corner of making department packages.” ladies have a scheme to pay oft' the church debt. will spend winter with her son_Col. N. ten have got lamp tinues dull; this also t'.ie Cuba trade. nah under date of Dec. 8tli, that the new and a including ol free trade vs. protection, but has shown pow- take situation with Charles K. & Co., II. lluhbard ami for the by Avery hay It is this—A pays $">; A then five Bs to pay family left on Monday’s boat for their spue. It is very convenient public. Tonnage for the Windward is in demand, and a erful Bath B. W. Morse will tow gets Transfers In Ileal Kstutr. Hon. J. IL who was his recent tug his vessel dealers....Dr. J. A. Spalding, of Portland, House the the tonnage otl'eriugs are small, rates are .pu le Manley, interviewed appointments that be considers New spent $2 each; each B gets four Cs to pay *1 each; each Boston where they will remain a few weeks and Another is to In* put up at the Town by to New York, and lie to linn. Lumber tonnage has ottered rather more last week in expected leave that Sunday afternoon and night at the Brooks House Abide Washington, thinks that while York the most important ground. Ilis C gets four Dsto pay 50 cents each; each 1) later they will go south.Miss Post and lodge.... Mrs. Twombly, The are the transfers in real estate in the and as Ins- fighting When lie In his get* probably May Templars following freely during week, orders appear day. put vessel was leaking, returning home by train. He of Mr, Blaine does not desire the new of the Monday morning’s four Es to 10 cents each E. four Fs- I Larrabee left on Monday for Mass. who has been in for a number Waldo for the week Dee. 13th John urgent the tone of the market indicates U-s- Republican Secretary Treasury, the Assistant fuel and pay each; gets Medway, Minneapolis county ending j gone crew siek. The crew were came down to attend a case in are um discharg- Scarsport ...Mr. to JO cents and each F. Sch. has returned from home at her father’s, Mr. strength, though previous ({notations hang nomination, he would feel it to be his to and the Assistant of State ed pay eaeh, gets all they can. ! Venus, Capt. Crockett, n years, has arrived lleorge t«. Aborn, Belfast, to Jefferson F. Wilson, same ed. been less for duty Secretary, Secretary at Savannah and new men As the William A. There has call Colliers, and rate- shipped. trip Durham, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. .John s. wife and to Rockland—Sch. Win. .Jewell of the winter—Marcus Little- Inhabitants of it if tendered him. arc all from New York. Hopkins, daughter, havegom* trip Rockland Littlefield, to spend town. Burnham, to A. W. Fletcher ill consequence are easier, say $1 J.'oi I.:to to Postmi accept will not occupy over four or live the ves- who has j days Durham, been absent for five re- loaded here last new intends soon and Charters; Park (ieo. Treat front M years, to Almcda, Cal., where they will remain tw'o years. week with lumber brought down field having completed his house same town. Ilattie E. Dodge, Brooklyn, to Henry I vicinity. sel is probably In New York to-day.Several turned home last week. He is iu the meria, iron ore. to New A'ork, Perth Amboy cattle busi- .Miss Jessie Cal lie and Miss Jennie Hopkins. from Bangor, sailed Monday for Rockland....Sell. to take unto himself a wife. He lias the best wishes W. Nickerson, Swanvillo. iinshec, Jr., of vessels moored in our Stephen Philadelphia, private terms. Prig Ant) A. Lane An active temperance worker of Waldo Mr. Cleveland’s carries harbor have been entered by ness in the west....Mr. Parker of this have gone to Castine to attend the Normal school. | message joy and Ralph city, Miunetta, Capt. Prank Crockett, arrived Sunday of many_Your correspondent was misinformed Appleton, to Ilazen A. Ayer, Montville. & from Pensacola, to \ era Cruz, Lumber. $s .*>" thieves, nnd various articles Is ....l>e Valois Commandcry K. T., has elected officer* Hager county says in a private letter to the editor of comfort to the free pelty stolen....Schr. attending school at Kent’s Hill.Mrs. I. II. j loaded with corn and flour for C. P. Rich into the manufacture Sell. Thomas W. Holder. New A'ork to Port an traders of Liiglaud, who as follows: F. S. Walls, E. C.; George Roberts. & Son. about Henry Webber going Whitmore, Burnham, to Inhabitants of Burnham. Tclumah, from Hoboken, Is a of Sherman left Prince, general cargo, current rates. Sell. Mar> the Journal: “I regard the so-called arc discharging cargo Monday morning for Lawrence to Gen.; W. 8. Vinal, C. G.; E. II. I ....Sch. Kate Walker, Newton, has arrived it to he corrected as Prohibitory waiting anxiously to have his policy adopt- Lyford, Prelate; Capt. of the oil of cedar and wishes Rufus A. Larrabee, Monroe, to F. L. Palmer, same A. Hall, from Satiihi diver to New York. Lumber coal at Swan & Sibley’s. ...Sch. Flora Condon, attend the of her niece K. Fisher. L. W. Smith, S. W.; J. II. Sanborn, J. W.; C. B. patty as one of our foes in wedding Mary loaded with coal for K. C. Arcy — Sch. Winslow Mr. Webber thinks tin* injurious to own. to $0.12—free wharfage. Sell. Stella M. Ken)on. greatest temperance ed and the markets of the thrown Vinal, Treas.; Clias. Littlefield, Recorder; 1. C. report very K. If. Nickerson, Swanyille, Charles M. I'apt. French, which arrived on Tuesday will haul .Mrs. II. L. Woodcock has to Boston to j this from Mobile to New A'ork, K. II. Ties $.'>.2.V-lrct work.” gone Glidden, S. It.; J. R. Frohock. Sword F. Morse, Capt. W. McDonough, arrived light to load him....Tied Hickey went to Massachusetts Orono. F. to James 5pen to their goods. Record. for Bearer; Marr, Mary Sargent, Alton, Seh. Annie II. Lewis, from Weehawken [Boston Evening up the winter. i remain some time. L. Carver, W. wharfage. with hay. week to work this winter. P. Butman, Searsport. to Poston, Coal. $l.lo and discharge. “Call and See The-* --

i11^I ncrivcil ;:t My IMMKNM-: ami ItKAlTIFlI. stock of yniii! Cliristiae k New Year Gilts :uv now ready for inspection an.l vou are aii -ii.\ ite'l to rail awl see them.—— —i—IN TJIK- -1| :0:||-—-

: » lou rmcEs.

\ im T1 i!Mi 1< *!{ —— We must say a few words about them and that YOl WILL F1NI> CHOICE STYLES IN ‘■'J/rnter - Wear will be enough. KECKW2AF., Cordially Invites all to Look Over His 1 I, ii rliidinjr- ^Collars, Cuffs, i>s» the liEST SELECTEIt stork ■ a '< a mi IIHubers, in f'u i-ifii 0/ y / n V )I me : si n Ilo ots Mufflers, Gloves, MBs., Hosiery. New stock °f

tit ii Hoofs SERGE i I KEEP SILK, & MOHAIR 1 Til in nil HOLIDAY GOODS. Vs y P Gnfe, *1 4\ -:o:- fiittn 77; mud Alormsin .UMBRELLAS --A-IXTXD WES- /'•>; Sutur SftOi ilHJ. With Gold and Silver Mountings. hn-i f.i/ntl Hoofs i ;i-l riv»ivc f ull to overflowing w ith lx aufiliil p ‘-.Is in Silver ^CONSISTING * OFf- rr. /.’>• Work. High St. Sterling Ware, In addition to our regular line of S*H RARE -sl\ II As- Photo Stands, Cuff and Collar Cases, Gum, ELEGAN TV t Spruce A I & !i Burnt Orange & Canary, I and FANCY ! Work Hoxes, Thermometer Cases, Plush Dressing Cases, PlatodH ollow Ware Plush Jewel f red F. Chase Cases, Any article of which is always useful and HAND BAGS, FANCY GOODS Collar and Cuff Boxes. Or DIFFKRENT DESCRIPTIOIVS. M W V(»i;K aii.l as CHRISTMAS GIFTS, we have ;i u pleasing oeks In li:t*I Desks. •i1 Jit* 111. *.-l- Writing added a line of goods >, ,»> »‘l C«oo(Is cu ,i?LETE T i-.-pi fully in- BRASS GOODS! Our Line of «>i our TowelsARE «-\aniinnti**n I 1M> V \:\ KU OK- !■;: < iii'iiracinjr ••very a- Cancies.icks, Woad Octsk&is, !•.' i:a< >•! a livst cla>s Work Baskets, Tables. View Specially to the Wants 11 uck, Damask, Oat Meal, Turkish Pen Adapted & SON., Holders, RscEtj, -suckers'; Se.c; Ink BoftSes. •LintS, -•> Vialn Street. OF THE- end other different styles, having prices ranging from Be. to P otterY -$2.00 per pair.- — Elegant Vases, Fosa Jars,— Pi;iGh; CUIt KENT PICTURE B ! HOLIDAY TRADED s street. r. !;. Si. Main .1 t't nt J-J r}t t m/s, (hi / *<' ( nt i li //.*»’. //•>*/ li'U'k I’ictHi'ts r,'l n- /’, «• /'a it! /’ r< .00a If you want ANYTHING of that ! 1' !! .'»•« description ;.:i.:i!. i:*1 a -Addsd to our already LARGE STOCK of- :: ij., ^kin> T."m li.'i ELEGANT BOOKS! are sure to find it HSSHH. *>. you quite ; Met! -mi7 !2 I (• a 4*2 — FOR A LI. Ml- < ~. r,:,a-u t:- ii.- <:*,«: BOOKLETS IN ENDLESS VARIETY ! <1: ,* I in.. <■•.iMinT.no j We mean to make our sales EXCEED i- thus of : ... :t-. ir..ji> BOOKS FOE BOYS! ■\ .. v. -:;«■•: i“ :>lg:;:i BOOKS FOS GIELS ! ;Mic[qaks,^blMkets7Dnderwear;|^, the IF c;oo !>.»■; i former for our VARIETIES ARE Inspect yen any year, •’ I a if. 4.oon"».oo A # PHOTOUIMPH, UTIHilitPH soriment f? ; r,t ..v Ohs .it. :{.ooa anil SfUAP ! AEDlimS, , our HOSIER?, CLOVES, <&c. Market. LARGE, PRICES LOW, and we mean to of- !a i .05 WALLETS '& PURSES. M. :. I !.♦ !! .*» fer EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT FOR -I:-;:. :>£«4 Remember we have nothing to urge upon you, we oniy have .i ! 1 Card _al.,Io I MEREST, LARGEST and BEST SELEGTEG 10 CUSTOMERS TO BUY OF US. I '.'li A Line of and goods in the city, and our prices cannot he lowered -. !.. 1.003!.10 Large Amusing Instructive :: 1; M !b, TOYS, CRIBS. •iiiti in j'oet ercrythhiff to be fount! —-—by any competitors.- BUREAUS. BANiIS, al !•. 1 'I *_■ with < ; V .! Ml \? &. :!,u-1 > every purchase. It Will Pap ) t L th St' r?m8 a ii get a Present. A, P. MANSFIELD, Don't Forget tlie Place. ri L 6 > Cv BWIGHT P. PALMER, Thayer & Adams, ;T.m Constipa-j Masnnir 1'i in)i!r. Ilc/f asf. Mr. j ISelliiNi. Masonic Temple, Belfast, Me, A. 8TARRETT,

...■ mw-ialilo. Ho. 5 Main National Bank. ,v wilh-.Ul Jrol St., Opp. I: i.lit

■ .1 i.i -lil ('Uiv. Important | “c. W. HANEY*sT~

Evidence!| ■ INTRODUCED BY THE GENERAL i'UBLIC. Announcement!

I- < W > ntw nrth. Holiday el.. Wood -OF- I \ nt;cv. Mr OF THE TESTIMONY PEOPLE! who make :i hr sure ;n»■»• ».ur «I. Toothaker, \V mts V'Tyboily experts to Christmus present

ll i. \Inert Mr<. I,. K. Sm-.i.r. of Yreka. Monroe Siskiyou 3iiisoiiic T<;ni|>l<', I I. Ware hid Co.. Cal., writing under date of Feb. *• lias Hie lint si assorlmeni in Ihe city, rnnslstln.a ol :: 1' M. | .jiiliV, J.otll 1887, says:— I sent to Chicago for Ur. Made:: D K. C. Flower’s Brain and Nerve Pills: Clotlig • Heady i •, i e \v- Holiday) Attracthhis Where '.vcE-iurr G ; s. u ver and IMM) 1 you .jet pel have taken a of a !rig \ :l: II.,. u only portion bottle, j \ < after and and feel like a new person already. They •M'K OFFER AT VICKY CLOSE PRICES ments oi. rhe '.OY\ E3T PHI(.'ES. il.- have worked like magic on my system. ^liMD GENTC FURNISHING < I.. 1 le \. < >vcr 1 was unable to do when 1 iirst ..t \\'a.-h anything GOODS!|t| commenced taking them ; now I can ANjj- ! eonlident that the demand increases from to for useful articles, we have ! Tlie Newest and Most Desirable Goods! Overcoats in Haiti.* «•. Mixture, S- irain and work all day long.” Feeling year year pia•.. I* llndge-. of In at as Ion as cun be found in Boys' ,roots in Bailey Fills and Liver Sanative, — •*[ every siyIt*, prices Immense Stock of Goods for Trade! .tniden. says: (he city. Holiday Boys' Ohiin'hiii:: \v: ■!! Outt. I want some of the medicine aw in' i;.n you k-|iorl Men's Cliineltilia and Fur Beaver Orel >:it 11 I ■ t < a.-;ine. have taken; I think it has almost raised hhe ready made ■ >e« _v suns, Men's Full In Blee !. is. i.-k. you from death, and it certainly will help ! Hens, Yontlis k Boys' iL.o Overrents, of Ami if an n.akr,:.!! warranted line timers. 1 '• me.’ She was so surprised to see me I Men's Heavy C. -siin* re. Ail Wo < 7 1 walk into her house. It is a longer dis- Overcoats, Ulsters, Reefers, Willow <& Rattan Rockers OiElU tance than I have walked for more than a silver Watches ! Cfcvery wk hav;: 'mid 555 ;:'” < n-~- year. No one but the good Father in of m j variety, LO\l El! I Inin ever. db ■< ( 8fyledg I :• J 1 alderwnod heaven knows how I have suffered for bl'da #r ii Oat I t Tables & h wo years, and how thankful I am for the Solid. Silver! Fait? Stalls, Walnut, Glierry, inr! Mr. Thomas UNDERWEAR SET. THEM. ""ctjt I have received from your | The Hurst assortment In the city, ail sterl- ALL NEW I’ATTKUNS, ODD AND PRETTY. DO NOT KAIL To — W. Tivvette, aged .. dies. I feel that when I first began j ing goods. Umbrellas I & I Rubber I — lOflilEHIIIOIlis to lake them, I took the first step toward ! PLATED WAKE! Clothing; !.. Paul, 43 at that cannot he beat. Also an Music Racks and aged a cure. I cannot express bargains Ml,EGA NT ASSOltTM ENT of Cabinets, • 11 and 1a di} myself any in uiino-l endless which I shall sell at better variety, I son of Kdward than to say it was like letting the j VKItV LOW 1‘RIIKS. * la'd 2 months sun on a I Ghiacihillas, >ear.-. shine plant that was dying for White Shirts I Shirts I Secretaries and Or its genial .S L\ i T( i !i V ! S 7 1 TV A It V ! Fancy Desks, t. !.:i:ni>. .V.» rays.” aged years, ■ Every bottle of Dr. It. C. Fi.owm:’s IX CHERRY OR OAK. to Hie lies: t 'ustom-Ma'le, t.) V.v.. i Few pieces of line statuary, which I shall sell WAT.XUT, -K<|tiai ■ Brain and Nerve contains one ! Silk Neck Fleteher, aged Fills r< markably low. Hdkfs., Mufflers, Ties, Collars, Cuff Buttons, Suspen- hundred pills. Fricc, 81.00. For sale by \u. rm; :;o\ i-;i.’i:; in F. aged r.3 —EB Hall ook Cases and Ornamental Brackets! Tapper, all druggists. Co'tl and EieeS Spcctac'en ders, Gloves, Mittens, Hosiery, &c„AT Mirrors, Stands, &c., l.d. ol- Ilur- -• --—OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.- >herl»urn, of every quality, also KIK OLAMSKS. -FUR. GOODS!- I.- r>8 \ears aged R. C. Flower Medical Go., Boston, Mass. O P I : K .V G I a s Si E si ! EUR OVERCOATS FROM TO $13.00 $73.00- Children's Sleds & Horses V CHILDREN’S & BOYS' SUITS OR OVERCOATS. I l“. widow of John S. _| FIXK ASSORT MEXT. Fur Fur Clove*.Fur Collars <6 Sleighs, Rocking ■ •. Caps, Cuff#,Leather Jacket* ,0 Vests }> ii i I le. *•'.» ears. aged In fact (veryfhtng fouiitl in a llrst-elass Jewelry -And other too numerous to mention.- II u stateti 1 -land. N. Y.. { FVlt OVERCOATS TO many pretty presents Mon-, ( all and examine before purchasing, (AM) LET). I>aggt it. formerly of I'nioti, J HI!$UNDERSTAN9ING~ Yol ItUsT and get prices. Al.l. OK THESE WII.E MAKE USEFUL AXI) 7; If you wish to make few or many, cheap or eostly presents, THIS IS 'll Article Marked in Plain al “Why do you look so sat I, so anxious, so care ACCEPTABLE 1’ltESENTS. Figures, < 7/1 X( if! t )ur stock includes from rich ^ifts to inexpensive remembrance! Every M r Tlionias Collins. worn, oM follow? Have lost a friend, or is i; t: Watches, flocks and in a We everytliiug, you Jewelry repaired cordially invitc you to call and examine our stock of goods w bother you or because it is L**nt?” and workmanlike as low us the purchase is thorough manner, not. as our in < Stois square dealing, one price, and never to be under sold. du.Vi AH visitors arc very welcome whether they or not. It will do you good t<> s< Hi “Yes. You’ve struck it, Charlie; it is because it lowest. :J\v4P buy (i It HA 7* JUSI’LA Y. which includes hundreds of gifts shit ablefo' old and young. is lent—my last half dollar—and I am so .suffering CJ. Haney, 32 Church St., Belfast, PAe. i (irmimii o m g IMS viihs’llSir! lih'ifa DYSPEPSIA AND lNDHlKSTlON. H. £. McDonald, the Journal and 1 have the Heartburn so (Under Republican Office.) badly that nothing Masonic Temple, lie!fast. will help me but a box of -Church Street, Belfast,, Maine. Dr. MarkK. Woodbury's Dyspepsia Killers, IIEPOIIT OK THE C(l.MOTION OK Till! and they always relieve me, no matter how much 1 BELFAST KSTIGtfAL. b«“X i« Winter suffer. Little lozenges to carry in your vest QACiA, T. Clothing* at (MBFRED CHftSE) -< pocket, always hand, always cure, ami cost you At Belfast. In Ihe Slate of Maine, al the rinse of Pickels, Sardines, how is this: \N r.l-. I '1 \ |» AT- only fs) cents a box (trial boxes for 2~> cents).“ business December 7, lss”. Listen" m i /vx a xn'tn:irs'4 Doolittle & 24 and 2(» Tremnnt a Locke! nt//«#.*. Smith, St., Boston, haring completed thorough course of will send them by mail anywhere in the 1'r.ited OLIVES, i;r:snr kcks. instruction under ——I UA States on receipt of price. I VE PUT IX A- Loan.- and discounts.$220,008 07 1200 Bills. Flour! RAYRfiO~NO’S U. Ik. s* mnke U. K. you 1'. s. Bond- to swim* circulation. 150,000 00 All Kinds ol sauces for Meats, other stocks, bondsand mortgages. 53.500 oo to be sold at a smaller margin or than VACATION ItKPOKT Cltas. A. Bnddin, A. H. D„ profit UK TIIE HtMIITIOV UK THE Due from approved reserve agents. 30,537 <*s M, ever sold In llrlfasl, NEW STOCK OF GOODS ./list cases f in-isl- Dm from other National Hanks. 007 HI OF NEW YOEK CITY, KETCHUPS, AIL VARIETIES. received eight of EXCURSIONS. Searsport National Bank, Heal estate, furniture and fixtures. 7,500 00 We have a flour for jCi.Jj. He have a Flour that s a we are tor that Is worth anti ants floods, (Did note ren Ig to Current expend ami taxes paid. 1,400 43 and honing purchased complete outfit of the —SUITABLE FOB THE- IVew selling $5.00 $5.50 Al. Iti.v -ii; Expenses Included At Searsport. In the State ot Maine, at the close of Premium- Si Prunes, everyone that has tried It Nays tlic same thing. paid. 20,342 latest and most trial case and sftoir on business llerember 7, iss7. Cheeks and other cash items. 2,272 51 approved oph- Now for $5.50 we as good flour AS IS Hills of other Hanks. 7,05300 instruments, is to ex- give you m thalmological prepared Peaches, NONE BETTER. NO MATTER WIIAT THEY ( Specie. 0,808 42 Evaporated MADE. amine eyes and properly fit the same with Trade. t'LAL IT, OK WHERE THEY HAVE IT. We hate a ELEGANT ASSORTMENT RESOURCES. L«*gal tender notes. 000 oo Holiday —CANNED GOODS.- number of these best Flours made at different Loans and Redemption fund wit it f. s. Treasurer discounts.?s4,7.fcOis Mills. We say there Is no nerd of paying $5.75 OF ALL KINDS t > Ronds to secure ,5 per rent, of circulation).. 0,750 00 And I want the people to knoo- The Largest Stock and Best Variety ever offer- circulation ali.Uuo (in ycneral/y and $0.00 for Flour when ran get the same Otlu-r -that- ed In Belfast. you stocks, bonds and mortgages. 11 nn IDENTICAL Flour for $5.50. We guarantee ever, Due Total.$510,000 70 amt Glasses. from reserve Eye T approved 82 Spctecles agents. 55,740 barrel we sell and live up to II. Current Plash Goods, H iL* /.b'Ciutfly Parc. expenses and taxes paid. .Vis id I.IMUUIiKS. Howes tfc Oo. Checks and other cash items. SPECIAL ATTENTION \v0,000 00 Santa Clans Hills of otlier Hanks.. 00 HOWES a Co. :.u'i wind:* iuhm’u-'.s. More economical 3,517 fund. 0o I- >tir Tartu*-will h >\ ^ Fractional nickels and Surplus 33,000 to who CHOICEST PATTERNS IN ive |*,< w|i t -ir\ in ii! au, c.-mnot he sold in coni- Undivided profits. 15,(585 33 likely found gs Parses, 71 A *. \ 11 U I'.NT Til \ 1 N «.i I 1.1.MAN I'M. i; n'* the multitude of the cents... i National low test, short Hank notes outstanding. 130,020 00 to ilet satisfactorily fitted. At li ( A K> ..w i!i: Tollman {*.:! e\* I Mini'l l.:;r. or or Specie. 5,092 8S ’I’.H pho.-j.lePc powder*. Sold in Dividends unpaid. |('.s 00 Hotel car.', on traiu >r ;s’ tin* Trim only Redemption fund with l s. Treasurer Youths & Men's Fur & Scotch (••.cry ij1 !,"■ !. I’.AKIM. I’OWIH-It Childrens, s -■ •> TOO Individual to cheek. 37 < <:■ ('!>., Wall St., cent, of deposits subject 157,341 No. 65 Main Boys, Caps! Hit ami Health *1T*. rt of the 1 *:u ( oast, ;5 per circulation). 2,250 00 Street? Albums, Demand certiorates of deposit. 33,140 00 Hiram Chase & lie* 'kites ami route- areas fallow lyr&8 Son, Line and Lowest Friers In the at Due to other National Hanks. POO SO on Largest city 2. t,;< Cincinnati. 9s --48 at any place earth- Months, January Mammoth Total.$209,478 25 Main St., Belfast. f ive, New Orleans, i. e.-ton. San Antonio, etc. U ABILITIES. Total.$510,000 70 MARK ANDREWS’. Dolls, Thursday, January 12. im Chicago. ^.mta t*e, — H. A San !’.• te. Capital stock paid in. $50,000 00 -LARGE LINE OF J. LOCKE. Beifast. Overcoats, Reefers & Ulsters! li'!i»|ucr«juc, Hut-t-w, rmmlii fund. 5.500 00 Monday, Januarj I ■" < im iimaii. Mammoth Surplus STATE OF POINTY OF SS. Dec. 8, 1887_3.-40 MAINE, WAI.In), Horse AT T9K LOWEST PRICES AT WANTED, < a New t t .al ve-t--n. >an etc. Undivided profits. 9,50712 Blankets, llobes. Whips, Jewe) Cases, >rleans Antonio, National Hank notes outstanding. 44,400 00 I, A. II. BRADBURY, C 'ashier of the above-named Halters, Surcingles i .114 ojotirns all the Lead- A. A. IIOWKS. Directors. Waldo, his deed dated IN 1888. ing I’aellle Coast Kexorts. named bank, do solemnly swear that the above ! by mortgage September & Stone \VM. H. \ 20th, A. I>. 1883, and recorded in Waldo CURRENTS, Parlies to and who lo- of other California Engraved,Plain Finger Rings. statement is true to the liest of mv knowledge and SWAN, Registry, having paver spare, are Mirrors, Oates lAntrslons. Fehruai' Volume li»8, 120, to us in cated where wood Is amt March s ami 12. niCH SILVER belief. CHAS. F. CORDON, Cashier. Page conveyed mortgage cheap, will Hod it lo (heir 2, 7, WARE three undivided fourth of the mill HARVEY & CO.’S “ ad van to Dates of Mexico Subscribed anil sworn to before me this l.'ith parts privilege Tape eoatnunlrale with us. K\eurMun>. -i:tn;.;ir_\ l<; ami /.v jisk ri.rsu casks, day at the head of St. river in said will be March 12. 2w of December, IHK7. CHARLES E. Georges Liberty, CITRON, Fall particulars given where machines Siik Hdkfs. .70 ADAMS, where K. P. Knowlton & Co. then had a -With a full line of other Correct—Attest: Notary Notice of Annual sheep-skin can be bought. Address \V. HAVMhVIt. I. \. WHITCOMi:. goods.- Public. and which said is JAMES <;. PENDLETON,)' Meeting. tannery, privilege commonly “ (;. rpilK annual meeting of the stockholders of the known as the Stone dam, together with all the California Excursions HF.HVEV. Belfast, Me. J. C. NICKELS, Directors. FRESH lot [ 1 MKltClIANTS MARINE RAILWAY COM- buildings thereon and tools and fixtures thereto NUTS THE BOSTON EXCELSIOR C0„ it-.- Semi ik -eriptive circulars, le-iunatina' A. B. EERCUSON, ) hook t.• PANY will be held at the store of Messrs. J. W. belonging, except the carding machine building; LOW RATES, FREE SLEEV- (fee., &c., whetltcr relating Mexico or California Frederick & Co., on Wednesday, January 4,1888, that the condition in said is broken; ami A.ncl Now Pri(?os ! SO CANAL ST„ tours is ilcsiretl. mortgage ING ACCOMMODATIONS. The Star/: in the at 2 o’clock i*. m. The object of*the meeting is to that by reason thereof we claim a foreclosure of Largest city. W. For full information consult vour -BY- 4t.s) RAYMOND, elect live directors, also for the transaction of any said mortgage. nearest ticket BOSTON MASS. C. W. JENNESS other business that may conic lieforc said meeting. Liberty, Me., Dec. 9,1887. agent or A. C. ll.utvuv & C<>., 300 Washington 2\)t» Washington St. opp. School st. 'xH-n.Majk F.DWAKD SIBLEY, Sec’y and Treas. WILLIAM II. HUNT. street, Jtoston, Mass. Union Howea cfc Oo. =PLEASE GIVE US k C4LL.= Notice. IIA8 TAKEN ROOMS IN Belfast, Dee. 12, 1887.—3w50* 3w50 JOEL J. WALKER. Silk Mufflers TUI. .'initial meeting of the stockholders of the Store ojien evenings after Dec. 1 Knowlton9s Building, High Street, *!-..\UspORT NATIONAL BANK fortheelec THE BEST LINE OF Trunks & Valises -AND- 1st until FINE UNDERWEAR! °f Christinas. ; un. directors anti the transaction of any other and is prepared to perform dental work in all * Leather Reefers & Vests ■uoaness tliat come lieforc its Jackets, -AND- may legally them, will branches. Teeth extracted and filled with- Umbrc las and Rubber Coats I For Gentlemen, lenities and heM at their room on out Hoys, hanking Tuesday,the 10th pain by a new process. Gas or ether ad- ; -AT LOWEST VRICES AT- -AT-- Handkerchiefs! M;'> of danuarv, IHsk, at i o'clock r.w. ministered if requested. -CM BK FOUND AT— EXTENSION CASES! B. F. WELLS. Children, at 1 ■'rA) Cl I As. F. I CORDON, Cashier. Hclfast, Dec. 15,1887.—3m50 MARK ANDRE W • • MARK ANDREWS, II Phcenix Row, Belfast. S AT MARK ANDREWS’. MAKIi ANDREWS. At MARK ANDREWS’. MARK ANDREWS*. Forever, ItY SI'S.W cooliimii:. In Your They s:it together in llie Min Buying «miMM*' THE GEOGRAPHY OP TK.J Anil Youth ami Hope stoo ! hovering near. WHO 13 U-ACQUAINTED WITH CEE DY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE ■ Like drooping bell-notes one by one COUNTRY WILL I Chimed the glad moments soft and clear: 1 Waltham Arid still amid their happy speech. Ik iiiiuin The lovers whispered each to each. ••Forever!" PATENT | Youth spread his wings ol' rainbow light, DO NOT KAIL TO EXAMINE Till: STOIK OK “Farewell!** lie whispered, as he went. They heeded not nor mourned his bight. Dust Proof Wrapped in their measureless content: E. F. Hanson’s. And still the> smiled, and 'till w:i- heard The eontibently-uttered word ••Forever !** Watches Old Comforts, Hope stayed, her steadfast smile was s\\ul. Portland 1 util the even-time she stayed: Gutter?, Then, with reluctant, noiseless l'eet were made for rail- She stole into tin* solemn shade: originally Buffalo Cutters. -fJ c A gra\er shape moved gently hy. way men, whose service par- CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND fePA^iSiiAlw-ls And hint, and murmured warning!}- Ity reason of its O', ntvil i»>-i: ion. ..:i v. ].r:n- WE IIIVK A KILL LIN;: 1 PorilanL Jumpers, “Forever !’* an abso- fl|>a! lines !!•>. t f ( hie .•;•>. and at ticularly required terminal points V- it, N 1'h • s M-.in ml. '• 1 ■ .-« \ .\t- And. smiling faintly. \vhisp< red -till satisfaction, reputa- f 1 a ml!.-.: m V". nt d ••Forever !*' t§! I r i'1' i'. 1111 ■.' iV 'l tion has so .n mni K.iTi-.is 1 ity, m V.:s» i.< m *!. spread rapidly, / !*■• r; !■• «■!:» .. i--’ New &c. nnl \r i.i 11. in K •, .Minm-aj Style Physicist's Cutters, < >. s\vi' t. s\\, ,•( \ i.ui 1; | (>, fadin-r Hope ! 1 ••• Fan!, ia Ym:-. a: W.-tert* n. in I’i unu ■ '• 1 < t. tearful mists made hliml! POEMS. JUVENILES. & DAINTY LIS- that have become the hand reus of mt* nn ■ -. t 1 niu. ■ *.. < 5. I In Ih f. 1st I s',nil si,-nr H„ /. J HUES'! eyes by they «». iiamls w Inch \ ainly teach ami BON TIED BOOKLETS. A ha Creat Rock island Route st "'/■ nr rs t-n Unarantees i. < ■•••?•*,.;•? Sn v tl:who nail i.'utt.-r.i r For a familiar touch am! Kind, standard Watches for Millers, |1 Sp trail-; o*. -rn. It. !Y !i" r. I.I U.e d. Its in Ihl/nsi. THEY AliE XO\V AE- I Time paustth for no 1 •»\* r*- ids-; A GKEAT VAU1KTV OK trank is f l.-Hw 1 1 •lul str.ietur- s Far- ..f st..! :-.n on. It- .-vt• » ns human !. e for its ..olaee !: bit till- 'liners. Lumbermen, 1 E11 IXli. Er- ,->j iYAEEAXEEJ) ! sh;,l m mi'." if. lit ! t; iippht'ira- that “F«>;v\er!" inn! ,, nrill i. nJ,l n( 1/ „ fn'-t <■rt fs' ^rirt-s. mers. r ieehanics, .-aluabhC* I : Yon ns i Engineers. — i: •" .. Tl. Boston & Gaotii: I method ptv and rvopor Pinsli anti LcalfiBr ••••••■ ii ti- rv of its p 1 f iid Associatio s. ... rs and <>thers u hose the W- st—nn ■ .. v., DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE THEM. Lear, ii ■ Budding 'I'nUrt Sits, Writ till/ T ntoijnijih ov/» i dust i ! i | *1 i 1 ! ii n fs. prom against was oraaiii/.ed i:ncv th:i:: I:::'! a «-* ;.:u\ a_w. -l'ttjii-r, First-Class Paint The i-umouj *• '.ijort ~oa rcoute Shop! Since then association- lu\e •'-n e-m'. mo! .tilre. T.O t 111' I' I'M C" many TOYS, GAGIKS. Jvo. INiu*«i ..ii 1 «•*>:i i.i !. :>ii* i, /// IT. /. A'. 1 W// ;r* //o>< —fully )w 1-.0,000 W All'll AM within a \«*ar dial their \ LAIUiK AsMHSTKKNT O’.- '•"/< C > • !> ./O/; .17' .1 /-'.l //.’ j ly comparative!} % i v;- I >i st l’;s tor Casts ( ■ real character ami naive]-.-:.' i51:«• have ivc« iv- v. i 'oiinm / rl. I'HICK. Hri 'ij :'/ y r sfrf nriiif/ ivc -a:: ed yeiura! ]»i»1 1 i*• _rnitTh i!;-t !. Rose Jars. >\ I- i', Japanese i: i.- now in n< trill use. ami A"' t•;aii*.»*: ia tld- >ta: '.v;a ur- Willi fiiillilj Mi nSn! Kcm* l.tuf 1:7 For « m. 01 I.. U •. •mui/c-l at Id I.l;io11 1 ii. lv7d. limit r a special ’■'he W \i i ham wore tli" .mi;.. -.t;i » s! -HPKU \L RAKIi \i\S l.N :.i t n ‘i I ■ ! charter. >con after a Genera! ’aw ■ tin1 sub- l\vi m ! )i si i’rot M I .1- ! \\ 0. * •- i'. 1 -• ;i ject was pa-se !. t • 111 \\ a n v an \v i: i rr i tv g i i -.1 IlllV* 11 i/l st"/‘ " •/ f 7/it!'/ ‘joi/i, in-.* liiit <1 tin* hi.-latii:.Ti.i* ; iii and are A,>rU ly by pre-tm vnulactured. 'ii. ~i 11.‘! f 'I > > f'H'r fl'i'rr. /> •/,*/ y/>p !:iw is n v<>\\ stand-. provides i: mue-ral. 1 l.a! in i: n\ •%.. m lit ■. a which com IV ; ,n '- am! i:ir ! .■•/;• ■ n f rr: > .r# uildin:_r A*-" •:ati<^ organ- I. S. CALDWEI ,1, & C'v ; y, w ized in tin- manner provide! for the om mi/.a- 1 ;-i t I m t!t> in x!'>rr! ■! i- Illl | r M | \ M ivif:!-;. v a it am! shall not ! one million mmur-. Tiii- ii< ire far to VV !, Itiifk- ; capital is divided into -hare-. I!n• "imi a:.; •FALL-I?&i*WiNTER-J superior value" of arii hein_r tu » hundred •!«»!la. Tn- : h. ■ l ill l‘ \ «» | f .-hares art* for in in in>?n!!.m ei- claiming equal 1 paid >:■’!,I;. MAIN \ t l ; S \ ..... >1 per share until «aeh share reach' in w; i i.L\ M »• m; : •' .. \ X ; i vam v w:;. timato value." /. .. i I: -liar* ::r»* i—i;- od in .-olios, in -mb amount* ami a! -urn i; m 1.. i ■ranine case is Ss" 1 3 -I le a> the im-m -ors of the a-'oeiati.m may e. mine. The funds <»f the u—eeiation aiv ! •:»:.« i MILLJ marked with the to its shareholders -ni ;*fa-tory -eeurit y. an i plainlv £ VI > a k all pr"!it* and losse- ar«* divid'd annum them in viai trad mark of the I'T'i 'I' I'oooin. a *!iar< iiolilt-r it i only m ssan to take "o! .i oo. t iiioa!• ul a- many U.|»!. 1 EVMiiji i.‘ 1 ^Of 1887-8. a Wai.riiam Watch slum-* us one may warn. !mt m* person -i:aii Will a a it. more v -li tre-: minor- hold than tw ••nt\-ti may •' IIV A#//’/ rr in,-iif i -r> da A GRAND OPENING hold shares by tru-tee-. 1 f a -liaivlril ioi [til- j'sl Dr. J. H. SCHENCK published t»> j ay his monthly dm la i- subject to a line '!"•••• -t:. iscl walch r:m 1 I miikI :il A NEW AND El, AT Oil ATE Wil! .k \> It.. ■ 1. ;i \j ! 1. if -• a « 1 of t more than t\n * per cent, a month on «.*»<■h t 1 It. m i<• I ;i\.. I! r. ... | dollar in anva.r-. an 1 if In continue- in arrear- LARGE & VARIED I ■> ( < ) K t STOOXj I •;..\ at 7 ." Hi. i for six cm- <*ii!ive month- !i** forfeiis hi ri.d i '■ on the Treatment and Cure of K Masonic i V. < a-'; M ! of ami hi- account 1- c'o-cd. McDonsli's, Tsnsjils. ! membership may or •- a in -at .. 1 I tli;‘.FAST, MAINE. !'.. Shareholder- ma; at any on a w mill's 'll::.. !0 notice withdraw ti• adu*« f tie ir ha; •. .: .1 a; I.• .-. la. ,SATURDAY, ! \ •'.» :t fn!i linn of commmNf •!.!> \Y 'll I | in so doinjr they subject thoiiiscvc- \ tie- i'M I I a-I U ... lose of >m h part of tie- prolit* a- the bv-;a\v- Choice -Si-: t"i- !■ I' < v t- ail' ! ■' i.-i la Millinery! t f;trs, i /f./.S, ./»//*. /;•//. «( C. ! and >-Jt the of a ■: m writ i:\imi H e t.firm! a coriliiil ill rila!ion may provide, to payi^t pro- L /VER (' !NT ! portioiiate j art f any unadju-i.-d ! I'!.. flat ir< int< ml In s> !i 17.7.’ ) > \V:.: AI ; u i:i \\i a tlni-Miyli :m»l \\ < *t k- 'A :i i, a .• i >,J. ||. to an oar stock. i.tsjirction of two provi-ioii* are for tin ;•nrpo-c of aiviu-- "at unla l--r I -!•• ■: \\ |; :1a '■ ..la at 1 arcatcr stal'iiii\ i.\ di-cmi min- witlnuawa!-. ■ 11 iij !' "a",: I Iprn /.’I !C l{ \ crrnhuj unlit | ( 'nil tint! hr caiii'inn <1 Hmf /■•< ’• •• < i Two -hares f a ii slum holder shall \- A SSO/i TM/V.Y /’ U. . which will be mailed L- fctf fc EE to all :•> a;. empt than <‘itn (!s< / M; >jnu jiU(f > share has it- value th. heel the o who want r i' on we, or know reached ultimate holder The ‘°A halm •• j for Complexion, for the Shine9 1 :at !iiia':i I*. tih V. shall he in his aivoum e!o.,-d. paid full and of any om who \atfl•.. l with, or "at lii'l'i'. at J •»' n I Hut he renew Id- eniim-e;ion hv inve-tin^ "f I U. Not i* < i.i a. may The most wears liable it sn.v ■!• a-*-?., send it to '" thinness a ’• •• .• *' in other shares. It i- evident that vvere th< re economical, 1 t V. ny, -. \\ I,... k, 0. E. & of ■ JoLmsoa v J teofer. < name an ! ws to 4 r\ i'i plainly written) I \\ ■ a 1 I'. a Co., no profits it would n .juire 1«- \t ar- for a.-h osi ■•Sailor ; « k-| ‘1' 1" ■ share t-> rea< h its ultimate valm .: lit i i %j \J Dr. J. I HI CE 6 ( nth. !• In I I S' 'll"' »l experience i j i :. Tl \ ^ > a I l: I !> \ Y" ■■ JOHNSON BLOCK, HIOH STREET. 1 has shown that tin* reduce thi- time to ( !i ( i>l ame t*i .• ; Philadelphia, Pa. pr<»!i? TIllMHill (Hi 1NTHI.MMK!), si UIV. iltir * :t-tll'«' nil.- la KJ- I hiL'l: V. '•1 nji flu- lirlfa.-t, 1 »••«•. i.«•.* | in or li* year-, rid- makes a r- tii i!•.t iuv. -t- meiit. *>*'*'• m\u /*, *■'i(\ Couyfts* 'll, icrtr a *n. 1 i• \\ liar’. :. '. a :. In regard to the investment ••! the id;:. 1- of t. t .... j Mr s. B. F» Wnlrgv I- 1/7. :,nif a nr an InfftUibh II »-in i•: i Loan ami Huildim: A--o -iati*.i:- t!,• law ( •'. ■ 111-!: lair la < -t ha u •. •: 8 JL pro- (Hi < H arum it: Jlorsrs. Itelfust, (let. 13, ISS7.—ti ll far •la * II I vide- that, very borrower -In'! do ;; -hare- i *K. \ \VA I. I \. a 1 i SO 0:J ; i t AC. i \ ’••••' M holder. Kaeh liieliiiK r is entitled to receive a Yarn rACKAG-V. l oan of two hundred doiiui !«?r even sliare !;.•■ ! l or ; to exp,-, a Jor Knitting —>«>!.!> i;v Indies- j bv him. M11 a, h;i,. tin*,' Y( fra:a !• .. .GisilKo. i';iIt3; I. \KAL, LimuInviUr CHANGE OF TIME: from oating Loans he made either ( 1 > may .'ir. .1. K. 12!*!',.. jjerf: .1. ( LAMB. W. Tpoj; 5! mnvJi..!.-s -a: : if a lir-t niorteaae 1 end anythin" security -Have now open and read) for sale (lie- Vi. HUT Ml vh, I’uJtrmo. Mi. WALIHMiUAMTKro., and the -haro a- ■ ii. or "**:• s-iarjM-n tl... .-ipj,, tone piedirin;; CL Scotch, ra?:!.iiH’i: I HUNMK, K. Palermo; C, M. PLIM- shares alone he for an v iinouiit The T«ip ol‘ this Shoe Is mailt' 1 t' \ L 5 >' the lao; :sofil:is m.. cent, in month! l-tallmeutTie i in, payable j (inmine 'I I (.. BKTSOLilS. So. Brooks; T. Ii. PAP.k- •, Goat,' manner of In ml- of the lust i i-m i a- Tampeco a u.i.l rr Oct. :li'i. Mr Sarah loaning WISH] Ml, M Lore; I. II. II K. i.a.;:.-, of Lis i;;o!th Germantown. KOSTKB, Knox; IIILKV, follows: Facli lnoiitii the director- of tin* as-! K,r-' r" •• OF- '• I'..'.s', a. writ, s : which is v. ij soli at: durable. The bottoms My soeialioii meet and hid oil'at an -tioii tin money 11711 KIM-: As it has Ween repined I!i; -I| '!'! •• A,; 1 ii-r-e ;**;<; 'attic IVwUcrs ex available for loan-. Tliat i-. tic borrower, in are tn.rle Saxony. If Sleighs and .Jumpers are for -air .n mi- j t«*ii~:v«• I\ '.'. .I :,i Maim-that i-* nianufaetimM to 1 addition to payimr die and uitere-t. aeree- to entities than Brooks, this is to cert if. n. t m !ir.i-f sent from exc witli a v-! I ami irue-i ■■! ',* leadim; li.tr-vincn in e < i' I pay a small pereentaye for tlie privilege of u.-- J my simp ept plate up'-n very is inscribed my name and rr-iden.•- Maine. ir\ ti.eni’ 11 n 17 Wl! \,}. ina' the mom v. Double | Heavy Soles, Andalusia, i are of my make. -n. \\r. >.R- lake a practical illustration. A workman A — touiinvieo Dvspapftc. ! wishes to build lor himself a home. Hr 1m V. ITII THE- and Sail II. K. T!t. ‘•oines a member of a Loan ami Building As- Yarn. I 'nit V T i;,,, -oeiation and accumulates hi- till ih< : EVEE SHOWN IN BELEAST.! BROOKS. MAINE. saving- y •• ; Th<> of a I**”'"1'. '■ unman :o !!eci and s oe. MV the It UST can r.iiv:ili:..ni, a: r.. i‘. 'N-s, Can:, nn- amount !•*. say. two hundred dollars, lie thru quality that uiHlcr-'.iT h. j ^ ^ f- -elects a makes I !<• .v :»« m In.!.-. at lot and a plan for iii> home. | be in the and do !? -ii \\ f K K[,\ finds it will cost him. when sl.“oo. Shoe cannot fomul market, not pub::-1. •• ■ compu ted, For servief tills be equalled. Sizes1 1 !asl hl'!" A; ; admitted 1 li. p 15• Sn:.-'ii;.aii!la He owns six shares in thea-so.nation, on which in. invonttm.- :ur' ami •• l : ?;) 2. intend to other un !. in was ai:- kee/t ang kind. -t ft hi I*.. :!:* -f *n I :ii l.y la ha- s.'ioo. and wh*n 1 other ‘1 »*p'irT ..f 1.i■ 1 :••••’or. I’11 b- already paid thc-e. are o m ike < .e •, fully rriiK undersigne'l prepareW1 FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING TUND in a ■»: it 1 n.-.m.’ -> f T:r *ui.! it :i.; J- A i'St;'iiS-J Iisao.i tty 1:11 r>-. of a -‘SILK-PI U-:. matured, will for iii- home, lie attends <>i *{™- pay 1‘leasc remember that it is 1 to build or repair buildings ; a!! patenters and n pat.-n*.-I ::i all r- mm- !.m ! f of a poor and d' 1 racn week. 1’ f>* :r tuont 2. one dollar. 1 .!> I'kr. Mass., a:;!., ....! f( ,f\-,.j- monthly meeting the " >Tli i'A I s.l li.at If have att tnv'-'tt n » i.ir.'jif write to sin- <-lit! lint cent. economy and a waste <>/ time in we are to furni-h workmen, y.-u <.•»: i He pays for hi- lot by giving a lh>T -IN NEW COLORS. | description prepared Jllnnn »fc < pub! talc American. S 1,,.,-aaa staging, and everything needed it* in.:! in n I ^3 tie 1907. N* 'i J’.H l‘ ! I ..!, y,.ry weak, mortgage on it to the association ami transfer- a j 8tl Hrr.aclwa.v, <«r'i knitting cheap gam. I pairing. Handbook about patent-* iaa: a I was imai,:.. ;1v.. ring his shares as a pledge or collateral. 1 b then v_ P. a a:vi Interest m Boston. contract- with a to build his home. payable carpenter Capuchin,Chartreuse, Shrimp Pink, 1 '<>ars A lltullh) *k!n When his house i- framed and hoarded. h« re- iiespeetfntlg. Mads a :■ a:a -. i.. ;• of tilt; Shingling Spscisily. any rctm-i!!'.# ceive- from the association a proportional ad- 1' Burnt \u’• ber the above at UK) and accrued interest, ! for ottro ,,f vance of his loan, wiieii it is plastered another Canary, Antique, Orange. IIA-LT.. & coops:!-:. Dyspepsia. B. JE*. WELLS. nnd alitr careful examination recommend them 1 !•' I- advance, ami when it i- finished. the h.Jaiv, i:„Sil s' o.t];, Belfast, Sept. I-'., ls.«7.- | He now has a home Bronze, &c, I lisp Invx'Ktn;;-*!t. :im4i A Si, for wliieh he is in Heliotrope, Belfast, Aug. IS l'ST. apanlia. “Throe >l.“oo. in payable monthly installment- on id- Hou53 for shares. Hi> monthly c\jhi:-c. ih* u. will he a- Sale. follow-: Dues on six shares at one dollar SHAVING The 'ubseriber «■;V per CASES, her house and lot in Ii.•!i -haiv,>»;.no; im, rest on si.“no at i; cent r per p« to & 1 Market ated on l Iliirh -1r It'.'li $1.33 $3.30. |>per annum. sii.uu; Premium of \ -r ecu; an- Mtui’iMl tin* mtvuts of p,-r City Bakery to the I pper 1.ri«•. i '•■ysrs num. “.00; Total. >14.no. Sarsaparilla, tains one fourth of an a.to. .. MO'-OAIir.!) I.', If this seem- an excessive burden it mu-t be CELLULOID TOILET The proprietors announce that they are now pre- houa\- SITS. pare oil, vicoo. B. < \BP flic. .7’. ; Fi\ II;. ami property is being accumulated. Apply \\ ;i, u to Edward L, /•lain tmil v._ $1.30 $S.23. Fancy linking Belfast, Oct. is, p u-f Stickney in tin,* week, awl every day Students’ Pun. Celluloid Manicure (Fom!1°pI> of Ihe firm of Cato & Slickncy), i 11’7 Sets, | It row n /trend and /Scans n:oM mi: akikl or i:. m. < >K.\n\ \nv. 30c. to $7.00. | ivi* :;ro noit j»r’iMivts to do all Muds <,? r« pairing: on >1 NI >A V. Free • 1« Ih cry to any part of the city. Lveiling, Uct. “Till. Mi-- of Thursday W. t.< at our Stoop. ()ur Bread cart will drive t<> Hearsport on Weil rpm: anm'al 1 1 or the BKI.KAST N ATB »\ A i. HANK on Mail-hoy—**l>i Prof.-return to-night?" Plush Work Boxes nesdays and Fridays, awl at Xorthport oil Tues- “Yes,ma’am.” “hid lie return sober?" Mail- Fitted, days, Thursdays and Saturdays. choice of ilireetors ami the transaction of an\ ot!n r j CM i i\l> SEE I S. business that come 1!\ beiore th in. u :i! boy (with downward cireumlh y ) -No ma'am. COc. to Orders left at the >tore on Main street or with the may le.ua $4.30. be liehl at their Banking Booms Tuesday. I he was cheerful.” ‘•art will receive prompt attention. j .J.inttar) thought quite 10, at 10 o’clock A. >1. Full line of Meats as usual. | Trice* reasonable A. II. BB \ 1»Iil in a-h'n i Prof. “What further is said of ib ■o i?” COLLAR & CUFF BOXES, Belfast, Dee. U, ls>7.—i.> Student—"Ilerod wa- bethronod.” Pn.f. r. A. JOXES «(• CO. j Otic, to $4.00. ‘•oh no! worse than i:. .. A > Something that happen- Belfast, Aug. 1>. 1»7.— :>:>tf i! la. lei i. I. >r! a i e -1 -'ati! suite' ed to him.*' S*udent, energetically. “He wa- ') 1 ‘.11 ii- a: I •.<-1 ■! ..:• 11 11• 11u 1'iii parl'irs ; irnnilr j betrothed.** Prof. “Yes, that i- it.” O dor C a ili :i!i I billin'.' 1 mi on M'l'lci, ami iit-t cbm 1 fiscs, M:iin Hi., ISrifaNt. Parlor to Let. iBank, of Bar Harbor, ha- a verv promising 30c. to $3.73. l sickly m:.Msin:i) i*abi.ob. : BOOMS FROM SI.(ill \ llAV I r •! bov who is just cutting his neth. Visitor-'- ! a V lloiir of the brick hou>e at ‘he coi -on: stoc k of- 1 will receive a feu in L pupils < > "Why Mrs. Blank, what a beautiful bo\ ! < an ket and ('hitrch •streets, opp. -ib* the : : I -n- ! RROW & The overlooks Church street d i- \>i. 00.. he talk any yet ? < an he say papa and mamma?” A A Voice Culture anil j room Proprietors. I‘AM: SIC WALLETS. Singing, to .1. « ; WILD Mrs. B.—"No. not but it would do pleasant. Apply m>;N. yet, you on >ATt liDAV. racli w.ck.nt llto of 1 »c d.-. as « !b -' good to hear him lisp weal ’state.** VA lilt CASES, IJegister j 7.7 7 /j p UNIVERSAL 1ST VESTRY, BELFAST. Belfast, Nov. s is>;._ t'.tf v TEA YELLING I Beginners in Latin: Teacher “What i< the CASES, Fall for terms awl information. Honrs—In \i. meaning of tin; word suicide?" Scholar “To roc let K. S, PITCHER. j noons, Bella^t. Dee. iss.. —2up.i* G. P. kill one's self.*’ “Parricide?" "To kill a s LOMBARD. fath- LETT Eli er." "Matricide?” “To kill a mother.” noons. “Fratri- ^ ditEr a cide?" "To kill a brother." id jl “Homicide?" Is the Itl'ibt rxlrnslvr over ofl'rrnl here. es ivr a? & lie% i Scholar (who has not had the word .: -kl. 1 :i homo) llfirncr I’hurch ant! t- ■ t < t-;. >a v.■ l\i" -ii-i.i■ 1 am it SATIX CLASS. Dr. P* E. Splint-; hesitatingly—“Is to kii! the whole family?" LUCE, ; ''.■■••• ■•!■■:• :id find it tlit* lies! run- I'or ; It! 1 LEEDS WAIIE. BELFAST. MAINE. ■ I •. or used. I think eonl< Thi (I rent < arc Prof, of If yui Lave iu»: don't fail to <1 » so. You mud j Tor the Natural Science department, t\i ;‘am nre \\ ill save s..~> in I IIA IlIIOTLXE TASKS. **-a pair of- and mill waxing eloquent, “Nothing wa- created in Physician Surgeon, All the Latest Stoles <■! !i>ll\ W I II II l.l*. I •ill inriiitt I.iiiii/ *■ vain: the tiniest flower has it< own u-e in HOSE .1.1 JtS, BELFAST, MAINE. alishnrv..VII J i lijjieilltiis. the economy of Nature. Student, -“Of what i ,ttit/ rcshL use Historic. OJJ/W lire(ii tin U'tii. II. M I. EL L. I V and Cuffs i -i is the potato-hug?" Prof.—nothing daunt- Linen Collars < 4 <*: >_ 2 l \n >M m ,1 ■•■i.tiinr I IIIt. 1SS House, Ilit/h Street. lf4S 7lop.„i :■ ■ 'll ed. “Were we to study the true inwarduc-s VLAftffEs. irrivil SIM'.-I--' I"I- m ill' iMliee to v. AT flARK AMORtiStCb 70 WELL MASS. >' in 1 -■ of the potato-bug, we should, doubtless learn riTt incus. Hours—7 m., 12 to 2 and 7 to U I*. M. S'.rtlnu- 1 BEST Hollies *2 ~> and M? t eals. Kris REMEDY FOR of what use it is.” j CURING (Lnfortunat-!y it i- not V SCUXCES, ■ ivo and I'-’-ii in the >;; m course.) awl DIN SlKtlll. will sell you a pair that will EASELS, suit i si t" I’ur-ili' '■ in limn dial* a ( you, awl give jrc>«>• rviee, for LKSS 1M> :i-:ilit t.-iki', the* « adet- man- a. 7. /;?? ;r/;7 <»• fo.. ••• 1 apt. II.-exercising in neif\tst. u 11 ;i 1-w hour- -11‘• :» I AXDLESTK ES. ,(V. inone\ than am shoe ilealer you ever trailed SHERIS. | :l| ^ *; ual of in their I I ■ arms, bayonets being scab- with. No shoddy piod-; whatever. All are ii«■ •• fin* must bards—“Charge bayonet-!" He-uli, the bov- Jajuimsc Pa pi r ('utti rs (choice.) honest, well tnaile finals, aw! ever\ pair is 1 !i:il lr\ it u ill ii'. ii'> Prior am! TjO are somewhat mixed bawmets!*’ ! Conii 1 s Apothecaries. up. “Charge Art .Vo cel ties in Sachets, Plush. Satin. tfv. CONDITION -V-vv York. in tones. S.-—to Col- GHEWFOREFS thundering Major TW ir i? tsd ! Doses for 5 Cents. Mila. onel La(i-commanding-“Is that order Pin strati d Books. j IOC correct?" “Certainly. Why don’t you charge \. "• Designs in Thermometers. / ri,>■•>»,•> r.-nh mill « t -*t. ••••••■••, 1 v it> POWDER! bayonets?*’ “But the bayonets are not fixed'.” Plush Broom and Duster Holders. “No matter. I'm colonel here! When \ou r, -- >'0 i ells.Vt Meerschaum and. N. A. G LSt nosburgli get to he colonel can order as Trench Brier Pipes (Uig / v-'an be cured of you you please.” Vfhr your The major retires to study his tactics. lotj. O idLir: Tor'wood Hair Brushes. ^HEUM/insM_,MEu/y/iL(jiA i’rof. “l'or wliat i* Plymouth Hock celebra- ted?’ Student—'“For tin: New Perfumes and 'Toilet floods. Our Ladies’ S3 Boots i OrfjE(iV'OUSf|EAO>f!CH£ byUSitlt^ Iniing place where Captain Jolm Smith landed." I’rof. "In <’ut Class 'Toilet Bottles. Work for Voun« n are tlie IJKs'i’ ami NLATLST Hoots for the a\TH LO-PHO-ROS. wliat year?" Student—“jii Jt'.LV I’rof.— 'Try Trenrft Sachet Powders (genuine). money in the State. Awl our “What else tan you rtmemlitr uliout Captain I John Smith:'" Student—"His life was saved Potpourri for Rose Jars lag ounce or can. ! for years w that liner lent and sweetening than is by Pocahontas." I’rof. “Yes. and do you flilt Oak Mounted 7!t exist. T>> deal not remember that it was Plymouth McienceF? upon «■*.■•' i! I 'i'liee \\ In do not sell I'm fee's u.ainhow. we Uoek that Smith’s head was laid for j »thoroughly Captain j Vtdf.un aj'jdii ition. for a limited time, semi free execution at are the KASJKsT awl HI>T WKAllINt; Shoes Jested andJ the time when the Indian till Ir One >1' < a eireii! Ik maile. Look at our absolutely pure nnd highly concentrated. ]>1 tiiT for examination. A. »-'lurtff saved his is the life?' Student—(confidently )■' Yes, A Word About our Business! ounce is worth a pound of any other kind. It is d ! «ii tV < »., ltosj.ni, Mas-. .‘{nil-.1 -C: Drug a medicine to be with food. Nothing fodaj sir." l’rof.—*’\\ ill you look' up the strictly Riven please We have the BEST and PUREST on earth will like it. It cures chick- °niy suc- matter and report to-morrow?" make hens lay (■hiltlren’sSolid en cholera and all diseases of liens. Is worth its Excelsior anil ft u. icm MSELF. cessful MEDICINES. We hug NO (’HEAP Leather weight in Illustrated book mail free. Bay Siate, Haynes gold. by '<;<-«• Thun .'iSilLoii J opir K«!«!. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 25 cents In Tilton llolil to lemedy Charles Bailey, a Boston orphan was DR VCS. If a person needs medicine he Medal GUITARS, $10 $40. hoy stamps. 2 1-4 lb. air-tight, tin cans, 81.00; by mail, rear* N-rvi.u.-;ip I I' ,su l). 1 tv l';- orrtpse sent to the farm of Brown u|»>n Ilenry .Chesterfield. needs the BEST. Prescription< filed 3UTTON BOOTS £1.20, Six cans l>v express, prepaid, for £5.00, MUSIC BOXES, 50 cents 10 $300. solo Bil t I »••••!iijiF-v.,- .1 V-u’ n. Kxhau-f-! V.< .1 diseases Me. lie turned out worse than "I’eek’s Bad ! M !i>n*«l, inn \ and imp”' > ■ _ the BEST SR. 1. S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Hass. CORNET, $iO. Haynes VIOLINS, OrcHes ra, ! a...I tat* -id mi.-i-iiHs tii.-m-t He hiirned the house and barn of his front and CORRECTLY -and- .ii. tint r«nsi-iju >l i*v returned him to Boston NO MISTAKES MADE IN THIS STOEE. :.;i |»*‘ t ii-tuJ, and V'timilnd m a plain wrappe for the instead of sending him itu> •• tr* s* d n>*\v. beautiful colcrea ~ send for Estimates, free. 1. c. laMf inip ;•.»n 1 catalogues Tte7'1r-iRi5H Girl" —' to prison. ■ i. Hi) Our drug trade having largely increased this just the thins for winter. Nothing gets the HAYNES St 33 Court Mass. r:> h- th im:\uoi»\ u Tut co., Si., Boston, « I5iiilir.ru >!. >' * /iT„.0PHC'Hos Co mW/au. ST NewYorfc year we oiler tor the same of lower hard knocks awl depletes the purse like Chil- I' J Vi quality goods \\ H. II. I'AUkCit, >? I).. ( otiMitltii I’ll ELY £ 1 It is understood that the taken prices thru any store in the dren’s wear, and the above will stand the test y&tarm position before city. ! i:in, to \\ hum n!! orrirrm rdiittiUl hr a Mm-.sr.l. tlie Fishery Commission, so-called. In the Ca- every time. If you buy one pair you will (SATA PS R WE come 1 N 1-24 nadian representative is that Canada will vield MEAN IT ALL. surely again. C. M. to the Americans anti a the inshore fisheries’ and rircv<« Look ut Our Gnods.J£X U!«5-When volt need anvthing in the Hoot and Isiliti-Apoplectine com’ inatioa of the most potent remedies known to Medical Science for preserving the tluiditv (GEORGE HORN, D., the riovl, .March S, 1SS7.—tl’10 iu tin* market. I> 1 Heals tho iioros, Widow (whose husband had been cremated) unsurpassed 1»y any Iii Select) Lowest market prices tor goods of equal <|ii lit' “Wliy, Bridget, wliat in the world arc vou doing with that Rostov os ths urn in the kitchen?” Bridget—“Faith, DON'T FAIL TO FALL ON * mum, an’ would yez lie aftlier havin' me scour the :Y, 5e« nss of asto knives in the parlor?” Great Accident! revents Sanborn’s Studio, SALEM LEAD I M r SS Apoplexy, but cures Paralysis, Uheumatlsm, Heart Disease, Angina l’cetoris, Chronic Brwnrtiitls, LiWr F. A. Brown, Treas., SALEM auil -Smell. You --Mark Andrews- j THE WATER Complaint, Kidney and Bladder trouble Dyspepsia, &c., ftc. Black's Phoenix will never three AXI> AT WORKS. For Block, Row, regret sending i-ccnt stamps to EXAMINE Ills LARGE STOCK OE Sale by all Druggists. Price 31.00 a bottle, six bottles for $5,00. Sene to DU. F. s. TRY THE CURE. pay postage, to A. 1*. Ordwav A Co., l I* ONI. FUtillT.) Boston, Mass., IIuk Ooiiio. HUTCHINSON & CO., Esosburoh Fai.ls, Vt„ U. S. A., for testimonials am! a fora of iuy Engine circulars, treatise on LADIES \ avtir i- in ai.il copy Dr.Kaufmann’s great Medical Work : ]-Studio llo'U'S — it to l l (Did to 'J to 4.- | KKJ NOW HEADY FOU IH SINESS. No one .'-li pages, colored illustrations; of great value to JAM Own at Ilium*. with airviM*al»lf. in' itl:t< J. iiccmI to without work, i don’t advertise un- ! Do Your Djclng, every family. Clothing, Hats, Caps, go lieliast, Nov.JSS1. -tfU 1 t'Ji'iSt JM'Cl I * •t-. ! i ^ r.u til 1 am able to fulfil my wants. I atn now ready New Y<-rl\. I’rof. Proctor figures that the earth is shrinking to supply an unlimited amount of Coat and Pants DYES. ly» about two Inches a year. That accounts for the FURNISHING Makers,‘Pants Finishers and Vest Makers. There PEERLESS GOODS, sol.t nervous anxiety manifested by some to is no end to the number, 1 am full of them. I ran They will I>ve everything. They are every people 10 colors. possess it while It is of some size. Soots and do as well as any other manufacturer on price, and Cockerels for Sale. where, Price I Or. a package They Shoes! Amount iu a grade better. I have greatly reduced mv ex- have no equal for strength. Brightness, PENNYROYAL PULS /tOCKKKKKS for sale of the following varieties of or All would make good and Useful CHRISTM% S penses by having no rents to pay, and other things poplexy!— packages or for fastness Color, Non-failing ENGLISH.” lyr32 l' KK KKAI1M “CHICHESTER’S -r RES ENTS.- too numerous to I intend to LKi il and DA As, HI'KK, The\ do not crook "l--unut. For salt hy mention, give my help • (Qualities. Thf ami Ocnuinr. the of it. KLACK. WIIITK and l’AKTK!DDK COCHINS, l\ rS K. II. MOODY, Druggist, Original Only 11 Phoenix advantage 1 and •hfe an«l always KcliaM**. Mcvare of worthies* Imitations. Christmas Presents Row, Belfast, Me. WYANDOT I KS. I* Hot Ks, HAN*11ANS (’or. Main and Ms., Belfast, Me. I High to A«L vonr for Maohino Girls Wanted after WIIITK LKt.lioHNS The above are from lirst Indispensable* LADIES. l>riijcul«t Forty WIESBADEN TABLE SAUCE “Chlehcator’i* KnirlUIi** am! take n ■ ortur, jr in.loso 4<\ -OF- Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Jan. 1, 1888. class stock and pure breed, (stamps) to us f>>r parti -olars in leltrr hr return mult. FOR FISH. i I v answered. NAME PAPER. k for ‘Thlcnw- Depot. CALL FOR SAMPLE BOTTLE the vast wonderland west Of the Missouri River, six Icr's KnglMn" Pennyroyal I’ll In. Take uu other. Dec. 1887.—4w4J) Martel* of Nature, When was we -BY- Belfast, 8, ltooks in one YoL, comprising Baby sick, gave her Castoria. _ <«co. C. win X Itoston. Wlmlesnl.* \ FREE.^ Marvels of Race, Marvels of Knterprise, Marvel* (iood Co., < t When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, of Mining, Marvels of Stock Raising, Marvels lvi-2 HOWES & CO. lilt in oiifiio Lino of Agriculture. Over 3.10 original fine r.ngrnv & When she |n«s. A Picture nailery.nailery, It 1ms more tobacco! became Min, she clung to Castoria, perfect no ran quickly Cigars than any other Ixiok. WOMEN selling qualities ot lint* When she had LATEST STYLES OF WANTED. A rare eh■banco f- live Clire ihfinselws \\ The user® of theae know we a line Children, she gave them Castoria. BOOTS, SHOES arid RUBBERS AUEVIH Man- keep good FOR SALE IN BELFAST BY :!nU0 irtncbM of • agents to make money. Apply at once. Terms very w.___m Injg Vitality,I.o»t and ■Dccuvioa, MEN; :w sell them CHEAP. For and WEAK home. Ladles, C hildren, Bov, Men's wear at hT«Zl fro “mllTii.l * .quietly lit lowest at F. A. Ct. on l*riv»te Ul.eu.e. M-nt free. Hats, Caps and Gloves! prices KSOWLTON, F. A. .IONICS «( CO., THEHENBY BILL PUBLISHING CO., NuBWlrii, I..6. Hook All A. A. HOWES &, CO. Lr ii. ) l*«*rlW*tlv reliable. UO yearn experi- 2yrs50 MARK Ik ll. liOWC, Wlustcd, oitu. AT MARK ANDREWS'. ANDREWS’. M. It. KNO IF.LTON, ELLIS .0 GINN. i ence. Dr. Republican Journal


.11 Overhead i'. a glass roof. through which th» WILLIAM E. BOUDINOT. SOUTHERN MIoS'ONARIES. ro\<;iii:ss r\ snssrox. h A a Oil I El! ifOESK rr AN. in. :.!!• s 'f’" ;i have lie,-a HI led so far this !:»:i M !l» I i *o Tiio»j^!if cf ttio n°" Woim'v Was S<*ut Tlu*m During t«* sc. >u, an ! tlie <|ti-s r characters among Signal '('Iii.v ::-nl t!:s I.it'o. SOME OF ITS FEATURES SKETCHED the War. their are numerous. It is i-i.i! ( BUILDING A occupants curious [Sp- < COMFORTABLE DWELL- IN PEN AND to watch Special v.rresp- ndenee.) PENCIL. the colored citizen studying leg*- iiALEK'iil. N. I* •. I.: [n tli(‘ -N’k.v \ih:k, Dec. as ING FOR LESS THAN 51,300. lation. lie .v<• It*.—Numerous have generally has t or three friend wav in tho wwld. and lil.*ra!i. i.i th-'w -'i‘ < • ! have 'll).- sleeps sleeps 'hat ham irr hi; s{ i;« !i\, s W'jlhai Now —Eioii^li ( oa^i'^suit'ii. I.* cii in and listens the •' printed and Tills Sum IiH'luili's, throughout session. The U :i .. will > is L la ival < a'iy i 1 s' r newspajx'rs magazines, Besido 11»«* House, k — Tin* iiullorios house is warm a > ret( rep'• and the heat cost? him noth or lis -v. !'«•?■ < lias been made to the manner in •!’ !>•• M-nal scrvi.-. system. Woodshed, a Will and a Cisturn—Ho a* v. nJ ilu-i i>n- That which he he * hi< h tin missionaries of (s—Tin* ( liiiirso ing. hears airs i thee Milo* a who lias \v.-rlo d »'lit r. his the south in many foreign tliu Plan lie? Carried Out ored societies" of ien-is were cared for >lay Pnlly Mini -I '< inist ‘‘literary tin* capital, an ! a is i.!.*:i, la> has root ivod jioitlwr during the great strug- vi ’i he Described and I Hast thesi1 colored kn a m :v L Metiiodists. and rated. gallery gazers i'i-.lit io r iward lor 1...-; ti* c;ivcy, and can baptists Pivsby- t' i-.1 (■••rivsinnuleiici*.] about ta rules of the house in their mm ri.ms had ! iieir missi< >naries in !y, 1m I !• ii:iin.r y« srs. alnm-t »r** .t ton, India, China, i Special ('..rrcspon.ientv.' W A Sill [N'( ,Tt minds than doe; Sum •hi Si.un and and >N\ Doc. 13. ilandall. so<‘»-t h< tlio li«)i: rs du-- him. Jh- was pan, Syria; when the shadow of war Indianapolis, Dec. 1\?.~-This house was 11K of Randall, lie to hold ri1 »"■ ha; deepened into and it was mart* 11 ran list** Speaking promises li! in o' mity, i: lMi. am! uni y a actuality, si en that tlie finished at a cost of less than his own tli*» so-W a. and he r".v v ■ ot southern si,This t«» have a l«>od deal during present d Ini his t hroo s»*v yoai blockading ports, will do so not. wit r. shutting oil the south from included, beside the lions** itself, a to tin this winter. listanding the i C ad s. sail t« s. 1! l a 1 a so. ,:i tondm hr communication woodshed, w it Jilst how tar he will accede to a <•< >uiise !i the rest of the would be aceom- well and cistern. There is a cellar'under the It is tii*- insignia of ir.j !l;,v:,» s<‘!’vi ■. /i ;.u:i ut ls::7 j< inotiiu ti at, tin* would I parlor. 'I he building has a brick ! :r»e Kandail is a : ai -lil.jcct I •‘•fort* it. U'lifii j.4\\ ,** hen ! .1; -h-ipan. I < M.., at that rim a h-utonant. promptly engaged the atten- with weatherboarding. 1 he lirst and second 1 ":i his fixed mouth, his aflirmat i w "* northern as it the sci;;.-ant at gesture? and '■'* ^stilrwii. ; la:., a l WashingI clergymen did tho tiers of joist arc ,'x 10 inches; the coiling joists his 1 ont: yui<’!i <»1 t!:o aiul arms wants t o steady tread you f.- calling him the ..a h it was i. tha‘ Iv oonooivod tlio south, the matter was of the? second story arc ‘Jx* inches, All of the Ivon of the \V av P’.irtly in tile hands ■ quell oil of til l.'tO Nap* hoiis he ..f the sain i a !' tlir- i”• lMo l.'-ouyht ifc to pi;uvil of ltev. G. W. studding at TA inches. The windows havu D. idea as r.arJisi as t th.e. h. Samson, ])., as the man best n. \. im-mhcrs of Speaker tariff •: alt tion of t.ht navy dq rtm< nt that fitted by box frames with Ton weights and cotton he oii iraet. r, and th«' i»r* II annt r is \ o s th.*:s• h. 1 hat Washing- tails of construetiou are mentioned so that da;.. and mr-.T'-h Carlisle wil! also remain where he ssd s ton, had been into the most in- one toward him. audit hed«'-. not quail Speaker si!.- I.i i ->.*»s Mnudiilot brought any interested, may know that it is a sub- liiM.'.t- relations 1 !'• 1. and lie e. t. to ink" a scat ;r. l- tt '■ witli southern well Will i--!i ojii.vrs at 1 to make is, prefers, says, tho rvioo. tn I*.* vim* a : :<■ i.-ya r on prominent stantial, constructed building. Tim in the senate. He does n t want t te\i 1 va '-ai-a, all of whom, it was linn -i ! *. Tin- mars* is a handle of Mark ’a]; I'oar rivoj-, noar In seen, would terior finish is ot pine, part of which is var- V.'ilminytnn. !;- ar and will not be a still more the r*’■! l'«*m* ! »•■;« ,!u*r with president, candidate. “The i>:'l i 'iao 1 l h < '•*:if. -!»*nito nuv \ and prominent parts in light. nished and the remainder stained and var I t. Samson was t l.en ^ •" r 1* -.1 < -lit': said lie. “will urn no more ain 1 an: a president of Columbia nished. The front of an.1:i'-h wide, place." give pew, In that svi -*. .- door and are of captain. and stairway '• that* I have where I am. in I not a umw-rsity also pa.-tor of the East l "i ! gii api:st i:i »f a ! ii. up* in which stands spe-p- a.‘ways. Thooiidoi th war I*1 linn im- church, Washington. .IclFerson The front porch is !•> I-U feet wide and 7 '-)l *' house of Eavis was not a member of his i'- l i A..:. ri l.!'■. whi-h be than president thes-mah." II rotir 1 in isos t l emireh, but feet deep. It has a high roof over as will might poverished. lie it. < .. !>v tliv !:a .1 n;*.*iJr frequently attended service. bo seen by* 1-. early 4 eiiieken. The Kentucky, way, nun I;-, gan tau! quiet. nic which l. Ilowell tho eievati' ii. The entrance being < tlu ii si ■ other men in v. •*bb, of the '"ii'i'i !" !!!;i‘v is at Arms good tin- house llii; year. l- since l: -'U Ik is:-, j,.. .Tftaiy treasury under at one side of the porch, gives more availu Sergeant interrupted. I iesi-h.Mit 1. r ! tin* “silver i.in hanaii, attended ble : r.islaeht <1. brown y. 1 young Representative Rivekenridg included to make an attempt t • rvviv t! regularly. space f«.r uninterrupted use during tho Sueh men as v. statesman." is ba- ami (Joverin*:• Lewis Ca.-s, William L. warm man !• draws (KHI .a yar lor man- tongued ->**•- *rvieo id--a. I.!e wrote tin-1 !’• wing Marcv, weather The hall is 10 feet wide and .ae -es will make soma J' r Secretary Guthrie mid Robert E. Leo were 10 l-'J ng-h'* i.:\an of eon an vs mil keeping McCreary probably good -h I., t!!■.* N \v Voi-k ('lullniter < 1' Cor.-. feet long. The stairway has first two < this season. one < ii-equenfc attendants. all til members I speeches Ash'1!* C'aruth, ! ,v’• under date of Wilmington, N. Indeed, the dis- steps to a, broad landing and then a continu- tinguish! l men of that time solar !.:: l »• -ai .a r a r »n None of the new men, is one of the lea;ling lawyers .'larch I1', ls.s; were regular or ous movement to 11n', second floor. If this tpiiei occasional tk'*l 11!» •- !Ve and his seat the attendants Dr. Samson's were ; -t In a a knoekeddown, Louisville, got through light h'oai tw-.lvc years ago, while 1 was an upon landing reduced in size by making the ntvl 1! a mtai m over the Louisville administrations. Tin's him a close more quietly reeling their postoflhv. Virginia ''Toi me .:a»y. iati-awd at W.i-iiingt-•?:, gave approach direct, say turning directly to the had a acquaintance with t In on. the as t he spread ‘agle efforts Thompson, postmistress, appointed -‘“i «».•< r.’-r d to me of umiii::;: the elcr- left ono enters tli" door and going '• *ie ’• • number of accepted the task with a 1 .a -“d their constituents, Republican clerks under her. 1r;- telegraph sabs-we the mercantile and the greatest through landing th*? width of the stairway ■ 1 He conferred rI'i »■ ar «-i' right men The Democrats wanted In r put out of the <• 'H.'iae’.vi-d inter. ..f thee l:ut the willingness. lirst witii Prod- before making tho general ascent, there among them, mntry. d's.. and a Democrat Line -!u and found him desirous be however, a 1 it pi .' ate rsation is any office, appointed. Willis, matter was not acted As th matter of bav- would more available room in the hall. upon. in the tullest i!' 1< \- '■••• :: an.1 bright who represented this di : •••<•! during the last, is me which the commercial intere-is possible arrangements inado It is shown this way in the because speeches l>y of u drawing the hereby the utmost it is congress, secured detention of Virginia, 1 he could be so benom. h 1 certainty could be estab- the way the lnmso was built. There is country greatiy hsMcil and it was this, i am cans that no break should occur in a closet ill told, that -d his ha\•• thought it to submit t he to the send- this hall. Xow, yvhile it is true proper plan of downfall. Carath was as ing supplies of tho to that a taken tip the only y.»ur honorable that if on money through lines great many houses are built without, body, knowing t ia s,' man who could and much is ex- missionaries. a on beat him. indorse it the commercial nnd political in- closet the lirst floor, 1 cannot but think of him -*■1 oied with iiiis assurance from President that it is ported by congress. iluciiee of th:* slate »f New York will earvv yvrong. There are a great many lh v. Dr. Another character in tk Ken- o- Lincoln, Samson in common use on the striking it into active radon. '!'!:• j r. ; .isjti. it immediately pro- things lirst floor of any c cdt-,1 to Richmond to tucky delegation i Tatilba.*, who i; a rough which I oih r t ■•establish secure the consent two story house which a does at Washington d housekeeper scion el the m«•untai.i Hr is a talker, approval of the of the Confod- not care t.o have g«-o-] what may b.- ternn 1 a ui denro.ogmal bureau, president exposed. She must either ■ rae\, Jefferson < and as as w.e 11 » Davis. >:i his cure lor then; some angular Abe Lincoln. t wlii.-h central point should i. transmitted way to the by kind of a makeshift or made several the last Confederate which Davis had but them to the g■’■»•! a;.-hur u i: h :!. di:-e-- i.»a with con- producing rather than labor twenty-f< hours,together vention is civil service t»f Raptist ministers then The 1. is antipathies reform. and l'ore. <>1 the wind, tlie state of tin- barom- in session saving. which is intelligently The 1 h. re, ti. ir warm is hincse minister was in the diploma: i eter and other indie;,i ions of the condition of securing approval of tho planned intended to save rather than to ram project, lie then made haste to reach make labor. 1 lenre 1 he gallery today, and lie dressed in ail the atmosph* re, which in format ion should be Rich- necessity f. r a closet na: a on the first the r**gulia of his n. Ib* had a skull raj* carefully examined the of floor. by superintendent 1 iht,! on his a on was an «:.* of confusion h<'ad, silk gown his rotund frame, such signed servi< and i!v.i about tli<• Washington, :.t -.1 and his d.-r. n on tile Confederate as mat- pigtail hung his bark. He be to all otlu r on the eons'. Tlr* government, given points had was for r\. not yet settled down to awhile tla d of all i.bservers, coiiiiiuindeiv. of vessels would thus be in anything like '"’d' : it and the ladi. s on th<* side of the I'ein in May, lKil. When 1).-, .Sam- oppo>itr gal lormedo! t!i-■ sin: <*i 1 Ik* and if, ns uv.uher, son entered 1-tv ••railed their n- -b t• a •• d; the where good !• at as 1 remientlv the ease, a heavv ma.l*- apartment President pile Davis was the latter at once to Iilowing at ('harioston nr ttav an nail t'.ventv seated, sprang ins feet and The Chinese minister i ;: ri<-lie : warmly greeted him. Mot know- p imps !••!«!• hours i>ef. tbody of the storm limn am the in ing the onject'a the doctor’s -in; »iij*1<»i.i Washington, «■<- !’h«-s Ihe laiitnd* of N* w ma\ presence there, York, they hi: first, uiulh' i' n .!<•:. impression was that Dr. ;peu'ii:: :• 1 of iiK-n- vn, remain ! in i.c- until tin- storm Samson had ijni- Iy pa? en, t liis lot 1h> I ms eu a with the which entertaining;. ;;unih r ».r din i/ir i;iiItu*!• ami \ail thornselves of tin- south, thought '•Mi. '> I M Util. V..1S h'i. .irii danger of ami if bound decidedly op- :M ill I shipwreck, to Mill.:; Republican ItienilK-r.s. shotlM he niuVe eloKei united. ih> W.! posed it. 1 any southern to maim a 1' an port aat a dan "roiis V", and the i:i fiver .1 Mr. Davis nna.l was confused newspaper strongly the Chinese-Atneriean •iniek run to the of destination by this, ’• ■ •'J port an i lie a' him from tin* v. hieh j;i n mneef that was was evident galleries. hank. pr> *j.: inn wii n The of si a n ,- surprised, from theory .«*-t •.I 1. i; :j first 1:; name to be used in Mitkievvie/, an«l, l un-i- r-laml, ii.■ sti’l exclamation, which was; hopes ti id has l. 'ou so oj'i.-u vorih.-I 1-y >: uui -.d ■ i i it !i- a Sr. the nialti r will he earned out. "What, lire yon witli us, Dr. Samson'” whipped .am that i! m;i; i. ;.;*.•••• | j.•; ! ha too, 11 -a ■ * no.” said tci -ii: him in an* A n-velat i»••:***!y every d- rneAv. :• -r.:i he-h oomr ", M MI.rs i: eoiinlr. sees Mm1 i! mat have inoilern •' on oiiroom: Ir- e origin on -"at lion: !l ■ ; 1I !. V> hoin lmieh is e\ flu n, methods ami mod*ra ic. < ■ •Wiiat, brings you lion.*:” said Mr. maehimryto p up -oast. ru'd 11; l o J\ of tin* .s o ha > « i: pn>- Da\ is. 1' ••!. i.n •!•:•;;e\v. a 1 »emocr;il. its sist< !• i.al * FRONT VIEW. with ions, ujul i? desin union re iv mot t t; 1 ion >warf lln :-ia amt ot h v what th« mission- the first floor on \ portion th- A?: rc-m it incut. The happens, and three the secoihl. It is I 'i! -e. ’titli lias in tn«* field shall not ! aronioior in\ nriahh. indicates tin suffer an easy house total: ear-->f, in that, there : i if• i; -me of \ lie approuoli •l,r I* Lmd'. W want irnia. to provide, Mr. is no waste nil 111*• rooms are of tin:.'- tori ns. and in T .at of t Ids sug- spare l'" ■ is t uat a | -id 111- 11 if iUgl’1*- lent, way shall be opened through accessible without extra Waste gestion In mg acted upon. 11. r. ntml r. -. i-- readily steps. i! a' I 'i Uk-s not lo. .If to he •' loi* 1- .• tin- transmissson of > funds for room means waste tration at of t hermnetn- energy and waste of '• Sieu Washington ir art. of T -\a suppon. President Lincoln lias ex- in more wav- than not ran;.; careful invest igs: :• >u, w aid money one—waste .man •• by give 'd his In- late ar and I willingness to go to the utmost us to the unn- -e sar\ in the not ion of t 'lesr yali bel’or any ot indiea only expenditure e a n in the a *loin-l m t he possible, length matter, and it only cost of the buililin bn: in and in the lion. To a practical mind i; would sr t hem. '!. plea y effect, olvii-gs '11 "i bless you, l)r. Snmsou. It shall be In the at th of are small an it are. u imi« h parlor -right the hall expend fraught it h ben ‘lS *’1 'i ni i1». i* i-- .Marion wish,-’ said President with two windows and a one clit to the commercial interests of iberoim Davis, grate; window is in * .* m> »t ion. a i'. iis!. -r of t li,> (’alfor- front and the other at tho side. The I v and the sat ing of many valuable lives. dining i -; '• A *nts were at »llies to t 1m* lit .list'. rrangem* once perfected room is similarly equipped. It has a •Iiocdd certainly receive the attention of ji< large :J I'-if an* an«l r.•:»> means of communication were to bo china closet which .banged -..•real, maritime nation, ami I thee..fore mA- conifers with the table in • uni" ■ w T iii- numbers, provid'd thruughnul 1h struggle, however the kitchen means of a slide. Tl-.ere is i' i* to yonr honorable (••;!. •.*. it?o art, cei by iv IS : l.t »\V a.;’i»r b:ller ii, be. The just they ment-A' mighl general on also a. door between the kitchen and dining i-‘ V •' 11!: I ;!h I'nion ulio *1 Il<-I* ijllr.st it ills, side, had heM the el< .*est per- room; ll.'.xldi not a large kitchen. The 1 iiolnillM; It;i fiimi-he 1 ill1* v.iiha • i '1-s w °»‘il r* kitinn ith (!i | .11 and tli<* hows.* n. Lee, was Maj. (Jon. .»f ki{. '«i«-!i is not this letter. No not ice was 1 u I:-n of availability spaee entirely !i v t eo..y‘f Patrick, and the n« ir.• of in>so i.f 1 hi* past. charge of the matter howeg> r, on its but ill- < -.inmiinicntion. Tho New V«.**lc ('ham- dependent, dimensions, v.as committed to keeping. Ho was rather the of the wall b. r of no doubW it tin upon disposition *' I; l Commerce, thought lit tod 1. .iso is: It takes 1.4(H) peculiarly I-.- i being a Christian and the conveniences which have to d.» scheme of some crank. Later space « visionary as vo il i?, anil tin* gentleman as a gallant soldier. It is with a kitchen. It will be seen that there is oarpot JJomlinot wn»te similar letters to Jiv d ,i !. a- Capt. a trihutc t«, his o:>. whirh cost, 1 judge, at fitting faithfulness and a spaee f«*r the kitchen ranee, r stove near < ’atesby Jones. who had 1- vii his classmate at I*-: would nof abd iiy to state that no hitch ever occurred the kitchen Hue which does not eontliet with probably and to other seient iii-• !'■■■ 1 .Annapolis, gentlemen in the ! ti.. n<*w uiombirs arrangements from lirst to last. The the use of other art of th kitchen. squirt at hutthev did not: t In e any il; ■ Washington, nppr southern re, d >us on 1 n**!i* Sam's floor us bodies wen1 comnmnieated Also there is a between the door which ciute the value of his ideas and it i space ■ b b i' v. !•■■ plans. with ami noalied that, i; ib< p.nioliooii slabs of a log .lAl'ANKSi: AND MlMSJT.liS. they could remit to leads into the pantry and an outside wall ■ ■ said. however, who to know !■ ■ by people ought tiieir missionaries, in mbiT lias a licsidc At 1 am told that 1 1 ■ whateverlich which will leave for a kitchen spittoon present most of ] tele- that his letters and ideas furnished tl.. 1.stationed, space safe, 1 i: t. really Gen. Patrick. bub his loiuii aims lit* matter which goes {., ('liina has to through Maj. They were also which may hold the kitchen utensils. It graphic foundation upon v,inch the signal idrni :!,?. r present instructed to the missionaries to b*'lir*sat this tljan it iloos ltug'ia, and tin- are notify send is out of the way and yet convenient pjiss through dispatches service sysh m has been based. Asa measure x-1 :i 1 1 their letters to Dr. at i : lo^'islal ion, ami tho re- 1 lie of that Samson at Washington, to tin-range. This s:d' -might be wry carefully inspected by spies of justice <'apt. lioiiiiinol. its real inventor, placed op di isiba- i1 spots surrounding these The Chinese-American who would forward them through the lines the tables at the other end of the spit- government. lumk, should he nr reward( d l or such a posite t ll., pensioned t * the south. in oasos. looks ns though they with the scheme of railroads and t. ii'graphs kitchen if thought desirable, li is not found 'i’i* u Some few of the siri' k 'ii i: 11 smallpox, whieli it t:> build in would southern churches sent necessary to use the kitchen safe in all sec- proposes China, a strange coincidence the room in i no n. vv i’.y their mombi rs an* not tho most result in a money through the tions of the in dignified probably change in this respect, which (’apt. IJowlinot wrote 1 he letter above blockading fleet, country, especially places Mat'-anoii i:n: the risk of But the uuul>L 1 saw ouo today and it end in a cable across thePaeilie. running capture. great where there is no annoyance from t he (lust of might piloted afterward became the lirst quarter; ! Mnin b o : m bis hair with foot ou liis bulk of the work was carried the the streets. The kitchen window is Tho Japanese legation at Washington i of the station at through placed -k signal Wilmington. In a channel thus His won' dosed in slumber and more t han the and 1lv opened by the personal influ- about three feet above the Hour. This progressive Chinese, letter to me, dated Oct. 1 i‘, lssi'. tiiat vener- gives .• ence of d a do! i cate snore. Another are looked here a tne Dr. Samson exerted upon Presidents wall under it. Where a safe is n<>t Japanese upon Amiri able man “Tliis J space 7r* says: day complete my Lincoln and I*. *1 i u*d at ease a in the cans of the Celestial nations. now Davis. The former was so used a cabinet to contain and kettles, upon lounge They three score and aud have therefore i puts r< o!'- J-nd ;■ years ten, enlisted that later on >m 1 he and teach the in their schools, warmly in the war, etc., can be placed there. I would call csjm.- steady rising falling English language lost all desire for or the lionm* **• celebrity, when it was seen ! o. l j .-dge that tho learned states- and have l nr.r and that money was becoming they adopt** postal system which my connection wit h the signal xervie-. man ■*”a scarce in the south and it was iii Wayback district was sound are rapidly becoming Americanized. feared the may reflect upon me personalty. In regard i wears churches might not bo able to the asleep. Minister Kuki the American cos- to its I keep up beiielits, have i«niir since abandoned st one ream of supply, President Lincoln made tume; his wife is of the best dressed all idea of up receiving any pecuniary reward. his mind to allow’ cotton to women of her be sent through Washington,and eye.'-, though in known its con- My hope originally making the lines to be sold to a trifle almoml are soft an.1 beauti- defray thomissionaries’ shaped, v.*as that Jones be in ception Catesby placed But the war ful. She has a whom she expenses. ended shortly after very bright boy, charge of the bureau, if established by the will in American and this was not necessary. probably bring up schools, Jones an intimate government, being per- the war and she is much courted so- During whole the letters came and by Washington sonal friend, with whom I had been for ten went, nobody violating their sanctity. Some ciety. years associated in the naval service. Per- ! I here is a little follow i of the missionaries came home and when dainty connected haps all is for the best. The connin'is deri\ i with the Chinese who also to they landed in Now York they immediately legation goes ing the benefit of the and it i; school and his conception, made their way to Washington, whom they here, costly dresses and curious immaterial who the originated plan.” found once cue are the wonder of his Thev Rev. Dr. Samson. Ho ut took playmates. 1 mis it will uo seen mat Lapt. Boudinot/ i treat him and 1 think them to Maj. Gen. Patrick and they were very well, too, that tin* adds modi to his other sly merits. Wt h the of as a rule are better man- passed through the lines without slight- boys Washington must feel t he neglect of which ho is tin* vie- i than those of other est hitch. nered cities. Where j tim. He is ol* unusual scientific 1 attainments, Rev. Dr. Samson was last made every other man is a general or a statesman summer j and his conversations on such subjects are it is to bo careful in the train- | president of Uutgen- Female college in New necessary very ; as are also his always delightful, reminis- is an of and a J York city. He erudite scholar, being ing children, Washington parents, ccnccs of j bygone days “in the old navy.” Ara- number of whom arc \ specially conversant with Hebrew and large dependent upon he is known as “Commodore.” He Locally and some time official influence for their are bic, has for given private positions, very had a wide acquaintance in the old service, j to careful to sec that their children do not lessons several classes of Christian workers say and a [ many grizzled officer, active or retired, in In tho things which might cause the off of engaged city missionary work. cutting J will recall “Bill Boudinot,” who for so many their own official heads. Thomas J. Toon. presidency of llutgers he succeeds Rev. Dr. had out of in these bust- years dropped sight j Rurehard, who acquired notoriety in tho last ling times, when to be quiet is to be forgotten. The Interviewer in Japan. presidential campaign. U. W. F. ('apt. Boudinot has no copies of his first 1 A traveler who has been Ilukn- visiting letters on the subject of the service, but tlio dadi, in the Island of ilokaida, Japan, writes ISnokisli IVop1«. COLORED PEOPLE IN THE GALLERY. one written in 1808 is practically a reproduc- ! homo that even there he was not free from the A with a In th<» meantime the house buzzed like a t ion of th<‘ ideas and plans suggested in those bibliopegist is a bibliophile special of the newspaper interviewer. for bool; A is a GROUND FLOOR. beehive, and the members were either writ- interrogatories «>f 18.j0. F. a. Olds. regard bindings. bibliotaph “Iliad not been in the llukodadi over one book miser. A is a l>ook seller for eial attention to tlie table and sink. In this in". reading newspapers, chatting, or doing bibliopole day,” he says, “before a scholarly gentleman An A is a stealer of house there is a cistern on one side of anything but listen to the prosy talker who Interesting Plant. biblioj)liiles. biblioklept pump approached mo and addn 1 i:iy interpreter. valuable books. Mr. who would not the sink and a well on the other. Thus had the speaker's eye. The Chinese narcissus can be grown in tho Lennox, pump lie had the honor of representing the Ilako- j let Prescott see liis Mexican was it is that the do not have to out- The desks of tlio members are, you know, house in earth, sand, moss or water. A way j manuscripts, occupants go dadi newspaper, and would like to ask me a and Ham was a biblio- doors for water. The table can be used for arranged around the room in rows like those | of growing it which is quite interesting is to | bibliotaph, Pepys some questions. I consented, and lie wanted | is the of books.— the dishes or for food for of a half moon. They rise one al*ovo another take a dish four or five inches deep and put klept. Bibliolatry worship wiping preparing to know my full name, residence, < ; the stove. from the front of to •upatiou, some small stones into on these stones set 1 Al t Review. tlio chamber the back, number of i; 1 com- it; people employed, object The is convenient to the kit- of are the bulbs and in water to pantry quite and in the center the lowest moon tho ing to and many other mat tors con- pour enough reach Japan Romo merchants are in chen. There is au inclosed on oae desks of • he speaker and the clerks. These nected with my visit’and l.a-.iac. s, all of the bottom of them. Do not set away in the prolific schemes, cupboard 1 in execution. Lik^ sane side which has doors and shelves above and desks arc in a which forms which, with my replies, he connnitLoil to as is recommended for most other bulbs. but miserably poor great square pit dark, the in tho most advanced In a few will to and trees, themselves in blossom and below, and in recess next to the the house chamber, and from the top of this paper reportorial days they begin grow , they spend dining will flower in six ir weeks. never fruit. room wall is a place for shelves. Near i>it the galleries rise backward .on four sides. style.’’—Boston Transcript. eight bear open the pantry window is a dough board and a ^1;\ A Free Trade Manifesto. Ihaim said he 1 i«i not moan to implv window is an tn Maine Matters. tlic to this place* for flour. Near this Ili:u there 'moiiM he t-o reduction of tho nation* Provinces Slate ami prcaelic I in mi:, ulaink's comments < n im.i .Haclnas, iscasset trance to the cellar. It will he seen that iihai :tl ili would reduce a M:\VS AM* ami other I h- aim >urplus. it “by prompt TATE. places. CLK V EL A NI >'s M! :s s \ CK. troiii U iscassett to there are two doors between the kitchen and i*v‘lo‘:il of tlu: tobacco tax, and would make I’ocklaml ami preached | there two hero and th<‘: > years. II,' then hall which makes it possible to pass from tho A Now York Tribune reporter interviewed some changes in tin- tariff, not im: Iv.vst NKwi'oirr hobukuy. retire,I from the to ami went into rrd'i'V protection. but foster it." 1 rank ministry business, ih- was a kitchen to the stairway nr from the kitchen Mr. Maine in l*aris Dee. 7th ami the result was wisely Patten, who was arrested for exami- man of Xo area! in of rex 11111' like our laritV can great ability ami fame,I for readv wit to the front haK without other sy-t, »>«tion in connection with tho Mast. ami g.-ing through cabled to that paper. Mr. Maine said : with einciemv Newport good nature. operate ami ef the Presi- closely watched and the there not being sufficient added to the need be to vi w !n\\ evidence* to hold him. of Itowdoin pantry, nothing exposed dent’s and have- been • inter- pi. mpn;, adapted t » tints,, Uni 1 I the.library College. There is also message specially changes. brpnty Sherill'Alonzo and Asher l>. an increase of which would make it at all for xvuidb me! no Sylvester eleven in the "I unpleasant ested in the comments of the London papers. ei.an-rc that would impair the I lorn, ot 1* linmher scholar- armington, arrived home earlv Fri- slnps given. Nine are of sl.lHfO any one to have to 1 may say there is Those all assume to declare the nte-s _c protective character of the whole of the each and two pass. papers body day morning with two men whom arrest- of each. a tariff laws, four ;• they The fund given 1 a door in the rear of the kitchen. is free trade manifesto, and arc | years ■;,» in the act of lss.*}. . of an we made chan-res of the character I 1).. Bangor, lias l»i » ii anticipating enlarged market for LndMi i havetri- picion of the Mast. rob- d b> uu’jeate. (i' *:!ch committing Newport increased hy $,*KK) and is one of tile fabrics in the I'nited States as a consequence changes were made, and berv in Peter liennetfs house. leading of the th> fort it ot our scacoust President's recommendations. Perhaps yin,<4 tint-undertaken 'Vlien arrested the men resisted at \ tv somewhat The treasury estimates issued that faet the character of the motlerate- annual outlay, n > but had to include sjn.tKiu stamped me—.im- surplus ’submit. 'I’hey appeared for a at l.mig mure than words of mine an.” I Wo*dd i.e found a‘t -r that aeeumulated surprised light Island, Maine, and sltl.tH'O clearly any already and declared their innocence. said the\ lor tine < had n They at ireen Island are ‘•You don’t mean actual free trade without dispoM I of. 'flu; of were from recommended: | /'c, outlay money l.angor and well known in Lewis- also, lor l.nhec < on lorti!;. dions, while iri**:i1 service to lianuel. s|o,;siU; Nurra,'.umriis dutyyv queried the reporter. doinjr ton and Portland, were though they unable to ri\er, •■sIo.tMK); i’euohseot Itiver. s|;( nno- "No. 31 r. manic. “Nor do the the country, would aive aood work to manv l‘,,i replied give the names of anybody in these cities or lami in- n.*' harhor. ^:lO.(inn: lloekland harhor. London papers mean that. They simply mean toll on what streets had lived. s.vi.unil: " they The prison- ri\rr, siM.imm); \ ork tiiat the President has recommended what in id net !’! 1 n-s..],.ups recommendation to ers liarlmr, were handcutVed and brought direct to Far- Tht new admit raw waterworks in I >o\ct ami the I'niied States is known as a revenue tariff, materia! timlstroii:;'support?’* mington. all K„v.-roft riding night. <>n being searched na\r Ihvij ti-vtcd v* the feature as an N t l»y wise in our time. l*v ry salisfartorih to the rejectin'; protective object, protectionists -tailor lewell and the officers about s*2,00<» in otth-rrs of tin- >’ ’. si,iii,. tiro .lojiai-ttnonf. A -tivam u and not even to rcsu!i Ik;'," ._|-4vdy manufacturers may think bills were found, also a permitting protection revolver, a slung shot, thrown over a of tin* as an t<» ihat with t i’c coal or wit Is tree iron ore they rlmnimy Mavo fa< ton freely ineident revenue ilutie.-. For the bead of which had the of an.l to appearance having tin* top of tin ,, ,• of 11„ .f the first time in the of ih* I 'niied stat< Mi do rival thiuys. hut it' they >Ik»hI<| succeed been j M I, history scraped to reinos. stains, and a hunch of ••Iinivli. Tho |,:t< the President .;k;. will, as the catch it, on dcpartim-nt ahimt L\oon f,■, \ recommends keeping the internal try they hoys Miy, beys which the officers said would unlock ot lio-if any wliirli rail Ih? used ami .. tax in onler that he the r< hound. If the home trade in raw materia! Mi,- \ ill.-,-, ::v the taritl may forced handeiiiks used in Maine. A a : dr-t pocket compass, considered N.alV' from a ooi.tla rat ion down below the fair revenue standard. I! roved or injure*I, railroads w i!! railroad seriously ticket on the Lake Shore road and oth- 'rile farmers of Hollis. ! •' «• ■ liivt to fed ii. l»a\to„ :1,id recommends that the tax on tohaeeo he r<- It that vast interest is er minor articles were also found. Some of the W atorlmro an* making oll'orts to tallied, and thus that million- aunuaiiv rippled in any dire. lion, the tmaneiai tahrieof hank bills miaMMi •, many found were smeared with blood. The «-(»rn I'aeton at shall ihe ■! i. -!. 11.11 will fed it parking Mar Mills. |.. he levied on a domestic product which ry quickly and seri- clothing of the men is line and hears the im- IMiimmyof Wo-tl»rook a.-ivov to tit at;.I would far better come from a taritl’ on f .p ; n •e,dy. If : :iv i;ia'.i e;ai ai\«* a rctisim why we *>t New ^ ork up him print tailors, the overcoat of ani establishment. if Ihe farmers of t!io fabrics." •In-uld arrange the tan'll' t * favor the raw ma- one \irii,it\ being satin lined and reversible. The one wili « rort a Mutable terial of Other imiMiuj, it fn,jj, Tin: TAX o.\ lor.AlT 'outlines in a competition who to be is o\ompt appears spokesman about 10 years taxation ami guarantor to rahe three di-t our t«• i 1 oi the s-unc kind. I should old. of hit,id:- | “Then do you mean to that v w-e | sandy complexion, smoothly shaven, acres ot coni each season. imply hki to!n ;o o. .-'louldthal reeomna ndation of favor tlie repeal of the tobacco tax?" ami weighs about 1 r*o pounds. The other i» • I *1 l'r« sideiit he appro vi d, it would turn luo,- I*rown, McAHi.ivr A < ... have ,! ,„.u I mean that." -aid rather shorter, of darker some- open- “(ertalnly; just y,;. 1 nun complexion, -•ramie Aui. i. o lad-e. out of !»e- what '|iiarry on Lon^ Nlaml. near li. i..\VM Pdainc. **l should urge that il he done at employment heavier, and younger than his compan- f.-i'e it had ! ei.ii a in ol iilueliiil, ami are making’ once, even before the Christmas year operation.” ion. already j»rep:ir:i- holiday-. !, lions 1 o me minun-nn work on a arum? seal \ would in the first great relict io l!K I ! ! V nr I III. MKSSACK. suspicious leuturc was when the search- [place brir.g wlnirl throe hundred fei t Inis hem of tobacco all over ing hcijaii. The jailor aske.l if thev had :ui\- Iona' Vnn- growers the country, and ••What lau-t l»e the marked and irreat «■ ilV***t -trueted wliieh 11iiiiLi about fheir aives ten feet of water at low would, moreover, materially lc.—cn tin*" pi i« *• os tin President's ui'-ssa::.'?” person. SEc < )A I) STOItY. tide. \ railroad e.nai .the to the of the article to consumers. to “Dli yes," said one. “a little chanm* and this i|tuirrv Tobacco miilioii- **[■ will hruu the wiiere it to whart over It ho nut I ?v- country oui;lit I old which the yranile is may cl that tli< is rot a groat of men is a The President calls j| i pistol, that is all.” trail'sferiv.I necessity. hioiiyld a full and fair contest on the A small in w are on of 1 •» l■ I*nt as the odd intis. receullv deal hall carpeted or on tIio but it is a* luxury in no oilier -en-e o' search continued the money above They swept luxury, q -tion protect iotl. 't he President himself slii|i|ied to New > ork dl.imn si***«»»it I tea mentioned v as found wadded pavina'id 1 {lor. ji may also notice:! that than and codec are luxuries. Waieh, if x«.11 makes it me i~-n,• I no other up and'tueked y presenting in dillerent. about their this hall is .veil liyhto;l l»y a window at the please, the number of men at work on the in lii< m I hiuk it well to have this pockets persons, «,ne farm, in the mine, the railroad, in package alone containing sr'odO crowded into a Letter from Portland. side. Furi!.< rnioiv, from this hall ('tie can eoalj along question l.d. The hemoeratie. party in the iron or ; hip pocket. > foundry, in any callin':. ;..:d you i-.; s|;.|..i!ne' menace to the industrial i’1 inl<» any f the rooms on the second lit»or. P"Wer m in. t it' ui vs i'.. tail -. will find !»b in A package of some kind which was seen in inn chewing* while they w.’ri,. prwsoerily of t he count ry. That ineiiaee should As to tip1 ltedrooms there is a convenient the men's while is After each meal the same proportion < i- c he oiiioy, ,| < V tile j| foreshadow.* should possession riding missii,-, lor l.cdrot,mi furniture in all of policy l»nt tie- officers ft'orresj.lienee of the donned. place llieni. of a or a •• are on the track of it. solace pipe cigar. These men ;. ad < .-rt: in. Nothin-, is •.<»mischievous to sriy they I"< It: I in This cannot he said of all lloor There tin* millions of the tobacco I he Ban-ror officers started for Furmimrtou I.ANII. e. 12. In The |.|,| plans. only pay tax. leu '•'■'i ns u. im \. nothin, so paralyzimj; are at least two afternoon and arrived theta: about in i'irst j.Jaees lor each lied, a spaoo pay on every plug and e\ery cigar an ;di;.n -i Friday District in Maine are prinid ,,i' tiie di>- at niaht. made lor a ease where it w ill which' the tax enables tin mani.:: ;o. : They immediately their way dressing j tin* price j tiuetion won the aide man whose earn and to the* jail where* the were i>y best and room fora washstand. retailer to impose. The only e\- a- !• .■ prisoners routined", light There .i vYoci and went to heads this of sin h a tax i- the actual un ;• '.vp Interests. their cells. Neither had ever seen part my loiter. The is a closet in a h droom of necc-.-ity !< U sturdy ample capac- the lirst man visited, hut when Marshal t the (iovernmiMit found it-cif during t!.> war Whit- voters ot dork and amtn riand eouulie. ad- ity and Hue connections for all. Th-re is a looked and the i:i .*-!! ; \i « :.ia i:i \m»*> ney through the bars of the second years immediately following. To re- iuii: kaih-: mks- mire itoeiI. True, lie k: ow- store room over Hie hall. man's cell he was hut little alioul large front It tain the iax now in order r.;- v<■ r. 'ii k •! i* \ r< -111\ r \ greatly surprised to recog- to destroy the j nu..\ n>\ nr ditioai would a nize him as Clarence son p fenee-liuil.lina arver or fawn- require only very little change and t< ction which wouhl ir.eidentaliy follow ihe. im \» i. \ m *i:\i i»r 1**4. Whitney, the of hi- Imys the of not over sUo < r the same amount brother, Itev. John of i-Iliunt exiK*nditure to of money on ; orcim Imports, '' -i '2i i 7th in Whitney, Newport. tll’ott you: and cutliny of sp : v,o. W.^hiniitunof the Next tin: otlhvrs started for make an extra room over is a most for «' > morning Bamror lot all this front hall. As certainly extraordinary p<.!c\ nit'. wool and wool dealer-* Inis, there is sntnethine so m hi. vernment. with the two men, who were handcuffed ami unajiie it is, however, it makes a 1!- i i >. very large store •! l»y ill.- Pr -sident of .-hackled. ways, tiiat he even wins tin- lilt: WHISKY AX. The amount of money found upon rospoet ol Ids room, which is : r all* ;i •• t? i ■!i Wool (; p.,. lighted bv the small window rowers, the thtir after iitieal persons the capture was about ^2.- foos. A iirominont li.iuneral told me shown on t ;:<• elevation. “V.'eli. lien. Mr. idainc. would a \• »\vw m-.lv a lopted: you :>0U, ami in addition to thi- on tie* way to the tlie of the tax also?” ‘i ir wool !»a! am! wool of the | recently, tiiat while in- never voted for lh Lons 11. Air.so:;. repeal whisky growers citv clarence Whitney liamled the Marshal s*;| “No, I would not. Other eoiisid'/rat ion- than nit ••! !■!'• --flit;t of over and did Iiis l.-ost to dop capital which had not been discovered upon him ami always al hi: elntd.n. tliose of financial i ,■ '.('■•/<) :;• i a vu.-i of a administration arc iiumey million which he said \va« his to own, keep for him. !md a loolina of pridi a- a citizen of the WASHINGTON SQUARE. taken into account in regard to Tk-ax- u a •_ r.-u ii, 1 u.=o! .'cal* rs a>>:-ini»ie«! in whisky. The second prisoner linally gave his u.tim* as is a moral side to it. To of Jr. tin-«-i!\ ot \\ :i~:tlii- Till lifst district, vviien he how aids w cheapen tin James Foster, and it is said he i- from New ihouyid A Curious I’art of the 3!e< is to increase the a. enor- '': '• •'>'•7. )>:\\in a iv:al the lir-t Wore t ropolis Crapli- whi-ky con-umpli York. They telegraphed to Don A. F. Powers represented in o:iai ... Hi. ;,0:i -dmell. Described. mously. There would be no -en- in ingiu. 1 t!Fn 'i ifni l<> the Fiftieth <-*' irally Iloiilton. ami lie came to Baimor to act as selection u an al •• liy and aide a- the reform lieen.-e in in::u. ( ••• :i‘e l»rs• the » rim< u\< of tin* poiiij.-al parly < •.1 wrought by high their eoutisul. was a on (Spi-cia! 'errespniiiiviie Whitney conductor i!s candidate tor ak. r Status if the National (iovermneul n utr:.h/<- .ti. t;., |% ii;,o;: t heir indu'dn sp, i. an l,ni;iir woril — one New \ oiik. 11. r, l.*>. ( hie of the railroads in Panama, some three or bright day not ■1 i: •« tIn; good elicet by making whisky within it a. h -1 ij '-riant ot the eoiinlry. and four of the amhitiiiu of Ante: d an. 1 strolled from i .! years airo, and has been somewhat of a any long ago ’.roadway >\vu Wa- of one at ‘Jo com- a gallon. i* -1 > : ion of i he ua! ior.nl ! >emoeratie evry Whisky roaminir character durimr his life, lie i> also -'I !•••!.! MIA : lltn.W ! 111: |\ (Up.. verlcy i-laee into WAshia. ton square. A soli- would be distilled if tin surveil- ; .. ‘i iinterpreted !iv the everywhere part) well known in ■ quite Bangor, ami has been ■ — F •' ami : I III' 111 <■ 1 r;l li Ici'Vpreil hx 11 i‘n tary policeman kept wab-ii and ward. Hun- lance of the (iovernineut were withdrawn ! .• lie ; an!; and tile of the :i_\ by there a number of times, always very flashily fired.; of children ware the remission of the tax. and illicit -ai*-- part) : in.r _.m' nia.. u Hi. I nr ai l ;l, ous and searching as that with w hi* h Ki:--i:t '•i-D competition I' the old one. being perambulated round tin grass walks bv repeatedly trie*l In main- pursues the Nihilist-. It would high mu ie hy ! i. !if i;:i* of our indusi rial The :umual of tile stockholder* of the iia it wiiu ]ia\e l.uilt ip, nursemaids of all races and destroy proirros. meeting every variety of and f 1\ :::i-\v« the Knox and lieense at onee in all the States. Whi-ky has iii*t*iiv; ivd hi nearly every school Lincoln Railroad was hcKI in industries appear in tin- ml,. ,,f j>igi,n.- ml- ei.lor and form. The fountain laid c m.cd to done a va-t deal of harm in the I’nited Plat* ’’.i-ti M oi «.i;r I. and '<> l!u»rou-hly disprov- Rockland Dee. 7th. Mayor Williams of Rock- hers. but crowds of small There never wa- a lime in our play, boys failed to profit I would try to make it do some good. I would 'd !') lie !«■;;;• of ! a •*.* am \ \ lie drmoil>tration' land presiding. Twenty-seven hundred and the "Ian a dollar would m. by example, and, wi:h shouts of triumph use the tax to fortify our cities .»,*; th< ;. of experiei an i I istorx a to Tit ed no answer ninety-one shares were represented. The old |\u- toward rlmhii.i «>r for We that oar Hoard of Directors and ofHeers were a man in disgust. <•!unpeted laurels in the rotrni U A i.»x-. )'•' n--_ a'-knouv.dye re-elected woollen an.nl- a- nl i!„ jr, nl. 'l l. arduous of ?' i:- a-." rr •"•atti r. •! and iinora:tni/ed con- as follow*: Directors.,John T. Francis struggles “leap frog.1* Ou.> ,,f Kerry. Presidents talk a:. ,li* tl i■ i;’■<[*■!, In view of tin? Ictl* r a iiir* < ( old) „( |;l!, r the crowds attracted powerful dilion. i":' !> ;i) he a-\ prey of t li. freetrader, and (Jeorge W. Kimball of Rockland. F. my special attention. tin1 Democratic on 1 far ;is clot li in u is 'tiei.-r party the ^111»j<• ol l'-iiiii- hut we had a riaht to expect somethin^: tiiller- K. O’Rrien of Thomaston, Fdwin < ( 'lark ol m-. i i- in k,a|.in_ w iili Th<* who was his back" was not boy “giving cations by ilie late -Mr. Samuel .1. TiMen in s e11i from the ( hi f ih\i. uiixe of the David W. of Damari.- his nl nation, at Waldoboro’, Chapman kuowledur the tarill .pie-iion. li. I;: ■- an lie wore a a 1 am ama/.t <1 that no attention ha< been i<« ordinary youth. cap with j.ai.i “ie- the’ao-i and eontent- cotta. Fbenezer liaggett of Newcastle, happx. Mo>p,-rou> Henry notllilua In -ay I.l.imt tin* Ml.hit.1',11 I' a bin coat with brass tlie the Democratic Admiidsir;rion. • badge, buttons, and subject by 1 "■ ar.» "i tin world, made so !>x a policy of I ngalls of Wiscas>et. John tin- ;m accentuate-1 strip*• upon abbreviated pi ; n Id* M-lopnient wliieii he now seeks IL Kelley and James W. Wakelield of Lath. impuM"l upon peopl in ,r.|,r t<> la!, a any Government allowed rival <• iii«- on Ita- i*» d. 'i \\ a At a In fact he was a in- ’iad riaht to onr Presi- meeting of the Directors Hon. few -- pants. aboy. expect Mibseipient bulldozers in lariii-iana. lint I.i- n, .a. sca board, New York. John T. Doubtless he carried a in his likePhiladelphia, dent won;.! fa\ or tiie woo! grower.. ftliei nit- Kerry of Rockland was re-elected " telegram pocket, i!l lint lmrt liim. for hi- in \ w V, , New Oilcan- and San Fran i>.--», p, Mat- a:e 1 eonfe-.* Fresiilent and (». party and. at the moment Ihiltimore, i our deep disappointment John Richardson of Hath very his exulting friend;* remain defenceless.** neither know that hi'ie.a! he fa\oi> the intere.-ts of our for- ( ierk. Tlie stockholders, by a unanimous vote, aity tmr nart- ahou' aiiwhina were him as a in ian *\ s using vaulting pole, **Hut after the fortili«• ati«»n^ should be roe• e instructed the -avn eign ;mp< litors. Directors to make a contract for frceneress to a nun-imp. Tin; Iriitn i-. ear I heard t!ie sender of the message mutter strncted. would -till maintain tie* ia\ n you ! \ :i:.; ri;i«•11 l:is ; *•• it ton. \\ e makr an ;i j the proposed Lime Hock Kailroad, which is to till' to "I’m Y’ eouutry ha- :;■>! t,. haw- a ta-tn -,| fr, himself, glad I gave that boy a whisky ]••:»! from his leeummeiidatioiis to tin? |coj»!»-. encircle Rockland. The report of the Direc- “Yes.** said Mr. “so as ihere i- trade before will quarter and got his promise not t<* look at a Maine, lorn. t«> :iil tli»* ;•( oji'c. to !:,<• •••veil andthre<-fourths tors and officers for the year is very satis- they brenti.e -ni f*-it. .! w ith to tax 1 would tax it. and when tin shop window or stop fora moment on the whisky ini!:i»*i:- <•!' »i;r fellow eiti^en< enamel i;i ajrri- factory. The gross earniut;s of the road have it. ISy till- way. I tti.aniher w in l.iwi-lnit National no u-r ; i was Government should have iiltnr- to t lie !:ii!iion ! in manulaetur- been sir>4,s--.bl, 1 more than those way." interested in this boy'-, destiny, outrage beingjss.dsLl ami A ill.nrn IVI'IV -11.all hail:!, !-. Tin- the I would divide the* tax an ^-LJO, s2,$k">.41 more than the facturer ami In! they am to be a pmteetiye -ysfem, to the bein.it previous tlirifty, pnpii- vaulting pole Ids higher nature the the tax on real estate, The ening house*. and ! lede-meli ;nd 'i. The Ion- cities. huu.e I,nil! .,n cither -i«I.■ the prosperity kiciy messenger portion-got, better of him, farms of the whole country pav too Jarre a the silent fountain, and the iey. win- the* foitntry is indebted for its unexam- <;kiiysi;ri:<;. Americans with ini-. .| in among grateful have that tiie capital rnn-.paiar shade of temperance lifted (ioverninen! pled deve!o[.nici11 riel prosperity. The executive many trees, were children of a committee of tin* (Jettysbur^ of eOUli. iellce in lla an\ eminent should not use the money derived from th- fa: I o < iellH :I>t rale the iniu-t iee of the did not President's commission held a business at Auiru^ta larger growth. They form pleasant on is that the tax on mooting Mure than whisky. My reply whFJ.y poiiey a:i I tin ialiaev of the he pro- hist week. I protection. thi-. them i- nut a For th most remedy lesions for monuments :<» be >rt looking groups. part tlie men by the Federal Government, with its lor I. reduel ion oft \ve .suppres- post- a-.-urplu>. point up on the < battieliehl which had been laboring man in Maine t. who i- i, ._ seemed to lx* loafers or some! ietty>bur^ -.lay. t,,t„ king worse, and sion of all illicit distillation and eonsr.jurni en- to tin f;e lital if the \\ !.oi amount of the rev- sulmiitleil to this committee the several)« n- ate. in a'ood w < by healtli. ami i!Iiiur lo nurl,. Pin i- the women—who in overv ls .s of life man- hancement of price, lias been a powerful ac-nt enue hr S'»d from wi oi \v:ts al»o!i-ii» >1 it would inientsal association committees were taken up to more in the reform ii n ! rednee lit hetter siti.ate.l ill than nan age appear respe -table than nu n of teinperanee by putting beyi -urplli- only ahou! so.ODO.000, or less one* by one ami adopted for the .'hi, 4lh. oth.bth. every way ..f ;!, the reai h of so many. The amount of tliasi of tin the same class—were u::ti in an part of Ti,j consumed in the Fnite.l States to- is I infantry, liiii'i.p, a moment next to a per capita paid y fop-i.rner-. while t!ie old war taxes cavaln and the lid. oth and fith batteries. big colored man who It is ill'—aye mail.' our d air eon-in- aero-, lie- VV.i day is not more than percent, of that <•.in- lie eommends : iaine ! over S 1 10,000.000 was rea«ling a sensational < >a yield proposed to have all the monuments completed paper. bis ruined Mr. Maine added I, r .lama; for ... thirty years a^o.*‘ that and i> a dim a ta per eapita of each: and i< and erected t<» 1 fairly joy .lokaht.nl w. !••• ,'iie\ at a decent man read a previous duly 1, sss, ti„. -jr»111 right young Dcrmaii in his the whisky tax should be *o v. hat luak. > the judgment tiji irreat hulk of the surplus of of the battle, and on that then* the prusneel thui ll.eir lal.Orel's Wele hi .lo lla (in left, a as to anniversary day paper. my Frenchman smoked modified permit all who use pure uleohol Si !0.ooi>,o.’ ) and wiiieh fo-ters a most danger* be will a "rand and impressive obser- work whieh wa.iil.l m.-rie,. a and at a few removes in the arts or in mechanical to have dedicatory supply wiih cigarette, a ■ountrv- pursuits oii> i. onopo!\. We would further add the fol- vance on the to be battlefield. called “.Maine's a.I man of Victor free of tax. In all such eases the tax could he io win ;• '’ati •! i-es in to ifnuds. ill-1, nl tl ..|,la-1.- *1 allk. \,m Knimanucl was thumbing ;,.i regard the wool industry. Day." Hue of the State's most "allant soldiers Italian was remitted without danger of fraud..just a m w Th<- :nnual revenue derived from hllott !“ n sheet. It a polyglot crow. 1. ba{, imports of will be selected to deliver the oration. A special I'erhap- the Inlet- I I h i- enlllil l\ the tax on is remitted. w. however different spirits exported o] under tin* tarill'of '07 wa- iesoo. ! nuer I lie ediieed taritVof *s;» the revenue State united by common bonds of idleness and b. r invited, besides other citizens who desire hot wa-o\er So.ooo.uoo. The number of -AM >oN M >1.1 | it twin brother, “Besides ami year to attend. poverty. your general sweeping «»;»}hr- ii tiie sleep eouidry in lsx| was 7>o. <;•_»( in I !"• coiii’-r of i lie “Third I*.• I I' in N, w I to the and tion lo the President's recommendation. ha\c a Yot xi; .mi n's ijkim nucAX < u n ts i*oi:i- spoke negro the Frcm-limna ls>7. I i- a deerea-e of 0,000.000 nearly ^ ork in (m\ernor i win .< and c<»uld a you any further >pecilic objection:" i.am». helping iill vii.u, get nothing but grunt from h. and a diminution of the annual woofproduet of “Vos.” answered Mr. Hlaiuo. “I should .-.*»■!- then.* fur the “-lews The Italian and the German di 1 no* ;,oem M'F-.r i• 'ini''., unis MKiwmir in:u re- A strong Younir Men’s Republican Club has and slum-" i- one of ihe lt> tin* of the oil wool, ously ohjoot repeal duty '• i been so I rose and shook dm ill:: li: ,y the Mr: of Jss;; has increas- organized in rortland. Tin* objects as strankest events in our ! .,m in -ji:i\e communicative, mv-vlf To that wmiM work t<* polities. repeal great iujudiec ■ m a- a is ir.\ the oulturo farmer.-. i product Washington square interest ing smoJ,. ly. shoop among through- li- same of the and to stimulate an active proportion. The President’* questions day well e not growing would, I•: i!*_ aho.n the destruction of this in- interest in the duties of citizenship. The fol- on time to he actuated a vet reached the uml noMiopomlont foreign countries for the ■ profess h> religious mo- psalmist’s limit of life, and d;t-!ry, and I In •••nnc polie\ of reduction nr lowing officers were elected: President. Kd- blankets umlor which wo sloop and the ooat tive! are he remembered when the square was the •ot- ; lb t-triU'w.mld end in disaster to ward W. Kent: Vice Presidents, K. l\ Thomp- They intent upon tin* de.-trm 1 i< n of I that covers our backs is not a wi>o tor abolition. < policy son. Dr. Alfred C. ter's field »f its district. “If *u f« >ur feet all the otin .• industrial productive Kinj'.d. Stevens; Secretary. the that yy id do to y< dig tho National (iovernnient to on force." enterprise* only party anythin-- re-l rain of j-\. Richard Treasurer. Charles A. St licncath the surface at of the the count Webb; rout; the any part square “I)o you think if tin.* President's i\ coiuiuou- saloons. Tin: t ruth i-. yy In n- you max in lie Kxeeutive Committee, Walter C. Kmerson, said, “you will eonr upon human re- tlations won* it would incr« ase our o\- an\ ailoptoti Charles 1>. Clark, A. <*. Rollins, Charles A. larirc eity in the North and xxhete -.-dor.i.s mains/’ When built up the square remained port trailer' tteneralitiss. True and A. T. Laupdilin. ahouild, I here the “heft" of the I >< lie a! m lor some years one oi t!ie most aristocratic! •‘Possibly in some few article's of peculiar MCNKALLKY’S M YSTKIiIni'S JloYOlI'.NTS. party is found. The I N umeral- an- d neighborhoods in the city. Henry James construction it might. but it would increase our N-> imi vai ai Mont real this winter. oppo-. trade ton-fold as nuicli in a! to to celebrates it in a novel, ami w import lb-- ait McXealley's defalcation, which attention any restrietion whatever. The |p all know that i>. P. Pm publican- staple fabrics in woolen and cotton pood', it: k. **Xasby.” i> in very poor health. i* called hy a passage in the hank examiner's this author’s strong point i his of are in favor of all the restriction that puhlii knowledge iron, in steel, in all tho thousand one ! is the breach of oc- and Russia's intentions report, only trust that has high life, “jukes” and belted ami all toward Austria are said will sustain, and have often -one e\« n knights, shapes in which they are wrought. How arc v < curred in any linaneia! institution of Maine dur- oi>inion that, llut fashion moved in ether direct to be entirely pacilic. ions to export staple fabrics to the markets of E:.- ing the year. The theft “ave the Saco and Bid- l»eyond tlli.-. and Ml tie reil defeat because of ii ; and left the old square desolate, with, liter- rope unless we make them cheaper than they Mr.< 'iiar.os IP the oldest Free Mason deford Savings Institution a severe blow,but it I.yon. they will eontinue to do all in their power to ally, only one-fourth of its former mu testa- do in Europe, and how are we to manufaetmv in New •!ers• \. i* dead. still lias a surplus above liabilities of nearly restrain the saloons, ami no y bility. them cheaper than they do in Europe unless wo half a million, and is one of the strongest anil other par! at tin- labor 'Fii*• Prime of Wak has been re-fleeted soundest banks in As I was about to leave pet cheaper than they have in Europe;" the State. McXealley's dis- North will aid them. At the s uith it i- ditT* i— my comfortable .Master of Mark (irand Masons. appearance is one of the most mysterious that seclusion an old lame man, with gold rimmed Till*: i.Alton (p F.snoN. out. hut it is not nor yvi 11 it he made a poiihVal ever occurred. He ran in the latter silk 'i he int r\ iew w it !i M r. Rlaine away part spectacles, tall hat and coat of broad- ‘•Then think that the of labor aroused niiieh then : it never e you question of and covered his tracks so well that question should hay been mad enthusiasm anions New York August silt down 1 >eside me. After a time we underlies the whole Republicans. cloth, subject:" detective skill has been completely bathed. It is one at the North, and xvould not, l*ut for the “Of course it does,” Mr. Blaine. “l! exchanged pajiers and commented on the ! replied Robinson of Cloiicester was as if he had been shot from Biddeford into Mayor re-elect- zeal of these men who deimum-e cable news. is, in fact, the entire question. Whenever wo some other malignant Gradually the old man was j ed bv four majority, as shown by the recount. planet. [Portland Advertiser. can force carpenters, masons, iron workers and all xvho do not aurce with them a- anti-tem- brought upon to speak about the square. N A POLK! >N IC IIN A NCI KKIXti. mechanics in every department of work a- The 1Toy inn town Advocate says that Cape “Do you see that block/' lie to perance* men. said, pointing eheaply and live as poorly in the Inked Statt > Cod below Welltleet is steadily drifting into t lie This is the way a former resident of Win- the handsome red brick <;<>vki:noi: it«>i>\\ buildings on tho as similar workmen in Europe, we can, of sea. throp, who lived at the time in Lewiston, set- i:i.i north side. “U that is one of the as tled with his creditors. ell, toniest course, manufacture just cheaply as they do Having become in- As I write, the good news conics th;it our l>r. Poirchard, of ••Rum, Romanism and Re- row of houses in tiie city. The church and in England and France. But I am op- volved to the tune of £100, he took account of totally bellion'* Governor is This is n c>?iive «.f to a fame, called upon President Cleve- stock and found he had ten cents recovering. university make the east side re- posed policy that would entail such re- just left. Af- passably land ami was to all our W e are sults. To attempt it is to a social Friday very cordially received. ter much solicitation lie induced his creditors pleasure people. somewhat spectable. The west side is a whited* sep- equivalent and financial revolution, one that would to accept ten cents on a dollar and rancorous in our political our toward ulcher, and the south side is worse. Do bring The I'ldon Pacitic Railway it is borrowing dealings you untold distress." Company, £10 from a friend he proceeded to P»v see that illuminated said, must uive •jno.ooo acres of land con- pay up. tilt! other, hut it is on the surface. The <.o\- gin mill* That belongs up to another “Yes, but might not the great farming class to applying friend In; succeeded in to a and is one tiguous henver because it lies outside the ernor lias a circle of friend* who politician of the most disivp- be benefited articles from one dollar with which he oil* large honor j by importing Europe railway irrant. raising paid the utaklc places in this vast city. That Italian ! instead of buying them at higher prices at £10 loan. Then taking his original ten cents he him as an honest, well meaning chief maai'- saloon is man ;>■ the last debt. frequented by poor but not vicious home!'” A l rcmont. Noli., who not drunk paid [Winthrop Budget. trate. May he have a speedy recovery i- tin people. m that particular house7 —here ho “Tlie moment, answered M r. Blaine, and froze his let t. so had to he IN liKXKKAL. | “you they amputa- unanimous wish of all our people. with his stick—“I believe begin to import freely from Europe you drive ted. has iu.-t recovered s:!<)00 from the pointed firmly that ! damages The post-offices at East Lincoln and North POLITICS. our own workmen from meehauical and manu- man wli«» soi l him the robberies and assaults are arranged almost I liquor. Lee, Penobscot county, have been discontinued. 1 facturing pursuits, in the same The prospect now i* that every in the Do the know proportion A John Morse of a funner, Major chapman day year. police become tillers of the soil, stead- No-ral.-s. Arizona, dispatch says that many Dixmont, aged To, about this? I they increasing went to the barn to feed his cattle will he his own successor next He i- should smile. You just, conio "the agricultural and people were killed in the r« rent earthquake Thursday spring. ily product decreasing and was found here at and tin* upon the hay mow dead. The a verv able man and a* a regularly every afternoon for one week. the home demand which is con- ltavispe village destroyed. People shrewd politician as steadily large cause of his death was heart disease*. Mark the same there are wild with fear and in a cun- probably j>eople sitting round enlarging as home manufacturers en- starving one will meet anywhere. He can mere every stantly dilion. In a contest for a S100 plush quilt at a church poll day, mostly on these benches. Watch That, of course, works great to their large. injury fair in Philadelphia recently the friends of Mrs. votes than any man in the Republican part} movements after if the farmer, the market with his pro- A dark, you are not afrah 1 glutting dispatch from San Antonio says: Blaine scored ITS votes and those of Mrs. Presi- The of his is in < Texas, machinery party perfect order. and a in ducts and tending onstantly to lower prices.'’ Tin; President's message has carry pistol your ixxket. Como created wide- dent Cleveland 130. His will he “Yes, but the for, ign demand for farm pro- dissatisfaction opponent lion. Charles McCarthy round again at ~ o'clock in the and spread in Texas among the wool Local officers are making vigorous efforts to morning, ducts would be increased in like ratio, would it a whom hut if don't see raisers, who will take steps to form a national the at Saco. Last week again, gentleman against nothing you something lit to make the not?” stop liquor importation organization to eomliat the removal ol the a seizure to 105 was made his can he said. If he had been a Re- angels weep, then I am not an American cit- “Even it said Mr. amounting gallons, polities suppose were,” Blaine, duty on wool. at the railroad stations Sheriff Ham- izen. this is a the source by County publican he would have been Yes, my friend, square sadly “how do you know from which it ilton ami Officer Puck. .Mayor years ago. demoralized a haunt for will be The in liiissia to- The Key. Daniel P. Pike, whose death has He will tiot run well his place, blacklegs and supplied. tendency Next the vestibule train is to run with party reason, been at year through and it is a as day and ill the Asiatic possessions of England lately announced Mass., criminals, pity, because, you Xewhuryport, from Par Harbor to New York. It will leave because he is a devout Roman Catholic, and >o is toward a increase of the is credited with preaching a,000 can see for yourself, tho grass and trees are large grain supply, sermons,marry- liar Harbor at 7.30 a. m., and arrive in New the raised the ing more than 12.000 persons, more full of caste and bigotry are the Democrats beautiful.” 11. p,. grain being by cheapest possible conducting York at 10.30 the same evening. The train labor. countries will than 2,000 funerals and (bv immer- that will him Manufacturing buy baptizing will be put on the last of June. they slaughter at the po!N. No their breadstutl's where they can get them the sion) nearly 1,100 eon verts. The State Reform club, in convention at Irish need apply!** is true as far as the and the of the home mar- literally Mr. Cleveland is into the hands of cheapest, enlarging elected the officers: Presi- playing The X. V. Herald prints interviews with man- Gardiner, following Democracy of this section is concerned. ket, for the American farmer being checked, dent, Walter Edes the men who are trying to disturb confidence ufacturers of various commodities in all parts Southworth, Falls; Vice he would search in vain for one of the same Presidents. A. K. P. Occasion a i.. of the country, giving their views on the Pres- Putlum, Gardiner; Parker and create a business panic. Hut, the value, llis foreign sales are already checked It. luckily, ident’s mess-age. Opinions are almost univer- Oliver, Winnigance; A. Wentworth, Hallo- country is prosperous and growing, and ‘is not by the great competition abroad. There never sally opposed to the carrying out of the Pres- wed. Secretary, J. F. Wright, Path. Lord Lyons, who has just died in going to be disturbed any political tricks was a time when the increase of a large home The NGth London, by ident’s recommendations. annual catalogue of Powdoin col- is well remembered in this country as tin of so transparent a kind. market wasso valuable to him. The best proof lege has just come from the hands of the print- minister at tin- is that the farmers arc in English, Washington during prosperous propor- Tno National Committee met in ers. Republican In the whole institution there are now times of the civil war. lie was a tion to the nearness of M trying good manufacturing centres, ashington Thursday and listened to argu- 2G1 students, of whom No are in the medical friend to the Cnited States The Bohemian oat swindle has been a and did much to # prac- and protective tariff tends to spread manu- ments in favor of various cities as the place for department. The freshman class this year his own from tised on Missouri farmers recently, to the ex- factures. In Ohio and for the prevent government interfering Indiana, example, holding next National Convention. Pal- numbers 50. in behalf of the tent of $100,000. It looks as if the Missouri Confederacy. It was also dm- though not classed as manufacturing States, lots were taken and was as Chicago selected Charles F. Tupner, formerly well known in to his tact that our wa* able to farmers need to take sonic good newspaper the annual value of fabrics is than the the The government larger place. convention will meet June this State as an able Methodist died extricate itself from the Mason-Slidell and read it attentively. annual value of 1!). clergyman, compli- agricultural products.” in Rockland, Dec. S. Mr. Tupper came from cation.