' LU E COURIER-C > VZETTE. ROCKLAND OAZETTK ESTABLISHED 1R4«. t TWO DOLLARS A TEAR IN ADVANOBi ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1074. $)r*ss is tjn ^rt^imebtan $cbcr that globes tbe Mtorlb at £too Dollars a year /SINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVE CENTS. V o l. 8.—N ew Se r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1889. N umber 24. HOW IT STANDS wages are paid, recognizing their labor organi­ EDITORIAL CHAT. NEW ENGLAND OIL STOVES, zations and studying tbeir various needs and no IT W ILL PAY YOU The Maine Granite Cutters and Their employer need fear any direful results as the The Chicago Woodruff and the Maine Stain State Bill of Prices. opponents of such organizations so gloomily should hitch horses. They would make a good CLOTHING HOUSE! WINDOW SCREENS, predict.’’ team as professional state’s evidence men. Woodruff’s stories are now labelled as his Ever since the granite cutters of Maine have THAT RAILROAD. — DEALERS IN — N ot only to read this advertise­ Hammocks & Ice Cream Freezers been fully organized they have been “latest confession." in the habit ol drawing up an agreement, Warren and Her Opportunity —Points or as they term it, a bill of Worth Considering. The efforts of the venerable President Cheney Clothing, Hats, Caps, ment, but to profit by it, by <JUBT R E C E IV E D A T prices, taking effect nbout the first of April, of Bates College to raise the money for the annually, and binding the employers oh Ibcir M r . E d it o r : proposed observatory must command the ad­ I have noted with considerable Interest the -AND- callin g at part to pay according to their agreement, and miration of all. President Cheney has labored on the part of the workmen binding them various projects relating to the Georges Valley long and indefatigably for his beloved college. Boston 5 and 10c Store, against any strike or inierfercnce with the em­ Railroad in Warren, nnu hope that some That observatory will be built. GENTS’ FORNISHING, GOODS. ployers In any way during the year. The proposition will affect the people so favorably Kneou mired by our large ir.cren*© of buslnesR over G. 11. C'OPLELAND, Proprietor. plan has been tried and found to be beneficial to that they will, “ in town meeting assembled," that of corresponding months of any previous year, give support to such a road. The most in That little mountainous republic has n nerve. nnd believing that in tins city and vicinity the com­ W.O. HEWETT employer and employe, so that a bill of prices Austria, Russia, Germany nnd Italy demanded ing year will be one of great commercial and indus­ Oppo. Thorndike Hotel, Rockland, Maine. is the recognized thing in all granite works in fluential men in leading public opinion there trial activity, we have made preparations accord­ nre well qualified, I believe, to give advice on that Switzerland should In the future refuse to ingly. the state. Some difference of opinion having allow political refugees to seek safety in her existed ns (o what should constitute a member Ihe subject, and I shall not presume to know —A ND S E E T H E — wbut practical step Is lor the best interest of mountain cantons, and the Swiss assembly re­ PERCHERON STALLION on moulded work it was deemed advisable to plied with an appropriation of over #3,000,000 tbe ptjople, but I have it sincere desire to see M en’s & Youths' Suits call a conference nt Rockland and alter consult­ for tbe purchase of army rifles. We have opened a very large and attractive line of ing with the branches nt Hallowell, East Blue- tbe new lime Industry encouraged, ns it seems Men’s and Y outli’s H ulls, which embrace every­ CR E S U S! bill, Round Pond, Hurricane,Green’s Landing to be in the bands of experienced manufact­ thing that is new, novel and magnificent. We will urers. At the present time there is very nctive The annual couvention of the following simply state that everyone who examines our stock Now 1h the time to improve your Belfast and other places, the delegates met secret order was held in Chicago last week: will acknowledge that we oiler the best assortment stock. Black roan, foaled Feb. 10, at Rockland in March, and after nenrly n competition nmong the several towns and cit to select from in ..ockland at 1885,16| hands high, weight 1600 lbs. les of Maine for the attention of capitalists. The Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic BARGAINS! S']' Im ported 1887 ; has a very fine action. week’s debate they decided to draw up a bill Order of Nob'es of the Mystic Shrine. No rJ This imported, full blooded French making out a schedule of mouldings,and adopt- It is very evident that no place cun expect UNCOMMONLY LOW PR IC ES! li’v horse will stnnd for the season at H. capital to locate within its borders unless there drinking man can properly belong ns it re ­ O. Everett’s Farm , Head of the B ay; ing a one price method for all grades of stone quires n man having possession of nil his fac­ also at Thomaston and Warren Wednesday and cutting, from the roughest work up to tire finest is a general expression of welcome on the part of the citizens at large. Brunswick, Houlton ulties to successfully cope with the name of the Thursday of each week after this date. bit of stone cutting done by tbc trade. This organization. Light-Weight Overcoats TERMS, $20 TO WARRANT ide i would make it compulsory on employeis and, I presume other towns, keep a standing advertisement in papers of large circulation in Germany is negotiating with Belgium for the To supply the increasing demand for these useful For further particulars inqutre of to pay tbc same price for all piece work, Hnd Garments we nre prepared to show a much larger not less thnn $2.70 per day for day work with the state, calling the attention of capitalists to laying of n new telegraph cable from 0<tend and handsomer line than ever before. New Goods! eight hours for Saturday, and all employers to the facilities ottered by them for investment in to Portland, Me., U. S. A. That country has pay fortnightly. The Vlnnlhaven branch was manufacturing industries. It certainly can not long been dissatisfied over the fact that they be expected by the people of Warren that the have always been obliged to communicate with Boys’ Clothing! X j A . D I E 8 ’ made the central point to which all other branches were to send nil correspondence bear­ “stones will cry out’’ of the hillsides. It America either through France or England We have now ready the most extensive and lest ing on tbc proposed bill and that was done there is n reasonable assurance that an able nnd now that practically new relations are es­ assortment of Boys’ Spring Suits in this city and at firm is willing to work the lime interest in the tablished with the United States through the very Low Prices. Hair Dressing Rooms! down to the time rvery brunch had voted on the question. river valley, all it is worth, the tax payers Samoan treaty, Germany is more for inde­ pendent communication. Ostend is a seaport THEY ARE OFFERING After careful consideration ot the new bill n should lie willing to add a few mills to their NEW ENGLAND annual burden. of Belgium and is 70 miles from Brussels. number of obstacles presented themselves to The town is below high water level. In 1883, the members of the Union, one in particular Two or three good farmers in Warren re­ CLOTHING HOUSE New Dress Goods at 25c a yd. cently told me that Inriningdoes not pay there. 1315 vessels entered the port with 175,087 tons HAIR WORK, with regard to contracts running over one vear. of cargo. That Portland is quite a place. Conservative men ibougbt a contract running If there were a greater variety of industries to 371 MAIN S T R E E T . relieve farmers of too sharp competition nmong They didn't get the state house, but they seem “ “ “ “ 37,’c “ Hair Dressing. for say two or three years should be carried to be clutching other plums, quite regularly. out on the same basis it was taken, so (hat themselves for a limited market, the prospect T h e lor farmers would be better. Tbe develop­ ■--------—-♦»----------- Rockland contractors should not feel nnxious if wages GRANITE NOTES. should go up or down before the expiration of ment of tbe liine works promises to help in Photographers, “ “ “ “ 47c “ ^Shampooing, this direction. 320 Central Block, tbeir contract. At East BIuehill the Pittsburg Sixty men are now employed in the quarry The proposed railroad may not come as nenr Main St., Make all kinds Postotlice contract is carried on virtually by of the Waldoboro Granite Co., and in the of Pictures In First-Class style. A Special Bargain—worth 75c ETC. the government, and us the job will be likely he village as tunny wou'd like, lint this eon- sheds. Tintypes, Minnetts, Panel up to Life Size to lust through 1889, there was no way seem­ tdderalion ought not to outweigh nil others. The Boston branch of the Granite-cutters’ Wins, Crimps, Switches, Frizzes ingly to force tlm state bill on the Treasury Suppose a village should spring up in the Union has succeeded in establishing a scale of New Dress Goods at 50c a yd.
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