SSistersisters inin AArms:rms: WomenWomen inin thethe SpanishSpanish RevolutionRevolution Zabalaza Books “Knowledge is the Key to be Free” Post: Postnet Suite 116, Private Bag X42, Braamfontein, 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa A Collection of Essays from the E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: Websites of International Anarchism The People Armed - Page 28 Fists upraised, women of Iberia towards horizons pregnant with light on paths afire feet on the ground face to the blue sky. Affirming the promise of life we defy tradition we mold the warm clay of a new world born of pain. Let the past vanish into nothingness! What do we care for yesterday! We want to write anew the word WOMAN. Fists upraised, women of the world towards horizons pregnant with light on paths afire onward, onward toward the light. Mujeres Libres'' Anthem Lucia Sanchez Saornil This pamphlet is made up of texts downloaded from Valencia 1937 the International Pages of the Struggle website and the website of the Workers Solidarity Movement They have been edited slightly by the Zabalaza Books editor Women in the Spanish Revolution - Page 27 M Propaganda Consciousness raising and support for these activities was spread by means of literature, including booklets, the "Mujeres Libres" journal, exhibitions, posters, and cross-country tours, especially to rural areas. There are many accounts of urban companeras visiting rural collectives and exchanging ideas, information, etc. (and vice versa). Produced entirely by and for women, the paper Mujeres Libres grew to national circulation and, by all accounts, was popular with both rural and urban work- ing class women.