Fairy Tale Variants / Youth Services / SDPL Fall 2005

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Fairy Tale Variants / Youth Services / SDPL Fall 2005 Fairy Tale Variants / Youth Services / SDPL Fall 2005 Fairy Tale Variants Call Number Title Illustrator *Beauty & the Beast E/Apy Beauty & the Beast Michael Hague E/Brett Beauty & the Beast Jan Brett E/Fleischman Shadow Play Eric Beddows E/Gerstein Beauty & the Beast Gerstein E/Hutton Beauty & the Beast Warwick Hutton E/Long Lady & the Lion Laurel Long E/Yep Dragon Prince Kam Mak J398/Harris Beauty & the Beast Errol Le Cain J398/Mayer Beauty & the Beast Mercer Mayer J/398/LePrince Beauty & the Beast Diane Goode J398.2/Willard Beauty & the Beast Barry Moser J398.20944/Aulnoy Beauty & the Beast Etienne Delessert J398.21/Beauty Beauty & the Beast Hilary Knight J398.21/Hooks Snowbear Whittington Victoria Lisi J398.21/Singer Disney’s Beauty & the Beast J398.21/Griswold Meanings of Beauty & the Beast JX398.21/Beauties Beauties & Beasts(Oryx Multicultural Folktales series) JX/398.21/Hearne Beauty & the Beast: visions & revisions of an old tale *Chicken Little/Henny Penny E/Andersen For sure! For Sure! Stefan Czernecki E/Butler Henny Penny Stephen Butler E/Chicken Henny Penny Werner Zimmerman E/Galdone Henny Penny Paul Galdone E/Hobson Chicken Little Sally Hobson E/Kellogg Chicken Little Steven Kellogg E/Wattenberg Henny-Penny Jane Wattenberg E/Ziefert Henny-Penny Emily Bolam *Emperor’s New Clothes E/Andersen & J398/Andersen Emperor’s New Clothes Virginia Lee Burton E/Andersen Emperor’s New Clothes Rosemary Lanning E/Andersen Emperor’s New Clothes Dorthee Duntze E/Andersen Emperor’s New Clothes Anne Rockwell E/Andersen Emperor’s New Clothes Angela Barrett E/Andersen Emperor’s New Clothes Monika Laimgruber E/Calmenson The Principal’s New Clothes Denise Bruncus E/Demi Emperor’s New Clothes Demi E/Levinson Emperor’s New Clothes Robert Byrd Page 2 of 10 Pages Fairy Tale Variants / Youth Services / SDPL Fall 2005 E/Metaxas Emperor’s New Clothes Robert Van Nutt E/Perlman Emperor Penguin’s New Clothes Janet Perlman E/Sedgwick Emperor’s New Clothes Alison Jay E/Stevenson Emperor’s New Clothes Sucie Stevenson E/Yolen King Long Shanks Victoria Chess J398/Andersen Emperor’s New Clothes Jack & Ilene Delano J398/Andersen Emperor’s New Clothes Eric Blegvad J398.21/Hans Emperor’s New Clothes *The Frog Prince E/Berenzy The Frog Prince Alix Berenzy E/Cecil The Frog Princess Emma Clark E/Hopkins The Horned toad prince Michael Austin E/Lewis The Frog Princess Gennady Spirin E/Ormerod The Frog Prince Jan Ormerod E/Scieszka The Frog Prince Continued Jon Scieszka J398.2/Frog The Frog Prince Paul Galdone J398.21/Grimm The Frog Prince or Iron Henry Binette Schroeder J398.21/Tarcov The Frog Prince James Marshall *The Gingerbread Boy E/Aylesworth The Gingerbread Man Barbara McClintock E/Brett Gingerbread Baby Jan Brett E/Egielsksi The Gingerbread Boy Richard Egielski E/Esterl The Fine Round Cake A. Dugin E/Galdone The Gingerbread Boy Paul Galdone E/Hillert The Little Cookie Donald Charles E/Kimmel Runaway Tortilla Randy Cecil E/Kimmel The Gingerbread Man Megan Lloyd E/Sawyer Journey Cake, Ho! Robert McCloskey E/Ziefert The Gingerbread Boy Emily Bolam J398.2/Jones Gingerbread Man Carol Jones *Goldilocks & the Three Bears E/Aylesworth Goldilocks & the Three Bears Barbara McClintock E/Barton The Three Bears Byron Barton E/Brett Goldilocks & the Three Bears Jan Brett E/Cauley Goldilocks & the Three Bears Lorinda Cauley E/Eisen Goldilocks & the Three Bears Lynn Ferris E/Fearnley Mr. Wolf & the Three Bears Jan Fearnley E/Galdone Goldilocks & the Three Bears Paul Galdone E/Goldilocks Goldilocks & the Three Bears Cooper Evans E/Gorbachev Goldilocks & the Three Bears Valeri Gorbachev E/Hillert The Three Bears Irma Wilde E/Langley Goldilocks & the Three Bears Jonathan Langley Page 3 of 10 Pages Fairy Tale Variants / Youth Services / SDPL Fall 2005 E/Marshall Goldilocks & the Three Bears James Marshall E/Miles Goldilocks & the Three Bears Bari Weissman E/Smith Goldilocks & the Three Martians Michael Garland E/Stanley Goldie & the Three Bears Diane Stanley E/Stevens Goldilocks & the Three Bears Janet Stevens E/Tolhurst Somebody & the Three Blairs Simone Abel E/Turkle Deep in the Forest Brinton Turkle E/Watts Goldilocks & the Three Bears Bernadette Watts J811.54/Yolen Three Bears Rhyme Book Jane Dyer *Hansel & Gretel E/Grimm & J398/Grimm Hansel & Gretel Susan Jeffers E/Gross Hansel & Gretel Winslow Pels E/Hansel Hansel & Gretel Paul Galdone E/Hillert The Cookie House Kinuko Craft E/Lesser Hansel & Gretel Paul Zelinsky E/Marshall Hansel & Gretel James Marshall E/Montresor Hansel & Gretel Beni Montresor E/Ross Hansel & Gretel Tony Ross J398/Grimm Hansel & Gretel Adrienne Adams J398/Grimm Nibble Nibble Mousekin Joan Anglund *Jack & the Beanstalk E/Beneduce Jack & the Beanstalk Gennady Spirin E/Cauley Jack & the Beanstalk Lorinda Cauley E/Compton Jack & the Giant Chaser K. & J. Compton E/DeRegniers Jack the Giant Killer Ann Wilsdorf E/Galdone Jack & the Beanstalk Paul Galdone E/Garner Jack & the Beanstalk Julek Heller E/Haley Jack & the Bean Tree Gail Haley E/Howe Jack & the Beanstalk John Howe E/Kellogg Jack & the Beanstalk Steven Kellogg E/Osborne Kate & the Beanstalk Giselle Potter E/Pearson Jack & the Beanstalk James Warhola E/Stanley The Giant & the Beanstalk Diane Stanley J398/Johnson Jack & the Beanstalk D. W. Johnson J398.20942/Bell Jack & the Beanstalk Aljoscha Blau *Little Red Hen E/Ada With love, Little Red Hen Leslie Tryon E/Barton The Little Red Hen Byron Barton E/Cock The Cock, the mouse & the Lorinda Cauley Little Red Hen E/Domanska Little Red Hen Janina Domanska E/Finch Little red Hen & the ear of wheat Elisabeth Bell Page 4 of 10 Pages Fairy Tale Variants / Youth Services / SDPL Fall 2005 E/Garner Little Red Hen Norman Messinger E/Galdone Little Red Hen Paul Galdone E/Hillert Not I, Not I Diana Magnuson E/Ketteman Armadilly Chili Will Terry E/Little The Little Red Hen Barry Downard E/Parkes The Little Red Hen Mary Davy E/Stevens Cook-a-doodle-doo! Janet Stevens E/Sturges Little red hen(makes a pizza) Amy Walrod E/Zemach Little Red Hen Margot Zemach E/Ziefert Little Red Hen Emily Bolam J371.332/Thistle Dramatizing Little Red Hen *Little Red Riding Hood E/Artell Petite Rouge Jim Harris E/Browne Into the Forest Anthony Browne E/Eisen Little Red Riding Hood Armand Eisen E/Emberley Ruby Michael Emberley E/Ernst Little Red Riding Hood Lisa Ernst E/Forward The wolf’s story Izhar Cohen E/Goodall Little Red Riding Hood John Goodall E/Grimm Little Red Riding Hood Paul Galdone E/Hillert Little Red Riding Hood Gwen Connelly E/Hyman Little Red Riding Hood Trina S. Hyman E/Little Little Red Cap Lisbeth Zwerger E/Lowell Little Red Cowboy Hat Randy Cecil E/McKissack Flossie & the Fox Rachel Isadora E/McNaughton Oops! Colin McNaughton E/Marshall Red Riding Hood James Marshall E/Vozar Yo, hungry wolf! Betsy Lewin E/Wegman Little Red Riding Hood William Wegman E/Young Lon Po Po Ed Young J398/DeRegniers Little Red Riding Hood Edward Gorey *The Nightingale E/Andersen The Nightingale Lisbeth Zwerger E/Pinkney The Nightingale Jerry Pinkney J398/Andersen The Nightingale Nancy Burkert JFic/Mitchell The Nightingale Bagram Ibatoulline *Princess & the Pea E/Andersen Princess & the Pea Dorthee Duntze E/Andersen Princess & the Pea Paul Galdone E/Andersen Princess & the Pea Eve Tharlet E/Gackenbach Princess & the Pea Dick Gackenbach E/Grey Very smart pea & the princess Mini Grey E/Johnston Cowboy & the black-eyed pea Tony Johnston Page 5 of 10 Pages Fairy Tale Variants / Youth Services / SDPL Fall 2005 E/Perlman Penguin & the Pea Janet Perlman E/Stevens Princess & the Pea Janet Stevens E/Vaes Princess & the Pea Alain Vaes *Puss in Boots E/Baumann Puss in Boots Giuliano Lunelli E/Fischer Puss in Boots Hans Fischer E/Galdone Puss in Boots Paul Galdone E/Goodall Puss in Boots John Goodall E/Kirstein Puss in Boots Alain Vaes E/Metaxas Puss in Boots Pierre Le-Tan E/Perrault Puss in Boots Fred Marcellino E/Pullman Puss in Boots Ian Beck *Rapunzel E/Berenzy Rapunzel Alix Berenzy E/Ehrlich Rapunzel Kris Waldherr E/Grimm Rapunzel E/Rapunzel Rapunzel Maja Dusikova E/Rapunzel Rapunzel Michael Hague E/Rogasky Rapunzel Trina S. Hyman E/Stanley Petrosinella Diane Stanley E/Vozar RAPunzel Betsy Lewin E/Wilcox Falling for Rapunzel Lydia Monks E/Zelinsky Rapunzel Paul O. Zelinsky J398/Grimm Rapunzel Felix Hoffman J398/Grimm Rapunzel Bernadette Watts *Rumplestiltskin E/Galdone Rumplestiltskin Paul Galdone E/Hamilton The Girl who spun Gold Leo & Diane Dillon E/Rumplestiltzchen Rumplestiltskin Anthea Bell E/Zelinsky Rumplestiltskin Paul Zelinsky J398/Grimm Rumplestiltskin Jacqueline Ayer J398/Zemach & J398.2/Zemach Duffy & the Devil Margot Zemach *Shoemaker & the Elves E/Birrer Shoemaker & the Elves C & W Birrer E/Galdone Elves & the Shoemaker Paul Galdone E/Grimm Shoemaker & the Elves Adrienne Adams E/Kliros Elves & the Shoemaker Thea Kliros E/Plume Shoemaker & the Elves Ilse Plume E/Spanos Elves & the Shoemaker Yoshi Miyake E/Watts Elves & the Shoemaker Bernadette Watts J398.2/Lowell Bootmaker & the Elves Tom Curry Page 6 of 10 Pages Fairy Tale Variants / Youth Services / SDPL Fall 2005 J398.2/Rowland Elves & the Shoemaker Jada Rowland *Sleeping Beauty E/Amery Sleeping Beauty Stephen Cartwright E/Craft Sleeping Beauty Kinuko Y. Craft E/Crump Sleeping Beauty Fred Crump E/Fear Sleeping Beauty Linda Graves E/Geras Sleeping Beauty C. Birmingham E/Hyman Sleeping Beauty Trina S. Hyman E/Keller Sleeping Bunny P. Silin-Palmer E/Lasky Humphrey, Albert & the flying John Manders Machine E/Mayer Sleeping Beauty Mercer Mayer E/Singer Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Ric Gonzalez E/Yolen Sleeping Ugly Diane Stanley J398.21/Grimm Thorn Rose Errol LeCain J398.21/Yolen Sleeping Beauty Ruth Sanderson *Snow Queen E/Andersen Snow Queen Mary Engelbreit E/Bell Snow Queen Bernadette Watts J398/Ehrlich Snow Queen Susan Jeffers J398.21/Andersen Snow Queen Angela Barrett & J/Fic/Andersen J/Fic/Peachey Snow Queen P.J.
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