Cyclotron Autoresonance Maser (CARM) Amplifiers for RF Accelerator Drivers

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Cyclotron Autoresonance Maser (CARM) Amplifiers for RF Accelerator Drivers © 1991 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Cyclotron Autoresonance Maser (CARM) Amplifiers for RF Accelerator Drivers W.L. Menningcr, B.G. Danly, C. Chen, K.D. Pendergast,and R.J. Temkin Plasma Fusion Center MassachusettsInstitute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts02139 D.L. Goodman, D.L. Birx Scientific ResearchLaboratory Sommerville. Massachusetts Abstract C. Description of a CARM Cyclotron autoresonancemaser (CARM) ampliiiers are un- The CARM is similar to a gyrotron, except that the elec- der investigation as a possible source of high-power (>lOO tromagnetic wave propagates with a phase velocity close to MW), high-frequency (>lO GHz) microwaves for powering the speed of light. The CARM typically employs relativistic the next generation of linear colliders. A design for a high- electron beams with pitch angles (a = ~~1/~1) smaller than power, short pulse, 17.136 GHz CARM amplifier, utilizing a that of the gyrotron. However, unlike gyrotrons and frce- 500 kV linear induction accelerator, is prcsentcd. electron lasers, there are few experimental demonstrations of the CARM [8,9,101. I. INTRODUCTION In design of a high-peak power CARM amplifier, the elec- tron beam energieswhich result in the most attractive operation are typically in the 0.5 - 2 MeV range. Consequently, beam A. Next Generation Collider Requirements generation for a high-power CARM amplifier is well suited to two accelerator technologies. Both high-voltage (500 kV The next generation of TeV e+e- linear colliders of reason- - 1 MV) SLAC-type pulse modulators and linear induction able length and cost will require [1,2,3] at least an order-of- acceleratorscan be used for e-beam generation. For CARM magnitude increase in the accelerating gradient above the N designsbased on induction accelerators,the peak beam powers lo-20 MeV/m that is presently achieved using conventional and beam pulse durations result in the generation of rf pulses S-band klystron drivers. In order to obtain these accclerat- which are already well suited to the requirements of future ing gradients, the RF peak power and frequency must be in- colliders. In addition, a unique feature of CARM amplifiers creasedsubstantially. The RF peak power breakdown limit is that use a bifilar helical wiggler to spin-up the electron beam increasedby increasing the frequency and decreasing the RF is that the wiggler can be designed so that the phase stability pulse length. of the CARM is substantially enhanced. At present, designs for the next generation collider have We have completed the design study of an induction accel- settled on 17.136 GHz as a reasonable choice for the oper- erator driven CARM amplifier with a 500 kV clcctron beam, ating frequency [4,5,6]. The typical peak power that will be and we are currently assembling such a CARM amplifier. This required per source is in the 500 MW to 1 GW range, with rf design is attractive for a proof-of-principle CARM amplifier pulse lengths in the neighborhood of 25-50 ns [4,5]. For such experiment. Results of the design study, as well as tinal design a design, accelerating gradients may be on the order of 200 parameters,are presented in this paper. MeVim. RF sources capable of fulfilling all of the requirements of II. THEORY these acceleratorsdo not yet exist. Stanford’s two mile linear accelerator, SLAC, is powered by S-band klystrons; however, The CARM interaction occurs when electrons undergoing cy- SLAC operatesat 2.86 GHz. Becauseklystrons are very dif- clotron motion in an axial magnetic field (B = BZ) in- ticult to operate above ~10 GHz, alternative high power RP teract with an electromagnetic wave (w, k) with wavevector sourcesneed to be investigated. nearly parallel to the axial field B. The resonance condi- tion is then o - a,vz = sR,, where s is the harmonic num- ber and 0, is the relativistic cyclotron frequency defined by B. Promising Sources Q, = CO/Y - d/Y mat. The well-known resonancecondi- Promising sources that may replace the klystron for driv- tion for the CARM is thus o = sR,o/y(l - pL/&,h) where y ing the next generation linear collider are gyroklystrons, free and pL are the electron energy and velocity in the i direction. electron lasers (FELs), and Cyclotron Autoresonance Maser The wave phasevelocity is given by fiph E vph/c = w/c,tz,. As (CARM) amplifiers [7,6]. These masers have the potential is apparentfrom the resonancecondition, the CARM is capable to operate as high-gain, high-efficiency, high-power amplifiers of operation at a large Doppler upshift from the cyclotron fre- in the frequency regime applicable to this next generation of quency (in contrast to the gyrotron). For ye2 > 1, PLO% 1/yo, colliders. and &,h x 1, there is a ye2frequency upshift from the relativis- 0-7803-01358/91%01.00 @IEEE 754 PAC 1991 tic cyclotron frequency R, (or a ya upshift from the nonrel- of the short pulse length of the induction linac, it is unclear ativistic cyclotron frequency, a,~). For the numerical results how much of a problem absolute instabilities will pose. The given here, we consider only CARM operation at the funda- convective instability may still be able to dominate the abso- mental of the cyclotron frequency (s = 1). lute instability for values of E/E, > 1. However, the CARM amplifier design is based on operation for values of E/E, just III. DESIGN below 1. With such a coupling value, it is clear from Fig. 1 that higher detunings yield higher efficiencies, however Fig. 1 A. Introduction does not plot efficiencies for A > 0.4 because the efficiency falls off rapidly. We have completed the design of a CARM amplifier uti- lizing a 500 kV linear induction accelerator (LIA) [ 111. The 500 kV. 500 A. 'l"El1. Pd=800 W Qp17.138 GHz CARM amplifier has been designed to run in the TEtl mode 2s.w _ at 17.136 GHz. A three period bifilar helical wiggler with a o-o&-1.2 cm.r/r,=1 A--a&-M cm, ./co-l wiggle wavelength of 9.21 cm and a field of up to 50 G will q -•~=1.4 or&.c//4=1 be used to spin-up the electron beam. Other parametersfrom 2c.w -- a-0 -1.2 ml& r/c,-2 A-A~=l.2cm. ./.E=2 the experiment are listed in Table 1. n -¤l&=1.4 cm. c/r,-2 Parameter Design Value Beam Energy 500 keV 6.00t Beam Current, Ib 500A -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Pulse Length 30 ns DEKJNINC A Beam Pitch, olo - ple/pZo 0.4 Figure 1: CARM amplifier efficiency. Frequency, w/2x 17.136 GHz Mode J-&l r, Waveguide Radius, 1.3 cm 500 kV. 500 A. TE11, Pd=600 W @ 17.136 GHa Phase Velocity, pph 1.088 030 - o-OG-1.2 om. f/r,=1 Guide Field, B. 3.06 kG A-ARw=l.3 cm. &=l Detuning, A 0.4 0.55 .- q -Oh-l.4 cm, r/r,=1 w l -•R,=l.P om, r/f,-2 Input Power, & 800 W z .-A~=13 cm. E/Co=2 Est. Velocity Spread,crrpt /pZ < 1.6% 86B 0.50 .- w-¤r&=i.4 cm. C/EC=2 Energy Spread, o,/y < 1.6% mz Ew 0.46 -- Efficiency, rh untapered 13.5% (opz = 0) 82:= ,o 9.3% (cQ* = 0.02) Output Power, P,, 33.6 MW (opz = 0) 23.3 MW (opZ = 0.02) Saturation Length, z,~ 0.93 m (opZ = 0) 1.01 m (or* = 0.02) 0.301 -0.3-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1 5 Gain 46.2 dB (c+ = 0) DRTUNINO A 44.6 dB (opt = 0.02) Figure 2: CARM amplifier beam pitch. Table 1: CARM amplifier design parameters. C. Phase Stability We have demonstrated through simulations that a CARM amplifier that utilizes a bifilar helical wiggler to increase the B. Efficiency Optimization pitch of the electron beam can be optimized to have excellent Figs. 1, 2, and 3 show how the efficiency, the beam pitch, phase stability. By setting the wiggler guide field and wig- and the saturation length of the CARM amplifier vary with gle field to the right values, the correlation between yo and detuning. Different curves in the figures represent different PLO runs exactly tangent to the zero phase shift curve for the values of coupling and of waveguide radius. The value of E/E, CARM interaction, as shown in Fig. 4. This dramatically indicates how close the interaction is to the theoretical thresh- enhances the phase stability of the CARM amplifier. Fig. 5 old for excitation of an absolute instability, with E/E, = 1 shows the optimal phase stability results. For the design pa- corresponding to this threshold. For E/E~ > 1, the interac- rameters of Table 1, a phase stability of rtO.8’ is predicted tion is further prone to excite an absolute instability. Because over a voltage variation of &l %. PAC 1991 IV. CONCLUSIONS 500 kV.500 A,TEll,Pd=8OOW@ 17.130 CIHE The CARM amplifier is a promising source of high frequency radiation for future linear colliders. Interaction efficiencies are ~~.- predicted to be in the lo-40% range, with higher efficiencies attainable by magnetic field tapering.

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