MARKET PAYMENTS for WETLAND RESTORATION in PERSINA NATURE PARK, BULGARIA Authors: Maya Bankova-Todorova and Yulia Grigorova, WWF DCP Bulgaria
WORKING TOGETHER TO INSPIRE SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS TECHNICAL REPORT MARKET PAYMENTS FOR WETLAND RESTORATION IN PERSINA NATURE PARK, BULGARIA Authors: Maya Bankova-Todorova and Yulia Grigorova, WWF DCP Bulgaria Contributors: Ivan Hristov, Georgi Stefanov, Lora Jebril, WWF DCP Bulgaria, Irene Lucius, WWF DCPO, Eng. Stela Bozhinova and Vesselin Koev, Directorate of Persina Nature Park, As. Prof. PhD Rossen Tzonev, Sofia University "St. K. Ohridski", Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Milan Jousten, Intern Technical advisor: PhD Julio Tresierra Editor: Olga Apostolova Translator: Rumyana Pankova Graphic design: Boyan Petkov Cover photo: © Alexander Ivanov Back cover photo: © Alexander Ivanov Published by WWF Bulgaria, Sofia © 2014 WWF Bulgaria. All rights reserved. WWF is one of the world's leading independent environmental organizations with 5 million volunteers and a global network, which operates in more than 100 countries. WWF's team in the Danube-Carpathian region is responsible for leading and implementing WWF's efforts to preserve, restore and sustainably manage the natural values of the Danube-Carpathian ecoregions. The team works across political borders developing model projects, influencing policy, capacity building, raising awareness and seeking solutions to the challenges that the region faces in order to ensure prosperity, sustainability and biodiversity conservation. All material appearing in this publication is copyrighted and may be produced with permission. Any reproduction in full or in part of this publication must credit WWF Bulgaria as the copyright owners. The designations of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WWF or its supporting organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
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