Newsletter Ciapetta Lectureship in Distinguished Service Catalysis Award

VOLUME LI, ISSUE 2 Nominations Deadline 10 Nominations Deadline 25 WWW.NACATSOC.ORG November 2017 May 2018

Awards Presented by the Club News Club Directory NACS Back to Cover

National Officers: President - Jingguang Chen, Columbia The F. G. Ciapetta Lectureship in Catalysis University & Brookhaven National Laboratory; Vice-President - Christopher Jones, Georgia Insti- tute of Technology; Secretary - Javier Guzman, ExxonMobil; Deadline for nominations is 10 November 2017 Treasurer - Beata Kilos, Dow Chemical Company; Lead Trus- tee - Thomas F. Degnan, Jr., University of Notre Dame; Com- he F. G. Ciapetta Lectureship and lecture to each of the affiliat- Chen, President, North American munications Director - Edrick Morales, Sasol (USA) Corporation. in Catalysis (prior to 1973 The ed Clubs/Societies with which mu- Catalysis Society; at National Lectureship) is spon- tually satisfactory arrangements [email protected]. Receipt of Club Representatives: California - T Alex Katz, University of California, sored by the W.R. Grace & Co. can be made. any nomination, will be confirmed Berkeley; Canada - Josephine and The North American Catalysis Selection of the awardee will Hill, University of Calgary; Chica- by an email message sent to any go - Christopher L. Marshall, Ar- Society. The Society administers be made without regard to age, nominator. gonne National Laboratory; this Lectureship. It is to be award- sex, nationality, or affiliation. The Mexico - José Javier Rivera de la Rosa , Universidad Autonoma de ed biennially in even numbered nomination materials should de- Previous Award Winners Nuevo Leon; Michigan - Eric years. The Award consists of a 1967 Jan H. deBoer Stangland, The Dow Chemical scribe clearly, specifically, and Company; New England - William plaque and an honorarium of concisely the nominee’s qualifica- 1968 John Sinfelt C. Conner, University of Massa- $5,000. Travel expenses are pro- 1969 Stanlislas Teichner chusetts; New York - Israel E. tions and accomplishments in the Wachs, Lehigh University; Pacific - vided through a travel escrow context of the specific award. 1972 George C.A. Schuit Alex Katz, University of California- 1973 Jose J. Fripiat Berkeley; Philadelphia - Dion fund, administered by the NACS, These materials should include Vlachos, University of Delaware; to be used on a "as needed basis" the following documents 1974 Dennis A. Dowden Pittsburgh/Cleveland - Götz 1975 Pierre C. Gravelle Vesser, University of Pittsburgh; for the recipients from academia (submitted as a single PDF file and Organic Reactions Catalysis or industrial companies (with < not exceeding the indicated 1976 Gerhard Ertl Society - Christopher W. Jones, 1977 John R. Anderson Georgia Institute of Technology; $100 Million annual sales; up to length): (i) a nomination letter Rocky Mountain - Ryan Richards, $3,000. for employees of larger (1000 words); (ii) two supporting 1986 Michel Boudart Colorado School of Mines; South- 1988 James D. Idol east - Steven H. Overbury, Oak companies). letters (800 words each); (iii) a nar- Ridge National Laboratory; The Award is given in recogni- rative biographical note (500 1990 W. Keith Hall Southwest - Mike Reynolds, Shell; 1992 R. van Santen Tri-State (KY/OH/WV) - Umit S. tion of substantial contributions to words); and (iv) a curriculum vi- Ozkan, The Ohio State University. one or more areas in the field of tae, including relevant positions 1994 John J. Rooney 1996 George Kokotailo Directors–at–Large: Abhaya catalysis with emphasis on industri- and recognitions and a list of pub- Datye, University of New Mexico; ally significant catalysts and cata- lications and patents. 1998 Avelino Corma Jim Dumesic, University of Wis- 2000 Gary McVicker consin; Maria Flytzani- lytic processes and the discovery The nomination and support- Stephanopoulos; Tufts University; of new catalytic reactions and ing letters should be specific to 2002 John Monnier Bruce C. Gates, University of 2004 Douglas Stephan California at Davis; Fabio H. Ribei- systems of potential industrial im- the year and to the name of the ro, Purdue University; Stuart L. portance. The awardee will be award. 2006 Stuart Soled Soled, ExxonMobil. selected on the basis of his/her Nominations for the Ciapetta 2008 Robert Farrauto contributions to the catalytic liter- Award will close on 10 November 2010 Jeffrey T. Miller Copyright © 2017 North American Catalysis Society. ature and the current timeliness of 2017. All nomination packages for 2012 Thomas Degnan these research contributions. The the Ciapetta Award should be 2014 Paul Barger recipient may be invited to visit should be sent to Jingguang 2016 Ahmad Moini Back to Cover

he 25th North American Rocky Mountains, the Denver sky- Catalysis on Plasmonic Nanoparti- Fossil Fuels, Catalyst Design and City Park and Museum of Nature group of catalysis researchers Meeting (NAM) of the North line, and a spectacular sunset. cles and Bruce Gates from the Synthesis, Catalyst Modelling and and Science. A baseball match- under the umbrella of the NACS. T American Catalysis Society The included pictures capture University of California Davis re- Simulation, Environmental Cataly- up between the Colorado Rockies The WSCC became the Rocky was held June 4-9, 2017 in Denver some of the memorable moments ceived the Michel Boudart award sis, Fine and Industrial Chemicals, and the Cleveland Indians con- Mountain Catalysis Society Colorado. The meeting was host- from NAM 25 including the ban- for his work on Molecular Catalysts Fundamentals of Catalysis, Photo- cluded Tuesday’s activities. (RMCS) in 2015. The RMCS previ- ed by the Rocky Mountain Catal- quet hall, Colorado themed cui- on Supports: Organometallic catalysis and Electrocatalysis, and Wednesday evening provided ously hosted the 14th NAM at ysis Society. The theme of the sine served at the opening recep- Chemistry Meets Surface Science. Reaction Engineering. A total of conference attendees an oppor- Snowbird Utah in 1995. meeting was Mile High Catalysis. tion and Enrique Iglesia getting a The society also presented the 115 sessions were arranged tunity to participate in a Pub The organizers of NAM25 A record 1525 people regis- standing ovation for his service as Robert Burwell award to around these 10 topical areas. Crawl. Participants were able to thank Meeting Solutions Inc. for tered for the meeting, including the President of NACS. Jingguang Chen from Columbia Within these technical sessions visit 12 of Denver’s finest bars, providing all of the logistical sup- 475 students. The attendees repre- The meeting included three University and the F. G. Ciapetta were 580 oral presentations by breweries and wineries. port including registration and on sented 41 countries with 35% at- keynote presentations by the re- lectureship to Ahmad Moini from attendees along with 19 invited Ryan Richards from Colorado site arrangements. tending from outside of the United cipients of awards presented by BASF. Gary Haller from Yale Uni- keynote lectures. Three evening School of Mines and Abhaya States. Industrial representatives the North American Catalysis Soci- versity received the Award for poster session had an additional Datye from the University of New were 40% of attendees with 48% ety. These include Jeffery Bricker Distinguished Service in the Ad- 520 presentations. Mexico served as Meeting Chairs. from academia and 12% from from UOP-Honeywell who re- vancement of Catalysis. Social program events includ- Cal Bartholomew from Brigham national laboratories. ceived the Eugene Houdry award For the first time, there were 8 ed a 5k run on Tuesday morning. Young University was the Honoray The opening reception was for his work on Recent Advances parallel technical presentation The overall winners were Evgeny Chair. Cal Bartholomew was a attended by more than 1000 con- in Catalysis for Petrochemicals, sessions. The technical program Beletskiy, Scientific Design Co. founding member of the Western ference attendees. The reception Suljo Linic from the University of focused around 10 topical areas: and Kate Mingle, South Carolina. States Catalysis Club (WSCC) took place at the Pinnacle Club Michigan received the Paul Em- Biomass Conversion, Catalyst Tuesday also included a self- which was established 1985. He with panoramic views of the mett award for his research on Characterization, Catalysis for guided meet-up of the Denver helped bring together a scattered Back to Cover Back to Cover Back to Cover Awards Presented by the North American Catalysis Society

he North American Catalysis Canvassing and Nomination Pro- academia, and national labs. The The recipient of the Award  Webpage: http://  Webpage: http:// T Society sponsors six prestigious cesses members of this jury must have no and his/her nominators are in- awards and lectureships to recog- NACS encourages all nominations affiliation with any of the nomi- formed of the decision of the jury, boudart/ houdry/  The Robert Burwell Lectureship  Award for Distinguished Service nize the accomplishments of ca- for these awards and nominators nees and are specifically asked to followed by notification of jury in Catalysis in the Advancement of Cataly- talysis scientists and to promote and nominees need not be NACS disclose any conflicts of interest members and of nominators of  Sponsored by Johnson Mat- sis the advancement of catalysis members. The President instructs and to disqualify themselves with- the other candidates. A formal they and administered by  This award is awarded by science in North America and the Vice President to form a can- out prejudice when a conflict ex- announcement, composed by The North American Cataly- the North American Cataly- world-wide. vassing committee for each cycle ists. The selection jury is appointed the President in consultation with sis Society. sis Society and sponsored Three of these awards include of every award to ensure a full by the NACS President, who seeks the recipient and the nominator, is  Deadline: 25 January 2019 by ExxonMobil and Clariant.  Deadline: 25 May 2018 plenary lectures at NACS biannual slate of outstanding candidates. guidance in selecting its members published in the NACS web site  Webpage: http://  Webpage: http:// meetings (Eugene J. Houdry This committee is led by the NACS from the Vice President and from and the NACS newsletter and burwell/ Award in Applied Catalysis, Paul senior members of the catalysis Vice-President and consists of pre- soon thereafter in Chemical and  The F. G. Ciapetta Lectureship in service/ H. Emmett Award in Fundamental vious award recipients and recog- community. The identity of the jury Engineering News. The awards are Catalysis (prior to 1973 The Na- Catalysis, Michel Boudart Award nized experts within the catalysis members is kept in the strictest all presented at the biennial NACS tional Lectureship) for the Advancement of Catalysis, community at-large. The commit- confidence and known only to meeting, where the respective This award is sponsored by the Award Deadlines the latter jointly presented with tee identifies worthy candidates the President; the members are citations are read and the award W.R. Grace & Co. and The North Boudart the European Federation of Ca- and its Chair seeks nominators for also required to keep their partici- winners receive a plaque. American Catalysis Society. 9 November 2018 talysis Societies). The F.G. Ciapet- these candidates, but provides no pation in these committees confi- The NACS community at-large  Deadline: 10 November ta and Robert Burwell Lectureships specific guidance about the dential. deserves congratulations and 2017 Burwell in Catalysis involve lectures at lo- preparation of the nomination The NACS President provides thanks for the excellent cadre of  Webpage: http:// cal club meetings and the packages beyond that provided the jury with the nomination pack- nominees that it has put forth and 25 January 2019 ciapetta/ presentation of the awards at the on the NACS web site. The Chair ages for all candidates within two chosen and for their dedication as  Paul H. Emmett Award in Funda- NACS meeting banquet. The also instructs the Secretary to con- weeks of the deadline; in the in- nominators and as members of mental Catalysis Ciapetta NACS Award for Distinguished tact all NACS local representa- tervening time, potential jury the jury.  Award sponsored by the 10 November 2017 Service in the Advancement of tives to request that they canvass members are asked about their W.R. Grace & Co. and ad-

Catalysis is the most recent recog- for nominations within their local willingness to serve. The members Awards ministered by the North American Catalysis Society. nition instituted by the Society. All sections. All nomination deadlines of the jury rank the candidates  Michel Boudart Award for the Emmett  Deadline: 28 September and provide specific details for Advancement of Catalysis of these awards are presented and cycles are also announced in 2018 28 September 2018  This award is sponsored by every two years and the nomina- the quarterly NACS newsletter. their selection in the case of the  Webpage: http:// the Haldor Topsøe Compa- tion deadlines are listed in below. top three candidates. In some ny and administered jointly Houdry Additional information is available Award Recipient Nomination Pro- cases, jury members are asked to emmett/ by the North American Ca-  Eugene J. Houdry Award in Ap- 27 July 2018 in the NACS website: http:// cess again rank the top two candi- talysis Society and the Euro- plied Catalysis The jury that selects each NACS dates side-by-side, after consider- pean Federation of Cataly-  Award sponsored by Clari- award recipient consists of scien- ing their respective nomination sis Societies. Service  Deadline: 9 November 2018 ant and administered by tists and engineers recognized as packages once again. The Catalysis Society. 25 May 2018 experts and representing industry,  Deadline: 27 July 2018 Back to Cover The NACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement The Organic Reactions Catalysis Society of Catalysis (ORCS)

Deadline for nominations is 25 May 2018 The 27th ORCS Meeting - San Diego, CA - April 8-12, 2018

he NACS Award for Distinguished Ser- ing relevant positions and recognitions and Previous Award Winners he Organic Reactions Catalysis Socie-  Yuriy Román - Associate Professor of vice in the Advancement of Catalysis a list of publications and patents. 2010 W. Nicholas Delgass ty is pleased to announce its biennial Chemical Engineering is jointly sponsored by ExxonMobil Re- The nomination and supporting letters 2012 John Armor conference at the Catamaran Resort T T  Massachusetts Institute of Technology search and Engineering and Clariant. should be specific to the year and to the 2014 Burtron H. Davis and Spa in San Diego, CA April 8th-12th Matthew Sigman - Peter J. Christine S. Purpose: To recognize an individual (every name of the award. 2016 Gary L. Haller 2018.  two years with a $5,000 prize) who ad- All nomination packages (one elec- Technical topics will include: Stang Presidential Endowed Chair of vanced catalytic chemistry or engineering Chemistry University of Utah tronic copy) for the Service Award should  Catalysis for biomass oxidation by significant service to the catalysis com- be sent to Jingguang Chen, President,  Electrocatalysis and photocatalysis munity in addition to technical accomplish- North American Catalysis Society at Important Dates ments. Travel costs are provided to the [email protected]. Nominations for the  Catalysis of polymers for medical appli-  Award Nominations Call: 15 May 2017 meeting where the award is presented. cations 2016 Award will close by 25 May 2018. Re-  Award Nominations Extended: 15 Sep- Rules of Eligibility: A nominee must have ceipt of any nomination, will be confirmed  Catalysis for specialty chemicals and tember 2017 demonstrated extensive contributions to by an email message sent to any nomina- pharmaceuticals  Awards Notifications: November 2017 the advancement of catalysis during their tor.  Catalysis to enable production of career. Service activities recognized by the  Abstract Due: Extended 30 November chemicals from sustainable sources award may include roles such as teaching, 2017 (Email to chair at mentoring, writing, editing, and leadership  Advances in sustainable and base [email protected]) metal catalysis of meetings or organizations. An awardee  Abstract Acceptance Notification: must have made these contributions to the  Catalyst characterization and study of November 2017 benefit of the North American catalysis reaction and deactivation pathways  Conference Registration Opens: No- community. A short course on aspects of catalyst vember 2017 The nomination materials should de- design, preparation, characterization &/or Conference Dates: 8-12 April 2018 scribe clearly, specifically, and concisely selection will be offered on Sunday, April  the nominee’s qualifications and accom- 8th.  Venue: Catamaran Resort and Spa, plishments in the context of the specific San Diego, CA USA award. Keynote Speakers These materials should include the fol-  Neil Garg - Professor of Chemistry and The ORCS abstract submission form is lowing documents (submitted as a single Biochemistry, University of California Los available at PDF file and not exceeding the indicated Angeles uploads/2017/09/orcs-27-abstract- length): (i) a nomination letter (1000 words); template.doc.  Anne Gaffney - Process Science & (ii) two supporting letters (800 words each); (iii) a narrative biographical note (500 Technology Division Director, Idaho words); and (iv) a curriculum vitae, includ- National Laboratory Back to Cover Catalysis Club of Chicago (CCC) Catalysis Society of Metro- politan New York (CSNY)

ically confined environments of unique 2017 – 2018 Program for the Catalysis Club of Chicago he Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York structure and composition by Atomic Layer Visit for meeting locations. held its first monthly meeting at the Clarion Ho- Deposition (ALD) synthesis and his pioneer- T tel in Somerset, New Jersey, on September 20th, ing work in in situ and operando Raman October Professor Josephine M Hill 2017. Professor John Vohs from the Department of 2 Canada Research Chair in Hydrogen & Catalysis Department of spectroscopy. This award also recognizes Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Uni- 2017 Chemical & Engineering University of Calgary Peter’s outstanding leadership and contri- versity of Pennsylvania delivered a lecture on “Nano- butions to Catalysis Community throughout Catalyst Development from Sustainable Materials Structured Metal Catalysts for High-Temperature Ap- his career. plications”. During this lecture, Professor Vohs dis- cussed strategies to control the size and shape of November Professor Jingguang G. Chen metal nanoparticles. In this lecture, mechanistic stud- 6 Department of Chemical Engineering 2017 Columbia University ies of exsolution processes were also presented along with thorough structural analysis via electron Converting CO2 via Thermocatalysis and Electrocatalysis microscopy and atomic force microscopy. On October 25th, Professor Franklin Tao from the December Dr. Ahmad Moini Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineer- 11 BASF 2017 ing, University of Kansas gave a talk on “Operando Novel Zeolite Catalysts for Diesel Emission Applications studies of catalysis and design of oxidative cata- 2017 Award Announcement lysts”. In this lecture, Professor Tao presented a novel

January Professor George Huber experimental setup of an Operando-type ambient rofessor Peter Stair of Chemistry De- 8 Department of Chemical Engineering pressure X-ray photoelectron spectrometer. Mecha- partment at Northwestern University 2017 University of Wisconsin nistic results on understanding and tracking stable has been selected as the recipient P intermediates in oxidative catalysis were also pre- TITLE TBA of 2017 Herman Pines Award. This is based February Professor T. Brent Gunnoe sented. on significant contributions that Peter and 12 Department of Chemistry The upcoming 2017-2018 meetings involve re- co-workers at Northwestern University and 2018 University of Virginia search talks by Prof. Jingguang Chen from Columbia Argonne National Lab have made in re- University for the 2017 Robert Burwell Lectureship in cent years to advance the fundamental TITLE TBA Catalysis, Dr. Jae-Soon Choi from the Oak Ridge Na- understanding and applications in the field March Professor Phillip Christopher 12 University of California, Santa Barbara tional Laboratory and Prof. Javier García Martínez of synthesis and characterization of sup- 2018 TITLE TBA from the University of Alicante (Spain). ported metal/metal oxide catalysis; specifi- cally techniques developed by Peter and April Dr. Michael Reynolds his co-workers to stabilize homogenous and 9 Shell Corporation supported metal nanoparticle within atom- 2018 TITLE TBA Back to Cover Southeastern Catalysis Society (SECS) Southwest Catalysis Society (SWCS)

Request for Nominations

he Southeastern Catalysis faces Using Bimetallic Core-Shell “Determination and Enhance- The SWCS Award for Excellence in winners is available online: http:// cance, originality, and quality of Society (SECS) held its 16th Structures”. Andrew is advised by ment of the Synergistic Effects of Applied Catalysis the work as well as its potential award impact on current and future in- Annual Symposium at the Prof. John R. Regalbuto. 2nd ReOx-Pd/CeO2 for Improved De- T dustrial and commercial applica- Four Points by Sheraton Hotel on place winner – Yuanjun Song of oxydehydration of Organic Com- he Southwest Catalysis Socie- Rules of Eligibility tions and research. September 24th and 25th, 2017. University of Tennessee with the pounds”. Elizabeth is advised by ty (SWCS) is seeking nomina- Scientists and engineers working in The meeting began on Sunday presentation “Control of the Acti- Prof. Jochen Lauterbach. T tions for its annual “Award for industry, government labs or Please send materials to: early afternoon with the poster vation towards Unsaturated C-C Attendance at the 16th Annu- Excellence in Applied Catalysis”. agencies, and academic re- session featuring 29 contributed Bonds over Ni-based Intermetallic al SECS Symposium was a record The award consists of a plaque searchers will all be eligible for the Prof. Lars C. Grabow and a $1,500 gift. It is awarded to Award. Special consideration will University of Houston posters. After the poster session, Compounds”. Yuanjun is advised high of 84 scientists and engi- an individual from North America be given to the originality and [email protected] we had 7 postdoc and 4 faculty by Prof. Siris Laursen. 3rd place neers, with attendees from thir- to recognize outstanding contri- creativity of work and to its poten- oral presentations. Following the winner – Han Chen of Virginia teen Universities, Oak Ridge Na- butions in applied research in ei- tial commercial impact. The re- DEADLINE: The nomination materi- dinner was the keynote lecture Tech with the presentation tional Lab, and five commercial ther homogeneous or heteroge- search must have been carried al must be received by Wednes- neous catalysis. The emphasis of out in North America. day, January 3rd , 2018. given by Dr. Ahmad Moini of BASF “Benchmarks for CO and CO2 labs and suppliers. this award is to recognize individu- Corporation who is the recipient Adsorption on MnO(100): a Com- The SECS gratefully acknowl- als who have contributed to the Nomination the F. G. Ciapetta Lectureship in parison of DFT to Experimental edges generous support of the application or understanding of Nominations may be made by a SWCS Election Results Catalysis sponsored by W.R. Data”. Han is advised by Prof. Symposium from Micromeritics, catalysis in a commercial setting. colleague or anyone familiar with The Southwest Catalysis Society Grace & Co. and of the North David Cox. Poster Awards: 1st Eastman Chemical Company, The annual award is open to both the nominee’s work. The nomina- held its leadership elections on American Catalysis Society. Dr. place winner – Morghan Parker of Setaram Instrumentation, Equili- industrial and academic appli- tion packet should contain a June 30th, 2017. The open positions cants and will be presented at the nomination letter describing the Moini’s after-dinner lecture was University of Tennessee with the bar, Quantachrome, Altamira were Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Secre- annual Spring Symposium on April impact of the nominee’s achieve- titled "Novel Zeolite Catalysts for poster “Elevated Temperature Instruments, H.E.L, and the NACS. 20th, 2018 held at the University of ments in catalysis and the nomi- tary, and Director (2). Based on Diesel Emission Applications". On Photocatalytic Production of Hy- Houston. nee’s CV/Resume with pertinent the membership vote with high Monday, September 25th, the drocarbons from CO2 and H2O”. biographic information. Reprints of participation, Ye Xu (Louisiana Symposium continued with 21 oral Morghan is advised by Prof. Siris Purpose up to three patents or papers that State University) serves as Chair- To recognize and encourage ap- demonstrate the nominee’s excel- presentations. Laursen. 2nd place winner – Elect for 2017-2018, Travis Conant plied catalysis research conduct- lence may be included. The nomi- (SABIC) continues his service as Student oral and poster Yasser Jangjou of University of ed in North America. nation package should be submit- Treasurer, Lars Grabow (University presentation competition winners Virginia with the poster “SO2 Poi- ted by email as single PDF attach- of Houston) is the new Secretary, were presented cash awards soning of Cu-SSZ-13 for NH3-SCR: Nature ment. Incomplete nominations and joining as Directors are Nataly sponsored by Micromeritics and Mechanistic Study and Kinetic The award consists of $1,500 and may jeopardize an otherwise out- a plaque. The awardee is ex- standing nomination. Nomination Garcia Vargas (Albemarle Corpo- Eastman, respectively. Presenta- Model Development”. Yasser is pected to deliver a lecture. submitted will remain active for a ration) and Sheima Jatib-Khatib tion Awards: 1st place winner – advised by Prof. William S. Epling. period of three years. (Texas Tech University). We con- Andrew P. Wong of University of 3rd place winner – Elizabeth Bar- Establishment and Support gratulate all newly elected offic- South Carolina with the presenta- row of the University of South Car- The award was established in 2008 Criteria ers! tion “Stabilization of Catalytic Sur- olina with the poster by SWCS. A list of recent award The judges will consider signifi- Back to Cover

Club Directory

Canada Catalysis Division (CCD) Representative to NACS R. Tom Baker Director (Through September 2017) Director Membership Mexican Academy of Catalysis (MAC) University of Ottawa Adriaan Sachtler Donghua Zuo Treasurer Chair [email protected] UOP LLC DuPont John Brody R. Tom Baker [email protected] [email protected] ExxonMobil President University of Ottawa Representative to IACS [email protected] Julia Aguilar Pliego [email protected] Ying Zheng Representative to NACS Director Poster Session Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana University of New Brunswick Christopher L. Marshall Thomas Yeh Director - Membership Unidad Azcapotzalco Vice-Chair [email protected] Argonne National Laboratory Johnson Matthey Zhiyi Wu [email protected] Ying Zheng [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] University of New Brunswick Representative to IACS Vice President [email protected] Cathy Chin Director Sponsorship Director Rodolfo Zanella Specia University of Toronto Catalysis Club of Philadelphia (CCP) Sourav Sengupta Lucas Dorazio Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y De- Secretary/Treasurer [email protected] DuPont BASF Corporation sarrollo Tecnológico, UNAM Natalia Semagina [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] University of Alberta Chair [email protected] Catalysis Club of Chicago (CCC) Josh Pacheco Webmaster Director Secretary Zeolyst International Carl Menning Marco Castaldi Dora Alicia Solís Casados Past-Chair [email protected] Sentry Data Systems The City College of New York Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Josephine Hill President [email protected] [email protected] México University of Calgary Massimiliano Delferro Past Chair [email protected] [email protected] Argonne National Laboratory Anton Petushkov Representative to NACS Director [email protected] Zeolyst International Dion Vlachos Zhong He Treasurer Members-at-Large [email protected] University of Delaware Primus Green Energy Aída Gutiérrez Alejandre Nadi Braidy Vice President and Program Chair [email protected] [email protected] Facultad de Química, UNAM University of Sherbrooke Tracy Lohr Chair-Elect [email protected] [email protected] Northwestern University Eric Sacia Webmaster [email protected] DuPont Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New Benjamin Moskowitz Director Cathy Chin [email protected] York (CSNY) Lehigh University Antonio Toledo Antonio University of Toronto Secretary [email protected] Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo [email protected] David Childers Treasurer [email protected] Northwestern University Lifeng Wang Chair Student Representative Robert Scott [email protected] Zeolyst International Ke Xiong Zhexi Lin Director University of Saskatchewan [email protected] Ingredion Incorporated Columbia University Juan Carlos Fierro González [email protected] Treasurer [email protected] [email protected] Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya Wolfgang A. Spieker Secretary [email protected] Hui Wang (Webmaster) UOP LLC Dan Slanac Past-Chair NACS Representative University of Saskatchewan [email protected] DuPont Fuat Celik Israel Wachs Director [email protected] [email protected] Rutger University Lehigh University Reyna Natividad Rangel Director - Past President (Through Sep- [email protected] [email protected] Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Charles Xu tember 2017) Program Chair México Western University Paul Dietrich Jim Hughes Chair-Elect [email protected] [email protected] BP Products North America Zeolyst International George Tsilomelekis [email protected] [email protected] Rutgers University Representative to NACS Xiaohui Zhang [email protected] Javier Rivera de la Rosa Shell Canada Director (Through September 2018) Arrangements Chair Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo [email protected] James F. Brazdil Paul Pepin Secretary Leon INEOS Corporation University of Pennsylvania Quddus Nizami [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ExxonMobil Back to Cover

Club Directory

Michigan Catalysis Society (MCS) New England Catalysis Society (ECS) Organic Reaction Catalysis Society Director to 2020 Pacific Coast Catalysis Society (PCCS) Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society (ORCS) Al Metauro (PCCS) President england/ MEL Chemicals Inc. Chair Vladimir Pushkarev [email protected] Phillip Christopher index.html The Dow Chemical Company President Chair UC Riverside [email protected] Yuriy Román Charles Orella Non-North American Director – to 2020 [email protected] President MIT Merck Dan Ostgard Zhenmeng Peng Vice President [email protected] [email protected] Evonik Vice-Co-Chair University of Akron Andrew (Bean) Getsoian [email protected] Ron Runnebaum [email protected] Vice-President Past Chair UC Davis [email protected] Andrew Peterson Will Medlin Representative to NACS – to 2020 [email protected] President-Elect Brown University University of Colorado Karl O. Albrecht Giannis Mpourmpakis Secretary/Treasurer [email protected] [email protected] Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Vice-Co-Chair University of Pittsburgh Ming Yang [email protected] Coleman Kronawitter [email protected] General Motors Corporation Treasurer Chair-Elect UC Davis [email protected] Wei Fan Girish Srinivas [email protected] Secretary University of Massachusetts Amherst TDA Research, Inc. Irem Sen Director [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer Carnegie Mellon University Hongfei Jia Kaidong Chen [email protected] Toyota Research Institute of North Secretary/Treasurer Chevron Tech. and Marketing Secretary America Asanga B Padmaperuma [email protected] Treasurer Xiaowei Teng [email protected] PNNL Dominic Alfonso University of New Hampshire [email protected] Secretary DOE-NETL [email protected] Director Jean-Sabin McEwen [email protected]

Galen Fisher Director to 2018 Washington State University Representative to NACS University of Michigan Jaime Blanton [email protected] Director/Representative to NACS William Curtis Conner [email protected] Evonik Götz Veser University of Massachusetts Amherst [email protected] Representative to NACS University of Pittsburgh [email protected] Director Alexander Katz [email protected]

Eranda Nikolla Director to 2018 UC-Berkeley Wayne State University Janette Villalobos [email protected] [email protected] Procter & Gamble [email protected] Representative to NACS Eric Stangland Director to 2018 The Dow Chemical Company Bala Subramanian [email protected] University of Kansas [email protected]

Director to 2020 Bert Chandler Trinity University [email protected] Back to Cover

Club Directory

[email protected] Rocky Mountain Catalysis Society Southeastern Catalysis Society (SECS) Southwest Catalysis Society (SWCS) Tri-State Catalysis Society (TSCS) (RMCS) Past President/Chairman: President President John N. Kuhn Chair Chandra Ratnasamy Morris Argyle University of South Florida Lin Luo Clariant Brigham Young University [email protected] The Dow Chemical Company [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] President/Chairman: Past President Secretary/Treasurer Siris O. Laursen Chair-Elect Uschi Graham Joseph H. Holles University of Tennessee Ye Xu Faraday Energy University of Wyoming [email protected] Louisiana State University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Vice-President/President-Elect: Secretary Representative to NACS Rachel B. Getman Past-Chair Michael Severance Ryan Richards Clemson University Jeff Rimer Clariant Colorado School of Mines [email protected] University of Houston [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Secretary: Treasurer Hongliang Xin Secretary Wilson Shafer Virginia Tech Lars C. Grabow Asbury University [email protected] University of Houston [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer: Representative to NACS Todd J. Toops Treasurer Umit S. Ozkan Oak Ridge National Laboratory Travis Conant The Ohio State University [email protected] SABIC Technology Center [email protected] [email protected] Director: Carsten Sievers Directors Georgia Institute of Technology Alejandra R. Rivas Cardona [email protected] ExxonMobil Chemical alejandra.r.rivas- Webmaster: [email protected] Andrew J. Medford Georgia Institute of Technology Sheima Khatib [email protected] Texas Tech University [email protected] NACS Representative: Carsten Sievers Nataly Garcia Vargas Georgia Institute of Technology Albemarle Corporation [email protected] Na- [email protected]

NACS Representative Mike Reynolds Shell International Exploration and Production