NACS Newsletter Ciapetta Lectureship in Distinguished Service Catalysis Award VOLUME LI, ISSUE 2 Nominations Deadline 10 Nominations Deadline 25 WWW.NACATSOC.ORG November 2017 May 2018 Awards Presented by the Club News Club Directory NACS Back to Cover National Officers: President - Jingguang Chen, Columbia The F. G. Ciapetta Lectureship in Catalysis University & Brookhaven National Laboratory; Vice-President - Christopher Jones, Georgia Insti- tute of Technology; Secretary - Javier Guzman, ExxonMobil; Deadline for nominations is 10 November 2017 Treasurer - Beata Kilos, Dow Chemical Company; Lead Trus- tee - Thomas F. Degnan, Jr., University of Notre Dame; Com- he F. G. Ciapetta Lectureship and lecture to each of the affiliat- Chen, President, North American munications Director - Edrick Morales, Sasol (USA) Corporation. in Catalysis (prior to 1973 The ed Clubs/Societies with which mu- Catalysis Society; at National Lectureship) is spon- tually satisfactory arrangements
[email protected]. Receipt of Club Representatives: California - T Alex Katz, University of California, sored by the W.R. Grace & Co. can be made. any nomination, will be confirmed Berkeley; Canada - Josephine and The North American Catalysis Selection of the awardee will Hill, University of Calgary; Chica- by an email message sent to any go - Christopher L. Marshall, Ar- Society. The Society administers be made without regard to age, nominator. gonne National Laboratory; this Lectureship. It is to be award- sex, nationality, or affiliation. The Mexico - José Javier Rivera de la Rosa , Universidad Autonoma de ed biennially in even numbered nomination materials should de- Previous Award Winners Nuevo Leon; Michigan - Eric years. The Award consists of a 1967 Jan H. deBoer Stangland, The Dow Chemical scribe clearly, specifically, and Company; New England - William plaque and an honorarium of concisely the nominee’s qualifica- 1968 John Sinfelt C.