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foMcaat fc» NET PRESS RUN — Aew-Miareot: AVERAGE DAILX OlRCtJIiATlON - for the Month of March, 1920 Fair aiiA «(Hitj^ed cool topighl; 5326 Friday increaatog cloudtaefii. member ot the Ab«U Barean of Circa latlona

t w e l v e PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS (Classified Advertising on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1929 VOL. XLIIL, NO. 151.

PLAYS DEPICT A TWISTER LEVIATHAN NOW Yoting Heflin’s Homecoitiing iConn. Stete Library—Comp. >V“ FOREIGN BORN SELLS UQUOR -1- ADYAMHERE iz M O S O ir r Conunissioner Hurley and State's Attorney Have Many Evening School Students World's Largest, Ship is LEGISLATURE Show Remarkahle Pro­ Forced to Do It by Com­ SETS DAY FOR Wrangles at Today's Hearing of Egan’s TnaL— Says gress in 6 Months Course; petition, New Owners of He Did Not Know Watkins and Tbou^t Finn Was AD Tableaux Presented. Fleet Declare. ADJOHENF Right UntD Months Later When He Asked His Name to New York, April 11.— The Levi­ Be Taken Off Their Books— Tells ^bent H^s Stock The closing exercises of Manches­ athan, the world’s largest ship. Botb Houses Adopt Resolu­ ter Evening Schools last night at American-owned, has fallen off the the High school assembl> hall serv­ Transactions. ' ed to show the remarkable progress water wagon. tion Offered by Judge which has been made by the foreign Today it is a “ wet’’ ship as it born students who are striving to plies its way from the shores»of the Hartford, April 11.— The trial of R a y m 0 n d A. Jobnson; „ ’ , half the amount, $oS7. become more and more American­ U. S. A. for Cherbourg and South­ WilUam F. Egan, lawyer, on a ^j.. Hurley was ized. MafUy who took part in the hour and a half program could ampton. And, in the near future, charge of conspiracy in connection shown salary checks that - he had speak scarcely a word of English some ten other big American liners, Other Business. with the brokerage affairs of Roger treated the same way; He made a when they entered Night School which took the pledge back in W. Watkins, deveioped f-^st before Practise of depositing P^y last October. With this realization, , , ■ .rrr • 0-1_then drawing out half. He said’ In 1923, are also going to serve high­ ^Hartford, April 11.— The Legis­ Judge Isaac Wolfe in Superior ^ question that no one one could not help but marvel at lature has adopted May 8 as the day their amazing advancement. balls and cocktails when they get Court today, and for the first time had ever given him ’any money, Present Play beyond the 12-mile limit. for adjournment. A resolution pre­ objections were noted by the judge Cross E.\aminatlon Included in the program was the Here is how a tornado looks in sented first in the Senate set the and ruled upon.' J. Edward Brain- The state’s attorney took him in presentation of a one-act play en­ action. These hfeh winds are now “ Forced by competition,’’ is . the date, fioth Houses adopted the explanation for the new palioy. ard and Robert T. Hurley, commis- hand and started to ask him ques- titled. “ The First American Li­ devastating the west. resolution without discussion. sioner of state police, were on the flons concerning the make-up of brary’’ which was founded by Ben­ The Leviathan steamed out of The House was informed by New York port yesterday on her stand this morning. They were de- the state police. The defense ob- jamin Franklin in Philadelphia in Judge Raymond A. Johnson, of fense witnesses. Mr. Brainard, jected. Mr. Alcorn explained ha 1731. Eleven persons took part in first voyage under private owner­ Manchester, its leader, that May 8 ship under orders which provided once lieutenant governor and now wanted to bring out the commis- the production, nine of them men. would be devoted entirely to affairs representative from Branford, sioner’s “ backiground.” The ob- Carl Jaksch took the part of Frank­ SCORES DEAD for the opening of her medicinal of adjournment and that no other liquor supplies— estimated to com­ opened for the defense, with Henry jection was the first in the Egan. lin and Mrs. Theresa Naretto that business would be attempted. J. Calnen examining him. Hugh M. trial. Jud.ge W’olfe sustained the of Mrs. Franklin. Others were prise about 700 quarts— for sale to “ Those, of you who have been passengers outside the 12-mile Alcorn,- state’s attorney, let Mr. objection and Mr. Alcorn asked: Chris -Peterson, Nis Johanson, AS TORNADO here in other years know that leg­ Brainard go from the stand without “ As cormmissioner of state police George McCreery, Nick Gentliclore, I limit. islation adopted on the final day Slieedy Gave Order cross examining. Mr. Healy, how- do you believe you should be cir- William Pearson, Erik Gustafson, may be good. >but it is more likely ever, was subjected to much exam- cumspect?” Prank Ecudieri, Harold Flury and j James E. Sheedy gave the order. not to be,” he said. ination; | “ Yes,” replied Mr. Hurley. Inez Carlson. _ i SWEEKWEST He is the operating head of the After adopting the resolution, The session started today when Mr. Alcorn, in examining the -The scene was that of Franklin’s | United States Lines, Inc., new own­ the House voted to restore forfeited Brainard was asked if he was ever commissioner, finally asked: ers of the American Merchant Ma­ “ Office]^, arrest that camermanl” shouted irate Senator Thomas stationery shop in Philadelphia. It | Heflin. ■ But the flashlight boomed, and here you see the picture of the right to two today: Joseph Carter, connected with National Associated “ Are you a personal friend ot depicts the meeting of the Library rine fleet. The new policy, however, of Meriden, and Wilbur C. Perry, of Investors. Mr. Br-lnard answered Mr. Egan.” and the commissioner has yet to be officially confirmed return to Washington of Tom Heflin, Jr., (at left) whose conduct aboard Company of Philadelphia which With All Wires Down It Is ship from Panama to New Y'ork, followed by a “ whoopee” tour of Broad­ Barkhamstead. Then the House “ Yes, first as a director and then as answered “ yes.” elects Franklin as its librarian aft­ by the board of directors. P. W. refused the same courtesy to a vice-president.” j Then Mr. Alcorn asked:/“ On the Chapman, head of the company that way, caused many funny pieces to be printed in the papers. That’s er being in progress three months Senator Heflin, white-suited and angry, in the center. In the foreground, Thomas J. W'allace, who was con Never Saw Check. day Mr. Egan was being put to plea and goes on to show the origin of bought the Leviathan and ten other Difficult to Get Details; with hand upraised, as he rushed at the NEA-Evening Herald photo­ victed in New Haven of a statutory j When the matter of a check sup- in this court did Mr. Egan call on .the library which was formed at liners from the government, is charge. posed to have been cashed by Mr. j you with Mr. Healy and spend two the suggestion of Franklin who known to be personally opposed to grapher, is J. L. Thornton, who is secretary to the senator and who ac­ Many Injured; Five Towns companied young Heflin from New York. “ My boy is a good boy,” in­ Favorable Reports. Brainard came up, he declared he-j hours in your office?” conceived the idea through the the sale of liquor, but the new pol­ Favorable reports received in the never had seen it. The check had Judge Wolfe ruled the question Junto Debating Club of which he icy is expected to greatly increase sisted the dry-voting Alabama senator, shown lower right in an earlier photo, with an arm about his son. - ' ^ House today follow: been cashed in the Riverside Trust out when .the defense objected. was a member. This institution be­ Wiped Out. ^ business. Authorizing the Manchester Elec­ company. Mr. Brainard said “ I Mr. Alcorn brought out that Mr, came known as the “ mother of all In fact, it was estimated in ship­ tric Co., to increase capital; validat­ was never in the Riverside Trust Egan knew the meaning of “ mar­ North American subscription libra­ ping circles today that this new pol­ ing charter amendments of the Un­ company in mv life.” That check gins” as applied to stock transac­ ries.’ ’ Between 40 and 50 lives lost and icy of selling liquor beyond the 12- ion Elec. Power Co.; providing that was for $799.20. tions and that he had communi­ Well Done Franklin’s scores injured is today believed to raile limit will result in a twenty when a deer is killed on agricul­ Two other checks for $375 and cated with the Market Financial It was agreed that per cent increase in passenger ONE TRAPPED, 4 HURT, tural land, details of the killing are $500-Mr. Brainard declared he had Service of New York as to stock term of office should be for three be the toll of a series of tornadoes trade for the Chapman ships. which yesterday and last night not necessary in the report; provid­ received and that they were for prices and from them received wire months and that for the use and An Old Custom ing for disposition of spirituous li­ profits he made on stock Watkins service on the market. He was care of the rooms he was to receive struck various sections of Arkansas. Telephone and telegraph com­ The new policy is the same as has quors in hospitals for suitable tnedi- had sold for-'him. shown a letter to that concern “ three pounds lawful money.’’ The ON LINER ROOSEVELT Mr. Brainard, answering question munication is' disrupted in the long been in practice on other pri­ cinal purposes; -adding to the pow­ which he had signed: presentation was filled with humor ers of the rivers, harbors and after question, told his experience “ Robert T. Hurley, Commissioner ’ and wit of the Franklin generation northern portion of the state but vate American lines— the Panama fragmentary reports tell of the de­ Pacific, the Grace, Munson and bridges commission permitting it to with Watkins as follows: of State Police.” and the cast did appreciable work acquire land for development at “ A man named Anderson who “Is that a part of your official in spite of young children in the struction of several towns and of Ward and Panama Mail. the removal of dead and injured to In 1923 the government lines Fire Follows Explosion on ANDERSON TO RUN New London and Groton: providing was around the hotel quite a bit business?” Mr. Alcorn asked. audience that maintained an al­ regulations for licensing osteo­ talked to me about the stock con­ That question too. was ruled out most continual whispered conversa­ hospitals at Batesville, near Guion. voluntarily took the pledge. It ac­ which was reported partially de­ tually was Mr. Sheedy who signed paths; authorizing a bond issue in siderably. Later he came to my by Judge Wolfe when defense ob­ tion mingled with laughter that de­ Groton; and a resolution proposing house with Watkins, and I am jected. tracted from the efforts of the ac­ stroyed. the order making the United States Steamer Tied at Hoboken' CHAIN STORE GROUP and American lines “ dry” six years I a constitutional amendment to nl- frank to say he sold me the idea of Then Mr. Alcorn took up the mat­ tors. The towns struck by the tornado, were Smeeds, where 14 are re­ ago. Pier— Policeman Rescues ___ \ low assistant to town clerks to act investment trusts as a spleddid ter of depositing a check and draw­ Mrs. Naretto did a fine job as for town clerks in making voters. business idea. I agreed to become ing out half the amount. Mr. Hur­ Mrs. Franklin as did Carl Jaksch. ported dead; Alicia,. 11 killed, ac­ The new order of Sheedy’s was a cording to reports; three dead at surprise. However, he made it plain Unfavorable reports to the a director and some time later was ley said he had put the half in his The whole act went over with very- House follow: notified I was a vice-president. I office safe. “ I still have most of little prompting, everyone following Guion, nearly 50 injured; seven that there would be no public-bars Fireman from Blaze. Will Devote Most of Time to dead at Larado and two dead at on the ships, and no promiscuous Providing an appropriation to attended only one of the directors’ the money in my safe.” he said. He his or her cue without delay. It was eliminate mosquitoes; repealing an meetings. explained he frequently used money a credit to Principal A. N. Potter, Parkin. drinking. He said he had obtained Two , additional dead were re­ a legal opinion that no law would Hoboken, N. J., April 11.— Fire New York Syndicate— No Act that would allow Woodbridge “ I never knew Mr. Egan nor was for office purposes on Saturdays Miss Annette L. Klee and Miss Em­ following what was thought to be to take land for road improve- I introduced to him until this morn- and Sundays, when his men needed ma Borowski, teachers who super­ ported ifrom Moorfield, a village be violated under the arrangement near Guion, by trainmen on the he has ordered. The United States an explosion in the engine room of Iments; providing that in contracts ir,r I never knew him as Mr. expense money for one thing or vised the production. They also the United States liner President Change at Hale's. i with minors under sixteen-the con- Egan until several days ago.” another. When Mr. Alcorn pressed coached the series of tableaux de­ Missouri Pacific railroad. Supreme Court has ruled it.is not Where Storm Started. illegal for an American ship to pos­ Roosevelt, at its pier here shortly 1 tract might be disaffirmed after Regarding his stock in the cor- the point, the commissioner ex­ picting the progress of American before noon today injured four one year by the minor. Izzard county, in which Guion is sess and sell liquor beyond the 12- Frank H. Anderson of the J. W. po'ration he said: “ L was told I claimed: women which was the most inter­ members of the crew. A fifth is John F. Tobin, of 'Waterbury, would be ziveti a certain amount of “ You do the same thing. You esting of the program. located, seems to have been the mile limit. ! Hale Company has been selected by first place the storm struck, ac­ “ We are not interested in any said to be trapped and thought presided over the calendar session stock. Than I was given 100 have given me money out of your Tableaux dead. I the executive and banking interests of the House today. He is minority shares of common and ten shares of own funds.” Portraying the part of Columbia, cording to reports. The bank at direct financial return from the Guion, a brick building, was re­ sale of liquor, but only desire to Edward Burke, fireman, was tak­ I in control of The American Depart- leader. ’When the House attempted preferred. I know nothing about Meant to Buy I,and. Miss Svea Ohman carrying a light­ en to St. Mary’s hospital in a seri­ to give him an ovation, he wielded Commissioner Hurley then told ed torch, opened the eight sketches duced to ruins, as were numerous give passengers the same privileges ! ment Stores of New Y’ork to help any secret accounts. i frame buildings and residences, ac­ enjoyed by all other trans-Atlantic ous condition when dragged from j in re-organizing some of their retail his gavel to stop it. Rev. Charles I saw the name ‘Winthrop Gre­ of a plan he had to buy property in with the following introducthm; “ I the flaming engine room by Motor­ Reimers, Representative from Dur- gory’ on the window the one time the Satan Kingdom’s association, come to tell you of the women of cording to reports to Batesville. In­ steamers,” said Sheedy, ' stores. Mr. Anderson, when inter- termittent connection was made cycle Patrolman Walter Finkeldei. Ii viewed today stated that he had I went to the office, but Watkin.s West Hartford. He wanted to buy America. From the earliest days, “ If passengers desire the serving Burke made three .attempts to res- ' (Continued on Page 2.) considerable and was saving money they have worked side by side with with the outside world from that of wines or liquors we must— in assured me .it had nothing to do point. cue the trapped men when he col­ with National Associated Investors for the purpose. Then he learned men in building our country. With­ order to maintain our position— do lapsed and was himself rescued. he couldn’t sell It again without out them, there could have been In addition to the storm damage, the same as our competitors.” when I told him I heard Winthrop new dangers threatened the eastern Four other members of the crew Gregory was not a good concern.” consent of two-thirds of the entire no homes, no children, no nation. The board of directors of the were also taken to the hospital membership o f’ the association. Sa Yet history tells us very little about portion of the devastated district Chapman company will meet short­ Hurley On Stand today. The White river and several with burns about the face and body. COLLEGE OFFICIALS Conjmlssloner Hurley followed he was content to buy one acre for them. History has been chiefly in- ly, at which time the Sheedy order They are Frank Mangove, Benedict smaller streams have been swollen probably will be officially confirm­ Mr. Brainard. $ 100. De Re, "Vito Rizzi and Pietro The commissioner said he had Many Wrangles (Continued on Page 3) from torrential' rains and are ed. threatening to inundate cotton ^oledda. Mangove’s injuries were NOT TO TURN SPIES been head of the state police since The state police commissioner lands near the Mississippi. Flood ' also deemed serious. 1927. He did not know Watkins. and the state's attorney went into stages have been passed. 1 Not an Explosion. He said that salesmen had called at many wrangles during the latter The midwest division of the William Perrott, operating mana­ his office ifrging him to buy stock in part of Mr. Hurley’s stay on the American Red Cross at St. Louis HINDENBURG ILL; ger of-the lines at the pier, explain­ National Associated Investors. stand. T%e commissioner declared REBELS GATHERING has been asked for aid. Albert ed that there had been no explo- University Head Says It Is Finally“ ■'n January 3. 1928.- I the state’s attorney was trying to Evans, director of disaster relief, sio-n; he said there had merely been called Mr. Shlppee, the bank com­ twist things.” Commissioner left St. Loui^ for the stricken zone GERMANY WORRIED a fire in fireroom No. 2 probably Up to Students Them missioner, on the’ telephone and Hurley exclaimed “ I never said I ALONG THE BORDER and w-ill establish headquarters in caused by oily waste material, and a:sked him what be knew about Na- called up Mr. Shippee to find out the area, according to word re­ but one man was overcome by tidnal. Associated Investors. He told if the company had a license to do ceived at Batesville. smoke who was later revived. Pei-- selves to Curb Drinking. me that ‘Frank Healy as counsel business.” Then he said: “ You Five counties were visited by the rott declared nobody else had been for them has asked f(^r a license.’ knew the company had no license- tornado, according to reports. Said to Be Suffering from Injured. That was all. he knew about them. Why didn’t you close the placed’ Mexican Federals Have Truckloads of volunteer workmen At the main offices of the United Charlottesville, Va., April 11.-^ He asked me why I didn’t call At another time the commissioner are being recruited from nearby States lines no information could be Officials of the University of Vir­ FVank and ask him about It.” exclaimed! “ You misconstrue towns and in the area to aid suf­ Stomach Trouble But Spe­ obtained. Officials admitted theye ginia, founded by-Thomas Jefferson, Commissioner Hurley said he things. I have told you all I know Them Trapped in Space ferers. had been a fire on the ship but said have no intention of becoming then did call Mr. Healy but he was about this business.” Mr. Alcorn, they had received no details. “ prohibition snoopers or spies” in out. He said Mr. Egan answered replied: “ Be patient I want to.ask . cialists Are CaUed. a few more questions, I hope” ’ Less Than 100 MQes Long Little Rock, Ark, April 11 — Two attempting to curb student drink­ the telephone and the commissioner ■1 score persons were reported dead ing. But they are endeavoring to asked him what he knew about the Alcorn asked “ were you very and many injured today from work out a plan whereby the stu­ company. According to Mr. Hurley much worried at this time?” Berlin. April 11.— The German DISCOVER BOMB PLOT “ Absolutely not,” the commis­ El Paso, Texas, April 11.— Con­ tornadoes which struck in +he “ White House” showed concern to­ dents themselves will control the Mr. Egan answered “ ‘I don’t know centration of Mexican rebel forces northern part of this state last day over the renewed weakness drinking situation.' a great deal about It. You’d bet­ sioner answered. night. F. H. Anderson. These statements were made to ter talk to Frank about It.’ ” Alcorn then asked: ‘ ‘Did vou tell in a small strip of Sonora lining which is attending the illness of TOKILLGEN.CALLES anyone in Rocky Hill you were More than five towns were said President von Hindenburg, of the been acting in a consulting capacity International News Service today , Calls =Up Brokers the international border, where es­ to be wiped out. by President E. A. Alderman in ex­ Then Commissioner Hurley said worried?” The question was finally German Republic. for some time which had required lost without receiving, a repliy. . ; cape to the United States will be According to the sheriff at New­ The president’s Illness had been his being in New York one or two plaining the university’s position in he called the office of Winthrop. port, 21 persons were dead at Planned to Dynamite Private the so-called "whiskey rebillion” Gregory and told the person who The commissioner said that Waf- open, appeared to be the strategy described as mainly gastric disturb­ days a week, hut which will now wlns’ office tried to get him to take Swifton, where the number of ance of the stomach as the result of Train of Mexican Official; require three or four days a week. which broke out here in connection answered that he wanted to buy of revolution leaders today. fatalities is expected to be the with the refusal of the Delta Tau four or five shares of National more stock. Finally in January. eating too much cake while visit­ Seek Two Suspects. No changes whatsoever are-contem- 1928, he called Watkins and tola Less than a hundred miles of heaviest. The sheriff also said that ing his son-in-law over the Easter Delta fraternity and seven other Associated investors. ■ plated at the J. W. Hale Company. him he wanted no more. He sal

, s' ■ ■ ' m • v v ? ” BANCHES'IER EVEmNG HERALD, SOUTIl MANCHESTER, CONN.,'THURSDAY, AFRIE 11,1»Z0.'^ STAR ENTERTAINS TEX GUINAN TELLS RUTH TO RESIGN MORNING’S FROST M AY ilG B L A T M OBITUARY Local StodLs N .Y .S t o c I . GRAND OFFICERS ABOUT “ HER GIRLS” WHEN HE’S ‘ DONE’ DESTROYROmS » SEtSDAYFOR (Furnished by Putnam & Go.) Allied Chem ...... 288 More Than 500 at Meeting in FUNERALS Maple Tree Buds Drqp After „ Bid Asked Am Gan ...... 129 Masonic Temple Last Night; I Fall in Temperature—Fruit Bank Stocks. Am Car and Fdy 99 Bankers Trust Co .. 32'5 Am Loeo ...... 1 1 8 i ; ADJOURNMENT C^lass Initiated. Says They Do Not Even Sit Miss Harriet C. Belcher. Says He VTiO When He May Be Affected. Am Pow and L t ...... '.. . 95^ The funeral of Miss Harriet C. City Bank and Trust. 1800\ Belcher of Wapping was held yes­ Cap Nat B & T ...... 435 Am Tel and Tel ...... 21( (Ckmtinaea from Page 1.) Temple Chapter, 0. E. S. held With the Patrons of Her Finds Out That He’ s Slip­ Mancliester people as well as Conn River ...... 400 Anaconda ...... x ^ ..l4 3 ‘ one of the most successful grand terday afternoon at the funeral those in other towns in this section Atchison . y ...... 198’ home of William P. Quish. Rev. H. First Buna & Mtg .. 43, ' ' ham, was permitted to deliver the officers’ nights In its history last are anxiously watching their gar­ Htfd-Conn Trust Co,. — 675 Atl Ref ...... 561 opening prayer. evening in the Masonic Temple. T. Miner of Wapping officiated. dens and frui^ trees to discover just Balt and Ohio ...... 123|< Night Club. Burial was in the Wapping ceme­ ping. First Nat H tfd ...... 275 290 The House calendar bills adopted More .than 500 attended the meet­ what damage has been done to Land Mtg'and Title — 60 Beth Steel ...... IK ing, ihcludlng the grand officers and tery. The bearers were George flowers g.nd shrubs by the extraor­ 'today follow: Miller, Charles Miller, Bruno Ross, Morris Plan Bank . . 200 Can Pac 234 Authorizing the attorney general the invited head officers of many Atlanta, Ga., April 11.— Baseball dinary weather of the past few New Brit Tr ...... 220 Ches and Ohio ...... :220: temples throughout the state and NeV York, April 11.— A pretty Leslie Collins, Earl Post and David days. The high temperature of Sun­ ' to proceed directly against physi­ lecture on success in night club en­ Zalky. fans will never be subjected to the Phoenix St B&T . . . 675 C M and St P a u l...... 32’ cians accused of obtaining licenses local members. sad spectacle of Babe Roth, king day and Monday forced shrubs and Chi Rock l6 l ...... 1 2 3 : Supper was served to fully 300 In tertaining was delivered by Texas Park St. Bank ____ 1125 through misrepresentation, giving Guinan from the witness stand to­ of swat, staggering around bases; bulbs about to bloom far in ad­ xxRiyerside Trust .. 650 Cons Gas ...... 100! the banquet hall promptly at 6:30. vance of their regular season, and the New Canaan town officials the day behind the aura of her dia­ tripping over his own feet; messing do Rts 130 Corn Prod ...... 90 power to set fines for violation of The general decorations were palms up fly balls nnd falling victim to the sudden change yesterday to Erie ...... 69 and the tables looked very attrac­ monds as she bore quite comfort­ STATE’S POUCE HEAD freezing weather it wa-j feared jWest Htfd Trust . . . 450 ordinances; making the open sea­ ably the cross-examination at her the wiles of pitchers. I .Bonds, Gen Elec ...... 230 son for shad from May 1 to tive and spring-like with a profu­ That is the “ low down” from the would have an injurious effect on Gen Motors ...... 83 trial for maintaining an alleged magnolias, which are already in j Htfd & Conn West . . 95 June but prohibiting fishing be­ sion of daffodils and lavender can­ nuisance at the Salon Royale, mid- GRILLED BY ALCORN Bambino himself today. Ruth was East Conn Pow 5s . 100* 102 Int Harv ...... 104 dles from which ribbon streamers blossom and are -natives of the tween sunrise on Friday and sunset nigh t-to-dawn club. emphatic, almost dramatic, in mak­ Conn L P 7 s ...... 116 119 Int Nickel...... 48 on Sunday; providing sanitary regu­ in yellow and lavender extended to ing it clear that he will never have south, forsythia, Japanese quinces Kenecot ...... ; . . 85 Thereafter both, the government (Coutinned from Page 1) and lilacs. Conn L P 5 Vis .... 105 107Vi lations for bottling carbonated bev­ the flower baskets. and the defense rested Its case and to be asked to quit baseball, the Conn L P 4 Vis .... 98 100 Mack Truck ...... 104 erages; giving the Housatonic Mrs. Lulu Bidwell, associate In some places with a sunny ex­ Marland O i l ...... 411 the summing up to the jury began. Governor Trumbull and the at- game which he has helped so much Brid Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 Water Power Company the right matron of Temple Chapter, and in and which in turn has made him posure the lilacs gave promise of Miami Cop . . ^...... 451 Texas. In a complete raven-black torney-General. Later he talked blossoming next week. Plum trees Insurance Sti>eks. to reconstruct an old dam across its behalf presented to the grand costume, which emphasized her one o f the richest professional Aetna,Casualty ...19,00 1950 Mo PPS ...... 78'' the Housatonic above Derby; mak­ •matron, Mrs. Abby Bergman of with R. L. Gideon,, assistant slate’s athletes in the world. are in blossom in some sections and N Y Central...... 182i blonde curls, denied any ownership attorney, and on March 17th went Aetna'Insurance . 765 780 ing the salary of the secretary of Hartford, a salad dish and a pickle Ruth’s statement came in answer whether the cold will have a seri­ Aetna L i f e ...... 1385 New,Haven ...... 90! in the club, or knowledge of liquor to Mr, Alcorn. He and Alcorn went ous effect on the fruit remains to 1400 the pharmacy commission $2,500 a dish in Wilson china. The supper selling. to wide reports insinuating that the Automobile ...... 600 615 do p f d ...... 11-5! year; giving local officials, such as dishes of spring salads and other to the governor to discuss the case, Babe is on his last legs .and may be be seen. Apple and peach trees will North Amn Co 99 = Texas “ little children” — other­ and Mr. Alcorn suggested a Grand probably not be injured. Conn Gen ....^....2250^2350 : mayor, wardens, burgesses and se­ good things looked as attractive as shelved pretty soon. Hartford Fire ...... 1070 1090 Packard ...... 126' wise known as the dancing girls in Jury Investigation. The gutters were red this morn­ lectmen authority to discharge tax the settings. A corps of 30 waitress­ the night club— came in for con­ When he heard the report, the Htfd Steam Boiler . . 830 860 Penna R R ...... 75 1 liens. es dressed in white, with touches of Gov. Trumbull then said: “ Go ing with maple blossoms which also Post C e r ...... 64 siderable discussion. ahead, regardless of the cost.” swat king’s eyes flashed and a sar­ Lincoln Nat Life . . . 140 160 Sen. Bingliam Present lavender and yellow, and 10 coffee castic .smile played around his lips. were unusually early this year. Evi­ Pullman ...... 82 "Do your ‘little children’ wear Clifford B. Wilson, head of the dently they were cut off by the frost National ...... 1450 1500 United States Senator Hiram men with white coats stood at the cotton stockings?” asked Morrison. He said: Phoenix ...... 1020 1040 Radio ...... 94! Bingham spent the morning in the head of the hall as the great throng National Associated Investors, came “ They’ll never have to ask me to and whether the young leaves will Sou Pac ...... 126: Out of Style. to the witness seat and told how he b«< affected is a question. Travelers ...... 1900 1920 Senate today, occupying the seat he filed in while the Connecticut “ I thought cotton stockings had quit. I'll beat 'em to it, just as i’ uhlic Utility Blocks * Sou R y ...... 142! once used as presiding officer. He march was played on the piano by had known Egan for fourteen soon as I feel that I’m slipping too The snow acted as^ a blanket of S O of N J ...... :... 57! gone out,” remarked Texas. years, and how Egan and Healy had Conn Elec S v e ...... 112 117 predicted a briliiant future for the Miss Helen Crawford. much to be of any use to myself, protection to the rock garden Conn L P 8% ...... S O of N Y ...... ,...... 42! It was “ little children” this and tried to get a license from the state plants and perennials which had 119 122 Junior Senator, Frederick C. Wal­ The business session began “ little children” that, with the or the ” Conn L P 7% ...... 117 S O of C a l...... ,78 for the concern. He said 'he was not attained much growt:\ and it is 120 cott, of Norfolk. Mr. Bingham ex­ promptly at 8 o’clock with Mrs. prosecutor uttering the words like Asked If he could give any defin­ Conn L P pf. 100 ■102 Studebaker ...... 81 ^ pects his colleague will be put on Jessie Winterbottom,' worthy connected with the National Associ­ ite Indication of when his retire­ believed they will come through. Texas Co ...... 64 an epithet and Texas cooing them ated Investors and not with Win- Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths in Conn L P 6 % pfd 112 115 the Senate agricultural committee matron presiding. During the initia­ like a mother. ment might be expected, Ruth re­ Conn P So (par 25) 133 137 Union Pac ...... 2171 which will handle farm relief prob­ tion ceremony a quartet which in­ throp, Gregory & Co., or R. W. plied negatively: sheltered gardens were very little U S R u b b er...... 521 “ Mv little chil’un are above re­ Watkins Company. harmed by the cold spell and their Hart El Lt {par 25) 133 137 lems. cluded Mrs. Harold Symington, Mrs. proach,” Texas said tenderly. “ I “ That’s something that 1 can’t do v t c ...... 12S 135 U S Steel'...... 1871 The Senate received favorable re­ Charles A. Robbins, Harry Arm­ Le Roy Harwood, treasurer of say. Luck will play a big part in gay colors with the new green Westinghouse ...... 145T will not let them go out with any­ the Mariner’s Savings Bank and Greenwich W & G . . 97 100 ports as follows: strong and Harry Trotter sang, and ‘the decision. Right now I’m in leaves of the shrubs above the snow do v t c ...... W Overland ...;...... 25^ body in the club or even sit down trustee of the Winthrop Trust Co., ma(^e an unusually pretty picture 125 i;t5 Authorizing the state, under the Mrs. Symington and Mrs. Robbins good shape. Htfd Gas c (par 25) 97 with them.” She recorded the both of New London, told how this* morning when the sun came 102 governor’s direction, as well as sang a duet. Mrs. Harry Trotter girls who had once danced for her Pressed for data anent his deter­ do pfd (par 25) . . 65 towns, to bring actions awinst played for the singers and each of Egan, Healy and Watkins had visit­ mination to go into volui^tary re­ out. TO KEEP HIS OFFICE and were now famous theatrical ed him in New London I-. January, Htfd Gas Rts W I ,. 8 9 public service companies in the the ladies was presented with a stars. tirement, just as soon as be thinks S N E T C o ...... 189 194 J matter of rates; giving Probate corsage of sweet peas. Mrs. Winter- 1928, and tried to get the Winthrop it best, Ruth became evasive. What "Sucker” Means. Trust Company to act as trustee for Manufacturing Stocks. Washington, April 11-— Howaifl Courts jurisdiction over payments bottom called on Mrs. Bergman and Texas was unable to give a sneci- “ You must understand that I Am Hardware ...... 6*7 69 Sutherland, alien property custol up to $500; providing for annual F. -A. Verlanck of this town, grand National Associated Investors. Mr. have no way in the world of telling Amer Hosiery ...... fic definition of the term “ sucker” Harwood had refused. LATEST STOCKS 27 dian, will retain that office undel meetings of school districts in associate patron, for speeches, which she had made famous. about those things. As 1 said luck American Silver . . . 26 . _ the present administration at thJ June; providing for a change in which both made, graciously com­ “ Aren’t you glad you didn’t?” “ It’s just a word used in fun,” asked Judge Wolfe. might be the deciding factor. If 1 Arrow H & H El pfd 105 108 request of President Hoover, It waa the board of the Waterbury Gas plimenting the chapter for its hos­ said Tex. were Injured or something like that do c o m ...... 50 52 announced at the White House toi Company and authorizing that con­ pitality and excellent ritualistic Mr. Harwood’s reply was an em- — “ I use it for lots of things. I pliatlc “ yes.” it would cut my career short, New York, April 11— The Moder­ Automatic Refrig .. 20 day. cern to issue bonds to $5,000,000; work. The worthy matron called on call my pals ‘suckers,’ sometimes. pronto.” Acme Wire ...... 23 28 Sutherland, a former Republicai authorizing towns to enact ordi­ Following him came Julie A. ate gains In market prices of the all the grand officers and they were I’ve been a sucker lots of times." leading industrial stocks today Blgelow-Htfd, com .. 103 106 Senator from West Virginia, visited nances to regulate the sale of milk. escorted to the East where they Ryan, secretary for Egan and In his address to the jury. Max­ were not sufficient to restore the do pfd ...... 100 _ the President today at the Whltjc Two unfavorable reportt, were re­ were given due honor. Healy. Billings and Spencer 8 9 well Lonin, defense counsel, de­ She was Identifying papers at re­ losses of the first half of the week House. His resignation as propertj'J ceived in the Senate as follows; clared that prohibition agent .Tames LOCAL STUDENT WINS Bristol B ra ss...... 35 40 custodian had been In for sonif Providing for one day in ten as cess time. and the market moved on leaden White, the main government wit­ shoes through a narrow margin of do pfd ...... 108 — time, but at the President’s sug-j vacation for state police, and pro­ UN DY’ S DESTINATION ness. admitted he had “ lied” and Case, Lockwood & B 425 — gestion he reconsidered. viding increased compensation for HEALTH P U Y PRIZE prices. The bears tried again to admitted bringing his own liquor to EGAN TAKES STAND upset the market by throwing in a Collins Co...... 140 160 ihe examining board in state exam­ the Salon Royale. Colt’s Firearms .... . 35 37 ination*. IS PUZZUNG FLYERS Hartford, April 11.— William F. deluge of selling orders for Chry­ Lonin spoke quite harshly of the Austin Johnson Places Fourth sler Motor, Schulte Stores and other Eagle Lock ...... 50 60 Uills Passed prohibition agent. Egan took the stand before Judge F'afnir Bearing .... — 140 i '^Bills from the Senate calendar In Contest Staged by Tuber­ pool favorites, but buying demand “ He was seht here to ‘get’ Texas Isaac. Wolfe In Superior Court this a point or two below Wednesday’s Fuller Brush A .... 15 18 • were passed as follows: Lone Eagle Keeps His Plans culosis Commission. do Class AA .... GO 70 Authorizing Guilford-Chester Wa­ Guinan,” shouted Lopln. “ If he’d afternoon to testify in his own be­ close was sufficient to take care of Secret— May Be on His Way lie about one thing, wouldn’t he lie Hart & CoOley .... — 250 PARSONS’ all the offerings from this source. ter Company to increase stock from to Washington. about anvthing? Is he any better half in his trial for conspiracy. Austin Johnson, son of Mr. and Hartman Tob ist pf. — 95 5,000 to 10,000 shares at $100 par; Calm and collected the attorney A hand-picked list of low-priced than a thief or a murderer? And he Mrs. Simon Johnson of Church industrials and specialty stocks, do com ...... 21 23 TONIGHT prohibiting the growing of Euro- Merldan, Miss. .4prll 11.— Keeping spent $360 of the taxpayers’ monev gave an outline of his career in law street, a sophomore student at Man­ Inter Silver ...... 137 147 • pean black corrant plants to pre­ in Hartford county, in response to like Yellow Truck and Briggs, his movements as secret as possible. to make twelve visits to the club chester High school, won fourth danced on the tape to the accom­ do pfd ...... 114 118 Fri. and Sat. Nites vent spread of epidemics; defining questions by his lawyer, Henry J. prize in the annual health state Landers, Frary & Clk 671/^ Col. Charl''s A. Lindbergh landed when one visit would have done. Calneu. paniment of a good influx of buying 69 the boundaries of Cromwell fire at Bonita Field here this morning, “ And where did he get the money playwriting contests staged by the Manning & Bow A . 19 21 .Matinee Saturday district and providing for the elec- Egan said he had lived in Hart­ demand from various sources, prin­ took on a supply of gasoline and to buy orchids for Miss Guinan?” State Tuberculosis Commission, it cipally the professionals who liave do Class B ...... 12- 14 i tlon of nine commissioners; author- then took off for an unannounced ford since 191)8, that he was a na­ was decided by the judges which New Brit Mch, pfd . 101 — ' Izlng Norwalk to issue $100,000 to tive of Sduthlngtou and forty-nine been trying to “ make a market’’ destination. met yesterday in Hartford to make fo.' their favorite stocks from time do com ...... ;.. 47 50 LATEST : GREATEST j erect and equip the Marvin school: This was the first stop made by years old. He bad been a member their final decisions. Niles Bern Pond . 4'J »■'-*^6 I authorising Norwalk to issue $4 50,- TO CLOSE TICKET SALE of the county bar for twenty-one tc time. Outside of the strong — m u sic a l OF MIRTH' the Flying Colonel since he left About 60 plays were contributed move in U. S. Steel. American Can do pfd ...... inn , 000 in other school bonds: author- years, and always practised in Hart­ North & Judd ...... 24 28 Brownsville, Te.xas, yesterday. ford. from practically every high school and a few of the Mercantile stocks, m ! izlng the Norwalk first taxing dis­ Aside from divulging tills Infonna- Peck, Stow and Wll . 16 18 J O E C O O K . FOR FATHER-SON DINNER Egan said he knew Roger \V. in Connecticut. Contests were held the market had no particular in­ trict to issue water refunding bonds llou, Col. Llndbergli bad nothing in the various schools and the beat Russell Mfg Co .... 120 .140 not to exceed $350,000. Watkins, because of whose affairs centive and speculative shares drift­ R A IN OR SH IN E else to say., and refused to name his play was forwarded to the authori­ ed around with no particular des­ Scovill Mfg C o ...... 57 59 WITH TOM HOWARD The dirt road bill was reported next stopping place. Egan is now on trial, through a Seth Thorn C com .. 32 Taking a leaf out of the book of transaction he had with A. J. Cal­ ties in charge of the state contest. tination in sight. i into the Senate but not acted upon William Gaylord of New Haven do pfd ...... 26 — Direct from Solid Year’s Bun at I when some of the Senators declar- experience and to guard against an lahan & Co., a company that pre­ The money situation looked bet­ Washington, April 11.— Col. eleventh hour Influx of diners who took first place. Miss Anne Danna­ Smyth Mfg Co pfd . io:i — George M. (.'olian nieater, ' ed they had not yet had time to ex­ Charles A. Lindbergh is flying from ceded Watkins' National Associat­ ter, The outside loan market re­ Stand Screw ...... 140 150 New York. amine its provisions. can’t be provided for at the last ed Investors. He had claims against her of Waterbury, second and Clar­ Brownsville, Texas, to Washington, moment, the committee of the ence Nickerson of Middletown ported funds in (.bundance at 8 Stanley WoiTts, com 60 . 62* \ The Senate passed from Us cal- according to a telegram received the concern which he settled. He per cent and, completion of the mid- Taylor & Fenn .... — 135 MAIL Do Not Delay Father and Son banquet to- be held first met Watkins in November, third. Although no official fourth month financing will probably '■ endar: here by a friend requesting a hotel at the South Methodist church on place prize was given, Johnson’s Torrlngtdn, new . .. 71 73 ORDERS Until Too Late ; Autliorlzlng the . Connecticut reservation. 1927. usher in a period of easier money Underwood ...... 117 119 Electric Service Company to merge April 19 makes the announcement First .Met M’otkliis name was the first in the list receiv­ NOW to Get Seats ’Ihe message merely staled that he that no tickets for the affair will ing honorable mentions which is in all sections of the financial mar­ Union Mfg C o ...... 18 21 . with itself any Connecticut corpora- expected to reach liere “ the middle J. Veruer Anderson, former Rep­ kets. No Increase was looked for U S Envelope, pfd . 117 122 Prices including tnv; Eves. Orclu • tlon doing a light, power or gas he sold after April 15, so that next resentative fr9in West Hartford, tantamount to the same. of the week.” Monday will be the last day on in the rediscount rate of the Re­ do, com ...... 240 — liul. )R2.00. ift-J, $1.50; T-'am. : business: authorizing the experl- was the man who brought Watkins serve BanK today and a further Veeder-Root...... 44 C'lr. $1; Gal. $1. SAT. MAT. : ment station to destroy or quaran­ which reservations can be made. to him. The dinner will center around shrinkage was forecast in the Whitlock Coll IMpe . — 15 Orch. $2.50, Bal. $2; Fam. Cir. tine corn bothered by European In December, 1927, Egiui said weekly compilation of brokers’ $1; Gal $1. .jornborer; consolidating Hartford's NAZARENE CHURCH roast turkey and a very attractive "Watkins asked me to do . their MRS. WILLIAMS AGAIN menu is promised. The committee loans. ‘ board of education and high school business.” Then he said "one Tlie bears hammered Chrysler • board: authorizing Norwalk to operating under President Thomas morning Mr. Healy cauu in aiul' ELECTS OFFICERS J. Rogers is negotiating with speak­ HEADS EMBLEM CLUB down to 89 3-4 for a further loss issue $1,000,000 bonds to build a said he had received a retainer of of 4 points and a shrinkage of 4 6 U. S. POSTAL RECEIPTS *. sewage disposal plant, with con- ers sure to measure up to the $1,000 to act as attorney for Wat-1 standard of these events in the past points from the high of the year, t demnatlon of land for the work. 'The nnnunl meeting with election kins.” 1 .Mr.s. George H. Williams of this on rumors of a falling off in spring Additional retirement of George of officers wus held at the Naznrene and is arranging for a high class town was re-elected president of the program of entertainment. Egan told of dictating letters deliveries of automobiles. Stocks Washlngtop. April 11.— Because M. Cole, adjutant general upon his church Tuesday evening, 'fhe re­ concerning a sales contract of the Emblem club at its annual meeting of the truck manufacturers made a ports showed fhe churcli member­ held yesterday afternooh at the there were ouly 26 business days request with rank of major general Callahan Company. He said' ho better showing than the shares of iu March last as against 27 in STATE and pension of $5,000 a year: ship to be about the same as last learned that the concern was in a Elks home in Rockville;, Mrs. the pleasure car concerns. I year. Tlie Sunday school, young Thomas Dannaher was re-elected March a year ago, postal receipts at 8 DAYS CO.MMKXCIXG authorizing a $60,000 issue of bad way because it carred 20,000 Within a week at the most, 50 ‘ selected cities showed only n school bonds in Middletown: In­ people’s society and the church ' ABOUT TOWN shares of stock with no collateral. treasurer: Mrs. Thomas Garvan, of Rockville, vice president: Mrs. stockholders of the U. S. Steel Cor­ slight increase, while those at 50 Sun. Ev*g, April 14 cluding Berkeley Divinity School in organizations taken as a whole are Then he drew up a note for $200,- poration will have the complete de­ The Friendly Bridge club will Mollle Prutting of Rockville, finan­ industrial cities showed,a decrease the tax exemption clauses of the in a healthy condition. ’I'lie treasur­ 000 to clean things up. He drew it tails of the new stock offering from of 3.64 per cent, Postmaster Gen­ law. ers report indicated an expenditure meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. up on November 15 but dated it cial secretary; Mrs. Raymond Uunt* A. E. Loomis of Keeney street. recording secretary. Mrs. James W. the proceeds of the sale of which eral Brown announced 'today. of $3,164; the district fincl general October 16 to make the maturity thb big corporation will pay off a Beceipts at the selected cities TALKIMCI •budget, including home and foreign coincide with the maturing of an Foley of North Main street was chosen trustee. The other two large volume of outstanding bonds. were $34,374,784.71 and. $34,280,- / I M e i N C missions and other outside inter­ Principal C. P. Quimby said this old note. Reports In Wall street today were afternoon that arbout $175 gain was trustees are Mrs. Charles Keeney 383.13, respectively, while those at WANT HOOVER’S VIEWS ests, $1,329. The women’s mission­ very flattering to the operating and industrial cities were $3,636,560.- DANCIMO ary benevolences for the year were made on the High school motion Egan was asked why he had not and Mrs. B'lorence Adams of Staf­ wound up the affairs of the Calla­ ford Springs: Inside guard, Mrs. n.oney-making capacitlec of fhe 30 and $3,670,135:71, respectively. Qramatid $435. This amount has been raised picture benefit at the State theater big steel corporations and buying last night for the benefit of the han company and he explained he Charles Wllleke. The chaplain, The three leading cities in per­ S en sa n a n ON FARM RELIEF PLAN by free will offerings. . was afraid there would be out­ from the best sources was In pro­ centage of gain were: Syracuse, 'rhe election resulted iu the elec­ Washington trip. marshal and publicity reporter will standing claims against it. be appointed later. gress. Bethlehem sold above 111 11.77 per cent; New Haven, Conn., tion of the following as trustees: and U. fi. Steel close to 190. Re- 9.69 per cent; Boston, 7.47. Robert Phillips, James Cole, Joseph William Rubinow has just re­ Egan declared he had nothing to The above officers will be install­ Senate Committee to Make do with the incorporation of the ed May 8 at the Elks home, with a nubllc,' Vanadium and American The three leaders in the indus­ Thompson, John Cargo, David War- turned from a business trip to New Steel foundries were active and trial cities were: Boise, Idaho, York. National Investors, that he did not banquet at the Rockville house. " Final Effort to Get Presi­ nock; stewards: Mrs. Agnes Per- firm. 17.09 per cent; Reno, Nev., 15.07 rett, Mrs. Joseph Wood, Mr. and draw up the partnership by which Mrs. Lawrence Kelly of Peabody, dent’s Idea on Subject. the concern was formed and that he Mass., supreme president, will make Builish activities went over to per cent; Butte, Mont., 10.12 per Mrs. Sherwood Fish, Thonr.as Wrap, Mr. and^Mrs. William Johnson of the railroad stocks, which moved cent. Miss Lorraine Ray, Thomas Dobson, 22 Wadsworth street announce the never even discussed the matter her official visit at that time and With with those Interested In it. will be in charge of the installation upward at a snail’s pace under the CHARLES .Washington, April 11.— A final James Wilson, Gladys Phillips. engagement of their daughter, lead of the so-called Nickel Plate Loughran gets a $26,000 bonus Flower committee: Mrs. E. T. Evelyn. Gladys, to Arthur Krob of “ I knew nothing whatever about ceremony. KIXQ effort to obtain President Hoover’s investment trusts,” he said. The .club will have a card social group. Erie gained a point at 69 for fighting for one year for the The Greatest ANITA French, Miss Lorraine Ray, Mrs. 78 Linden street.. 1-2; Pere Marquette. Chesapeake & Chicago Stadium. If he fights a specific view on farm relief— and Sherwood Fish. Local preachers, Egan was to he turned over to next week Wednesday afternoon, Picture of the PAGE with Mrs. Mary Grazladio of this Ohio, Chesapeake Corporation and couple more Kearns men, Kearns BESSIE upon the debenture plan in partic­ Robert Bulla, Everett Phillips. Max Kittredge of Springfield was Hugh M. Alcorn, state's attorney, Year. for cross examination late in the town chairman of the committee In Nickel Plate old stock, together will own that stadium and Louglv LOVE ular— was decided upon today by Class leaders, Robert Bulla: assis­ the owner of the stock and fixtures with New Haven and New York afternoon. charge. ran will be broke. the Senate agriculture committee on tant, James Cole. Music committee: of the Juul grocery and market Central, constituted the active the eve of the assembling of Con­ Miss Florence Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. that went to auction this afternoon. group. gress in special session. Sherwood Fish, Joseph Hanna. The entire stock and fixtures were A committee of five Senators Pianist, Miss Phillips; assistant. purchased by Mr. Kittredge from was appointed to call at the White Miss Gladys Wilson. Press reporter, the referee in bankruptcy and he PRINCESS UNWILUNG KEITH CLUB WELCOMES House at 3 p. m., to again solicit Mrs. Joseph Wood. had clerks at work In the store this the views which the President has morning dividing the stock and thus far declined to give in detail. KILLED IN PLAIN CRASH. fixtures Into lots, preparatory for TO ACCEPT CONCESSION FIRM HEAD’S RETURN His position has been that Congress Long Beach, Cal., April 11.— the auction which started at 1 ST.ARTING Aviation, the hobby of Claude Mc- o’clock this afternoon. should build a farm relief plan Vatican City, April 11.— Pope along the broad general lines laid Whinney, wealthy Long Beach The regular meeting of Keith’s . TOMORROW down in the party platform and the lawyer, and his wife, today cost Miss Harriet Condon, art teacher Pius XI was willing to make religi­ Better Hbmes Club was held In I campaign speeches. Mrs. Jessie McWhlnney her life at the Manchester High School had ous concessions to enable King* their rooms last evening, and con- i - The Senatorial cordmittee of when one of two planes which the the senior art class of the school at Boris, of Bulgaria, and Princess slated chiefly of a rousing, welcome | ffve was composed of McNary (R) couple owned crashed at the mu­ the Model Home, built by Leonard Giovanna, of the Italian royal fami­ home to George E. Keith’ who re- I of Oregon, Capper (R) of Kansas, nicipal Airport. Richman and furnished by Watkins ly, to marry, but the princess her­ cently returned from his California Norbeck (R> of South Dakota, Mrs. McWhinney was killed when Brothers. The class was shown the self apparently was unwilling to ac­ trip. For supper there were chick­ Ransdell (D) of Louisiada, and Hef- the plane a “ Jnd-D,” piloted by her modern methods of home furnish­ cept the arrangement. It was learn­ en patties, green peas, mushrooms, S'" ’4n:(D), of Alabama. husband, fell only fifty feet and ing, special attention being pointed ed today. cranberry sauce, potato chips, rolls, Chimatowk crashed into a fence at one side of out to the pleasant blendings of the According to reports current home-made strawberry shortcake A 100% ' / / You Hear the, field. McWhlnney suffered general color scheme with the throughout Europe the collapse of and coffee. .All-Talking and See only minor injuries, but suffered shades, curtains and the furniture the romance of the Bulgarian king Mr. Keith gave a vivid descrip­ Mystery Every ^ ^ 8 SON MARRIED; such a severe shock from the acci­ of each room. and King Victor Emmanuel’s 5} : THEN CO.^IMITS SUICIDE tion of his trip through New Or­ Play NICHIJ' Character dent and the death of his wife that youngest daughter, was due mainly leans, Houston, San Antonio, -With- he was removed to a hospital. WAS ONCE POOR RISK to opposition from the Vatican. Phoenix, Arlz., and the Indian Waterbury, April 11.— William Boris is a member of the Ortho­ Reservation In New Mexico, the Im­ WALLACE BEERY FLORENCE VIDOR &Mhan, 52, went to Stamford TORCH VICTIM IDENTIFIED. Northampton, Mass., April 11.— dox Greek church; the princess, perial Valley and on to San Diego. Also 2 Vitaphone Vodvil Acts—State News jiSsterday to see his son married to Elizabeth, N. J., April 11.— The Calvin Coolldge, who was the coun­ like other members of the Italian On the. Reservation he watched the ipss Margaret Nichols and return- body of the torch murder victim try’s "lyealthiest president,” ' and royal family, is a romaa Catholic. Indians make pottery and bought a Other Divertisements ^ apparently happy, but today he found near Qranford February 23 now nominated a director of the It was learned by International piece for each, member of the Club TONIGHT! i^ahk carbolic acid in his home at last was positively identified today New York Life Insurance Company, News Service that the Pope was as a souvenir of his trip. "TEMPEST” Ifl River street and died while as that of Mrs. Mildred Mowry was regarded as a “ doubtful risk” willing to sanction the marriage Thomas J. Quish assisted In the physicians were working over him. Campbell, of Greenville, Pa., it was when he applied for a policy with and to go so far as to grant the entertainment and put on negro ‘Spite M arriage" t'Sheehan leaves his wife and announced officially at the office the company 28 years ago. special concession that the first and Irish songs and recitations. STATE k'i^en children. of prosecutor John B. Walsh, after Dr. Sidney A. Clark said today born son might be reared "in the Tha committee In .charge includ­ ^No reason can be found for his two women from Greenville exam­ that the youthful lawyer was 19 faith of his father, as required by ed Miss Beati'lce' Clulow, Frank lfa.MIII III' l&ion. ined the body. pounds under, weight. the Bulgariaa Constitution. . Linnell, and Everett*K-eith. '


] women resolved to save their sons TOWN PLAYERS’ NEXT from ruin. They won, not by war, S. TEACHERS SURPRISE WIRTALLA’S DANCE IPIAYS DEPICT but by a slow campaign of educa­ ^ R E S D E A D SOCIAL WAR ENDS tion. They haveishown ip their own PASTOR WITH PA R H TO BE MOST DIFFICULT FOR REBEKAH AFFAIR experience that the pen is mightier V\ than the sword and that courageous PAItlYTOMOMiOW pO R H Q [) gO RN AS TORNADO . Miss Edith' I. Walah, .chalxman, AS MRS. GANN WINS speech and noble example win the ; Rev. H. O. Weber, for five years “Bin of Divorcement” Said to Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Wirtalla, lasting victory. Let the future, ,pastor of the German Concordia and lier as80Qia,tjBg pn. commit­ local dancing teachers, will give then, lift the veil from great wom­ ^litheran church on Winter street, Rank Higher Than Their tee for' Sunset Rehekati Lodge’s en­ en who have helped to bring about Previous Performances. tertainment Monday evening In Odd their eighth annual reception for SWEEPS WEST was given a surprise party by the I Fellows hall, has arranged* for an the children’s classes tomorrow eve­ ADVANCE HERE the brotherhood of man through Sunday school teachers of the unusually attractive progiram. ^ Sister of Vice President Offi­ ning in High school hall. The pro- u education and ideals." ' « •bliurch on the occasion of passing] “A Bill of Divorcement,” the cur­ Presents Pins tContinnad from Page 1.) « addition, to the. three-act ,pla:5, gram given below will be follow-] (Continued From Page One) his 58th milestone. rent play of the Town Players “Norah Mixes Ip>V .>tihere will , be cially Declared Land’s ed by the children’s ballroom ____ _ On behalf of the Orford Parish ' Rev. Mr. Weber had, attended a which is to be presented at the tlred for the night. Several hamlets .regular meeting of the Sunday Circle theater, Wednesday, April mandolin duets by thh'I’ll big sl^ dances by the senior and the en­ teresled in wars and politics, and Chapter, Daughters of the Amer - were completely razed, according ters, recitations and_-plano..numbei^ tire classes, and general dancing In little space has been given to wom­ can Revolution, Mrs. Lucius Foster “school teachers at the church and 24, Is conceded to be one of the regent, presented the seven stu­ to reports reaching here. the reception in his honor followed most difficult plays which the or­ by Miss Edna R. Fradin, soto “Second Lady ” which all will be welcome to par­ en in its pages. Any accurate check on the num­ dances by Miss Urstilf SegerdaBl ticipate. Mcs. James M. Shearer “But let us turn from war, which dents who had attended every one Immediately after the business ses­ ganization has so far • attempted. of the 7 5 evening school sessions ber killed and injured and the ex­ sion. On behalf of the members of and a comedy sketch by Mlsa Bei^ will act as accompanist. has brought misery to. mankind, tent of property damage was impos­ The response which is being made nice and Miss Edith Taggart. ; The program: and from politics which , change during the past year, with the faculty. Superintendent Peter by members of the cast assures the Washington, April 11. — The Those to get the awards were Chris sible on account of crippled wire Iliemer presented to the minister a The cast for the play - includes: heavy cannonading and furious Ballet—Valse Elegante with every generation, and study committee in charge that the play Mrs. Annie Loud, Beatrice Clulo^, Prelude ...... Toe Classes the great, lasting ideals of humgn Peterson, Bessie McCormick, Ellfa service over the district. gold mounted fountain pen and a is by no means beyond the capacity musketry that have featured the Warnock, Carl Jaksch, Nis Johaar It is feared the death toll: will bouquet. . Ruth Morton, Barbara Lawrepc^ capital’s great social war died down Pas de Quatre . ■ • Advanced Pupils progress—Liberty. Democracy, Ed­ swell as communication lines are of the players who have been as­ Edith Wilson, Mrs. Francls"^ Cham­ V ignette...... Beginners Class ucation, Humanity, Temperance son, John Croon and Minnie Mr. Weber .expressed his appre- signed to the various roles. today to desultory sniping. Rejnke. They also received sjlk restored. , bers. Mrs. Margaret Bellamy, The main engagement is over, Mazurka...... Advanced Class and Peace. biation In a short but entertaining Franklin Richmond is playing American flags. Little Rock was pounded by a talk. Rev. and Mrs. William Sanst the most ambitious part of his en­ Bertha Mohr, Grace Paxton, Lil­ and Mrs. Edward Everett Gann, C oda...... Entire Class "If a history were written of severe hail storm at abou the time lian Reardon, Evaline Peritland, Soft Shoe Dance these ideals in America, we should In a brief address made before rif Jersey City, who have been visit­ tire dramatic career. Hitherto he lialf-sister and official hostess to presenting the certificates. Principal the tornado was breaking havoc in I Viola Greenaway, Eleanor Prentice Vice President Curtis, emerges vic­ Master William Gess. read of women and the work of ing Rev. and Mrs. Webet for the has confined himself to the light A. N. Potter who has just complet­ the northwestern part of the state. past week, were present and Rev. parts. As Hilary Fairfield, a man 1 and Doris McPherson. torious. Silver Swan women on every page. At first their No damage from wind was done Popcorn and hpmd'^riaade caoidy Miss Ida Wilhelm. part is hidden and silent, the hum­ ed his eight years as head of Eve­ Mr. Sanst was called upon for a few who has returned to normal life Tonight she will taste the first ning Schools in Manchester, said here. remarks. He is Mr. Weber’s will be on sale during the evening. sweet fruits of her victory at a Tarantelle ble unselfish labor of wives anti after fifteen years in an Insane Shirley Stevens, Ruth Bis'sell, home-builders, the mothers of a it was not the policy to urge foreign brother-in-law and has been pastor asylum to find that his wife Is formal dinner to be given by the born persons to become naturalized Chilean ambassador. She will Barbara Stoltenfeldt, Beatrice new nation. But as time gc^es on, .MISSOURI REPORTS pf the Zion Lutheran church in about to marry a second time. Rich­ Kahan, Betty Goslee, Pauline we find them not only as helpers, without careful study. He said that Springfield, Mo., April 11 — Jersey City for 35 years. mond runs the gamut of emotion ANDERSON TO RUN march proudly to her seat on the one who becomes naturalized and Guion, Ark., on the Missouri Pacific arm of her host as the ranking lady Kahan, Mary Howard, William but as leaders in the great causes Luncheon was served. Andrew from tender reconciliation to pas­ present. In her wake will trail the Gess. of humanity. Let us look back, cuts off all relations with his moth­ railroad south of here, has been Wlnzler sang humorous songs and sionate rage. I CHAIN STORE GROUt lilttle Bits of Yesterday then, and see something of their er country is not the best type of a wiped out by a tornado, according 'Miss Anna Tluck sang several Although Alic- Marshall has had wives of diplomats and other la- citizen. Mr. Potter urged the stu- here by city soprano selections. dieS of the official set. Junior Qlass. lives and their work.” I t.T word received several Important parts in previous Now the “Second lindy.” Waltz Clog Mayflower's Women dents to continue to love their na- authorities and railroad offices productions of the Town Players, (Continued From Page One) It took the concerted, if reluct­ Dorothy Wirtalla. Eleanor Rob­ The next tableau was that of the tive country and to become well An unconfirmed report stated she has never had a characteriza­ ant. action of two-score harrassed ertson, Bessie Quinn, William Gess, Pilgrim w’oman and religious lib­ acquainted with this country before two persons were killed on a farm HOSPITAL NOTES tion requiring the convincing sin­ was started three years ago and It and embarrassed diplo -ats to in­ Ida Wilhelm, Dorothy Gess, Ursula erty. Miss Albina Raccagni read a applying for citizenship papers. He near Guion. but reports from a cerity of the daughter who, realiz­ is to help settle some of tne operat­ paper telling about the time when adVised them to study the standards Missouri Pacific freight train crew ing that the insanity in her family sure Mrs. Gann her seat, but she Segerdahl. Three patients were reported dis­ ing problems of these retail units now possesses it indubitably, and Doll Shop the first 18 women came to this of culture and resources through arriving here from the south said is hereditary, must face the prob­ that Mr. .\nderson has been called country on the Mayflower. "No extensive reading. Then they will be only ten or fifteen persons werri in­ charged from the Memorial hospital lem of telling her fiance of the all the sniping from the vantage William Gess, Prop. today They are John Gallasso of point of Washington tea-tables can­ Customers—Emily Robinson — woman had a more cheerless wel­ able to respect, admire and love jured. The storm struck Moorfleld. taint. Mr. Anderson stated that his Inti­ come to a new home," she said, this country and thus cooperate in Ark., according to the Mlssorul 150 Spring street, Mrs. Charles not dislodge her. Henceforth at all Frances Wallett. (Dhaponts and baby boy of Buck- To Miss Madeline Woodhouse, a mate association with the opera­ ceremonial and official dinners, Japanese Dolls—Betty Stevens— “but the Pilgrim women were not the advancement of the nation. Pacific railroad offices here and it newcomer in the organization, falls tion of these other stores would discouraged. Only four women Vote, He Urges is believed that town was destroyed. land and John Muschka of 136 the part of the wife torn by her Mrs. Gann is to be seated as the Jeanette Pitkin. Bissell street. bring all the benefits of chain store ranking lady whenever Mrs. Hoover Pierrette and Pierrot—Valerie were alive the next spring but not Mr. Potter said that the biggest All Wires Down loyalty to her former husband, her purchasing power and organization one of them would return when the problem of today is the settling of Telephone and telegraph lines daughter and her lover—a strong is not present. Miller—Arline Holmes. FIRE IN CAPITOL i to the J. W. Hale Company and stlfl Thus is answered, temporarily at Dutch Dolls—Marjorie Lahey— Mayflower set sail on Its'return trip international difficulties. He said are down in the stricken area. characterization but not too ambi-1 allow it to remain an indepeftdeht to England. It was the making of everyone should do his bit to help Reports that fifty dead and In­ least, a question that has stood so­ Esther Wells. Baton Rouge, La.. April 11 — tions for Miss Woodhouse Manchester institution. Mr. Ander­ cial and official Washington on its Russian Dolls—Frances Hyde— a new nation,” she concluded. advance the idea oE settling dis­ jured had been transferred from Two weeks before the perform­ son further stated that he had The third tableau concerned the putes by arbitration. He urged the Guion to a hospital in Batesvllle Authorities today began an investi­ ance. the cast is now ready to work ear for a week. In tiie course of Merle Kelsey. gation of a small lire which occur­ flatlv refused repeated offers to sell its being decided letters passed be­ French Doll—Ursula Segerdahl. women of the American Revolu­ students to do whatever within could not be confirmed from here. on the polishing and perfecting of the j. W. Hale Company to chain tion and the students were garbed their power for the welfare of the A general call for aid. however, has red last night in the basement of the play, having already mastered tween the secretary of state and Dainty Misses the Louisiana Capitol, where the organizations. the dean of the diplomatic corps Advanced Toe Class. appropriately. Miss Anna Thomey, country. Mr. Potter stressed the trickled through and Red Cross the mechanical details of lines and The Hale Company, is owned by who alternated with Miss Raccag­ importance of voting, stating that contingents may be mobilized from Impeachment proceedings against cues. foreign governments were consulted Gypsy Tambourines Gov. Huey P. Long are under way. •Manchester investors. It is a Man­ by their representatives here, Con­ Junior Class. ni on the speaking parts, told of the value going to the ballot box here. chester institution and its personnel the part the women of that day could not be over-emphasized. It is understood the midwest The fire was extinguished before gressional action was threatened, Valse Bluette j much damage was done. Officials are permanent residents In town. and an Investigation begun that Miss Dorothy Wirtalla. ! pljiyed in the winning of the Ameri­ “Study the issues carefully: also branch of the American Red Cross The store has always had at- heart can Revolution and Independence the qualifications of the candidates. at Louis has been asked to send all of the fire department said they TREASURY B.ALANCE threatens a shake-up in the State Bag Dull were at a loss to understand how the best interests of the town and Department. Miss Bessie Quinn. through the manufacture of cloth So many neglect this Important thp- aid available from southern it is Mr. Anderson’s plan that this and many other supplies which part. The indifference o£ voters Is Missouri and Arkansas centers. the blaze originated. It started in Washington, April 11.—Treasury It’s All Over Now. Wood Sprites balance April 9: $379,413,259.94. shall continue as formerly. But It's over now, all over, the i Janice Remlg, Betty Goslee, Mary England had naturally stopped hurting the country beyond meas­ Communication between Memphis a pile of refuse. stars .are in their courses and the Alice Andrews, Mary Howard, sending here. Martha Washington ure," Mr. Potter declared. “Help and northern Arkansas points was government at ashlngton still Marion Montle. Barbara Stoltentelt. was the leader, Miss Thomey said. perpetuate democracy”. In closing, broken early last night, indicating Tin Pan Parade Indian Tableau Mr. Potter stressed the value of the storm struck some time early Courageous as they were in set­ Ursula Segerdalh, Dorothy Wir­ In the tableau depicting the life friendship and service. in the evening. tling the question of Mrs. Gann’s talla, William Gess. and work of the Indian woman, The Graduates That the tornado originated in "Where You Can Afford to social ranking, even the austere gen­ La Ballerina Ml6s Raccagni told the story of The 39 students who received southwest Arkansas late yesterday Buy Good Furniture.” tlemen of the diplomatic corps Miss Dorothy Gess. Sacajawea, famous Indian woman certificates were: and swept diagonally across the quailed before the question of c^- Military Buck who guided Lewis and Clark on Eliza Warnock. George McCreery, state hitting here and there, clding where Mr. Gann is to alt. He Miss Dorothy Wirtalla. their famous western journey Chris Peterson, Bessie McCormick, most damage at Guion, Moorfleld Is a Washington lawyer, and the Nursery Rhymes which resulted In the addition of Harold Flury, Joseph Pantello, Wil­ and northeastern points, was in­ consort of the second lady. Junior Class; Dorothy Robinson, the land between the Mississippi liam Pearson, Swen Swanson, Inez dicated from reports received here. Uptown Asked the blunt question of Rosalie McDonnell, Olive Shrabaez, river and the Pacific Ocean to the Carlson, Esther Johanson, Freda In the absence of communication where Mr. Gann is to be ranked in Helen Hohl, Marlon Olson, Barbara United States. She served not only Kollner, Gertrude Whelk. Catherine other than railroad and highways society's scheme of things. Sir Carter. Ruth Padrove. Frances as guide but as cook, interpreter Benson, Anna Thomey, Ida Ander­ accurate checkup of damage and Esme Howard, the dean of the Wallett, Jackquelin Lathrop. Vir­ and nurse. "When food supply gave son. Minnie Relnke, Albina Muscho, loss of life probably will not be corps, smiled a slow British ^smlle out. Sacajawea found roots and Mary Lubec. Theresa Naretlo. Della made until late today. Showrooms ginia Lathrop, Walter Joyner. and replied: Ball Room Pupils berries unknown to white men Kaczoreck, Gunnar Andreen. John Truckloads of volunteers are “Mr. Gann. I am Informed. Is a which saved the party from starva­ Croon, Erick Gustafson, Elnar joining relief crews to go to the Kermit Rogers, Byron Wilkie, tion.” Miss Raccagni said. Whut very estimable gentleman." Ernestine Montle. Johanson. Oke Johnson, John aid of the stricken towns. solve your Meanwhile, there are some nerv­ made her work all the more credit Patelll. Augusta Henry, Everett ous young men in the State De­ (0 the history of woman Is Carlson. Carl Jaksch. Frank Scu- most troublesome furniture problem partment today. that all through that 5.000-iuIle dlerl. Nick Gentllclore. Nis Johan­ COLLEGE OFFICIALS President Hoover and Secretary journey she carried her baby on son, Francis Burke. Alfred Whelk, nssseBm of State Stimson are exceedingly REBELS GATHERING ll G t* Ij H C Ic Marshall Osella, Everett Finley. ' annoyed over the whole affair, and The fifth tableau was about the Predseda Belch, Mary Enrico and 1 NOT TO TURN SPIES the division of protocol' in the de­ negro woman and Miss Thomey ALONG THE BORDER told the well known story of Har­ Ida Volz. i partment is in for a thorough over­ Music I (Conlinned from Page 1) hauling. ' riet Tubman, known as the Moses The High sc’qool orchestra under of her people. She told how the (Continued From Page Oi.c) the capable direction of Miss E. has been given to student drinking Maryland plantation slave after Marion Dorward, opened the eve­ much cruel punishment escaped to here, which started last Thanks­ HINDEN6URG III; Caraveo. The State of Chihuahua Philadelphia. Miss Thomey told of ning’s program with several selec­ giving when a Fredericksburg pas­ is now said to be clear of rebels. how she later organized rescue tions which was followed by the tor declared he saw "scores of GERMANY WORRIED Rebels Combining parties and in 19 trips she led more salute to the flag by the members drunken students" at the North Caraveo and Escobar hope to join than 300 slaves to freedom. Her of the classes. Miss Kle-i led the Carolina-Virglnla football game, the Sonora forces commanded by work was such a menace to Mary­ class in singing, “America the which was attended by President (Continued from Page 1) Gen. Francisco Manzo and Gen. land that the state offered in vain Beautiful" and then the dramatiza­ and Mrs. Coolidge. h''austo Topete. The combined force a $40,000 reward for her, dead or tion of "The First American Many Suggestions ceived the chancellor in the after­ is converging on Nogales, Sonora, alive. She later served as a spy in Library" took place followed by the Following the flare-up lUimerous noon. but this appointment was opposite Nogales, Ariz., and Agua the Union Army and fought in bat­ series of tableaux. The High school suggestions w'ere advanced for dry­ cancelled. However, it was pointed Prieta. opposite Douglas, Ariz., tles and after the war founded a orchestra interspersed the program ing up the campus. One proposal out that Herr Mueller’s own illness the only border points still held by home for aged Negroes. with' several numbers and Miss was that the fraternities here, of bad as mucii to do with tlie post­ the rebels. • Woman and Humanity Dorward furnished the piano ac­ which there are some thirty-odd, ponement of the audience until to­ It is approximately 75 miles from The sixth tableau concerned companiment to the tableaux. adopt a drastic rule against drink­ night as the president's indisposi- Nogales eastward to Agua Prieta woman and humanity. Miss Raccag­ Then the High school male quar­ ing within the Chapter houses. lion. Herr Mueller is suffering but between these two points is ni told the story of Clara Barton, tet consisting of John Johnston, The Delta Tans and seven others from jaundice. Naco. a city held by a Federal com­ Massachusetts school teacher, first bass. William Johnson, first declined to adopt the rule on the “The Suite is Beautiful—But I Wonder How It Would Look mand 1.500 strong. It was reported whose humanitarian work at the tenor. Warren Case, second bass ground that it coulci be enforced that the rebels are preparing to time of the Civil War brought about and Kenneth Graham, second tenor, only by making “spies” and “snoop­ in My Living ftoom! ” p i . F f t n dislodge the Federals at Naco, giv­ the organization of the now famous sang: four selections, entitled ers” out of the students, or by put­ ing them a clear sweep of the bor­ and world wide American Red “Gypsy Love Song", “The Lamp in ting it under the honor systeni. der for 7 5 miles. Cross of which she was the first the West,” “A Little Close Har­ Either was considered “deplorable” T is a problem that often arises in selecting every possible kind of furniture. You - president, an office she held for 22 mony” and “In an Old Fashioned by the dissenting Chapters. admire it-the cost is just what you can afford—but you hesitate because you ar.e Many local folks attended the At .\inerican Border Tow-n”. Miss Dorward accompanied meetings of the state Christian En­ Here, then, with their backs to years. “Woman and Education was The dissenters submitted a coun­ I not quite certain that it will fit into your home with perfect harmony. the American border, the 'rebels the title of the next scene in which the quartet at the piano. ter proposal to the administrative deavor convention, held in V illi- Members of the Evening School council, which meets today, the iiiantic the nth, (Uh. ami 7th. may decide to meet the advancing Miss Thomey told of the struggle You need no longer buy furniture taking that chance. Our Uptown Showrponis armies of Gen. Andreu Almazan, made by women in gaining legal classes presented the teachers with principal effect of which would be Mrs. Winthrop Porter and chil­ a lovely bouquet of flowers and to permit each Chapter to deal with display the very latest furniture styles in separate rooms just as they would look in dren have returned to. their home now occupying Chihuahua City, arid control of their own children, be­ Secretary of War Calles, now oc­ coming voters, gaining the right to gave Principal Potter a Parker drinking in its own way. and in your own home. You can shop here for ideas to your heart’s content wjthp.ut tfie# after spending a week with Mr. and fountain pen as a token of appre­ offenders to Mrs. Jules Ruberlaid in New Bri­ cupying Mazatlan and Caliacan, hold political office and advanced .. . . ! 1 1 flagrant cases report least of obligations. Frequent visits are well worth while for the display is always’ t Sinaloa, some 400 miles south of education. She named Lucretia ciation for their part in helping college authorities. tain. them become more Americanized. kept new and interesting. ^ t ■ There was no Christian Endeavor Nogales. If defeated retreat into the Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and service at the church Sunday eve- United States would afford an ave­ others as the leaders in this cru- nin,g as some of the members de­ nue of escape. S3-C1G sired to attend the service at Marl- Wliether American military au­ The final tableau was entitled, boro. ‘ thorities would permit the rebel ‘■‘Woman and Peace." Miss Ohman INTERESTING FURNITURE The regular meeting of the army to enter the United States (Columbia) spoke as follows: “We Ilclnon Young Women’s club will and be interned became a question have spoken of the women of the he held Thursday afternoon at Mrs. tonight when word was received past and of their work for freedom FOR THE LIVING ROOM Paul Potacek. E. E. Tucker, county from Washington that the admin­ and humanity. Much that they be­ a.geiit, will give a talk on beauti­ istration there has classified the gan, remains to be finished. But tho fying a lawn. rebels as bandits, refusing to rec­ deepest interest of women today is Miss Helen S. Koote of West ognize them as belligerents. international peace. Women have Hartford spent Wednesday night This, it is believed, will mean been great warriors in great battles witli Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote and that rebel leaders fleeing into the without cannon or sword. They won their dau.ghter Mrs. D. L. Buell. United States will be arrested and their rights to freedom and educa­ OCCASIONAL T.\BLES CO.XWELL CHAIR Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Bailey and held as ordinary criminals, to be tion without shedding a drop of daughter Alma of Manchester were turned over to. the Mexican Federal blood. The long fight for national $26 $68 . . ; authorities. temperancri was led largely by Sunday callers at H. E. Buell’s, E. A splendid new chair. Dm p E. Foote’s and E. W. Buell’s. Distinctive new style as illustrated. Has smart scal­ comfortable cushions uphol­ Sunday was such a summer day, stered In gayly patterned it brought many city folks into the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»U. loped top in beautiful red mahogany and walnut trim­ wool tapestry. E.xposed parts country to spend the day by the med with genuine marquetry. of genuine mahogany. gee streams and ponds. = Prompt Service. Careful, Courteous Drivers S Ideal for any living room! this chair to appreciate its Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carpenter fine value. and sons of Hartford and Myron Lord and family of Marlboro were BAY STAT E Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lyman’s. Luxurious Three Piece J. Banks Jones returned from CITY 20c TAXI Norwalk Sunday after passing the Paint Parade PILLOW ARM week-end with Judge and Mrs. Ed­ M.iG.AZINE CARRIERS win Thomas. Station, State Theater Building, Phone 390 MOHAIR SUITE There will be moving pictures at INARCH up for your share of the millions of $6.95 the hall Friday evening. The 20c Taxi Limit in South Manchester is as follows: "*■ dollars home owners are saving on their Mr. and Mrs. How'ard Tryon of New elevated style that Glastonbury, spent Tuesday eve­ NORTH—MIDDLE TURNPIKE paint bills. Let us tell you all about the famous does away with troublesome $292 reaching down for your mag­ A Year to Pay ' ning with her parents, Mr. and Mrs EAST—WARANOKE GARAGE paint achievement—Bay State Liquid House Paint E. W. Buell. azines. Elaborately de­ Three lovely pieces for your living room Mr. and Mrs. Pickering and SOUTH—SPRING STREET and how to use it. Drop in while we prove that signed. Finished In deco­ that are just as smart as they are beauti­ rated walnut or lacquer. family moved from Framingham, WEST—COOPER STREET it actually spreads farther and lasts longer than ful. Includes sofa with pillow arms Mass., last w-eek into the tenement (illustrated above), missive fireside and on the Prentice farm. They antici­ ordinary paint. ilub chair. Nachman constructed, cover­ pate spending the summer here. The Taxi charge for the above radius is 20 cents for ed in finest mohair with reverse cushions.in C. W. Hutchinson of South Man­ one, 10 cents for each additional passenger. frieze. See it In our window! . chester was at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hutch­ MANCHESTER GREEN . .40c for 1 or 5 Pass. inson, Tuesday. §CHARR BROTHERS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Twining and DEPOT SQUARE ... .. 50c for 1 or 5 Pass. Depot Square, Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Earl Post and son, Keith Furniture Co. Wallace, spent Sunday at Mr. and = Passengers Are Insured. Low Rates oii Long Trips. The Mrs. A. H. Post’s. TWO STORES SOUTH AfANCHfiSTER Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish and Phone 390 daughters, Barbara and Shirley, E Station, 755 Main Street _ M B PAtNT SCHVICE STATION _ spent Sunday afternoon with her E s j>are’hts, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Post. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHEHTBR, CONN,, TMURSUAY, AFKIL 11,19^8. PAGE FOUR

as much out of watching Dawes as and when defense counsel did not the French got out ot watching cross-examine at all, an Intens^ Herrick— B8 much ot instruction curiosity on the part of the public Stffttbig Btndb and as much of enjoyment. But was excited. somehow it is to be doubted wheth­ It was stated that Judge Yeo­ Ready on the Main Floor i PUBU8HBD BY THB _ HERALD PRINTING COM PANT. iNC er the vehement outspokenness of mans would be put on the stand by At IS Ulssell Street. the defense. Perhaps the "activi­ South Mauobeater. Conn, the former wlli warm the hearts of By RODNEY BUTCHER. roanfled by Blwood 8. Ela. the British nation as the mellow ties" ot the jurist will he Inquired . Oct. U 188X into In the cross-examination on friendliness of Herrick warmed I*Washington, April 11.— Dr. Juan Every Evening Except Sundiiye and that occasion— this time by Attor-; those of the people ot France. Bautista Sacasa, the new minister ^Entered at the Post Office at ^ n th FASHION SHOW ney Alcorn. from Nicaragua, has come here in Manchester. Conn., as Second Class Meantime the people of the state Mall Matter. h u m a n p r o j e c t il e pursuance of his old hobby, cr-sad- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall Wonders will never cease. The are rather holding their breath. It fnx for happier relations between six dolUro a ye-r. sixty cents a the United States and countries of of Fiber, Cane, Reed and Metal Furniture! month tor shorter perloda big shot of the biggest circus, now is longer ago than we can remem­ By carrier, eighteen cents a weex. ber since a judge of the superior Central America. j Single copies three cents. doing its annual at Madison Square That was how he happened to en- SPECIAL, advertising REPRE­ Garden in New York, is the "Hu­ court of Connecticut has been call­ tpr noli tics; that was what indirect­ SENTATIVE, Hamllton-De ed on to defend his fair name on ly elevated him to the constitution­ Inc., 886 Madison Avenue, New Yora. man Projectile," who is fired out of al presidency of Nicaragua. Long and 618 North Michigan Avenue, the witness stand. a cannon and scoots across the gar­ before Hoover was ever heard of, Chicago. The Manchester Evening He^aljl Is den to land in a net. Since they use | Sacasa was carrying the good­ on sale In New York City at SohulU s the same projectile every show NEW DEPARTURE will torch around in his ovvn News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 48nd. Chicago holdup methods are country, despite what seemed to Street, and 42nd. Street entrance ot he evidently has some way of es­ growing in refinement. For the first be the efforts of recurrent landiii» Grand Central Station and at all caping being blown to pieces. parties of American marines to Hoatllng News^ Stands. time even in the history of the We remarked that wonders ■>vill shoot it from his hands. Windy City, a church congregation Dr Sacasa is a physician. He Client of International Nows Ser­ never cease. Well, this one was vice. has been stuck up against the walls has what might be called an exce - supposed to have ceased just about lent bedside manner which' will ••International Nows Service has the of the edifice by armed bandits and exclusive rights to use tor ropubllca- forty years ago. For several years do him no harm as a diplomat. tlon In any form all news dispatches systematically and thoroughly rob­ He graduated from the Colum­ credited to or not otherwise credited previous to that there was “ Zazel. bed, the Avomen of their jewels and bia University Medical 'School in In this paper. U Is also exclusively the Human Arrow, Flung from a entitled to use tor republlcallon all the men of their money. It iS're­ New York and was an Interne at the local or undated news published Catapult,’’ and later, "Zazel, the Columbus Hospital. He acquired ported that the crooks got away an admiration for the United ifull Service Client ot N E A Ser­ Human Cannonball, Fired from a The MARVIN GREEN Avilh something like $75,000, which States along Avith the conviction vice. Member. Audit Bureau of Circu­ Cannon.’’ Zazel waa beautiful and 1 lations would indicate that Roumanian that it was nowhere near as an.x- shapely and wore white tights that Jews are given to carrying too ious to grab territory and oppress THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1929 didn’t get a smitcli from the explo­ small nations as some Nicaraguans i many valuables in a city lilfe Chi­ $49 sion of the five-cent firecracker in believed. cago. One wonders 'now long it will Ijectured His Patients. BUSHWHACKING the special compartment of the can­ The three-piece fiber group, sketched. Is finished be, no.w, before the same gang or Promulgation of that Idea Following the 'Wisconsin referen­ non behind the big spring. She was. among other physicians and in green, brown and natural colors. Its spring another, improving on progress, seats are covered in floral cretonne showing an dum, which voted overwhelmingly though most folks didn’t know it, among his patients became his holds up a bootlegger's funeral. hobby after 1 e returned to p-ac- orange, red, yellow and blue design on mottled for the repeal of the state prohibi­ a very clever and nervy little blond There should he millions in it. tice in Nicaragua. A man on the brown background. tion enforcement act, movements Englishman who had been a big operating table, just before the looking to similar results are being game hunter in Africa and an anaesthetic, could never be sure promoted in Illinois and Missouri, explorer in South America and who, ^ that he wouldn’t first have to lis­ ten to a good-will lecture by Dr. the legislatures in both these states in later years, was to become the S^c^Sci. having under consideration the leading photographer in a Connec­ Health and Diet So great was his fame for that submission of the question to the ticut city where he lived for many sort of thing that, while American The same group ill nat­ Square fiber years. He had an Italian name be­ marines were in Nicaragua, in. voters. A-lvice 1919 he was chosen by a coalition ural, brown table ( not Three states have already repeal­ cause he was the foster son of an of parties to go Avith Salvador a n d black shown) to ed their enforcement acts, New Italian who Avas for a long time the By im. FKA.NK .McCOl Calderin Ramirez to Washington, fiber, match, $19.75 York, Nevada and Montana, while biggest circus man in England. He explain Nicaraguan conditions to extra. the Wilson government and seek Maryland never had any. If Wis­ has trimmed the daylights out of moral support for a fair election consin’s legislature obeys the man­ this Avriter at billiards many a \.SP.\RAGUa .V GOOD FOOD AND iu 1920. Wilson sent a commis­ $95-85 date of her people a fifth state will time. m e d ic in e sioner to observe the election and And they’re springing the "Hu­ Asparagus was cultivated by the the commissioner found that be without the machinery for con­ Romans and was considered a about 30,000 fraudulent votes had The man Projectile’’— and in the same current enforcement of the Eigh­ delicacy on their tables. Only t e . been cast to<-yj elect the Conserva- But, thanks to the PINEHURST teenth amendment. Illinois may or circus, if you please— as a brand youngY U U M f o lAliVXand tender -shoots - are used j uve candidate Three pieces, as shoAvn, are made ot Art-fiber, may not prove to be a wet state un­ new thing! ill most households, but some of the convient death of President colored in a soft green, brown and black. Spring poorer peasants in Europe also use Diego Chamorro in 19 23 and an­ der a test; Chicago gangdom is to, I seats are covered with cretonne Introducing blue, the seeds as a substitute for coffee other marine intervention, there green, yellow, lavender and black. be depended on to vote dry, for the ] FINE PIECE OF WORK and the berries as the basis for a were fair elections in 1924 and bootleg business is far too profitable ' Now to our mind Rev. H. H. 1928 which elected Liberal candi- to be scrapped, while there are Asparagus can be obtained the d^t6S* Clark is a lovely man, whatever year round in cans and most of, the .Marines Kept Him Out. doubtless hundreds of rural com­ way you look at him. lie is the hot year fresh, but during the Avinter Sacasa, as everyone knows, be­ munities in the state that are pre­ sport Avho is suing Mrs. Minnie months it is too expensive for the came constitutional president through his vice presidency upon ponderantly dry on principle. But Kennedy, mother of red-headed average person and one must wait the abdication of Presideit Solor- Missouri, if the referendum goes until it has become plentiful enough Almee Semple McPherson, for $50.- to be reasonable in price. zano after tthe Chamorro coup d’ through, is very likely indeed to 000 for breach of promise, alleging Asparagus is one of the non- estat. Re was kept from office by join the ranks of the non-enforcers. that she made "vijlent and pas­ starchy vegetables and does not American marines, but his gallant fight against the Chamorro-Diaz All this is mere sniping. But it sionate’’ love to him and then, like contain much nutritional value, but it is valuable because of its ricn- government obtained for Nicara­ approaches the bushwhacking I the villain in the melodrama, jeer­ ness in the mineral elements; gua a few million dollars’ worth methods of the warfare conducted ed heartlessly at his tearful plea sodium, calcium, potassium and of free advertising and finally re by Northern states against the that she make good her promise of sulphur. Asparagus contains an resulted in a victory for Sacasa's ideas and ideals. And now here Fugitive Slave law. In that relation­ odorous substance called asparagin holy Avedlock. which acts as a stimulant to tne he is. ship the states did not content To he sure, Mrs. Kennedy is no kidneys and Is usually passed out He turns out to he a tall, slen­ $204 themselves with refusing to pass longer to be too freely excused on of the system quickly. Because of der, graceful man, just short of concurrent legislation for the en­ this diuretic property, asparagus six feet, with hair half gray and THE the score of youthful impulse, wild with all the Latin American's forcement of the act and the Con­ may he used to good advantage in oats, etc., since she is just a shade dropsical conditions and by those sense ofliumor. His air of dlstinc WEBSTER HEIGHTS stitution; they ambushed the con­ mature to he beguiling sweet young suffering from Bright’s disease and tlon is well placed, for he was the foremost physician in Nicaragua, A Moderne group of luxurious comfort, made of Art-fiber, stitutional provision and the fed­ things like the Rev. H. H. But rheumatism. Colored in broAvn, yellOAV, laA-ender and black with reversible A Coxwell chair, to match this groups eral enforcement act by passing Here are a few asparagus head of the national medical fac­ $53.55. Fiber table with oblong top, even with that and all, and ulty and dean of the Medical seat cushions of cretonne showing orange, black, yellow and recipes: green colors. Back cushions in plain black! Davenport, and magazine and book shelves, f36. countless hampering statutes cal­ woman suffrage and female jurors Steamed Asparagus School at the University of Leon arm chair and ottoman, sketched. culated to make federal enforce­ and everything, there remains in After washing the asparagus He is very happy in the triumph of his party and of justice in ment impossible. So far, no state this country some remnant of a carefully, tie it in a bunch with the Nicaragua. has attempted anything of that kind S ads on the same level The lower feeling that the betrayed and aban­ ends of the stalks should then be In an interview. Dr. Sacasa with relation to prohibition. doned male who air his betrayal cut off evenly with a sharp knife. noted with satisfaction the ten­ There are conditions and circum­ and abandonment in the courts Place the bunch in a deep pan with dency, especially in Central Amer­ ica, to get away from revolutions. WATKINS BROTHERS,I«* stances under which guerilla war­ a cover. Add about two Ihches^f through suits like this ought to be He pointed to the recent failures fare is highly effective. Marion, water to the bottom, apd cooVc for tobogganed about the pigsty for half an hour. By cooking in this of rebels In Mexico and in Guate­ 54 South M anchester Sumter and Pickens, bushwhack­ an hour, ducked insensible in the way the Ups will be steamed and mala. ers all of them, harrassed the Brit­ horse pond and run out of town on unbroken. The asparagus may be “ The spirit of the Nicaraguan people is now directed toward the ish forces in the South, during the a rail. We cannot find It in our served on melba toast with me Red butter poured over it just before blessings of peace,” he said, “ and Revolution, almost as effectively as heart to say the first little thing to the rest of Central America Is very serving. did Washington’s and Gates’ armies discourage or correct that impres­ Asparagus-Potato Stew quiet. The people have learned in the North. If possible, select the thing green what sufferings are brought, on by sion. revolutions and they won’t stand There is little of the heroic in asparagus. Wash care^^^ into thin pieces about a half inch for being used as pawns merely to this kind of warfare, but in all ROBOT EDUCATION long, beginning at the tip end an satisfy political ambitions. The times it has been the recourse of The University of Missouri has cutUng until the stalk spirit of liberty is as strong as peoples resisting subjugation. And resistant to the knife, aft^er which ever, or stronger, but it cannot be fired an assistant prolessor of so­ prostituted to force unless there sometimes it has been the most ef­ the base should be discarded Mix ciology and suspended its professor the part of the asparagus to two is real oppression.” fective possible preparation for the of psychology for a year for send­ Darts of diced potatoes and boil in Latin American people genu- ally admire North American peo­ success of a subsequent coup. ing out a questionaire to students a covered pan with sufficient "water to prevent burning. When cooked, ple, Dr. Sacasa believes. They re­ taking a course In advanced psy­ sent only the past strong-handed add salt and cream. L A "TYPE" DIPLOLYT chology in an effort to discover the carrots may he added to thts com policies of Washington. Sacasa Nobody would think of attribut­ attitude of the students toward cer­ thinks everyone has come to real­ hinatlon. rrr.o„t - ize that the vital interests of the ing to former 'Vice-President Char­ tain sex questions. Canned Asparagus on Towt Open a can of asparagus tips by United States in Latin America les G. Dawes precisely the same Just why such institutions as the' the bottom and ease are in no danger. Here are tKe characteristics that made the late University of Missouri should have out so it will not be broken. Place Sees a New Trend. the stalks upon thin slices of melha The new minister thinks the Ambassador Herrick so Avell belov­ flesh and blood professors and in­ more common elevation of profes­ ed in France, for in certain points structors it isn’t easy to see. A fac toast and heat in oven. Just be­ fore serving pour over *-be aspara­ sional men to high political office is a good sign. Engineer Hoover Club Advantages of personality the two men were ulty of men and women, most of gus a mixture of cream. Avidely different; but on the other Avhom have families, is expensive to crumbs and dhopped parsley with a is our own president. Dr. Colin- dres and Dr. Ayora, both physi­ $5 for your old refrigerator. d iv ers R hand there are elements of strong maintain and, in the tlrcumstances, little salt. Asparagus Soup cians, are presidents respectively new one to your home. Easy we^ly paymwts* resemblance betAveen the attractlve- surely superfiuous. What that uni­ Cut into fine pieces enough fresh and Honduras and Ecuador. Fortes 10 per cent discount to club members. 28 dif­ ness of Herrick to the French peo- versity...... should...... do _ is_ to have its asparagus to equal three cuPS and Gil, a lawyer, has succeeded a long ferent models and sizes to select from. Qual­ pie and the interest sure to attack,,' curators arrange a complete course place over fire with three or four line of generals in the Mexican presidency. ity Lwnard refrigerators only. ^ in the British mind, to the pres­ of lectures, put them into phono cups of water. Cook until tende and add about three cupfuls of thin “ It is not unnatural,” Dr. ence of General Dawes as Ambas- graph record form, install a suffi­ c?eam or milk and the desired Sacasa says, ‘ through a profession sador to the Court of St. James’. cient number of talking; machines Tmount of chopped parsley p rv e a man gets to have the confidence hot with thin strips of melba toast. of the people. The people grow It was the distinctive American­ in the class rooms and stand pat on up to believe in the men in whom ism of Herrick— the Americanism that curriculum for all time. It is A dash of whipped cream may also be added to each serving. they have faith; such men go into of manner, carriage, expression, de­ entirely unnecessary to have around the depths of their affairs and portment— that first intrigued the that kind of a university any fresh their interests and are thus thor­ Join WATKINS REFRIGERATOR CLUB Tonight QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS oughly acquainted with them.” imagination of the French people human intelligence capable of keep­ (Strained Muscles) Two years ago or more. Dr. A Leonard top icer, ideally suited For the apartment, where space i « . Avhere Herrick was concerned; the ing pace with historic or intellect­ Question: Miss R. H. asks; Sacasa Avas hiding for his life in The neat, compact, easily accessible limited, we suggest the 60 lb. Leon­ “ Can a muscle which has been to the small family, for it takes only Americanism of the midwest. And ual change of any kind, and a Leon while 3,000 Chamorro troops 3-door Leonard shOAvn above holds . 25 lbs. of ice to keep It icy cold, is ard front icer with its two shelves. strained or become over-tired ever searched for him. Today he lives 25 lbs. and has a white interioi. there is no denying that Dawes, marked Club price phonograph record is a much more be restored to its normal condition? and works in one of the finest and Club price in his OAvn way, is just as unmistak­ efficient agency for memorizing and One day about a month ago I did best situated diplomatic man­ ably a product of interior America, repeating the thoughts of yester­ a very heavy day’s houscAvork and sions in Washington. since then the muscles, of my fore­ and just as typical of Middle West year than any living and breathing arms have had no endurance— just $19.80 Americanism as was Herrick. professor.' seem tired all the time. I am a $21.50 $12.50, In their respective and divergent pianist 42 years old, and this condi­ tion is a great handicap. ways Herrick was and Dawes is un­ JUDGE YEOMANS Answer: The effects of theetrain- AinOUGHT conventional. Herrick didn’t care When State Attorney Alcorn ed njuscles will generally be over­ and Dawes doesn’t give drew from County Detective Hickey come within the course of time even Better is a poor and wise .child much, without a treatment. Massaging is WATKINS BROTHERS,Iw. yesterday the declaration not only damn._____ about measuring up to the sometime helpful. You may how than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished. -••- standardized pattern ot the diplo­ that Superior Court Judge Yeomans ever have developed a disease of outh anchester Eccl. 4:13. 54 S M mat. The latter, like the former, refused to issue bench warrants in the nervous system which could is utterly Independent. Either the Watkins swindle case but that only he determined by a doctor’s examination. He who can take advice is some­ would present, to any intelligent the judge "was very active" In Wat­ times superior to him who can European, a much more interesting kins' affairs; when Mr. Alcorn re­ THB ANSWER give it,—'Von Knebel. trained from any questions calcu­ Here is the answer to the Letter study than any American -who con If the rummage sales continue it lated to further develop this test! dolf puzzle on the comic page: semed Wmself with conformity to WORLD. WOULD, yOUND, will soon J)c impossible to find even European diplomatic types. mony, but left the explanation to , MOUND, MOUNT, COUNT, a broken heart among your sou- Iiat Britishers may get Juat b« elicited by cross-examination, I COURT. yenlrs. SO f fi norance You see the only bugs I.O .O .F . TO OBSERVE \ IN NEW YORK GARBER BROTHERS icH W A Y CREWS P— y New York, April H-—To Mr. arrives, It’s something t PAST GRANDS’ NIGHT home about. , . INSTRUCTED TO Philip Sinnott, manager of the NBA I might inform you that he Ser'vice Pacific Coast bureau, San looks like a bee whose great­ Francisco, Calif. GUARD FORESTS It’s been so long since I was In grandmother had at Herman Schendel in Noble flirtation with an ant. His coa Grand’s Chair and Samuel California, that I’ve almost forgot­ ten how to alibi for a fog and ad­ is golden and bee-like, Nelson to Act as Vice Grand. lines are those of an esthetic K ri^it.. Cheerful.. Ilh*li|^riul Uacdonald Issues Spring Or- mire the sunshine. Instead, I ve danLr. Maybe the bees have gone adopted an old New York custom in fer those clothes-model figures V ders for Prevention of Fire of talking about myself. When you and for Curbing Fruit Tree i Tomorrow evening King David can go down a street talking to since I left home. 1 Lodge of Odd Fellows will observe H Pests. yourself, then you have completed Vtiniishings lor those who requite I a Past Grands’ Night at which time ^ the Manhattan cycle— even if you At first we felt that, traveled all the way from Ca.i-| 1 Hiehway Commissioner John A. iPast Noble Grands of the lodge will | are a little bit nutty. Macdonald today sent special spring Nevertheless, I haven’t forgot­ fornia by airmail sP®ci^M ! occupy the chairs and exemplify ten by kindergarten lessons in sort of welcome should ‘J® ^iven instructions designed to aid in Uhe initiatory degree on a class of Apis. I considered calling Grover K!forest preservation to the supervis­ Californiaese and c-'.n tell the teacher right off the bat' the Whelan, but he’s no ,]®°Ser our ieautv and Good Value ing engineers of the highway de- ticular state where “ life is better. official greeter. And bartment’s eleven districts, o^dei- er was certain to be out in his lat­ Beauty we must have. Nowadays fng them to lake immediate precau- In fact I’ve thought of twisting Jim Roarty’s slogan to fit New est cutaway for the Easter parade. one of the necessities of life. And good ^ons both against the outbreak o£ York. I *was going to make it So, it being Easter morning, U lorest fires and the spread of the “ where life is bitter’’— but just occurred to us to show the New value we must have, too, for this ena­ ent caterpillar, an insect pe then the postman arrived with the York bugs what a well-dressed bles us to acquire beauty within our ivhich unless proper precautions Easter popples which your Coast bug should wear. However, they M re taken would wreak havoc with bureafi boys sent to jerk a tear ritzed him after thme best fashion means. Come to our store and walk C9nnecticut woodlands and or- from these old eyes. Out here of a New Yorker with a visiting among all the fine things that have re­ they think a poppy is the name fireman. '^ I n c e either of these dangers is cently been created to make the home ikely to develop among trees ana of a musical show. Then, to our horror, we noted that Apis was threatening to go move livable and qnjoyable. .rush on the shoulders of the state But belonging to the land where the way of most visitors. He .Ighways, as well as among growths everything is "bigger and bet­ abandoned his popples and made >n private property, the highway ter” you weren’t content to send ;ommissioner has taken steps straight for the gay Ninth avenue merely a box of poppies. You en­ tulips we had put in the window. iprevent the source of both on land closed in it a ‘^visiting fireman. But it merely shows you what (within the highway rights of way. Have you heard the latest one the metropolis will do to a bug tiis instructions also permit the dis about the man who found a fly in that spent his life in a poppy field. :rict engineers to assist in the elimi- his soup? . . . Well, anyhow, when And 1 wish you’d ask him to come nation of the tent caterpillar even the wife and I opened the box, out home. I’d make the suggestion, thougb the tent-like nests may be stepped a cute little “ Apis Call- but it doesn’t seem the right thing discovered on trees beyond the fornientum.” And I don't know for a host to do. After all, 1 ve ighway right of way boundary. what to do with him! I don t even stood for more bothersome “ fire- The division engineers have been know for sure that that is his nstructed to burn . all slash left name. We’ve call-5d him an “ Apis g il b e r t SWAN. )ver from tree pruning, brush cut- Califorientum” to _ hide _ our _ ig- Ing, wire line trimming, loping )nerations. etc.. immediately it Capt. Herman Schendel. ithore is no wind, or if conditions are not favorable to burn, it on the ; candidates. Past Grand Heiman, first day feasible, so that thpe can lie no danger of the waste twigs and Schendel v,-ili act as Noble Grand j imbs being ignited by cigarette or assisted by Past Grand Samuel Nel- ^ ;igar butts thrown from passing I son as Vice-Grand. lutos. While brush is being burned ; iu this manner, guards must be sta­ tioned to watch over the fire and to L-xtinguish it completely before leaving. ■ Instructions are also gnen lor lighting various types of grass, brush and forest fires, should high- department employees be call- id upon to assist fire wardens, or ^hould they themselves discover a fire in progress. f • A complete description ol me c /f warp-proof tent caterpillar, its nests and habits together with methods of elimina­ moisture-proof tion is furnished in the conirais- isioners’ instructions. These instruc- 'tions are available to property owa­ rs at the various highway depait- aefnt district offices and at the de- A U - S n E L lartment headquarters at Harlfoid. 'hey are the result of studies made RErRICER/%TOR «y the landscaping bureau of the hlghwav department and will un- ' [QUbtedly be of considerable value n the preservation of peach, pear, ^ftUIET, antomalic, made entirely of steel. • ^ u m , chokecherry, poplar, oak, ” General Electric is indeed the refrigerator of beech, birch, willow, hornbeam and the future! ■witchhazel trees upon which the The engineers and scientists of Ae **®*®®7^***^®” r idaterpillar is most likely to prey. lories, having solved the most important n r o b l ^ of electric refrigeration—that ™ j The committee in charge consist­ next turned their attention to the d esirin g and lifiC TR O LU X AND PHILCO ing of W. D. Loveland, J. B. Wil­ building o f this infinitely superior refrigerator son. L. H. Clark and H. S. Hull cabinet. A Beautiful Designed Bedroom together with the entertainment BANQUET TOMORROW committee of which Arthur Shorts It is a small-family model, built entirely of steel— is chairman, has made considerable •215 as strong as a safe. It cannot warp. LUun to on Ifc* Cenaral Electric Hour, of 4 Expertly Constructed Pieces effort to provide an instructive and at the factorj with erinirw. 9 to JO. Eastern Standard Time, over the N. B. C. nato-orS enjoyable evening. It is hoped that eon.eniently .paced df/ortytteo stations. . I Hartford. April 11.— Mayor Wal- a large number of the members will pajm enia. rtir E. Batterson of Hartford will Exactly as Illustrated iriake an address of welcome Friday attend. ' ito more than five hundred Electro- riux gas refrigerator and Philco GENERAL @ ELECTRIC Iradicv dealers and salesmen who will All those who believe the hand ] ] meet in the Hotel Bond for a one of Jack Kearns has lost its AI.I.*STEBt. RBPRICEKATOR day convention. It will be the laig- cunning should delve into the Jig- All the Way 7 htough lest gathering of its kind ever held A,Greater Value ^n New England with representa- ures of the Walker-Loughran fight. Walker lost and he gets M. H. STRICKLAND itfves from Connecticut, Rhode 832 Main Street, South Manchester llaland and Western Massachusetts. $50,000. Loughran won and his $115 [The meeting is being sponsored by share will not run far oyer $5000. [the Atlantic Utilities Company, ■^n playing with Mr. Kearns, it mi...., a « « Wow in gllcc. on all MoJela I Bridgeport, distributors for the two seems., you can’t win. The fine art of combining fine woods produces j walnut wenwr Iproducts in this territory. that is easily worth twice the price. Expertly ^,^°ftructed of selected 1 Following Mayor Batterson s with American gum cabinet woods as sub-structure. Compiises a aresser, cmuuiei , Igreeting, the convention will be

[addressed by Electrolux and Philco •t**.*.*»Va ri*l»*VaV.*’**V* •\*«*J»i*S*****t*I V*\V***.**V» *.*•*•••*.*••*• I* **»’ full size vanity and full size bow-end bed. Tofficials from New York, Evans- ^Hi•*•^•**V•^*••**•^••t*••*?••i•*^*•••****•V*^.***•••V^*I••*•*•*•V*‘* **•*••* •**l**»*a‘fa Ivllle; Ind., and Philadelphia. Among 1 those scheduled to talk are Phillip Budget Terms 1E Allen, president Atlantic Utili­ ties Co.; H. W. Foulds, vice-presi- gladly arranged 1 dent in charge of sales, Servel Sales, Inc., selling company for Electrolux: Harry E. Ashmore, gen­ eral sales manager, Atlantic Utili­ ties: Patrick Griffin, Servel service I deartment: Wallace Taylor, district L sales manager for Electrolux: Mil­ liard Bennett, special representative, 1 Servel Sales, Inc.: and Fred A. Du- [mont. district sales manager for Iphilco. I At the close of the afternoon ses- Islon there will be a banquet with lentertainment in the ball room of )the Hotel Bond. Special musical I comedy talent will be brought from New York for the occasion. 2-Piece Mohair If “ Skinny,” Gain Advancements make this 1929 engine still Suite— greater than any past PONTIAC has been '' * Weight Quick Way One-third more horse­ A Rare Value power r r / 10% to 30% New YEAST and IRON adds greater actual perform­ Cogswell Chair pounds in few weeks. Yourl ance f r r X real crank­ own druggist guarantees re-j case ventilator rrf Fuel $150 pump and filter r r r AC in Tapestry suits—or pay nothing- j Air-cleaner. Spirited lines for the living raom. You don’t .want to be under­ weight, nervous and always tired— $16.50 A davenport and chair that are far away from the conventional to make an object of pity to your friends. Here’s a single seat con­ Start Ironized Yeast now and put- “chic.” Durably built of resilient pounds of good flesh on those bony structed Cogswell in the springs and upholsterings. Covered newest tapestry pattern. arms, hollow cheeks and scraggy dubious “excess allowances’ ’. in genuine Angora Mohair with cush­ Modern all the way limbs. See ugly lines give way to See these trucks. Find’ out ions reversible in a very beautitul graceful curves. Feel a new vital­ howthesane,new STRAIGHT through. The price speaks ity and strength you haven’t had HUSKIER TRUCKS, for itself. damask. for years. , . throughout r r r X lo'ng r a t in g method clarifies ■■n Only when Yeast is Ironized is It list of extra-value fea­ investment, and introduces more effective— for Iron is needed tures r ' ' Factory built ^^'ORK-CAPAOTY, work- * * r new operating economies. tQ bring out the weight-building bodies Handsome T * speed increased. Costs I vhltifis of Yeast. appeara'nce of lines and (This complete line also in­ Ironized Yeast brings pounds of finish (dividend-paying reduced. Your service conse­ beauty) * 1 different cludes BUICK-pow- ■weight in astonishingly quick time, quently bettered. Greater JVew lietters say; 10 pounds gained in basic STR AIGHT RAT­ ered models for medium- and 3 Veeks,” “ one full treatment added ING capacities (Prices safety insured. Prices con­ chassis only, F. O. B.» heavier-duty—and the B IO 7" pounds,” “ 11 pounds and better Pontiac, Mich.): tain no “ water” ; you get MORGAN health.” The blood is toned up EXTRA VALUE instead of B R U T E fpr heaviest duty.) FINE FURNITURE too, because the iron adds strength $625 to $1085 M ARlOsTseir aiid richness to the blood, clearing to the Public ' ufe the complexion and increasing your vitality. Ironized Yeast comes jnly in pleasant-tasting tablets. Safe KEMP BHOTHERS fQr everybody. Does not upset South Manche.ste.r Hartford , stomach nor cause gas or bloating. Tel. 1000. : A Short Block From Main street, i Ask the druggist today for a full 130 Center Street, I cOfMCfl^-treafonent. It will prove Blhat you can gain many pounds or . xR llfK FOK fVFUV PlIUSE l»HR»*OS» aur money will be refunded. He'

MANCHE5TBK EVUUNIJNG HEKALU, S.UUXH MANCHEyiEK, GUNN.. THUKSDAr, AFKIL. xx, xvczf. 9AGB SIX ^ ^ ~ NEW GATES HEIR. Chicago, April 11.—A new heir to thfe $40,000,000 estate of the DAILY RADIO PROGRAM late John W. (bet-a-million) Gates, 4aS.3-WOR. NEWARK-710. Leading DX Stations. cooed in his mother’s arms here Tlmriday, April 11. 7:00—Novelty Sunshine songs. \ for 405.2— WSB. ATLANTA—740. ERVICE today. His parents are Mr. and A Pl»y of Egypt. “Tho Poisoned 7:80—Orchestra, soprano. 8:30—NBC program s (214 brs.) Ctip,"Trill be presented with «n ap- 8:00—Novelty songs, guitarist. Mrs. Lester Norris, of St. Charles, 8:80—Studio stock company. 10:00—Grand opera; Amoa ‘n’ Andy. a 111., Mrs. Morris, the former Delorra proprlate musical background over the 9:00—Plano and organ concerto. 11:45—City organ recital. LINCOLN’S LAST SPEECH. Columbia broadcAStlnj syiMin At • 9:3ft—Soprano and baritone. 293.9—KYW. C H IC A G O -1020. Angell, is a niece of the late John o'clock Thursday night, .^be P}ot of 10:0^ - 8ymphony orchestra with Ray- 8;0U—NBC programs (2 hrs.) Gates. The couple have three other the story centers niond Hunter, baritone. 10:85—H erbuveaux’s orchestra; artists the MOTORIS Sixty-four years ago today Abra- has ^ven his daughter Moti 11:30—W JZ Slum ber music. children. the king of BgypL Amento does tols 1 1 :06—Two dance orchestras. hain Lincoln, from the steps of the with the purpose of destroying the 3^,8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 12:00—D ance m usic to 2:00. lUnr'a power, as he feels ha has ine 7:00—Drake’s variety hour. 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. White House, delivered his last latter In his grasp through the control 7-SO—Studio musical program. 9:00—Columbia program s (2 hra.) public address to the American he might exert oyer his daughten Sioo—W JZ program s (1 hr.) 10:00—M angelodlans m usic hour. people. However. MOtl M ^s. who h»« *jdlen 9-00—Bowne's merry makers hour. 11:00—A rtists: dance music. 9;30_\VJZ concert hour. 12:00—Old G ray M are club. The occasion was Informal and In love with her huabsmd* drinks me 10:00—Modern vocal harmonies. the speech was extemporaneous. poisoned cup that ber father tad 10:50—McEnelly's dance orchestra. ^ 254.1— W JJD , CHICAGO—1180. intended for the king. Half m hour 9:00—M ooaeheart hour. General Lee’s surrender to Gen­ later the same chain of st^pns will 348.6— WABC. NEW YORK—860. 9:30—Studio hub hour. eral Grant had occurred* just two radiate a concert In whch Helen Oel- 7:00—“Dogs:” dance orchestra. 10:30—D ance orchestra; artists. helm. the young American cotara^. 8:00—German m usical vignettes. 1 1 :00—Studio program. days before and, after indulging 8:30—Then and now music. in wilder jubilation, It occurred to will bo heard. The numbers she has 9:06—Play, “Poisoned Cup." 12:00—Artists; concert trio. chosen are th e spirited “C°***®b 9:30_Helen Oelhelm, contralto. 416.4— W GN-W LIB, CHICAGO—720. several hundred Washingtonians W E GIVE Song” and ‘Land of 10:00—Freddy Rich’s orchestra. 10:00—Musical sym phonic melange. that it would be a fitting tribute outstanding melody of 50-15__Locker-room male quartet. 10:30—Symphony orchestral music. to the gaunt, worn man in the show ‘‘Castles In the ^ r. Miss Oel- 50-30—Sweethearts, musical program. 11:15—Q uintet; dance orcheslra. hclm will be assisted by salon and 12:00—D ream ship; dance music. White House to call on him early dance orchestras. Sarojlnl Naldu. for­ 11-00—Souvenier sentimental music. mer president of the Indian National 1 1 -30—Pancho’s dance orchestra. 344.6—W LS. CHICAGO—870. in the evening and extend their GUARANTEE Congress, will Interpret for radio lis­ 454.3— W EAF, NEW YORK—660. 8:00—Scrap book) The Angelus. congratulations. teners the message conveyed ^ her 6:00—Talk, T hornton Fisher. 8:30—K itchen club; artists. 6-15—Dinner dance music. 10:30—Concert orchestra, office boya. Lincoln responded to their book of poems, 7 :00—Mid-week hymn sing. 10:30—Illinois C entral Music club. noisy acclamp,tlons - by appearing when she speaks through and with associated stations at 7. Amerwa s 7:30—Com fort hour orchestra 11:00—Collegians; office boys. outside and speaking to them THAT foremost jasz composer. Irving ^ r- James Doherty, tenor. 447.5— W M AQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. ' 8:00—Q otsipers, music, dialogue. briefly\ on the subject of recon­ lin. Is honored In a song cycle of hla with 9:3u—M instrel show: quartet. most familiar works over the WEAF 8:30—Sentinel’s dance orchestra 10:30—T alks; Amos ’n' Andy. struction. He repeated his belief netw ork a t 8:30. The p rp ^ a m wW con­ songs of Irving Berlin. 11:12—Concert orchestra: aerials. that it was necessary to decide tain ‘‘Alexander’s Rag ,Tl™e ®a*id‘ 9:00—Male Singers, piano duo. 12:00—Two dance orchestras. whether the southern states were “Russian Lullaby” and' All Alone. 9:30—V ignettes m usic hour. Values 10:00—Educational talk, music. 238—KOIL. COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260. ever out of the Union, so long as GUARANTEES 8:00—Columbia progiam a (3 hrs.) Black face type Indicates best features 10:30—Concert Bureau program. they were brought back into NEXT TO A NEW liUICK IS A USED BUICK 11:30—Ben Bernie’s orchestra. 11:00—Merry ramblers; dance music. 12:00—Amos ’n’ Andy; studio music. “proper relationship with it.” ' All programs Eastern Standard Time. 393.5—W JZ, NEW YORK—760. 6:00—Old Man Sunshine. ^ 288.3— WFAA, DALLAS—1040. “Finding themselves safely at 6:30—Pollack’s dance orchestra. 7:30—WEAF orchestra, songs. home, it would be utterly immate­ Selling at a Great Price Reduction Leading Bast Stations, 7 : 00— Sarojlnl Naida, Indian poetess 9:30—WJZ concert program. rial whether they had ever been 272.6—W PG, ATLANTIC CITY-1100. 7:15—^\'ocalists with saxophonist. 361.2—KOA, DENVER—830. BUICKS OTHER MAKES g;00—Presbyterian Church choir, 7 :30—Foamers orchestra with Chaun- 9:00—NBC programs (114 hrs.) abroad,” Lincoln said. 8:20—O rganist and soprano. cy Parsons, tenor. 10:30—O rcheslra: suprem e serenuders. Two evenings later he was as­ 1027 Rrongham 1926 Clirysler 'Subway boys; male quartet. 8:00—Talk by A ugust Blesser, Jr., 11:30-Agricultural College service. sassinated, and the difficulties of 1926 Keg. Sedan lliO.WTwo dance orchestras. music and songs. 374.8— W BAP, FORT W ORTH—800. Nash Koadster 283—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060, 8:30—Giovanni Conterno, conductor- reconstruction, more difficult in 1024 Kuick Four composer. 8:30—Songs, piano recital. many ways than the difficulties of 1024 Keg. Setlan 7:00—Lula’s wind ensemble. 9:00—Italian folks songs, strings. 374.8— KTHS. HOT SPRINGS—800. Ford Coupe 8;no—WJZ programs (2’/4 hra.) 10:00—Orcliestra; male quartet. the war itself, fell onto more 19‘26 Sport Koadster ftttryMiicar 10:.30—Musical masqueraders. 9:30—Rosario Boui don’s orcheslra. belligerent shoulders. 1024 Brougham Hupmobile Club Sedan 545.1—WGR, BUFFALO—550. 10:00—Voices of the Evening. 10:45—O rganist: dance frolic. jnidWcnit 7;00—Orche.'^tra; feature program. 50:30—Palais D’Or orcheslra. 12:00—Special feature attractions. These used cars we recommend to be in first class condition. 8:00—W E A F program s (3^4 hrs.) u:00—Slumber music. 491.5— W DAF. KANSAS CITY—610. apM defects 51:30—A rcadia dance orchestra. 535.4— W FI. PH ILA D ELPH IA —560. 8:00—NBC program s (3 hrs.) SOCIAL WAR IS ON 12:00—Buffalo Symphony orchestra. 7 :00—Automobile club feature. 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comic team. AMONG THE AVIATORS. wikenliitlift 333.1—WMAK. BUFFALO—900. 7:15—Topics in season. 11:15—.studio variety program . , LET US DE.MO.NSTKATE THESE VALUES! 10 :.30—Band concert. 8:00—WEAF programs (3'4 hrs.) 12:45—N ighthaw k frolic. 243.8—WNAC. BOSTON—1230. 491.6_WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 6:30—Oppenheim’s concert orchestra. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. Detroit, April 11.—And now a so­ 7:11—Amos 'n‘ Andy, comic team. 7:00—Children’s hour, saxophonist. inyju—Symphony orcbeslia; feature. cial war among aviators—. CAPITOL BUICK CO. 7:25—Pearl’s dance orchestra. 12:30—Concert, dance orchestra. Tel. 1600 .). M. SHEAKEK, MGK. Tel. 1600 8:00—Columbia programs (3 hrs.) 30S.9—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 333.1 —KH J. LOS A N G ELE?—900. Lady Mary Heath of the royalty 11:10—Tw o dance orchestras. 6:30—D inner dance music. 11:00—O rcheslra; songs; attiais. of England’s aviators, who has been J 428.3—W LW , CINCINNATI—700. 7:00—Studio musical program. 12:00—Darice music. 9:00—V oc^ picture program . 7:30—W JZ program s (214 hrs.) 379.5— KGO. OAKLAND—790. in Detroit all this week attending 9;30_-\VJZ concert program. 10:05—Supper dance orchestra, 10:30—Standard Symphony orchestra, the all-American aircraft show here, 10:00—H ollingsw orth H all’s program . 11:00—W JZ Slumber music. 11:30—Memory Lane music. has cancelled all social invitations 10:30—M id-continental hour. 245.8—WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 6:30—Recording orchestra; pianist. 12:30—T hree boys; trocaderans. for the remainder of the week, she 11:00—Instrumental trio, tenor. 370.2—WCCO, MINN.. ST. PAUL—810. When you come to us for a Good­ 11:30—Glad Girls en tertain m en t 7:30—Book talk: Uncle Gimbee. announced today. She is very up­ Manchester Auto Radiator and 12 :00—Show box feature hour. 8:00—W EA F program s (3 hrs.) 9:00—Studio m usical program . 11:30—Traev-Brown’s orchestra, 9:30—Columbia feature hour. set because her Invitation to the year Tire, you get a tire that car­ 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 10:00—F ianist, theatrical hour. Society of Automotive Engineers’ General Repairing 7:00—Invisible chorus: harmonists. 260.7— WHAM. ROCH ESTER—1150. Top (>). 8:00—W E A F program s (114 bra.) 7:30—Two piano recital. 11:20—Dick Long’s orchestra. banquet had been rescinded at the ries the best of all tire guarantees 9:30—T rio: Bachelor Maid. 8:00—W JZ program s (1 hr.) 461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—650. last moment without reason. 10:30—Three dance orchestras. 9:00—Two piano recital. 8:30—\V E .\F program s (114 hrs.) OLIVER WELDING 399.8—W e x -W J R . DETROIT—750. 9:30—W JZ program s (H4 hrs.) 10:0(1—.'et ns do 7:00—Champion'a dance drehestra. 8:00—Special French program. 8:15—Farmer Rusk’s talk. your repair work at night. IS GUARANTEED AGAINST DE­ 7:30—W EA F program s (2 hrs.) 9:00—Canadian m usical program . 12:00—Orchestra: comedy team. AND BUILDER 9:30—Mr. and Mrs. Radio SkiL 10:00—Studio entertainm ent. 1:00—Comedy sketch; vaudeville. Special Prices After 5 p. m. Phone 2954 10:00—WEIAF musical program. 296.9—W HN, NEW YORK—1010. FECTS FOR ITS ENTIRE LIFEI 10:35—Braves concert program. 6:30—Chinese m usical melodies. 202.6— W HT, CHICAGO—1480. 6:45—'Two dance orchestras. 10:00—Studio concert. 68 Hollister Street 250 West Center St. 374.8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—800. 11:00—Your hour league. , 8:00—WEAF programs (214 hrs.) 272.6— W LW L, NEW YORK—1100. 6:00—Southern airs: ensemble. 299.8—WHO, DES MOINES—1000. On Oil 10:30—-Artists; dance orchestra. 6:40—Talk. K. of C. hour. 7:30—Harmonizer.s concert program. That means you are guaranteed 215.7—W H K , CLEVELAND—13^0. 7:00—B aritone: talk; soprano. 8:00—C hristensen’s orchestra. 8:00—I. B. S. A, mid-week service. 7:40—Clementine instrum entalists. 8:30—NBC program s (314 hrs.) in 1 and 5 Gal. Lots the security and satisfaction, the 9:00—(Columbia program s. (2 hrs.) 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 12:00—L ittle Symphony orchestra. 11:00—Amos ‘n’ Andy, comic team .. 7:30—.Air college lectures. 508.2—WOW, OMAHA—590. Bring your own can. 11:15—Day’s dance orchestra. 8:15—Folk songs: French songs. longer life and real economy of 12:00—Em ployes’ p arty broadcast. 10:00—F eatu re program . 8:45—American Legion program w ith 11:00—B urnham 's rhythm kings. 325.9—W W J, DETROIT—920. Ninth ■ Regiment band. Defective Brakes? such exclusive Goodyear features 7:00—Trio; speed boys. 315.6— WRC, W ASHINGTON—950. 309.1 —KJR, SEA TTLE—970. 8:00—WEAF programs (114 hrs.) 9:30—W EA F program s (11* hrs.) 11:00—A rtistic ensemble, soloists. as the powerful, tractive All- 9:30—Gypsy baron’s concert. 11:00—AVJZ Slum ber music. 12:00—.Salon orchestra, artists. AVOID 10:00—W EA F program s (2 bra.) 12:00—D augherty’s orchestra. 1:00— Vic M yer's orchestra. J TUBES Weather Tread and the extra- ARREST AND HEAVY FINES 30x314 ...... $1.10 durable, extra-elastic carcass of 3:30 WBZA Home Forum by Mar­ 11:00 a. m.—Vocal recital. Supertwist cord. jorie Mills (B) 11:15 a. m. — “Household Com­ 29x4.40 ...... $1.25 3:45 Musicle (B) modities” from NBC studios. Have Your Brakes WBZ-WBZA 3:53 Spotlight Review by Constance 11:30 a. in.—United States daily- Other sizes at low prices. See these superiorities before you D’Arcy (B) news bulletins from Washington,! 3:58 Norton’s Financial news (B) D. C. I buy. We can demon­ Radio Programs 4:00 Pacific Little Symphony Or­ 11:40 a. m.—Silent until 11:55 1 Xestied Today Springfield and Boston chestra (NY) a. ra. I strate them right be­ 11:55 a. m.—Time signals. 1 SPECIAL 12:00 Noon—Farm flashes. I fore your eyes, in two Letters in brackets Indicate 12:10 p. m.—Hartford Times news { studio broadcasting number. bulletins: weather report. | New Batteries minutes’ time, so 'J W T I C 12:15 p. m.—Norm Cloutier and] simple a child can im- PROGRAMS the Travelers clubs orchestra. I Program for Thursday $ 7 - 0 0 u p derstand. When you 5:00 p. m. Final closing stock Travelers, Hartford markets. (B) TEXAS LOSES STAR GRIDDER see them, you’ll not be 5:25 Lost and found. (B) 500 m. 600 K. C. 5:30 Positions wanted (B) Gordy Brown, captain-elect of satisfied with anything 5:40 Official Agriculture reports— the 1929 football team at the Uni- BARLOW’S GARAGE Letter from the Extension Ser­ 6:15 p. m.—Summary of pro­ versity of Texas, is not likely to else but the Goodyear vice, State of Vermont; Cham­ gram; United States Daily News play next fall, A knee injury 595 Main St., So. Manchester pion Weatherman. (B) bulletins from Washington, D. C. threatens to ruin his career. He Is guarantee. 6:00 Telechron lime (B) 6:25 p.m. — Hartford Courant a tackle. Next Door to Sheridan Hotel. 6:01 Studio music (B) News Bulletins. 6:l0 Ins-irance finance (B) 6:30 p. m.—Sea Gull Dinner -FREE- 6:15 Oxiton Twins. (B) Group. It costs no more to buy Qoodyears 6:30 Republican News bulletins (S) 7:00 p. m.—The King Perfecto TWO THINGS TO RRMKMBER: >n- 6:35 W^orld Bookman. (B) ^^usic Memory Contest directed By Henry A. Schaller 6:40 Financial news (B) by Emil Heimberger. The Raybestos Brake Testing Machine 6:50 Political Sidelights by M. E. 7:30 p. m. — Coward Comfort Hennessey. (B) Hour from NBC studios. Orches­ f 7:00 Sessions chimes. (B) tra direction Fritz Forsch. Greasing and Changing 7:01 Drake’s Variety Half Hour 8:00 p. m.—S. D. Woodruff and I (B) Sons Seed Program. 7:30 Yeast Foamers: Chauncey R. The studios of Station WTIC Of Oil Parsons, tenor (NY) take on a genuinely collegiate at­ after a winter lay up or after each thousand miles by our Campbell’s Filling 8:00 Lehn and Fink Serenade — mosphere each Thursday evening I August Blesser, Jr. guest speak­ at 8 o’clock, when the foremost expert mechanics assures you longer life and miles of de­ er (NY) college glee clubs of New Eng­ pendable service from your car. PLAY SAFE, SEE 8:30 Mennen Men (NY) land are scheduled to broadcast 9:00 Bowne’s Modene Merrymakers in the Woodruff programs. A US NOW. Station (B) humorous incident attended the 9:30 Maxwell House concert (NY) recent visit of one of these Col­ Accurate SERVICE (k>urteous Flat Tire Out of Gas 10:00 Longines time (NY) lege groups. The base viol 10:01 Sportograms (B) player, when asked by a fellow- Cylinder Reboring, Welding Battery Trouble 10:06 Pianistic Capers — Jimmie student whether he had forgotten Phone 1551 Main and Mid. Tpk. McManus (B) his instrument, replied, “Oh, no, Battery Service 10:24 Champion Weatherman; Re­ I have it' in this pocket,” and publican News bulletins (S) produced four strings, a bridge 10:30 Butterfly Ballroom Hour (S) and a few pegs—all that re­ 10:30 Telechron time; temperature mained of the “bull fiddle” after readings (S) It had dropped from the rear of Gibson's Garage the truck in which the student “A Super-Service Station’ rode to Hartford. This evening REMEMBER the old.adage.i—“Empty vessels make c another in this series of programs 18 Main St. B. H. GIBSON, Prop. Phone 701-2 Early Friday Program will be heard. the most noise.” 9:30 a. m. Muslcale (B) 8:30 p. m.—“Tone Color” pre­ FOR SALE! 9:45 Town Shoppes by Dorothy sented by The Imperials: REMEMBER that the used car you buy from us SHORE ijOBSTER Randall (B) I —Soldiers’ (Chorus, from will not empty your purse now or later. Good look­ New Dutch Colonial 9:55 Musicale (B) “Faust,” Gounod. ing, good running cars at prices that will look good house, located on Henry DINNER 9:59 Telechron time (B) II—Serenata, Tarenghl. to you. S t, 72 foot lot. Garage 10:00 The “Psychology and Ill—Au Dem Hochwald, "Tyrolese FOR RADIO Physiology of Beauty” by Anita Waltz,” Kalman. SERVICE and laundry in cellar, hot Served Each Day Mae Eaton (B) IV— Prelude to "The Deluge,” THIS WEEK’S USED CAR OFFERING water heat, tiled bath with 10:30 Official Agriculture reports Salnt-Saens. PHONE 1968 shower, large rooms with 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. (B) V— Were My Songs with Wings 1927 Dodge De Luxe Sedan 1025 Cffievrotet SedaU Have you beard the new M»> plenty of closet space. A 10:40 Republican News bulletins Provided, Hahn. 1026 Dodge Sedan 1025 Bnick Coach Except Sundays 1925 Hapmobile Coupe Jestic Electric Kadin’f beautiful home that is (S) VI— Air de Ballet, Borch. 1028 Dodge Coupe 10:45 Musicale (B) VII—Tambourin, Rameou-Mottl. 1924 .Studebaker Light 6 Tour­ Barstow Radio well built. ' Price reason­ 10:57 Norton’s Financial news (B) 9:00 p. m.—Selberling Singers 1926 Dodge Goape ing. able. . 11:00 RCA Educational Hour — from NBC studios. Orchestra di­ 1028 Dodge Conpe 1025 Oakland Touring Service Walter Darmosch (NY) rection Frank Black. Authuiized Dealer Honiss's 11:30 University Extension — 9:30 p.m.—Newton-Parsons Hour “Buying Safely Means Buying of a Reliable Dealer” Majestic, Crusley, I'hilco Carl W. Anderson “American Literature” by Prof. from NBC studios. 216 MIrlille l'urii|iike Hast 22 State St. Robert Emmons Rogers of M. I- 10:00 p. m.—Halsey-Stuart Hour South Manchester Owner T. (B) from NBC studios. (Under Grant’s Store) 12:30 p. m. Sessions chimes (B) 10:30 p. m.—National Broadcast­ 57BisseU, • Tel. 1433 Hartford, Conn. 12:31 Official Agriculture reports— ing and Concert Bureau Hour “Spring Management of Laying from NBC studios. SCHALLER MOTOR SALES, Inc. WM. E. KRAH » Stock;” Champion Weatherman 11:30 p. m. — Hartford Courant Center Street. Phone 1221-2 Expert (B) News Bulletins; weather report. 12:56'Norton’s Financial news (B) Radio Service 12:55 Government bulletins (B) Program for Friday Morning, • DAY AND NIGHT r e l ia b l e 669 Tolland Turnpike, 2:30 Amplco Musicale (S) April 12, 1029. . SERVICE IJSitD GARS 2:50 June Lee—Beantt and Health 10:00 ^ m.—Naticjnal Home Hour South Manchester (B) from*NBC studios. iBiOOy.-S . Marine Band (NY) 10:45 a. m.—To be announced. Phone 364-2 PAGE SI MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1929,

popular comedian, while the second Mrs. Emeline Curran of has Red Corcoran as its star. Maple street announces the eni Our Secret Hope Is That Lindy W ill Be Just a Little Bit Henpecked! HISS MORSE READY Beginning on Sunday evening, ment of her daughter, Emeline, STATE OF CfflHUAHUA the State will’ present that great Ralph A, Young, son of Mr. at FOR HOMEWARD TRIP all-talking musical film sensation, Mrs. Herbert p. Young of Bristol Theaters “ The Broadway Melody,” IN FEDERAL HANDS AJOvV, U5TEM TO ME, DEAR ( - — -1 pomY WAsrr voo t o d o Miami, Fla., April 11 — Rosa­ Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Elliott and ABV'S COLDS Mexico City, April 11— With the mond Morse, 17-year-old daughter At the State I are soon “nipped in the bad* MORE FLVIM6 ARQOMD Mrs. J. P. Winkler, who have been without “dosing” by use of— State of Chihuahua completely in ’ In of a wealthy Brookline, Mass., fam­ There is more mystery in one Tederal hands and the rebels with ^UMAMNOUMCED DEST1MAT<0/JS! | Chinese standing in a shadowy spending the winter at Pinellas B ily, was to start on her long trip chelr “ backs to the wall” in Sonora, Chinatown doorway than in all the Park, near St. Petersburg, Florida, optimism reigned in government y o u 'l l have t o k e e p m e . home today after her three months mystery stories ever written. And VICKS are expected home this evening. ▼ VARORUB lircles here today. as a runaway when she worked as a in “ Chinatown Nights” , the Para­ Oomr 2t HiW onJm UmJ Vtarh Two equally powerful converging IkiFORMED O F VOUR CX)MlMOS waitress here and lived in a dollar- mount all-talking picture which Federal forces, comprising a total AMD 60IAAQS, IF VOO comes to the State Theater tomor­ of 25,000 men. are gradually tight- EX.PECT TO COME. a-day hotel. row, there are more than five hun­ eninig their vise upon the rebels in The story of the girl’s life here dred Chinese revealed In all the fiOITRE NOT A DISEASE HEAT YOUR HOME Sonora, the only state still domin­ HOME TO A VA/ARM was related to International News intriguing and little known busi­ ated by them. Even in this state, f] TMXlklPO I Service today by Luque de Bacardi, ness of their powerful tongs. W ITH GAS one town. Naco, is in Federal hands. Cuban painting contractor with “ Chinatown Nights” is a picture Milwaukee Doctor Makes The Federal expeditionary force. whom she had been friendly. for everyone who loves drama, ex­ Remarkable Discovery Don’t fail to visit our booth Commanded by Gen. J. Andreu It was in the hope of obtaining a citement and mystery. The suspence at the Home Progress Exposi­ Alamazan, which has taken part in substantial rewa-d for her dis­ and action of the picture are ex­ Milwaukee, Wis.— It has been tion in Hartford this week. the most notable government vic­ covery that Bacardi notified the cellently handled, and the revela­ bought to light by scientific re­ tories of the present revolution, to­ girl’s father of her whereabouts tion of the Inscrutable practices of search that goitre is not a disease We can show you'one of our con­ day was sweeping westward into after seeing a picture of her pub­ Chinese tong life are surprising. and is not to be treated as such. version jobs in operation, and how Sonora. Almazan entered Juarez A superior cast of screen artists Dr. A. A. Rock, Dept. P-34. Box lished in a New York newspaper. your present boiler can burn gas at vesterday without opposition. This Morse in turn notified private de­ enact this superb talking drama. 737, Milwaukee, Wis., .-i prominent! border town, which was the last tectives in his employ, and follow­ Wallace Beery, Florence ’Vidor. goitre specialist for over 24 years, a cost not exceeding 25% above the Chlhuahuan stronghold of the ing a series of conferences between Warner Oland and Jack Oakle head [ has perfected a different method of cost of operating with coal. rebels, was evacuated by them the treatment for his patients that has them and the Cuban, in which it the cast with Peter Morrison, Jack i We also take pleasure in an­ day before. was agreed that Bacardi should re­ McHugh and Telsu Komai in sup­ proved remarkably successful. This bn the west coast, Gen. Lazaro ceive a lion’s share of the proceeds, port. Poignant realism is noticed same method is now being used for nouncing the arrival of the new Cardenas today was continuing a home treatment of goitre cases the unsuspecting girl was delivered throughout the production, this be­ 1 Collier Counter Flow Gas northward in northern Sinaloa with into their custody. It was then ing made possible by the recording ! all over the country with astonish­ a force of 13,000 men in pursuit of that he telephoned her father. of Paramount Quality Sound, which i ing results. The doctor states that j Fired Boiler. Gen. Francisco Manzo’s retreating brings to life upon the screen the ! goitre is a condition which grows rebel forces. An anticipated rebel Local police were informed four which delivers water at 160 degrees days ago of Miss Morse’s presence very voices of the stars themselves, j worse with neglect and recom­ Rtand at San Bias failed to ma­ as well as other weird and thrilling j mends immediate attention no mat­ F to the mains in six minutes from terialize yesterday. Federal aviators in the city but had apparently made no effort to locate her until news­ sound effects. ' ter how small the growth may ap­ a cold start. reporting that many of the rebels | ■ Those who see “ Chinatown pear. He strongly opposes needless had retreated far beyond that town. paper dispatches refreshed their operations. Dr. Rock is the author I memory. Nights” during its run at the State I A report that the girl had made theater will see one of the pictures of a book that tells in a simple way J. LYON & SONS a'trip to Cuba recently in company j which will win a leading place on about treating goitre at home. He Gas Heating Department with an unknown person, was i the screen honor roll for this year. has published this book at his own 1203 Main Street denied by Bacardi, who stated she I Two acts of Vitaphone vaudeville expense and will send a copy free HEBRON will als6 be presented tomorrow. to anyone interested. Write him i East Hartford, Conn. had never been out of Miami since today.— Adv. ‘ Tel. 8-0815 her arrival. * The first act features Phil Baker, At a special meetng held at the | town hall the American Legion vot­ ed to buy the Charles Segar place | for use as a club house. This place' is situated at the east end of Hebron Green. Many of the nem- bers pledged sums to help meet the '5=' expense and an effort will be made to make collections from citizens of the town. The sum to be raised is $1,000. ^ „ , The Misses Harriet and Hele.o BUTLER'S Hough. Thelma Cummings, and 7,000 U. S. SOLDIERS Trumbull The Store That Serve f You Best Ruth Raymond attended the Wiili- St. mantic C. E. Convention, April 5 Howell Eats Glass STRUNG ALONG BORDER and 6, as delegates from the local Hartford Christian Endeavor Society. Mrs. Albert Hilding was leader of the- Christian Endeavor meeting Reinforcements of 1,500 Or­ 'Sunday evening, with the topic, In Suicide Attempt dered Today to Move Out of -Announcing Our G r e a tr “ Using the Bible as a Daily Guide.” The attendance was small as part of Fort Russell, Wyoming. the members went to Marlborough; William Earl Howell, sentenced was awaiting trial before the Su­ . Washington, April 11.— With the to hear a missionary address given perior Court after being brought at the Endeavor Society there.” this week in the Tolland County | dispatch of 1,500 more American Dr. Ghaskan P. Hivale of Cam Superior Court, to serve a term of | back from New York City. In the troops to Mexican border stations, bridge. Mass., will give a travalogue two and a half years to three years | last attempt he tried a different there are now about 7,000 soldiers, on India at Gilead Hall Wednesday in the state’s prison made a third > method. Objecting to the tin cup infantry and cavalry and artillery, evening, April 10, to which the attempt to end his life before his which is provided prisoners to strung out at strategic points along public are invited. Proceeds from drink from he asked that he be the border to protect American trial, it became known today. lives and property War Department ONCE'ATEAR ^LE collection will go to the American Howell’s first attempt was made given a water glass. It was given Board of Missions. him by an attendant who was stand­ officials estimated today. when he cut his wrist while being The reinforcements were ordered Of Springtime At the close of Sunday school at held in the local police station. In ing outside of Howell’s cell. Howell St, Peter's church Sunday morning, raised the glass to his mouth as from Fort D. A. Russell, in Wyom­ New York, where he was arrested ing, by Major General Wm. Lassiter cut flowers were presented to all on the charge of theft of automobile though he was to take a drink of children present. the water, but instead bit a large as a precautionary measure. Gen. supplies from a large number of Lassister has wide discretionary au­ Miss Lillian Jones, daughter of cars in V^ernon, he tried to commit piece out of the glass and started Mrs. Williams Woods, has returned to chew it up. thority as to the disposition of his suicide while being held in the forces. from St. Joseph’s hospital, Willi-, Tombs, but was discovered in time. The attendant was able to open mantle, where she has been under j In New York he also tried to cut his' the door and get inside and chok “ The world Is full of willing peo­ treatment for the past week. She; wrist. him before he had swallowed the is sufficiently improved to be cared The third attempt was made in glass, although he had chewed it ple; some willing to work and the DRESSES for at home. the Tolland County jail while he into small bits. rest willing to let them. Hundreds of beautiful creations A group of Wesleyan students has been invited to be present on in colorful prints ^ georgettes, fiat Saturday and Sunday next, at the j Congregational church services. A \ crepes^ cantons and n o v e ltie s/ social will follow at the chapel | Saturday evening to which all are ] A m a z i n g \ & lu e s / invited. The students will conduct i m the services on Sunday morning and I the Christian Endeavor in the eve-1 ning. The postponed meeting of the j Tonight.,. Actual Values Cemetery Association will take j '/ I place Tuesday evening, April 9, at | \ Up to $20 // the home of Mr. and Mrs.- Edmund | I Horton. 1 Truman C. Ives was taken to St. i Charge It! Joseph’s hospital, Willimantic, on Your Last Opportunity To Attend Just imagine—only $9.45 tor Saturday suffering from acute suw.i iuveiy dresses. Three peritonitis. He under-went an oper- ^ thousand dresses were pur­ ation at the hospital and his condi- j j chased especially for this tion is as good as could be hoped ! great sale. Only a large chain organization like ours can for, though considered critical.- .Mr. ; make such values possible as Ives for the past few months ha.<5 Miss Dunbar’s Homemahing Qa^ It' you can see for yourself. been under treatment for bone tu j berculosis at his home. Specialisisj '^ c e have had charge of the case.

The oil game may be a crooked one but everybody seems to be willing to play it if given half a chancy - -V '■ ■- ^ -X'.-- I.'t’W.''• - '.'V'f,'' yy^. ’-* t.v3 / -.• ,’ i’ 'Jir ^ 1. •' - »■ -^A-y.’-' , ■ /V -^ ' t K- R.'«•' ^ ■ ‘ *^- ' V^*^^-^v.’.r /^ i.* ' • 1 ■ ■.. -t=‘ ‘"-‘••


"TT Girl YOUR CHILDREN HEALTH Scout II...... 'ill »• © J929 Dy ' DON’T FEAR— ^YOU COULD ♦ In Sussex England, lt-w4s the NEAServr-vce^inc. ■ 4 Olive J^berts Barhn ?^RDTH DEWEY GROVES^ ©1928 bq NBA Servicc.Inc NOT SWALLOW A SNAKE. custom to attempt to-cure goiter by News drawing a snake nine-times across! Do you dread taking your chil- By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN. Editor Journal of the American the front of the neck of the padent , h I TTTTS HAS HAPPENED The Girl Scout rally will be held' dren to the dentist? Medical Association and of and allow the snake to crawl away ^ * MILDRED LAWRENCE, stenog- at School street Rec. Friday, April It seems a foolish question, for after every third appHcatloni Tlien the mother never lived who didn’t. Hygeia, the Health ]rflph6ir tli6 JudsoD Hotel, has 12, at 7 o’clock. , Magazine. it was killed and its skin sewn on fur stolen from her in a The Girl Scout Council had a Right here, lest there be no a piece of silk whlcli ‘was . hung crowd but STEPHEN ARMITAGE very enjoyable annual meeting at 'room later on, let me say that 1 around the patient’s' neck. happen to know that there still ex­ Some people believe it is dan­ g^tcl^es the thief and returns the the Hale Tea Room, Glastonbury, gerous to drink out of a garden Because of the fact that snakes •^carf.-'He asks to take her home. Tuesday, April 9. Luncheon was ists here and there in unenlightened spots, the mother ' ho says, “ If hose, since if one does be Is liable bite, the animal has always been Not wishing to seem ungrateful, served at 1 o’clock. The annual re­ to swallow a snake. supposed to have curative proper­ she invites him to dinner. ports were read with election of of­ you’re not a good boy I’ll tell the dentist to come and get you.” Does Here is tbe simplest form of ties. Their evening is spoiled when ficers and other business following. symbolic magic. A garden hose. PAMELA JUDSON, daughter of All officers were re-elected and are: it sound incredible? Yet it hap­ The facts that have been men- looks like a snake. The snake is . tioned are an indication of the her employer, phones Mildred to Commissioner, Mrs. W. M. Brown­ pens*. ; im- Two mothers I have in mind one of the oldest and most ' symbolism that bas been - associated------return to duty. Stephen escorts her ell; deputy commissioner, Mrs. F. portant of symbols, beginning with beginning to the hotel where Pamela recog- H.’ Snow;' secretary, Mrs. J. M. were not that kind, however. Ex­ actly the opposite, indeed. Both the one which caused Eve to qj time. Recent Investigations in- "nlzes him as the salesman who had Winterbottom; treasurer, Mrs. C. from the path of virtue. Every tribe superstitions and beliefs that sold her a car. She snubs Mildred W. Holman. were anxious to do the right thing. One mother came into the wait­ of savages has snakes in its o more modern if not less sensi- and tries to lure Stephen away by Owing to the fact that the Girl tales and fairy tales. i pretending she wants to buy anoth­ Scout work is increasing so rapidly ing room with a pale little girl of ble. six or so, who was plainly scared to The rod and serpent is the symbol er car. Then she meets BUCK CON­ in Manchester it was voted to en­ of the medical profession and the, Because someone . . once i. saw . i. an . NOR, who becomes infatuated with gage a field captain to help “ carry death; her eyes were black with ?od with two serpents is the sign ! X-ray picture of a stomach tube in her, and she amuses herself by on.” fear and her lower jaw kept trem­ of Mercury, the messenger of the ; the stomach, the idea grew that it playing with both men. Miss Elizabeth Norton has been bling. Greek gods. The Indians of South i would be possible for a person to IVhen Stephen favors Mildred the conducting Scout Training classes The door into the operating room Carolina would not molest a snake, swallow a manager asks her to be careful or for captains and patrol leaders dur­ was open and the screen had been because they thought that its kin-' a snake develop in the stomach. Be Pamela will have her discharged. ing the winter. A vote of thanks pushed aside. The child, hat and dred would wage war on their tribe. , cause a garden hose looks like a But this may not be so easy as her and an appreciation was voted Miss coat off, stood in the doorway star­ Snake oil is reputed to have all sorts snake, the idea arose that one brother, HAROLD, is in love with Norton for her excellent work and ing, fascinated. Her mother watched of virtues for the cure of rheu-; drinking water from a garden hc^e Mildred. He is a weakling and Mil­ help. her but didn’t Interfere. ) matism. It is supposed to give slip-, would develop a snake in the stom- dred permits him to call to keep Leaders’ Meeting. Now it happened that the dentist periness and strength to the muscles ach. was pulling a tooth for a high him from Buck’s gamblii.g cro%vd. At the troop leaders’ meeting of wrestlers. , There is not the slightest pos­ However, he suspects that she cares April 6, at 180 Main street, the en­ school boy that day. The boy had sible chanqe for snakes to develop had novocaine or something of the According to the Freudian psy­ more for Stephen than for bun and tire first class test was reviewed chology, the snake is always the in the stomach, although worms of refuses to stay one evening when with the exception . of pioneering, sort in his jaw and there wasn’t various kinds do develop in the hu­ any more feeling in that tooth than symbol of the propagation of life. Stephen calls. and the National Girl Scout camps. Many attempts have been made to man intestine. These are not As the weeks pass Mildred real­ Camp Edith Macy for officers, and there is in a brick. But the little explain this significance of the snakes— they are tapeworms, round izes that Pamela is winning Stephen Camp AnMree Clark f'-r older Girl 495; girl didn’t know that. When the snake. One explanation is that the worms and similar species. They Scouts, were discussed. The fol­ tooth’was in the act of leaving its from her and that Harold is hope­ , MODISH— SLENDER. reptile excites repulsion; another, may easily be removed, when their lessly tangled with Buck’s gamb­ lowing firs* class tests were passed old and happy home the boy gave a that it is able to Inflict death in a presence is diagnosed, by the use of or credited; Captain Buckland, A featherweight wopjen that re­ bloodcurdling yell, then leaned over lers. She asks Harold to confide in veals modern influences in diagonal mysterious fashion. proper remedies. her but he refuses imless she will overnight hike, thrift, service; Cap­ and spat out a mouthful of blood— tain Reinartz, overnight hike, train­ line that reache;; from shoulder to and- that little frightened girl, now go to dinner with him. They drive hem, for skirt wraps the figure and by her home so she can change her ing tenderfoot, service; Miss Han­ paralyzed with horror, stood and has just been acquired by Silent nah Jensen, thrift; Lieutenant is cut circular at front to give saw it all. dress and they learn that her moth­ youthful flared silhouette. The SILENT GLOW ADDS Glow. er has had a serious accident. Sutherland, swimming, service, Another mother came in later— This new burner will handle any training tenderfoot; Captain Thorn­ back is slender and straight, with also with a little frightened girl. wide girdle that.keeps the hipline heating job— from large residence NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY ton, swimming, service, training And this is the way she talked to TWO NEW BURNERS to apartment house. It is silent and tenderfoot. Also the following snug. Braid trimming down front her, as she sat on her mother’s CHAPTER XV. and around hemline, carries out vibrationless in operation— entire­ Connie flew to her mother’s bed­ were credited with fulfilling the knee, her head laid back hopeless­ ly automatic, requiring no atten­ service requirement for first class. smart tri-color scheme. Silk crepe ly on__ her _ shoulder. j Two new oil burners have just side and Harold followed, drawn is quite as effective with tri.nming tion to run— equipped with the by the alarm in Mildred’s call. He Deputy Commissioner Snow, Cap­ “ Really it won’t hurt a bit, dear, j announced by the Silent Glow latest safety devices and burns fuel tain "Welles. Lieutenant Barker, o', bias silk crepe in tri-colors. You -won’t even feel it. 'Why, when | qq Burner Corporation of Hart- saw the younger girl fling herself Style No. 491 can be had in sizes oil which is even cheaper than'fur- down beside the still flgure on the Captain Richards, Captain John­ I was little I just loved to go to the, ford.^ One is the Silent, . , Glow , D’Elia . 1 nace oil. This new product repre- ston. The meeting closed with use 16. 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 dentist’s. Dr. White is such a kind ' 011 Burner, .the latest and most im-1 ggjjjg (.jjg latest achievement in the bed in an agony of frenzied fear. in'.hes bust. It can be made -v^ith He saw Mildred take her by the of the Girl Scout Litany. The next man. He likes little girls and he proved burner of its kind, which | burner field. After months of meeting, which will be the final 3% yard.s cf 4 0-inc'a maceria' with wouldn’t hurt you for the whole shoulders and pull her away. Then 2 -/i yards af nraid iii the 36-i'nch study and careful investigation it Mildred saw him there. arms were laden with meeting of the course, will be held wide world. No indeed he "When he returned half an hour later, his size, which n:akes it very inexpen­ wouldn’t.” The child, you see, was Fashion Plaque has been added to the Silent Glow “ Oh, do something,’’ she implor­ on May 4. line as a companion burner to other packages. Saturday afternoon, April 27. sive. The brdice is seamed at let in for a shock. ed. “ Take care of Connie. Connie, sides and shoulders: three-piece Silent Glow products. stop it. Get the ammonia. I think from 2 to 4 o’clock, at 180 Main The in-between method is best. street. Miss Norton will give or ar­ skirt, circular at front, is seamed Let a child learn to accept dentistry / With this new burner, which she’s fainted.” corner and have it fllled?” She nie had hauled into their mother’s and stitched to ■waist. Long trim as a necessary thing and have con­ takes care of large installations. “ Oh, no, no, she’s dead! She’s room that she remembered she range to have given any or all sec­ handed him a slip of paper and tions of the first class test. All sleeves are dart-fitted below el­ fidence in his dentist. Let him Silent Glow now offers a complete gone!” Connie shrieked. Harold hurried out with it. hadn’t found out why Huck Con­ bows. .Pattern price 15 cents in line of oil burners— which enables “ She isn’t! She can’t! Rub her Girl Scout officers and all members make a friend of his dentist, too. I « * * nor could bring that look of ming­ stamps or coin (coin preferred). think every dentist in the country them to supply any heating require­ hand. Here, put this under her led fear and hatred to Harold’s of the Iroquois are eligible to take When he retuined half an hour these tests. Anyone wishinj;, to do "Wrap coin carefully. will bear me out cn this. All I ment from a small cottage range to feet.” Swiftly Mildred removed the later his arms were laden with countenance. ■We suggest that when you send the apartment house. Of especial pillow from under her mother’s so will please notify Miss Norton, have ever met or known were packages. While he waited for the Well, she’d have to let that go for this pattern, you enclose 10 inore than anxious to make friends interest to housewives is the other head and thrust it at her sister. for the present. She had other telephone 552-3, what lection of prescription to be made up he’d the test she wishes to have given. cents additional for a copy of our with the children. new Silent Glow product— the Connie took it and did as she bought everything he could find in things to think about. The doctor Spring Fashion Magazine. It’s just Silent Glow Oil Range. This is a was bid. Harold stood by helpless­ This is in addition to the regular / the neighborhood that he thought had warned her that the shock of meeting of the officers’ course filled with delightful styles "0, modern, complete, • oil burning ly. But when he saw Mildred start would be conducive to the comfort the accident had been bad for her eluding smart ensembles and range— up to date in every partic­ frantically to chaffing her mother’s mother. The patient must be kept May 4 and the regular meeting of OPENING STOCKS. of a sic’K person. the 'Iroquois,' April 20. designs for the kiddies. ular. It is the.result of seven years’ uninjured hand he rushed down the Connie helped him unload them as quiet as possible for a while, successful experience in the build­ hall and found the bathroom where and there was the matter of the Troop 2. New York, April 11.— Strength while Mildred took the medicine This troop held a party April 1. Manchester Herald / # ing of oil ranges. It bakes, roasts, he fllled a glass with cold water to her mother. Already she was doctor’s fee. Her mother would ob­ and activity in the Steels and j broils and fries— at a cost of less and dashed back to the bedroom. at the Barnard school. Tenderfoot Pattern Service beginning to worry over the prob­ ject to calling him again, Mildred pins were given to Rosanna Lindy, Motors featured the opening of the j than one cent an hour— with? ah He started to throw the full con­ lem that faced her. The doctor had knew, but there was danger of crip­ Stock Market today. A block of | abundance of hot water. tents into the unconscious woman’s Helen Barrett, Frances Packard PATTERN NO. 491. said that her mother would have pling if the burn were not prop­ and Frances Delaferra. Gold at­ 3,200 shares of U. S. Steel com-j The oven climbs quickly to €00 face, but Mildred stopped him. She an uneasy night; someone should erly cared for. raon sold at 188, unchanged from | degrees or more, or can be regulat­ jeached for a towel on a nearby tendance pins were given to Lucy As our patterns are (nailed sit up with her, or at least sleep Mildred slept fitfully and uncom­ Laggert, Ruth Crough, Doris Mc­ tnmi New York City please al­ yesterday’s final price. General | ed to give a slow, simmering heat. chair and wet it. Then she laved near at hand. That someone could fortably. She was up many times Motors was up at j This means faster cooking with her mother's face vigorously, but Cormick and Zaba Cignette. Silver low live days. not be Connie. And who was to during the night and when morn­ attendance to Henrietta Taggart, International Tel and Tel shrunk | W absolute control. It is attractively ainavailingly. stay at home during the time that ing came she was wan and tired. 5% to 239 in the high priced spe­ finished in blue and white enamel “ Rub her hand and feet hard, Ruth Crough, Louise Butler. Brice 15 Gents it was necessary for their mother But she got Connie off to school Troop 3. cialty group. The Oils were steady, OPENWORK in a spiral effect with polished steel top and nickel she\ordered Harold and Connie. spring on sheer to be kept in bed? on time and managed to keep up a Miss Norton assisted with the N am e...... with Standard of New York and is featured for trim. While they obeyed her instructions Mildred knew that it would wor­ cheerful appearance through the New Jersey fractionally higher. The silk hose. she held the glass to her mother's teaching of songs at the last meet­ ry her mother to have Connie out morning for her mother’s sake. ing. These song's will be sung at Size ...... Rails were inactive, with prices iips and forced a few drops of water of school. “ I suppose I’ll have to At noon a neighbor came in. practically unchanged. Coppers through them. A moan of pain ac­ the rally, Friday night. April 12. take a few days off,” she decided, bringing a bowl of hot soup and This troop has planned a hike for Address sold higher. Anaconda gaining a companied Mrs. Lawrence’s return wondering how a deleted pay en­ an apple dumpling. Mildred fed the point at 144. International Nickel to consciousness while Mildred held Saturday if the weather is favor­ velope could be made to meet the soup to her mother and saved the able. All scouts are to meet at the up 11/4 at 47%: Nevada Copper up 4 a handkerchief with a few drops of present emergency. dumpling for Connie’s supper. She % at 49% and St. Joe Lead up kmmonia on it u.ider her nose. corner of Benton and Center streets Her worry did not show in the was too tired to eat, but she drank at 1:45 to be ready to start at 2 p. Send your order to the “ I’at- % at 671/2. "Tears of sympathy streamed tenderly sympathetic face she a glass of hot milk which made her m. Each scout should bring her tern l>ept.. MancMestei Kveiiing down Mildred’s cheeks. showed to her mother, however, feel sleepy. supper. Herald, So. Manchester, Conn.” ' “ The doctor will be here in a and presently the restive figure on | Finding her mother slumbering, The meeting will be omitted this minute. Mom.” she said encourag­ the bed grew quiet, the spasms of j she decided to take a short nap. week on account of the rally. ingly. “ Doesn’t the oil help at all?” pain passed less frequently across; But just as she entered he-^ room Notice:— All news should be sent ‘!Oh. I guess so, dear,” .Mrs. Law­ the pinched features and Mildred j the doorbell rang and Mildred’s oc phoned to Mrs. F. H. Norton, or orange ones to startle the rence managed to say between bit­ knew that the mercifully induced i heart jumped into her throat. 552-3 each Tuesday. brown. . . I ® ing her lips to keep back her sleep had come. She knew that ring. Now that we’re on this subject, ihoans. She tiptoed softly out of the room (To Be Continued) the Department of Commerce is­ 'She smiled at Harold when she and found Connie trying to dispose sues figures which say that in recognized him. “ I’m sorry to spoil of the flowers Harold had brought 1927 American women spent up. nearly two billion dollars on beau­ “ Don’t talk.” Mildred broke in. “ Won’t mother love them!” she “ MAGIC DINNER” BAKED ty__$1,825,000,000 to be exact! “ Oh, there’s the doorbell: It must exclaimed gratefully. “ And I’ll en- Another billion and a half dol­ Before You Pack be Dr. Brill. Answer it, Connie.” T U J y ^ lars were spent for female wear­ * * * joy them, too. I’ll be home with her i IN ELECTRIC OVEN The for a while. You’ll tell them at ing apparel in the year of the last Those Blankets Connie ran out of the room and the hotel, Harold?” available statistics on this subject, Cleaners Mildred turned to Harold. “ I'm Away “ Of course. I hope it isn’t going Miss Florrie Bowering gave a which happened to be in 1925. That afraid I can’t leave mother to­ to be serious. I mean...... ” ^r'^AlUENE SUMNER This flgure subdivides into some­ of course you’ll want them night,” she said, “ but if you want radio talk this morning from Sta­ Clean fresh and clean, when you take Mildred glanced at Connie. “ The tion WTIC, explaining how one may thing like $700,000,000 for shoes; to we can have a bite of dinner Mrs. Goohoofis who is wash­ $4 2 5 ,000,000 for hose; $120,000,- thfera out again in the Fall. doctor said he doesn’t think the cook a dinner, recipes for which are ing a tubful of the children’s here when the doctor’s gone.” arm will be crippled,” she replied, 004 for silken underthiigs; $600,- So many women have found “ I’d be in the way,” Harold de­ given below, in the oven of the elec­ winter underwear and wondering but there was a note of gravity tric range within two hours, with 000,000 for dresses; $300,000.- it most agreeable to avoid the murred. if she’ll get it on the line in time 000 for furs, another $300,000,- Coffee CfSaf hard work of cleaning them — Phone in her voice. the temperature control set at 400 to start peeling the rutabagas for “ Oh, no,” Mrs. Lawrence put in, Connie missed it. Is mother i degrees, 000 for millinery; $55,000,000 S ^ V ^ i p p m g y and yet have them even more her hospitable spirit surmounting This “ Magic Dinner” In- the supper Irish stew will, no 1310 asleep?” she asked in happy relief. | eludes a three-pound ror.st loin of for gloves. perfectly done— by sending her suffering. doubt, be overcome to hear that Interesting figures, but again i Mildred nodded. “ I wonder what j lamb, brown gravy buttered onions. Dame Fashion says that her finger them to us. At such low cost, “ I’d like to have you here,” Mil­ am moved to remark that, after too. dred admitted, fearing to be left we can give you to eat,” she said i green string beans, Franconia po- nails must match her new spring to Harold. • tatoes, apple tapioca, as follows: all, the women whose cosmetic '^Cottage I alone with her mother ill and Con­ ensemble. and clothes bills cans: i any man to “ You needn’t worry ’’ Connie ex- 'Wipe off the lamb with ^a Blue nails for blue suits, orange nie unstrung. plafned. “ He’s .brought up every-1 grow some of that fascinating The doctor came in then and Har­ cloth wrung from cold water, place ones to harmonize with the orange gray about the temples are few, thing but canary tongues.” it in a roasting pan, uncovered, and trimming on the ne-w beige suit, •SoleAgents for old told Mildred hurriedly that he indeed. < i w'ould wait in the living room. season it with salt and pepper, but purple nails if, perhaps, Mrs. Goo- Connie came to him soon and Mildred' sighed. A g'iiest bringing do not add any water to the pan. hofis has a new purple hat. The •??llt jf. ' told him the doctor was dressing food. Well, there was nothing she Then place raw peeled potatoes fact that if Mrs. Goohoofis gets a For every female city slicker the burn. She couldn’t bear to could do about it. She didn’t feel which have been painted with pair of new lisle stockings for who spends her $20 a week in the watch it. like making a fuss over a trivial melted butter or bacon fat around spring, she’ll' do well, makes no beauty parlor quite as a matter “ How did it happen?” Harold matter, but it always seemed that the roast in the pan. They do not difference when the style makers of course, there are a hundred asked. she must forever be the recipient, need to be parboiled. Place this edict that fingernails must match who are still leaning over the J “ Mother was preparing dinner,” and recipients, she -was certain, pan in the oven on the first runner or contrast with the spring cos­ kitchen sink struggling -with a Connie explained, “ and she tipped knew better than others how much up from the bottom of the oven. tume. home-made shampoo, and think­ over a pot of boiling lard. Her more blessed it was to give than to Then on a lower rack place a cas­ ing themselves extravagant indeed hand and arm are frightfully burn­ receive. No one, she thought irri- serole or pudding dish in which are NUMEROUS GOOHOOFISHES if they waste a lemon for a final ed. I don’t ' know what I’d have tably, would take food to Pamela, the following: For, believe it or not, what with squirt in the last rinse water. done if Mildred hadn’t been here. Orchlds and French chocolates, One quart string beans, 3 table- all the fashion magazines and the And for every dear lady who It happened just after she came perhaps, but not pate de foies gras spoons hot water, % teaspoon salt, things you see In the stores, there sallies forth to collect her spring upstairs. Oh, de^r, there’s the tele­ and almond-stuffed olives. 3 tablespoons butter. Cover closely. are many more Mrs. GoohooflSes ensemble from a $250 suit proper, phone. Will you answer it, please? True enough, Harold had brought Then in another baking dish in this country than ladies who right on through to the snakeskin w'hich must also be covered put the shoes and the sunkist Jewelry, Digestible Hot Breads I’m too upset to talk.” a large pot of pate and a jar of insist that their fingernails match Harold went out and Connie soon truffles, but there were more sub­ following: their costumes. there are hundreds and thousands Two pounds small onions— or 8 who manage to get new hats for heard his voice raised in angry stantial viands as well, which Con­ Sometimes one gets annoyed at are always assured when leavened with Rum- argument. nie and Harold appeared to enjoy. medium-sized onions cut in squares, this continuous blithe assumption the kids and change the rooster “ No, I won’t call Mildred to the Mildred ate sparingly. Somehow 2 tablepsoons hot water, 4 table­ that all our women, and the most tall trimming on their last year’s ford Baking Powder. Piping hot homemade ’ phone,” he said. “ You’ve no busi­ the food had no savor for her. spoons butter, % teaspoon'salt. of them, h£^ve nothing to do but straw to a wilted cotton pansy dug ness bothering her after office She left the table several times For dessert, which may also go sit down and flgure out whether out of the scrap bag when it rolls, crisp golden corn bread or bran muffins hours, Pam. Besides, she’s not to slip in and see that all was well into the oven with the rest of this they’ll wear orchid fingernails to comes to their own spring head- working for you. No, I won’t tell with her mother. Connie, assured dinner. Miss Bowering suggested go with a purple tout ensemble. gear. ^ » round out the breakfast and start the man of her what you want. Her mother now that the accident was not a apple tapioca. This will make a Is ill and the doctor is here. What? tragedy, was her own self, once complete meal in the oven. Here the house on a successful day- Well, that’s none of your concern. more and led Harold a gay verbal is the recipe; Yes, of course, I’m going to stay. dance. One-half cup minute tapioca, 2% Mildred would have preferred to cups hot water, 4 apples, quartered, MONTHLY PAINS They need me.” 2 tablespoons butter, % cup sugar, ■•He hung up with a bang Just as have him enjoy himself less, for and discomforts of menstruation are quickly Mildred appe*ared in her mother’s j he stayed much later than she % teaspoon salt, % teaspoon ground cinnamon. gone with a SEEQir tablet and a swallow doorway. I liked- And Connie stubbornly re- sisted her sister’s efforts to send Wash tapioca in cold water and of water. SEEQIT is harmless and not “ Who was it?” she asked, not drain, then add the hot water and RUMFORD her to bed. Harold might have ha'vlng heard Harold’s end of the boil for 5 minutes Pour this into Lhabit form ing. conversation. minded her hanging on in the liv­ ing room, but he could see that a casserole or pudding dish and add /The Wholesome “ Pamela,” he said crossly. the apples and the rest of the in­ Endorsed by many dociors. “ I suppose she wanted me,” Mil­ Mildred was not in a mood to listen to him. And Connie was lively. She gredients. Place this on the rack dred said. “ Did you tell her what with the vegetables in the oven. Package (2 to 6 months’ supply) has happened?” was all right when you had some­ $1.00 • *’1 told her yon couldn’t be hoth­ thing to forget. BAKING POWDER But when 11 o’clock came Mil­ ea d . Isn’t there something I can Edward J. Murphy, Magnell Drug Co,, do, Mildred?” dred firmly put him out. And it If you happen to share his en­ D97-S • -"Yes, will you take this prescrip­ was not until she curled up in the thusiasm, he’s a man of vision; if Miner’s Pharmacy, Packai'd’s Pharmaev tion down to the druggist on the big arm chair that she and Con- you don’t, he’s a crank. ■ . ' t'.V 4:,f. P A G E N IN E MANCHB5TETR EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1929.

Bdnng Tides Don’t Last Olympic High Jump Champ One Pin Also Decides To Get Test In “Talkies” Why? Holders Too Slack -fiY eiu-y EVANS- Waite Hoyt, star with the New By HENRY L. FARRELL York Yankees, enjoyed the greatest g e r m a n p o l ic e d o g ______GOLFERS’ SERVICES HELD year of his career in 1928, winning IS DARTMOUTH MASCOT. Alex Wilson’s Teiuff.Jn< FOR SUNDAY PLAYERS. HERE IT IS AGAIN 23 games while losing only seven. Hanover, N. H., April 11. if Champions Fonght More Springfield, Mo.,^ April 11.— j There are some who argue that It was his great pitching more than The Green Dartmouth Indian Springfield “ golf bugs’’ will soon the New York Yankees of 1927 anything else that kept New York took unto himself a new mascot umphs After Three T t ^ Often They WonU Be in be able to go to church and still -were the greatest ball club of all in the race, at a time when most of __a young German police dog. not miss that Sunday morning time. There are others, led by the club were ailing from injuries Although dogs on the campus Tie for First Flaw In round at the local links. John McGraw, who insist that no iiipii or illness. are barred if they belong to an Aside from being a stellar hurler, undergraduate, the problem of Less Danger of Defeat Beginning April 21, the Rev. team ever has approached the class s SNX C. Emerson Miller, will inaug­ o ’ the old . Hoyt has a keen sense ot humor Gerry Swope, Dartmouth track Thriliing Finish. ^ urate a “ golfer’s service’’ which McGraw is willing to admit the and, next to winning a well-pitched captain was solved when his dog Says Walsh. will start at 7 o’clock every power of the Yankees but he puts ball game, he likes to get the de­ was adopted by the Green track cision In a battle of repartee. team. Swope plans to train the morning. This will give the brawn second to the brains of the i ivS-N s The British American Club bowl­ men an opportunity to attend famous old -team on which he I I never shall forget the kick that dog so that he might be used In both church and their game of Hoyt got out of silencing the verbal lieu of a pace-maker.______ing league race which came to 'a By DAVIS J. WALSH played. close Monday night was probably golf. There is one baseball man who batteries of Umpire Dick Nallin. In­ The church of today must ad­ cidentally, I figured in the rout. It the closest race of its kind ever will neither admit that the Yankees seen in Manchester. just themselves to the times In were that year tiie greatest ball is a quick trick to get the last word New York, April 11 — Uneasy which we are living,’’ Rev. with Nallin, for his Celtic fund of It ended with three teams tied club of all time or the most power­ LEGION BOYS llOLD for first place— No. 5, No. 1 and lies the head that wears a Miller declared. ful club that ever had been assem­ humor seldom falls him in the pinch. No. 6— and In the roll-off. No. 5 crown and, it you are talking bled. He is Eddie Collins. won the pennant by the margin of Collins had the fortune to play It was late in the season of 19 27. about heads that wear boxing The day previous Hoyt had scored a single pin! Alex Wilson’s group crowns, you are in duty bound to on two ot the greatest teams of the INITIAL B i^ E A L L rolled 484 against 483 for Josh more modern days, the Philadel­ a shutout victory! As the umpire of add that un-sharp becomes the eye e x p e t s AGAIN balls and strikes, I could best ap­ Fleming’s No. 1. Team No. 6 was and un-hard the chin. In other phia Athletics of 1912-14 and the third with 442. Chicago White Sox of 1917-19.. preciate what a great game he had ■words, what price championships? turned In. And, by the way, I felt WORKOUT FRIDAY There was a great deal of excite­ A man spends his young life conniv­ Good if They Were Bad ment in the final evening’s matches “ The old Athletics were a great I had done a very good job of um­ ing to get one and, and that great THINK RUTH IS piring back of him. When Nallin and in the special roll-off encount­ day when success Is his, he romps ball club.” Collins said. “ It ’was ers. The great finish will no doubt the greatest defensive team I and I came out to start the game and frolics and gibbers as though the following day Hoyt greeted me: Coach Jenney Expects Large be the talk of the ciub for some the goblet of life at last was his ever played on and it also had some time to come. Not only was the ON TRAIL’ S E D hitting power led by the Ruth of You missed two on me yester­ to sip at will. day. Bill!” fight for first place thrilling, but As a matter of fact, he might be his day, Frank Baker. For a moment I looked at him in Number of Candidates; the race as a whole. The teams justified in giving way to the “ But the most powerful offensive tying for last place were only 18 club I ever have seen or played on amazement, not quite sure whether blackest despair. For the winning he intended the remarks as praise points behind first place. of a boxing title In these enlight­ But Walsh Declines to Take was the White Sox club that went National Legion Program The league will hold a banquet wrong. Jackson, Felsch and Gan- or criticism. Deciding to play it ened days means only another good safe, I replied: “ Well, I must have next Saturday at Hammie Metcalf’s man gone wrong. dil were three of the hardest and cottage at Coventry Lake. The Definite Stand; Says Ruth most natural hitters I ever saw. been pretty good yesterday if so Explained. As a contender, the man might great a pitcher as you only fooled bowlers will leave the club rooms have been an active, ambitious The picture that lingers of Jackson me twice.” at 1:30. The afternoon will be tak­ fighter whose frequent appearances at the bat hitting those line drives en up with sports and at six o ’clock Makes Chump Out of is a perfect picture. There wasn’t "I should say you were,” chimed in the ring brought satisfaction to in Nallin. “ I would call that just The first bugle call for candidates they will sit down to a roast lamb the addicts and comfort to his poc­ a man on the team who wasn’t a about perfect.” for the American Legion junior dinner prepared by Chef Jim Cor­ ket. As a champion, he goes into Dopesters. killer in a pinch. bett who has promised^ something the silence, withdraws from circu­ “There were some great ball Hoyt then shifted his remarks to baseball team will be sounded at Nallin. special in the line of eats. lation and altogether becomes poor­ players on that club. Buck Weaver, 5:30 tomorrow afternoon at which The presentation of bowling if he had not been involved in that signed a contract to work in a New “ By the way, Dick, how many do er both in money and ability. By DAVIS J. WAL.SH. you umpires figure you can miss time players are to report to Coach league prizes will take place at this Joe Dundee Cited trouble surely would have gone Pretty Ethel Catherwood, who York studio. She was acclaimed the time and there will no doubt be most beautiful girl to participate in and still call it a good day?” 'he Jack Jenney at the West Side play­ Look at Joe Dundee, if you can down on the records as one of the won the women’s high jump cham­ grounds. plenty of spirited wise-cracking by see that far. He was a good fight­ greatest third basemen, ot all pionship in the Olympic games at the Olympic games last summer. New York, April 11.— They are “ Twelve, either way.” answered Whether or not a boy attended the more witty members of the er when he was challenging lor times. I don’t know of any better Amsterdam last summer, is going And this photograph of her is con­ wide-awake organization. The list chanting the litany over an alleg­ vincing proof that she isn’t any Nallin. Then ho proceeded to ex­ last Friday’s meeting at the Rec. he the welterweight championship and, third baseman that I ever have to get a trial in the “ talkies” . The^ is welcomed as a candidate. A care­ of averages and prize winners will edly recumbent Mr. Ruth as the strain on the eyes. plain, by saying that in the course since all challengers are willing to great man stumbles and fumbles seen. He probably would be play­ Toronto, Canada, miss recently* ful watch and record will be made be announced later. fight anywhere at any time, fre­ ing now and playing a great game of a game an umpire might call his way o’er the land in pursuit of twelve pitches strikes that the team of all who report at the practice Following is the final league quent competition made him a bet­ the spirit of his departed youth. if he had not mixed in with that sessions. The local ' Legion post standing, the special roll-off scores ter man than ever he can hope to crowd. in the field believed were balls and Without the slightest attempt to he might call twelve pitches balls hopes to be represented by. a very and the scores of the final night’s dissemble or to mitigate, they say “ Lefty Williams was one of the strong team: one capable of mak­ matches: ^*S^ce beating Pete Latzo out of greatest southpaws I ever saw. He Ed Bailey Hopes Rules that looked like strikes, so close he is slightly fini, so to speak, and would be each pitch. ing an excellent showing. the title two years ago, Dundee s proceed to discourse learnedly didn’t cheat with the ball as Cicotte The American Legion’s Junior FINAL ST.IXDJXG times at bat have been seldom and did. He had marvelous control. “ If my ‘Aggers’ are correct, I W. L. Pts. about the half-stride “ that is miss­ Will Prevent Violation take it that you can miss 24 pitches baseball program is a nationally of a most informal nature. As a ing in his speed,” the noticeable Time after time I would go to him organized Americanism activity. Its No. 5 ...... 39 21 31 result, he is ready for Monday s in a pinch and tell him to give the and still fell you have done a pretty No. 1 ...... 3 9 21 39 “ shortening of his swing” and tliq good day’s work,” replied Hoyt. purpose is to teach the boys of the ’ wash and all he can hope to take inevitable difference “ of the split batter one around the knees on the country to be better Americans No. G ...... 39 2i 39 with him Is the few thousand he inside and he would put it right in Manchester High school’ s base­ “ Righto,” said Nallin. Then fol­ No. 2 ...... 22 38 22 second in his start.” Last Night Fights lowed a brief silence in which every through the lessons which the play­ will get in the so-called stiot To put the matter less garrulous­ the spot like he was bowling. A ball team tied for first place in the ing of the great American game af­ No. 4 ...... ^ . . ‘21 39 21 for which he has been waiting. The great pitcher he was.” C. C. I. L, league last season but one on the Yankee bench was won­ No. 3 ...... 21 39 21 ly, it may be imagined the observ­ dering what would happen next, fords. The year 1928, when more big shot no longer is there and ers suspect that the man who is has Lassinan Almost Well than 122,000 boys were brought High Scores lost its position when it became At Providence, R. I.— Young when Hoyt set their minds at ease Wilson, 339. never will be, for Dundee's inaction become the man who was. They A1 Lassman, the great . New Montreal, Providence featherweight out on to the diamonds and given has killed him two ways, as a York University football player,' known that certain members of the by saying: Taggart, 308. add that none realize this fact more outpointed Bud Taylor, of Terre “ Twenty-four, eh? Well, Dick, I the opportunity to play baseball in fighter and as a drawing card. poignantly than Mr. Ruth himself, will recover completely from the team had violated the eligibility a nation-wide competition, has set Daoust, 304. *If Dundee’s case is the most Haute, Ind., 10. have noticed that you have taken Final Roll Off which, if true, is really important. effects of a serious injury ‘he sus­ rules by playing with outside teams. a high standard for subsequent obvious on record, Andre Routls is tained in the game last fall a,gainst Ernie Mandell, Providence feath­ the limit in every game you have No. 5 The man who has gone back usual­ It is with the intent purpose of erweight, defeated Frankie Garcia, worked behind m e'lately!” y 6&rs. the runner up. The Frenchman ly discovers the fact well after his Carnegie Tech. He was kicked in Wilson ...... 103 won the featherweight champion­ eliminating any possible re-occur­ of Utica, N. Y., 10. Even Nallin joined heartily in the Co-operating with The American Wilson ...... 102 arrival at the desination in ques­ the head and his entire left side Legion in the program are the Na­ ship six months ago and has done was paralyzed. He spent the win­ rence of last year’s situation that At Mineola, N. Y.— Mickey Gena- big laugh that followed. B a k e r...... 77 tion. Faculty Manager Edson M. Bailey ro, Waterbury, Conn., defeated tional and American Leagues ot nothing with marked celerity since However, it really Is poor taste ter at Miami Beach and when he Kane ...... 96 Then. Without the title, he would has asked The Herald sports de­ Sailor Snitka, Huntington* N. Y., 8. professional baseball. From these Kerr ...... 106. to take liberties with Mr. Ruth’s left he had recovered the use of all two leagues comes the financial sup­ have been fighting regularly and the paralyzed members. The tips partment to publish the code of Ernie Muller, Norwegian welter­ future; also exercable tactics. For eligibility rules governing high INDIAN FIGHTE port which makes possible the hold­ the exchequer would have fiourish- the gentleman has one thing in of three fingers on his hand were weight, 'outpointed Stan Reid, ttf 484 school athletic contests in Connec­ Newburgh, N. Y., 8. ing of the regional and sectional No. 1 ed accordingly. He, too, common with John Dempsey. The still numb but the doctors said they tournaments and the Junior World figure to score heavily at the gate would respond to massage treat- ticut as adopted by the Connecti­ Fleming . . . only way one can assure himself of cut Interscholastic Athletic Con­ Series. Splendid co-operation has any time he does elect to start. being wrong from early infancy Is ment. has represented his school for that MEETS CANADIAN W y lie ...... Mandell’s Chances ference. been received from minor baseball Warnock . . to pass an opinion on either of I saw him and talked to him in year. leagues in th« Legion baseball ac­ Mandell probably g them. All on* has to , do for Mr. Miami Beach and found that some Manager Bailey hopes that man­ To have represented his school, T. Brennan money as a contender as he has tivities in their territories. Many Metcalf . . . . Ruth is to venture timidly that he stories about his condition had agers of local baseball teams as he must have played oa the first organizations and individuals out­ made as a champion. In fact, u is good and, forthwith, he becomes been cruelly exaggerated. He acted well as the players themselves will team or an organized second team McTigue Will Be in Latter s took the lightweight championship side of baseball have also given 483 bad beyond all reason; Conversely, and talked very rationally and was read the rules and prevent any such against other schools. their support to the movement and L a ir with McLarnin ^^t one drafts a powerful dissertation in fine spirits. trouble this season as occurred last Rule 6: He shall not havq. passed No. 6 to set Sammy well ahead of the Corner; Interest in Tuck- the Legion has in a way formed a Hamilton . . . concerning evidences of his incipi­ Lassman, a great boxer, had his year. The rules covering the viola­ his 21st birthday. rallying ground for the men who «ame Without the development ent decay, and— blooey, he makes heart set on a professional boxing tion last year will be found in bold Rule 7: He shall not, during the Daoust ..... o? McLarnin, he might not hav.e believe in baseball and in boys. of you one first class bum. career. Jimmy Bronson, who had face type. season, have played under an as­ Flavell . .. , , been out of the auburn for he er-Christy Scrap. Tournaments to decide state W. Brennan Still, if you stick -with the nega­ an agreement with him to act as Rule 1: A pupil must have been sumed name. championships will be held in every guaranteed Rocky tive side of the Ruth argument, you his manavger, said he was the great­ Rule 8: Whenever a player is dis­ Stevenson .. the day he took Rocco s title from a member of the school for at lieast state. The state champion teams have to win some time and maybe est prospect he ever had seen. Size, twelve school weeks immediately qualified for using an assumed will meet in twelve regional tour­ this is It, He did falter badly in strength, natural skill and a liking name the game or games in which FIGHTS TONIGHT AT 442 ^ The heavyweight championship preceding the time of playing, ex­ GOOT GUARD HALL naments, six in the East and six in the stretch last season, managing for the game were attributes that cept in the case of a pupil who has the offense was committed shall be the West, during August, and the to save his countenance only by an are seldom found In a prospect. been regularly admitted from a forfeited to the opposing team or to keep its possessor fighting im Star Bout (10 Bounds) regional winners in the East and REGULAR MATCHES orgy of hitting in the . Lassman talked to me more about grammar school or regularly trans­ teams. West will clash in two sectional n e r S n t l y , if at all. The lack of boxing than anything else. But it George Sidders, welterweight Smart baseball men thought they ferred from another secondary Rule 9: He shall not, daring the tourneys to decide the eastern and No. 4 was the thing that would saw over the sqnson’s play where he may have been the atmosphere. It season, be a member of any organ' champion of Canada, vs. Pete have given men like Loughran and school. western champions. These two D. Torrance . . . 92 107 93— 292 failed to corue up with fly balls he was all fight talk in Miami Beach ized outside team in the same Pacheco, Colorado, (147 Sharkey a chance witu Tunney A pupil late in entering at the be­ teams will be brought together in S. Hewitt . . . ..111 94 80— 285 should have caught on the point, if at the time. ginning of ^ year (or half year for branch of athletics. In case of a pounds). the Junior World Series, which will They were fighting, he wasn t Never Can Box, Though Semi-final (8 rounds)— Eddie J. Boyle ...... 75 90 88— 253 any, of his interesting snout like a systems with semi-annual promo­ violation of this rule he shall be be played early in September. H. Donnelly . .. 98 85 85— 268 Loiihran realized this when he trained seal and also were pleased When he wanted to show that ineligible in this branch of athletics Elie, Springfield, vs. Jimmy first got the light heavyweight tions) will not be considered a to believe that his speed on the his left arm was not paralyzed member for the time he has miss­ for the balance of the season. Rossi, Westerly, (159 pounds). championship but, barring the re­ he demonstrated how he could use Six rounder (128 pounds)— 373 376 346 „ bases was no more. ed; The season in any sport is de No. 2 cent Walker fight, Loughran final­ There is nothing remarkable it in a left hook. And a lot of the fined as the period between the first Nick Christy, Bristol, vs. Brow- ly was as reticent as any of the a. Unless he registers within the H. Tierney . . .. 94 96 91— 281 about all of this. The man is 'J5 exercise he took was shadow box- first ten school days. and last scheduled games, played by 'nie Tucker, Hartford. champions. Walker stepped out Six rounds— Joe Zotter, New J. Hughes . . . .. 78 91 89— 268 years old and the end can’t be far in«; b. Until (under provisions ol a team under the name of the W. Shields .. . . 77 87 94— 258 only once with his title since beat­ away. But his doctors say they never school. Britain, vs. Mickey Blaine, In­ ing the late Tiger Flowers several Rule 3) he has made up work Local D. Morrison . . . 79 99 100— 278 Perhaps It is here already, per­ will give him their permission to missed in at least four units, An organized team is one that dian Orchard, (136 pounds). years ago and not more tli^an a h haps not. Mr. Ruth undoubtedly is enter a boxing ring. And his friends plays one or more games under a Four rounds (173' pounds) — dozen times in non-title tiohts. He and has a passing grade in at 328 373 374 striving, for he likes to astound the are all advising him against it. One least three. definite name such as “ South Vic Carlson, Terryville, vs. Chet would have been richer and better populace with his feats and the of­ hard punch on the head might he Sides,” “ West Sides,” “ Boy Scouts,” Sawlowski, Holyoke. Sport as a challenger, for then he would .3. A player must have been a No. 6 fice records of the Yankee tour this fatal, the' doctors said. member of some school either “ Keystones” etc. Four rounds (118 pounds)— J. Hamilton . 78 76— 241 have fought frequently. Joe Riccio, Bristol, vs. Teddy .. 87 spring prove that he has not been (a) elementary or (b) second­ Boys who belong to an organiza­ P. Daoust . . . . . 84 123 97— 304 Dempsey’s hUstake without encouragement In this re­ tion like the Y. M. C. A. or Boys’ Darr, Hartford. I always have felt that Dempsey ary for the twelve school weeks ______A Chatter H. Flavell .. . .102 83 100— 285 spect. The Yanks have played to prior to the time of playing. Club and who have played on class B. Brennan . . .101 84 110— 295 and Kearns made a mistake In upward of 75,000 persons in ten 3 NEW ENGLANDERS teams inside the club but did not With Mike McTigue, former light spacing the men champion s ap­ A school week ends with the offi­ F. Stevenson .. 98 100 89— 287 days on the road, something of an cial closing time of the last school represent the organization; against heavyweight champion of the world pearances so widely. - They wanted exhibition record, and Mr. Ruth has other similar organizations are not in his corner, George Sidders, wel­ the big money to assuage ^ e ir WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS day of the week. The town championship bowling 472 4G8 472 been more than a mere number on Rule 2: He must have passed at violating Rule 9. terweight champion of Clanada, sorrow in case Dempsey lost. What meets Pete Pacheco, the fighting In- tournament for man opens tonight No. 3 the bill. He was and is the bill the close of the school’s previous Rule 10: At every athletic con­ J. McDonald . .101 75 70— 246 they overlooked was the fact that test between signatory schools, cer­ lian, in the star bout tonight at at Murphy’s and Farr’s. All bowlers and, when the chumps weren’t riot­ Holden, Baker and Lopez Vic­ half year In at least three units of are to report at Farr’s at 7:30. S. Dunlop . . . . . 89 79 88— 256 the big shots with Carpentier and ing to get near him, they were tified lists of pupils eligible to play Foot Guard hall, Hartford. Firpo would have developed natur- tors in National A. A. U. prepared work or its equivalent. In J. McCullough . 85 .84 120— 2S9 peeping through the dining room case a pupil falls to meet this re­ under these regulations, signed by McTigue and Sidders arrived in J. McCaughey . . 89 79 84— 252 aUy and that, if nothing better of­ Boxing Finals at Boston. Hartford yesterday afternoon. Sid­ Johnny Gardner and John Mc- doorways, listening to him at his quirement he shall he ineligible for the headmaster or principal, shall Menemy will meet in their semi­ S. Taggart . . . .109 96 103— 308 fered, it would have paid Dempsey soup. be exchanged by the manager of ders went through a fast work-out to go in there with Luke McLuke. the ensuing half year. (A “ unit” final pocket billierda match in the The story is tha^t Mr. Ruth’s pop­ Boston, April 11.—Seven new signified a prepared subject taken the teams. These lists shall be re­ with McTigue dispensing advice in 473 413 465 He would have been a couple ot national “ eimon pure” boxing cham­ his corner. Pacheco, who is credited town championship tournament to­ ularity, like Dempsey’s h u Increas­ at least four periods per week. Un­ vised at least every two weeks. morrow evening at 7:30 at the Rec. hundred thousand richer fo/ ed in proportion to his disability. pions reigned today, and one other After the contest, these lists shall f sortie and the defeat of McLuke prepared work counts as one-half Gardner rules the favorite, but one No. 5 Personally, I think It might be well retained his crown following the unit.) i be filed with the headmasters or K a n e ...... 89 108 85— 282 would have been a formality. At three night National A. A. U. can never tell In this sport. The not to go too far with the obsequies No unit, for which the pUpil has principals. winner meets Billy Kaminsky for Baker ...... 73 93— 261 the same time, it would have kept until one makes certain of his tournament at the Boston Arena Rule 11; The headmaster or Dempsey less Inactive during the already received credit on the the title next week. H. Wilson .. . . 92 sb 111— 283 corpse, for Mr. Ruth ever was an which terminated early today. school records shall be included in principal of each school agrees that .. 85 ;;9 97— 281 three years preceding the firs. The eight title winners repre­ K e r r ...... inept man in the ring. Anyhow, those required by these rules. the interpretations of this code As usual, there will be a large A. "WTlson .. . .Ill 123 105— 339 Tunney meeting, in which case he they say the chumps have been all sented 115 “ mitt slingers” origin­ made by the Committee on Eligibil might have been champion to this The half year ends with the end Manchester delegation at the box­ too ready to condone his short­ ally entered In the eight classes. of the school week,. at mid-year ity Rules of the Connecticut Inter­ 472 513 601 dav. for all anyone knows. Winners of the National A. A. U. ing program at Foot Guard hall In comings, thereby increasing the or end of the year. scholastic Athletic Conference shall Hartford tonight. Since the ama­ No. 1 if it didn’ t pay Dempsey, who anguish of his failures. titles were: be final. knew that a big purse was comiu-: The “ school’s half year” for any teur fights at Cheney hall were dis­ Fleming- ...... 107 91 101— 299 Apparently, he has been doing 112-pound class— James Kerr, pupil means the last half,year, that A boy who violates Rule 7 or 11 Warnock ... . . 96 91 78— 265 to him any time be started, what Grand Rapids, won from Augie continued, Manchester boxing en­ most of his striving at the plate the pupil was a member of the shall he suspended for a period not thusiasts have had to go out of Wylie ...... 94 100 91— 285 are chumps like Dundee and Rou- and the funny thing about this is Curtis of Los Angeles. exceeding one calendar year, unlMs tis waiting for? The longer they school. The "ensuing half year” for town for their enjoyment. T. Brennan . ...92 85 94— 271 that, if he has hit two 1 ome runs 118-pound class— Albion Holden, any pupil means the next half year previously reinstated by the Eligi­ (->'V/ V " -S’, ''' " Metcalf ...... 100 95 97— 292 wait, the less they figure to get, Providence, R. I., outpointed Mose bility Committee after application except in the matter of gloves upon all spring, he must have got the that he may be a member of the The Hartford baseball club under 6ther one at a private sitting nr Butch, Pittsburgh. school. by the boy for reinstatement. 489 462 461 the countenance, 126-pound class— Martin Zuniga, ' its new manager, Helnie Groh, will something. As for the rest of his Rule 3: He must conform to the Rule 12: It is recommanded (1) arrive in the Capital City Saturday The late Harry Greb had the game, there seemingly has been Los Angeles, Cal., outpointed Bobby that a teacher of each school be Tight idea. He fought in order to scholarship requirements of his own from its southern training camp at none. He doesn’t chase fly balls, he Merrit, Buffalo. school, but must be taking the present at all regular contests be­ get himself in condition: he fought 135-pound class— Steve Halalko, Havre De Grace; Md. A reception Is breaks no legs going down the first equivalent of at least four units of tween schools, (2) that all games in order. The Senators will play to keep himself there. Maybe he base line on taps to the infield. Buffalo, N. Y., defeated Joe Bernal, be played on Fridays, .Saturdays, didn’t get too much for fighting prepared work per week and must their first game at home Saturday The answer is that Mr. Ruth is San Francisco. have maintained, from the begin­ week-end holidays or days preced­ Pete Pacheco Following Pyle’s the Joe Gums out behind the back 147-pound class— Leslie Baker, afternoon against Montreal at rating himself along against the ning of the school’s half year, a ing holidays, (3) that these rules Bulkeley Stadium. This should at­ fence somewhere, but he at least Watertown, beat Eric Larson, New be sent out and re-signed annual­ with a fine record, last fall got the Bunion Derby hour when a discussion of his 19';JU passing mark In subjects aggre­ deetelon over Pinkey Kauffman in tract many Manchester fans. ■ k ■wa.s that much ahead of the game contract is indicated. He is con­ York. and he always was ready when the gating not less than three units. ly. a bout at Lynn, Mass. serving everything for a last mag­ 160-pound class— Ray Lopez, No unit, for which the pupil has Rule 13: He shall be an ama­ Bat Battallno’s announcement big shots came. And these came Boston, won on a foul from Ray In the semi-final of eight rounds nificent gesture and I, for one, already received credit on the teur, one who has never used and that he is soon to become married Waynesburg, Pa;, April ll.r^-^The as frequently in his life as they Tramblie, Rockford, 111. is not now using his knowledge of Eddie Elie will square off with would hesitate to say that it will be school records, shall be Included In Jimmy Rossi. This bout promises Is now followed by the news that trans-continental buaioaeerh b£ C. did to the champion who waited for 175-pound class— Martin Levan- athletics or his athletic skill for C. Pyle’s entourage shoved off here • them in patient, fat headed idle­ In valh. Nor would I attempt to those required by these rules. heart-warming action. A special Ray Sanborn, another Hartford call it the other way, either. Mr. dowskl, Grand Rapids, beat Harry Rule 4: He must not be a grad­ gain, and who has always contested fighter, was married in Middletown on the 12th lap of the race yrhichV ness. Allen of Brockton, 'Mass. six-rounder will bring together Nick Ruth is like that. uate, in a four years’ course, of any under his own name. Christy and Brownie Tucker in a yesterday to Miss Harriet Kilmer wlll take them to Wheeling, W. Va., ' Heavyweight class— Elmer How- secondary school. Rule 14: These rules shall'be in this morning with Ed Gardner, the .ard, Philadelphia, beat Ralph Flc- effect on and after September, return tilt' while in another six- of Hartford. Rule 5: He must not have repre­ rounder Joe Zotter of New Britain big Seattle negro, atlll la the lead. HE’S ALL JOY NOW ucella. New York. 1928. O’Goofty says that a team that sented any secondary school or take's on Mickey Blaine of Indian Monday will -find Manchester’s Gardner has an elapsed time. of. schools In athletics for a total of Signed. fishermen up bright and early to 68:11:10.^ Paul Simpson ot can win six pennants in eight ALLEN Q. IRELAND, M. D. Orchard. years isn’t so poor. But then may­ Bucky Harris says Cubs are the more than four years. The two four rounders pit Joe begin their trout season campaign. llngton, N. C., was the first ii3 | l Benny Bengough of the New If a pupil has participated in one Secretary. this,control yesterday, covering t!8 | York Yankees had his tonsils taken be Bucky can’t see the Yankees. best team he ever saw. But then Riccio of Bristol against Teddy Many will be wading the brooks or more plays in one or more inter­ Approved: when the first streak of dawn trek from Uniontown, Fa.. in] out recently and thinks, as a re­ Anyway, it’s just another of those he said that after his Tigers had WALTER B. SPENCER, Darr of Hartford and Vic Carlson lost five straight garnet to the scholastic games during the school eomei out of tho Em U ,4 :i€ sli« J . . mit, he will be able to play better things to write your congressman > y*fr ta braseb ^ grjli4tAt. BgjUMt Chit 8*wlo.yakl o| Holyoks. this season. about. BruluB. 80 tbat’8 that. f I MANCHESTER EVENING HERACJJ, SUUTH MANUHESiER, CUNN., THORCSUAr, AFRlC 11, 192^. " p a g e t e n If You Have Something To Sell Advertise In These ColumnsSure Results, Low Cost

Ryan, Harold Schlebe, Inner Guard Want Ad Information. A nnunnccnients lie pairing M 3 John Lary. WADDELL TO TALK TO The chiefs degree was exempli­ SPECIAL—OLD MACHINE allowance * CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repaired, $35 and up In exchange on Singer key fitting, aafea opened, saw filing Rockville fied on a class of five candidates Manchester Sewing machine—Weeks of April 1 and grinding. Work called for. I and later in the evening refresh­ LUTHERANS ON CIVICS and 9. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Harold Clemson, 108 North Elin Mail Your Ad ments were served and a social Evening Herald G49 Main street, South Manchester. streeL TeL 462, hour enjoyed. Remarks were given Tel 2828-W, Council Awards Filtration Work. by the past. sachems and visiting Classified Advertisements Help Wanted— Female BS . The Rockville City Council held a George Waddell, town treasurer, STEAMSHIP TICKETS—All part* of members. will speak on “ Municipal Govern- • Count *lx -iverage words to a line. the world. Ask for sailing lists and regular meeting Tuesday evening Visiting Nurse’s Report. In m ^ s! number* and abbreviations ratea Phone 750-2. Robert J. Smith, WANTED AT ONCE experienced girl The Herald with Mayor Forster presiding. ment” at the monthly meeting of each count ae a word and comoond 1009 rtain street. for general housework in small The April meeting of the Rock­ the Men’s society of the Swedish words as two worda Minimum cost Is Routine bills were ordered paid and ville Nurse Association showed 683 family. To stay nights. Apply Mrs. several building permits for garages Lutheran church, tomorrow night. price ol three Hne^ ^ Automobiles tor Sale Gellen, Nellegs Millinery Store, State were made in March, divided as The rest of the program will con­ Theater Building. were granted. The following reso­ Line rate* per day for transient follows: Nursing, 624; advisory, sist of musical numbers. Alfred FOR SALE—A 1925 Studebaker Big 6 lution was voted by the Common 50; social service, 9. WANTED—SINGLE girl for steno­ Council: Lange, bass soloist, of the Beet­ EllecUve March 17, . seven passenger sedan, or will trade graphic work with one or two years There were 58 cases under the hoven Glee club, will sing “ Vale” Cash Charge for a lighter car. Lawrence Andreo. experience. High school training 7 ctsl 9 cts L Resolved:— That the Mayor and nurses care the first of the month and “ Shepherd, See Thy Horse’s G Consecutive Day* 50 Norman street. preferred. Good cliance for advance­ members of the Health and Sewer 3 Consecutive Day* 9 cts 11 cts ment. Apply Cheney Brothers Em­ and 55 new cases. Collections were Foaming Mane.” Mr. Lange will 13 cts FOR SALE—1924 MASTER Six Bulck 1 Day 11 Ctsl ployment office. committee of said city be and they $444.50. The well baby conference also be heard in a duet “ Minstrel All orders for irregular Insertions touring, good condition, excellent are hereby authorized, empowered will be charged at the one-tliM rate tires. No reasonable offer refused. will start Thursday, April 18, from and His Child,” with Corwin Grant, Telephone 1998-2, and instructed, for and in the name 3 to 4. tenor. Special rates for long and behalf of said city, to make, day advertising given upon Engagement Announced. A short business meeting will Ads ordered for three or six days FOR SALE— CHRYSLER 6 roadster, execute and deliver a contract with and stopped before the third or m b in A-F condition. Call at 95 Cedar WA.NTEO ihe Manchester Construction Com­ Mr. and Mrs. William Pscholtz of precede the program, starting at 8 day will be charged onW fo j 'be ac street, after 5 p. m. Clip this Blank—Write Your Ad, pany for the Reconstruction of 94 Davis avenue announced the en­ o’clock. Refreshments will be tual number of times the ad aPP*ar- GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- GOOD USED CARS Sewer Treatment Works in said gagement of their daughter Emma served. Paul Erickson and Otto ed. charging at the rate earned, but AVORK A.N'D CARE uF CHIL­ Number of insertions here------to Norman Little of Rocky Hill. Johnson, constitute the committee no allowances or refunds Cash or Term's DREN—CALL 950. city, the bids of said conapany ?44,- on six lime ads stopped after the MADDEN BROS. 452.46 being hereby accepted; also, Commissioners Meeting. in charge. 681 Main St. Tel. 600 The Tolland County commission­ ^^No*^“ Hil forbids"; display line* not Print your name and address below. to approve any and all bonds to be SEE OUR USED CARS FIRST furnished by said coihpany; also to ers, will hold a meeting at the *°^lie Herald will not be responsible MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES make a suitable contract as they Tolland County Temporary Home, for more than one Incorrect Insertion 1069 Main St. Tel. 740 WANTED—NEAT and efficient girl Vernon Center, Saturday, April 13. Thos. E. Donahue, Mgr. to assist with housework and care see fit with Taylor & Knight, con­ cf any advertisement ordered tor sulting engineers; also to make, Notes. more than one time. , „ monr- of cliildren, days. Telephone 253S-J. Typewriters The Inadvertent omission of Incor 1929 REO SEDAN execute and deliver a contract with Miss Emily Champagne, head rect publication of advertising will be 1925 HUDSON COACH WANTED—SINGLE girls for clerical Link-Belt Company of Philadelphia, nurse of the Woman’s Ward at the All makes, sold, rented, e.x- rectified only by cancellation uf the BE'ITS GARAGE work, no typing experience neces­ Hartford hospital, is ill at the isola­ charge made for the sjervice rendered. Hudson-Essex Dealer— 129 Spruce sary. Must be good in figuring and Pa., for sledge collecting equip­ :hanged and overhauled. penmanship, opportunities for ad­ ment, for the lump sum bid of tion hospital, Hartford. All advertisements must conform FOR SALE—REO 7 passenger tour­ vancement. Apply Cheney Brothers and Mail to The Herald for Real Miss Dorothy Burke of Granby Special rental rates to stu­ ing. Chandler sedan, 3 Reo trucks. $5,182.11; also to approve any and in style, copy and typographj with Employment office. all bonds to be furnished by the spent Wednesday in town calling on dents. Rebuilt machines regulations enforced by the oabU. h- Bi->wn’s Garage. Telephone 869. Cor­ ner Cooper and West Center streets. last named company. It was voted Frances Kuhnly at the Rockville $20.00 and up. ers and they reserve the right to Help Waiilec—-Male BG edit, revise or reject any copy con­ to authorize City Clark Hunt to City hospital. Mrs. Jajnes Quinn, Jr., is resting sidered objectionable. FOR SALE— GOOD USED CARS RESULTS write the Link-Belt Engineering CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads AVANTED— ALERT BOY 16 years or Company to the effect that their bid comfortably at the Rockville City to be published same day must be re­ over for Oak street Self Serve. Apply CRAWFOi.D AUTO SUPPLY CO. balcony rear of store. J. W. Hale Co. OR of approximately $11,000. for Fil­ hospital, where she underwent an KEMP'S ceived by 12 o'clock noon. Saturdays Center & Trotter Streets 10:30 a. m. tration screening equipment was re­ operation last week. 763 Main St. Phone 821 TeL 1174 or 2021-2 jected on account of price, as it was The Rockville Athletic Associa­ WANTED—16 YEAR old boys to tion will hold a meeting this eve­ Telephone Your Want Ads. Anto Accessories— Tires 6 learn mill operations. Apply to estimated to be about $5,000 too Ads are accepted over the telephone Cheney Brothers Employment office. high. "Voted to authorize Knight & ning at 8 o’clock. Business of im­ at the CHARGE RATE given above Phone portance is to be transacted. BATTERIES FOR YOUR automobile, WANTED — MACHINE Tender to Taylor to readvertize for screening as a convlence to advertisers, but equipment, bids to be opened April the CASH RATES will be accepted s ranging from $7 up. Recharging and operate and cut off asbestos board on FOR AN AD TAKER f u l l PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ repairing. Distributors of Prest-O- 48” wet machine. AVrite Box R, in 23rd. ness office on or before the seventh Llto Batteries. Center Auto Supply care of Herald. Councilman Ide reported the ANDOVER dav following the first Insertion of Co.. 155 Center. TeL 673. each ad. otherwise the CHARGE WANTED—AMBITIOUS MEN. boys Rockville - Willlmantic Lighting Company had submitted a proposal RATE will be collected. No responsi­ Anto Repairing—Painting 7 to learn the barber trade, individual INTERNATIONAL PAPER bility lor errors In telephoned ads instruction with latest methods Apartments, Flats, TecemenU. 63 of revise^ rates which seemed fa­ Wanted— To Buy 68 COMPANY STATE ROAD will be assumed and their accuracy HAVE YOUR CAR checked up for taught. Day and night courses. vorable and a motion was made to cannot be guaranteed. spring driving. All makes of cars Tuition very reasonable. Vaughn s N«w York. March 13th. 1929 • • • Barber School, 14' Market street, JUNK FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM teneipenf. adjourn to meet Tuesday April 16tli. 6 miles out, 12 acres, 140 feet on repaired at reasonable prices. First I will buy anything saleable In the all modern Improvements including The Board of Directors have declared a Index of Classifications class wrecking service. Smith’s Hartford. Conn. to act upon said revised rates as state highway, small- house. This line of junk. Call 849. a heater and garage if desired. In­ regular quarterly dividend of one and Evening Herald Want Ads are now Garage, 30 Bissell street. voted. is a good chance for - business on quire 105 Spruce street. South Man­ three-quarters_per cent ( ^ %) on the grouped according to classifications Situations Wanted— Fenialo SS WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices for chester, Conn. Evening School Graduation. 1 4 main road, such as gas or refresh­ below and for handy reference will Garages— Service— Storage 10 rags, paper, magazines, and metals. Sykes Auditorium was filled CumuLatiTe 7 % Preferred Stock of this ment stand. Price only $4300. appear In the numerical order Indi­ RELIABLE. MIDDLE aged woman Also buy all kinds of chickens. Mor­ FOR RENT—HEATED flat of 5 Wednesday evening at t,he gradua­ Company, and a re, Small cash. cated: . DESOTO. HUPMOBILE and Durant. would like position as housekeeper ris H. Lessner. Call 1545 or 1589. rooms. All Improvements. M- tion exercises of the Vernon Pub­ dend of one and one-; Births ...... ” Sales and service; also Chevrolet for business couple or small adult J. Coughlin. 185 North Main street. on the Cumulative 6% Engagements ...... » service the same as formerly. family. Telephone 1984. 61) lic Evening school. The exercises Tolland street, small farm with Marriages ...... Jr Kc ,ms Without Board TO RENT — CENTE.NNIAL apartr o f this Company, for the current quar­ house, barn, etc., a nice poultry H. A. STEPBNHS opened at 7:30 o’clock with the ter, payable April. 15th, 1929, to holders Deaths ...... " Center at Knox Sts. TeL 939-2 ments. tour room apartment, jani­ place for $5,500. Card of Thanks " Live Stock— Vehicles 42 tor service, heat, gas range. Ice box singing of the “ Star Spangled Ban­ o f record at the close of business March FOR RENT— 131 EAST Center street, ner.’’ Rev.. M. E. Osborne, pastor In Memo.lam ...... F 13 room, very central, hot water, on furnished. Call Manchester Con­ 25th. 1929. Coventry, 55 acres, nine room Lost and F o u n d ...... * Business Services Offered FOR S.A.LE— 8 F.\RM horses, weigh bath room floor. struction Company. 2100 or 782-2. of the Rockville Methodist church, Announcements ...... j Checks to be mailed, Transfer books house, electricity, running water, 3 from 1100 to 1300: prices from $75.00 gave the address of the eveniijg. will not close. Personals ...... ASHES REMOA'ED BY load or job In to $200,000. J. P. Scranton. 428 Hills- barn, poultry bouses, good trout Automobiles Boarders Wanted 59-A 72 The certificate awarded each year light moving truck. A^ Firpo, 116 town Road. Tel. 2440-5. Houses for Sale O irz* SHSmteirD, VUx-Pnr. and Trtaa. brook. Price $8,000. Automobiles for Sale ...... AA'ells street. Phone 2466-AV. by Sabra 'Trumbull Chapter, D. A. Automobiles for. Exchange WANTED—ONE OR TAVO boarders, 5 ACRE PLACE, Manchester Green R., to the pupil in the English class Pitkin street, dandy corner lot, Auto Accessories—Tires .. FOR SALE— HORSE. Inquire Charles in private family. Call 48 Winter Auto Repairing—Painting section. 5 large rooms and bath on making the best progress was INTERNATIONAL PAPER sidewalk and curb, sewers, gas, etc., ASHES REMOVED by job or load. E. Geer, Wapping or teleplione 776-3. street or telephone 165-4. first floor, all improveijients. Good Auto Schools ...... ‘ -A Dickenson. Telephone 1465-2. awarded to Miss Frieda Zimmer­ and POWER COlvlPANY all in, offered for quick sale at Autos—Ship by Truck ...... » elevation, fine place for poultry. I mile from trolley. Low price, easy man; the presentation being made New York. March I3th, 1929 $1600. Terms if desired. Autos— For Hire ...... ' CHAIR CANING and Spllnl seafn g 43 i .Apartments, Flats, Tenements Garages—Service—Storage ...... 10 Poultry and Supplies terms. W. Harry England, Manches­ by Miss Adelaide Sperry. The gold Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices ter Green Store. pin given by the State D. A. R., for The Board of Directors have declared a Six room single, oak floors, white Motorcycles— Bicycle ...... 11 right. L. E. Basey. Sr.. 595 Main regular quarterly dividend of one and Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ----- 12 street. So. Manchester. Tel. 2831-AV. BARREl> PLYMOUTH Rock hatch­ FOR RENT— 6 ROOM cottage on perfect attendance was awarded to trim, steam heat, etc. A real up- Rnslnesa nnd Professlcina. Service* Ridge street, hot water heat, 2 car FOR SALE— SIX ROOM house, 2 car three-quarters per cent (1$^%) on the ing" eggs. Choice stock $2.00 per 15. garage, lot 100 feet front, price rea­ Miss Frieda Zimmerman, also, and to-date and brand new home with Business Services Offered ...... 13 Florists— N nrseries 15 $10 per 100 J F. Bowen, 570 Wood- garage. Call 216-5. Cumulative 7 % Preferred Stock of this Household Services Offered ...... 13-A sonable. See Stuart J. Wasley. 815 presented by Mrs. Walter Skinner. Company, ana a regular quarterly divi­ garage for $6 500, cash $500. bridge StreeL Phone 2121. Main street. Telephone 1 428-2. Building—Contracting ...... H FOR RENT —6 ROO.M tenement, with Certificates were awarded to Miss ded c f one and one-half per cent (1 FOR SALE—HARDY PERRENNIALS. or without garage, all Improvements. Florists— Nurseries ...... 15 Sweet William 25c doz. Hardy chry­ 46 Alma Moser and Mrs. Dora Pruess on the Cumulative 6% Preferred Stock Funeral Directors ...... 16 Articles Ftir Sale Inquire 170 Hilliard street. ___ santhemums 60c doz. Peonies 35c. Lots for Sale ' 73 for making the most progress in the o f this Company, for the current quar- T O I 4- 1-. Heating—Plumbing-Roofing ... 17 each. 3 for $1. Japanese and mixed Insurance ...... FOR RENT— 6 ROOM tenement with typewriting class. In the dress­ ter, payable April 15th, 1929, to hdders [vOuC Tt ] . OlTl 11 iris 10c each. $! doz.. rose bushes 25c FOR SALE— A-NO. 1 LOAM, concrete all niodern improvements, steam Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 19 each. Hardy phlox 25c doz. Gladiolus bldg, and cliimney blocks. Inquire FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on Math­ making class, the certificates were o f record at the close of business March Moving—Trucking—Storage .... 20 heat. Inquire at 19 Newman street or er street just finishing 6 room mod-, bulbs 25c doz. 10.000 shrulis 25c Frank Damato. 24 Homestead street, 29 Griswold street, or telephone given to Miss Helen Javiton, Koeli 25th, 1929. Painting—-Papering ...... 21 each. 5 for $1. Hedging. California Manchester Tel. 1507. ern house with garage. Come and Erismann and Helen Kawalac. Checks to be mailed. Transfer books 1U09 Main Professional Services privet $5 hundred. 40,000 barberry 1 1 51 fi-5. get acquainted. Wm. Kanehl, 519 Repairing ...... Center street. Honorable mention was made of will not close. Real Estate, Insurance, year, old seedlings $1.00 hundred. FOR SAl.E— I.AWN ferllllzer. a na­ FOR RENT—6 ROO.M tenement. % Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 Jane Jason. There were seven; R . G. L a d d , /itx't Treat. Evergreens .50c and up. John Mc- tive mixture, of proven value. Care North Elm street, newly renovated, Toile'; Goods tnd Service ...... 25 for j’our lawn now. priced rlghL Call FOR SALE-BUILDING LOT on Alton Steamship Tickets Conville, 7 Windemere street, Home­ modern improvements, garage. Cali street In Pinehurst tract, telephone prizes awarded, Allen L. Dresser, Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 stead Park. TeL 1640. 136 Summer street. Phone 1 877. EdaentiunnI 258. 1479-3 or inquire at 48 Haynes St. the principal, presented these prizes Courses and Classes ...... 27 BOSTON FER.NS, BEGONIAS, carna­ and Dr. John Flaherty, the school Private Instruction ...... 28 Fuel and Feed 4!)-A TO RENT— 4 ROOM flat, single house, tions $1 doz.. calendulas 35c a pan in all modern improvements, garage if certificates. The judges were Mrs. Dancing ...... 28-A bud and bloom. Hanging pan full ot Real tilstate for E.v<-liange 70 Thomas Garvan, Miss Marion But- THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE; Musical— Dramatic ...... 29 FOR SALE— n.ARD wood, $8 load, desired Inquire Frank Damato. 24 green Inch plants, etc, $1 each. Ever­ Homestead street. Telephone 1507. l-ler and Mrs. Dresser. Wanted—Instruction ...... 30 greens and shrub*. Tel. 8-3091. 379 mixed wood $6.50, slabs and fire FOR SALE OR-EXCHANGE for build- Finnirclal Burnside Ave. Greenhouse, East place wood $7, Chas Palmer, 895-3. FOR RENT—5 ROO.M flat . all Im- ing lot, new 6 room house and sun- The exercises came to a close The Boy Scouts Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 Hartford. parlor, garage. Price $6500. See" with the singing of “ America” af­ Business Opportunities ...... 32 WOOD FOR SAl.E— First class oak Iirovements. rent . reasonable. In­ quire 219 Summit street or telephone Stuart J. Wasley, SI5 Main street. ter which an opportunity was given Sbcichefi hv Re.ssev: Svnoosis hv liraucher Money to Loan ...... 33 wood by tlie load or cord; also apple Telephone 1428-2. Money Wanted ...... 34 Moving— Trucking— Storage 20 tree and oak woimI for fireplaces. It 688-3. to all present to inspect the work of Help nnd SUaatlons can't be beat. Frank V. Williams. FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, at the pupils in the shop and class­ Help Wanted — Fe m a le ...... 35 GENERAL TRUCKING^Local and Buckland. 989-2. 494 North Main street, rent $15. Ap­ 4 i Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 long distance, well equipped tor Wanted— Real Estate room. Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 37 tobacco, fertilizer. wood, grain, FOR SALE—THE FOI.LOWING kinds ply on premises. Sarprise Party for .^Irs. Zuelilke. Agents Wanted ...... 37-A heavy freight, etc. Experienced men. of wood, sawed stove length, and WANTED TO BUY A building lot. Wednesday was a day to be long Must be reasonable arid in a good Situations Wanted—Female .... 38 Prompt service. Rates very reason­ under cover, chestnut hard and slab. FOR ItlCNT—6 room tenement on remembered by Mrs. Theodore Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 able. Frank V. Williams. Buckland. L. T. Wood Company. 55 Bissell St. location. Write Box G. H., In care of ■ Bialnard street. Apply to Aaron Herald.. Zuehlke of 33 Spring street, it be­ Employmeni Agencies ...... 40 989-2. Johnson, telephone 524. Live S4«»ck—Pet*— Poultry— Vehicle* Electrical Appliances— Kadin 41) ing her 80th birthday. In the af- Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... 41 LOCAL and LONG distance moving, FOR RENT—GREENACRES Wads­ ternoion Rev. John F. Bauchmann Live Stock— Vehicles ...... 42 by experienced men. Public store­ worth street, five room flat, available house. L. T. Wood. 55 Bissell streeL motor of a Mexican Aviation cotn- and Mrs. Bauchmann called to take Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 FOR SALE- -SMALL radio. Telephone Mav 1st. all modern improvements. her for an automobile ride and she Wanted — Pels—Poultry—Stock 44 TeL 496. 216-5. Inquire 98 Church street or tele­ pany plane balked ; shortly after For Sale— Hiscelinneona was taken to the. home of Mrs. i MANCHESTER AND NEW YORK phone 1348. taking off from here. The pilot at­ .\rtlcles for Sale ...... 45 Hoasehokl Gootls 51 tempted to glide to the field but Jacob Schweitzer of Rheel street Boats and Accessories ...... 46 Motor Dispatch. Dally service be­ FOR KENT— 4. 5 AND 6 room rents, where she found about twelve of Building Materials ...... 47 tween New York and Manchester. $28 up. Apply Edw.a'd J. Holl. 865 lacked sufficient altitude. The Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 Call 7 or 1282. FOR S.\LE— FULL SIZE walnut Main street. Telephone 660.______plane went into a sideslip and fell her old time friends waiting to Electrical Appliances—Radio ... 49 metal bed, Comfort coil spring. 1 from a height of 100 feet. It was greet her. When Mrs. Zuehlke re­ Fuel and F e e d ...... 49- a PERRETT & GLENNEY. Call any­ felt mattress. 1 silk floss mattress, FOR KENT—6 ROOM tenement covered from her surprise, she en­ Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 time. TeL 7. Local and long distance Itureau. three piece living room thoroughly modern. Apply to J. P. bound from Mexico City to Browns­ Household Goods ...... 61 moving and trucking and freight suite. Wescr upright piano. Fresh­ Tammany. 90 Main street.______ville. tered into the spirit of the day and Machinery and Tools ...... 52 work and express. Dally express to man radio, all practically new. Call a very pleasant afternoon was Boy Scout firemen are official aides to fire depart­ Hartford. Among the victims was Garrett Musical Instruments ...... 53 2282-W. FOR KENT—FIVE KOOM flat on P*l- Frazier, a New Yorker prominent spent. At six o'clock a bountiful ments in many cities and country districts. They Office and Store E quipm ent...... 54 mont street, downstairs, all nod- supper was served. Mrs. Zuehlke Sporting Goods—G uns ...... 55 Professional Services FOR SALE—KITCHEN cabinet, ern improvements and garage. In­ in engineering circles. business is “ to stop the fire before it happens” ; iiii Specials at the Stores ...... 56 wood stove, cheap, coal stove, leath­ quire 37 Uelinont streeL TeL 94-6. was presented with a beautiful their khaki u'niforrns they inspect to see that h; Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 PHONE 1268 er sofa, parlor lamp, quart Mason bouquet of carnations and other Wanted—to Buy ...... 58 UPHOLSTERING— MATTRESS jars, 2 hot house sashs 5 by 6, tobac­ FOR RENT—MODERN six room gifts. ways are kept clean and that rubbish is not left in Rooms— Don rd—Hotel*— Resort* RENOVATING co bed tank. 500 gallon, coal or single, on Elro street, with garage. NOT TO ACCEPT MOTION. Past Sachem’s Night. dangerous places. f-v- Restnnrnnta Manchester Upholstering Co. wood. 50 gallon oil tank, 5 tube May IsL Walter Frlche. 54 East Mid­ Rooms Without Board ...... 59 331 Center St.—Opposite Arch St. radio set. Telephone 2431-5. dle Turnpike. Telephone 348-4. Tankeroosan Tribe, I. O. R. M. »i^By N£A. Through Special Permission of the Publishers of The Book^ntnoWl«dgt^^Copy^ight^_1^ Boarders W anted ...... 59-A Baton Rouge, La., April 11.— observed Past Sachem’s Night in Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 Red Men’s Hall on Tuesday evening Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 Repairing 23 FOR SALE—MAGEE range, with Gov. Huey P. Long will file a mo­ AVanted—Rooms— Board ...... 62 Lynn oil burner, complete $40. Call FIVE PERSONS KILLED tion to quash the one impeaqhment and there were about fifty members Real Estate For Rent Uphostering—Mattress Renovating 2557-W after 5. charge voted against him by the present, including guests from Staf­ Apartments. Flats. Tenements .. 63 For Estimates Cal 1352-W ford Springs. Past Sachem George Business Locations for Rent .... 64 BROCKWAY—UPHOLSTER FURNISH YOUR summer cottage at Lower House of the State Legisla­ Houses for Rent ...... 65 34 Church St. low cost. Open evenings until 9 p. m. IN MEX. PLANE CRASH ture when the Senate convenes at Herzog presided at the meeting, Suburban for Rent ...... 66 Ostrlnsky's Furniture Store, 28 Oak noom to adopt rules of procedure in with the following past sachems Summer Homes for R ent ...... 67 SEWING m a c h i n e repairing ot all street. his impeachment trial, it was occupying the chairs: Wanted to R e n t ...... 68 makes, oils, needles and supplies. K. Senior Sagamore Henry Gakeler, Real Estate For Sal,: W. Garrard. 37 Edward streeL TeL $5 FOR YOUR OLD bed spring, pro­ Tampico, Mex., April 11— The learned today. Apartment Buildings for Sale ... 69 716. viding you buy a new one at Ben­ However, it was not believed ip Junior ’Sagamore George Weber, Business Property for S a ls ...... 70 sons. Foster’s Ideal double coil bodies of five persons, four of them political circles that the motion to Prophet Joseph Grist, First Sannap Farijij and Land for S a le ...... 71 VACUUM CLEANER—Clock, phono- spring $18.50. Your old spring $.5. graph, door closer repairing. Lock Americans, victims of the most quash the indictment will be ac­ Robert Reynolds, Second Sannap Houses for Sale ...... 72 Pay us $13.50. Benson’s Bargain William Lutz, Chief of Records, Lots for Sale ...... 73 and gunsmlthing; key fitting. Store. disastrous air tragedy in Mexico cepted as the Senade does not ex­ Resort Property for S a le ...... 74 Bralthwalte. 63 Pearl streeL since the expansion of commercial pect to consider tlie charge or set a Ldnis Kreh, Collector of Waumpum Suburban for S ale ...... 75 trial date until all nineteen of the John Kuhnly, Keeper of Waumpum Real Estate for Exchange...... 76 WANTED—AUTO owner* desiring GAS STOVES $5 to $15. One used baby air service between Mexico City and expert repair or welding service at carriage $12. One new baby carriage Brownsville, Texas, lay here today impeachment charges against; thej Henry Minor, 'Warriors John Yost, Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 reasonable prices to call at The $15. young chief executive are disposed George Kreh, William Dunlap, Aitctlon-Legal Notice* WATKIN3 FURNITURE EXCHANGE awaiting shipment for burial. Auction Sales ...... 78 Oliver Welding Works, corner Pearl of by the House. | George Starke, Braves Thomas and Spruce streets. 17 Oak St. The crash occurred when the Legal Notices ...... 79 ) In Pasadena, Calif., GAS BUGGIES—Better Late Than Never By FRANK BECK there is a Boy Scout aux­ In fighting forest fires iliary fire department^ Boy Scouts are a big aid ^ Y0UN6 GIRLS THESE DAYS I'VE BEEN A ROLUNG I DO WISH MOTHER’D composed chiefly of to rangers and the state D E A R OLD TALK ABOJT THEIR * INDEPENDENCE,' 7STONE SO LONG THAT LIVED OR I'D N «T AUNT Eagle Scouts. Departments of Forestry. AUhJT SU E — WHAT BUT BELIEVE ME THEY DON’T NOBOOy REALLY LOVES ME. SUE YEAR® AGO. I'D <______A P ITY I OIDKJ*T GET KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING I GUESS POOR OLD DAD ■//y///,A bUWE HAD A BETTER ACQUAINTED WTTH MEP ABOUT. LOOK AT t s ^ ! I'VE PROBAEKY DOES, BUT EVER IDEA OF- THE REAL BEEN RAISED ON A DIET SINCE MOTHER DIED HE'S VALUES OF LIFE OF INDEPENDENCE AND BEEN TOO BUSY MAKING WITH HER TO ' WH/Vr HAS IT BROUGHT MONEY TO BOTHER GUIDE ME ME ? NOTHING BUT HEART- ACHES 1

In California 16 Boy Scouts fought a fire that had' been raging two weeks despite the efforts of 50 men to stop it. The Scouts, toiling for two days and two nights, put out the fire. They were more successful than the men because they knew what they were go-: ing to do and were prepared. (To Be Continued^, I arfftfWWWi. 'c«»ri*ht. 192»,-Tli« Crpatf *»eWr. - . . . ■ -s-'

. V PAGE ELEVElTy.^j MANCHESTEE EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER. GUNN., THOTSDAY, APRIL 11,1929. i N. By Percy L. Crosby FLAPPER FA!>JNY SAYSt SENSE axd NONSENSE SKIPPY WP ^JnccitOVliO RANK S0H€ H6 drank our WHAT I WANT. A fCOW6R POTp HIM W K ? / Give me at first a porch like this H0M6 a n * tRANK And two veranda chairs A beautiful night, a beautiful moon, ^AttONS Of ' iWt Two minds devoid of cares, N UINS«* A(,UN f 'A strain of music far away A breeze to stir your hair, owe N(CHT. I 1A touch of sentiment and then— Remove a single chair. «

A VALUABLE CROP. Fair Spring has come at last, and so To plant an orchard I’m prepar- ing; Does any gentle reader know \ When shoe trees come into bear- in crO

i Willie: “ Why is it, mother, that I some have dimples while others [have none?” . Mother: “ Dimples are only given .w AH CAki^r DECElOlK)^ HERIE'S a r e a l p u z z l e Jones (w’no has called around to j u w q PEOPLE MUCH LoRGER, 6oW'' see if his friend had recovered from 'PERSOKI. .. ’B T Voii ARE AlJ Everyone should favor the a wild night): “Is Mr. Wizzy up E^CCELLEKIY'V/ALEr/^ llJ t a c Y, ARoUR'' Y iiRg l iR’’ BolY WORLD COURT, at least-as a let­ yet?” TviE “BESY I HAv)E*HADt6 BAtE-/- WASRERS iR MAR Poci^ET ter golf puzzle. It makes an in­ Landlady (sternly); "Yes, he got teresting par six. One solution is up, drank his bath and went back • Um - m * •*'* V e S OU Y A S okJ.,'-^- YRyiR** To MAKE FolKS YHlRK on another page. to bed.” ' YUE WAV, ------MRS. MooPLE rr’s MoRe V / — . V'KTRoW er s p r g AR RearlV GoY c au g h t th ’' o R. L D A flapper stood on a burning deck UP WILL sooi\ BE "Doiiis H W w And with the crew she stopped to ^oU l^oiiSe-CLEALilUSn'----- I U)A^JY oYRER Ri6RY,w-.>.A FRie Rd 1 flirt , She was indifferent to" the high Voti Yo YAKE care o f YHE -RlJffSV s a V s , J 'Y a s o R., Vo U flames VjJllJKoWS, AklD WOODWORK SoURds LAK ’Cause they couldn’t reach her y / skirt. - o f COURSE, I WILL SEE YHAY* Vou HAB v/oU ARE WELL PAID TWO RlCi

These modern kids may kiss “ Darling, will you be («FontaiM Fox. 1929. The Bell Syndicate. Inc.) niore times we old-timers did, but'mine?” „ •r;u..ess_^ I The Plot Thickens By Crane “ I'm my wife's sixth husband.” , Woman; “Try Alice. I iii already WASHINGTON TUBBS II ••You're not a husband— you’re j engaged to a guy with thirty-one a habit.” I fifty per.” ^/\T MIGHT b\NST6i^lOUS -BLUE UGHTS ^ Mte. SMD TO f lit THE B/VRE VJIMOOVIS, SOWETlMES THERE »S UEIVRD THE BLOOO-CURDUMG SCRE^M OF WOlVWkMi BOLD MEM HKME BEEM / / / VfNOWM TO EMTEB, N£\/ER To RETORM. 1 / / / / 1 ^ S T O R Y AX' H AU C O C h R/w — PICTURES />/ K N ICK

* p/^^NDEU^BRIkNS SftM THE BL^CV^ C^STLE IS l A H^UNTeD, ^ND CALL IT THE HOUSE OF t e r r o r ...... ^MD HERE \T IS TW^T ^K1^SIA'S CAPTOR'S •BRING HIM — BOOMO, (j i g g e d , CvMD T\ED iM ^ s^evt.

( 3^ - By Blosser FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Sightseeing



J ri

. REG .o .r R A T .o r r . ■B£?v :-= q 01929. ■Y NCA.MRVIC:, INC. , J n IdilnilJHiUftHJim By Small (RE.AD THE STORY, THE iN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM Sam’s Batty With Mister Goofygoo tied tight, bless my soul, that cloud is split­ ^ O S H , t 'L L . H A PTA eep. GOSH SAKES, A3UST KEEplN’ THE. ■'THE.R.E.S A Notch f o k each happy little Tinymite was ting right apart. It’s opening ' c h u c k s '. &eiM’ e>AT 3oy AIN’T ATTA ©oTl SOCK like a door.” And he was right, \ How oy, Wh a t ARE.y a / o f f ic ia l , s c o r e r . e v e R .'y h i t T n e ^ 'v e anxious now to walk right in to so CrOOO - BOT HiEBBe,lF I iT ON TH' Nose; SET THIS OLD KMlFE ’cause, sure enough, a lane led *';£g.YTmw&s SHARPCMEO A6AIM , DOIN' T o T h o s e . ysRot^ suppiN’ANy- M A o e . \ wonderous Thunderland. Of all the I :-.ST AU3N& SHOW t io h m s o n I ' m OM T H e through the fluffy stuff. The Tiny- ^'O&.He.'LL GlMC^e. SOMe-THlMG- BEFORE. Toh^ORROWS 6 A T S '? T^^THlMGr ONER. ON ‘'^ER. mites grew nervy and ivere on THE PoToMa C, happy little crowds that stood upon BETTeP-TA DO- >t CrAPoel p l a Me r s , w a l t — a group of clouds, they were no their way once more. ASTheFAMS doubt, the happiest, as you can un­ When once inside of Thunder­ Ch e e r t h e derstand. land they looked around and SEWATo RS Said Clowny, “ Well, I think that thought it grand. A lot of clouds AND t h e . were here and there, as pretty we can solve this little mystery of 2ZC what’s up here in Thunderland. as could be. Said Clowny, " I ’ll OIAMTS IN AH That's what we came here for. just bet that they make heaps of eYHIBlTIOM If we are going to walk right in, thunder night and day. The man GAME IM I guess we may as well begin. The who runs this funny place I'd WHICH SAM gateway’s open, so we cannot surely love to see.” HOWOT PLwrs knock upon a door.” They wandered onward in a t h e PART OF “All right,” said Carpy. “Take line, and everyone agreed ’twas i’.! the lead. 'We’ll stay behind so fine. Then Carpy stopped and b a t B oy k if you need some help we all can shouted, “Look! What is that F or. lend a hand. Now let’s not be funny thing?” Then up to It they WASHINOTo M afraid.” A head of them a cloud promptly ran and found it was a arose, and Scouty whispered, watering can. It hung between •‘Goodness knows how we are go­ two standards, and a push would ing to get through that. I wish make it swing. I had'a spade. Ji2. ,iVwQi9a»i gy s o n n cc. “I’d dig right In and make a (Clow ny causes a shower in the' . H.W . « ! hole.” Then Clowny said, "Well, next story.). - / s . '> .% v -

THURSDAY, APRiL" 11, IS PAGE. K. ElanrliFfitPr Ettmitm

A room of this furniture is truly a bed covering. This Inovation cer­ OAK AND CHESTNUT man’s room! tainly gives one an Idea of what] CHORAL CLUB SELECTS ABOUT TOWN novel effects can be created in such The walls and woodwork having an every-day object as a bedspread. been decorated in green, the walls Besides the full size bed, tbe POPULAR PROGRAM FURNITURE REVIVED with paper showing small rosebuds Miss Myrtle Fryer of this tdwa, dresser and chest of drawers, which in red with dark green foliage are of oak, the room also has a president of the Froebel club, with against a pale green background, a number of other kindergarten small upholstered chair covered in List Shows Pleasing Variety'j Use of These Woods Aptly and the woodwork painted to a black, unglazed chintz’ showing a teachers attended the meeting at match. With this start, the decorar in Songs to Be Sung at Con'.' Center church house, Hartford last Shown in Furnishings at minute design in rose and green, a DEPARTMENT STORE ' SO.MANCHESTER,CONN.) tors selected a plain glazed chintz handy end table at its arm is made cert on Monday, 22nd.' | evening. The speaker was Dr. Manchester’s Modern Model of green to further cool off this Mark S. Bradley, formerly of Man­ of chestnut and matches in design Home. warmest of all rooms in the house. and texture the other pieces of the Monday evening, April 22, the. chester, who gave a lecture on a To add contrast and also repeat the trip which with Mrs. Bradley he room, and a cabinet table at the Men’s Choral club'will present its ■ With so many new homes being second color of the room, narrow bedside is of oak. eleventh concert program to Man­ took to Africa. It was illustrated stripes of red and black glazed with motion pictures taken by the built in the Early English style You will want to see this unique chester’s musical public. The pro­ with its interesting half timber, chintz were used to pipe the drapes, display, and the other ten. model gram is one of great'variety and doctoY and the local people were result being cool, crisp window so impressed by it they are en­ nought brick and stone stucco and rooms this week, and the home will with Allan Jones, famous youpg hangings. American tenor, as soloist should deavoring to have Dr. Bradley re­ stained clapboard construction,-it is be open for inspection daily from 2 peat it in Manchester in the near only natural that we should find For the floor a checked rug of ,to 9 p. m. prove entertaining and delightful to F u r S t o r a g e T im e a high degree. Included are nu­ future under the auspices of some oak and chestnut being revived as" red and gray was chosen, the red merous numbers of especial “ pop­ of the women’s organization. cabinet work for these types of color tending to warm up the room woods, when correctly handled in which would probably be too cool ular” appeal. The Brownies will have their designing, are ideal for Early Eng­ with its predominating green. The FATHER PLUNKEH TO BE The numbers to be sung follow meeting at Center church tomor­ lish furniture. The up-to-date fur­ gray in the rug helped to reduce and include those of the' assisting row afternoon at 3:30. The “ Fly­ niture store is prepared for the de- the intensity of the red, being a artist, Mr. Jones. ing up” ceremony will take place ipand that must come with the cool color in itself. The resulting Song of the Marching Men, SPEAKER AT K. C. DINNER ...... Pr.otheree ne.vt week Friday. building of so many homes of this color scheme is very pleasing, as style and is able to supply dining you. will note when you visit the Songs My Mother Taught Me, room, bedroom and living room home, and is altogether appropriate ...... Dvorak The Cosmopolitan club will meet Rev. Andrew J. Plunkett, state tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at Wat­ groups of these sturdy woods. The for a man’s bedroom. riark. Hark, the LarkL . . Schubert living room pieces take the forms An interesting effect has been 'chaplain of the Knights of Colum­ Lochinvar, ...... Hammond kins Brothers music room on Oak bus and formerly curate of the St. street. Mrs. R. K. Anderson will of cabinets and tables of all kinds created in the bedspread of this Incidental solos by Mr. Fred Hales Modern Cold Storage that combine graciously with up­ ropm. The walls, draperies and James church here, who now has a Bendall and Mr. Robert Gordon be the hostess. Miss Emily Louise parish in Shelton, will be the guest _ « Plumley, president of the Connecti­ holstered pieces which are covered floor covering .being practically Tenor Aria "O Paradise” from cut State Federation of Women’s in coarse textured fabrics. plain in effect, a little strong de­ speaker at the 28th annual banquet "L ’Africaine,” ...... Meyerbeer and dance of Campbell Council, K. clubs will address the meeting. Her The Southwest Bedroom. sign was desired in the room to Bendemeer’s Stream, . . . Old Irish Vault Offers Complete Protection subject will be “ A Message from With the revival of oak and break up the monotony, and was of C., to be held on Monday evening Twilight, Mair the Great Convention.” The presi­ chestnut it is natural that Watkins achieved in the bedspread. Taking in Cheney Hall. Camel Driver’s Song. Caesar Franck dents of the Federated clubs in Brothers in furnishing Manchester’s for the center of the spread one Father Plunkett xvas exceedingly Were I King...... ! . . . Speaks Hartford county have been invited. Jklodel Home at ’ Marvin Green width of a linen cretonne showing popular in Manchester during, bis Waters Ripple, and Flow, THEVAULT— chose this type of furniture for a very large, set Jacobean pattern service here, especially with, the ...... Deems Taylor younger people, and his transfer Sonnet from the Portuguese, Miss Ethel M. Fish, of North one of the rooms. Tlfe pieces used in reds and greens, a width of plain We have as fine and as well equipped Fur Elm street has been the guest of have sturdy, turned legs and linen crash to match the back- was keenly felt by the congrega­ ...... Gaul Miss Claudia Schmidt, formerly of stretchers and are handsomely carv-j ground of the cretonne was sewn to tion. This will be his first visit to Tenor— Group of Songs in Eng­ Storage Vault as could possibly be imagined. this town who is now assistant su­ ed and finished in a soft old brown. I each side of it, making a full width this town since being transferred. lish and Italian. It has a coat of solid cork and it is kept at pervisor of nature study in the pub­ William J. Shea, local attorney, Carry Me Back to Old ’Virginny, and chairman of the committee in ...... Bland, a temperature of below freezing througli our lic schools of Springfield. While in automatic refrigerating system which pro­ that city. Miss Fish, who is director charge, is to act as toastmaster at TheMagic Song, . . Meyer-Helmund of Sunnyside Private school here, the banquet, it was announced to­ Tenor Solo, Allan Jones. vides dry air at all times. took the opportunity to visit the day. The Evening Falls O’er the Sea, MacDiiffy and Miss Barker’s private PMON' Tickets ara selling rapidly and (from “ The Children’s Cru­ schools. those wishing reservations may ob­ sade,” ...... Pierne tain tickets from the following, Tenor Solo, Allan Jones. & Mrs. S. Gellen of Nellegs Mil­ William J. Shea, James D. Burke, THE CLEANING— linery store has returned from a «• Wilbrod Messier, Walter P. Gor­ Gibbons Assembly. Catholic La­ buying trip in New York City and man, Charles J. Magnell, George H. dies of Columbus will hold its regu­ Every garment is thoroughly cleaned by a reports that the seasons offering of GOOD THINGS TO EAT Williams, John F. Tynan, Robert lar meeting tomorrow evening at vacuum and blower process as soon as it is hats is larger and more varied than J, Gorman and Leo Cleary, the K. of C. clubrooms. received by us. Each garment is then ex­ ever before. WHAT IS A SIRLOIN? amined and hung separately in the vault. The second meeting and luncheon Foolish question— the next cut behind the por­ of the Lion’s Club will be held terhouse, of course! Perfectly definite, isn’t it? Tuesday evening. April 16, at 6:45 And so, of course, if one market sells you sirloin at at the Hotel Sheridan. An effort is so many cents a pound and the next market charges THE PROTECTION— being made to have all members you several cents a pound, the latter is gouging. present. The speakers’ committee Is that so! Suppose the first market sells you sir­ Our vault, which is located on the second in arranging to have an interesting loin cut from an old “ canner” cow th^t weighed floor of our new addition, assures complete speaker on hand. 650 pounds on the hoof— and the other sells you porterhouse from a prime corn fattened steer three protection to your furs. It is amply pro- The Girls Friendly Society can­ .years old that weighed 1700; how about it? tected against fire by a complete sprinkler \ A \ didates of St. Mary’s Episcopal Pinehurst sells no "bargain counter” meat— system and, in addition, the furs are insured ' ' Church will hold their first meeting which might easily be called “ shoddy” meat. This on the valuation you place on them. They tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 market cuts only prime stock— from fine, healthy, are insured, too, against theft and moths. o-’clock. The meeting is in charge properly nourished animals. It prices its meats, of Miss Ethel Hadden. ■not to match prices of the inferior articie, but at the lowest possible notch, quality necessarily con­ An Army recruiting officer was sidered, AND THE CUSTOMER GETS MORE in Manchester today for the pur­ V.YLUE FOR EACH CENT than in the buying of THE CHARGE— pose of enlisting single men, 18 cut-rate, cut-quality stuff. That’s a good thing years of age or upwards. He made to remember— because it’s true. There’s a posi­ The charge is not moi’e, and in some cases his headquarters at the Sjuth End tive guarantee on every piece of meat leaving this less, than reputable houses ask— 3% on your Post Office. shop. own valuation with a minimum charge of Another thing Pinehurst doesn’t do— it doesn’t Cooking for Health GLEE CLUBS TO COMPETE slight or take advantage of child customers. You $1.50. can send your youngster here in full faith that he It’s surprising how many gaod things we can or she will be treated as your special envoy, your AT MERIDEN TOMORROW official representative, and given the same painstak­ make at home that are good for us. Especially ing consideration. in baking— all the bran-family of muffins and A vault in the building assures immediate delivery of Here’s a tip. Pinehurst is seldom as hard- Manchester High school will send driven in the afternoon as in the morning. If you cookies. Here’s a new fruit bread that’s de­ your furs in the fall. its two glee clubs to Meriden to­ have an especially particular order to put in. or an licious— and easy to make. Give it to' the chil­ morrow afternoon to compete for especially detailed inquiry to make, or if you want the championship of the Central some little thing for immediate delivery, you'll find dren, with plenty of butter. 400 Connecticut Interscholastic League. ns especially alert in your service then— if possi­ Thone ( ) or drop a card and we will call for your They will be in charge of Miss E. ble more so than at any other time of the day. Marion Dorward, supervisor of Prune Bran Bread garments. Or, if you wish, leave them with Miss John­ musical education in the Ninth Phone 2000. School District. The trip will be 2 cups whole wheat flour 2 teas|K>ons baking imwder son, Millinery Dept. made by bus. I2 cup bran 1 cup milk Last year, the league glee club FRIDAY WE ARE FEATURING 1 teasi'oon salt 1 tablesiioon shortening contest was held here and Manches­ 14 cup brown sugar 1 cnp prunes ter’s Boys Glee Club took first FRESH FISH honors with Bristol’s Girls Glee Club taking first prize in the com­ Wash prunes and soak for several hours; drain, stone and chop. petition. The two Manchester N. B. C. Salted Pre­ Roll or Tub Butter spe­ Sift dry ingredients together three times, then add milk and ouganizations have been rehearsing mium Flakes at 35c a beat well. Add prunes dredged in flour and melted shortening. diligently under Miss Dorward’s cial for Friday only 49c. Put into greased bread pans and let raise 20 minutes. Bake in Don’ t Allow Leaky Norton direction. box. lb. moderate oven (325-350) for 1 hour. , Some people like these better than saltines and at Local^Eggs 35c dozen. Water Pipes To Go this price they are good Health Recipes! Diet Menus! DELMONT ST. value. Friday Special. Unnoticed Electrical .Several singles on this popular GOOD POTATOES ...... 89c bushel street, $7^000 to $7,500, Also one The Manchester Gas Co. They’ll burst some day and Df the best 2 flats in town, A No. 1 cause much damage. Roe or Buck Shad steak Cod or Cod to Service condition. Filet of Sole boil. Are your water pipes in good EAST SIDE Halibut condition? When you want to Smoked Filet of Had­ 2-Faniily, 10 R oom s...... $6,500 water your la’wn and discover dock Mackerel 4-Faiiiily, good investment. that something is ’wrong with BUILDING SITES the flow of water, just tell us VX>VW W V about it over the phone and All Locations, All Prices WATKINS'BROTHERS; Inc. we’ll fix it up for you in a hurry. GREEN SECTION 3 singles that are worth looking M # D E I t N at. Our time is jours. Let us show you. established ]]'54!y EARS, Joseph C. Wilson \\ Cook By Electricity CHAPEL AT lljOAMST,. Plumbing and Heating BEAUTIE/ It Cost No More Than Any Other Method. Contractor- Arthur A. Knotia Robert ^CJ^5\de^son; P h o n ^ 5 0 0 28 Spruce St., Tel. 641 You can claim to be among Funeral DirectorX. jor2a3 7iV Y South Manchester them with the aid of THE Real Estate Insurance STATE BEAUTY PARLOR. Mortgages Tel. 782-2 875 Main An inexpensive method of meeting today’s exceptional­ SPECIAL Gates & Flynn ATS ly high standard of beauty. on SHOE REPAIRING Build Let us put your prop­ erty in shape for Clay Pack Men’s Soles S ew ed...... $1.00 Ladies’ Soles Sewed ...... 75c Spring. Facial We use the best quality Shampoo leather. Prompt Attention. Marcelling Boston lo w ! Generator Permanent Wave Shoe Repair Shop Lawns Mowed Bobbing spoimNOv Starter and Ignition 105 Spruce St., Near BisseU St. THE UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC RANGE This funny looking little guy Pictured here has a gray and white porcelain finish 'with i h e big nose and bald and taken care of for Repaired at a reasonable head has got to face the mnsk:. charge. We can save you ex­ with nickel plated trim. The determined attitude of the season. pense and annoyance as we THE the Mrs. tells ns that she is absolutely through seeing rent money- have instruments which locate handed over to Mr. Landlord. She wants a brand new home of all electrical trouble quickly. STATE BEAUTY FILMS Only $160.65 her own. She’s got the plans, and she knows where the lumber is coming from. Usl nr*'*' Hedges trimmed. DEVELOPED AND Norton Electrical PARLOR PRINTED $25.65 DOWN $9.00 A MONTH There’s another^ bald-headed man in this town who said he was i ■ going to build this year., If he doesn’t got busy pretty soon we’ll Instrument Co. 24 HOUR SERVICE state Theater BoUdbig set his wife on him! FUm Deposit Box at Hilliard Street, Manchester Store Entrance T h e Phone 503 M anchester Electric Co. W . G. Glenney Co. KEMP'S 773 Main St. Phone 1700 Coal, Lumber and Masons’ Supplies Allui Place, ^ I’hone 126, Uaachceter Advertise k The Eveiaig Herahklt Pays

J /