f \ : U:" t ' • - • ■ *.• • foMcaat fc» NET PRESS RUN — Aew-Miareot: AVERAGE DAILX OlRCtJIiATlON - for the Month of March, 1920 Fair aiiA «(Hitj^ed cool topighl; 5326 Friday increaatog cloudtaefii. member ot the Ab«U Barean of Circa latlona t w e l v e PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS (Classified Advertising on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1929 VOL. XLIIL, NO. 151. PLAYS DEPICT A TWISTER LEVIATHAN NOW Yoting Heflin’s Homecoitiing iConn. Stete Library—Comp. >V“ FOREIGN BORN SELLS UQUOR -1- ADYAMHERE iz M O S O ir r Conunissioner Hurley and State's Attorney Have Many Evening School Students World's Largest, Ship is LEGISLATURE Show Remarkahle Pro­ Forced to Do It by Com­ SETS DAY FOR Wrangles at Today's Hearing of Egan’s TnaL— Says gress in 6 Months Course; petition, New Owners of He Did Not Know Watkins and Tbou^t Finn Was AD Tableaux Presented. Fleet Declare. ADJOHENF Right UntD Months Later When He Asked His Name to New York, April 11.— The Levi­ Be Taken Off Their Books— Tells ^bent H^s Stock The closing exercises of Manches­ athan, the world’s largest ship. Botb Houses Adopt Resolu­ ter Evening Schools last night at American-owned, has fallen off the the High school assembl> hall serv­ Transactions. ' ed to show the remarkable progress water wagon. tion Offered by Judge which has been made by the foreign Today it is a “ wet’’ ship as it born students who are striving to plies its way from the shores»of the Hartford, April 11.— The trial of R a y m 0 n d A. Jobnson; „ ’ , half the amount, $oS7. become more and more American­ U. S. A. for Cherbourg and South­ WilUam F. Egan, lawyer, on a ^j.. Hurley was ized. MafUy who took part in the hour and a half program could ampton. And, in the near future, charge of conspiracy in connection shown salary checks that - he had speak scarcely a word of English some ten other big American liners, Other Business. with the brokerage affairs of Roger treated the same way; He made a when they entered Night School which took the pledge back in W. Watkins, deveioped f-^st before Practise of depositing P^y last October. With this realization, , , ■ .rrr • 0-1_then drawing out half. He said’ In 1923, are also going to serve high­ ^Hartford, April 11.— The Legis­ Judge Isaac Wolfe in Superior ^ question that no one one could not help but marvel at lature has adopted May 8 as the day their amazing advancement. balls and cocktails when they get Court today, and for the first time had ever given him ’any money, Present Play beyond the 12-mile limit. for adjournment. A resolution pre­ objections were noted by the judge Cross E.\aminatlon Included in the program was the Here is how a tornado looks in sented first in the Senate set the and ruled upon.' J. Edward Brain- The state’s attorney took him in presentation of a one-act play en­ action. These hfeh winds are now “ Forced by competition,’’ is . the date, fioth Houses adopted the explanation for the new palioy. ard and Robert T. Hurley, commis- hand and started to ask him ques- titled. “ The First American Li­ devastating the west. resolution without discussion. sioner of state police, were on the flons concerning the make-up of brary’’ which was founded by Ben­ The Leviathan steamed out of The House was informed by New York port yesterday on her stand this morning. They were de- the state police. The defense ob- jamin Franklin in Philadelphia in Judge Raymond A. Johnson, of fense witnesses. Mr. Brainard, jected. Mr. Alcorn explained ha 1731. Eleven persons took part in first voyage under private owner­ Manchester, its leader, that May 8 ship under orders which provided once lieutenant governor and now wanted to bring out the commis- the production, nine of them men. would be devoted entirely to affairs representative from Branford, sioner’s “ backiground.” The ob- Carl Jaksch took the part of Frank­ SCORES DEAD for the opening of her medicinal of adjournment and that no other liquor supplies— estimated to com­ opened for the defense, with Henry jection was the first in the Egan. lin and Mrs. Theresa Naretto that business would be attempted. J. Calnen examining him. Hugh M. trial. Jud.ge W’olfe sustained the of Mrs. Franklin. Others were prise about 700 quarts— for sale to “ Those, of you who have been passengers outside the 12-mile Alcorn,- state’s attorney, let Mr. objection and Mr. Alcorn asked: Chris -Peterson, Nis Johanson, AS TORNADO here in other years know that leg­ Brainard go from the stand without “ As cormmissioner of state police George McCreery, Nick Gentliclore, I limit. islation adopted on the final day Slieedy Gave Order cross examining. Mr. Healy, how- do you believe you should be cir- William Pearson, Erik Gustafson, may be good. >but it is more likely ever, was subjected to much exam- cumspect?” Prank Ecudieri, Harold Flury and j James E. Sheedy gave the order. not to be,” he said. ination; | “ Yes,” replied Mr. Hurley. Inez Carlson. _ i SWEEKWEST He is the operating head of the After adopting the resolution, The session started today when Mr. Alcorn, in examining the -The scene was that of Franklin’s | United States Lines, Inc., new own­ the House voted to restore forfeited Brainard was asked if he was ever commissioner, finally asked: ers of the American Merchant Ma­ “ Office]^, arrest that camermanl” shouted irate Senator Thomas stationery shop in Philadelphia. It | Heflin. ■ But the flashlight boomed, and here you see the picture of the right to two today: Joseph Carter, connected with National Associated “ Are you a personal friend ot depicts the meeting of the Library rine fleet. The new policy, however, of Meriden, and Wilbur C. Perry, of Investors. Mr. Br-lnard answered Mr. Egan.” and the commissioner has yet to be officially confirmed return to Washington of Tom Heflin, Jr., (at left) whose conduct aboard Company of Philadelphia which With All Wires Down It Is ship from Panama to New Y'ork, followed by a “ whoopee” tour of Broad­ Barkhamstead. Then the House “ Yes, first as a director and then as answered “ yes.” elects Franklin as its librarian aft­ by the board of directors. P. W. refused the same courtesy to a vice-president.” j Then Mr. Alcorn asked:/“ On the Chapman, head of the company that way, caused many funny pieces to be printed in the papers. That’s er being in progress three months Senator Heflin, white-suited and angry, in the center. In the foreground, Thomas J. W'allace, who was con Never Saw Check. day Mr. Egan was being put to plea and goes on to show the origin of bought the Leviathan and ten other Difficult to Get Details; with hand upraised, as he rushed at the NEA-Evening Herald photo­ victed in New Haven of a statutory j When the matter of a check sup- in this court did Mr. Egan call on .the library which was formed at liners from the government, is charge. posed to have been cashed by Mr. j you with Mr. Healy and spend two the suggestion of Franklin who known to be personally opposed to grapher, is J. L. Thornton, who is secretary to the senator and who ac­ Many Injured; Five Towns companied young Heflin from New York. “ My boy is a good boy,” in­ Favorable Reports. Brainard came up, he declared he-j hours in your office?” conceived the idea through the the sale of liquor, but the new pol­ Favorable reports received in the never had seen it. The check had Judge Wolfe ruled the question Junto Debating Club of which he icy is expected to greatly increase sisted the dry-voting Alabama senator, shown lower right in an earlier photo, with an arm about his son. - ' ^ House today follow: been cashed in the Riverside Trust out when .the defense objected. was a member. This institution be­ Wiped Out. ^ business. Authorizing the Manchester Elec­ company. Mr. Brainard said “ I Mr. Alcorn brought out that Mr, came known as the “ mother of all In fact, it was estimated in ship­ tric Co., to increase capital; validat­ was never in the Riverside Trust Egan knew the meaning of “ mar­ North American subscription libra­ ping circles today that this new pol­ ing charter amendments of the Un­ company in mv life.” That check gins” as applied to stock transac­ ries.’ ’ Between 40 and 50 lives lost and icy of selling liquor beyond the 12- ion Elec. Power Co.; providing that was for $799.20. tions and that he had communi­ Well Done Franklin’s scores injured is today believed to raile limit will result in a twenty when a deer is killed on agricul­ Two other checks for $375 and cated with the Market Financial It was agreed that per cent increase in passenger ONE TRAPPED, 4 HURT, tural land, details of the killing are $500-Mr. Brainard declared he had Service of New York as to stock term of office should be for three be the toll of a series of tornadoes trade for the Chapman ships. which yesterday and last night not necessary in the report; provid­ received and that they were for prices and from them received wire months and that for the use and An Old Custom ing for disposition of spirituous li­ profits he made on stock Watkins service on the market. He was care of the rooms he was to receive struck various sections of Arkansas.
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