(Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-04-13
II, 1943 .- Ration Calendar Colder nIL OIL .01lpon upl,.. 4p,II ", (,OTFf]1! ••• poo ~e .,.pl,oi Ap,lI ., D. £ and P bl •• lIomp• .,.,1,. AprIl "I IOWA: Colder toda,.: fresh 10 A and 8 ,od olamp. upl,. "prl 1M, GAS "A" tlOup.1aJ " elpJn M., ala THE DAILY' IOWAN siron,. wInds dlmlnlshJn,. 8VGAR ... p... It ""pi,.. III., Stl thlll afternoon. IUOl8 ••• p... If •• ,Iro. lea. I!I. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper !S of ItO FIVE CENTS TUl AS80CIATID .a1:81 IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. AP~ 13. 1943 TUB A880CIATID PaUl VOLUME XLIU NUMBER 169 al schoob ppreclatea th.e c:l~IU\~ !te in uni. e ming and , Satul'day takes rul 5 to two ' lights out" in a fell{ rlcan ear. ype-seUer lmount of :0, I'll be War loans Mu·st Raise DOWNHEARTED? NOT THESE CAPTURED JAPANESE Allies Take Sou sse, Kairouan As Rommel Joins German, Italian U.S. $70,000,000;000 .Units Now at Enfidaville Ridge (oasl·lo·(oasl Campaign Gives Interstate Commerce By EDWARD KENNEDY ALr~IED HEADQUARTERS IN JORTH AFRICA (AP) Plnnging northward with almost recklcSi peed toward a final · '11 (h HI· W Board Slashes Rates accounting with Marshal EI'win Rommel's Africa 0111, the C BI'itish Ei~hth army occupied ous e ye terday, almo t within '1'llanS ance 10 ep In ar On Railroad Freight gunshot or Ihc new axis mountain line anchored neal' Enfidaville. Thou~h impeded by demolitions, Gen. Sir Bernard J..J. Mont NEW YORK (AP) - SCCI·('tlll'y of th~ '['rea, tlry l\(01'/Zonthau Vote 4.1 Percent Cut, gomery's ellger vel crans covcrecl thc 75 miles from Sfax, whicb In t night deelal'ed that AmrriCf\ mnM raise $70,000,000,000 they captured on Saturday morning, in exnctly 48 hours.
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