II, 1943 .- Ration Calendar Colder nIL OIL .01lpon upl,.. 4p,II ", (,OTFf]1! ••• poo ~e .,.pl,oi Ap,lI ., D. £ and P bl •• lIomp• .,.,1,. AprIl "I IOWA: Colder toda,.: fresh 10 A and 8 ,od olamp. upl,. "prl 1M, GAS "A" tlOup.1aJ " elpJn M., ala THE DAILY' IOWAN siron,. wInds dlmlnlshJn,. 8VGAR ... p... It ""pi,.. III., Stl thlll afternoon. IUOl8 ••• p... If •• ,Iro. lea. I!I. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper


ppreclatea th.e c:l~IU\~ !te in uni. e ming and , Satul'day takes rul 5 to two ' lights out" in a fell{ rlcan ear. ype-seUer lmount of :0, I'll be War loans Mu·st Raise DOWNHEARTED? NOT THESE CAPTURED JAPANESE Allies Take Sou sse, Kairouan As Rommel Joins German, Italian U.S. $70,000,000;000 .Units Now at Enfidaville Ridge (oasl·lo·(oasl Campaign Gives Interstate Commerce By EDWARD KENNEDY ALr~IED HEADQUARTERS IN JORTH AFRICA (AP) Plnnging northward with almost recklcSi peed toward a final · '11 (h HI· W Board Slashes Rates accounting with Marshal EI'win Rommel's Africa 0111, the C BI'itish Ei~hth army occupied ous e ye terday, almo t within '1'llanS ance 10 ep In ar On Railroad Freight gunshot or Ihc new axis mountain line anchored neal' Enfidaville. Thou~h impeded by demolitions, Gen. Sir Bernard J..J. Mont­ NEW YORK (AP) - SCCI·('tlll'y of th~ '['rea, tlry l\(01'/Zonthau Vote 4.1 Percent Cut, gomery's ellger vel crans covcrecl thc 75 miles from Sfax, whicb In t night deelal'ed that AmrriCf\ mnM raise $70,000,000,000 they captured on Saturday morning, in exnctly 48 hours. Rom­ through wal' loamI this ),('111' and poslIib)y pay mor'c taxI'S to Jnlln h But Refuse to Reduce m!.') 's real' guard pnt up only slight opposition as it raced a final thnmited nations' sc('ond front. Any Standard Fares 25 miles nnder a 11ail or IleriaJ bombs to join tbe bulk of German ~[orgenthllll spol{() at II r!llly in CRrnrgi(' hall mllrking the opcn· and Italian forces now conccntr'ated behind emplacements I·un· in~ or lhe $]3,000,000,000 s('('oncl Will' hono dl'iv(l. WASRTNGTON (AP)-By D 6 ning from Enffdaville 40 miles northwestwal'd to Pont-Du·Fahs. N~Arly ~,OOO p rsons jDmm d the hall, bedecked with flags of to 5 vote, the interstute commerce J I was announced officially that the Eighth army had captUl'ed the unil cd lllttion, . Ml'Ol b(,l'R of the WAACs, t h(' \VA VER. the commission yesterday SUspended, * * * 20,000 prisoners since Mal'eb 30. SP.\RS ann the mRrinf' corps ~hlll'('c'I the tngc. th(lil' uniform, etreclive May 15, railroad freight Kairouan, 'Moslem holy ciLy rate increases, averaging 4.7 ~r­ ning liS II. blH'kdl'op bchind the spcllk('r'R clRis. and big axis aorial base 34 roi I s cent, which were authoriZed 8 ~renllwhile, \'olnnl ('(11' wOl·kl.'l·s fl'om (·on!';1. to (,onst Iinttonholed y'ear ago to o!fset higher wages Hitler Forced to Use southwest. of Son e, was aban· (I'irnd und stmngf'I'sl 0 silln lip .• gt'anted railroad wOI'kers by a doned to British and American A trea.l1l'Y stal.emrnt said banks, insul'anc(' companies and in· presidential mediation bOard. forces Sunday, and sUfvlving Gar­ man alm'lor was streaming aCfOSS dusty? So v.tOrR of all classf'~ wel'(' I' ported pmrhllsing bonds Itt a first· In a decision representing a Jailbirds as Troops dRY pacc great<'l' cven than the mHjol' victory for the office of the plains northward to escape really find I Variety of Captives being caught in an allied entrap­ oll~nillg day of Ill, t Dec<'mbe1"s price ndministration, which had ling that ment. One tank force was inter­ give you a.. WAr 10AIl campaign. tought the increases, the commis­ Indicates Shortage ' sion also revoked, effective the cepted l?o miles northwest of Kllir­ pick-me· In Ihat drivc thr /Zolli was Hull 'Fed Up' Of Nazi Manpower ouan anll field dispatches said 18 same day, a 10 percent increase in lo to the nine billion dollars-but 13 bil· ot the mobile forts were destroyed, '00 m , at commutnlion fal'es but. ord~red lion were raised. In this drive the WITH U. S. FORCES IN CEN- The Second U. S. army corps I) BOP. treasury has set its sights on at further hearings on whether this that can revocation should stand. It re­ TRAJ,. .TUNISIA, April 10 (De­ under Lieut. Gen, George S. Pat­ least an equal sum: 13 billion. By Reciprocal ton Jr. took Faid pass wit.hout ou a 'deU­ 'the treasury has repeatedly tused to ch~nge standard passen­ layed) (AP) - Short of man­ ger tares whiCh, with the commu­ ANYTlllNG BUT SATURNINE appear these captured Japs at an American prison camp soniewheJ~ in OPPOSition, partly avenging the sllndwicli, pOinted out that in buying bonds power, Adolf Hitler has been defeat suffered there when Rom- lome-made Americans will be doing a favor tation fares, were increased 10 the South Pacific. On the contrary, they seem to be in !!Iood sJlirlts as thel' line up to be treated' by a :ooling to percent. on Feb. 10, 1942. medical orrtc.er. This Is an otflclal 'United States navy photo. ' lorced to augment Ills troops in mel struck westWard in his drive not only for their country but for Trade 'Attacks north Africa by pressing Into serv- toward Tebessa early in the Tun­ you might tl1emselves: OPA officials Mile. pl>lced In the \10K Pl'Ovlded. tor their depoelt In the om_ I;l " ~ of The DaUy Iowan. GENERAL NOTICES mun be at Th= International Police Force it/Gleaa a ... ' ...,an b7 4,,. p. m; the day PreeedInI ant publlcaUon; notl_ Board 01 Trwtees: ClYde W. Hart, A. CnaJa NOT be aCffptecl by telephone. and must be TYPED OR % B,. PAUL MALLON WJUrn:N aDd SIGNED by • responsible penon. Baird. Kirk H. Porter, Jack Moyers, Glenn • Rommel/s Flight Horton, Bla.lne Asher, ElIzabeth Charlton, Dan Is at an End Tuesday, AprU 13, 1913 McLa\llhlln. W ASHINGT01--E\"eryone js talking about an international police force a the The Tunisian war has co,,¥! UNIVERSIi'Y. CALENDAR Fred M. Pownall, PublUher basis lor tbe post-~ar world but Jlone or the down to the stage 01 siege, perhaps the final chapter. There may be 'l'hl John J. Greer, BU&ineu llaoaIer arguers has e\'er described Qlll'. Tuesday, AprU 13 Tuesday, April 20 James F. Zabel. Editor one more, an attempt to evacuale '('Schli ~Ir. Well , the under ecretary of state, has across the Sicilian narrows, But 6:15 p. I'lL Picnic supper, 1;ri­ 12 M. Luncheon, University club: Jeanne Starr Park, Manalinl Edltor angle club nllJt\~ been continuously plugging for "au inter­ Rommel's long fllght across Africa guest speakl'r, Prof. Geor~ Glock­ Sympi national police force" in just. those four is at an end. It has brought him to 7;30 p. I'lL Partner bridge, Uni­ ler, on "I Have Lived in Japan." versity club (fftill Entered as second class mall matter at the post­ words, bnt he has never gone 011 to describe the narrow bridgehead where he Thursday. April 22 ClsPJlo office at Iowa City, Iowa, under the act of con­ what kind of a foree he wants. and Von Arnim apparently are Wednesday, April 14 6 p. m. Commencement supper. 7:15 p. m. American Association filllll ( srea of March 2, 1879. ordered by their fuehrer to ~tand Iowa Union Just once in all past history has ucb a of University Professors, Triangle main proposition been seriollilly considered.-and and fight to gain a few weeks Saturday, April 24 pOl! --- more. club rooms Subscription rates-By mail, $5 per year; by then ouly for 15 miuut . During the peace 8 p. m. Concert by University Alumni luncheon, Iowa Union with a carrier, IS cents weekJ.y, $5 per year.· . conference W ·CU 'ions oyer the Versailles • • • Symphony orchest.ra, Iowa Union 8 p, m. Moving pictures: War sion!1l( Member of The Associated Press The axl forces are bo¥ed al information and Latin American lile, it treaty, aCter the la t Will', the French ad­ last In an area of 40,000 square Thursday, April 15 '!'be Atsociated Prell is exclUilvely entiUecl to 10 a. m.-4 p. m. Knapsack li. films, Macbride auditorium vll1;leed th~ notion of lllniutaining a large in­ mUes or less, smalJer Ulan any of Second semester ends UN for repubUcaUon of all Dewt diJpatcb. brary, University club ~~ tel1laiiOual la,lld army to keep the pcaee. The Out states except Rhode &land Sunde,.y, April 25 will credited to it or not otherwise credited in tbla idea was smot'hereG without seriollil eonte.m­ and Delaware. l'Tobably It wiu 7:30 p. m. Color movies, Iowa Mountaineers club, 223 engineering 1:45 p. m. Commencement exer­ paper and also the locel news published berelD. lie 1111 more narrowly contracted plalioll. building cises, field house wllbln • few days. There Is Monday, April 26 • • • every Indlcal10n Ihat It wtll be Saturday, April 17 TELEPHONES 12:15 p. m. Luncheon, American Summer session begins FrQm this hi lory, many have a 11111 d Editorial OWce 4192 the eDe or me of the war's Association of Unlversity Women, Tuesday, April 27 Society Editor ______4193 that wha' Mr. lV lles lias i,~ 1nind a a1~ bltteresl fI'htlnl and the aHles till ba\"e a stiff price to pay. University club rooms; ' guest 1 p. m. Salad and dessert BU&inesa OWce 4191 administration propo a~ 1S the same speaker, Prof. Dewey B. Stu it, on luncheon, followed by partner t~itlg. All participants i /~ tile d bat seem . . . l:::::::::====~::::~::::::::~~::::~~::::::~ "Personnel Work: Its '!'echniques bridge, University club TUE AY, APRIL 13, 1943' to a.c~ pt tlte theory that a Iper:army, Credit must be given the Ger- - and Purposes" 7:30 p. m. Iowa section, Ameri­ to whick Ru :Jia, JJrilain, OIl 'na, a"d tn man cpmmandcr for having eS- French was not an excessive one command probahly can muster SUliday, April 18 can Chemical SOCiety; address by U1l1'Ced ta.tes would contribute troop, caped all the traps laid [or him {Ol- such an operation. some 200,000 men, perhaps halt 4 p. ro. Easter vesper service H. N. Holmes, president, Ameri­ during the retreat up the Throughout the move northward, could gllara11tce peace. Tunisi~n of whom are German ve&.erans. University chorus and symphon, can Chemical society, Chemistry In Memoriam coast, al~ except tbe final trap In after Mon\gomery drove him out This army sUIl can be supplied orchestra, Iowa Union auditorium. • • • thc Tunls-Blzerte area, In order of the Mnreth line, RomlT.eJ's after a fashion by inereaslnrly It is hard to ulogiz the ·\'ictim of a great (For informatloD rerard\J1a' dates beyond thll lObedale. He It could not be done. Til que tion or whut to achieve this escape. he. had 1.0 picked rem'guards fought a series hazardous and costly sca and atr trag dy without I tting YOlll' emotion dictate make the la~t leg of hiS {1Ight .the of successful holding battles in tl'~e retervaUODl In Ule oUlce or the Pretd4ent, Old Capitol.) share Beh should have in th force and whel routes but the time may come the words. It i 1larder ill when the victim ~astlestor all, more tban 125 I.niles passes through which the Ameri­ when tbi flow of help. nOlle too eaCh particular force hould be stationed is not a national figur ; when he is a per- m th~ SIX days following the Elgbt~ cans might have poured down into vigorous DOW, will be reduced GENERAL NOTICES IIOnal friend. " omeone whos passing i ought to be enough to bl' ~a~ up any diplo­ army s breakthrough at EI Akanl the coastal plain and d.estroyeli to a mere trickle. not mourned by th multij.tulc, but felt, keenly matic confel'ence which considered the idea. a week ago.. his retreating columns. The last MUSIC ROOM SCHEDU{.E call at the office of the registrar rn the fnture wotld, the lllllin part or the At times It took on the appear- o[ these apparently was in thc * • immediatelY application fonna; by a few. When an editor i among til few The real ordeal of lhe besieged Tuesday, April IS-10 a. m. to tor aoce of Il rout under ~he r,:lentless Fondouk pass, wHere the Germans Completed applications IIhould be he must. make some e(lort, 1loweVQ1' feeble, to war will be fought in lb ' nil'. But, if the army is just beginning. The tre­ 12 M. and 7 to 9 p. m. punishment of the .allied, air fleets heW long enough to allow the returned to that office as soon III translate his thoughts into newsprhlL internatioual poLice force idea. is tllMled iutu mendous superiority of the allies Wednesday, April 14-10 a. m, the air chanllel, the q'u tion of who shall hnve but he sue eeded In bringing the main ArrJka Kor(js to slJp through possible. I knew all lour of the young p ople who ~eat bulk of his army more or less the Sousse bottleneck. in the air, which seems to be g\'ow­ to 12 M. and 3 to 5 p. m, 110W many plancs, IIlH] W)lerc, seems almost HARRY G. BARNES met death last" aturday night. -.. se 'chll or mtact into the northern zone. The ing and in any case should be Thursday, April 15-10 a_ m. to Recistrar them were my closest friendl. Onc boy wits u impossible' of negotia(ion with each nation price or 20,000 prisoners lost to maintained baITing some drastic • • • 12 M. and 7 to 9 p. m. former Iowa ilian, coach of tlle t. Ambroso naturally striving to muiutain it~ own ill­ the Eighth army tmd a few lhou- Fo~ the defense of the Tunis­ change in the situation, promises (See INTERPRETING, page 5) Friday, April 16-10 a. m. to E. R. C. academy ill DavenpO):t. .. au accompli bed tet(ists and to gain the upper hund if pos.~ible. sand more to thc Americans and Blzene forttess area the axis All students in the J!:nlisted Re­ 12 M. and 3 to 5 p. m. athlete. The other I considcl'ed my best friend_ Any such proposlll along this line would re­ serve Cor~s who plan to apply tor I had known Jim for 0" r Hi years. " 15 quire all pnrtieipatil.lg nations to sacrifice Saturday, April 17-4 to 6 p. m. atiniisslon to the next freshman yeal"8 which won't be ell y to forget at any their own lIa ural self-protecting interest Sunday, April 18-7 to 9 p. m. class in the college of medicine time in my life. aUG no other world statesman except fr_ ahould obtain application forms Welles (or po 'ibly Mudame Chiang) blls MARINE CORPS RESERVISTS immediately from the office of the • • • indicated y t a willingn to go tbat fill'. Call immediately at the offlce oI regiJ!trar. W1LC1~ I first f' ccivt'd u'ol'd of the acci. student affairs for a l'ersonnel Applications should be returned dent, Ute im·tial shock dul/cd oIL reaUUl­ • • • . ~ record blank. This must be ready to this office as soon as posaible lion. as to ('Ita t hail act llOlly 1tQ.pp&tl d. Bitt t1~ () tUOI'a "police" in its tnt dic­ uJ: to return to the Marine COrps by and should indicate that the appli­ cant is in the enlisted resen-a Thoughts of pa~t days 1'n Dati npOI't tionary meaning, tUould signify om­ 910 ON yOUR RADIO April 15. Ihi~l(I else_ TI! 1JOZicC force of tl i COUlI­ C. WOODY THOMPSON corps. filled my mimE. Tho Mglt sclt()Ol r/.ancc$, HARRY G. BARNES try do s 110/ rltie it. It is "bject /0 a the football gamell . •.• fhe !toftor of oflt T TODAY' IIIGIILIGHTS 12-Rhylhm Ramblcs 4-French-American Congrcss V-I, Y-7 Redstrar great er POWCI': ill OUI' case, the army ana motm' cor accid nt. lI'hirh W forgot too 12:30-News, The Dally Iowan 4:30-TcD. Time Melodies Sometime after this semesler is soon. Tlte/'e 1uer tlte litllt) things .••• 01 0 1IUVY. In uny cOllflict be/we n the FROl\I OUR BOY 12:45-F'1'0m Our Boys in the 5-Children'S Hour over, we shall send to your respec­ ALL-DAY UIKE .puT-of-tlte-1II0111 lit 2>al'/i ,old / aces alld tll'O, th frclaaZ authority tl'ould b . ovel'­ IN ERVICE- Sel'vice 5:30-Musical Hils tive service headqllarters h-an­ The first all-day outing of Iowa 00 ual conversatiOIl .... CiI/CIt vllra$fs I It'lIrlmi/!o, a lta.~ been ('olll;tall11y shown Lleut. (Jg) Lee Cochran of I-Musical Chats 5:45-News. The Daily Iowan scripts of your record. Mounlaineers for this geason will 2-Campus News alway a ocial()(l wilh Jim . .. tdu[ulifies ill ('uc of martial fa It'. the United tales na'VY, who 6-Dinner Hour Music C. WOOD1' TJlOl\IPSON be Apl;l 18. Meet at 8:30 a .m. in 2:10-0rgan Melodies 7-Speaklng for Vlctol'Y which, for lack of a b tier word, tile lik has been Ht tloncd In Washln,­ the engineering building {or a • ton, D. C., In the bureau of per­ 2:30-Book Corner 7:15-Convers£llionlll Spanish cross-country hike of 10 miles, a to ClliL Hill tIlOl'ic • H Th S6 11/ 11I()1'ic tuill I do not profess to be Ell! execptiollul uuthor­ 2:45-Reminisclng Timc 7:45- Evening Musicale STUDENTS NOT IN RESERYES altunys be strong. They tvill orotu 1uil1, sonnel training aid section, will Unless you are deferred from campfire lunch at Upmier's and ity, bllt, whil > listening to ElII the disellssions be Interviewed at 12:45 this af­ 3-University Student Forum 8- Tl asury Stm' Parade a horseback ride in the aftemoon. time alld become et!W ,·icltcl'. TILey call­ 3:30--News, The Daily Iowan 8:15- Album of Artists serVice, or less than cighte(!n, you that are going Oil, I have 09111C incrca~ingly ternoon on the From Our Boy should soon call at the office of Make reservation for transporta­ pass on 1t1ltil tUO Ours ltlcs do. 3:35-Iowq Union Radio Hour 8:45-News, The Daily Iowan not to the conviction thul tIll! WilY tUI' tlle world in enrlce prop-am. LIeutenant student affairs tor a copy of your tion and the horseback ride by • • • to live i to model its pOSl-WIlI' plans UpOll Coebran was formerly conneeted personnell'ecord. Furthermore, you calling 3701 before April 15. the m UJoU!! which ench of uB, 8. illdi"iduulli, with the department of visual The Network Hi9hlights should get two letters of recom­ K. NEUZIL The mourning will Hubsil1e soon cnough. It education of tbe university. Secretary is only l'ight that t1li Ij!lould be 80, fOl' lifo adopt to live in peace Ilmong our neighhoJ's-­ mendation from your teachers_ As soon as you receive your cali from will not. l,ermit us to puu e along the way. not to Hurreudcr our integrity, not throwing HAYDN'S COJ\LPOSJTION- 9-Raymond Gram Swing "Symphony No. 35 in B ~lat Setective Service, go to the office N. Y. A. ASSIGNMENTS We can )) v r cOlUplet(Jly clhuinatu the l?aill. away all our money, not canying brotherly ~mSICAL COATS-- 9:15 - Gl'8cie Fields love to an e, trnt interllationally which we The Musical Chats program, Major," written by Franz Joseph 9:30-This Nation at WaL' of the registrar for a transcript. The present N. Y. A. assign· But in place of this iuitial Kl·icf wiU al'lSC n The army recommends that each ments will close Aprit 24. In order woul~ consider ridiculolls individually. featuring Strauss music this week, Haydn in the transitional p~riod, 10:I5-Cab Calloway's Orcheslrll deeper, morc solid, more tallting feeling or setectee have these documents to make application for additional '0 01 0 with the police idea. If we, a a will present. two 0 I' C h est r a I atter he had served his musical 10:30-Ray Heatherton's Orches- ap.Pteciation and admiration fOl' tho e foUr tone poems, "Sprach Zarathuslra" a\lprentleeship, will be the princi­ tra when he is called to military ser~ funds, we must determine bur 11atiun, arc to maintain our national integl'ily, wbom we kn w in Olll' life. and "Don Juan," Ill. I o'clock this pal composition of the "Slnfon­ 1O:55-War News vice. needs. If you plan to return for This is the way I ball remeUlbcl' Jim. With our democratie ideal., our trea ury w must afternoon. ietta," to be heard over the Mutual ll-Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra C. WOODY THOMPSON the summer session and will need some s\dne and pain. With a good,. dea\ of also in t11i s l?01ici11g maiter maintain a defen­ netWork tonight at 10:30. 11 :30-Hal'l'Y Owens' Orchest.ra an N. Y. A. job until June 30, ERC UNASSIGNED please make application at the respect for Ilia illt lIig nand abiUty. With sive al'my and navy sufficicnt to gUlll'fllltee SPUR OF THE MOMENT- 11 :55-Ncws 6ur aiety, pite worill police force. Before leaving school the army ofiice of student affairs, employ­ the brighl ~t po 'ible fil'mory oC the quality d any In cooperation with the annual NBC-Red Each nation would do this III o. early diagnOSis campaign which WIIO (1040); Wl\IAQ (670) CBS expects you to secure the follow­ ment division, not later than April he po, ' d which 0 few of us tH· able to in~: (1) Transcript of YOU1' 13. manu t sille 'r ly. I hull Tt'lI1clIlber Jiln us a In the" good neighbor" policy whicll MI'. is being conducted now by the Wl\lT (GOO); WBUM (780) Johnson county Tuberculosis as­ 6-Fred Waring record, (2) Personnel record, (3) R.L.BALLANTYNE,MANAGER good guy with Iii II art in the right place, :noo v It haH e tabli hed in this hcmisphere, Two letters of recommendation. Student Employment Division sociation, a dramatization, "Spur 6:15-News, Vandercook 6-1 Love a Mystcry whom I wa lucky cnoulC4 to know for part of he lias also eL a differellt cxomple for' polic­ 6:30-It Happened in the Service Call at the office of student af­ ing this IlemispllPre than Mr. Welle'! t;rc \U~ to of the Moment." wUl be presented 6:15-Harry Jan,,,,.J fairs aiter April 19 for directions. NAVY Y-l RESERVISTS my lifetime. . . and all of his. at 5:30 !.hisl8fternoon by speech 6:45-N ws, Kaltenbol'n 6;30-American Meiody Hour b advocatillg for tho post-war world. 7-Johnny Presents C. WOODY mOMPSON All Navy V-I reservists who Jill! Zabel students, under the direction of 7-Lights Out. The prrsident JUI simply acquit'ed ba. !l, 7:30-Tums Tl'easure Chest by the end of this semester will Prof. R. Clay Harshbarger. 7:30-Al Jolson laud, air, and sea, in sh'utegic parts of the 8-Baltle oC the Sexes ADMISSION TO have completed four or more 8:30-Fibber McGee and Molly 7:550-News, Cecil Brown PROFESSIONAL COLLE.GES semeste111 of college work Bl'e re­ helI\i5pl~ere. lIc 1ms done thiq by negQtiation. PEAKING FOR. VICTORY- 8-Burns and Allen In Commemoration. , Of 9- Bob Hope All students who plan to apply quil'ed to take a qualifying exam­ . 'l'l!c bllllcs oUel' mutual servie . Bl'uiL allows Dr. Wilbur R. Miller, actiJIK 8:30-SlIspense for admission to the next enter· ination. This exnmlnation will qUI' army and navy to II II r facilili on 9;30-Red Skelton '. director of the psychlatr,. de­ 100News 9-JefCerson Annivel'sal'y Pro- ing class in the colleges of dent­ be held APril 20 in Macbride audi- AGreat Democrat- the promise that her fOl'ce, can us Olll'S. partment, will speak on "The 10: 15-Richard Harkness gram istry, law, and medicine shOUld (See BULLETIN, page 5) War and l\fental Reactions" on 9:30-Confidenlially Yours The entil' nation joins today hI the 200th • • • 10:30-St. Louis Serenade the Speaking for Victory pro­ II-War News 9:45-Frazicr Hunt anniversary of th birthday or Thomas J'a ;­ Thll', til('. siublisitlllcut of basts, has rram at 7 o'clock tonlrht. 10-News, Doug Grallt son with c l' monies ill v ry tate and ill become 'Il tmth a d,iplomalic form of a 11 :05-Roy Shield and Company 11:55-News 10:15-F'1IIton Lewis Jr. thou ands of small citi and towns. In Wasb­ police forco on amniI/ally agrcea'[;lo TOD Y' PROGRAM 10:30-Don Robert's Band Hollywood Sights and Sounds ' ington, Pre ident l;loosevelt·will dedicate the basis, without actunUy in/e"'l/ingling the Blue 10:15-SpotJight on Rhythm National Memorial to Jefferson, a fit\ing cU­ a/'lIlies and ?tauil's or Ih c ai,' forccs of thIJ 8-Morning Chapel KSO (H60); \-vENR (890) II-News Shelton Brooks Found ISome Of max to 'Yeeks of preporutory celeh ations. VCt,.iOlCS COlllltl·ics. Nor has Ote,'c bce11 8:15-Musical Miniat\,\res 1 I :16-Abe Lyman's Band 1l:30- Edclie Fen's BOl\d cnat d any CO!lt1lllJ)~ 11 miSlJI (we anny. 8:30--New8, The Dally Iow",n 8-Terry and the Plmtes These Dorsi in a Saloon • •• 12-PJ'css New~ 8:45- Mornin, Metodles 6!15-Mcn, Machines and Vic- By ROBBIN COONS Toda!l, April 13, . l!HJ, Jcf!C/'$OIl'S • • • 8:S5-Service Reports tory words and deeas moro OlOn eve1' bt[ore A staiu quo of lti ling al'mies, llavi 9-Amcrican Novel 6:30-Jack A1'lnstrong lB ' and air fOl'ce ha mer Iy b n ace Iltcd by WQN (720) live in thc hearfs of th/J Amc/ican. pef)pl~, 9:50-Program Calcndar 6:45-Captain Midnight HOLLYWOOD-Shelton Brooks, Jule Stync and Sammy Cahn (pro­ reflecting tltc enilfavor of the ureat archi­ all conc Tn d, OIl a friendly, working ar­ 10-The Road to Peace 7-News, Godwin the famous colored coml?oser, hap- rlouneed Cahn). tect 0/ A It rican lib fly. For ~e 4cld rangement in which \10 ono aenDc d any­ 10:15-Yeslcrday's Musicat Fa- 7:1!>-Lum and Abner 5:30-0verseas News Roundup pened to be in a saloon mOl1Y years "Jule was running over a tune that all tlten arc created eq lIal, that t!wy t1ling- inlegrity, ideal or mon y. Whether vorites 7:30-Duffy's 7:15-1mpact ago. Next to him a girl and a man 011 the piano and asked me what po BCI certaill ilwlicnabl rio,t~t&, (ltl(Z thi would work internationally, I do not 10:30-The Bookshelf 8-Famous Jury Trials 7:30-Pass in Review were arguing, !.he girl somctimes l thought of it," Cohn related. "r that governments derivo their i«81 powt:-s know, II-Elemcntary French 8:30- Viclory Parade of Spot- 8:30-This Is Out' Enemy pleading. told him I heard that song before. 1l:30-Fashions with Phyllis light Bands 9: 15-Petroleum Protection fro,,~ tlte con ellt lit goverlied. "Whatever the girl said had no He convinced me it was original of Thes 1l:45-Farm Flashes 8:55-Dale Carnegie 10:30-Sinlonietta tf'ldh3, s Lf- vident, arc 1t.Ow boing c'kal­ but in investments of war honds and securi· effect on him," Brooks recalled. 'and we went to work." "Finally, in a huff, the gil'l turned You guessed it. It tUl'l1ed out to lCllged by tho tyru1I1W 0/ fd oiJJ/I~ a/u~ ties. * * * * * * * '* * away from lhe fellow. Her part- be "I Heard That Song Betore," naziism, and it til to d.f lid thew. tl~at • • • ing shot was, 'some o[ thesc days which has skyrocketed Into one' of our COU11 trymen Ttatlo take11 'Up th/{ sWord To back these iMJCstmwts a/'o the you're gonna be sorry. You'rO the nation's current song sensa- of fr eMlII. la.rgest alld most efficicnt steel mills ill gonna miss mc·." tiolls. the world (mills with a cut'rent capacity Without knowing It, that girl * • • · ... ill, excess of u/HI/wlly}_ .. gave Brooks lhe cue and the in- Gelling back 10 Wart'en, !Ite con- This 200th anniversary of ThoQ1as Jeffer­ 90.000 000 ions 63 percent of ffre wO"ld's crude 1)611'0- spu'ation [or one of the greatest tinues to set lhe Hollywood song SOll'S birth is a. rededication of tbe trUths of American popular lunes. pace. His career spans more than And true Americans of all races aud creed lflun with 1,385,000,000 barr'Cls prodltUG in the pasl yea,', , . ono thil'a of a million BfOOks hurried from the saloon 22 years and in that lime he has will join together in cQOJn}.eJm;lrating the na­ to a theater, where he happened written more than 500 melodies together in commenorating the Dation's active {JUS wells . .. kllOWII "esc"ves of iron to be working, and toyed with and a great numoer of them have ti6n's grcate t Dem'oerat, and iu "pledginlf oro slIf/iei lit for Ihe balance of the twell­ that phrase and th(! piano. The re- become as popular as an extin­ our liv , our fortunes and OU1' acted honor to ticLh cell/IlI·Y .. , enough coal rc erv s to suIt was the pCI'~nnia l favol-ite, guished Jap. the triumph of tho e prineipl of freedom last 4,000 yea/·s. "Some of Ihc ~ ;c rlay~. you'rc gorum His first hit, published in 1922, which be bequeathed to us aud all mau­ • • • miss me, hOlley." was "Rose of the Rio Grat\de." kind." And thal i ' ju t a part of Ut va t country ~ ,. • He followed with sueh stuff as for Wl1ich we tand, just a part of til America That'ir1Cldent rCljrcscnts how, in "ChaUanoogaChoo-choo,""Lullaby Il1tlny case~, :,ong. Writers get theh' of BroadWa'Y," "Down Argent1na ill wiJich we ar now asked to invest' /lU pos­ Hpur of tilt' moment inspit';rtion. Way," the scol'es for the musl~al sible a"ings. Thel'e is more-lots more-the The dtnll o[ Hollywood's song domedics ':Fol'ty-Second Street" Vour Help Is "eeded- f\lur f edoms of speech, of religion, from \V1·iler,. !:cnial Harry Warren, and , "Gold tUggers," "I Found a The Second "Wal' Loan dl'i\'c op,en~ yqs­ w~nt and from iear; the home: that biud our teamed up with Mack Gordon tc\ Million Dollar Baby," "Cheerful torday under the 8pOD80I'84iP of the United natiou togethcr; tbe advantages of frce edu­ de {hI! score' for "Sweet Rosie Little Earful," ad Infinitum. States go,-emment, has concentrated public cation and political aud economic. ente~pri e. O'Grildy." On the side, tltey ca'lT!e ToO Ute traterrllty, he is k~own thought on tbe imperative deUlands of war­ TlIat' what \re'r figlltillg fOI·. That'8 whllt up with the pOpular hit, "1 Ra'd as the "Squire" beca\ige hls 'beau­ titne exist lice. Y t l'day )h. und )lra. w are ba ·king wheu we inve t iu go\'el'l1inent The Craziest Drelun." li\Bpitat!M tltul estat):l-l.:.which he got for ' 8 America got tbeir first ;1.1ea 01 tlie .great bonds and ,ecnrities And if, during the April was Stit>l'llied Qne 1~0l'11i l lg 'WhIm song-is where the tune tr8d~, J'frJ's. Oordbn' told Mack! "I had Il(l\\gz; o(lt., filuwcial burden th must -order sh8L~ in 'to _Ibm drlve we-can fulfill that $13,000,000,000 the' crazThs't dtea¢ lhlit IJII:ht." ., 'Glay)sh anel rUtyJsh, W~reh c4IrY on total war mtn tb'3 ;008. guota, we can feel th~t we have helped pre-­ AUTOGRAPH FO& AdoLPH: Kate SIDUh';' CBS 1I0nrblrd, slam her ~me on a torpedo as men a\ -the 'RecenllY a cOUple-of yp~g song !fe-eps r.olllnr along just like '~ A goal of $13,OW,!JOO,OOO w~ placed' for serve these ijaered institutions. We have in: Vnlted States navy iubmariDe bale In N:ew ~dQD, Conn.. look on. Kate take!! Rer !!hQW soon to Ole' writers )vere telfine(l til ao a scote ¥'ah R1V~I';" Qh'e 'Of t,he t~w ' 8QDP ~he nation-wide drive-not- In cont!'ibu~9!!S1 yes~ .!u-~nicri~a I \ WCSl fOllSi, WHere sbe 'SOcs' w' D}I]IetI .... unlle"tnw.··'TbIS I tne A'rtny:"" '" . to -"YQuth"l1nni'tl~.'" TI'I()~ \y~t(! he dicln'rWrlte; -_.-. ~ .•• TUESDA y, APRIL 13, 1943 THE D A J L Y J 0 WAN. lOW A CITY, lOW A PAGE TRREI!

ACTRESS TO WED GRIDIRON STAR .SUI Orchestra I Goodman Memorial Chance to Serve Country- WAAC Bandsman Prof. Harold Saunders Offers Scholarships In WAVES, SPARS Talks on Farm Labor ' final (oncert To Drama Students There is no great shortage of -Now Offered to Women Carm labor in the United States, Fi"e scholarships and five fel- • but ome of it i concentrated in the wrong places, aecol'ding to Tomorrow lowships 10r the 1943 autumn ses­ * * B*y ELEANOR FAIRBANKS* * * , Prof. Harold Saunders of the so­ If your man is in service and liCe. that, officers may rcceive sion of the schooi or drama are ciology department. The "Hamlet" overture by being offered Cor the lirst time by lacks glnmo\lr at the moment, or commIssIons. if rationing and living costs make "For example," he stated in an '!'Schaikowsky will be the opening the Goodman Memorial theater ot Marrlare Rules interview over WSUI yesterday, number played by the University the Art Institute of Chicago, ac­ civilian Ufe too drab for you, then Women may not marry during probably you teel that you would "there is a hIgh concentration of symphony brchestra, under the di­ cording to word received here yes­ indoctrination or training, but are labor in the Appalachian-Ozark rection of Prof.' Philip Greeley terday. be taking a step forward in "helping" win the war by becom­ allowed to do so aClerward. A region and certain parts of the cot­ Clapp, tomorrow evening in the Applicants fOI' the fellowships of ton belt." Such upply should be finnl concert at tne season In the $700 each plus tuition must be ing a WAVE In the navy or n Spllr new regulnlion now permits them in the coast gilaI'd. , re-allocated out of these areas and main lounge of Iowa Union. I candidates fOI' the rna tel' of fine to malTY men in their own brnnch placed in more demanding zones to Possessed as Tschnikowsky was 1 arts degrce /lnd must have spe· Rather than jOining Rosie the oC the service. Riveter and her sisterhood, many Uncle Sam is fighting a war and help solve the manpower shortage with a feeling of profound dislllu­ cialized in acting, dil'ecling or caused by the war, he explained. SJonment the grea tel' part of his technical practice. One ot the fel­ women are attracted to service the WAVES and Spars are not occupations wnirh they have seen glamour schools like Vassar or Professor Saunders said that the hfe, it is not surprising to find him lowships is open to a woman, pref­ nation actually has a good supply preoccupied with the doubting, glamour/zed and played up in the Wellesley. An ensign ,in the erably one interested in the tech­ news. Something to consider right of manpower and woman power, brooding Hamlet. Some listeners nical aspects con truction or WA VES gives the following advice or at the start is that any "Woman by personal letter. totalling about 71 million, of whom will recaIJ Tschaikow ~ky's sym­ lighting. 42 million are men. After supply­ phony on Byron's "Manfred," Accepted lor Voluntary Emer­ "Any woman should be urged The live scholarships of $300 gency Scrvice," (WAVES) has to compleie her college trailJing ing the four big areas includinl which the University orchestra each plus tuition are open only to armed services, war industries, plll)led ° few years ago, as being agreed to a liltle bargain with before entering the WAVES or the men. Applicants must be college Uncle Sam. She is "in" for the Spnrs. She will go farther, serve governmental services, civilian somewhat akin in spirit to this ieniors or graduate students who services and an undetermined overture. duration and for six months after­ her country better-and will be have specialized in drama, ward. As mucn in the dark as any­ happier to hnvc completed one number oC men and women in Prof. Hans Koelbel, accompanied The Goodman Memorial theater agriculture. by the orchestra, will play pl'ob­ one about "whl'n the war will be job before starting another. She devot s very afternoon and most over," the WA V E or Spar is pre­ should I'calize in becoming a Professor Saunders believes that nbly the most C"mous of 'cello con­ of the evenings to preparation of the government should be very certos, "Concerto in D Major," by pared to slick. Immensely proud WA VE or Spar, thnt she is re­ , plays, which arc PI'pdUCed in the oC the fact that "quilling" is not hesitant about drafting persons :tor Haydn. Professor Koelbel per­ leaSing a man for active service service other than in the armed two theaters of the school. It av­ in their vocabulary. the W AVES abroad, In order to take his place, formed this concerto with the Ierages the presentation of 25 plays and Spars are ready to perlorm forces and that women should be she'll have to work like every­ drafted only as last resort. Summer Session orcnestra severa I or 170 performances, witn an audi- their duties with courage and thing, keeping her head in the a .years ago. He has also pel'formed ence of 100,000, during the theater honor, game every minute. There are here the 'cello concertos of Boc­ year. Fir t Step long hours nnd hard work, but •I SUI Studentlln ,•I cherini and Lalo, tne 'cello part of Any ambitious woman who is she performs her duties with great Beethoven's "Triple Concerto, and Presentation of the plays is en­ tirely Ine work oC students, in­ at all "excited" about entering pride." , l Hospital "1 the part for solo 'cello in Prot. eitner branch of the naval service, Suitable and enjoyable recrea­ cluding acting, directing, scenery, Roger Ries, Ll at HedrIck, w~d Clapp's "Fanta y on an Old Plpin costumes and properties, should lind out if she has the re- tions are oC course provided tor Chant~' C81 quirements for oUlcers' training both WAVES and Spars at traln­ Ethcl Remley, Al of Webster Following intermission, the or­ or iI she should enlist in the regu- ing bases, but tne woman who chestra will play three instru­ City, isolation lar personnel. Officers or enllsted goes into service with the thought Norman White, G of Iowa City, mental portions of the "Romeo personnel ure assigned duty at that she will have social contacts nnd Juliet" symphony or Berlioz. ward C32 Today snore bases in the United States I w~th nav~ .and coast guard J?lell Margarct Benson, A4 ot Pleas­ The concert will close with lh only. These might include Minml, I Will be diSillusioned s~n. WlvI1S playing of Enesco's "Roumanian 12 Organizations antville, Mo., ward C22 Fla" San Diego. CaUf., Norfolk,. of the~e men are wholly inoligible Maurice Masters, D1 at Newton, Rhapsody No. I." Enesco's compo­ Plan to Meet Va., or possibly Washington, D. C. for eIther the WAVES or the ward C51 sitions< inc Iud e; "Roumanian I Rank ratings and pay are the Spars and liberty time spent with William Romlne, El of Daven­ Poem," two Roumanian Rhap­ same f~r WAVES and Spars as men In these services Is discour­ University of Iowa Dames club- for men in the navy and marine aged. port, i olation sodies, three symphonies and three Elaine Cohn, Al of Harlan, ward i'Ultes for orchesl1'a, all of which PLANS TO WED within a few days have been revealed by Jane Rus­ North conference room of Iowa sel·vlces. Women are needed to Do Have Fun 3W have been performed quite widely. ~plI, above, who became known to the public as a movie star before Union, 7:45 p. m. fill jobs in communications, store­ "Don't WAVES or Spars ever Eugene Scoles, A3 of Cumming, In 1912 he offered an annual prize she. ever a.ppeared on Ihe screen, and Bob Waterfield, illset. slar Order of DeMoloy-Masonlc tem- keeping, aviation ground work have fun?" the WOUld -he-enlistee ward C32 to Roumanian composers, and has U. C. L, A. quarterback last seaSOll. !\liss Russell said that they ple, 7 :30 p, m. and as typists, secretaries, busl- might question. Yes, theY do, but Wilbert Dalion, AS of Audubon, suCCeeded in forming a true Rou­ wo~ld be married either ill Las Vegas, Nev., or in Los Anceles, he ChUd Conservation club-Home ness machine operators, !iling "fun", alter all, - is· ndt tnelr es­ CO~DUCTOR of the tirst all­ isolation manlan school, of which ne is the and the gridiron star met four years ago, oC Mrs. Nate Moore Jr., 455 clerks and bookkeepers. sential job. Uncle Sam needs men. (Note: Visitors not allowed III ) ~ . . WAAC band, Aux.iliary Cella Mer­ uncolltested leader. Grand avenue. 2:15 p. m. It she is accepted for officers' One way he can get ttiem Is for lsolaUon) • Kappa. Alpha Thela Alumnae club training, the WAVE; or Spar is rill of Detroit, is shown In ,action. women to take over the jobs which above, directing her women musi­ -Iowa Union, 12 M. between 20 and 50, in good general will release men ' for service out­ Iowa. City BUlibless and Protes- nealth and without major physical cIans. Trained ,at. Fort. 0 I!JII Three SUI Military \owa Union Presenis Women's Ping Pong side the country. Mobles. Iowa, the band Is ma.klng Cia.thing Clioic Show slonal Woman's club - Reich's defects. All enlistees, officers or In applying for a commission or Officers to Inspect pine room, 6:30 p. m. regulars, are not less than 60 one ot Its first public appearances Women Will Model lor application blanks for regular In Chlcaro. New Musical Series Race Ends Thursday Women's Relief Corps-Commun- inches tall and weigh at least 95 enlistment, women should write to Mid·West R.O.T.C. Own Garments ily building, 2 p. m. pounds. Hearing and sight re- their navy recruiting ·station or to The music room of Iowa Union With two days of play remain- University club-loWI) Union club- quirements are high in both the nearest office of naval oCIleer The University of Iowa military is beginning a series oC weekly A style show in the .W. ·R. C. Ing in the women's intramural rooms, 7:30 p. m. brancl1es oC the service. Tnere is procurement, stating age. date of Firs', WAVE Arrives department announced yesterday mornlng programs S"lurday fea­ ping pong ladder tournament, KIwanis club - Jefferson. hotel, no maximum weight, so "!at girls" birth, education, marital status, the officers who have been as­ turing complete operas and full­ rool]'ls of the Community building winners will be determined by the 12:05 p. m. and "big girls" have equal oppor­ number aOnd ages of children, and signed by the war department ·to length orchestral works from the featuring new and made-over gar- positions of the players in the lad- Iowa. City Woman's club-lltua- tunity along with their smaller bus band's occupation. Any local At ·Pre-Flight School inspect the 'facilities and R. 0: T. C. Camegie library of recorded ments modeled by local women der at the close of the tournament ture department - Community sisters. However, weight must be post office will furnish informa­ personnel of the University of mu!ic, as the "csult of the success will be presented by the Clothing Tbursday. I building, 2:30 p. m. well-proportioned. Bulgy figures tion about where to write. The first WAVE to be stationed South Dakota, Creighton univer- Clinic at 7:30 tonight. Players may challenge anyone Eacles club-23~~ E. Washington that suggest too many sundaes and of an experimental program last So, it you don't have a glamour­ at the lowe PI'e-Flight school, sity and St. Louis university, . Saturday in which Mahler's "Sym­ Mrs. T. M. Rehder and Mrs. W. who is no more than three places street, 8 p. m. milk shakes in civilian lite do not complex pulling you around, and Li()ut, Col. Luke D, Zech, In- phony No. 2 ill C Minor" was J . Petersen will be in charge or the higher on the ladder, and games Modern Mixers-Pi Beta Pni 50- appear trim and neat in uni[orm. if you're considering a service in Ens. In;l C. Kerley, of Eugene, 1ontl'Y oHlecr and head of the Uni­ played. show at this final session of the may be played any time before rority house, 7:30 p. m, Ed ucaHon Musts which you can really "do some­ Ore., reported aboard yesterday. versity of Iowa military depart­ Recordings of the complete sewing group, in which suits, day- the tournament closes. Tables will Catholic Daughters of America- The high education requirement thing" Cor your country, the She is a graduate of tne Navy Sup­ ment, will serve as a federal in­ opern "The Marriage of Figaro" time dresses, house dresses, for- be set up in the gym today and K. of C. hall, 8 p. m. for both services is the real stick- WAVES and Spars need you, and ply Corps school at Harvard uni­ spector at the University of South (Mozart) will be presented Satur­ mals, bobby suits, coats, children's Thursday at 4 o'clock. ler lor many women who have not the chances are you'll succeed. verstty. Dakota, May 11-12, day morning from 10 to 12 o'clock. dresses and other items wl1l be Present top players are Claudia SUI Contacts Alumni" had academic opportunities. An The ensign will be the assistant Lieut. Col. Willard L. Smith, in­ For those who are not iamjJja displayed. Osborne, Al of Waterloo, first; officer must have a baccalaureate to the disbursing officer at the fantry, will be one of the inspeet­ with its background, a brief review Civilian Defense Marilyn Siebke, C3 of Cedar degree from a recognized college, Iowa base. She was graduated from ing officers at Creignton univer­ 01 the story of the opera will be Sponsored by the COnsumer in- Rapids, second; Rosamond Rup- For Fraternl"ty Optl"ons or two years at college credit Among Oregon State university in 1937 sity, May 3 and 4. given in the music room at 9:45. formatidn committee of the office pert, A2 of Iowa City, third; Doris toward a degree, pIllS two years Lieut. CoL M. H. Hall of the of civilian defense, the Clothing Wage, A2 of Cedar Rapids, fourth; of business or professional ex- and was sworn into the WAVES in Next week Bach's "Mass in R Oct~ber ; 1942. After attendin~ in­ medical corps has been assigned as Minor" will be played from 9:45 Clinic has been conducted by Prof. Muriel Abrams, Al of New York Interested in obtaining optionS perience. If she enlists in the regu- Iowa City People doctrination school she was as­ an inspectOl' at St. Louis univer­ 10 12:15 Saturday morning. Lula Smith and Prof. Marie Died- City, fifth, and Joyce Roby, A1 of on fraternity houses for possible lar personnel, the WAVE or Spar sity, May 11. esch, instructors in clothing and Kansas City, Mo., sixth. future use by army and navy edu- may be between 20 and 36 years signed to temporary duty at the These special progra'\ns are de­ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gibson and Chal'leston, S. C., navy yard. ------Figned to give music lovers an op­ textiles in the university home catlonal programs, the university of age. She must have had four economics department. The group Mrs. ·E. L. Hegg, Mrs. Frank Lor- business office has sent letters to years of high school with addi­ daughter, Patty Mae, 715 S. River­ Modern Mixers Plan portunity to hear worl,s not often side drive, and Mr. and Mrs. John plnyed in the music room because has met weekly to consider prob- enzen, Mrs. Ed Ries, Edna Long, fraternity alumni building cor- tional training in business school Jones Circle to Hear Meeting at Sorority lems of sewing a wardrobe in war- Mrs. Ruth Crayne, Mrs. 1. D. Long, poration heads. or experience in business. She is O'Conner, 529 S. Clinton street, at­ ortheir length . tended the goldcn wedding nnni­ Prof. H. J. Thornton Mrs. Caryl Chorlian, supervisor time, patterns, sewing equipment, Mrs. R. H. Ojemann, Mrs. Harold The letter indicated that the uni- also given a physical examlnation. Mrs. Rose Vandenberg will be garment fitting and types of fin- Hatcner, Mrs. B. V. Crawford and versity could possibly use halt of Aptitude of officer candidates and vel'sary of Mr. and Mrs. Tom hostess to the Modern Mixers at a 01 the mu sic room, has announced O'Conner of Haskin Sunday. "Religion and Government" will that she will welcome requests for ishing. Mrs. Vern Bales has been daughter, Mrs. W. H. Mengert, the present occupied fraternity all other personnel is ascertained meeting to be held at 7:90 tonight business manager for the organ i- Mrs, C. W. Lillick and Mrs. Bales. houses, which it would rent, oper- by verbal and mathematical • • • be discussed tomorrow afternoon this program, and that sne will at­ by Proi. H. J. Thornton of the uni­ in Pi Beta Phi sorority house. zation. Any woman who has made new ate and repair. tests. Weekend guests in the home at Assisting hostesses are MI'S. Jda tempt to adjust the programs to ve~sity hi story c.k!partment at a Models I garments or has renovated old All WA,VES and Spars must be Mrs. Mayme Axell and her daugh­ Lucht, Mrs. Lena Thompson and the hOllrs and tastes of intcrested ter, Louise, 322 N, Vnn Buren meeting of the Jones cIrcle of the \"~ilors. Women who wiU model and ones, and would be willing to Pago Pago, principal city at citizens of the United States, Tney Mrs. Elizabeth Shaver. otherwise assist with the show are model them in the Clothing Clinic American Samoa, becllme a coaling are usually unmarried, but may street, wel'e Mr. and MI·s. A. F. Presbyterian church. The mem­ Mrs. George Crum, Mrs. J. A. Par- style show, is asked to call Mrs. station (or ships of the U. S. Navy be married if they have no children Fischer of Des Moines, Dr. and bers will assembie at 2:30 in the Women Plan Meeting. Engineering Students den, Mrs. Kirk Porter, Mrs. W. W Rehdel' at 9108 before noon today. in 1878. under 18. Mrs. F. H, Fillenwarth at Charles home of Mrs. Charles J . Whipple, Elect Edward Larsen Mercer, M(s. Frank Whinery, Mrs Women under 20 must have the City and their daughter, Florence, 604 lowa avenue. ' "Stewardship" will be discussed Walter E. Murray, Mrs. A. 0 written consent of their parents Nt. Mrs. Owen Sutherlancl will be by Mrs. Ilion T. Jones tomorrow To Union Board Seat • • 9 assistant hostess. Devotions will afternoon at a meeting of the V.Hensleigh, E. Roose, Mrs. Mrs Francis. George Voss, Hertz, Mrs Merchant Marl"ner Descrl"bes Trl"bulatl"ons ofor guardiansthe service. to join either branch Prof. Marshall Kay, a member be Jed by Mrs, !Ieru'y Linder. Presbyterian Woman's association. Edward Larsen, E3 of Council Mrs. L. M. Holtz, Mrs. Emil Trott, "Basic training" in the WAVES of Columbia university faculty in The group will assemble at 2:30 BI~f!s, has beS!!1 elected to ynion Mrs. Herbert Wendlandt, Miss E Of T" t G" Ad ". t S" k B or Spars refers to the two or three New York, is visiting in the home The state flower of Arizona is in the home of Mrs. W. R. Tharp, Boord by the college of engmeer- Riggs, Mrs. Arnold Poock, Mrs rymg 0 am mission 0 Ie ay months of "Indoctrination," dur- of hls parents, Dean Emeritus and the saguaro cactus, 1108 E. Burlington street. 109, according to an announcement Chan Coulter, Mrs. G. W. Kiser, ing which the "bootees" learn Mrs. George F. Kay, 6 Bella Vista by Dean Francis M. Daws~n, head Mrs. Pearl Schooley, Mrs. Frank ' navy and coast guard traditions place. of the college of engineerlng. V 0 elk e r, Mrs. Frank Holub, By GENE CLAUSSEN and regulations. Drill, reveille and • • • A Union board meeting of o!d Marlyn Holub. SHEEPSHEAD SAY, N. Y.- lhis year. In fact, according to our taps enter their working vocabu- Mr. and Mrs, John J. Greer, 20 ,HAVE YOU and newly elected members will Also Mrs. J. W. Wi1lard, Mrs (Special to The Daily Iowan)- driver, there won't be much ot lary. The recruit begins to call W. Park road, are the parents of be held 'I'hursday evening at 7:30. Fred Jones, Mrs. Irving Weber, The trials and tribulations of what the same until the war is over. all :floors "decks," walls "bulk­ a girl born Sunday night in Uni­ an enrollee has to go through "Jamaica will be the only track Iheads," windows "ports" and even versity hospital. sometimes in order to receive hum- open here," he said, "and it'll take when she is on furlough, the stairs ble aid for a cold or get permission a real fan to go out there. The I at the local Ritz become "ladders." W~ M.B. Society Planl to . do .some picayunish task was nearest bus or subway is two or I The trainee during this period epltomlZed the other day by a thre miles away and no cabs are may find herself in anyone of Luncheon Tomorrow trainee who was jostled out of our allowed to operate between the Ithe following training schools: I barracks sick bay rather rudelY track and the station." Hunter college in New York City; Mrs. Fred Miller, 707 Melrose for feigning "gold-bricking." Our (riend informed ine driver Indiana university at Blooming- avenu ~, will be hostess to the W. Apparently a little disturbed by he knew a fellow who owned some ton; Okhihoma Agricultural and M. B. society of the Cnristian the (act thai he was overlooked pTetty (air horses hilNelt and Mechanical college at Stillwater; church at a potluck luncheon at 12 as a sick man and labelled as one would apparently be at Jamaica University of Wisconsin at Madi- o'clock tomorrow in her home. tryint to dodge WOI'l< by spending this year. . son; Iowa State Teachers college at There will be a business meeting the day in his bunk, he penned a Real Fans Cedar Falls, 01' Georgia State Col- during the afternoon. memo and (jokingly, we presume) "Yeh?" our friend said, leaning lege for Women at Milledgeville, Members are asked to bring a sent it by messenger to the phar- back over the seat now with only At this lime all women have ap- covered dish, sandwiches and their midst mates. one hand on the wheel. He guessed =p:re=n=t::ic=e:::s::e=a::m::e::n:'::s::::::ra::t=i=ng;s=.::::::Af=:te=r==o=w=n=t=o=b:.=le=s=e=r::vI;:·c:;e:"======tOO-Degree Fever he had a couple of real fans in tne hU~~;~dsa (:I:~{e~a~fw:se~lnl~~~: Iback seat and. wanted to warm A Stitch in Time men with 108 that day), chewing up to the OccaslO.n, aspirin and holding a mustard Our cab wnlP!>ed around a pack on his chest, he wrote: c~' o~ded .comer like a halfback Is a Step to Victory! "Henceforth all enrollees must p I C~I~g ~IS way through the op­ reen l'Ollral" have at least a mild case at pneu- POSitIon 111 toucl1down das~. Take good care of everything you own . ribbon II enlaain,. monia b~fore liberty will be We pulled up at ~u r destll1a~jon I "0 Iy \lud for trim granted. Anyone caught wearing and~ u rn~d out With th~ dnver - make it last Ion g e r - give you aerOl1 the bodlee any warm -clothing whatever will sh.outmg tIPS on tomorrow B forms better . service - for victory! So repair of Ihil two.plece be forced to swim to Hoffman w~th hIS neck craned out of thl! sew ' New York creation island and get written. excuse to wll1d~w. that rip in your stocking - that ot Jrftn and white get into sick bay. Anyone who dies We 11 take his advice. That torn seam - take good care of all ra,.on theck. The of pneumonia will be gr!lnted spree isn't worth the two mile r l~al l ·blou •• bullona your household things - these are a Inull,. (rom a hi,h, special sick leave. Any ghost caught Walk. Only the obsessed and phy­ re'et" coll.,lee. Mckllne wearing an unslenclled shroud will sically lit will do it. few of the little things we can all do to md a ,ivin, Ihe dreu an win the war on waste. , . . sew up the ~ r1ul be deprived oC any ectoplasm. Im- ' . ~ ah9 ..ther youtb. mediately upon reincarnation, all AT FIRST ( ~ul aDIDear.~lee. ..g Axis! moo m",t .ppo., .t C.plain', ~ .. OF A 0 .... Iowa-Illinois Gas &Electric Co" - PI,sl· Call Company, Lon, Islllld' Cit" N. Y. ~r ___ USE 211 E. Washlncton Iowa. Clb . : 3~~,:;,~i~~j:~~~;;.~; ~ Fr.llchilid Iottler: T'hel Bott1JDq Co .. Cedar Rapid •• Ja. happen to the horse racing season 666 TAILErs. 5ALV£."6 NOSE OROPS

. " PAGE FOUR , '9-£ -t)'A:ILY lOW A'N ,- IOWA CITY, lOW A TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1943 • SPORT Northwestern Faces Hawkeye Nine Next SIDEtiGHTS 5.1, "'-, 'By Jack Sot

DON SLYE ~ In Intramural To Aid HiHers saturday Tilts WA~H Iowa and Miehllan, I:O -chllmps answers ot last year's Blg Ten b ball It, season, are stlU I:O-cllam-p as far Wendland, Graham ~~ WHlTNn l as Saturday's games were con­ Volleyball Till With Pitching Inc1uded in Wildcat live st cerned, as they split the double MAIl'I'IN nounced header. Squad to Face Hawlu Q. WbI From the resul 01 the game Delta Sigma Della captured lhel By sm F£DER revlsltDr we thou,ht that the two teams all-t;nivcrsity Intramural \'oUey- * Neither Lombardi Nor NEW YORK (AP)-The phone Northwestern is the next foe of A. t}l' were on even terms. Both played ball tournament last night as the * Boston Braves Talk rang and the voice said, "You can, the University of Iowa's basebaU derennen ceP tbOS' good ball lit tlme and bad ball fighting dentists took two out of tell the ba~tel's to start celebrating, team, alter the Hawkeyes opened t at tim~ ; both had good breaks *About Lom's Holdout b

Street department employes-. This Morning who were overlooked in March's Men Applying For gianL wage increase, lost night St. Patrick's Athlete, were granted n 10 percent salary raise by the city council at its Meteorology Training Davenport Coach Dies meeting held in the City Hall. In Auto-Train Crash The city englneer"s compensa­ Will Be Interviewed tion WBS also boosted by 10 per­ Plmeral service wlU be held ccnl. No oetlon was token on in­ Lois CooL~, weather bureau rep. at. 10 o'clock this mornll1i at St. creasing his salary last month. resentntive, will be in Iowa City Patrick's church for Louis Dvor­ it was explained, because the po­ Apr'n 21 to interview men aod sky, 29, athletic coach t St. Am-I sition was vacant at that time, brase academy and a native of W. R. Dart Chosen women and to stimulate interest Iowa City, who was lUlled In an I William R. Hart was voted by for applicants for advanced Imin­ auto-traln aecidenl early Sunday the bOdy to represent the city ing in meteor'ology. in Davenport.. I in the case of The United states Young women, 17 yearll old or Mr. Dvorsky and three other of America vs. the city of Iowa Davenport persons were killed City, in which the federal govern- over', who have had at least Ot1/! I when the automobile In which ment is suing for the return o( year of senior high school math .. they were riding was struck by funds It advanced to Iowa City maUes and Reience are cligible 101' a pass ngl'r traIn at a crossing in in 1934 for the construction of a junior observers. Salaries ran.e Moline, Ill. power plont. He was born In Iowa City Dec, When the case was tried before from $1,440 to $1,620 per year. Men and women [rom 20 to 30 24, 1913, the son ot Mr. and Mrs .. Judge Charles Dewey In the ted- George W. Dvorsky. who preceded eml di strict court of southern who can pa~s the CAA physical examination m'e eligible for pcsi. him in death. Iowa, •~ deCl'sion ravorin" Iowa .. " silions as junior' meteorologists After graduaUng from Sl. Pat­ City was returned. . with the weather burcau at nnnual rick's high school he entered St. Notice of Appeal Last month the United States salaries of $1,800 or $2,000. Ambrose college, where he became ONLY NOW REL£ASED. thl picture show crew members of Britain's once crtat 35,OOO-ton battleship one ot the most. outslondin. nth­ Prtnce 01 Wales, I'olnl' over the sIdes after the man o'war had been mortall)' wounded by Japanese air served notice of appeal; the case letes the school has produced, MIGHT BE DESCRIBED a a "harrow!nc" experience for power off the eut cout of Mataya. December t, 1941. two days after Pearl lIarbor. Thc Brill b battle the e soldiers at Scoli field, Illinois, Army Air Forces Technical is to come before the U. S .cir­ Sarah Mason Held He assisted Coach W. J. Duford erulser Repulse also wa sunk In thIs enprement. AdmJral Ir Tom . V. Phillip \Va among tbe 595 euit court of nppellis. for several years as back!ield rraJnlnr command school. Actuall y, however, what the y are In County Jail Here officers and men nUs Inl' (as of Dec. 11) from the two ships. A total of 130 officers and 2.200 men were dolllr Is opera!lnr a harrow In preparation for planting 01 the field's City Attorney Kenneih M. Dun­ l cooch of the SL Ambrose varsliy reseued by deslro,ers. The Prince or Wale had rone 1"0 Ingapore hortly before the Paclrlc war belan. Vletory carden. to supplement supply 01. fresh lood. lop is to collaborate with Hart in and then became aiSoc!ated with representing the city. Sarah Mason, 26, of Iowa City is the Davenport park board in the The coul1cil heard a new housing being held in the Scott county jail capacity or playground director. ordinance which is to include con­ under $500 bond on charges of In the sprln. of 1942, the ltev. sideration of irnilerR as dwelling operating a motol" vehicl without John B. McEnlry, principal or Allies Find New Uses for Radio Location, iCommission 23 Jap Fields at Kiska, Earl N. Chadd p"lnces. the owner's C(lnsen!. st . Ambro e lIeademy, named Dohrer Given Title Miss Mason w. s found asleep in Mr. Dvorsky head coach as suc­ A third title was given to ' a CIIr on the highway near Prince­ ce or to EnlliO John Eolerlch, British-Invented Aircraft SpoHing Device SUI d I AHu Near Completion 8 Y y G GI George Dohrer, who In July will ton, Iowa, S.unda . Sh~ wa~ sen­ who I' Igned hili position. ra ua es Despite U,S, Bombing Iven • ear become city clerk-sewage treat- tenced to five days In jail tor He became "coach of the year" LONDON' (AP) - The o.llies s radio oUicers. Other hundreds ment works clerk. He was last violation of the driver's license in the qu d-ciUes when In one are devisine new uses for one of are in training or will be trained. night named Iowa City's dollar- law. sea son hi. players captured The Unilee! states navy has simi­ December R.O.T.C. a-year auditor. seven out of eigbt ,ames and de­ their most prited secret weapons Zeroes From Base lar programs. Men Complete Officer Sentence Here The couneil allowed bills lOr lowo Toxpayers Group teated Davenport hl.h (or the -radio location. Appeared In '40-'U May Meet Yankee April totaling $9,43B 29. clty tHle. Little hos been said, and Ie t Names Avera ge levies Radlo-Ioc lion made its first ap- Training in Georgia Planes in 2 Weeks Bonds of Mayor Wilber J. Tee­ At th time 01 his death, he has been written, about this sci­ Earl N. Chadd was scntenc d to ters, Dunlop, City Engineer Fred encl!. born by a ident, but It is pearance as a defensive war wea­ was preparlng his track team for Twenty-three December gradu­ Gar t z k e, City Commissioner The total prOI)el'ty tox levies a pon in the Battle of Britain in A FAR WESTERN BASE IN eight years in the state peniten­ Its first meet at the Davenport key device In anti-submarine ates of the university have been Charles Beekman, Weighmaster pnyablc in Iowa CIty for 1943 1940-41. Hel'e's how it helped THE ANDREANOF ISLANDS, tlary at Fl. Madi.on yesterday in relays Friday nlaht.. and anti-aircraCt wlllllare. and it commissioned second lieutenants EdwDl'd J. Shanahnn and Sexton amounted to 46 .8 mills per $1, a Surviving arc three slaters, received equal credit with the sa ve the British Isles from a In the army after succe stul com­ A p I' i I 3-(Delayed)-(AP)-De Cedar' Rapids alter It hlld pleaded Ernest A. Shalla were l·eeeived. bulletin [rom the Iowa Taxpayers knockout blow by the LuftwaCfe: Mrs. Ed Kelly, Mary Helen lind RAF in winning the Battle of pletion oC lhe oCficer candidate spite repeated bombing, the J ap- guilty to chm'ges of manslaughter Hears Reports associ a tion indicates. Britain: . • From a chain of coastal stations, Ruth Ann of Iowa City, and two course at the infantry school, Ft. anese are pushing to completion in connection with the death of The group heard rl!ports [rom The millage rate for 1942 was brothers, Ralph of Iowa City, ub SpolUnl' the British e. tablished n system ot Bennine, Ga. a long fighter field on Klska and Lieut. John E. Blickle, athletic the pOlice departmcnt, the Lire 45.7 . nnd Gi!orge, stationed somewhere More than that. It is radio loca­ rndlo transmlt~ers which projected The group, which includes Meyer sexton, weighmaster' and the vic­ In Iowa cities with populatfilns a long bomber field on AUu , the coach at the Iowa Navy Pre-Flight In north Africa. tlon that enables planes to spot a floodlight of electro-magnet en­ Markovitz, Hardld A. Knolts and tory garden committec. ot more than 10,000 the a",prage Burial will be In Sl. J06cph's submarin~ from the air, that ergy toward the areas where David C. Duncan ot Iowa City, left eleventh bomber command head- school. TraWe violations during the millage rate was decreased from cemetery. makes It possible for patrol planes German planes were based. When for service Jan. 3. The othel' new quarlers disclosed today. LieuLenant Blickle was killed month ot January numbered 175, 52.B to 50.0 in the last 12 monihs. to keep track of friendly convoys, the enemy planes entered the second Iieulenants are: The Kiska runway, which within when the car' in which he was re- the p 0 Ii c e departmen t report a.ethoven Symphony that directs both the searchlights "floodlight area," radio energy stated. was reflected to sen ltive receiv- Jack V. Talbot o[ Oedor Rapids, turning to Iowa City late at night Bandleader To Be Played Today lind the guns ot anti-aircralt de­ who was a member of A. l!'. I., two weeks may have Zeros zoom- Two beer permits fenses, thai aims coast defense ers. Sigma Chi fraternity, R. O. T. C. 'ngr [I'om I·t to mee'• Amerl'con Oct. 22 collided with Chadd's mn- proved. guns aceurately at unseen targets. PDI es Recorded bombers has been bombnd SI'X chine five miles south of Cedar On Iowa Union Hour cadet captain, president of the' ~ The Germans have found how to Ali pulses were recorded on a central sludent party committee, times. Rapids. The first movement or Beetho­ adapt this amazing weapon to cathOde ray tube, tralned officers business manager oC 19~3 Hawkeye Attu has been aUacked twice by Tbe navy officer was assistant City Rents Lots ven's "Symphony No.9" will be their own defenses but, while they could interpret them almost a8 and circulation manager of The 10 Liber'ators which unloaded 2() coach o( football, b(l~ketball ancl For Vi ctory Gardens pLAyed on today·s Iowa Union have been tryina to "catch up," easily as viewing a picture on a Doily Iowan; lollS of explosives. track at Ohio Slate univerSity be- rlldio hour from 3:35 to 4 o'clock, the British and Americans have sere:!en. By a complicated syslem James F. Frazier After the bombings. apparently, fore being commissioned in the Ward Alderman Mox Boone Mrs. Caryl Chorllan, supervisor pu t It to other im portan t t)ses, ot calculations, the o[(icerll deter­ James F. Frazier or Nevada, the Japanese crawled Irom their naval l·esel've. (ls!), chairman of the viclOl'y or the program, has announced. uses that still cannot be dis­ mined the position and speed of Iowa, who was president of the trenches surrounding the Cields ------garden committee, last night said A program from the fourth clo:;ed. enemy planes, relayed the i.nfor­ interfraternity court and member and used the loosened stonc. Iowa Dames to Hold 14 lots had been rented to Iowa movement ot Beethoven's "SYm­ Phase of Electronics mation to fighter command sta­ ot the interfraternIty council; Wal- Preparations City residents for victory gardens. phony No.9" will be played on Known in the technical field as tions which dispntched intercept­ tcr H. Sanford of Davenport, a These runways may indicate I Officer Installation Those who have rented ground the Thursday broadcast. The text a phase of the clence of electron­ Ini RAF lighters to meet the Nazi memb r of Delta Upsilon frater- that the enemy is preparin~: adjacen t to the armor'y (01' gorden­ ot this choral finale is Sohlller'. ics, radio location is expected by !liers. So accurate were the radio nity; John F. (Ted) SJulin of Ham- Fir'st, to r'epel 0 naval bombard- Officers will be installed and ing follow : "Ode to Joy" sung in English. military men who havc be n location devices that interceptions burg, lown, former' eadet major ment with Zeros. plans made lor' summer activities Paul Ssherrer, Timothy Grady, working with It to have revolu­ otten were mode over the English and memb r of Delta Upsilon; Second, to repel any landing at the business meeting of the L. C. \yuerrtul, James Reed , Clerk Issues Licenses tionary applications in the po t­ channel. r'or'mer Cadet Majors Russell on the few existing beaches. University of Iowa Dames club William Manson, Euald Kuhlman, war world. One of its greatest Gene Jone:; of Marengo; Peter B. Third. to harrass our advance tonight at 7:45 in the north con- Walter Goodman, Clem Dunn, Clerk 01 Court R. Ncllson Miller contributions will be to make civil Narey of Spirit Lake; Richard bases if possible. (erence room of Iowa Union. Francis Bendure, Frank Leeney, Issued marriage licenses yesterday aviation safer. Nellie A, Payne Rites Thomas Johnson or Orion; Leo Fourth, to hit our shipping lines. Presiding at the business meet- Ivan Profitt, H. W. Laschpe. to Marlon Phores, 21. and Wllda The United States army signal Henry Stahle of Cedar Rapids; Pifth, to launch an offensive of Ing wiil be Mrs. Paul Reagan, Lindley. bolh of Iown CltYi DOll corps, with the help of the Brit­ Charles D. Shedd of Rockrord, his own against Alaska. The use presi dent. Lena T. Ring Ci rcle Chadima, 21, and Margaret Vlktor. ish, has trained hundreds of sci­ Scheduled Tomorrow III., John A, Sixtn or Cedar Raplds; of trnnspods June 4, 1942, lndi------23, both ot Cedar Rapids. entillc-mlnded young Americans Richard Spencer of Des Moines. cates that he had this idea in his Ladies Aid to Meet To Meet Tomorrow ------~------Jack BlckenblWh mind. FREDDY NAGEL and his orches­ 81 · Yea r-Old Resident Jack H. Bickenbach of Inde- To outfit these two Ollrfields Mrs. Henry Judy, 217 E. Dav­ Mrs. Roy Mackey and her tra will play at the DIncelaJIII Helps and Hints For- Dies in Hospital Here pendence; Henry Scheer of Ana- will require technical equipment enl)ort street, will be hostess to daughter, Mrs. Glen Murdock, 222 Ballroom in Cedar RapIds. Narel mosa; Paul OlVens of Clinton; which will have to be flown in or members of the Congregational E. Davenport street, will be hos­ rot hIs start at Stanford unlver­ After Long Sickness Keith McNurlen of Perry; Charles sent in by surface ships and sub­ Ladies Aid society tomorrow aCter­ tesses to the Lena T. Ring circle sUy five years aro when he or· Morrow of Audubon; Hoyt Tatum marine. The Japanese have iried noon at 2:30. She will be assisted tomorrow night at 7:30. ganized a band ror a campus show Your Victory Gardens Funeral service will be held nt of Nora Springs; Robert Meek of surface ships and lost 15 to nnvy by Mrs. H. Buser nnd Mrs. J . M. Assisting lhe hostesses will be which met with ,reat popularity. the Hohenschuh mortuary at 2 Kalona; Marvin C h e val i e r of guns, torpedoes nnd army bomb­ Willis. Devotionals will be lert by Mrs. Jessie Hultman, LaVae Huff­ He makes a specialty of L&fln­ - By Stan Myers o'clock tomorrow afternoon for Strawberry Point, and Donald Mc- ers. Mr~. Buser'. man and Mrs. Virgil Bowers. Ame.rlcan numbers. * * * Nellie A. payne, B1, of 62-l S. Intyre at Anita. 2 to 1 Force e Governor street, who died at Lieutenant Markovih: is U1e son Their last e[fort at this writing e Fertile soil *is necessary* * ill the inches. Merely raking the fertilizer Mercy hospital Sunday morning of Mr, and Mrs. SamueL Marko- was March 26 when a two-to-one Victory veietable garden so that Into the soil leaves it too near tbe aCter a lingerln, lllness. She su[- vitz, 415 S. Dubuque street, Lieu- o\ttnumbered and out-gunned the plants can. grow as rapidly IS Cered a stroke tour years ago. tenant Duncan is the son of Dlpt. American task force turned back possible. Vegetables which JIlIlture surface to do the most \tOod. The daughter o( Joseph and and Mrs. F. C. Duncan, 125 Golf- three cargo ships escorted by two rapidly are more tender than tho e Three to five pounds or Victory Mary Payne, she was born Dec, view avenue and Lieutenant heavy cruisers, two light cmisers, which grow slowly In poor soli, lertilizer should be used for every lB, 1861, at Solon. The family In- Knolls is the'son 'Of Mrs. Sylvia and four destroyers. It is not and there Is a great difference in 100 square feet at soil, as illus- cluded four brolhers and iour Knotts, !ll!) E. Fairchild street. known if the Japanese have used the appearance, taste and yi~ld o( !rated. Three to five pounds of sist rs, ail or whom preceded hel" I submarines, as they did at Guad- veget.ables which have been prop- superphosphate may be worked In dcuth. D' Ch' Iolcana\. erly fed while growlni. into each 100 square feet of IIUed She wa a member of the Eng- emocratlc airman When Atlu and Kisko runways THINK A balanced commercial fertilizer soil to give still greater stimulation. !ish Lutheran church. I ate wOI'kr'ng, fighter' planes will containing nitrogen, phosphorus * * • Surviving are seven nieces and IS GOP 0 be able to fly from Parlmushiro and potassium should be used tor Other element. lmportant to four nephews, includi ng: Mrs. ays . , . pposes to Altu, 735 miles, and on to 'Illtle II { dl I th th I II f rtIllt I I hi h Hugh Hagenbuch and C. L. Pal- Klska, 195 miles. 1It,1I'~ :ent:ear~g'~enC:asiees;lan~~~; . ::vo": a. I'~u:,~ ~r~ mer, both of Iowa Cfty; ten grnnd- Shor11944 Campa'ign The commanding officer o[ a BONDS WILL BUY _I Victory gardeners will have to ult 10 the 1011 and alclll root lf1'Ow th; nieces and six great grandn1ces ph 0 to intelligence department, Wtanl Ute Victory garden fertilizer this Iron and mAPl!sium, w hich and nephews. who can read from his photographs FioYd year, contalnlng three ~rcent nl- streodhen the litem aDd the The body is now at the:! Hohen- WASHINGTON (AP)-Frank C. whether a Jnpanese has tracked o( Ihe trogen, eight percent phosphorus leaves and help to color the leat schuh mortuary. The Rev. Ralph Walker, Democratic national chair- the snow, described the sunup to PLANES • BOMBS • GUNS lOrized and seven percent. potassium. This creen. and chlorine. sllie pel M. Krueger of .Ihe E~gUsh Lu- man, said yestctday the RepubJi- sundown pmgress of the"e run- 110, wa lertilizcr by Jaw cannot be used IodIDe, which are needed In Itheran chur~h Will offlclnte at the cans "obviously" are not in favor ways. ... drownec lor other than lhe ve,etable gar- small quantities for ceneral ' servlce. Bunal will be In Oakland of his proposal that the major The work emphasrs on Klska IS JoItnstOl den. health of plant. cemetery. parties agree on a short presidential the !,o major new con- 'TANKS AND SHIPS the r~nw;ly. The fertilizer should be worked • * • ompaign in 1944. structron outside of gun and anU- the f( into the soil prior to planting or Tall growing veaetables should W.S.C.S. to Sponsor Commenting on the statement of absirCra[:... mprKacekmen~~ has been • Wllh pr seeding, and should be hoed in so be pHmted at one end or the gar- Republican Chairman Harrison E. 0 erv .." n is a since January IIld gag that it is available for the plant den and Mt next to smaller ones luncheon Tomorrow Spangler that hi s party wouJd 1. Enough of this equipment 1n the "'ilrdow roots to a depth of three or four which would be shaded too much. welcome a brief campaign if it ofllle i: * * * * * * Unit H or the Woman's Society received "positive assurance" that ~b;U ; of Christian Service will sponsor President Roosevelt Is not seeking Jefferson Memorial right place, at the right time, will /lICit ,.,..,._~, a 35 cent luncheon beginning at a fourth term, Walkel' said: A1mos 194' "ICTOR'Y' eAAHO RRTILIZER \ OKW' I 111:45 tomorrow morning In Fel- "I suggested a short campaign itt Uteir lowship hall o( the Methodist because In my judgment it would To Be Opened Today 'l'Iie lite. NITROGEN PHOIPHOAU5 PO,.ASSIUM church, preceding the generaL, be in lhe best interests of the enable our fighting forces to finish OQ Iaun monthly meeting of the group. counit'Y. Obviously, the opposition W f\SHINGTON (AP) - Wash­ ~a 3% . 8% 1% Mrs. C. A. Beckman, unit leader, is n9t in accord with my views. ington's Thomas Jefferson Me­ liIllclsc Is in charge of arrangements. This is no time for pOlitics. Let us morial will be dedicated today, 200 the job in the shortest possible time. es I"eIpc A business session will begin at get on with the war." years to the day after the th ird illtl"da' 2 o'clock Instead of the customary Walker, who is postmaster gen- president's birth and in the midst 1YlIers. 2:30. The devotional message wilJ eral, said Spangler's letter con­ of a new fight for those certain be given by Mrs. Franklin H. "eying his views had not reached unalienable rights he upheld. ~ ,~ Knower, who will read an Easter him and he had read it only in the The $3,000,000 memorial, domed lII1II arc play. Reports from unit clJairmen press. and colonnaded in the classic style ~ar will complete the meeting. Spangler, informed of Walker', Jefferson himself espoused, lies 'Invest In ·.the I comment, said that if Walker had nestled near the Potomac on the I ~ 3 TOS POUNDS ---t.~I""TOIW -+ \OO~Q.n!TOnOI ~ Will AHend Meeting not received the leller, "it confirms south bank of the tidal basin. A lit con' ""' LI~ • my suggestion that politics may 19-{oot statue o[ Jefferson looks · ~. B Dr. Philip C. Jeans, head of be inlel"fering with running the toward the White House and the ~ the •. pediatrics at University hospit.als, government. Waljhington monument. (/ .. will leave lhis morning to spend "The letter was mailed Saturday President Roosevelt wi ll speak War Bonds the rest of the week in Washing- less than one mile (rom Mr. Walk­ in connection with the dedication. Ben ton, D. C .• where he will aHend a1 er's oHice. He is postmaster gen­ The time and place of his address International Business Maohines Corporation SEVE ' li PWU~S IN. ~fMOWMATI'~ MMURIA meeting ot the National Research eral. Perhaps that end 0.1 t~ ~ busi- had not been announced last -8ert I council. ness needs some attention. nl.ht. oanen ~~------~------~ IllQet ()f