South High - An Trust Half-Yearly Newsletter Issue 12 2019 View from Miss Dodd

What’s your first memory? My first memory is not a fond one. It is of me being viciously attacked by my pet cat, Rosie. My mum even has a picture of this so I can relive it every day!

What’s your favourite food? My favourite meal is my Mum’s Sunday roast. Favourite food: Milkybar yoghurt.

When you were 16 what plans did you have for a career? I knew that I loved English and that I wanted to make sure I incorporated the subject into my career, but I did not realise I wanted to be a teacher until after University.

Who’s your favourite actor/sportsperson/ music artist? (you could focus on just one) I’ve been listening to British artist, Jamie Issac a lot recently. His song ‘Wings’ is beautiful.

What’s the best piece of advice you have received? You don’t have to be extraordinary to do extraordinary things.

Tell me something others might not know about you? In the same week, I was stung by a bee, wasp and jellyfish. Needless to say it wasn’t the best of holidays.

Who was your favourite teacher? My favourite teacher at school was my history teacher, Mr Larkin. He was one of those teachers that could just sit and talk to the class for an hour and everyone would be captivated.

How do you relax? Sleep.

2 Issue 12 2019 : Keep communicating

For any large organisation, communication with all stakeholders can be a challenge. We have 87 teachers. 54 support staff, 1334 students and lots of parents. This is why it has been a focus within our School Development Plan this year and last. Over the course of the last four terms I have employed a variety of strategies to support stakeholders in Contents understanding what the school is trying to achieve. For parents I have introduced a twice half termly newsletter which summarises what has been going on over the last three weeks in terms of trips, events and priorities within the school. We have to ensure Department Focus 4-8 that our website is compliant with certain statutory requirements but we are also developing our use of social media. The school has a Twitter account (@SouthBromsHigh) and we have also revamped our Facebook site (Sbhs Bromsgrove). This is alongside our LinkedIn account for alumni to join (South Bromsgrove High). Recent careers and employability events are beginning to be supported by alumni and Extra-Curricular 9-12 it is great to see ex-students return to South to talk about their jobs. We will also use all three platforms to communicate with you about our plans to celebrate our Golden Jubilee next academic year. Our Parent Focus Group is building momentum and we have met twice this last term to discuss how we quality assure the work of the school and the House Matters 13-15 school’s approach to marking and feedback. Finally, 658 parents have downloaded our ‘My Child At School’ to help them keep up to date with their child’s progress.

Communication with our students is also important and alongside assemblies, tutor time and notices around the school, we also have a Year Updates 16-21 variety of forums for students to engage in and feedback ideas. These include our School Leadership Team, the Student Research Council, the Equality Council, the Digital Leaders and the Eco Leaders (formerly the Garden Group). I am also involved in all the school’s quality assurance systems so regularly talk to students when visiting lessons. Partnerships 22-23 I also meet with students regularly at the end of the week for Hot Chocolate Friday. This is when we celebrate students who have been nominated by staff for having gone ‘above and beyond’ at school.

I have also endeavoured to improve communication with our staff. As a new headteacher at the school I have carried out a one-to-one interview with every member of staff, where we discussed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to school. This has given me some useful insights and helped to shape our priorities. I have also introduced a weekly Headteacher’s Bulletin which works alongside our weekly Monday morning briefing. This allows me to share with colleagues what I have been up to in the previous week, important news and an outline of the week to come. This term we are also setting up a group with representatives from every faculty to look at issues such as workload.

Finally, Mrs Clark works hard with Mr Siddle on our press releases and we are regularly featured in both the print copies and websites of the Bromsgrove Advertiser and Bromsgrove Standard. And of course there is the excellent South newsletter, edited by Mr Sprouting.

Communication can always be improved, it is never perfect. If you have any more suggestions then let us know.

Best wishes

Chris Smith Headteacher @sbhs_biology Issue 12 2019 : 3 Department Focus : History

History Update

With the centenary of the end of World War One taking place this year, the History Department chose World War One as our theme for Open Evening. We built a trench and set up a First Aid Post at which students could be given a ‘Blighty’ wound. In our ‘Peace corner’ visitors sampled peace babies, which we now know as jelly babies; they were first released to commemorate the end of the war. Perhaps slightly less popular was Miss Jones’ trench stew which certainly had an evocative smell! Students from across the Key Stages supported us on Open Evening and curriculum and some smashing ideas were superb representatives for our for the future. Finally, they have kindly subject. given up one of their free periods to support in Year 9 classes, where The History Department joined with the they have shared their knowledge RE Department to lead assemblies to and enthused many of our younger remember the actions of soldiers and students. A huge thank you to Eleanor also all those involved in and affected Hudson, Elliot Kirkpatrick, Kathryn by WW1 in any way. This included the Smith, Niamh Baker, Charlie Reed, children who lived through the conflict Sarah Pickering and Chloe Clements. and the impact of war on them. Year 9 have been studying WW1 in lessons This half term we also enjoyed taking and they worked with motivation to Year 11 students to visit London. create a striking poppy waterfall display Students benefitted from a lecture on for our reception area. the history of The Globe and a tour of Year 10 South students travel each the building which is the historical site year to the WW1 battlefields and this selected for their GCSE this summer. year is no exception. We always do our They also were able to tour the upmost to visit the graves or memorials outstanding World War One exhibition to any relatives of those on the trip. If at the Imperial War Museum. We were you are coming with us, do let us know proud of their motivation, interest and about any ancestors you have who focus. Year 13 have been focused on fought in the First World War so that we their coursework and have had the can make them central to our visit if at opportunity to take part in two study all possible. visits, to Birmingham University Library and The Hive. For the first time this year the History Department has appointed History Finally, we would like to recognise the Ambassadors. These Sixth Formers hard work of the following star students have already proven themselves to who achieved hugely impressive results be absolute superstars within the in their PPEs recently: Beth Filer, department. Between them they Sian Perry and Gemma Hunt. Their have represented us at Open Evening outcomes show how much hard work and Sixth Form Open Evening, they pays off. have also attended our Department Meetings and given us the benefit of Mrs Jennings their very eloquent opinions about our Head of History

4 Issue 12 2019 : Department Focus : Geography

Geographers Out and About This has been a busy term for South’s Geographers in terms of fieldwork. We started in October with 150 year 11 students heading to Bewdley to investigate flood defences and the risk that the town faces from flooding. This was a great opportunity for students to practice a range of fieldwork techniques and investigation skills ready for their final exam in June. Overall, the defences were judged to be successful but the geese were not considered to be welcoming.

The week after it was year 12s turn with our annual visit to Cardingmill Valley in Shropshire. This allowed students to try some proper physical geography fieldwork looking at whether infiltration rates increase or decrease with slope angle and distance from the river. The valley as always was beautiful though sadly the sun did not grace us with its presence. Hopefully, this will have inspired some good coursework investigation titles later in the year.

Finally, on Thursday 8th November our year 13 Geographers headed to the South Coast on our annual pilgrimage to the UK’s Geography “playground”. This area provides the perfect opportunity to explore the landscapes and processes studied as part of the A-Level course.

Thursday involved a trip to the town of Swanage to look at coastal management strategies and to evaluate their effectiveness. The students worked efficiently and successfully to collect beach profile and groyne profile data. Ultimately they were able to conclude that the coastal management of Swanage was successful.

The following day was the day to “collect” some of the UK’s major geographic landforms. Starting at a windy Chesil Beach we looked at long-shore drift (well we tried before the sea stole the apples) and barrier beach formation. We then headed to Durdle Door – one of the world’s most famous coastal arches. Sadly the tide was in so we couldn’t get too close but many selfies later we’re sure that the students were pleased to see the iconic landform. Last on the list was Lulworth Cove following a rather windy cliff top walk. We escaped on to the bus just as the rain storm arrived!

Our final day was spent in Studland Bay looking at sand dune formation and succession. This was an opportunity to learn lots of new fieldwork skills and use items of equipment the geography department can only dream of!

Next term looks to be only slightly less busy with a year 9 trip to the Natural History Museum in London and year 12s human geography fieldwork.

Miss Lodwick

Issue 12 2019 : 53 Department Focus : Science and Modern Foreign Languages

Here’s what some students had to say about The Magic of Science the experience...

On Tuesday 23rd October, a group of year 9 students interested in Isabella Lawrance (9CB) ‘The whole experience Science, were taken by Mr Clark to Prince Henry’s School, Evesham was so much fun and absolutely amazing, I where they saw a fantastic Science Magician - Ian B. Dunne. couldn’t believe my eyes, and every minute was spectacular! Was it really Science or Magic?’ The show included many different exciting experiments which reveal the fine line between Science and ‘Magic’. There were hair raising tricks with the Van de Graaff Generator, thrilling tricks with fire and Erin Shield (9JJ) ‘I especially enjoyed it when he educational descriptions to go with. threw the fire as I’ve never seen that done before!’

‘The tricks that he Lucy Blundell (9KMH) performed were very intriguing and exciting, I really enjoyed it!’

Overall, this trip was a great opportunity which all of the students thoroughly enjoyed and would love to do again!

Erin Shield & Isabella Lawrance Year 9

Christian Rewards Cards Winners of the Autumn Term 2018

The Modern Foreign Languages The efforts of individuals and groups have department have created Rewards Cards resulted in better outcomes on a regular for students to collect stars for Consistent basis with learning vocabulary. Each Outstanding Effort & Work during a week the top class for each year group is lesson. Teachers select at least three rewarded by having the class name on the students each lesson who have shown MFL plasma screen as well as receiving this. One star equivalents to one House sweets. Point. Ten stars result in an opportunity for students to enter a prize draw for a £5 Amazon voucher (two winners per term) MFL Trips 2019 and a letter sent home. This initiative has The MFL Faculty have organised a trip to motivated students to be more engaged Paris, France (28th-31st March 2019) and in lessons even when they may find the to Seville, Spain (7th-10th March 2019). language or tasks challenging at times. It Students will have a fantastic opportunity to has also encouraged them to take more be immersed in the culture and language, responsibility for their learning and to have which they are currently studying. They will a positive attitude towards their work that also be able to see many popular tourist can be acknowledged and rewarded. attractions and taste authentic cuisine from these countries. We look forward to these We have also started this academic year rewarding and successful trips. a Vocabulary League where students from Y9-11 receive a weekly vocabulary test Mr Jacobe and the average class score is collected. Jack

6 Issue 12 2019 : Department Focus : Physical Education

PGCE PE cohort Visit to South

A group of 15 trainees spent a Feedback from trainee Weekly Reviews: ‘Mondays in school really helped develop my day together at South Bromsgrove subject knowledge in particular the theory ‘After reflecting on our visit I now understand High in preparation for their own side of Physical Education. It was great to sit that when teaching exam PE you need to placements. The department in on a Year 11 class, I was very impressed have a hook in the lesson. You need to have provided them with the opportunity with their knowledge of muscles - it was an understanding of how your students will to observe 2-3 lessons in small also interesting to see how long the teacher learn, how you will provide them with that groups of 4. They practised using spent reviewing the previous lesson. When knowledge and always make sure you are different observation forms for I asked him, he suggested it was mainly for linking the theory to practice.’ different focusses and CPD purposes his own piece of mind - ensuring that each e.g. classroom management, child knows exactly what they need to know ‘We had the opportunity to observe a behaviour management, and that the knowledge learnt is embedded few different lessons. I really enjoyed the examination PE. within their brains.’ practical lessons. They use their pupils to run a lot of the warm ups. I like this idea. To add to this the Head of ‘The day spent off-campus at a school I think it works for both higher and lower Department, Rob Law provided completing observations was very useful. abilities. I watched a group of each ability the cohort with an overview of This allowed me to view PE teachers leading and nearly all pupils were engaged.’ the department’s provision in the lesson in a secondary school setting and school’s brilliant training room. This start to make use of different observation ‘Mondays at South were helpful when it will have given them something to sheets to prepare myself for the first comes to how to observe and what to look compare their placement schools placement. However, in terms of subject for. The BTEC theory lesson was good to to when completing the induction knowledge, the lessons on GCSE and watch to have further insight in what the tasks. BTEC PE were very useful. Although I have BTEC is and how it can be taught.’ previously sat and observed multiple A-Level To top off our very warm welcome PE lessons within classrooms, I feel that in ‘This was my first placement school, so it and exposure to the departments order to lead these sessions further I would was interesting to have an early insight into excellent work, the trainees got need to learn how to teach in a classroom the environment I will be working in. We to support and then experience a rather than in a sporting setting. The were provided a lot of information on the debate between A Level pupils and observation of these lessons was a useful variety of PE assessments going on in the judge practical moderation footage introduction into how these lessons should school, and were given the opportunity to against GCSE assessment criteria. look and run.’ view how they were implemented.’ Two experiences I’m sure they will remember in the future. Rob Law - Head of PE

Issue 12 2019 : 73 Department Focus : Religious Studies

Gold Award for Religious Education

South Bromsgrove has been awarded the Gold Award for had broadened my thinking and to see things with a the Religious Education Quality Mark. The RE Quality Mark more theological perspective. It challenges me to think is a national curriculum award to recognise and celebrate more objectively and consider other people’s culture high-quality RE provision for all schools in , and beliefs’ Alice Witten. Toby Hodgson said: ‘What I and Northern Ireland, particularly where schools love about RS is it brings wider understanding of other are providing their learners with authentic experiences beliefs and practices. The subject knowledge empowers and contributing to whole school outcomes. It has two you to have confidence and dialogue with people from purposes: it recognises good practice in RE and also different cultures’; his mum, Helen Hodgson said: ‘RS has provides a powerful tool for development. broadened his perspective on how he sees life.’

Teresa Griffiths, PGCE lead, University of Bristol said: Niamh Baker, a student, said: ‘RS has helped with ‘An excellent, innovative Department which is supported understanding ethical, philosophical and religious by the Headteacher, SLT and Governors. This support viewpoints. I have loved the different visits to the Mosque ensures the subject is given status and opportunities and Church and all the varied speakers we have had to develop a quality curriculum from KS3 to A Level. in class.’ Her mum, Yvonne Baker, said: ‘We are very Significant value-added progress evident from GCSE /A pleased with the teacher feedback in parents evening Level results compared with local and national data. and proud of her exercise book. It has caused so many Pupils were enthusiastic, well informed and spoke highly insightful and challenging discussions at home around the of the inspirational teachers.’ dinner table.’

Both students and parents were delighted. Neve Jones Mr Giles said: ‘RS helps you see other people’s point of view Head of RS and have wider knowledge of different religions’, ‘RS

Students showing off the Award

8 Issue 12 2019 : Extra Curricular The Summer that never seemed to end

In the summer of 2018, the majority of staff and the majority of students from Years 10 to 13 swapped their shirts and ties for shorts and T shirts as they enjoyed DofE season. We all knew that the weather had been scorching for weeks, but we weren’t expecting the Malvern Hills to actually catch fire! In fact, the fire on the other side of the Malvern Hills was caused by the careless use of a disposable barbeque, but it gave a couple of members of the Silver staff team a chance to meet some very friendly and helpful firefighters!

The expedition season was, once again, a huge success for the vast majority of students across Bronze, Silver and Gold. At Bronze, 215 students completed their expeditions; and at Silver, 114. Gold is done across the two years of the sixth form, with 69 students from Year 12 completing their Practice Gold expedition. And for 66 students in Year 13, their successful Qualifying Gold expedition was their final highlight of their time at South Bromsgrove High.

Neil Dixon

Issue 12 2019 : 93 Extra Curricular

South’s Sporting Triumphs- 2018/2019

South have continued to go from strength to strength Netball - This year Netball has thrived in practice and this term in a wide range of sporting competitions. Since competition. Teams across all years have represented the September it has been fantastic to see the level of competition school in a mixture of friendlies and county championship South students have engaged in as well as a wide range of tournaments. The under 14, under 16 and under 19 all participation and social sports clubs. As well as achieving some progressed through to County finals which was a fantastic tremendous results in our strongest sports such as Football achievement. Competition at this level is really difficult and Netball, we have also managed to progress in competitions and it was exceptional to see the Under 14 girls show great such as district cross country and national badminton character against tough opposition. The Under 16 girls were championships. fantastic, they made it through to the semi-finals where they played against RGS Worcester, the girls played out of the skin From a PE department point of view, we feel the representation and gave it their all but unfortunately lost by 1 goal. This is a in a wide range of competitions is largely due to how well you fantastic achievement especially as they were playing without as students engage in the extra-curricular programme. As for their normal Goal Shooter and one of the Yr10 girls stepped up this we as a department say thank you. Keep an eye out for for the team and even scored in the semi-final! The Under 19 new clubs starting after Christmas by looking out for the extra- girls haven’t played together before and when they came to the curricular programme displayed around the PE department. tournament their first couple of games were really tough, but Should you wish to have your say on any new clubs you would they kept going and performed well overall. like to see on offer, please see Mr Law or Miss Taylor. Cross Country - South were well involved in the District cross Once again- thank you for your involvement and we look country this year. There were some very special performances forward to continuing to see you getting involved. Please across all years, especially with Lily picking up a great first read a few of our success stories. place against tough competition. The overall results were really pleasing to see and featured the following: Badminton - Once again South engaged heavily in the school Badminton championships hosted at across Junior girls = 9th two nights. Teams from across all years were involved following Junior boys = 6th a series of training sessions run on Monday nights in the sports Inter girls = 2nd hall. Teams of 5 battled against local schools with the chance Inter boys = 1st to progress into the next round at Perdiswell. South had several noticeable performances especially within Year 9 where the Trampolining - Well done to all students who took part in boys lost in their finals against Bromsgrove School. A special the competition at Tudor Grange earlier in the year. South mention to our Year 10 girls winners who for the second year managed to achieve a 3rd in the intermediate 1 Team running have won their competition and are now progressing competition and Freya achieved a second in the intermediate into the next round of the championship. individual. Further progress was made in the elite competition where South achieved a 3rd overall. Superb progress within this year’s competition.

When looking back over what we have achieved during this first term, it is extremely pleasing for myself and PE team to see so many success stories. Your participation always counts, your efforts are never undervalued and your time is always appreciated.

Thank you for making sport great.

Mr Law @SouthBromsPE

10 Issue 12 2019 : Extra Curricular

2018-19 Football Season

@SouthBromsPE welcomed the new Unfortunately, Cup success is not second round tie with Sydney Stringer Year 9’s to the PE department and going to happen as the year 10’s lost School, which they duly won 8-0. We in particular, straight into the 2 trials to Pershore in the ¼ final of the WSFA then had the unusual circumstance of that we held on the 3G ATP, with loads County Cup. The Year 10 B Squad went facing in both the of Year 9’s attending. With so many out of their ESFA competition at the first ESFA and WSFA Cups. We travelled to trialists, it is a difficult job to pick 2 hurdle, losing to Sandwell Academy. Malvern for the ESFA tie but lost 3-2 squads of 16 players. Everyone who so revenge was sweet in WSFA Cup attended made a fantastic effort Year 11 haven’t had too many matches at Home when we beat them 5-2 to to make their squads. After much for a variety of reasons. They drew progress onto a tie with TGA Redditch deliberation, a 1st team and B team with Woodrush in the NW League, who had beaten us earlier in the before a thrilling penalty shoot-out win squad were chosen. season. Again, determination not to v in the ESFA cup. They lose our County Cup title of 2 years The Year 9 1st team were straight into continued with their League campaign was very much evident as we thrashed action in the ESFA Cup, winning 13-0 with a 4-0 win over Trinity School. They them 7-0 to set up a semi-final tie v v Queensbridge School followed by a were to bow out of the ESFA in the next WSFA County Cup match win v TGA round, losing to a strong TGA Worcester Haybridge at Home. Worcester. The Year 9 B team also Academy side. They are currently in the started their ESFA B Team competition ¼ final of the WSFA Cup, after an 8-0 We as a PE Department cannot let with a win against Arksbridge School. thrashing of The Chase School. this opportunity pass to celebrate the In the same week, the Year 9 1st team life of Tom Jones, who tragically lost crashed out of the ESFA Cup to a strong 6th Form football continues to be a his life on the 19th September 2018. Arden School side but the B Team went strong part of the football at South. Tom was a much loved and valuable onto further ESFA success. They won With 2 year groups amalgamated to member of all the school football against Churchdown School to set up form one squad the talent is obvious. teams he represented. He loved playing a tie against a renowned footballing They started their NW League for the school and was a fierce and school, Shrewsbury School. This match campaign with an easy 7-0 win against skilful player. In his 6th form years, our was played and the Year 9 B Team won Waseley, followed by a 3-2 shock defeat football record was: Played 20, Won 18, 5-1. They are now facing Northampton to TGA Redditch. This came as a real Lost 2 (Winning the WSFA Cup twice – School in an away fixture in the last 16 wake up call to the squad and was a pictured below). Tom was very much a of the ESFA National Cup! At the time of catalyst to improve. Later that week, part of that success and we will all miss going to Press, the Year 9 1st team are they beat King Edwards Five Ways him terribly as each day passes. RIP TJ in the semi-final of the WSFA County 8-0 in the ESFA first round to set up a Cup after beating Stourport, and face Doitwich in that semi-final at Home.

Year 10 have had several matches this year, in all 3 competitions that we enter. In the NW league they have beaten Ridgeway and they have been unlucky not to get more game time as schools have conceded both their ESFA and WSFA matches. This lack of game time really was shown when we visited North Birmingham Academy in the 2nd Round of the ESFA. For the first time in Mr Bayliss’s teaching career of 21 years, his side were 3-0 down after 3 minutes! Words were had at half time when they were 3-1 down and the need to play for each other and play more as a team. Unbelievably, we turned the game around to win 5-4! What a sterling performance for the year 10’s. In the next round of the ESFA, we played Nunnery Wood and unfortunately lost that tie.

Issue 12 2019 : 113 Extra Curricular

following coach instructions are the lessons to learn! Our most recent game was the semi-final of the County Rugby Cup, away at The Chase, Malvern. We have suffered at their hands before and were also missing a key man, The season began with a difficult assignment for the Matt Moseley. In abysmal conditions once more, but in Y10/11 team, away at KE Stratford. They were well a wonderful setting at the foot of the Malvern Hills, the drilled and were quite comfortably ahead when the omens were poor. Ye of little faith. match was abandoned owing to an injury. We had to wait 2 hours for an ambulance whilst George Noon was The team played their best game, handled superbly, reclined in pain on some tackle shields. All’s well that gelled magnificently and won 5-52. We even executed a ends well, but we all had a late night and only a Garwood 13 man driving lineout to score. The lads really enjoyed try to show for our efforts. George is still recovering. it and coaches John and Spalding were suitably chuffed. The final awaits… Two tournaments followed. The Year 9s won all 3 games at BRFC and showed great promise for a league Special mention to the Y10s who have ‘played up’. Wills, programme in the New Year, whilst only 2 teams Morrison, Grace, Kavanagh, Mushing and Castells have attended the Y11 tournament. An annihilation of St all made big contributions. Augustine’s followed, with a great team performance, featuring some mesmerizing runs and great support All Y11s have delivered with half backs Moseley play. and Bennett running the show, ably assisted by the Woodfields, McClure, Patterson, Knapton, Garwood, A very tough game v Bishop Hereford followed in the Perry, Walters, Robinson, Hatton and Clarke. North Midlands Plate, and the team played very well in abysmal conditions at South, losing by a single point and Good work and apologies to anyone left unmentioned. suffering from the desire to play too much ball handling Thanks too to Mr Spalding for his expertise and support. rugby when a simple ‘kick and chase’ game would have probably paid dividends. Discipline and the need to be Mr John

12 Issue 12 2019 : House Matters Talbot

Eisteddfod - the biggest and most anticipated event of the house calendar - has been and gone, the results are in, and the house cup is in sights for all three houses. A new and welcome addition this year was poetry and each house rose to the new challenge, with Talbot coming out in first place. Each house outdid themselves this year in the art competition and ultimately Vernon’s stood out to the judges landing them first place.

Leading into the sport and dance night the competition was strong, the sports cup was fiercely competed for with each house presenting strong, committed teams. Although Talbot and Vernon tried their best with amazing performances, Plymouth were awarded the sports cup, but all was still to play for leading into the final night of the event.

Choir - the largest part of the final music night of eisteddfod – had performances from the three houses in both their set and chosen song. Talbot gave an impressive rendition of ABBA’s ‘Does Your Mother Know’ and ‘Some Nights’ by Fun, conducted by Annalise Haycock, Beth Steel, Lucy Denby and Joanna Bunting. The quality of the choirs this year made it a close competition for the music cup. The responsibility to win was passed over to the instrumentalists and vocalists from each house. Their performances were outstanding, the musical talent of each individual consistently impressive. Leading into the drama competition the scenes from The 39 Steps by Alfred Hitchcock presented were outstanding and each house had an amazing cast that made all the pieces stand out to the audience and judges alike. Talbot’s piece found strength in the central characters: the professor played by Georgia Berreen-Worrall and Hanny played by Jack Hudson. Going into the results, the audience was treated with the house team dance, which showed the questionable talents of the house team, alongside the cringeworthy punny performance introductions.

The results were in, each house was on the edge of their seats, each judge gave their comments and the results were approaching. Mr. Sugars addressed the impending results in the usual way, keeping the tension building until the last moment. With each house chanting, Vernon were deservingly awarded the music cup as they won both instrumental and soloist. Following this, drama was announced with a close competition this year. It was impossible to say who had won; every cast and director felt the anticipation, the results were in, and Talbot took the drama cup.

Still, the ultimate trophy was held in the balance, the tension rose, and Plymouth were announced as winners of eisteddfod thankyou to everyone who was involved. It was an amazing as a whole. While the other houses wanted to win, Plymouth night - an eisteddfod to go down in South history! did an amazing job and held a deserving win. None of these events would have been possible without the house leaders, Mr Haden teachers, house teams, and general participants. A big Head of Talbot House

Issue 12 2019 : 133 House Matters Plymouth

What a remarkable start to the year for Plymouth house!! We have won the Eisteddfod Cup! This was done with extraordinary effort from every Member of Plymouth house in the choir and drama and extra special effort from our brilliant Eisteddfod house captains as well as the rest of the house team.

Preparations began early this year with members of Plymouth house in all year groups turning up for rehearsals every Friday since early September to practise our set and chosen songs. These practices became more frequent on the week of Eisteddfod itself, where there were long sessions every day for final rehearsals.

However, before the main event we had the sports and dance competition on Wednesday evening. A massive thank you to all those that participated and represented their house. That evening we were very lucky and won the basketball and also won overall for the dance competition. It began with prelims with the help of Miss Mumford and Mrs Elsner-Gummery, which without them the main evening would not have been a success.

Nevertheless, It was still all to play for on Friday night!!! Friday evening was truly an unforgettable event! After the many hours of practice from all of the performers, Plymouth house was ready. After hearing all the brilliant performances by the other two houses, we were initially scared but…. our hard work paid off as WE WON CHOIR! This is due to brilliant executions of ‘Mamma Mia’ by Abba and ‘Counting Stars’ by One Republic, conducted by our amazing Eisteddfod captains…….. But most importantly it was down to the superb effort, commitment and enthusiasm of members of Plymouth house choir. A gigantic well done to our stunning soloists and instrumentalists. All of these performances resulted in Plymouth winning Eisteddfod. Well done to everyone involved!

A massive congratulations to the Eisteddfod drama cast and backstage team who came second overall with a super performance of The 39 Steps. Our drama was directed by our outstanding drama captain. Thank you to all those who contributed to the drama performance, including our amazing actors and also to the brilliant backstage crew, sound and lighting team and set designers who spent hours of their own time to ensure the success on both the Wednesday and Friday night!


Sophie Hind Year 13

Plymouth201819 plymouthplatoon Plymouth2018-19 Plymouth2018_19

14 Issue 12 2019 : House Matters Plymouth Vernon

The main House event for the Autumn Holman have been exceptional in their Term is of course the annual Eisteddfod preparations as Music Captains. I and 2018 really did produce a final thought our two choir performances of competition of the highest quality. We Super Trouper and Don’t Stop Me Now excelled once again in the Art Cup were powerful and with great harmony winning first place overall and managing arrangement. James D-C enjoyed his to secure winning entries for Beth Jones time in the spotlight with his inflatable (Year 9), Ketziah Broad (Year 11) and guitar. Our instrumental arrangement Elisa Nash (Sixth Form). We also had top was outstanding from Beth Jones and three finishes from Caitlin Mobley (2nd Kiko Wadhams who had put together a Y10), Emily Benford (3rd Y11) and Lucy violin medley of Ariana Grande songs, McCallum (2nd SF). We were unable to confidently accompanied by Krista match this with the new element of the Dunkers on piano. I thought the touch competition, the Poetry Cup, where the of having their bows lit up in blue and quantity of entries received for Vernon held aloft as a “V” at the end was really was very disappointing and an area to powerful and got a rousing response from review going forward. The one positive the House. Hannah Whitten surpassed was an excellent second place finish from her instrumental success from last year Abi Thomas in the Sixth Form section. with a beautiful rendition of When She Loved Me from Toy Story in our vocal. The P.E. Cup night began with a hotly She put real emotion and storytelling contested basketball competition (Josh into her performance and had the entire Hanks Memorial Trophy). Unfortunately audience captive. We were judged second I missed the Y9 matches (9JJ) due to in choir and worthy winners of both the having to find a phone and chase up instrumental and vocal which meant for our Y10 squad. It was a disaster to the first time for a while we had won the have so many players sign up yet so coveted Music Cup. For Drama we had the few represent on the night. Thankfully opening scenes of the 39 Steps and the some of the dancers stepped up to challenge to move from within a moving help us out. We came third in both train, to outside it, to on the Forth Bridge the Y9 and Y10 categories though we and then out to a rural farm setting. charge, do we need factory farming comprehensively beat both Houses to win Chloe Towler and Lily Yeomans have been and also minimum pricing for alcohol. Y11. The competition culminated with immense Drama Captains for Vernon this We have been represented by Harrison us also winning the Sixth Form section year and it has been wonderful how well Kennington, Elisa Nash, Caitlin Hillier and with Harry Crane netting a final winning the cast have respected them and tried to Dylan Roberts in Year 12 and also Olivia basket in the dying seconds. Overall adhere to their high standards. I was really Parker-Smith, Tom Downing, James D-C we came second in the basketball. The pleased with how our scenes went with and Cian Wall in Year 13. It is a nerve evening then concluded with a superb a particular mention to Izzy Allen’s sullen wracking experience performing in front of dance competition. The standard was Crofter as she really milked the comedy their peers but I’ve been really impressed very high considering the new challenge from the character. I think the standard with the effort and commitment put in. of the Disney theme had to be met. Our of drama across all three Houses this only placing was a deserved joint third year was very strong and, although some We have also had late in the term our for Naomi Hill with her tap solo. We came may have been disappointed by our third Autumn Sports (no snow this year) with away from the night with a third place place award, I couldn’t have asked for any lower school students competing in finish overall in the P.E. Cup and I was more. In the end each House won a major football and netball in their core P.E. frustrated as the potential within our Y10 with Plymouth taking P.E., Talbot Drama lessons. Sixth Form have competed in basketball could have got us to at least and Vernon Music but an overall close rugby and dodgeball. The results will second. finish meant we secured third place for follow next issue and well done to all who Eisteddfod 2018. have taken part. The Drama and Music finale was also a brilliant evening and I must commend At the time of writing this week the sixth There is plenty still to play for as we move all three Houses for the excellent show form are competing in the Inter-House into 2019. C’mon you Blues! that we put on but more importantly the Debating Competition with our motions behaviour and good spirit demonstrated ranging from social media’s impact on Mr Hill by all involved. Grace Adams and Katie political protest, the London congestion Head of Vernon House

Issue 12 2019 : 153 Year Updates

Year 9 Review

Year 9’s have settled in to life at South and are making excellent progress. The first term has passed quickly with students soon finding their way around, making new friends and adjusting to moving to high school and the expectations and opportunities that this brings. It is wonderful to see so many students actively engaging in their learning and getting involved in the wider school life. It’s been a busy start to life at South and the year group have handled the transition into secondary school brilliantly.

Mrs Rees (Head of Year 9), Mr Jacobe (Assistant Head of Year 9) and Mrs James (Student Support)

Christmas Hampers Year 9 Tutor Groups did a fantastic job of decorating and filling Christmas Hampers for their chosen charity for this term, the Basement Project. Each tutor group made a hamper and they were delivered the week before Christmas.

Head Commendations Key Dates Autumn 2018 Tuesday 15th Jan - Year 9 Parents Evening Academic achievement: Yukiko Wadhams Thursday 31st Jan - Year 9 Options Evening Leadership: Henry Smith Friday 1st March - Annual Review Day Commitment to learning: Isabella Lawrence

House Points The Tutor Group with the most house points last term was 9CB, well done! The top five students with the most house points last term: Kiko Wadhams Will Whitman Beth Jones Aimee Coleman Lukas Green

16 Issue 12 2019 : Year Updates

Year 9 Review Year 10 Review

This year so far has been going really well for Year 10 students, they have settled into option subjects well and are currently making fantastic progress with their courses and within controlled assessments. We have seen some excellent reports and attendance within the Year group. There has been lots going on outside of the classroom to with Eisteddfod, the start of Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and Work Experience being launched, plus there have been many more extra-curricular opportunities. The transition from Year 9 to Year 10 is not easy and it is really important to remember that the hard work now will pay off later. Keep up the hard work Year 10! Mrs Nicol (Head of Yr 10), Miss Clipson (Assistant Head of Yr 10) and Mr Keenan (Student Support).

Work Experience Placements Students have all been introduced to the process of Work Experience and should now all be in the process of sourcing and arranging placements. These need to be confirmed by January, so pupils are then able to gain the appropriate information for us here at school. The WEX form has been given to students and these need to be given to the appropriate person at their placement, completed and brought back to school and handed in to Mrs Clarke in the HUB. Should you have any queries or concerns re work experience please contact your child’s tutor, Mr Clarke or Mrs Nicol.

Head Commendations Head Commendations Summer 2018 Autumn 2018 Academic achievement: Isabel Caney Academic achievement: Lydia Swainland Leadership: Vaughan Harper Leadership: Bilal Rashid Commitment to learning: Harvey Saunders Woolley Commitment to learning: Evie Smiley

Issue 12 2019 : 173 Year Updates

Year 10 Review

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Key Dates Students should have accessed the eDofE log on Monday 21st Jan – Bronze D of E expedition sessions after school and should all be preparing for the training begins for YR10 students expedition training to start after the Christmas holidays. Any problems please get in touch with Mrs Brazil who is Friday 15th Feb – Yr10 Reports issued on D of E co-ordinator. MCAS for parents Friday 1st March – Annual Review Day for pupils and parents Attendance Wednesday 10th April – Yr10 Parents Consultation evening 3.30-7.00pm school We currently have 112 students who have achieved 100% finishes at 2.20pm for students attendance so far, keep it up and the rewards will show!

18 Issue 12 2019 : Year Updates

Year 10 Review Year 11 Review

Year 11 have had a busy first term in what is a crucial year for them. Students have recently completed their PPEs, giving them the opportunity to prepare for the GCSE exams in the Summer, in terms of experiencing the exam environment and being able to assess how they are doing academically. It was fantastic to hear such good feedback from the invigilators and we hope this will carry on into the summer. Year 11 have also had the opportunity to participate in mock interviews and have started their post-16 planning which is very exciting all round. The annual Eisteddfod competition was excellent with students representing their houses in art, sport, music and drama. It was great to see so many Year 11 students taking part and entering into the spirit of it. Miss McAleese (Head of Year 11), Mrs Haden (Assistant Head of Year 11) and Mrs Simpson (Student Support)

Head Commendations Head Commendations Summer 2018 Autumn 2018 Academic achievement: Amelie Shorrock Academic achievement: Joshua Cormack Leadership: Michael Jones Leadership: Fran King, Ellie Kelham, Charlotte Nock, Blythe Chaplain and Shannon Commitment to learning: Oliver Shuck Preece Commitment to learning: Megan Haynes

House Points Our top house point achievers in Year 11 are: Attendance • Phebe Coss • Ella Hardy We currently have 98 students in Year 11 who have • Rachel Mcdonnell achieved 100% attendance so far this year which is • Nancy Eustace fantastic. Well done! • Grace Gregory • Sophie Toolan • Lydia Brettle Key Dates Wednesday 6th Feb – Parents Consultation 18th – 22nd Feb – Half Term 15th – 26th April – Easter

Issue 12 2019 : 193 Year Updates

Sixth Form Review

This year we have welcomed 28 new students to the school into Year 12. These students, who have come from a range of schools, have settled well into their new learning environment and are making good progress in their subjects. Year 12, comprising 172 students, have made a promising start to their courses and the uptake for additional opportunities, including enrichment courses, has been excellent. The combination of the academic and extra-curricular opportunities is what helps to give Sixth Form students at South the edge when it comes to being competitive in obtaining university and apprenticeship places, and employment. Year 13 have also settled back into studies well, with students making decisions about their next steps completing UCAS applications and looking for apprenticeship opportunities. Students in Year 13 are working hard preparing for upcoming BTEC external assessments and PPEs in January and we would like to wish them the best of luck in these. It has been great to see so many students making effective use of their study time in school with the Hub, our new study area, often at capacity. The Hub has provided a large, welcoming study space where students can undertake silent study during timetabled study sessions and in free periods. We have also had some changes to the way students in the Sixth Form sign-in and sign-out of school, with the new ‘tap-in/tap-out’ terminals proving popular among the students having replaced the paper based system. Both year groups were able to benefit from the careers afternoon in November, led by Mr Clark, and were able to listen to speakers from a range of sectors and professions, helping inform their potential next steps after Sixth Form. A number of students also had the opportunity to visit the Skills Show, again providing a valuable insight into the range of careers available. Mr Coates (Head of Sixth Form)

Head Commendations Summer 2018 YEAR 12 Academic Achievement: Susan Reston, Alex Uner Leadership: Chloe Richardson, Chloe McMillan, Susan Reston Commitment to Learning: Terriann Taylor

Head Commendations Autumn 2018 YEAR 12 Academic Achievement: Sarah Pickering Leadership: Adam McBride Commitment to Learning: Natalie Hanson

20 Issue 12 2019 : Year Updates

Sixth Form Review

Head Commendations Autumn 2018 YEAR 13 Academic Achievement: Ffion Iavagnilio Leadership: Georgia McCutcheon Commitment to Learning: Jack Gumbley

Key Dates Attendance 21st -25th January – Year 13 PPE Week Year 12: 96.57% 4th February – Year 12 Higher Education Morning Year 13: 94.31% 12th February – Year 12 Reports Issued Sixth Form Attendance: 95.46% 15th February – Year 13 Reports issued Friday 1st March – ANNUAL REVIEW DAY Thursday 21st March – Year 12 UCAS Higher Education Exhibition

Issue 12 2019 : 213 Partnerships

Futures Afternoon

On Thursday 15th November South GP, pharmacist, mental health nurse, Year 10 students spent the time Bromsgrove High held its annual barrister and legal apprentice. And the researching job shadowing placements Futures Afternoon. Whilst local middle list also included engineers, sports and were lucky enough to have a school children were entertained by a graduates and a local vet. presentation from Jaguar Land Rover performance of the school’s Eisteddfod about the range of opportunities a competition South Bromsgrove students Specialist talks for the Sixth Form multinational company can offer, from from years 9 to 12 were engaged in a included “How to find the right not just the engineers but the creative variety of careers focussed activities. apprenticeship?” and “Why go to designers and management too. university”. The latter delivered by a Former students and members of the representative from the University of Year 9 students enjoyed a round-robin local business community joined in to Surrey. of visits from a variety of people. There lead workshops about their careers are now quite a few students who want areas and talk about the world of work. Our own trainee teachers, some of to join the Immigration Service whilst Over 20 visitors came in representing whom have held other careers before others will be choosing speech therapy. big national companies such as Jaguar joining us, were also represented Landrover, Mondelez and Serco, local and were one of the more popular We’re really grateful for everyone who enterprises like Redfrost Photography, workshops. gave up their time to come in and help Barton Firtop, Midland Technical Year 11 students spent the afternoon guide our students. It’s a fantastic Translations and Crackon Productions, researching possible pathways post- opportunity for them to learn directly and public services including the NHS 16 and were given a presentation from people doing the job and gain and the Immigration service. The Armed about the range of possibilities in insight into potential careers. It was a Services were represented by a former Mondelez whether starting as a 16 very busy but very fruitful afternoon. student now training at RAF Cosford year old apprentice or after A levels. as an aeronautical engineer. Other Unfortunately there were too many Mr Clark former students from health and law students attending to offer free samples Careers Lead were also in attendance including a to them all.

22 Issue 12 2019 : Partnerships Inspiring Speakers

Watching Patrick Smith, the Chairman from Bromsgrove British Legion talk to us was great. His stories about the Balkan war in the 1990s and his time in the army were amazing. I have seen him in town a few times with his miniature horse, Peanut, but I never thought he would have so many good stories to tell. This talk shows that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover; it was sad to find out that he suffers from PTSD, however, I think that it’s incredible that he still comes to schools to tell children and teachers his inspiring stories about the adventures he has had. From seeing a man walking his horse in town I never would have guessed that he was the Queen’s own personal medic and a respected medic in the army. He showed that if you work hard enough you can achieve almost anything in life.

Dave, aka, ‘Blind Dave’, has raised millions of pounds for charity was also great and he made people laugh during his talk. It is cool to see that even if you are blind you can still achieve great things. For example, he ran seven marathons I found the talks from Blind Dave and Patrick inspirational. in seven days across all seven continents and he was the The talks helped me to see that no matter what first blind person to do it. He answered all the questions in circumstances you are in, you can still get through them and detail. Despite being visually impaired he is still a happy achieve so much. Personally, I think Blind Dave’s talk had person and doesn’t think that him being blind should effect more of an effect on me as me and my family have sight what he can do. He also brought in his fourth guide dog who issues, and he talked about how he has overcome them. is a German Shepherd but is sadly retiring soon. His stories Both of the talks also made me realise how much I have, about him going through his adult years blind show that if and how I should appreciate what I have more. I also found you persevere, even blindness can’t hold you back. Patrick’s talk inspirational as after all he had been through he was still able to get up and speak in front of us all. I also Ioan Roberts (Year 9) think that these talks are a good way for children to realise what is happening to other people and how we should have respect for people like Blind Dave and Patrick after all they I really enjoyed listening to Patrick Smith and Blind Dave on have been through. Friday afternoon. I thought their stories were interesting. Patrick told us that he had helped saved thousands of lives Hannah Denby (Year 9) all across the world when he was working. I liked how he didn’t give up on what he wanted to be, even though he wished that he would have done better in his GCSEs exams. I thought that the afternoon was fascinating, and I am I found it interesting when he started talking about how he grateful to have had Blind Dave and Patrick to talk to us. used to work for the royal family for 2 years. I thought he When Patrick talked to us, I realised how hard it must have would say that they are really posh but he said that they been for him to get to where he is, and I felt privileged to were down to Earth, that surprised me a bit. have someone talk to us who is so well respected in the army. I admire how brave he was to live in places like I also thought that Dave was interesting as he has run many Kosovo, especially after all the history lessons that we have marathons all over the world, even though he is blind. I liked had about WW1 and the living conditions in a war zone. I how he set himself challenges and managed to achieve also admire the fact that he used to be the medic for the them, like how he became the first blind person to run the royal family. seven-marathon challenge. I think it would be hard trying to run and not being able to see where you are going. I can’t I thought it was interesting when Blind Dave told us about believe he did it. how he got to where he is and about some of the struggles that he faced whilst becoming blind. His talk was very I think both Patrick and Dave’s message- you can do inspirational and helped me to realise how hard it is for anything, if you are determined is very inspirational. Thank someone with a loss of a sense. Also, how technology had you for inviting them to speak to us. improved to help people like Blind Dave, for example when he told us a bit about some of the technology that he uses in From Amy Lavender (Year 9) everyday life. An Lam (Year 9)

Issue 12 2019 : 233