Silviculture and the Conservation of Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forest Management

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Silviculture and the Conservation of Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forest Management Silviculture and the Conservation of Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forest Management Proceedings of the Symposium of the North American Forest Commission, Forest Genetic Resources and Silviculture Working Groups, and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Quebec City, Canada, September 21, 2003 J. Beaulieu (éditeur/editor) Ressources naturelles Canada – Natural Resources Canada Service canadien des forêts – Canadian Forest Service Centre de foresterie des Laurentides – Laurentian Forestry Centre Rapport d’information – Information Report LAU-X-128 DONNÉES DE CATALOGAGE AVANT PUBLICATION (CANADA) / NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION DATA Photos de la couverture / Cover photos (de gauche à Symposium of the North American Forest Commission, Forest droite / from left to right): Genetic Resources and Silviculture Working Groups, and the 1. Séquoias géants (Sequoiadendron giganteum) du parc International Union of Forest Research Organizations (2003 : de Calaveras, Californie, États-Unis / Giant sequoias Québec, Québec) (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in the Calaveras Big Trees State Park, California, USA (J. Beaulieu) Silviculture and the conservation of genetic resources for sustainable 2. Plantation de chênes à gros fruits (Quercus forest management macrocarpa) à Saint-Nicolas, Québec, Canada / Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) plantation at Saint-Nicolas, (Information report; LAU-X-128) Quebec, Canada (J. Beaulieu) “Proceedings of the Symposium of the North American Forest 3. Peuplement naturel de pin blanc (Pinus strobus) au lac Commission, Forest Genetic Resources and Silviculture Working Susy, Ontario, Canada / Eastern white pine (Pinus Groups, and the International Union of Forest Research strobus) natural stand at Susy Lake, Ontario, Canada Organizations (IUFRO), Quebec City, Canada, September 21, 2003” (J. Beaulieu) ISBN 0-662-35937-2 4. Plantation agroforestière mixte de teck (Tectonia Cat. no. Fo46-18/128E grandis) et de caféier (Coffea spp.) au Rancho Gran Chaparal, Veracruz, Mexique / Mixed teak (Tectonia 1. Forest genetic resources conservation – Congresses. grandis) and coffee plant (Coffea spp.) agroforestal 2. Silvicultural systems – Congresses. plantation at Rancho Gran Chaparal, Veracruz, Mexico 3. Sustainable forestry – Congresses. (J. Beaulieu) 4. Forest management – Congresses. I. Beaulieu, Jean, 1953- . II. Laurentian Forestry Centre. III. Series: Information report (Laurentian Forestry Centre); LAU-X- 128. IV. Title. SD399.7S95 2004 333.75’16 C2004-980016-7 © Sa Majesté la Reine du Chef du Canada 2004 © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada 2004 Numéro de catalogue Fo46-18/128E Catalog Number Fo46-18/128E ISBN 0-662-35937-2 ISBN 0-662-35937-2 ISSN 0835-1589 ISSN 0835-1570 Il est possible d’obtenir sans frais un nombre restreint Limited additional copies of this publication are d’exemplaires de cette publication auprès de : available at no charge from: Ressources naturelles Canada Natural Resources Canada Service canadien des forêts Canadian Forest Service Centre de foresterie des Laurentides Laurentian Forestry Centre 1055, rue du P.E.P.S., C.P. 3800 1055 du P.E.P.S., P.O. Box 3800 Sainte-Foy (Québec) G1V 4C7 Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1V 4C7 Site Web du CFL : LFC Web Site: Des copies ou des microfiches de cette publication Copies or microfiches of this publication may sont en vente chez : be purchased from: Micromédia Ltée Micromedia Ltd. 240, rue Catherine, bureau 305 240 Catherine St., Suite 305 Ottawa (Ontario) K2P 2G8 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2G8 Tél. : (613) 237-4250 Tel.: (613) 237-4250 Ligne sans frais : 1-800-567-1914 Toll Free: 1-800-567-1914 Téléc. : (613) 237-4251 Fax: (613) 237-4251 Les textes apparaissent dans la version fournie par les The texts included in these proceedings are the original versions auteurs, avec l’autorisation de publier. Ces derniers provided by the authors with authorization to publish and the demeurent responsables tant de la forme que du fond de authors remain responsible for both the form and content of their leurs écrits. papers. TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................... v AVANT-PROPOS ET REMERCIEMENTS SESSION 1. Management and conservation of forest genetic resources: Roles of IUFRO and France on the international scene and need for long-term monitoring of genetic diversity in conservation networks Éric Teissier du Cros ................................................... 3 Conservation of forest genetic resources and sustainable forest management in Europe Jarkko Koskela, Sven M.G. de Vries, Luis Gil, Csaba Mátyás, Mari Rusanen and Ladislav Paule ......................................................... 9 Developing gene conservation strategies for tree and shrub species Judy Loo, Tannis Beardmore, Dale Simpson and Donnie McPhee ............... 20 Natural populations of Douglas-fir in Mexico: Current status and needs for conservation J. Jesús Vargas-Hernández, Javier López-Upton, Valentín J. Reyes- Hernández, Fco. Alberto Domínguez-Alvarez and Manuel Mapula-Larreta ......... 26 Planning forest genetic resource conservation units for non-endangered Mexican pines Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero ............................................ 37 Effect of large-scale movement of loblolly pine seed on genetic integrity of the species in its natural range Ron Schmidtling and Jen Myszewski ...................................... 43 SESSION 2. Are old-growth forests from the Abitibi region an important reservoir of genetic diversity for white spruce in Quebec? Jean Beaulieu, Marie Deslauriers and Yves Bergeron ........................ 51 Silvicultural management and the manipulation of rare alleles Paul G. Schaberg, Gary J. Hawley, Donald H. DeHayes and Samuel E. Nijensohn ........................................................... 67 Impacts of alternative silviculture systems on mating systems and genetic diversity of forest tree species Jodie Krakowski and Y.A. El-Kassaby ..................................... 75 iii Shoot phenology studies to determine growth cycles in two Pinus radiata D. Don progeny tests in northern Spain Veronica Codesido and J. Fernández-López ................................ 88 Useful tree species for urban areas of the tropical region of North America Margaret S. Devall .................................................... 97 APPENDIX 1 - List of Participants .................................................. 103 iv FOREWORD From September 21 to 28, 2003, the XII World Forestry Congress of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN/FAO) was held in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. As a side event of that Congress, the symposium on “Silviculture and the Conservation of Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forest Management” was held on September 21. The symposium was sponsored by the Forest Genetic Resources Working Group (FGRWG) and the Silviculture Working Group of the UN/FAO’s North American Forest Commission as well as by the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO). The organization was taken on by FGRWG members as one of their tasks. Jean Beaulieu and Eric Teissier du Cros welcomed the participants on behalf of FGRWG and IUFRO, respectively. The North American Forest Commission is one of the six Forest Commissions established by the UN/FAO. The Silviculture and the Forest Genetic Resources Working Groups are two of the seven working groups set up by the Commission. Their mission is to promote sustainable forest management through improved silvicultural practices, to encourage and promote the conservation of all forest genetic resources, and to promote cooperation among the three North American countries. IUFRO also plays a role in the conservation of genetic resources through its network on breeding and genetic resources. The symposium was a means for both organizations to fulfill part of their mission. The Proceedings contain the texts of papers submitted to the organizing committee. The authors are entirely responsible for content. The Proceedings also contain a list of participants. The FGRWG members who took on the responsibility for organizing the symposium with the help of their colleagues were: Dr. Jean Beaulieu, Chairman, Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada. Dr. Ronald C. Schmidtling, USDA Forest Service, Saucier, Mississippi, USA. Dr. Gil Vera Castillo, INIFAP, Texcoco, Mexico City, Mexico. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee of the XII World Forestry Congress for having provided the conference room for the symposium. Thanks are also extended to the Canadian Forest Service for allocating funds without which it would have been very difficult to gather all the participants at the Delta Quebec Hotel. We are also grateful for the assistance provided by the staff of the Research Directorate and Policy and Liaison of the Canadian Forest Service - Laurentian Forestry Centre. In particular, we thank Claude Aerni, Marie Deslauriers, Sandra Gravel, Marie Pothier and Micheline Deschambault for their technical help with the organization of the meeting. We also express our appreciation to Isabelle Lamarre, Diane Paquet and Pamela Cheers for their editorial work. Without their strong commitment, the publication of the Proceedings would have been very difficult. Jean Beaulieu v AVANT-PROPOS Le XIIe Congrès forestier mondial de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour
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