You can help Alice

Dear Readers, now you know the story of Alice and her friends. If you want to inform other people about Project Infinity = the MICT-Study = the MDMA In Couples Therapy-Study, you can use the following Letter to Decision Makers.

You can download this letter from our website:

This information on Project Infinity can also be sent to politicans, to media-people and to all other decision- makers you can think of.

Included you find some international addresses of heads of state and of some media people, if you want to send the Open Letter to them.

All of these addresses can be found in the Internet, plus many additional ones, as there are around 200 states on Earth. Just write to those Heads of State, who are important to you.

Thank you for your support!

Letter to Decision Makers

Place/ Date:……...... …………….. Dear Mrs./ Mr...... this is an Open Letter on the MDMA in Couples-Therapy-Study or MICT-Study. Key-Words 1.) Ethical standards in medicine and psychotherapy? 2.) PAS = Psycho-Actice Substances in medicine and psychotherapy 3.) The MICT-Study = MDMA in Couples-Therapy-Study 4.) Re-gained empathy 5.) Re-gained intimacy 6.) Re-gained self-confidence and communication with the partner/ spouse, the family, at work, at social occasions etc. 7.) Open-hearted, playful, quiet and wider erotic experience 8.) Female polyorgiastic intimacy 9.) Male polyorgiastic intimacy

Results a) Side-effects b) Results of the MICT-experience itself c) For the couple: evaluation of the personal outcome of MICT after: 4 weeks/ 3 month/ 6 month/ 1 year/ 3 years (and, as far as possible 5 years/ 10 years) d) For the family = for the exchange with children/ parents etc. e) For the working situation f) For other social contexts

Summary Ethical standards: Especially the further developed western societies are claiming that science and medicine should serve all sick and suffering people as well as possible and according to the state of the - medical - art.

The MDMA in couples-therapy-study, or MICT-Study, shows clearly that this state of the art improves significantly, when PAS = Psycho-Active Substances like MDMA are applied in a safe, professional and well controlled way. The MICT-Study was a prospective study, prepared since the end of the nineteenseventies and going until the mid-nineteeneighties. The European part of the MICT-Study included around eighty couples; about fifty of these couples were from the German-speaking DACH-countries. One half of these couples complained about various problems with sexual intimacy, although they were physically healthy. The other half of the couples considered their intimacy sane, meaning that both partners enjoyed intimacy and both were able to reach an orgasm when they made love. All couples who wanted to participate in the MICT-Study, underwent a strict selection process, including physical examination, ergometry and psychological tests, as well as personal interviews, alone and as a couple.

MICT - which also was called: the AEON-Study, or simply Project Infinity, accepted only completely healthy couples - physically and mentally - who wanted to improve/ heal their relationship and who also had had personal experiences with MDMA before, for instance in MDMA-group-therapy-sessions or in MDMA-assisted individual therapy-sessions. When the setup for MICT was complete, all participating couples received a starting dose of 100-140 mg of pure S/ R-MDMA per person, plus a 30-70 mg booster of the same per person and a letter with instructions, by mail. All couples did their MDMA-experience on a Saturday at home, with MDs on call, if necessary. Side effects: About 12% of the couples reported some mild discomfort - low energy, somewhat tired - on Mon- day/ Tuesday or on Wednesday during the week after the MDMA-session; 2 couples made use of the offer of a - non-MDMA! - therapy session because of this. During the MICT-Study, no couple or individual showed signi- ficant craving or other signs of dependency towards MDMA or other PAS. All couples reported, however, that the desired effects of the couples MDMA-experience: Re-gained empathy, communication and - often poly-orgiastic - intimacy out- weighed the mild side-effects by far.

Results of the MICT-Study In both the problem-intimacy = p-group and in the sane- intimacy = s-group, more than 80% of the women became orgiastic, mostly even poly-orgiastic during this study, which comprised of three MDMA-assisted experiences for all couples, each three months apart.

Those of the participating men, who were able to integrate passive anal sexuality into their intimacy, were also mostly able to reach a polyorgiastic experience (around 60-70%).

Long-term Effects One couple - having quarrelled for years! - from the problem = p-group said: "A wise person advised us once to leave jealousy, envy and hatred behind, but so far, we had lots of difficulties with that - always fighting between us, in the family, at work - what have you….; but since our MICT-experiences, we are quite able to leave those negative attitudes behind!

Instead, we found a new spring for us as a couple, the mood in the family is much better, our bulimic daughter got well by herself, we both got better conditions in our jobs - and so on."

Over the duration of around one year, including the three MICT-experiences, over 90% of the - strictly preselected - participating couples reported similar improvements.

The re-evaluations after three, five and ten years - with around 72% of the orginal participants in the end - were also remarkable. The MICT-Study with the three MDMA-sessions for the participating couples was still rated as at least: "One of the five most meaningful and transforming experiences of our lives" by more than 86% of the responding couples.

Consequences for our Present Time . . . . Why are the results of the MICT-Study published only after over thirty years? Because just now the time is finally ripe for it! The UN and the WHO appear quite entangled in their outdated suppressive policies, as could be seen at UNGASS from April 19-21, 2016 in New York; more information on UNGASS 2016:

And there are many, many people in the world, who are illicitly suppressed, accused, hunted, jailed and way too often even killed, because they are using healing PAS, like in the MICT-Study!

And these policies of paranoia, panic, propaganda, prohibition, and persecution will only change, if the people of all nations are informed about the true healing potential of most PAS, like in MICT-Study above.

But if there are enough informed people, they can elect politicians, who will finally end the 'prohibition' of healing PAS and make sure that these unique and irreplaceable medications get their due place in science and medicine again.

. . . . and for our Future! And when all healing PAS - and their production, trading and selling - are Legalized, Regulated and Taxed = LRT by the national governments and professionally utilized in medicine and psychotherapy, we just might find more empathy, intimacy and communication in our national and international relations as well. Why? Because a lot - most? - of the aggressive, possessive and destructive egotism in our present world has its roots in the deficient or dysfunctional empathy, self-confidence, intimacy and communication in the individual person and in the individual couple! So, the more people and couples are healing their empathy and self-confidence, their loving intimacy and their free communication, the deeper the truth, tolerance and trust, which could be established in and between families and nations - and maybe even between the Family of Nations. Therefore, many MICT-Studies should be done today! Which could prove to be a direct and essential way to a concordant and peaceful future for humankind. If you are looking for more informations on the MICT- Study or on PAS in general, you can visit our

English website: with reading samples from our book: 'Alice - Through Fire and Water' or our German website: with German reading samples from our book: 'Und was macht die Liebe?' (A5, 848p., in print on demand) The English version of this book: 'And how about Love' is in preparation; 'Alice' was the first chapter to be translated, which we adapted, so it can be a book for English Readers in its own right. WEB-LINKS on PAS and VEP-Delics


To the UN, the WHO and to the Governing People of the World - and to All, who are INTERESTED in:


Legalisation - Regulation - Taxation for all Healing PAS = Psycho-Active-Substances NOW!


Kindly include Name(s), Address(es) and Signature(s) - if you want! (If you don't, you can send letters anonymously as well.) ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………....………………….………………………………. .……………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………..……………………………………………………………………………. ………….…………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………………………………………… GOAL:) LRT = Legalisation - Regulation - Taxation for all HEALING PAS NOW! Some Heads of State and Media People You can Write to

To the President of the European Council Rue de la Loi Wetstraat 175 B-1048 Bruxelles Belgium

To the President of China Zhongnanhai Xi Chang'an Jie Beijing 100017 China

To the Chancellor of the FRG Willy-Brandt-Straße 1 10557 Berlin Germany

To the Secretary-General of the UNO 3 Sutton Place Manhattan New York City USA

To the President of the USA The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500 USA

To the Prime Minister of Japan 1-6-1 Nagata-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8968 Japan

To the Prime Minister of the UK 10 Downing Street London SW1A 2AA UK

To the President of France Palais de L'Élysée 55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris France

To the President of Brasilia

To the Prime Minister of Israel 3 Kaplan St. Hakirya Jerusalem 91950 Israel To the Prime Minister of Italy Palazzo Chigi Piazza Colonna 370 00187 Roma Italy

To the President of Russia The Kremlin Moscow Russia

To the Prime Minister of Canada 80 Wellington Street Ottawa ON K1A 0A2 Canada

To the Prime Minister of India South Block Raisina Hill New Delhi-110011 India

To the Prime Minister of Austrialia PO Box 545 Edgecliff NSW 2027 Australia

To the President of Mexico Los Pinos Distrito Federal Mexico City Mexico

To the President of South-Korea Cheongwadae Sejong-ro No. 1 Jongno-gu Seoul 110-820 South-Korea

To the President of Indonesia Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia

To the President of Turkey Cumhurbaşkanlığı Külliyesi 06560 Beştepe-Ankara Turkey

To the King and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Riyadh Royal Court Saudi Arabia

To the President of Casa de Gobierno Balcarce 50 Buenos Aires Argentina To the President of South Africa Private Bag X1000 Pretoria 0001 South Africa

To the President of Palestine PLO-Headquarters Ramallah West Bank Palestine

To the President of Pakistan Aiwan-e-Sadar Islamabad Pakistan

To the Chairman of North Korea Government Office Pyongyang North Korea

To the Prime Minister of Bangladesh PM's Office Old Sangsad Bhaban Tejgaon Dhaka-1215 Bangladesh

To the President of Egypt Abdeen Cairo Egypt

To the Prime Minister of Greece 19 Irodou Attikou Street Athens 106-74 Greece

To the President of Keya State House Road P.O Box: 40530-00100 Nairobi Kenya

To the President of Uganda State House P.O. Box 25497 Kampala Uganda

To the President of Tanzania Ikulu-The State House 1 Barack Obama Drive 11400 Dar es Salaam Tanzania

To the President of Mozambique Palácio da Ponta Vermelha Maputo Mozambique

To the King of Jordania Royal Palace Amman Jordania

To the President of Columbia Casa de Nariño Bogotá Columbia

To the President of La Moneda Palace Chile

To the President of Residencia de Joaquín Suárez 3773 Montevideo Uruguay


To the Président/ e of ARTE France 8 rue Marceau F- 92785 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex 9 France

To the Président/ e of ARTE GEIE 4 quai du Chanoine Winterer BP 20035 F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex France

To the Editor in Chief of The Guardian Kings Place 90 York Way London N1 9GU UK

To the Managing Editor of TIME Magazine 1271 Ave. of the Americas NY 10020 USA

To the Editor in Chief of Newsweek 25 Canada Square Canary Wharf London E14 5LQ UK

To the Editor in Chief of JAMA 330 North Wabash Avenue Suite 39300 IL 60611-5885 Chicago USA

To the Editor in Chief of The Lancet 125 London Wall London EC2Y 5AS UK

To the Editor in Chief of The New England Journal of Medicine 10 Shattuck Street Boston MA 02115-6094 USA

To the Editor in Chief of the BMJ BMA House Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JR UK

To the Chefredaktor of the NZZ Falkenstrasse 11 Postfach CH-8021 Zürich CH

To the CEO of the INDIA TODAY GROUP Mediaplex FC-8 Sector-16A Film City NOIDA - 201301 India

To the Editor of India Today F-14/15 Connaught Place New Delhi - 110001 India

To the Editor in Chief of The Times 1 Pennington Street London E98 1XY UK

To the Editor in Chief of The New York Times 620 8th Avenue New York NY 10018 USA

To the Editor in Chief of The Washington Post 1301 K Street NW Washington DC 20071 USA

To the Executive Editor of Nature The Macmillan Building 4 Crinan Street London N1 9XW UK