
Patrimoine mondial 28 COM

Distribution limitée WHC-04/28.COM/14A , 24 mai 2004 Original : anglais/français




Vingt-huitième session

Suzhou, Chine 28 juin – 7 juillet 2004

Point 14 de l'ordre du jour provisoire: Listes indicatives des Etats parties soumises au 15 mai 2004 en conformité avec les Orientations.


Ce document présente les Listes indicatives de tous les Etats parties, soumises à la date du 15 mai 2004 conformément avec les Orientations. Il est demandé au Comité de noter que tous les biens devant être étudiés par le Comité à sa 28e session, sont inclus dans les Listes indicatives des Etats parties respectifs.

Afin d’offrir au Comité la possibilité de passer en revue les nouveaux ajouts aux Listes indicatives, ce document est complété par trois annexes :

•= L’annexe 1 présente une liste complète des Etats parties indiquant la date de la plus récente Liste indicative ; •= L’annexe 2 présente les nouvelles Listes indicatives (ou les ajouts aux Listes indicatives existantes) soumises par les Etats parties depuis la dernière session du Comité ; •= L’annexe 3 présente une liste de tous les biens inclus dans les Listes indicatives des Etats parties classés par ordre alphabétique anglais. Les noms des biens figurent dans la langue dans laquelle les Etats parties les ont soumis.

Projet de décision 28 COM 14A : voir page 2

Examen des Listes indicatives

1. Le Comité demande à chaque Etat partie de lui soumettre un inventaire des biens culturels et naturels situés sur son territoire, dont l’inclusion lui semble appropriée et dont il a l’intention de proposer l’inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial dans les cinq ou dix prochaines années. L’objet de ces inventaires, que l’on appelle aussi des Listes indicatives, est de permettre au Comité d’évaluer dans le contexte le plus large possible la « valeur universelle exceptionnelle » de chaque bien proposé pour inscription sur la Liste. A sa 24e session (Cairns, 2000), le Comité a confirmé l’importance de ces listes pour les besoins de la planification, les analyses comparatives des propositions d’inscription et pour faciliter la mise en route des études globales et thématiques. Il a également décidé que les Listes indicatives seraient obligatoires pour tous les biens dont l’Etat partie a l’intention de proposer l’inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial.

2. En conséquence, le Comité invite les Etats parties qui ne l’ont pas encore fait à soumettre dès que possible les Listes indicatives conformément aux Orientations, étant entendu que « l’assistance préparatoire devrait être fournie, si nécessaire, et demandée par l’Etat partie concerné ».

3. De plus, il est utile de rappeler les recommandations de la 12e Assemblée générale des Etats parties (octobre 1999) concernant les Listes indicatives.

L’Assemblée générale a invité : •= tous les Etats parties à préparer ou réexaminer leurs Listes indicatives au regard de la méthodologie mise au point et des définitions régionales et thématiques en visant les catégories de patrimoine qui sont encore sous-représentées sur la Liste ; •= les Etats parties qui ont déjà un nombre substantiel de sites inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial à initier et favoriser la coopération bilatérale et multilatérale avec les Etats parties dont le patrimoine est encore sous-représenté sur la Liste, dans le cadre de la préparation des Listes indicatives, des propositions d’inscription et des programmes de formation, et à donner la priorité au réexamen de leurs Listes indicatives dans le cadre des consultations régionales et à la préparation des rapports périodiques ; •= les Etats parties dont le patrimoine est encore sous-représenté sur la Liste à donner la priorité à la préparation des Listes indicatives et des propositions d’inscription ; •= les organisations consultatives à poursuivre leurs programmes d’études thématiques et la classification des thèmes en sous-thèmes, sur la base des Listes indicatives préparées par les Etats parties et des recommandations des réunions régionales d’experts ; •= le Secrétariat de la Convention à soutenir en particulier les efforts des Etats parties dont le patrimoine est encore sous-représenté sur la Liste dans la préparation de leurs Listes indicatives et de leurs propositions d’inscription.

4. Au 15 mai 2004, sur 178 pays qui avaient ratifié la Convention, 134 Etats parties avaient soumis des Listes indicatives en conformité avec les critères spécifiés dans les Orientations, 44 pays n'avaient pas soumis de Listes indicatives. Toutes les propositions d’inscription soumises pour examen en 2004 (voir WHC-04/28.COM/14B) figurent sur les Listes indicatives des Etats concernés.

5. En réponse à la décision du Comité 27 COM 8A, para 4, ce document présente pour la première fois et dans une annexe séparée, les nouveaux biens ajoutés dans les Listes indicatives depuis la dernière session du Comité. Depuis la 27e session du Comité du patrimoine mondial, 31 Etats parties ont soumis de nouvelles Listes indicatives ou modifié les Listes existantes. Le nombre de nouveaux biens ajoutés aux Listes indicatives du fait de ces changements est de 106. Ces biens sont présentés à l’annexe 2 de ce document.

Listes indicatives des Etats parties, soumises à la date du 15 mai 2004 en conformité avec les Orientations WHC-04/28.COM/14A, p. 1

6. Conformément à la décision du Comité 27 COM 8A para 5, les Listes indicatives complètes sont mises à la disposition du public à l’adresse Internet du Centre du patrimoine mondial suivante : http://whc.unesco.org/tentative-lists.htm.

Projet de décision 28 COM 14A

Le Comité du patrimoine mondial,

1. Prend note des Listes indicatives présentées dans les annexes II et III de ce document ;

2. Reconnaissant que l’ordre du jour chargé de la 28e session du Comité ne permet pas une discussion concernant le meilleur usage des Listes indicatives tel que demandé par le Comité dans sa décision,

3. Décide d’inclure dans l’ordre du jour de sa 29e session un point concernant le meilleur usage des Listes indicatives.

Listes indicatives des Etats parties, soumises à la date du 15 mai 2004 en conformité avec les Orientations WHC-04/28.COM/14A, p. 2

Contenu des Annexes 1:

Annexe 1 Situation des Listes indicatives

Annexe 2 Ajouts sur les Listes indicatives depuis le 05/06/03

Annexe 3 Afrique Annexe page 1 Etats arabes page 2 Asie/Pacifique page 3 /Amérique du Nord page 6 Amérique latine/Caraïbes page 12

1 Le contenu des annexes est issu de la banque de données des Listes indicatives. Pour une consultation plus aisée, les régions et les Etats parties sont présentés par ordre alphabétique anglais.

Listes indicatives des Etats parties, soumises à la date du 15 mai 2004 en conformité avec les Orientations WHC-04/28.COM/14A, p. 3

SITUATION DES LISTES INDICATIVES Annexe 1 L’absence de date signifie que l'Etat partie n'a pas encore soumis de Liste indicative conforme au format des Orientations.

Etat partie Dernière révision

AFRICA ASIA / PACIFIC Angola 22/11/96 19/05/03 Benin 19/06/98 06/12/02 21/07/99 Bangladesh 17/02/99 Burkina Faso 30/01/04 Bhutan Burundi 01/09/92 28/01/03 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 25/05/00 Central African Republic Fiji 26/10/99 Chad 02/03/04 Comoros 02/02/04 Congo 16/01/04 Côte d'Ivoire 30/01/04 Democratic Republic of the Congo 11/11/97 Kazakhstan 06/02/02 Eritrea Kiribati Ethiopia 25/04/01 Kyrgystan 29/01/01 Gabon 18/04/03 Lao People's Democratic Republic 25/03/92 Gambia 01/09/95 26/02/01 Ghana 17/01/00 Guinea 29/03/01 09/11/01 Micronesia, Federated States of 01/08/96 Liberia 04/10/96 14/11/97 23/05/96 Malawi 17/05/00 17/11/93 Mali 08/09/99 Niue Mauritius 28/07/03 30/01/04 15/09/97 03/10/02 Niger 20/11/96 15/08/93 01/11/95 Republic of Korea 25/01/02 Rwanda Senegal 21/07/98 Solomon Islands Seychelles 05/07/02 15/05/04 Tajikistan 19/06/00 Togo 08/01/02 10/09/97 Tonga United Republic of 31/10/00 25/02/98 11/06/97 01/06/96 26/06/97 Vanuatu T O T A L 39 26 15/11/97 T O T A L 40 27 ARAB STATES 30/12/02 07/11/01 EUROPE / NORTH AMERICA 28/07/03 14/10/96 29/10/03 Andorra 22/02/99 13/01/04 25/07/97 Kuwait 11/02/03 01/07/96 24/10/01 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Belarus 30/01/04 Mauritania 14/06/01 02/04/02 12/10/98 10/05/98 Oman 04/07/88 01/10/84 Qatar 06/04/98 Saudi Arabia 06/10/98 Sudan 04/02/03 02/02/04 Syrian Arab Republic 08/06/99 06/07/01 Tunisia 01/03/96 Denmark 29/01/03 United Arab Emirates Estonia 06/01/04 Yemen 08/07/02 28/01/04 T O T A L 18 13 25/08/03 28/10/93

Listes indicatives des Etats parties, soumises à la date du 15 mai 2004 en conformité avec les Orientations WHC-03/27.COM/8A, p. 4

Germany 31/01/03 / CARIBBEAN 31/01/03 Antigua and Barbuda Holy See 15/11/01 03/02/03 Barbados Iceland 18/12/01 Ireland 28/09/92 01/07/03 15/04/04 08/01/04 22/11/96 23/02/04 Latvia 30/01/96 12/06/01 Lithuania 02/12/03 Costa Rica 30/01/03 01/10/93 28/02/03 Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Dominica 27/08/98 05/04/02 Monaco 09/01/03 Netherlands 26/09/95 El Salvador 21/09/92 15/04/04 Grenada 07/01/02 Guatemala 23/09/02 31/07/02 15/11/95 Republic of Moldova 19/03/04 Haiti 01/03/91 Honduras Russian Federation 28/01/04 San Marino 10/12/03 and Montenegro 18/03/02 Nicaragua 22/07/03 12/06/02 Panama 04/10/95 16/06/00 19/12/03 15/01/03 15/02/02 Sweden 22/03/04 Saint Christopher and Nevis 17/09/98 22/01/02 Saint Lucia 24/12/02 06/07/00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Ukraine 02/12/03 12/11/98 21/06/99 05/10/95 of America 05/09/90 10/03/03 T O T A L 50 46 T O T A L 31 22

Listes indicatives des Etats parties, soumises à la date du 15 mai 2004 en conformité avec les Orientations WHC-04/28.COM/14A, p. 5

Annexe 2 AJOUTS AUX LISTES INDICATIVES DEPUIS LE 5 JUIN 2003 conformément à la Décision 27 COM 8A para 4

Etat partie Nom du bien Date de N C soumission AFRICA BURKINA FASO Parc National du W du Niger et aires protégées adjacentes 30/01/2004 Yes No CAPE VERDE Camp de concentration de Tarrafal 07/05/2004 No Yes CAPE VERDE Ville de Sao Filipe 07/05/2004 No Yes CAPE VERDE Cova e Montantes de Ribeiras da Torre et do Paul 07/05/2004 Yes No CAPE VERDE La Saline de Pedra Lume 07/05/2004 Yes Yes CAPE VERDE Le Plateau de la ville de Praia 07/05/2004 No Yes CAPE VERDE Cidade Velha, ancienne Ribeira Grande 07/05/2004 No Yes MAURITIUS The Aapravasi Ghat (Coolie depot) 28/07/2003 No Yes MAURITIUS Le Morne Brabant Mountain 28/07/2003 No Yes SOUTH AFRICA Vredefort 29/09/2003 Yes No SOUTH AFRICA Makapan Valley 29/09/2003 No Yes SOUTH AFRICA The Richtersveld Cultural Landscape 02/02/2004 Yes Yes SOUTH AFRICA Alexandria Coastal Dunefield 15/05/2004 Yes No SOUTH AFRICA Taung Skull Fossil Site (extension to ) 15/05/2004 No Yes SOUTH AFRICA Tswaing Meteorite Crater 15/05/2004 Yes No SOUTH AFRICA The !Xam Khomani Heartland 15/05/2004 No Yes SOUTH AFRICA Kimberley Mines and Associated Early Industries 15/05/2004 No Yes SOUTH AFRICA Cape Floral Region 15/05/2004 Yes No ARAB STATES EGYPT Historic quarters and monuments of Rosetta/Rachid 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT The An-Nakhl fortress, a stage on the pilgrimage route to 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT Two citadels in Sinai from the Saladin period (Al-Gundi and Phataoh's island) 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT Raoudha nilometre in Cairo 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT Necropolises of Middle Egypt, from the Middle Empire to the Roman period 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT Pharaonic in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT Abydos, of pilgrimage of the Pharaohs 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library 28/07/2003 No Yes EGYPT Great Desert Landscapes 12/06/2003 Yes No EGYPT Mountain Chains 12/06/2003 Yes No EGYPT Desert Wadis 12/06/2003 Yes No EGYPT Bird Migration Routes 12/06/2003 Yes No EGYPT Southern and Smaller Oases, the Western Desert 12/06/2003 Yes No IRAQ The Marshlands of Mesopotamia 29/10/2003 Yes Yes IRAQ The Complex of Babylon 29/10/2003 No Yes JORDAN Jerash Archeological City (Ancient Meeting Place of East and West) 13/01/2004 No Yes JORDAN Old City of Salt 13/01/2004 No Yes ASIA AND THE PACIFIC INDIA River island of Majuli in midstream of Brahmaputra River in Assam 02/03/2004 No Yes INDIA The Great Living Chola Temples at Thanjavur, Gangaikondacholapuram and Darasuram 24/02/2004 No Yes INDIA Sri Harimandir Sahib, Amritsar, 05/01/2004 No Yes INDIA Valley of Flowers National Park 05/01/2004 Yes No INDONESIA Betung Kerihun National Park (Transborder Rainforest Heritage of Borneo) 02/02/2004 Yes No IRAN Arg-e-Bam and the Historic Monuments of Bam 16/01/2004 No Yes JAPAN Shiretoko 30/01/2004 Yes No PAKISTAN Port of 30/01/2004 No Yes PAKISTAN Tomb of Shah Rukn-e-Alam 30/01/2004 No Yes PAKISTAN Tomb of Bibi Jawindi, Baha'al-Halim and Ustead and the Tomb and of Jalaluddin 30/01/2004 No Yes Bukhari PAKISTAN 30/01/2004 No Yes PAKISTAN Mansehra Rock Edicts 30/01/2004 No Yes PAKISTAN Shahbazgarhi Rock Edicts 30/01/2004 No Yes PAKISTAN Archaeological Site of 30/01/2004 No Yes PAKISTAN Archaeological Site of 30/01/2004 No Yes

Listes indicatives des Etats parties, soumises à la date du 15 mai 2004 en conformité avec les Orientations WHC-04/28.COM/14A, p. 6

PAKISTAN Archaeological Site of Rehman Dheri 30/01/2004 No Yes PAKISTAN Archaeological Site of 30/01/2004 No Yes PHILIPPINES The Tabon Complex of Lipuun Point 13/01/2004 No Yes EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA BELARUS wooden (17th -18th centuries) in Polesye 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS Architectural ensemble of Francysk Scaryna avenue in Minsk (1940's -1950's) 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS Edifices for Worship of Fortress Type in Belarus, Poland and Lithuania 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS Palace and Park Ensemble in the city of Homel 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS Brest Fortress 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS St. Nicholas Monastery Complex in the city of Mahilyou 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS SS. Boris and Gleb (Kalozha) in the city of Hrodna 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS Kamyanets 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS Saviour Transfiguration Church and St. Sophia in the town of Polatsk 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS Augustow Canal 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS The Struve Geodetic Arc 30/01/2004 No Yes BELARUS Architectural and Cultural Complex of the Radziwill Family Residence at Nesvizh 30/01/2004 No Yes CYPRUS Agia Paraskevi at Geroskipou (Five-domed churches) 02/02/2004 No Yes CYPRUS Agioi Varnavas and Ilarion at Peristerona (Five-domed churches) 02/02/2004 No Yes ESTONIA Wooded meadows (Laelatu, Kalli-Nedrema, Mäepea, Allika, Tagamoisa, Loode, Koiva, 06/01/2004 Yes Yes Halliste) ESTONIA Soomaa (Peatland) National Park 06/01/2004 Yes Yes ESTONIA Baltic Klint 06/01/2004 Yes No ESTONIA Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Woibifer (Voivere)", "Katko (Simuna)", "Dorpat (Tartu) 06/01/2004 No Yes Observatory" FINLAND Kvarken Archipelago 28/01/2004 Yes No FINLAND Saimaa-Pielinen Lake System 28/01/2004 Yes No FINLAND Paimio Hospital (formerly Paimio Sanatorium) 28/01/2004 No Yes FINLAND Struve Geodetic Arc 28/01/2004 No Yes FRANCE Le Havre: la ville reconstruite par Auguste Perret 25/08/2003 No Yes ISRAEL The Great Rift Valley - migratory routes - The Hula 15/04/2004 Yes No LITHUANIA Trakai Historical National Park 28/07/2003 Yes Yes LITHUANIA Struve Geodetic Arc Station „GIREIŠIAI“ 02/12/2003 No Yes LITHUANIA Struve Geodetic Arc Station „PALIEPIUKAI“ 02/12/2003 No Yes LITHUANIA Struve Geodetic Arc Station „MEŠKONYS“ 02/12/2003 No Yes NORWAY The Struve Geodetic Arc 15/04/2004 No Yes REPUBLIC OF Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Rudy" 19/03/2004 No Yes MOLDOVA RUSSIAN Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Hogland, point Z" 13/11/2003 No Yes FEDERATION RUSSIAN Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Mäki-Päälys" 13/11/2003 No Yes FEDERATION RUSSIAN The Teberdinskiy Reserve (extension of the “The Western Caucasus”) 28/01/2004 Yes No FEDERATION SWEDEN The Struve Geodetic Arc 22/03/2004 No Yes UKRAINE Bagçesaray Palace of the Crimean Khans 07/07/2003 No Yes UKRAINE Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Staro-Nekrassowka" 05/12/2003 No Yes UKRAINE Struve Geodetic Arc Station ""Felschtin" 05/12/2003 No Yes UKRAINE Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Katerinowka" 05/12/2003 No Yes UKRAINE Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Baranowka" 05/12/2003 No Yes LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEANS BOLIVIA Prehispanic Roads - Capac Ñan 01/07/2003 No Yes BOLIVIA Sacred Titicaca Lake 01/07/2003 Yes Yes BOLIVIA Cal Orck'o: Footprints of time 01/07/2003 Yes No BOLIVIA Incallajta, the largest Inca site in the Kollasuyo 01/07/2003 No Yes BOLIVIA Pulacayo, Industrial Heritage Site 01/07/2003 No Yes BOLIVIA Sajama National Park 01/07/2003 Yes Yes BRAZIL Gold Route in Parati and its landscape 08/01/2004 No Yes CHILE Monte Verde Archaeological Site 23/02/2004 No Yes CHILE Qhapaq Ñan - Main Andean Road 29/01/2004 No Yes MEXICO Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California 10/12/2003 Yes No NICARAGUA City of Granada and its natural environment 22/07/2003 Yes Yes PARAGUAY Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve 19/12/2003 Yes Yes

Listes indicatives des Etats parties, soumises à la date du 15 mai 2004 en conformité avec les Orientations WHC-04/28.COM/14A, p. 7 Annexe 3 LISTES INDICATIVES DU PATRIMOINE MONDIAL, PAR REGION (Biens conformément aux critères pour les listes indicatives)

STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Cité royale, bois sacres et arbres DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF royaux d'Ambohimanga (*) Africa THE CONGO Falaise et grottes de l' Isandra ANGOLA Dépression de l' Upemba Paysage culturel rizicole et Church of Nossa Senhora da Grottes de Dimba et Ngovo hydraulique de Betafo Conceiçào da Muxima Grottes de Matupi Site et Rova de Tsinjoarivo Church of Nossa Senhora da Victoria ETHIOPIA Sud-Ouest Malgache, Pays Mahafaly Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosario Fortress of Kambambe Harar Walled Town MALAWI Fortress of Massanganu Konso-Gardula (paleo-anthropological Mulanje Mountain Biosphere Reserve site) Fortress of Muxima Nyika National Park Fortress of S.Francisco do Penedo GABON The Chongoni Rock Art Monument Area Fortress of S.Miguel Ecosystème et paysage culturel Fortress of S.Pedro da Barra pygmée du massif de Minkébé MALI Ecosystème et paysage culturel Little Fort of Kikombo Es-Souk relique de Lopé - Okanda Ruin of M'banza Kongo Kamablon BENIN GAMBIA La Boucle du Baoulé La Reserve W du Niger et l' habitat Fort Bullen Le Tombeau des Askia vernaculaire du nord Bénin James Island and Albreda, Juffure MAURITIUS La ville de Ouidah : quartiers anciens and San Domingo et Route de l' Esclave Prehistoric Stone Circle Sites Le Morne Brabant Mountain La ville de Porto-Novo : quartiers The Aapravasi Ghat (Coolie depot) GHANA anciens et Palais Royal (#) MOZAMBIQUE Site Lacustre de Ganvié Kakum National Park (Assin Attandanso Reserve) (#) Manyikeni and Chibuene Village souterrain d'Agongointo- Zoungoudo Mole National Park Quirimba archipelago and Ibo island Navrongo Catholic Cathedral (#) Vumba Rock Paintings BOTSWANA Nzulezu Stilt Settlement NAMIBIA Gcwihaba Tenzug - Tallensi settlements Brandberg National Monument Area Makgadikgadi Cultural Landscape (#) Trade Pilgrimage Routes of North- Toutswemogala Hill Iron Age Western Ghana Fishriver Canyon Settlement Southern Namib Erg GUINEA Hills (*) Twyfelfontein National Monument Tswapong Hills (#) Architecture vernaculaire et paysage Welwitschia Plains culturel mandingue du BURKINA FASO Gberedou/Hamana NIGER Les gravures rupestres de Pobe- Paysage culturel des monts Nimba Gisement de dinosaures du Niger Mengao (#) Route de l'esclave en Afrique (Gadoufawa, In Abaka, etc) Les necropoles de Bourzanga segment de Timbo au Rio Pongo La Route du Sel de l'Air au Kaouar Les ruines de Loropeni (#) KENYA Mosquée d' Agadez et palais du Sultan Les sites d'extraction de fer de Fort Jesus Kindiba (#) Parc National du W du Niger (*) Great Rift Valley Ecosystem Parc National du W du Niger et aires Plateau et Fortin du Djado Lake Bogoria National Reserve protégées adjacentes Réserve du Termit Lake Naivasha Réserve naturelle et intégrale de l' Air- CAPE VERDE Lake Nakuru National Park Ténéré (*) Camp de concentration de Tarrafal Lamu (*) Cidade Velha, ancienne Ribeira Mombasa Old Town NIGERIA Grande Sibiloi National Park (*) Benin Iya / Sungbo' s Eredo Cova e Montantes de Ribeiras da The Mijikenda Sacred Kaya Forests Gashaki-Gumpti National Park Torre et do Paul and groves Kwiambana and/or Ningi La Saline de Pedra Lume Niger Delta Mangroves MADAGASCAR Le Plateau de la ville de Praia Oban Hills / Korup Antongona Ville de Sao Filipe Old Oyo

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 1 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Osun Shrine North Sinai archaeological Sites Zone ZAMBIA Sukur Cultural Landscape [a.k.a. Xidi Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains Palace, Sukur] (*) Dag Hammarskjoeld Memorial (Crash and ancient cultural landscapes site) Pharaon Island SENEGAL Kalambo falls archaeological site Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt (prehistoric settlement site) Aire mégalithique Sénégambienne from the Ptolemaic and Roman Ile de Saint-Louis (*) Mwela and adjacent areas rock art periods site (rock paintings) Raoudha nilometre in Cairo SOUTH AFRICA ZIMBABWE Ras Mohammed Alexandria Coastal Dunefield Matobo Hills Area Rutho Monastery Cape Floral Region Ziwa National Monument Siwa archaeological area Kimberley Mines and Associated Southern and Smaller Oases, the Early Industries Western Desert Makapan Valley Arab States of Hator built by Ramses III Modderpoort Sacred Sites (#) ALGERIA Temple of Serabit Khadem (#) Pilgrim's Rest Reduction Works Les Mausolées Royaux de Numidie, The An-Nakhl fortress, a stage on the Industrial Heritage Site de la Maurétanie et les monuments pilgrimage route to Mecca occupation sites of funéraires pré-islamiques The monasteries of the Arab Desert Klasies River, , Les oasis à foggaras et les ksour du and Wadi Natrun and comparable Grand Erg Occidental sites relating to the emergence of The Northern Oases, the Western modern humans Nedroma et les Trara Desert # Taung Skull Fossil Site (extension to Oued souf The St. Catherine Area, South Sinaï Sterkfontein) Parc des Aurès avec les (*) The !Xam Khomani Heartland établissements oasiens des gorges Two citadels in Sinai from the Saladin du Rhoufi et d’El Kantara period (Al-Gundi and Phataoh's island) The Richtersveld Cultural Landscape Sites, lieux et itinéraires augustiniens Wadi Feiran Tswaing Meteorite Crater du Maghreb central Vredefort Dome IRAQ BAHRAIN TOGO Ashur Bahrain Fort Site (Qal'at Al Bahrain Nimrud Agglomération Aného-Glidji Site) Samarra Habitat Vernaculaire Bétammaribé Barbar Temple The Ancient City of Nineveh (Tata Tamberma) Hamad Town Tumuli Moundfield The Fortress of Al-Ukhaidar La réserve de faune d'Alédjo Hawar Islands Reserve The Marshlands of Mesopotamia Les Greniers des Grottes de Nok et Saar Heritage Park de Mamproug The Sacred Complex of Babylon Les palais des gouverneurs EGYPT Ur Parc national de Fazao Mafakassa Abydos, city of pilgrimage of the Wasit Parc national de la Kéran et la Pharaohs JORDAN réserve de faune Oti-Mandouri Alexandria, ancient remains and the Woold Homé new library Abila City (Modern Qweilbeh) Bird Migration Routes Al Qastal (Settlement) UGANDA Dahab Gadara (Modern Um Qeis or Qays) Bigo bya Mugyenyi (Archaeological Dahshour archaeological area Jerash Archeological City (Ancient Earthworks) Desert Wadis Meeting Place of East and West) Kasubi Tombs (Burial site of four Old City of Salt former Kabakas [kings] of Buganda El Fayoum : Kom Aushim (Karanis), Pella (Modern Tabaqat Fahil) Kingdom) (*) Dimai (Soknopaiounesos), Qasr Qarun (Dionysias), Batn I hrit Qasr Al-Mushatta Kibiro (Salt producing village) (Theadelphia), Byahma-Medinet el Qasr Bshir (a Roman Castellum) Ntusi (man-made mounds and Basin) Fayoum….. Shaubak Castle (Montreal) Nyero Rockpaintings (Ancient El-Gendi Fortress paintings in rockshelters) The Baptismal Site (Bethany beyond Gebel Qatrani Area, Lake Qaroun the Jordan) Nature Reserve UNITED REPUBLIC OF The Sanctuary of Agios Lot, At Deir TANZANIA Great Desert Landscapes 'Ain 'Abata Bagamoyo Stone Town and Kaole Historic quarters and monuments of Um el-Jimal (City) Rosetta/Rachid Ruins Um el-Rasas (Mefa'a) Gombe National Park Minia (#) Jozani - Chwaka Bay Conservation Mountain Chains LEBANON Area (#) Necropolises of Middle Egypt, from Centre historique de Batroun Kondoa Irangi Rock Paintings the Middle Empire to the Roman Centre Historique de Saida period Oldonyo Murwak Centre Historique de Tripoli / Newibah castle The Stone Town of (*)

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 2 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Ensemble du site naturel de la region du Chouf avec les monuments et les SUDAN BANGLADESH sites archeologiques qui s'y trouvent Gebel Barkal and the sites of Halud Vihara Ensemble du site naturel de la Vallee Napatean Region Jaggadala Vihara de la Qadisha avec les monuments Kerma Lalbagh Fort qui s'y trouvent (*) Meroe Mahansthangarh and its Environs Ensemble du site naturel de la Vallee Musawwarat es-Sufra The Lalmai-Mainamati Group of du Nahr el Kelb avec les monuments Naqa monuments et les sites archeologiques qui s'y Old Dongola trouvent CAMBODIA Ensemble du site naturel de la Vallee Suakin Ensemble de Banteay Chmar du Nahr Ibrahim avec les monuments et les sites archeologiques qui s'y SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Ensemble de Banteay Prei Nokor trouvent Apamee (Afamia) Ensemble de Beng Mealea Ensemble du site naturel des sources Dura Europos Ensemble de Prah Vihear et de la Vallee de l'Oronte avec les Ebla (Tell Mardikh) Ensemble du Prah Khan de Kompong monuments qui s'y trouvent L' île d'Arwad Svay Monument: Temple d' Echmoun L'église de Qalbe Loze Groupe de Sambor Prei Kuk Parc naturel de l'Ile des Palmiers Le Crac des Chevalier et la Citadelle Le site de Koh Ker MAURITANIA de Saladin Parc archeologique d'Angkor et sites Maaloula associes de Roluos et Banteay Srei Paysage culturel d'Azougui (*) Mari (Tell Hariri) Site archéologique de Kumbi Saleh Site d' Oudong Noréas de Hama Site archéologique de Tegdaoust Site d'Angkor Borei et Phnom Da Qal' at Sem'an (Saint-Syméon) Ville ancienne et historique , ksar, de Site des Kulen Tichitt (*) Raqqa-Ràfiqa: la cité abbasside Ville ancienne et historique, ksar, de Sergilla CHINA Chinguetti (*) Tartus: la cité-Citadelle des Croisés Ancient Complex in the Ville ancienne et historique, ksar, de Ugrarit (Tell Shamra) Wudang Mountains (*) Ouadane (*) Un Château du désert: Qasr al-Hayr Anji Bridge Ville ancienne et historique, ksar, de ach-Charqi Beihai Park Oualata (*) TUNISIA Beijing Ancient Observatory MOROCCO Capital , Imperial Tombs and Dougga / Thugga (*) Nobles' Tombs of Koguryo Aire du Dragonnier Ajgal Chengyang Yongji Bridge Cité portugaise d' El Jadida YEMEN Dali Chanshan Mountain and Erhai El Gour Archaeological site of Marib Lake Scenic Spot Grotte de Balhaf/Burum coastal area Dazu Rock Carvings (*) Lagune de Khnifiss Historic city of Saada Dongzhai Port Nature Reserve Médina de Tetouan (*) Jabal Bura Dujiangyan (*) Mosquée de Tinmel Jabal Haraz Dule Temple Moulay Idriss Zerhoun Jibla and its surroundings Foguang Monastery Parc National de Dakhla Sharma/Jethmun coastal area Foguang Temple Parc naturel de Talassemtane Island Tulou (#) Site de Chellah The Hawf Area Haitan Scenic Spots Taza et la Grande Mosquée The Historic City of Thula Heaven Pit and Ground Seam Scenic The Madrasa Amiriya of Rada Toubkal (#) Spot Tour Hassan Historical Remains at Yuan Shangdu Asia and the Pacific Ville ancienne "intra-muros" d' Historical Residential Courtyards in Essaouira (*) AFGHANISTAN Dingcun Ville de Sala Cultural Landscape and Hongcun Ancient Human Settlements Ville de Lixus Archaeological Remains of the (*) Ville de Meknès (*) Bamiyan Valley Honghe Hani Terraced Fields Volubilis (*) Hua Shan Scenic Area AUSTRALIA Jinfushan Scenic Spot OMAN Australian Convict Sites Kaiping Diaolou A Falaj System Purnululu National Park Kaiyuan Temple of Dingzhou Al - Balid , ancient Zofar Royal Exhibition building and Carlton City Khor Rori (ancient Sumhuram) Gardens, Melbourne Liangzhu Archaeological Sites The Ancient City of Galhat The Greater Blue Mountains Area (*) Lijiang Historic City (*) The forts of Rostaq and al-Hazm The Sydney Opera House in its Longmen Grottoes (*) setting (#)

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 3 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Lugou Bridge The Sakyamuni Pagoda at Fogong Sri Harimandir Sahib, Amritsar, Punjab Lunan Stone Forest Scenic Zone Temple (#) Temples at Bishnupur, West Bengal Lushan National Park (*) The Silk Road (Chinese Section) The Great Living Chola Temples at Maijishan Scenic Spots The Summer Palace (*) Thanjavur, Gangaikondacholapuram and Darasuram Mausoleums of the Ming and Qing The Temple of Heaven (*) Dynasties (*) Three Parallel Rivers National Park The Complex at in the State of (*) Mogao (*) Tonglushan Ancient Copper Mine The Nilgiri Mountain Railway Mount Emei Scenic Zone (*) Sites Tomb of Sher Shah Suri, Sasaram, Mount Huangshan Scenic Zone (*) West Lake Scenic Zone in Hangzhou Bihar Mount Taishan (*) Wudalianchi Scenic Spots Valley of Flowers National Park Mount Wutai Administrative Bureau Xidi Ancient Human Settlements (*) Victoria Terminus Mount Wuyi (*) Yalong, Tibet Nanxi River Yandang Mountain INDONESIA Niuheliang Archaeological Site Yangtze Gorges Scenic Spot Banten Ancient City Norbulingka Yinxu Belgica Fort Peking Man Site at (*) Yongle Palace Besakih Pingyao Historic City (*) Yungang Grottoes (*) Betung Kerihun National Park Poyang Nature Reserve Yunju Temple Pagoda and its Stone (Transborder Rainforest Heritage of Scriptures Borneo) Putuo Mountain Scenic Resort Elephant Cave Sakya Tower of Fogong Monastery DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S Great Mosque of Demak Shennongjia Nature Reserve REPUBLIC OF KOREA Gunongan Historical Park Songshan Area Caves in Kujang Area Maros Prehistoric Cave Suzhou Classical Gardens (*) Historical Relics in Kaesong Ngada traditional house and The Alligator Sinensis Nature Reserve Historical Relics in Pyongyang megalithic complex The Ancient Town of Tongli Koguryo Mural Tombs Penataran Complex The Ancient Town of Zhouzhuang Mt. Chibo Pulau Penyengat Palace Complex The Ancient Venetian Township in the Mt.Kumgang and the Historical Relics Ratu Boko Temple Complex South of Yangtze River - Luzhi in and around the Mountain Sangiran Early Man Site (*) The Ancient Venetian Township in the Mt.Myohyang and the Relics in and South of Yangtze River - Nanxun around the Mountain Sukuh Hindu Temple The Ancient Venetian Township in the Toraja South of Yangtze River - Wuzhen FIJI Tropical Rainforest Heritage of The Ancient Venetian Township in the Levuka, Ovalau (Township and Island) Sumatra South of Yangtze River - Xitang Sigatoka Sand Dunes Trowulan Ancient City The City Wall of Xi'an Sovi Basin Waruga Burial Complex The Confucian Temple, Kong's Yaduataba Crested Iguana Sanctuary Yogyakarta Palace Complex Residence, and the Kong's Woods (*) The Forest of Steles in Xi'an INDIA IRAN The Great Wall (*) Ancient Buddhist Site, Sarnath, Arg-e-Bam and the Historic Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh Monuments of Bam The Historic Monuments of Macao Buddhist Monastery Complex, Alchi, Bistun bas-relief and inscription The Huanglong - Jiuzhaigou Scenic Leh, known as Alchi Chos-kor Zone (*) Dome of Soltaniyeh Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (*) The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Firuzabad Ensemble Qing Dynasties (*) : a Harappan City, Gujarat, Historic ensemble of Qasr-e Shirin Disstt, Kachchh The Imperial Palace of the Qing Historic ensemble of Sheikh-Safi-ed- Dynasty in Shenyang (an extension Golconda Fort, Hyderbad, Andhra Din Ardebili Pradesh project of the Imperial Palace of the Historic monument of Kangavar Ming and Qing Dynasties) Group of Monuments at Mandu, Jame' (Congregational) Mosque of The Lijiang River Scenic Zone at Esfahan Guilin Hemis Gompa Kuh-e Khuaja The Ming Tombs Mattanchery Palace, Ernakulam, Nasqsh-e Rostam and Naqsh-e Rajab The Mountain Summer Resort of the Kerala Pasargad archaeological site Emperor of Qing Dynasty (1616- Pavagarh-Champaner Medieval 1911) (*) Capital City Shahr-e Sukhteh The Potala Palace of Lhasa (*) Pre-historic Rock Shelters and Caves Shush The Remains of Chang'an City of the with paintings at Bhimbetka, Madhya Shushtar (Mian-Ab) hydraulic Han Dynasty Pradesh (*) installations The Ruins of Daming Palace of the Rani-ki-Vav (The Queen's Stepwell) St.Tatavoos Cathedral (Qara-Kelissa) Tang Dynasty at Patan, Gujarat Takht-e Soleiman archaeological / The Ruins of Jiaohe Ancient City River island of Majuli in midstream of natural site Brahmaputra River in Assam

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 4 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Tape Sialk Suleyman-Too Tilaurakot, the archaeological remains Taq-e Bostan Uzgen of ancient Shakya Kingdom

JAPAN LAO PEOPLE's DEMOCRATIC NEW ZEALAND Buddhist in the Horyu-ji REPUBLIC Cape Reinga - Three Kings Island Area (*) Centre Historique de la ville de Luang Area Castles and Properties of Ryukyu Prabang (*) Tongariro National Park (*) Kingdom (*) Ensemble Monumental de Vat Phu (*) PAKISTAN Hikone-Jo (castle) Sites Megalithiques de la province de Archaeological ruins at Moenjodaro Himeji-Jo (castle) (*) Xieng Khouang (*) Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Genbaku That Luang de Vientiane Archaeological Site of Harappa Dome (*) MALAYSIA Archaeological Site of Mehrgarh Historic Monuments and Sites of Hiraizumi Historic Centres of Melaka and Archaeological Site of Ranigat Penang Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara Archaeological Site of Rehman Dheri (*) MONGOLIA , Lahore Historic Silver Mine of Iwami Ginzan Baltit Fort Amarbayasgalant monastery and Itsukushima Jinja (shrine) (*) sacred cultural landscape. Buddhist ruins of Takht-I-Bahi and neighbouring city remains at Sahr-I- Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes Gobi Gurvansaikhan Desert Fossil in the Kii Mountain Range, and the Bahlol (*) Great Gobi Desert Cultural Landscapes that Surround , Karachi Khoit tsenkher cave rock painting Them and Tank, Sheikhupura Khovsgol lake Tsaatan Shamanistic Shirakawa Mura (historic village) (*) Historical Monuments, Thatta (*) Landscape Shiretoko , Lahore (*) Mongolia Sacred Mountains: Bogd Shrines and Temples of Nikko (*) Khan, Burkhan Khaldun, Otgon Mansehra Rock Edicts Temples, Castles and other Buildings Tenger Port of Banbhore of Orkhon Valley archaeological and Rani Kot Fort, Dadu Ancient Kyoto (*) cultural Mongol settlements (#) , Jhelum (*) Temples, Shrines and other structures Tsagaan salaa rock painting of Ancient Kamakura Shah Jahan Mosque, Thatta Uvs lake basin Shahbazgarhi Rock Edicts KAZAKHSTAN MYANMAR Shalamar Gardens, Lahore (*) Ahmed Jasawi architectural complex (*) and archaeological site of the Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar : Tomb of Bibi Jawindi, Baha'al-Halim medieval town of Yasi-Turkestan Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay and Ustead and the Tomb and Aksu-Zhabagly state natural reserve Mosque of Jalaluddin Bukhari Badah-lin and associated caves Archaeological complex and Tomb of Hazrat Rukn-e-Alam, Multan petroglyphs of Tamgaly Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments Tomb of Shah Rukn-e-Alam Archaeological sites of Otrar oasis Inle Lake Tombs of Jahangir, Asif Khan and Barrows with stone ranges of the , Lahore Tasmola culture Mon cities : Bago, Hanthawaddy Wazir Khan's Mosque, Lahore Cultural landscape of Ulytau Myauk-U Archaeological Area and Monuments Megalithic mausolea of the Begazy- PHILIPPINES Pyu Cities: Beikthano-Myo, Halin, Dandybai culture Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary Tharay-Khit-taya (Sri Ksetra) Northern Tyan-Shan (Ile-Alatau State Angono Triglyphs National Park) Wooden Monasteries of Konbaung Period : Ohn Don, Sala, Pakhangyi, Churches of the Philippines Paleolithic sites and geomorphology Pakhannge, Legaing, Sagu, Shwe- II (*) of Karatau mountain range Kyaung (Mandalay) Protected landscapes and Petroglyphs of Arpa-Uzen seascapes Petroglyphs of Eshkiolmes NEPAL Cordillera Rice Terraces (*) State National Natural Park "Altyn- Cave architecture of Muktinath Valley El Nido Marine Reserve Emel" of Jesuit Churches of the Philippines Steppe and Lakes of North Khokana, the vernacular village and Mt. Pulog National Park Kazakhstan its mustard-oil seed industrial heritage Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park Turkic sanctuary ot Merke Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, archaeological conservation San Sebastian Church KYRGYZSTAN area (*) Spanish Colonial Fortifications of the Burana- Ramagrama, the relic of Lord Philippines Cholpon-Ata Petroglyphs in the Issyk- Buddha The Historic Town of Vigan (*) Kul Basin The early medieval architectural The Tabon Cave Complex of Lipuun Saimaly-Tash Petroglyphs complex of Panauti Point Shakh-Fazil The medieval palace complex of Turtle Islands Natural Marine Park Gorkha

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 5 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Ishrathona (mausoleum) Heiligenkreuz Abbey REPUBLIC OF KOREA Khakim Al-Termizi (complex) Hochosterwitz Castle Ch'angdokkung Palace (*) Khanbandi (dam) Iron Trail with Erzberg and the old Chongmyo (shrine) (*) Kyrk Kyz (palace building) town of Steyr Dolmens in Koch'ang and Hwasun (*) Mir Said Bakhrom (mausoleum) National Park "Hohe Tauern" Hahoe Folk Village in Andong Rabati Melek (complex) Old part of Hall in Tirol Hwasong Fortress (*) Registan (ensemble) Kangjingun Kiln Sites AZERBAIJAN Shakhi-Zinda (complex) Mt.Soraksan Nature Reserve "Baku Stage" Mountain Shakhrisabs (historical centre) (*) Natural Heritage District of Jeju Island "Binegadi" 4th Period Fauna and Ulughbek's observatory Flora Deposit (#) Samnyon (Fortress) Wall Vabkent's Minaret "Lok-Batan" Mud Cone (#) Shila Relics of Mt. Namsan, Kyongju (*) VIETNAM Gobustan's State Historical - Artistic Preserve (Mesolithic - Paleolithic Sites of fossilized dinosaurs Ba Be Lake petroliphs) throughout the Southern seacoast Ha Long Scenic and Tourist Area (*) Hyrkan State Reservation Sokkuram Grotto (Stone Cave Hué Complex of Historical Temple) (*) Ordubad historical and architectural Monuments (*) reserve Tomb of King Munyong Huong Son Complex of Natural Sheki, the Khan's Palace Woodblocks of Tripitaka Koreana and Beauty and Historical Monuments Storage Halls (*) Surakhany, Atashgyakh (Fire - My Son Sanctuary Area (*) worshippers, temple - museum at Yangdong Village of Wolseong Phong Nha Cave Surakhany) SRI LANKA The Area of Old Carved Stone in Susha historical and architectural Sapa reserve Peak Wilderness Wildlife Sanctuary The Old Streets in Hoi An (*) The Caspian Shore Defensive TAJIKISTAN Constructions Buddhistic cloister of Ajina-Tepa Europe and North America The mausoleum of Nakhinchevan (#) Eneolithic Settlement Sarazm The Walled City of Baku (Icheri ALBANIA Shekher) with Shirvanshakh's Palace Mausoleum of "Hodja Nashron" L'amphithéâtre de Durres (*) Mausoleum of "Khoja Mashkhad" La ville musée de Berat Mausoleum of "Mukhammad Bashoro" BELARUS La ville musée de Gjirokastra Mausuleum of "Amir Khamza Khasti Architectural and Cultural Complex of Podshoh" Les tombes de la Basse Selca the Radziwill Family Residence at Nesvizh Palace of the governor of Khulbuk ANDORRA Architectural ensemble of Francysk The Site of Ancient Town of Eglises romanes d'Andorra Baitudasht IV Scaryna avenue in Minsk (1940's - Ensemble historique de Santa Coloma 1950's) The Site of Ancient Town of Pyanjekent Vall del Madriu Augustow Canal Brest Fortress The Site of Ancient Town of ARMENIA Shahristan (Kahkakha) Edifices for Worship of Fortress Type Echmiadzin and the archaeological in Belarus, Poland and Lithuania The Site of Ancient Town of Takhti- site of Zvartnots (#)(*) Sangin Kamyanets Tower The archaeological site of the city of Palace and Park Ensemble in the city Dvin (#) TURKMENISTAN of Homel The and archaeological site Dehistan / Mishrian Saviour Transfiguration Church and of Yererouk (#) Kunya Urgench St. Sophia Cathedral in the town of The Monasteries of Haghpat and Polatsk Merv (*) Sanahin (*) Old Nysa SS. Boris and Gleb (Kalozha) Church The monasteries of Tatev and Tatevi in the city of Hrodna Anapat and the adjacent areas of the UZBEKISTAN St. Nicholas Monastery Complex in Vorotan Valley the city of Mahilyou Afrasiab (site of ancient settlement) (*) The monastery of Geghard and the The Myr Castle (The Radzivillis Ak Astana-baba (mausoleum) upper Azat Valley (#)(*) Castle) (*) Arab-Ata in Tim (mausoleum) The monastery of Noravank and the The Struve Geodetic Arc Bakhautdin (ensemble) upper Amaghou Valley (#) Worship wooden architecture (17th - Bukhara (historical centre) (*) AUSTRIA 18th centuries) in Polesye Chor-Bakr (complex) Abbey of Kremsmünster Complex of Sheikh Mukhtar-Vali BELGIUM Bregenzerwald (Bregenz Forest) (mausoleum) Grand-Place de Bruxelles (*) Cathedral of Gurk Djarkurgan's Minaret Habitations majeures de l'architecte Gur-Emir (ensemble) Cultural Landscape of "Innsbruck- Victor Horta (*) Nordkette/Karwendel" Ichan - qala (historical centre) (*)

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 6 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Le noyau historique medieval ou la Prince Leopold Island Extension of the World HeritageSite "Cuve" de Gand Thomsen River "Historic Centre of Prague" with the important Monuments in its Vicinity Le Westhoek, lieu de mémoire et Tuktoyaktuk Pingoes (#) monuments de la Grande Guerre Fishpond Network in the Trebon Basin Wood Buffalo National Park (*) Leuven/Louvain, bâtiments Jewish Quarter and the Basilica of St. universitaires, l'héritage de six siècles CROATIA Procopius in Trebic au sein du centre historique Arènes de Pula Paper Mill at Velké Losiny Musée Plantin Moretus, Vrijdagmarkt Cathédrale de Saint Jacques - Houses at Slavonice 22, Antwerpen Sibenik (*) The Betlém Rock Sculptures near Noyau historique d'Antwerpen - Chateau-fort de Veliki Tabor Kuks Anvers- de l'Escaut aux anciens The Forstress of Terezín remparts de vers 1250 Ensemble épiscopal - Zadar (la Cathedrale de Sainte-Stosija, le The Great Moravian Fortified Palais Stoclet Palais de l'éveque, l'église de Settlement at Mikulcice The archeological site of neolithic flint St.Donat et l'eglise de Sainte Marie ) The Industrial Complexes at Ostrava mines at Spiennes (*) Ensemble épiscopal à Porec, The Karlstejn Castle The castle, gardens and rocks of Freyr Basilique de Saint-Euphrase avec The Spa at Luhacovice The Cathedral of Our lady of Tournai l'episcopat (*) Tugendhat House (*) (*) Ensemble historique de Ston y The four lifts on the Centre Canal and compris Mali Ston, les murailles les DENMARK their environs (*) reliant et la reserve naturelle de le bois de Mali Ston, exemple du Aasivissuit, Arnangarnup Qoorua BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA pays.culturel (Greenlandic inland and coastal hunting area) Old Mostar - The Bridge of the Worlds Ensemble historique de Trogir dans Amalienborg and its district Sarajevo - unique symbol of universal les limites du noyau médiéval (*) multiculture - continual open city Ensemble historique de Tvrda à Christiansfeld Osijek dans les limites d'anciens Church ruin at Hvalsø, episcopal BULGARIA murailles de défense residence at Gardar, and Brattahlid (A Central Balkan Park (#) Ensemble historique de Varazdin Norse/Eskimo cultural landscape) The ancient town of Nicopolis ad dans les limites du noyau baroque Isfjord (Jakobshavn) [Disko Bay] (#) Istrum avec la vieille ville de Varazdin The International Wadden Sea The Bachkovo Monastery Iles de Kornati (Danish-German-Dutch Wadden Sea) The late ancient tomb of Silistra CYPRUS ESTONIA The Magoura cave with drawings from Agia Paraskevi at Geroskipou (Five- Baltic Klint the bronze age. domed churches) Kuressaare Fortress The Pobiti Kamani Natural Monument. Agioi Varnavas and Ilarion at Old Town of Tallinn (*) The Rocks of Belogradchik Peristerona (Five-domed churches) Soomaa (Peatland) National Park The Roussensky Lom National Park. Choirokoitia (*) Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Woibifer The Thracian tomb near the village of Church of Ayios Mamas, Louvaras (Voivere)", "Katko (Simuna)", "Dorpat Sveshtari. (extension to "Painted Churches in (Tartu) Observatory" (*) the Troodos") Wooded meadows (Laelatu, Kalli- The town of Melnik and the Rozhen Church of Ayios Sozomenos, Galata Nedrema, Mäepea, Allika, Monastery (extension to "Painted Churches in Tagamoisa, Loode, Koiva, Halliste) The Vratsa Karst the Troodos Region") Two neolithic dwellings with their Church of Panayia FINLAND interior and household furnishings and Chrysokourdaliotissa, Kourdali Kvarken Archipelago utensils completely preserved. (extension to "Painted Churches in Paimio Hospital (formerly Paimio the Troodos Region") Sanatorium) CANADA Khandria Saimaa-Pielinen Lake System "Old Town" Lunenburg (*) Kionia Struve Geodetic Arc Anthony Island ( Haida Klirou Bridge Village) (*) The Carvings from historic time at the Malounta Bridge island of Gaddtarmen (Hauensuoli) Funk Island Mathiatis South The Holy of Great Lakes (Georgian Bay Islands Palaichori, Church of the Ukonsaari by the Sami people at Inari National Park Transfiguration of Christ and Fathom Five Provincial Park) The large Stone Age ruin of Kastelli at The rural settlement of Fikardou Pattijoki Gros Morne National Park (*) Troodos, Mt.Olympus The Rock paintings of Astuvansalmi Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump - at Ristiina Alberta (*) Wine Village Terraces Lac La Ronge or Quetico Parks CZECH REPUBLIC FRANCE Lancaster Sound (#) Cesky ráj (Czech Paradise) Rock Albi (Tarn): ensemble urbain de Le parc de conservation de Miguasha Cities briques, Cathédrale, Palais de la (*) Berbie, Pont sur le Tarn Mistaken Point

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 7 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Ancienne chocolaterie Menier à Shateli HUNGARY Noisiel Svaneti (*) Hydrothermal Caves and Thermal Arsenal de Rochefort et fortifications Uplistsikhe de l'estuaire de la Charente Karst Systems of the Rózsadomb Area Vardzia Bassin minièr du Nord Pas-de-Calais Le Château-fort médieval d' Esztergom Bouches de Bonifacio Mediaeval Royal Seat and Parkland Cathédrale de Saint-Denis 20th Century Berlin Settlements at Visegrád Centre ancien de Sarlat Altstadt Regensburg State Stud-Farm Estate of Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe Mezöhegyes Ensemble de grottes à concrétions du Bremen Town Hall with Roland and The Historic Forts of Komáron & Sud de la France Market ensemble Komarno Façades des quais de Bordeaux Cultural Scene Dresdner Elbtal (#) The Ipolytartnóc Fossils Hangar Y Former Benedictine abbey and The Network of Rural Heritage La Camargue monastery church of Corvey Buildings in Hungary La saline de Salins les Bains Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz (The The Tihany Peninsula Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz) Le chemin de fer de Cerdagne The Wooden Churches of the (*) Le Havre: la ville reconstruite par Northern Part of the Carpathian Basin Heidelberg, town and castle Auguste Perret Markgräfliches Opernhaus Bayreuth ICELAND Le massif corallien et les écosystèmes associés de Nouvelle- Middle Rhine valley from Bingen to Breiðafjörður Calédonie Koblenz (*) Gásar Le massif forestier de Fontainebleau Mine of Rammelsberg and historic Herðubreiðarlindir and Askja town of Goslar - Extension by the Le rivage méditerranéen des Pyrénées Keldur "Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft", i.e. Le vignoble Champenois the "Upper Harz Water Management Mývatn - Laxá Les beffrois de Flandre et du Hainaut System" Núpsstaður (Nord et Pas-de-Calais) Muskauer Park/Park Muzakowski (a Reykholt Les Cévennes et les Grands Causses historic landscape park) Skaftafell Les Iles Marquises Old Towns of the Hanseatic Cities Surtsey Wismar and Stralsund (*) Les villes antiques de la Narbonnaise Viðmýri Turf Church et leur territoire: Nîmes, Arles, Ore Mountains: mining and cultural Þingvellir Glanum, aqueducs, via Domitia landscape Les villes bastionnées des Pays-Bas Schwetzingen, castle and castle IRELAND du nord-ouest de l'Europe (#) gardens Burren Marais salants de Guérande Shoe last factory Carl Benscheidt, Cashel Massif du Mont Blanc Fagus-Werk Ceide Fields Massif du Piton de la Fournaise The Chilehaus in Hamburg Clara Bog Mercantour/Alpi Marittime The Franck Foundations in Halle Clonmacnoise Montagne Sainte-Victoire et sites The Naumburg Cathedral Killarney National Park cézaniens The Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Northwest Mayo Boglands Office National d'Etudes et de Complex (*) Recherches Aérospatiales, Meudon Upper German-Raetian boundary wall Skelligs (*) Parc national de la Vanoise ("Limes") of the Roman Empire Western Stone Forts Wadden Sea Area (#) Parc national de Port-Cros ISRAEL Parc national des Écrins GREECE (*) Phare de Cordouan Archaeological Site of Nikopolis Arbel (arbel, nebe shueb, horns of Rade de Marseille Archaeological site of Philippi hittim) Rouen : ensemble urbain à pans de Gorge of Samaria National Park Bauhaus Buildings in Tel-Aviv bois, cathédrale église Saint-Ouen, Bet She'an église Saint Maclou. Lavrio (Ancient Laurion) Beth She'arim Sites mégalithiques de Carnac National Park of Dadia- Lefkimi- Souflion Caesarea Vignoble des côtes de Nuits et de Beaune Old City of Corfu Degania & Nahalal Villa Savoye The Area of the Prespes Lakes: Early Synagogues in the Galilee Megali and Mikri Prespa which Horvat Minnim includes Byzantine and post- GEORGIA Jerusalem Byzantine monuments David Gareji Makhteshim Country The broader region of Mount Olympos Gelati et Bagrati (*) Masada (*) The Palace of Knossos (#) Mta- Tusheti Mount Karkom Mtsekheta (*) Pre-historic Sites: Ubadiyya, Sha'ar Quartier historique de Tbilissi Hagolan, Mount Carmel

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 8 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Region of the Caves & Hiding: bet Fascia costiera da Castellammare del Guvrin-Maresha Golfo a Trapani, con Erice, Mozia e la LATVIA Sea of Galilee & its Ancient Sites Isole Egadi Abava Valley Shivta Foresta fossile di Dunarobba Daugavpils Fortress Tel Dan & Sources of the Jordan Fortezze dei Montefeltro Grobina Complex of Archaeological Monuments The Bahai Buildings Giacimento paleontologico di Lamalunga Jurmala The Biblical Tel Giardini Botanici Hambury Livs' village "Kosrags" The Crusader Fortresses I trulli della Valle d' Itria Struve Geodetic Arc Station The Galilee Journeys of Jesus & the "Jacobstadt" Apostles Insediamenti rupestri (Puglia) Struve Geodetic Arc Station The Great Rift Valley - migratory Isole Eolie (*) "Sestukalns" routes - The Hula Lecce e centri del Barocco leccese The city of Riga : historical centre (*) The Incense and Spice Road Route Necropoli Etrusche di Cerveteri e and its Sites in the Negev Tarquinia LITHUANIA Timna Noto e il tardobarocco della Sicilia Kursiu Nerijos (Curonian Spit) Orientale (*) White Mosque in Ramle National Park (*) Oasi di Ninfa ITALY Struve Geodetic Arc Station Orvieto „GIREIŠIAI“ Alghero Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica Struve Geodetic Arc Station Arcipelago della Maddalena e isole Parco Archeologico Urbano e colline „MEŠKONYS“ delle Bocche di Bonifacio metallifere (Volterra) Struve Geodetic Arc Station Arcipelago Ponziano Parco e Ville dei Castelli Romani „PALIEPIUKAI“ Area Archeologica di Aquileia e (Colli Albani) The archaeological complex of Basilica Patriarcale (*) Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo Kernave Area Archeologica di Saepinum e Parco Nazionale del Cilento con i siti The Old Town of (*) tratturi archeologici di Paestum e Velia (*)(#) Trakai Historical National Park Area Archeologica di Segesta Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso Area Archeologica di Selinunte Parco Nazionale della Calabria LUXEMBOURG Baia di Napoli con Capri, Ischia e Porto di Roma La ville et l'abbaye d' Echternach Procida Promontorio del Gargano con Monte La ville et le chateau de Vianden Cappella degli Scrovegni S.Angelo, Isole Tremiti e Foresta Ville de Luxembourg - Quartiers Castelli del Trentino Umbra anciens et fortifications (*) Cattedrale di Cefalu' e abitato storico Promontorio di Portofino con i centri MALTA Cattedrali romaniche della Puglia storici di Camogli, S.Fruttuoso fino alla baia di Cittadella (Victoria - Gozo) Cattolica di Stilo e complessi Paraggi basiliano-bizantini della Costa Ionica Coastal Cliffs Residenza Papale e quartiere San Centro Storico di Assisi e Basilica (*) Knights' Fortifications around the Pellegrino Harbours of Malta Centro storico di Bologna Sacra di San Michele Maltese Catacomb Complexes Centro Storico di Cividale e Tempietto Sacri Monti Piemontesi e Lombardi Longobardo Mdina (Citta' Vecchia) Santuario rupestre (Oleva Tus.- Centro Storico di Lucca Qawra/Dwejra Salerno) Centro Storico di Mantova e siti dei Victoria Lines Fortifications Santuario Sannitico di Gonzaga Pietrabbondante NETHERLANDS Centro Storico di Palermo, Orto Siracusa e le necropoli rupestri di Botanico e Complesso di Monreale Alblasserwaard - Oost Pantalica Centro storico di Parma Bunnik - Vechten / De Burg Spoleto e Tempietto sul Clitunno Centro Storico di Pavia e Certosa De Gouw and de Groetpolder Stagni e siti archeologici del Golfo di Droogmakerij De Beemster (De Centro Storico di Urbino (*) Oristano, Isola Maluventu Beemster Polder) (*) Citta' alta di Bergamo Strada Nuova di Genova Historic Area of Willemstad, Curaçao Cittá-fortezza di Palmanova Taormina e Isolabella (*) Complessi di culto romanici Tempio Malatestiano di Rimini Historic centre of Amsterdam dell'Abruzzo Val d'Orcia Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal (Ir. D.F.Wouda Contesti lacustri: S.Giulio, Isole Verona: centro storico, mura Pumping Station) (*) Borromee e magistrali e San Zeno (*) Villa Taranto a Pallanza Middag and Humsterland Villa Adriana (*) Costiere del Lago di Garda Molencomplex te Kinderdijk-Elshout Villa d'Este e Villa Gregoriana (*) (Mill network at Kinderdijk-Elshout) (*) Dolomiti del Veneto e Trentino Alto Adige Ville della nobilta' pontificia nel Lazio Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie (New Dutch Inundation Line) Duomo di Milano Ville Medicee Zone Carsiche: risorgenza del Timavo Noordoostpolder (North East Polder) e Grotta Gigante

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 9 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Rietveld Schroderhuis (Rietveld The ensemble of former city building Schroder House) (*) ROMANIA of Sviyazhsk Schokland (*) Codrul secular Slatiora (foret The National Park of Vodlozero seculaire) Stelling van Amsterdam (Defence The Teberdinskiy Reserve (extension Line of Amsterdam) (*) Delta du Danube (*) of the “The Western Caucasus”) Swifterbant - Visvijverweg / Eglises byzantines et post-byzantines The Valamo archipelago de Curtea de Arges Noordertocht The Volcanoes of Kamchatka (*) Forteresses daces (*) Van Nelle Fabriek (Van Nelle Factory) Uvs Nuur Basin [*] L'église de Densus Voorburg - Park Arentsburg / Forum Western Caucasus (*) Hadriani L'église des Trois Hierarques de Iassy Voormalige Nazorgkolonie en L'église fortifiee de Dirjiu SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Sanatorium 'Zonnestraal' (former L'ensemble monumental de Tirgu Jiu "Biogradska Gora" National Park Aftercare Colony and 'Sunray' L'ensemble rupestre de Basarabi Cetinje - Historic Inner City Sanatorium) Le centre historique de la ville de Decani Monastery Waddenzee - West Sighisoara (*) Djerdap National Park NORWAY Le Monastère de Horezu (*) Gamzigrad The Archipelago of Vega (Marine Le Monastère de Neamt Gracanica Monastery Archipelago) Le noyau historique de la ville d'Alba Moraca Monastery Julia The Laponian Area - Tysfjord, the Mt. Sara National Park fjord of Hellemobotn and Rago Le site de Biertan (*) The Deliblato Sands Special Natural The Lofoten islands Les "coules" de Petite Valachie Reserve The Struve Geodetic Arc Les églises a peinture exterieure de la The Djavolja Varos (Devil's Town) West Norwegian fjord landscape, Moldavie du Nord (*) Natural Landmark Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord Les églises en bois de Maramures (*) The Tara National Park with the Drina Massif du Retezat River Canyon POLAND Pietrosul Rodnei (sommet de Calvarv in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (*) montagne) SLOVAKIA Evangelist Churches of Peace in Sinpetru (site paleontologique) Carpathian Primeval Forests Swidnica and Jawor (*) Extension of the location of Spišsky Gdansk (historical centre within 17th RUSSIAN FEDERATION hrad and its associated cultural century fortifications) "Curonian Spit" National Park (*) monuments with Levoca and the work of Master Paul in Spiš Hala Stulecia [Centennial Hall] Baikal Lake (*) (presently the Hala Ludowa: the Fungal Flora of Bukovské Hills Cathedral of Christ the Saviour People's Hall) in Wroclaw Gemer and Abov churches with the Centre historique d' Irkoutsk John the Baptist's Cathedral on medieval wall paintings Church of Prince Dimitri "On Blood" Ostrów Tumski, Cathedral Island in Geyser in Herlany Wroclaw Golden Mountains of Altai (*)(#) Karst Valleys of Slovakia Krzemionki Opatowskie. Neolithic flint Great Pskov Komárno - The Fortress against Turks mine Historic Center of the Yenisseisk Limes Romanus - The Roman antique Krzeszów. Cistercian monastery Historical and Cultural Jeyrakh-Assa monuments on the Middle Danube Malbork (the castle and the city) (*) Reservation Natural and Cultural Landscape of Muzakowski / Muskauer Park (a Historical Center of Yaroslavl Danube Region historic landscape park) Historical Core of Derbent City (*) Natural Reserves of Tatras Mountain The valley of the Pradnik river in the Historical-architecture complex of Original Meadow - Pasture Sites of Ojcowski National Park Kazan Kremlin (*) Slovakia Torun (the old and the new city) (*) Mural paintings by Dionsiy in the The concept of the lenticular historical Wooden churches of the 15th and Rojdestva Bogoroditsy Cathedral town core of Košice City 17th centuries [Ferapontov Monastery] (*) The Memorial of Chatam Sófer Novodevichi Convent PORTUGAL The Wooden sacral architecture in the Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan Carpathian bow Algar do Carvao Railway Bridge Over Yenissey River Tokaj Wine Region Furna do Enxofre Rostov Kremlin Historic Centre of Santarem Sihote-Alin Natural Complex (*) SLOVENIA Ilhas Selvagens (Selvagens Islands) Struve Geodetic Arc Station Classic Karst Town of Marvao and the craggy "Hogland, point Z" Franja Partisan Hospital mountain on which it is located Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Mäki- Fuzina Hills in Bohinj Zona da Cultura da Vinha do Pico Päälys" The Mining Town of Idrija REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA The architectural and historical complex "Shelter of count N.P. SPAIN Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Rudy" Cheremetev" Albuferas y Humedales mediterráneos The Bolgar historical-architectural Almagro: ciudad del teatro clásico, complex Ciudad Real

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 10 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Ampliacíon del Monasterio y Sitio de Patrimonio Cultural Judío, Castilla-La St. Nicholas Church El Escorial a su entorno natural Mancha St.Paul Church, St.Paul's Well and Ampliación del mudéjar de Teruel Reials Drassanes, Barcelona surrounding historic quarters Ancares-Brañas Ribeira Sacra, Lugo y Orense Sümela Monastery (The Monastery of Aranjuez, Paisaje Cultural, Madrid (*) Ruta colombina Virgin Mary) Archipiélago de Cabrera, Islas Rutas históricas minero-industriales The Citadel and the Walls of Diyarbakir Baleares de Peñalba y la Sierra del Arte rupestre paleolitico de la cornisa Silencio, León The Tombstones of Ahlat the Urartian and Ottoman citadel Cantábrica (ampliación de Altamira) Ubeda-Baeza, Jaén Biscay Transporter Bridge Via de la plata, Extremadura UKRAINE Cabañeros, Castilla-La Mancha SWEDEN Bagçesaray Palace of the Crimean Camino de la lengua castellana Khans Birka, Björkö and Hovgården, Adelsö. Casco histórico y Berrocal de Trujillo, Cultural Landscape of Canyon in (*) Caceres Kamenets-Podilsk (#) Copper mine of Falun (*) Colonias industriales de los ríos Dendrological Park "Sofijivka" (#) Cardener y Llobregat Drottningholm Castle (*) Historic Centre of Tchernigov , 9th - Conjunto arqueológico de Numancia, Engelsbergs Bruk (Engelsberg's 13th centuries Castilla-Leon Ironworks) (*) National Steppe Biosphere Reserve Conjunto arqueológico griego de Gammelstads Kyrkstad (*) "Askaniya Nowa" Empúries, l'Escala, Girona Lapponean Wilderness and Heritage Ruins of Ancient City of Khersoness, Cultural Route of the Vine and Wine Area Presions nature and Sami 4th B.C. - in the Towns of the Mediterranean Culture (*) 12th century Dinosaur Tracks in the Iberian Rock carvings, Fossum, Tanum. (*) Struve Geodetic Arc Station Peninsula (#) Skogskyrkorgården (The Woodland ""Felschtin" El Barranco de Poquoira, Granada Cemetery) (*) Struve Geodetic Arc Station El Canal de Castilla, Castilla-León The Agricultural Landscape of "Baranowka" El Románico Palentino, Palencia Southern Öland (*) Struve Geodetic Arc Station Espacios Naturales y Culturales de The Naval City of Karlskrona (*) "Katerinowka" Canarias The Orkesta and Markim area Struve Geodetic Arc Station "Staro- Extension of the declaration of the The Struve Geodetic Arc Nekrassowka" Gaudi's Work Varberg Radio Station - the Tarass Shevtchenko Tomb and State Fortificaciones abaluartadas transatlantic radiotelegraph station at Historical and Natural Museum - fronterizas, Castilla-Leon Grimeton Reserve Historia y Paysaje minero de UNITED KINGDOM Cartagena y La Unión SWITZERLAND Blaenavon Industrial Landscape (*) Javier y la Ruta de Oriente Couvent bénédictin Saint-Jean-des- Soeurs à Müstair (*) Chatham Naval Dockyard La arquitectura de piedra en seco Couvent de Saint-Gall (*) Cornish Mining Industry La arquitectura negra de Guadalajara Glarner Hauptüberschiebung Darwin's Home and Workplace: Down La Celtiberia, Aragón (Chevauchement principal de Glaris) House and Environs La Depresión Guadix - Baza, Granada Monte San Giorgio Derwent Valley Mills (*) La Ruta de la Sal (Canarias) Trois châteaux, muraille et remparts Fountain Cavern, Anguilla La ruta de los dólmenes, Extremadura du bourg de Bellinzone (*) defences La ruta del comercio de la nieve Vieille ville de Berne (*) Lake District Las Cañadas de La Mesta, Castilla- Commercial Centre and León TURKEY Waterfront Los Barruecos de Malpartida, Cáceres Alahan Monastery Mainland Orkney (*) Manifestaciones de grabados Alanya Manchester and Salford (Ancoats, rupestres de Canarias Bursa and Cumalikizik Early Ottoman Castlefield and Worsley) Manifestaciones rupestres en Siega urban and rural settlements Monkwearmouth and Jarrow Monastic Verde, Salamanca Edirne Selimiye Mosque Sites Marismas del Odiel Ephesus Mount Stewart Gardens Medina Azahara, Cordoba Güllük Dagi-Termessos National Park New Lanark (*) Menorca: Biodiversidad y Cultura Harran and Sanliurfa Pont-Cysyllte Aqueduct Molinos de viento del Campo de Ishak Pasha Palace Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Cartagena Saltaire (*) Paisaje del Cister (Ampliación de Kekova Poblet) Shakespeare's Stratford Konya-A capital of Seljuk Civilization Paisajes y Rutas del Quijote, Castilla- The Cairngorm Mountains La Mancha Mardin Cultural Landscape The Dorset and East Devon Coast (*) Paraje pintoresco Costa NO, Mallorca Seljuk Caravanserais on the route The Flow Country from Denizli to Dogubeyazit Parque natural de Monfragüe The Forth Rail Bridge

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 11 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C The Great Western Railway: Mound City Group National Monument Valdés Peninsula Provincial Paddington-Bristol (selected parts) Moundville site Reservation (*) The Historic Town of St.George and Mount Rainier National Park Valle Calchaquí Related Fortifications (*) New Harmony Historic District The New Forest BOLIVIA North Cascades National Park The Wash and North Norfolk Coast Cal Orck'o: Footprints of time Ocmulgee National Monument El fuerte de Samaipata (*) Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Incallajta, the largest Inca site in the Acadia National Park Organ Pipe Cactus National Kollasuyo Monument Aleutian Islands Unit of the Alaska Prehispanic Roads - Capac Ñan Original Bell Telephone Laboratories Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Pulacayo, Industrial Heritage Site Pecos National Monument Aleutian Islands Unit of the Alaska Sacred Titicaca Lake Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Point Reyes National Sajama National Park Arches National Park Seashore/Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge Tiwanaku: capitale imperiale (*) Artic National Wildlife Refuge Poverty Point Auditorium Building BRAZIL Prudential (Guaranty) Building Big Bend National Park Alto Ribeira Valley Complex Pu'uhonua Honaunau National Brooklyn Bridge Anavilhanas Ecological Station Historical Park Bryce Canyon Park Canyon du Rio Peruaçu, Minas Gerais Pupin Physics Laboratories Canyonlands National Park Cavernas do Peruaçu Federal Rainbow Bridge National Monument Cape Krusenstern Archaeological Environmental Protection Area (APA) Reliance Building District / Veredas Do Peruaçu State Park Robie House Capitol Reef National Park Centre Historique de la Ville de Rocky Mountain National Park Diamantina, Minas Gerais (*) Carlsbad Caverns National Park (*) Rookery Building Chapada dos Veadeiros National Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Park (*) Store San Xavier del Bac Eglise et Monastère de Sao Bento, Casa Grande National Monument Sanguaro National Monument Rio de Janeiro Chaco Culture National Historical Savannah Historic District Ensemble architectonique de Park (*) Sequoia / Kings Canyon National tourisme et loisir au bord du lac de Parks Chapell Hall, Gallaudet College Pampulha (#) South Dearborn Street-Printing House Colorado National Monument Estuarine Lagoon complex of Iguape- Row North Historic District Crater Lake National Park Cananéia-Paranaguá (Lagamar Statue of Liberty National Monuent (*) Death Valley National Monument Complex) (*) Taliesin Denali National Park Gold Route in Parati and its landscape Taliesin West Eads Bridge Jaú National Park (*) Taos Pueblo (*) Fallingwater Les Couvents Franciscains du Nord- Trinity Site Est Brésilien (#) Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Unity Temple Monte Pascoal National Park and Gates of the Artic National Park University of Virginia Historic District, surrounding "Discovery Coast" (*) General Electric Research Laboratory Charlottesville (*) Palais de la Culture, ancien siège du Glacier Bay National Park (*) Ventana Cave Ministère de l'Education et de la Glacier National Park Santé, Rio de Janeiro Virginia Coast Reserve Goddard Rocket Launching Site Parc National de la Serra da Bocaina Wainwright Building Grand Teton National Park (São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro) Warm Springs Historic District Great Smoky Mountains National Parc National de Pantanal (Mato Washington Monument Park (*) Grosso) (*) Yosemite National Park (*) Guadalupe Mountains National Park Parc National du Pico da Neblina Zion National Park (Amazonas) Haleakala National Park Reserve biologique de Atol das Rocas Volcanoes National Park (*) Latin America and the (Rio Grande do Norte) Hohokam Pima National Monument Caribbean Rio de Janeiro Cultural Landscape Joshua Tree National Monument Serra da Canastra National Park Katmai National Park ARGENTINA Serra da Capivara National Park and La Fortaleza - San Juan National Alto Rio Pinturas (*) Permanent Preservation Areas Historic Site (*) City of La Plata, Foundational Urban Serra do Divisor National Park Leiter II Building Area Station écologique de Taim (Rio Lindermeier Site Inka's Trail Grande do Sul) Lowell Observatory Ischigualasto and Talampaya (*) Station écologique du Raso da Marquette Building Las Parinas Catarina (Bahia) McCormick Farm and Workshop Quebrada de Humahuaca Ville de Goiás, Goiás (*) Monticello, Charlottesville (*) The Road of the Estancias (*)

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 12 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C

CHILE CUBA GUATEMALA Archaeological sites of the Chinchorro Château de San Pedro de la Roca, Castle of San Felipe de Lara culture Santiago de Cuba (*)(#) Naj Tunich Cave Ayquina and Toconce Cienaga de Zapata National Park National Park Sierra del Lacandón Baquedano Street Cultura Material Cafetalera del Protected area of Lake Atitlán: Cerro el Plomo high shrine Sudoriente de Cuba (*) multiple use Chiloe Churches (*) Historic Center of Camagüey Route of the Agroindustry and the Churches of the Altiplano Historic Urban Center of Cienfuegos Architecture Victoriana Fell and Pali Aike Caves National Schools of Art, Cubanacan Route of the Franciscan Evangelisation Houses of the San José del Reef System in the Cuban Caribbean Carmen el Huique Reserve naturelle des Mollusques Route of the Peace and National Identity Humberstone and Santa Laura Nitrate terrestres genre Polymita (*) Offices Vallée de Viñales, Pinar de Río (*) Route of the to Dominique Evangelisation Juan Fernandez Archipielago National Park DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Sierra De Las Minas Biosphere Reservation La Moneda Palace Archaeological and Historical National Park of Pueblo Viejo, La Vega (#) The Core of the Mayan Area Locomotive depot of the Temuco Railroad Station Archaeological and Historical National The Cuenca Mirador Park of the Villa of La , Puerto Malleco Viaduct The Cultural Triangle Plata Monte Verde Archaeological Site The Green Route of Verapaz, Boca De Nigua Sugar Mill (#) [Ruta Guatemala Qhapaq Ñan - Main Andean Road de Los Ingenios] The Manglares Route of Pacific Coast Rapa Nui National Park (*) City of Azua de Compostela of Guatemala Rupestrian art of the Patagonia Historical Centre of Puerto Plata The Mayan-Olmecan Encounter San Francisco Church and Convent Jacagua, Villa of Santiago The Route of The Rivers San Pedro de Atacama Jaragua National Park Town of Chichicastenango Sewell Minning Camp Montecristi Visis Cabá National park and The Defensive Complex of Nuestra Señora de Monte Alegre or la Triangulo Ixil Vernacular Architecture Torres del Paine and Bernardo Duquesa Sugar Mill [Ruta de Los O'Higgins National Parks, Region of Ingenios] GUYANA Magallanes Parque Nacional del Este City Hall, Georgetown Valparaiso (*) Sanate Sugar Mill [Ruta de Los Fort Zeelandia (including Court of Ingenios] Policy Building) COLOMBIA The Ancient Big House of Palavé Shell Beach (Almond Beach) Buritaca 200 - Ciudad Perdida - [Ruta de Los Ingenios] Essequibo Coast Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta The Ancient Diego Caballero Sugar St.Georges Anglican Cathedral Centro Historico de Mompox (*) Mill [Ruta de Los Ingenios] Coffee Cultural Landscape The Sugar Mill of Engombe [Ruta de MEXICO Cultural Landscape of Villa de Leyva Los Ingenios] Agave Landscape and Ancient Historic Centre of Santa Fe de Bogota Industrial Facilities in Tequila, Jalisco ECUADOR Parque Arqueologico de San Agustin Ancient Maya City of Calakmul (*) (*) Bosque petrificado de Puyango Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque Parque Arqueologico de Tierradentro Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de Camino Real de Tierra Adentro Cuenca (*) (*) Chapultepec Woods, Hill and Castle Ciudad de Zaruma Parque Nacional Natural Chiribiquete Church of Santa Prisca and its Parque Nacional Natural El Tuparro Complejo de fortificaciones Surroundings precolombinas de Pambamarca Parque Nacional Natural Ensenada Churches in the Zoque Province, de Utria Lacs du Cajas et Ruines de Chiapas Paredones Parque Nacional Natural Los Katios Ciudad Universitaria Parque Nacional Machalilla (*) Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's Home- Sector Historico de Popayan Sitio arqueológico de Ingapirca Study Museum Sistema Hidraulico Prehispanico del EL SALVADOR Former Jesuit Colleges in Tepotzotlán Rio San Jorge. Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Cacaopera Gorda COSTA RICA Cara Sucia / El Imposible Great City of Chicomostoc-La Corcovado National Park and Isla del Chalchuapa Quemada Caño Biological Reserve Ciudad Vieja / La Bermuda Historic Town of Alamos Plenitude under the sky. Park of Pre- Gulf of Fonseca Historic Town of San Sebastián del Colombian Stone Spheres Joya de Ceren (*) Oeste San José-Limon Region Lake Guija Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 13 STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C STATE PARTY, Site Name N C Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe and Felix City of Charlestown Candela's Industrial Buildings Historic zone of Basseterre Luis Barragan's House Museum Mitla, Area of Archaeological SAINT LUCIA Monuments The Pitons Management Area Monterrey's Industrial Facilities: Foundry, Brewery and Glassworks SURINAME Pre-Hispanic City of Cantona The Historic Inner City of Paramaribo (*) Pre-Historic Caves of Yagul and Mitla in Oaxaca's Central Valleys The settlement of Joden Savanne and Cassipora cemetery Railway Station in the City of Aguascalientes and its Housing URUGUAY Complex Palacio Legislativo San Luis Potosí, a processional trace city Quartier Historique de la ville de Colonia del Sacramento (*) The Ahuehuete Tree of Santa María del Tule VENEZUELA NICARAGUA City of "La Guaira" Cathedral and main street (royal) of Ciudad Bolivar in the narrowness of Leon the Orinoco River City of Granada and its natural Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas (*) environment Hacienda Chuao (Chuao Plantation) Fortress of the immaculate Conception Historic site ' Ruins of Leon Viejo ' (*) The Natural Reserve "Bosawas" The Natural Reserve "Miskitos Keys" Volcan Masaya National Park

PANAMA Fortifications des Portobelo et San Lorenzo (*) Parc National Coiba Parc National Darien (*) Site Archeologique de Panama Viejo (ancienne ville de Panama) centre historique de la ville de Panama et Salle Bolivar (*) Talamanca Range La Amistad Reserves/ La Amistad National Park (*)

PARAGUAY Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve Parque Nacional Ybyturuzu Parque National Tinfunke' Sistema Ferrocarril Pte. Carlos Antonio Lopez

PERU Archaeological Complex of Pachacamac Historic Center of the City of Trujillo Historical Downtown of the city of (*) The Great Inka Trail: state transportation system originally named "Qhapac Ñan" The Historic Centre of Cajamarca

SAINT CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park (*)

Note: Astérisque (*) = le site a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial; # = Le site a differents noms. WHC-04/28.COM/14A Annex 3 Page 14