Ri•Ateenferprise V •( T/•/•,•/•.[I•.•• • ,.,.
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THE SUNDAY o T ERSEY'S O Y WEEKL PI T L ZINE '•Vhaf To Know '•f Bankincj ri•ateEnferpriseVs. Communism V •( t/•/•,•/•.[i•.•• • ,.,.,, Complete ..• ,. •.•• . Short Story Telev'sion Programs .'-or The Week "WELL-- WHAT YOU KNOW!" JULY 30, 1961 VOL. XXXIII, No. 31 I THAT'SIi FIlleT STRAIGHT ST. (Cor. 20th Ave.) PATERSON, N.J. MUlberry 4-7880 , Gift Del•rtment Living Rooms Bedrooms- Bedding ., Fre•Decorating DiningRooms Service Furniture Accessories ß. •,, ,-•. ,'• -.........:?:...-.,'"'"'....:....._....,.. We DecorateWithin , (•u'pefing .. • ' Your Budget Appliances !$OLORIOUS DAYS •• '"'• .,• •?' ' NEVER•E THANFI•E •JERVK•EAB/.E ß ' ,JAPPLANES! ;ET0,% pA •'•.• •OL'• COUN:TRM•U• ;• ZITO STUDIOS ' COMMERCIAL .. NEWS .. PORTRAIT :' RUSSELL ZITO, Photographer -:::'' :_ v'/•' SWarthmore 6-0104 10-16 F•rir I•wn Avenue Fair I•wn, N.-J. ..-- ...: ...? .. Medical Milestones I. PARRILLO New Diuretic Drug Developed One of the ruer. common physical disordersthe physician faces in ß every-day practic, i.• ,.dema. the accumulation of excess water in the body. Edema is not a dis,asoitself, but rather a symptom of someother disorder. The edema can. howev,,r. become serious if not corrected. TheMan from Equitable asks- Edema manif ,sts itself vi.•ually by swelling of the ankles, legs, hands and arms. It can be caused by a l•umber of things, most often by a weak heart or malfunction of the kidneys. "Congestlye heart failure" Rillyou leave yourfamily ahome (weakened heart action) is the most common cause. When heart action lessens, it is unable to pump the ::.- amount of required blood at the normal rate. As a result, the -ora mortgage? kidneys do not manufacture and ?#EODD" that yOU will die before you pay off your discharge urine at a normal rate, mortgageare 16 thnes greater than the chance your •!" thereby causing an increase in salt and water in the body. The prob- housewill catchfire. Yet, most prudent families • lem, then, is to eliminate this excess wouldn'tthink o• being without fire insurance. •hy .•[•"[1 body fluid and at the same time bewithout mortgage insurance? "::'... maintain a proper balance between Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- m water, salt and other essential minerals. anceplan protects your family against forced sale... " Digitalis, a powerful cardiac stimulant. is often used by the The search has paid off with a thislossofbasic savings... protection. orlossFor offull home. informationCostsare call...low for "• physician to increase heart ac- better, non-mercurial diuretic that tivity. The diet of the patient is can be taken by mouth. giving us also regulated. with particular at- another medical milestone in the tention to the intake of salt. And tre.•tment of edema.•. Sold only on as a third step, and one of the most prescription, the drug is called important, the domor will prescribe Naqua. It is more potent than I PARRILLO a diuretic. a drug which increases mher agents of i•s type. is less the body's elimination of fluids. toxic, and tends to maintain a 200 EAS RIDGEWOOD AVE These three approachescan help better balance of water and salt. the congestireheart failure patient When excessfluid backs up in live a comparativelynormal life. the body, hypertension (high blood gmoEWooo, N.J. There are a number of diuretics pressure) results...The ne• diuretic -- - available to the physician. For also relieves the. hypertension by GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 many years these agents had to be eliminating excess salt from the injected, but in recent years oral body. forms have been developed.Medi- If you notice swelling of thz cal science,though, has not been ankles or hands, you should con- Letthe man from Equitable bring you peace Of mind satisfied and the search for more sult your family doctor, for this •... effective, les• toxia diuretic• has could be a symptom of some other illne•. oontinu•d. ........................ .... Page Two THE CHRONIC ......• _.._•..... -- .-.• , . ._ HOMP,' Published •Veekly by TheImportance Of YourHome's Entrance And Color house,EARS ago,symmetrical friends of asours to windowbought spacingsahouse. and It is witha nice a 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. porchon eiLherend. More Italian than anything,it hasarched ....... LAmbert 5-2741 windows on both sidesof the entrance. However, this entrance was very poorly designed,and was approachedby an ugly, VINCENT S. PARRI!.T.O, Pu,blisher narrow concretewalk. A few years ago,our friends corrected VINCENT N. PARRIIA,O, Managing Editor these two faults and the house was unbelievably improved in looks and in value. Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post The photographshows a very simple old Salem entrance. This could be reproducedfor a Colonial type of housewhich O/rice at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. needs a more important doorway. Would it do for you? The house itself could be of a Colonial style with no embellish. ments, but a doorway such as this would do wonders for it. JULY 30, 1961- VOL. xxxm, No. 31 Just as a good-lookinghat "makes" a dress,so a doorway makes a house. Single Copy 10 Cents $4.00 a Year by Ma/l There are many varieties of these early doorways with vari- ous interpretations of Colonial motifs. Prices depend on the labor required to make one. Then, after you have a new door, consider the paint. Color becomes a very important and valuable item. Many of the CONTENTS early houseswere paintedshades of yellow, red or putty. They usually had white trim which spices up a•y color. Shutters were a color in contrast to the house--sometimes to match the, trim, many times a black-greenwhich is still a favorite. If you' FEATURE5 are going to try something new in color, first test it on a largel sample (on the back of the house) so you can really see what' . • .. it is going to look like. There is a small housein a row of others on an unimportant North Jersey Baseball League street in our village. Last year someimaginative young buyer saw it and bought it. He has added shutters and a better door. The house is painted a rosy red with white trim-and white The Hero shutters.It looks like a little doll house,dainty and pert, and it outshines every house on the street. It is pleasant to look at. We are sure that it is pleasantinside,' too. Perhapsits owners A Complete Short Story lO will place rosy red geraniumsin window boxesthis spring. ß . Famous American Taverns ........................ 11 ½ . .. ß .- <Oh'. -- -,- . -- ß DEPARTMENTS .. Editorials -•' Television Programs For The Week 6-7 ß i W .":..•- .•' :-!iON THE COVER ': . " ' i ":t •*, "Well- What YouKnow! Is thisnecessary for a bo.yto: grow i lili!i!!! ;: '.•.Z...•]<:.. ' up?" This .seemsto be the puzzledexpression of the little bo.y ß , sitting in the barber'schair gettinghis first haircut. Enjoying ' the. reactio,nis the child'smother, Mrs. Lynne Zito, and the -i:barber .at hand doing the hpnors isLeo Galante of Hawthorne. ';'•[:Inthe background canbe •een Roy Zito, the father, and this ß -" -- .:?:""' . i- ß". 9ii "'-..: - . - ..... ß . ,.. ::g......... !::!.' '" ' i•:..9:wastheclosest hecould stapd towitness thewhittling away of ".' '.;--.i! .'.'¾•::. -...-::i:•-:::!:..!-%:i.::•"'"'ß .-o ..... .'•"':':'" .:. :......•z.-... , ...:. :.?½hebo.y'scurly locks toa man size haircut. (Note: Roy Zito is "... "-• "' . .v..:...:...-'-.':-:':::'-.::"?:' :.:.;.%:.:.4:..•.-.-.-.:...-,:.>-!:::::.<s.,.' ' .-..:•'"•:.i:'-"....- ... .-:.:.':" .4-.> ' i... '.. ß ..- ....:..$½..' ...... :".. ß"11 ,,• :!'-':-.' ' . *;'aChronicle staff photographer,. and is theson of Mr andMrs. "' ß ':'"' '•'i'•,..... .':?.-: ........ : ""' ..: ' ...... -."'-............ '-' .... .• * ' '; "?......... ß•4•:-;."':•:.-. "•, ' ::.....•....:... .•':"!•"::'•' -y,. ::- -....:.. ".•:•...:.:.•-..::i::,::-::**.•:::::..-. :..... •:..:.:.- .•.,...-:::::-::;..'.'.:::ii..... :i?'...::.. ß.... :.•!**i:.•.::.:i:::•..•:ii!!'.'..:i::.::' ' ' ß • . ß• '" '_•'.*•.•.:: **':*.:4":':::.-:i'2.•' -" :'-'.:::.:5o....;.-.:.:. :**'¾*' , •i•RussellZito of Fair Lawn.) : , •, . ... ß ,.".:-'-:-:."-:.' ':.'.: •.::-'.•..-..-. .. --,.::".c :"-:.:..:c.:. :!':;'?:4 -'-"'--.....-..•-':-- )'".......... '- ..... ß ,: THE CHRONICLE Page Three ::-'..•-'r' ..-.,. ,..•%•7•.:..•::..•-_: .. EDITORIALS NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH by Buss• 'PRIVATE ENTERPRISE VS. COMMUNISM Communist rulers are sold on the idea that the total state can best organize social and material progress. Fired with de• / , dicatior•, they are aggressively and successfully selling Com- '"':.'.: ,.,.,:'. .' . .. munism in vast areas of the world where corruption and pov- ertY'drive peopleto desperation.The threat of military force - ...'." ".i,.,,:/ ':" encouragesthe uncommittedto listen, and discouragesothers oug '"' - ....'.... :..'--"::-C,,' .,' '."'. -: from interfering. A recent editorial in Life magazine expressed the opinion that, "The climaxof the strUggl.ewith Communismwill come --soon. It has begu•, and it is probable that in the present -•IZF.WHEN ',/OU •• I •" •'"••'"'"'".:•.'-:::-':•'"-•:'•:•'ß decade'we shall either have negotiated our 'own surrender or Communism wiI1 have become a disrupted, discredited and dis- integrating force. The time has come then for the United can bRAW States to take its stand -- unambiguouslyand implacably." Military force is only part of the answer -- barring mis- calculations by one side or the other it may never be used. x:'.•: •,evolveeav•d'",' .The United States, as the most powerful Western Nation, has •,•'• ..,.,'-"-'• ..:.....,..-.-<•,,.. • ,....-- to fill the role of senior .salesman -- offering ideas and