Meet Tomorra
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WeaASer * .. f ILK, MMMiM 42, I % «t*t«»*rf**»att. Ha. Si* Weather, h».U;\ • VOL. 8$, NO. Ill , ™* mdffi(iW-«j 5-M. RED BANK, N. J.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1962 Hour Hospital Plea Made BED BANK — Despite an Uth hour plea by a group of would take but said that he saw no reason to believe the Bayabore mayors, it appears plans to build a branch hospital , group would «* Jolto* the committee'e recoinmeodation. , In Middletown probably will be dropped. The hospital proposal hu met strong opposition from tbe The Board of Governors of Rlverview Hospital hu proposed medical staff whicK recently voted by a M-U count to oppose to build the (3.1 million structure on a 31-acra tract on palmer Ave. ... ft^as been reported that tbe doctors feel that the medical The executive committee of the board has recommended, needs of the community could best be served by an addition towever, that the plu he strapped u a result of opposition to the existing hospital here.- . to It from the -Rlvervtew medical staff. It alsohtt been leptttacf that me medical staff was not advised of the hospital's pJUms until they read It to the news- Meet Tomorra# MECTwTTOCflMMnTEE Members 'of tttls exectitfve oommhtim met for over an i go tiK stiff said the doctors were committed ( WASHINGTON hour Ust night with Mayors Louis T. ColUchlo of Keansburg, to $M0,0M in pledges before they even beard about the pro- John T. Lawley of Middletown. Philip J. BUnda of Raritan Kennedy and Soviet First Deputy Tpwnship/ana Mayor-elect Cariton H. Poling of Keyport. PW*1 FEDERAL GRANT Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan are expected to discuss not only Cuba Mayors William F. Rodgers of Union Beach and Jamas H. Tbe hospital has ncetved a f7M,M0 federal grant under Ackerson of Holmdel were unable to attend the meeting. terms of tbe Hill-Burton Act towards construction of the new but the full range of the cold war faculty. • • • , problems when they meet Thurs- See Editorial, "Tte Hospital Impose" Municipal officials in the Bayshore have gone on record day at the White House. favoring the proposal. They say there is a dire need for a U.S. officials said the Soviet The mayors, in a telegram to the board, had requested facility In the Bayshore. troublesbooter sent word through the conference to discuss the impasse and tee what could be Mayor ColUehto said he hoped the doctors who opposed Soviet. Ambassador Anstoly F. done to resolve the probleni, , the project would reconsider their decision in light of hospital Dobrynin mat he wanted to con- Members of the board's executive committee who attended needs in tbe Bayabore, fer with Kennedy. the meeting were C. Donald English. Harry Van Identine, Jr., Mr. De JUdder said he hoped municipal officials and civic Dobrynin met Mikoyan Monday Harry H. Neuberger, 1. Harold Collins, Burton T. Doremui and leaders in the Red Bank .area would realize the importance on his arrival in New York from J. Kkymond De Rldder, president of the board. of toe Mlddletown plu in relieving pressure on Rlverview Havana and rushed back to Wash; The board will meet tonight to take forms! action on the Hospital. • ington that night with ttie mes- executive committee's recommendation. He said "every bed In the MIddletfron building would re- sage to the White House. Mr. D« Wider said he 4jd not know what action the board leas* • bed la tbe erirttng botldtag to meet needs there." Sought Settlement For week* Mikoyan was in Cuba reportedly trying to prod Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Cas- Report Pope Has Influenza tro into accepting;a settlement of the crisis. VATICAN CTTY <AP)-Pope John XXm's Rumors that the pope's health wu not The White' House; announced usual' Wednesday general audience wu can- .holding up and that'surgeons would operate Tuesday that Mjkoyan would call celed suddenly today. The Vatican Press Office before Christmas, reportedly to ease a pros- on Kennedy Thursday, but- off!' stid the 81-year-old pontiff has Influenza. tate condition, spread rapidly .yesterday to dais added it waa safe to assume Vatican sources last night denied reports "Rome.- - • ".' • ••'. , they would meet again on Fri- In Rome newspapers that the pontiff would Vatican sources would neither confirm nor day. - ;• -, ..••..- •• undergo aa operation for prostate trouble be- deny the reports for hours. Then last night, r Because there is no agenda for fore Christmas, •••;.; • •/ • .• v •• •.: as the rumors persisted and Italian news- the talks, officials are reluctant paper* splashed mem acres* trout pages, the The Vatican sources reported but night sources made a flat denial. to speculate oft what Issues will be raised by whom. that- the pope bad canceled some private ° Tbe pope's lie* personal physician; Dr. audiences with bishops yesterday afternoon Antonio Gaabarriat of Bologna, was due in There appear*-to be a consen- due to a ilight cold. The Vatln Press Office Rome today. He succeeds Dr. Filippo Roechl, sus, however, on two points: that ' said today the cold had gone into influenza. who died last, week. me Cuban issue will be only one OPERATION DATE of maay to ba discussed, and that ^.—'The Boy Scouts have no greater honor to pan on to art adult the intonwtioaal problems to Despite the unofficial denials, Rome news- Gaahmntol ttswet aouth from Bologna leader, than their Silver Beaver Award. Two who won that award are shown »% they ' papers continued to give big headline* to the periodically to catt on pajteKs to tome. He which the two countries are di- report that the pope would undergo surgery. bad scheduled oaaj of )hew visits for Wday rectly Involved probably will met lait night in Convention Hall, Aibury Park, for the 1962 Recognition Banquet through Wday^Mamberi ofJh^tonih/saJd come op. of Monmouth Council of Boy Seouti. At left is William E. Firth, 241 Willow Dr., II Messafcgero said an operating room was f being prepared in me Vatican palace and the tost oigiit .IM p(fc|of *ifis Mfpiiiod www fat New Dialogue Little Silver, secretary of Red Bank's Board of Education. He has bean a scouter learned tram Italte acwamfa that then was operation would take place Dee. U, three days The necessity of suiting a new after the Ecumenical Council goes into recess talk of a* iajiiiang operaflrti oh the pope. 30 years end is the council's former training chairman. In confer is Alfred Wetter- Other ao»eer-«iowd GasbarrinJ as say- dlatosset on. outstanding Issues field, Jr., 106 Statesir. PI., Mlddletown, a scouter 35 years, former scoutmaster and for nine months. was raised Py Soviet. Premier Vatican sources said the pope's Influence bif he left fo* Rome «et fhe rummts neighborhood commissioner in New York City, and now scoutmaster of Troop 8, was a mild 'ease. • - , . - ' - ^ jBS.OCt. 17 •«« re«e Mai xxm sponsored by St.. Jamas Catholic Church, Red Bank. With them It Henry E. Acker- i Titter, heprpttosed that ton, Jr., Keyoorr, retired N. J. Supreme Court justice, who made;the, presentation. UMpanse to. Reject f. i - . i i Student Among RY-F0rth«i tad wooM »' .shU MTODIBIOWN - A proposal to iwchaaaths Makar%-cesler to niant m ne banning of the Mis in Plane Crash Ian, Leonardo, for a youth center will prataMy be : Board by WJ fflrif a? nuclear weapons.' LIMA, 5Peru (AP) - Rescue The Monmouth County man-is.: a high .Cuban, economic official A committee appointed to Investigate tte po*attafty of pur- This lint step, Khrushchev con- Bernard B. jUte, former Hiftkerjf. labored today at the Wolfram R. V. Arendt, 2S, CoUand. a California Oil executive chasing the bufldtog announced last night that it hu decided tinued, could serve' as a "good aroy£*Bd,arduous! task of bring- umbia University graduate stu- were,among the SO passenger against the Mae* \- • mayor- and ,a Pttahing Board Impetus toward ne quest of mu- msmber since US*, has aeked to ing doyn from a rocky peak the dent who lived with his parents, victims.' -The plane carried a , The group will submit a formal report to the Township tually acceptable agreements also bodies Of 97. Dersons, one from Mr. and Mn. Peter Arendt, at crew of. 17.. b« relieved of Us duties be- on-other controversial fssnej. Committee tonight. • cause of the Increased demand! Monmouth County, ,N. J., killed 717 Norwood Ave., in the Elber- The, V. S., Civil Aeronautics In a formal- statement, membeis of me committee said of his butlnew. Word of Caution . In the crash of a, Los Angeles- on section of Long Brand]. • Board! in Washington announced they had decided against recommending the purchase of the In reply, Kennedy said he would bound' Brazilian jetliner. It was Another New Jersey victim: It was sending a high official to building on the basis of four factors.. ! - In a letter to Mayor James W. aviation history's eighth worst WdlUam Joseph Baylesa, 35, ofjoin Peruvian authorities in the The group said that the structure wu too Close to a Bry and Borough Council, Mr. be prepared to consider with • DIMdisaster,'.• ;•;;',.'; , ... ', country's allies a detente' affecb Franklin Township, - Somerset investigation of the crash. A Uvem and was not In.« central location. VhJte said, "H if with deep re- County, and native of Culhnan, spokesman said die U. S. agency It also noted that there wu a lack of puMc-transporU- gret mat I hereby offer my resig- ing the North Atlantic Treaty alli- Nineteen of the dead were list- ance and the Communist Warsaw ed ss Americans.