Ri•Ateenferprise V •( T/•/•,•/•.[I•.•• • ,.,.
THE SUNDAY o T ERSEY'S O Y WEEKL PI T L ZINE '•Vhaf To Know '•f Bankincj ri•ateEnferpriseVs. Communism V •( t/•/•,•/•.[i•.•• • ,.,.,, Complete ..• ,. •.•• . Short Story Telev'sion Programs .'-or The Week "WELL-- WHAT YOU KNOW!" JULY 30, 1961 VOL. XXXIII, No. 31 I THAT'SIi FIlleT STRAIGHT ST. (Cor. 20th Ave.) PATERSON, N.J. MUlberry 4-7880 , Gift Del•rtment Living Rooms Bedrooms- Bedding ., Fre•Decorating DiningRooms Service Furniture Accessories ß. •,, ,-•. ,'• -.........:?:...-.,'"'"'....:....._....,.. We DecorateWithin , (•u'pefing .. • ' Your Budget Appliances !$OLORIOUS DAYS •• '"'• .,• •?' ' NEVER•E THANFI•E •JERVK•EAB/.E ß ' ,JAPPLANES! ;ET0,% pA •'•.• •OL'• COUN:TRM•U• ;• ZITO STUDIOS ' COMMERCIAL .. NEWS .. PORTRAIT :' RUSSELL ZITO, Photographer -:::'' :_ v'/•' SWarthmore 6-0104 10-16 F•rir I•wn Avenue Fair I•wn, N.-J. ..-- ...: ...? .. Medical Milestones I. PARRILLO New Diuretic Drug Developed One of the ruer. common physical disordersthe physician faces in ß every-day practic, i.• ,.dema. the accumulation of excess water in the body. Edema is not a dis,asoitself, but rather a symptom of someother disorder. The edema can. howev,,r. become serious if not corrected. TheMan from Equitable asks- Edema manif ,sts itself vi.•ually by swelling of the ankles, legs, hands and arms. It can be caused by a l•umber of things, most often by a weak heart or malfunction of the kidneys. "Congestlye heart failure" Rillyou leave yourfamily ahome (weakened heart action) is the most common cause. When heart action lessens, it is unable to pump the ::.- amount of required blood at the normal rate. As a result, the -ora mortgage? kidneys do not manufacture and ?#EODD" that yOU will die before you pay off your discharge urine at a normal rate, mortgageare 16 thnes greater than the chance your •!" thereby causing an increase in salt and water in the body.
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