Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1957-05-24

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1957-05-24 : of Ottumwa. elected were Mr I Spencer, first Vi~ • .. .E. S. Korsmacher' Serving The State University of Iowa and tl.e People of Iowa Citv Izer; Mrs . M~ Member 01 A soClated Press AP teased Wlre.. and Photo Service JOwa citY. la., Friday. lay t~ . 1~.,7 ola, recording sec I ~. R. Couch Ft' IOnding secr~taty \ IDley Davis of ~ Irer. I •• pita un ope.s .1m" 8-'·,1 w "'-"--' --i#-n-es-,~-'el+-:-" -'i,--..:.=...,A-------:,.' i1~m--if:--'-- -Bid I p»,adding Pro~o$al V~to by Lo~e/~ss iighway 6 diana Man Wel'Llt/' Il, 1:1'1:' €Jut, t ,. Seems ..~~~~!~.!able II I" t GO\·. Herschel Lo\·.ele was reported Thursday night ready to veto I SO a S S Coed Submits Winner measures providing funds for capital impro\'ements at SUI and other HYL stote institutions and the 2', per ce nt sa.les tax bill. J " The capital improvemenL~ bill lotal $t6,059,OOO for Boord of Regents inslilulions for the next two yenrs. Of the tOlal. $3.739,200 is earmarked (or SUI. The bill includ s $10.· 975 ,000 for Board of Regents insti· Riasanovsky WASHING'I'ON IA'I - Pungent as ever, Secretary of De(ense Charles tutions. $2,500,000 for Board of can· DES MOINES IA'I - The Iowa Wilson told senators Thursday that proposed defense (und cuts would trol in titution , $1.500,000 fo r the tive Investigation cammit· snatch away President Eisenhower's cards and chips in lhe "interna· State ConservaLion Commission disClosed Thursday that three tional poker game" of disarmament. and $1.000,000 for a new dormitory Tells of Flux s have testified that Ar· He c.utlolled Ig.inn "g.mbling unwisely" witll nation.1 security at the Mar halltown Soldiers ~J. Magilner or Indianapolis , by risking r.ductions in milit.ry Home . , proposed that they par tid· outlays on uncertain hopes tile Loyeless told his news confer· in padding of bids to the State world situ.tion will improv.. I Ince tII,t in yiew of • ruling Ity Within Russia Y Comml'ss\'on I Atty. Gen. Norm.n Erbe ther. Iwa , • I' Backed by the Pentagon 's high was ".n awfully good ponlbll. Iy ROGER ..,"cMULLIN ~ testimony )Vas g ven 10 a command, Wilson told a Senate ity" that "- millht nto tile c.pl- O.U, ...... St." ~' rlt., ES ised committee session earlier Appropriations subcommittee: "[ till improvements .pproprl.tion ProL Nichnlos V. Riasanovsky. ~y " think this is an awful »09r time ' mea.urn so til •• the st.te (In SUI History DeparLm nt. told CE The wfl/lesses were Robert Irwin to take the cards and chips away I go b.ck to • two plr cent Illes Young Democrats here Thur day .s ~ Des Moines. manager for the from the President, Foster Dulles tax and stili oper.te In the blaCk. night that th re are ror~~ r.!!d"Motor Co. Tractor and 1m· al1d ijarold Stassen wIlen they are, Th attorney g ~ rnl's ruling 19 In the Soviet Union for ~t Division in the Des Moines , engaged in this International poker whIch Lovele refcrrtd held lhat both loosening ond tiS district j Dudley J. Mills, Des gat,ne." , a r.cction of lew givin!: the gover. tl g h ten i n g , a salesman for Gibbs·Cook This was an allusion to the reo nor power to reduce and pro-rat of governmental , ment ,ca. o( Des Moines ; and .cessed lEasl.West , 4lsarmament apilrop rintlqns is unconstitutional. controls. Shafer, Fairfield implement talks in London in ~hlch Stassen The governor's talRment brought The rae t that ~, et. Ih h' (U S t' t from Harry ling mann, Wav rly, I there has bee" no ..... Clint McN ...I (R-B.,. I ~ rr c Ie \~ .. negClt\a or. chairman o( the State Board of C u n dam e n. P-. Adm. Arthur Ra~rd, chair- , ~), committee chairmln man of the Joint Clil.fs of StaH, R gent, an xpres. Ion of hope thllt t a I change In Ihe ifkI II.. thlt the """ told supporting Wilson, t ••tified tII.t the ~opitat Impro\'e nlents bills 1S9\;et government ""- promptly they had lie large cuts in tile military bUdg.! woul d Dot be killed. I n die ate s that ~ of toing .Iont witll any et "would risk the security of tile I H',emann said tIIi. would put th re lire strong _ .....,..,1. nation Ind the free world." tile bo.rd "In .n emb.rr.nlnt forces In the gov- 't '!Bmlner's request one of po.ltion in provicing flcilltles ernment work!nu KI~'~A,I'IV'V ,~thra .;~~~ th I' ·th h' Ch I W" Thus the Defense Department for the .tudents who wUI come I~ for lighter cont;ols, Riasano\'sky I'" WUI\ up e p an WI IS I stepped inlo what President Eisen. anyee d th f' f d t or es son the next few ye.rs." said. pmp an e Irm re use 0 Untvise Gamhl,,'n!! hower said Wednesday will be a ..live anyth' moo g t d WI·th·t I , Mc· ,. fight to the finish against heavy The Stale Board of Regents ad· Factors pressing for less Rus· .'a! t' d minister. lowa's higlwr education· . ian governm nlal controls, Ria Q. .. con mue . budget reductions on which Con- ileNe, aI related that the testi·' AFL _ CIO gress already is well embnrked, al institutions. nov ky said, are the ar"umcnts• '- f h h George Callenius of the Stale "nobody really like (l police ~y rom t e tree was in sub· With his customary pictJ.resque Board of cantrol. howe\·er. said state," th great "rowth in cdu 3- the same and 'It was as k I W'I d d d Uall v IO" l n rho(o b" Ilfn nl.t ic ••• , ~ • s , Cra SO"D ang"age, I son eman e resto· WINNING DESIGNER for next fall', homecoming corn monument is Marilyn' Mlckev,• A1, Cre.ton. til at Ul0'Igh" uch a \,oto would tlon, an Incrnas, 'ln•" 1'1' e In technol· I!Igi~ner said that if the dealers C W n ration of part of the $3~ billion Min Mickey 15 the "cond SUI coed In 44 years to su bmit the winning design . Prof. Royce E. Beckett cau. c "a certain amount of di sap- ogy and an Increa e in politiclll = Id ' , . /' slash approvcd by the House Ap- of the SUI Collige in E.... lnHring announced the ca5h award of $15 , Th,odoro Segura. E1, Mexico. won pointment" the bonrd would "live education. wou prIce t/1err eqUIp- propriations Committee in the $36,..... with it." "Not even II'L II ""- ., t- the comml'ss'o t 25 pe On 3'Un,·ons $7.50 for his second pllce entry. T.,. monument, which will be erected for th. Oct. 18 Homecoming game I pollcA~n... " " yv- ~... u \ 'b ~ bo th ' t norII d I 128,000,000 appropriation asked for with Wisconsin, will stand 20 feet hi .. h. TI Ie omm liS tIlX b'Ill . w,hinh lice state." Ria anovsky declared. /'" a ve elr cos. Ie eo er the Defense Department for the" 10 I led t to .. .... Id t ' 0 t d ve l'SS was eX'pec 0 ve , In the Soviet Union. no mllth'r r'7 re am 1 per cen . an 15 per WASHINGTON IR'I _ The AFL- fiscal year starting July I. today, would rptaID the sales tax I how hillh In the aovl'rnment you jell would go to the V"A Co .• an CIO Executive Council Thursday The HOUR hasn't acted on the Extradition Refused- PI B II at its pres~ nt 2' 2 per cent rale I ar there sun Is the cll(lllca you • bdianapolis public relations firm, cracked down on three unl'olls I·n. I . h ' and hold the indivi dual and corpor· may' shot lin saId. ~lIiIper.dld not disclose who op- d . approprllt o~ yet. But It as an a oon "A"" ~ ItIIed the 'firm. volve 10 wel.fare fund scandals. ~en sup~,"g mast of, t"- cuts L J . h' C I _ allon income tax role at their pres· "Il Is mor' dlrficult to maintain . • wltneuu salel tIIey The counCil su. spen d ~ d the Its appropriations committe. rec· et eWls OUp e R dFI' h l' nt levels. a complet· despot! m over an cdu· 19 • - ~ '",,"s,*! tII.t, ' 85.~.member Laundry Wor1(()fS otn~ends . '. ' ecor Ig t Loy.l9" relt.rlt.d that h. cated nation than aver on unedll· ., ~ U per Ctnt would Uruon pending formal eXIlul slon at I Wilson said IllS departmenl can would veta tile til( p""r~ .nd cllted MUon," Rfasanol'sky soid, 1M Dt~,..tlc 'Party. the federation's next convention In live with $1.3 13,000,000 of the re· K Ad cf G. I said th~s WOUld. ' ••n h~m tile Literacy In the Soviet Union has ~, of the {hree quoted Magil- December. ductions because they largely in· eep opte I Ir I 2 W k a'ternahns of either vetoIng the Increased from 40 to 50 per c<'nt .as' sayini that he wanted 15 The council also put two other yolve bookkeeping p~ocedure s. But n ee s c.~ltll Improve""nts bills or in 1917 to nearly 100 per cent at ceilt of the profit and that it unions - the . Allied Industrial If the rest are permitted to stand 'j c~lIlng • special seulon ta pro- the pres nt time, Rillsonovsky till One's business how he han· Workers, with 75,000 members, he sa id, "I believe thaI reductions TALLAHASEE, Fla.
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    e and tlul People of Iowa Cit" Established In 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto; International Leased Wire lflwa City, Iowa, Saturday, June 13, 1959 Rape Testimony: Detllan d Sum m it Meet, 'Premeditation' n Want Ad TALLAHASSEE, Fla. I.fI - A winds snake·like tilrough a lonely away but that the otber got into leen-age witness testified Friday woods. It is there that the coed the defendants' car after he that one of four white deCendants says she was raped seven times pushed her "just once, not hard." in the rape of a Negro coed told by the defendants. Hamlin testified: "He - Beagles him hours in advance that he was Earlier the Negro rape victim - said he had intercourse with Berlin ..Ultimatum Stands going out to get a Negro girl. was quoted as telling Beagles duro the girl one time" and "that the As the state neared the end , oC ing the alleged attack .. If you others had intercourse with the its case against the four white won 't tell anybody, I won 't tell girl, and that she did not cry out. ·' youths, Jimmy Cooper, a crew-cut anybody." Hamlin then turned to the con· In Technological World, Says Speaker- red-haired youngster in blue duhga· "I just want to go back to fession of the eldest defendant, Reds Want rees, took the witness stand. He school, ,, ' the girt said according to Willion T. Collinsworth, 23, and said he encountered ,defendant a confession made by Beagles after testified: "He said he saw all the David E.
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