Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-07-04
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, - .- • I ·'ow.an \ , . • , . ,t ~ng The State .University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City .. };Jtabllshcd in 1868 - Fivc Cenls a Copy Wire and Photo Scrvice Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday,, July 4, 1956 I . He's Uncle Sam Again House": Vote o·n 'School Bi'll. ... 'r, reg tionB.an" Rider Still ,. LI.S: To ·Protect . I . Fices' Final Steel for Defense I WASHINGTON IH\-Tbc government bas'decided to place a temporary frec1C order on selecUve steel products in warehouses needed tor de ,R,oIlCaIl,·Vole fense production-effeetive Friday. Officials con finned Tuesday such an order has' been prepared and Is WASHINOTON I" - The HoUsel to be issued Thursday and become ----------- late Tuesday tentaUyely 'voted an effective Friday. antiscgre,aUon rldrr into a $1 Y.!. The order Is . designed to freeze ~m~on rederal ~~I construction critical steel items for defense Expel .. ' RU$~ian " . producers, principally contractors The unrecorded 164-116 vote In favor of the amendment sponsored of the Defense Department and by Rep. Adam <;layton Powell (D· Atomic Energy eommlsslon be On Charges N.Y') stJlI is subject. however, to calISe of the nationwide ' steel possible reversal strlk!!. on a. fin,1 roUcall The freeze Is expected to last vote. this vote II expected Th,"r.'~.\1 only a short period, possibly for no Of Espionage . or Friday (AP Wlrep•• I_) lon,er than two weeks. During this the -House period defense contractors could WASHINGTON IA'I - Col. Ivan A. pletes ~ action ~OR THE 211t YEAR Lew McCusker, , fHt 7 Inc:ltts till. of Pertt.ncI. acquire or put under order such Bubchikov, who was stationed at *111 pley ttl. role of Uncle Sim todlY lelding the July 4 P.r•• It the sOviet Embassy here for Ie the measure. items. as st/dnless steel tubing, car· The vote HIli,,*,- nelr Portllnd. boll plate and alloy bar In the months, was evpcJled from the on United States 10 days ago on a Powell amend· qllantities they might need for the ment was not ·re· foreseea'ble future ~ . charge of engaging in espionage activities. corded, bein~ At the same time unemployment en by tc1leJ;5 al POWILL in allied industries . climbed past The expulsion . was announced 2-Students To Tak·e .~ Tuesday by the State Departmchl. members passed betwecn them 46;000 as effects of the three-day It Immediately raised speculatIon down the center aisle. nationwide steel strike crept across The amendment provides that: America. lhat the Soviet government would retaliate, as it has in the past, by 1. No State would ' share in the A few ~all companies suspend· ordcrrng a comparable American school aid fUJld unle~s it integrat~ Gbvernment Pra'ctice ed production for the duration of o£clcer out oC the embassy at Mbs- Its schools in accordance with the Two SUI' graduate students have accepted appointments to ' serve in the strike of 650,1lOo United Steel· cow. Supreme' Court decision against ra· administrative positions in municipal governments through SUI's new workers members against 90 per Bubchlkov was assigned to the clal segregation, or at least indi Municipal Administration program, Prof. Kirk H. Porter, head of the cated it planned to do 80. SUI Department of Political Science, ,announced Tuesday. Soviet diplomatic mission here in Bored .,Ickets of the United December 1954 as assistant mlli· 2. In states which did not comply 'The two students, Philip Roan, G, Ft. Madison, and James Nielsen, Steel workets watched television with the decision, any local school G. Iowa City, are candidates for tary attache. The details of the ac Tues.day ' outside the American tivity which led up to his ouster district could obtain Its share of thc . ~.A. degree in Public Admin- Ph -/- _. Bridge plant and U.S. Steel's were not disclosed. But there was the funds by Integrating. IstraUon. ~ I Ippln.es Gary works. some rt!ason to bellcye he had bfen 3, Funds allotted non integrating 'J\oan will be serving for one 1\c token force of pickets pro· trapped in a spy operation by tJ .5, states would be held in escrow (or Yt!\8r 8S an administrative Inte",. v~"'o-irv sets and malnten military intelligence agents. three y~ar" 1ft elise they chllnged T G ' t U 5 ance workers extended power in POllea City, Okla., under the . O · e I • _ " 1n military circles it was report their pollcy. supervision of tbe city manager of ' Iilllll from Inside the plants. ed that the Russian colonel's activi Action on the Powell amendment, ties were believed to ha ve been de preceded by bitter exchanges dur IJIe Qklahoma city, Upon com- I I d' B ' cent of the, basic steel industry. tected at an early stage. Appar· ing debate, overshadowed otber de plcttion of the year's Internship, san as e S Other firms cut work schedules. ently he had been kept under ob velopments as the school aid mea Roan will be promoted to assistant MANILA 111'1 ...:. The United States . Two smaU ateel companies, eon· servation and enough learned of his sure was opened to revision. eitr manager. He is the nephew o[ .. tmuilg to operate, boosted the work 80 that a few weeks ago Am Chief among tbem was a com P~er Roan, city manager in Iowa and U1e PhilIppmes announced -a price of their steel $9 a ton in an- promise reached by the bUl's spon City: . c)riean agents were able to catch deal on the delicate question of ticiplti~n of added labor costs him in circumstances which Icft no sors setUlln, on a five·year $1 Y.z·bil Roan, who will receive his M.A. military bases Tuesday shortly af. later on. doubt among responsible officials lion program of federal school con de.il'ee In Augllst, will be working ter the arrival of Vice PreSident There wal no sign of an early that he was guilty. struction grants at the rate of $300 million a year. with ProC. Russell Ross, SUI De- Nixon. sel tJment. Negotiators· appear ed Tuesday press officer Lincoln parlment of Pqlitieal Science, dur- to be marking time until after the It was accepted by the House as White made the Coilowiag state a setUement of dlfferences between ing his internship. Nixon is here to represent Presi· July Fourth holiday. ment at the State Department in . Nielsen will serve as an admin- dent Eisenho'wer at the loth annl· The Federal Ml!diation Service the four·year $1,800,000,000 program response to questions about the contained ih the House Education istrative in Glencoe, Ill., a has arran;1ld separate meetings molly lowon photo by &o,e, Blpp.ley) ' ln~crn case: COOUllittee's bill, aDd the five·year suburb of Chicago, for 18 months. "ith lIniorl -and industry negotla. "On June 14 the Soviet ambassa· During the time that Nielsen is tors !Dr Th\lrsday In an attempt to $1 ~ billion grant·: prollram recom· working in Glencoe, he will be I inl dor was handed a note declaring 'The t:iighwayman' mended by Prelident Eisenhower. IIOmpleting. work on his thesis and rev VI bar,. ng. Asst. Soviet Military Attache Col. The compromise was Offered by wUi return to SUI periodically for ECGIOmlsl& said the Sunday start Ivan A. Bubchikov persona non Rep. P~er Frellnghuyscn \R·N.J.l ~QSUltations concerning his ex- of the Itrl"e and the midweck hall· grata on grounds that he was en· and approved without a record periences. will cMI the early ~pact oT gaged In activities incompatiblc The Weather vote. '!be municipal administration t s"-llndUatry shutdown on U.S. with his conUnued prescnce in this country. Purge' Trials Begun proet'am Includes at least 38 hours sin. in general. • "The note asked that his imme· ~f graduate wotk with emphasis on public administration and diate departure from this country Cloudy Investigatols be effected. He departed from the By Reds in Poznan ~ursc work in the Colleges o[ ke Enloys Outing; United States on June 24." Commer~e, Engineering and Law, versary celebration Wednesday of II well 81 work in political science. the Philippines' independence' from ack to Golf Again The note declaring Ure colonel BERLIN (I1'I--Rcd Poland Tuesday brought scores of rebel workers with Fi~d ~Sign 0,1 personally unacceptable to the U.S. .The stq~ent is paid by the city into court in the first of a series of mass purge trials in Poznan . the UDited States. GE'I1YSBURG, Pa. !A'I _ Presl- government was given to Ambassa The courts were set up especially to handle participants in tho three· in which he interns during the The United Stales now has deDt Elaenhower worked a nUle dor Georgi Zarubin by Deputy Showers time that he is working in the city. day "bread and freedom" uprising in the industrial city of 365,000. Air €o/~'$ion AUhough his responsibilities will agreed to give the Philippines own· Tuesday, walked a IItOe, and for Undersecretary of State Robert "The people of Poznan are so [rightcned about the massive retali· vary from oity to city, he will be ership of all U.S. bases in the is- the first time since his intestinal Murphy, officials said. It left no ation measures of the Communists GRAND CANYON, Ariz. (.fI-In tl alternative but f.or the Soviet gov given several weeks of work in al· lands. The Philippines agreed t operll ol he got out his putter aDd that thcy just don't ev~n dare to Continued scattered showers vestilators found Tuosday what contribute more land to strengthe stroked.