Select Topical Bibliography
A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages Edited by Jorge J. E. Gracia, Timothy N. Noone Copyright © 2002 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd Select Topical Bibliography General histories Armstrong, Arthur H., ed. (1970), The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Beckmann, Jan P. (1987), Philosophie im Mittelalter: Entwickungslinien und Paradigmen, Hamburg: Felix Meiner. Boehner, Philotheus and Gilson, Étienne (1952, 1954), Die Geschichte der chrislichen Philosophie: von ihren Anfängen bis Nikolaus von Cues, 2 vols., Paderborn: F. Schöningh. Brehier, Émile (1965), The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, trans. Wade Baskin, Chicago: Phoenix. ——(1967), Histoire de la philosophie, 7th edn., vol. 1: L’Antiquité et le moyen âge; vol. 3: Moyen âge et renaissance, brought up to date by Maurice de Gandillac, Paris: PUF. Copleston, Frederick Charles (1961), Medieval Philosophy, New York: Harper Torchbooks. De Rijk, L. M. (1985), La Philosophie au Moyen-âge, Leiden: Brill. De Wulf, Maurice (1934–47), Histoire de la philosophie médiévale, 3 vols., 6th edn. Paris: J. Vrin. ——(1935, 1937), History of Medieval Philosophy, trans. Ernest C. Messenger, 2 vols., 3d edn., London: Longmans, Green & Co. Gilson, Étienne (1955), A History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages, New York: Random House. Haren, Michael (1985), Medieval Thought: The Western Intellectual Tradition from Antiquity to the Thirteenth Century, London: Macmillan. Knowles, D. (1999), The Evolution of Medieval Thought, 2nd edn., London: Longman. Kretzmann, Norman, Anthony Kenny, and Jan Pinborg, eds. (1982), The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism, 1100–1600, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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