Cambridge University Press 052163346X - Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John Wyclif Stephen E. Lahey Index More information INDEX “All things belong to the just” 28, 112, 114, Boniface VIII 24, 25 118, 124 Bracton, Ralph 182 Anselm of Canterbury, St. 82 Brinkley, Richard, O.F.M. 70 Aristotle, relation to Wyclif 123, 129, 152 Buckingham, Thomas 12 Aquinas, St. Thomas 8, 16, 25, 32, 152, 208 Burley, Walter 26, 75 Contra Impugnantes Dei 35 Burns, James H. 25 De Regno ad Regem Cypri 33, 36 dominium 32 Catto, Jeremy I. 23, 209 ecclesiastical interference in secular affairs 38 Chichele, Henry 212 God’s power over Creation 33 Christ, Jesus, temporal dominium and 49 God’s governance related to human Claydon, John 212 governance 37 Clement VI 39 kingship 33, 36, 37 Cole, Thomas 214 law 36 Coleman, Janet 24, 25, 64 Petrine Commission 38 Courtenay, Archbishop William 204 poverty 35 Courtenay, William 70, 206 prelapsarian ownership 34 private ownership 34 Dahmus, Joseph 2 relation to Giles of Rome 40 Daly, Lowry J. 17, 18, 64, 201 Arundel, Archbishop Thomas 206 Dawson, James 50 Aston, Nicholas 70 dominium, divine necessary for human 49, 85, Augustine, St., of Hippo 26 105 De Civitate Dei 26, 28 as proprietas and iurisdictio 2, 24, 51, 130 iustitia 29 as relation 4 master–slave relation 27, 30 Donatism, compared to Wyclif’s position 213 property-ownership 29, 30 Doyle, Eric 112 realism of 82 Dyson, R. W. 41 rejection of Aristotle and Cicero of 31 rulership 29, 30 Earthquake Council 204 use of dominium of 27, 28, 29 Easton, Adam 65 Wyclif’s relation to 31, 82, 124 Edward II 192 Augustinian friars 38 Edward III 108 Augustinianism 26 Augustinus Triumphus 8, 39, 41 Farr, William 19 Fasciculi Zizaniorum 208 Bale, John 183 Fitzralph, Archbishop Richard 1, 3, 12, 16, 26, Baybroke, Richard 205 39, 49, 112, 142 Becket, John 220 De Pauperie Salvatoris 26, 38, 39, 49, 51 Blythe, James 37, 40 acts of dominium 62 Bonaventure, St. 135 angelic dominium 54 Bradwardine, Archbishop Thomas 2–16, 26, civil law 59 70, 76, 88, 91, 104 clerical authority 56 233 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052163346X - Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John Wyclif Stephen E. Lahey Index More information Index Fitzralph, Archbishop Richard (cont.) James of Viterbo 8, 39, 41 divine dominium 53, 55, 56 John of Gaunt 1, 18, 120, 127 dominium and caritas 58, 61 John of Jandun 63 God’s giving 56 John of Paris 2, 8, 19 Grace-founded ownership 39 John XXII 25, 48, 133 human dominium 57, 59 Franciscan friars and 51 Kantorowicz, Ernst 182 iurisdictio 54 Kenny, Anthony 73 metaphysical presuppositions of 57 Kilwardby, Richard 80 possession 52, 60 Knowles, David 64 prelapsarian state 58 property-ownership 60 Lambert, Malcolm 22, 210 justice 52 Lanterne of Lit,The 212, 215 relation to Wyclif 50, 51, 53, 62, 124, 126, law, canon 24, 46 131, 142 Roman 24 right of use 52, 61, 141 Lechler, Gotthard V. 10 types of dominium 51 Leff, Gordon 20, 64, 201, 210 types of property 51, 53 criticism of Wyclif 21, 22 Franciscan Poverty Controversy, the 18, 19, 25, Lollardy 203 49, 51, 133 Lollardy, church and state in 211 Loserth, Johann 10, 120, 215 Gewirth, Alan 8, 15, 65 Luscombe, David 88, 113 Gierke, Otto von 9 Giles of Rome 2, 8, 25, 26, 38, 40 Mabulthorpe, John 220 De Ecclesiastica Potestate 25, 39, 40, 41 Marsilius of Padua 2, 8, 63, 149 De Regimine Principium 40 Defensor Pacis 39, 65 dominium as founded in Grace 40, 43 relation to Wyclif 64, 152 Grace necessary for justice 39, 41 Markus, R. A. 28 Neoplatonic cosmology of 42, 46 McFarlane, K. B. 18, 64, 201, 207 papal power on 40, 42, 43, 46, 47 McGrade, Arthur Stephen 164 ownership on 45 McIlwain, C. H. 10 relation to Aquinas 43 medieval political thought, relation to relation to Wyclif 47, 123, 124 metaphysics 7, 40, 46, 82 scriptural authority 42 meritum de condigno 102 Grabmann, Martin 7, 8, 9, 14 meritum de congruo 102, 103 Gregory XI 63, 108 Melchizedek 48, 176 Gregory of Rimini 26 Michael of Cesena 49 Gregory the Great 89 Moderni, as term 70 Grosseteste, Robert 72, 82, 88, 117, 207 Netter, Thomas 208, 209, 213 Norman Anonymous 183 Hardeby, Geoffrey 39 Harvey, Margaret 65 Ockham, William 8, 26, 80, 134, 149 Hauley–Shakyll incident 120, 127 Opus Nonaginta Dierum 26 Henry, Desmond P. 202 property terms defined by 26 Hereford, Nicholas 204 Ockhamism 70, 208 Hildegard of Bingen 219 Olivi, Peter 25 Hudson, Anne 203, 209, 215, 224 Original sin, relation to dominium 49 Hudson, Anne, Wyclif’s dominium thought and Lollardy 210 Papal hierocratic model of power 41, 46 Hugh of Lawton, O.P. 71 Parker, Archbishop Matthew 183 Hugh of St. Victor 44 Peasant’s Revolt 205 Peckham, Archbishop John 80 Illumination theory of understanding 89 Philip IV 25 Innocent IV 24 plenitude potestate 44, 47 234 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052163346X - Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John Wyclif Stephen E. Lahey Index More information Index Poole, Reginald Lane 10, 21, 69, 110 Being as most common genus 93, 95, 96 Ptolemy of Lucca 8 bishops’ duties 172, 173, 175, 184 Walter Burley 75 Quia vir reprobus 25, 48 canon law 111, 158, 160 caritas 96, 115, 116, 136 Radcliffe, Nicholas 220 Categories and 76 Repington, Philip 204, 205 Christ as Lord 100, 134 Richard II 205 Christ as second Adam 134 Richmond, Thomas 220 church defined 111, 135, 181 Rigg, Robert 205 church governance 121, 145, 173 Robson, J. A. 12, 26, 69 churches, dismantling of 186 civil dominium defined 112, 117, 130, 141, Scotus, John Duns 208 166, 176 “Sell all that you have...”35 and kingship, equated 147 Skinner, Quentin 64 as burden 113 Smith, William 204 distinct from natural 132 Spade, Paul V. 73 as merited 104 Swinderby, William 204 legitimacy of 124, 126, 140, 154, 161 civil law and evangelical law, mutual Tatnall, Edith Comfort 18, 65 exclusivity of 125, 126, 145, 194 Taylor, William 216, 218, 221 civil lord as steward, Natural lord 103, 104, Thirty-Seven Conclusions of the Lollards,The 214 111, 140, 148, 164, 165 Thomson, S. Harrison 11, 23 clerical tyranny 194 Thomson, Williel R. 19, 120 clergy’s education and absenteeism 185 Tierney, Brian 25, 153 clergy’s liege relation to realm’s king 168, Tractatus de Regibus 222 172, 184 Two swords argument 41 communicative giving 98, 101 compulsion, coercive and voluntary 159 Ubertino da Casale 25 conservatism of 12 usus pauper 25 corporate ownership 131 Uthred of Bolden 70 creation 85 determinism 76, 89, 91, 114, 155 Vernani, Guido 8 divestment of church/clergy 111, 124, 139, 145, 179, 183 Walsh, Katherine 50 divine dominium and caritas 96 Walsingham, Thomas 1 divine dominium as causal universal on 19, 68, Wilks, Michael 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 64 77, 79, 86, 90, 93, 105 Wilks, Michael, assessment of Wyclif 12, 13, as relation 87, 93, 96 14, 15 over universals before particulars 95 Wilkinson, Bertram 9 as standard or measure 85, 93, 127 William of Cremona 39, 41 divine giving on 98, 100, 124 William of St. Amour 35 divine iurisdictio 96, 127 William the Conqueror 191 dominium evangelical 119, 121, 141 Woodford, William, O.F.M. 23, 134, 209 dominium and ius related 154 Workman, Herbert 11, 64, 112, 201, 206 dominium’s postlapsarian extent 118 Wyclif, John, accession to rule 111 dominium prelapsarian 117 acts of dominium 62, 85 prelapsarian recovery of 118, 125, 134 “All men are lords and servants of one Natural 117, 132, 141, 161 another” 164 Natural and evangelical 141, 142 almsgiving 126 theory defined 17, 51, 62, 68, 83, 110 apostolic poverty 138 Donation of Constantine 133, 139 aristocracy 161, 162 Eternal Exemplars 88, 90 Aristotelianism of 16 earlier assessments of 4, 13, 16, 20, 201 atomism of 12, 81, 211 early church 135 authority of Christ and priest contrasted 120 empire 196 235 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052163346X - Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John Wyclif Stephen E. Lahey Index More information Index Wyclif, John, accession to rule (cont.) De Officio Regis 10, 17, 22, 111, 171 English law and 111, 195 De Potestate Pape 120, 195, 215 evangelical law and lex Christi equated 126, De Statu Innocencie 10, 84, 162 158, 164 De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae 15 excommunication views of 121, 149, 186 Logice Continuacio 9 enjoyment 100 Purgans Errores Circa Universalia in enslavement to temporal goods 123, 125, 137 Communi 69, 83 filiation 190 Summa de Ente 10 Franciscans 133, 144 Summa Theologie 4, 10, 68 freedom 92 Tractatus de Universalibus 2, 10, 68, 80 giving 85, 97, 124, 132 Trialogus 121 God as unmediated cause 89, 92, 113 law origin and nature of 148, 150, 157, governance 85 158 Grace 79, 97, 102, 103, 135 civil and property-ownership 159, 177 Grace necessary for all created dominium civil and compulsion 159 116, 154 lending 85, 97, 101 Grace necessary of all created justice 88 lex Christi 111, 126, 127, 139, 143, 158, 175, Gregory XI and 109 179, 197, 211 having 114, 115, 125, 163 “liegeman” defines 167, 172 heresy and excommunication thereof 187 links to Lollardy 7, 209 hereditary succession 189 man-made dominium’s weakness 116 hierarchy 113 market necessity 129 hyperbole of 119 merit 102 intellectual dominium 84 modal notions of 12, 90 illumination necessary for understanding 89 monarchy not the ideal state 148, 161 imitation of divine dominium and justice 106, morality of act dependent on agent 113, 127 175 mortmain see “perpetual grants and Institutes of Justinian and 151 mortmain” iurisdictio 147, 178 necessity absolute 90 ius 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 necessity ex suppositione
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