

Now ss I and lOO jh'i- oupv

\f» l)<*i<*ns«* Is ( i i \ e n As Kiil<‘s ‘No (]asr •Ask W esthrook. Nflson To Kosi^n I! b ro iiieihat tlifepresent li'u'ution IS avithout siibstariual: In 1 espuns. t!> .1 st.iten , nt issuini C'jIoi d! me: it. tiiat ii is another; attempt tK) iilork the Bnuiswickj .1 new wome'n's . rsnij’ iti South ;\' i es pro)t*( t. ..luiigement . is' Bl'unswick, thi Town.ship C'on.- -„I.uitt'i| 111 taviil III the (i*af-ii/lutits.” ii.uttee n:.ide. ,i Id-j'.irtis;m deci- .tiHi ■•'.ath tho.se ■.vorils, .l.uijerior sioi, Tuesd.iV tnelit tii conduct .i Coin! .Ju'lke I);tvi(! I-urmanbrought thorinr-'t!. study oi the MuuicijKil Utilities Authoi'iti. tio'.vn the -uavel on a lawsuit filed apa.m.M the bouth Brunswick The suidv. projxised in .i |oinf MuiiKipal Itilities Authoritv and motion hy \or Dan Horgan .md It ^ 1)1 Dpo.seti Project l.V. »-■ ’ J f^ K ndnoritv ci>ninitiecn..ii! 1 r.mk Chrinko, will include roiisidertiig , The, suit hail been filed b> .John SlIOX'Kl.S KK.ADY tm’ oiotintllirtakino ;it new the a-lvanta'ge.s oi having the town­ We.stbiook, a iiiember ol the Gi'aphic'.s H\ stpins fJivision .jilam . '.'.lih Kdcar autlioiitv, ami Willum. Nelson ship take over .luHiority umetions. 7'he women's I'liiuj', lalled ai,ain.s' the authority'.s , phui to chaipman ul Iniliisti lai Coniim.s.sion, DonHor- solve the Kendall Pai'k sewerage igan, Ma\oi'.'and Oooi'oc Da.slnoll and Stankw W. AITA (Alert Ladies Take Action), said in their statement ttiat they tie.itiiieni i>lani. odot probleih n r a n o propai'oil loj' iho coi'cmonics, were mit getting flieii monei's Ir. imploinenting extensive w.iter anil sewer extensions. worth iKini the .uitliiTrity'.ind a.sked the rommittee wlial R iirojxi.se.s .\ftei the plaint is luesented (»roiiiiagc C) .svsfi-!: 'Pivi.sion brfike ground la.st It's "Rouiidelav" Weekend loj- County, '.vitb 700 iroin the Town- C hristine Ilvhii:.on; .second row, Lake Carnegie will .be Closed to >1 k -Old Pldladeljjhla, the consent of both the authority Tlie trial begtiii last Monday, 'Week lor a m-w '(LOOii-.sijuari - Girl Scouts .md Browiiies Irom slii!-, will ji.irticij'.ate. The . K.dlr. .sw-e.irjm-eiu i.ynn I’l-rna, Mts. f ord added the word it- .'md its crediioi's. M.iv H, and entled last 7'hursda,.' fi'.hennen through 71iur.sdav, ,Ma’-' Soul’ll Brunswick d'owigsluj) this Brownie- jactuii-d a!‘o\-( ----o-nM Jfiot jilaiu on Koiite l:i( here. .Ldiet i'ol.eiis', i-.indy Kow.dL There '.va.s no bi-ji.irtisan sup- with the .’i'smi.s.s.il. Project l.v IK, while the l.ike ns chemii all', si'l! IS si-jiiiiiraiit liecati.si of the- Till new I'Uihliiu. -wMr|-. j,ro- v.-eek end ,i,s they jirt-jiare lor he I .niqiiii-g ovi rmrh! hut will ■la'I -SlMion C,reen. In the ..vm- : jiort. I'.owe-.ei , fill- tile iiailidn dp- IS uiilikelv to jiroceed, however, treated to conn ol weed growth.. f>j)< -ol .-icliool 11 will lie - - '.'a vid- ' lor siil-.sfanti.il ’.iilu' i i x- ■ i weekend ol Canipim' out :d pi'esi-nt skit. I'ompli.-ie widi dow, wjiicl' -.1 1 s as ., sj.ig,. i m.uidiiig fill' resignations of umil the ijne.stioii of an apiieal is I-ishing- again will he jiernutteil ciossro.id - Ol the edtu ational SV.S- do'u. 1."' .sLitv-d lilt I onomuletioii . Thoii.p.soii P:ii k !u •lami'.snurg, tor dolls...,r- l-hivn. My.-rs, b-ft ! .uithoi'if'i iiiemUer .John W'esiJirook settled. on f nda',. Ifiii ol the township." dolhs fhe-. -luude, I ntltlml 'T-'a- / ’ I; flu- Ulll. It will Utlll,--u SOI c' 20 I-riikiv ' mght .md i otitimnng '.liid .Ii-.m ('.1111,oil-.., Mrs. Lnmk and PI.inning Board inemher W'U- 'nil' plaiimf.s li.ive -la dav.s to Prmceton Universi".'s D'ep.irt- Cmisidi-r.itirm w a s giv«-n to the moiis An,eric,111 I.i-aders.” Pic- ai-! es ol 111.- 1 ol -.u-11- 1 r.K't. li.im N.-Lsoiu w’Jio sued the authority .ipjie.tl the decision to. ,i higher mem oi Planning. Plan* .inil Proj.- Geoigce Ho.id School, but thus was throu'.’ h .Sun'dai. An ••stimaten tui'elj i-le, 11 otl led. Hist row, pi rn.i o: l W'l Ilian a ,sf.^ j.',-ank- . Till-, gr,r|.|iK-s di-iMon W,| s I hist week over tli'; Project 1 court am! are e.x|K«fted 'o w,iit erues. which is reis.iion.'-ible lor ie,e(ti-d jc, (lie ijo.iril membi-r-S. i_.oO(, scouts' (run. Middlesex ‘■.lo.ui K.111.-., Irene Yarns jird lit' 1 ■ i 1 k. Is I e.ider ot the . iorthm! i:,.,\iir'it oi lm';r. torh--. ■lop, Bro-.i'i.n s Ol Trooj) ,'J0.7. '; i.ssile. (-See other story on this uiiliK the last ininuie to do so. mainien.ince ol the lake, .mnoimcei! Board President. Richa rd s. Shcr- miuiu-hicniri- '.md i-' .irki-t in-v, lec- ■' I'agf.). 'Hie ca.se agarnsr Project l.\ th.ii the .sjir.r.me pro<-ess - with, it..iii -..lid i-on.sulpr.ilion lutl ln-en triiiiii,- equiiin.i-ni .md --lysti-:: I lor t)i>(uUinv E xtvndvd riie n otion, t.ilfered hyM r.Hor- w ba.sed alniast entirel’. on the chemicals .siiuil;-ii- to itiose. ttscd to given to.n.i'iimit the .scliiKiItfie I el- t o Junr I For hahtllmc printed inioi u.atmn The Mail (.arrirr Knds gaii .md carried 7-2 .liom party le.st.inioir.. ol Mr. We.stbruok. (JnP. Control '.veeds m a huii.e lawn or tej-.School in-lionor of tin- retlrinc lacilitv IS now- t. .ix»!-,inP.‘ lo^ lines, ch.irred ihi two nii n with two other 'witnesses were called, garden r will he done trom .ui"aii Jirilli IJi.-i I 111 tile De.l ns-I)iiytoii ( im nnunity Sfrrirt^ !',iti-rl Ol, Route 1 i Saiiith Pruii.s- 'Soniinatiim s m.iking .m "irresponsible charge" including .Mr, Nel.sijn, and thev boat," 'Unilai ui tlio.se used in s'I bools, Mrs. Itutli H, Teffel. 2<> >rars. .>00.000 -,wirk rown.shij.. .igainst individual .uitho'rlty. inem- were on the stand otilv brieflv. s\v,.imji travel. . "Ibiw'e'.ei-, Ml. .shi-rimiM s.ikl Non:lii;di(ins |or tin- lu'si South Si leCtlOliS; .sim-i- uiceiiuoi!, th. s .'Usion has .hei's .111(1 .s.iid they had "di.snijited While the court accepted Mr. 77ie proiHjller-drtvon : o.it. ha.s "N'hw., I cffe! reijnested tb.it the Bi unswicji ( oniinumtv Serviia Pi-r-aiiis !o be eotisi, 11-1 , mu.st M ilr> ( )f* Srr\ irr n.trtKlm (sj us niw i-'. I'l 'ductS| . th'- orderlj' [ihumiiig ol the Westbrooks' (iualiftcalion.s to been found to be .i more ellocnve sebool tiot be n.imed (or her, and .\w.li tis will hi rei tuved until lime h ; I se) V. d die to'wi.sl ij-. rhi­ ,( Vrdeoco:; j. .-ii-i ti mm M'l ■i-ttcr, .luihority." lestiT, on ongineering niatter,s, it device than ,i lielicojiter whirh has v.a.s omt-e insisteiii." 1. .sanlo- Bori'tili'o. ch',iir!.u gi__ol the' no.!;Uit (' I...... iiot hi •> 'o-.vusjiqi 77n.s i.-,ontl., tor die br.st lime ■ which < .111 si-t .1 I '! I ■ !' -I p. in 4 The inotinn .ilso'.saiil Mr. West-' concluded he was "not a finrincial Keen n.se<) in the jiast 'o.spr.e. Lake B-uid mi-mtiei l.ud.wig Bolder award-/ 'Ilumittei s.iid Itir d.itCwJus .....idem. 111 2d -ears, r..,~u!enl.s .servcl b'c h --S Ili.iu t'.vi 1 luiam*'■■ an 1 ■ col- I rook .Uid .Mr. Nelson "cannot oxpet t. an accountant or an CarnegiOi. jii e-.eiiteri ,1 ut 1. ; [,ro. ress rejif.irt ■ ,\fend«-d ■ hee.iuse o.i ri-qiiicsis Th,. .i-.e.-.rhis- .on.e-i. ■■iwaui vol- die .Mun.aonih' -luni 'ion Post i >1- Ol s,, .i,.:,i r -.vtui-h. ju'i V t •ontin- serve till ( iimiimiiity's best in- andituid's ' The spr.i'. liic us being ilune ; the on the ( ! os.sroads sebool. lb- 1 some ni-gam.Mtums. Ui.t' ei sel vii-i'--. ! lit ;i jn r-mt. who Uce .'.111 h.'-.e ineu mail 'leli’-ered unti-s -i.jti.ir.inm ■Ol ■ olo'r ti-re.sbs while unreasonaMy atlaa'k- Penns.ii; Clvemu-.d corj'. of Phil- --.iid 'no dclerminatiim c,.in he 1 o'!h" ili-ir p'ivv.irtl ' n..e iud_L, ,.; iiUed tins c'onclu- nr:ni!u.:. i.e ,. -■[.ilallled lli.d .suitii -Cl vi o ;l ild Iiis l-eeii ja id lo! si-1 vice. ,ind'.vho .Kleij.iirt.; ni :ec tlte-mrectiot. o: : - ■ ■-,■ "1 o . , id o' -finiv" 11.u I'.s ,it h'ome 1. im.' other n , mber-s o! agencies' ,-uoii .to Mr. Wesibi ook’s arguments '■■■ '-'o ■- ’‘'o'ti ...... -to t, atjuatic laologust. The -l ush and. jiii-tioii d.iti . " - Iso ■ en.sldel' d. B'. l....e i.e- .out i" fh( irf'rtorn .mr, o! hhi irdiiii. -,.’: again.st a-ie|Jon submitted to the ■ lid e add not |,r.e-. i,,nsl'. .n./ik' In otiier biisiHess, u '.v;us n-- autlKu iiy In- Killam .-\ssociates, the Gaiiie tominussioh h.i.s been rjou- 1 hi huiliiiiif [iron .III. US sir-’ht- iioi-ni..tion.s. fhe eiiininito-e -.vill 1 Ik- .I'.v.iril.s eoi: n iiii e -.vas ,.q - 1 shoi t nine ,igo, Mr. liar;:..s had Vvviorni jjorted bv lown.shiji administrator a iihorin.'s engineering • con- fied 0 1 '-he spra'. mg jirogr.oti, .uv! p. betfei than It was ,i imiiit!. .i"o, u.ee! li e,..r!v -tune .mo :n.ikr us jioiia'd hv die shuiJ, Bi unswick dir.en an e,snmaied lull million ' .\. Tonis n.f,'.vard, that financial .sultanis. The planning of Project sigii.s have been Jjosied along the Lilt It. Is.still tielmid sejii onb In- 'Co,:....maty c-aii.iil. Noinina- mile ..‘ah' working as nit ’ ! M iis ir a ir 1 dffficulth -, ,it tile 1-ederal Govern- . 1 \va.s ba.sed largelv on that lake slioii's miormiiig tjie pnelu ■added. •1 o|!s n ay 'i.ade h-.- indl-.'ulu.il.s c',11 lieu in variiiii.s seciion.s of yii eiit level will jirobality Set back, lepot.t's tlndings. that Lake C .a'liegie us clo.sed. L a o. !;■ w || .icbers wi-ii .-qi- \(ir(ilion No/ //err. or hv ' ir'.'.!iiu-.d,ions. \o-; in.dion .Solid. Bnin.s'.virk, He delivered ilie seciino ,ino,ii:i:il !/i'i tor,::,- , jihins lo I'uild .South Brunswick's "It ajijxMrs that he (.Mr. West­ jiOinti'd b’, the board.it the lui-i-t- !"! !as oi .|■,.ulal'!e Iroi; \. I ou'us die m ill SIX d.g..' ever', .veek. .nice 111 '"Music \Uieilro" tlie aii- jiroposed comii iinitvcenter. brook- lus made a luimber of, ing. Mis. K.iiin Warner -.viU l!..V'..:r u .: nnicij.al .id" iiiis- In .:11 2d -e.ir.s,' Mr. ILirnus -mul s[,i me pet loi - , 1! I ( lint Sr lands Sr I federal iund-- had been applied en oneoiis presimipnons:" the \V o iiH ii ( M’ .)(!( he ■te.n li I. reiicl: .mil C.i-rman in Hn- t! ilol ri; dn- 5l.lliucip.il huiidu'ig, ne'-et mussoiihus .qipouited rounds, siiidents o) .si. ,\ui-u.--tme': .si.-iiool, ior by the tov.n.siiij) tfr coii-Struct judge s.nd, ”oi that some of his .South L.runsw-irk High SeJuiol .ind Ol don Ml's. ,\. I . Ji.-.riJ. t'or,.- exi ej t loi ; lev months ol illness 1 ranklm I'ark. ■ ill oe held httr I hf> \riv \rar the .S.'!00,000 center, which would premises are. erroneous ujion I li­ h' l .s.iliU', w.ts set .it sG,700, -ind n-ii’ei s, I ;, j.-i, Ji, 2. Cian- !u Idh' .md ,1 couple times when I'o Mcrf ro«ia\ niGl;!. Ma'. IH. at J.lu. 'll house 1 e-cri'atiou. lilirary. health, which he bases lii.s iigures." the ■ liir.i.ird U. Robins w-ill ti .u’h hUi V. ■ 'luitin. snow prevemed la.s c:u -scl.-ool ..uulitonu.'!.. Norhiii!' like -sj/orlim a-siinimer wellai'i' and other laciliti's. 7’lie Women'-- Grouj! ol 'ho ­ uuitheimmi's ,it C rossro.tds.sch..iii . I ..I,.s .lie inidei w.u. III [.re­ 'jOUrm r,hiotn;h .sano Hill.s Road ■Iinlge I'urman added, "I see no varatron /'Ita-'- us still ,i lo n g .-.’.'.s' But .Mr. Hayw.ird said he had dal! Park .lewush C oir,i:miiif. The unique le-iuue ol ■! a jiei - at ^b.Too. s'- at die boi.oi . o-sn oiil.ii .md heekm.it. Po.a!. reason to; ..luestion basicalP. the foi ia.ince. 1 V thai n le.iuire OIL : ■ ■ . _ bet'll .id'.'i.sed there .ii'e no iuntls Center has .mnonneed its-iefailai evei ■.* •MX !n r*- wen- 'l.iideih 'I'.tilji! sel., !tde.:l loulJi-t. 2-s .It fill ■ W!;et. I.i.s loiitf l-egun ki I'.iKK, fii’.nri','. .os SI t lortli in llu- Kill.m; .stnilem Irum gr-,de.s With the Lust, le'.i.. lung week.s now .md no indication th.it an aji- ' PeiMjit," nieetin-j w-p! bo held md.iv. Mat ! UiUf b -.1 Ves ■sell includin. tour I "! s me I oni.i l". t hi: H y. a- ‘ml. 27 i 2 miles lone, T jil.C'. ina - the . iM.mo .uiilb. o! thp .school '.eai sill! .ihea'h j.roiirt.ifiori ...il] be nude in t|ic IH. .It h:30 [i.m. ui the t-enter, h Ul dl- Uibmdl! inrtliei thi'U e-ihie.i- ' • >lb'-r '. ••!';.!•• I - -It -I.e ...... I d- hill i.ij.-mi. inci'-...-e'l .iii'l iij' in rheoihiee authoritv -members OI in -.rcMijis. riiore o .syitih Bruns'.ick siiidem.s ire re- la xt li.sc.il -.ear. lie s.iid tin* tun,ed .IS -.iotendeiu.-' in 'the suit, .st.inwoi th I oad, Kendall park. - .iLso- turns, n ti I I. gn.ition.s .-el-e V. , I'll e ii, .cl iido:, to i . J-oii- Idu.j ... ,.s ,jq .all,,.- j,er d.,' . .■'ince i! selecMoiis. miiiiloii ih.ii 'h-e cLisMooiu.s -.'.iiihe .ijiI'licaUoti would In- resubmitted, ,\t the meeting, tionuu.iiion.s '.‘.•ill q I lo- Id ( h-nc persBliUi-l dho m.d Ml !-.!rrh .n ■ I. v. I'eti w f I. 'bp. .!'i; hiioti fit Loans winch charged them with "fr.tud ■'.v.ifim; lo! iuo.sl ./)i ibein .i-am on ■liowi'ver. be leojieneo lor the oiiiei.-oj second J.rove;! tiicluiii-d Mrs, yj-ii-i llllie '>! 'lol ■ . 1 'Iu. i'..i .I f id I'l I., Ae.i -Liid 'he .'a--Siam,.'oil! oi.iiiother .and iiii'represemaiion.” wereex- Wedmtc.ia','. .soja. h. ' ii'7. The ron.mitii'P -.oted to .ip|X‘al tce pie.sicem. nie nou-.niaung I .in'i • uiswi riig s.-r ll;-- rjl. Ik, I' eti 1 : • ik> : , ! oni s i ■ ■.'t .oh ii c.ii 1 ioi . 'll' route h.t.s ■ I een .'14 pi'.ei .ue-1 It the judge, rtiev wtn'e ■ Ihe. iilUi i.i.1 school ccdejidal SOI .1 condi-tiolu! deci.sion hy the .State .Sf,do- 1 B 111, miiO' J.'ei 'la'. lot Mi, Har-ms. Nichol.i-s Maul, the cjiainnan, couiinmee.will sui-mii ih.e aaiiieoi II rathi^r tiy /itr.ii.i-r 1 ■ ind Ait's, i’ll li.ii'd (. oiik. ■si . 1,1 -en!ao,,I< Sc dl ! a T-i e s I eie.'isoii dlls Water Poliey .md .Suppiy Council • I.imes McNalleii and .lam^s luir.m. Mrs. btanle'. Rosentlud, but nom- Gl mol, week. ■ tint. to divert .iddition.il townshij, water -.Mtei t.ikiiit. ajiart the jevidence in.itions will .dso be otiou Irom tjie M; . .Miriam ( . H o i- vT, .itfei the school o|Hunm. die n.) tl'i- Lor.sgat,- w.iti i Co. subtnitO'd bv Mr, Westbrook jxilnt llooi'. . . I ■ rk JTJist, (.reeiil look O u tlo o k tit'si holid.r, s will i-e (Set. " uid SR//S Orodnnte. 2d. h ille d 7'lie '.v.iti'f i on jiau-.'s .i[)piication '^'irs. I .onus I lebena, nsi iires)- ..school. .mil Mrs. 1 le, n o n ■ !■'. I'lmu. -he ludgo .saiii. "71ns is ,■ Ml'-r •*:i I !1. ■■ .n itl.be no. sdiooI on Nir,-. After I:{ Onys In Met \ani '.vliii h is loe.iteil Ui.iinlv ni.Monroe, UtlTis' imke's gaide-n.e I so. .1.1 • .-1-. .1 ) tel, I'-o.ird !!.I I: wu-k ,\ct I" Jii i'iect winch has come ti. <■!>' k; ,'j '-l J 1. ' .md- h-.. mrnr-' da- N'"-' .lei se’.- U'it.il diversiot! ri'.'hts ot over 10 ivlli’. s|jon.soi e- i V t! • w,,--. .pjioim. ,..| I, s ■ P;i . ■ . I'ofoi o this I'ourt. ’ f . ti. 1 i.tir' lu'- ; liu'.iiiion -vs-soi'iation Convemion coved itdllinti gall.Ills .i day to servt- tire Grouj.. No dill t' s I ti itioi. ki l.h"l - ) ' I SI I, "Decisipiis have been made 'in ret. ' !i! tier- :nl'. G o ' M- dcr Ih S' I ti 11 1 I - '!■ la i ts Rossmoor resi/lphtu,f ,,i-e;i and muted. .-cni r 1 1 1 I the ji.tsi/'-lte -said, "sui-ijioning the . 1- 't t' •r tc .SOI veijl on Nov. 'jn and 2 l u I r It wood t( r p.M-' in d-"t'.s. ,it>- Indnstri.il P.ii k. a fill d Li- S i ( I j'l.iimum subdivisuin. .■^trikingf down Luith.ei lulo: : -= ■*. ■--•‘ r •• ■ti:.- -. -'f'Ll'ols .'.ill .-'lose .c ' . I 111 'll K' ai! I i 1 1 Ilk ■aineg! -, cnnt'.u -1 1 i .■s'ii..;t -0 - .1 .-on.int ,u-.;endn:onj. sui'jKirring' 1 esen.s ’ .11 ' 1 - .1 : V It ‘h I m. S It OI k at 12 Wheeiet L-'i ■'U- ; : tl.e .ill-lit'- ol tile c'onn'.ict '.be- ! ..irk. ■ "il s(. lb ( 1 I Jr I 11 I 1 Ion. iw eel ihti ■ jiithot If. .uni Bruns- 1(1 ( 1 r. '.hen Hank I'o Kxpand I si ,, wu k tiie.s OI M.r.’ 22, lt‘i'2. and 1 ll ' r 'am' iiai' \ • .1- let Uig the . i.ssll.ince oh initldnu: \ '-4 ■ lit i Ill'll 1 '' l tl SorNicos. Hours; pern. 1 I • il- . . :i i K ' d I , .Satiinlavs

Ninth Animal l air iiue c < i'ti.i- n.i- National Bank ol N'e'-v u! ■ 'i !i. lerse'i. loi ated in 'he Kendall ( H‘ I !ainhri-'',i,i,-. Park .Shoj/ping Ceri'er, Ponte 27, iia.s ,mn.oiinced ne--'., exj/aialed hours S<*t I'or jtiiu '■ ' u ."in .Leeinmng immedi-atelv,''according 1 to Leon.ir-! 1-. Hill, president. file n-Hi!! .uiJiUal - c .imbrulge ■; I',-... The dnve-up .window is now oj/en scbi 'I .i ir w ill he held on '.m!' Houpr! daip- unul 7 j/.m. mi'l on Thiirs- '.UUt 'th.e sdiool p!".'-, 'i.d 'b'.,s_ imtil K jy.m..- In .idrhiion, the groin ent 11 e 1 ink '.'•ill be oj/en ever-. .k it- or he \in.ur .’.:e .Sami 'hi - aaoi niug from') Hi, until \’ r^. C.-.lo I-.’ Hi.'I'kin■'"» '''ins..1.-VC, noon becinninii thus Sauir dav. Mav >ht‘i :: ■ .=.■no a: V>. 1hnf. Heltgott. 20 C'>:; . !•' -1a.; .eii !'.ends .ire 1 ull : .irikuig iacilities will t)e ll 1', ■Ml'S,. i\' : i leui".. Hr|nil»luan*« IMaii :ivat bO.'je af ihus time, juii.s .i new IiU.ik V; ,s. Ma.-i'-t: ■ i- It!i e<: mT'"; AU's, ■S' I '.'ire calh"I "I manci;:il C.oun- I 'O', a Pel b0 i‘t,a:eJ Hakr >alr I i selhr.g,' ■ -Mr,. Hill -.dd. uei 'il ert. 1 io :5 '-. 'b . ‘ bU ,viU h■ i'.e qu,.ihfied, exper- \ a.. - nv,:;,...SSt!- ■ Harv’lb I p lerieo'i io/iii lie-r.sommd OI, ]ituid -i Can i. air.. ll rlua :;.a.i. 1 C'cmi.sel ' pit’s . t'la.t.' ' .\nvo :uv '■;! Oil! a’li.sfoa'.'O s , h'.t- a:.';:: J ;i. kr' a Nte; a..-: .vke evei iu\aari.! 1 qtie- 'I'lUs •ke--- . . G' . • a .s. \'4: Hl'lr Ntaaha.:.., h.i'.e. II. .! 1' OI ' S'Urve-. n.a'r!e b-.' the ; ank i- in'iic.m,..! !l :aarr. ;C".p!e ;« o.^, .a'*o.‘ o,re-i:oere '-red ll: .liikinf. .am ■-') \r W'.i.S ■ , • r-'. f .'juu In orde‘V to M rrtiii*G I o I or rn ;:.-ike 1' eVt.G. :;o;2 e a” ! ;. ■ iV‘' 'i.e r!‘.‘ . ; r.,j.:i‘ ] .ti: C ti'ia-eU'iaii o*‘I ■.’He de • elo: tih ' lii." •-1'•i l.filion Hrrr ■ t ’i-'- a:. i ;p .sn r. ^ b. r j : ll e'- Nfcv/ W (*rk Is I(uvitslii[I ( lean I // linu^ I’ on; : m jij.'sv'', • 'k I . iiiH. O. f.ll i !li>rfu:iei ,.s 1-^ ^:e "'Ot tee- •hat-! a ai ••e theia. T* t' i ii. :e! I'L'.n; ■- iiiii new ( -'U. . ovui! :f| 1 {' 'e !0 t*V- \(; k t w y ) 'I'lirUSDAV, MAY i>. i;m;t Rurks Playhoiisr Hills S-hisjral Hit Srlu'diih* (jmrrrt (-uf-'Cor;j -Aill ! i' ]Oin'-'i by las’ seasot, i:. "Ytiu Caa't .T.ak* !.<->■ .!? to ]-b ir' Ctor l.iisl.iir.d Kine It ,\Vit(. You.” His broativ.ay act- Of 6 W ork^ Hv Fete Promises A u, v.hi<-h opc-ns it.g 1 rt-'ii's Hit ludf- "Tl.t- Girls I;. At ijii. Huf’ks X.onnty Piaybousf- iri! ■,b0" Hi -.viurl-; l.t- !l,et. M;ss Coca. Sliidrn! (ioiii|losers Npv. l"a., on 'lav, May 22, ' Anioi.s lijs 111::,s art- "T!k-Ijeiiant •it k:30 p. pouiiy'Graharr, also . 0::e,s” ai.t! "M.ei, Mad, Mad, .M;id Gourmet Selection Oi Sur.rla:, Ma--. 21,- a’ 6r30p,n ,, stars It, til'- Murt a-,'Sf-hisfral hit ■ 'Atir lti." Oh t'devisioii lit- ha.s been rtK Mii.=;ir- Ln-j-arti.-ic-tif at Princeton SOI (,r voy." York City'svBr-ooklyn o:. Piayhou.se 50, The- BuriiS crepe.s. blu:-l>crr;MiTopc-, and Ct lVf■r^lty v.iU pr»-sM.t die seooixl j ; "Less work ;or Mother" in the atid .\lle[, Si'.ow, aiitl tht Btjb Cuir.- .s.tr.iw't'crr'- cli.Hitillv cicpH'.s, .Ml '•O'.K/l rt works in- graduate stu- I (-ookiiis; department is tiie tliouglit- Sbi' V Oraha:!:. v.ho plays Harry :: liiSS Show, ilp recently diretftetl -.vill lridurted iiy Arthur Wesley Ml v'.iugtian Jr. walk Cate. tt)i atifl ■.i.nt.tr. l^vor sintt' his ing Piavtiouse audietice.s it, "L yrics Children of ,;iU ages wlio wish Coi-'.n'.encintf witli , breaktast, Broatiwav ')ci5ut Ui Nf-w F acf-s.of By Oscar Haii.rut-rstein n,” wbicti W'lSber-;'. to ignore the gourmet oifering will Tli‘ iir.st lial: ot thf program will cvi pe.s ’,(111 \w prep.ireti from ":30 )9"2, Ik- lias- beon rogaliiie- audi- roiitinues througli Saturdav, Mav have hot does, hamt'urgers, itit lude ''Variations ior.four play­ a. r.;. "ror workers-and volunteers i-tici-s -.vith his /a nv brand of humor. 20. ' ‘ lurtgles. s.indwiches (includiiigthat er.s," t>v Williai: Benjamin, afirst on the University fields, this vear's US has -.vritten and drtected nu- old reliable, peanut, t’utter and ve.li ’ grafluate student; George Fd- Fete site. Tlie luncheon, served I'.K i tilts ifviK-s tor Brt>ad-.A-ay and jelh). Soft drinks and snacks will d-' "Two pieces lor piano," most ot the day, will tie crepes,, S'lippt r t hili.s. lb . wroip tho St \T! I .\ // WORK.SHOP and "Kllivier.stut ke tor ..Seven in- salad ahd coffee. The meiiu: chick-,- t'e in many armis. ,!-.rtr'■ Kir ''Bravo Giovanni" and\ Ail b.iked goods at ttie Fete are en liver anti mushroom crepe, duck Stan t d -j;. Broatiwav ir, ".Sona-thing strun.ein.s"Joel Gressel. ja/.?. workshop will iie con­ eontril'utions oi cliurch momliers Mftrt ” aial 'Mtn- Tontk-r T rap," Uter internu.ssion, there willbT' with wild rice and orange saucej ducted at -the Princeton Ballet pi-rtoi inaiK-p.s of a "Piece for Vio­ within till- liospital s»’rving area. !!i^ tid( visioii wriiine < rcdit.s Sficiety .studios on Thursday, May lin and Piano” liv Richard Ames; gliiiiitiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMmiiiiiiiiiiiiHimmmuiiiiiMji TriKiitionally, the pies, cakes, nil iudi' the Jackie Gleason Z~, at 8 p.in, Jeny Boss, a "!.i .'..i.s o! looking at a black- cookies ami rolls from tre.isured sh'ti-.v and dic Y'ili att-1 orii(>dy Hour. ttieniFier of tlie school's iaculty, !-ird" lor tenor and five Instru- recipi’s ;ire donated through church Km- Boi.ovati, playlngMlIt Man- '.'.ill fleii oiistraie techniques and nei.ts-, l,.y\ Gerald Warfield; I Movie TI me I partiei-pation. v illf, hts loiis'-standint' 1 fiend who trace ta/z's history fion its Fete Fudge, anew feature, is un­ IS ..itti-mptmit to retiatillitatf' Mr, aii'l "Coriipo.sifion from a graphic origins in Haiti through modf-rn g a r d e n der the sponsorsliip ol Hit' first Grab;i::.. stariftl -with his wife ' th-sigii" 1-y Stanley Persky, All six tnusical t oniody. new branch .Of ttie Women's Aux- Imoar iK- I o(-a at tilt- Playhouse , composers are students of Milton Babbitt, Kdward Cone, Earl Kim, Man and W oman,” held ov­ iliar\-in Cranlniry. and Peter Westergaard. er for second week. Shows daily at To iH'tter last ,year's record of The public is ^invited to attend The iree conci’^'t will tie held In 7 .md 9 p.m. Matinees Sunday and 800 t-asseroles. the coninitttoc has Wednesday at 2:30 p.ni. a concert reading of , tltf- Wool.worth Center of Musical garnt'red a luimper crop -igain, Studie.s. ■Sfxicializing in four basic dishes, -0 - PI. AY HOUSE so Hiat .Motlier lu-ed not I'e in the T. S, Eliot'.s kitchen after a dav at the Fete. \|iss O ossifv "Casino Royale." held over for -0 - second week. Shows daily at 2:30 Murder in the (Cathedral rlu» Exhibit At j 7 and 9 p.in. .S'hool S<*ts Princeton University Chapel Pr<*s«*nt Day Club PRINCE Rrfital Friday May 18, 19 & 20 at 8:,10: May 21yit 7 • . DoroHit I. Crossley of 21 Battle i "Ca.sino . ’Royale," held over. In the Friday evening recital at fh'j'lw fii hy Prifii ei-i/i Cuminmiily P!.iyir.~ -Shows weekdays at 7 and 9:15 Hoad is having a one-man show of The New Scluxii for Music Stiuly on Witherspoon Students Try W ood w in d s It.m. Saturday a; Y, R:15 and UY30 iri'I’-r thi ,io,spji-(-s o/ ih<- C /i.ipe/ ut\-icori^. pjiotographs 'at the Present Day May 19, faculty nlemlier JohiiCol- p.m. Sunday a( 5. 7:15 and 9:30 Club., through May 20. . , The Woodwind Quintet of liiis will perforni ednipositions by from the Symphiuiy tour schools _ Piccolo. Tile .Symptiony's Vocal ■p.m.- She is .1 graduate of Miss Fine's Hie New Jersey Symphony pre­ Bacti and Bralims. state-wide, and reacti more than Quartet' will give two perform - School ,ind Smith Collegh, and has sented two concerts for students Students apiiearing on the recital 120,000 children annually. The ance.s for .student.v .,t the John THEATERS IN TRENTON PRINC ETON COMMUNITY PLAYERS presents siu'iied at the Country School of , of the John Witherspoon School include /oila Air.'ill, Frances program here included works ly Witherspoon School ijn May 24. Photographt in Wooctstock, Vt. She . on May 10. The lecture-dem on­ F3rodsky, Clieryl DeBias, Cynthia Hem-;,- Purcell,^ Mozart, l.e- Tlie directoi -and manager of tlie Brun.s-.vick: Man and .\ Wom­ : has-been Official putdic relations stration was part of ah educa­ Duffy, Grt'gor;. Fnders. Caroline Piocr.ini, designed to illiisn ate an." A TASTE of HONEY photopriipt’.er ior Smitti College, tional series intended to intro­ I'eiivrc, Hindeimtli, Gounod and Frdn.an, .Mary iiedl'erg., Robin.^ the developi:ioni ol voi’.il inu.sic, Trent.- "Casino Royale." "the Boston Arts Festival, and the. duce youngsters to the quality Morton Ciould. Genevieve Hall, Kloinm.iR. Finda McCandless, and bs' SheU-igh D elanev will lie James .McCarthv, -who Uncoln: "Tlie Vi,scount." Cannon Mountain and MlttersillSki I and use of individual in­ narrator ot the program, elves Btirliara Siioemaker. also I'- .ilu ector ol liie'Sytnphony Greenwood: "The Venetian .Af­ areas in I ranconia, N.H, struments. Four ensemljes studentsi a chance to try out a The program will t:t> held at The choi Us .111(1 i.iov.s' choni-'. fair.” and "Three . Bites of the' MLIRRAY THEATRE Sine lOaC stu' lias ilone free t : .-3pple." oii.sore(l June eth through Thursday June 8th l p.m. to 9 p.m. Aiidree Estey. Director b',' tlie- Fneiids o: tlii-- \rt Mu- Hundreds of projects created by children .5 to 1 4 years old in seiin,, ol -.vliK-ii ,Mi s. 'Noyes -.va.s (tone. wood. plos.tics, cloth, mk. wire, acrylics, mobi Ics, water - T o K(‘o|m‘ ii i iui<‘r -pre.sulelit lii loff- li.-i- death. colors, etc. -Announces a ^ a z z ^l4Jor^s/iop ' r . It .will je,,tiii-f. tl:.. Pruiceton at The Jewish Center conducted by jerry Ross :C iiamtiei .siiicei s. under Ha. di- A35 Nassau Street______Admission Free Princeton. N.J. Ttic- Old Music Hall iiVClinton ■rectum 111 Hoii-i- Nii-renl'erg, ! Donov-looluro iJom(^n.- tfchniquos ■ will open this, summer under new and the Na.s.sau .Si-renad‘ .I.iiverii- m o ir:u\.-s hislnry trorn f/oin.in Ihrout^b Musn-.i! iminagement and a ' new policy. mento .socu-ty. Thiyi rogran -.vill EMI AAMUNO lOT / FEATURES: . C> •innl\. A - BUuK-he Truso, fornicrly pro- ;c.oi..Si.st ol Ren’.us.satict - and dui-er-direetor at Hie Grist Mill "VENETIAN" 6i45 - 10:10 Bairtiiue Itah.m music, in kcep- “ A P P LE " 8:25 Tile Workshop will be presented at 8;00 Thurs.. May25 Playliousr in Andover ami the GREENWOOD ftVE. 392-0034 at the ' Guth.sville PLiyhou.se iii .-Ulon- im: witli ti'a Mnseitii bs, '-iirrent Sat. & Sun. - Can’ t 1 30 biwii, . Pa., lias taken oyer the e.-diii.it-loii-m It.ili;i'i. di.i'.--uit.-S. TRENTON M u sic H.ill lor a 10-week summer FI 1 - [-^rincet on E J U SociAu sc-.i.son of live productions. Till optming prcKiuctioi. on June FARRINGTON’S 21 is "The Seven .Yi'ur licit," fol­ SCULPTUJU-; INS.THUCTOK Mrs. Robci't Nnav 2G 2 ->4^(exanJer ^ t. lowed ! y "A Tliousand Clowns," l.willi yv'orlx cio'iit' liy stiuk'nl.s; now on (li.'S|jla\ at MUSIC CENTER TWfair" I hi public ts conliiitly im iryil to atli‘nat Big Doorstop," "A hvadquaners of South Sonu'rsvl Guilti ol Croa- Shot hi Ttie Dark," and "NY-ver . t i \ Y ‘ Arts. ------Y------Too 1 .ite." , bach-production will 10% (PANAVISjON (METROCOLOR niii two weeks, Wednesday through ‘ri^ Ri'hi'iirst* ^Saturday. Ofl iciTs Fb*ct«*rs' next production. "A Taste Of Domenico Modugno will be held evfMiing's and week­ liy Hie SouHi Somerset Guild p{ • Service • Courtesy Honey." Tims (-pntPinpor.iry jJay, ACRES OFRINCE FRCC RARICIMG! ends in iirder to accommodate Creative .Arts at .its rqcent annual BylvaKoscina ^r»Rc»»on, *4 J • f‘hor'.« AS2 1278 meeting. They im-lude Mrs. Gladys '.vriY^en !iy Shehigti Dt-lanev -.vtien ROUTE at CIRCLE 452-26S9 TanmvGrimBS .1 rtoi's . who work during the day -J McVicker, first vice president; sho/Wiis 19 vear.s old, is-l>ein;' and actresses who tiave household CHARLES K FELDMAN S whipped into shafie !iv Harry Ru- (iutie.s, ' ' Mrs. Marion t oulson, recording i-el will) ,ilso directed last vear'.s c.istim lias been .started liut secretary; and treasurer, .Ufred Wheeler. I ystst-rata. CASINO ROYALE Hicre are .still several good roles Continuing in olfita- ;n-f .Mi.s, seen .111 Hie rok-.s wlui-i'. were opH'ii for botli men .md women. The T H E N EW Bernice Fatto, president; Mrs. pmrtr.ived I'v An'gela I .instnry .ind ■dtrei'tor ns also seeking a talented I'KINt ETON IMVERSITV CONCEKTS .fo.in Plownght jn the Broad-way 12-vi-ar-old lioy for "A Thousand Glenn Peacock, second vice presi­ JAMES BOND dent; Mrs. Pepiy Noonan, cor- production ol 1.9Y0, 'ivvll ta- Shirley ■ CIowii.s" .uiii two little 10-year-old respondiiig secretary; and .Mrs. Katiilniun .uid l-.Ueen wiienoii, re- ■ iris, twins or look-a-likes lor - MOVIE IS HERE! Mary I-. Johnston, third vice .siH-ciive-1'.-, -Cither memlier-' ol ftn Spfison 1967 1968 "C>reat Big Door.stcp.” Further president. c.isf include Ton .Sflinut/. Don ■ trvouts will !>(■ held tonight May An exhibit of ttiemJiers' work 1- -.ams .iiui Hov Thoma.s. n , at 8 ii.m. at the Music Hall'. SERIES 1 continue" tlirough June ,ij the Perl/irm.utce.s will be mveii ,it Inlere.sted .ictors. liackstage Murriu Jiieatre on May 2(1, 27, -.vorkei-s and appreiiticc.s wlio are Guild's headquarter." on Route 20C, t’ANAvijiON'liiMNlCOlOR' P ■ Belle Mead, on Sundays from 2 to and 28 ami JuiK' I, 2. .ind- uiialde to ,ttt(-iid on ftie, casting • !i |i 'fL;.iii/.;i. \ | e//,ii-'(([iriiiiu Bo\ "222, ( hnton. N.J. Mitiulav Dei I'mlM-r I | . | >li,~ '■ -.0- BO' :A HOIH I’ Rl-.SI- NT.S- \ I I fell Kretlll el . Ij’’ I ,m | -| THE PRINCETON BALLET SOCIETY Mnmlav Mareh I H. I I ai i|iii-11 Ml- till \ m lu iii-f! 11-I I rio T,h< Colui !ns ib.ivrliou' .School Audrey Estey, Director v.-ill pre.seiit Hauhi's Opier.i "J he THBATRES ll.iniei |{, u en Ihm III. |*i;iiii-l We(iiiew(|ji\, \|iri I ;i I Ap.otli. .e.irv,' Ol, Sunday, M'av 21; I n iitoii H(M‘ital at 3 p-.b., ;ei tbi ,si liiidi's siu'ing TRENTON I ante - ( H I \ el Iiit-u e I [. \ | ii | mt - | Mimilai. 2'Y I'XiJ; presents its usb’.ili ; A piOei.e: ii; pi.tiio trios -.vill ■ ml lawn iiartv. 1 hp proer.in. i PRINCETON SCHOOL OF BALLET IN . : ■ - itt-t. Ill -Sill,da-.. M.iv 21. .If ' epi-'i; tn tail lu'. F.iir, d.:tf• i- .M.iV 2b. ’ ■ m TUBNf 8 : ' '... ,1- tile Jv.vLsIi Com.i'nunity SI KIPTIONS AT S20.00 and lg!I5.00 t - :.'e! . IS . Tl'ei to:,. p|j, event See the NEW 7^ Y ...pel -o -h. .piA-b.. , ! XiilliFl- •■AnODCUTS PROKOFIEV’S !’■ .: ;oi". n. -h. ! ■ cit.ij-.vini.ii JAMES BOND Movie I. n.s 1 . eia:.ist; Helen Kwol- Re< elit wiiodi Ufs !••. Hepf M, rv- S E R IE S 2 -sci, -violi:,; .md David Gug- '.vill >e .-xldim -i ,c H-* ( dd i.e.shl-i:. , I elli.S]. Woik-S i B ec- lOiteens., O.illeiy in N i-a Bruns- "CASINO CINDERELLA t!:ev.,.: , Slut; e.r’ .e d Dvorak will -.vick, tt.rom;|, M.iv :ti , Tt'e Cf.iII. t--.- I It 11 t.ti il (Ju.ai el \|im tla\ . nelnli.T JO !,i t'lavi’;!. t.*- at 290 B. Geor.'e .st_ ROYALE” \niai|eij - t^lii.n l 1-1 . A Donee Spectacle the Whole Family Will Enjoy FcoFufo 1.2-2''30"4 4.S-7 IS-9 40 \ | t i n i l a \ . \ ( i \ e n i | | , r 2(1, |H ( ,‘ • <-~,iie '.iepi ILi — ILirilime •Mnnilas. .|;m iiar\ (i. | •^Complete Ballet in 3 Ac.ts * Company of 235' PRINICETOIM 1 . a (lit I . 1' e MM I I'.l .1111 - I l A N C O i N Mtimiav Man h ( | iR,;; A nc'^ prodbetion pf the celebrated work featured in PETER SELLERS URSULA MORESS ACADEMY AWARD WINf\!ERi l!'-liian\ 111 .inl-li-e. '(ipranii Momla\ \|,ri| | iq,;; DWIO RIVER W000T4LLEH the repertory of the Bolshoi the Roy.ol Danish, and JUNNAPEnETORSOR WELLES 2.BIG THRILL HITS' Brstoin's Royal Ballet, OALIAHLAVI . OEBORAM KERR T"p S-fw?'"' c -'Cf. ■pv'O' WILLIAM HOLDER CHARLES MTER <3o "’g * '''-at*. dcT'f.t.v -j •Ec-f- "I ^ JEAH-PAUL BELMOROd Si H-'t rriPTIOXS AT g I 5.00 and g 10.00 OEORSE RAFT JOHH HUSTOI 1 BEST FOREIGN FILM! "VISCOUNT” TEREliCE COOLER BARMRA lOUCNET ? ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY! Bwst Scr««nplay! “ ' P 2"C! Co 07 H •' FRIOAY EVENING JUNE 2 8ABMELLA LICUOl TRACT REED TR4CEY CRISP ■ KURT RASZRRR G-ec"’ S^cf" "Cool Ones” EUIRE TRTIOR AROEU KOUIAR s J g g r s » :7 > c - c r . . M cC a r t e r t h e a t r e CASINO ADULTS . •ACI .0TK.I OF PRINCETON ROYALE A M a n ■I \ I ' ,i "i; MMYII, I! -1 lt'( lilHI |!» Wll I ({( winner OF 2 I I MilMV'i ii |'i(,7 SUGGESTED academy awards Prices Orchestra • S3.50 and S2 50; a u d ie n c e a n c I a W o m a n Balcony - S-3-.00, S2.50 -and S2.00' AOUuTS• * ClAUDE lELOUCH 84*9* F c'f W- F aa»oup AfVf? B r S. t S. c ' c " J . 1 "t!. |\| DUMA MDN < \l 1 : < ONt 1 1! 1 Ol M U I v a ’ J-PE vOUNG, . > ■ A* • t 9 TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE! ■ A- s ? "5. 5 s 4 •«'. ' - 1 H 1 , ; Id , 1 , (II 111 1 P \I w rck (iii\ - uiit H«UI6 A M A N A N D MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. A W O M A N ” DIAL DIRECT (609) 321-8700 PLAVBOm e m m thi:ks[)a y , may i-, Tin-: cKYi'iiAi. Post P A G K T H H K K THE CENTRAL POST Junior Baseball Teams Lutherans To Hear Missionary Speak i ' i l M l )!.■ ■ ..O': !r; !• <' i • im t-(o' !C k‘-'., I.':f . Scramble For Leadership Reuben Thor.sen will l^e the guest j 'j ■ {• ii'i .-Viter th>- second w eeklnR ecrea- I Iks at Kingslev Field and Siegels speaker at a spectal service of the tlcin- Coniinission Junior Base- Pharmacy meets Holiday Bake Blinker Hill Lutheran Church ta- -iitor b.ill League play, all divisions are Shop at Bedford Park. nlght at 8 p. tn. in the church. hotly eomested. Friday night, 6;30 p.m. marks i'Oil i '.kinu.’uu He is a missionary who will be The Farn Divdsioi. saw Rodner the start of the com m ission's 13-14 going later this month to Formosa, Plumbing go to a 5-0 victory ov­ year old basehaII program, as Ken­ under the sponsorship of ■ the Oil’ : i:r:ir. '-if i; ct.'I .!■ : ririklin 1 u v .l.ijo - er VFW behind the near­ dall Park Merchants meet Church of the Lutheran Brethren. perfect pitching of John Lauro, who Federated .Appliances to start the ' :: Ml'!.'!. I'’!,, K-ii'iall P.i’ k, N. J. The 10th antilversaivy of the fanned 17 of 18 batters. Holiday action. Church's Faith aixl Fellowship Bake Sho|' beat the Jaycees 19-4, Saturday at 2 p.m. Erickson and Society -will lie observed at a lunch­ Maniii Realty overwhelmed Maul Skillman face Danis Computer eon on Tuesday, May 23, at 12:30 F lectn c 13-4 with Mark Bren­ Homes, and at 4 p.m. Federated I'HIi I ■ 1'.' ; NT Vi .\i’ : it':. ■.NUT p. m. In the lower auditorium. nan hitting two home runs. Danis Appliances meets the S. B. R ec­ Those invited h.ave been the wom­ Realty took the KP Pharmacy G-2, reation nine in the secohd game of en frorti all the churches in the At­ Siesels Pharmacy i'eat the Flks the teen double-yeader. lantic District. Mrs. James Olsen G-2 All games will be played at the will be In charge. This will replace Synch roil izt'f I Swimniin*;, Divinjj. Rexiner, Holiday and Manni are New Road fields In Monmouth Junc­ a May meeting. tied for the lead with 2 -0 records, tion. l o Hi^hlifiht Y Swim Show followed by Dayton Gun Shop and -I- Phelps-Dixlge. with 1-0 records. The Princeton VWC.V ■.'.'ill performed by Mrs. Douglas Clark, KP,. Siegels and Danis teams have Iiresent ;f*\vaier .sho-.v at the YWCA Mrs. trnst DeHaas, Mrs, Lloyd. !- I marks and the Jiiycees. VT.W, [too! 0!i I riHnv, May Ln; at 8:30 Wismer, .Miss .Arietta Wismer, .Maul aiid the Elks are 0-2 so far. P. n i. ■Miss Beth .Martin. Mrs, Cherry Moser Welding beat Colonial 'iTie [iro g ra m features .synchro- and Miss Sopoci. Village F sso 14-2 to sweep intb the ■ni7-0.\ * Champion in the 13-14 age group, ' High School C rowns \ew King^ Queen In the American D ivision,D iazll K* i.ill [ -trk, !• i'*'* y and Coleen is champion in the 15- i Corp.. tieat .Vmerlcan Legion 8-1 Newly crowned Kin^ und Quoen at the South Brim.sw iqk niy,h Seliool Junior as -Bob Schultz made fine field­ ■P-II' I . 7 I t p.. 17 group. . i There will be a demonstration of , j Prom are. Krie M artin, lelt anti Ii'enc Shitdds. Siniring in tho jtiv of the ing plays for the 'vlclors. Wilson i'fMr*! cjii- , rU 'So .•’.'tuftt Pnrt.s- W avs to teach toddlers and young crowninji are lasCyoar's royaltx'. Sandra I.atiiam and Jame.s Sohipmann. Engineers beat Farad Fuel OH I'.U'-st.if. ..-I,.’ -, uMt'-.v Uif st.lur Ss^lMii 6-4. Murphy Funeral Home beat children to swim. The e,vent.uas the hi;ahli«^ht ol Fj iday n.ioiil's ilanco at the Princeton Inn. S. B. Recreation 12-0, the S. B. M.irktOj- P.iVlfii: Dem ocrats I'eat 'Forsgate 10-1 11 M - .. i i\ . .Ml'. tlie Denis, R ecreation,Steele-R os- i ' . recent meeting. 'c iute. Robert .-VliieY,Mark Krause, Aineriean-Chinese l{elations ■ UiMri! -d ! hl'-.ili'.' ; IV,-!- th>- Ml'};! Mark Krause, Chris Jennings :Scott Wiggs and Keitli K.istanias, loff. Wilson , ajid Diazlt have 1-1 ■f t .u.\ -M ■ill ■ Dls ^ t.'. ' 1'}I siiUi:ssii.i; irtixf and Tod Rosenthal are the new ^ Pin.s were also prt sented to r<>cords. The Legion and Phelps- '■llMDi MM \ J.lVL suf'St’.ju- Mf f(. thf’ United Slate.s and Chine.se rela­ Jo.ieph Oliva.; and Regional Plan- ' mem bers. D(xlge are 0 for 1. committeemen '.vlio v.-i ri -starting tions ,ilt(T' World War II will be; niiig. Mr.s. Gene Letendre. h* <\v:.'*11 hl’f \TIr -N ..\t. the same meeting awards, 'on th eir second year sirv ic c . T.liey Heavy raiiis postponed several [irc'sent. d .liiil discussed :d a gen­ Tile local [ii'cigram consists ot ; MtUTH iM K IT'fWNSHIl - were presented to Bill Daly, Bear American division eames. They YfltM • i t>rNT\, N. ,1. . weiT' awarded to Norton W urin-' eral moetliu Of the. l.eagvie of Plain.iiit' :ii)d /oiling. Mr.s. F dmiind and gold and Silver arrows; T erry will he made up evenings, this dirand, H arold bang,- D aniel .Vi­ Wom.en Voters ol Franklin To.wn- Rinnuv.ii'/,; and lementary ! dnea- Mil*'d. J. (. t,.U;-t Connolly. Wolf; Stephan Wurni- week. U‘KH per, Gerald • niamonfi, Robert Shil' op, Wodnesda'., May'24, at tion, .Mr.s. .ViiiiMi Fiehnian, " ■i - '-i-lar'. brand, bear; Robert .-Uper, Bear Monday at C:30 Phelps- The sunroof works even when there i .Maclarl.in, Josepli Raiieh, .Mvir Mac.'X llfee .Seliool, Voters' Sei'vice, a community and Kevin Daly, G(dd ..\rrow> Dtxlge meets Danis; Da\1on meets d-einiierg, and Winiam Daly. Mrs.* Stuart Tolley-, cliairman, service coir.niittee. wil 1 be chain’d isn't any sun. Partit ipating in the Pine Wood -0 - Manni at Bedrord Park. Tuesday at has directi’d h(>r cennf.ittee inthis by., .Ml’S. I'.ii’I W iFson.-The local tierbv at the meeting were Jerry C.VST.'k IN C R I,.\s T S 6:30 VFW meets KP Pharmacy at p)resvntatioii..w!ucli is ivart ol a na­ Ic-.Hnie service com m ittees include Kingsley Field and Jaycees meet tional snriy progra m iindcrtakeii by Meirbershij). Mrs. John Siniko; tlu' Family Coun.sflinu Servici' HiKiner at Bedford Park. Wed- le.unh’.s, .entitled "Rev.jln:dion ot U-ical Ne-ysletter. Mr.s. John Lini- . WORKING GIRLS' LEAGUE, 6 P.M. in Middlesex. Count-, received 92-3 ne.sdav Maul t lectric Meets the When you slide bock Ihe sunroof on a Volks- MON. United States .111(1 C.hinese Re- pitlaw; I- iiiiince. Mi s, Jolin -M ulvl-, COME AFTER WORK AND MAKE FRIENDS applications KY si rvice ’ in 19CG, wogen Station W agon, the sky's the limit. LADIES latioh.s."/. hill; I ei'isiation, Mr.'*. William . an increase ot 20 [ler -(mt over WITH OTHER WOMEN GOLFERS. The other participating mem-' Casa/za.; and Units .end Hospital- That's because odd-shoped loads you'd hove 19(35, including GO from South Yliddlosox Fair * TUES. LONG COURSE PLAYERS TEE Ters im iudi’ .Mrs. Yalein .Vtati- m., .Mrs. Willniu Bsanlley. ’ ; trouble fitting into on ordinary station wogon can Brunswick, 12 front Jainesburg OFF a t 9;15 A .M . BEGINNERS' LESSONS ■!:tir. .Mrs. R ichard iiix.s<:vn, M rs , Any woman, interested in join-: stick up out of a VW . Like a tree. O r a refrigerator. •and nine from Plaii'isbnro. To Aid Hospital | DAYS AT 9:3.0. 1 0:30 AND 11 ;30 A.M. CHOOSE A David - liglithall, Mrs. WilliauT nag one of i Ik* ..Coove I’om niittees, (In fact, you never know what might pop up.I .Scb.neider. Mr.s. HerliertSilver and o y in seeking tui ther inform ation And even when the sunroof's closed, the Volks­ " ■ CONVENIENT TIMEI A "Country Fair" for the bene- ; CHAPIN SCHOOL Mr.s. Oscai' Sistru’nk. .ibfmt the Fe.tgiie o! Women Vot- wagen still gives you almost twice as much space Summer Session fit of the Middlese.x General Hos- i WE HAVE WHAT YQU NEED: CLUBS-CARTS-BAGS The U'ague has organized Us (-1$ II ay coiit.i('t Mrs. JohnSinikf., as,other wagons. June 19 - July 28 prograin.s for th(- next year .iiKi \U:well Road. Somet'sef. . piial will be held in Middlebushj on Saturday. May 27, II a.m. to; And o 4' by'4' door fhof lets you get right at oil FREE MOVIES, MONDAY.NIGHT AT TARA. SHELL'S “WONDERFUL the meii.bership will be iint-ird on. M i s . H e rb e rt' .Se-,.:.,, president, Grades 1 through 8. Offering ex- the room inside. (You don't hove to be an engin WORLD OF GOLF" MAY 22 AT 8 P.M., COUNTRY . CHILE, COURSE the dilferent areas of memlH I’ alone with Mrs. S.u: iiel i ly, Mr.s. ' 4 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, .May' LOS LEONES PLAYERS BOB ROSBURC AND ROBERTO De VIN­ ceMent foculty fo? odvonced or eer to move big, bulky loads in and out ; [lartuipation by their resjieciive': KlcljH’d Nieiviii ei'L, Mrs. 1 d- 28. from 1 to 5 p. rn. CENZO. . remediol work m oil subfects. •And whenever you don't want to put big things individuol instruction. Emphosis chairmen. New committees will: 11.'and Rumowic,' nd Mr.s. John The fair will include booths for in Arithmetic ond Reodrng; thrni l>e lornied. .''iinko, who '.veie de!et:,iii>s to.the ; baked goods, plants, and flowers, inside your VW, you con use it for big people In­ Prjyote piano instruction ovoil* stlidv items to l>e outlined 1 eieJU". of Wollii'n Voter.s ol New' original boutiques, clothes, re-i stead. It seats 9 of them and holds 13 pieces of tara greens oble ot $4 o lesson. by their ehairn.en iiiclude.. oi: tlie Jerse-. convention, ’.vill report on freshments, white elephant and! luggage. All at once. Co 11 or wrt-'c: nation.il li'vel - Foreign Policy aiui. the liii'hilidtts ol Ilia; ei-elit to the the art and antique con cession s., Other wagons only hold obout half as much os C-hopin Summer Sc'hool Progrqm Cliina. M r s . Stuart Toll< y; 'vV.der mii.n.l.erslsii.. a VW . Even if you hit the ceiling. Resource-, Mis.s Gertrude Ilu’- .T h i-.11 I’aiigemeiits tot the nieet- There will also be a super- i golf course . , Mercer Rood .But after the VW's oil filed up-, you can still go gins; ..Old Develoim.enf -p, Hun.an: inf ’Were I'. ade ! .Mrs. William vised children's activities area' ROUTE 27. NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J, CH 7-8284 Princeton, New Jersey through the roof. Resource-. Mrs. 1 urem. Varney.. B.budlev, ho,spit.i,lit(■ hail’mail, with pony rides, a fishpond and; games. ' Till' St.Oe items include I I'ms- ivith the aid ol .Mrs. Miehael .\w v -0 - lafive Proeediire.s, ,Mis. Gene I e- ’ironieo,. .Mi s. Don.ud Reeves-, and tendre; Higlier I duealiim. Mrs., Mr.s. Peter .str..ndes. Twenty-six major international Princeton motoring routes will span Furope Princeton Motors, Inc. fi’oni London to Istanbul and from Route 206 Soim^rsot Prrshvt<*rians J o Dcdicali^ Gii’i'.iltar to Helsinki, hopefully b » 1070. Furnishings On ( Jmrrh’s v\nni\<‘rsar\ '

.Snnu-r.S(‘t P rc.-byii't laii Churi-h .servii-i’. to r.ii.S' nionf, to sup- ' w ill !>(■ tlii c'c '.e.ir.s old m \t .Sun- [lort the K.orc.in Grjilian the group dav .ind toobserv its .utmvers.irv, h.t.s idoiited. 1^ 1^ it 111 dedb-ati .se'.’er.il sin-citil .ind I'lm la.st I a i: i ly Nicdit ol the se;i- n!('h:oiial i iits ot mruishm::.*- that -son w ill '1-e la id Susid.r.- ,it 5;30 ;U'' noiV.tn .ll.se.il; it- m i’.', b uild- ;i,-. Tbe |,i:e--i-.i::- w rll l.e- the ii.n . - sliir.vii . (i| itir I fih)i- ;ilti ,s, [ire - ’ Glen plaids are in! 1] ^ 1^ .VmoiiE -'hesi- are 2o i’>; tin 2.". p.ired ; ..n nriii j ot ibiiMUi t ath- : [le-’.'.s o! till' .Aliii-aii wtioi! kiiii’.v:.iis olie nuns in th’ V!idd!<--v.-st, tn e x - S.ipele now III the I’li.ipel,'he I'-ras.s plan 'tie .-ll:fe[-ii,.. li-.-|i(..;s .nid p ra c- I’liiss oiithe (’oiMt.nmeiM.ii l ', ■ ,ii - tii-es e! t!.. -..irien*- I’rot'-.-tant de- uiets in ihe kiti'heii. i-h.in.s aiidt.-,- juiit.ni.iu-oi..-. TROPICAL bles i.ir 111. e(lur.in'..n,i; --I:.- iiio Tli* :iiinu.i! : ’ i!’. I'u-nlf iia.s , birmiiu'i in the siiidv. ; .wn -,.i n, th. \ppi. Gi'nve of' Th.. sp, ( i,,l i|,-.(-|e afion St’i’vn’.■'^ Luke l.-|an ui : lb iihiiiartcrs '-''urki’a: .s.iIII:*t! t,_ I-'. :.i,i W ii,. , i-:, ;. C i’cil \ i r . ■’. e- 'e- e: -pi';- h ■ Pal! I.'.' ; ! ,ih 'urvlv.il Sciaxil at ' . ; - e 1 n u , V . , J are plaids to revive and Hi.: I i.i*' ’..i.rU. years ago today ! i • t ;I1 . !a ■ '] ■ .'f' 'Ain^-'.ut.ifl brighten any wardrobe. ’! i: i! !i.r ' t y\ ; j- .,t. N< : k. . 1 ■ ' ’ I - 'li ' ir Shades of gf'ays, olives and we received our charter 'I: -i ■ ' blues. S75.00 to $95.00. UGV - 11th •-.!• -GX Mtpr) -sn . :iic rrinvvtym Bv.il.JinY A 1 l m ii. h iJ i t lu ‘V-'-inJ^ V f vnJ !'s’i vt'a . : • vYki PnnvY'Vi Sa\ A; I vMi 'I‘h. ^ !l -or\ re-., -mUvv. viu! :Hy \]\W - . 1 . FREE PARKiyC ■/'Jl:-.-! :.!■ W ll v g U -11.1 :v ‘^ vnv 1 ■A V \ *■>*■ «Hjr “ Park and ''hop* Iff .*.rv'A n u

(Thp ^ 32 40 NASSAU SrtWT. MMCnON N J .m jf M J. MURPHY F-.c-erai Home DA 9-2000 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Sf‘ ’ .’ g B Townsh'p ond V-c-ni’y 19 Chambers Street R' ^ Q f' R o c G Junctio PACK FOCf^ THE Cl- N TRAl, 1^-)FT !'nrf:si).\A', m a y is . I' rk - f ------^------% ill's By Pharniafv 3rd QIC WEEK!>47th ANHIVERSARY M«*nV Loajfiir l*la\

Rf'Spif-s's Tav»-rn .uKi Ki-nd.il! Phk! '.i fi ,i< n-r iunc tn frarr of thf- Smith Biut*- O F F wu'k Mt n's. Soil} all Li'-aA'’ last- Saturday. . - Ir. di^fc-atint! th<- Grp^shor. 1-2, 8 is-e. If-'s had hits, mciutiint;. D V i t'.vo f-arh hy ,A1 iiak-otal .uai Hrufi' rhaii(li»>e. Jm-JI.fm,ola .vas th<- v.in-- Mn^.pitctn-r. C 2IS LJ2!B JB !LA ^JS 2!S I:i*y!!!Lt!yB M ngjL-• • ctT s t a m p s t o o ! With T<-d Oaillard doim' tia- ) l Ourifi v.ork, Ki-ndall I'aik Phat - n.it'v iM'-at ttif' i-.lks . BUY BIG! SAVE BIG! DURING OUR SPECIAL In s<-f ond gaiin-.s, .st...\ti£n.i.smi'-'s. tnpf)f-d 'i.iro.s !■ arms JO-iy .swl Gal - ■Inn mpr»-d thi- Groi>shop h-'.. i- raiik Dn.scoll, I-rank l.upu-a and Walttm vvawlsl . ' win. Wr-nfinllSmitl. riotr-tn-d ttit- vii - ■ torv for Ga!) Inn. . On .Saturday Muv 20, I fast iNfw- Roiltl fluids, SUNSHINE STATE : eii.stinfks will meet Kf-gim-'s Tav- FLORIDA nrn and Varos f.irm.s ’.nil play j Kj-ndaU Park Pharmacy in fhn THE REAL THING . 0:30 a. m. £tamt-.s. ORANGE JUICE 1 0 -9 9 In the lli.'iO a. ni. ESin.ns it -.nl! Ilf th<-,Klk.s apilnst Gali Inn and DRESSELS the Grueshop aftainst St. .-\u- 10%-oz O ' inisti!if'.s. ALL BUTTER * 4 7 '■ -0- SUPERMARKETS POUND CAKE ORCHOWD K n BIRDS 6 - oz Q A c Hfl Annual Flower # D EYt ASST SATIO CORN on the COB 4.:s.'r3 9 ‘ HAWAIIAN PUNCH FLAVORS c a n s O m CHEF S 5 'Sale May 18-21 CHOICE FRENCH FRIES CHO l2 iR ;9 9 ' MELON BALLS MAKMARIANI 4 ' p V , ° ; 9 9 ‘ Till' Rocky' Hill Coinnitinity NAY WHITE SALE! Group will hold it.s tliipil annual I-lower Mart Thursdai . May 18, T through Sunday, May 21. at ttic . , . 5 1 0 0 Corninuntty Ilousi'-I.ihrary on FULL SIZE 7 Wa.shiiifCton .Strpot. I carto n s I I Stock on ,saip will int liidf ger- ‘ ICH'S COFF 72 x90 1C [ animus, annual and pfrennia! plants .andseedlings,sniallshrubs, tomato and fiepfam plants. NEW! 1 5 -o z . Proreed.s of the sale will con­ TRiE TAVERN tinue the restoration of the Gar­ PIZZA PIE Pl<9 rett House, now servinp the coni- ^ Airweave. raunitv a.s a library and comimitlity ceuifer for youth and aiiiilt .ictiv- . LIBBY 1-lb 4-01. WHOLE po ly b>09 itie.s.. THIRMAL KNIT STRAWBERRIES ONION RINGS FRErKH-FRIED I n . adflilioii to the plant .sale, -I 9-01 A O i on NSumlay, May 21 there will Vie B IRO S EYE an extiHiition ol the work ol .stu­ AWAKE DRINK i MORTON APPLE PIE 2 X 63- dents in the art tda.s.se.s and craft PIAIN worksliops curriMitlv sponsored l.e. BLANKETS SEAFOOD PLATTER ’.iV 55- LENDERS BAGELS (GG tf ONION 3 XT 79- the Rocky Hill t'omiminity Group. The public ns invited to tour the 94% RAYON 6% ACRYLIC Garrett House .ind see its lihrai 5" NYLON BINDING and meetinp rrxrir facilitre.s and tin: s2«» progre.ss of.tlie re.storation work. COAAP VAL S4 9 8 E A C H Sale tune is Tliursday 3 - 0 p.m,; 49< Friday ! - C p.ni.; Saturday 10 FRENCH FRIES — 2 a. I I I . to 0 p.m.; and .Simdav 1 - C, p. ni. M rs. Jolm Kenyon i.s ctiair- inan of the I: lower .Man.'' -0- EXCELLENT 1 0 -o z . (iriggsU»wii Library VALUE! BROCCOLI SPEARS ^ 4 pkgs. 8 5 ' ALL FLAVORS 6-oz. Sets Hours For TWO PIECE DOLE JUICE ^ canx SWANSON TURNOVERS PEPP£mTCE‘FARM Si 47- Spring. Summrr DECORATOR au"'' DISH 7 - ox O Q t MEAT PIES TUPKfV .... iBEFF-CHICXEN ;-i;t 59- RICH'S ECLAIRS CHOCOLATE 2 pkgx. OY spring anii ..siimji.er hours toi the: 100% COTTON V A ROMAN 1 2 -ox $ f 0 0 Griggstown Library have tieen an- CHEESE PIZZAL H 10 PACK 9 9 DOWNYFLAKE mainceii !>y the director, Mrs.C.-A. FRENCH TOAST 3 pkgs. I Bischoff. They are trom 3 to -I BATH MAT SETS p. 1.11. Mondays and on {.Saturday trom 10 a., m. Aimil '4 p. m. WITH MATCHING LID COVER M a c h in e w a s h a b l e .At present there are over le>00 FOOD volumes hinnsed inlhebuiidinr fea­ NON SKID BACKING 10-oz. TF FAIR pkgs. m M turing fiction and iioii-lierniii both CO MP VAL. S 2 4 9 SET PEAS OF CUT CO 1 on the .idult .iiid ( hikiren'.s level. ■ N'o.w hooks are being added each 5 week with the majority on loan from the Somerset County l.i- C A N N O N cS^°6n a s s t c o l o r s AND PEAS b'rarv. . FOOD FAIR The libi ai > is housed in the "Lit­ WASH CL0THSi%8...1'» SLICED CARROTS 6 XT 85' tle Old Red Schoolhouse" located at the rear of the Griggstown Re- 9 -0 1 1 0 - o x C C c Pu Hied Chin eh. It is ■celeliirating FLANNEl BACK PUSTIC MRS PAULS p k g s. p k g Its . 12ajh anniversary this vear FISH STICKS 2 ASPARAGUS along with the Church. Originally' OR SHRIMP CROQUETTES luiil-t lor tnse as .a .school, it has CHICKEN HOWARD JOHNSON FRIED CLAMS Jt^SONJOHNSON X63- served as a libr.irv lor ihi past AND CHEESE 1 4 -ox S fO O eight ye.irs. It i.s staffed and run LARGE 52 r70 HOWARD JOHNSON p k g s I CARUSO LASAGNE bv volimteers, $ 1 6 8 MACARONI E 3 ,A di ive tor new liook.shelves is CO MP VALUE eui reinly under wav, .lioiig wiili 1.98 «e. c!e.in-up, .ind fix-up eampaicii. .Anyone imeresteil in fioruiting eithei lime or inuney to the hbrarv 11-o z pk’.cse com.ict Mrs. Lisclmlf or HYCRAbE lO-oi Mrs. John V.i/aka.s. MORTON DINNERS -x 2 7 9 PRETZELS Ac O ff LABEL pWq -0- PRETZEL STICKS 24 (Jiuryli All noil iicos 5 -o z . sue AR c o o k ie s 3 14.01 SfOO HYGRADt w • I ■ WAFFLES food fair 10 \ aried ,\<*li\ ity r n A l f l t C OAT)UEAL RAISIN OR ^ 1,4 OI S |0 0 9 8 W V i y i C j CHpC CHIP-HYGRADE i pkqs I l*roi;rain For \Ia\

KlNGbli’N - - 1 hr ,s.i5 Vale.e.ut .-U 11*111-. sill ! . .1 ’ ll- .,’ . I.ini - - inv r!a worship a- ivvi- e e; tla-'J Ki, -.toi i'l t> ' 1 ' C imi 1! t tij Mas 21. P.U’rist.s ■.vishiiu- to h.ivi. ; rhi 11 1 t il M ipt< I <’ -.1 miM • oi t n t FYNE , tile I’llliri ti oUu > . - . Ll.ilL. \ ■!si!-i> scIkki! will be hell! thi.r rumna i I s the-- TASTE cl’llll' Tloai si'll, t<* tt'- nil >1 ' MILD MELLOW ■ ssi.sl; ro !eie in .inv imi a.’if.- .ire a-k. du CO 1 It 1 il't dll t 1 V i '. NUiv.seU ■ilorkii:,'. Tlios.eligible tni- PILLSBURY ■ittenil .ii'e .i.;e.! loui’ thi'i'Ui;tvill 11!i-r|

rh( ,?ii:M-‘r Inch 1 .!.l\o’.sslu! ’.suF 'im d ii’. . M.i COFFEE ’ ol I 1 in . Ai i'( JS-' 1 , 1 ' .4,b d .11 A!l 'l-1' of ALL PURPOSE GRIND . !’ ■ i. 11. i- s fl: ■sr-an .it ■ J. ■■ . wallM ri'kl'-il'- .tnsi vs.illf-’.TaH'. Ar " ■; > iF b< I 'll I " 1 .... i 1-rb. \ !l ,v ! 1 1,1 -ki f' ' FOOD FAIR THIN SLICED SANDWICH BREAD OR REC. SLICED >’l ' ' X h,ll 1 i i e a ’ VU « ia iii’-s 11 t •> ’ ; can 1-lb •o X II ltd l|' rt t S; , 6 - O Z . T'a" -I'' > ■, it St ' t u S ta y Fresh S100 t ik ti , c tc , >1, J ■ PRELL C O N C E N T R A T E 9c OFF LABEL t'le tdiiire'- IfiK' lor 11. Kill, \rti- P oly h ' s'. . l a ! , k tl in' SHAMPOO ‘1.00 size tu b e b 7 WHITE BREAD 4 Bags ■ stl O!.-’ I ove.' i.virh !op>o I'lK'elOi MxM Y HEAD & S PRIDE ol the FARM K-U'HMf-.Ml. Va. -- K- i n. -b i. SECRET MOULDERS CRISCO ULTRA BRITE SHAMPOO LOTION JAR SHAMPOO 1 Uji . (1* ' ■ ^ , ah ‘ i ’ ' K - SPRAY DEODORANT 7c OFF LABEL 8c OFF LABEL SHORTENING dal; Inirk. lu.' loti'.ed Klim T2c OFF LABEL CATSUP and i.o.. ..-iiYfl 11.';: . • .:v. ; -i. Y/ T*’’ i „ TOOTHPASTE i (nr.' r Mi. r i- v - 1 00 VIC ^ 9 5 c Family Size M b R 8 9 e File Z%9V .1 I - |ta- idl.h..-- x . We Reserve the Right to Limit Quontities Prites & Stamp Offers Not EHective in Wayne. . .m a y I - ‘ ‘ h ;Y THK CENTRAL POST PACE FIVE 3rd BIG WEEK! 47th ANNIVERSARY S p r a n i u * l l o i i o n M i « • A- Top Sliidtail Ami Mini'*)]ipiiiaii

, s . = •: v.rt r 1 .ton. '.Las ] > r. ’ I'Jt'-tafki- l a lyr*- (! - ft,Tv. I SE-ty- HDO 'U Hl>«or;SU: -iuni-a' .1 umv* rsu\ th prices -•-'.'.ar K ri'itt'i'.uii i.tsi nr, .''pr.UTit - a IK! 1 ‘-'at li, .1 South Uruns’.uck • Iruih . .aitUKit-.l (tu’ COME JOIN THI BIC MONiY-SAVIMC CEItBRATIOII ■. ■ « T STAMPS, TOO! • ' -I nn.tunf'v tv xLttJu'Ss • jnr-.ta- ' tjof- .It Ek.. t 1 15'Hjn ■ Mlvt r tiv in rt-t-o.'- nmni.'tn .u-hu '.v'-: • I .tsf vrar hr i ..'(‘nivin! ?hs. 11 d’li’u . .r.vard a.-, tl'.i Luslvt.* "MEAT MAKES THE MEAL" V. .11.. Thi voutl.- al. 01 {.'S at t)s*‘ imiA.frsnv. 'THE PRICE COUNTS TOO"! In .uMms'!';. hi' was for ■ -.a h Haliii Ml f: uAa vS, .Lf.bu!.! ■ a»iii hl.uii . ,ih. :• ilua! • hontUMrv FOOD FAIR S Mass Buying Power enables FOOD FAIR t o sell fresh meat and poultry at <>1 L.am.-'.mi.h at lowest prices possdsle This means moximum sa vin g s on every meat item adding Greater It.' UUhain M. h.i.H-s 01 t!ii' Shoppmg Power to your fc K > d budget, any day. every day We know you II like the friendly h 'j ai .ttrar'iit I'l -Vaval SfifiKs .it Wix('(>nsii, 'tu’.-n.fiuifLi hill; itir service too! ‘’alH»vi‘-;m r.a'i^ nor'VMim> ,ba(h ar.Kit'mu ally .\iKr u.iluanl’.a m i aisO.t it’ d hi.s pal tiL ipatinu iiivar- sitv -itlilftm.x.. v\ i^raOu.sti-■ ol >(‘U’h Bruits wirk lhu)i vSi hool, Mt . Sf’r.n.Aif is scht'tT- u.lvf.1 :oi a (a-mr u: • . Hi." t.ifla‘1 . a N.tV-i! oiMr-1 .m FOOD FAIR & USDA CHOICE QUALITY t.WLirh.i Ual T1 ami a nnHUht I c'U REGULAR THIS WEEK'S I tiu' N'.i'.al ha'"-, rvi !(ir i-anwcais, OVEN READY n-h a pr.'UfCSor .U ri»> Lnlha’*' tU _ FIRST STYLE j\tni(uUm- at i'ur rawti-^ia cu; ^im! .»• naa>;’pf-r of Hu- South Bnnis- MERCHANTS I'.vn k Iviar 1 Ml i.-dut'.ituju. GREEN ■ -0- ib.O 100 STAMPS U S GOV T INSPECTED FARMER GRAY FRESH To Plan WHOLE For (Alb Park MO for .1 St ru‘.s 01 futurt- rSP LIT or 4 to 4 ) !b II MERCHANTS F‘Vf>u(.s wt-r(' "I t at tlH' rtc iit [^CUT-UP AV C l b . FREE GREEN STAMPS na-etuiu ot, rhi- <‘«n;uatt*-'0 nl Tui’ CHICKENS D r ' Smut Park af’. WITH THIS COUPON & PURCHASE OF Anionp itoiiis disnissod v.t'-rr: SHORT ail munudiatr mcniiirrs'hip drivr FOOD FAIR & CUT ’ lJiSt'*ad -fU nn Srpt. 1; flir Park*.^ *7“ or MORE ijarUripiatinn in Ihu Vhanoijal Day U S D A CHOICE pl.iii.s to aHf'ud tht Slinn- except Cioorettes, Fresh Milk. OUAIITY .•'P*s Cu( uh 'ri i iiton; tatlii-r- RIB STEAK Creocn or Foir Trade Items 111 .1 7! -SOl; m p to SIH- tllP N'ra ViU'k COUPON VOID AFTER MAY 20 Yaiikt'O.s pUiy on Ort, 1; planniiie C D A D E nane^tAN MEATY j Adults Ordy—One Coupon Per Fomily aor 'a famih outinc: and pirnu-. Jack Kusli r. hnam ial rhairnuin SAUSAGE .b 6 9 ‘ > r A K E KI d J FRESH lb , M>! Middlt’sr.v County, a ^iirsf jat tlic .im Ht^ spokf- on; a rOOD tAlfl fc USDA : iimd ilrivc to fudarijr Y^an,psit<* SHOULDER STEAK CMOtCI BONSLISS . 9 9 ' FRESH GROUND BEEF ' arua.s at »h(. Tpjy St-out Camp. STEAK BONELESS P.ist artmtim o! »hi' Ihirk in- CHUCK FILLET K.coiv; X X ) r AIK fc USOA CHOKE ,B 79* FRESH GROUND CHUCK ,e i hub d pai ticipatifjn in thf fl?. r'eronainy at iliu Camt>ridLrt'School BO »«U SS (RtBI HALIBUT PfA inrctniL:. Cnb Scouts at- CLUB STEAK FOOD,o o o E ^ A . lt t , USDA CHOKE . r LEAN SLICED BACON HARVEST ib t*'iiflim were Dourlas Gclh r, Hol*- h-rt Blackburn.' Kmth tloutin.m, BONE IN (CHUCK) LEGS With I FOOD FAIR & USOA CHOICE QUARTERED CHICKEN , s n A K Warren bos.'i. Allen MalakofX, BEEF FLAHKEHoocf 59- ( BACK ib MoreUl !'• ddy Fes.-id.-hi FOOD FAIR «. USDA V I # A D l # K1 A B A SEMI BONEUSSBONtUSS CRT O V.KCV.4C SELiCTiD Ib. a;;d f ifty} 'll '>uu.-,. ' ^CHOICE QUALITY ■ i t llllllV flAlwl 4 4 . TO . TO S LB S LB AVG AVG lb lb 79' ■ -0- ■ FLANK STEAK ,B 99- E WHITE j f , 9 Large Shrimp 40 to 50 Per IK lb I I-lb \ oiilh Projirams. BRISKET OF THICK Round Shrim p cNc” 0^1 Sea b- *1” Baptism Plans Lobster Meat maripack * *1” CUT LisUa) Bv riuircli Haddock Fillet b 69‘ KINGSTON -- The Gooporative PRICED Fresh Whole Flounder ib 45‘ Parishes of the Kincrston area are CORNED F HIGHER sponsoring a youth retre.it the ’.veekenci of May 20 to .lolui- sonlurg. Tfiose from the Kingston Pres* SANDY BOY b'.torlan Church interested should contact- Mrs. Paula Bartow iiy ANNIVERSARY GALAXY OF VALUES Sat.urduy. M.r. 20. ^The Sarrauient ol Baptism will PRODUCE WITN SPACE AGE FRESHNESS ■ be admimstfreciiiunngthe-ivor.slup SPICED HAM service 01 tlu* KuiEston i're.stsy- 47 teriun Chu.ch on Sundav. \Iav 21. Parents .-.nshms to h.iv<- tlieii SOLD IN ctiild bapt!7ed .should contact the church office. TOP 3-LB. TINS Tlie .Senior Hi lellowship of tin.- QUALITY ONLY Ib. Kirigston id-e.sbvter'uiri C hurcl. 40 (plans a canoe tt ip. to the uppei CHIQUITA BANANAS r.ipid.s. ot the Del.aw.a'C) Kivev be­ tween Lordville. N. Y. and I_ick- Store Sliced Bologna h 6 9 awAXon. Pa., the -..eekend of .M.iy GARDEN FRESH GARDEN FRESH ICEBERG TOP QUALITY THIN SKIN JUICY j 2 P. Kegi.stration must 1-e made i,*y All Meat Franks food fair lb 5 9 ' : contacting the ch.iirrri.an- Robert GOLDEN FLORIDA LEHUCE 19< LEMONS 6 ,.35 Warner. There -.vill be a practice All Beef Franks FOOD FAIR Ib 6 5 ; session and m.striiction m canoe.- GARDEN FRESH FIRM SLICING TROPICALO i mg on Sunday. M-a-. 21. at Car- Green Pickles HALF SOUR : negle Lake, Tho.se planning to. go b. 4 9 [should Tceet at the chm ch at 3 CUCUMBERS 3,. 29 ORANGE DRINK 9oi

KITCHEN COOKED A W'iTii- rasling will l.ifflilictit thf- 6 e a rs 3 9 * CARROTS 2 e 2 9 ‘ GRASS SEED 5 b^ T ' Grlpestown ! Ire f ompariy Auxili­ ary meritiiE on Tiie.sday, May 23, in ill,' firehoirs'-i at-3 p.rr.. ROAST BEEF Jo.sf-p.h Darks, New J,.rs(-y State- sa!,'.s manager tor Gi eat 'Aestei n \ ;l Wir.c.s and-f h.uiipac-nes, -.vill stiov. ) * STAR SPANGLED SPECIALS IN TNIS DEPT. ★ ( a film-'on tin- '.vrm- Industry, fol- FRESH le-.v('i • y a (juestioi; ',nd atrswer IMPERIAL STORE [i'-MO';. Pl..(;,s w-ili l e it.atle for tl.e : se.. ui.ti .S-lnraioiiE ’.vith th, " Banjo, CORN OIL SWISS AMER. CHEESE p a s t e u r ^i i e d ^p r o c e s s ,b 5 9 ‘ SLICED V l-lb .Struttii.ers l.oer (ms si-asoii. COTTAGE CHEESE PIN^I»PLE?«UIT or g a r d e n Turkey Roll ^eS^s'^oS^^^kh, «b 9 9 ' , OBITlJUifES I *_j______^__j MARGARINE Cole Slaw *. 2 9 ' NORMAN U, CLi.MENT FOOD FAIR CREAM CHEESE « 10 LEAN SUCEDFRH „ Q O < ra s ira m i whole half piki »>. 07 CH.VNbl'HY" - Not truit) L. Cle­ rKOSHER CBIDOUS OR SPECIALS O A < men',-Cl, ol Old Cram ur'. Road, 1 - lb ic r r a n N S a m e r k a n k o s h e r h> o t di-ed Satur lay in St. Peter's Hos- p kg SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE ,b 70 pu-al, Ne-.v Bi-titi.s-.vick after a short Ham Capicolla ’/*-«» 79* illness. 3 9 Born m HightsiO'An, he re.sideii '^ '^ T H E Re a l t w n g '^ '^ , , ORANGE JUICE 39* ■moat 01 hi.s life in thus area. Mr. t. lerr.em -.vas formerly eniplo-'.eri as a 'irnekeepc-r .h'. -he PRIDE OF THE FARM PRIDE OF THE FARM BROIL.A-FOIL McCORMICK t'r.excelie-i Chemcial Corp. Craii- MARTINSON'S l-uf--. He re':.”€;d 20 years ago. NESTLE GROUND BLACK sur.-ivmg 1... one bro»he:, .\I- CATSUP CATSUP LARGETRAYSI ^COFTEE* COFFEE bert of r.nglew'Otxi, C ulif. DECAF PiPPER t-uneral services -.verfi hela i-p t pkg Tiie.sd'f. li on, 'he f . Cole i un- 10-01 of 1-lb 8 -o z $ |4 3 4 -o z il Ho.'T.e, > rancur'.. The Rev. ■ btl con ■ Car! .1, C. Moll D. I-);, pastor 2 45' 39 59 2 * 1 ” jar tin 79' 39 ot Crantiur. i’rc*.sbv'eri;in .C hurch oifu ia'e'i. IJi'er.T,em was m Braili- Hoboken Brick Town Freehold or Bergen County, All Prices 6l Stamp Offers Effective thru M ay 20 .erd C. enietor . Cr.'tnbui ".. P A (x K S IX THE CENTH--VI, POST rilLlLsn.-VY. M.\Y 19<[7 ( iir l W in rroject 'tha-r ..ttce I'l -o !o; k th,.- Hrvm.s- '.'ick .Vcr.’ a pi elect. Awi'inl Text Of Judge's Decision On Project lA Lawsuit T!m> is I's':!; chaj ter Jiulgmcnt I.-* ctatiti'l in f.ivor l.iisi.; / I . ; : u:,. . ^ ' U'i: - . th . O': th. deiendant.s on tli.- > omplaint ■ ;<-U'l'.'. 1 ng i.s itii-il'-tr l .'.'iti.ontv. oti.erwisi' inv,i!id purported .-xer- , or th*- - i<; n; jii, iU'll! .i Ff'iii'cr N ( ■j-Si- ag.iinst 'll*- iiKlivuiu.il lie:. : -'I- • ru;.: 1. k ,'*( r* I * ‘'1-a *. -.'I'.ict'; .I- th - j huturfs. J'lic Court -■vill -I ’ h< ir-'-ision ri-Ldf-r-'d la.sf' '.V. -i.ii'i --uf .ilso v.-it! th>‘-staiti- ' i.'-t- 01 the pi-w*-rs and fx-rforn .-.nee 1 or P'roj.-ct :.y "to p., ■ J-. - ' W'.rl-:- :r.ont-v or ucts, ,uk! ihi.s .ii-plie- .ilso, I t.iki eoiirt. Pc-' ;ix dat.'.t(>r tr.iil i>; :!i.- counter- 1!." ■ '■ ''iia-!ior Court .Jude*' t'li-y r''->rr'Os*.-s and ')!■ lifa-i'-i.-s ■ *: d-:' the luia'tens- -M-t .'.ut Ir. ttie i .r;,„ney .■t'lmVale.nt’ lor the use oi' i', S -],fi , Xr. last t!':e lielendant .'•.ut-hcritv, '■ I S llX i. S ,-.;k in tllC 1 1.11 m s. N'ou :: .!>' submit ,! judg- II :ir'r:.,ii; ' n'U.sn.i.ssiiis ,* lav,-,diir.*-s '-ii.fli'Hi*' .viunu i[ ,i! L'nli".T.s • n'.". ,iU'.i scf f.-M/* i;,>!,■■■ istatut". I Proj.'-r-t 2 water. 1 ,:iiKl hodepriva-' 's’ ■iliere xva.s Ir.uid ..r ': is--I '.iSt -FUl j'or - i : : . ti, - . -Ill - ::;.*;u. I .u .s t ih'f- .sfii.itt; f J i ur S '.v ic k ' .'.uU'.orifv .imoiif th(-r; If* T-rovi.'le, ! That pioin!. theretore. is decided ' ' • t 1 Of.Ill: I Cor.X'-it, non o! the nytus of Proje. t 2| r-i i * <.-r,t.itiim in the offici.il st.it- :-.'iSlC'!'.., I'lkinu ' .! OlliliC i ; . * ’. L'liiiti'-- ,\uthorifv and !n.s'jra! .is ieasil le a:,oi i.-f.lf!'.-. i'ajainst the plaintiffs. s;.(,l.si,i ,t1 .ff '.iij'. Boi-.iiholders. P-if- ii; '-videncp " 1 --.lin*. t!:> v , . i u i l t ’.' HOSKING PKOMOTI' I) J'l" I ;e. Oil I Ota! le '.'.'.Iter, an .idr The arenmem is advanced, .sup- O: No, ! ii.r!;., ff-f. ivo'I I iiiay say that In-tli.* future- i. I find 111!.'.villuil intention todi*--- ' 22. 1062, Willi.im M, Iloskimg Jr., has b.-en .suppr. !oi [ i-rsor.s witfdi, t!;. ■: n- ijkv'rted I y te.stinwny, that'this proj- a ■ lO. f<,i ,,-it* - s h i-'fj--. •.viil' i < • flf-t.-ri; ir.ffl as Nil, Grggnt’ .*cknoxvlf.-clgf's, there* fi-iud anybodv -ir to n.i.srepres.'i't. - 'rdefing >: i'UiUiing promoted to .Nrrcy Priv.ite 1-irsf^ nii'ip.iiif., and tor s>'-wa-aerlispOs,!! [‘■r: will not in- iinancially feasi- )' ■* > :i:i ' I *■ -’li O'- Of-j i.s :a< *11: I. iMily is no provisii-n, systeii, for .dloca- I '.Hll tht-reiiir.- con.suier tlu- -var- 1 er::.-.!.*;. Class .It Olathe, K.in., where he Is :Iv at ti.is-ti.rr.o. !fi prevent pollution. ii-le. that It '.vill re.sult inexcessive ■Fiii.io: '.'.orkofs v'h'i ('.■.•■■n *1 th*- tiurr of c.asts - ! should say Mr. iy-us o,i.jpctions r.iised seri.-itin;, It It > that 'll. pre.sent ! i 'l V ' on-si{Jor(‘d thf rn-Fiibi!- Then' ns ..o, initial .irruint-nt j and . ! UTdensome expenst- ami .serving with the T4tl. Artill.-ry I oi.ti-v* , th-- iollov.ii.s uv <1 tiio viuiessps Greene .*('kiiowl'-i|'ge.s this is pos.si- Oni- i -.tigatfon !>' ■vithi mt -*ul stantial v.'ho took rh(- r.nse-'l t-y !'r'e(] M-i /ev, .ii-orn> y ch a rg es to the users of tlie sys- Group, Mrs, Hosking lives on Ca­ I.ilini'o; K.r!,-'I'll;!' Si-i i-xr- 1- '.VI* fa­ ,s .suuid. I iiav mad till i-x- Mf- under th*- BoufI-Re.solution J-2 The lie-scriptioi; of the .-xisting,' olnr a n t . tl ,it it is an- ■o! 'he' plaintiis. that the -Mm i< .- re::,. Tlie .ittack upon the financial nal Road. !■ Ilf; < .itfilrii C/K)k. 'I.if.i'O llur.- ll d.S ■ r tl V.'OI’F- ii nay i-e that .some Projert 2 .sy.sti n i.iils to note m.ijor n-iviirs ! nv-‘ mtOi pal UtUitie-s .Vutliority '-..t, :.:>-asi!iiUty oi tlie system has sev- k‘-l> , .*'iis;-:-.t iron, liis ! rief ti-at !-i fort- then, the engineering report s!,i''ii. siiffi., j.i < it,i. 111 this ..i.s*' that Mr. NVestbrextk | son .- st.ite,m.-.m to tl,i< .-ifeci. ,\t II.out II an .K.-tion in lieu <*i Pro-; he- I.s not .U'Ctiine a lack o! .stand- and .‘^urvey of Killan: .Associates, (.r:ia: ‘ ;i i-i: : ' 1 shi). i.isf and Mr. Nelson lai k standing to i'tlie .s.im.- tin.,.,tut; I , ani;ot sav ih.it rfitiuivi- W I It must i-e tiiat the a c - ' •irds ],ier s(- within tlie s'amt' ; Ttuit i.s, J-8 in evldetice. That re------► DIRECTORY <----- Till- Sf I ij.i v.'.is •.‘.'fitii-ii ! •.' til! assert the constitutional objec- tile, on'.ission- ’ ■.■.■ould ! e lik*-iv' ' in tion takf'll I'.y the .ii'.uiiidipality, jn. he is artaiins that a possi!;]' om- :port analy/.e-.^ tiie prv Itself any basis for set- lor information. 297-183^ be entirely truthful and accurate. DA 9-2732 Phoh< 297-3128 to P-22, I must consider that Mr. ting aside Project l A, nor does it Those are estimated future con-! /PimiWHIMCS Westbrook is not a financial ex- appear to be any- Impairment of nections to Project .-Among' pert, an accountant or an -audl- any obligation to the Project 2 other things, the variou.s proper­ tor. Bondholders.- ties are closer to Project l.Aline.s ' It appears that he has made a From the *estlmonv Introduced than they are to Project 2 lines number of erroneous presump- i consider that there was an area Fifth, there is a tabulation of! CABINETS CALL DA 9-6063 tions, or that some of his prem- mr fact determination within the industries within the munif iji.ility; I COUNTER TOPS DONALD C. RODNER PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT !ises are erroneous upon which he discretion of the. Municipal UtUi- none are witliin Project 1, six are | bases his figures. I am not satis- 'ties Authority as to whether the In Project 2. The statement is not! Alterations & Additions INC. fled, for instance, that there Is a Project 2 trunk linb was sufficient that these woulti be users oi thel Georges Rd. Dayton direct correlation between the as it existed, whether there should Project i.-A; the statement solely I FISCHER BROS. INC. number ot users aixl operatlngex- i,e a tie-in at point 2-A or 2-B and simply i.s that these .ire in-! pensPS; that is contrary to most ex- as thev have been referred to, i dustrie.s within tlie inunicinalitv Call 297-9(71 FULLY LICENSED& INSURED ORIENTAL CARPET jxmienre. His interest rate as p ro- or at the point actually, contem- ' .sugaestine to anv prospectiv*-!,id- or 297-9629 jected contains a probable error, jpiated at the top of the rise with-; del' or purchaser that there i.s ., I see no reason to question ba sic- ill 100 feet of the proposed Kings- trend of industrial growth -.vithin Illy the figure.s a.s set forth in the ton Plant, South Brunswick Township. ' FRANSMISSIONS HARDWARE , Killam Reixn t Till- problem of .Surge acknowl- Sixth, no-.vhen* does it .say in the We mov-e, on to tfie presumption edged tiy Mr. Westbrook, themax- official sfatement that Projc<-t lA AUCTION* by Mr. Westbrook in hts calcula­ imuin Io.\ds on .some days during will be charged for Project 2 water, tion that there would be and must or after heavy rainstorm s, the , " I find that there is no fraud or DELTA be a payment by Project IA for safety factor which must be | inisrepresentation in , the oifii-ial HARDWARE INC. use of Project 2 water.‘This argu- granted, suggest thai the Project : statement P-19 in.evid(-nce. A NOTE ABOUT THE SALE ! ment Is founded upon a reading of 2 trunk line may have been In- The pl.jection is made that Mr. WORLD'S LARGEST isection 502 o f the 1963 Trust. In-.. sufficient, that it was a reasonable | Doran was not a free agent, that We have been authorized to liquidate a large selection of used and new denture. It is contraryv to the idetenninatlon that. It would be in- he felt htmsell bound by the l on- TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS Persian and Indian carpets and runners. This is part of a huge collection opinmn ot Bond Counsel and of the isufficient; the law as slated by Mr. tract ol Mav 2u 19CC aiuM \ the . Tow ' rng that has cleared customs and is being dispatched to this area for immed­ 1^°“®*'*-'^ ''’^5 thprefore properly opinion of Bond Counsel. Mr. free M u i f I -che c k pal UtHities Authority. iapplied. ; Doran's state of mlml in *.otlng is . Road’ps* iate disposal at public auction. It is a rare opportunity fOr the public to ^ As has been pointed out the wa- jhe financial fea.slbility argu-I not a matter of legal significance 821 Somerset S?. Hwyt. 27^ acquire Oriental carpets of unsurpassed magnificence and luxury at auc­ tei is not the watw of Project ment or objection has anotheras-; if his vote .standing l*v itself, or New Brunswjck ' tion prices. the water is. the water ot the ja-ople ipo,t; that i.s. that water and sewer ! the action taken pursuant to his AX 7-9426 0. the State. Onlx .so much w.ib'i j,, jy „j. jggg^ jg CALL 828-1141 Kcndoli Pork Shopjjiny Center — ma.x lie taken as is permitted by of this increase is attributable to ; legally ol.jectionable. What he the-State Water . Policy Division the Brunswick A cres projt*ct. The i meant by saving he felt himsell I fir Council.. _ ...... testimony generally on this point as ! hound is irrelevant and unim- FLOOR WAXING There is no proof before the pf little or no worth. There Is the portant. HOIIDAY INN ol PRINCETON Court that the present w-ell.*; are offhand remark or the. heresay ! Several arguments are advanced : inadequate. For that matter, there -,-o,nark te.sHfled to by Mr. West- | against the contract of May 25, < 1 1 "//IIII III 1, s no pr<)of Ol -suggestion that j,rook that $1-5.00 of the proposed | 19CC, J-6 m evidence. No attack U .S. Route 1 & A queduct Rd. R.D. 3 theie ma> not lie another well or in crea se Is attributable to tying in j on tills agreement was made v.ltli- vvells dug. From the proof before (Brunswick A cres. As Mr. Mezey | in the j>eri(xl fi.xetl in the Rules /lu i< (, ll\ Princeton, New Jersey mt -urate increase by of Court. I consider the attack FLOOR WAXING SERVICE Pioject 2 Is available In the Proj- .itself is not sufficient to justify or i to be untimelv. commercial • residentiol '■>'*1..^ Tsetting; Going on, however, Mid vie-,vingj - L comnunEled ‘with the wafer [aside of municipal action to extend | the attack on the merits, it narrows fV\ AY THURSDAY MAY I8th at 8:00 P.M. of Project 1; water is made avail- t^^.^tor mains of sewer lines to some 'down to the argument of lack of Pr i / t T 2 w ells-to low ,,rea within the muyicipality. ! consideration. Consideration is Ockdalc ViUage Hwy. I t oject 1 users. * ■ .No rep<.irted rase has granted da m -i .staled: Number one, abandonment RD 4 New B ru n s w j ck ?{ I find no commitment or ohli- reduction of rates in | of the appeal, th.it-was a con.siligation to 1-uild imernal IIik-s KIRMAN. KESHAN SAROUK. AFGHAN. "BOOKHARA, ISPHAHAN p ven tng Service...... 7:00 so financially unfeasible or Irn- :uid turn ti.em over to the .\uthority; HAMADAN. BELOOCHISTAN. ARDABIL. KABISTAN . INDOSHAH Wednesdoy Proyer |Ueeting> 8:00 practic-al that a Court should setithi> di'.sir.ability o! ,in intecr;iti-(i WEBER 5 T V S APPLIANCE it aside. ! -.vater and Sf-wer syst<-n: 'without QUOM, TABRIZ. KAZVIN, SHIRAZ.NEIN and many others. Nursery at 1 1 - )0 Service l a t e s t c o l o r televisions C. E. MAJOR do not find th.it the plaintiffs !.s‘eparate fr:in<'hi.sed ■vvatei .ind ON DISPLAY I a p p l i a n c e s TERMS: CASH— CHECK 1 ii..- / ' ' ihavi- proven .my increase in xvater | sewer compi-inies; thc-exfen.sionbj- l a r g e s e l e c t io n to c h o o s e MAYTAG AND Authorised Auctioneer: Kaoud Bros., 66 Orchard Street, New Haven, Conn. (and sewer rate.s generally within : virtue oi tla- .li'reenient withSoutii FROM k it c h e n a id Members ot the New Heveii Chamber et Commerce 'the municipality attributable-totlie Brun.swick .'icn-'-. the -.'.ater n Ro 1 ph M Wei r, Poster proposed Brunswick .-\rres ex- company and tin- sewer i omjiair. , COLOR TV \ -./ RCA • z e n it h • CE tension. i to oth*-i' are,is -.■.'Itlnn tin 'immici- ' HEADQUARTER \ / " ” '" ‘'«°o t o ^ T a° ''" J The theot"* ol thi plaintiffs' . Jiality. su ch a sth e S i. Augustin*'s Ctuirch .iiiri the Mol'ih- Park a u t h o r i z e d SALES 1 SERVICE r ’ ' ■ . . . --I Home,--, -win-re it wa.S ilespi-i at'-ly : luH'ded; till iiiitllo-.x'nf)t through an­ 2 9 7 2110 329-2110 other munic jp.ility -.vlti-n- th* n- - ' iiiight" bf unci'i't.iintii K n,. tin- future, but througli South Brun.s- -.vick T o’.viishij- itsf-1;. I find ti'.it ther*' '.v.is lull and ■uiequati- cuii,*-ifleration forth*-- coti- ti'.ict oi M.i--, 25. lOr-C. I. liiifi, th.i: flU'TL' -.vas noth.ini’ there is (•niitr..!'v in Hi •1 _ ; ■Mt\. th‘ Weicome Wagon International, ii-.'icilMi,' prmv.tl; it pi .1 with over 5 000 hostesses has f- r 'm'! u' t r ■■■) vi' • - V-,--ith- more than thirty years experi li: f.vrui.-'.vick , .tr aH. X- It-:;*.: 1 :iSt :--n: •1 L.Jl;Stn.K‘'ion ence ;n ■ foste'ing good 'wiH'm *>: I'i.i 1 . A., . ..ijn: M. , 1. business and comrpunity hfe '. ■-i. -jA : . For more infcrmation, about . Til* ,v. : - h.t.S 1 ,J,, i •r •- a I i f ' 1. - Welcome,^

- A. T.-r.if,.. rHONE 297-1254 f ' 1 WELCOME NEWC0MERS1 I i I ■Use th s :-:.,pon i: et us tnew you're here ATLANTIC CARPET I NAME CLEANING COMPANY I ADDRfSS I SPRING RUG I CITY I P'ease nave tn-e Welcome Wagon Hostess call on me CLEANING TIME* I ' rij-JC iire tn subscribe to Th-- C ‘ -.■ r ,/ /' .s.r C.AI-I. f'R.S'TT NF)T' !I 3-'ea1; ' b= t; j - - />, . H \ .m :: Ii N s z I ;m! , "''.J 5 "'a' U /' ■ Trf-,*-'-n, Jtrirjr - ,: : e k : j s - D n c n e a K-- . y i . THE PRINCETON PACKET THE CENTRAL POST CLASSIFIED CV/NDSOR-H/GHTS HERALD Classified Rates Lost & Found Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted - Fern. Help Wanted - Fern. Help W anted - Fern. Bargain Mart

Al! Af.i'.ertlslngappears l!i all ilhree.newspapers (circula­ LOST , KITTF N. Gray male, 3 motiths old virinltySyCarnorf-Road F.-'.CTfjRV .W'SHK in t rick manu- LABOR A TOR Y .ASSIST .'.N T.S WANT! D -.voc .r FOR : tion in.OOOj, The Princeton Packet, EXP E RIE NC E D LE GA L S E C H i - tor tn-us,. work .Antu|ue solid oakbed- The Central Post and Wlndsor- Southern Wav. Reward. Call tacturitii’ plant. Will train or. jot , ’ daV .1- wi-rk. .C'.iil ■ 924-0743. CODEH.S - small P: mceton i ased room, suit. Call 448-1791 after 7 no ••vj,..ri..ncj. r-".iu;r'ed,. Apply MOBIL-. OIL CORPORATION TAKY for Princeton office. Per­ Hlghts Herald, Ads rr^ay be rr.ailed 921-9232. comp.in'. neeilscaiers.Experience p.m. New Jersi-y SliaU- Bru'k' Corp.. Central Re.search Division manent position with top .salai V. sin or telept.oned. Deadl'ine for new Box =7, c /o Wipdsor-Higiits Her­ with rese.arch firin helpful '.ut not ads is r, p.rr.. Mondays If they are Hamilton Road. HiUst'crough necessaiv. Call Mrs. Sovlemez, n PAYS TO ADVF.HTISl- IN Township. Soutti Somerville, N.J, Has openings at their Princeton ald, 140 South Main st., Hichts- W,.\SliING .MACHINK, General to le prsperly classified. Ads re­ town, N.J. ' .■'K'Ri-TAl-'Y 921-24t'-l fo; .ippoimment. 20! - 3"9 - "Ml. laboratory for 2 latioratory assist­ I-leetric Delux. Pi'rtVct eolidition. ceived on Tuesday before noon will THi PHINCLTON PACK!'T ants (male or female) to work-with 5 vc.us old. $4i'. Can demon­ appear as^"Toc Late To Classify". Interesting -.vork -.vitl. protes.vion- the Si-nior researcti staff in gen­ strate. C all (201) 297-9056. Ads must l>e cancelled liy " o m •il fit Hi loc.ited at. N.i.ssau Street, • Monday. .c . eral chenistry.- P-AiD TIME -.vom.in, tor coumc-! TKACIL IN R O asrV LI.T - .small 35 hour A’-e'.’ *'* Experience not work. .AppL. Cunningham Phai> necessar-,. RepL. Hox H-i7, c o school, small cla.sses, unusual, Applicants must be High School .ACCOl"N'I CLEl-tK - to assist .MATTKI VSS - .A-1 CCINDIT10N. Jt.ATI.S are.$l.aO for four lines or Personal m.icy, .Main and Stockton Sf.s,, TTie Princeton Packet, etiucatioii niinded cominuiut;.. graduates. Two .years college in receivai le and pa\able depan- W i J .Slo.in e\-tra firm 80" twin less trosi- d.iys. sick leave, insurance. .Ap­ for present owner. You s.ive by our for three ur more consecutive AND INFORMATION. CALL C09- in-st! uctions ui ■ self-contained one, two, or three dm.vs ,i week. ti-on open in adn.ini.str.itive of­ ply .Mack Lumtei Co., Etra Rd„ mist.ike. Priie $50. Call 924-9339. weeks. Next inci enent of four lines 924-7592. ^ cL'is.s. Also need half time Isci- MOBIL on OFFLRS; Phone 448-0259 after 5 p.m. fice' lor qu.iliiied applic.int. Dic- Hightstown, fiO cents and tiie same thereafter, ence teachei foi. upper- l1 ides. Good Salaries lajJicme experience .ind -.tood.scc- Ad.s tnay lie displayed with white r’etaritil skills ii(>eded. Part time Hours can !e .uianged; .\pp.L. F',xcellent,l>enefit plans. KITCHEN HELP wanted - 17 and space ,ri;ar(riii.s and/or addltlonaU position op< n. C.ill 1-usine.ss man­ s e c r e ta i.. Hoaid ol i-.tiucation, F.dutational refund opportunities. over, evenings anti weekends, , c.ipltal letters at $2.a0 fjer Inch. Bus. Opportunities ager. Princeton Ttu-ological Sem­ Itoo.sevelt. Plea.sam working conditions. Siew.irts Drive In, Highway 27, ■Speci.il discount rate of $2 per inary, 921-8.300. TIRl-S - to matcl'. your pcK’ket- A tif-autifu! country e.state atrnos- Franklin Park. 201-297-0874. MOTHl-it's tielin-r wanted for inch is .ivailatile tf>. advertisers pla-re. sumrfier. Swimming alulity pro- New--used--rei-ap[X'd.New--used-- See runnlna the sarrife classified display ferred. Liglii housekeeping work. B'a--Hi.ghtstown Tire Co,, 139 LIQUOR STORK for sale. Prince­ SALL.SWCiMAX part time, 3 days BABYSITTl R in nr. Inme from •id for 1.3 consecutive week.s or dif- Live-in or out. Call 8 9 6 -1 8 5 4 a fter''‘"'T.-■r St. 448-147,. Oh Yes. ton area. Principles only. Write Call for Information .1 week. Apple in .twi-soii at The H:15 to R i:.. m „.s, k . willing-to fttrent cla.ssified display ids total­ PART TIMF LIBRARIAN to work . Mondav - Fridav only 1 p.m. we have wlieels too! ing 20 Or more inches per month, Box #351, c /o Prlncetpn Packet. !-.i lie Cenier, 2.: AAitherspoon do liglit liousekeepim., Call 448- at his (licr)coiiVenb-nce. Bio-med­ 9 ' a,.M, - 4 P.M. St., Princeton. - 07 9 5 -after ' P.m, and ’.vho arrange tobe tiilled month­ ical firifuitation preferred, t ut not 609-737-3000 ly. Box iminiiers' are 00 cent.sextra. CRAFTSMEN - ARTISTS. Bucks necessary. AMI- A.ssociatcs, Mr. County craft outlet wants contem­ Pulaski.-924-4058. AN r-QUAI OPPORTUNITY f M- IIcr- NSi-D PR.ACTICAl, NURSES: GOYA GUITAR, condition like TLHM.S; 2a cents lulling charge If porary metal, fabric, paper items PLOYLR. A- PLAN FOR PRO- Cl I- RICAL pPI- NINGS SJ CRi-T.-ARY - Priin-eiou I av.-Of- I-xcellcut opportunity.-Salary $82. ad is not paid for within 10 days witli ease. $75. 924-5632. iot sale, (215) 794-8380. GRE.SS CO.MPA.NY. ficc, responsible pfisiti’ -n; ex- to $102. weekh. F ree liealth In- after expiration of ad. 10 per cent SFCRF-TAItY (■ellent working eimditioii.s; top suram e benefits. ,'Other llbeivil NCash discount on cla.ssified display OPLR.ATOR for private swim club KITCHEN H! LPFR - Columl'US .salary tor right [jerson. Iteplies benei'its. Pension. Call (609) 466- •id.s ft lull is p;iid t>y the 20th BAn-EY’S DEPARTMENT STORE food concession. For information Boychbir Suniiiier School. Prince­ Must have 1-2 years secretarial in strirtest confidence. Write to 04OQ or write: Personnel Office, t)f ttie following month. Situations Princeton Shopping Center call 395-1198 or 395-1190tietween ANIMAL CARET.AKLR part tune, ton, N.J. Mr. Rtiine 609/924/5858 experieiin with good .steiio and box “ 849. e/o Princeton Packet,,N.J, Neuro-Psychiatric Inst., Bo;; Waiifed ad.s are pay.ilile with or­ 5 and '8 p.rn. excellent conditions, .salary and June 29 to Julv 29, typing .skills. 1000. Princeton. N.J. der. The newspafier is not respon-: Uniforms a Specialty ^ . Slide lor erroi'S not corrected by benefits. Fixpenencenot required. Near Princeton. .Apply Box *854, CLERK TYPIST tlie .idvertiser inunedlately (ol- maintenance hi LPFR, - NUltS'FfS .AID or pivictical nurse, "For Nurses, Waitresses, Maids, C O Princeton Packet. painter - Columbus Boychbir lowliig the first publication of the General i-lerical (■■xperieiice .m d, lYill time, Sunhiv.n Nursing Home. Beauticians, Utility Work etc. In Situations Wanted Schbol, Princetbn. N.J. - Mr. Jones ad. typing skill required. Numerical DF:PF-ND.ABLF: .-leaning woman 57G N, .Main St, Call 448-0-528. w+ilte and assorted colors. 924-5858 LHiity tndplur. wanted. -5 days per week, hours, BUSINl .S.S o n ICLS: The Prince­ iO-7, reiert-nces. Artistic iHair- AVTDOAV free to travel would like ton Ihu ket, 300 Wltlierspoon .St., .-Apply dailv 9-5 dressers. 42 WitlierspoonSt., 924- FINANCIAL ANALYST 4875. SFCHFTARY - rapidly growing F LNA free arm light welgtit pior- Pilnccton, N. .1. Tel. 92d-3244. woman'“T u e " ^ MCA TORS -TO take names C' R! A TIME PL .-aV t HIN GS Opportunity for young man or 'medical data processing firm talile sewing n.achim'. Recent Tile Central Post. 10 .Allston Hoad, X r • • ’ Polk Princeton Di- I-ntor.section Rts. 535 i. 571^ needs take-charge secretary for model, super-matic, does all dec- ^ ‘ • ______ret-tory. Outside work - hourly pay woman with college background in Kendall Park, N,J. Tel. 297- Higlitstown, N.J. ^ tlie administrative office. Varied oraiive sewing, liulton holes, sews y plus lioiuis.- see Mr. Weikert at accounting and corpoi ation finance 3434. VVinrtsor-Hights ller.ild, 138 work in an exciting new field. on button.s. mends, darns, mono­ MAN WILL do all kinds of mason 175 Nassau St. rear or call 924- to advance with established profes­ .M.iiii ' St., Htghtstown, N.J. Tel. A sutisidiary of Columbia Broad­ Please call . for appointment; grams. 1 year Iree service. Vik­ 448-300h. work. Call 201-254-3939 during 1273. sional firm. Reply Box 846, c/o . FRIDAY casting System. Systeniedics Inc., 20 Nassau St., ing Sewing Center, 59 State Road, A .the day; after 5 call 448-2718. The Princeton Packet. Princeton. 921-2205. PART TIMF Princeton, 924-9073.

WANTI-D: SAVLiIMING TEAM A I L OFF ICF SKILLS NOFF I Loeal engineeriiH’ firm needs ma­ COACH lor Connecticut Country ,F XCF I.LF NT BITS on GF major HOUSF SITTING: LF AVING FOR ture woman to handle office activity A nnouncements CUil’ - Wi iTe to K. Petta, -4 Phyl­ Help Wanted - Male applraiices, including air-condi­ THF SUMMER':’ Proiet ■t your $6 CASH. BONUS im-Uidinc typing, billing, appoint­ Antiques lis Pl.o-.-, Port Chester, N. Y. tioners. portalile T\''s and ments, etc, .Alake vour own tiours as home, keep your lawn mowed, and Stereos. provide shelter for a responsible A-1 hme a.s you can sjiend at least ynUiig couple. Call 799-0869 after 1-IF1 GUARD wantinl for small TLMPORARIF .s 4 houivs jx'r day. Write Box “853, JONES ELECTRIC RY! HURRY! HURRYl Cp.m . family type swim ciuli on Province- c.'O Princeton Packet. FURSTOVER ANTIQUES ARTS i CRAFT.S COUNSM.OR, Line Hoad, near Hopewell. 7 tlenter St. Hopewell,N.J, 466-0228 • l.ODGINCi I-OK ivXPO! Relax, in ceramics experience .necessary - Call 924-0362 evenings. -Many, Many, tem porary jolis Interesting old, antique and dec­ iie.wly Vurnislied’ room s in new Junt- 19 to .Aug. 1st. Columtius Bo.y- orative items, ,1 barn full - we tiou-Si's Ml sul'urbnn Montreal, 25 choir . Siynm.er Scliool, Princeton, 106 ..Alliany St. Janitor AVork (Male) HOUSFA\;jIVI-:S - counter iood serv­ .il.sii bu;,, Route 69, five miles north ALL ALUMINUM utility body, 7' mimiles \roni Fbxpo. Make re.ser- N.J. - Mr. Rhine C09/924/5858 New Brunswick, N.J. of Flemlngton Traffic Circle at COMPANION ti,'. tlie week. 9:30 ice jiosition.s availal'le. .Must be 6" '^4tli telescopiiig roof and ladder vations iibw foi" your pt-riod of 201-249-8300 St,niton Station, N.J. 4:15 p.m. Steady, posi- Steady employment - palii vaca­ neat :ind -persoiuiMe, F-icellent rack. 24" rotary mower.'(201) 821- ■stay. $6 pt.’b adult d a ily and up; Permanent positions a Iso available 8924. $2 per cliild; tliese are standard i '® agreealile to both parties, tion, sick leave, holidays - tx’n- wages, pleasant surroundings, full sion plan including .social se­ or part time, F xperienre not prices fixeifixe« by Ex-po.Ex-po, For inform a- Atransportation. Call rORNl !■■ CUPBOARD $2.50; Dryj DAT.A p r o c f ;ss.ing curity - free medica! .ind life iiecessarw Apply al Buxton's tion call 6ob.v397-0627 448-4100 ext. 635. NOW 'N th f:n s h o p Kapidh growing medical data Insurance. Countrv Sliops, Rt. .*206, ,Hockv .sink $125; Linen pre.ss $200; or! WANTED: p:irt time t’ookkf'eper all 3 for $450. .And numerous Back ul Craiiliury Inn processing tirni needs assistant to 2-iL inoniings :i week, or.- ar- Hill. ■ ■ . ! the prodiK'tion manager. Must be Contact Personnel Office, N.J. accessory items. 201-846-0438. r.uiged time. Personnel Press Fatlier'.s Day Gifts, Antiques, familiar with 1401 360 program ­ Neuro-Psychiatric Inst, Box 1000, , AVIl.L B.'ABY'SIT* in my luuiio for Lie., 20 N.issau St. Phone 924- .-Assessories. 1 ming, computer op*-ration, sched­ Princeton, N.J. or telephone 7000, ask tor manager. child one vear of age or younger uling, and quality control. This 466-0400; '- WOM.AN PAHt-TIMF Call 448-2681. Bargain Mart "Creations for those who like "TO Fits" is a ground floor opportunity for originality." EXPO weekend $44; NIAGARA, a iM’rson .nuidv to make the jump Parents Institute, 40-year old d i v i - ______1000 Islands, F;.xpo, etc. $105; into nianagenK'nt. F’lease call Sion of Parents M aca/ine has an SALE OF HOUSEHOLD goods, Sa­ WF:s T-COAST, .ill ni.ijor Nat'J ior .HI interview. SYSTF .Ml DIGS, opi'iiing ior a wotnanwho' would [■: pqtNTI LLE of every de- h o l e e w iv e h , c o l l e g e g ir u s , turday Mav 20, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m ., Parks, etc., i! weeks, $649; Help Wanted Inc., 20 Nassau Street, Princeton, RELL-ABl.r MAN over 21 vears ol I'lijoy. interviewing and enrolling ;scription. Thousdands of feet to nurses, and organizations. Extra 4 Hunter Road. Princeton. Ma­ EDUCATION TOURS (ll- l i'. vr. N.J,, 924-9073. age to luel .uid clean buses.Steady ne'.v niothei 's in our cinld care browse through. .Always something employnil'-nt, good salary. Applyin money can be yours. .Sell firs' hogany bedroom set, twin bed Olds.) 82 Chapel Road, New Hope, quality, hlgli fashion stockings at and development progran, (this is different - la-t gesi collection in person to Mr. Panicaro, Tiger frames, 2 large bureaus, iiilrror, Pa. J. Briehl, MS/ed, Director. largain prices. Call distriliutor ii:api.'ine sale.s). The woman we Bucks Count y, DaiP,, 8:30 to 5;30. Bus Line, 285 John St,, Prince- seek must be- sincere and defin- closed Sunday. Edison Furniture, 2 bed-side tables. $100. 1 wool SNF I LING A, SNF LI INC (201) 2'97-36?8. ton. Phone 924-1008, 9 - 5. , itely mature, drive her own car Doylestown, Pa. beige rug and pad, 12 -x 18, $30. 134 Nassau St Princeton NJ JOHN HANCOCK 2 filing catiinets, I girls bike, MUTUAL LIFE INSIT^ANCF CO. -.111(1 lie availalile between tlie hours Member NJ.APF.A of 9 - 3 p.m.. Monday - I-'riday, __ tiartieque g n il. 2 tiookcases, 2 Daily 9 to 5 .sofas, lung'pong talJe. 1 hide-a- .Announces careerOpportunities in year 'round. Slic can i-xpect to c I'rn between $60 - $90 p< r week, lied, 3 canvas cots, leaf rake, lawn See Bl A SHARON 921 2021 sales and sales management. FURNITURE SALLS.M.AN - .^p TF MPOItAHY NO FF F PAHR. To contact Princeton As­ .Salary or eoir.mi.ssioit plus bonus. itl-.FiflGEHATOItS roller, 9 x 12 cotton rue, toy chegt, SF CY .some legal exp tn $125 notch .salary for expei fenced fur­ .Secr'-fai'ie • md Tvjiists. soc. tor Human Rights, call 924- For a iiersoiiul int.ervii-w in your Mahogany m irror, lawn mower, BKKPR ASST exp or rec grad 95 Starting monthly salar’. up to niture sale.spian to work in Tren­ etc. 2966. Tues., Wed. Thurs, 10- home, write to: New Suppl'. - .just Arrived KE Y Pl'TxCH OP any exp to 90 $1000. plus I'omm.i.ssioiis. No sales ton's quality furniture store. We (lave more tem porarypositions 11 a'.m. or cal! Ulli SteltVer, 921- Apartment .size used refrigera- 6841. JR SFCY new position no s/h 80 or insurance experience neces­ Pleasant working conditions. Our availai'le than qualified personnel. Wm. C. McKee tor.s. Ideal fo! smali apartments, CREDIT CLF. RK life exp . 80 sary, since complete tiieory and stafl knows of this ad, .-Apply to Start imniediateli- in \our area. Hegioiial Director (jfflciencies. .\11 sizes in stock. FROSTI.F.aS uprigtit 18- cu. ft. CI.F'RK TYPlJiT no steno to 80 field training is provided. liox #848, c/o Princeton Packet, .A.s'eignrnents- r.iiigine 'froii; oni Parents Institute freezer. 10 months old. Guarantee GAI FRELAY 3-5hr week. . 75 week to tliree month.s. C aressen- still in affect. $150; Siesel beige This is one .ut the ti ost reward­ P.O. Box C74 H & H GAS and FEED" Co. CM F'RK lite typi’ 35hr wk 70 tuit. ■ Highest r.ites-. : rug, 9 X 15, $10; 3 doz. res­ ing program s .ivall.ible tixlay. Winuigl-ioro, N.J. '■ 18046 U indsot I-'oad, Hir.litstown, N. J. HIGHTSTOWN' PI ANNFD •MAN w a n t e d . Colt shop nia-ra-- Or ill 6119-877-6750. taurant (lishe.s, $5; kitchen window MURRAY I F-‘SHNi H 921 2021 W ".,il.so have qpeniiiv.s in .ill TAARFNTHOOD . GI INTC lion. .Must know .ibout t’olf. Hope- Dial 448-3232 . fan, $5; Call 201-297-2463. C!U:.\l'analy exp color etc 14000 ,l! you consider -.ourself to be, a •1! V.iHe;. Golf Clul-. -466-9869. oilier office skills.. ADMIN some govt ciiiitr,K't 12000 high calUier individual reeardless - ■ ■ OUSTEN ■ Ojieii Mond.iy evenings. phoneMon o f ■ backgreutki, you .ire invited to evening-448-3439; other d.iys 448- js.AlF S u.ed su'pplie.s to 11000 I’ nni'-obin: 19" N.issau St. .Moi.i, Is a I F S jiersoTial ins to 9000 investigate tills opportuiilty. M,\N NF F:DFD F OR work in cabinet Tiles. .Thums 10-:i PM; 921 7979; 'G . I . UPRIGHT v.acuum clean-, *■020 for iniorncition. 'SAI F S ind ehemicais to 8500 shop. Should have some experience .h.iii 2M1 240 1031 HF.GPSTI RI D NUK.SF S: er. Disposable bags, beater bat fOVING SAI.F - .May 20, jO a .m .- - s a l e s TRAINEE'ini:. te , 7000 Send resume to P, O, Box 27, in Avorklng to close dememsvon.s: agitation. Completely ovei hauled, 4 H a lsey Road, Kendall Park. Ken- JR AC.CT r.ite.student C.1K ' 6500 North Brumswb k. N, J. ’ or call- Work mainly kitchen cabinets and Supiilc;cent your l.imip. income. OnPc $28,00. Call 921-2205. more wa.sher, rug, crib & mat- PKCAGRA^lMi- R tr.iiiiee tii 6500 201. - CH7 - 1642. display work. Write ■ ivuigexpi-n- P'ositioim :iv,iil.il-U- On F.-.il x PI-7 trms.s, higti rliair, toys, curtains, AUTOMATION INSTITUTi iSFRVlCF Hi-:p lots ir.ivei G'OO' eiice, liourly raty expected, agi and 'tiiiirs. Pull fii' ji.u't tntie. Salai'y kiti'lK-n '.vare, maternity clothes, B'liildini' Service Worker (I-'emaie'. Of PfUNceroN marital status, .ALSO .ippreiitice. l-.iscd On "Xpei ienci.'. mi.si. furnistiings. and part time work wanted. Reply HOUSF HOPD tu-rnitun! ii, gixxi ,s|c.id'. '-I'iplo.,'-ttieni - paid '..ica- to Box.845. c/o Princeton P.icket. ,\{>[d;.: P<-rsoiijiiyl Otficf-, N.J. condition out oi iar-.n- Itome. Also' ti':.ii, sjek leave, holidays - (jen- N- iiro-Psychiatric Inst. Box 1000, desk, chairs,. but,ps; etc. Daily Positions .ire. .iv.iil.d-l- :or .Smi- sion ;'!;iii’ includiut social Pniii-f'ton, N.J. Or t"le|.;iione (609) aiid Sund.iy, b' to ,3 Needtiam, DUPLICATING F QUIFMF NT da;, .scluiol o-j,.la-r-^, botb, entity - tn-e iuedic.il .md lift APPLF.GATF. F UJRALSHOP 4CG-o40c. 921-7453 or 448-6235. operator. Our busy duplicating •'le:: s--f . i.d.U'V, in ttie GL'STODt.AN needed for school tiis- in.sur.mi'o. 47 F’alnier .Sejuare W. bureau^ needs an,addltion.i! opera­ Pniici’ion .ire.. tor .tla- 1967-68 trict. Position oifers advioiceir.ent 924-0121 ■ind .umu.i! iiir.rei- .-nts -with tor preieral'ly with. expH^rience on Si liool year. GooVGN HIC.HT.xTOWN AND A.ST $51. '.viH sell lor $25. Call 882-2203 ment plan. etc. Applv office of 4-C P.M, .ind -o:- .Su:;. ,9-1 WINDS''I-' compurtu - r- r.'-onncl Seri'n es. Clio Hall, riincttoii Univer.sitv. rnm-eton, „ ROUTl SALF-SMFN - ret.iii milk 1 Oi' -P'F'T PL PHOGHMMMIMO KEAl .ST.Vri' .N.ile,'-::,.;!! ■ or !■ U HOT I’OINTRl F b'lGPRATOR with, ro i' --'’'Li COIN COLLECTION, N.J. or call 452-331 ,i. i.- SYSTtmiA 0BI6N I-xq'te ience pi clei ; t’d i'Ut e.staF.li.shed route, com m ission, IX 'N 'l PA.--S UP' 'hat \ ic-.uion i ■ s-ejarate m-e/t i. $40. Goocicondi- interesteti. reply to Box “851, ne'cess.i; .. C B' "c’J - ’ rqo, poenianem employment or-ly. Call 'oec-iusc -nj neeo '.tmds: A ie'w MACHINE OFEiAlIQNA non. Call 201-297-0209. c',/o Piincetori Packet, 201-72I--015O jnr .(pjxifntn.ent,• , horns .. -!:i- se-viciru. .qi- .Avon ■ ( d . G, ,1. USD PUNCH OPERAIION'i ' - . - -- ■•- - ...... t-ei : ho; ■- is -Ou: -answv: . W: ;te •.i; . vend '..ttM-'l COMPUIEI ON PIEMISES F- H.WF: si.Iff • openings for 2 Box " '4 PPmUieLt, Ol c.B! 2u i- i . I b ■. fA.rrt’nfiOtin In'Hituirt nnfinnuujV FOR aSAI.F - Old safe in t-xcel- ': e.iiiuu: coun.selor.s u' te.it:!-, l-a.s'ic Hopv.-.'ell A.ille'. Pevion.l school ¥ i / ___ .727.t,ol.j. I Y 5 - : /lai i 'atnrd and sue, pint ra Help Wanted - Fern. I- IN'D THF nniisiisi t.iF-; ics fron If-.iv conditidii. 36" x 20". Inquire ,yi*r lOlKOOO fl afid ( ,'lleg,- Ol idv.iiHed'. e.id'.i’.i skills ontutos District ■ irnuiiri •!,( •.'.mid. GRFTCHKN'S 448-5177. ffaduatrf in rfu.o'^ding »n ■of, .sm.dl g:oup b.iMs. Coinp.trr. 4 '2 Soutl. Main Stteet ■f A B R K O S , Ft. : 30. Hishtstown. OaSti Fro. rtMng will ■ tr.lib. for .wi'canced readum PeuiiiniAon, Ne'.v ,Ie; s c '; , , . !4-- -283.' Moiidav - S.ifyrdav 10 ' . P, J. W-iiiifon.i. ,v- Ce. A im T ••.'id'lTTl- THFFMO KING auto .drcondition­ . S • YM • 't* V.'-. P'’ O^C u'.u’hing. Pe: n'..!rent position, F. Thursday •,...... V • " A •'.* F 'CD - • ;:.all ' !.;u ers, .'or sale, 4 models to choosi- oi .'.I.Oman, Kepp: to Box =.A42, I.B.M. ('2i, ( T 1 , L' '- " , "U-; ■ :-lO.'s 7 f.. 9 ■ 3/' 0, • v' “ t - G . F ' c c A . ' • ‘ o A '• A s p. n,. P: incetor Packet aVpjl lo ot I Ol \l ^1 t'f.- Prlnceffi! F tr.plfyn’.ent Ager.c .•R-e.'- 11. from, frt-i' pick iij. -d deli'.'(-ry. r P .7 . u-er’ ' m .-ACHINT OP: r'ATC'R' A PANG XiftHi- p; Ot; '-i. ar.N, IJ- 'U' v.il 1 ' 1 *I t Ii;■ '..! vible. Cali 2n!-2',i B'-a’ s ihefrigeration. 201-J121-15G9. A . . U r 1 ’ N L. Dc.~V E .1 n.ontb. I'ositi.i:: - i" •.*. --.rei:- Pr--iL.i, ■ Mol.dl-iv Tu'’sday, POSrriQNS .'tVAIIABlF p. ^ .MAIL COUPON. ^ im . . ■' . :2. Call 924- * ‘'84. i-UO '. i UFNITUI'F .'BART, INC. KfiNDAI.I. PAi-fK l^l.s. stove '.vith . ooke Old Dminc p-oo:’ An!!-- - FiFCTPK'LAN • t ;,A. ( -'FTAI' Si.ee HIM. IV 2oC cal.iaet. Call 20l-2f»7-2607. $4c'.- . and . bovc General Typists.- Ldcn.,- I no:., i;;.::.(•■ ii ■' phi.ne Operators. Bookkeefiers, I- rlncetoi N.J. ----- :,ef. ■ V S... ! . : vT(r.vin^: (F.xpierieiiced) M,ithen..ittci:ins (BS la I': dm St: ..::v.-.d(-| Lrli.ceto; sF.O[,ping 6 enter I. :it. li.iUiv ixwuo:/. ■■ ''i'ai * t's . ■ • Institute M.-.jQ:- '.:v : • lUtr' . ■■:r .-'i-:'-'- • .-'-:.t ;il. T ;!.■■- .i: '1 I i:a,,leun HINK.SO:;',S - \ < •V, -AJ' e :• pl.ii:-,. -4C6- I ' . ''' . Ti- - to:. N. -I. I’!.f Office i Tele, hour.s 9- T2C •ot Pnnc«ton C: - ' aII'K'-' '.'-1 i P,’n- - ■',-pi. •' I'.-- m: ■M\ :- :i '0 ( WA :-9292 '.2 Na.ss.iu -St> "4-' 70 Noiiou S»- Suit# 75-0 • • : . - ■ ■ •' • - Prir«<#tO*^' N J 08540 s Mo:.-.i;iv thru f ridav Box : o p ; incet'd'. ■ P a o k o ’ • HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE

PA (IK EICxHT ri!n;si)A 't ,

Bargain Mart Boatx Autos For Sate Business Services Special Services Oarden—Landscape Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale

28* SKIP' - exf-eUent for fishing. 1964 VW, excellent rohdition. Ful- SIMO.N KASSOFp' Urensed pluml- PRINCETON BROTHERS LANDSCAPING N>ecls somr- work, twin S(.rf*.w. ly equipped, sun. lop roof. $99fj, ing and h*>uting. New.and altera- d b p o s a l s e r m c e I AMBERTYTl I.F - 90 mimib'.v TR.XN.'Vi i 11'! n iil.st ..fter l-"N'.1.N r;.D P n ^N irnit. We will Chrysler powerel. Heasonahle. Call after p. n... 201-297-18S9, tlon work. Call 446-6490. Rt. 130 6i- Half A cre Rd. from Palmer Square, Victorian we ( or. [ letei i‘ c 1 r ] c;; enm pi pifk ii(; youi 'unwanted furniture Calf 609-448-468C. CI anbury, N. j . LAWN' maintenance _• Brink liomc. Spacious living with "our new i.cri c. Ou,- 2 y Co- f Of cha'i ye. If l>i good confl, 609-39S-1389 a center hall, living room, din­ will lojiUl F.,iS 4 Ui'iioon and 2 l/'2 bu'. 9-j30 p.in.^ 687- • 1963 CADILI-AC convertilJle. Like' All landscaping i shrubbery work ing rooir. modern kitchen, large 7H27 RP P.AIRS on auto air rynditioners bath.s. T!ic j.ii,oiled faiully- new, 1 owner, cruise control, r Home and Industry (201) 297-4092 ' bedroom. 2ixi floor ha.>^ 4 bed­ t ■ GPINIMAN - OLD TOWN - and window units. B oa's'R efrig­ ropii. b.i'' ■ raixoil l nek flre- everylhing automatic. Call 4G6- G&l'Itage, Trash, Rubbish Removett Kendall park, N. J. room s. .and bath. ProixTiy over­ pl.ire fl.uikpd 6y i.onkc.i'ios and ■SMOKEP CHAFT eration. Call 201 -621-1669. 9869. Mauling, of all Types looks the town. ..•Askine $22,000, .sUdlntr ci.i.'i' doin '- le.idliig to a brick ]i;itlo I’erh.q .sold - Rented. $6. per day, $11 1964 PONTLAC C^talltu station THESIS AND MANTSCRIPT typ­ MAURICF M. F 1 Y it's ,1 sliort walk ’o dll- .Junction weekends. $169. and up with pad­ wagon - low mileage ? good cor- Iit.pofted and doiueMic yarn, nee­ ing. IBM ••xecutivf. last, accurate. KEY SHOP GER.ANICMS, veget.ibles, flower 24 N. Main New Hope, Pa. st.ttion .ipd -M oni. o Hawkelemen- dles. Delaware ftlver maps, '$1, ditlon - loaded with, equipment. dle point, crew el work, 'rugs and Call Mrs. Freeland, 921-2481, 248 Nassau St. plants of all kinds. Buy direct from 216-862-2828 t.ii y sciiool. Stop. !'•. 67 I lllie St., Call 201-297-9010. WA 4-3411 Princeton .tunctioi., oi- i all 799- acces.soile.s will l>e fourKi at; ABBOTTS C.ANOE RENTAL the grow er. SADLON'S NURSERY, —-Charles Perpetua, Pi op,— Applegarth & Bentley Rds. Call 0938 for .111 appointment. No .igents Rt, 29, River Road Titusville •MERCEDES '62 - 220B, Clean, 4 'H h. KNITTING SHOP KEYS MADt: 448-3491. Open Evenings and all please. 609 - 737 - 3446 door sedan, 4 speed transmission, fiTiilaufSt. W'A 4- 0306 Bldg. Sues & Supply LOCKS REPAIRED day on weekends. SPRING WII LBF AI.ITTLF LATE $1460. Call before •") p.m., 396- GENERAL GRINDING THIS Y F .A H -- RF.YTt'Kin lO Ii'M .M near 0307. iii'iMni’ toh Ml Hill.M oi'uut h Twp. wlieii it arrivc.s w'hy not spemd it on |Mved rn.i.d will,in- a, hall hour 1966 COMET 2 door hard top. V-8 on a 1/2 aci?' of lieautifiilh I.ind- of S,in,,.rn!lo, Tryrton, Trince- AVNI. BUCCI, CONTRACTOR SAIL BOAT for sale. VINE­ std. trahs., radio, heater,white ILAAVN m o w in g DONE RFASON- scaped gi'ound with llowcriiig ton. Now- Bruns-,iji k and Bound PTC YC lf: r f p a ir s YARD HAVEN 16. Rigging, sails, walls. Low mileage. Well kept, i.ABLE. Call 882-3640. R.-\CINE A WALKER INC. stirubs. A p<>rfect condition 4 Brook. Randoc •.'.Kith, ikmriug, Wo Buy and sell 201-329-6277. E.XCAVATION.S anchore.s aqd etc., plus 2 - 501b. Garden Center i'edrcxim, 2 bath Colonial-.iir con- I .H.j irepl.ici , .ruilt-ui t'ook- mushroom anchors, all practically Route,130 Hightstown,N, J. jditioaed-fireplace-2 car garage cases. D.K,, .I'Xposod !o,o;, ceil- ■ TIGER ALTO STORES SEWFRS new. Boat It.sell In g(X)d condition ■ 1/2 mile South of Prlnceton- I with paved driveway. Modern kit­ iih'. up to dale kitctioii witli tire- 21-26 AAitherspoon Street PEUGEOT '63 - 404, black, looks but needs .some work. For more in­ like new. Low mileage. Call 215- 'Hightstown Road, Turn In at chen-situated in one otPrinceton'.s phico, 4 bedroor.s. A-1 condi­ WA 4-3716 formation call 921-2993. WATER LINES FABRICS . CY 6-2640. M averick, ctioice location and very realisti­ tion, .il.unimin. cinoBuiations, 220 cally priced at $49,500. wiring, main, trees. 3.4 acr'e, PUMPING .STATION.S DRAPERIES Designing and planting. Call 448- be.oiti'.ul view, su;.,|I i,. ni. Mid .ON! i)i the liner things of life- VOLKSWAGEN KarmanGhla, 1962. 5010, days; 448-0044, evenings,, I THOMPSON R1:a ETY $20's. Princijio.s oiilv.-> 2('l-369- lilue Lustre carpet and upholstery HOADS SLIPCOVERS, Wtilte, hard top, verv good condi­ Open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 4172. cie.iner. Relit electric shampooer Autos Fot Sale tion. $675. Call 201-359-3362after Phone 924-0908 195 Nassau - 609-921-7G56 $). HisTit.s Hardware, Hlghtstown. FURNITURE REPAIRS 6:30.w ■MOVF RIGHT in: W. Bryce Thompson IV, Broker .MERCEDES 'BENZ 1962.- 220 - PLINIBING AND HEATING - leaky DEWE'Y'S UTPHOLSTERYSHOP Distinctive Gifts 1960 PLYMOUTH VALIANT E x- •’'■c Dr-ie/. - I 11. OBAL (i-NTl R HAI T. COIONIAI bath mod- cellent running condition. $225 -^M-FM radio, bucket faucets, water pumps, I GARDEN m a r k e t INC. ' , 4 Bi DROOMS, 2 1 '2 BATIKS 6-8 Station Road I ytiia .Ai'iiott H. Riehaixi Parsells ■fevvelry - Greeting Cards Call 201-297-9653 * * ^ speed trans. $1450. Call ernizatlon. James Minish. 201- HUGE FAM llY ROOM \ Eunice Davis Henry P.Tomlinson ■ after 5:00 p.rn,. 882-9650. 297-9425 or 609-921-8678; Landscape SPACIOUS' IIVING ROOM Princeton Junction PRINCETON GIFT .SHOP --Designer and Contractor— ITREPUACF 1964 PONTIAC Catalina 4 door, xgO OPEL STATION WAGON. FIT I DINING ROOM NEI.SON GLASS & ALUMINUHL s w 9-1778 13 Palm er Square W. 2 tone hard top, white walls, pow- stand, shift, snow tires. Needs Alexander St. $12,900 LARGi .MODERN KITGHI N 45 SPRING ST. er steering and brakes. Call 924- .^^,ork. Asking $60. 59 Cam- Princeton Princeton \icinity PRINCETON WA 4-0813 6379 after 6 p.m, bridge Road, Kendall Park after 6 452-2401 Princeton borough - 12 Lvtle St. Priced in tlic low $30'.s- ... AVA 4-2880 ‘ off Witherspoon, Single home with X a ll after 6 p.m. (201) 233-4641 HO.ME .MAliE Lasange, Conellonl, MIRRORS 1969 CHEVY' convertible - good BOHREN'S MOVING & STORAGE 6 room s and bath, including 3 bed­ Spaghetii s,iu((>, meat balls, AUTO GLASS room s. 32 X 120’ lot. Ideal for off transportation - $la0 - Call 201- ' 5g CHEV-exCellent running con­ RARE, beautiful rhododendrons R.v.ioli, lor parties or home. Call PLATE &■ WINDOW GL.ASS the street parking. This home has I’ RINCETO.N' - 4 bo'iroom.s, liv­ 297-1630. Mlghtstown Road and azaleas; also, hollies, blue 799-1499. dition, auto. V-8, Tack., 26bFtred just been redecorated, and fast ing room , dining room , modern spruce, junipers, others. Sales: ------motor with quad. Owner In serv­ Princeton Junction occupancy can be given. Owners kitchen, famip. i ooin,2 baths, i» n - SINGER PORTABLE. Pay off$17.- Saturdays, Sundays, holidays. Lil­ ice, $350. Phone 448-5626 after will offer good private financing elled basement, jalotisieii porch, Why wait until the roof leaks? 452-2200 lian Lee's Nursery, Perrlnevllle 60 repair bill and If Is yours. 90 6:30 p.m. to a responsible buyer. For de­ garage. Neat .sliopplng center and d.n guarniitee. Free delivery. Call Plan, ahead for your roofingneeds. Road, Jamesburg, opposite County 1966 CADILLAC conv. with air - Local and Long Distance Moving tails call Richard J. Conti, Brok­ 1,'u.s lines. ,\sking $37,500. .Service Dept. 201-264-5553. stereo - loaded. Low mileage, Park. NEW ROOFS REPAIRS Packing and Overseas Shipping er, at 883-1230 in Trenton. Call 921-6468 or 799-1778. excel, cond. - 1 yr. factory war­ C I.i .A.NTNGi ST carpet cleaner you ranty. Reasonable 466-0890 after C00PF:R & SCHAEF R evei used, so easy too. Get Blue 6:30. UPHOLSTERY 63 Moran Princeton CUSTOM COLONIAL l .tisire. Rent electi ic shampooer ERFFIIOID House Trailers WAlunt 4-2063 Lots For Sale In a fine area of Hamilton Twp, $1, Hiiihts H.ii dware, lUghtstown, SLIP COVERS Ni ed Spare? just minutes from Princeton and Ideal for the larci' family, this 'Hightstown research centers. older -Six bedroom home combines 1965 BUICK Skylark, sport coupe, MOBILE/ HO.vIE-65 x 10, 3 lied- DRAPERIES Brick and frame cons.iruction, of­ A till' room you m-ed plus a rental V -8, automatic. .After 5 p.m. call room , 1963. washing machine. N. W. MAUL & SON CHOICE BUILDING LOTS fering 7 room s, 2 lull tiatlis, plus unit for incomi-. F irst floor, liv. 1967 .SINGER ZIG-/..AG. Console 921-7961. U. S. Hwy. 130 & Griggs Drive VENETLAN BLINDS hunklieds, on lot, moving July 31., '2 jxjwder rooms, including 4 l>ed- room, torma! diii. room, den, mcidel tmike.s button holes, fancy, • DA 9-4S56 Call 448-0363. \VOODED lot in estate area, Mont­ roonis, full basement, 2 car nioderti kit. half liath. Second Repair service J. J. VETICK stitches, lilind hems, $56.85 cash — ^------— gomery Twp., over 1 acre, quiet garage. Beautiful londltion. Opcm floor, lour huge bedroom s, two or $C. month. Call Credit Depart­ Electrical Power & '66 TRIUMPH, TR-4. Excellent twp. road, only 5 ndn. from Prince­ Sunday, May 21, 2-5 p. m., 150 tiled batlis. Third .Hoor, 2 fin­ ment. 201-264-6563. Lighting Installations. 171 Stockton Si ., Ijlghtstown ronditfon, wire w-heels, snow tires. ton. $9500, Coleman .Ave., Hamilton Township. ished bedroom s,, full liasenient, Instruction Industrial Maintenance WOODED acre lot. Rocky HlU area, Call for further information. lia.s rpcri'atioh room winT liar. $1500. 924-6858. 488-0095 Montgomery Twp. near country Only $34,900 Steam heat with.oil, 1 tar garage. club. $5200. 106' X 164' lot. .Add to all this, CONVIRTini.E FORD Falcon. COMA'FR SPACF Hi -■M.F tol wai T se.it i.ngUsh IDE.AL building lot. Montgomery 3 room ,ipt. ITesentlv renting C a ll''''’ 4 -^ '''''"* ciiiidition, pow'er top, auto-, SA.SS.MAN'S In this extra large 6 bedriKin KU. ’.Kni; V.UUI- I oU WT.'LL HAUL IT FOR Y'OU.CALL Twp., 1/2 acre, good road. for $90 .1 montli. Interested? mafic transmission, snow tlre.s. SEWING COURSE at Gretchens DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION Cape Cod in Washington Twp, 2307 ANYTIME, 609-799-1680. $3800. Call for inspection. Recently I,t. Idue. $750. 924-5632. School of Fashion. FTxperienced • BLACKTOP A.ND SEALING 8 rooiiis. 2 full baths, mst 4 11 ACRES woodediract. 500'front­ reiluced to $24,000. staff of teachers offer classes STONE AND OIL PENETRATION years old, 3 ear attached gnragi- for Beginners, Advanced, Tailor­ age, large brook, suitable tor 4 X FOR .SALE - Gorham Butter Cup sedan. 22,000 ml, ga- choice building lots. Good Invest­ plus a 16 X 32' swimming pool. ing and Couturier. Ropte 130 & Parking Area - Driveways CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING and ni N AI Rl RN steiTiim for 12 with serving pieces, raged, excel, cond., radio, recent ment. 15-20 min. to Princeton, For the kids its-just great. Just Hickory Corner Road. 448-0283. Full Dirt - Top .Soil FURNITirRE REPAIR. Free es­ 46 W. .M.iinSt. Freehold, N.J. 107 pieces total. Call 924-2307. “P- I-'anii'y expanding. 799- Will divide into 2 smaller tracts. $27,900. Dial 201-462-64C-1 1611 after 6:30 or weekends. Gall for estimate AX 7-0463 timates. 609-921-8485. KARL WEIDI L, INC, v)NE AIRCQMPRESSORon wheels, E. F. MAY, BROKER A WONDERFUl. way to say. Happy REALTOR (our 62nd year) gas tvpe with dual fast hamm er. / GREGG SHORTlLAND-lady teaches • Why be hot In the summer or Blawenburg, N. J. 466-2800 Mother.s Day. A gift from the 1 generaior ga.s type. Call 466- - ** drive, sta, at her home. Call 921-7049 after cold in the winter? Call: Our New Location 0242i wag.. 6 cyl., new engine, trans­ 6 p.m . CRANBURY g i f t s h o p , 50 North Route 69 Pfmiington, N.J. RICHARDSON REAI.TV CC. istor radio, over-sized heater, Main St., Cranbury, N.J* A. A. DERCQU i .SONS Opposite Penninrton Shopping Call 448-5000 Now! THR! 1 mahogany- 'leather''top-^ ® Center i.ib lc-. 1 C hipp. n money dowm, 'luali.fii'd CHINES - F ree catalog. F ree em ­ buyer, F.H.A, 600 do'.vn. Most ployment service. Veterans Ap­ attractive home inpR'insanl an a, CUSTOM MADE draperies, slip­ ONE AND ONE HALF ACRE- proved New B uinsw icksecietarial •CERANnCTILE HUNTERDON COUNTY'. Must excellent ctmdition, large living covers and carpeting. For free HOODED lots In exclusive resl- nxmi, kitcheii-diiitng room com-: Mdse. Wanted ANTIQUE AUTO - Cadillac hearse, School. 546-3910. sell, owner is I'eing transferred. ^op at home service, call 921- deatlal area. Price range $15,000 binatioii. 2 liedrooins, [jlus ex- dark green, reconditioned interior LINOLEUM AND TH E FLOORS, Approxihiately 5 acres. Excellent 2294. Fabric Center, Princeton. to .$20,000, Call 924-0715. pandildf second fltKir, teramic- and exterior. New engine, 38,000 WALLS, ETC. view. 3 bedroom Rancher, large' tile b.ith. lull l>a.s('meiit, 2 i.'ar miles. Nice familv car. Call 924- breezeway, 2 car gtirage, fulllrase- rar:ire, all utilities. Tremfi'n- W ' NTl- D 1 U)IF .S BICYCLE. Light 4009,1 ,t,sK for Jim .’ EDGAR A. DORMER Bottled Gas For home and indus­ TWO ACRES in Montgomery TNap, ment with recreation room and fious at .$14,990. witl,i gear '-hlft. C.Ul C6"^- Musical Inst. 387 Franklin Ave. Princeton try use. H & H Feed & Gas Co. Trees, view, $8000. Good terms built-in bar. Hot water oil heal, 1 1 9 ;.' ■ 924-0365 Windsor, N.J. Phone 448-3232. available. Call 406-2874. 1 1/2 baths. Price reduce'! to $24,OOC. 1 . WINDSOR SPI.IT EF VI 1 1966 BITCK SKY'LARK sports PLUMBING & HEATING FLEMINGTON - apartment house Most attractive h'lme on iiali UPHOLSTERING Pets and Animals steering, vinvl top. Call 921-7961 FOLK GUITAR EF SSONS OIL BUitNElfc Real Estate For Sale with 10 units all rt'nfed. Fine con­ acre lot in Princeton-Hights- •liter 6 p.m. Summer session. July 10 - .Aug. REPAIRING dition, right in center of town. town area. Less than 3 years 19. ' Private instruction and class J. B. REDDING A SON, INC. JOro: RITTER Net return for 1966, well over iil'l and featuring large living activitv. Call Katie ami I,auric 222 Monmouth St. room witti picture window, SIEVl.H MIN.ATURE POODLES. 234 Na'ssali St. $6,000. Please call us for com­ Wolf. 201-297-0826. Hlghtstown, N. J. lor: .,il 'lining rooir., n rKU/rn kit- ,\KU re-iUsierei!. Permnnent shots. Princeton plete lireakdown. 448-3541 RFVF RSIDF. , , ' hen, liandspmely p.ine|ed laiiiily Cal! 36C.-08I8, 1967 TRIUMPH spit-fire. Dark WA 4-0166 * VIELAGF . LUNCHEONETTF - root:.. 1 1 2 tile b.itli.s, Ibtgbed- blue coiivertif'le, under 3,000 Fine shingled Colonial shaded by It lies. Wire wheels, white walls, corner location. Building is cement rooms, garag'-, many (-xtras. a huge old sycam ore. Hall, liv­ block in good condition. About This eu.strm, built home. in top STANDARD POOD I f imppio.s. radio, Iteater, $2000, save $600. CUSTOM MADE 120 Base A cco r- ing room 24>;i6, dining room, spa­ Call 924-4116 after 6 p.m. PIERDINOCK 1/2 acre, ol land. Plenty of park­ location leatui e- brick iroiit and \.\KC ! i"gisti-!vd. ('lum.pit'ii blotxl- dlan, Reeds made bv hand, sacra- PIANO TUNING cious kitchen, den (or 5th bedroom) CONTRACTING CO. ing space, fully equippe-d, seats 40 .iluniimim si'line. Only. . . luie. CaKJ 20I-36.9-84C4. , fice, $399. Call JLT-0459, after 4 arid full bath. S,ecoud floor; master people,: excellent drilled well, new- $22,700. p.m. on week da vs. Regulating Repairing bedroom with dressing room and ______1 ______DRIAEWAY'S septic system, 'ity gas, ligh':., ROBERT H. HALLIEZ i'ath. 3 other bedrooms and tiath. •Registei ed .Add a custard machinp and really BFa UTII UT FAST \VTNDSOR I iev-1 -1' uoi-x-t-. ifc- 1 - 1 1 COMET, excellent condition, , Storm. & Sanitary Se-.vers (solx-agent) $66,500 BA. . 11 IK_LM . ARC ’ ''y ‘> '’W- original'owner. 2 door, white, std, FINE. CLASSIC.AL guitai. E xcel- Septic Svsten.s-W ater lin es : Member Plano Techicians Guild, capitalize. Asking price $20,000. COLONIAI ■ '''' -'''a S.a. c.ill -01-98.1-6620. trans. r/h. a/c. $600. Call 896- lent condition. Must sell im­ ' Inc. JOHN T, HF NDERSON, INC. 1927. mediately-. $160. Call 924-1904. (201) 329-2611 OSCAR W01.EE, RFAETOR Atna'tivi- tiirf-e yeai old . !»21-7242 Realtor.s • 397-2138 Colonial on 1/2 .icri-site. This Telephone Ain Time 921-2776 F'venings & Sunday lovely 3 bedrofirn home oflers a '' 4 F'..\LCON delux station wagon, MASON CONTRACTOR. Eire- Opposite Princeton Inn ! eod- .imi Grains 397-3080 46C-12S7 sp.ii lou.s 18' living roon W ith bronze. Top luggage rack, R and pl-ice--.,. Stone, Patio's, Brick I.m '.ill .iiilmals H, .-eat belts. $1095. (201) 297- Huntenlon County MultipR- pi' tun- window, formal dining, Business Services w.ilks. Gar.ige.s. .v.viir,ming Pools i DRFSSFS custot!'. n.ide tor your .It 438A .liter 5. Li-stinas iMiidsome modern kiR'lien and RQ.Si PAlF MlII.s etc. Wm. I isher, 201-2'19-4067’ | tigiirf-., Dri'sses, eve. gowns, large pati'-i' d i.an.lly roon.. Full cocktail dresses, etc. Satisfactii.in 274 .Alex.mder St. 1964 CHt'-\'. Impala, 4 dr. sed.m, <- iiKluding do excavating, trencMnes. CaB Toor plan with large .sunny living- sli.iki-s off' ied .it a reasonable Kir ri NS, 3 tumr.-. - r.iv, 19'.9 CIIFVROI ET Imp'ala conver- IB.M exerutiv* , Mis. DiCicco aftei' 5 p.m. ''pn-gnr,. jg’-T dining room, 3 bedrooms and bath ...... $23,900. GFORGIAN COIONIAI I .ill 934-t-;4.' or >et> at tilde, r h,. power steering, 8 cyl. 896-0004 - 20.1-351.44.54, with 2 more rooms and bath in an week power-glide, new tires. Fine cond. addition. Delightful private back SCI NIC C OI ONIAI Garden—Landscape 2 Y'F AH OI D - Fronting on a quiet '■ 'Un. ■\sk. $425. 921-9418. yard with a 6' fence, swimming country ' laki-;' 'ceaunfully . land­ pool and mature trees. Goi ,'-ous custot'i. Coloiiial hon e 1959 PONTIAC - Bonne vine-conv., scape'! with tall shade trees; Swlrti- You will see the convenient lo­ i:. lot f-ly R‘-d Valley, miliutes n>d with new white .top. F xi ei- I ’ l-TNC 1 : ,N EXPERT GARDENING i- LAWN ndne and tishing it, vour own tsick cation -.vuhrn w'.ilking flistance ol awri'. lion, Hk htstowi.-Freehold SERVICE. Cement work, walks and yard; Mliin F loor matures large rcx'ipi ES, SCH- lent.condition. $3? 0. Call 448-4924 SEC1-ETARI.U sFi'VICh shopping, 1 us and schools, See .ir>M. This gorgeous weather- patios. Free estimate, 201-369- living room., dining room with n '' U -i B .u: Fi RHIl HS'fx .i iter G p. m. C.irnegie Hiiilding 221- N.\ssau St. j VANDEftM.ARK ROOFING ' and what a "drive by" 'loesn't show. boar ! dw''-!!iiig otf'-rs 4 extra 3746. hl'rary-den, 6.1 w/ith parquet r- -:;tl cliri'i .imi 921 -'7764, I.irge i.Pdroon.s, 23' livitig roon. Now : eat'-, a Cc'\:i I':,'! • .ser'/ice! "detai. All wp; k guarantesd. floors, appf-’aling kitchen with din­ ,-r- O' •cti'oi vour 1960 BA.MB1.f r custom st.Ulor, Princeton Township ,$28,600 witb, t-ni k tin-place, lic.mtiful DOERLER LANDSCAPES ette, !.'2 l ath and <-nclosed sun- 1.'- l-'hot'a- b'.Ck, waeoi... Auto., "adio. Cltod ■ond.. n.o'lei n kite hen with'limiig area, ' r,xecuMve >-ec: eM; leS Call WA 1-6366 or .<21-2034. porf I.; Upstairs there .ire 3 tied- U,' - ! ■- "sv S3" 0. Call 448 -4646 ha:.'iy utilitv room l.irce and • Private, fui'nisl.e,; cftice I'antals We stress a step-by-step program rooms and-2 full laths; there is RF TIRING *0 Florhia ii.iist s'-ll. attfl .6:30 p.n.. rental proix-rty Incorfie .$8,000' n.ost .lur.ictive lam ily roon., ' 24-hour am-'.'.e; iiu: Vice following an overall pLin. a paneled basement, family room -- year asking S24„9'0.'Wi 11 finance.' 2 1,''2 t'erainu' tile ! ath.s. Hot and afached gar.ii< ; beautifully w.it* r .ascbo.ird !.■ ai, n.igsti'tiK’ • FOUNDATION PLANTING Call Frida', or .Saturdav. 009-443- ReUted .-e: vtces . . appointed home ‘or the itiscern- P't'n . full ba.si ment. Idf'ally • SHADE THEF;S ing tamil'.; goO'l cum.mutlrig; "x - 1328. ' ■' b.iiri'd D. ; OKD Tra- 't'l W 1 s'' >1:'? U'eps -Mtuaied high, on 2 B''2 -c r- .s c hs- .\UTOtvpi:;- • PLAY ART AS cell(-nt term.s avail.d ,le; $29,900. univ AC, HH, StOVf, frig. in I'g.ely it. 'I Valle-. ,,r. a. 'fliis ■aind ,puppi- h . Great pets • PATIOS NFW 4 IiF DROO.M Coloni.il. 3,/4 ■cal 1 lets, toilet. Ca'; t*T Ma liings I ! i<■I . Call t309- 1- k \ 1 t ■ I arr<- lot '.vltl. all utihti'-s, 2 carl Im n outstandii.g at' $33,9'''i>.. n;u?. $1600. Ca 11 ■(20F 23' -20(7 Mar.usc-npt:' • PRIA'ACY p l a n t in g I.FWTNGIR RFALTORS It' 1 • FENCING garage, basement, den, fireplacf', I att* 1 Mimeograt.! 1 r. A 30 F . Main St. Freehold, N.J Rb n '..RusoN ■ h’l- AI 'rnps • WAIKS 462-3636 4 miles nortl. in Princeton ptis- 1 • -lust .Nurtl'i of. ri'.c WORK FOR YOU Dari;,' 9 i" Sun. Il - 6 tal zone. Fam,isti< '.ilt-s p; Ice'l Bt'-i -ill Mil York Ii,n 924-122' -162-2366 -m 3 6 3 --'.9 3 . $31,00(1, C ,iii '‘21-2>»ht for aj-j« po'ii'itmenr. .-148-'o,..,, HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE

THUliSDAV. MAY \y i NDSC»H - HIGH TS H t: HA L D I’AG.K XIXK state For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Rent] For Rent—Rooms Hospital \ ohtnloers (,ain i Too Late ATTHACXn ran^h. ;i l.. r!rrK)ms, LOCATION’. LANDSCAPINCV A ir- INCOMF PHOPf I'TV - House with (W a n t e d ROOM-mate to share 6 l{eco^niti(fn For Sorrit'o rimlii rtroot!., conditioning':’ Traffic pattern? niodcrri kitchen with di.shwasher, -- - S fun.lshed .ipartment.s, ; i/2 b lo ck s ^Toom house on 2 1/2 acres of CIoset.s? Spacious rooms? Our R ENTAIL Mr.s. Edith Meyerk -rt of Wixxl- fireplacf' in livinerfion., imif-rcoiTi, fron, lonter e! Princeton. Owner land. 15-20 minutes to Princeton. Tht-y .lit Mrs, -lohn G. 1 ivingston, house has 'hem afl plus. 4 Ited- 921 - 6078. , ’ lai.ii Drivi-, b.as d '-e n \ u ll ov. r storn.ers, lull liasement, gaiage, ‘ $50. month. Call 521-0599. .Mrs, .I,---se M-ti kl-.i n., .Mrs. Wil­ rooms, 2 1/2 baths, Colonial in the 4 rm. apjt, iticl.iiicl. heat and' hot ■.006 houi'-^ of vnlur.teer si-rviur- I'.eld \j'vil car garagi-, owner traiisferred. apartment 1 Mock from Firestone. Please call 921-C215. lor 14 months. $230. i ____ 2nd floor, open porch, off street 26. Mrs. Willia:;, I, Wil.s'oi, is Historic (>roii|) $29,500. 4, ri;:. 2nd 11. apt. in the country.'. ~ ~ ^ “ chairman of the volunteers. L.'.KF CHAMPLAIN - W illsloro. parking with 1 bedroom , $130, 2 Newly decorated, stove 4; 'refrig., ■ ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen priv- , Mrs. Roy i'oppeiii:i .md Mrs. KENDALL PARK - Just 10 min­ Attractivrdy furnislii'fi Adiion- bedrooms $150. Sub-lot for sum­ lo Dinner . (..iUAI.ITA' H.ANCH, 7 rfxm..s. large heat. . SllO. I ■ Leigh Ave. location. Call i Dalton-Pritchard liavi- each. Sk-rvi-d utes from New Brunswick or iacks . lodge. 2 story, livi-ng rcKim mer, option to lease, for year. Call landlv .rofiin wth fireplace^ sliding 3 r. apt. stove ^ refrig., heat ; a:30 p.m ., 924-0938, more than 2500 hours. Vidimti'ers Princeton. Drickfront ranch, 4 with balcony. 5 bedrooms. 2 1/2 924-4!54 after 4:30. At l)riinitinvack<'t sAass door.s, 2 full baths, modern bedroom s, .wtxxied lot, w.w. car- and hot water. , $95. ; with ii.ore than 20i1e hours totli,-ir kitctien, dining room. car[jetiijg, ■aths, extensive shore irontiige. i ■ “ ■— ------— Till Ith .innual tlinner ol the peting, patieling,_ air conditioner, credit are Miss Ruth Carrol, .Mrs. Trounds care included. July or Au­ New J 2 car garage, full dry basenicnt,, dishwa.sher, loads of extras. E. E. .MAY, BROKER I 3 1/2 ROOMS FOR RENT - a llim - '.Glenn Onsley. .Mr.s. Itobert -Stt.yth, r.si--. Historical Society, oil beautiful aerr-. . $31,900. gust. or both. References. Call .-(-ni r.i Ily V|,,g(Hi ,i| Mm veil, the ot-r $21,990 -^almost no closing costs, y v e , Rhiiifdander 4 - 8063 BEAWENBURG, N.J. 466-2800 provements. Call 448-3559or 448- ‘ C L E R K -"T i’ PIST M rs. William Speers. Mrs,. J.m.i s 1 ici.i'. t'l Nfv. -b-rsey's gov- 297-2213. 4763, J. Whehin ami .Mrs. John C. Whit- SECRETARY. -iTiOrk BTtK K CONSTRUCTION. Well ______well. Those with n ore- titan l5di) , Is t'eiiu’ liekl this year ,it "Dnin thwat k'-t," ' the ftirmer insulated’ for electric heat, 3 lied- sHADVBROOK - spacious, air- .SPACIOUS 4 bedrooii; Rancliwith Princeton Regional Schools have , hours ,m* Mrs. Helen lUche, Mrs. I ooiiis, f.ui.il. room, firt place and conditioned, Bi-level. Beautifully FURNISHED HOUSE in exclusive Mo:ses 'F.i lor I'yiit- home in family room', studj, shaded lot. two interesting . iiositions open. George du ett. Mrs. P. Eiore, Mr.s. large window wall in living room, landscaped. 4 suburban community conveniently Princcioi; the Veniiig of Thursday, landscaped, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 Both reyuire ability to meet the Cliarles Frankliti, Mrs. Rolatid .All double alurninuni windows 1 1- 2 miles from ce*iter of Prince­ located to Princeton. 2 story j Wanted To Rent M.i-k 25. c baths, panelled family room, 2car ton. $240. month. 921-6668. public, and one recfuire.s bookkeep­ .Main,, Airs. Max.Mesner, Mrs. Irv­ throuehout, modern kitchen, full Colonial with family room, living! Oovernoi .iiikl Mrs. Richard J, garage. Uppers $40*s. Call ing or statistical skills. Surround­ ing Ness, Miss Eleanor WilLs, and firy basement^ 2 garage, op room, st'parate dfning room.large ^ liu'gha-s .md itu .soricti'.s trustees 924-0985. ings are congeAiaV and fringe bene­ Mrs. Hugh D, Wise. over acre plot. $27,500, .SL-M.MER RENTAL July and eat-in kitchen with modern appli ai-t l .ists, ilohii T. CumiinglKiir., fits are unusual. To apply, call A'oluntoers wlio liUvi si-rvi'd \vi:sT WINDSOR, 3 bedr, split- •^‘‘Pust. Very attractive furnished ances, 11/2baths,4bedrooms. Call | YOUNG COUPLE with 2 children' Mr. Evans at 92U’’997 more than 1000 hours include Mrs, noteil New Jersey historian and OLDER 2 .story, 2 la rg e.barns, level, , 2o bath.s,, _.u. —rec. —room with . . house. ConvenientbGonvenientlv located, 4.1 609-882-4249 for appointment. desire u budget ..j—. ,------house. $135. Ap­. i “ ■ - Arthur Beddoe, .Mr.s. John Bliss, society pri suli.-nt, will Iw toast­ master. ' iioetls .some flecprating. G room s, fireplace, 2 car garage ■ excel, bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, kitchen, pearance of house unimportant. -Mrs. Robert Brocksiuink, Mrs. K. Mrs. John Ki'aii, owner oi his­ fover, largo porch on corner acre. commuting. 924-4140 after 7 p,m. dining room, library, pine panelled Need 3 - 4 bedrooms, 2car garage ‘ .Manning Brown, Mrs. HowartI toric I il erty Hall, ETiion will re­ .$18,500. living room opening onto flag­ and yard. Mr. Edwards. 609-695- THE PRINCETON STUDY CEN­ 1r . Butler, Mrs. H. Carre, Mrs, ceive (lie -Society's award "for TRANSFERRED. Less than I year stone terrace. Mahv shade trees. For Rent—Apts. 6359. TER IS seeking a man or woman Douglas Corlettc, Mrs, Gi-orge distiiiLr.ii.slieil eoniril'ution to Ne-.i ON 2 .AGRI'S. Brick custom fmilt old on I acre, heavily wooded, 5 Please phone 924-0226, interested in young people as po- Couvreur, Mrs. Janes Cram.tr, Jersey lii.slorv." * 1 story. R(»movablt> .\ixleT.son b(*drooms, 2 1/2 baths', large kit­ ordinatoiT of the tutorial progr am, Mrs. John Fischer, Mrs. J. i’. windows, 7 rooms, 2 baths,; jal- u AvmcT, ft'c^ 1007x1968 school year. Rosi- Dr: Hu-ti.ii'd A. llog.irty, of Cran- chen, screened porch, family room, 2 ROOM STUTJIO APARTMENT. Cieris, Mrs. Edwtird Greeii, .Mrs. oti.sied breezeway. Chambers with fireplace, full basement, l°r 2 or 3 tion is salarietl. .Afternoon and S tiri, ...S'-nstaiit prolessor 01 I'oli- POCONOS - Housekyeping cot- .All utilities included. U.S. Hwy. yrs. apt. or house, by small fam- Robert Merritt, Mrs. G. Otolara, electric kitchen, Intercom, 3 car storm s, lahrtscarjed, $48,900. Gall evening hours. For informa- and Mrs. Raymond .Sowers. tic;il Science .it Riiier Collegi , tage.s sleeps six. filtered pool, -1 , Monmouth Junction. Call (201) ily coming to Princeton this fall, tion contact Mr Carroll 9^4 .4 03 0 garage. macadum driveway, many 924-7912. Six women receiveti pln.s inrt-t-- w ill reel i'. e the tirst WilUiun Adeo firi'places, . TV, stocketi trout Dla. 9-6974 after 11:30 p,m, G .P.O . Box 1972, N.Y, lOCjOl. 7 - 9 p.m. ' ’ “ T ' Wliitehead -yw.ird tor the "most extras. $37,700. ognition ^of -tlK'ir ‘11,ore t'litin "-oo .stream. Informatifin; Gravatt's lii.s'tmguislied .irtick to appiear PRINCETON TWP. COLONLAl hour.s. 01 servlet- ,is voluitteei s. ' J. KRQL Hemlock Hollow, Box 98, R.D. »l, SUMMER HOUSE'Sitting cr apart­ 'luring !0G6" i:, tlu'.Society's Chiar- S. Cozy Cab Realtor Henryx'ille, Pa. Hate $95. per ment sub-let wanted by ycungN.Y. terly maiM.'.ine, "New Jer.si'v His­ F a-mily style Riverside home; .AP.ARTMl NT'^f( w.-ek. Phoiie 717-629-1398. , , ,, 3 rooms coupip originally from Princeton. 'S'EA-BEES SOUGHT' tory." entifleii "Governor 1 eon complete gracious living area on and bath in residential area with­ TAXI 1000 Stat<‘ Road, Rt. 206 Please call 921-6923. The Navy's World W.ir II ".St ,t- Al-bett'ls Battle to Tax the K.ail- 1st floor; L.R. with F .P ., D.R. in walking distance of center of Princeton, N. J. B ees" are once ,u;tiin in the Unit - ro.id." and K., both with beautiful view Prim oton. Av.iil.ible J u lv l. .After Call 448-2300 TEACHER returning to Pennington light. .A new progr.im has 11-- - Don.lid A. Sim I.dr. cur.dor ol of worxls and stream. Large 5 p.ii!., 924-7294. 0[jen Daily & Sunday AV.AII..AB1 F June 15 - .Sept. 1. wants house to rent in :iopewell fently beet, put into 1 fh ci 'ey tin- Spe. lal C olk-i tions at the Rutgers cheerful family room, tile powder Located at TV .Motel, 024-7575. Evenings 883-4422 3 bedrooms, living room, den, Township. Fam ily of 4. C:aU‘609- Rt, 33, Navy tor skilk'd cr-iftsinen and Um'.ersitv I ibr.iry, beenm-es ttu- Ilightstowm rcKim, laundry area. 2nd fltxjr: kitchen, 2 story house. Walk 428-0323. ti'tiiiesHii-n in. eomstructioii itib.s 1967 I eiki-.v ol dll- Society. ALso _ _ _ J large bedrooms. 2 tile baths. to shopping. Community I^ark, etc. ------— ------'\ as a result ol exptuitiin- iivet'si-.is . dni-dig ttie k-’k-eniiii- I'onnaT Basement has shop area, dark Washer, dryer, dishwasher, nice THRF F FU'DROOM duplex apt. in HIGHTSTOWN - 2 bedroom ranch constriietion of m v. bast-', .uid pre.seiitatdiii -kill be mack- of a F ast Wiud.soi Raiuher: Brick 'dom , full bath and large fully private yard. $200, 924-6204. Princeton available June 1. $120. i with s'lnall garage, large fenced htirbor l.icilities. .ydv.mceil r.it- previou.sly .dmounceci :iward to the front with cedar shingle siding. I'oc room which o|)ens p*’ r month plus utilities. Call 921- WANTF D TO HI NT from June 1, in yard. Convenient location. Call ings art- avaiUtl-le up ft) R-tty- cd'k i.ik Cape M.iv ol the society's F x< ellent condition. Located ona ffround level to patio. 2 car 9703. unfurnished house or duplex. 3 '609-448-0904. Officer I irst Class for crtiltsttan nr''t .miiu.i! "Historic I.andnuirks half acre lot beautlfullv land- $"'3,900 924-6680. No —,------r——------— bedrooms, permanent occupancy with a high degree o! .skill .iiidi .'\waid" lor till community's •scaped. Two car attached garage ^‘b'cnts please,. V.ACATION - Nova Scotia: Over­ for responsilile small faniilv. Call 3 ROOM.9 AND F ULL ROO.M ! ex-perience in their trades. Ma\i-| 1 esToi adiiii; .Hid dfesei-v.dion with radio controlled floor oiiener. —------'______'■______looking Bay of Fuiidy. Mod­ 9.24-9097. of ds \ ictornm 'r-i a I'Uildings, APTS. OLD BIGHTS INN. Call WE E.XCH.aNGF:D white rain- coats mum age ha.s F-,-en eslaldt.slfd .it Asphalt flrive with extra paved MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP ern. attractively furnished house, -n- at L.ihiere'b Re.stauram on Thurs­ 40 for enlistment. ,\ny i-x-.sea- area for parking. Ihterior of week or month. 609-924-0661. 448-2372. day night. May 11, Yours is Saks, Bee or tiu.tlilietl con.stnicUnu nuni ■ .MONTCEAIH ANTU5UF ,S, F AIR home decorated and appointed in 4 year old bi-level. Immaculate intere.steil in thi.s pro,-ram c.ui Tile Montc lair Antiipies Fair will line taste. Living room with fire-, luiiiG IS Gleneagie.s. Call J. G. condition throughout, featuring 4 obtain lurther iiiiorm.iiinn .n.d I'c hi-lci .\I.i-, 22 dii-ciugh 26 at the place, formal dining room, large TRF'NTON .ipartment for rent. 237 Robinson at 924-0490. betlrooms, dining room, eat-in kit­ (ietails .it the Navy b'ecnnting Wontdi's ( Inb ol Upl>-r .Montclair. kitchen with eating area, garliage Business Rentals Spring St., 1st floor. 4 rooms Hotels & Motels chen, family room, 2 baths, 2 .cap Station, Loc.detl in tin- U. ,S, Eilt\-live clealer.s ol New Jersey, and bath. .Availalde June 1. Well LOST off white puppy, - 8 weeks di.sposal^iinit, dishwasher, refrig- garage, 1 1/2 acre lot, fully land- Post Olfice Building, -Iu2 ! . New York, New England and Del­ aerator. counter top range aiSj wall behaved I liildreii permit'ed. old, rea, dishwasher, and wall vertisers intend to oi.iey this law. G p.m. oven. , i'Till t'.isement, built in borhood, Convenient to store.s, possession. .Owner 921-7453. 0667, O'- 924-6550. Further information can lie ob­ o formal dining room and o finished rec-roorn in the wall unit air conditioner, two car churches, 'anri bus tranS[X)rtatioh. tained from the New Jersey Di­ FOR itENT furnished betJrooin for bosement. For $26,500 you con own this oppeolino g.ir.igC’. asphalt drive, nicely land- .'9,.-l,!,0. vision on C ivil Rights, 1100 Ray­ couple. Kitchen privilege.s, refer­ home plus the odded feoture of a spacious, two cor NF \\ t OMMF H( I.\k. 1-uilding for .scaiu'cl lot. $23,500. AIH-CONDFTIOM D .ipl. - l iving mond Boulevard. New.aik,, N. J, ences required. Reply to Box garage. sale _or le.a.se. 230i- sq. 'it-. Hoih'- CR ANBURY - brick front split- rootn, kitchen, bedrttom ,ind I'ufh. 07102. Tel. (20!) 048-2467. “ 856, c'o FTinceton Packet. Sm.iII lioihe, in quiet resin tor ri’iit on Nass.ui St. Tck phone gemon Rt. 2i'ifi. 3 rooms and b.ith. '.impk- w-fioded filay .ii-".!, -..-inyl Opposite Municipal Parking .with ilinette .in-.i. l.irt-’i- li-.-ji-a; riioni ■s.ihiiied, hours are 6:45 - 9;4-5 100 .'-itockton ,.'^l. lU ch tstow n , N .J, owner, Mrs. G.irdni-r, (609) 924- R'-.isoiiabk- rent. .Availaiile June 1. tiled lias-n.ent. ! ow $20's . C.-.'ll witli tireplar. , lull i as-'-m-m and 1822 or -.-our broker. p.m. Monday Thursday. For in- PHONE (609) 448 0110 Phone 448-4250 Call 466-0773. ‘ J.R. Clark 8:30, - 4;.30, (609) 587- gar.ige. Asking !.oi rnation contact .Mr. Carroll, F Vk-mnes .iiid Sundays 1000, ext. 54. 448-2537 ' -01 . 448-1178 $34,000. SECOND F I OOR apartment ti'r 924-2530 01 Mrs. I.otz, 924-1273-7 9,000 SO. FT. - ( iiKl.-i-bk., kbuikJ- b.ef.wi-ei, 7 - 9 p.m. im- for n-m, as wan-hoiist or .shop. rent ill IL'.-htstmyn. 3 1 2 room s, STUI FS RF ,\I TY CC. .'.U! between f> i 0 p.p,., 448-2459U newly ■fk-.-oiated. Cal! '448-3300, RiMltor o r 448-02-57, COUN FRY ESTATF .MIS (Multiple I i.stini. St-rvi.c--' ... . . ------37 Nortb. Mam' St. b'M.AI-I lUR.kiSHFD . .ip,irtm>-nt Ic'.d for -innl'- iwr-nn. Price In- KK.N’D VLL P.\RK 7 ROOM this !-i'.uinuil eariv 'LB-Oi'i home- o nbury N.J. ^ ^ Rcol pjstate Fov Refit RANCH J, BEDPOO.M.^ - x i ves. 395-1751 or 395-05f,8 -I liidc.s utiliti- s and g.ii.cgc*. >1'90, E.XTRA l.ARGL FAM- sits in the inddk' ol 177 be.uititu! $U.M.MF,1.: TUTORING -in ele- ?LV ROOM .''EPARATE D!.\- t.u n .-.kU’.ige. The iiimse is 2 6 1 1 - 2 9 7 -37 8 c j . ncent.ir. .and ,Jr. Hi. English and :.\C ROOM HEADY FOR i.V- MKDIATL OCCUPA.N-CY. S16> sm'riHm.led-i -y tn>e,-- .tndl ushe-. ,ind rea-iing- lo certified Language .Arts 2f}e\ A RF AL CHAR.Ml R in sm.. 11 coun- .li.i-- .1 i'.ilt mile kill'. I'I ion, the road H.Vl.l Ol D l PI n,.X/ 2 ! edroorns, 4 RCX)M iiiodern ,ipt, teacher. M. Jo:m Txirton, 448- (• '. villas e. Tin.-- 3 I'edi oon. Cape . Heat in- KE.NDALL PARK -- P ROOM tk> I'ty-ii l tlje proiu'i'ty. This lar-g,' 1/2 block fi on. N-tssiu Et. ■-T'''o eluded. Call -148-35'i4. MODERN’ RANCH 4 BED­ 6'k)d kin atir.ii'tive v.aoc.i.,'-i lot, .aver ROOM''. 2 BATh'.t. ■! r.i mi t.eitie IS in pt r:ei-i ! omii- Call 4.''''-2h74, ' - LARGE l.N-^'ORMAL LIVING 'lop. Ih'.iti.'d !■'. w.iter -n! .md I .K'l's- '.'.dll enclosed ! ■; c-e'e-.'-.s'., AREA, S20 500*. IS ! omplk’tt wittk t’.ui i-.iihroort s -. .d -.ge, 1 " excellent p: opei ty ■ KE.ND.-VLl. PARK 2 .>TORY tc.1'. i!:e ihritf. lu'.e:'. ! ul!-b:.ise- .s’M.U 1 ATCTC'kT\.\ ,,arra -. liv.- COLONIAL 4 LARGE BED- el kkliii-b. IS rlgh.r 01; q-. root]., ii!:,. ruon , ku.'m- R.ooM^ 2 i ' b \ :h> .>1 I- ritoon;. six ! ml -^ .s. nwnt, call hot -.vater h.e.st, : eaim- . '■ . d t ' . - TACH'LD 2 CAR G-VHAGK 1 1 0 5 .t:-ci.2 ! e Irm.s.' I.arm gark*; ■ '.Tl R \i 'i'lV p i!.' -;pan -Ik'd liv.l !-t.;! !• - !urnisf'.(-cl .'part;r.c>nt with k ciT c cr.tr.m cc !,.-.ll : tul .-^I.r'i! S 'e :.m d r: ties, .--tove and - p a c . . lOKM.AL DI.VING ROOM., " X 26' living .\vatl. -.fuly 1, 92!-7ir.4_ •id . : :: "ik 'bad;; iinbu* c-f;*'r>-d to matur*- r>-sp>on- SEPARATE I TILIIY ARh.A ;e l:i:. .end elec, fan include*;. irt.' '■dr::: rcioir.. !.\rgt' 12 x 19 iinir.'.- rcKin S ] C'U a- ' OUpk- or 2 -.'.-"ha':, in .swr.;;ming. :i,shi!'.-.. an.'; tiling 6 Set,.-. Parti niri;. 6 corrjik'tc w u h '. ,i\ . ' k k . u - d ■: 1 No !':-.;-,g' ;o! ! pc-r.scjn.s j-n -•cm-** in SO'- TH BH1 .N'V. .< K 2 '.. K’ekiuce.! to $2i’,5di'.. I . A W i - ■ENC;-. ’]■ ■NsHIP. i- rFfic c-tom $ 140. plu-s FAMILY HOME L. EX(EL t - i i i k u bulkk-,iFm c.t>. • rkdig "( . C ..ip.irtiro'Mi fricn. 8 p.n . - 7 a.ni. l.LNT (ONDIIH-'N 4 ROfjMs ;i .sib. loi ..:'-ed .1 :, Is!. 4fa',--.532 ct. i .6un.- f:r<>pl.ik->', l . i r g c i O . x liailv. No pets, ;io c6ildr.--ii. - A.ND -BATH ON’ K.ALH FLO'iR .\TTl NTK'N ■ : o: noO' v' I .'cnc-t-.' .M'LL BASEMENT WITH ("c).n plcti.- \li(!r 'k-rckd s 1 • :f n u.s' 1 1 - [loi'.n.aneiit. L ov ’ly ! cicc-r-■ .•4 2 FKiRY BLIL.OLNr; T ;c.dk-i;'', he oul-.i like .. . hvin. HFAR OF PKOPF.RTV ' NEW GE SWIVEL-TOP nc.--, , g a r .ig d -- ■ :o r ■ 4 .1 r *■ ■ inH 4 stonm- ar",-c. R'fpiy ir: detail to-Box - fe d I'l.i-.hou.ae, T!:is 4 i e b'l-c-'e.' ii.'.i:!-- ' CAN BE ( StFD FOR NEIGH­ oUtl'uiUlKig-S .1)1 il. • Xia- 11*':.t 8"5, -■■ 'o ITii.cetij;. Packet g'.vmt BORHOOD B' -yLNE^F LNO m'-.--to7-|-d COlOill..:! l'..k.t a. g;:ifi- p o u - h : FLOOR OCCLPI'En I I d i’tic'ii if. c\(-ry :-..inri.-!. F!-.( i f'dl- .p-.l-t;: ■ p--r--ii::,i’. r.-:* r>-;.c‘" . FLOOR AVAILABLE F K c r t l i> stt'-epc'ii 11. 'ai'ct.ii- \ ‘ I't' oi’i-. '- k:;:> ; ; ■-.■i-.icli coi;K: i -c co: I ■ C.mt--r. BLVERS OCCUPANCY ONi-V 'c'4,'. ! ! ' S25.000. • VACUUM CLEANERS g ! n ; D h k H i s i . - . . ' a s 'ipst.T'.'Vl y\ VO n ,st;i i’ki. shoi'. o: ■: oc, ;,Od:;.. 'V'' -ir- ■n-!- •! a- r- 5' " '• E-V - T 1 -T ■" II—. ■iitKET I" lEEARCH S('LTH BRUNSWICK « by, lire --cit'ig : ..k-k t;' A l t i N 'I A-i ii'd kite da .■tt.-. 1?- i,t ROOM CU.STOM HA.NCH ON . nul’. }'■: -ell'l- 'D-TKCT ; ■n^ECTOl Cleans everything, everywhere! f h e - b’c'vcvliftif'i.a r -. ' A a r . v.-knous i .dli.s, ;i; eplit es, 2 * : e- . '.-Wail-' I ACRE WOODED Ln I i. - ... i:. P'nn T.-d.c '.e;-.!e LARGE BEDROOM- : ^ p i , - . , . - khm -sl"' '...-.c 'I 1 1’.-'. -..-kd.d :.U ! t n'.m BA'THS- n..’LL BASE-MEM Has lifetime motor, easy-roll locati-'' '■C'ci or. 'fa- i'rcipc r ‘ \ .-, t ' e ssuit p.U'- t o r , pi'-'ia:-- •VLL ' -a l u m in u m .SIDINO C-E'\:F 'RT\BL 'kND mpact. 3 u.-es •*• k' • k'rch thePvMOPa.nf: ’»v ; .n o v. wheels, kinkless hose. 4 attach­ tic-ip.ctii'-. i d ohition.i f ’, t.d'UUtiOtcS, ALL ELECTRIC KITCHF.N t'fcirn : ancle; count; ' VlIlU'P. l-D- d !■' rort t,:' h -. >TONE FIREPLACE IN LIV- 3 3 8 7 ments: rug and floor tool, crevice U .IC-. T ies- iS n m -r u i'‘-s-.ni. ed d- UmiSii.;; ".e .SII TNCr ROOM A.n:>. hot 'A_A- ( 1:- -t. ( Ill ki T '-'w : sf M u r ! I m -iii'-s- ‘lER BA.SEEOARD Hf.A I'. tool, fabric nozzle, dust brush igior, fa;;.lb. A %2~ ■ ( ounr. f as -0,1-i, :loic; /ic •v\ an .o fh.v financing w ' u h -d'c . id'' '' i.tiy I'-:.'' iC eiln: a '.‘-\:lablf rn .AiLF-’FD "t.vfrythin^ jo r ifu- homt>" pte- 1 -df-' !>r.c •.it! ,$4 " ■ . I'cl :■'■ -d'.. 1: jg-i.it'icc |;ne;:t;. he. •, -. B'•VtR^ 25'’EJECT TO AP­ bus !in>- PRAISAL. t " l i v e ' l a ' o i r ■ i'W'abK !, ■ Sl/ule •• M J ’ HEP M'T ' 1- ' 1 2 .MLARLF •Vi ( .'-A i ; - 'T a F' CR) MK'i STEELE, ROSIOFF & SVilTH Kl.i \LT(>R-«“ M'd. = 1. U- 77 E, Railroad Ave, Jamesburg 521-1555 sep. 1 '■ 297-0200 PAG i-; T K N THE CENTRAL I\)ST ■:------*- T l n .■ I-;s 1 ),\V, -M AY 1 ^ . -LOfiT fNil)rK A|>]»ro\cs Toucher Approarh On Labor Matters CONTPOL GROCPTOMEEt The regyular monthly dinner l.iM'dl Lutherans Tf li'. S':'; f-H !! -■ ; ' V.' , ir. Libor foit’ ntf t aepotni'i-iiis, do you opinion). meeting of the Raritan Valley ■.••pi’ ll Irf H' 1 ti.: !ri th<;- tLii.k ' oir par.ie-t i.avi- i -'-ei. too In a breakdo-AT. of the figures 48 Chapter of the-American Produc­ 'ji' tout oi'i tk' n<' - iinago- touch ■ieahna -.vit!, ui.i-oiiS, or per cent of.the white collar work­ Plan Vro^ram On tion and Inventory Control Socief. ■ I 11 ■■ [jii-ssuri-, not- tOil-Ph erajupl.e" ers said compat ^ave not been will be held on Thursday,. May 18, ,! III';. If IS i-t’.i : i.vit!, L ort-, [j..r eenf o: thf- {K>opU- in- tough enough; 'ATniri 33 per cent Making! Out Will at 6:30 p. m. at the How-ard John­ .•IJ.IOVul. ilS ’^'lO'-Vi a;. Opinion ter-.-iev.-ed fe'r ir.ai.at-en ent lias not of all nnanua.1 'workers interviewed A public I'rogran. on the neces­ son Res'aurant, Routes 1 and 18, 10 i.,.ri li ■<; ',j j.. 'su: ! I'Cii ,'oiip), ei.outrl,. h irhtfen per felt the same wav. sity o! makjni: out a will is sched- in New Brunswick. < Ji.i-- till -ki'd 01 eent thought things -.Yf-re about ulefi lo bi jU'e-sentecI Sunday, May '■ -0- Carl Wendt, President of tlie "i.ai li.ii'.','li:ir. > '!.i. right -anti onL. 11 fier cent felt 21; at S p.m. in the Cfirist the Hank ,A.aron is working on a- Raritan Valley Chapter, will speak • ii. jiiif'ir.' OKC's J'UblK; n.aiiati-n.erit -A-as too tough. Kiiii: I.utlu'ran Church, located on t-,Yo-vear contract with the Atlanta on a "Production Reporting Sys* ' nju.ion Iifii "In this Year's (Thirty-one, per rent had no Route 27 between Ssix! Hills and Brave.s. tern via Computer," Stillwell Hoads. Thi' program , it was announced by ttie Rev. Dwight A. Huseman, pas'ior of the churcti, will feature attorney D.ivid M. Greene of Kendail Park. John Po.(el, ehairman of the Stewardship (..'omniittee, is di- OF KENDALL PARK rortiiig the program. Mrs. Ern- e,--t ,1. Relider, suli-chalrman of piersonal stewardship, and her ()PK\ con,ir,itt(‘e .ire in citarge of ar- raiiiieiiients.' The theme of the. V . 9:30 till 9 P.M. jirogr.im ts "Wills. - .A Christian MONDAY THURSDAY, Re.sponsibility." A .short flln-i- I strip ' entitled, "What Will You FRIDAY. D o?" will be .shown. 9:30 till 6 P.M. ytv. Gi eene, who is with the Da­ vid M . Greene law firm in New TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, Brun.s\vi( k. will partft-ipate in the SATURDAY discussiiui .iiui (lue.stion and an­ swer iiericxl which will follow the film strip. Mr. Greene was South Bruns­ \' wick's "Oiitstamling Young Man of the Y ear." .m award spon.sored by Troop 307 Holds Father-Daughter Dinner the South Brunswick Jaycees, and presented in March. The award \ Checks for attendance at sum- : sors Troop 370, wliirl, held its .•net Mr.x. t,.!i)n,-i Hurrer .ind wa.s based largely on' his civic i mer ramp are presented to Girl annual Father-Daughter Dinner ' J.un Gi',!’. ai tu., kxi-ge trustee activities. j Scouts Del'bte O'Connor, left, Besides hi.s participation in la.«t Week. Inthe.al'senrc of Scout .111(1 triiOp aii'.'iscir. Hu'lilirlits of j‘ and Diane Denton, liy Klks Cluh many civic .uid comnuinity organ- Finer Seamless Stockings ' memlier.s Fretl Kainpf. far left, Leader .Mrs. ..\.gno.s Managan, the ‘ .■veiiin. '.veri- tlie check i/alions, he has performed legal I and Koiiprt Jensen,'as assistant ■ ■due to illiies,s, tlie diniiiT '.vii-- iii'exeiitati.on.'- ■ .Old' .i-warding of sel'vices lot Christ the King Luth­ : I.eader .MLss l.ynda Sandrldge •Seryed under tlip di reef ion ol ii-eru ! .ulce- con i-.leti.’d in the eran C hut ( li, Kendall ParkJewish looks on. The Klks Li’xJge spon- .Miss S.indridge, v.itl. fh.: assi.sf- o.ist ar. V C ominunity Center and the South Brunswick Conimunlty Dlcxad Bank. The "Wills Fmphasls" program ANNUAi H<»s|»ital < 4 ia |)la iti i.s based on the practical and legal reas(.)n.s. as well as fainilv respon­ sibility, for having a will. MISSES’ Fo lie (ilH'St O f -0 - ^ HOSIERY CITKD BY RUTGERS "■ girl to Mr. and Mrs. Earl A boy- to Mr. .111(1 Ml'S. Jame.- Sand H ills (H iiindi Mrs. Einina N. Stett of 21 Marion CULOTTES Churchill, 3110 Houte 27, Kendall .Murphy, 2C FoxwocxI Drive, Som- 1 .Avenue, Franklin Park, was Park, .\pril 24. er.set, April 23. - * Tlie Rev. George Ht.zgeruld, lumored tor 30 years of service I chaplain ol Priiu'eton Hositital, SALE A girl,to Mr. anti Mrs. James Ae^ri to X-Ir. and .Mr.s. Cliarh’ s on the staff of the College of En­ Iv.ill be the gnost. preacher this Morgan. Box 08, Cranhurv, .April i Mslocky. 93 Martin .s't., .Soni- gineering of Rutgers University erset, April 23. ..Sunday, .Mav 21, .n the Community 24. ' . " I at tlve annual service and retire^ I’resbyteihiui Cliurrl: of Sand Hills ..A t'oy to Mr. and Mrs. Martini .■V boy to Mr. ,ind Mrs. Willii- ment luncheon held Tuesday on Holiert.s, ir Holly St., S-..la-r.set, . in KoikI.iH Dark, $4. Reg. $5, S6 Mertz, 120 Main St., Kingston, the Douglass College campus. .April 2a. April 24! lie will l.ie filling the pulpit at iboili tile 9:3Uaiid-l! .i.in. .services .A boy to Mr. 'and .Mrs. Kenrieth, A. I'irl to .Mr. ami Mrs. Deter Keller. 17 Pelham Road, Kendall! .Muniz, 4! GUford Road,.Sonicr.set, while ihe pastor, the Rev. I'aul YOUR BIKE Walker, is awic. .serving ,,,s a Special purchase of Park. April .28. April 27. co $5 Reg. to 14.99 ' Fdgemere Ave., Plalnsboro, May Dr . Holier; I, Tuiiior a.s'sist- A girl to Mr. and Mr-. .lame-. *3. ,ii:i pi • 'lessor III liisb.nw at Prince­ BICYCLES Fabulous savings! Special group i A girl to Mr, and .Mrs. Allan Lane, IG Siuipson Laiie,Soii.i rset. Slay 7. ton limver.slty. who ns widely known at rigfit out of stock, ^nded knits, , Kalti, 4 Toth Lane; Rocky Hill, .IS .111 1-gyptian speciali.sl. m r o - ! .A ■ li.oy to .Mi’, and Mrs. l.li beoutiful prints, co4^rful solids in ' May 3. author f the iiewh' t'Uf'lnshed I Shaff. 27 BuUonwoodDrive.Son;- this selection. Sizes 8 to 18. Hurry! A lioy to Mr. and M rs. Arthur "1 g’.pt A The Slid,III," the mo.st r e - : KOPP’S CYCLE erset. May 7., : Gentillii. Bolfmar Ave., Cran-i cent .idditioi; Oi Preiitiee-Hall'.s i Sales Service Paris .'k boy to Ml'. .111(1 Mrs. Harry bury,May 4. "Modern N.itiOns in HistoricaD JUNIDR PETITE CODRDINATES Pabor.sky. 7 L.irsi n Hci.e!, Snmer- -A boy to -Mr. and Mrs, Howard Per.Spei tlVl .Sej n-x." . . 10 - 12 John Sf'-ei spt, Mav 8. : Deutsch, Princeton Arms, Crati- Ptincelon, N.J WA 4 1«52 $ 2 Reg. to 10.99 bury, .Njay 4. A boi’ to Mr. and Mrs. Walter By P.J.O. An unheard of value! : Tewandowski, Friendship, Road, Broken'lots of coordinate ports. ^ ' Cranbury,May 7. All first quality. Assorted tops A girl to Mr. and .Mrs. Stan-1 ^ and bottoms in group. Sizes 5 , ley Rc^efeld, Northgate Apart- »o 1 5 .______j ments.' tranhuTy. .May 9. ; A lioy to Mr. and Mrs. C. D a-j SEE OUR NEW LINE UF BRAS, SUPS, vid Fester. Doreche.ster Apart­ PETTI-PANTS FOR YOUNG JUNIORS ments, C'ranlmry, May 10. * You can dry^an BY JENNIFER OALE. A holy to Mr. and ^tr,s. .Vllierti .Wert, 2" Kendall, Road, Kendall ‘ MEN'S VELOUR SHIRTS jPark. Mayll. i ,A boy to Kir. and Mrs. Barry* Spilatore, 44 New Koad^'Kendall 8 lb. load $ 3 .9 9 R., S8 Park. May 11. A hoy to Mr. .and Mrs. Roger ' The “ in-shirt" for the weother we're Thoina.sl Davton, May 12. i . in! Saft and comfortable. Short sleev- es in\solids ond stri'pes. S,M,L. ST. Pf-tl R'S of clothes for g ir l s ' s p r in g coordinates GIRLS' VINYL RAINCOATS A t>o> to .Mf. and Mrs. Kesile YOUNG MEN'S H.I.S. SLACKS Loomis.'9 Kendall Road, Kendall Park. April 18. $10 • Reg. $18. ■A hoy to Mr. .ind Mrs. How­ 25% OFF ard Somstein. D” Haii.o- only 2 pennies! Reg. to S9. Beautiful but durable* Brushed B right yellow ground w ith red $ 4 .6 9 .Son er.sf-i. Aitrif 21. , , denim coordinutes of slacks, and block tatterSoll plaid on All permanent press, noriron A i’Oy ro .-Mr. .uid'M rs. ,pi-tcr shirts., jackets by Rlay Pet. heavy, rugged plastic with full Grade.if, 17 Winston D ri’ce, .son.- washable slacks for sport or Foded blue and burgundy, rayon lining; This gormenfwill ersi't, ,\pi'il 21. dress. Solids and patterns in Sizcs)3 to 6ji, 7 to. l4. Reg. never rip like many less expen­ 4_,------— ^ ------— -I.... '_____ group. Discontinued styles. 1.99 up. Evecilent buys. sive imitations. Sizes 7 to 14. Motchinq hat Reg. S5...N0W S3. Sizes 29 to 34. School KAYSER-WISPESE . , ■tConnnued from Page D LONG LEG PANTY MEN'S CARTERS' UNDERWEAR ipysed ly ..irious local bo.irds i>, jtlie State. . ; Ameri.co’s quality maker of cotton 1 The Hid; School .student C our;-! $2. OFF knit underwear for the entire fomir Icil ns plannunn ,i iia tnor.ia 1 s e r v -■ I ire tainoring par.r rniiteiib.'uin., r Sove new on this extro-power- 1y- Now s the time to try thern on this first-time-ever sale. I wlio -was killed in .ii'Hii; -’ i; Viet cd long leg ponfy girdle mode iNan. U‘ •.v.ix a ne.ni.er of thel X 4 ■ T Shirts Reg. 1.50 ..3 for 3.75 with Lycro for its light-weight, ' vi hnoi'-' nrst cr-.idu.-miu r(.rs-s,i -V. longer wear end cosier core. Boxer Shorts Reg. 1.75.. 3 fOf 4.35 .i:,ri thi lll'-t vet. rat, rn in kllliil- 'dJouble-bandcd fo(^ better re­ B riefs Reg. T.25 ..3 fOr S3. ■.vl.o .i.ftended the >i hixil. ‘ taining strength. Sizes S,M L. H ide .'chool .I'l’in. Uxii '.Valter. Only S7...f?eg, S9 ■Cliesrar .ilsu said "t!;. school ns. .pri'iid-'t! n.i'.- itx t'lrsi'N.itimul; BOYS’ SUITS & SPORT COATS BOYS' CARTERS' UNDERWEAR M.-nt^rltMaisliip -'.inrii-i tl.is- ve.i.r." ria re, iju, ,;t ,, sheil The finest in its field. Buy several .fn; r , .. • t-.i.tw.iid IS F'dv..ird -.epp..! ■;. T:.. ..■'..inl IS i-.nsed. -n 2 5 % sets during this first-time-ever sale Vi ,! •• . !V. ’ ;• :■ • -e j Ai'f- sni- ' .s » .Our 'Crvtirc stock reduced. T-Shirts • 6 to 12 3 for 2.50 1“ -D'-! -I ■ .els •! ■emh- Wpo's and synthetic blends. Reg, $1. , 1 4 to 20 3 for 3.15 A fine selection. Sizes' 3 to- Reg. 1.25. 12 sReg. S7.99 up . Briefs e 4 to 12 3 fOr 2.15 Rug't ■•.ea.rveyi and »h »m- Reg. 3 for 2.29 • 14 to 20 r>.-ed. P-r.ifT.p’ free pirjt-up «nd-de- You win again with gas! N GIRLS' ;.\^r-v serv f . BOYS' WARM-UP JACKETS 3 for 2.40 Reg, 3 for 2 59 You get more than economy with Gas. PERMANE^IT PRESS GOWNS ATLANTIC c a r p ' e t The versatile fuel is quiet and clean, and INFANTS' STRETCH TOT KNITS x*" Reg, S4 CLEANING COMPANY R c ^ 'i5'. you are assured a boundless, dependable Just !'KC ‘ hey.use .n the major SPRING RUG supply. Important reasons why Gas rdo ntco to. sleep leagues' 100' hec vy w e I'ah.t $2 •. Reg. to S4. these ipvciv qosvns ore fobu- • nylon oxford cloth. Washable. makes the big difference! . lous beccuse of t’Hcjr fobffC CLEANING TIME! . Woter-rcpellent Wind-proof. Fomous stretch suits By Ttimfit. \ styling, and eCRy no-= I’on core. Snap-front In Burgundy, Navy, Speciol grb.up for boys or girls. CALL DmrCT.'NO TOLL tss-nji By Style UndiC's in »vH'te,cnd ■-Loden Sizes S M L, Fits boys Sizes M.-L XL H IT H.AMILTO.M AVE.VL’B 0 PUBUC SE.RVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY • pas'tcfs S’ zes 4 *c 14. 6 to 18. Tr.ntoa. ,S.w i«r*«r THE CENTRAL TOST

ANNOUNCES Financial Counselling Service and L-O-N-G-E-R ing Hours For Your

THE N ational B ank of N ew J ersey


9 a.m. until 3 p.m. 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. s 9 a.m. noon

Drive-In Window 9 o.m. until 5 p.m. • Doily

■0 9 a.m. until 8 p.m.

' i }-.- . . :l-, ■ l; M-. A- FINANCIAL COUNSELLING SERVICES

/ 1 . Prpper Budget Development.

2 . Lelgal, Permanent Records. 3. Regular Savings For Future Purchases or Investments. 4. Credit For Immediate Purchases or Expenses.

1 . These, and other, financial benefits can be explain­ ed to you any Saturday morning by one of our expert financial counsellors personally and privately in our South Brunswick office located in the Kendall Park Shopping Center.

Cai* dealers sell cars and trucks. Furniture dealers purchase)? FINANCING IS OUR BUSINESS. We can sell bed|^ chairs, and tables. Appliance dealers sell do it faster, and better than anyone else. But don't washers', radios, TV, and stereo. NBNJ sells money. takje our word for it. Shop and compare these low You would never ask us to sell you a washer, car, rates. Ask for specific charges at your dealers just or bed. So why osk your car dealer, furniture dealer, as you ask for specific merchandise. Then stop in or appliance dealer to sell you money (finance your at The National Bank...you will be glad you did.

NEW CAR PAYMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAYMENTS MORTGAGES • l p To 75% Of Appraised Value \lilouil! 12 Mmv r« M i.s ! 21 M us ;!() M o s i ;i(i M us : .\m o iin t j 24 Mos 1 3fi Mos ! 4R Mos 1 60 Mos 1 • 20 Years To Pay 3.59.2.S : $ 4 5 .3 3 I " $37.00 $31.44 1, $10(K) $ 46.02 1 $ 32.10 1 $ 2 5 .1 5 1 $ 21.00 1 T o tu r 88.92 ' 68.0:3 ! 55.51 i • 47.1-6 I, 1500 ! 69.03 I 48.15 1 .3 7 .7 3 1 31.50 t • No Prepayment Penally

2000 i 18.56 i 90.71 ' 74.01 1 62.88 ! 3000 ' 138.07 1 96.31 ! 75.47 1 6 3 .0 0 ! • No “ Points” Involved •3000 ! 1 3 a 0 6 1 llLOl [ 94.32 i 4.5(X) 144.47 1 113.21 i 9 4 .5 0 1 • t'hoose Your Own .Attorney 5.500 • 1 I 138.37 ! 115.51 1 • Seleet Your Own Insurance Broker


checking accounts ore tailor-made to fit your needs: Personal, Professional, or Commercial. Ask us about TOTAL checking service fees. Many times it is the small charges that add up to an expensive

account, but at vve have just 1 fee. ’ ^ ■ i ■ theOatimmi KENDALL PARK SHOPPING CENTER the(^ational Q)ank of Q ank of o Q)ew 297-0946 247-7800 Q)ew ersey ersey © MEMBER: f e d e r a l DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP'. ©


OWHAT is it? It is a service designed to help you live better by showing you how to live within your-means and improve yourself financially on o regular pre-set basis.

eWHY do we offer it? Because we have found tha1 a great many people do not know how to use checking accounts, savings, of credit to their best advantage.

0 WHEN & WHERE is it? It is available to you every Saturday morning at the Kendall Park office of The Natrona! Bonk of New Jersey," located in the Kendall Park

Shopping Center.

/ Stop in and see us soon... you will be glad you

the^ational^ank of(J)ew^ersey