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The Central Post THE CENTRAL POST Now ss I and lOO jh'i- oupv \f» l)<*i<*ns«* Is ( i i \ e n As Kiil<‘s ‘No (]asr •Ask W esthrook. Nflson To Kosi^n I! b ro iiieihat tlifepresent li'u'ution IS avithout siibstariual: In 1 espuns. t!> .1 st.iten , nt issuini C'jIoi d! me: it. tiiat ii is another; attempt tK) iilork the Bnuiswickj .1 new wome'n's . rsnij’ iti South ;\' i es pro)t*( t. ..luiigement . is' Bl'unswick, thi Town.ship C'on.- -„I.uitt'i| 111 taviil III the (i*af-ii/lutits.” ii.uttee n:.ide. ,i Id-j'.irtis;m deci- .tiHi ■•'.ath ■.vorils, .l.uijerior sioi, Tuesd.iV tnelit tii conduct .i Coin! .Ju'lke I);tvi(! I-urmanbrought thorinr-'t!. study oi the MuuicijKil Utilities Authoi'iti. tio'.vn the -uavel on a lawsuit filed apa.m.M the bouth Brunswick The suidv. projxised in .i |oinf MuiiKipal Itilities Authoritv and motion hy Ma\or Dan Horgan .md It ^ 1)1 Dpo.seti Project l.V. »-■ ’ J f^ K ndnoritv ci>ninitiecn..ii! 1 Chrinko, will include roiisidertiig , The, suit hail been filed b> .John SlIOX'Kl.S KK.ADY tm’ oiotintllirtakino ;it new the a-lvanta'ge.s oi having the town­ We.stbiook, a iiiember ol the Gi'aphic'.s H\ stpins fJivision .jilam . '.'.lih Kdcar autlioiitv, ami Willum. Nelson ship take over .luHiority umetions. 7'he women's I'liiuj', lalled ai,ain.s' the authority'.s , phui to chaipman ul Iniliisti lai Coniim.s.sion, DonHor- solve the Kendall Pai'k sewerage igan, Ma\oi'.'and Oooi'oc Da.slnoll and Stankw W. AITA (Alert Ladies Take Action), said in their statement ttiat they tie.itiiieni i>lani. odot probleih n r a n o propai'oil loj' iho coi'cmonics, were mit getting flieii monei's Ir. imploinenting extensive w.iter anil sewer extensions. worth iKini the .uitliiTrity'.ind a.sked the rommittee wlial R .\ftei the plaint is luesented (»roiiii<i Urokrii 1 L a k r ', to do .ihout it. , then taise the autlioritt 1 They .ilso i ited the .uithoripy's and three individua,! ineiubei s F^»r New H(; \ ■ high water ,md sewer rates, term­ ' named in ilie suit, .fudge I ui.inan I o I is hi nfi ing tliem tile highest in the state. gr.niifed a bv the defend- 11! which till- School IMaiit In Davton Dissolving the .mthority would ■int.s tor dismissal. IS, 111 tiirnus, Oad.s it was (HrI Scout Roundelay' This W eekend involve- till townsiiip t,iking over (The full-text of .Judge Furnran'.s I util h'riday l.-',\7'TON -ph. He t GlMiihlc.s Idw.iv between N'i'-.v its indel'tednes.s and would re quire oi)inion apiaears on !>agc C) .svsfi-!: 'Pivi.sion brfike ground It's "Rouiidelav" Weekend loj- County, '.vitb 700 iroin the Town- C hristine Ilvhii:.on; .second row, Lake Carnegie will .be Closed to >1 k -Old Pldladeljjhla, the consent of both the authority Tlie trial begtiii last Monday, 'Week lor a m-w '(LOOii-.sijuari - Girl Scouts .md Browiiies Irom slii!-, will ji.irticij'.ate. The . K.dlr. .sw-e.irjm-eiu i.ynn I’l-rna, Mts. f ord added the word it- .'md its crediioi's. M.iv H, and entled last 7'hursda,.' fi'.hennen through 71iur.sdav, ,Ma’-' Soul’ll Brunswick d'owigsluj) this Brownie- jactuii-d a!‘o\-( ----o-nM Jfiot jilaiu on Koiite l:i( here. .Ldiet i'ol.eiis', i-.indy Kow.dL There '.va.s no bi-ji.irtisan sup- with the .’i' Project l.v IK, while the l.ike ns chemii all', si'l! IS si-jiiiiiraiit of the- Till new I'Uihliiu. -wMr|-. j,ro- v.-eek end ,i,s they jirt-jiare lor he I .niqiiii-g ovi rmrh! hut will ■la'I -SlMion C,reen. In the ..vm- : jiort. I'.owe-.ei , fill- tile iiailidn dp- IS uiilikelv to jiroceed, however, treated to conn ol weed growth.. f>j)< -ol .-icliool 11 will lie - - '.'a vid- ' lor ’.iilu' i i x- ■ i weekend ol Canipim' out :d pi'esi-nt skit. I'ompli.-ie widi dow, wjiicl' -.1 1 s as ., sj.ig,. i m.uidiiig fill' resignations of umil the ijne.stioii of an apiieal is I-ishing- again will he jiernutteil - Ol the edtu ational SV.S- do'u. 1."' .sLitv-d lilt I onomuletioii . Thoii.p.soii P:ii k !u •lami'.snurg, tor dolls...,r- l-hivn. My.-rs, b-ft ! .uithoi'if'i iiiemUer .John W'esiJirook settled. on f nda',. Ifiii ol the township." dolhs fhe-. -luude, I ntltlml 'T-'a- / ’ I; flu- Ulll. It will Utlll,--u SOI c' 20 I-riikiv ' mght .md i otitimnng '.liid .Ii-.m ('.1111,oil-.., Mrs. Lnmk and PI.inning Board inemher W'U- 'nil' plaiimf.s li.ive -la dav.s to Prmceton Universi".'s D'ep.irt- Cmisidi-r.itirm w a s giv«-n to the moiis An,eric,111 I.i-aders.” Pic- ai-! es ol 111.- 1 ol -.u-11- 1 r.K't. N.-Lsoiu w’Jio sued the authority the decision to. ,i higher mem oi Planning. Plan* .inil Proj.- Geoigce School, but thus was throu'.’ h .Sun'dai. An ••stimaten tui'elj i-le, 11 otl led. Hist row, pi rn.i o: l W'l Ilian a ,sf.^ j.',-ank- . Till-, gr,r|.|iK-s di-iMon W,| s I hist week over tli'; Project 1 court am! are e.x|K«fted 'o w,iit erues. which is reis.iion.'-ible lor ie,e(ti-d jc, (lie ijo.iril membi-r-S. i_.oO(, scouts' (run. Middlesex ‘■.lo.ui K.111.-., Irene Yarns jird lit' 1 ■ i 1 k. Is I e.ider ot the . iorthm! i:,.,\iir'it oi lm';r. torh--. ■lop, Bro-.i'i.n s Ol Trooj) ,'J0.7. '; i.ssile. (-See other story on this uiiliK the last ininuie to do so. mainien.ince ol the lake, .mnoimcei! Board President. Richa rd s. Shcr- miuiu-hicniri- '.md i-' .irki-t in-v, lec- ■' I'agf.). 'Hie agarnsr Project l.\ th.ii the pro<-ess - with, it..iii -..lid i-on.sulpr.ilion lutl ln-en triiiiii,- equiiin.i-ni .md --lysti-:: I lor t)i>(uUinv E xtvndvd riie n otion, t.ilfered hyM r.Hor- w ba.sed alniast entirel’. on the chemicals .siiuil;-ii- to itiose. ttscd to given to.n.i'iimit the .scliiKiItfie I el- t o Junr I For hahtllmc printed inioi u.atmn The Mail (.arrirr Knds gaii .md carried 7-2 .liom party ol Mr. We.stbruok. (JnP. Control '.veeds m a huii.e lawn or tej-.School in-lionor of tin- retlrinc lacilitv IS now- t. .ix»!-,inP.‘ lo^ lines, ch.irred ihi two nii n with two other 'witnesses were called, garden r will he done trom .ui"aii Jirilli IJi.-i I 111 tile De.l ns-I)iiytoii ( im nnunity Sfrrirt^ !',iti-rl Ol, Route 1 i Saiiith Pruii.s- 'Soniinatiim s m.iking .m "irresponsible charge" including .Mr, Nel.sijn, and thev boat," 'Unilai ui used in s'I bools, Mrs. Itutli H, Teffel. 2<> >rars. .>00.000 -,wirk rown.shij.. .igainst individual .uitho'rlty. inem- were on the stand otilv brieflv. s\v,.imji travel. "Ibiw'e'.ei-, Ml. .shi-rimiM s.ikl Non:lii;di(ins |or tin- lu'si South Si leCtlOliS; .sim-i- uiceiiuoi!, th. s .'Usion has .hei's .111(1 .s.iid they had "di.snijited While the court accepted Mr. 77ie proiHjller-drtvon : ha.s "N'hw., I cffe! reijnested the Bi unswicji ( oniinumtv Serviia Pi-r-aiiis !o be eotisi, 11-1 , M ilr> ( )f* Srr\ irr n.trtKlm (sj us niw i-'. I'l 'ductS| . th'- orderlj' [ihumiiig ol the Westbrooks' (iualiftcalion.s to been found to be .i more ellocnve sebool tiot be n.imed (or her, and .\ tis will hi rei tuved until lime h ; I se) V. d die to' ij-. rhi­ ,( Vrdeoco:; j. .-ii-i ti mm M'l ■i-ttcr, .luihority." lestiT, on ongineering niatter,s, it device than ,i lielicojiter whirh has v.a.s omt-e insisteiii." 1. .sanlo- Bori'tili'o. ch',iir!.u gi__ol the' no.!;Uit (' I....... iiot hi •> 'o-.vusjiqi 77n.s i.-,ontl., tor die lime ■ which < .111 si-t .1 I '! I ■ !' -I p. in 4 The inotinn .ilso'.saiil Mr. West-' concluded he was "not a finrincial Keen<) in the jiast 'o.spr.e. Lake B-uid mi-mtiei l.ud.wig Bolder award-/ 'Ilumittei s.iid Itir d.itCwJus .....idem. 111 2d -ears, r..,~u!enl.s .servcl b'c h --S Ili.iu t'.vi 1 luiam*'■■ an 1 ■ col- I rook .Uid .Mr. Nelson "cannot oxpet t. an accountant or an CarnegiOi. jii e-.eiiteri ,1 ut 1. ; [,ro. ress rejif.irt ■ ,\fend«-d ■ hee.iuse o.i ri-qiiicsis Th,. .i-.e.-.rhis- .on.e-i. ■■iwaui vol- die .Mun.aonih' -luni 'ion Post i >1- Ol s,, .i,.:,i r -.vtui-h. ju'i V t •ontin- serve till ( iimiimiiity's best in- andituid's ' The spr.i'.
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    mumm MI* mmrwimr tnmm vivnr IN UNION COUNTY FtlbiMurt WESTFIELD, HEW JOU3EY, THURSDAY, APBIL 13, 1950 •vwr Thuridair. amaques Park Court LWrves III Wellington Via Cookie Safe. 4th Ward Race T6| School Botrd • ' ,-• • ~ - - - -zt* Expansion Passed Suit Decision Feature Election" Jitdgrtlfeve E»d* ouncil Approves 2-Day TmUnoay Schreiber Gted In Court Hotue All Campaigners County Content* a Developoent By Exchangite* A eaclsion on which ef two con tracting Irms should receive tae Quiet In Borough Prause Slight er Recreation heating and ventilating coatrac Honored At for WMtfteU't new HflMflW high Prioary Interest school yesterday awaited the Bub- Four Seek Two expansion of Tamaques Park Tuesday mission ef brief a to Superior Cour Council Vacancies i recreation center was voted Judgt frank L. deary. With virtually no major , tid*y night by the Town Coun- Police Chief John R. leartiWr In other local and county i Twe days of complicated test! MOUNTAINSIDE —There has t-hen it approved the construc- was honored at a special "Ichreib- Republican voters In tae feMta mony in the suit ended Tuesday been no out-and-out active cam- i of two tennia courta there, «r Nifht" meeting of the Ex- ward will draw the priie «<M at change Club of Westfteld Tu*»d«y efteriMwn in the Courthouse, Klis- paigning in the race for the two Tuesday's primary election, «Mi brt Gumbert, chairman of the abeta. It is expected that Judge Council positions open in next pertinent of Public Works corn- nigrht at the Orchard Inn, Spring- three candidates, Donald H. 1M- field.
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