Masonic Token
L*G*4 fa MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VoLUME 5. PORTLAND, ME., MAY 15, 1913- No. 24. discharged. He reported that he had caused District Deputy Grand Masters. Published quarterly by Stephen Berry Co., $500 to be sent to the flood sufferers in Ohio. Districts. No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine 1 Harry B. Holmes, Presque Isle. The address was received with applause. Twelve cts. per year in advance. 2 Wheeler C. Hawkes, Eastport. He presented the reports of the District 3 Joseph F. Leighton, Milbridge. Established March, 1867. - - 46th Year. Deputy Grand Masters and other papers, 4 Thomas C. Stanley, Brooklin. 5 Harry A. Fowles, La Grange. which were referred to appropriate com 6 Ralph W. Moore, Hampden. Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for half an incli for one year. mittees. 7 Elihu D. Chase, Unity. The Grand Treasurer and Grand Secre 8 Charles Kneeland, Stockton Springs. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in tary made their annual reports. 9 Charles A. Wilson, Camden. good standing. 10 Wilbur F. Cate, Dresden. Reports of committees were made and ac 11 Charles R. Getchell. Hallowell. cepted. 12 Moses A. Gordon, Mt. Vernon. The Pear Tree. At 11:30 the Grand Lodge called off until 13 Ernest C. Butler, Skowhegan. 14 Edward L. White, Bowdoinham. 2 o’clock in the afternoon. When winter, like some evil dream, 15 John N. Foye, Canton. That cheerful morning puts to flight, 16 Davis G. Lovejoy, Bethel. Gives place to spring’s divine delight, Tuesday Afternoon., May 6th.
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