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OF THE English and Malay LANGUAGES






Singapore ; Printed at the Government Printing Office.

London :

W. B. WHITTINGHAM & Co., 91, Gracechurch Street, E.C.


All Rights Reserved. PC- — — — —

vocabulary of the English and malay languages, with notes,



Opinions of the Press.

These objects appear to us to have been successfully attained. The work is a most scholarly production, which does Mr. SWETTENHAM the highest credit, and must have cost him much time and labour, and it cannot fail to prove a most useful vade-mecum to the student and the business man who wishes to obtain an accurate knowledge of the Malay language, its idiom, pronunciation, and written character. When Part II is published, the complete work will enable any one to learn how to speak and write Malay accurately without help or reference to any other work, such as MARSDEN's Dictionary, now out of print and difficult to get, or CRAWFURD's Grammar and Dictionary, now also more or less out of date and which does not give the Malay character. Singapore Daily Times, 1 8th April, 1881.

When we say that the work does credit to his reputation as a Malay scholar and reflects highly on his abilities as an author and an industrious civilian official, we give him but faint praise. There is such small encouragement for a man in the Far East to devote his time to a work of the description referred to above, that we wonder Mr. SWETTENHAM ever attempted to start it. He has, however, done so and deserves every credit for his industry. Penang Gazette, pth May, 1881.*

At a time when so many of our planters are going eastward, the publication of Mr. Swettenham's book is most opportune, and the second volume, which is to contain the Malay-English Vocabulary, will complete a most excellent work. Ceylon Observer, yth September, 1887.

As the author very truly remarks in his preface, a work has long been wanted which will enable a new arrival in the Straits Settlements to easily acquire the knowledge of Malay requisite to make himself under- stood by those natives with whom he is brought in contact. Mr. SWET- TENHAM has endeavoured to supply this want in the book just published, and his efforts have resulted in the production of a handy volume which may be relied on. The book deserves to be patronised, and doubtless will be. London and China Express, 3rd June, /88i, —

There was certainly room for Mr. SWETTENHAM's English and Malay Vocabulary and Dialogues, in which his objects have been, amongst other things, to compile a vocabulary which shall contain every word likely to be met with in ordinary reading, writing, or conversation, and "to express in the Romanised Malay, as nearly as possible, the exact pronunciation of the Malay word." This is, perhaps, about as difficult a task as a person can set himself with any language, and, for reasons which will be obvious to all who read Mr. Swettenham's preface, it must be especially difficult in the case of Malay. Mr. SWETTENHAM has certainly spared no pains to attain his object. It would be interesting to discover how near a careful student of his work could get to the accurate pronunciation of Malay. Saturday Review, gth July, 1881. c^US' Y^J SsjA JUS c**l^ dJjj ^jl (Hr^^ oV ^^ J^ ^

&1fe**4 ^&*>~s «^Jfvi m +.*S giyt&ffh j~$i diyujJyS <3yi] §yy** i

4^»m &J c*j>jJUo^X&£ ^jJ^ J^ ^J &J Ij^ c^US c-pl^

t^lal £} ^<^j c^^^JbLJ cjX. Si)jiX+ ^JU£ ^jJU^ ^Jjl^ Jawi Perdnakkan, 2 Jmdd-Alakhir, 1298. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION.


In republishing this English-Malay Vocabulary, now for some time out of print, I have endeavoured to correct the errors of orthography and tonal marking which had crept into the first Edition.

At the same time, I have taken the opportunity of adding to the Vocabulary and carrying out certain suggestions made by those who were kind enough to send me their friendly criticisms.

In this respect, I am chiefly indebted to the late Mr. WlTTl of the British North Company.

F. A. S. PRAK, 24th July, 1883.


The want of a Malay-English and English-Malay Vocabulary, has, I believe, been felt by many besides myself. All who live in the Straits Settlements recognise the necessity of acquiring some knowledge of Malay, and they are divided naturally into two classes—students who wish to attain to the great majority who a considerable proficiency ; and only seek a knowledge of Malay sufficient to enable them to hold a con- versation with their clients or their servants. For the student, there is, though now difficult to procure, MARSDEN's Dictionary—an excellent work, but its author, having derived most of his information from Malays of Sumatra, gives sometimes a pronunciation, and sometimes a rendering of a Malay word, quite opposed to that in use in the Straits or the Malay Peninsula. Again, to use the best part of Marsden's Dictionary, an acquaintance with the Arabic character is absolutely necessary, and this fact closes the book to all for a time. The casual learner probably never even attempts to consult a Dictionary which needs a considerable preliminary study to enable him to use it, and, giving up in despair the works which, under the title of Malay Grammars, have at various times appeared to harass— I might fairly say, mislead him—he looks for a book in which he can, without effort, find the English word he seeks and its equivalent in Malay, or vice versa. The wishes of beginners do not, as a rule, soar beyond the modest dimensions of a Vocabulary, and as I believe much instruction may be obtained from such a book, provided it be accurate and complete, I have endeavoured to supply their wants in the present work. The above explains the raison d'etre of this book, and a very few words will tell what it offers, and with what special object. The present volume contains a Vocabulary of over 5,500 English words, with Romanised Malay and Malay equivalents alphabetically arranged ; I mean, arranged in accordance with the ordinary sequence of letters in the English alphabet—an arrangement of letters common to European nations and but little altered from the Arabic alphabet. Some directions for the writing of Malay letters then follow, which may be found useful to those who are brought into near contact with Malays. Lastly, there are twenty-one short chapters of Dialogues, written at different times during the last four years, but chiefly on journeys in the •Native States, given as specimens of Malay as it is spoken by the Malays.

A careful study of these sentences wr ill, I believe, with constant intercourse with Malays, do more than any grammatical instructions to give a learner facility in expressing himself in this most ungrammatical but most idio- matic language. VI

A Vocabulary of Romanised Malay, Malay and English words, which it was my original intention to give with this volume, I have determined to publish separately, chiefly to avoid making the book unwieldly, but also because there may be some who do not care to have both parts of the Vocabulary.

So much for the construction. The objects I have aimed at are these: (i.) To compile a Vocabulary which should contain every word likely to be met with in ordinary reading, writing, or conversation ; and whilst giving the same word over again under a common synonym, to avoid repeating it several times as the equivalent of several synonymous but rarely used words. (2.) To give the Malay equivalents in the Malay (Arabic) character, accurately spelt, as an assistance to scholars and a means of producing correct writing and spelling in Malay composition ; and also by placing the Malay word in the Vernacular alongside the English and Romanised Malay equivalent, to accustom the eye to the appearance and spelling of the word, so that when met with in a Malay writing it becomes easily recognisable, and when introduced into composition it will be accurately spelt. (3.) But chiefly to express in the Romanised Malay, as nearly as possible, the exact pronunciation of the Malay word. This is a point which I regard as of the utmost importance. The accent with which a language is spoken^ is, in all cases, a crucial test of excellence. An accurate pronunciation and use of a few words is better than the fluent utterance of many ill-pronounced and ill-arranged sentences. Some time ago, I was privileged to listen to a discussion on the question of the Malay language by a party including several of the oldest residents of Singapore, and I was surprised to hear it stated, and apparently accepted as undeniable, that a man might have resided twenty years in this Colony and know Malay very well, but it was not to be expected that he would understand the conversation of a couple of Malays who were not talking for his especial benefit. Without attempting to dispute the statement, it was alleged in explanation that the language usually spoken by Europeans in the Colony, and called by courtesy Malay, is rather a mixture of English, Portuguese, Tamil, Hindustani, Chinese, and some others, with a substratum of Malay to work upon, and that even this patois is but imperfectly known to those who use it, when any but the commonest words are introduced into a conversation. That is a very fair ^ statement of the case, but I would add to the indictment, that every Malay, when introduced to a white face, takes it for granted that the stranger's knowledge of Malay is very halting and very imperfect, and will try always, through politeness, to talk clown to the standard of his white friends. So a Malay, when surrounded by his European acquaintances, will speak a dialect which bears the same relation to Malay that " Pidgin English " does to our every day conversation. But above all, and more than all, the really good Malay words that vn are known to and spoken by almost every European after a few months* residence in the Colony are so mispronounced that they become difficult to recognise, and it is this neglect to care for the fine differences of intonation which mark (sometimes the only mark between words of identical spelling but of wholly different meaning) Malay words, that renders it so difficult and almost impossible for a European, accustomed for years to talk to Chinese, Boyanese, Tamils, Javanese, Bugis, and others, in a language as foreign to them as it is to him, to understand a conversation between two pure Malays who have not a familiar acquaint- ance wr ith the "Vulgar Tongue" of the Straits Settlements. The Peninsula, until so lately a terra incognita to us, is nowT however becoming the scene of considerable agricultural and other operations worked with the resources and under the guidance of Europeans. We may, therefore, hope that, as a better knowledge of the Malay spoken by Malays becomes necessary, there will arise an increased desire to attain it. As a means to this end, I have given special care to the orthography of the Romanised Malay words in this Vocabulary, and I invite the special attention of those who would use this book to the directions for pro- nunciation. In such a matter I could not rely on my own authority for the exact pronunciation of many words which are only heard when one is thrown constantly amongst Malays, and which are not likely to be caught by the ear without care, nor retained for any length of time. I, therefore, sought the assistance of one whose authority may, I believe, be accepted with great safety, and the spelling and tonal marks on every word in the Vocabulary were only fixed upon after consultation with him and when his opinion decided me that my own preconceived ideas were right or wrong, as the case might be. I offer the pronunciation of these words on the authority of MAHOMED Syed, the Government Munshi, one of the very few natives remaining in the Colony or the Malay Peninsula, on whom students can rely for a valuable opinion in matters of Malay language or literature.

The object of the Dialogues, I have already explained. The expres- sions are those of common every day use, translated for the most part from Malay into English. Some of the conversations, such as those with the Cook, Gardener, Syce, &c, are for the help of persons living in the Colony, and would naturally be held with Chinese or Tamils, Javanese and Boyanese. Others, such as the dialogues on a River, in the Jungle, during Disturbances, &c, may prove of use to those whose duties or pleasures take them into the Malay States. I regret that, owT ing to the difficulties of printing, this wr ork being set aside when any more pressing business occupied the attention of the Printing Office, and from want of type (every eight or ten successive pages having to be at once printed off without proper comparison and correction), many slight inaccuracies of spelling and tonal marking have crept into the Romanised Malay of these Dialogues. Wherever there is any doubt as to the pronunciation of a wT ord, the Vocabulary should be consulted, and, if there be a difference, abide by the Vocabulary. vm

The Malay ^English, which will form a separate volume, has been prepared to give to those who have no knowledge of the Malay character, or inclination to learn it, a ready means of ascertaining the meaning of any unknown Malay word they may hear in conversation or meet with in manuscript. It has been my endeavour to ascertain the true meaning of the Malay, and to avoid, as far as possible, the perpetuation of mistaken renderings.

I have also refrained from offering a manufactured Malay equivalent for an English word representing a new idea to the Malay mind, unless that equivalent is well understood and recognised by the Malays themselves. My obligations to Mahomed Syed will be understood from the statement I have already made. I have had the very greatest assistance from Mr. NORONHA, the Superintendent of the Government Printing Establishment, but my best thanks are due to the Government for permit- ting the book to be printed in its office whenever there was leisure for such work. Without that permission it is improbable that I should ever have completed a task which, while of great interest to me, has not been concluded without considerable labour. I trust the outcome may prove of some utility. F. A. S. Singapore, 28th March, 1887. IX


(l With regard to the mode of orthography adopted in expressing the words of the language in our characters, two considerations present themselves : the one, that of conveying as nearly as possible their true sound; and the other, of paying the requisite attention to the powers of the several letters made use of in the original. * * * * * It has been my design to avoid a pertinaceous adherence to either mode. I have followed as closely the literal orthography of the original as could be done consistently with a fair expression of the sound, and where these could not be reconciled, I have given a preference to the latter consideration, because it appeared of more importance that the word should be rightly pronounced by those who cannot read the Malayan character, than that the more learned scholar should be gratified by a literal accuracy to him not absolutely necessary. Frequently indeed I have been induced to repeat the spelling with some variation in order to convey a juster idea of the pronunciation/'—MARSDEN.


The Vowels a 9 e 9 i 9 o9 u 9 are pronounced as in Italian. The circumflex accent a or the short mark ^ when placed over any of these vowels, will lenghten or shorten it. These tonal marks do not always represent a long or short vowel in the Malay spelling, but are given to shew the quantities of the various syllables of a word in pronunciation. Pronounce a as the a in soprano, or the vowel sound in farm; example Barang, Mabok. Pronounce a as the vowel sound in the English word some; example Sampei, Rangka.

Pronounce a as the vowel sound in the English word cup ; example Krap, Panat. Never give the sound of a in the English word man, to any Malay word. like a Pronounce e the sound of ay in the English word lay; example Elok,-Hemat. Pronounce e like the sound of e in the English word ten; example Hengga, Pakien, Pengsan. Pronounce e as short as possible, like the sound of re in the English word retire; example Mnang, Tpi. The sound is so short that many persons have advocated its expression by a simple apostrophe, thus, M'nang, but I prefer the e. Pronounce i long as the ee in sleek; example Lihat, Pfleh, Pronounce / as in the preceding without laying quite so much stress upon it, as Bini, Biji. At the end of a word, when followed by a consonant, the sound of the i is shorter, like the sound of 2' in the English word tin; example Lilin, Langit, Masjid.

Pronounce 1 very short, as in the case of the e, only with the sound of i in gill ; example JilTd, LTlah, Firdaus. The use of this tone is rare. Pronounce 6 as the vowel sound in the English ,5*0; example Dosa, 6 rang. Pronounce as the in English; example Choreng.

The pronunciation of really depends on what follows it. Thus followed by n is pronounced like the English on, and alone has the sound of in so, thus Chonto'. Again, followed by r is pronounced, like English or, thus Undor; whilst before ng is pronounced more like the in the Dutch Jongkheer than in the English long, as Longgr, . is very seldom met with, it should be pronounced with the vowel sound of English knob ; example Pukol, Dosta.

Pronounce ii like the vowel sound in the English two; example Gunong, Luka.

Pronounce it rather shorter than the above, but with the same sound; as Takut, Muntah. u has the vowel sound of the English word took; example Mulia, Dunia. The sound is rare in Malay, but met with in Arabic words. Never pronounce u when met with in a Malay word like the u in but. In words which have no vowel marks, pronounce all the syllables evenly, laying no marked stress on any; example Kumpulan, Guntingkan, Banding. Generally speaking, in dissyllables the accent is on the first syllable, and in polysyllables on the penultimate.


Pronounce ae, ai, or ei, when met with, with the sound given by repeating these vowels one after the other, as above instructed ; example Shar, Smai, Sungei. au has the sound of ow in the English now ; example Pulau.


As regards Consonants it is only necessary to say that ng is always pronounced like ng in the English hang and never like ng in the English mangle. This last sound is given in Malay by adding another £*, thus Tanggong. The sound given by Malays to what I have expressed by the letters ang is difficult to find in any English word. The sound of the first syllable of "hungry" is however near it. Never pronounce ang like the same letters in the English hang. g is always hard as in go. The soft sound of g in the English gentle is invariably expressed by/ in Malay, thus Jfnak. Xt

ch is always pronounced like the ch in church; and sh like the same letters in shine, —unless where specially instructed to the contrary. kh should be pronounced like ch in Loch, but harder, as Khabar. Whenever a word, or the final syllable of a word of more than one syllable, ends with either h or k, that word or final syllable must be pronounced very short indeed, whatever the vowel which precedes the h or k. When the word ends with h that letter should be slightly sounded, but when it ends with k, the k is almost always silent. Lastly, do not be afraid to pronounce the r in Malay words, it is a peculiarity of the people that they lay much stress on the r in pronuncia- tion. It is difficult for an Englishman to pick up the practice, but it should be attempted. In Kdah, the common people, and indeed the Chiefs, unless talking to strangers, speak with a curious lisp, which avoids the pronunciation of s, r, or I, but whatever may be the local peculiarities of any particular Native State, and they are but few and of slight importance, there is but one language recognised in the Peninsula, and that is Malay, not High Malay (whatever that may mean), or Court Malay, but simply the Malay language proper, and a knowledge of that, if the words be accurately pronounced and used in their true sense, even though the knowledge be but slight, will be as useful in Kdah as in Pahang or Trngg&nu, in Perak or Sri Mnanti, as in Klantan or Patani. Xll


I have bound myself by no rule in this matter. Indeed to transliterate in Roman letters vowels which do not appear at all in the Malay words would be difficult. I have reproduced the Malay consonants by their equivalents in Roman letters in every case. To lay down such a rule with regard to even the vowels which do appear in the Malay, would be unwise, for it would only mislead. To say that ^ should always be reproduced by i, when in Malay it is often pronounced as e or as ei, or to make it a rule thatj shall always be rendered by u } when it is often really pronounced o and an, would be to advocate mispronunciation and misunderstanding, with no countervailing benefit. intelligible it* , i. e. } mnng, cannot be transliterated to any sound, but it is perfectly easy to produce the Malay word, thus Mnang, having already laid down how e and a shall be pronounced. I have rendered the Malay letter c-j by nya to distinguish it from U or Let repeat again, the Romanised Malay words in this ^J. me Vocabulary are not, and are not intended to be, transliterations of Malay words, but, guided by the instructions already laid down, they are intended to represent the Malay words as pronounced in the Malay language, while the Arabic characters shew the correct spelling in the Malay vernacular. Hamzah .(*). — In Arabic words, where two Alifs would come together, the second is omitted, and Hamzah inserted in its place. In Malay words, the Hamzah is usually found at the end of a word, and gives the vowel which precedes it a short sound very much as though the Hamzah wr ere the final k. Xlll

/VLalay Alphabet.

The Arabic Alphabet, with the six letters marked with an asterisk (*) added, forms the Malay Alphabet. The letters marked § are only used in words of Arabic origin.

Name. Isolated. Filial. Medial. Initial. Equivalent.

Alif 1 1 A

Ba ^r> s- * j B

« J Ta C^J> cx». T

Tha§ C&3 *JM * )' Th (as in "thick")

Jim e £ * ^ J Cha* s 1 C2s c^ Ch

Ha§ O fcs H (strong in c £ back of throat)

Kha§ S; £>» Kh (stronger c t than"ch" in "loch")

Dal* ± J, D

Thai § i J, Th Ra ^ -> R Za§ Z >> > Sin u^ wT" **s* *4 S

Shin § 49 Sh u O^ £* .&

Sod § u° u* *


Name. Isolated. Final. Medial. Initial. Equivalent.

Ta§ L T (strong) i

Tha§ t ' k Th (stronger than Thod)

Ain § c ft aa or a

Rhain A £> Rh or Hr \ § t t * Nga A A £ Ng i (pronounced together)

Fa§ <_* «_& & i F

A Pa* *_i a J» P

Kof a 3 K <3 «5 ! Kaf £ cM < i K

Ga* ^J u: z % G (always hard)

1 Lam J * 5 L

Mim * .* M f c 1

Nun * j N

Wau W, 0, U, or > > i ' AU H Ha & & * * *>

I, Ya 1 Y, E, or Ei ' ^ s? «^ 1 I

* C-3 Nya v v Nya .0 V* 1 I

% Pronounced like the German r% P & G commonly written witb one dot instead of three, XV


Formation of Substantives.

Affixing " an " is a common method of forming a substantive from the radical in Malay, and it may be taken as a rule that the accent will, as 'in the case of Jabat-an, be moved, the penultimate in the substantive becoming long, thus: Jab at, Jabatan; Kasih, Kasihan; Puter, Putaran; Pichah, Pichahan. In conversation it often happens that this long penultimate is pronounced short, as Kasihan instead of Kasihan, which is the really correct form, while Pichahan and not Pichahan is almost universal. For pronunciation, the safest rule is to put the accent on the first syllable in dissyllables, and on the penultimate in polysyllables, though many exceptions will be met with, such as Tlor, Mrak, Pning, Skder, Kabaktian, Pipiskan, &c, where nothing but practice will teach accurate pronunciation.

Another perhaps more common way of forming a substantive from the radical is to prefix " Ka," either alone as in Ka-handak, inclination, " or by far more frequently accompanied by the affix an," thus : Putus,

Ka-putus-an (also pronounced Kaputusan or Kaputusan) ; Tumboh, Ka- tumboh-an (always pronounced with the accent equally placed through- out, or with a slight stress on the antipenultimate). Here again it will be seen how impossible it is to lay down a hard and fast rule, but when the radical is not itself the substantive, the latter is commonly formed in one of the two ways above described.

"Per" is a particle prefix of constant form used in the formation of derivative substantives; it is sometimes abbreviated, especially in con- versation, to " P," as Pe-kerja-an. In the case of Per-angkap the initial t of the radical Tangkap has been dropped for the sake of euphony.

Aiak-kan, Per-anak-kan, and Ka-banyak-kan are exceptions to the above rules. Aiak, Anak, and Banyak being the radicals, it might be expected that the substantive, or (as in the case of Ka-banyak-kan) adjective, would, as is usually the case, be formed by affixing "an," and perhaps, in the case of the first two, by prefixing " Per; " but there is no prefix, and "kan" is affixed in preference to "an," apparently for the sake of euphony.

Besides the means of forming substantives described above, another common form is where the radical (of whatever part of speech) takes a prefix of "P," "Pern," "Pen," " Peng," or " Pny," sometimes with the affix "an" added and sometimes without, XVI

A substantive so formed usually denotes an agent or instrument of the meaning conveyed by the radical. The prefix takes the form of " P " when the radical begins with I) m, or p followed by a consonant, thus : Pe-lubang, pitfall ; Pmarah, passionate; Pe-prang-an, war. When the radical begins with p followed by a vowel, the substantive is formed by dropping the/ and prefixing " Pern/' as: Pukol, Pm-ukol, a mallet; Pandang, Pem-andang-an, sight.

If the initial letter of the radical be t, the substantive is formed by dropping the t and prefixing "Pen," thus: Takut, Pn-akut, a coward. Png-tahuan is an exception to this rule. The prefix takes the form of "Pen" before ck, d, and/, as: Pn-churi, a thief; Pn-dapat-an, earnings; Pn-jaja, a pedlar. It appears, however, that when the radical begins with ck, the prefix sometimes takes the form "Pny" and drops the ck as more euphonious, thus: Chuchok, Pny- uchok. The prefix takes the form "Peng" before vowels, and before^ and h, as: Peng-adu-an, a complaint; Png-iring, a suite; Png-usong, a litter; Png-hulu, a chief; Png-gali, a spade. When the radical begins with k, the prefix also takes the form "Peng," dropping the k, thus: Ktam, Png-tam; Kut, Png-ut. If the radical begins with the letter s, the substantive is formed by prefixing "Pny" and dropping the s, as: Sakit, Pny-akit, sickness.

Formation of Verbs, &c. -

Verbs formed by prefixing the particle " Ber " to the radical, maybe used in either the present, imperfect, or perfect tenses, and there is no alteration in the different persons of the verb, the personal pronoun being sufficient to carry the sense, thus : Dia Ber-bangkit, he gets up, he was getting up, or he got up—the context shewing the tense ; Kita ber-bangkit, we get up, wr e were getting up, or we got up. I do not lay this down as a universal rule, but it is usual. It must not, howr ever, be supposed that the prefix "Ber" can be placed before all radicals and used with the above described significations, for instance: Dia berjalan means he goes, he was going, or he went, according to the context, Jalan being the radical, meaning either a road, or to go, or to walk. But Pergi means also to go, and yet Ber-pergi is most unusual, and Pergi-kan unheard of, whilst Jalan-kan is common and means to cause to go. Jalan-kan bichara, to carry on a case; Jalan-kan perkara, to keep a matter going. Sometimes, again, "Ber" intensifies the radical, as: Budi, sense;

Ber-budi, full of sense, sensible. Bulu, hair, feathers ; Ber-bulu, cover- ed wr ith hair or feathers, hairy, feathered, shaggy.* Darah, blood; Ber- cfarahj bloody, :


"Kan" is an affix which almost invariably gives to a substantive, adjective, or other part of speech which will admit the addition of this particle, the meaning of a transitive verb, thus: Jalan, a road or to walk; jalan-kan, to cause to go on, to carry on. Ranching, a bolt; Kanching- kan; to fasten. Mshhur, famous; Mshhur-kan, to make known, to publish. Kuat, strong; Kuat-kan, to make strong to strengthen. Ampun, pardon or to pardon ; Ampun-kan, to pardon. Atur, arranged or to arrange; Atur-kan, to arrange.

Under the letter M, will be found various forms by which the radical, whether it be substantive, adjective, adverb, verb, or other part of speech, is transposed into a transitive or intransitive verb. These forms vary according to the initial letters of the radicals, thus: Langkah, a step, becomes Me-langkah; Bri, to give, becomes Mem-bri, Tandok, a horn, becomes Mn-andok; Kail, to fish, becomes Mng-ail; Apa, what, Mng- apa; Harap, hope, Mng-harap; Titek, a drop, Mn-itek; Sbrang, across, Mny-brang. In the majority of cases, where there is a prefix only, the verb formed is intransitive, but when besides the prefix the particle "kan" is affixed, the verb then formed is always transitive, as Mn-jrat-kan, to snare.

I, When the radical begins with m } n, nya (^), or r, the prefix which forms the verb is always "M," as: Langkah, M-langkah; Masok, M- masok-kan; Nanti, Me-nanti; Rupa, Me-rupa-kan; Nyanyi, Me-nyanyi. When the radical begins with the letter b, the particle prefix takes the form of " Mem " as " Mm-bacha," to read. When the radical begins with the letter/, the particle prefix takes the form of " Mem " and drops the/ for the sake of euphony, as: Prentah, Mm-rentah; Puji, Mm-uji. When t is the initial letter of the radical, the particle prefix takes the form of " Men " and drops the t for the sake of euphony, as: Taroh, Mn- aroh. When the initial letter of the radical is ch, d, or j, the verb is formed by prefixing the particle "Men" without other alteration, as Chabut, Mn-chabut; Dapat, Mn-dapat; Jadi, Mn-jadi. Meny-uchi-kan and Mny-ungkil are exceptions to this rule.

Where the radical begins with a vowe/, h } or g, the particle prefix takes the form of " Mng " without other alteration, thus: Adu, Mng- adu; Isap, Mng-isap; Ubong, Mng-ubong; Hrut, Mng-hrut; Ganti, Mng-ganti. The h is however sometimes omitted in the words like "Hilang" where it can either be pronounced or not, both being equally right Where the initial letter of the radical is k, the verb is formed by prefixing the particle " Mng" and dropping the k for the sake of euphony, as: Kosot, Meng-osot. If the radical begins with the letters tr, then the particle prefix takes the form "Men," whilst the t is dropped for the sake of euphony, as Trang, Mn-rang-kan. xvm

If the radical begins with the letter s, the prefix changes the s into " " Mny +* thus : S&bong, Mny-abong; Smbah, Mny-mbah; Susu, Meny-usu-i.

" Ter " y" isa constant particle always met with in composition, and always as a prefix.

When placed before a verb, it gives the signification of a past participle, as: Ter-btiaiig, thrown away; Ter-atur, arranged; Ter-bilang, counted; &c.

When prefixed to an adjective, it adds emphasis and intensifies the meaning, and in conjunction with "Skali" denotes the superlative degree,

thus ; Ter-balik, overturned; Ter-bunoh, murdered; Ter-lampau, excessive; Ter-lbih skali, most; Ter-lbih baik skali, best.

"Sahya" is the word most commonly used by Europeans to express the first personal pronoun, whilst "you" is best rendered politely by "Tuan/' The Malays commonly use "Aku" for "I," and "Tuan," "Angkau," or "Awak" (if familiar) for "you." "Angkau," is also often rendered by " Kau," or, in Province Wellesley and Kedah, by " Hang," and is generally used in speaking to servants or the lower classes. In Prak, 4 T" and "you" are familiarly rendered by "Teman" and "Mika." In writing, "Beta" or "Kita" represents "I," and " Sehabat-bta " or " Shabat-kita," "you." Rajas or persons of rank often speak of themselves as " Kami," and render "you" by "Kamu" or "Angkau" when talking to inferiors. When inferiors address their superiors, and wish to make a point of the distinction, they speak of themselves as "Hamba Tuan," your slave; this is common also in writing from an inferior to his superior. "Patek" is the commonest form of expressing the pronoun of the first person when used by an inferior to a Raja, or between Rajas when the younger wishes to shew respect to the elder or superior in orfice.

The English definite article "the" has no real equivalent in Malay. Bring the child, is translated Bawa anak; Bring that child, Bawa anak itu; Bring a child, Bawa satu &nak. In some cases, "the" is rendered by "yang," as: Bring another, Bawa lain, or Bawa lagi satu; Bring the other, Bawa yang lain itu; The latter, Yang kmdian; The former, Yang dulu; and so on.

The word "Sudan" is much used by the Malays. It will with a verb, always express the past tense: Sudah mati, dead; Sudan jalan, gone; &c. When used alone, it will mean, That will do. If used interrogatively, as Sudah? or Sudahkah? it has the meaning, Have you done? Is it finished? Is it ready?—according to the context. Whilst in such a sentence as Sudahlah kfta ini, it would mean, Now, we're done for. XIX

The constant use of " Punya" to indicate the possessive is inelegant and unusual. The best and commonest form of expressing the possessive is by placing the pronoun after the substantive, as Rurnah dia, His or her house.

The indiscriminate use of the intensifying particle " Lah " (a!) should be avoided.

The particle " Tah " (u) is in all respects similar to "Lah," but not nearly so common.

"Sangat/—very, extremely—is placed either before or after the adjective, but usually the latter. "Trlalu" and "Trlampau" are placed before the adjective, and "Skali" after it.

"Maka" (dU) is used in writing only, and marks the beginning of a new sentence.

The word " Anak" is applied to the young of all birds, beasts, or fishes: Anak gajah, a young elephant; Anak anjing, a puppy; Anak burong, a young bird; Anak lkan, a young fish.

Malays speak of so many nights where we say days, thus they would say: " He will be away three nights/' meaning three nights and two days. XX

Days of the Week,

Sunday Hari ahad wte^l <& I»

Monday Hari ithnain

Tuesday Hari thalatha*

f Hari rabu Wednesday \ Hari arbaa f

Hari khamis Thursday

Friday Hari jmaat vs;

Saturday Hari sabtu sa> I*

Sunday is also called "Hari m^ggo" in the Straits Settlements, from the Portuguese " Domingo, " and the other days of the week are known as : —Monday, " Hari satu ;" Tuesday, " Hari dua," and so on. One week, in the same way, is called " Situ minggo," but the Malays call it " Satu jemaat" or "Tujoh hari"— seven days.

* " " The Arabic form ; the Malay pronunciation Salasa is commoner, f The Arabic form. XXI


Muharram 30 days |V**

Safer 29 n ^&o

Rabi alAwal 3° „ J^'^

Rabi alikhir 29 n ^31«^

Jmad alawal 3° » J,JldU*

Jmad alakhir 29 M ^JbL^

Rajab 3° » s-^

Shaban 29 ,, ^L**

Ramthan* 30 » Ua^>

Shawal 29 » J'*

Thil kaadah 3° » ^Jj^Jt^i

and some- Thil hajah /29. » &&«J)<^5 \ times 30 days

These months do not correspond to any months in the English calendar, and as there are only 354 days in the Mahomedan year, the position of these Mahomedan months with regard to our calendar is constantly changing.

* Pronounce "th " as in the English word thaw. The names of the months are all purely Arabic, XX11


Sa' f One 3 Sdtu })j~s kiUd La (. Suatu Two Dua !>•» Y Three Tiga c^XjJ r Four Ampat ^•1 p Five Lima 6 Six Anam H3 r ' 1 Seven Tujoh <3e^y V Eight Dilapan A Nine ^ Sambilan «1 Ten S a' puloh ...\ One thousand one hundred Sa'nbu sa'ratus ij~$\j~* ysly* ..i\ Ten thousand Sa'laksa VvuiHAvft ' One hundred thousand Sa'puloh laksa Ull d^JUA One million Sa'ratus laksa LvJU jJh*« *

fSa L* Units \Asa U Tens Puloh Thousands Ribu M> Tens of thousands Laksa LJSJ Hundreds of thousands Kti ..«* Millions Juta 0^ — —


NUMBERS, Continued.

In speaking of days of the month, the following are sometimes used:

Sixteen Satu glap «—aiS'yLo

Seventeen Dua glap < dXS" 1 1£

Eighteen T*ga g^P *—&l£ *—^t?

Nineteen Ampat glap ^JdS 6&*\

Twenty Dua puloh dy )j6

Twenty-one Sa'lekor j^CJ^

Twenty-two Dua lkor J^d |>^

and so on up to

Twenty-seven Tujoh lekor j£*) Ae^y

This form of expressing numbers other than days of the month is very commonly used in Pahang and less frequently in other States. xxw


North Utara w

South Selcitan o5 ^

East Timor jy^

West Barat <^*jk

North-East Timor laut <^}J$ Jf*1!*

North-West Barat laut codktf utOU

South-East Tnggara l^lOtf

South-West Barat daia 4^1 J iJtljk —



Currency.—Singapore and Malacca.

4 duit (|-cent) = i sen (i cent) 2\ sen = i wang],(2.| cents) io wang = i suku (25 cents) 4 suku = 1 ringgit (1 dollar)

Currency.— Penang and Province Wellesley.

10 duit* (cent) = 1 kupang (10 cents) \2\ duit = 1 tali (12 1 cents) 2 tali = 1 suku (25 cents) 4 suku = 1 ringgit (1 dollar)

* The duit (1 cent) is divided into halrcs and and quarters "stngah duit" and "suku duit."


I itam tengko = 4 cents of dollar 2 itam tengko = 1 knri (gold) = 8 cents of dollar 2 knri = 2 saga = 1 buso r= 16 cents 2 buso = 1 suku = 1 kupang = 33i cents 3 kupang = 1 ringgit (1 dollar) 4 kupang = 1 mas ($1.33*) 16 mas = 1 bungkal Pahang

Copper coin is not current in Pahang, but gold dust weighed ac- cording to the above table. Silver dollars are current, and small tin tokens coined by the Revenue Farmers for circulation in their respective districts.

Avoirdupois Weight.

16 tahil (tael) =±* 1 kati* (i£ft) 100 kati = 1 pikul (1333 ffi) 3 pikul = 1 bhara (400 IB) 4Q pikul = 1 kdian ft (5,333* )

* The Malay and Chinese kati differ in weight, the former having the weight of 24 Mexican dollar», and the latter of 22£. They are termed respectively " kati bsar " and " kati kohil," XXVI

Goldsmith's Weight.

** 12 saga = 1 maiam 1 6 maiam = 1 bungkal (832 grains Troy) 12 bungkal = 1 kati

Opium Weight.

io = 1 chi io chi = 1 tahil

Measure of Capacity.

4 pau = 1 chupak 4 chupak = 1 gantang io gantang = 1 para 2 para = 1 pikul 40 pikul = 1 koian

Dry Measure.

4 chupak = 1 gantang 10 gantang = 1 naleh 10 naleh = 1 kuncha 5 kuncha = 1 koian

Long or Cloth Measure.

2 jngkal 1

2 hasta 1 la

2 61a 1 dpa (1 fathom or 6 feet) 20 kayu (pieces) 1 kodi (1 score)

Land Measure.

12 inchi (inches) 1 kaki (1 foot) 6 kaki 1 dpa (6 feet) 4 (square) dpa 1 jmba (144 square feet)

100 jemha 1 pnjuru (14,400 square feet) 4 pnjuru 1 rlong (1 orlong, or ij acres, nearly)

* Eight maiam are equal to the weight of ens Mexican dollar. Gold dust is sold by the bungkal ; Gold thread by the kati. XXVll


Ar Arabic.

Ch Chinese.

Eng English.

Hind. ...Hindustani.

Jav Javanese.

Pers Persian.

Port Portuguese.

Sans Sanskrit.

When any of these Abbreviations—Ar., Sans., Port., &c.—are placed after a word, it does not necessarily denote that the word is pure Arabic, Sanskrit, or Portuguese, &c, but that the word is derived from one or other of these languages, or is an altered form of an Arabic, Sanskrit, or Portuguese word.



u A (the article) j ®f ^ Sa ' Mtan "^()^^ 1 & tf^

1 . — of short things , u M T Sa bllah <^ (knives) }

—of animals, birds ) „ , jSaekorM ,yC^^ fishes ~° f iDgS ' (8MP8 Sa Mah ' *^ no?SeST } —of , eggs Sa'biji <*?****

of letters and mus- ) . * , , — SaQ puchok g^jL»/ ketg j —of umbrellas Sa'kaki

—of sheets of paper, 1 c< ,i*. Sa bldan A kajangs j S **•-

of cloth, sarongs, &c. >Sa'hl* — \J***

* Also used of sheets of paper. Abandoned ( 2 ) Acid Terbuang Abandoned f tw \ Tertinggal Abdomen Prut Ability Kapandian Abjure, to Taubat Bulih Able J \ Ada kuasa

( Hapus I» Abolish, to u*S t \ Bilang

( Orang bukit Aborigines < Orang liar ( Orang sakei About Lebih kurang Atas Above j ( Diatas Abscess Bisul Abscond, to Lari

I Tidak iida Absent } Tiada bather (Ar.) r Banyak Abundant < Limpah dsui (Maamur (Ar.) Maki Abuse, to f ( Nista Accept, to Trima Accident Takdir (Ar.) Bersama Accompany, to f ( Berkawan Penulong Accomplice f \ Kawan a)* According to Sperti Account, an Kira-kira f Tukang mngira-ngira Accountant, an 1 Krani Accurate Btul Accuse, to Tudoh Biasa Accustomed J \ Galak ' f SakitSa Ache 1 SSnak Acid Asam Acknowledge < 3 ) After Aku Acknowledge, to Mngaku Mnyatakan Acquaint, to Maalumkan Bri tau Acquainted, to be Knal Acquit, to Lpas Across Terlintang Act, to (do) Biiat Do., to (play) Bermain mayong Action, act Perbuatan Pantas Active f 1 Rajin

( Tambah Add, to 1 TJbong Do., to (as in arithmetic) Jemlahkan Administration Prentahan Do., Letters of Surat kua-sa Admiral Laksamana Admit, to (to a place) Bri miisok Adopt, to (a custom) Meniirut adat Adopted child Anak angkat Adorn, to Hiasi Hanyut Adrift Anyut Advice Nasihat (Ar.) Do., to ask Minta nasihat Advise, to Bri nasihat Advocate, to Tii long bicharakan Affair Hal Affairs Hal ahual Kasihan Affection Perchintiian Affiance, to Bertimang Affidavit Surat sumpahan Affirm, to Mngatakan Yang terscbut diatas Aforesaid ini Afraid T&kut After Kmdian Afternoon ( 4 ) Alms

f Ptang Afternoon CBeraleh h&ri fLagiskali Again IPula Age Omor (Ar.) Agent Wakil (Ar.)

Do., (with complete) Wakil mutallak (Ar.) power) } a"- JO Agree, to (engage) Berjanji ^^ Agreement, an Perjanjian ^««^y r Berdamei Agree, to (be friends) iSa'tuju Agreeable Sdap «—$J*-« Aground (of a boat) Sangkut C&dtX&td Ague Dmam kora b/rJ Ahead Dihadap c_4jl*J Aim, to Tuju Air Udara Ajar Rnggang £&j Alas Adohi S?*^' r Baler Albino ^ 1 Sopak S^f r Sa'rupa Alike \ Sama Do., Just Sama juga Hidup Alive J i Idup r Smua All < Sgala (Sans) l Skalian c>*^ Alley Lorong ^ Allow, to (permit) Biar ^ Allowance (money) Wang blanja UjJj. £} Alloy, to Champur >>>k^ Ally, to Berstia Lx^^j Do., an Stiawan ol>W^ kuasa Almighty Maha lT '/ ^ f Badam (Pers.) Almond ( Ktapang or Los Almost Hampir ^iUjb Alms Sdkah (Ar.) 43Jwo Alone ( 5 ) Answer

Alone Sa'orang shaja Alphabet Aliph-ba-ta

( Pula Also J;

( Jua Alum Tawas

f Slalu Always l Sntiasa i^v f Terchngang Amazed ^Hran (Ar., Hairan) Ambassador Utusan Amber Amber (Ar.) Ambush, to lie in Endap Amiable r Halus { Manis liiku Dalam Amongst | I Antara Amok, to Mengiimok or* 1*" Nenek moyang Ancestors | I DcUoh (or Dato') nenek Anchor, an Sauh Do., to Berlabuh Anchorage Labuhan

f Lama Ancient \ Zeman (Ar.) And jDan 1 Dengan Angel Melaikat Anger, angry Marah Do. (speaking of Ilaja) Mrka Angle, to (to fish) Mngail Binatang Animal, an | 1 Yang bernyawa Adas manis Aniseed C \ Jintan manis Ankle Mata kaki Annoy, to tFsikkan ' Anoint, to Urut

/ Jawab (Hind.) Answer < Balas l Mnyaut Ant ( ) As Ant Smut Antidote Pnawr Anvil Iiandasan Anxiety Blisah

r Eindu Anxious t Bimbang Any f Sa'barang I Maria mana pun Appearance Eupa ( Ltak

Appoint, to -] Taroh iMnjadikan Apostle Easui (Ar.) Argue, to Berbantah Arise, to Berbangkit Arithmetic Elmu kira kira Ark, the Behtra (Ar.) Arm, the Lengan Armadillo Tnggiling Mi Armed Bersenjata Armpit Ktiak Army f Lashker (Pers.) 1 Ashker (Ar.) Around Keliling Arrack Arak (Ar.) Arrange, to Mngatur ;J\1L. Arrest, to Tangkap Arrive, to Sampei Arrow Anak panah Arsenic Warangan Art Elmu (Ar.) Artery tTrat darah Articles (goods) Barang-barang Do. (division of subjec>ts)Perkara Do. (of agreement) Surat perjanjian As Sperti As before Sa'mula As long as (in length) Sa'panjang Do. (in time) Sa'lama As much as Sa'banyak As ( 7 ) Attempt

f Sa'brapa lekas yang As quickly as possible 1 bulih

f Sa'brapa baik yang As well as you can t bulih As yet Sa'lama ini Ascend, to (a river) Mudik Do., to (a hill) Mendaki Ashamed Malu Ashes Abu Aside Asing Do., to put Mengasingkan Ask, to Tanya Ask for, to Minta Ass, an Kalde Assemble, to Berhimpun Do., to (calling to- JKrah gether ryots) | Tulong Assist, to *. Bantu Assistance Ka'tulongan Asthma Ssak dada Diblakang Dibuntut Astern 1 Di'ekor ^Diburitan Astonished Terchngang Astrology Elmu niijum (Ar.) At Di

( Mula-mula At first | Asal At last Akhir (Ar.) At least Sa' kurang-kurang Skali * | At once (Dngan sgra* Balas Atone, to \ 1 Ganti

( Langgr to Attack, I** { Mngamok t^* Attempt, to Chuba «-^

" * Bring all at once, " Bawa sm&a skali." Comeatonoe, Mfcci dgngan sSgra." Attendant . ( s ) Bait

j Kawan Attendant *>* j Budak Attendant, Female Daiang-daiang Attentive Raj in &&b Attest, to Menaroh tapak tiingan ^£>\$ J^iti &j\Z» Attitude Sikaj. civ^ Auction Lelong (Port.) &> Audience (at court) Mjiis sj~#*s*

i Mak mu da Aunt Mak su I Authority Kuasa Avenge, to Balas & Awake, to Jaga «-JV

\ Bangun Do., to cause to | Grakkan Away Kluar jW Awhile Sa' banter jSXy* Awkward Hudoh &6J* Axe Kapak &* (Chetri(Hind.) Awning ^j^ Kajang 1 M B

Baba* Baba (Hind.) i»ij Baby Kanak-kanak V&K Bachelor Bujang Back, the Blakang Bad (not good) Tidakbaik ^**M <3^ Do. (decomposed) Busuk &*jt Do. (wicked) Jahat Ut^f^

( Karong Bag, a \ Saku (Port.) Do. Money- (Chinese) Opau (Ch.) y»1 Baggage Barang-barang Ytok Bail Jamin vp***

( Mnjadi jamin Do., to stand Mngaku ( Bait (for fish) TJmpan

( Prang Battle Pprangan j

* The only ball used by the Malays is this one, but our word ball has in the Settlements been Malayined into " bola," which is generally understood. '

Bawl (10 ) See/

Bawl, to Trxak Bay (of the sea) Tluk Do. (colour) Mrah-ktming Bazaar P&ser Beach Pantei Beads Manik-manik Beak Paroh Beam, a Glger BAJak Bean K&chang Bear, a Bruang Tanggong Do., to (support) T&han Do., to (on the head) Junjong Do., to (in the arms) Dukong Do., to (carry) Pikul Do. children, to Ber&nak Do. arms, to P&kei snj&ta Do. fruit, to Berbuah Do. witness, to Bri saksi Beard, a Janggut Beast Bin&tang Beat, to Pukol Palu Do., to (with the fist) Gochoh Do., to (with open hand) Tamper Do., to (in a mortar) Tumbuk* Do., to (overcome) Mnang Beautiful Chantek j Molek Because Sbb Kar&na f (Sans.) Beckon, to Lambei Become, to J&di Katil Bed, a Tmpat tidor Bee Lbah Beef D&ging-lmbu

* Commonly used for " to beat with the fist also, f AlsB pronounced Kerna. Beetle (11) Betrothed Beetle Kumbang Before Lbih dahulu Beg, to (ask) Minta Bo. alms, to Minta sdkah Beggar (religious men- Fakir (Ar.) dicant) Begin, to Mulai Awal (Ar.) Beginning, a Asal Behaviour Kal&kuan Behind Dibl&kang Being, a Human Sa'orang manusia Belch, to Bl&hak Believe, to (trust) Perch&ya Do., to (think) Pikir (Ar.) * ( Locheng Bell, a Gnta ( Bellows Pngumbus Belly Prut

f Ampunya Belonging ( Yang punya Below Dibawah f Ikat pinggang Aft» uisk\ Belt, a \ Tali pinggang Bend, to Mlkong Benevolent Murah Mti Bent Bengkok Beside Di sa'blah Besiege, to Kpong Besmear, to Lumor yy Best Yang baik skali Set, to Bertaroh &^y. Betel (leaf) Sirih f Do. (nut) Buah pinang f Pinang Betroth, to ( Tunang Betrothed Sudah bertunang

* Not Malay, adopted and understood. " t " Sirih is the leaf of * vine, grown like pepper, and is chewed by the Malays^iamese, and many other Eastern people. On the leaf is spread a little ohunam or lime, and tobacco, gambler and pieces of betel-nut are ohewed with it. Better ( 12 ) Bloody

Better Lbih baik Do., to Make Mmbaiki Between Antara (Hind.) Beware, to Jaga Balik Beyond J sana ( Di sa'blah Bible (Pentateuch) Taurit Do. (Psalms) Zabur (Ar.) Do. (Gospels) Injil (Ar.) Bid, to (offer a price) Tawr Big Bsar Surat utang £> Ikat u^ll Bind, to f \ Tambat Do., to (book) Jilid * Bird Burong Do. cage Sangkr Do. nest S&rang burong Birth Per&nakkan Sa'keping Bit, a (piece) Sa'krat Do., a (for horse) Lagam (Hind.) Bite, to Gigit Bitter Pahit Black Hitam

f Tukang bsi Blacksmith, a ( Pandei bsi Blade Mata Blame, to Mnchlakan Blaze, to Bernyala Bleed, to Kluar darah Do., to (surgically) Krat urat Blemish Chachat Blessed Berkat Blind Buta Blood D&rah Do., Of noble Berbangsa Bloody Berd&rah

* Arabic, lit. means leather. Blossom ('13 ) Borneo

Blossom Bunga Do. (bud) Kutum Do. (full blown) Kmbang Blotting-paper Kertas kembang Blow, to (with the JTiup mouth) Blow -pipe, a Sumpitan Blue Biru , a Pmuras

( Tumpul Blunt ( Kurang tajam Boar Babi jantan Do., Wild- Babi utan Board, a (wood) Papan Do., to (lodge) Tumpang Boast, to Mmbsarkan diri

( Prau Boat \ Sampan

i Sagor Do. (a dug-out) ) Jalor Do. a House- Ktiap Do. a Small Fishing Kolek Boat-hire Prau tambang

i Badan Body 1 Tuboh s Do., a Dead Maiat (Ar.) Do. of an animal Bangkei Boil, to Rebus Do. rice, to Mnanak Do., a Bisul Brani Bold (brave) j ( G&gah Bolt, a Pnyalak Bone Tulang Book Kitab (Ar.) Booty- B/ampasan

Border . Tpi Bore, to Grek Do., to (the ears) Bertindek Borneo Brunei Borrow (14) Break

f Pinjam Borrow, to ( Minta pinjam Bosom Dacla Both Kaduanya Kacha Bottle j ( Botol* (Eng.) Bottom Bawah

( Pantat Bottom (anus) I punggong Bough Dahan f

( Prnggan Boundary Smpadan ( Bow, (for arrows) Panah Do., to (the body) Tunduk Bowl I Batil ( Bokor jPti Box (chest) Klamd4n ( $ J&ls Boy Anak laki-laki Brace (a couple) Sa'pasang Bracelet Glang Brackish Payau Brains Otak Branch a (bough) D&han Do., to Chabang (Tanda Brand, a (mark) (Chap Brandish, to Achu J* Brads Tmbaga Brave Brani Bravery Kabaktian Brawl, to Huru-hara Bray, to (as an ass) Triak Bread Roti Bread-fruit Sukun Pichab Break, to J \ P4tah aw

* In use in the Straits Se merits. J'Stvmper-hingga-an. See " Trunk." Probably derived from Kalam (Ai.) a pen, and Am (Per.) a box. On* lyuswi of small boxes. Break ( IS ) Brittle

Break down, to Runtoh Do. in, to Pichah masok (Pichah Do. to pieces, to | Hanchor Do. off, to Putus Do. a promise, to Munkir Do. in, to (tame) Jinakkan Do. of day- Dinihari Breakers (surf) Pichaban ombak Breakfast Makan pagi Breast, the Dada Breasts Susu Breath (Nafas (Ar.) 1 Nyawa Breathe, to Menafas Q ^ Piara Breed, to Plhra Breeze Angin Do., Land- Angin darat Do., Sea- Angin laut Bribe, a Snap Do., to Bri snap Do., to Take a Makan snap Bricks Bata Bride ( Pngantin prm-

I puan Bridegroom ( Pngantin laki-

( laki Bridge, a ( Jmbatan (Titi Do., to Mniti Bridie, a Kang (Jav.) Bright (shining) Chahia Do. (clear) Trang Brim Bibir Brimstone Balrang Bri&g, to Bawa «a JJring up, to Bla-plhra Brisk Pantos Bristles Bulu Brittle Rapoh Broad ( 16 ) Buffalo

f Leber Broad \ Luas Broil Goring Brooch, a Krusang

f Anak ayer Brook ( Anak sungei Broom Pnyapu Broth Kuah a!/ Brother (elder) Abang Do., of Rajas Kakanda Do., (younger) Adik Do., of Rajas Adinda Brother-in-law (by < tpr sister) Do. (by wife) Biras

( Kning Brow (forehead) t Dahi Do. (of a hill) Kamunchak bukit Brown Itarn manis Bruise, to Pipis r Sapu Brush, to \ Gosok Do. a (for sweep- Pnyapu ing) | rSikatkpala Brush, a Hair- J^ iBrus* (Eng.) Brushwood (low) Smak f Do. (secon- JBluker dary jungle) Brutal (beastly) Sperti binatang £? Ui Bubble (of boiling 1 Mndidih water) Buck (male deer) Rusa jantan ^f* Bucket Timba Buckle Kanching Do. (of a belt) Pinding Bud Kutum or (Kuntum) Buffalo Krbau

* In use in the Straits Settlements, " t See Thicket." Buffalo ( 1? ) By

Buffalo-pool Kubang krbau f Orang jnaka Buffoon \ Plauak

I Pran Pi at Bug \ J \ Kutu busuk Buat Build, to j ) Ikat Bull Lmbu jantan Bullet Pliini (Port.) Bullock Lmbu kmbiri Bump Bengkak Tandan Bunch (of fruit) f \ Sikat Bundle, a Bungkus "Do., to Bungkuskan Buoy Boya (Port.) Burden, a (difficult Baban matter) Baker Burn, to J ;£lfc \ Hangus U*> Burst, to (blow up) Meletup Bury, to Tanam Burying-place Kubor (Ar.) Do,, (ancient) Kramafc Bushes Semak Business Pkerjaan Sesak Busy j

( Ta'senang But Tetapi

j Khesai (Hind.) JL/BntphpT»\X \j\yLlKDl.

) Pembantei Butt, to (with the head) Mcnandok Butter Mentega (Port.) Do., Clarified Miuyak sapi

f Kupu-kupu Butterfly ( Rama-rama Button Kanching Buy, to Bli % tTlih By ( 18 ) Canoe

j Simpan — By, to put \±j t T&roh By and by Sa'banter lagi J* c Cab Krta swa Cable T&li sauh Cage, a Sangkr

f Pnganan Cake ( Juadah (Pers.) Calamity Mara bahia Calf Anak lmbu Do. (of the leg) Jantong btis Calico Bl&chu minyak Call, to Panggil Do., to (shout to) Laung Do. in, to Singgah Calm (sheltered) Tdoh Do. (pleasant) Nyaman r Buat fitenah atas Calumniate, to tAniayakan Calumny c Fitenah tAniaya Camel Unta Cameleon Tnggiling Camp, a Tmpat ashker Camphor Kapor barus Can (able) Bulih Canal Parit rDlen Candle iLilin c K&ki dien Candlestick \ Kaki lilin Cane, a Rotan Do., Malacca Samambu Do., Walking Tongkat Do., Sugar- Tbu Cannon Mriam Cannot Tiada bulih (-Sampan jalor Canoe, a IKdlek Canvas ( 19 ) Carriage

Canvas Kain layer jl*jV Cap, a Kpiah (Eng.) &J6 Do., to Wear, on Pakei kpiah teng- C $J&d>J& ^U one side I gek i

( Luas Capacious u*V \ Lapang ^3 Capacity (measure- Sukatan ment) [ J*r* Do. (burden) Muatan Jr f Budi ss^ Do. (talents) ^ Akal (Ar.) J^ ( Bijaks&na ^LJI^j Cape (promontory) Tanjong b?* (Modal Capital (resources) Mr- | Poko'

Capon, a Ayam kmbiri (kasi •) («^•KJsAXw'V Captain (on shore) Pnglima *&> Do. (of a boat) Nakhoda (Pers.) b>fc) Captive, a Tawanan M Carbuncle (the

j- Gmala stone) J" Do. (disease) Pny&kit raja ~Jj ix.^KfJ Carcase, a Bangkei ., skopong k&ys+* ^ Cards, Playing Kertas Jpby*

Care (anxiety) Chinta \*fj p^ Do. (diligence) Usaha ^~*>i

(Ar.) 5 Do., to Pduli s? (Jaga ^ Do., to Take | Ingat-ingat r Mnunggu f*r Do. of, to Take < Plhra b«*w (Asoh a»~sl Careful R&jin c^l> Lalei Careless j [Alpa (Hind.) Cargo Muatan oV Carnal affections Hawa nafsu (Ar.) *~JU ujb Carpenter, a Tukang kayu **& Carpet Permidani (Pers.) J\±**J> Carriage, a (vehicle) Krta (Port.) Carry ( 20 ) Cause

r Tanggong Carry,- to {see Bear) \ Pikul Carry outside, to Bawa kluar WW Cart, a Bullock- Kreta lmbu Do., a Buffalo- Krta krbau Ptron Cartridge, a j | Gantang-gantang* Cartridge-pouch, a Kerpi Carve, to (wood or jtkir stone) Cascade, a Panehuran ayer Case (circum- (Hal

stance) ( Perkara (Hind.) Do. (for trial) Bichara (Hind.) Cash Wang tunai Cashier, a (shroff) Tukang wang Cask, a Tong

\ Berlabuh Cast anchor, to ( Buang sauh &J Co ct^J

( Champak Cast awav, to

| Buang Casting-net, a Jala (Hind.) Do., to Use a Menjala Castor oil Minyak jarak Kmbiri Castrated f IKasi Cat, a Kuching Catch, to Tangkap Catch hold, to (of a bough with Kait "WK a pole) Catching (infec- Jaugkit tious) Caterpillar IJlat bulu

Catty (I* B>.) * Kati Caution, to Bri ingat Caulk, to Pakalkan Cause, a (reason) Sbb Do., to Buat •»

* Malay made, with bamboo cases. ;

Cave (91) Chapter

C&ve, a Gua Cavity, a Lubang

f Lad a china Cayenne pepper 1 Ch&bei Cease, to Berhnti

Cede r to Srahkan Ceiling Langit-langit Celebrated Mshhur (Ar.) Cement, to (fasten) Perkat Centipede, a Halipan Centre Tengah Ceremony, to Re- 1 Sambut dengan ceive with J hormat

f Tentu Certain ( Sungguh Certificate Surat katrangan Ceylon Negri Selan Chaff (of grain) Sekam Chagrin Susah hati ^ Lib &%£*•*£ Chain Ilantei Chair, a Krusi * Chalk Kapor blanda Challenge Ajok berklahi Chamber Bilek Chance, a Lucky Untong Change, to tTbah Change for ano- ther of the i [^Ganti same kind Succeed, to J Do., to, (exchange) Tukr Do. one's dress, to Salin kain Do. one's house, to Pindah Do., to (move) Alihkan Channel (of a stream) Alor Do. (passage Trusan thro') J

f Fasal (Ar.) Chapter X Juz (Ar.)

* Arabic " Kuisi." ;

Character ( 22 ) Child

Character (letter) Haraf * (Ar.) Do. (reputation) Nama (Pers.) Charcoal Arang

( Herga Charge (cost) ( Blanja Charity Derma Charm, a Tangkal Chart (map) Pta r Kjr Chase, to IHambat Chasm Chlah Chastise, to (correct) Ajr Do., to (pun- Menyeksa ish) Chatter (talking) Bising Do., to (as the Gmlatak teeth) [ Cheap Murah (Tipu Cheat, to Kchoh ( Check, to (restrain) Mnahan Cheek, the Pipi

( Suka chita Cheerful U\yj* Snang hati ( J\*&* Cheese Keju (Port.) Chequered T&pak ch&tor Chess* (the game) Main ch&tor Chest (box) Pti Do. (breast) Dada Chew, to M&mah Do., a (quid) Spah Chicken Anak ayam

) Kpala Chief \ Yang bsar Chiefly Astmua Child Anak Do. (first born) Anak sulong Do, (last born) Anak bongsu

* Plural "Huruf." * King, Queen, Mantri ; Bishop, ; R&ja ; Gajah Knight, Kuda ; Castle, Tr ; Pawn, Bidak

Check, Sah ; Checkmate, Mat. Child ( 23 ) Clapper

Child, With (preg- Bunting nant) Hamil (Ar.) Chin Dagu Bnua China China Negri China o* 1 Chintz Kain chita Chip, a Tatal Chisel Pahat ***** Choke, to Chkek Cholera Pny&kit h&wr J) I* Choose, to Pileh (Krat

Chop, to -j Ttak

( Chinchang Christ Nabi Isa s£r" Christian Nsrani* (Ar.) Church Greja (Port.) Cicala, a Riang-riang Cherut (Eng.) Cigar f ') Roko'f Cinders (glowing) Bara Do. (ashes) Habu Cinnamon Kulitm&nis tr*3 ^* Circle, circular Bulat

i Bersimat Circumcise, to •Ji (Berkhatan (Ar.) Circumference Lilit Pri Circumstance Hal Perkara (Hind.) Citron Limau krbau (Bander (Pers.) City \ Negri Supan Ciyil (polite) j ( Berbhasa Claim, to Tntut Clap, to (the hand) Tpok

Clapper, a (of a bell) Anak locheng %

* In the Straits usually means Roman Catholic, t Properly a Malay cigarette X Not Malay, but understood, Clasp (24) Clout

Clasp, a (of a girdle) Pending Pluk Do., to (embrace) D&kap Jnis Class (kind) M&cham Clause (article) Perk&ra (Hind.) Claw, a Kuku Clay T&nah liat ( Chuchi Clean, to ( Briseh or Berseh*

Clear (transpa- f Jerneh rent) i Trang Trang Do. (evident) f

{ Nyata Do. (voice) Nyaring Do., to (a plan- > Mencbas tation) Cleave, to Blah Jurotulis Clerk Krani Pandei Clev.er \ Cbrdek Climate Udaxa Panjfit Climb, to f ( Naik <5^ Clip, to Guntingkan Cloak (loose covering) Kain slimut Clock Jam (Pers.) Clod Gumpal tanah Close Bapat Do., to Tutup Do., to (cover) Tudongkan Cloth Kain Clothes Pakien f Cloud Awan Klam kabut Cloudy (misty) J \ B,edup Clout Kain chawat

* Not Malay, but understood. " P-ik&ian," f Pronounced as here spelt, but properly Clove ( 25 ) Colour

Glove (spice) Bimga chingkeh Mnggap Clumsy f \ Kurang pantas Coal Arang batu Coarse K&sr Tpi laut Coast f \ Pantei Coat Baju Coax, to Pujok Cobweb ( Sarang labah-la- 1 ^ bah Cock Ayam jantan Do., Game- Ayam s&bong Do., Jungle- Ayam utan Cock-crow Kuko' ayam Cocks, to Fight Mnyabong Do., Weather- Tanda angin Cockroach Lipas ...fl.\

( Klapa Cocoa-nut \ Nyor Do. husk Sabut Do. juice, or Tiiak klapa toddy | Do. milk Ayer klapa Do. oil Minyak kl&pa Do. pulp Santan Do. shell Tmpurong Coffee KAhua Coffin Long Coil, to Lengkr Coin, to (money) Mnmpa wang Coincide, to (in o- Turut pinion) | Cold Sjuk Do. (of the weather) Dingin Colic Chika *«* Kumpul Collect, to Mnghimpun Kumpulan Collection Himpunan Colour Wrna (Sans.) Colt ( M ) Compare

f Anak kuda jan- Colt [ tan Sisir Comb f 1 Sikat

j Menyertai Combine, to \ Muafakat fMari Datang Come, to Sampei LTiba Do. up, to Naik Do. across, to Mnyabrang Do. and go, to Berulang-ulang Comet Bintang berekor Comfort Kasenangau Command, to Suroh

Do. (of a ' Titah Raja) Commander (mili- Pnglima tary) Commence, to Mmulai Awal Commencement J ( Ka-mulaan Commerce Perniagaan Commiserate, to S&iangkan Kasihan Commiseration f \ Saiang Commission, to, or a Psan Commit murder, to Bunok Do. a crime, to Berdosa Commodious L&pang Common r Dina t Kabanyakkan^ Do. people Raiat (Hind.) Commotion Gmpr Bri tau Communicate, to J ( Mngatakan Commute, to Tuker Companion K&wan oJ ir Compare, to Banding £^ Compass ( 27 ) Confirm,

Compass, (Mari- > Paduman ners') &y& Compass, Points j> M&ta paduman of

| Lengkap Complexion Ayer muka Compliments Kapujian

( Turut Comply, to { Kabul (Ar.) Compose, to (com- > Karang pile) Comprehend, to Mngerti Compute, to Berhetong Conceal, to Scmbunvikan Conceited Kachak

Conclude, to ) Putuskan

(finish) ) Habiskan ^xav.1 lib Concubine Gundek Condemn, to (sen- MenrfiukumkanD tence) i Condescending Murah hati (affable) f Condition (state) Prihal

f Kalakuan Conduct (behaviour) lEa&l (Ar.) \dUw£ Confections Manisan

i Meshwarat (Ar.) Conference \ Bichara (Hind.) Confess, to Mngaku /UL. Confidence Kaperchayaan Confine, to (put in P&songkan restraint) |

( Tntukan Confirm, to \ Ttapkan Confront ( 29 ) Convey

Confront, to Sa'mukakan

f Mngosot Confuse, to I K&chaukan Congealed Baku Conjure, to (use Berhantu witchcraft) } Connect, to (add to) Mngubong Conquer, to Alahkan Do., to (win) Mnang Conscious Seder Kabul (Ar.) Consent, to J I Mngaku Consider, to (weigh) Timbang Do., to (heed) Ingat Conspicuous Nyata Conspire, to Pakat Constantinople Istambul Constantly Santi&sa Consult, to Mshw&rat (Ar.) Do., to (ask ad- Minta nasihat vice) | Consumption (the jBato' kring disease) Contagious Berjangkit Contain, to (hold) Muat Content Puas * r Kmdian Continue, (and then?) IMgi Contract, a Perjanjian Do., to Work by Kerja borong Contradict, to Bantah Converted (from (Ar.) Islam) JMurtad Do., (from Taubat bad habits)

f Anter Convey, to I Bawa

* in Continue, the sense of go on, what next ? is rendered by Kmdian ? Lagi ? or Lpat itu ?—but if it is wished to say " he continued walking, or continued working," &c, the rendering is " Bia jalan pula," *• Dia kerja pula " or " Dia kerja lagi." Convict ( M ) Courteous * Convict, a f Bnduan I Orang s&lah Cook, to Masak Do., a Tukang m&sak Cooking-place Dapor Copper Tmbaga mrah Copy, to (transcribe) Salin Do., to (imitate) Turut Coral Bunga karang Coral-reef Karang Cord Tali Cork (stopper) Pnyumbat Corn f Gandum (Pers.) 1 Trigu (Port.) Do., (maize) Jagong Corner (outward) Do., (inward) Pnjuru

( Maiat Corpse (Ar.) ( Bangkei Correct (accurate) Btiil Cost Herga Do., Prime Poko' Costly- Mhal J** Cotton Kapas Do. (thread) Benang Cough Bato' Council Chamber Rumah bichara bk* **» Counsel, to (advise) Bri nasihat Count, to Bilang Counterfeit (false) Lanchong Country f Bnua 1 Negri Couple, a Sa'p&sang ( Balei rong Court (hall of state) .-- \ Courtyard Halaman Courteous f Lmah lmbut lUAJ 1 Supan

* A Hindustani word, not understood in the Malay States, Courtesan ( 30 ) Cross

f J&lang Courtesan X Sundal Cousin, First Sa'pupu Do., Second Dua-pupu Cover, to Tudongkan Do., a Tudongan Do., a (for vic- lan tuals) } Coverlet, a Kain slimut Cow, a Lmbu btina Coward Pnakut Coxcomb Bawa sajak ( Ktam Crab, a X Kpiting Crack Rtak

Crackers (fire- f Mrchun works) X Ptas j Buaian Cradle l Endoi Cramp Kaku Crane (machine) Putiiran Do., (the bird) Biirong undan Crawl, to Mrangkak Cream Kpala susu Crease, a Bkas lipat Creased Kdiit Create, to Jadikan Credits (opposed | Piutang to debts) Creek, a Anak ayer Crescent Lngkongan biilan Crevice Chlah Crew (of a boat) Anak prau

f Dosa Crime X Salah Croaking of frogs Su&ra katak Crocodile, a Buaia Crooked Bengkok. Cross (crux) Salib (Ar.) Do., to (pass over) Menybrang £L* Cross-legged Bersila 'Ji Crow (31 ) Cut

Crow, to Kiiko' l)o., a (comix) Gagak Crowd, a Kumpulan Crowded Pnoh ssak Crown f Mahkota (Sans.) 1 Taj (Pers.) Crucify, to Salibkan Cruel Bingis Crush, to Tumbuk Crutches Tongkat katiak Cry, to (scream) Triak Do., to (weep) Mnangis r Surak Do., to (shout) 1 Laung Cubit, a Hasta Cucumber Mentimum Cultivate Berkabun Cherdek Cunning f X Berakal {Mangko ? Cup Chawan Changkir Cure, to (heal) Smboh Curious (strange) Heran Current (of water) Arus

Curry (eaten with f Lauk rice) (Gule Curse, to Mngutu' Curtain Tabir Cushion Bantal Custard-apple Buah srikaya X Custom f Adat \ Bsam Custom-house Bumah chukei Chukei Customs (tax) J \ Hasil (Ar.) Cut, to Potong

c Chinchang Do., to (hack) tTetak Do., down, to Tbas Cut ( 32 ) Dash

Cut in two, to Blah Do. off, to Krat Cypher Sipher * D

Dagget Do. (long) Kris panjang Do. (very short) Tumbok lada Do. (another, JBadik different) Sa'hari-hari Daily | ( Tiap-tiap hari

( Ampang Dam, to

j Skat Do., a Ampang

( Karugian Damage (loss) \ Bnch&na Do., to Rosak Damascened (as Berp&mor steel) | Damned, the Isi nraka Damp Lmbap Dance f T&ri^

{ Mnari Budak joget Dancing-girl | Bidiian ( dm Dandle Timang Danger Bahia Dangling (hanging down) [Berjuntei Dare, to (provoke) Ajok

I Br&ni Daring ( Pahlawan Dark Glap Darkness Klajm-kabut (Kak&sih Darling ( Tang di br&hi Darn, to Jrlimat; Dash, to (throw down) Hempas

* Adopted from the. English, understood in the Straits Settlements. Dash (93) Deck

Dash to pieces, to Hanchor . 1»? Date H&ri-bulan Do. (fruit) Khorma (Ar.) Daub, to (smear) Lumor >"4 Daughter Anak prmpuan o'^-V* ^' Do. in-law Mnantu prmpuan eiyb.y s*^ Do., Step- Anak tiri prmpuan &jL*j* <##?$) David Daud a>b Dawn Dinih&ri sSJ^s?*^ Day Hari >S> Tngah Mri Do., Mid- ( ) Rmbang Do., the last Hari kiamat ut^w*LJ> tepljb Do., after to-mor- * > Lusa up row Daylight Siang hari ^£n Dazzling Gilang gmilang £f**S £** rMati Dead 1 Hilang Do. (of BAjas) Mangkat m*sX* Deadly Bisa V^-jxaJ Deaf Pkak Deal, to (traffic) Berniaga Do., a (much) Banyak Dear (expensive) Mhal £ Do. (beloved) Paduka -sJjJva Dearth Kurang P/ Death Kam&tian ^ly* Do. by impaling Sula Debate, to (discuss) MmbicMrakan ^';W* Debilitated Kurang kuat c^ly fy£ Debt tTtang & Debtor Yang berutang £>»S.M Deceive, to Tipu yy f Putuskan Decide, to l Slseikan (Dekt Deck (of a ship) tTingkat

*See "To-morrow." t Adopted by all sea-faring Malays, Declare ( 34 ) Depose Declare, to Mnyatakan Decorate, to Hiasi Decree Titah f Potong Deduct, to lChabut Deed (action) Perbuatan

Deep D&lam * Do. (in colour) Tua Deer, Mouse- Plandok r Do., Hog- Rusa b&bi Do., Roe- Kijang Do., Sambur Rusa Defame, to Buat fitenah diatas \jr> Defeat, to Mngalahkan Defend, to Mnahan Deficient Kurang Defile, to (make dirty) Chmarkan Deflower, to Riigul Deformed (in hand Ch&pik or foot) } Degrade, to Mnghinakan Degree Pangkat Delay, to Lambatkan Delicious Sdap skali Delight Kasukaan A Sxika Delighted f chita K% iGamar hftti Delirious Gila Deliver, to (release) Lpas Do., to (hand over) Serahkan Deluge, the Bah Demand, to Minta Do., a Permintiian Demolish, to Runtoh Demon f Hantu . Win (Ar.) Deny Munkir Depart, to Pergi lie. home, to Pillang Depend upon, to Bergantong kapada f Pchatkan Depose, to ^ Buang Depth ( 33 ) my

Depth Dalani fib Descend Tiirun Descendants Anak chuchu Descent, of high Bangsawan Desert, a Padang blantara Do., to Tinggalkan Desire, to Handak f Hindu Do., to (long for) 1 Dndam Desires (passions) Hawa nafsu (Ar.) Despair Putusasa Destiny Nasib (Ar.) Destitute Bangsat f Binasakan Destroy, to 1 Rosakkan Detach, to Asingkan Detain, to Mnahan Detest, to Bnchi ^^ Device (contri- vance) 1 Jalan Devil, the tblis f Shaitan (Ar.) Do., a v. Hantu Devour, to Makan Dew Ambun Dialect Bhasa Diamond Intan Diarrhoea Buang-buang ayer TBuah paris Dice CDadu (Port.) Dictation, to Head out Rinch&nakan CLohrat (Ar.) Dictionary iKamus /M&ti Die, to iHilang Dq.,to (of Rajas) Mangkat Differ, to Berslisih Difference Betha (Ar.) jSusah Difficult |P&yah Dig, to Gali Dignity ( 36 ) Dish

f Kamuliaan Dignity CKabsaran Diligent Rajin Dim Kabor Dimensions Ukuran Dine, to Makan Do. (of EAjas) Santap Dip, to (dye) Chlup Direct, to (point out) Tunjuk Trus Do. (straight) f \ Lurus Dirt Kotor Do. (loose) Sampah Dirty Chmr Disagree Berslisih Disagreeable Tl&da sdap Hilang Disappear f 1 Linyap Tiada berknan Disapprove j \ Tiada suka

Discharge, to (a per- | Lepaskan

son) l Pchatkan Do., to (a gun) Pasang Do., to (a cargo) Punggah Disciple Murid (Ar.) Disclose a secret, to Buka rahsia Discover a secret, to Dapat rahsia Discreet Bijak Discuss, to > Bichara (Hind.) Discussion, a Disease Pnyakit

* Diseased Sakit u , o Uo t< f Turun drip&da Disembark, to J*tf JJ>J ^J \ kapal Disengage, to Mlpaskan Disgraced Malu Disguise, a Safiaer Disgusting Njis (Ar.)

f Pinggan Dish * I Ash&n

* * and A pronounced separately. Dish ( 37 ) Dollar

Dish (of metal) T&lam Do. (of wood) Diilang Dislike to Tiada berkenan

( Pchatkan Dismiss, to ( Kluarkan Dismount, to Turun f Inker Disobey, to 1 Mlawan Dispute, to Berbantah Distance Jauh Distant } Distinct (audible) Ny&ring M Do. (visible) Ny&ta Distinguish, to (re- f Knal cognise) I Do., to (descry) Nampak Distress Siisah Distribute, to Bhagikan District, a Dairah * fShakMti Distrust 1 Kurang perchaya Disturbance, a Pergadohan Ditch Parit Dive Mnylam Divide, to Buat bhagian Do., to (cut in two) Blah f Bhagian Division, a < Sa'krat

( Habuan f Tl&k Divorce (Ar.) 1 Chrei Dizzy Pning Do, to Buat Do not Jangan Docile (tatae) Jinak

( Dukun Doctor, a ( Bomo Doe, a Rusa btina Dog, a Anjing Dollar Binggit

* 8ee " Province." Done ( 38 ) Drop

Done Sudah Sudah habis Door, a Pintu Double Dua kali Doubt Shak

Doubtful Tidak tntu 5 y^ «J * Dove, a Tkukor Down (below) Dibawah Do., to Go up and Naik turun Do., to Go Turun Doze, to Menganto'

Dozen, a Losen* (Eng.)

Dragon, a Naga «J Is -fly Bil&lang jarum Drain, a Parit

Drake, a Itek j antan Draught-board Papan chator Draughtsthe (game Chator of) Dam Draughts, to Play at Main chator Draw, to (pull) Tarek Do., to (delineate) Tulis Do. out, to Chabut Drawer, a Lachi (Eng.) s^ s Drawn (neither Sri winning)

Do. (of a ) Terchabut ut» »J Vex J Dream Mimpi Dregs of coffee Tai kahua Dress, to Pakei kain Drift, to Hanyut

1 Drill (of soldiers) OH» * { Kawaid (Hind.) Drink, to Minum Drive, to Halau Drop, a Titek

* Not Malay, adopted and understood in the Settlements. Drop ( 39 ) Earnest

Drop, to (fall) Jatoh Do., to Let B&gi j&toh Drown, to (sink) Tngglam Drug, to Pukau Gndang * Drum (Malayan) Rbana (Port.) Drunk Mabok Dry Kring Do., to Anginkan I?o. (in the sun) Jmorkan Do. (near the fire) Saleikan Dry land Darat Do. season Musim paiias ^iU Duck, a ttek Due (owing) Utang Dumb Bisu Dunce Bingong Dung Tahi During Sa'lama Que Dusk Kabus Haboh Dust j \ Debu Dutch Blanda Duty (impost) Chukei Do. (ought) Patut Dye Chlup Dysentery Biiang ayer darah

Each Mfising-masing Eagle llaja-wali v Ear Telinga lot

( Krabu Ear-ring

{ Subang Do. (hanging) Anting-anting Early (in the day) Pagi-pagi Earnest money Chengkram Do., In Sungguh-sungguh

* See Note bo " Tambourine." Earnings ( 40 ) Elephant Earnings Pnd&patan ^KiUx* Earth T&nah <^il

( Bumi Do., the <-? 1 Dunia ^ Earthen pot (for Bl&nga &i cooking) | Earthquake Gmpa \!u$

Ease Kasnangan . J>\j-S

f Mudah-mudah Easily \ Snang Ajjyjf East Timor * ;>W Eat, to M&kan ^ Do., to (of Rajas) Santap Ebb Surut i&z)Jy*» Ebony K&yu-&rang &**

i B&las bunyi Echo jRka Eclipse Gerhana f >/ Economical Hmat vtt^^b Eddy Pusaran &yer jl\ Jj^y Educate, to (instruct) Mngajr y*\k* Eel Blut c^>yj Efface, to Mngilangkan o<*M- Effect, to Buat t^l^j Effort, to Make an Chuba *^>^ Egg Tlor Do. shell Kulit tlor Egg-plant (brinjal) Trong & Egypt Miser (Ar.) %*&.*• Eight Dilapan ^JIj Atau Either j suatu ) Salah Elapsed Lampau yuJ Elbow Siku *^ft~° Elder Lbih tiia ty &J Do. brother Abang <^L Do. sister K&kak ^ Elect, to Pileh dLj Elephant, an G&jah

* See " South," page XXIV. " rauh.' | Hindustani, Malays say Di makan Elephantiasis (41 ) Engrave Elephantiasis Untut Eleven Sa'blas Eloquent Pandei berchakap Else, Anything Lain &p-apa Else, Or Atau Emaciated Kiirus Embark, to (in a boat) Naik prau Do., to (in a ship) Naik kapal Embers Bara Emblem, an Tanda Enfbraee, to Pluk Embroider (Suji | Sulam Emerald Zemriid (Ar.) Emetic tTbat muntah Emigrate, to Pindah Emissary Surohan Emperor (or Empress) Maha-Iiaja Employ, to Mngiipahkan Employment Pkerjaan Empower, to Bri kuasa Empty Kosong Enchanted (bewitched) Di makan polong Enclosed (fenced in) Berpagar Encourage, to Bri hati End (extreme point) Ujong Do. (Finis) Tmat Kasudahan Do. (conclusion) j (Akhir (Ar.) Do. of the world Hari kiamat Endeavour, to Chiiba (T&han Endure, to | Tertanggong Enemy ( Musoh (Stru Engage, to (promise to jBerjanji perform) Mngaku ( Jntra (Hind.) Engine | Ps&wat ( England Negri Inggris Engrave, to tTkir Enjoy ( 42 ) Eunuch

Enjoy, to (like) Suka (Hind.) Enjoyable Seronok Chukup Enough \ ] Sudah Enquire to Tanya Enraptured Ashek (Ar.) Ensign (flag) Bandera * Entangled Kosot Enter, to M&sok Entertain, to (at a Menjamu feast) Entertainment Perjamuan Entice, to Mmbujok ' Entirely f Blaka \ Gnap Entrails Tali prut

( Minta dngan Entreat, to

( sa'sunggulmya Bilang Enumerate, to i Hetong | is*** Do., to (as in > Banchi a census) Envelope (of letter) Sarong surat Envoy Utusan Envy Dngki Epidemic (lit. spread) Mlarat f Equal Sama Equip, to Lngkap Erase, to Biiangkan Eruption (in the skin) Katumbuhan Escape, to Lari Especially Astmua Estate (property) Herta Do. (inherited) Psaka Eternal Kkal Ethiopian Habshi Eunuch Puntong

* Portuguese, adopted and well understood. See " Flag." a ic Last * " ^eax there was an epidemic amongst the buffaloes " » ) M ? A in Prak." Taun "sudah Ada pny4kit kerbau mSlarat di Perak." To spread simply, as a sore, " Meroiak " Europe (4:3) Expect Europe ropa Even (in number) Gnap Evening Ptang £*' Event (matter) Perk&ra Ever Pernah Do., Eor Sampei kkal

f Masing-masing Every [ Tiap-tiap Katr&ngan Evidence j ( Kanyataan Evident Ny&ta Evil Kajahatan Ewe Biri-biri-btina Exact (accurate) Btiil J* Exalt, to Mmbsarkan Examine, to Preksa Example (model) Tladan Eo. (sample) Chonto Exceed, to Lampau Excellency, His Tuan yang terutama Baik skali Excellent Terutama

f Hanya Except \ Mlainkan Do., to Asingkan

( Terlalu Excessive ( Terlampau

I Tukr Exchange, to ( Ganti Urup Exchange money, to J \ Tukr Excite, to Ajok-kan Exclaim, to Mnguchap Excuse, to (pardon) Maafkan Execute, to (perform) Buat Exhausted Lteh Exile, to Buang dri ngri Exist, to Ada Expand, to Kmbang Mnanti Expect, to f \ Harap &kan d&tang £b J&j\* Expel (44 ) Fail

f Halau Expel, to \ Buang Expend, to Berblanja Expense Blanja Experienced Bi&sa Expert Pandei Explain, to Trangkan Exports B&rang yang kluar Expose to the sun, to Jmor* Express, to (squeeze Prahf out) Extend, to (a speech Lanjutkan or writing) Exterminate, to Menghabiskan f Extinguish, to Padam Hairan (Ar.) Extraordinary J | Terehengang Extravagant Boros San gat Extremely Terlalu Eye Mata Do., Blinking of the Terklip mata Do., Pupil of the Anak mata Eye-hall Biji mata Eye-brow Kning Eye-lashes Bulu mata ca^U yy Eye-lid (upper) Klopak m&ta Do. (lower) Bibir mata

Fable Cherita Face, a Muka l)o., to Bring face to S'mukakan Factory Gdong 3?ade,to (as leaves) Layu Do., to (of colours) Berubah V Fail, to (in business) J&toh Do., Without Tiada biilih tidak

* See " Dry." Sound the h* J- Faint ( 4S ) Farm

Faint, to (swoon) Pengsan rsMM Permi (Pers.) Fair (handsome) lok Fair weather Chuacha baik c*\»b Fairy Dwa (Sans.) Pari Faith (religious) Iman (Ar.) Harapan Faithful Kaperchayaan Fall, to * Jatoh dJU Runtoh Do., to, with a crash Ilebah Do., to, in drops Bertitek Do., to (as leaves) Liiroh Dosta False Bohong Do. (of coin) Lanchong Falsehood, a Bohong Khabar (Ar.) Fame (report) { Werta Do. (reputation) Nama (Pers.) Familiar (accustomed) Bi&sa Do. (intimate) Berhandei-handei

( Kaum (Ar.) Family (relations) (Kelurga (Hind.) Do. (household) Isi rumah Famine Kalapran Famous Mshhur (Ar.) Fan, a Kipas Do., to Kipaskan Far Jauh Far as, As Sa'hengga Fare (passage money) Tambang Farewell (said to a Salamat jalan person going) Do. (said to a Salamat tinggal ja» person remaining) Farm, a Kabun Do. (rented privilege) Pajak

* See note to »* Tumble," Fashion ( 46 ) Feel (Ch&ra Fashion (mode) ( Idat

Do. (form) Rupa <-»JL> ( Lkas u^J Fast (quick) < Chpat mJ^> (Dras U*J* Do. (abstinence) Puasa L^^ Do. (tight) Ktat <^x£

f Ikat Fasten ( Tambat ( Gmok (adj.) os* Fat < (adj.) 5 Tembun «s*** ( Lemak (subs, and adj.) <**. Fate Nasib (Ar.) Father Bapa «__4b Do., Grand- Nenek «3^ Mertiia Do. in-law f \ Mentua Do., Step- Bapa-tiri ^j3 ^J>\\. Fathers, Fore- Moyang &y Fathom, a Depa Uj Fatigued Leteh <3u~J Silap v-ii^o f Fault ^ Khilaf (Ar.) <—oL^g> ( Kasalahan ^XvJ Favour Kfisih > Feathered Berbulu }** Features Paras uv^ Lteh Feeble ( ] Kiirang kuat Feed, to (give to eat) Bri makan J^ ^y. Do. (nourish) Plhera l*X» Feel, to Mrasa \j^y Feet ( 47 ) Fill Feet Kaki Feign, to Biiat-buat

( Tbaskan Fell, to (cut down) Tbangkan ( Do., to (knock down) Bantingkan * i Jodo Fellow, a (match) ( Kawan Btina Female | OS*} Prmpuan ( Fence, a Pagar Do* to Pagarkan Fern, a Paku Ferry (lit., landing

«j Bagan place) Do. boat Sampan fcimbang Fertile land Tanah gmok Fester, to Bernanah Festival day Hari raia Fetch Bawa Fetters Rantei kangkang Fever Dmam Few Sdikit tJrat Fibre j Bnang ( Fiddle Biola (Port.) Field (plain) Padang Fiend Setan (Ar. Shaitan) ,x Fierce Garang Fifteen Lima-bias U~V to) Fifth Yang kalima (A Fig * Ara

f Berprang Fight, to

I Berklahi Do. with cocks, to Mnyabong Figure (human shape) Sikap Do. (appearance) Rupa (Sans.) File Kikir Fill, to Isikan

u ed f °^. ° h wl beings when the are supposed to be divinely otner.n*w f T y ordained"«wmCu forxur eacneach Sa'jodo, a man's or woman's affinity. Filly ( 4:8 ) Fix

Filly, a Anak kuda btina Fin, a Sirip Yang akhir Final Yang kmdian Find, to Dapat Fine, (in texture) Halus Do., a Dnda Finger Jari Do., Fore Tlunjuk Do., Fourth Jari manis Do., Little Jari kalingking Do., Middle Jari hantu Finis Tmat Finish, to Habiskan Fire, a Api r Pasang J Mnimbak Do., to (a gun) Mltupkan | IBdil Do., to Set on Buboh api Fire-place Dapor Fire- fly Klip-klip Fireworks Bunga api Firewood Kayu &pi Firm Tgap First Pertama Do., At Mula-mula Fish, a Ikan

( Mngail Do., to (with a rod) | Panching Do., to (with fly) Mpas Do., to (with a net) Mnj&la Fish-hook Kail Fishing line TftJi kail Do. rod Joran First Gnggam Fit (suitable) Patut Fitis (convulsions) Pitam Five Lima Fix, to (make firm) Mnagohkan Do., to (determine) Tntukan Flag ( 49 ) Follow

f Panji-panji Flag \ Bandera (Port.) Flag-staff Tiang b&ndra Flame, to Bernyala Flash, to (as lightning) Berkilat Flat (level) Rata Do. (smooth) Pipeh Flatter, to Pujikan Flavour Rasa Flaw^a Chlah Flea, a Kutu anjing

f Kumpulan kapal Fleet (vessels-of-war) ran I P g Flesh Daging Flint Batu api Float, to Timbul Flock, to Berkawan Flood, a Ayer bah * Flood tide Ayer pasang

-* i Floor, a Lantei » Flour Tpong ?> Flow, to Ngalir Flower, a Bunga Do., to Berbunga , a Suling Fly, a Lalat ^3 Do., Dragon-, a Bilalang jarum c» Do., Fire-, a Klip-klip Do., to Terbang Foal, a Anak kvida

( Buhif #o4rii ( Buweh JPog Kabut Fold, to Lipatkan Do., a Lapis Do., a (of hair) Sanggul Ikut Follow, to Turut

* Sound the h. t The h is silent in this word, Follower (SO) Formerly

Follower, a f K&wan ( Kar&patan Folly Kab6dohan Food Makanan Fool Bodoh Foot K&ki Do., Sole of the T&pak k&ki Bkas kaki Footmark J

I T&pak k&ki Karana For | (Sans.) el* ( Akan

I Sa'l&ma-l&ma For ever \ Sampei kkal Forbid, to L&rangkan Forbidden Har&m (Ar.) Force (strength) Kaku&tan Do., to Mngr&si

( Dngan kuat Do., By

( ku&sa Forehead Dahi Foreigner Orang d&gang Foremost Yang pertama Forenoon Waktu thuha (Ar.) (ttan Forest * \ Rimba | Haluan Forepart of a vessel Muka I £*y Forfeit, to Hilang Forged (counterfeit) Lanchong Forget, to Lupa f Ampunkan Forgive, to \ Maafkan

I Gerfu Fork, a (Port.) ( Pnyuchok Fork of road Simpang Forked Chabang Form Rupa Former Yang dulu Formerly Dulu kala

* See note to " Thicket." Forsake (SI) Frown

Forsake, to Mninggalkan Forswear, to Makan sumpah Fort, a Kota (Hind.) Fortune Nasib (Ar.) Untong Do., Good j ( Nasib yang baik Forty Ampat puloh Forward (in front) Dahulu Foul Njis (Ar.) Foundation Pngalasan Founder, to Karam Fountain, a Panchutan ayer Four Ampat Fowl Ayam Fragile EApoh Frag ant Wangi France Negri Fransis Fraud Tipu Freckles Tai miat Free (manumitted) Merdhka (Jav.) Freight Tambangan Frequently Slalu Fresh Bharu Do. (offish) Hidup Do. water Ayer tawr Friday Hari jmaat

f Shabat Friend, a \ Kawan Fright Kat&kutan Frightened (startled) Terkejut Frivolous Sia-sia Katak Frog, a j (Kodok From (Deri

( Drip&da Front H&dapan Do., In Dihadap Do., to (face) Mng&dap Frontier Smpadan Frown, to Krot Frozen Baku !

'JfiPVffM ( S2) Garlic Frugal Hemat Fruit, a Buah Do., to Berbuah Fry, to Goring Full Penok Do. to overflowing Pnoh ssak Full moon Bulan pernama Fun ( Permainan )Ajok Funeral procession Perarakkan maiat Fungus Chendawan Fur Kulit berbulu Furl, to (a sail) Gulong layer

( Dapor Furnace ) Gnhor Furniture Perkakas riimah Furrow Alor Further Lebih jauh Futurity Akhirat (Ar.) Fye! Cheh G

Gag, to Sambatkan Gain (profit) Untong Do., to (win) Mnang Gale, a Ribut

f Brani Gallant (brave) \ Pahlawan Gallows Kayu pnggantong Gamble, to Berjudi Game, a Permainan Gander Angsa jantan Gaoler, a Katua pnjara Gape, to Nganga Do., to (yawn) Mnguap Garden Kabun Gardener, a Tukang kabun Garg|e, to Kumor Garland, a Karangan. bunga Garlic Bawangputeh Gate ( 53 ) Glad

Gate, a Pintu kerbaug

c Kutip Gather, to 1 Piingut Do., together, to Himpunkan Gay (in dress) Chantek Gaze, to Pandang Gem, a Permata Gengalogy f Selasilah 1 Katurunan Generate, to MDJadikan Generous Murah hati Genius (ability) Akal budi Gentle Lmah lmbut Do. (tame) Jinak Gentleman fTuan* Gentlewoman 1 Inche Gently Plan-plahan f Do. born Bangsawan Genuine Btul Get, to Dapat Ghost, a Hantu Giant, a Raksasa (Hind.) Giddy Pning Hadiah (Ar.) Gift J 1 Pmbrian Do., (from a Raja) Angr&han % Gild, to S&dor Gills (of a fish) tsang Gimlet, a Grdi Ginger Halia

f Pngikat pinggang Girdle, a \ T&li pinggang Girl, a Anak prmpuan

f Brikan Give, to ( Bagikan

I Angrahkan Do., to (of a RAja) % \ Kerni&kan Glad Suka ehita

* See note to " You." {The spelling in the Vernacular is " Perlahan." The g in this word is pronounced distinctly from the n whioh precedes it. Glance (54) Good

Glance, to Mngerling Glass K&cha Do. (a mirror) Chermin umka Glean, to Pungut Glitter, to Gilang Glittering Chahia Globe, the Bulat'dunia

f Menmliakan Glorify, to * | Mnghormatkan Glorious Mulia Ul. Glory Kamuliaan Glossy Chahia Glove, a Sarong-tangan Glow, to (as fire) Bernyala Glue Perkat Glojoh (Port.) Glutton, a J i Tama (Ar.) Gnaw, to (as a dog) Mnggise Do., to (as a rat) Mnggrt Go, to Pergi Do. down, to Turun Do. in, to Masok Do. up, to Naik Goat, a Kambing Goblet, a Chawan f 4^ ( Allah* taala (Ar.) God \ Tiihan* Do. willing Inshaallah (Ar.) Gold Mas Do. dust (stream gold) Mas urei saw' sj~A Do. leaf Mas kertas Do. mine, a Lumbong mas f Sudah pulang Gone ) Sudah jalan Do. (disappeared) Sudah tiada Do. (passed) Sudah lalu Gong, a Gong Good Baik

* Sound the h. will " Chawan berkaki" : Malay b« t Chawan has no leg to it if a vessel has a leg then the or"batilberkaki." Good ( S5 ) Grandfather

f Mmbaikki Good, to Make ( Ganti * ? Salamat tinggal Do. bye 1 Salamat jalan Do. deal, a Banyak

( Kabaktian Do. deeds l Kabjikan Do. for nothing Tiada berguna

f Barang-barang Goods X Herta bnda Goose, a Angsa Gospel Injil Govern, to Memrentahkanf Government Prentahanf

( Yang memrentahkanf Governor \ Gbnor $ Gourd, a Labu Do., an earthenware Labu tanah Gout Prai Graceful Permi (Pers.) Gradually Plan-plahan (Perlahan.) Graduated Berpangkat-pangkat Grain Biji-bijian

Do. (seed) Bnih d-U.J Grammar Nahun || J* f Bsar Grand llok Grand-child Chuchu Do. Great Chichit§ Orang bsar Grandee Orang kaya Grandeur Kabsaran

f Datoh (or Dato') Grandfather X Nnek Do., Great Moyang

* See " Farewell." + Sound the h. X Adopted and well understood. " His Excellency the Governor " " Tuan yang teru- tftma gbnor." Arabic. There is nasal sound in the syllable. || a strong second

§ Great-great-grandchild, Plot j Great -great -great grandchild, Pint, Grandmother ( 86 ) Groan

jDato' prmpuan Jj^j* .>b Grandmother Nnek prmpuan ( e'y-y &^

( Batu bukit Granite \ Batu ubin Grant, to (allow) Biar j*> Grapes Buah anggor >£&\ aljj Grapple, to Pgang tf*

Grasp, to (in the hand)1 Gnggam (!&& to (in Do., the arms;) Peluk J> Grass Rumput caj»JL*) Do., Long rank Lalang ^ Grasshopper Bilalang £& Grate, to Parutkan jZ^ Grateful Knang £*

Grating (lattice work) Kisi-kisi Yij^r**** Grave (serious) Muram Do., a Kubor (Ar.) Do. cloths Kafan (Ar.) ^ Gravy Kuah al/ Graze, to (as a horse) Makan rumput «*»y-v o^ Grease Lemak &*

i Besar Great ( Maha (Sans.) Green (colour) Hijau ^S^ib Do. (unripe) Muda* \^y

f Sambut Greet, to \ Bri salamat Do., to (inferior to Raja) Sembahkan X^uo TJban Grey (of hair) f o»>» ( Kasusahan Grief \ Duka chita Grievous (oppressive) Aniaya (Sans.) "^Wl Grin Kernyih **i/ Grind, to Kisrkan y<£j~*$ Grindstone, a Batu kisaran d';Wyli Gristle tfrat ULiJj\ Grit Pasir _^S5-eU Mngrang Groan, to tj**

* See note to '• Unripe." •* " f Probably from Ubah and meaning changed colour. Grope ( 57 ) Gutter

Grope, to R&ba Groveling (lying on Tiarap the face) Ground, the Tanah Grow, to Tumbuh Do., to (increase) Tambah Do., to (become) Mnjadi Grow^ to Mndring Grudge, a Damdam Gruel Ayer kanji Merungut Grumble, to Sun gut a6« Guarantee, a Chagaran ob» Jaga Guard, to I Menunggu Do., to (protect) Lindongkan Do., a Pnunggu Do., a Royal Hulubalang *JUs> Guardian, a (as of a minor) Wakil (Ar.) Guava fruit Jambu Agak Guess, to ) Sangka Guide, to (conduct) Pimpin Do., to (shew the way) Menunjuk jalan Dosa Guilt I Kasalahan Berdosa Guilty | Salah Gum Ayer perkat \ Getah Gums, the Gusi Gun (a musket) Senapang (Dutch) Do. (a rifle) Terkul Do. (breech loading) Sena pang kopak Do. (cannon) Meriam fir Do., Pivot (native) Gunpowder tTljat bdil Gunwale llubing Gutta Getah Gutter Panchoran aver *

" * See" Pipe. Habit ( S8 ) Happiness H

Habit JLdat ^\s>

( Chinchang Hack, to Ttakkan ( Rambun Hail (congealed rain) f Hujan batu \ ^ I Sru Do., to (call to) \ Laung Hair (of the head) Bambut Do. (of the body) Bulu rnma Do. (of beasts) Bulu Hairless (bald) Botak Hair-pin Chuehok sanggul Hairy Berbulu Half Tngah Stengah Do., One f

| Sparoh Do., One and a Stngah dua Balei Hall I ] Balei rong Halo (of moon) Kandang bulan Halter (horse) Kajai (Hind.) Halve, to Memblahkan Hammer, a Pnukol Do., to Tukol Hamper, a (basket) Kranjang Hand, a Tangan Handful, a Sa'genggam Handkerchief, a Sapu tangan Handle, a Ulu Do., a (of a vessel) Tlinga Do., to (feel) Basa Hang, to (intransitive) Bergantong Do., to (transitive) Gantongkan Do. down, to Berjuntei Do. over, to (off the > Sengit straight) Happen, to Menj adi jUk^ Happiness Sentosa Happy ( 59 ) Health Happy Suka chita Menvusahkan Harass, to \ Bising Harbour, a (anchorage) Labuhan Do., a (bay) Tluk Hard Kras

. Do. (firm) Tgang

Do. c^ver ! (in steering) Chikar (Hind.) Harden, to (metal) Sepoh Harm Bnchana Harmless (tame) Jinak Harness, the Pakien kuda * Harpoon Serampang Harrow, a Sisir tanah Do., to Menyisir tanah Haste, With Dngan segra Kpiah (Eng.) Hat Tudong kepala Topi Hatch, to Mntas Kapak Hatchet, a f Bliong f Hate Benchi Ada Have, to Bern lib Hay Bumput kring Haze Kabut Dia He, Him, She, Her la Head, the Kpala Do. (principal) Agopg Headache Pning kpala Headland Tanjong % Headlong Lintang pukang Headstrong Kras kpala Heal, to Smbohkan Health Atiat (Ar.) Do., In Sehat (Ar.) dsb*o

* See " Clothes." " " a Chinese axe or hatchet Bliong " the t Kapak j Malay hatchet. % Contracted from " T&nah ftjonjf." Heap ( 00 ) Hesitating

Heap, a Tambun Do., to Kumpulkan J£5 Hear, to Den gar ^0 Heart (anatomically) Jantong Do., (usually) Hati Hearty (sincere) Sasungguh hati Panas * Heat j ( Hangat Heave up, to Bungker Heaven Shurga (Sans.) Do. (the sky) Langit Heavy Brat Hedge, a Pagar Hedgehog, a Landak tanah

i Ingat Heed, to (Feduli (Ar.) Heel, a Tumit Do. over, to Sen git Height Katinggian (' Waris Heir < Yang berulih

( psaka Hell Neraka (Hind.) Helm Kamudi Help, to Menuiong Do., (especially in to Bantu war) [ Helter-skelter Cherei-brei Hen, a (of fowls) Ayam btina Her Dia Herald, a Abentara Herd, a Kawan Herdsman, a Gembala % fSini Here iDisini Hereditary Pesiika Heretofore Sa'lnma ini Hermit, a Porta p.'ian Heron, a Biirorg ruak-ruak Hesitating Bimbang hati

" * " Paims usually o/ the heat of the sun or atmosphere, '• Hangat " artificially htated. Hiccough (61 ) Hither Hiccough Sdu Hide, to Smbunyikan Do., to (give refuge to) Melindongkan Do., a Kulit High Tinggi Tuanku * Highness (title) \ Tunku

I Unku High Priest Ulama (Ar.) High water Ayer pasang pnoh Highway- Jalan raia Do. robbery Samun f Highwayman Pnyamun Hill Biikit Permatang Do. (rising ground) Changkat v Do., Ant- Busut Hilt Ulu Himself, Herself Dia sendiri Tgahkan Hinder, to Mnahan Yang diblakang Hindermost skali Hindrance, a Ka-sekatan Hint, a Isharat (Ar.) Hip, the Pangkal paha Hire (of labour) tTpah Do. (of a house) Swa Do., to (engage labour) Mngiipahkan Do., to work for Makan gaji His Dia punya J Hiss, to Bersiol History Hikaiat (Ar.) Hit, to Knakan Kamari Hither j Kasini

* Usually used when speaking of or to a Sultan. " Tunku " and " Unku " are used when speaking of or to any one (male or female) of Raja birth. Practically all these words are the same, but there is a marked difference in their use, as in the case of " Tuhan," the Lord, and " Tuan " (the same word) which answers to Mr. or Sir. f Also applies when eommitted on a river. % The best way to indicate the possessive is to plaoe the pronoun after the •ub«tantif« ai " rumah dia," his (or her) house. *

Hitherto ( 62 ) Hopeless

Hitherto Sampei skarang C^VX-d fJU** f Parau Hoarse t Garo' Hoe Changkul Babi Hog ^ Do., Wild Babi utan f Angkatkan Hoist, to \ Bungkrkan Do. (colours) to Naikkan Hold (of a ship) Ptak Do., to Pgang Do., to (contain) Muat Hole, a Lubang Holland Negri Blanda Hollander Orang Blanda Bongga Hollow f I Kosong Holy Kudus (Ar.) Homage Persmbahan Do., to Pay Mnymbah Home (house) Bumah Do., At Dirumah f Yang bulih per- Honest < chaya ( Um&nat (Ar.) Honey Madu f Kamuliaan (dignity) Honour \ Kabsaran Do. (respect) Hormat (Ar.) Hoof, a Kuku ft Hook, to Kaitkan ( Bill Do., I Do., Fish Mata kail Hoop, a Simpei Hop, to * Jingkek Hope Harap Do., to Mngharap f Hopeless Putusasa of a spade, * Large, heavy, and used to do the work

•j- Sound the h. Horizon ( 03 ) Hurt

Horizon Kaki langit Horn, a Tandok Do., to Butt with the Mnandok Hornet, a Tabuan el** Nnjum (Ar.) Horoscope Faal (Ar.) J*3 Horse Kuda Do. (a wooden frame) Kuda-kuda Yang galak mnja- Hospitable j mu orang Host, a Tvian riimah Hostage, a Pengaku Panas * Hot j I Hangat Do. (pungent) Pedas Hound, a Anjing perbiiruan Hour Jam (Pers.) House lliimah How BAffimana Brapa How much f t Brapa banyak Do. (of price) Brapa herga Howl, to Mcraunej Hull, of a vessel Badan prau » &Y Hum, to (as bees) Berdcngong Human Mauusia (Sans.) Humble Bendah Humour (disposition) Prangei Hump, a Bongko' ye** Hundred Batus Hungry Laper °$ Hunger Kalaperan Hunt, to (game) Berburu MS- Hurricane, a Rib nt Hurry Gopoh Hurt (damage) Binchana Do. (loss) Kanigian Do. (wound) Liika

* Sec " Heat." Hurtful ( 64 ) Illuminate

Hurtful Jahat Husband f Laki \ Suami (Sans.)

Hush ! Diam Husk Kulit Do. of corn Skam Do. of the cocoa-nut Sabut Hut, a Pondok Do. (shed) Bangsal

* f Sahya

\ Aku BC'ta I (in writing) Kita

( Ayer baku Ice ( Ayer batu Idea Fikiran

( llumah ehakap Idiom ( Pri kata Idiot Orarig gila

j Malas Idle (lazy) \ Scgan Idol Berhala {Jikalau If Jika Kalau Ignorant Bbal 111 (sick) Sakit Illegal Dosa Do. (forbidden by i Haram (Ar.) Mahomedan law) Illness Penyakit Illuminate, to (make * Trangkan light) Mnrangkan

' * "Sahya is the word most commcn'y used by Europeans to exp ess the fi st personal 4< pronoun, whilst you " is best rendered politely by " Tunn.*' The My lays commonly use kl •' Aku " for **I " and *' Tuan," " Angkau" or ** Awak " (if familiar) for you." " Angkau ' is also often rendered by '* Kuu," or, in Province Wellesley, and Kedah, by ' "Hanir," and is gene- rally used in speaking to servants or the lower classes. In Prak, " I " and " you '' aie familiarly rendered by "Tman " and " Mika." In writing, Beta or Kita represents *lV' k\\& SMuibat-to* ta or Shabat-ltita " you." Hluatriou ( 03 ) In

Illustrious Ternama Image Tladan Do. (appearance) Rupa

f Sangka Imagine, to \ Fikir (Ar.) Imitate, to Turut

f Tingkah Do., to (mimic) lljok 1

( Sa'banter ini Immediately \ Skarang ini Immense Maha bsar Tidak m&lu Immodest j jAib Immortal Kkal Impale, to Sula Impatient Tidak saber (Ar.) Impede, to Skatkan Imperfect Tiada smperna Impertinent Kasr y* K Implements Alat *»J1 Tiada supan Impolite Tiada berbh&sa Import, to Mmasokkan Imports Barang yang m&sok Important Brat Impose upon, to Tipu Impossible Skali-kali ta'bulih Impost (tax) Cliukei Impotent Mati puchok Impovver, to Bri kuasa kapada Impress, to Tkan Imprison, to Pnj&rakan Improper Tiada patut Improve, to (make > Mmbaiki better) Imprudent Kurang bijak

f Muka tebal Impudent \ Tiada m&lu rDi In -< Didalam LD&lam In ( 06 ) Infectious In order to Sepaya 5&~o Incapable Yang tiada kuasa ^tj£ ^L*&i ( Stanggi Incense (perfume) ( Kemnyen Incest Sumbang

Inch f Jari * { Inchi Incite, to Asutkan Inclination Kahandak Inclose, to (fence in) Pagarkan Incoherent (in speech) Merepet Income Pendapatan Inconstant Bimbang Inconvenient Ta'senang Increase, to Tambahkan Incredible Ta'bulih perchaya Indebted Berutang

? Indeed Bagitukah ? Indian, an f Orang Kling t | Orang Hindi Indicate, to Tunjukkan Indigent Miskin Indignity Kamaluan Indigo Nila (Ar.) Indiscreet Tiada bijak Indisposed (averse) liada mau Individual, an Sa'orang Individually Masing-masing Indolent ( M&las ( Segan Indulge, to (favour) Mengasih

( Raj in Industrious

[ Usaha Industry ~ Usaha Inexperienced Ta'biasa Infant Kanak-kanak Infatuated Oila-brahi Infected Terjangkit Infectious Berjangkit

* English Malayified and understood. Common, but properly " " f Orang- Benggalu," Orang Madras," &c, according a& they aro natives oi" Bengal, Madras, kc. Inferior (07 ) Inside

Inferior (of things) Kurang baik Do. (in station) Dibawah Infernal regions Nraka (Hind.) Infidel # Kafir (Ar.) Infinite (in time) Kkal Do. (in space) Tiada berpringgan Inflict punishment, to Mnyeksakan f Maalumkan

! Menyatakan Inform, to

\ Bri tait v Achum Information Khabfir (Ar.) Berbudi Ingenious i ( Pandei

i Dudok di Inhabit, to I Diam di J pi* Inhabitants liaiat (Hind.) Inherit, to Berpesaka

\ Uosakkan Injure, to ( Aniayakan Injustice Aniaya (Sans.) \D&wat (Ar., Dauat) Ink ) Tinta Inkstand Tern pat dawat Inlaid Bertatah Di ulu Inland | \ Di darat Inner, the Yang didalam f Suchi deripada Innocent ^ kasalahan I Tiada bersalah Innumerable * Tiada terbilang Tanya Inquire, to j

j Preksa Insane Gila XJ;

( Binatang yang Insect (crawling) ,JL. &£ ( mlata

( Binatang yang Do. (flying) | terbang Insert, to Sisipkan Inside Didalam Insignia (88 ) Interval

Insignia of royalty Perkakas krajaan Insipid Tawr

( Kasr Insolent (arrogant) ( Sombong

( Mlihat Inspect, to Mmreksa ( rSaat Instant, an -< Sa'kejap t^Sa' banter Instead Ganti Instigate, to Mngasut

f idat Institution (custom) * ( Rsam Instruct, to Mngajr Instruction Pngajran Instructor Guru (Sans.) Instrument Perkakas Insufficient Tiada chukup Insult, to (abuse) Maki Insupportable Tiada tertanggong Intellect Akal (Ar.) Intelligence (news) Khabar (Ar.)

( Berbudi Intelligent ( Berakal Intend, to Handak Intention Maksud (Ar.) Intercede, to Tulong bicharakan Bunga wang Interest (of money) j

j Elba (Ar.)

( Berchampur Interfere, to 1 Masok mulut Internal Didalam Interpret, to Bri herti Interpreter Juru bhasa Interrogate, to Preksakan Interrupt, to (in [Masok mulut discourse) Intersperse Slang-seli Interval Kaslangan J>SLS

* jRVsam is more a local practise; it is a word of very common use in Prak. Interview (69) Ivory

Interview Pertmtian Intestines Tali prut Intimate (well ac- Knal baik baik quainted) Intimidate, to Bri takut Intoxicated Mabok Intricate Kosot Introduce, to (bring in) Bawa masok Intrust, to Srahkan Inundation Ayer bah * Invade, to Lander Invariable Yan^ tlada berubah Invent, to Jadikan Invisible Linyap

' Silakan Panggil Invite, to Jput .Ajak Invulnerable Kabal Irksome Siisah Iron Besi Do., an or to Istrika f (Hind.) Ironical Sindir Irregular Tiada beratur Irresolute Bimbang Is Ada Island Pulau KKiar Issue, to (go out) Terbit Dia It Itu Itch Kudis Itchy Gatal Item, an Perkara (Hind.) Iterate Beriilang-ulang Itself Dia scndiri l5 OJuua Ivory Gading

Sound the h.

' f Hindustani, adopted ; literally means wife's work.' )

Jack ( ro Juggle


fChempadak * Jack fruit iNangka Jackal Srigala Jacket Baju Jail Penjara (Pers.) Jailor Ktiia pnjara Japan Negri Jepfm Jar, a Tempaian Java; Javanese Jawa Jaws llahang Jealous Chemburu Jeer, to Mnyindir Jerk, to Sintakkan Jest, a Jenaka Jesus Nabi Isa Jew, a Yahudi Jew's harp, a Genggong Permata Jewel, a f \ Ratna (Sans.) Jeweller Johari (Pers.) Jingal Lela Job, to work by the Kerja borong Jog, to Gunchang Ubongkan Join, to f \ Sambongkan Joint, a (of the limbs) Sindi Do. (of a reed) Buku Jolt, to Goyang Journey, a Perjalanan Joy Kasukaan Judge, a Hakim (Ar.) Judge, to M en ghukumkan f Judgment, a Hukum (Ar.) Judicious Bijak Jug, a J3uyongJ Juggle, to Main silap mata >l* cQA».*

*The " Chmpadak " is rather smaller than the "Nang-ka," but the outward appearance of the two fruits, except as regards size, is the same. f Sound the U.

J A "Buyong" is a round vessel of earthenware : the European Jug is called "Gayong" and often in the Straits Settlements" Jug."" Jtifff/ler ( 71 ) Kill Juggler^ a Penyilap mata Juice ( Ayer ( Madu* Jump to Lompat Junior Lebih muda Jangle ( IJtanf J* ]Hutan Junk Wongkang Jurisdiction Prentail Just Adil (Ar.) Sat ini Do. now j I Sa'banter ini Do. past Tadi Justify, to Bnarkan Justly Dengan sapatutnya Jut out, to Berujong Juvenile Muda )j^«


Keel Lunas Simpan Keep, to Menaroh Do. a promise, to Mnyampeikan janji Keeper, a Pnunggu Keg, a Tong kchil Kernel, a tsi Kndi Kettle, a Cherek Key, a Anak kunchi Tndang Kick, to $ SepakJ Kid Anak kambing Kidnap, to L&rikan Kidneys Buah pinggang Kill, to Bunoh

* " Madu" is used when speaking of fruits the juice of which is sweet. fSee note to "Thicket." {"Tndang" with the sole of the foot; "Spak" with the top of the foot. Kill Know

Kill, to (for food with f Smblehkan religious forms) \ Bantei Do. fowls, to Potong Killed Terbunoh

( Jenis* Kind (sort) ( Machamf Do. (affectionate) Kasih

( PasangJ Kindle, to j Menyalakan Kaum (Ar.) Kindred Kelurga (Hind.) King Raja Kingdom Krajaan f Chium Kiss, a ( Kchup

( Mnchium Do., to Mngchup ( Kitchen Dapor Kite (bird) Burong lang Do. (of paper) Layang-layang Kitten Anak kuching Knead, to llamas Knee Lutut Kneel, to Mlutut Knife Pisau (in Kdah) tot* f Lading Do., Chopping 1 Golok (in Perak) £;U ( Parang (elsewhere) Do., Small Pisau wali Knit the brows, to Krot dahi Knock, to (strike) Pukol J*y Do., to (with the ( Gochok fist) ( Hantam Do. down, to Banting Knot, a Simpul Do. (in wood) Baku Know, to (under- ( Mengerti yt>u stand) [Tahu

* Arabio "Jins"; Latin "genus." Kot Malay adopted, fir* "Pelkat api." j To make and light a )

Know ( r3

Know, to (be acquaint- ed with) JKnal dall Do., I don't Entah Knowledge Pengt&hnan Known, Well Meshhur (Ar).

( Bri tahu Do., to Make \ Menyatfikan Knuckle Buku jari Kris * Kris L Labour (work) Pkerjaan Do., to Bkerja

( Orang upahan Labourer ( Orang kulif Lac (100,000) Sapuloh laksaj (Renda (Port.) Lace (Pita (Port.) Lad Budak laki-laki Ladder Tnngga Lade, to Muatkan Lade, to Un- Punggah Laden, Deeply Sarat

l Sndok Ladle < Sudu

I G&yong

| Ma' wan

Lady <{ Siti ( Inche Tasek Lake | X DAnau Lamb Anak biri-biri Lame Tempang Lament, to Menitap 4-ftJlw. Lamp Pelita (Pers.) Lance Tombak

* The ordinany descriptions of the kris— the national weapon—are:—the "kris" or " kris " " pandak," the short kris ; the" kris panjang," or long kris ; the a straight short " stabbing knife ; and the tumbuk lada," a smaller slightly curved dagger. Not Malay, but well understood everywhere. " J " Laksa in Malay means 10,000. Land ( V4) Lawsuit Land Tanah Do. (opposed to water) Darat Landing place B&gan J* Landlord Tilan t&nah Lane Lorong Language Bh&sa f Lantra (Port.) (Jav.) l_j~iJ Lantern Lanting iTanglong (Tenglong) Lap, the Pangku Do., to hold on the Mmangku Do., to Jilat Lard f Lmak babi 1 Minyak babi Large f Bsar 1 Agam Do. (wide) Luas fTalichabok (Port.) Lash (of a whip) tTali ehamti* Last Yang &khir (Ar.) Do. born Anak bongsu Do. day, the Hari kiamat Do. night Samalam Do., to Tahan

f Kanching Latch, a ( Pnganching Late (in time) Lambat Bharu Lately j (Tadi Latter, the Yang kmdian Lattice work Kisi-kisi Teriawa Laugh, to j

} Gelak Launch, to Tvirunkan Law ( Undang-undang

J Adat f Do., Sentence of the Hukum (Ar.) Lawful J Patut 2S\i \ Halal (Ar.) Lawsuit Bich&ra ib^ * Not Malay, adopted. f Lit., Custom. )

Lay ( rs Letch

f Taroh Lay, to ^place)

1 Buboh Do. a wager, to Bertaroh

f Simpan Do. by, to \ Asingkan Do. eggs, to Bertlor

f Pgang Do. hold, to \Paut Do. waste, to Binasakan

f Malas Lazy ( Sgan Lead (metal) Timah itam f Prum (Port.) Do. (for sounding) < Ladong ( Biitu duga

| Pngtauan Least Yang kchil skali Leather Kulit aJ ' Leave, to Tinggalkan Do. off, to Berhenti Do. (permission) Ithin (Ar.) Do., to take (inferior i Bermohun to superior)

Leech, Horse Lintah

* Plural. One oharaoter, " Haraf." Idght ( 77 ) Listen

Light (opposed to dark) Trang Do. of day Siang Light (in colour) Muda Do., to Pasang Do. (not heavy) Bingan Light-house, a Rumah api Lightning Kilat Sama Like (alike) Sarupa Seperti Suka Do., to Berknan Mngasih Likeness, a Gamber fPula Likewise

( Jviga < ^=K Lily Bakong Do., Water Blkong ayer Do. (lotus) Triltei Limb Anggiita Lime (calx) Kfipor Limau nipis Do. (fruit) Asam limau Limit (boundary) Prnggan Limited (confined) Smpit Limpid Jrneh Limping Penchang Tempang Line, a Baris Do. (cord) Tali Do., to Lapiskan Lapisan Lining Alas Linger, to Berlengah Link, a (of a chain) Chinchin Lion, a Sini^a (Hind.) Lip Bibir Liquid Chaier Liquor Minuman List Dafter (Ar.) flit Listen, to Mndngar )

Idtter ( ra Look

Litter, a (vehicle) Usongan Litter (rubbish) Sampah Little Kechil Do. (in quantity) Sedikit Live, to Hidup

f Diam Do., to (dwell) \ Tinggal

f Peneharian Livelihood ( Kahidupan Lively- Pantas Liver (the organ) Hati Living Bernyawa Lizard, (chameleon) Su mpah-sumpah Do., Grass- Bngkarong Do., House- Chichak Load, to Muatkan Do., a Miiatan Loadstone Batu brani Loaf of bread, a Sa'biji roti Loan trtang £,1 Lobster (cray-fish) Hudang galah Lock, a Kunchi "Do., to (with a key) Kunchikan Locomotive, a Kreta api ^'"V Locust Bilalang Lodge, to Mnumpang Lofty Tinggi Log, a (small) Puntong kayu Do,, a (larger) Batang k&yu Do., a (still larger) Balak Loiter, to Berlengah di j&lan Lonesome Sunyi Long Panjang Do. ago Lama sudah Do. as, As (in time) Sa'lama Do. (in length) Sa' panjang Do. for, to Bindukan f Pandang Look, to \ Tingo' Do., to (see) Lihat Do., to (descry) Nampak Look ( 79 ) Lower

Look for, to Mnchari Looking-glass Chermin muka Loom, a (weaver's) Ju'itra (iliiid.) Loose (in particles) Relei Do. (undone) Luchut Do. (not tight) Longer Do. (in texture) Jarang Do., to Let Lepaskan Do., to (unfurl) Biika Loquacious Panjang lidah Do., to be Lanjutkan cherita* Lord, the Tuhan Do. (ruler) Yang dipertuan

f Tuankuf Do., My \ Tunku

f Orang bsar Do. a -chief \ Orang kaya Lose, to ITilang Do., to (incur loss) Rugi J» Lost Sudah hilang £Jwa Loud (of the voice) Besar Do. (shrill) Nyaring Louse, a Kutu Bertindis Do., to Crack a Bertinas Love K&sih Do., to Mengasih Do. ardently, to Brahi Lovely lok paras a*J Lover, a Pngasih Low Rndah Do. (in stature) Pendek (and Pandak) Do. (In price) Murah

Do. (in voice) ] I alus Do., to (as cattle) Mengwa' Low water Aver timpas Lower, to Tnrunkan •^y Dj., to (reduce) Merendahkaa ,,

* To be garrulous, " " t See Highness. Zoyml ( 90 ) Mail

f Stia Loyal 1 Kaperchayan Untong £yA\ Luck, Good J ( Nasib yang baik Do., Bad Nasib chelaka »**>£2J Luggage Barang barang Lukewarm (tepid) Suam Luminous Chahia Lump, a Gem pal Lunatic Gila Lungs, the Paru-paru Bersmbunyi Lurk, to f \ Endap Lust Hawa nafsu (Ar.) Lute, a Suling Luxuriant foliage Suber Luxurious Aman (Ar.) Lying (recumbent) Terbaring M

Mace (spice) Bunga p&la Machine Jntra psawat Mad Gila Magazine (of arms) Gedong sinj&ta Maggot, a tflat Do., a (book) Gegat Do., a (wood) Bubo' Magic Hikainat (Ar.) Magistrate, a Tuan majistret * Magnet, a Bsi brani Mahomedan Islam (Ar.) Maid, a (virgin) Anak darah Do., a (female at- Daiang-daiang tendant) Biidak prempuan

( Baju rantei Mail, Coat of ( Baju zSrah

* This title is well understood in the Straits, and also many of the Native States. Maimed (81) Manner Maimed Kudong Main-mast Tiang Sgong Maintain, to (support) Pleherakan Maintenance Makanati Maize (Indian corn) Jagong Majesty (title) Duli I)o., Your Tuanku * Sly Majority, The Yang banyak Buatkan Make, to Jadikan Do., to (compose) Karangkan Maker, a Tiikang Malady Pnyakit Malay, a Orang Malaiu Malayan Malaiu Male Jantan Malice Damdam Mallet Pmukol Man, a Oransr Manage, to ajaga Do., to (govern) Memrentahkan Mandate Titali Mane Bulu tngko' Mange, the Kurap binatang {Buah mangga f Mango (fruit) Buah memplam f Buah pauh Do., Horse Bachang Mangrove Bakau Mangusteen Buah manggis Maniac, a Orang gila Nyata Manifest f \ Trang Mankind Manusia (Sans.)

f Chara Manner (mode) ( Macham Do. (behaviour) Kalakuan o

* See note to " Highness." f Both these words are probably Sanskrit, and introduced here by the Tamils. " Mang-

k ga," Which in Tamil means " unripe/'imrir>P." is in useVISA in MalaccaMn.ln.nnn. andnnrl SingaporeSinnm-norn andonrl «t* Memplam,"Mflmnlom '» which in Tamil means 1 ripe," in Penang. Mantle ( 82 ) Marvellous

Mantle (loose gar- Kain lpas ment) Kain slendang Manufacture Perbuatan Manure Baja Manuscript Surat Many- Banyak Many, How Bra-pa banyak Do., As Sa'banyak Do., So Sa'kian Map, a Pta Marble Batu pualam Batu mermer March, to Berjalan Mare Kiida btina Margin Tepi Tanda Mark { \ Bekas

( Chap Do. (seal) { Mtrei Paser Market f ( Pekan

f Kawin (Pers.) Marriage \ Nikah (Ar.) Do. portion Isi kawin Do., to ask in Meminang Marriageable Sampei omor Do. (of sui Kufu able rank) i {Sudah berkawin Married Sudah nikah Sudah berbini Marrow Otak tulang Berkawin Marry, to (wed) Beristri Do., Engaged to Bertvinang Marsh, a Paya Marshal, to (set in array) Mengatur

( Heran Marvellous < Terchngang (Ajaib (Ar.) 'U> "

Masculine ( S3 ) Meal Jantan Masculine Laki-laki Mash, to (mix up) Champur Do., to (reduce to Pipiskan pulp) Mask, a Topen Mason, a Stone Tiikang batu yi* cfy Massacre Kabunohan Mast Tiang Do., Tore Tiang adap Do., Main Tiang a gong Do., Mizen Tiang blakang Tuan Master Inche Do. (preceptor) Tuan guru Do. (of a vessel) Nakhoda (Pevs.) Mat, a Tikcr Do., Hoofing Kajang * Match, a (fellow) Jodo Do., a (for a mine) Sumbu Do., a Lucifer Tarek api Mate, a (companion) Kawan Do., a (of a vessel) Maalim (Ar.) Do., Check Mat t Matted Sugun hantu Matter (business) Hal (Ar.) Do. (pus) Nanah Do., No Tid'apa Mattress Tilam Lupa-lupa^ Maw, Fish Klumpong May (can) Bulih Me Sahya % Aku Meadow, a Padang Meagre, (thin) Kurus Meal (from grain) Tpong

*A most useful contrivance made of mangkuang Leaves, and us 3d for boat coverings, cart coverings, &c. In the jungle it answers the purpose of a tent. t Possibly connected with the Akkadian " Mit," the Chinese " Mut," the Arabic " Mat and ihe Malay " Mati " all meaning " dead." {Sw"L" Meal ( 84) Memorandum

Meal (food) Makanan Hina Mean (ignoble) Dina Do. (stingy) Kikir Handak Do., to (intend) Hajat (Ar.) Meaning Herd Means of livelihood Peneharian Do. (property) Herta Measure, to (of capacity) Sukatkan Do., to (of length) tJkur Do., a (of capacity) Svikatan Do., a (of length) Ukuran Meat Daging Mecca (the city) Mkah Mechanic, a Tukang Medal Bintang Champur Meddle, to j Ganggu Mediator, a Pndamei Medicine that Medley Champur baur Bertemu Meet, to Berjumpa Do., to (receive with Sambutkan courtesy) Meet (fitting) Patut Kumpulan Meeting (assembly) \ Mjlis* Diika chita Melancholv I Muram Melodious Mcrdu Mandelikei Water Melon, Tambikei Hanchorkan Melt, to { Leborkan Member, a (of the body) Angguta Memorable (famous) Mcshhur Memorandum Surat peringatan

' A meeting of four or more persons. Memory ( 85 ) Mill Memory Ka-ingatan Menace, to (threaten) tTgnt Mend, to Mcmbaiki Mendicant, Religious Fakir (Ar.) Budak Menial servant Hamba *

f Scbutkan Mention, to \ Menyebut Mentioned Tersbut Dagangan Merchandise f \ Perniagaan Merchant, a Sodagr Merciful (as the Deity) Bahman (Ar.) Mercury (quicksilver) Baksa

( Kasihan Mercy \ Bahim (Ar.) Merely Sehaja Merit Jasa Merry Suka-ehita Message Pesanan Metal Leboran Metaphor Umpama Meteor Chirit bintang Method Pri hal Mew, to (as a cat) Menstfau Midday Tngah hari Middle Tengah Midnight Tngah malam Midwife Bidan Might (could) Biilih Do. (power) Kuasa Lembut Mild (in temper) Miinis Mildew Lapok Mile Bitu f Milk Susu Do., to Prah susu Mill, a Pen ggi ling

Lit., Slave. f Lit., a stone. The English word mile is understoo J in some places. Million ( 86 ) Misunderstand

Million, a Sa'ratus laksa Ajokkan Mimic, to Achan Mina (the bird) Burong tiong Mince, to Chinchang liimat lumat Mind, the Akal (Ar.) Do., to (heed) Ingat Do., to (look after) Jaga Mindful (attentive) Raj in Mine Sahya punya* Do., a (excavation) Lumboni* Miner, a Anak lumbong Minister of State Mantri (Sans.) Minute, a (of time) Minit (Eng.)f Lumpor Mire Slut Mirror Chermin muka Miscarriage, a (as Kagiigoran of a female) Bagei-bagei Miscellaneous Jenis-jenis Mischief Bnchana Misconduct Laku yang tiada patut Miser, a Orang kikir Misery Kasukaran Chlaka Misfortune Nasib ta'baik Mislead, to Mnysatkan Mispronounce, to Pelat Miss, to (fail to hit) Ti&da kna Mist Kabut Silap Mistake < Salah Mistress Inche Do., a (concubine) Kndak Mistrust, to Kurang perchaya Salah mengerti Misunderstand, to < Salah feham

*See "His." f Understood in the Straits. Mix ( 87 ) Monkey

f Champurkan Mix, to < Kiichokkan

I Baur Moan, to Meratap Moat, a Parit Mob (rabble) Hina-dina Mock, to Mnyindir Model, Chonto Moderate (in price) Tiada brapa mhal Modern Bharu Modest Santun Do., (bashful) Malu Lngas Moist (damp) } \ Lembap Do., (wet) Basah

( Tai lalat Mole (on the skin)

I Tanda Molest, to IJsik Molten Hanchor Moment, a Sa'kejap* ( Sultan (Ar.) Monarch < Bagindaf (Yang di pertuanj Monday Hari ithnain Wang Money Duit Do. (cash) Wang tunei Mirnyit Monkey j § (Kra§ •Brok || Lutong* * Do. ^ ITngkaf f

| SiamangJJ 1,U I Mawa § § * See " Instant." " f Baginda" is properly only applied to a Raja who obtains his throne by conquest, or who conquers another country. % Contracted into " Yam Tuan." §Both these words arc used for the common long- tailed monkey. large monkey with short tail, often trained to gather cocoa-nuts and duriens, |j A * * A black monkey with long tail. " f f The Wah-wah." 8 § A kind of " Wah-wah." X X Baboon, Monopoly ( 88 ) Motive Monopoly, a Pajak Monsoon (season) Musim Month Bulan Do., Last Bulan sudah Do., Next Bulan hadap Do., This Bulan ini Monthly Bulan-biilan Monument, a Alamat (Ar.) Moon, the Bulan Do., Full Bulan pcrnama Do., in crescent Lngkongan bulan Do., New Sa'hari bulan (Bulan trang Moonlight ( Chahia bulan Moorhen, a Puchong Morass, a Paya f Lbih More \ I^gi ( MSkian (Shahadan (Ar.) Moreover { Lagi pun Morning Pagi Morose Muka masam Morrow sok Mortar (for beating > Lesong £r~ grain) i Do. (cement) Kapor Mortify, to Mnyusahi Moses Musa Mosque Masjid (Ar.; Mosquito Nyamok Do. net Klambu Moss Lumut Most Terlebih skali Moth Gegat f Mak Mother \ Ibu Mother-in-law Mertua prempuan* Do., Step Mak tiri

»*U.-wO Mother-o'-pearl Siput mutiilra L> U- Motive, a Sbb * Also Mnttta prempftan. Motley (89) Muscle

Motley (pied) Blang Mottled Berawan-awan Mould Tan

Do., to (in arith- f Pukol metic) \ Tharab (Ar.) Mumble, to Rungut Murder, to Bunohkan Murdered Terbimoh Murderer Pmbunoh Murmur, to Svingut Murrain Samper Muscle t)rat

' f and h louncUd tog*thw. Muscular (90) Matty Vascular Tgap Mus)aipom (fungus) Chnd&wan Music Bunyi-bunyian Musician Biduan Musket Snapang (Dutch) Muslin Kain khasa Miissei Siput Mtissulman 6rang Isl&m Must Ta'bulih tidak

f Kumis Mustaches 1 Misei Mustard Ssawi

MUster, to (assem- ( Himpunkan * ble) ( Krahkan Musty Basi Mutilate, to Mengudong Drahka Mutton D&ging biri-biri Muzzle, to Simpalkan Sahya punya f jtery, a (secret) Rahsia (Sans.) N Nail (of iron) Paku 136:, to Pakukan Dq. (of the finger) Kuku Naked Tlanjang 1§ mme N&ma (Pers.) Namely ( Ia-itu ( Iani (Ar.) Nap (of cloth) Bulu kain ijlgpfe of the neck Tengko' (Hikaiat (Ar.) Narrative ( Cherita Narrow (as cloth) Bidang smpit ^fb. (as a passage) Smpit

I Tidak baik Nasty I Nejis (Ar.)

* Only used when the people are collected »y order of the R6ja or Chiefs. f See "His." Kation (91) Neither

(Negri (Hind.) Nation (country) Bnua ( is Do. (race) Anak ngri Native (of people) Per&nakan Natural, (opposed to \ Perbuatan TfihafL manufactured) Nature (disposition) Tabiat (Ar.) Naughty Jahat Navel Pusat Navigate, to Mlayerkan k&pal Navigation Elmu playran Navy Kapal kapal prang Near (in position) Dkat

Do. (in time, al- j Hampir most) (Dkat

i Kira-kira

Do. (about) k Agak Vc ...

( Lbih kiirang Neat Chantek Necessary Harus Do., House Jamban Necessity Paksa

Neck Leber J TIC Necklace Ago 5 *

( Hajat (Ar.) Need (to want) \ Handak Needed (wanting) Kurang Needful Harus if Needle Jarum Needy Miskin

( Lalei Neglect

1 Alpa (Hind.) Do., to (forget) L&pa Do., to (leave) Tinggalkan Negligent Lalei Negotiate, to Bicharakan Do to (pass off) Melakukan Negro, a Kafri (Port.) Neigh, to Bertriak Neighbour, a Orang sa'kampong Inipun tidak itupun Neither this nor that \ tidak j-^dj^ i * Jf of ooral and gold " Merjan," ( 99 ) ITobody

Nephew Anak sud&ra Nerve (sinew) tTrat * f IAtah Nervous \ Glif as Nest (of birds, &c.) Strang I^et, Casting J&la (Hind.) Do., Drag Pukat

Do. (for birds or f J&ring beasts) X Siding Never Ta'pernah Do. yet Buluin pernah New Bh&ru News f Khabar (Ar.) I Werta Newspaper Kertas khabar Next (following) Kmdian Do. day sok hari Nibble, to (gnaw) Krumit-krumit Nice Sdap Niece, a Anak sud&ra prmpiian ^ly^y^lj^jal Niggardly Kikir Night Malam Do., All through the Sa'panjang malam

f Sa'malam Do., Last { Malam tadi Do., Late at Jauh m&lam Do., Mid- • Tengah malam Do., To- Malam skarang Nimble Pantas Nine Sambilan

f PichitJ Nip, to (pinch) X Chubit Nipple (of breast) Kp&la susu Nitre Sendiiwa No Tidak No use Perchfima f Bangsawan Noble (by birth) ( Berbangsa Nobody T'ada sia-pa

* A curious nervous complaint by which many natives of these parts, especially* Boyanese, are affected» ticklish." f Also" X Alio to squeeze the limbs and joints, a treatment sometimes called "shampooing." 2fo* (93 ) Now Nod Anggo' kp&la Noise Bunyi None TicVld { T'adii Nonsense Sia-sia Noon (Tengah hari ( Htm bang Noose Jrat North Utara North star Bintang kotub (Ar.) North-east Timor laut North-west Barat laut Northward Seblah utara Nose Hidong

Do., a Running at f Engus the \ Serdi * (Hind.) Nosegay Karangan bunga Nostril Lubang hidong Not Bukan * J* Do., Do Jangan

f Tiada Do., Is Bukan I Do. yet Bulum Notch (on a blade) Sumbing

( Tako' Do. (on a tree) 1 Tanda Do., to Tako'

( Tanda Note (mark) I Alamat (Ar.) Noted (celebrated) Meshhur (Ar.) Nothing Satu apa pun tidak Do., Good for Tiada berguna -Notice, a Kanyataan (Bd tau Do., to Give } Menyatakan Notorious Meshhur (Ar.) Novice, a Bulum biasa lagi Piara Nourish, to P] eh era Now Sekaram* Do. and then Kadang-kadang

*A severe sickness in. horses very like glanders, Ntw (94) Object

Now, Just (of past time) JTadi Do. (the expletire) Maka* Noxious Jahat Do. (venomous Bisa or deadly) | f Nudge, to Kut Numb Kbas Number, a (in arith- Angka metic) [ Do. (many) Banyak

f Bilang Do., to (count) Htong ( IS*** Do. (as for a census;) Banchikan Numberless Tiada terbilang

( B&nyak Numerous Lbat ( % Nun, a (recluse) Pertapaan prmpuan Nurse, a Png&soh Do., a Wet Pnyusui Do., to (suckle) Mnyusui

( Smai Nursery (for plants) \ Redeh Nut, a Buah yang kras kulit Nutshell Tmpurong Nutmeg Buah p&la Nymph (celestial) Bidadari (Hind.) o Oakum Pmakal Oar, an Daiung Oath Sumpah Do., to Take an Bersumpah Do., to Administer an Bri sumpah Oats Br&s blanda Obedient Yang mnurut k&ta Obeisance Smbah Obey, to Turut Do. a mandate, to Mnjunjong titah Object (of pursuit) Pncharian Do., to (dispute) Ml&wan

* Used in writing only, and marks the beginning of a new sentence. f Often used of snakes and * " J Commonly used of heavy rain, ujan lbat." Obligation ( 9S ) Offence

Obligation, to Dis- Balas charge an krnia Wo-** Oblige, to (compel) Mngrasi Do., to (help) Mniilong Obliging Supan Oblique Srong Oblivion Kalupaan Obloquy Pitnah (Ar.) Obscene ( Oharut \ Kotor jKlam Obscure (dark) (Glap $ Observe, to (heed) Ingatkan

( Pandang Do., to (look at) ( Tingo' Obstacle, an Kaskatan Obstinate Kras kpala Obstruct, to Mnysak

i Berulih Obtain, to

I Mndapat Obvious (Ny&ta t- Trang Occasion f Ktika \ Masa Occasionally Kadang-k&dang Occupation Pkerjaan

f Ada kerja Occupied (busy) \ Tidak snang Do. (as a house) Ada orang Occupier of a house Tuan rumah Occur, to Mnjadi Ocean Laut bsar Odd (not even) Ganjil Odour Bau Of (possessive) Punya * Off, From Deri atas Do., to Cut Kratkan Po., to Leave Berhenti

( S&lah Offence, an D6sa * See •• Hig." Offence C96}) Omit MnarohTsakit Mti Offence, to Take Menaroh damdam Offend, to (do Bersftlah wrong) Berdosa Offended Sakit hati fUnjukkan Offer, to 1 Silnkan i Sudikan Offering, an (from > Persembahan inferior to Raja) jOfis* Office Gdong ( f Do. (employment) Pkerjaan Officer Pgawei Do. (military) Panglima prang Officious Cherwet Offspring (child) Anak (Sl&lu Often ( Krap kali Do., How Brapa kali Ogle, to Bfermain mata Oh! (Wah! (Hei! Oil Minyak Do., Earth (kero- Minyak t&nah sine, &c.) } Do., to Sapu minyak Ointment Minyak urap Old (aged) Tua Do. (ancient) Lama (Dulukala Do. times

j Zem&n dulu Older, the (of two ( Yang tua or more) 1 Yang lama (Yang tua skali Oldest, the (Yang lama skali Omen, an Sangka' Omit, to (forget) Lupa -0»

Adopted in the Straitt Settlements f Lit,, gtar«-houM, Omnipotent ( 9T ) Oration

Omnipotent Kuderat J (Ar.) On f Atas ( Diatas Once Skali ( Satu One < Suatu (Sa Do. (of things) Barang suatu Do., Any (of person) Barang siapa Do. bv one Satu satu Do., It's all Sama juga Do. -eyed Mata sa'blali Onion, an Bawang ( Shaja Only 1 Hanya

( Kder (Ar.) J** Sbam Opaque r \ Yang tiada jrneh Open Terbuka Do., to Mmbiika K****** Do., to (as a flower) Kmbang Do., to (give room) Lapangkan '&tl Opening, an Lubang Openly Dngan trang f Fikiran Opinion t Sangka Opium Afiun (Ar.)

Do. (ready for f Chandu smoking) I Madat * Opponent Lawan Oppose, to Mlawan Opposite Brhadapan Oppress Ani&yakan Oppression Aniaya (Sans.) Opulent Kaya Or Atau Orange, an Limau manis Oration Perkat&an

* Madat is inferior in quality to " Chandu," being prepared from the covering which •ncloies the Opium, whilit " Chandu " is prepared from the drug itself. Orator ( 98 ) Oval Orator Orang pandei berkata **»l^ ^Joj £>y Orchard Dusun J Mnyuroh cr°> Order, to f *A99" \ Surohkan Do., (of reigning Rajas) X Titahkan Order, an Hukum (Ar.) Do,, an (commission Psan Do,, an (of a ru- iTitah ling Raja) Ordinance (legal enactment | Undang-undang

Ordinary Sperti adat >a\s> Ordnance rMriam tLla* Organize, to U, Mngatur rf. Origin (A sal 1 Pangkal Orlong, anf Relong f Ornament, to Hiaskan Oranments Perhiasan Orphan, an r Piatu ( Anak yatim (Ar.) Other Lain c Anjing Otter, an ayer \ Memrang Patut Ought / ( Harus Our Kita punya % Out Diliiar Do. From Deri Mar Do., to Cast Buang Do., to Cry Bertriak Do., to Speak Chakap kuat ca^ Outcast Bu&ngan Outcry Gem per Outright Langsong Oval Bujor * Jingal Corresponds t to the English acre, only is £ larger, 3 orlongs making 4 acres—4 Depa make Uemba, 100 Jemba muke 1 Penjuru, 4 Penjuru 1 Orlong. The Depa is commonly a fathom or 6 feet lineal measure, but in this caie it if a iquare Depa or 36 io^uare feet Oven ( 9» ) Oyter Oven D&por Over (in position) Diatas Do. ^in quantity) Lbih Do. (in degree) Amat Do. and over Berulang-ulang CRata Do. All ^Slurah Overcast Klam kabut Overcome, to Mngalahkan Overflow, to Limpah Overgrown (with Smak weeds) | Overhang, to Chondong Overladen S&rat Overlay, to (as with | Bers&lut gold) Do., to (as herrings | Bertindeh in a barrel) Do., to (in regular Bersusun order) } f Jaga (Hind.) Overlook, to (watch) I Mnunggu Overripe Ranum Overseer, an Pnunggu f Silap an Oversight, t Kalupaan Overtake, to Hambat sampei d&pat Overturn, to Balikkan Overturned Terbalik Owe, to Berutang f Ponggok Owl, an \ Burong hantu * Own (possession) Punva Do., to Mmpunyai Do., to (admit) Mngaku Owner, the Yang ampunya Oxen Lmbu Oyster, an Tiram

See Hit.' Pdc* (100 ) Papa

Pace, a (step) Langkah Pujokkan Pacify, to Bri nasihat Pack up, to Kmaskan Package, a Bungkus Paddle, a Pec gayuh Do., to Kayuhkan Page, a (of a book) Muka kitftb Pail, a Tong

! Sakit Pain

j Pdih Paint Chat (Ch.) Do., to Sapu chat Do. a picture, to Tulis gamber Painting, a (picture) Gambr f Pasang Pair, a < Jodo* ( Klamin f Do. (of horses) Jori (Hind.) Palace, a Astiina Palanquin Kreta plankin (Sans.)

j Langit-langit Palate *Jyr^ ( mulut Pale (wan) Puchat Do. (in colour) Muda Paling Pagar Palm (of the hand) Tapak tangan Do. (of trees) Poko' yang berplpah Palpitate, to Berdber Pan (iron) Kuali Pannier (used on i Rengka elephants) Pant, to Panat lilah Pa' Bapa Papa Ayah /Wa'

* " Used only of human beings supposed to be divinely ordained for each other ; Sa'jodo," a man's or woman's affinity. . f " Klamin " a pair, as of bird», generally, "a family" whether of human beings, birdi or animali. g

Paper (101) Passage

Paper Kertas (Ar.) (B&ris Parade (for drill) (Kawaid (Hind.) Paradise Fird&us (Ar.) Paraffin oil Mmyak tana Paramour Kndak Parapet Benting Parasol Payon Parcel, a Bungkus

( Habuan Do., a (portion) ( Bhagian Ampun Pardon j 1 Maaf (Ar.) Do., to Ampunkan (Ibu Perents bapft | Ayah bonda Parrot Burong nuri Parry, to Mnangkis Parsimonious Kikir Parson, a Tuan Padri * Part, a Bhagian f Do., to (divide) Bhagikan Do., to (cut in two) Blahkan Do. from, to Cherei Do. with, to take Bserta % Partition (of a Dinding building) } rKongsi (Ch.) Partner (in trade) ISharikat (Ar.) Pass, to (an exami- (Ar.) nation) JKhatam§ Do. by, to Lalu Do. through, to Lantas Do. current, to Laku

Do , a (between Jalan chlah bukit hills) | c Jalan Passage, a \ Lorong

* Well understood to mean a Christian Minister or Priest. fSee "Division." t Contracted from Ber-Serta. § " Sudah khatam " properly means " having read the Koran frem beginning- to end." JPa&wge ( 102 ) Peace

Pessage a Through Trusan Do., to take (in Mnumpang kapal a vessel) Passion M&rah f Hati panas Passionate 1 Pmarah r Tlah lalu Past 1 Sudah lpas * Paste (for sticking) Perkat Pastry- Juadah tpong

( Tampal Patch, a [Tampong r Jalan Path, a \L6rong Patient Saber (Ar.) Pattern Ohonto Do. (design) Chorak Do. (model) Tladan r Berubin f Pared \ Berbatu Paw (foot) Kaki c Tangan Do., Fore \ Kaki dpan Pawn, to Gadeikan Do. (in chess) Bidak Pay, to Bair rGaji Do. (wages) \Blanja Payment Bairan < K&chang % Pea \ Saga § c Sejahtra (tranquility Peace \ Sentosa Do., to make (be- • j Mndameikan tween others) Do., to make (be- \ Berdamei come friends) * boiled rice as paste. Malays use ^vjwi Pulau Ubin, an ia- not understood elsewhere, derived from + Common in Singapore, but granite is procured. land in the old Strait, where seeds pod. 1 A general term for all m in weighing. § A red bean used Peaceful (103 ) Perform

Peaceful Aman (Ar.) Peacock, a Burong mrak Pearl, a Mutiara Do., Mother-o'- Siput mutiara (Sans.) rRaiat (Hind.) Peasant, a \ 6 rang kabanyakkan Pebble, a Batu lichin Peck, to Pagut Pedigree Selasilah Pedlar, a Pnjaja Peel (rind) Kulit Do., to Kupaskan Peep, to Intei Peevish Manja Peg, a (fastening) Pasak Do., a (for hanging) Penggantong

r Lemper Pelt, to \ Lotr Pen, a Kalam (Ar.) Do., a (for cattle) Kandang cJu£ Penalty Hukum (Ar.) * Pcencil Patlut Pendulum, a (of clock) Buaian jam ( Masok Penetrate, to < Lantas ( Tmbus Penknife Pisau kchil Pentateuch Taurit r Orang-orang People \Bala Pepper Lada c Lada china Do., Cayenne ICh&bei Perceive, to Lihat Do., to (descry) Nampak Perch, to (settle, Hinggap of birds) | Perdition Jhannam (Ar.) Perfect Smperna Do. (complete) Genap Perform, to (do) Mmbuat * Not Malay, understood in Singapore. Perfum* ( 104 ) PetUionn Perfume Bau-bauan Perfumed Wangi

( Barangkali Perhaps ( Mudah-mud&han Peril Bahia

( K&la (Hind.)

Period (time) ] Masa ( Waktu (Ar.) Uo. (conclusion) Akhir (Ar.) Perish, to (come to Binasa harm) Rosak Do,, to (die) Mati 5U s? Perjury, to commit Makan sumpah Permanent Ttap (Ithin (Ar.) Permission ( Mohun ( Biar Permit, to < Bri ithin ( Bri mohun Kkal Perpetual ] Sntiasa ( Kosotkan (also Kusutkan) Perplex, to j ( Kachaukan Persecute, to Aniayakan rT&han Persevere, to erf* \ BerusaM Persian Parsi (Ar.) Person, a Sa'orang rMrupakan Personate, to \ Samr Perspiration Pluh Persuade, to Pujokkan Perverse Angkara (Hind.) Peruse, to Mmbacha Pestilence Samper » O A. . A Pestle Alu* Pet, to be in a Mr&jok £y^r Petition Permintaan * Mortar "Lesong." Phantom ( 10S ) Pilot Phantom Hantu Pheasant, Argus Burong kuang Philosopher Pandita (Sans.) Phlegm Dahak Physic tfbat Pick, to (gather) Petek Do., to (choose) Pileh

( Kutip Do. up, to ( Pungut Pickle, to Garamkan

( Jrok Pickles [Achar (Pers.) J*' Picture, a Gambr Piebald Blang

c Sa'keping Piece, a (bit) ' \Sa'krat Do. a (as of cloth, Sa'kayu silk) | Do., to (join) tTbongkan Pier, a Jmbatan r Gerek Pierce, to 1 Chuchok Piety Kabaktian Pig, a Babi ^ Pig-tail, a (queue) Tauchang (Ch.) Pigeon (tame) Merpati Do. (green) Punei Do. (large) Pergam Pile, a (heap) Tambun Pilgrim (Mahome- }Haji *(Ar.) dan) Pilgrimage, to per- Naik haji form the Samun Pillage, to j I Rampas Pillar, a Tiang Pillow, a Bantal Pillow-case, a Sarong bantal

r Pandu Pilot, a 1 Katuloi _ __ SpJ^" * The title of " Haji " in only given after the pilgrimage hai been performed. ;

Pimple ( 106 ) JPlatn Jerawat batu * Pimple, a Bisul la da Penitif Pin, a J arum pengalat Do., a Hair C hilchofc-sanggul Pincers Penyepit Pichitkan Pinch, to Chubitkan { Pine for, to Rindukan Pineapple Ananas (Nanas) Pink Merah niuda Pious Bakti (Pers/) 4, Panehoran 4, Pipe, a (conduit) < Sale ran J Do., a Smoking Hunchui (Ch.) Pirate Prompak Pit, a Lvi bang Darner Pitcli (resin) Gala-ffala Do., to (as a ship) Beroleng Pitcher Buvonff il& Pitfall (trap for { Pclvibatig

game) j Pith Pulor Pity Knsihan Do,, to Sainngka.n Place Tcini'.at Do. of, In Ganti Buboh Do., to | Menaroh

Placid (in disposi- f Lmbut

tion) \ Manis Plague (pestilence) Samper Do., to (annoy) Us ik kail Plain, a (open ground) Padant* Nyata Do. (evident) f \ Trang

* In the face " Jer;Vwrt,"' bfkw tliewaibt " Bii-;ul." f The English word Malayifkd. " " J Panehoran is open, as a tro-ugL, "Mcnm" closed. .

Plaintiff ( 107 ) Pliant

Plaintiff Pengiidn ^jlii Do. (accuser) Pnudoh &6yJ Plait, to Anyam . r*' Do., to (fold) Lipatkan 5C^J Plan (design) Upaia s^< Pakat * Do., to f ) Muafakat Plane, a (tool) Ketam r^ Planet, a Niijuni (Ar.) rp1 Menanam Plant, to j

( Tanamkaii Plants Tanaman ^Ur Kabun Plantation f { Ladang

Plaster (for buildin sj) Kapor Do. (medicament) Tampal Plate, a Pinggan a Y&! Play, to Eermain - main Y^ji

Do., to (on a ") stringed instru- y Gesek *3»,*^»*o ment) ) Do., to (a reed in- Menyup strument) Do., a (a game) Permainan Do., Theatrical Main mayon g c'iil'l* ,jU Player (comedian) Pran f Plead, to (in a Court) Berbichara Cliantek Pleasant, (to sight ) lok Do. (to taste) Sedap Bri ( suka 4r* >?-H Please, to Menyukakan I / SiVka ehita

\ Berkcnan Pleased 1 Ilitha (Ar.) V^Gamar hall Banyak Plentiful ) \ Limpali Pliant (flexible) Lento 1

* Oiton used in a bad sense, as to conspire. f Usually applied to the a -tor who plays the part of clown, Malay plays have often but four characters two male and two female: the hero and his fr lend the clown, the he- rojrie and her old nurse. "

JPI#* ( 108 ) Pomegranate

Plot Pakat

f Chmrkan Pollute, to ( Njiskan Poligamy Madu Pomegranate, a Briah dlima

' A pole (renerally, " Kayu, Pon4 ( 109 ) Pot

Pond, a Kolam (Sans.) Ponder, to Pikir (Ar.) Pony Kuda kchil Pool, a (muddy, used by animals to Kubang bathe in) I Poor (indigent) Miskin Poppy (of opium) Bunga mMat Populace Raiat (Hind.) Populous Ramei Porcelain Barang pichahan Porch Srambi Porcupine Landak JJJoJ Porcupine's quill» Duri landak Pores Liang ruma Pork Daging babi Porpoise Lumba-lumba Port (harbour) Labuhan Portion (share) Bhagian Portrait Gambr Portuguese Eurasians Orang srani * Tntu Positive (certain) ] Sungguh Berulih Possess, to Mmpunyai Possessions Herta bnda Sa'bulihnya Possible Bulih Barangkali Possibly Mudah-mudahan Post, a (of wood, &c.) Tiang Pekerjaan Do. (office) Pgangan Postpone, to Gantongkan Do. a case, [ Minta gantong bichara to to Ask j Priok Pot, a (earthenware) ] Blanga Do., a Flower Pasu

* The nnme by which they are usually known in the Straits Settlements. Lit., mean* Christian, but in the Straits Settlement» it signifies Roman Catholic. Potato ( 110 ) Prayer

Potato tTbi*

j Pnjunan Potter, a (Tukang priok Potter's clay Tanah liat jOpau (Oh.) Pouch ( Saku (Eng.)

Do., (for cartridgesi) Krpci Poultry Ayam itek Pounce, to Sambr Pound (weight) Katif Do. to Tumbuk

f Alu Pounding stick ( Antan Pour, to Tuang Poverty Kapapaan Powder, Gun- 0bat bdil Jw «-0 Powdered Lumat Power Kuasa Powerful Berkuasa

Do. (physically f Kuat

strong) ( Gagah

( Pnyakit chachcrj Pox, Small- y$ \ Katumbuhan Practice (custom) Adat Practise, to (learn) Blajer Practised (accus- < Biasa tomed to) Pujikan Praise, to J 1 Puji (Hind.) Prawn Udang Pray, to Smbaiang Do., to (tfiat some- thing may be vBerdoa (Ar.) given) Do., to (ask for) Minta Praver, the hour > "Waktu smbaiang 'of

* Applied to root crops generally. The potato is usually " Uhi Benggala" as most of those used in ttie Straits come from Bengal. f The nearest equivalent; weighs \\ lbs. avoirdupois. % In Perak it is called " Staur." Mahomedans should pray five times is || a day, and time of fcen marked by the^e hours of " " " ' prayer. They are as follows : Smbaiaug Suboh (4| to 6 A. M.) ; Sembaiang Thohor or "Lohor" (12| to 3 P. M.); "Smbainng Asr"(frora '6\ to oh P. M.); "Sembaiang Megii- rib " (from 6£ to 6f P. M.); and lastly " Sembaiang Ishar " (from 1\ p. m. to 2 A. m). Precede ( 111 ) Preserve

Precede, to Mndulu Precious Xndab-indab Do, stone Permata Precipice, a Terjal Precise (exact) Tertib (Ar.) Predecessor Yang dillu dripada Predict, to (by sor- > Bertnung cery) Preface Pe mulaan Prefer, to Lbih suka Do., to (choose) Pilch

( Hamil (Ar.) Pregnant < Bunting ( Ngandong Premature Bangat amat Do. delivery Gugoran Preparation Kasiapan Sdiakan Prepare, to | \ Siapkan

f Hathrat Presence of, In the ( Dihadapan Do., to Go in- > Mngadap hathrat to the Present Hathr (Ar.) iSekarang Do., At Pada hari ini ^ Ktika ini dj| Persmbahan inferior) * Do., a (from a ( Kernia superior) [ Angriiban f f Mmbri Kerniakan Do., to (give) ) ) Angrahkan f v Scmbabkan Presently Sa' banter lagi Preserve (fruits, ' Manisan &c.) Halua (Ar.)

* Also used of presents from those of equal rank, t Pronounce the n & g separately and not a» one letter. J*re&erve (U») PrUoner

Preserve, to (keep) Simpan Do., to (protect) Lindongkan Tkan Press, to | ( Apitkan D a (C°Pying ' A itan I' P °&c ) Biiat-tmat Pretend, to { Olok-olok f Chantek

Pretty , 1 lok

I M61ek Prevaricate, to Putr Mlik Prevent, to Tgahkan Previous Yang dulu Prey, Beast of Binatang buas Price Herga Prick, to Chuchok Pride Sombong Priest Imam * (Ar.) Prime cost Poko' Do. Minister Bndah&ra

f Anak raja Prince

j Ptra Do. (heir appar- Raja Muda ent) Tuan ptri Princess Raja prmpuan Principal (main) Agong Do. (capital Modal v» sum) Poko' Bkas Print (mark) Tanda Do., to Chapkan Printed Terchap Prison Pnj&ra Prisoner Orang salali Do. of war Tawanan W * The " Im&m " leads the prayers in the mosque or elsewhere. The " Khatib " is under ; the " ImS,m " he is the preacher, and expounds the Kor&n in the mosque. The 'Bilal " is under the "Khatib " and his duty is to call the people to prayers. The "Slak " is under the "Bilal," and ha» charge of the mosque and perform» the minor office». g u

Private ( 113 ) Proof

( Sunyi Private (apart) ( Asing

( Batin (Ar.) ' Do. (secret) | Rahsia Prize, a Prais * Probably Bfirangkali Probe, a Pcnyungkil Proboscis Belalei Proceed, to (advance) J&lan Procession Perarakkan

i Bri tau Proclaim, to

| Menyatakan Do., to (a Raja) Naubatkan f Procure, to Dclpat Prodigal (extrava-

j- Boros gant) o*»S Produce, to (yield) Bri ^S Pkerjaan Profession (calling) Jabatan jFaidah (Ar.) Proat Union ] } ls* Profligate Jahat Progeny Anak clinch Prohibit, to Laraiio'kan Prolix Panjang berck' kap «-dS'Uj., Prolong, to a speech ( >Lanjutkan or writing)

( Tiada berpileh Promiscuous | Champur baur Promise, to Berjanji Do., a Perjanjian Promontory, a Tanjong Prompt Chepat Prone (on the face) Tiarap Do. (addicted to) Biasa u* u Pronounce, to Scbutkan Sebutan Pronunciation i ] Lafath (Ar.) Proof Katrangan

* Understood in the Straits Settlements only. ( t " Naubat " is the great drum only use J on such occasions as the proclamation, mar- riage, or death of a Ruler- ( 114 ) JProtv

Prop, a or to Sokong Proper I Patut

I H&rus Property Herta bnda Prophet, a Nabi (Ar.) Proportion, In Dngan skder Propose, to (intend) Handak Proprietor Yang ampunya Prosecute, to (com- f Mngadu plain) I Daua (Ar.) Do., to (accuse) Tudohkan Prosecution, a Aduan

( Pngadu Prosecutor ) Pnudoh Prosper, to Beruntong iDaulat (Ar.) Prosperity

| Sjahtra Jalang Prostitute j ( Sundal* (Hind.) Prostrate one's self, Sjud to Protect, to Lindongkan Protection, to Place 1 Mlindong diri J one's self under the sp. ;'i i>

( Sombong Proud &?..> ( Chongkak

i Trangkan Prove, to ( Nyatakan Sah (Ar.) Proyed ( Sudah trang Proverb, a Perumpamaan Provide, to (get f Sdiakan ready) tHathrkan

Provident (econo- • 1 Hmat mica!) ( Dairah (Ar.) Province, a (terri- < Jej&han tory) I Tailok (Ar.) Provisions Bkal J* Provoke, to Ajokkan Prow Haluan >5* * Procuress. Involves» ( 11a ) Pursue Gagah Prowess j Kabaktian j Proxy (represen- r Ganti tative) \Wakil (Ar.) Prudent Bijak Prune, to Chantas Pry, to Intei Psalms, the Zabur (Ar.) Puberty Balir (Ar.) c Mshhur Public (notorious) t Nyata Publish, to (make Mnyatiikan known) 1 Pull, to Tarek Do. out, to Chabutkan Do. up, to Bantun Pulley, a Lorah Pulp Ampas Do., to Reduce to Pipiskan Pulse, the Nadi (Sans.) Pump, a Bomba (Port.) Pumpkin Labu manis u^- Pungent (in taste) Pdas

c Seksakan Punish, to | Hukumkan Punishment Seksa Pupil, a (scholar) Anak murid Do. of the eye Anak mata Puppy, a Anak anjing Do., a (coxcomb) Bawa sajak Purchase, to Mmbli Pure Suchi Do. (clear) Jrneh Do. (unalloyed) Tiada berchampur ^Kahandak Purpose, a (inten- Maksftd (Ar.) tion) H&jat (Ar.) 1Mat Opau (Ch.)^ Purse \ Pundipundi Kjrkan Pursue, to JJ* Hambatkan jPu&h ( lie , Quick

Push, to Tolakkan rTaroh Put, to \Biiboh Do. down, to Ltakkan Do. in, to Masokkan Do. on, to (as clothes) Pakei Do. out to (extin- r pMamkan guish) 1 Putrid Busuk


Quail Bilrong puyuh Quake, Earth- Gmpa Do., to Mngglitr * Quantity Banyak Quarrel (difference) Slisih Do., to Berslisih Do., to (wrangle) Berhantah Do., to (fight) Berklahi Quarrelsome Pmarah Quarter, a Suku Quay Bagan Queen (consort) Permisuri (Pers.) Do. (regent) Raja prmpuan Queer Heran Quell, to (stop) Brentikan Quench, to (extin- Padamkan ^X*jU guish)

< x£>J f Apuskan dahga — \^~*y>* Do. thirst, to \Puas ininum Question, a Sual c Preksilkan Do., to 1 Tanya f'Lckas Q.uick < Chcpat ( Biingat c Dras f Do. (swift) \Laju

* Pronounced " MaglltSr." " " Laju " boat. t " Bros as a horse ; as a Quickly ( 117 ) Hairibow Quickly Dengan sgra Quicklime Kapor tohor Quicksilver Raksa Quid (of tobacco) Spah c Diam Quiet \Sunvi Do. (calm) Tedoh Do. (at peace) Scntosa Quietly (leisurely) Perlahan Quill Eulu Do. pen. Kalam bulu Quilt (covering) Kain slimut Quit, to Tinggalkan Quite Skali * Quiver, to Menglitr f Do., a Terkas


Rabble (mob) Hina-dina Race, a (running) Lumba Do., a (nation) Bangsa Badiance Chahia Radish, a LSbak Raft, a Rakit Rafter, a Glger Bag, a Percha kain Bage Marah Do. (of Rajas) Mrka Bagged Robak rabek Bail, a Hand- Kayu pmgang Do., to (abuse) Bermaki-maki Bain, Hujan % Do., Heavy II uj an lebat Do., to Hujan Do., to Be in the Beriijan Rainbow Plangi

* Quite right "Btil skali." t Written as pronounced. " " " " " I " Hujan bubo Scotch mist. Hujan rintek drizzle. Hujan rinyei heavier than 4 Hujan rintek." " Hujan hambat niertua " raining in short showers with dry intervals. " Hujan ti&dft bulih chelek mata " raining cats and dog». " Httjan b&tu " hail. Mtiise ( 118 ) Ratify

Raise, to (lift) Angkatkan Do., to (set up) Mndirikan r Anggor kring Raisins I^Kismis (Pers.) Raja, a Raja & c Pnggaris j~±j\£&* Rake, a K \ Sisir c Chakerkan Do., to \ Sisirkan Ram, a (male sheep) Biri-biri jantan Do., to Lantak Rampart Renting Ramrod, a Plantak Rancid Busuk Random Ta'katahuan Rank (row) Baris c Pangkat Do., (station) iMertabat Do. (in smell) Hapak Ransack, to Slongker Ransom, to Mnbus Rap, to (tap) Ktokkan Rapacious (greedy Loba (Hind.) of gain Rape \ Rugul Do., to Rapid (as a river JDras or horse) Do., a (in a stream) Jram Do., (as a ship) Laju Rare (precious) Indah Rarely (seldom) Jarang Rash Dngau gopoh Rat, a • Tikus Rate (price) Herga Rather (which Yang m&na Tuan would you suka ? rather have ? ) ! Ratify, to (confirm) Tcntukan Do., to (acknow- "l Mng&ku ledge) Mattart ( 119 ) JReason Battan Rotan *

f Gunchang Rattle, to I Goyang Ravage, to Bin&sakan Ravenous (of beasts) Buas Do. (very hungry) Kabuloran Raw (uncooked) Mantah Ray, a (of light) Sinr

Do. (the fish) Ikan pari • Raze, to Runtohkan ( Pisau chukor Razor, a \ Rampaki Jijak Reach, to I f \ Sampei Do., a (of a river) Rantau J

Do. out the hand, 1i.o Unjukkan tangan Read, to Membacha Do. Hie Koran, to Mengaji Sdia ( Ready < Siap Achi | s^' Siapkan 5 Do., Get j O ^ Sediakan j Real Beiul Sungguh Really f I Sah (Ar.) €. f Ktamkan Heap, to iMnr || f Blakang Rear (hinder part) I Bnritari Do. (of an army) Tutu pan Do., to (as a horse) Mengerjang Do., to (bring up) Piara r Sbb Reason, a (cause) \Fasal (Ar.) Do. (understand- Akal (Ar.) f ing) \ Budi

* " " There are several kinds of Rattan, the Rotan sgga bras." the best of all : 2— Rotan " ; - " ; 3—" Sega ayer " 4 Rotan batu." f Jijak is only used when measuring" or reaching downwards, " t Frequently also the reaches of a river are counted by the bends, so» many tRnjong." Rantau " means hIso district, neighbourhood.

|| "Sickle." MeaotmMe ( 1»0 ) Ked

Reasonable Patut Rebel, a Yang drahka Do., to Mmbuat drabka Rebellion Drahka Rebound, to Lunjak Rebuke, to Tgorkan Recall, to Panggil kmbalik Recant, to Munkir Recede, to Under Receipt, a Resit * Receive, to Menrima Do., to (into the bands, or as a Sambut guest) i Becent Yang bhftru Reckon Hetonsr Kirakan &** Do., to (count) Rilang Recline, to Raring

( Cham Recognise, to Knal ( Recoil, to (intransi- > Undor tive) Jf* Recollect, to Ingat -JU1 Recompense, a (re- }tpab &3)\ ward) Do., to (make a Mmbalas return) Reconcile, to Mndameikan Record, to (in wri- 1 Tuliskan * ting) Recover, to (from | Smboh J»k illness) J Aflat (Ar.) Do. conscious- Seder ness, to } Do., to (get back) Dapat kembali ^u<; 1j Recreation Permamaii Rectify to Betfilkan Recumbent Terbaring Red Merah

* Adopted in the Straits Settlements, Jttedeem (121) Metgn

Redeem, to (from Tebuskan pawn) | Reduce, to (lessen) Kurangkan Do., to (degrade) Turunkan Reduced (as a ISurut swelling) f Bangsa riong Reed, a I Ban gsa resam Reef, a (rock) Karang Do., to (a sail) Klatkan Reel, to (stagger) Hoyon g Refer to, to (Trans.) Antr kapada Refined (as metal) Terspoh Reflect, to (consider) Pikir (Ar.) Reflection (reflec- Rupa ted object) Reform, to (in con- "l Bertaubat duct) Do., to (improve) Mmbaiki Refractory Dgil Refreshed Sgr Refuge Tern pat lindongan Refund, to Baier balik Refuse, to Enggan Regalia Perkakas krajaan Ul^ ^^ji Regard, to (esteem) Berchita Do. to, With Fasal (Ar.) Regardless, to be Tidak feduli (Ar.) c Benua* Region (country) 1 Negri Register, a Dafter (Ar.) Saiang Regret J (Chinta Regular (in order) TerMur Regulation Undang-undang Bcrsmaiam diatas takhta AEJ.j~JlJi.iU-o $ Reign, to krajaan Do. (rule) Mmrentahkan

* ** " " *• Bnua a continent. The MalayR speak of Bnua China," China ; Bntia Kling\< u " India ; Etfnfta Siam," Siam ; and Btnua Rum/' Ancient Rcnie or Modem Tuikey. Meins ( 122 ) Memote Reins (for driving) RasJHind.) Reiterate, to Berulang-ulang Reject, to Enggan Rejoice, to Bersuka siika Relapse, to (of a > Berulang sick person) sakitnya r Chitrakan Relate, to c/b*^ CKhabarkan Related f Bersnak 1 Bersudara Relation, a (con- •^ Kaum (Ar.) nection) j Klurga Release, to Lpaskan Reliance (trust) Harapan

r Tiilong Relief (help) ( Bantu Relieve, to (take Ganti the place of) ]

Religion Agama LSI Religious Beriman Relish (taste) Rasa Do., to (like) Suka Reluctant Segan Hely upon, to Harap pada Remain, to Tinggal Do. to (wait) Menanti Remainder (ba- | Baki (Ar.) lance) jLbih Remark, to (say) Katakan Remarkable Heran Remedy (for sickness) Penawr Remember, to Ingat Remind, to Bri ingat Remit, to (forgive) Ampunkan Remittance (pay-. ment) 1 Pmbairan Remnant Baki (Ar.) Do. (of food) Sisa Remorse Ssal Remote (in position) Jauh Do. (in time past) Lama sudah Mern&te ( 12S ) Mepudiate

Remote (in time to come) } Lama lagi

Remove, to (change 1 I Pindahkan the place) > Alihkan Do., (take away) Bawa pergi Rendezvous Tempat pertemuan Renegade Orang drahka Do., to turn Belot Renew, to (a bond) Tukr surat Renounce, to (disown) Munkir Renown Nama yang baik is Rent (hire) Sewa ir Do., to let for Sewakan Do., to (hire) Sewa Do. a monopoly, to Pgang pajak Repair, to (mend) Mmbaiki Repast Makitnan S? Do. (of Rajas) Santapan Repay, to Baier iitang Repeat, to (say ) Katakan lagi skali again) j Berulang kata Repeatedly Slalu Repel, to (drive back) Halaukan Repent"Rnnnnf Mnysal~A/Tx ~ _1 Replace, to G-antikan

Reply, to fMeujawab iMenyaut Do., a r Jawab (Hind.) ISjihut Report, a (rumour) Khabar (Ar.) Do., to Khabarkan Reported, It is Ada kunun Represent, to (complain) | Mngadukan Representation, a Pengaduan Reproach, to Mnchlakan Reprove, to Ajrkan Reptiles r Binatang yang 1 mlata Repudiate, to (di- Bri telak * (Ar.) vorce)

* The action of the husband. If he gives "T&ak ££iu"~ « " or TJak Dua it is possible to take the divorcee back again, but if « " IWk Tiga be giTea the matter is final. Reputation ( 124 ) lietort

Reputation IVama (Pers.) Request, a Permintaan Do, to Minta

c Man Require, to (want) I Berkahandak Do., to (demand) Tuntut Requite, to Balaskan Rescue, to Rampas balik

( Sama rupanya Resemble, to ( Sa'rupa Reserve, to Simpan

( Tinggal Reside, to ( Dudok <5W Residence Rumah Residue Tang lebih Resign, to (give up) Serahkan Resin Darner batu Resist, to .A,wan Resolute (determined) Degil Resound, to Ber

Rest (freedom ) Sntosa from trouble) J Kascnangan fBaki(Ar.) Do. (remainder) lYang lbih Do., to (repose) Berbaring Restless Lisah Restore, to Pulangkan

r Men&hau Restrain, to 1 Tgahkan r Akhirnya Result \ Kaputusan f Tahan Retain, to (keep) 1 Pegang Retaliate, to Biilaskan Retire, to Undor Retired (secluded) Sunyi Retort, to Balas kata lietreat ( 12& ) like

Retreat, to Undor

Return, to (go f Ralik back) X Piilang Do., to (give back) Pulangkan Do. a favour, to Balaskan Reveal, to (a secret) Membuka Revenge, to (requite) Balaskan Revenue Hasil (Ar.) Revere, to Hormatkan Reverence Hormat (Ar.) Reverse, to (com- I Ubahkan skali pletely change) Do., the (quite \ Lain skali different) Revile, to Bcrmaki Revive, to (rouse iBerbangkit pula again) Do., to (recover \ Seder consciousness) Revolt, to Drahka Revolve, to Berpusing Revolution of hea- \ Peridaran venly bodies Reward (payment) tJpah Do., (gift) Iladiah Rheumatism Bengal Rhinoceros, a Badak Rhyme Sajak Rib, a Tulang rusok Ribbon Pita (Port.) Rice (in the ear, ]Padi unhusked) Do., (husked) Bras Do., (boiled) Nasi U Do., (oryza glutinosa) Nasi pulut c Smai Do.-T^ nursery, a { Rgdeh

Do. field, a (wet) { gj™^ fry* Mdang Do.. (dry,hillpadi){g^ Mch (120 ) Itipe Rich (wealthy) Kaya Bo. (in taste) Lmak Riches Kakayaan Riddle, a "JNyirujarang Do., a (conundrum) Tkak-tki Berkuda Hide, to ( i Mnunggang kiida b/ Ridge (of a roof) Tiilang bumbong Rifle, a Terkui Right (opposed to Kanan left) Do., (opposed to Bnar wrong) } Btul J? r Patut «uJU Do., (proper) i Harus Do., (true) Sungguh ^gang Rigid f 1 Tegr Rigorous Kras r Bibir Rim, a ITepi Rind Kulit it Ring, a Chinchin r Kr&bu Do., an Ear- ^Siibang Ring, a (circle) Kandang bulat Ringleader, a Kpala Ring a bell, to Goyang loeheng * Ringworm Kiirap Rinse, to (wash in Rasoh water) j Do., to (steep Rndam in water) j f Gmpr Riot, a ^Pergadohan Ripe Masak Do., Over R&num rMuda Do,, Un \Bulum masak

' tell, " " If to pull a then T&rek ; if to strike a gong of wood or metal, then " PnkSl." Mise ( 127 ) Moll

f Bangkit Rise, to (get up) X Bangun Do., to (ascend) Naik Do., to (spring j- Lompat away) Do. (fly away) Terbang Do., to (shoot up Tnmbuh as plants) Do., to (in price) Naik herga Rival (opponent) La,wan Sungei River { Batang ayer Do., the mouth of a Kuala Do., to ascend a Mudik Do., to descend a Hilir Anak ayer Rivulet f lAnak sungei Road, a Jalan Do., (highway) Jalan raia Roadstead Labuhan Roar, to Bertriak Roast, to Panggang f Rampaskan Rob, to 1 Samunkan Do. (at sea) Merompak Do. (snatch) Rabut Do. (steal) Ohuri Robber, a Penvamun Do. (pirate) Prompak f Penchuri Do. (thief) 1 Kawr Rock, a Batu Do., to (intransitive) Bergoyang Do. a cradle, to Aiun f Merchun Rocket 1 Anak tikus Rod (stick) Tongkat Do., fishing Joran Roe-deer Kijang Roe (of a fish) Tlor ikan Roll up, to G&long Moll ( 128 ) Rubbtah Boll, along, to Guling M? Do. to (wind) Lilitkan f Beroleng Do, to (as a ship) IGolek Roller, a Rnggiling (waves after Bo., Alun a storm) | Roof, a Bumbong Do. of the mouth Langit-langit miilut Rook, a (crow; Burong gagak

Room, (space) Tmpat eg. s.6.,43 Do., a Bilek Roomy Luas Root, a Akr Do. (origin) Asai (Ar.) J-' Do., to take Berakr /I* Rope Tali Bunga ros * Rose, a f \ Bunga mawer Do. water Ayer mawr Rotation, In Berganti ganti Rotten (foul) Busuk Do. (decayed, JBiirok worn out) Rough f Kiiser 1 Kasap Round Keliling fBulat Do. (circular) 1 Buntr Rouse, to (stir up) Mmbangkitkan f Bangunkan (waken) Do., to 1 Grakkan Row (rank) Baris Do. (disturbance) Pergadohan Do., to Berdaiung Royal Raja f Rub, to Gosokkan Rubbish Sampah

* English \f alayified, understood in the Straits Settlements. fViz., of Eoyal birth, "Bangsa Raja." Ruby ( 120 ) Safe Batu dlima Ruby, a j \ Yakut (Ar.) Rudder, a Kamudi Rude (unnianner- f Kasr 1 Kurang bhasa Ruffian Orang jahat f Kachaukan Ruffle, to I Ronyeh Ruin, to Binasakan Do., to (demolish) Runtohkan Rule (Government) Prentahan Do., to Memrentah Do., a (regulation) Hukum (Ar.) Do., a (measure) Ukuran Rumour, a Khabar (Ar.) Run, to Lari

Do. against, to ( Rmpoh

(charge) | Terkam Do. (collide) Terantok Of*? Do. away with, to Mlarikan

( Rantek Rush, a (plant) Krchut ( Do., to Terkam Rusty Karat Do., to become Berkarat Rut, a (wheel track) Bkas roda s !K&rong Sack, a Saku (Port.) Goni (Hind.) Sacred Kudus (Ar.)

Sacrifice, to f Korbankan

(slaughter) ( Smblehkan* Duka chita (Hind.) Sad \Muramf (Jin (Hind.) Saddle, a t Plana / Salamat Safe, safety ISjahtra )_^^-9

" " * See " Kill." The " b is. " Semblehkaa is silent. Saffron (130). ^mnplc

Saffron Kunyit

I Bijak Sagacious \ Arif (Ar.) (Cherdek CAkal Sagacity iBudi Sago Sagu Sail, a Layer Do., to Berlayer Do., Pore- Trinket (Port.) Do., Main- Layer agong Do., Mizzen- Layer pnyurong Do., Top- Gawei (Port.) Sail, halyard Klat Sailor, a Anak prau Salad oil, Minyak sl&da Salary Gaji Sale, a Jualan 3i* Do., (by auction) Lelong (Port.) Saline Masin Ludah Saliva f iAyer lior Sallow Piichat Salt Garam Saltpetre Sendawa Salutation, a Salam (Ar.) * Do., (when meet- f Salamat berjumpa ing) \ Tabek f Si* Salute, to Bri salam Do., to (with guns) Sambufc J dngan mriam fly iir y**~* Salvation Salamat didalam shurga Salver, a (of metal) Talam Do., a (of wood) Dulang Same, The (alike)* Sama «•Us Do., It's all the Sama juga

( Sama dngan ini Do. as this, The Sa'rupa ini ( J f Chonto Sample 1 Achuan o'J^U1 » See " Farewell." f Not Malay, but in common uss in tlie Straita Settlements and in some of the Native States, Sanction (isi) Save

Sanction, to (approve) Bnarkan Sand Pasir Sandbank, a Bting Sandfly, a .A gas Sandal-wood Kayu ehnd&na Sandals Chrpu * Do., (wooden) Trompa Sap Gtah Sapphire Batu nilam Sarcasm Perkataan sindir Sarong (national dress) Kain sarong f Sash (round the ^ Kain slendang shoulder) j Do., (round the waist) Petnblet pinggang Satan Iblis Satiated Knnyang

Do , (assuaged) Puas Satin Kain siten \ C*^ Satirical Sindir Satisfaction (return) Ganti Do. (content) Kasnangan Puas hati Satisfied { Hapus luat Do. (with food) Knnyang Satisfy, to Puaskan hati Saturday Hari sabtu Sauce Kuah Saucer, a Piring Saucy N&kal Savage Buas Do. (untamed) Liar Save from, to (danger) Salamatkan

* Leather shoes made in Palembang with a peg to hold the toes are called " Chapel Palembang." f The "sarong" is either of silk or cotton or a mixture of the two. Of cotton "sarongs," the most valued come from the Celebes and are known as " Kain Sarong Bugis."

Java produces the painted cotton sarongs so much admired by Malays ; they are called •' Kain Batek." A commoner sort of cotton sarong is the " Sarong Plekat " of the Coromandel Coast. Of silk sarongs, some of the finest are the "Kain Mastoli" of Singapore," Kain Sangkit 1 ' (silk and gold thread) of Peimng and Borneo, and the sarongs of Palembang, Batu Bara and Mentoh in Sumatra. On the East coast of the Peninsula, Trengganu, Pahang, and Kelantan produce a large number of silk sarongs, and scarfs. If the sarong is in one piece, it is called " Sa'lerang ; " but if it has to be joined in its length, it is called "Beikampob," and is not so much valued as the " Knin Sa'lerang." *' If the colours of the fabric are dyed fast, it is called "Malau Kopi ; if the dye is indiffer- ent, *' Malau Lechi." J Adopted and understood. Save ( 132 ) Scented

Save, to (reserve) Simpan - Q A. , A Do., to (protect) Lindongkan Saved (from dan- f Terlepas

ger) v. Salamat Saving (frugal) Hmat f Hanya Do. (except) iMlainkan Savoury- Sdap Saw, a JGergaji Do., to f Haboh kayu Sawdust iTahi gergaji s^ ( Katakan Say, to < Berkata

( Bersabda * Do., That is to Ia-itu Saying, a Perkataiin Scab, a (on healing X Krupm< sore) J Scabbard, a Strong pdang Scaffolding Pragang Scald, to Lechorkan Scale (of a fish) Sisek Scales (for weighing) Timbangan Do. (steelyard) Daching la f Fitenah (Ar.) Scandal Ifrpat Scar Parut Scarce Jarang dapat Scare, to (frighten) Mngajut Scarecrow, a (to 1 Pachau frighten birds) Scarf Kain slendang Scarlet Merah tiia f Harnbor Scatter, to t Tabor f Scattered (dispersed) Chrei brei Scent Bau~bauan Scented Wangi

* See " Namely." f TJsed of sowing «eed, feeding fowls, &c; 1 nambor" where more force is used. " Mo- n&bor " is more common than " Tabor." Scheme ( 133 ) Screen

Scheme, a (contri- Upaia vance) j Niat Do. (intention) J 1 Maksiid (Ar.) Scholar, a (learner) Anak murid (Ar.)

Do. (learned f Pandita (Sans.) person) \ Alim (Ar.)

( Bandersah (Pcrs.) School ISkolah * dJyw Budak yang blajer Schoolboy \ Budak skolah Do. (in a Ma- jBudak mengaji v lay school) s^ Schoolmaster Til an guru Science Eltnu (Ar.) Scissors Guntins: Do. (for cutting fKelaii betel-nut) ^Kachit (Jav.) Scold, to Marahkan Scorch, to Garingkan Score, a (mark) Garis Do., a (twenty) Sa'kodi Do., to (mark) Gariskan Scorpion, a Kalajinking Scour, to (wash and Basoh clean) }

• Scout, a Kakap Do., to Mngakap •JtfUU /Sa'krat Scrap, a ISa'keping ( Garukan Scrape, to 1 Kukorkan Do., to (grate) Kikiskan Scraper, a (grater) Kiikoran Scratch, to (claw) Chakr Scream, to Bertriak

( Terei f Screen, a

( Adang-adang

* The English word Malayified and understood in the Straits Settlements, " " " f Terci and Tabir "are screens of hanging cloth. Screw ( 194) Seduce

f Pler itek Screw, a (Pakuskru* Scrub, to Gosok

f Preksakan Scrutinize, to \ Sidik Scuffle (affray) Klahian Scum (froth) Buhi Scurf Kalmumor Scythe, a Sabit Sea, the Laut Sea-shore Pantei Sea-sick Mabok laut

f Ayer laut Sea-water \ Ayer masin Sea-weed Agr-agr C Metre! Seal, a (signet) \ Chap « v / Buboh mtrei Do., to iTkan chap " Sealing-wax Lak f (Hind.) -JS Seam, a Jaitan Seaman Orang laut Search, to MncMri Do., to (examine) Preksa LvJ> yh Season (of the year) Musim Seat Tmpat dudok Do., to Take a, Dudok

Second, the ; Secondly Yang kadua Second, a Saat t Secret, a Rahsia Secretly Dengan sembumi Section, a (of a \ Fasal (Ar.) subject)

• Salamat Secure (safe) j ( Sjahtra !^X^-« Security (bail) Jamin C^u Sediment Tahi Sedition Drahka Seduce, to (lead ) Mnysatkan

astray) J

* The English word Malayified and understood in the Straits Settlements.

f Round the K. $ YMfi " Instant." Seduce ( 1S5 ) finsuat

Seduce, to (deflower) Riigui * See, to Lihat ( Bnih Seed (of grain, &c.) IBiji ^ Do., to Sow Menabor Seek, to Mencbari

( Rasanya Seemingly ( R,upanya Seine, a (net) Pukat Seize, to (catch) Mnangkap Do., to (hold) Pgangkan Seldom Jarang Select, to Pilehkan Selected Yang sudah di pilch

i Diri Self f

( Sndiri Selfish Loba

( Jual Sell, to (Berjual

( Lngkong Semicircle, a $ iBento'

( Kirimkan Send, to | Mengantr Do. for, to Panggil Senior, the Yang tua Sensation, a Rasanya Sense (of feeling, } Msa taste, &e.) Do. (intellect) Akal (Ar.) Senseless (in a swoon) Pengsan Do. (unconscious) Ta'seder (Bbal Do. (stupid) ]B6doh f Bijak Sensible 1 Berbudi

( Berakal

i Beringin Sensual 1 Bernafsu J~&ji * Vide "Look." " " " " t Diri" is plnced before and Beadiri" after the pronoun ; thus I myself is either " diriku " (diri aku) or " aku scndiri," % Lit., "arch." Sentence ( 130 ) Several

Sentence (order) Hukum (Ar.) Do. (phrase) Aiat Orang j%a Sentinel Pngawal Separate, to Chreikan Do., to (divide) Blahkan Do., to (set aside) Asingkan Separately Masing-masirtg Sepulchre Kubor (Ar.) Sequel, the Akhlraya Serious Mu ram Do. (important) Brat Servant (with Malays) Budak Do,, (with Orang Europeans) Orang g&ji Serve, to (work for) Berkerja dngan Service (assistance) Katulongan Serviceable Berguna Set, a (of boxes, Sa'siisun dishes, &c.) Do., a (of buttons) Sa'pranggu Bubohkan Do., to Mn&roh K&rangkan Do., to (as jewels) Bertatah Do., to (as the sun) Turun Do., a trap, to Pasang jrat Do. apart, to Asingkan Do. down, to Ltakkan Do. in order, to Mngatur Dp. on, to (incite) Ajokkan Do. out, to (start) Berangkat Do. out, to (state) Chitrakan Do. up, to (erect) Mndirikan Settle, to (adjust) Slseikan Do., to (confirm) Tntukan Do., to (decide) Putuskan Seven Tujoh Sdikit Several Dim tiga Do., kinds Anika Severally (137 ) Sharpen

Severally Masing-masing Severe (harsh) Kras Sew, to Mnjait Shabby (in dress) Pakaien burok Do. (niggardly) Kikir Shackles Uantei kangkang Shade Tdoh Do. one's self, to Bernaong Shadow, a Baiang Shalt (of weapon, &e.) Batang Do. (of carriage) Bom * Shaggy Berbulu Shake, to (Trans.) (Joyangkan Do., to (with fear) Mnggliter Do. hands, to Jabat tangan

I Longger Shaky (loose) j \ Rnggang Mau Shall \ Bulih Nanti Tohor Shallow Jangkat Chetek Sham, to (feign) Buat-buat Shame Malu Kurang [ main Shameless Muka papan Rupa Shape Sikap Bangun Bhagian Share, a i

\ Habuan IBerbhagi-bhagi Share, to Bhagikan [ Shark, a Ikan yu Sharp Taj am Do. (acid) Milsam Do, (cunning) Chrdek Tajamkan Sharpen, to Asahkan

Kot Malay, but understood. Sharpen ( ±3& ) Shift

Sharpen, to (point) Ranehongkan Shave, to Chvikor Shaver, a (barber) Tiikang chukor

She I Dia | la Shear, to Mnggunting Shears Gunting bsar Sheath Strong * Sheathe, to S&rongkan Shed, a Bangsal Do., a (smaller) Pondok Do. (lean-to) Sapor

Do , to (as leaves) Melurohkan Do. tears, to Mnangis Sheep Biri-biri Sheet, a (covering) Kain slimut Do., a (of paper) Sa'hele Shelf, a Papan gantong Shell, a (concha) Siput Do. (rind) Kulit l:,r W »3 A Do. of a nut Tmpurong Do., a (for cannon) Priok api iTmpat mlindong Shelter, a Tmpat bern&ong 9-y^ji us.-JuS Jamba Do., a (from sun jTdoh or wind) Shelter, to (protect) Lindongkanf Mlindong diri Do., to take j ( Bernaong Shepherd Grembala Shew, to Tunjukkan Shield, a Prisei Shift, to (change) Gantikanf

( Alihkanf Do*f to (move) j Pindahkanf Do., to {change Salin kain clothes)

* The Sarong kris" or kris-sheath is of wood and in three parts : a broad cross-piece nearest the hilt called the " Sampir," usually of Kamimivg or some other ornamental wood! * " then the Batang or straight piece covering the blade, and this part is commonly of Senna, Wood lastly the " Buntut ," or ; end piece closing the end of the sheath» of ivory, ebony, ¥ ¥ &c. If »* the Sarong" is covered with gold it is called " Trapang." f JU1 transitive. )

Shin-bom ( 1W ) Short Shin-bone Tulang kring Shine, to Berchahia Chahia Shining j (Kilat Ship, a Kapal Do., a Sailing Kapal layer

( K&pal api Do., a (steamer) 1 Pnyuap Do., of war Kapal prang Shipwreck, a Kapal pichah Shirt, a Kameja (Port.) Do., an Under- Banian * Shiver, to Mngliter Shoal, a (sand) Bting Do., a (roek) Karang

Shock, a (concussion]) Ggak ( Spatu (Port.) Shoe, a < Kasut

j Kaus (Ar

f Spain kuda oliuo Do., a Horse- 1 Besi k * da

Do , to (a horse) Pukol besi f Pasang Shoot, to (with fire- J Bcdil arm) j Mllup L Mnimbak Do., to (with 1 Sumpit blowpipe)

Do., to (with a bow') Berpanah Do., to (as a plant) Bertumbuh Do., a (from a branch) Puehok Shop, a Kedei • Do., to Keep a Berkedei Shore, the (of the ( Pantei sea) CTepi laut Do. (land opposed \ Darat to water) Do., a (prop) Sokong Short Pendek Short (wanting) Kxirang

t Guzsrati, adpoted and understood in the Straits, Short ( 140 ) Sickness

( Jalan singkat Short cut, a v. Jalan trus Do. (by water) Trusan Shot, a (from a gun) Das Do. (ball, bullet) Peluru Pnabur Do., Small / 1 Kachang-Mchang Shoulder, the Bnn (BtTsorak Shout, to ( Bertriak Do., to (call) Lnung

( Tolak Shove, to I Soron^ Show, a (exhibition) Pertunju'an Shower, a (rain) ITjan * Shred, to Mengiikor yy- Shrewd h&?* {gv-Pandei Shriek, to Bertriak Shrill Nyaring Shrimp, a "frdang Shrink, to [of people] Ngri Do., [of things] Kiet Shroud, a [for a corpse] Kiifan (Ar.) Do. [rigging] Tembrang Shrub, a Poko' /y Shuffle^ to [cards] Chinchang f Jauhkan diri deri- Shun, to <~ pada

f Tntupkan Shut, to v Katupkan J^J

Do , to (as a flower) Kenchup Shuttle (in weaving) Torak Shy Malu SiJk Sakit ( Crring Do., (of a Raja) ( Uzor (Ar.) Do., Dangerously Sakit trok <$>* Do., to be (vomit) Muntah Sickness Penvakit * See "Rain," Sickle (141) Silk-ivarm

( Pngtam * Sickle Sabit -J ( Penile Side, a Sa'blah Do., My Sa'blah sahya Do., a (party) Pehak Do., the (edge, }Tcpi border) Do. (of a geome- Sagi tric figure) } Sides, Both Sa'blah mnyablah Sideways Serong Sieve, a Aiakkan Do. to put thro' a } f Sigh, to Mngaloh Sight Pmandangan Sighted, Dim Kabor Do., Sharp- Mata tajam (Tanda Sign, a (signal) ^ Alamat (Ar.) Do., to Taroh tanda tangan Signature Tanda tangan Signify, to Herti

Signification, the f Hertinya (meaning) 1 Bliasanya Silent Diam Do., (still) Sunyi Silent, Be Diam Silk Sutra (Hind.)

Do., (in the piece) Kain sutra I %-Jsa, Silk-thread Bnang sutra Silk- worm, a tJlat siitra Do., Cocoon of the Endong siitra

* There are three instruments with which the padiis cut, one the '* Pengetam," a knife edge on a thin piece of board with a bamboo in it to give purchase. This instrument is used by the women with much dexterity, bul, as only one stalk at a time is cut the work is slow. "Sabit" is a sickle, and is commonly used by Chinese in reaping. Malay men reap with the " Tue " or " Penue " (either name is used),a stick about two feet long with a sharp hook a t the end like a gaff. With this instrument one "Perdu" or root (about 10 stalks) is cut at a time. " Pcngaiak " is also used a " sieve, " but though more correct is not so common as f *" for " aiakkan," sniff (14») Size

Silly Bodoh *±ji Silver Prak <>>* f Sperti Similar 1 Sa'rupa Simple (easy) Snang f 11 A J V f Bodoh 6^ Bo. [foolish] tBingong Simply Shaja e^ Sin Bosa U*J* f Sa'minjak ^s^u^c Since \ Drip&da waktu US a»3 4 vX3)«3 Since leaving Sa'peninggal Bo., Long Lama sudah &S~» *$ Sinew, a trat U*J>Jj\ Sing, to Mnyanyi S^V ( Hanguskan ^j^d^Ub Singe, to ( G&ringkan ^l^ Single (sole) Tunggal J^y Bo. (unmarried) Biijang &S- Bo. out, to j Pilehkan o^J (choose) Singly Satu-satu pJU Singular (curious) Hran* Sink, to Tngglam ife» Bo., to (of a vessel) Karam «>* Sip, to Mngirup ti«^i« Sir Tuan * ]t f Ayer strup t 4^jjX~* jl) Sirop 1 Sherbat u^jJ* Sister Sudara prmpuan J Jj^j* b*y* Bo., Elder Kakak &\$ Bo., Younger Adik prmpuan tflAv* &±\ Bo. in-law Ipr prmpuan ^j£*y ^1 Sit, to Budok o^a Bo., to (in a chair) Budok atas krusi s^/u-^cS^ Bo., to (squat as Budok bersila Malays) \ ^^ <3^ Six Anam r» 1 Size Bsarnya v»^ " " " * Arabic, properly pronounced Hairan," Sea Extraordinary IWell understood by Malays. European sirops are a favorite beverage. Hardly ever used, tii# two following word* being almost invariabiyused to express this relationship* )

Skate ( 1*3 ) Mint/

Skate, a (fish) Ikan pari Skein, a Tukaf Do., a (small) Klingking Skeleton, a Hangka Skill Kapandian Skin Kulit Do., to Kupaskan Skirt (sarong) Kain sarong * Skull, a Tngkorak Sky, the Langit Slack Kndor Slacken, to Kndorkan Slander, to Buat fitenah di&tas Slanting Serong Slap, to (in anger) Tamper Do., to (pat Tpok Slash, to (cut) Chinchangkan Slate, a (for wri- | Papan b&tu ting) * Lauh batu / Bunoh Slaughter, to (kill) '-Mngamok f Do., to (cattle | Smblehkan for food) ^ Banteikan Slave, a Hamba Sleek Tmbun Sleep, to Tidor Do., to (of Rajas) Beradu Sleepy Menganto' Sleeve of a coat T&ngan baju Slender Bamping Slice / Sa'potong ^Sa'keping Slight, a Aib (Ar.) f Aibkan Do., to t Tiada indahkan Slily Churi-churi Slimy Lender Sling, a (for throwing )Ali-ali Do., to Mng&li ~~ * See " Sarong." ~~ omake a faA m assault and kill v.^J ? indiscriminately. To make a night attack houm forJ reyenje on a or plunder 19 often spoken of as « Me^a-iok rumah. Slip ( 144 ) Snake Slip, to Glinchir ^ Do. between, to Sisipkan «N>M*%ft^«%£ Slipper, a Chrpu * yy$ Slippery Lfchin &&J Sloth, the Kongkang Slovenly- Tiada chrmat Slow Lambat U^**»*J Slowly Perlahan ^ji Sluice Tali ayer >^ lJ f Daia Sly lChrdek Smack, to (as the lips) Kchap «_£«£ Small Kchil >Jf Small-pox Pnyakit chachr jfi^lc^ ^£1^3 Smart, to (pain) Pdih &> &$* Smear, to Lumorkan eW Smeared Terlumor r)f Smell, a Bau Do., to (scent) Mnchium

1 Lborkan Smelt, to \ Piiput Smile, to Smyum t*? Smith, Black- Tukang bsi sri c?J Do., Gold- Tukang mas Smoke Asap iJu*) * Do., to with a pipe) Mngisap 4_iL*^&-*

Smooth Lichin c^f8^

"' Smother, to Lmaskan eT^ 1 Snail, a (sea) tTnam (& Do., a (fresh water]) Klmboi ^r^ Do., a (land) Siput darat U&£)lv5 Caafc&ft"*'* Snake, a tier M Do., a Hooded (co- > trier tdong fyiS ))\ bra di capello)

* Sanskrit. Natire slippers of leather. ,J t Usually applied to the smoking of opium. To smoke a cipar or pipe, '* leap cherut 11 Isflp hunchui." Malays smoke cigarettes of tobacco rolled in nipah leaf, which are called Snake (148) Solder

Snake (the ophio- > "Crier tdong selar phagus elaps) Snap, to (break) Patah Snare, a (gin) Jerat Do., to Mnjratkan Snarl, to (as a dog) Mendring Snatch, to Rabut Sneer, to Sindir Sneeze, to Bersin Burong berkek Snipe, a J \ Ttirok

\ Ngroh Snore, to \ Dngkor Snout Munchong Snow Tlialj (Ar.) Snuff Tmbakau hidong Do., to (a candle) Guntingkan

So (in such a man- f Dimikian ner) | Bagitu Do., (therefore) Sebb itu Do. many- Sa'kian Do. and so Anu Do. that Sepaya Soak, to Rendam Soap Sabun* (Port.) Soar, to Mlayang Sob, to Sdu Sober (temperate) Yang tidak minum ( Jmaah (Ar.) Society, a (Kongsi (Ch.) Sofa Kauchif (Eng. Couch) Soft Lmbut Softly Perlahan Soil (earth) -Tanah

( Chmrkan Do., to ( Kotorkan Sojourn, to (with- > Mnumpang out fixed abode) Solder Pitri

* Adopted and understood in most places. f Adopted. Understood in the Straits Settlements only. Soldier (140) Sorts

( Ashker (Ar.) Soldier Soldado (Port.) J ( Spahi Sole of the foot Tapak kaki Solid Berisi Do. (firm) Tcgap Do. (congealed) Baku Solitary (single) Tunggal Do., (lonely) Sunyi Some (a little) Sdikit Some one Sa'orang Something Satu apa Sometimes Kadang-kadang Anak jantan Son, a f \ Anak laki-laki Son-in-law Mnantu Son, Step- Anak tiri s?^ f Ragam (Sans.) Song \ Lagu Soon (in a moment) Sa' banter liigi Lkas Do., (quickly) j \ Dengan segra Soot Arang para Sooth, to Pujokkan Sorcerer P&wang * Sore Sakit Do. (smarting) Pdih Kasusahan Sorrow Perchintaan Susah hati Sorry Duka chita (Hind.)

I Jnis Sort, a f \ Macham Do., to (arrange) Mn^atur Do., to (separate) Asingkan

f Berbagei-bagei Sorts, different ( Berjenis-jnis

* " " Pawang is a clerer person whose services are called in when it 13 thought that the practise of a little magic will end in securing the desired result—a *' medicine man." Arabia Jins; Latin G-eaue» I a

Sovereign ( 147 ) Spark

f Yang di pertuan

/ i v Yang diatas takhta Sovereign, a J ^ ' ] krajaan LYang mmrentahkan Soul, the Jiwa Sound, a Bunyi Do., to (intransitive) Berbunyi Do., to (try the Bdang prum depth) Do. (in a good or- Betul der) !

f Prum (Port.) Sounding-lead ( Ladong at/ J Kuah Soup * \ Sup Sour (turned) Basi Do. (acid) M&sam Source (origin) Asal (Ar.) Do. (of a stream) Mata ayer South Slataii Do., From the Deri selatan Do., To the Ka'selatan South-east Barat laut South-west Barat daia Sow, a Babi betina Do., to (as grain) Mnabor Space Tmpat

f Lapang Spacious

( Luas

f Penggali Spade, a \ Chop t Spain Negri Spanvdl

' " Span, Sa'jtlogkal_' $ Spangle, a (orna- j Jmki

ment) \ Klip-klip Spaniard, a Orang Spanyol Spare, to (give) Bagi Do., to (let go) Lpaskan Spark, a (of fire) Bimga api

* Understood in the Straits.

1 ' t See " Hoe. { Measured from the end of ihe thumb to the end of the middle finger. Two " Jengkal " " maVe 1 Hasta, the length from the elbow joint to the end cf the middle finger ; and *' Hasta *' make 1 " Depa, " or fathom. Sparkle (148) Spin

f Gilang Sparkle, to gmilang

I Berchahia Sparrow, a Burong pipit Spasm Ranggut Do. (of the stomach) > Snak Spatter, to Perchekkan Spawn Tlor !Kata Speak, to Berchakap Bertutor

f Lembing , a \ Tombak Do., a (of wood) Sligi Do., a (stab) Tikam Specify, to Sebutkan Specimen, a Clionto Speckled Berintek Spectacles Chermin mata Speech (language) Bhasa Do. (address) Perkataan Speechless Ta'tau berkata lagi ( Lekas Speed < Dras

( Kaliijuan Spell, a (charm) Azimat* (Ar.) Do., to Ija Spend, to (money) Blanjakan Spendthrift^ a Orang boros Sphere Chakerwala Spice E,mpah-rmpah f Spider, a Laba-laba Spill, to Tumpah Spilt (in quantities) Berlpak-lpak Spin, to (weave) Tnun Do., to (make Pintal thread or rope) I I Do. a top, to Main g&sing

* Only used in a good sense. Commonly mean s the t ground up condiments which form the basis of a curry. Spine (149) Sprout Spine, the Tulang blakang Hantu Spirit, a (evil) < Jin (Ar.) Do., The Holy Iluh-al-kudus (Ar.) Do., (distilled) Arak (Ar.)

Spirited (courage- I Brani ous) { Gagah Spit, to (Trans.) Ludahkan Spiteful Yang mnaroh damdam Splash, to Perchekkan Spleen, the LimpMu filok Splendid < Yang mulia Splice, to Sambon2;kan Split, to Blahkan Ilosakkan Spoil, to (injure) < Binasakan Sponge, a Bunga karang Spoon, a Sendok Sport, (amusement) Permainan Spot, a (place) Tmpat Do., a (blot) Sa'titek

Do., a (imperfec- f Chachat tion) Chelah ( Spotted Berintek Spout, a (conduit) Panchoran Sprain, a Salah urat Sprained Tergliat Spray (foam) Mrchek Hamper Spread out, to Bentang Do., to (as a creeper) Melata Sprig, a (of a tree) Banting Spring, to Melompat Do., a Mata ayer Perchek Sprinkle, to < Seram Sprout, to Tumbuh Tunas Do., a n Puchok Spur ( ISO ) Stmge

f Pngut Spur, a | Pnggrtak Do., a Cock's (na-

> Susoli ayam . tural) Do., a (artificial) Taji Spurious Lancbong * f Tndang Spurn, to (kick) ( Sepak Solo Spy, a j ( Pnyolo ( Intei Do., to \ Menyolo (Berbising Squabble, to ( Berbantah Squall, a Bodong

( Membuang Squander, to ( Habiskan Square Ampat sagi Do., a Public Medan t Squat, to (as natives) Dadok bersila Squeak, to Gigir I As ( Mengapit Squeeze, to \ Prab

I Picbit Squint-eyed Mata juling Squirrel, a Tupei Squirt, to Loncbor Do., a Bomba (Port.) Stab, to Mnikam Stable, a (for cattle) Kandang Do., a (for horses) Bangsal kuda Stack, a (pile) Tambun Do., a (of padi) Jlapang Staff, a (for walking) Tongkat Stag, a Biisa jantan cT- Stage, a (platform) Balei

* See " Kick." It is a curious fact that though " Tendang-" is to kick with the sole of the foot, and " Sepak" with the top, " Sepak" is always used of animals, though they kick with the sole of the foot. " f Arabic Maidan." " J The uncomfortable feeling caused by hearing a squeaking noise Silu." Stagger (151) Statement

Stagger, to Hoyong Stagnant (not running) Tnang

) Chaehat Stain, a

j Choring Stairs Tangga Stake, a (of wood) Kayu pagar Do., a (in water) Panchang Do., to (bet) Bertaroh Stale (old) Lama Do. (gone bad) Busuk Stalk, a (stem) Batang Do., a (of leaf, > Tangkei fruit, or flower)

Stallion, a Kuda j an tan Stammer, to Gagap us\s Stamp, to (with foot) Henjakkan Do., to (with a seal) Tkan chap Stand to (as bristles) Sram Do., a (pedestal) Kaki Do. up, to Berdiri Sloka (Hind.) Stanza, a Sa'rangkap Star, a Bintang Do., a Shooting Chirit bintang Starboard (right > Kanan hand side) Starch Kanji (Sans.) Stare, to Pandang Start, to (with fear) Terkjut Do., (on a journey) Jalan Starving Mati lapr yl State (condition) Hal-ahual (Ar.) Do. (pomp) Kabsaran Do., a (country) Negri (Hind.) Do. (government) Kr&jaan ( K&takan State, to < Maalumkan

( Sbutkan Stated Tersbut Statement, a Perkataan Statement ( 152 ) Stick

Statement, a (com- ) Pngaduan plaint) ) Station (place) Tempat Pgangan Do., (office) | Pkerjaan Do., (rank) Pangkat Balei Do., (Police) | Rumah pasong Stay, to (wait) Mnanti Do., to (remain) Tinggal Steady (firm) Tetap Steal, to Mnchuri Steam Huap Kapal api Steamer Pnyuap Steel Baja Steelyard (for | Daching weighing) ) Steep Choram Do., to (soak) Endam Pgang kamudi Steer, to Kamudikan Steersman Jermudi * Batang Stem, a Tangkei Stench, a Bau busuk Step, a (pace) Sa'langkah Do., (of stairs) Anak tangga Do. by step Ta'teh Step-child Anak-tiri Step-father Bapa-tiri Stern (severe) Kras Do. of a ship Buritan Stick, a Kayu Do., a Pointed Ranjauf Do., a Walking Tongkat Do., to (poke) Chuchok Do. in, to (as a pole) Chachak Do., to (adhere) Lkat

* Contracted from "Juro kamudi." to stockade, or in ditches in time of f Small pointed sticks or irons need plant round a Caltrops, ^r&r. They are «sometimes poisoned and inflict a serious wound on bare limbs. Stick ( 133 ) Stop

Stick, to (meet an > Sangkut obstruction) Sticky Berlinder ( Tgang Stiff ( Kras Stifle, to Lmaskan

' Diam fit Still (quiet) Siinvi Lag! Do., J* (yet) (Juga Still-born Kababangan Sting (of an insect) l Sngat diU« Do., to Stingy Kikir Stipulate, to Berjanji Stir, to (intransitive) Bergrak Do., to (as in cook- I Kachaukan ing) Do. up, to Mmbangkitkan Stirrup B/kab (Sans.)

Stitch. , to (sew) Mnjait (mnjahit) Stock (stores) Barang-barang Stockade, a Kubu Stocking Sarong kaki Stocks, the Pasong Do., to put in the Pasongkan Stomach Prut Stone, a Batu Do. (of fruit) Biji Do., a Precious Permata Stone to death, to Hjam JK_rusi * Stool, a (chair) sT*> Stoop, to Tunduk Stop, to Berhnti f Do., (get in the I Adanj way of) *S ( Tgahkan Do., to (hinder) ( Mnahan Do., to (forbid) Larangkan

* Arabic " Kursi." Usually pronounced " Brecti," f Stop ( 154 ) Strangle

Stop, a (point in (Nakta(Ar.) Ja writing) (Titek (Tutupkan Stop up, to < Sekatkan t Ampangkan Do., to (staunch r Talian darah blood) ( Penyumbat Stopper, a ( Pemalam Store, a (plenty) Eanyak n Do., to (put away) {|™^ Storehouse Godong (Port.)

( Baran^-barang Stores (Alat Do. (provisions Bckal for journey) Storm, a Illbut Do., to (assault) LanggtT Storm at, to Gadohkan

f Cherita Story, a * ( Kesah Storey, a (of a house) 1 ingkat Stout (robust) Tegap Do. (fat) Gemok Stow, to (cargo, &c.) Muat Straight Lurus Strain, to (clarify) Tapiskan Strainer, a (filter) Tapisan Strait, a (of the sea) Slat Do. (difficulty) Kasukaran Straitened circum- Scsak stances Strand (sea shore) Pantei Stranded Tersangkut ( Jlcran Strange ( Terchengang Stranger, a (for- > Orang dagnng eigner) (Mengnjutkan Strangle, to (Menjeratkan

* Arabic " Kissah." Strap ( 135 ) Stroke

Strap, a Tali kulit filah Stratagem, a { Daia Straw Jr&mi Stray, to (as cattle) Ssat Streaked (as a tiger) Choreng Stream (current) Arus Do., Channel of a Alor Sungei Do. (river) Bat ang aver Do., a Tributary Anak ayer Do., Down- Hilir Do., to Go down- Do., Up- Hulu Do., to Go up- Mudik Strfeet, a Jalan Strength Kakufttan Do. (power) Kuasa Strengthen, to (a Kukohkan position) llentang Stretch, to ' .Tarek Do. out, to TJnjukkan (the hand) Strew, to Mnahor >? lu. Strict (severe) Kras Stride, a Sa'langkah Do. over, to Melangkah C Mmukol

) Gasak Strike, to Palu i Gochok * String Tali J'* Strip, to (peel) Kiipaskan Do., to (take off) Tanggalkan L* 5 Do., Easy to Ltkang ^3 Stripped (naked) Telanjang Sapu Stroke, to Gosok

* " Tumbok" "Gochok" with the fist. " Tamper" with the pnlm. k Tetak" with a sword. '* Tepok" to pat. ''Godam" to Btrike with a rattnii or stick. Stroll ( 1M) Substitute

Stroll, to Berj&lan-jalan vj^y. Strong Kuat <4i|y Do. (as wind) Kinchang £^i£ Do. (powerful) Berkuasa u* ]jtj Do. (pungent) Pdas ^jj Do. (as a current) Dras ^ja Do., to Make (fortify) Kiikohkan ^4£ Struggle, to Mlawan Strut, to (as a fowl) Mngigal Stubble (of padi) Tunggul jrami s^'-rr J->p^ ( Kras kpala Stubborn (Dgil Stud, a (button) Kanching baju JZ^V *-*£&£ Studded Bertatah akj} (Ar.) Student Anak murid ^j* ^ Stump of a tree Tunggul Stunned Pengsan ^i&*&* Stunted Terinchat

Lit, the beginning and end of it. Substitute (1ST) Sulphur

Substitut?, a Ganti s? C Potong ,<*y **»>> *?> Subtract, to (deduct]I \ Chabut (Tolak &» Succeed, to (take > Mngganti *"*>- the place) Succeed, to (answer > Mnjadi the purpose) Do., to (prosper) Beruntong i^ji Untong Success ( (Paidah (Ar.) Successful Bertuah &)yy. Succession Katurunan Jjjjt* Do, In Berganti-ganti rsT^l Successor Ganti ^ f Sperti Such (like) 1 Sarupa Do. (so) Dimikian ^pS^sS Suck, to Mngisap ±Ju»Jl* Suckle, to MnyiisuL K Suddenly Tiba-tiba Sue, to (in court) Berdaua \*£>6j> Suet Lmak &* Suffer, to (be in > Didalam siisah &~dy* Jud trouble) Do., to (endure) Tanggong t/* Do., to (permit) Biar ** . ( Chukup Sufficient ( Sudah Do., That is Sudah chukup t^J&y* &X~* Sugar Gula ' V Do. candy Gula batu yb S£ Do. cane Tcbu y Suicide Bunoh diri «^ "s- Suit, a (at law) Bichara j^. Do., a (of clothes) Persalinan kain ^ ^\^ji Suit, to Sa'tuju dengan ^j j*j*~* Suitor, a (wooer) Yang meminang £***"& f Raj ok Sulky iMukamasam Sulphur Balerang $*k Sultan ( 1S8 ) Supreme

Sultan Sultan (Ar.) Sum (total) Jmlah Sumatra Pulau Percha

Summer (dry j Musim panas

weather) i Kemarau Summit Kamunchak Summon, to Panggil Sun, the Matahari Do., to Dry in the Jmorkan Sunbeam, a Sinr Sunstroke, a Timpa mata hari f Hari ahad (Ar.) Sunday * ( Hari minggo Bagei-bagei Sundry ( ( Macham-maeham Sunrise Mata hari naik Sunset Mata hari jatoli Chin chu Supercargo f f (Tukang petak CMenjaga Superintend, to (Menunggu Superior (better) Lebih baik Superlative t »-»0 s Supernatural Sakti (Hind.) i r Superscription > Alamat (address) Supple Lento Supply, to (furnish) Brikan Support, to (prop) Sokongkan Do., to (en- C Tanggong dure) ( Menahan ( Fikir (Ar.) Suppose, to (Saugka Suppress, to (conceal) Smbimyikan Supreme Maha bsar

* Portuguese, adopted and understood in the Settlements. f Chinese, adopted and understood. % The superlative is formed by prefixing " ter" to the comparative, thue: good "baik," better "lebih baik," best " terlebih baik;" and bo "jahat," "Jebih jabat," "terlebih jahat," wicked, more wicked, most wicked. The superlative is also formed by prefixing " " u vang and adding ' skali " as yang baik skali," the best. Sure ( 159) Swelling

Tontu Sure (certain) Sah (Ar.) Harapan Do. (trusty) Kaperckayaan Surety Yang mcnjamin Surf Fickahan ombak Surface (top) Atas Surfeited Kennyang Dukun Surgeon 1 Bomo Surly Kascr Surplus Baki (Ar.) Do. (of food) Sisa Surprise, to (startle) Kjutkan Surprised Heran Surrender, to Srakkan diri Surround, to Kepongkan Suspect, to Mnarok skak Suspend, to (postpone) Gantongkan Suspense Gondak kati Swagger, to Menyombong diri Swallow, a Biirong laiaog-laiang Do., to Tlan Swamp, a Fiya Swan, a tTnaan Sa'kawan Swarm, a { Sa'puak Swear, to (take an > Bersimipak oath) Do., to (curse) Men-utu' Sweat Pluh Do., to (perspire) Berpluk Sweep, to Sapu yh La Sweeper, a (brusk) Fenyapu Sweet Manis Sweet-scented Wangi Sweetkeart, a Kakasik Sweetmeats Manisan Swell, to > Bengkak Swelling, a Swift ( 160 ) Talisman

( Laju Swift * ( Dras Swim, to Bernang Do., to (float) Timbul Swim, to (as the head) Pening ' Swine Babi Swing, to Buaikan Swoon Pengsan Pdang &JJ Sword ( (Sun dang f cjj Sais Syce, a (groom) u~>~ U S)r llah]e, a Kalimah (Ar.) Symptom Tanda IjuJ Syringe Bomba (Port.) T

Table, a Meja (Port.) Tack, a (nail) Paku kchil Bo., to (in sailing) Belok Tail, a kor Bo., a (queue) Tauchang (Ch.) Tailor, a Tukang jait (jahit) Take, to Ambil Bo., to (accept) Trima Bo., to (receive) Sambut Bo., to (snatch) Rabut Bo. away, to Bawa pergi Bo. care, to J&ga (Hind.) Bo. heed, to Ingat Bo. hold, to Pgang Bo. prisoner, to Tangkap Bo. up, to (lift) Angkat Bo. up and carry > Angkut away, to ( Cherita Tale, a ( Kissah (Ar.) Talisman, a Azimat (Ar.)

* See "Quick," "Rapid." t The " Sundang" is a Malay sword of several forms, straight or wavy, single or two- edged, but in all cases short. The commonest form is very like the ancient Roman sword. Tbe best are mad© in Sulu, Borneo, and Acheon, Talk (161) Tear

Talk, to Berchakap ±JS\s$j\ Banyak mulut a) Talkative y &b Pleter Tall Tinggi Tallow Lmak chair Tamarind, a Asam Jawa Rebana * Tambourine Gn dang* Tame Jinak Do., to Mnjinakkan Tan, to (hides) Samakkan Tangle, to Kosotkan Tank, a Kolam (Sans.) Tpok Tap, to (pat) Kto' Tape Pita bnang Tapir, the Tnok OS* Tar Minyak tarf Target, a (mark) Sasaran Tarnished, to Become Hilang chahia Task Pekerjaan Tassel, a Jambul Taste \ Basa Do.,to j Tasteless (insipid) Tawr Taunt, to Daiuskan Hasil (Ar.) Tax, a (impost) Chukei Do., to Chukeikan Kna hasil Taxed, to Be Kna chukei Tea (the leaf) Daun teh Do. (ready for drinking) JAyertehJ Teach, to Ajrkan Teacher, a Guru Teak Kayu jati Teal, a Burong blibis Tear, to Koiakkan

" " " The Rbana has only one face ; the Gndang" two or one.

\ Understood in the Straits Settlements only. " is pronounced if spelt " Te." In f Teh as the Peninsula often called '« Ayer hangut," Tears (162) Than

Tears Ayer mata c^sU ,jl\ Do., to Shed Mnangis ^~£\^ Tease, to Mngusik 3***^ Telegram, a Perkbabaran kawat ^^^j rj^^y ( Pukol kawat ^^ J^y Teiegrapb, to * ( Pukol telegrap c3^Jlj jsy Telescope Tropoug CfjS C Khabarkan ) Bri tau Tell, to (relate) ) Sebutkan ,\XJ ^wvd V. Achum f^' Temper (disposi- | Tabiat (Ar.) tion) ) Prangei ^V Do., to (metals) Sepobkan ^xJbjiL* Tempest, a Eibut UL*J*lj Temple, a (Malio- Masjid (Ar.) *»A43:'*v*'* medan) | Tempt, to CImba Ol^ Ten Sa'puloli <$Jj&~» Tenant, a Yang mSnyewa W^£ Tend, to (guard) Jaga (Hind.) cJv Tender (not bard) Lmbut (^jiL^) Do., to (make TAwr »* an offer) ] Tent, a Kliemah (Ar.) .

] Tepid Suam C y* Term ? Por what (time) Brapa lama ? s ] C y £ Terms ? On what Bagimana perjaujian? gt-Bj^ji ^W:% Terminate, to Berbntikan gfL^^&j} Terrified Takut *«/& ( Tanab f Territory (Negri (Hind.) Terror Katakutan ^yus Tesselated Tapak ebator jji^£i\i Testament (will) Wasiat (Ar.) Ut-^-DJ Do., Old Taurit $ «~oy Bri saksi Testify, to f \ Bersaksi Than DeripMa JOjvi

Understood in the Straits. <4 Tanah Prak " The territory of Poruk; 'T^iiah. Malaka» " Malacca territory. See "Bible," Thank ( 168 ) Thicket

Thank, to Trima k&sih * That, Those Itu Do., In order Spaya Do. is to say, ( Ia-itu (viz.) ( Iani Do. which Yang & Thateh Atap sjI The f Theatre Panggong w&yang Theft Kachurian Their Dia punya J f Ta'kala itu § Then (at that time) < Waktu itu

( Ktika itu Do. (next) Kenidiau Thence Deri situ

f Disitu There I Disana Sbb itu j Therefore < Karana itu

( Akan fasal itu ( Setiah Thereupon ( Setiah sudah itu # These Ini Dia They \ Dia orang ( Marika itu Thick Tbal Do. (in consistency) Keutal Blukr Thicket, a J || ( Smak

* Lit., "Receive my kind regards," an expression adopted from Europeans as the equivalent of " thank you," but until lately unknown to Malays. Amongst Malays in the Peninsula a common expression is " minta miiaf " which means " Pardon me for receiving a favour for which I can make no adequate return." Also used in the sense of the ordinary English " Pardon me." " ;" f Has no real equivalent in Malay. Bring the child, is translated Bawa anak Bring that child, " Bawa anak itu;" Bring a child "Bawa satu anak." In some cases "the" is rendered by " yang," as, Bring another " Bawa lain," or " Bawa ]agi satu," Bring the other " Bawa yang lain itu." The latter " Yang kemdian;" The former " Yang dulu," and so on. % See '* His." Their land " Tanah dia " or " Tanah dia orang " or " Tanah marika." § Contracted from " Tetakala," and that from " Tntu kala." Primeval jungle is " " " ;" grow.th when it has || Utan rimba or Utan bcear secondary reached a good height " Biuker " or " Utan biuker ;" and low bushc.i " Smuk " or " Utan kechil," Thief (164) Thrash

( Pncburi Thief, a | Kawr CPauh Thigh, the (Paha Thimble, a Sarong jari Thin (not thick) Nipis Do. (lean) Kurus ( Barang Thing, a (article) \ Bnda Do., a (affair) Perkara (Hind.) Do., a (imple- CAlat «J I ment) \ Perkakas Do., a (vessel) Bkas Things (effects, Baransr-baran^ luggage) } Do. (property) Herta bnda fFikir (Ar.) Think, to j Sangka ( Kira Third Ka'tiga Thirdly Pasal yang ka'tiga Thirsty ( Haus ( Diihga Do., Blood- Bingis This Ini Thorn, a Duri Thorough Rata * Thou Angkau f Thought I Eikiran

( Sangka Thoughtful Ilajin Lalei Thoughtless | J" Alpa j Thousand, Bibu Do., A Sa'ribu Do., Ten Sa'laksa Thrash, to PukolJ Do. grain, to Mngirit §

* Make a thorough search, " Mnohari rata rata," " t See You." t See » Strike." § Trodden bj the feef?. g

Tlireatl (165) licklish

Thread Benan Bri takut Threaten, j to jUgut Three Tiga Do. quarters Tiga suku Do. times Tiga kali Bndul pintu Threshold - Drni pintu Thrifty Ilemat Throat (inside) Ilengkong Do. (neck) Leber Throb, to Berdber Throne Singghasana (Sans.) Throng, a Kumpulan orang

Through (penetra- ( Tmbus

ted) ( Lantas Do. (by (Criih means of) (Ulihsbb

\ Lemper Throw, to

I Lotr

( Buangkan Do. away, to ( Champakkan Do. down, to Kubohkan Thrust, to (insert Sisipkan between) jTikam Do., to (stab) ( Chuchokkan Do., to (push) Tolakkan Thumb, the Ibu jari Thunder Guroh Thursday Hari khamis (Ar.) o~~^^J I* Thus ( Bagini ( Diraikian Thy (Kutu lembu Tick (vermin)

I Sngknet Glikan Tickle, to (Trans.) j j Chuchokkan (Gli Ticklish

I Latahf * See " Your, t Usually applied to parsons afflicted by a curious nervous complaint which impels them to do whatever they are told however ridiculous or painful to themselves. )

Tide ( we Tin

Tide (current) Arus Tailing Aver surut Do., A V Do., Rising Ayer pasang * Do., Slack Ayer tnang Tides, the Pasang surut Tidings Khabar (Ar.)

\ Mmbtuikan Tidv, to make 1 Aturkan Tie, to Ikat Do., to (as in a cloth) Simpulkan Do up, to (as a boat Tambatkan or animal) Tier, a Tingkat Harimau ( Tiger, a Rimau Machan (Jav.) Tight Ktat Do. (close together) llapat Tile, a Gnting Hengga Till (until) Ilengga sampei Sampei <*?*** Do. the soil, to Mnggali tanah S I? ^J l&U Timber Kayu 'Waktu (Ar.) Time Masa .Kala (Hind.) [Krap kali (Hind.) Do. after time > Slalu jlVkala (tiakala) Do., At the

j Ktika jZemaii dahulu Do., Olden ( Dahulu kala Times Kali Timid TAkut Tin Timah f Do. ore Biji timah % Do. sheeting Timah putih 6) »i &t*J

* Top of high, water " Paeang pnoh." Dead low water " Surut timpae." f A tin mine "Lumborjg timah." The tin -bearing stratum "Karang." To excavate this tin-bearing earth " Angkat karaiig." To emelt tin " Masak," or " Puput timah." \ Pronounced " Bijeh " in this sense only. Tinsel ( 167 ) Tooth

Tinsel Prada (Port.) Tip "Ojong Tiptoe, on Berjenske' s? Tipsy MAbok"

( Letch Tired

[ Jranat Title Gelaran Do., to Give a Gelarkan To Pada* Si To (where there * 1 Ka is motion) Toad Katak puru Toast lloti panggang Tobacco Tmbakau

f Sa'hari ini To-day oil <*j^ ( Ini hari Toddy (palm juice) Tuak Toe Jari kaki Do., Great Ibu kaki Sama sama Together f I Serta Toil, to Kerjakan Tanda )Sj3 Token, a f lAiamat (Ar,) Tolerable Lbih kurang Toll, a (impost) Chukei Tomb, a Kubor (Ar.) sok To-morrow f f 1 Bsok Tone (sound) Bunyi Tongs Peiiypit Tongue (the menber) Lidah Too (also) Jitga ( Amat Do. (excessive) ( Terlampau Tool Perkakas Tooth Gigi Do., Eye Gigi taring Do., Eront Gigi sri

." •* *- Giveyxive toco himiiiui " BagiJoagi padapaaa diaaia Gouo to Singapore " rergiJ Jsa omgapura. t The day after to-morrow "Lnsa;" Two days after to-morrow " Tulat;" Three days after f,o-morrow days after "Tangling;" Four days after to-morrow " Bsrulatj" Five to-morrowt M {3ixSix daysdavs h^nce,hence. * Tai anjing,"arriincr." Tooth ( 168 ) Town * Tooth, Grinder Gerham ^ <>*£ Do., to Pile the Mrpang gigi *££ £Zf Toothache Sakit gigi ^C£ u^Lo Tooth-brush Psiigi <£y~* Tooth-pick Pnyungkil gigi Kpala j^^jf Top, the J^ Atas u~*' Kamunchak ^3^-*^ Bo. (of a hill) Puehok c5^y Do. (roof of a house) Bumbong &*** Do., a (cover) Tudongan Topaz, a (the stone) Manikam kuning Topmast Tiang pengapoh &3 \&J> iLJ Darner y\6 Torch, a Penyuloh &£y+? Jamong h"\ Torment, to (teaze) tJsikkan ^xiL«vo*l Tortoise, a Kura-kura rV Torture Sangsara f |^L*JU* Toss, to Lambong br^ Do. (as a bull) Julang cf* Total, the Jmlah

* Sound the " h ". f To stone to death " Rjam." Death by impaling " Sula." " J "Dia mari sa'blah sahya He is coming towards me. *• Haluannya tuju ka'Singapura" The prow was pointed towards Singapore. understood in Straits Settlements, I Well the Toy ( 169 ) Transverse

Toy, a Barang permainan Track, a (foot-mark) Bekas kaki Do., to Menurut bekas kaki ^IS'jJCj^;^

f Rantau Tract of land, a \ Jejaban Trace, a (harness) Jut (Hind.) t^i^jC^ Do., to (draw) Turut . J^ Trade Perniagaiin &^s> Do., to Berniaga <—^v^ Trader, a Sodagr «§|J|*~9 Tradition, a Cherita &J& Traduce, to Mngiipat &yl* Train (suite, fol- f Karapatan cT31/ lowers) \ Pengiring .e^*3 Training Plajran d%*> Traitor, a Orang drahka «-M&JJ £jjl

[ Pijakkan Trample, to \ Irekkan Do., to (in anger) Henjakkau ^jS&ssaA Trance, In a Pengsan ^^Ah Tranquil (calm) Tedoh SjjJ Do. (quiet, re- f Sunyi <£>? tired) ( Nyaman ^ Tranquility (rest ( Ka'senangan a£l~S and quiet) ( Sntosa W%aiXJL*a Transaction Perkara (Hind.) Iptfji Transcribe, to (copy) Salin o*!u Transfer, to Srahkan kapada Js&£ (J^^J^ Transfix, to (stab) Tikamkan &&£tr Transformed Mnjlma* Usi^-^ Transgress, to Inker j&i C Salin ka'dalam JU£ ^JLo Translate, < bhasa o*^'. (Terjeraahkan isf&^y Transparent (clear) Jrneh di^, Transplant, to Pindahkan ^JbJo^ Transport, to (banish) Buangkan *P>b Transpose, to Tukr /y Transverse Terlintang ciJ/ * As by the dootrine of Pythagoras, Trap ( 170 ) Triek

Trap, a (generally) i Perangkap Do., a (lor vermin)

\ Jebak Do., a (for birds) ( Serkap Do., a (for beasts) Plubang f Bubu

Do., a (for fish) I Lokah

I Srkap ^JS Trash (spoken) Sia-sia Do. (quite worthless) Tai angin

i Berjalan Travel, to j£Ji

j Berangkat Tray, a (metal) Talam J* Do., a (wood) Dulang 4 .Treacle Manisan tbu Tread, to Pijak Treason Drahka Treasure (money) Wang Treasurer, a Bendahara Treasury Khazanah (Ar.) Treat ill, to 13 at ta'baik dngan

( Buat baik dengan Do. well, to | Mensfhormatkan (Perjanjian Treaty (Triti*(Eng.)

I Poko' kavu Tree { Pohun kAyu Tremble, to Mngliter f Trench, a P4rit Trial, a (experiment) Kachubaiin Do., a (judicial) Bichara Triangle, a Tiga sagi Tribe (parly) Pehak Do. (race) Bangsa ( Tailok (Ar.) Tributary to ( Dib&wah

Tribute Ufti t (Hind.) Trick, a D&ia Do., to Kechoh

* Very generally understood. t See " Quake." * The usual tribute, with Malays, paid by a subject St ate to a Suzerain is a golden flow? 4< elf " Bunga mas» " or gold and siJhrer flowers Bunga raas dan perak, Trickle ( ltl ) Tmisty

Trickle, to Mlleh AX» Do., to (by drops) * Mnitek Trifling (unimport- I Tidak mngapa tant) Trigger (of gun) Pichu * Trim, to (clip) Mrepang Trinkets (jewellery) Barang-barang mas Trip, to (stumble) Sarok Sjj L. Tripod, to (used to place pots on Tungku J&J? when cooking) Troop, a (company) Pasok ( Susah. Trouble (afflic- Kasiisahan tion) ]

Trust-property Wakaf % (Ar.) Trusty j Ilarapan

( Kaperchayaan

* Not Malay, adopted and understood. t Only used of small boxes, probably derived from " Kalnm " (Arabic) a pen, and " dan " (Persian) a box: thus the whole word would mean "writing box or ease.'* " " t Wakaf is property devoted to religious or charitable u?es. Such property is usually placed in the hands of trustees for administration. The gift i» in most eaB* s accompanied by a document stating the purposes for which the property is given. Truth ( IV» ) Tusk

Truth Bnar Yang bnar Try, to Chuba Do., to (judicially) Bicharakan Tub, a Tong Tropong Tube, a Laras Singsingkan* Tuck up, to * Selakkan ^X3X^. Tuesday Hari salasa or thalasa (Ar.) ,1J SS> I* Tukan, a (hornbill) Burong enggang Jatoh Tumble, to f Tumbang Tumour, a Busong Tumult, a Grmpr Tune, a Hagam (Sans.) Turban, a Srban (Ar.) Turbid Kroh Turk, a Orang Tiirki Turmeric Kimyit Turn, to (become) Mnjadi s? Do., to (change Masok of religion) Balik Do., to (return) Jb Piilang Do., to (as a mill) Putrkan A* Do., to (roll over) Gulin°; Do., to (as the tide) Beraleh Peehatkan Do. out, to Buangkan

Do. over, to (Trans.) Biilikkan { Do. round, to (Trans.) Piisingkan|

Do. the head, to - Palingkan Pnyu Turtle, a (sea) Kfitong • is* Do., a (river) Tuntong Turtle-dove, a Tekiikor Tusk (of the boar) Siong Do. (of elephant) Gadin<*

* " " Singsingkan to turn up, a 3 the sleeves or trowsers. " Selakkan " to lift up, as the sarong. " f To tumble-—of persons "Jatoh or " Rebah;" of trees " Jatoh" or " Tumbanhkan;" of persons " Jatohkan " or " Rebalikan." " " J If intransitive, then B&lik" and " Pusing or " Piling," Twelve ( 1V3 ) Vneertion

Twelve Dftablas Twenty Dua piiloh b* Twice I>ua kali K !„>

Udder, an Susu Ugly Iliidoh Ulcer, an Puru Umbrella, an Payong Umpire, an Orang tngah Tlada biilih Unable Iiada bcrkuasa Ta'larat Unanimous f Sa'pakat iBulat Unarmed Tiada berscnjata Unawares Tiada sa'tahu Unbaked Mantali Unbecoming Tidak patut Unbeliever, an Mo- ther than Ma- Kafir (Ar.) y \s homedan) Unceasing Ta'berhenti sjW Uncertain Ta'tentu r* Do. (irresolute) Bimbang £**•}

* Clearly the same word as the preceding one, but the difference in pronunciation of the last syllable is marked, Uncivil ( ltd ) Unhealthy

( Kurang Uncivil hormafc \ Kasr Uncivilised Liar Bapa sudara Uncle J \ Pa'su Uncommon (rare) Indah Do. (seldom) Jarang Uncover, to Buka Tanah kosong Uncultivated f land * \ T&nah rang Under (less than) Kurang deripada Undermost Yang dibawah skali Underneath Dibawah Mngerti Understand, to Feham (Ar.) Undertake, to Mnanggong Underwood Smak Do. (secondary Biuker jungle) } Undo, to Buka Undoubted f Tntu ( Sah (Ar.) Undress (distin- guished from V Kain preman f uniform) ( Biika kain Do., to oi KK. ( Tlanjangkan ( Mushkil (Ar.) Uneasy (troubled) ( Susah Unemployed Tilda bkerja (berkerja) Unequal Tiada sama Uneven (odd) Ganjil Unexpectedly Tiba-tiba Unfair Tiada pa tut Unfold, to (unfurl) Buka Unfrequented Sunyi

Unhappy S 11 sah hati Unhealthy (of Tern pat pnyakit places) { Tiada aman (Ar.)

* Cultivated land, "Tanah rap." English'" free Malayified f man" ; well understood in the Straits Settlements, )

Uniform ( im Vp

Uniform (alike) Sa'rupa £jj- f Kosong Uninhabited £*/ Sunyi \ fr* Unite, to (join) Satukan O^SL.

( Alam (Ar.) Universe, the Jlp ) Bumi dan langit i£ij± ( Tiada Unjust betul (Tiadci adil (Ar.) Unlade, to Punggah Unlawful Haram* (Ar.) Unless Mlainkan Unlucky Nasib chelaka ^JJU Unmarried BiVjang Unmerciful Bingis Unnecessary, It is Tiadii mcngapa Unripe Mudaf Unsheath, to Chabutkan Bergdyang Unsteady (shaky) Tidak tetap Untangle, to (un- j Ureikan tie) \ Buka Hengga Until j \ Sampei Unto Pa da Untold (countless) Tiada terbilang Bohong Untrue Dosta Unusual Jarang Unwilling Ta'mau Kurang akal Unwise J \ Bodoh Unworthy Tiada berfaidah Up (above) Atas Do. and down Naik turun (Bla Do., to Bring Plhera ( Do., to Go Naik Do. to Climb Panjat

* Forbidden by Mahotnmedan law. - t Speaking of fruits, unripe is " Mudaj ' the next stage " Tua;" ripe " Masak;" over-rios "Rauum," * Vp ( 176 ) Utterly Bangun to Get Up, Bangkit Do., to Set Dirikan Do., to Pull (as a Menehabut weed) Do., to Stand Berdiri Do., to Wake Jaga (Hind.) Do. country (in- Hulu terior) Do. to Sampei Upon Diatas r Upper, the Yang diatas Upright (straight up) Terdiri Do. (morally) Btul Tertiarap A* Upside down < Terbalik Do., to Turn a thing Balikkan Upwards Ka'atas Urge, to Ajokkan Urine Ayer knching Us Kita* Usage idat Use Guna Do., to P&kei Bi&sa Used to Lazim (Ar.) Useful Berguna Useless TlMa berguna Uselessly Perchuma Usual Adat Usually (often) Selalu Alat Utensil, a Perkakas Bekas Utter, to (articulate) Mengvichap Habis f Utterly Skali

* See "We." " f Utterly burnt down" Habis terbakerj" utterly useless Ta'berguna fckali." a

Vacant (177 ) Velvet V

Vacant Kosong Vacation (leave of Chuti (Hind.) absence) Vagabond, Orang bangsat Vain Kachak i^

f Perchuma Do., In \ Sia-sia Valiant Brani Valley, a Lmbah Valuable Berherga Value Herga Do., to Nileikan ( Hilang Vanish, di mata to (Lmyap Vanquish, to Alahkan Vapour Huap Variable (in dis- > Ta'tentu lakunya position) v/ s Variance, to be at Berselisih (\A Pa^y concealing the features. f ^ WOrn ? W°men Wh° haYG erformed the pilgrimage and wliieh leaves only the eUs vi^ble P •f Understood in the Straits. Venerate ( 178 ) Vigilant

Venerate» to (as a > Hormatkan child it parent) Venereal disease Pnyakit karang Venison Daging riisa Venom Bisa Venomous } Venture, to Chuba Verandah Srambi Verge, the (edge| Tpi Verify, to (examiiie) Preksakan Verily Nschaya (Hind.) Vernacular, Malay Jawi Verse Shar (Ar.) fTerlalu* 3 Terlampau * Very * j Sangat ISMli* Vessel, a Bkas Do., a (ship) Kapal Veteran, a Orang tua Vex, to Mnyusahkan Do., to (tease) tTsikkan ( Susah Vexatious ( Malang f ( Bergnter Vibrate, to ( Berggak Vice Kajahatan &*< Vicious Jahat ( Ganti Raja Viceroy (Wakilmetalak (Ar.) ( Yang mnang Victorious \ Hrazi (Ar.) ( M&kan minum Victuals ( Aiapan r Ia-itu Videlicet (viz.) \Iani (Ar.) View, to (look at) Pandang Vigilant Raj in mnjaga

* " " " Terlalu," and Terlampau are placed before the adjective, and " Skali " after it. " " Sangat is placed either before or after the adjective, but usually the latter. '• " t Malang is a strong word in its true meaning, but ie often used in a lighter sense where we should say *• vexatious." Vigorous ( 179 ) Vowel

Vigorous Kuat uoijl Vile (wicked) Jahat «^.^ Do. (filthy) Njis (Ar.) u~&£ fKampong £>M Village, a * { Pkan e<* Villain, a Orang jahat «^.^ £jj) ( Bnarkan Vindicate, to *f^\ \ Mnrangkan ^^s>y^ Vindictive Yang mnaroh damdam Y^ &j^ £* Vine (grape) Poko' anggor j^s>\ *j£j* Do. (creeping plant) Poko' raelata «-^^ j£y Vinegar Chuka Violate, to (ravish) Jliigul Violence Kakrasan Violin Biola (Port.) Do. (Malay) Rehab f Anak darah Virgin, a 1 Anak orang Visible Bulih nampak Do. (plain) Nyata Visit, to Melawat Visit, to (call in at) Singgah ( Perdana mantri (Sans.) ^y^ o ,u> Vizier ( Wazir al atham (Ar.) Voice Suara Void (empty) Kosong Do., to Berak berapi Volcano Gimong' Volume (of a jjilidf book) ( Kpala Dengan'suka <^j~> Voluntarily i ^ (Sliaja % Vomit, to Muntah Vouch for, to Mngaku Vow, to Sumpah Vowel marks Baris

f Fatahah (Ar.) Do. (upper) ( Baris diatas ^1

* Properly a place where things are bought and sold, and therefore usually npplied to a small town. f Arabic, lit means leather. Tiada 6rang panggil, ehaja sahya datang^ Nq one called me, I e$me of my own accord. Vowel (ISO). Wane

f Ksrah (Ar.) Vowel (lower) ( Baris dibawah ( Thmah * (Ar.) Do. (in front) (Baris didapan Voyage Playran Vulgar (of low ( Orang hina degree) \ Orang kabanyakkan Vulnerable Tiada kbal Vulture, a Burong nascr (Ar.) w

"Wade, to Merandok ( Berjalan terkndek- Waddle, to | kndek Wag the tail, to Goyang ekor f Wage war, to Berprang Wager (stake) Pertarohan Wages Gaji Do. (hire) Upah Do. (allowance) Blanja Waggon, Bullock Krta lmbu Waist, the Pinggang f Mnanti Wait, to ( Tunggu Do., to Lie in ndap Wake, to (transitive) Grakkan Do., to (intransitive) Jaga (Hind.) ~ " Walk, a Perjalanan* Do., to Berjalan f Ternbok Wall, a < Binding batu

I Kota (Hind.) Wallow, to Berkubang Wan Puehat Wand, a Tongkat ianibei Wane, to (of the > Bulan mngurang moon) IJ>

* " Pronounce th as in ".the. , " " " f To switch the tail to keep off flies, Kibae or Kbas." Want (181 ) Watch fMau Want, to (require) X Handak Do., to (pine for) Hindu Wanting Kurang ( Prang War is* X Pprangan Do., to Make Berprang Ward off, to (parry) Mnangkis Warder, a Pnunggu Wardrobe, a Alm&ri * (Port.) Warehouse, a Gdong . &£ Wares ( Barang-barang X Dagangan Watm (of natural Panas heat) | Do. (artificial Hangat heat) j Do., Luke- Suam Warn, to Mengingatkan Warped (become fMelekok bent) iMlngkong Warrant, a (of court) Waren f Wart, a Mata ikan

Was Ada $ Wash, to Basohkan Do., to (bathe) Mandikan Do., to (clean) Chuchikan !Orang menyuehi Washerman, a kain Dhobi (Hind.) c Krawei Wasp, a § X Tabuan Waste, to (throw f Habiskan away) tChampakkan f Rosakkan Do., to (destroy) iBinasakan Watch, a Jam (Pers.)

* Well understood in the Straits. f EngL'sh adopted, but well^undei stood throughout the Settlements. " " " J I was th3i*e sahya pun ada disitu." Very often there is no equivalent for was in " ?" " ?" ** Malay, was h 5 mad Gilakah dia No, he was only drunk, Tidak, dia mabok shaja. § *• Krawei " have their nests in the ground, " Tabuau " in the trees. Watch ( 182 ) Waylay

fMenj&ga Watch, to Mnunggu XL* Mngawal Watchful, Be J&ga baik baik rOrangjaga Watchman, a \PengAwal Watchword Smboian Water Ayer Do., to (as plants) Sram Do., Brackish Ayer p&yau Do., Fresh Ayer t&wr Do., High P&sang pnoh Do., Low Surut timpas Do., Salt Ayer masin Water-bucket Timba Water-carrier Tukang ayer *\ & Water-fall Ayer terjun Water-lily Tratei Water-melon Mandlikei < ^ Water-pot Buyong * Water-spout Puting bliong Water-tub Tong 4yer Water-worm Kapang Watery- Chaicr Wattled P&gar s&sak c Ombak Wave, a \Glumbang Do., to Lambeikan Wavering Bimbang Wavy (undulating) Berombak-ombak Wax Lilin Do. ear Tahi tlinga Do., Sealing Lak t (Hind.) Way, a (road, me- \ Jalan thod) Do., High Jalan r&ia Do., In this (thus) Bagini Waylay, to (lie in ndap wait for) |

* See " Jug." f Sonnd the &• Waylay (183) Weights

Waylay, to (rob) S&mim Wayward Ta'tentu halnya j^ "II CKita We IKami* fUzor (Ar.) Weak (feeble) iLmah Wealth Kakayaan Wealthy Kaya Wean, to Chrei susu y*r Weapon, a Snjata Wear, to Pakei Wearing apparel Pakaien Weary ( Panat \ Lteh Weather Musim Do., Tine Chuacha baik f Tanda an gin Weather-cock lAngin-angin Weave, to Tnun Web, a Kain di papan gulong Do., Spider's Strang laba-laba fKawinf (Pers.) Wedding, a tNikah (Ar.) Wedge, a Baji^ Wednesday Hari rabu jib ^j^ r Satu minggo Week, a I iSatu jmaat (Ar.) Weep, to Mnangis

Weevil, a Bubo' § yjt Weigh, to Timbang Do. anchor, to Bungkr sauh Weight Brat || ( Batu timbangan Weights (for < Kati^f scales) J* ( Paun (Eng.)

* Usually used by a Malay ruler when speaking of himself. The word is also commonly used to express " we " in ordinary conversation. f See " Marry." t Adopted from the Portuguese, and well understood, but the Malays usually speak of " Tujoh hari," seven days, and so on for other periods of time, § See "Maggot." What weight is " II it ? Brapa bratnya." f If the article is weighed by catties (kati) the weighs are " Satu iati," " Stengah ka- ti ' and so on, but if weighed by avoirdupois then the English word is adopted and the; weights are *• Satu Paun " (1 lb) &c. WeiffMB ( 184 ) When

Weights (for f Batu d&ching

steelyard) ( Anak daehing Welcome ( Salamat datang ( Sila {lit. Invite) ( Bri salamat r Do., to ( Silakan Do., to (receive) Samhut Welfare Kabjikan rPrigi Well, a iTlaga (Hind.) lias Shat (Ar.) Do. (in health) f (Baik Do. (good) Baik f Bangsa Well-bred baik iAnak baik Do. (polite) Siipan vfj- Well-done rlok 1 Bagus Went West Barat f

; Do., North- Barat laut Do., South- Barat daia Wet B&sah Do. through Linchun Whale, a Ik an paus Wharf, a Jmbatan What Apa Do. for? ; (why) A pa sbb ? •What's his name, Mr. Tuan anu Whatever Barang &pa Wheat /Gandum (Per.) ITrigu (Port.) As Wheel, a Boda (Sans.) fBila When J Apabila 1 Apakala vManakMa JlflC fTa'kala Do., At the time j Waktu (Ar.) C Ktika

" *Vide Go." He warfclaut Night, " Sa'malam dia ialan." For" t Westerly "&o, Bee "South." . Whence (185 ) WJioever Whence Deri mana C Dimana * Where < Mana ( Ka'mana Do., Every - Ilata-rata ( Mana-mana Wherever \ Barang dimana Whet, to (sharpen) Mngasah Do., to (burnish) Chaneikan Whether Jikalau f Whetstone Batu png&sah Whey Ayer dadeh Which Yang Which? (interroga- \ Yang m&na ? tively) Whichever Barang mana f Samintara J \ Waktu (Ar.) Whilst Sa'lama J v^Sammjak Whine (of a dog) Bertriak 'MP* fChabok(Port.) Whip, a IChamti § Do., to Pukol dngan ehabok Whirl, to Prising Do., to (of water) Pusr Whirlpool, a Pusaran ayer Whirlwind, ft Angin piiting bliong Whiskers Tali tudong Whisper, to Bisek , to Bersiol White Puteh Whitewash Ayer kapor Whither Ka'mana Whiz, to Berdngong Who Yang t- Who? (interrogatively) Siapa? Whoever Barang siapa

* Where did you meet him ? " Dimana kau berjumpa dia ? Where are you going ? " Tuan handak ka'mana?" Where there is motion, use " ka'rn&na." " f Vide If." i " Selang satu hari," Every other day. " Selang tiga hari," Every third day, &c. | Hot Malay, adopted. Whole ( 186 ) Wily

Whole ( Smua \y*+A ( Blaka Bo. (total) Jemlah Whose Siapa punya * rAuatf Why j A pa sebb Apa fasal J V Mn^apa Wick, a Sumbu Wicked Jahat Wickedness Kajahatan Wicker work (of > Rotan rattan) \ Wide (spacious) Luas Do. (broad) Leber Do. apart Jarang Lebrkan Widen, to f i Lapangkan Widow, a Janda Widower, a Birjang Width Lebernva ( Bini Istri Wi^e ] (Hind.) ( Prempuan Wig, a Chmara || Wild tTtan § Do. (untamed) Liar f Crane: utaii Zjy Sakei \

\ Semang Do. tribes Crang biikit M^^y, j Jakun j \S\* LHudei Sladang Do. cattle f \ Sapi Wily Chrdek

* See " His." " f Contracted from Apa buat." J A cane ehau *' Krasd rotan."

|j Adopted from Hindustani. " " " " § See Thicket." A wild man 6xm$ utan j a wild fruit buah ton." Wilful ( 18V ) Wise

Kras kepala Wilful ( iSngaja Will, a (testament) Wasiat (Ar.) Do. (mean to) Mau * rBulih Dj. (future) iNanti Willing Suka Win, to Menansc Wind Angin Do., a Storm of llibut fLengkerkan f Do., to (as string) \ Lilitkan Do., to (roll up) Gulong 2£ Do. up a clock, to Kunchikan Windlass, a Putaran Window Tingkap Do. (Venetian) Jindela (Port.) Windpipe, the Ren^kong Wine Anggor (Pers.) Wing (of a bird) Saiap ( Kejip Wink, a ( lsharat mata ( Bri isharat m&ta Do., to X Kjipkan mata too v« Y^Ji^sS Winner, the Yang mnang Winnow, to Mngirei Winter (cold season) Musim din gin Wipe, to Sapukan ( Kawat Wire X Dawei Wisdom ( Akal (Ar.) X Pngtahuan Do. (learning) Elmu (Ar.) f Bijaksana Wise < Pandei ^>

(_ Berakal Do. (learned) AlimJ (Ar.)

* I don't care I will do it, " Sahya ta'feduli, sahya mau juga buat." Will you go ? "Bulihkah Tuan pergi ?" In a moment I will go. " Sa'banterlaginantisa'iya pergi." Are " you willing? Sukakah ?" All are willing. ' Semua oron

Wish, a (desire) Kahandak Handak

Bo. i to (want) Man Suka Wit Akal (Ar.) Dngan * With Sama Srta Withdraw, to (retire) Balik Do., to (give *) Undor way) " ) Withered Layu Within Didalam Without (outside) Diliiar Do. (not with) Dngan tiada Withstand, to Menahan Witness, a Saksi Do. to Bear Bri saksi Pandei berehakap Witty | Bijak Woman Prempiian Do. (female) Btina " Hran Wonderful < Terchngang

. Ajaib (Ar.) Won't (will not) Tidak mau Wood (timber) Kayu Wool Bulu biri-biri Woolly-haired llambut krinting Word, a Perkataan Do., One Sa'patah perkataan f Kerja Work ( jaan Workmanship 1 Perbu atan Work, to Bekerja (Berkerja) Workman, a (artizan) Txikang World, the Diinia Do., the (the globe) Biimi

* With a knife, " Denuan pisau." He came with me, " Dia datamr bereama dengan sah- ja." Prak and all its provinces, "Negri Prak serta dngan eekalian tailoknya." f In conversation it is usual to omit "Perkataan" the context preventing misunder-i standing. ! !

Worn ( 189 ) Writer

Worn (shabby) Burok Do. (used) Sudah pakei "Worse (more wicked) Lebih jahat

/ 4. t ( Kuran? baik deri- Do. (not so good » jjja p4da <-%\)M ?jj£ as) (. Lebih burok Memirji Worship, to | i Sembah kapada Worthy (good) Baik Would Wound, a Liika by Do., to Mlukakan Do., to Receive a Kena liika isjp US Wounded Sudah luka Bertenker Wrangle, to f IBerraaki-naaki Wrap, to Babat (-Balutkan Wrap up, to f 1'Bungkuskan Wrath Marah J Wreak vengeance, to Balas s:una Wreath, a (of flowers) Karangun bunga Do., to (twine) Karang k e-> Wreck, a Ship- Pichahan kapal Wrecked Sudah pichah Wrestle, to Bergomul Wretch Chefcka

Wretched (distressed) Susah hati 5nib duet s? Wriggle, to (as a | Mnjulor snake) \ Menjalr Wring, to (as linen) Prahkan Wrinkle, a Krot ( Perglangan Wrist, the (Buku tangan fTulis Write, to < Mnulis ( Mnyurat Writer, a (scribe) Jurotulis

* Sae" Will." I would do it, but, «• Saya suka membuat, tiapi." I would have killed him, but he ran away, " Sahya mail bunoh dia, ttapi dia lari." f " Balutkan " to wrap up as furniture. " Bungkuskan " to make up a parcel or bundle. % See " Anger," Writing ( WO ) Yesterday Writing, a Surat 6J^ * f Mngherut Writhe, to iMengsrliat Written Terttdis

Do., a (sin, ( Dosa crime) t Sal ah Do. another, to Aniayakan Wrv Herat

rtTbi Acheh Yam, a ItTbi gadong fSatuelaf (Port.) Yard, a (the < Sten^ah dpa measure) f Tiga kaki «/* Do., a Court- Halaman Yarn (thread) Benang Yawn, to Menguap

6 15 Year, a Taun t (tahun) o> o^ Do., Once a Sa'taun skali Yearly Tiap tiap taun Yearn for, to Merindukan Yeast Ragi § Yell, to Bertriak Yellow Kuning Do. Light- Perang Yelp, to (as a dog) Bertriak Yes Ya Yesterday Klmarin || Do., * The day > Klmarin dulu before

* Sound the "h." f Atopted and understood, but the Malays usually measure with this table:—2 Jengkal make 1 Hast a, 4 Hast a make 1 Depa (a fathom or 6 feet), % The Malays have adopted the Mahomedon year of 12 morths. § "Tuak " from the cocoa-nut tree supplies the place of yeast here. Last night, ** Sa'malum." " Kelmarin"is also used to || express any indefinite time past. —" feome time ago." ' ) —

Yet r wi Zodiac Yet * Yet, Not Billum "funduk Yield, to (submit) Serahkan diri Yoke (of bullocks, Ko' &c.) Yolk of an eg-ar Merali telor J> Yonder f Disana 1 Disitu Yore, Of Dulu kala

; Tuan'f Angkau Hang Kau | You |Mu I Awak fMika Sehabat | beta \ Sehabat kita u: * O W» si <<

Zealous Raj in

Zebra, a Kuda blan^ II Zig-zag Siku kluans: Zinc Tiniah sari Zodiac, Signs of the Eintarig duablas

No word in Malay properly expresses the English "yet," thus—Has he come yet? is rendered " ?*' " Sudah tibakah bnlum Lit., Has he arrived or not yet ? In other senses " Yet may Ibe rendered by "But;" thus—Yet it does not matter, "Tetapi tid'apa itu." t See" I. "Rajas or persons of rank often speak of themselves as "Kami," and render ( f "You " «* " " by Kamu or " Angkau when talking to inferiors. "Awak" is used when the person addressed is on familiar terms with the spokesman. When ii feriors address their superiors, and wish to make a point of the distinction, they speak of themselves as"Hamba Tuan," your slave; this is common also in writing from an inferior to his superior. "Hang" is the first,* syllable of " Angkau " and is common in Kdah and Province Wellesley. "Kau" is the second syllable of " Angkau " and is common inSelangor and elsewhere. " "Teman" d Mika ' ~y°u jre Perak, *\?? > common in used by persons of equal rank on familiar terms. "Beta' u —I, and Shabat beta'—you, are used in writing, The youngest child of % a family "Anak bongsu."B § See «His* f From tide name of tbe asebra it has become common to call all piebald horns "Blang/ 1




From a High Official to an independent Malay Hulcr.


Jl^yC^ ^'^Wy ^l iL ^ibljw^i aL~*£ &^j^ &*£> § &y M

Concluding paragraph, with date. 194 R INCH ANA.


From an independent Malay Muler to a High Officer of Government.


fj3) ^|y u^j ^U-o ^rtis^

^&j ^^ c-^jdU^ ^§ijJ JC* ^&a tyl ^^ ^j^yl pyl^ alij

fcX3 <5JsAi ut*£>lv3 caj.^-0 f,J^ ^e^vo ^s>s Jl£ JH*^* & tf\~&& iW^

^b h-4^ JjjJ ^J^Jb ^U-o ^^^ Ji r^Jy^ c^ Ftf****^ C&^

Concluding paragraph.

«S^J ^Uk> Ji^ «U*fJ ^l? f*<5^ ^^


From a Malay to a European or Chinese Merchant9 or vice versa.

(The concluding paragraghs in I or II may be adopted in all cases.)

^U^sj <^i;b^j pyl ayu^yl ^yQ^Jbj pyl ^%y^££^# aty pyl

^Ui J^J ^&LJ diU^o ^ijJb 'flfc w-T^^cTlP^^^ J*-**" ^s^* «**>-•

' Jjj&J j>yjJl *AOIaj*jj Just] yj £z*j Ji>j #la*©>i ^JUs ^ ^


A European to a Malay or vice versa. Short Compliments where no great formality is tvanted. 196 RINCHANA.


A Subject to a Malay Maja. t>>*yy3ty yu ^JWl^ JJJ % ^sl* yoty s^J^o a^L^JJ s^*y&.* ' ^^ ^lyy^ (^^0 J j y^ <5^

^yjl <^'U ^&ly ^^^^ ^y^*' ty-^ e)>^*' *q^^^tl JLH*^* ca-JjJ Jsi^J tjl^ ^j^»! «^J^lfc


From persons of equal rank being on familiar terms and not using much formality.

^J^ yii. Ul ^bU !.oJ! JUi' »JUI jJL, r r w>

^JuJb ^3*3 jji£ ^%3 Ji^J JolMvX-*** Cs*a^« RINCHANA. j 97


The Beading or Croivn of Letters.

(i.) The writing is true. (4.) When the letter contains a promise or agree- (2.) The meaning is clear. ment. (5.) Asking for considera- (3.) In cases of invitation or tion. petition. (6.) In letters of congratula- tion.

o^>~ jur K^^ y*" v^y^

j^y (4)

p^tjAcU (5) •aa!^ ^j***JKy (2)

CL?UyjJ^ U ^^ib ; (6) (3) 198 rinchAna. VIM.

Addresses of Letters.

C^t^ ^>y>~ ^-^

1 A rinchAna. 199


Specimen of a Malay Poem.

\\/ jJj fL,

«*^. *ly£ *% **>X. ^

200 r inch ana.


The Courtiers—(The Pen, Ink, and Paper*)

" The Pen declared : I am the R&ja ; all writers set great

store by me ; my merit is so great that it cannot be estimated

" all Governments laud my valuable services.

" The Ink answered, and said : Why do you, Pen, boast

of yourself, if I did not run after you, nothing you do would

ever be seen."

Then the Paper: "Were it not for me you would have no- thing to run upon, and neither of you would ever be visible."

The Author: the Pen is first without doubt, the Ink and

Paper are his assistants. But if any one of the trio be left out, the labour of the others is vain. These three —the Pen,

Ink, and Paper—are blessings when acting together; if they are of one mind, they will produce something of value. The earth is their inheritance, both the good and the evil of it what is written cannot be recalled. If you believe it not, search and you will find this maxim is proved in all the books that have been written in past ages. Part II.



I. The Weather, 3-7 II.—Time, 7-12 III.—The Road, 12-17 IV.-Conversations with a Cook,.. .17-22 V.— Conversations with a Boy, 22-24 VI.—Conversations with a Syce, 24-28 VII.—Conversations with a Gardener, 28-29

VIII.—Table Talk, , 29-31 IX. Conversations with a Washerman,. ..31-34 X.—Conversations with a Tailor, 34-36 XL—Conversations with a Shoemaker,... .36-38 XII.—Conversations with a Joiner, &c.,.. ..38-41 XIII. In the Bazaar, 4* -43 XIV.—On a River,...,... 43-52 XV.— In the Jungle, 52-55 XVI.—At Sea, 55-5$ XVII.—Shooting, $$-62 XVIII. During Disturbances, 63-67 XIX. Conversations with a Raja, ...67-70 XX.—-Conversations with a Sick Man, 71-75 XXL—Opening a Plantation, 75-8 ittjHs^i^abg gia%m



How hot it is to-day. Banyak p&nas ini hAri.

The sun is very hot. M4ta h&ri terlMu p&nas.

It is unbearable. Ta'bulih t&han. A Is it always as hot as this ? Apa, sl&lu p&nas baginikah ?

Yes, it is usually much about Yah, Tuan lbih kurang ba-

the same. gini juga.

I never felt it so hot before Ta'pernah sahya r&sa p&nas ;

it is certainly hotter than bagini, tntii lbih p&nas

Singapore. dripada Singapura. .

I think it is warmer in Pe- Sahya fikir, lbih p&nas di nang. Pulau Pinang.

Yes in the town, but not on Yah, di bandr, tt&pi di .bft-

the hill. kit tidak.

It is cool on the hill. Sjuk di bukit.

The top of the hill is very cold. Kamunchak biikit itu s&ngai sjuk.

In my country it is so cold in Didalam ngri sahya, waktu

the winter season that the musim dinging sjuk sk&li

water in the rivers and hengga sampei &yer sun-

ponds freezes. gei dan 4yer kolam men-

jadi baku. THE WEATHER.

Ah, that never occurs here. Ta'pernah bagitu dislni.

Do you like the warm weather ? Tuan sukakah p&nas ?

Yes, I like it. Yah, sahya sftka juga.

No, I don't like it at all. Ttdak, sahya ta'suka skMi.

Malays can't endure the cold. Orang orang Malaiu ta't&han sjuk.

When it is very cold they catch Kalau sjuk sangat nanti dia

fever. orang kna dmam.

That is unpleasant. Itu susah.

Do you think it will be fine to- Apa Tuan fikir; pAnaskah sok

morrow or wet ? atau hujan ?

1 think it will be wet to-morrow. B&rangk&li hiijan sok.

It looks as if it were going to Nampak sperti na' hujan.


¥es, it is looking very black. Yah, nampak glap sAn gat.

I think it is only wind. BArangk&li tahi hujan shAja,

If the wind comes first we Kalau angin turun dulu, t'&da

shan't ha^e much rain. br&pa hujan.

I hope not. Sahya h&rap bagitu.

Ttfese is no snow in these Ti&da thalj did&lam ngri negw

countries. dibawah angin ini.

No, never, Sir. Ta'pernah, Tuan.

Havre you ever seen snow ? Adakah pernah Tftan lihat

thalj itu ?

Kb, but I hear there is snow T'&da, Tuan, tet4pi sahya

ia China sometimes. dngar 4da juga k&dang

k&dang thalj did&lam ngri China. TfiE WEATHTttl.

Yes, that's tme. Yah, sungguh b&gitu.

Here all days are alike, you Disini tiap tiap hAri sa ? r&pa,

can't tell January from June, ta'bulih tau Mian January

dripada bulan June.

No, that's true, but the nights Sungguh , tetApi mAlamnya are always cooL sjuk juga.

Yes, for there is always a lit- Yah, karAna mAlam hAri slA-

tle breeze at night. l'u Ada sedtkit angin.

I prefer this climate to that Sahya suka udAra sini dri- df Europe. pAda udAra Europa.

It is pleasantest when it rains. Kalau hujan bhAru sdap skAli.

If it rains a little, not if it Yah, kalau hujan sdikit, kalau

rains much. bAnyak tidak.

If there is a very little rain, Kalau hftjan sdikit pun baik

though, it is pleasant. juga.

I can't go if it rains to-morrow. Kalau hujan sok sahya ta'-

biilih pergi.

I'll go if it is fine. Kalau chuAcha baik, bulih

sahya jAlan.

I'll go whether it rains or not. Hujan ta'htijan pun, tntu

sahya jAlan juga.

That's right, Sir. Itulah betul, Tuan.

Those clouds look very dark. Awan Awan itu rupa glap sAngat.

If the wind rises those clouds Kalau turun angin hAbislah

will disappear. Awan Awan itu.

Come at daylight to-morrow. DAtang pAgi pAgi sok.

I can't come at day dawn, but DmihAri ta'b&lih, ttApi pAgi

I'll come early in the day. nanti sahya dAtang. THE WEATHER.

If it's evening it will be no Kalau petang, ta'berguna lAgi..

longer any use.

I'll try my best. Nanti sahya ch&ba dengait sa'bulihnya.

How bright the moon is to- Trang saali bulan m&lam

night. ini.

What o'clock did it rise ? Pukol br&pa naik ?

I don't know, but it won't set Sahya ta'tau, tt&pi p&gi p&gl

till morning. bh&ru dia j&toh.

If there is no moon the stars Kalau t'&da bulan, bintang

are all brighter. smua lbih trang l&gi. We had better go when there Patut kita jalan waktu bulan

is no moon. glap.

The earth moves round the Ini bumi jalan kliling m&ta

sun and the moon round h&ri, dan bulan j&lan kli-

the earth. ling bumi.

The sun is a very long way M&ta hari jauh skali drip&da

from the earth. bumi ini.

The wind is very strong. Angin kinchang sk&li.

The wind is rising. Angin handak turun.

The wind is falling. Angin handak mati.

The land breeze is cool, the Angin darat sjuk, angin laut

sea breeze hot, moreover p&nas, lagi mmbangkit-

it gives rise to sickness. kan peny&kit.

I fear we are going to have Sahya takut b&rangkali nanti

a storm. turun ribut.

Did you hear the thunder ? Adakah dngar guroh itu ?

No, I only saw the lightning. Tidak, sahya nampak kilat sh&ja. THE WEATHER.

You had better shut all the Lbih baik tutup jindla dan

windows and pull down the turunkan chic smua.



What o'clock is it ? Pukol brapa sekdrang ?

About ten. Lbih kurang pukol sa'puloh.

Have you a watch ? Adakah Tuan mnaroh jam ?

How can I have a watch in Mana bulih men^roh jam d&-

the jungle ? lam utan ?

It looks like noon. Nampak sperti rmbang.

If you can see the sun it is Kalau bulih nampak m&ta h&ri

not difficult to know what tidak susah handak tau

o'clock it is. pukol brapa.

How? B&gim&na ?

At day dawn the sun rises P&gi pagi mata h&ri naik

till the middle of the day, sampei tngah h£ri, ia itu

i.e., 12 o'clock noon; from pukol duablas ; drip&da

that time it falls till lohor, waktu itu m&ta hari j&toh

i. e.y 2 p. m.; from there sampei lohor, ia itu pukol

it continues falling till asar, dua ; dri situ j&toh l&gi

i. e.j 4 p. m.; and finally sampei smb&iang Aser, ia

sets at 6 p. m. itu kira kira pukol Ampat ptang; kmdian mcita h&ri m&sok kmb&lik p&da jam pukol 4nam ptang. — s ttm.

What o'clock will yott be Pukol br&pa Tfiati fcatiti sedfe?

ready ?

I am ready now. Sk&rang sahya sdia.

If you will return in two hours' Kalau Tuan bMik d&lam dua

time we can go. jam lagi bulih kita j&lan.

Two hours more will make it Dua jam lagi jadi lambat

very late. s&ngat.

I can't help it. I can't get Apa bulih buat, sahya tT&da

the things ready sooner. bulih siapkan b&rang b&rang

lbih dulu drip&da itu.

In that case say no more Kalau bagitu j&ngan Tftan

about it, I will be back in sbutkan dua k&li, d&lam two hours' time. dua jam nanti sahya b&lik kamari.

What did he s£y ? Apa k&ta dia ?

He said he would come to- K&ta dia nanti dia d&tang

morrow morning, and if sok p&gi p&gi, kalau tldak

not in the morning he Will p&gi tntu tngah h&ri

be here by the middle of dia Ada disini.

the day without fail.

What o'clock will you come ? Pukol br&pa nanti Ttian d&-

tang ?

Nearly two o'clock. Dkat pukol dua. About three o'clock—at four Lebih kftrang puk81 t!ga o'clock exactly. puk51 impat btul.

Half past three o'clock in the Pukol tiga strtgah, ptang afternoon [in the night [mMam].

(i. e., 3J a. m.) ].

It is past one o'clock. Sudah pukol s&tu l&lu. TW&.

This morning. I.ni p&gi or p&gi tadi. To-night, M&lam sek^rang. Last night. Sa'm&lam.

Yesterday morning. Sa'malam pagi.

Yesterday during the day. Klm&rin, slang hari.

The day before yesterday or Klm&rin dahulu [or Kelm&-

some days or months ago. rin.] To-morrow, some days or sok. months hence.

He will come without fail the Ta'bulih tidak nanti dia da-

day after to-morrow morning. tang lusa pagi.

He must be here in the next Dia mau ada disini d&lam tiga

three days. h&ri lagi.

He can't arrive by that time. Dia ta'bulih sampei p&da

waktu itu

He must come. Ta'bulih tidak dia mau d&tang.

Mng&pa Tuan ta'd&tang ?

Why did you not come ? Mngapa angkau tidak d&-

tang ?

I dawdled on the road and so Sahya [hamba Tuan, p&tek]

I arrived late. lengah dijalan j&di lambat sampei.

As scab» as you receive this Ttk&la sampei surat ini d&-

letter .qorne at once. tanglah sk&li.

Tell him I can't wait any Khabarkan p&da dia [p&da

longer. Tuan itu] sahya tl&da b&lih

mnanti l&gi.

He says he will come at once. K&ta dia [Tuan itu] nanti dia

d&tang dngan segr^nia. 40 TIME.

In that case I will wait a Kalau bagitu bulih sahya m- quarter of an hour longer. nanti \kgi suku jam.

When did it occur ? Bila mnj&di itu ?

About a month ago. Lbih kurang sa'bulan dulu.

Are you sure ? Tntukah ? Quite sure. Tntu.

Can you recollect what o'clock Bulihkah ingat pukol br&pa itu?

it was?

How can I tell, I don't wear BagimAna bulih tau, sahya tidak a watch. mnaroh jam.

Was it morning or afternoon? P&gikah ptangkah?

I can't well recollect, Sir, but Sahya tidak br&pa ingat, Ttian,

I think it was late at ttapi pada fikiran sahya night. sudah jauh m&lam.

Can you be sure? Tntukah ?

Yes; no, I can't be sure, I Tntu; sahya ta'bulih tntu

think so. ttapi sahya fikir bagitu.

Will you swear to it? Br&nikah (bulihkah) sumpah?

Yes. BrAni (bulih) Tuan.

Very well, from the day you Baiklah, drip&da h&ri angkau

met him till to-day how long berjumpa dngan dia, sampei

is it? h&ri ini brapa l^manya?

About a week. Birangkclli s&tu minggo.

It is eight days. Ada lapan hari lamanya.

Did you meet him the next day sok hkri itu, adakah angkau also? berjumpa derigan dia?

I don't know. ntah! sahya ta'tau. TIME. II

Try your best to recollect, that Chuba ingat baik baik, h&ri day you met him, did he angkau berjumpa dngan

say he had met Mat the dia, &dakah dia kaita dia

previous day, or two days berjumpa dngan Mat sa*

before, or a month before? malam d'hulu, atau dua h&ri

d'hulu, atau sa'bulan d'hulu?

I think it was on that day also. B4rangkali itu hari juga. A What, the very day that you Apa, hari angkau berjumpa

met him, on that day also dngan dia, hari itu juga ia he had met Mat? berjumpa dngan Mat?

He said so. Dia kata bagitu. A Did he meet Mat before he Apa, dia berjumpa dngan Mat

spoke to you, or afterwards? itu d'hulu dripada berch&- kap dngan angkau atau kmdian?

I think he saw Mat first. Barangkali Mat d'hulu.

That was what I asked you. Itulah yang sahya tanya p&da angkau.

After you left her, how long do Kmdian dripada angkau

you think it was before she tinggalkan dia, brapa I4ma,

died? angkau fikir,bharu dia m&ti?

About an hour and a half. Barangkali stngah dua jam

(satu jam stngah) bagitu.

I can't tell. Ta'tau sahya.

Speak truly. Chakap btul btul.

Truly, Sir. Btul, Tuan.

Ever since I came here I have Sa'minjak sahya datang kam&ri

been looking for you. sahya chari sama Tuan.

How long have you been here ? Brapa l&ma Tuan disini? 12 TIME.

Not very long. T&da br&pa l&ma.

Oh! I beg your pardon had I Oh! minta maaf, kalau sahya

known it was Mr. I tau Tuan tntu sahya

should have come at once. datang lkas. Never mind. Tidak apa (Tid'apa).

Another time when you come Lain k&li Tuan d&tang tntu

I shall not fail to be ready sahya sdia mnanti.

waiting for you.

When can I see you again? Bila bulih sahya jumpa Tuan %i?

To-night after dinner. Malam skarang, lpas makan.

If you will come to-night at Kalau Tuan bulih datang malam

twenty minutes past ten, we skarang, jam pukol sa'puloh

can settle that matter. dua puloh minit, bulih kita

slasi perkara itu.

Very well, I will come. Baik, bulih sahya datang.

Come sooner than that. Mari lbih d'hulu dripAda itu..

I will come later. Sahya nanti datang kern-


Did you see what o'clock he Adakah lihat pukol brapa dia

went out ? kluar?

Two A. M. on Thursday. Pukol dua m&lam rabu.

I thought so. Certainly it was Sahya fikir bagitu. Tntu dia

he who did it. yang buat.


Which is the way to- ? M£na jMan pergi ka-

This is it. Inilah dia. — — ?


Is this the right way to- Btulkah j&lan ini pergi ka—

No, you have missed your way. Tidak, Tuan sudah silap jalan.

Where is the right road? MAna jalan yang btul?

just come for a mile or so, satu batu, kemdian ikut

and then turn to your right kanan [kiri].


How far is it from here ? Brapa jauh dri sini?

About three miles; you can Lbih kurang tiga batu; ba-

reach it in about an hour if rangkali satu jam bulih

you go fast, if you dawdle sampei, kalau jalan dras,

it will take you an hour and kalau lengah dijalan tngah

a half. dua jam bharu sampei.

In that case I'll start at once. Kalau bagitu sahya jalanlah.

Where does this road lead to? Jalan ini pergi ka'mana? To Bukit Timah. Ka' Bukit Timah.

Is it a good road? Jalan baikkah?

Yes, it is good. Baik juga.

No, Sir, you can't go by that Tidak, Tuan, ta'bulih pergi ikut

road. jalan itu. A A A Why? Auat?—Apa fasal? Apasbb?

—Knapa ? Mngipa ?

That road is very bad, it is very Jalannya ta'baik skali, banyak

muddy and there are many slut, lagi lubang banyak.

holes in it.

Can a carriage go on it? Bulihkah krta lalu disitu?

No, Sir. Ta'bulih, Tuan.

How are we to go then? Bagimana kita jalan kaUu

bagitu ? H THE ROAD.

There is another road; you Ada lain j&lan, mau b41ik

must go back a short way sdikit d'hulu, kmdian ikut

and then go to your right. j&lan kanan.

Can you show us that road? Bulihkah Tuan [angkau] tun-

juhkan jalan itu?

You must excuse me for I am Minta maaf, Tuan, sahya Ada

engaged, but this child will kerja sdikit, ttapi budak

shew you that road. ini bulih tunjukkan jalan itu.

Thank you. Trima k&sih.

Let us go. Mari kita jalan.

Is this the right road? Inikah jalan btul tidak?

No, Sir, that road goes to Bukan, Tuan, jalan itu pergi

Seletar. ka'Selitar.

Where do you want to go to? Tuan na' pergi ka'm^na?

To Bukit Timah. Is not this Ka' Bukit Timah. Bukankah

the right road? ini jalannya?

No, it is further than this. Tidak, jauh lagi dripada ini.

That man said this was the road. Kata orang itu inilah dia.

No, Sir, you mistook him. Tidak, Tuan, Tuansalahfeham^

No, I understood perfectly what Tidak, sahya herti baik baik

he said. perkataannya. Ah ! now, this is the right —road. Ah! inilah bhslru jalan btul. Which is the road to Mr. 's? Mana jalan pergi ka'rumah

Tuan ? Mr. who? Tuan mana? I don't know that—gentleman. Sahya tidak knal Tuan itu. Do you know Mr. 's house? Adakah tau rumah Tuan ?

It is on a high hill [low hill]. Rumahnya diatas bukit tinggi

[bukit rndah]. THE ROAD. 15

Perhaps your horse can't go up B&rangk&li Tuan punya kuda

that hill for it is very steep. ta'bulih naik bukit itu, kar&na choram sangat.

If the horse can't get up I will Kalau kuda ta'bulih naik sahya

walk. bulih jalan kaki.

In that case there is a path, Ada satu lorong kchil, tt&pi

but it is somewhat over- smak sdikit. grown.

I don't mind. Sahya ta'feduli.

You can see the beginning of Deri sini bulih nampak hujong-

it (the path) from here, nya, dkat poko' pinang itu.

close by that betel-nut tree. Did you see a gentleman pass Adakah nampak situ Tuan lMu

by this road? ikut jalan ini?

Coming from which direction? Datang drimana?

Going from here [going from J&lan dri sini [jalan dri sanaj.


Was he walking or on horse- Dia jalan kakikah, naik kuda-

back or in carriage? kah, atau didalam krta?

He was walking carrying a gun. Dia jalan kaki mmikul sen&- pang.

Yes, I saw him. Yah, ada sahya lihat.

He went that way two hours Dia lalu sblah sana, ada dua ago. jam sudah.

If he comes back, tell him I Kalau balik Tuan itu, khabarkan

have gone on slowly. pada dia, sahya sudah jalan

d'hulu plan-plahan.

Can you do that? Bulihkah, Tuan, buat itu?

Certainly, Sir. Bulih, Tuan. i6 THE ROAD,

Where has he gone? Dim&na dia pergi?

I don't know the name of the Sahya tidak tau nama tmpat

place. itu.

Is this the road to the gardens? Inikah jalan pergi ka'kabun

bunga ?

Does not the road fork? Jalan t'ada bersimpangkah ? No. T'ada.

Yes, there are two forks, the Ada dua simpangnya, yang

first to the right, the second pertama ka'kanan, yang

to the left. kadua ka'kiri.

You can't mistake the road. Ta'bulih silap jalan.

The road is very muddy. Jalan b&nyak lumpor.

It is a dry road. Jalannya kring.

The road is a little wet. Ada juga lichah di jalannya ttapi t'ada banyak.

The road is very dusty. Banyak abu di jalan.

In the dry weather it is always Musim panas slalu bagitu.

like that.

If it is windy it is most dis- Kalau angin susah skMi, jadi

agreeable, for one's eyes mata dan mulut pnoh dn-

and mouth become filled gan abu.

with dust.

The Singapore dust is the Abu Singapura chlaka skali,

worst of all for it is red, and sbb abunya mrah, skali

once it has fallen on any- lkat ta'bulih dikluarkan

thing you can't g*et rid of it. lagi.

All the roads in Singapore Jalan jalan di Singapura smua

are good. baik. THE TIME. 17

That is true, but there are ma- Btul, Tuan, ttapi bukitnya

ny hills which makes it hard banyak, j&disusah skali pada

for the horses always as- kuda, naik turun slalu. cending and descending. In the Malay Peninsula you Dalam tanah Malaiu jarang

very seldom meet with high skali berjumpa jalan bsar, roads, there are only jungle jalan utan smua. paths.

In L&rut there is a railroad. Di Larut ada jalan krta api.

A railroad is very straight, this Jalan krta api trus skali, jalan

road is very crooked. ini bengkok.

Go in front. Jalan d'hulu. Go behind. Jalan diblakang.

Turn and go back. Pusing balik.

Let us go back. Baliklah kita.

If we find the road well and Kalau dapat jMan kita pergi,

good, if not we will return. kalau tidak kita b&lik.

Come here. Mari sini.

Go and tell him I'm waiting Pergi kata sahya nanti, km- and then come back at dian angkau balik ka'mari once. dngan sgra.

That will do. Sudah.


Have something to eat ready PAgi pagi sok siapkan m^kan to-morrow morning. sdikit. i8 CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK,

What do you want to eat, Sir? Apa Tuan mau m&kan?

How many people will there be Brapa orang mau m&kan?

to supply?

We who are in the house now Kita yang ada dirumah sek&-

(the household) and two rang, dan lagi dua Tuan.

gentlemen besides.

You can get ready tea, coffee, Angkau (lu)bulih sdiakan&yer

toast, eggs, and fruit. cha, kahua, roti panggang, tlor, dngan buah buah. A What kind of fruit would you Apa macham buah Tuan suka?


Mangosteen, durians, rambu- Buah manggis, buah durien,

tans, pulasam, pineapples, buah rambutan, buah pula-

oranges, whatever you can sam, buah nanas, buah li-

get. mau, mana mana yang

bulih dapat.

The coffee is finished. Kahua sudah habis.

Very well, you can buy more. Baik bulih bli lagi.

What is the price of coffee a Kahiia brapa herga situ k&ti

catty just now? skarang.

Twenty cents, Sir. Dua puloh sen, Tuan.

Very well, buy five catties. Baik, bulih bli lima kati.

I have no time to go to the Sahya t'ada smpat mau pergi

bazaar, Sir. pasr, Tuan. Never mind, send your "help." Tid^pa suroh kuki kchil pergi.

He is ill, Sir. Dia sakit, Tuan.

Very well, send some one else, Baik, suroh lain orang, b&rang

whoever there is. siipa yang 4da.

There is no one else, Sir. Tidak ada lain orang, Tuan. CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK. *9

X-ook for a man, some one must Angkau ch&ri orang, ta'bulih

go for those things. tidak s&tu orang mau pergi

ambil barang itu. Won't to-morrow do? sok ta'bulih, Tuan? No, to-day he must go. Tidak, ini hari juga dia mau pergi.

Then I must go myself. Kalau bagitu sahya mau pergi sndiri.

As you like. Suka hati angkau. What are you going to give us Apa mau bagi m&kan kita

to eat (for dinner) to-night. malam skarang.

Soup, fried fish, prawn cutlets, Soup, ikan goring, hudang

roast mutton, and boiled cutlet, kambing panggang,

fowls, curry andrice, cheese, ayam rebus, curry nasi, kju and pudding. dan pudding. What kind of curry? Apa macham curry?

Malay, dry, Indian, brinjal Curry Malaiu, curry kring, cur-

curry. ry Bnggala, curry trong.

1 want dinner at 7 o'clock Sahya mau m&kan pukol tujoh

exactly, can you have it btul, bulihkah sdia m&kan ready by that time? pada waktu itu?

Three people will dine here. Tiga orang mau m&kan disini.

What, three in all? Apa, tiga smua?

No, three besides ourselves, Tidak, tiga orang lain derip4da

that will make seven in all. kita j&di tujoh sernua.

blanja sdi- I want to ask for some more Sahya mau minta

money, Sir. kit l&gi, Tuan.

h&biskah? What, is the money finished? Apa, duit sudah ^to ;GQNVERSAmiON5 r WI!DH ^A CODK.

r$&ete are ten dollars, you can :Ini Ada Tinggit sa'puloh, cb&-

;tise for house expenses. lih btiat blanja r&mah.

It is not enough, Sir. T'4da chCikup, Tuan. Why? Apa fasal?

I have spent a great deal for B&nyak sudah blanja membli

food, besides there is oil, b&rang bArang makan, l&gi

candles and all the rest. minyak, lilin, Apa sm&a.

I think you are very wasteful, Sahya fikir angkau b&nyak

the expenses ought to be boros, patut blanja k&rang

smaller. dripada itu.

I will give you five dollars more Nanti sahya b£gi lima ringgit

and that will be enough to l&gi, j&di chukup b&lih

last three days. pAkei tiga Mri l&manya.

It is not enough, Sir. Ta'chukup, Tfian.

You can try. Angkau bulih chuba. Where have you been? Deri mana angkau d&tang?

To the bazaar, Sir. Pergi pasr, Tuan.

You are very late returning. Lambat bnar angkau bctlik.

Did you get any crabs? Adakah dapat ktam itu?

No, Sir, so I bought oysters. T'&da, Tuan, j adi sahya bli tiram. Are they good? Baikkah tiram itu?

Yes, just got. Baik juga, bh&ru bawa.

Do you want to eat them raw? Tuaa mau makan mantakah? You can bake them. Bulih bakrnya. Have you any milk? Adakah susu?

Plenty, Sir. B&nyak, Tuan.

Give it to me. B&gi s&ma sahya.

Bring it here. Bawa ka'm&ri. CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK, 21

Where are the onions? BAwang dim&na?

They are in a basket in the Ada dMam b&kul did&por. kitchen.

Go and fetch them. Pergi bawa itu. Do you know how to make Adakah angkau tau membftat

ice-cream? ice-cream ?

No, Sir, I don't. Tidak, Tuan, sahya ta'tau.

Yes, I know a litttle about it. Bulih juga sikit sikit.

D'ont cook it too much. J&ngan terlampau m&saknya. Under-done. Kurang m&sak.

How many ducks did you buy BrApa kor itek angkau bli just now? tadi? Three. Tfga kor. Will that be enough? Chukupkah?

If it is not enough more can Kalau ta'chukup bulih dibli be bought. \kgl

Go and catch a fowl. Pergilah tangkap Ayam sa'ekor.

Three have been killed. Tiga kor sudah potong (smleh).

Is the ice cream ready? Ice-cream sdiakah ?

Bring it here, I want to taste it. Bawa sini sahya mau r&sa.

It: does not taste nice. Ta'sedap r&sanya.

It tastes very nice. Sdap sk&li r&sanya.

The whole dinner last night Sa'genap b&rang angkau b&gi

was badly cooked; unless kita m&kan samAlam, t'Ad£

you do better, I shall get betftl mAsaknya, kalau ang-

another cook. kau ta'bfilih bilat lbih baik

drip&da itu, nanti sahya

ch&ri lain kuki. 22 CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK.

You must make better soup, or Angkau mau bfiat soup yang^

I shall cut your account. baik, kalau tidak nanti

sahya potong kira kira angkau. Mind you don't get an old fowl J&ngan angkau bawa &yam ;

and pluck it properly, don't tua ; lagi handak cha-

put it in hot water to remove butkan bulunya dngan

the feathers. patut, j4ngan chlor &yam



„„ ( Dim&na sahyaJ punya boy?J Where is my boy? ] „ A f \ \ CDimana boy sahya?

He is here, Sir. Ada sini, Tuan.

He is outside. Ada diluar, Tuan.

Call him. Panggil dia. Are my clothes ready? Kain sudah sdiakah?

To-night I shall dine out at the MMam skarang sahya mau

house of Mr. put my makan diluar, di rumah ,

evening clothes in a port- Tuan anu, taroh kain pakei manteau (box). m&lam didalam pti. Do you want to wear black Tuan mau pakei itamkah atau clothes or white? ptiteh? White coat and trousers, black Baju dan sluar puteh, waist-

waistcoat, coat itam.

Put up enough clothes to last TAroh kain chukup bulih pAkei

me three days. tlga h&ri. CONVERSATIONS WITH A BOY. 23

Will you take your clothes, or Tuan mau bawa ini kainkah,

must I take them ? atau sahya mau bawa?

You take them. Angkau bawa.

What o'clock must I start? Pukol brapa sahya jalan ?

You must reach Mr. 's Angkau mau sampei di rumah

house at 6 o'clock exactly. Tuan anu pukol anam btul.

After dinner [breakfast] you Lpas makan angkau bulih can go home. pulang.

These trousers are not fit to Sluar ini ta'bulih pakei, sudah

wear, they are torn; give koiak, bagi pada tukang

them to the tailor and tell jait, suroh dia mmbtul- him to mend them. kannya.

Where are the shoes I wore Mana kasut sahya pakei sa- yesterday? malam.

They are dirty, I have not Sudah kotor bulum di chuchi

cleaned them yet. lagi.

Will you have tiffin in the Tuan mau makan tiffin di- office? ofiskah?

Yes, every day you must bring Yah, sa'hari h&ri angkau bawa

tiffin to the office at noon, tiffin di ofis pukol dua-

I shall want to eat it at bias, sahya mau mAkan

12.30 exactly. pukol duablas stngah be-


Do you want to work with me ? Angkau mau kerja s&ma sah- yakah?

If .you like me, Sir. Kalau Tuan suka.

As a boy? J&di boykah? 24 CONVERSATIONS WITH A BOY.

Where did you work before? Dim&na angkau kerja d-hfilu? : Have you a character? Adakah surat?

When you left Mr. what Sudah lpas kerja dngan did you do? Tuan anu &pa angkau buat?

What wages have you received Br&pa gaji angkau trima

hitherto ? sa'l&ma ini?

I can't give you more wages Sahya ta'bulih b&gi g&ji lbih than $7 a month. dripada tujoh ringgit sa'bulan.

Will you give me food too? M&kan diatas Tuankah? No, you must find your own Tidak, angkau menchiri m4-

food. kan sendiri.

Can you talk English? Bftlihkah ch&kap Inggris?

Is there a gharry near here? Adakah krta dkat sini ?

If you order me I will look for Kalau Tuan suroh sahya bulih

one. ch&ri s&tu.

I don't want one now, but I Skarang sahya ta'mau, tt&pi

want a gharry to be at the pukol dilcLpan m&lam skA-

house at 8 o'clock to-night. rang, sahya mau krta?

dirumah ini.


Do you want to engage as a Angkau ch&ri kerja saiskah ? syce?

Are you well acquainted with Angkau pandei kerja ku-

a syce's duties? dakah ? —


I have two horses—a pair Sahya Ada dfia kiida—jori—

you must groom one of angkau mau j&ga s&tu, l&gi

them, you must occasion- mau j&di coachman kctdang

ally drive them if I wish it, kcldang kalau sahya mau,

and you must help to look dan l£gi mau tulong chuchi after the harness. paklen kuda.

I will buy the horses* food, M4kan kuda sahya bulih bli,

and every day you must dan sa'hcLri h&ri angkau

ask the boy for it, and he minta ska boy, dia bftlih

will give you sufficient for bagi chukup m&kan sa'hexi.

a day's feed.

How much do you give one Br&pa Tuan b&gi s&tu kiida

horse for a day's food, sa'h&ri m&kan ? Sir?

Every day you must give one Tiap tiap h&ri angkau mau

horse three feeds, at one b&gi p&da kuda tiga k&li

feed two chupaks of paddy, makan, skAli m&kan d&a

one chupak of gram and chupak padi, s&tu ch&pak

half a chupak of bran. k&chang, dan stngah

chupak busi.

I want the carriage at 10.30 Sahya mau krta sok p&gi

f a. m. to-morrow to go to pukol sapuloh stngah, na Singapore. pergi ka'Singapura.

The pair ? Kuda jorikah ?

No, a single horse. Tidak, kuda tunggal. The black horse, the chesnut, Kuda itam, kuda mrah, kuda the piebald, the mouse- blang, kuda hablok.


Hold the horse. Pgang kuda ini. 26 CONVERSATIONS WITH A SYCE.

The bit is rusty, why don't Lagam sudah ksLrat, 4pa fasal

you clean it better ? angkau tidak chuchi lbih baik?

Rub it well and then put Gosok baik baik kmdian

some salad oil on it. taroh minyak sl&da s-


The left rein is twisted, Ras kiri sudah kosot, betftlkan.

straighten it.

The traces are not fastened Jut bulum ikat lagi, £pa sbb

yet, why can't you be more angkau ta'bulih lihat baik

careful? If the horse ran baik, kalau kuda lari sek&-

away now we should be rang nanti jhannam kita.

smashed to pieces. Let go the horse. Lpas kuda.

Let go his head. Lpas kpalanya. Get up behind. Naik diblikang.

Where is the whip ? Mana chabok ?

It is left behind, Sir. Sudah tinggal, Tuan.

Be quick go and fetch it. Lkas pergi mngambilnya.

Go on, I can't wait any longer. Jalan, sahya ta'bulih mnanti

Go slowly. Jcilan plan-pl4han.

Go faster. Lkas I4gi.

Whip him (or them) a little. Pukol sdikit.

You can't whip him, Sir, he Ta'bulih pukol, Tuan, nanti

will be vicious. dia jahat.

Catch hold of the wheel and Pgang roda pfisingkan.


Put down that harness and Ltak pakien itu, mari sini come here and hold the pgang kuda.

horse. A What are you doing ? Don't Apa angkau buat, jangan p-

hold the horse like that. gang kuda bagitu.

How am I to hold him, Sir ? Bagimana mau pgang, Tuan? Hold him with both hands Pgang dkat lagamnya dua

close to the bit; dua tangan skali.

He will bite, Sir. Nanti dia gigit, Tuan.

He can't bite. Ta'bulih dia gigit.

Does this horse kick ? Kuda ini mnypakkah?

No, Sir, he is very good, he Tidak, Tuan, dia banyak baik,

has no vice. tiada jahat satupun.

Get ready the carriage, I want Siapkan kreta sahya mau

to go. out for a drive. makan angin sdikit.

The horse is ill, Sir, he can't Kuda sakit, Tuan, ta'bulih

be used. pakei.

What is the matter with him ? Apa kurang dia?

He has glanders. Sakit serdi, Tuan.

Call Mr. , and ask him to Panggil Tuan anu, minta dia

give you medicine. bagi ubat.

The horse has a cold, he will Kuda sudah sakit bato', dua

be well in two or three days. tiga hari bulih baik.

I hope so, but you must look Sahya harap bagitu ttapi well after him. angkau mau bla dia baik


In how many days more will Br&pa hari lagi bh^ru bulih

he be ready for use? pakei ? 28 CONVERSATIONS WITH A GARDENER.

Don't give him too much Jangan bagi dia makan rum-

grass to eat, once a day put terlalu banyak, skMi

is enough. makan sa'hari chukup.

I want the horse with saddle Sahya mau kuda pakei tung- at the office at 4 o'clock gang pukol ampat ptang" to-morrow afternoon. sok, angkau bulih bawa


There is a sore on his back, Blakangnya sudah luka, ta'-

Sir, you can't put the saddle bulih pakei jin, Tuan. on him.


The gardener is waiting, Sir. Tukang kabun ada nanti, Tuan. To-night there are some peo- Malam skarang ada orang ma-

ple dining here, get a good kan disini, chuba chari bun- many flowers and arrange ga banyak banyak sdikit,

them on the dinner table. mngaturkan diatas mja makan. What kind of flowers would Bunga mana macham Tuan

like ? suka?

Whatever you can get will do. Apa yang ada jadilah. Go to the gardens and ask the Pergi ka'bukit bunga minta

gardener, he will give you pada Tuan yang jaga disitu,

some take a basket dia bulih bagi; bawa bakul ; to put

them in. . sama, bulih di'isinya.

There are no red flowers, Sir. Bunga mrah t'ada, Tuan. Never mind, get some pretty Tid'apa chari daun daun k&yu,

leaves. mana mana yang lok, TABLE TALK. 29

The garden is like a jungle. Kabun ini sperti utan rupanya.

I think you are lazy. Sahya fikir angkau malas.

I have no implements, Sir, Perkakas t'ada, Tuan, mana

how can I work properly ? bulih kerja btul ?

What tools do you want ? Apa perkakas angkau mau ?

I will give you money and you Nanti sahya bigi duit angkau

can buy what is wanted. bulih bli ip'apa yang ku-


You had better buy about Baik angkau bli barang dua

twenty flower pots, and put puloh pasu masokkan bunga

the flowers into them. didalamnya.

This road is very bad, mend Jalan ini ta'baik skali, chuba

it. btulkan. Break some stones small and Hanchorkan batu t&roh dijalan, put them on the road, and kmdian buboh pasir diatas-

then lay sand on the top. nya.

The grass in the garden is Rumput di kabun sudah naik

very high, cut it shorter. terlalu tinggi, chuba potong

pendek lagi.

That is not enough, it must Tada chukup, mau pendek dri-

be shorter than that. pAda itu.


Get dinner ready, boy. Siapkan makan, boy.

Bring dinner {lit. the food). Bawa makcinan.

Dinner is ready, Sir* Makan sudah sdia (si4p), Tuan. 30 TABLE TALK.

What are you going to give Apa angkau mau bagi makan

us to eat to-day ? kita ini hari ?

Change this plate. Tukr ini pinggan.

This knife is not clean, bring Pisau ini t'aua chuchi, bawa

another. lain satu.

This meat is not done enough, Daging ini kurang masak, ba-

take it away and have it wa kluar suroh masak lagu more cooked.

This table cloth is very small, Kain mja ini kchil sangat r why did you not put on apa fasal angkau t'ada ta-

another one? roh lain satu?

Bring another chair for this Bawa lagi satu krusi bagi Tuan

gentleman. ini.

These potatoes are bad, where Ubi ini sudah busok dimana did you get them? angkau dapatnya?

Pour wine into all the glasses, Tuang anggor ka'dalam glass

when you see a glass is smua, bila angkau lihat

empty fill it up again. glass sudah kosong, penoh-

kannya lagi.

This wine is not cold enough, Anggor ini kurang sjuk bawa

bring some ice. ayer batu. Why do you not come before? Apa sbb angkau t'ada da-

I have called you three or tang lbih d'hulu, sudah sa-

four times. hya panggil tiga ampat kali.

If I call you answer at once, Kalau sahya panggil, angkau

don't forget another time. lkas jawab,—lain kali jan- gan angkau lupa. CONVERSATIONS WITH A WASHERMAN. 3 I

Where are all the other boys. Dimana lain lain boy smua.

Order them to wait here Suroh dia orang nanti di-*

and wait at table whilst we sini jaga mja waktu kiia

eat. makan.

When did you roast this coffee ? Bila angkau goring kahua ini?

I think some time ago. Sahya fikir lama sudah.

You ought to roast every day Sa'hari hari patut angkau go-

enough coffee for the day. ring chukup kahua sa'hari makan.

Who broke this glass ? I shall Siapa pichahkan glass ini ? cut your wages. Nanti sahya potong gaji angkau.


Tell the washerman to come Suroh dhobi mari sok. to-morrow.

Get all the dirty clothes rea- Siapkan kain kotor smua pagi

dy early in the morning, I P^> sahya mau bagi pada want to give them to the dhobi. washerman.

When the dhobi comes tell Bila dhobi sampei bri tau pada me. sahya. Count the clothes and look Bilang kain smua, preksa baik

carefully to see whether baik kalau btul tidak.


They are all correct, Sir. Smua btul, Tuan.

They are not right, Sir, there T'&da btul, Tuan, saput&ngan

is one pocket handkerchief kurang satu, baju kurang

short, two bajus missing, dua, dan sarang bantal satu

and there is a pillow-case bukan Tuan punya; sudah

which does not belong to t&kr dngan orang punya. he has changed yours you ;

for one belonging to some

one else.

You tell the dhobi I won't Angkau kata pada dhobi sahya

pay his wages till he brings ta'bulih bair g&jinya heng-

all the things which are ga sampei di bawa kain s- now missing; he can take mua yang kurang skarang

away this pillow-case and ini; sarong bantal ini dia bu-

bring me back my own. lih bawa pulang, bawa balik sahya punya. Dhobi, why have you not Dhobi, apa fasal angkau t'ada

washed these clothes pro- chuchi btul ini kain,ta'baik

perly, they look very bad ? skali rupanya? Sudah b&n- The clothes are much torn, yak koiak, lagi kurang kanji.

and there is hardly any

starch in them.

Take back these clothes, clean Bawa bMik kain ini, chuchi \kgi them again, and put plenty skali, dan taroh chukup kan-

of starch in them. ji-

If you wash my clothes how Kalau angkau chuchi kain sa-

much must I pay you ? hya, br&pa angkau minta upahnya? CONVERSATIONS WITH A WASHERMAN. 33

Three dollars for a hundred, Tiga ringgit sa'ratus, Tuan.


But I want to pay you by the Ttapi sahya mau bair bulan

month, not by the number bulan, bukan bilangan kaim

of articles.

In that case you can pay me Kalau bagitu, Tuan bulih bair

three dollars a month. sama sahya tiga ringgit sa*


Very well, you can come to my Baiklah, angkau bulih mari di house with clean clothes rumah sahya mmbawa kain

and receive the dirty ones chuchi, dan menrima kain

every Monday. kotor, tiap tiap hari ithnain.

I want these two things to-mor- Kain yang dua hl ini sahya mau

row afternoon without fail. ptang sok, ta'bulih tidalc

If it is fine I will bring them, Kalau panas bulih sahya bawa,

Sir, but if wet I can't. Tuan, kalau hujan ta'bulih.

If you will try you can bring Kalau angkau chuba, tntu bu-

them whether it is fine or lih bawa, baik panas baik

not. tidak.

This waistcoat is not properly Waistcoat ini t'ada btul lipat-

folded, it is quite crooked. nya banyak kdut.

Don't put starch in these trow- Sluar ini jangan taroh kanji\

sers, I like them soft, but sahya suka lmbut, t'api is-

iron them well. trika baik baik.

This garment is spoilt, your Kain ini sudah rosak, angkau

iron has been so hot it pakti istrika terlalu hangat

has burnt it, I shall cut sudah hangus ini kain, sah-

your wages one dollar. ya nanti potong gaji ang-

kan satu ringgit. 34 CONVERSATIONS WITH A TAILOR.

The dhobi wants his wages, Dhobi minta gajinya, Tuan.


It is not yet a full month. Biilum chukup bulannya lagi.

Very well, here, are his wages, Baik, inilah gajinya tiga ringgit

three dollars—less fifty cents —kurang lima puloh sen,

I have deducted. sudah sahya potong.


I want to see the tailor, tell Sahya mau tukang jait, suroh

him to come to my house dia mari ka'rumah sahya lusa

the day after to-morrow pagi pukol tujoh btul.

morning at seven o'clock.

I want you to make me a coat. Sahya mau suroh buatsatucoat. Have you brought any pat- Adakah angkau bawa chon-

terns of cloth? to kain kain?

Not white stuff, thick cloth I Bukan kain puteh, kain tbal want. sahya mau. Have you any other patterns? Adakah chonto lain dripada


I have in my house, Sir, but Di rumah ada, Tuan, ttapi

I have not brought them. t'ada sahya bawa.

You can get many other dif- Tuan bulih dapat banyak lain

ferent kinds of cloth at the lain macham kaindigdong.

godowns, Sir.

Never mind, I will .give you the Tid'&pa sahya bulih b&gi kain.

cloth. How many yards will Bf&pa la chukup mmbuat

be sufficient to make a pai sluar satu pasang?


Take this, if it is not sufficient Ambil ini, kalau tidak chukup

I can buy some more. bulih sahya bli lagi.

This cloth is very thick, bring Kainini tbal sangat, bawayang

some thinner. nipis lagi.

There is none thinner, Sir. Tidakadayangnipis lagi, Tuan.

This cloth is very dark, I should Kain ini terlalu itam, sahya suka

like one a little lighter col- puteh sedikit dripada ini ; oured; try and find one. chuba charikan satu.

It will be difficult to get, Sir, Susah dapat, Tuan, ttapi

but I will search. bulih sahya charikan.

If I provide the cloth, how Kalau sahya membri kainnya

much must I pay for stitch- brapa sahya maubairupah

ing one pair of trowsers? menjait sluar satu pasang?

That is very dear, I think it is Mhal sangat itu, sahya fikir

more than a fair amount. lbih dripada patut

In how many days can you Dalam brapa hari bulih sudah-

finish these trowsers ? kan sluar ini?

Try and bring them to-morrow Chuba bawa ptang sok, sah-

afternoon, I very muchwT ant ya berkahandak sangat

them by that day, if you pada hari itu, kalau kerja

work hard you can cer- baik baik tntu bulih dih4-

tainly finish them. biskannya.

I will try, Sir. Nanti sahya chuba, Tuan.

How much a dozen are white Sluar puteh brapa herga satu

trowsers, you buying the losen, kain angkau bli sen-

stuff ? diri ?

I want one and a half dozen. Sahya mau stngah dua losen. 36 CONVERSATIONS WITH A SHOEMAKER.

This coat is fer too big, and Coatini terlalubesar, lagi tang-

the sleeves one is long and annya satu panjang satu

one short; take it home pendek; bawa pulang bStul-

and make it right. kannya.


These shoes are worn out, I Kasut ini sudah burok sahya

can't wear them any longer. ta'bulih pakei lagi

Is there a shoemaker here ? Adakah tukang kasut disini ?

If there is a good workman Kalau &da tukang yang baik

call him, I want to order panggil dia, sahya mau su-

him to make me some shoes. roh dia buat kasut.

I know how to make shoes, Kasut sahya ta-u buat, Tuan,

Sir, but I am not clever at 'tap! boot sahya kurang making boots. pandei.

Make one pair of shoes first Buat satu pasang kasut dahu-

and let me see if they are lu, nanti sahya lihat kalau

good or not, afterwards, if baik atau tidak, kmdian

they are good, I can get kalau baik bulih sahya am-

more. bil lagi. Have you brought patterns of Adakah angkau bawa chonto

leather for making shoes ? kulit kasut ?

This leather is not good, it is Kulit ini ta'baik, nipis sk41i.


I ^want patent leather, Kulit kilat sahya mau.

Try and make a pair of boots, Chuba buat sa'pasang boot,

I will give you a pattern. sahya bulih bagi chonto.

These shoes I can't wear, they Kasut ini ta'bulih pakei, pen-

are too short and too nar- dek sangat, lagi sempit,

row, I can't get my foot in- kaki sahya ta'bulih masok to them. ka'dalamnya.

Make another pair larger than Chuba buat lagi satu pasang

these, and longer. bsar sdikit deripacla ini,

lagi panjang.

The leather is very hard. Kulit ini kras skali. Adak^h

Have you any other that lain yang lembut lagi?

is softer than this ?

Can you make long boots to Bulihkah angkau buat boot

wear for riding if I give panjang, pakei naik kuda, you a pattern? kalau sahya bagi chontonya.

I want white shoes with laces Sahya mau kasut puteh, t&li-

like these. nya sperti ini.

Without laces, with india rub- TTada dngan talinya, dngan

ber on the sides. gtah di seblah mnyablah- m nya.

That red leather I don't like, it Kulit mrah itu sahya ta'suka,

is not nice, and it soon wears ta'elok, lagi lkas resak.

out. I will wait till you get Sahya bulih nanti sampei

some European leather, angkau dapat kulit Europa.

Make the soles thick [thin]. Tapaknya buat tbal [nipis] sdikit. 38 CONVERSATIONS WITH A JOINER, &C.

The heels are too high [too Tumitnya tinggi sangat [ren--

low]. dah sangat].


Call a carpenter. Panggil satu tukang kayu.

This table is injured, the foot Mja ini sudah rosak, kakinya

is broken, mend it. sudah patah, chuba mem- btiilkannya.

Can you make chairs like Bulihkah tukang buat krusi s-

this ? perti ini ?

At how much each ? Brapa satu ?

If you make me a dozen can Kalau angkau buat satu losen

you lower the price ? sama sahya, bulihkah ku- rang herganya.

Can you get wood like this Bulihkah dapat kayu sperti

in Singapore ? ini di Singapura ?

Any tough wood will do. Sa'barang kayu yang liat ja-


Make it of a good wood like Buat dngan kayu yang, baik Merbau. sperti Mrbau.

J Don t use red wood. Kayu mrah jangan pakei.

You must varnish it. Taroh varnish juga. [Malay

varnish is called Sampang,

but it is too expensive for

furniture and Chinese var-

nish is used for that.] CONVERSATIONS WITH A JOINER, &C. 39

This table's leg is a little too Kaki mja ini panjang sdikit.


Cut it and make it the same Chuba potong, buat sama

length as the others. panjang dngan lain kaki.

I can't do it here, Sir, I have Sahya ta'bulih buat disini,

not brought tools, I will go Tuan, sahya t'adabawaper- home now and return with kakas, nanti sahya pulang

the necessary tools. d'hulu mngambil perkakas yang chukup.

Very well, but come back at Baiklah, ttapi lkas balik, ker-

once, for this wr ork must ja ini mau dihabiskan pAda

be finished to-day. hari ini juga.

You had better plane the top Mja ini baik ktamkan sedi-

of the table, it is dirty and kit, atasnya sudah kotor, la-

not quite level. gi t'ada rata.

Look this has come open, try Tingo' sudah rnggang, chuba

and stick it together again. rapatkan balik.

Can you do that ? Bulihkah buat itu ?

Will it be easy or difficult ? Snangkah, susah ?

I want a kitchen table, not Sahya mau mja satu pAkei di

7 made of expensive w ood, 5 dapor, jangan kayu mhal feet long, 2| feet wide, and mhal, panjang lima k4ki,

about 3 feet high, what is lebr dua kaki stngah,

the price of a table like tinggi barang tiga kaki,

that ? brapa herganya ? 4° CONVERSATIONS WITH A JOINER, &C,

The varnish on the chairs you Krusi krusi angkau bawa sam&- brought yesterday was not lam, vamishnya bulum

dry, so it came off; take kring lagi, jadi sudah le-

them home with you and put kang; bawa pulang krusi itu,

on another coat of varnish, taroh varnish lagi sk&li,

and when they are properly bila sudah kring baik, bawa

dry, bring them back. balik. My carriage has been broken, Krta sahya sudah pichah,

you had better go and see lbih baik pergi lihat, km-

it and then come and tell dian mari kata pada sahya

me for how much you will brapa herga angkau bulih

put it in order. btulkannya. Two or three spokes of the Dua tiga kayu roda mau

wheel must be renewed, the di tukr, lagi baum kanan

right shaft is broken and sudah patah, dan chat dua

the paint is off in two or tiga tmpat sudah kluar.

three places.

Don't be long over the work, Jangan lengah mmbuat kerja

I want to use the carriage itu, sahya mau pakei krta soon. lkas. Can you make me a new car- Bulihkah buat krtabharusdma

riage, a four-wheeled buggy sahya, buggy am pat roda

like that used by Mr. ? sperti yang dipakei ulih

Tuan anu ?

If you make a new carriage in Kalau buat krta bh&ru br^pa

how many days can you fin- h&ri bulih habis ?

ish it ? IN THE BAZAR. 4!

Make the hood of the best Kopnya buat dngan kulit itam

black leather, lined with yang baik skali, alas dngan

dark blue cloth; the cush- kain biru itam didalamnya,

ions of dark blue leather to tilamnya buat dengan kulit

match the cloth; paint the biru itam sama wT rna s-

carriage black with blue perti kain tadi, krta smua

lilies and put on three coats taroh chat itam dngan baris

of varnish. biru, dan sapu varnish tiga

kali diatashya.


What do you sell here ? Apa angkau jual disini ?

I want to buy some sarongs, Sahya mau bli kain sarong,

Javanese, can I get them bktek buatan Jawa, bulih-

here ? kah dapat disini ?

These are not good, have you Ini kurang baik, 4dakah yang

any better ones ? baik dripada ini ?

That is very dear. Itu banyak mhal. Shew me some cheaper ones. Chuba tunjuk yang murahsdi-


Have you any silk ? Adakah kain stra ?

Chinese silk, for making bajus. Stra China, buat b&ju.

I have none, Sir. Disini t'ada, Tuan.

You can get it in the Macao D4lam kdei Makau bulih shops. d^pat. 42 •IN THE BAZAR.

Can I buy things in the pawn- Bulihkah sahya bli barang

shops ? barang didalam pajak gadei?

In the pawnshops you can't, Didalam pajak gadei ta'bulih,

Sir, but in the old clothes Tuan, ttapi didalam kdei

shops you can. pajak kain burok bulih juga dapat.

Where can I get Buggis cloth ? Kain Bugis dimana sahya bu-

lih bli.

At present you can't get any, Skarang ta'bulih dapat, Tuan,

Sir, but in the Buggis sea- ttapi clalam musim Bugis

son you can buy them in bulih bli diprau orang orang

the Buggis people's boats Bugis, atau di Kampong

or in Kampong Glam by the Glam tpi laut.


Where is the cleverest gold- Mana tukang mas yang pan-

smith here ? dei skali disini ?

Probably the Javanese in Kam- Barangkali orang Jawa di Kam- pong Glam. The Chinese pong Glam. Tukang China

workmen are clever, but we pun pandei juga, ttapi ki-

distrust them a little. ta kurang perchaya sdikit.

Is not this the shop of a Ja- Bukankah ini kdei sa' orang

vanese named Ahmed, a Jawa bernama Ahmed, tu-

jeweller? kang mas [johari] ?

Yes Sir, formerly he lived here, Btul, Tuan, dahulu ada dia

but now he has removed to tinggal disini, skarang su-

Singapore. dah dia pinclah ka'Singa-

p&ra. "


Can you give me some one to Bulihkah b&gi s&tu orang per- go with me, and shew me gi s&ma sahya mnunjukkan

the way ? rumahnya?

There is no one who knows T'ada siapa yang tau rumah-

his house except myself, nya lain dripada sahya, h&l

and I can't leave my shop. sahya tiada bulih mning- galkan kdei.


What is the name of this river? Apa nama sungei ini ?

Where is its mouth ? Dimana kualanya ?

This is the mouth. Inilah kualanya.

I want to go up the river, can Sahya mau mudik, bulihkah

I get a boat here ? dapat prau disini ?

What sort of boat do you Apa m&cham prau Tuan

want ? mau ? A sampan, a house-boat, a dug- Sampan, ktiap, prau s&gor.


Which is the best ? Mana yahg baik ?

If you want to go fast up the Kalau mau mudik dras (chpat

river, a small dug-out is chpat or b&ngat) s&gor k-

the best. chil yang baik ?

If you want to go up in com- Kalau mau mudik snang baik

fort, it is better to use a pakei ktiap. " house-boat.

Can you go up the river with Bulihkah mudik berkAjang

a fixed kajang ? miti? 44 ON A RIVER.

Only as far as Ku&la Labu, Sampei Kudla Labu sh&ja

you must take down the Tuan, disitu mau buka k&- kajang there. an j g- Why? Auat? Mngapa? KnApa?

Because the river, from the Sbb sungei ini dri Kuala mouth of the Labu towards Labu ka'ulu banyak smak.

the source, is much over- grown.

That is very unpleasant. Banyak susah itu.

Yes, but you can use an um- Yah, ttapi bulih berpayong.


That too is a trouble, but Susah juga, ttapi kajang -'t-

with or without a kajang I kajang pun sahya mau mu"

must go up the river to-day. dik hari ini juga.

The tide is now falling, it is Skarang ayer surut, lbih baik

better to wait for the flood nanti 4yer pasang bharu bu"

tide and then you can go lih mudik snang.

up the river easily.

I can't wait. Hire one boat Ta'bulih nanti, swakan prau

and sufficient men. sa'buah dan charikan oranga nya chukup.

A steersman, and how many Jermudi sAtu, lAgi anak prau boatmen do you want? brapa orang Tuan mau? A Four boatmen, that will be five Anak prau ampat orang, j&di

in all. lima smuanya.

How much wages will you BrApa Tuan mau b&gi gajinya? give? ON A RIVER. 45

Whatever is fair. Whatever is Brapa patut. Br&pa yang Adat

the custom here. disini.

It is the custom here to pay Kalau &dat disini di b&irkan

the hire of the boat to swa kapada Tuan prau, dan

the owner, and he settles dia bulih slseikan dngan with the steersman. jermudi. A The boatmen are paid twenty- Anak prau itu di bairkannya

five cents (a quarter of a sa'suku sa'hari.

dollar) a day. A What, must I give the boat- Apa sahya mau bagi makannya

men their food too? juga pada anak prau itu?

No, Sir, they will find their Tidak, Tuan, makannya sn-

own food. diri. How large a house-boat do Brapa bsar ktiap Tuan mau you want,—one that will pakei,—yang muat sa'ko- carry a koyan? iankah ?

I don't know if it carries a Sahya ta'tau kalau muat sa'- koyan. Can two people koian. Bulihkah dua orang sleep under the kajang tidor dibawah kajang dn- with comfort? gan snang?

Oh very easily, Sir, if a boat Oh banyak snang, Tuan, ka-

of a koyan capacity and lau prau muat sa'koian ti- carrying no cargo, many dak bawa barang bArang,

people can sit comfortably banyak orang bulih dudok

in it. dngan snang.

I have but few things, load Barang barang sahya sdikit

them in the boat quickly. shaja, muat dilam prau lkas lkas, 46 ON A RIVER.

Are you ready? Sediakah? Sudah siapkah?

Ready, Sir. Sdia, Tuan.

Then shove off. Kalau bagitu tolak. A The water is deep, here you Ayemya d&lam disini, mau pa-

must row {lit. use oars). kei daiung.

Berdaiunglah kuat kuat. Row hard. K&yuh kuat kuat. Paut.

When we get past the in- Bila beraleh surut bulih kita fluence of the tide we can bergalah.


If I only go up the river and Kalau sahya mudik shaja, ba-

return another way, what lik ikut lain j&lan, brapa

will be the charge for the swa prau itu? boat?

The same, Sir. Bagitu juga Tuan.

% Oh that is not fair, for you Oh ta'patut bagitu, angkau bu-

can load up the river, and lih muat dihulu dan ambil

get another hire coming swa hilir kmbilik. down stream.

The price of bringing things Murah skali, Tuan, mmbawa

from the interior down the barang hilir deri hulu, tta-

river is very cheap, Sir, pi bulih sahya kurangkan

but I will lower the hire swa sdikit jika Tuan tidak

a little if you don't return. bMik.

We had better fix it before- Lbih baik kita janji (tntukan)

hand, dahlalu, ON A RIVER. 47

Very well, Sir, let it be twen- Baik, Tuan, biarlah dtia puloh

ty-two dollars. dua ringgit. (Dua lkor.) When do you want to start? Bila Tuan mau j41an?

The day after to-morrow, first Lusa pagi pagi.

thing in the morning.

Get ready sufficient oars and Siapkan daiung dan galah chu-

poles, let nothing be want- kup chukup, j&ngan kurang

ing. s&tu 4pa pun.

Will you give me a little mon- Bulihkah Tuan bagi sikit duit

ey in advance to buy food, d'hulu, handak mmbli ba- rattans, and other things? rang makanan dngan r6tan

dan lain lainnya. How much do you want? Brapa angkau mau?

About five dollars will be Barang lima ringgit chukup,

enough, Sir. Tuan.

Very well, come to my house Baiklah; lusa pagi mAri ka'ru-

the day after to-morrow mah sahya mngambil ba-

morning, and take my lugg- r^ng barang bawa turun ka'

age to the boat. prau.

Fill a box with earth and bring Isi satu pti dngan t4nah, ba-

it in the boat, in order that wa bersama ka'd&lam prau,

we may cook rice in the bulih kita bertanak dMarn

boat. prau.

Take hold of your poles, all Pgang galah smua orang.

of you.

The pole won't reach the bot- GMah ta'sampei (jtjak), T&an.

torn, ! !


Try again; does it reach or Chuba lagi skali; sampeikah not? tidak?

It reaches. Sampei, Tuan. Pole away, we are going down Tikam galah, ktta anyut. stream.

When we get to the point Bila sampei di tanjong itu mau

{lit. promontory) you must galah kuat kuat, sbb &rus

pole very hard indeed, be- dras skali disitu.

cause the current is so

strong there.

When we get into the bend Bila sampei di tluk snang

{lit. bay) it is easier. sedikit,

Call in ! Call in Singgah ! Singgah

People on shore are hailing Orang orang di darat ada la-

us to call in. ung kita, suroh singgah.

The bank is very high there, Tbingtinggi sangat disitu, ra-

go alongside that sandy pat pantei pasir di ulu itu. place up stream.

You can get ashore, Sir, there Bulih juga naik, Tuan, ada

is a landing-stage, a bath- jmbatan, ada jamban.

ing-house. A The water is very shallow, the Ayer tohor skali, prau ta'- boat can't get along. lpas.

Yes it can. Lpas juga.

It is shallow {lit. dry) here, Kring disini, undor kmbilik. back down stream.

Now it is deeper, pole again. Sk&rang dMam sdikit, ber- gilahlah. ON A RIVER. 49

Is the water fresh or salt? Ayer t&wrkah atau masin?

It is brackish. Payau, Tuan.

Look out for an open place, Ch&ri satu tmpat yang trang

and we will stop there, and sdikit, singgah disitu kita

cook our rice (i. e.j have bertanak.

breakfast or dinner).

This is a fine place. Inilah tmpat baik.

Go alongside the shore. R&pat ka'tepi.

Stick in a pole, tie up the Chachak galah, tambat prau,

boat to it, and let every bertanaklah smua orang

one cook his rice quickly. lkas lkas.

When we (or you) have fin- Sudah habis makan jalanlah

ished eating we will go on. kita. The boat has stuck. Prau sudah sangkut.

It is on a snag, on the sand, Di k&yukah, di pasirkah, di on the mud? lumporkah?

If we have stuck on a stick Kalau sangkut di k&yu mau

you must go back, if it's on undor, kalau di p&sir so- the sand shove her, and rong prau, barangk&li bulih

you'll perhaps get her off. lpas. Balance properly, the boat has Timbang btul btul, prau

a list to that side. sengit ka'sana. This house-boat rocks very Ktiap ini golek s^ngat.


This boat is very steady. Prau ini ttap sk&li. 5° ON A RIVER.

Catch hold of that bough with Kait dahan itu dngan gMah,

the pole, and hold her tahan baik baik di buritan with a pole from the stern. prau. [To prevent being carried down by a strong current,]

The bow is free, she is fast Haluan sudah lepas, kna di amidships, astern, by the tngah, di kor, kna kamu-

rudder. di.

Look out in the bows! Jaga di haluan.

How far is it by river from Ban- Brapa jauh dripada Bander

der Termasa [Langat] to Termasa mudik ka'Rekoh ? Rkoh?

We can reach it with one Satu hari berdaiung anam h&ri day's rowing and six days' bergalah, bulih sampei.


Five more bends of the river, Lima tanjong lagi sampeilah,

Sir, and you will reach it. Tuan.

Owing to heavy rains the river Sbb hujan terlampau lbat

is very high. jadi sungei sudah bsar. Three days ago there was a Tiga hari dulu ada bah bsar. great "fresh."

Fix a pole in the middle of Chachak galah di tngah, di-

the river, we will pass the sini bulih kita berm&lam; night here; fire-wood we k4yu api snang dapat, lSgi

can get easily, and the utan Ada trang sedikit.

jungle is more open. There are a great many mos- Ny&mok terlampau banyak,

quitoes, put some leaves tAroh daun k&yu di^tas 4pi,

on the fire, and make smoke. biar &sap sdikit. ON A RIVER. 51

Wake up every one before day- Bangunkan smua orang dini-

light to-morrow, cook whilst hari sok, glap glap ber-

it is still dark, and then tanak, kmdian bulih kita

we can start again. berj^lan pula.

When the boat is going down Bila prau hilir p^kei png&yuh stream you use paddles shaja.


Look out for that snag ahead, Jaga tunggul diadap, kalau

if you strike it the boat kna skarang nanti terlin-

will swing broadside to the tang prau, barangkali ka-

stream, and perhaps we ram kita.

shall be swamped.

All the things will sink. Nanti tngglam b4rang barang


But we shall float, and can Ttapi kita nanti timbul dan

swim to shore. bulih bernang ka'darat.

Do people fish wr ith a rod Orang sini biasa mngailkah ? here? A One or two fly-fish, but many Ada satu dua yang mpas,

net. ttapi banyak yang mn-

jala ?

What sort of fish do you get Apa m&cham ikan dapat dalam

in this river? sungei ini ? Kalo, sb&rau, tngah, and Ikan kaloe 4da, ikan sb&rau,

many others. ikan tengah, dan b&nyak

lain lain m4cham.

The kalo is the best to eat. Ikan kalo yang sdap sk&li mcikan. 5* IN THE JUNGLE.

If any fish are got simply Kalau d&pat ikan b&krnya roast them. shaja.


Where are you going? Tuan mau pergi ka'm&na ? To Slim. Ka'Slim.

It is a long way. About one Jauh skali. Barangkali s&tu

night up the river and two malam mudik, dua h&ri ber-

two days' walking before jalan bharu sampei ka'Slim. you reach Slim.

Is it a good road? Jalan lokkah (baikkah)?

It is a jungle road, you know J&lan utan, Tuan terlbih tau

what that is like. halnya.

Up and down hill all the way, Mndaki mnurun shaja; mau and you must cross two or juga mnybrang dua tiga

three streams. Anak ayer.

The rivers are shallow, but if it Sungeinya tohor, ttapi kalau

rains it will be difficult, for hujan datang susah juga,

there will be floods. nanti bertmu bah.

If you start early in the morn- Kalau jalan pagi pagi bulih

ing you will arrive by day- sampei siang hari.


If the sun is high when you Kalau m&ta-h&ri sudah tinggi

start, it will be night when bh4ru berjalan, tntu ma-

you arrive. lam bh4ru sampei. IN THE JUNGLE. 53

In that case it is better to Kalau bagitu lbih baik ber-

pass the night in the jungle. mcilam dalam utan.

You can do that, but it is un- Bulih, Tuan, ttapi susah juga

pleasant to pass a night bermalam dalam utan.

in the jungle.

Why? Auat ?

There are many mosquitoes, Nyamok banyak, lagi dMam

and in big jungle you may rimba bsar barangkAli

meet tigers. jumpa rimau.

If you make a big fire the tigers Kalau buat &pi bsar tntu

dare not come near. rimau ta'br&ni dekat.

Perhaps. Barangkcili, Tuan.

Bring two or three kajangs, al- Bawa k&jang dua tiga bidang,

so mats, pillows and mos- Ugi tikr bantal dngan

quito curtains, and we can kalambu, bulih kita tidor

sleep in comfort. snang sedikit

Perhaps the grass will be wet, Barangk&li rumput b&sah, le-

you had better bring a bih baik Tuan bawa kain

waterproof sheet. gtah juga.

Don't bring many things, it is Jangan bawa b&rang banyak,

very difficult to carry them susah skcili mmikul b&-

in the jungle. rang d^lam rimba.

There is not much big jungle, Rimba sdikit, Tuan, blukr

it is principally secondary yang b&nyak. growth.

The secondary growth is worse Blukr yang terlbih susah

because of the heat. sbb p4nas.

I£ there are great trees they Kalau poko' k&yu bsar bsar

will shelter us from the sun. bulih kita berlindong diri drip&da p&nas. 54 IN THE JUNGLE.

Our feet will be sure to be Kaki kita tntu nanti s&kit,

hurt, because of the roots sbb jijak banyak akr di

on the path. jalan.

Mind the thorns, if they J&ga duri, T&an, kalau kna

catch your coat they will kain baju tntu di ko-

tear it to a certainty. iakkan.

Are there many leeches here? Adakah banyak pachat disini?

If it is a wet day many, but Kalau hari hujan banyak, ka-

not in the dry season. lau musim panas tidak.

Leeches are annoying, but the Pachat pun susah, ttapi lin-

horse-leeches are worse. tah terlbih jahat. Kalau

If two or three horse-lee- lkat dua tiga ekor lintah

ches stick on you they itu, barangkali di mtnum

will suck about a chupak darah dkat satu chupak.

of blood.

Never mind, when they are Tid'apa, sudah knnyang dia

satisfied they drop off. jatoh juga.

What is that noise ? Apa itu bunyi ?

A tree falling, Sir. K4yu rbah, Tuan. This afternoon you can stop Ptang skarang bulih kita

at a sakei (wild people) brenti di ladang sakei.


There are two or three fami- Ada dua tiga klamin orang

lies of Jambi people who Jambi bh^ru mnbaskan have cut down the jungle utan buat ladang.

and made a clearing. A What are they going to plant? Apa dia mau tanam ?

Hill paddy, Sir. Padi huma, Tuan, AT SEA. 55

Which is best, hill paddy or M&na baik, padi humakah padi wet paddy? bndangkah (sAwahkah)?

The wet paddy is best and Padi sawah yang baik, Tuan,

gives the largest crop. l&gi b&nyak d&pat.


Where is our ship ? Dimana k&pal kita ?

At the anchorage. At the Di labuhan, Tuan. Di kuala.

mouth of the river.

If there is no wind we can't Kalau t'ada angin ta'dapat

sail this evening. berlayer (blayer) ini malam.

I think we shall have a breeze. Sahya fikir angin nanti turun.

If the wind's astern it will be Kalau angin dri blakang

grand, if it's a headwind it yahum, kalau di muka

will be troublesome. susah.

If the wind's on the beam we Kalau dri sblah bulih kita

can tack. blok.

Don't sail when there is no Jangan berlayer bulan glap,

moon, you can't see. ta' bulih nampak.

At what o'clock will the moon Pukol brapa bulan naik ?

rise ?

Far in the night, about i A. M. Jauh mMam, Tuan, barang-

k41i pukol satu.

In that case go down to the Kalau bagitu turun ka'pantei

sea-shore at midnight and pukol duablas, nanti sahya

wait for me. d&tang. 56 AT SEA.

Get a good man to steer. Chari satu orang pandei p- gang kamudi.

It is difficult to find (such a Stlsah mnchclri, Tuan, tt&pi

one), but if the night is kalau m&lam . trang, jbulih

clear, we can coast along kita ikut pantei, batu dan the shore, there are no karang t'ada.

rocks or reefs. Weigh the anchor. Bungkr sauh.

Hoist all the sails. Buka layer smua.

The main-sail will be enough Layer agong shaja jadilah

at first. dulu.

Lower the jib. Turunkan jib.

The sail halyard is twisted, Klat sudah kosot, panjat tt- go up the mast and make ang btulkannya.

it right.

Starboard the helm, I see Kiri kamudi, sahya nampak

broken water ahead, there 4yei* berolak diadap, tntu must be rocks there. ada batu. The boat won't answer the Kamudi ta'makan, Tuan.

helm (/*>., the rudder won't

bite). Hard a starboard! Kiri chikar! Put the helm amidships, we Btulkan kamudi, kita undor.

- are drifting.

How is the tide now? B^gimana arus sekirang?

Is the tide rising or falling? Ayer pAsangkah surut ?

It is the top of high water. P4sang pnoh.

It is dead low water. Surut timpas. AT SEA. 57

The flood has just begun. Ayer bunga p&sang.

On the first day of the new Satu hari bulan Ayer p4sang

moon there is a great rise bsar.

and fall of tide.

I can't see the shore any long- Darat ta'nampak lagi, lbih

er, we had better get in- baik rapat ka'pantei sdi-

shore a little. kit.

We can't, Sir, the shore is Ta'bulih, Tuan, pantei sudah

close, you can't see it be- dkat, ta'bulih nampak di

cause of the heavy rain. buat ulih hujan lbat ini.

If you see Jugra hill, steer Kalau nampak bukit Jgra tu-

straight for it, and you will julah btul btul, bulih d&-

enter the Langat river. pat Kuala Langat.

Throw the lead. Buang prum (ladong).

How much water is there? Brapa ayer?

It is deep, the lead does not Ayer dalam juga, ta'jijak reach the bottom. prum.

Throw it again. Buang skali lagi. A Deep four. Ampat btul.

It is shallow here, be careful Tohor sini jaga baik baik,

or we shall get on a sand- nanti kita kna bting. bank. We have passed the sand- Sudah lpas bting. bank.

Cast anchor; put out the fires. LAbuh sauh; pAdam 4pi.

One man go on watch, Satu orang jaga kipal, lain

and the others can all go orang smua bulih tidor.

to sleep. 58 SHOOTING.

The boat rolls so it is diffi- K&pal golek (oleng) sangat,

cult to sleep. susah mau tidor.

I want to start at 5 A. M. Is Pukol lima pagi sahya mau

there sufficient coal? jalan lagi. Arang ada chu-

kupkah ?

There is no more coal, but Arang t'ada lagi, ttapi kayu

there is plenty of mangrove bakau banyak. wood. Get as much fresh water as Ambil &yer tawer brapa yang

you can carry, if you use bulih muat, kalau pakei

salt water it will injure the ayer masin nanti rosak

machinery (boiler). psawat (prioknya).


I want to go shooting. Sahya mau pergi mnimbak.

What do you want to shoot ? Apa Tuan mau timbak ?

I want to shoot birds. Mau mnimbak burong. A What sort of birds? Apa macham burong ?

Snipe, quail, teal, goose-teal, Burong berkek, puyuh, burong

wild-geese, whatever kinds blibis, itek ayer, undan, ap'

there are. &pa macham yang &da.

In Pahang there are lots of Di Pahang burong mrak ban-

peacock, but * here there yak, disini tidak ada.

are none. Argus pheasants are the most Burong kuang yang susah

difficult to get. skAli mnd&pat. SHOOTING. 59

They perch on the tops of Dia hinggap di&tas poko' di-

trees in big jungle; if any dMam rimba bsar bsar ; one approaches they fly kalau orang sudah dkat away. dia terbang. Do you use a breech-loader? Tuan p&kei sn&pang kopak? Yes, a double-barrelled breech- Yah, sn&pang kopak dua

loader. m&tanya.

Bring the cartridges loaded Bawa ptron yang isi pn&bor

with small shot. halus itu.

There are no more, they are Tidak Ada lagi, Tuan, sudah

all finished, only No. 5 are h&bis smua tinggal num.

left. ber lima sh&ja.

For pigeon No. 5's are capital. Kalau mnimbak punei loklah

number lima.

Bring two or three ball car- Bawa ptron pluru dua tiga,

tridges, perhaps we shall barangk&li berjumpa b&bi

see a wild pig or a crocodile. utan atau bu&ia.

This way, Sir, two or three Sblah sini, Tuan, Ada dtia tiga

birds have settled in the kor hinggap di rumput

grass there, at the edge of s&na, tpi p&ya. the swamp.

There they are. Itu dia.

Are they hit ? Knakah tidak ?

Yes, Sir. No, Sir. Kna Tuan. Ta'kena, Tuan.

Go and fetch it (them). Pergilah mngambilnya..

It is only slightly hit, not Kna sdikit, Tuan, bulum

dead, and has dived. m&ti l&gi, sudah dia mn- yelam. (So SHOOTiNG.

Teal are very clever at hiding Pandei skali smbunyi burong

themselves, unless they are blibis itu, mlainkan m&ti

killed outright they are langsong susah mnch&ri

very difficult to find. dia.

There are plenty of birds, but B&rong b&nyak, Tuan, tet£pi

the swamp is deep, you p&ya d&lam, mau pakei

must use a boat. prau. The grass (or rushes) has Rumput sudah panjang, susah

grown long, it will be diffi- berprau.

cult in a boat* We can go along slowly. B&lih juga kita berjalan plan- You can't row, you must plahan. Berdaiung ta'bulih,

pole. mau bergalah.

You sit in the middle of the Tuan dudok di tngah prau,

boat, at the bow, I will di haluan, sahya nanti ber-

pole from the stern. g&lah dri blikang.

This swamp is very extensive, Luas sk&li paya ini, apa n£ma

what do you call it ? tmpatnya ?

The dry rice fields. Bndang kring, Tuan.

The bird is down, it's hit in Burong sudah jatoh, kna

the wing, and will run, saiapnya, nanti dia lAri,

chase it quickly, hambat lkas.

I have got it. It was hit in Dapat, Tuan, kna di dada

the breast and killed out- m&ti langsong.


All those that are not killed M&na m&na yang bulum m&ti

cut their throats and we l&gi smblehkan dia, bulih

Madomedans can eat them. kita orang Isl&m m&kannya, SHOOTING. 6l

Their flesh is very rich. Lmak skAli d&gingnya.

The snipe is the most delicious Burong berkek yang sdap

of all. drip&da smua.

Do you like hunting deer ? Tuan suka berburu rusakah ?

If there are dogs I like it. Kalau Ada anjing sftka juga. The Pahang Rajas are clever Raja RAja Pahang yang pan-

at hunting with dogs. dei berburu.

What sort of dogs do they Apa bangsa anjing dia p&kei ?

use ?

The dogs of the wild tribes. Anjing orang s&kei.

Seek a wild man wr ho is cle- Chari orang sakei yang pandei

ver at tracking wild beasts, mngikut bin&tang liar,

and we will go and shoot bulih kita pergi mnimbak. them;

There is a clever one here, Sir. Ada s&tu orang piwang disini, Tuan.

What sort of big game can Apa micham bin&tang bulih

you get ? dapat ? Elephants, rhinoceros, wild G&jah, b&dak, sl&dang, tnok,

cattle, tapir, samba deer, rusa, kijang, plandok, dan

roe deer, mouse deer, and lain lainnya.


If I could get one sl&dang I Kalau bulih dapat sl&dang

should be delighted. satu kor gamarlah h&ti sahya.

If Ve are fortunate we can get Kalau untong kita bftlih juga

one. d&pat, Tuan.

I hope so. Sahya h&rap bagitu. 62 SHOOTING.

Don't bring many people, one J&ngan bawa orang b&nyak,

or two only. You must s&tu dua sh&ja. Tuan j&-

walk very quietly and must lan pl&han sk&li dan ta'bu-

not talk. lih ch&kap ch&kap. What sort of place do they like? Tmpat m&na yang dia suka? A bamboo jungle near a hot Utan buluh dkat dngan Ayer

spring, that is the place hangat, itulah yang suka

those beasts like best. s&ngat bin&tang itu.

Can you get near them ? Bulihkah dkat dngan dia ? Yes, a clever tracker can. Bulih juga kalau orang pandei mngikut bin&tang. A male has large long horns. Kalau jantan tandoknya bsar panjang.

The female has horns also, Btina pun bertandok jftga t-

but smaller. t&pi kchil l&gi.

The skin is black with short Kulitnya itam, bulu pendek,

hair, the feet small with k&kinya kchil, bulu btis- red hair on the legs. nya mrah.

The beast is very fierce, if it G&rang sk&ii bin&tang itu, ka-

attacks us we must take lau di langgr kita mau

care. j&ga baik baik.

It tosses you with its horns. Dia terkam dngan tandoknya.

If you wound without killing Kalau luka ta'm£ti b&rangk&li

it probably it is dangerous, g&rang, kalau ta'kena l&ri-

but if you miss it would lah dia. run away. XVIII.—DURING DISTURBANCES. 63

Have you heard the news ? Adakah, Tuan, dngar khabar?

People say there is a great Kata orang sudah jadi per-

disturbance at Ulu Prak. gadohan bsar di Ulu Prak.

It is so stated. Ada kunun bagitu. [itu? A How did the disturbances occur? Apa sbb mnjadi pergadohan A The origin of it was this, Sir. Asalnya, Tuan, bagini.

There is a man in that dis- Ada satu orang d&lam dairah

trict who is its Pnghulu, itu mnjadi Pnghulunya,

but the new Yam Tuan ttapi Yam Tuan bh&ru ini

(Sultan) did not like him, tidak suka akan dia, dip-

so he dismissed him, and chatkan dia glarkan lain

nominated another man to orang mngganti dia j&di

succeed him as Pnghulu. Pnghulu disitu. Sbb' itu Therefor the new Pnghulu berkl&hilah Pnghulu bh&ru fought with the old Pnghulu. dngan Pnghulu l&ma.

Has any one been killed or Adakah yang mati lfika ?

wounded ? [satu dua.

Not yet, Sir. Yes, one or two. Bulum lftgi, Tuan. Ada jtiga

On whose side were they killed? Sblah m&na yang mati itu? On the side of the new Peng- Sblah Pnghulu bh&ru, Tuan.

hulu. About 20 of his Ada barang dila puloh

men were walking through orang dia, berjAlan d&lam the jungle when they came utan, jumpa satu kubu mu-

on a stockade of the en- soh, berkl&hilah disitu.

emy, and fought. Those Yang dalam kubu itu 4da

in the stockade had plenty bersn&pang b&nyak, yang

of muskets, the others had lain dtia. tiga ptichok s-

only two or three. hAja. 64 DURING DISTUKBANCES.

The new Penghulu's men fled, Undorlah orang sblah Prtg-

pursued by the enemy, and hfilu bharu itu, dihambat

three of the new Peng- ulih musohnya, m&ti tiga

hulu's men were killed, the orang sblah Pnghulu

rest of their party ran in- bharu, yang lain lain k&-

to the jungle at hazard in wannya l&ri d&lam utan lin-

different directions. tang pukang chrei brei.

Even yet it is not known Pada hari ini pun ta'tentu

where they are. tmpatnya.

Who has fetched the bodies Siapa mngambil maiat tiga

of the three men who orang yang mati itu ?

were killed ?

They are left in the jungle, Tinggal dalam utan, ti&da no one has courage en- orang br&ni mngambilnya.

ough to fetch them. In that case the new Png- Kalau bagitu malu bnar

hulu must be very much Pnghulu bhAru itu, maiat

ashamed, the corpses of k&wannya tertinggal.

his friends being abandon-


In the reckoning of Malays Pada kira orang Mal&iu mAlu

he must be ashamed in- skali, Tuan.


Where is the enemy? Dimana miisoh sk&rang? Their whereabouts are not Ta'tentu tmpatnya, Tuan.


Then we had better go and Kalau bagitu lbih baik kite

scout. pergi meng&kap. DURING DISTURBANCES. 65

We can send the head of the Bulih antr pnglima k&kap scouts with two men. dngan dua orang.

'Very well, to-night it will be Baik, m&lam sk&rang bulan

moonlight,, order them to trang, suroh dia orang

go and ascertain the jalan mnchari tmpat

whereabouts of the enemy, musoh, dim&na kubunya,

where are his stockades, brapa buah kubu, br&pa and how many, how many orang musoh, br&pa mri- men he has, how many amnya, dan 4pa apa ma-

guns, and of what kind. chamnya.

The head of the scouts has Pnglima kikap sudah b&lik,

returned. The enemy is Tuan. Musoh Ada di P&- at Papan, they have made pan, sudah dia berkukoh

that position strong. They disitu. Pnglimanya tiga, have three leaders. There orang kubunya dua, sblah

are two stockades, one on k&nan satu, sblah kiri satu,

the right, and one on the dngan kota satu di&tas

left of the road, and a bukit, diblakang kubu yang

fort on the top of the hill dua itu. Orangnya stn- behind the stockades. gah dua ratus lbih kurang,

They have about 150 men, mriam tidak &da, tet^pi

no cannon but three swivel lla ada tiga puchok dida-

guns in the fort. lam kota itu.

Very well, we will take the Baik, kalau bagitu kita m&sok

fort by assault from the mng^mok kotanya dri

rear, and it will then be blakang, kmdian mudah

easy to capture the stock- mngambil kubunya.


When the fort is taken there Kalau sudah di ambil kotanya will be no difficulty about kubu ta'susah \kgu the stockades.

Attack in earnest, don't hesi- Lantak btul btul, jingan

tate, and above all don't olok-olok, skali-kali j^ngan give way. undor.

When you are close to the Sudah dkat kota, bulih nam- fort, and can see the ene- pak musoh didalam, p&sang

my inside, fire one volley, snapang sktu das,' km- and then attack them with dian mng&mok dngan

the kris. kris shaja.

The fort is surrounded by a Kotanya sudah terp&gar kli-

palisade, besides there is a ling, lagi &da p&rit dan ditch, and ranjaus* ranjau.

Never mind, we can scout Tid'apa bulih kita mng&kap

and find the gate of the chkrx pintu kota, disitulah

fort, and enter there. m&sok.

There are sure to be two Tntu dua pintunya, pintu

gates, and the back one is bl&kang baik mAsok, nanti

the best to enter by ; the musoh lari drip&da pintu

enemy will run away by the adap, bulih orang kita j&ga

front gate, and our men disitu mn&han dia.

can watch there, and re-

sist them. Get ready gunpowder, and Sdiakan ubat dngan pluru bullets enough to load 40 chukup isikan Ampat piiloh

cartridges for each man. ptron pada s&tu s&tu orang.

* Pointed and sometimes poisoned sticks stuck in the ground to wound the feet» CONVERSATIONS WITH A RAJA. «*

If it rains cover the cartrid- Kalau d&tang h&jan tftdexng- ges properly. kan ptron baik baiL

Every man has a bullet pouch, Masing m&sing Ada kerpei,

his cartridges cannot get , Ttian, ptronnya ta'b&lih wet. bAsah.

Who fired a musket just Siapa yang mltupkan sen&-

now ? pang tadi ? The enemy. Mtisoh, T&an.

Listen. Dngar baik baik.

They fired three shots, that Diltupkan tiga das, tntulah

is certainly the enemy's al&mat musoh itu.


Do you wear a shield ? Tuan p&kei priseikah ?

No, it's no use to wear a Tidak, ta'guna berprisei, kalau

shield, if the enemy fire musoh bdil dngan pmii-

with one ras, b&rangk&li keaa pl&ru

bullet will perhaps hit. satu.

If you are hit, it is fate. Kalau Awak kna, nasiblah.


:1s the R&ja (or Tunku) in ? Tunku &da d&lamkah ?

Yes, Sir, but the R&ja (or Ada, Tuan, tet£pi Tunku ber-

His Highness) is asleep &du, bulum j&ga l&gi. and not yet awake.

At what o'clock wilLlfae wake? Pukol br&pa Tunku nanti jAga? $$ CONVERSATIONS WITH A RAJA.

The R4ja will wake at noon, Tngah h&ri nanti Tunku j&ga, •

and after he has bathed sudah dia sram biilih T&an

you can see him* berjumpa dngan dia..

The R&ja invites you to en- Tunku sila m&sok Inche\


I am glad to meet Your Sal&mat berjumpa Tunku,

Highness, I hope you are sahya h&rap Tunku Ada well—in good health. baik—badan shat.

Quite well, thank you, Sir. Shat juga, trimak&sih, Tuan.

Who is this R&ja, I don't Si&pa ini Tunku, sahya buldm

know him? knal l&gi ?

My younger brother, Tunku Adik sahya, Tuan, Tunku Ngah. Ngah.

When are you going back to Bila Tunku mau berankat

the Ulu ? Mlik ka'ulu ?

It is not yet fixed. I must Btilum tntu l&gi, Tuan, pakat

consult first with my bro- dtilu dngan &dik sahya ini.

ther here.

If you return to the Ulu shall Kalau Tunku b&lik ka'ulu ber-

you go in boats, or on praukah, berg&jahkah, ber-

elephants, or shall you j&lankah ? walk? CONVERSATIONS WITH A RAJA. <*>

Walking is difficult, because J&lan kctki susah, sbb men-»

there is much up and down d&ki mn&run b&nyak; l&gi

. hill; elephants too would g&jah pun susah herjilan

go with difficulty in this musim hujan ini. Orang

wet weather. People just bh&ru sampei dri hulu

arrived from the interior k&ta p&da sahya ayer di

tell me the water in the j&lan itu singgan (sa'heng-

road will take you up to ga) lutut, sbb itu sahya

your knees, so I think I fikir baik ikut sungei.

shall go by the river.

[A Malay speaking :] Your Kakanda Unku Long suroh

Highness's elder brother, patek mng&dap bri tau

RAja Long, ordered me to kapada Tuanku kakanda

come into your presence ada di Kubang BuAia, sok

and tell you that he is at nanti dia sampei ka'miri

Kubang Buaia, and to- mngadap Ttianku.

morrow he will arrive here

and visit Your Highness.

Very well, you return and tell Baik, kamu b&lik meng&takan

my elder brother that I am pada kakanda, 4dinda 4da

ready awaking him. sdia mnantikan dia.

I ask leave (to go). P&tek mohun.

Yes, go. Yah, j&lanlah.

Is that Tunku LONG who is Tunku Long yang handak

going to arrive to-morrow sampei sok diakah men-

Your Highness's elder bro- j&di &bang kapAda Tunku? ther? 1& XQWtBRSAXIOMS WITfTA R&J&.

Not- my real elder brother, my Btikan £bang btul, sAtu.bApaV-

half brother, the same fa-


Perhaps you have no brothers BArangkAK tfcdak ida adik k4-

or sisters by the same fa- kak yang s&tu b&pa s&tu

ther or mother as your- mak, dngan Tunku ?


Yes; I have an elder, sister Ada jiiga, Tuan, k4kak satu

who is married to R&ja yang sudah nikAh pada Mahmud, and a young Raja Mahmud, dan &dik

••brother: ..who is not yet jantan satu yang bulum

grown up, he is learning bsar lagi, tngah mng&ji

to read the Koran. dla.

He has. not yet read it Bultim khatam l&gi.

: through: (passed).

Not yet. .He has read twen- BJUArn. lAgi, Tilan, Dfia pu-

ty-eight chapters, there are loh l&pan juz sudah dib&-

two chapters still to read. cha, &da dfra juz. yang bu-

lurn bAcha ldgi.

If. on the fasting month the Kalau bulan puAsa, bacha Ko-

Koria is being read aloud ran tngah mjlis, kmdian

amongst those assembled in kita ta'tau mmb&cha, m&lu

the Hall of the Palace, and skAli.

; one cannot read, it makes

idire very much ashamed. The children of the higher Kalau Ahak orang baik baik

classes are obliged to read ta'bulih tidak mau khatam the Kor&n through, Kor4n. —


Tfye Datoh Bandar asks you Toh Bander minta maaf, Ttian,

to excuse him, he can't dia ta'bulih datang h&ri

come to-day, because he is ini, dia Ada s&kit.


What is the matter with him? Apa s&kitnya?

I don't know, you had better Ta'tau, Tuan, lbih baik Tuan

go yourself, and see him. pergi mlihat sndiri. Sa-

He is dangerously ill, and kitnya sudah trok, kalau

if he- is not attended to tidak di ubatkan, b&rang-

\Jit. "medicined"] perhaps kMi dia mati.

he will die.

I am very sorry to hear you Sahya banyak susah mndn-

[speaking to a Datoh] are gar D&toh ada s&kit. Di-

ill. Where do you feel mana Datoh r&sa sakit

the pain ? itu ?

I -have a pain in my head Sakit kp&la, Tuan. S&kit

in my stomach—in my foot prut. S&kit k£ki. S&kit

-—.in my breast. dada.

What does the pain feel like? Apa m&cham r&sa sakit itu ?

It is burning like fire. Rasa hangus, Tuan, sperti


I have difficulty in breathing. Susah mnapas, Tuan.

Show me your tongue. Are Tunjukkan lidah. Datoh ka'- your bowels as usual? sungei sl&lu, atau sperti

adatkah ?

For how many days have you Bripa hari D&toh ada sAkit

been sick Kke this ? bagini ? 72 CONVERSATIONS WITH A SICK MAN.

For a long time, but I am two Utma, Tiian, tt&pi dua tigja

or three days sick and then h&ri s&kit, kemdian baik

better again, the attacks sdikit pula, ta'tentu h&U

are irregular. nya.

Can you stand up, Datoh ? Bulihkah D£toh berdiri ?

Yes, I can, but it pains me Bulih juga, Tuan, tt&pi bawa

it is only by lying down sakit, baring sh&ja yang

that I can get a little ease. snang sdikit. Try and get up now. Chuba bangkit sk&rang.

I can't I have not the strength. Ta'bulih, Tuan, t'ada kuat.

Can you sleep at nights ? Malam malam biilihkah D4-

toh tidor ?

Yes, but whilst I am asleep Bulih, Tuan, ttapi waktu ti-

I perspire greatly. dor badan sahya kltjar pluh sh&ja.

In that case you have fever. Kalau bagitu D4toh ada d- mam.

I think so, because I can't Sahya fikir bagitu, Tuan, s-

eat, and I always feel as bb mikan ta'bulih, r&sa

if I must vomit. sperti mau muntah slAlu.

My body is hot now, but just Badan sahya p&nas sk&rang,

before you came it was tadi bulum Tuan ka'm&ri

quite cold. sjuk sk&li.

Let me feel your pulse. Mari ch&ba sahya r&sa nadi D&toh.

Do you smoke opium, Datoh? D&toh mngisapkah ?

A little. Sikit sikit, Ttian. CONVERSATIONS WITH A SICK MAN. 73

How many times a day do Br&pa k&li sa'h&ri D&toh mng-

you smoke ? Isap ?

In the morning once, in the P&gi skali. M&lam sk&li.

evening once.

You had better not smoke Lbih baik j&ngan mngisap

again at present. dulu.

We will talk about it to-mor- Nanti sok bfilih kita ch&k&p

row. fasal itu.

I am going home now, and I Sahya mau balik ka'rumah

will send you some medi- skarang, bulih sahya an-

cine. tr ubat kap&da Datoh.

What sort of medicine ? Apa macham ubat, Tuan ?

The medicine will be in a Obat itu dalam bAlang, D&toh

bottle, you must drink it mau minum tiga k&li sa'-

three times a day; measure hari; sukat dngan sndok

it with a large spoon, and bsar, s&tu sndok sk&li

drink a spoonful at a time. minum.

When you have drunk it all, Bila sudah h&bis, antr b&lik

send the bottle back to me, balangnyap&da sahya, btalih

and I will re-fill it. sahya isikan l&gi.

I am better to-day. Ini h&ri &da baik sdikit.

Are you well ? Badan ada shatkah ?

Not yet quite well. Bulum shat skMi.

I can't walk yet. Bulum bulih berj&lan lAgi.

I can't move. Sahya ta' bulih bergrak.

Try and move your foot. Chuba bergrakkan k&ki.

I can't, the bone is broken. Ta'bulih, Tuan, tiilangnya sudah p&tah. H CONVERSATIONS WITH A SICK MAN.

What bone ? Tftlang m&na.

The bone here. Tulang disini, Ttian.

Ye$, the bone is broken, * I Yah, sungguh tulang sudah

will pull your foot a little, patah, nanti sahya t&rek

and then put a piece of k&ki sdikit, kmdian t&- wood on either side, and roh dua kping k&yu sblah

bind it with a bandage. mnyblah, bulih halut dn-

gan kain.

For two days I have had fever Dua hari ini, sahya 4da de- and ague. mam kora.

Last night I had a very bad Samalam sahya b&tok kuat

cough. skali. My child has got the small-pox. Anak sahya kna chacher. Has he (she) been vaccina- Sudahkah t&nam chAchr (k-

ted ? na chungkil) atau bulum ? A Malays are afraid of vaccina- Orang Mal&iu tAkut mn&nam

tion ; sometimes after be- chachr; k&dang k&dang

ing vaccinated the children sudah di t&nam 4naknya

die. mati langsong.

Cholera is the worst of all. Pny&kit h&wr yang jahat

Few who get it ever re- sk&li; sudah kna }&rang

cover. yang salAmat.

There is no cure. T'&da ubatnya. A What is the matter with you? Apa kurang angkau ?

I have been wounded. Sudah luka, Tuan. How were you wounded, cut Luka kna &pa, pisaukah, be-

or shot ? dil?

I was stabbed with a spear. Kna lmbing, Ttian. OPENING A PLANTATION. 75

It had better be washed, and Lbih baik b£soh dngan

then sewn up; if no dirt &yer, kmdian b&lih dijait;

gets into it it will soon kalau t'&da kna kotor 4p'-

get well. apa lkas baik.

If the bullet is still in I will Kalau pluru &da lagi did&lam

extract it. sahya bulih chabutkan.

How will you extract it ? Bagimana bulih di chabutkan- nya.

With this steel instrument, Dngan barang bsi ini, sudah

when you have got hold pgang pluru itu tarek

of the ball you simply pull, shAja, nanti di kliiar.

and out it comes.


I want to open a plantation Sahya mau buka kabiin t&nam

and plant coffee and other k&hua dan sa'b&geinya,

things, can you get me bulihkah angkau chAri 6-

one hundred coolies ? rang kuli b4rang sa'rAtus

orang ?

Where are you going to open Dim&iia Tuan mau buka ka-

the plantation ? bun itu ?

In the interior of Prak. Di hulu Prak.

Do you want Chinese coolies Tuan mau kuli Chinakah atau

or Javanese ? orang J&wa ? Eighty Javanese and twenty Orang J&wa l&pan puloh orang,

(Chinese. China dua puloh. 76 OPENING A PLANTATION.

How mudh wages per man Br&pa Tftan mau bagi giji

will you give ? sat'u 6rang ?

To the Javanese six dollars Pada orang J&wa anam ring- a month; finding their own git sa'bulan, m&kan di&tas

food. The Chinese the dia. China bagitu juga. Same.

I can get them, but they will Bulih sahya d&pat, Tuan, t-

be sure to ask for an ad- tapi dia orang tntu mau

vance. minta chngkram d'hulu.

Very well, I will give ten Baiklah, bulih sahya bri sa'-

dollars advance to each puloh ringgit sa' orang, te-

man, but their headman tapi s&tu orang kpalanya

must give security for..the., mau tanggong di&tas lain

others, if not they will lain, kalau tidak nanti dia

abscond and I shall lose orang 14ri smua, hilang my money for nothing. ringgit sahya perchuma.

If there are one hundred men Kalau sa'ratus orang bri

and you give them an ad- chngkram sa'puloh ringgit

vance of ten dollars each, sa'orang, jadi mau minta

the security required will jamin sa'ribu ringgit.

be one thousand dollars.

That's right. Yah, btul.

Look out for two men with Charikan dua orang yang ada property to-be the securi- herta bulih mnj&minnya.

ties. A What sort of work shall you Apa m&cham kerja Tuan mau

give these coolies ? bri kap&da kuli kuli ini ? OPENING A PLANTATION. 77

Cutting jungle, making roads Kerja mnhas . utan, buat

and drains, digging the jalan dan parit, changkul-

land, planting trees, and kan t&nah, tanam poko'

so on. poko' dan sa'bageinya.

Have you built a house there Sudahkah Tuan buat rumah

yet? disitu atau bulum ?

I have agreed with a Malay- Sudah sahya janji dngan 6-

man there, who will call rang Mal&iu disitu, dia mau together the sakeis and panggil s&kei mnbaskan

clear the jungle. utan.

What agreement did you M&cham mAna Tuan janji dn-

make with him. gan dia ?

He agreed to work on con- Dia janji kerja borong. Dia

tract. He will clear a bulih tbaskan sa'ratus de-

space of one hundred fa- pa panjang dan lebrnya

thoms square for one hun- sa'ratus, dngan herga sa'-

dred dollars. ratus ringgit.

Cut down and burn ? Mnbas dan mmhakr ? Yes. Yah, bagitu.

That is cheap. That is dear. Murah juga. Mehal itu.

Where can the coolies get Bras mAkan kuli dimAna b&»

the rice for their food ? lih bli ?

Once a week they can send Tujoh hAri skali dia orang bu-

two or three men down to lih anter dua tiga orang

the village to buy rice and turun ka'pekan, mmbli

carry it home. bras dukong bAlik.

It is a long wr ay, Sir. BAnyak jauh, Tuan. 78 OPENING A PLANTATION.

It is not very far. If they Tidak br&pa jauh. Kalau

can't get back the same hkri itu ta'bftlih bMik bulih

day, they can sleep a night tidor s&tu mMam di pkan, in the village, and return b&lik sok. the next day.

It is very difficult to carry Dukorrg b&rang dalam utan

things through the jungle. b&nyak susah.

When a path has been made Bila sudah di buat lorong bu-

we can use a buffalo to lih p&kei krbau membawa bring the things. After- barang b&rang. Kmdian wards we will make a cart bulih buat j&lan krta. road.

Clear a place and make a hut Chuchikan s&tu tmpat btiat only. To-morrow clear pondok sh&ja. Nanti sok

four or five fathoms of bulih mnbaskan titan am-

jungle and set up a shed pat lima dpa, dirikan s&tu

for the coolies. bangsal kuli.

Look for a good place and Charikan tmpat yang baik,

near to water. l&gi dkat dngan Ayer.

if there is not a stream, two Kalau sungei t'&da mau g£li- wells must be dug, one for kan prigi dua, s&tu mng- drinking water only, and ambil Aver minum, s&tu

one to be used for bathing. bulih mandi.

When the shed and wells are Bila sudah h&bis bangsal dan

finished, I will select a P™gh sahya bulih pileh s&tti place to sow the seeds, tmpat mn&nam bnih, OPENING A PLANTATION. 79

When the seeds have been Bila sudah t&nam bnih itu, planted, make a shelter buat jamba dngan daun

for them of leaves, and if kayu, dan kalau t'&da hu-

there is no rain they must jan sA'hari h&ri mau sram be watered every day. ayer.

How many times a day must Br&pa kali sktu hari mau sc-

they be watered ? ram Tuan ?

Only once, in the afternoon Sk&li sh&ja, pada ptang h&ri,

about 5 P. M. jam pukol lima bagitu.

Have the seed sprouted ? Sudahkah tumbuh bnih itu ?

Yes. No, they won't do. Sudah, Tuan. T'ada j&di,

The seeds are dead. Tuan. Bnih sudah m&ti.

When planting cocoa seeds Kalau bnih k&hua susu, great care must be used, waktu t&nam mau j&ga and the seeds must be put baik baik, handak m&sok-

in the ground quite straight, kan bnihnya did&lam ta-

or the tree will come up nah btul sk&li, kalau tidak crooked. poko'nya nanti bengkok.

The coffee seeds have become Bnih k&hua itu sudah bsar, large (plants), when we bila d&tang hujan mau

get a wet day they must tftnamkan did&lam kibiin.

be planted out in the


Take great care when you are JAga baik baik bila dichabut,

pulling them up not to in- j&ngan rosakkan akrnya.

jure the root.

If the tap root is injured the Kalau akr trus bumi itu rd-

tree will die. sak, m&tilah poko'nya. So OPENING A PLANTATION.

Many of the tools are out of Perk&kas bctnyak sudah rosak.

order. There are not Changkul dan bliorig Ada

enough changkols and axes, kiirang, mau bli l&gi. more must be bought.

Give the tools that are out of Perkakas yang sudah rosak

order to the blacksmith itu bri p&da tukang bsi,

and tell him to put them suroh dia mmbaiki.

to rights.

Whatever is wanting you can Apa yang kurang btilih bli,

buy and put to my account. t&roh sahya punya kira.

Sahya minta chuti, Ttian, dtia

I want two days' leave, Sir. hari.

What for ? Buat Apa ?

My head is bad, I want to Kpala sakit, Tuan, sahya

get medicine. mau ch&ri ubat.

I will give you medicine. Sahya bulih bagi ubat.

No, thank you, Sir. I don't Ta'bulih, Tuan. Sahya ta'-

understand the white man's herti ubat orang puteh,

medicine, I want to find sahya mau chAri bomo

a Malay doctor. (dukun) Mal&iu.

All the ditches must be deep- P&rit parit smua mau dAlam-

ened, if we have heavy rain kan l&gi, kalau ttirun hujan

ditches like these are no lbat ta'berguna m&cham

good. ini.

The ground is* hard. T&nah kras, Tuan.

Make a road from here to the Buat jMan deri sini ka'preng- boundary of my plantation. gan k&bun sahya.

Six feet will be wide enough. Lebrnya sa'depa chukuplah. 1


Whenever you come to a Mana m&na jumpa sungei

stream you must make a mau buat titi IdLyu. wooden bridge. A bridge of jungle wood, not Titi kayu utan, bukan papan,

planks, round wood (trees). kayu bulat.

Put earth on the top, so that Buboh tanah diatasnya sep&-

a horse may pass. ya kuda bulih lalu.


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