Lunar Surface Science Workshop 2020 (LPI Contrib. No. 2241) 5037.pdf PRODUCING TRANSFORMATIVE LUNAR SCIENCE WITH GEOLOGIC SAMPLE RETURN: A NOTE ABOUT SAMPLE MASS. David A. Kring1,2, 1Center for Lunar Science and Exploration, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Universities Space Research Association, 3600 Bay Area Blvd., Houston TX 77058 USA (
[email protected]), 2NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute. Introduction: The big ideas to emerge from Apollo Potential Mass of the Investigation: There are are a product of sample return: (1) The chemical three components to the mass required for a sample composition of lunar samples forced the community to return investigation. reconsider the origin of the Earth-Moon system, Geologic tools (to surface). Tool kits including spawning the giant impact hypothesis. (2) A few bright- hammers (est. 1.3 kg), tongs (est. 0.2 kg), scoops (est. white clasts in Apollo 11 soils, deftly interpreted to be 0.6 kg), rakes (est. 1.5 kg), and extension handles (est. impact-excavated debris from the distant highlands, led 0.8 kg) will be needed on the descent manifest, but will to the lunar magma ocean hypothesis. (3) A bevy of not be returned to Earth. Cameras will also be needed ~3.9 to 4.0 Ga impact ages in samples from several for sample documentation and interaction between crew Apollo sites prompted the lunar cataclysm hypothesis, and a supporting science operations staff. which is now more broadly understood to be a Solar Geologic samples (from surface). Estimating System-wide event, although the magnitude and sample return mass can be done using (1) historical data duration of bombardment continue to be debated.