Nannies Study Instruments Recruitment Scripts and Flyers Domestic Surveillance in Smart Homes -- Perspectives of Nannies and Parents

Research Instruments

Nannies Study Instruments ...... 2 Recruitment Scripts and Flyers ...... 2 In-Person Recruitment Script ...... 2 Recruitment Flyer ...... 2 Online Recruitment ...... 3 Screening Script ...... 3 Interview Guide (Long Form) ...... 4 Exit Questionnaire ...... 37 Parents Study Instruments ...... 40 Recruitment Scripts and Flyers ...... 40 In-Person Recruitment Script ...... 40 Recruitment Flyers ...... 40 Online Recruitment ...... 41 Screening Script ...... 41 Interview Guide (Long Form) ...... 42 Exit Questionnaire ...... 65

1 Nannies Study Instruments Recruitment Scripts and Flyers

Nannies Study Instruments

Recruitment Scripts and Flyers

In-Person Recruitment Script

Hi, I’m _____. I’m a researcher at UC Berkeley. [If in a non-specific context] [Is this/are these] your little one(s)? [If no] Are you their nanny? [If yes, they are /au pair/babysitter] I’m asking because I’m part of a research team that’s doing a study on issues that come up when you’re working in other people’s homes. We’re looking for [nannies/au pairs/babysitters] who would be willing to be interviewed about those issues. Is that something you might be interested in participating in sometime? (Not right now; we’d do it when it’s convenient for you.) [If yes/maybe] You don’t have to commit right now; here’s a flyer with the basic information about the study and how to contact us if you want to participate, or if you have questions. I can also answer if you have any questions right now. [Answer any questions they have, but be mindful of the fact that they are on the job.] [If they’re already certain they want to participate] We’ll need to ask you a couple of quick questions to make sure you’re eligible to participate, before the main interview. Do you want to set up a time for a short phone call for that? [End with] Thanks!

Recruitment Flyer

Inviting Nannies to Participate in a Research Study About Working in Other People’s Homes

Are you a nanny, au pair, or professional babysitter?

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are studying what nannies and other domestic employees think about certain issues that come up when you’re working in someone else’s home.

One-hour confidential interview You choose the time and place $50 honorarium

Get in touch for more info, if you want to participate!

Call/text Julia Bernd at 650-862-0509

2 Nannies Study Instruments Screening Script or email [email protected]

[Use same text for postable flyers with tear-offs and quarter-sheet flyers to use in-person.]

Online Recruitment

Title: Inviting Nannies to Participate in a Research Study on Working in Other People’s Homes

Looking for nannies, au pairs, and professional babysitters!

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are studying what nannies and other domestic employees think about certain issues that come up when you’re working in someone else’s home.

One-hour confidential interview. $50 honorarium. Get in touch for more info, if you want to participate!

To maintain confidentiality, please don't respond on this thread.

Call/text Julia Bernd at 650-862-0509 // Email [email protected] // DM [username@sitename]

Screening Script

[Introduce self.] I’m part of a group of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley that are doing a research study about the use of certain technologies in homes where nannies and other domestic employees work. If you’re selected, we’d be asking you to do a confidential interview that would last an hour to an hour and a half, where we’d ask you about your opinions and experiences with those types of technologies. To thank you for your time, we would offer an honorarium of $50.

Do you have any questions for me so far?

[Confirm/get respondent’s name]

Where do you live? (City, country)

Next, I need to ask a couple of questions to make sure you’re eligible to participate in this study.

To confirm, are you currently working as a nanny, an au pair, or a babysitter? (Which one?)

[If yes] Part time or full time?

[If yes] Do you watch the child(ren) at your employer’s home, or your own? (Or somewhere else entirely?)

3 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If currently nannying/etc.] How long have you been a [nanny/au pair/babysitter]?

[If not currently nannying/etc.] How long did you work as a [nanny/au pair/babysitter]? How long ago was that?

[If babysitter] Is babysitting your main job? About how much of your job income comes from babysitting?

We don’t need details right now, but do you know whether any place you’ve worked has (or had) any “smart home” devices? (Clarify if necessary: You don’t have to have worked for someone that has those types of devices to be eligible; we want to know your opinions anyway.) (Try to avoid explaining/giving examples if you can.)

To make sure you don’t feel constrained about your answers, we won’t be interviewing anyone whose employer also responded. What’s your current employer’s name? (Clarify: We won’t use the employer’s name for anything else other than making sure we don’t interview anyone whose employer also responded. We’ll destroy this piece of information as soon as we have our participant list settled.) (Clarify if necessary: If we quote anything you say when we publish papers about this study, we will not use your name, and we’ll try to obscure any details that could identify you. But we just want to make sure there’s no reason you could have any concern about what you say, for example if you were worried that your employer would guess you might have participated.)

What’s the best way to get in touch with you if we select you for the study?

We will pick participants from among the people who get in touch with us. So once we have a list of eligible participants, we will pick and contact you to invite you to do an interview. Or we’ll contact you to let you know you weren’t selected.

Meanwhile, once we’ve settled the participant list, we’ll destroy the information you’ve just given us (whether or not you’re selected); it won’t be part of our research.

[Thank respondent for their time.]

Interview Guide (Long Form) [Each interviewer has their own short-form crib sheet to use during the actual interview.]


[Notes for Interviewer: The interview should follow the lead of the participant and move at a pace that seems comfortable for them. Exact questions and ordering of topics will vary from interview to interview.

4 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

The main goal is to explore the topic of cameras and similar monitoring, in the first few sections. The later sections on smart home devices are secondary, despite how much of the interview guide they take up. If you have to shorten the later sections, focus on the purple-highlighted questions. Target time: One hour; max time: one and a half hours.]

- Introduce yourself - Check in about specific time constraints the participant may have - Explain consent process; give participant time to read the form; (if they agree) collect signed copy and give them a copy to keep - Brief explanation of project - Ask whether you can record the interview - Explain: - The recording will be kept confidential. It will only be listened to by a transcriber and the research team. The transcript will also be confidential. - We may use quotes from the transcript when we publish or present reports on our research, but we will not say who said it. (And we’ll leave out or change anything that’s very unique to you.) You can ask for any specific comments to be taken off the record, or for us not to use direct quotes from you at all. - You can choose not to answer specific questions, and you can end the interview at any time. If you decide to end the interview partway through, you will still receive an honorarium for your time. - (If they agree) Start recording

A. Warm Up Questions/Get to Know You [pick a few]

How long have you been a nanny? How many families have you worked for?

Tell me something you really like about being a nanny.

Tell me something you don’t like or find frustrating about being a nanny.

Do you think it’s easy for a nanny to find a good job in [city/area]?

In your experience, can you tell me a couple of things that you think make for a good working relationship between nannies and parents?

What do you think makes nannying different from other jobs?

[If they haven’t mentioned it] What do you think is different about working in someone’s home instead of a separate workplace? [If they mentioned it before] Tell me a little more about what’s different about working in someone’s home. -- What are the good sides? -- What are the bad sides? Any concerns that you have?

5 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

B. Query: Experience With Cameras/Monitoring Devices?

Have you ever worked in a house where there were cameras or some type of audio monitoring device?

[If no, use Section C.]

[If yes, use Section D.]

[If participant assumes they probably have but don’t know for certain, ask why they think that, then treat as ‘no’ and use Section C.]

C. If Participant Has Never Worked With a Camera/Monitoring Device: Hypothetical Decision-Making

In general, how would you feel about working in a house with cameras or some type of audio monitoring? Would you be comfortable with that?

If you were considering a job where you knew there would be cameras or audio monitoring, would you take it (if you wanted it)?

Are there specific factors about that situation that you would think about in deciding whether to take the job? -- Would it make a difference why they said they wanted to have the monitoring/cameras? (as a baby monitor or for outside security, vs. to check in on you) -- Would it make a difference whether you could tell whether it was on? -- Would it make a difference whether you could access the feed or the recordings? -- Would it make a difference whether it recorded audio or video or both?

If you were considering taking a job where there were cameras or audio monitoring, or if your employers were about to install cameras/etc., are there any (other) questions you would have for them? -- Anything you asked/would ask them to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you would require in order for you to agree to work with a camera/monitor in the house? -- Anything you’d want to know about the privacy settings?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with recording, audio vs. video, retention, cloud storage, sending over Internet, who views the data, does it go through a service that can access the data, who else it might be shared with]

Do you think there could be benefits to you from there being a [camera/monitor]? [probe for specifics/stories]

Have you ever had an employer or potential employer ask you if it was okay for them to install cameras or audio monitors? -- What was that conversation like?

6 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- [assuming they refused] Do you feel there were any consequences to you saying no?

Have you ever turned down a job because there would be cameras?

[If yes, turned down] What about it made that situation unacceptable? -- Are there any circumstances where you might consider accepting a job where there were cameras or audio monitoring?

[If it’s never come up] Would you turn down a potential job?

[If no, they wouldn’t take it] Are there any circumstances where you might consider accepting a job where there were cameras or audio monitoring? -- Any privacy settings or controls that might help you feel more comfortable?

[If they’re generally okay with cameras/monitoring] How would you feel about them sharing a recording of you with someone else? -- [if not mentioned] What would you think about them showing it to someone on their phone? (looking over the shoulder) -- [if not mentioned] What would you think about them sending it to someone in a private message? -- [if not mentioned] What would you think about them posting it on social media (like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)? -- What you say if they asked if they could do that? -- Would it matter whether it was a recording of the kids with you in the background vs. just you?

How do you think you would react if you found out your employers had a camera or audio monitor they hadn’t told you about? -- Would you say anything to your employers? -- Would you consider leaving the job? Why/why not?

If you were working in a situation with a camera or audio monitor, do you feel like there would be anything different? -- Would you have a different type of relationship with your employers? -- Do you think it would affect how you behaved?

[probe for performance aspects, concern with judgment/changing how they do their job, privacy mitigations (trying to avoid the cameras)...]

[Skip to Section E.]

D. If Participant Has Worked With a Camera/Monitoring Device: Experiences and Decision-Making

Can you tell me a little bit about that? What types of devices have you worked with? [probe for how many employers]

7 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If participant mentions several situations, you can ask them to focus on the most recent situation or you can frame the questions generally about any situation they’ve been in with monitoring, depending how comfortable they seem with imprecision.]

How [do/did] you feel about it? [Are/Were] you comfortable with it?

Tell me a little bit more about the system they [have/had]. -- Do you know whether the [video/audio stream] [is/was] recorded so it [can/could] be viewed/listened to later? Do you know how it was stored? (on a chip? online?) -- Do you know whether the data [is/was] sent over the Internet? -- Do you know how many [cameras/audio pickups] there are? Where they are? What they can [see/hear]? (which rooms, how much of the house is covered) -- Do you know who [can/could] [see the video/listen to the audio]?

[If participant has only ever worked with a within-house live monitor that doesn’t record and is only used to monitor the kid, treat as ‘if no’ and use Section C instead. If it was just a porch cam, treat as ‘if yes’, but abbreviate.]

[Did/do] you know when the [device] [was/is] on? -- [If yes] How did you know? -- [If yes] Were you more comfortable knowing? Or maybe less comfortable being reminded? -- [If no] Would it have made you more comfortable if you could tell? Or maybe less comfortable being reminded?

Do you know how often the parents [look(ed) at it/listen(ed) to it]? -- [If they know] How did you know? -- [If they don’t know] Do you have a guess? -- [Has/Did] that change over the time you(‘ve) worked for them?

Does the frequency make a difference to how you feel about it?

What [are/were] the age(s) of the kids in that family?

Do you know why they [have/had] the camera/monitor/etc.? -- What did they tell you it was for? -- Does that seem to be how they use it?

Does the main reason they have it make a difference to how you feel about it? -- [If not clear] Does it matter to you whether the main purpose is to monitor you?

[If it’s supposed to be just for security from intruders or for naptime baby-monitoring] What would you think if you found out your employers had looked at the footage specifically to see what you were doing? Would that be okay with you?

8 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[Did/Have] your employers ever talk(ed) to you about anything they saw on the cameras/heard on the monitors/etc.? -- [If yes] How did you feel about that? -- [If no] How do you think you would feel about that?

[If the device records] Do you know whether they ever shared any recordings with anyone else? Or maybe screenshots from the recordings? What did you think about that? -- Did they ask you whether it was okay? [If no] What would you have said if they’d asked? -- [if not mentioned] What would you think about them showing it to someone on their phone? (looking over the shoulder) -- [if not mentioned] What would you think about them sending it to someone in a private message? -- [if not mentioned] What would you think about them posting it on social media (like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)? -- Would it matter whether it was a recording or shot of the kids with you in the background vs. just you?

[If the device doesn’t record] Do you know whether they ever [showed anyone the video feed/turned on the audio feed so someone else could hear]? What did you think about that? -- Did they ask you whether it was okay? [If no] What would you have said if they’d asked? -- [if not mentioned] What would you think about them showing it to someone on their phone? (looking over the shoulder) -- [if not mentioned] What would you think if they took a screenshot or captured a recording somehow and posted it on Facebook? -- What would you have said if they’d asked if they could do that? -- Would it matter whether it was a recording or shot of the kids with you in the background vs. just you?

[Do/Did] you have access to the [feed/recordings]?

[If yes] Have you ever accessed it? Why?

[If they have access] Do you think being able to access the data has changed anything about how you think about your employers’ privacy, or the kids’ privacy?

[If they’re talking about a nanny share situation] [Do/Did] both families have access to the [feed/recordings]? -- Do you know how they negotiated that?

How did you first find out that they had the [device]?


1a. If Yes, Employers Told Them About Camera/Monitoring (in Some Situation):

Did your employer(s) tell you about it before you started working for them?

9 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If yes, told] When in the process did they tell you? (before interview, in interview, while making job offer, during contract negotiation, when you showed up the first day...)

[If yes, told] Did you ask, or did they volunteer the information? -- What was that conversation like? How did you feel about it?

[If no, no conversation] When did they tell you?

[If it was installed after they started working in that home] When did they tell you about it? (before they bought it, before they installed/activated it, next time you showed up to work, later...) -- What was that conversation like? How did you feel about it?

When you’re considering a job where there will be [cameras/audio monitoring], are there specific factors about that situation that you think about in deciding whether to take the job? -- Does it matter whether it’s recording video or audio or both?

If you’re about to take a job where there are cameras or audio monitoring / If your employers are about to install cameras or monitors, are there any questions you (would) have for them? -- Anything you asked/would ask them to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask but didn’t? -- Anything you would require in order for you to agree to work with a camera/monitor in the house?

Have you ever had parents ask you about your preferences about privacy settings or what type of setup you would prefer? (to protect your data/yourself?) Or have you ever initiated a conversation about that?

[If yes to either] What did you tell them? How did it go?

[If no] If they’d asked, what would you have told them?

If you had full control of the privacy settings, is there anything you’d want to make sure was in there?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with recording, audio vs. video, retention, cloud storage, sending over Internet, who views the data, does it go through a service that can access the data, who else it might be shared with]

Have you ever had an employer or potential employer ask you if it was okay for them to install cameras or audio monitors, or okay that they had them already? -- What was that conversation like?

[If they agreed] What do you think would have happened if you said no? Would there be any consequences?

[If they didn’t agree] Do you feel there were any consequences to you saying no?

Have you ever turned down a job because there would be cameras?

10 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If yes, turned down] What about it made that situation unacceptable?

Do you think there were benefits to you from there being a [camera/monitor]? Do you think there could be, generally? [probe for specifics/stories]

Thinking about situations where you’ve worked with [cameras/monitoring] and situations where there weren’t [cameras/monitoring], do you feel like there was anything different? -- Did you have a different type of relationship with your employers?

Do you think it affected how you behaved?

[probe for performance aspects, concern with judgment/changing how they do their job, privacy mitigations (trying to avoid the cameras)...]

Do you think it affected how the kids behaved?

[If they’ve had more than one job with monitoring] Thinking about just the different jobs you’ve had where there were [cameras/monitors], did you feel differently about it in those different situations? -- [If yes] Why? (how they interacted with the parents about it, what happened with the data, something else about the specific situation, own attitudes changing over time?) -- [If no] Do you think there are situations where you might have felt different?

Have you ever been in a situation where your employers didn’t tell you there were cameras or some type of audio monitor, but you just figured it out?

[If no] How do you think you would react if you found out parents had a camera or audio monitor they hadn’t told you about? -- Would you say anything to your employers? -- Would you consider leaving the job? Why/why not? [then skip to Section E]

[If yes, go to 1b Employers Did Not Tell, but skip repeat questions]

1b. If No, Employers Did NOT Tell Them About Cameras/Monitoring (in Some Situation):

How did you figure it out?

Did you say anything to your employers about it? What was their response? -- How did you feel about that conversation?

Once you found out, were there any questions you had for them? -- Anything you asked them to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask?

11 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- Anything you required in order for you to agree to continue working now that you knew there was a camera/monitor in the house? -- Did it matter whether it was recording video or audio or both?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with recording, audio vs. video, retention, cloud storage, sending over Internet, who views the data, does it go through a service that can access the data, who else it might be shared with]

Are there any privacy settings or controls you might have wanted, if you’d had the option?

Do you think it affected your relationship with your employers after you found out? How/why?

Thinking about situations where you’ve worked with [cameras/etc.] and situations where there weren’t [cameras/etc.], do you feel like there was anything (else) different?

Do you think it affected how you behaved?

[probe for performance aspects, concern with judgment/changing how they do their job, privacy mitigations (trying to avoid the cameras)...]

Do you think it affected how the kids behaved?

[If they’ve had more than one job with monitoring] Thinking about just the different jobs you’ve had where there were [cameras/monitors], did you feel differently about it in those different situations? -- [If yes] Why? (how they interacted with the parents about it, what happened with the data, something else about the specific situation, own attitudes changing over time?) -- [If no] Do you think there are situations where you might have felt different?

Do you think there were any benefits to you from there being a [camera/monitor]? Do you think there could be benefits, generally? [probe for specifics/stories]

[Go right into Section E.]

[Resolve Subfork 1.]

E. General Expectations and Attitudes About Cameras/Monitoring Devices

Do you currently have a contract with your employers?

[If yes] Does it specify anything about cameras? Audio monitors?

[If yes] What does it specify? -- Who suggested what to put in the contract about that? -- Is there anything you think is missing?

12 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If no] Would you prefer if it did? -- [If yes] What should it say?

In general, would you expect there to be cameras or some other type of monitoring system when you’re working as a nanny?

In general, would you expect employers to tell you if there was?

In your opinion, do you think employers should tell nannies if there is a camera or other monitoring device in their home?

Do you think they should ask nannies’ permission?

Any other thoughts about how parents should use cameras or monitors, assuming they do?

Many daycare centers have cameras. Have you worked in a daycare? -- [If yes] Do you feel differently about having cameras in that type of situation than when you’re working as a nanny? -- [If no] Would you feel differently if you were working in that type of situation than when you’re working as a nanny?

What do you think nannies need to know about devices that are collecting video or audio about them?

Have you ever done one-time or occasional babysitting jobs? Would you expect the parents to tell you in that kind of situation that they had a camera/etc.?

[if they’re anti-cam/very uncomfortable] Would you turn down a one-time babysitting job because of it?

Do you have a camera or audio monitoring device of some kind in your house?

[If yes] Do you tell people that you have it when they come to your house?

[If yes nannies should be told, no I don’t tell people] What’s different about those two situations?

What do you think about the fact that cameras and audio monitors can (also) collect data about the kids?

[for nannies who’ve been nannying for a while/had multiple jobs] Do you think it’s getting more common to use cameras or other monitoring devices in houses generally? -- Do you think it’s getting more common to use cameras or other monitoring devices to check up on the nanny? Why do you think that is? -- Do you think it’s getting more/less common to disclose it to the nanny? -- Do you think people’s attitudes about it are changing? (Parents’ attitudes, nannies’ attitudes...?) -- Do you think there are certain types of people who are more or less likely to use these types of devices?

13 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[for nannies who’ve been nannying for a while/had multiple jobs] Have your attitudes about cameras and monitoring changed in the time you’ve been a nanny? Why?

Have you ever discussed cameras and monitoring with other nannies? -- [If yes] In a couple of sentences, can you tell me what are the main things nannies agree on? Some things nannies may disagree on?

Do you have any [other] concerns about working with cameras or other types of monitoring? -- About what happens to the data? -- Any [other] drawbacks? [probe for specifics/stories]

[If they’re uncomfortable with monitoring] What could make you feel more comfortable about having a video camera or audio device in your employer's home? -- Is there something employers could tell you or ask you that would make you feel more comfortable with it?

F. Advice and Recommendations About Cameras and Monitoring Devices

If you had a friend who was looking for their first job as a nanny, what advice would you give them about cameras and monitoring devices? -- Any mistakes they should avoid? -- What advice would you give them about talking to parents about it? -- Any questions you would advise them to ask? -- Any conditions you’d advise them to set if they were going to work with cameras or monitors?

Have you worked with a nanny agency?

[If yes] Has your agency provided you with any information or advice about cameras and monitoring? -- Do you know whether they provide parents with any information or advice? -- Do they get involved or help with negotiations between parents and nannies about cameras and monitoring? (For example, when you’re negotiating a contract.) -- Is there advice or help that you wish they’d given you, or that you think they should give?

[If no] If you had an agency, what kind of information or advice do you think it would be helpful for them to give nannies about cameras and monitoring? -- What about for parents?

If you had a friend who had a child and was considering hiring a nanny, what advice would you give them about this issue? -- Are there things you wish more parents knew? -- Are there some common mistakes or misunderstandings you’ve seen?

Is there any advice you might have for the companies that manufacture these devices about how they could make nannies more comfortable about working with them?

14 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[probe for suggestions about signalling, collection triggers, data security, retention, third-party sharing...?]

Do you know if there are currently any laws that say something about using cameras or recording devices in homes where there are domestic employees?

[If yes] What do they say? -- Where did you get that information?

Are there any laws you think we should have? -- Or should not have?

G. Query: Experience With Other Smart Home Devices?

Have you ever worked in a home that had any (other) smart devices or devices that might be able to collect data about you? -- A smart TV? -- A smart speaker, like Alexa/Echo or Google Home or HomePod/Siri? -- Smart toys? -- A smart thermostat, fridge, lights, locks...?

[If participant’s employers do NOT have a smart speaker, use Section H.]

[If participant’s employers DO have a smart speaker, skip to Section I.]

H. If Participant Has Never Worked With a Smart Speaker: Hypothetical Decision-Making

Let’s start with smart speakers. In general, how would you feel about working in a house with a smart speaker? Would you be comfortable with that?

If your employers decided to get a smart speaker, how would you feel about them leaving it on while you were working?

[If negative/concerns] Would you turn it off? -- Would you ask them if they minded you turning it off? -- What would you do if you couldn’t turn it off? How would you feel about that?

[If not negative] Would you use it? -- [If yes] What do you think you would you use it for?

[If yes] Is there anything you would avoid using it for? Why?

15 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

Do you have a smart speaker at home?

[If yes] Do you think you would use your employers’ differently than your own? How?

[If no] If you had one, do you think you’d use it differently in your house versus your employers’? How?

Are there any questions you would have about your employers’ smart speaker before you [decided to leave it on/agreed that it could stay on/decided to use it] while you were working? -- Anything you would ask the family to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you would require in order for you to [agree to work with a smart speaker on/be okay with using a smart speaker]? -- Anything you’d want to know about the privacy settings? Or that you’d want them to change, if you could get them to?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of audio, retention of text records of queries, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, whether employers can access it, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening]

Have you ever had an employer ask you if you were okay with having a smart speaker on while you’re there? -- What was that conversation like? -- [assuming they refused] Why did you say no? -- Do you feel there were any consequences to you saying no?

How do you think you would react if you found out your employers had a smart speaker they hadn’t told you about? (maybe one of the less noticeable ones, like built into the TV) -- Would you say anything to your employers?

Did you know that some smart speakers have an app interface where the owner of the speaker can review the things people have asked it?

What would you think if your employers had a smart speaker and you found out they were reviewing what you asked it? Would that be okay with you? -- Would it matter whether they were doing it just to look at what you asked? (Versus reviewing their own or their kids’ requests and seeing yours by chance.)

What if your employers didn’t look at the queries, but figured out that they had gotten a music or search recommendation because of something you said to the smart speaker? Would that be okay with you?

If you were working in a situation with a smart speaker, do you feel like there would be anything different?

[If participant’s employer does NOT have a smart TV, skip to Section J.]

[If participant’s employer DOES have a smart TV, skip to Section K.]

16 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

I. If Participant Has Worked With a Smart Speaker: Experiences and Decision-Making

Can you tell me a little bit more about the smart speaker? What kind [do/did] they have?

How [do/did] you feel about it? [Are/Were] you comfortable with it?

What can you tell me about how it works? -- Do you know whether it [records/recorded] anything? [If yes] What [does/did] it record? -- Do you know whether the audio feed or recording or anything else [is/was] sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who [can/could] hear the audio feed or recording [or whatever else]?

[Is/Was] it on while you [are/were] working? -- [If yes] How [do/did] you know? -- Did you know when it was listening? How?

[If yes] How [do/did] you feel about that?

[If no] [Do/Did] you turn it off? Why? -- Did you ask whether your employers minded you turning it off? -- [If no] Did they say anything? Were there any consequences to you turning it off? -- Did your employers offer to turn it off?

[If on] [Do/Did] you use it? -- What [do/did] you use it for?

[If yes] [Is/Was] there anything you avoid[ed] using it for? Why?

Do you have a smart speaker at home?

[If yes] Do you use your employers’ smart speaker differently than your own? How? -- Why?

[If no] If you had one, do you think you’d use it differently in your house versus your employers’? How?

How did you know your employers [have/had] a smart speaker? Did they tell you, or did you just notice it?


2a. If Yes, Employers Told Participant About Smart Speaker (in Some Situation)

17 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

When did your employers tell you about it? (before you began working, when you showed up the first day, after you’d been working for a while...?) -- How did you feel about that conversation? -- [If later] Was it on in the meantime?

[If it was installed after they started working in that home] When did they tell you about it? (before they bought it, before they installed/activated it, next time you showed up to work, later...) -- How did you feel about that conversation? -- [If later] Was it on in the meantime?

Have you ever had an employer ask you if you were okay with having a smart speaker on while you’re there? -- What was that conversation like? -- [if they refused] Why did you say no? -- Do you feel there were any consequences to you saying no?

Did you have any questions about the smart speaker before you [decided to leave it on/agreed that it could stay on/decided to use it] while you were working? -- Anything you asked the family to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask? -- Anything you required in order for you to [agree to work with a smart speaker on/be okay with using a smart speaker]?

Have you ever had parents ask you about your preferences about privacy settings or what type of setup you would prefer? (to protect your data/yourself?) Or have you ever initiated a conversation about that?

[If yes to either] What did you tell them? How did it go?

[If no] If they’d asked, what would you have told them?

If you had full control of the privacy settings, is there anything you’d want to make sure was in there?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of audio, retention of text records of queries, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, whether employers can access it, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening]

Did you know that some smart speakers have an app interface where the owner of the speaker can review the things people have asked it?

Do you know whether your employers use that feature? -- Have they seen or listened to your queries? -- Have they ever said anything to you about anything specific you asked the speaker? About anything the kid(s) asked while you were there?

[If yes] What did you think about that? Was it okay with you?

18 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- [If yes] Did it matter whether they were doing it just to look at what you asked? (Versus reviewing their own or their kids’ requests and seeing yours by chance.)

[If no] What would you think if you found out your employers had looked at what you asked the speaker? Would that be okay with you? -- Would it matter whether they were doing it just to look at what you asked? (Versus reviewing their own or their kids’ requests and seeing yours by chance.)

What if your employers didn’t look at the queries, but figured out that they had gotten a music or search recommendation because of something you said to the smart speaker? Would that be okay with you?

Thinking about situations where you’ve worked with a smart speaker and situations where there wasn’t one, do you feel like there was anything different?

Have you ever been in a situation where your employers didn’t tell you there was a smart speaker, but you just noticed it?

[If no] How do you think you would react if you found out parents had a smart speaker they hadn’t told you about? (maybe one of the less noticeable ones, like built into the TV) -- Would you say anything to your employers? [Then: If participant’s employer does NOT have a smart TV, skip to Section J. If participant’s employer DOES have a smart TV, skip to Section K.]

[If yes, go to 2b Employers Did Not Tell, but skip repeat questions]

2b. If No, Employers Did NOT Tell Them About Smart Speaker (in Some Situation):

Did you say anything to your employers about it? What was their response? -- How did you feel about that conversation?

Once you found out, were there any questions you had for them? -- Anything you asked the family to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask? -- Anything you required in order for you to [agree to continue working with a smart speaker on/be okay with using a smart speaker]?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of audio, retention of text records of queries, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, whether employers can access it, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening]

Are there any privacy settings or controls you might have wanted, if you’d had the option?

Do you think it affected your relationship with your employers that they hadn’t told you? How/why?

19 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

Did you know that some smart speakers have an app interface where the owner of the speaker can review the things people have asked it?

Do you know whether your employers use that feature? -- Have they seen or listened to your queries? -- Have they ever said anything to you about anything specific you asked the speaker? About anything the kid(s) asked while you were there?

[If yes] What did you think about that? Was it okay with you? -- [If yes] Did it matter whether they were doing it just to look at what you asked? (Versus reviewing their own or their kids’ requests and seeing yours by chance.)

[If no] What would you think if you found out your employers had looked at what you asked the speaker? Would that be okay with you? -- Would it matter whether they were doing it just to look at what you asked? (Versus reviewing their own or their kids’ requests and seeing yours by chance.)

What if your employers didn’t look at the queries, but figured out that they had gotten a music or search recommendation because of something you said to the smart speaker? Would that be okay with you?

Thinking about situations where you’ve worked with a smart speaker and situations where there wasn’t one, do you feel like there was anything different?

[If participant’s employer does NOT have a smart TV, use Section J.]

[If participant’s employer DOES have a smart TV, skip to Section K.]

[Resolve Subfork 2.]

J. If Participant Has Never Worked With a Smart TV: Hypothetical Decision- Making

Let’s talk about smart TVs. Do you have a smart TV in your own home?

[If yes] What types of features does it have that make it “smart”? -- Internet enabled? Streaming TV? Web browsing? -- Recommendations? -- Voice recognition? Gesture recognition? Presence detection?

[If no smart TV] Do you know some features that smart TVs have that make them “smart”? -- How do those features work?

[Skip the following web browsing part if short on time!]

20 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

Did you know you can use most smart TVs for browsing the web? If your employers had a TV that could do that, do you think you would use it?

[If no] Why not?

[If yes] Do you think you would try to do anything to keep your employers from seeing what you’d been looking at online? (private browsing windows, etc.)

If you had been using a web-enabled TV, what would you think you found out that your employers had been reviewing the browsing history to see what you’d been looking at on the web? Would that be okay with you?

[end skippable web-browsing part]

[Skip the following watch history/program recs part if short on time!]

[If not mentioned] [Does your smart TV provide/Did you know some smart TVs can provide] recommendations about programs you might want to watch?

Do you know how that works? How does it decide what to recommend?

[if necessary, provide nudge that it uses the record of what programs you watch and rate and sometimes your web browsing history, depending on the TV]

If your employers got a smart TV that kept track of what programs you watched, would you (still) use it? -- To watch things yourself? -- To put on programs for the kids?

[If yes] Is there anything you would avoid using it for?

[If not mentioned] Did you know that most smart TVs have an interface where you can see what people have watched on it?

What would you think if your employers had a smart TV that had that feature and you found out they were looking at the record of what you’d watched? Would that be okay with you? -- Would it matter whether they were doing it just to look at what you watched? (Versus reviewing their own or their kids’ history and seeing yours by chance.)

What if your employers didn’t look at the queries, but figured out that they had gotten a TV or search recommendation because of something you watched or something you looked at on the web? Would that be okay with you?

[end skippable program-recs part]

21 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If they have one] Does your TV at home have features that rely on seeing or hearing what you’re doing, like voice recognition or gesture recognition or presence detection?

[If yes] Which features? What can you tell me about how they work?

[If no] Have you heard of those types of features? What do you know about them?

[If they don’t have a smart TV] Did you know that some smart TVs have features that rely on seeing or hearing what you’re doing, like voice recognition or gesture recognition or presence detection?

Do you know what kinds of sensors or what type of data a smart TV would use for the [feature(s)]?

Tell me a little more about how that works. -- Do you know whether the sensors [record/recorded] anything? [If yes] What [does/did] it record? -- Do you know whether the sensor data feed or recording or anything else [is/was] sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who [can/could] [hear/watch] the [audio/video/motion sensor] feed or recording [or whatever else]?

If your employers decided to get a smart TV with sensors like voice or video, how would you feel about them leaving the sensors on while you were working?

[If negative/concerns] Would you turn them off, or unplug the TV? -- Would you ask them if they minded you turning it off? -- What would you do if you couldn’t turn it off? How would you feel about that?

[If not negative] Would you use those features?

[If they have a smart TV] Do you use those features on your own TV? -- Do you leave the sensors on all the time? -- [If not to either] Why not?

Are there any questions you would have about those features before you [decided to leave the sensors on/agreed that the sensors could stay on] while you were working? -- Anything you would ask the family to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you would require in order for you to agree to work with a the TV sensors on? -- Any privacy settings you’d want to know about, or want to change if you could?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of sensor data and commands, different sensor types, retention of text records of audio commands, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, whether employers can access any of the above, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening/watching]

Have you ever had an employer ask you if you were okay with having the smart TV’s sensors on while you’re there?

22 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- What was that conversation like? -- [assuming they refused] Why did you say no? -- Do you feel there were any consequences to you saying no?

How do you think you would react if you found out your employers’ smart TV had sensors they hadn’t told you about? -- Would you say anything to your employers?

If you were working in a situation with a smart TV that had sensors on, do you feel like there would be anything different? -- Do you think it would change your behavior?

[If participant’s employer does NOT have any other smart home devices, skip to Section M.]

[If participant’s employer DOES have other smart home devices, skip to Section L. (If they only mentioned devices that are part of a home control system operated by a smart speaker, treat as ‘no’ and skip to M. If they only mentioned cameras hidden in children’s toys, treat as ‘no’ and skip to M.)]

K. If Participant Has Worked With a Smart TV: Experiences and Decision- Making

[if the employers have a smart speaker embedded in a smart TV, skip repeat questions]

Can you tell me a little bit more about your employers’ smart TV? What kind [do/did] they have?

[If yes] What types of features [does/did] it have that [make/made] it “smart”? -- Internet enabled? Streaming TV? Web browsing? -- Recommendations? -- Voice recognition? Gesture recognition? Presence detection?

[Skip the following web browsing part if short on time!]

[If not mentioned] Can you use it to look at websites?


3a. If No, TV Is Not Web-Enabled

If it could, would you use it that way?

[If no] Why not?

[If yes] Would you try to do anything to keep your employers from seeing what you’d been looking at online? (private browsing windows, etc.)

23 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

If your employers’ TV was web-enabled [and you used it], what would you think you found out that they had been reviewing the browsing history to see what you’d been looking at on the web? Would that be okay with you?

[[Does/did] your employers’ smart TV provide/So you said your employers’ smart TV provides] program recommendations?

[If no, skip to 4a No Program Recommendations]

[If yes, skip to 4b Yes Program Recommendations]

3b. If Yes, TV Is Web-Enabled

Do you use it that way?

[If no] Why not? (specific reasons vs. never happened to)

[If yes] Is there anything you do to keep your employers from seeing what you’ve been looking at on the web? (private browsing, etc.) Why/why not?

[If they use it] Do you know whether your employers have ever reviewed the browsing history to see what you’ve been looking at? -- [If yes] Did they say anything to you about it? -- [If yes] What did you think about that? Was it okay with you?

[If no] What would you think about it if they had done that? Would it be okay with you?

[[Does/did] your employers’ smart TV provide/So you said your employers’ smart TV provides] program recommendations?

[If no, use 4a No Program Recommendations]

[If yes, use 4b Yes Program Recommendations]

[Resolve subfork 3.]

[end skippable web-browsing part]

[Skip the following watch history/program recs part if short on time!]


24 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

4a. If No, TV Does Not Provide Program Recommendations

Do you have a smart TV at home?

[If yes] Does your smart TV at home provide program recommendations?

[If no] Have you heard anything about the program recommendation feature?

What can you tell me about how that works? How does it decide what to recommend?

[if necessary, provide nudge that it uses the record of what programs you watch and rate and sometimes your web browsing history, depending on the TV]

If your employers got a smart TV that kept track of what programs you watched, would you (still) use it? -- To watch things yourself? -- To put on programs for the kids?

[If yes] Is there anything you would avoid using it for?

[If not mentioned] Did you know that most smart TVs have an interface where you can see what people have watched on it?

What would you think if your employers had a smart TV that had that feature and you found out they were looking at the record of what you’d watched? Would that be okay with you? -- Would it matter whether they were doing it just to look at what you watched? (Versus reviewing their own or their kids’ history and seeing yours by chance.)

What if your employers didn’t look at the queries, but figured out that they had gotten a TV or search recommendation because of something you watched or something you looked at on the web? Would that be okay with you?

[[Does/did] your employers’ smart TV have/So you said your employers’ smart TV has] features that rely on seeing or hearing what you’re doing, like voice recognition or gesture recognition or presence detection?

[If no, skip to 5a No Sensor-Based Features]

[If yes, skip to 5b Yes Sensor-Based Features]

4b. If Yes, TV Provides Program Recommendations

What can you tell me about how program recommendations work? How does it decide what to recommend?

25 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[if necessary, provide nudge that it uses the record of what programs you watch and rate and sometimes your web browsing history, depending on the TV]

[Do/Did] you use the TV? -- To watch things yourself? -- To put on programs for the kids?

[If yes] Is there anything you avoid using it for?

Have you ever had parents ask you about your preferences about privacy settings or what type of setup you would prefer? (to protect your data/yourself?) Or have you ever initiated a conversation about that?

[If yes to either] What did you tell them? How did it go?

[If no] If they’d asked, what would you have told them?

[If not mentioned] Did you know that most smart TVs have an interface where you can see what people have watched on it?

Do you know whether your employers use this feature? -- Have they seen your viewing history? -- Have they ever said anything to you about anything specific you watched? About anything the kid(s) watched while you were there?

[If yes] What did you think about that? Was it okay with you?

[If no] What would you think if you found out your employers were looking at your viewing history? Would that be okay with you?

[Did it/Would it] matter whether they were doing it just to look at what you watched? (Versus reviewing their own or their kids’ viewing history and seeing yours by chance.)

What if your employers didn’t look at the queries, but figured out that they had gotten a TV or search recommendation because of something you watched or something you looked at on the web? Would that be okay with you?

[If TV shows history] Have you ever used the interface to delete the records of anything you watched? [If yes] Do you mind telling me why?

[[Does/did] your employers’ smart TV have/So you said your employers’ smart TV has] features that rely on seeing or hearing what you’re doing, like voice recognition or gesture recognition or presence detection?

[If no, use 5a No Sensor-Based Features]

26 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If yes, use 5b Yes Sensor-Based Features]

[Resolve Subfork 4.]

[end skippable watch history/program recs part]


5a. If No, TV Does Not Have Sensor-Based Features

[Do you have a smart TV at home that has/Does your smart TV at home have] those type of features?

[If yes] Which ones? What can you tell me about how they work?

[If no] Have you heard of those types of features? What do you know about them?

Do you know what kinds of sensors or what type of data [a/your] smart TV [would use/uses] for voice recognition? Gesture recognition? Presence detection?

Tell me a little more about how that works. -- Do you know whether the sensors record anything? [If yes] What do they record? -- Do you know whether the sensor data feed or recording or anything else is sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who can [hear/watch] the [audio/video/motion sensor] feed or recording [or whatever else]?

If your employers decided to get a smart TV with sensors like voice or video, how would you feel about them leaving the sensors on while you were working?

[If negative/concerns] Would you turn them off, or unplug the TV? -- Would you ask them if they minded you turning it off? -- What would you do if you couldn’t turn it off? How would you feel about that?

[If not negative] Would you use those features?

[If they have a smart TV] Do you use those features on your own TV? -- Do you leave the sensors on all the time? -- [If not to either] Why not?

Are there any questions you would have about those features before you [decided to leave the sensors on/agreed that the sensors could stay on] while you were working? -- Anything you would ask the family to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you would require in order for you to agree to work with a the TV sensors on? -- Anything you’d want to know about the privacy settings? Or that you’d want them to change, if you could get them to?

27 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of sensor data and commands, different sensor types, retention of text records of audio commands, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, whether employers can access any of the above, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening/watching]

Have you ever had an employer ask you if you were okay with having the smart TV’s sensors on while you’re there? -- What was that conversation like? -- [if they refused] Why did you say no? -- Do you feel there were any consequences to you saying no?

How do you think you would react if you found out your employers’ smart TV had sensors they hadn’t told you about? -- Would you say anything to your employers?

If you were working in a situation with a smart TV that had sensors on, do you feel like there would be anything different? -- Do you think it would change your behavior?

[If participant’s employer does NOT have any other smart home devices, skip to Section M.]

[If participant’s employer DOES have other smart home devices, skip to Section L. (If they only mentioned devices that are part of a home control system operated by a smart speaker, treat as ‘no’ and skip to M. If they only mentioned cameras hidden in children’s toys, treat as ‘no’ and skip to M.)]

5b. If Yes, TV Has Sensor-Based Features

Which features does it have? -- Do you know what kinds of sensors it uses for the [feature(s)]?

How [do/did] you feel about that? [Are/Were] you comfortable with it?

Tell me a little more about how that works. -- Do you know what type of data it uses? -- Do you know whether the sensors [record/recorded] anything? [If yes] What [do/did] they record? -- Do you know whether the sensor data feed or recording or anything else [is/was] sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who [can/could] [hear/watch] the [audio/video/motion sensor] feed or recording [or whatever else]?

[Are/Were] the [sensor(s)] on while you [are/were] working? -- [If yes] How [do/did] you know? -- Did you know when it was awake, or when it was [listening/watching/sensing]? How?

[If yes] How [do/did] you feel about that?

28 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If no] [Do/Did] you ever turn it off, or unplug it? Why? -- Did you ask whether your employers minded you [turning it off/unplugging it]? -- [If no] Did they say anything? Were there any consequences to you turning it off? -- Did your employers offer to turn it off?

[If on] [Do/Did] you use those features?

Do you have a smart TV at home?

[If yes] Do you use those features on your own TV? -- Do you leave the sensors on all the time? -- [If not to either] Why not?

[If no] If you had one, do you think you’d use those features at home? -- Would you leave the sensors on all the time? -- [If not to either] Why not?

How did you know your employers [have/had] a smart TV that uses [sensors]? Did they tell you, or did you just notice it?


6a. If Yes, Employers Told Them About Smart TV Sensor Capabilities (in Some Situation)

When did your employers tell you about it? (before you began working, when you showed up the first day, after you’d been working for a while...?) -- How did you feel about that conversation? -- [If later] [Was/were] [the sensor(s)] on in the meantime?

[If it was installed after they started working in that home] When did they tell you about it? (before they bought it, before they installed/activated it, next time you showed up to work, later...) -- How did you feel about that conversation? -- [If later] [Was/were] [the sensor(s)] on in the meantime?

Have you ever had an employer ask you if you were okay with them leaving smart TV sensors on while you’re there? -- What was that conversation like? -- What did you say? -- Do you feel there [were/would be] any consequences to you saying no?

Did you have any questions about the [sensor(s)] on the TV before you [decided to leave the [sensor(s)] on/agreed that the [sensor(s)]could stay on/decided to use it] while you were working? -- Anything you asked the family to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask?

29 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- Anything you required in order for you to [agree to work with the [sensor(s)] on/be okay with using the [sensor-based feature(s)]]?

Have you ever had parents ask you about your preferences about privacy settings or what type of setup you would prefer? (to protect your data/yourself?) Or have you ever initiated a conversation about that?

[If yes to either] What did you tell them? How did it go?

[If no] If they’d asked, what would you have told them?

If you had full control of the privacy settings, is there anything you’d want to make sure was in there?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of sensor data and commands, different sensor types, retention of text records of audio commands, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, whether employers can access any of the above, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening/watching]

Thinking about situations where you’ve worked with a smart TV that had [sensor(s)], do you feel like there was anything different? -- Do you think it changed your behavior?

Have you ever been in a situation where your employers didn’t tell you their smart TV had some of those types of sensors, but you just noticed it?

[If no] How do you think you would react if you found out your employers’ smart TV had sensors they hadn’t told you about? -- Would you say anything to your employers? [Then: If participant’s employer does NOT have any other smart home devices, skip to Section M. If participant’s employer DOES have other smart home devices, skip to Section L. (If they only mentioned devices that are part of a home control system operated by a smart speaker, treat as ‘no’ and skip to M. If they only mentioned cameras hidden in children’s toys, treat as ‘no’ and skip to M.)]

[If yes, go to 6b Employers Did Not Tell, but skip repeat questions]

6b. If No, Employers Did NOT Tell Them About Smart TV Sensor Capabilities (in Some Situation)

Did you say anything to your employers about it? What was their response? -- How did you feel about that conversation?

Once you found out, were there any questions you had for them? -- Anything you asked the family to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask?

30 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- Anything you required in order for you to agree to work with the [sensor(s)] on?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of sensor data and commands, different sensor types, retention of text records of audio commands, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, whether employers can access any of the above, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening/watching]

Are there any privacy settings or controls you might have wanted, if you’d had the option?

Do you think it affected your relationship with your employers that they hadn’t told you? How/why?

Thinking about situations where you’ve worked with a smart TV that had [sensor(s)], do you feel like there was anything different? -- Do you think it changed your behavior?

[If participant’s employer does NOT have any other smart home devices, skip to Section M.]

[If participant’s employer DOES have other smart home devices, use Section L. (If they only mentioned devices that are part of a home control system operated by a smart speaker, treat as ‘no’ and skip to M. If they only mentioned cameras hidden in children’s toys, treat as ‘no’ and skip to M.)]

[Resolve Fork 6.]

[Resolve Fork 5.]

L. Experiences With and Decision-Making About Other Smart Home Devices

[Reintroduce device; iterate for each type of device depending on time/boredom.]

You mentioned your employers [have/had] a [device]. Can you tell me a little bit more about how it [works/worked]? -- Do you know whether it [collects/collected] any data? What type of data? -- Do you know whether it [records/recorded] anything? [If yes] What [does/did] it record? -- Do you know whether any of the data [is/was] sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who [can/could] [see/hear/etc.] that data?

[Does/Did] the family leave the [device] on while you were working? -- How [do/did] you know?

How [do/did] you feel about that? [Are/Were] you comfortable with it? [If possible] Have you ever turned it off, or unplugged it?

[Do/Did] you use it?

31 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

How did you know your employers [have/had] the [device]? Did they tell you, or did you just notice it?

[If employers told them] When did they tell you about it? -- How did you feel about that conversation?

[If employers didn’t tell them] Did you say anything to your employers about it? What was their response? -- How did you feel about that conversation? -- Do you think it affected your relationship with your employers that they hadn’t told you? How/why?

Were there any questions you had about the [device] before you [decided to leave it on/agreed that it could stay on/decided to use it] while you were working? -- Anything you asked the family to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask? -- Any privacy settings or controls you wanted to have, or wished you could have?

[Go right into Section M.]

M. General Expectations and Attitudes About Smart Home Devices

[If they have a contract] Does your contract specify anything about smart home devices that might collect data about you? (Smart speakers, smart TVs, whatever else?)

[If yes] What does it specify? -- Who suggested what to put in the contract about that? -- Is there anything you think is missing?

[If no] Would you prefer if it did? -- [If yes] What should it say?

In general, would you expect employers to tell you if they had any type of device in their home that could capture information about you?

In your opinion, do you think employers should tell nannies if they have smart home devices in their home?

Do you think they should ask whether nannies want them turned off or unplugged while they’re working?

In general, what do you think nannies need to know about devices that are collecting data about them?

[if they’ve done one-time or occasional babysitting jobs] For a one-time babysitting job, would you expect the parents to tell you about any smart speakers, smart TVs, or anything else that might collect data about you?

32 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If they have any such devices] Do you tell people that you have a [device] when they come to your house?

[If yes nannies should be told, no I don’t tell people] What do you think is different about those two situations?

What do you think about the fact that these devices can (also) collect data about the kids?

[for nannies who’ve been nannying for a while/had multiple jobs] Do you think people’s attitudes about these types of smart home devices are changing? -- People in general? -- Parents who employ nannies? -- Nannies? -- Have your attitudes changed? Why?

Have you ever discussed these types of smart home devices with other nannies? -- [If yes] In a couple of sentences, can you tell me what are the main things nannies agree on? Some things nannies may disagree on?

Do you have any [other] concerns about working with smart home devices? -- About what happens to the data? -- Any [other] drawbacks? [probe for specifics/stories]

[If they’re uncomfortable with smart homes] What could make you feel more comfortable about having such devices on in your employer's home? -- Is there something employers could tell you or ask you that would make you feel more comfortable with it?

N. Advice and Recommendations About Smart Home Devices

If you had a friend who was looking for their first job as a nanny, what advice would you give them about smart speakers, smart TVs, or other smart home devices? -- What advice would you give them about talking to parents about it? -- Any questions you would advise them to ask? -- Any conditions you’d advise them to set if they were going to work with smart home devices on?

[If they’ve worked with an agency] Has your agency provided you with any information or advice about smart home devices? -- Do you know whether they provide parents with any information or advice? -- Is there advice or help that you wish they’d given you, or that you think they should give?

[If no] If you had an agency, what kind of information or advice do you think it would be helpful for them to give nannies about smart home devices?

33 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- What about for parents?

If you had a friend who had a child and was considering hiring a nanny, what advice would you give them about this issue? -- Are there things you wish more parents knew?

Is there any advice you might have for the companies that manufacture these devices about how they could make nannies more comfortable about working with them?

[probe for suggestions about signalling, collection triggers, data security, retention, third-party sharing...?]

Do you know if there are currently any laws that say something about using smart home-type devices in homes where there are domestic employees?

[If yes] What do they say? -- Where did you get that information?

Are there any laws you think we should have? -- Or should not have?

O. Experiences With and Decision-Making About Out-of-Home Monitoring

Do you know whether your employer [has/had] any devices or apps they [can/could] use to check on what’s happening when you and the kid(s) [are/were] out and about?

[If employer does NOT monitor the nanny outside the home, or if they only mention outdoor security cameras at their employer’s house, skip to Section P.]

Tell me a little more about the [device/app]. How does it work? -- Do you know what type of data it collects? -- Do you know whether it records any data? -- Is any of the data sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who can see that data?

How did you find out about the [device/app]?


7a. If Yes, Employers Told Them About Out-of-Home Tracking/Monitoring (in Some Situation)

Did your employer(s) tell you about it before you started working for them?

34 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If yes, told] When in the process did they tell you? (before interview, in interview, while making job offer, during contract negotiation, when you showed up the first day...) -- Did you ask, or did they volunteer the information? -- What was that conversation like? How did you feel about it?

[If no, no conversation before starting] When did they tell you?

If you’re about to take a job where there would be [tracking/monitoring] outside the house / If your employers were about to get a [tracking/monitoring device/app], are there any questions you (would) have for them? -- Anything you asked/would ask them to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask but didn’t? -- Anything you would require in order for you to agree to the [tracking/monitoring]?

Have you ever had an employer or potential employer ask you if it was okay for them to [track/monitor] you outside the house? -- What was that conversation like?

[If they agreed] What do you think would have happened if you said no? Would there be any consequences?

[If they didn’t agree] Do you feel there were any consequences to you saying no?

Have you ever turned down a job because of [tracking/monitoring] outside the house?

[If yes, turned down] What about it made that situation unacceptable?

Do you think there were benefits to you from the [tracking/monitoring]? Do you think there could be, generally? [probe for specifics/stories]

Have your employers ever talked to you about something based on data from the [device/app]? -- Did they say that’s how they got the information, or did you just figure it out? -- How did that conversation go?

Do you think the [tracking/monitoring] affects your relationship with your employers?

Do you think it affects how you behave?

Have you ever been in a situation where your employers didn’t tell you they were [tracking/monitoring] you while you were out and about, but you just figured it out?

[If no] How do you think you would react if you found out parents were [tracking/monitoring] you and hadn’t told you about it? -- Would you say anything to your employers? -- Would you consider leaving the job? Why/why not?

35 Nannies Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[then skip to Section P]

[If yes, go to 7b Employers Did Not Tell, but skip repeat questions]

7b. If No, Employers Did NOT Tell Them About Out-of-Home Tracking/Monitoring (in Some Situation)

How did you figure it out?

Did you say anything to your employers about it? What was their response? -- How did you feel about that conversation?

Once you found out, were there any questions you had for them? -- Anything you asked them to do? (to protect your data/yourself?) -- Anything you wanted to ask? -- Anything you required in order for you to agree to continue working now that you knew about

Do you think it affected your relationship with your employers after you found out? How/why?

Do you think it affected how you behaved?

Do you think there were benefits to you from the [tracking/monitoring]? Do you think there could be, generally? [probe for specifics/stories]

Have your employers ever talked to you about something based on data from the [device/app]? -- How did you figure out that’s where they got the information?

[Go right into Section P.]

[Resolve Subfork 7.]

P. Wrap-Up

Is there anything we didn’t ask about that you want to tell us about these issues?

Did anything you said or thought during this interview surprise you?

- Thank the participant for their time - Turn off recorder

If in-person: - Administer paper-based questionnaire - Pay honorarium and get receipt

36 Nannies Study Instruments Exit Questionnaire

If telecon: - Explain about questionnaire; offer to paste a link into text chat or email it to them, as they prefer - Explain/remind how payment will work and confirm necessary details - Send questionnaire link

Exit Questionnaire [For in-person interviews, questionnaires will be printed on paper. Participant can fill in or interviewer can ask the questions and write down the answers. For telecon interviews, we will send the interviewee a Qualtrics link immediately after the interview.]

A Little Bit About Yourself All information is confidential // All questions are optional

What city do you live in?

(If different) What city do you work in?

How old are you?

What is your gender? (However you define it.)

What is your ethnicity? (However you define it.)

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

When talking to family and friends, do you use: _ Mainly English _ English and another language about equally _ Mainly another language

Other language:

Check any of the following that describe you: _ My college/graduate school major or minor is/was computer science or computer engineering _ I work/have worked in a computer engineering or IT job position _ I have written a computer program

How often do people ask you for advice about computers or technology? _ Rarely _ Sometimes _ Frequently

37 Nannies Study Instruments Exit Questionnaire

About Your Job Situation All information is confidential // All questions are optional

Are you mainly a: _ Nanny _ Nanny/Household Manager _ Au Pair _ Professional Babysitter _ Other:

How long have you been a nanny/au pair/professional babysitter? (If you are no longer in that career, how long were you a nanny/au pair/professional babysitter?)

If you’re no longer in that career, how long has it been since you last worked as a nanny/au pair/professional babysitter?

In your career, how many families have you worked for as a nanny/au pair/regular babysitter? (Not counting occasional babysitting.)

If you are no longer working as a nanny/au pair/professional babysitter, or if you are between jobs, please answer the following questions with reference to your most recent job in that field:

How long have you worked for your current employer(s)?

How many families do you currently provide regular in-home childcare for? (Not counting occasional babysitting.)

If you work for more than one family, is it in a nanny share? _ Yes, full-time share _ Part-time share/Part-time just one family _ No (one family at a time)

How many children (total) do you currently provide regular in-home childcare for?

Do you work: _ Full-time as a nanny/au pair/babysitter _ Part-time as a nanny/au pair/babysitter, part-time student _ Part-time as a nanny/au pair/babysitter, part-time in another job What job? _ Part-time as a nanny/au pair/babysitter (no other job)

Do you think you will continue working as a nanny/au pair/babysitter: _ As a career _ As a short-term thing

38 Nannies Study Instruments Exit Questionnaire

_ Not sure _ Other:

Do you know whether your current employers have any of the following devices? (In the home where you work.) (If you work for multiple families on a regular basis, check devices owned by any of them.) _ Security camera(s) _ Full security/alarm system _ Individual spy cameras/nanny cams _ Audio security monitoring system _ Video or A/V baby monitor(s) (any type) _ Audio-only baby monitor(s) (any type) _ Smart TV(s)/streaming box(es)/smart home entertainment system(s) _ Smart speaker/home assistant (with or without screen) _ Smart speaker/home assistant with camera _ Smart lock(s)/door(s) _ Smart lights _ Smart thermostat _ Smart toy(s) _ Other “smart” appliance(s): _ Other “smart home” device(s): (Some devices may fall into more than one category; in that case, check both categories.)

About Your Home All information is confidential // All questions are optional

Do you have any of the following devices in your own home? _ Security camera(s) _ Full security/alarm system _ Individual spy cameras/nanny cams _ Audio security monitoring system _ Video or A/V baby monitor(s) (any type) _ Audio-only baby monitor(s) (any type) _ Smart TV(s)/streaming box(es)/smart home entertainment system(s) _ Smart speaker/home assistant (with or without screen) _ Smart speaker/home assistant with camera _ Smart lock(s)/door(s) _ Smart lights _ Smart thermostat _ Smart toy(s) _ Other “smart” appliance(s): _ Other “smart home” device(s): (Some devices may fall into more than one category; in that case, check both categories.)

39 Parents Study Instruments Recruitment Scripts and Flyers

Parents Study Instruments

Recruitment Scripts and Flyers

In-Person Recruitment Script

Hi, I’m _____. I’m a researcher at UC Berkeley. [If in a non-specific context] [Is this/are these] your little one(s)? [If yes] I’m asking because I’m part of a research team that’s doing a study on issues that come up when you have a nanny or an au pair working in your home. Do you have a nanny or an au pair? [If yes] We’re looking for parents who would be willing to be interviewed about those issues. Is that something you might be interested in participating in sometime? (Not right now; we’d do it when it’s convenient for you.) [If yes/maybe] You don’t have to commit right now; here’s a flyer with the basic information about the study and how to contact us if you want to participate, or if you have questions. I can also answer if you have any questions right now. [Answer any questions they have.] [If they’re already certain they want to participate] We’ll need to ask you a couple of quick questions to make sure you’re eligible to participate, before the main interview. Do you want to set up a time for a short phone call for that? [End with] Thanks!

Recruitment Flyers

Inviting Parents to Participate in a Research Study About Employing Nannies in the Home

Do you employ a nanny or au pair to take care of your child(ren)?

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are studying what parents who employ nannies and other domestic employees think about certain issues that come up when someone is working in your home.

Half-hour confidential interview You choose the time and place $25 honorarium

Get in touch for more info, if you want to participate!

Call/text Julia Bernd at 650-862-0509

40 Parents Study Instruments Screening Script or email [email protected]

[Use same text for postable flyers with tear-offs and quarter-sheet flyers to use in-person.]

Online Recruitment

Title: Inviting Parents to Participate in a Research Study About Employing Nannies in the Home

Do you employ a nanny or au pair to take care of your child(ren)?

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are studying what parents who employ nannies and other domestic employees think about certain issues that come up when you have someone working in your home.

Half-hour confidential interview. $25 honorarium. Get in touch for more info, if you want to participate!

To maintain confidentiality, please don't respond on this thread.

Call/text Julia Bernd at 650-862-0509 // Email [email protected] // DM [username@sitename]

Screening Script

[Introduce self.] I’m part of a group of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, that are doing a research study about the use of technology in homes where nannies and other domestic employees work. If you’re selected, we’d be asking you to do a confidential interview that would last half to three quarters of an hour, where we’d ask you about your opinions and experiences having someone working in your home where you could potentially have those types of technologies. To thank you for your time, we would offer an honorarium of $25.

Do you have any questions for me so far?

[Confirm/get respondent’s name]

Where do you live? (City, country)

Next, I need to ask a couple of questions to make sure you’re eligible to participate in this study.

To confirm, do you currently employ a nanny or au pair to take care of your child or children? (Which one?)

[If yes] How long have you had a [nanny/au pair]?

41 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If no] How long did you have a [nanny/au pair]? How long ago was that?

Does your [nanny/au pair] watch the child(ren) in your home? Someone else’s home? Their own home?

We don’t need details right now, but do you have a camera or some other type of device that you can use to check in when you’re not there? Or something you could use that way if you wanted to?

Do you have any other “smart home” devices? (Try to avoid explaining/giving examples if you can.)

To make sure you don’t feel constrained about your answers, we won’t be interviewing anyone whose nanny or au pair also responded. What’s your current [nanny/au pair]’s name? (Clarify: We won’t use the nanny’s name for anything else other than making sure we don’t interview anyone whose nanny also responded. We’ll destroy this piece of information as soon as we have our participant list settled.) (Clarify if necessary: If we quote anything you say when we publish papers about this study, we will not use your name, and we’ll try to obscure any details that could identify you. But we just want to make sure there’s no reason you could have any concern about what you say, for example if you were worried that your nanny would guess you might have participated.)

What’s the best way to get in touch with you if we select you for the study?

We will pick participants from among the people who get in touch with us. So once we have a list of eligible participants, we will pick and contact you to invite you to do an interview. Or we’ll contact you to let you know you weren’t selected.

Meanwhile, once we’ve settled the participant list, we’ll destroy the information you’ve just given us (whether or not you’re selected); it won’t be part of our research.

[Thank respondent for their time.]

Interview Guide (Long Form) [Each interviewer has their own short-form crib sheet to use during the actual interview.]


[Notes for Interviewer: The interview should follow the lead of the participant and move at a pace that seems comfortable for them. Exact questions and ordering of topics will vary from interview to interview. The main goal is to explore the topic of cameras and similar monitoring, in the first few sections. The later sections on smart home devices are secondary, despite how much of the interview guide they take up. If you have to shorten the later sections, focus on the purple-highlighted questions. Target time: Half an hour; max time: three-quarters of an hour.]

42 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

- Introduce yourself - Check in about specific time constraints the participant may have - Explain consent process; give participant time to read the form; (if they agree) collect signed copy and give them a copy to keep - Brief explanation of project - Ask whether you can record the interview - Explain: - The recording will be confidential. It will only be listened to by a transcriber and the research team. The transcript will also be confidential. - We may use quotes from the transcript when we publish or present reports on our research, but we will not say who said it. (And we’ll leave out or change anything that’s very unique to you.) You can ask for any specific comments to be taken off the record, or for us not to use direct quotes from you at all. - You can choose not to answer specific questions, and you can end the interview at any time. If you decide to end the interview partway through, you will still receive an honorarium for your time. - (If they agree) Start recording

A. Warm Up Questions/Get to Know You [pick a few]

How many children do you have?

How old [is/are] your child(ren)?

How long [has/have] [she/he/they] had a nanny? -- Has it been the same nanny the whole time? -- Does [she/he/they] work full time? Weekends?

Why did you decide to hire a nanny? (as opposed to other childcare options) -- [If hesitation] Do you think it was the right choice? -- What are the good sides? -- What are the bad sides? Any concerns that you have?

Do you think it’s easy to find a good nanny in [city/area]? -- How did you find your nanny?

Tell me one thing you really like about having a nanny.

Tell me one thing you don’t like or find frustrating about having a nanny.

In your experience, can you tell me a couple of things that you think make for a good working relationship between nannies and parents?

43 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

B. Experiences With and Decision-Making About Cameras/Monitoring Devices

Tell me a little bit about the devices you have that you can (or could) use to check in on what the kid(s) and the nanny are doing. -- Video, audio, both? -- How many [cameras/audio pickups]? [If there are multiple devices] Why do you have multiple devices? -- [Is it/Are they] hidden? -- Where is the camera?

[If participant mentions also having a within-house live monitor that doesn’t record and is only used to monitor the kid, steer conversation towards the one the participant could use to check on the nanny.]

What can you tell me about how the [device/system] works? -- Does it record the [video/audio] so it can be [watched/listened to] later? (or just livestream?) -- Does the data get sent over the Internet? -- Do you know where the data is stored? (on a chip? online?) For how long? How many copies? -- Do you know who else can [see/hear] the data? -- How do you access the data?

How do you use it? -- Is it on while you’re home as well? -- Who [looks at/listens to] the [video/audio]? (you, your spouse/partner, both?) -- How often [do you/does she/he/they] check it? Has that changed over time? -- How often do you delete recordings?

Why did you decide to get a(n) [camera(s)/audio pickup(s)]? -- When did you get [it/them]?

Do you use [it/them] for other purposes as well? -- [If it’s for security from intruders] Do you also use it to check in on [baby/child(ren)] as well? On the nanny?

Who made the decision to get [it/them]? (you, your spouse/partner, both together?) -- [If they have any older-enough kids] Did you consult with your kids? -- Were there any disagreements? What about? -- Who installed it and set it up?

What pros and cons or what factors did you think about when you were making that decision? -- Your child(ren)’s safety? -- The security of your house? -- Wanting to make sure your child is well cared for? -- Wanting to see/hear your child during the day? -- Your convenience?

44 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- The nanny’s convenience? -- The nanny’s privacy? -- Your child(ren)’s privacy? -- Your own privacy? -- What might happen to the data? -- Cost?

When you were making that decision, did you have any questions? -- About how the data would be handled or processed? By whom? -- About how the data would be stored? -- About privacy rights and laws about monitoring and recording? -- About workplace or employment laws? Policies?

[Re: Data: probe for comfort/discomfort with recording, online transmission, online/cloud storage, retention, who else might be able to see/hear or use the data]

[If any] How did you go about trying to figure out answers to those questions? -- Did you talk to other parents? -- Consult online webpages?

[If not mentioned] Are you in a nanny share, or have your participated in one? -- Do you host? Does it rotate?

[If yes] How did you and the other family decide whether to have a [device]? -- What factors or parameters did you consider? -- Did the two (etc.) families have different priorities or other points of disagreement? -- [If it rotates] Does the other family also have a camera, or some type of monitoring device? -- Do both of you have access to the [feed/recordings]? -- Did the nanny participate in the negotiation?

Have you told your nanny about the [camera/audio monitor]? -- Current nanny? -- [If they’ve had others] Previous [nanny/nannies]?


1a. If Yes, Participant Has Told the Nanny About the Camera/Monitoring Device

[If they had the camera before the nanny] Did you tell [her/him/them] before they started working for you? -- [If yes] When in the process? (before the interview, during interview, while making job offer, while negotiating terms, when [she/he/they] showed up the first day...?) -- [If yes] Did you bring it up first or did the nanny bring it up first? -- [If no] When did you tell [her/him/them]?

45 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If they had the nanny before the camera] When did you tell [her/him/them]? (before you bought/installed it, the next time [she/he/they] came in to work, later...?)

Why did you decide to tell [her/him/them]? What pros and cons did you consider in making the decision? -- Do you think there were any risks to telling [her/him/them]?

How did that conversation go? -- Did your nanny have any questions for you? -- Did the nanny express any concerns? -- Did the nanny have any requirements or conditions before agreeing to work with a camera?

[If they had the nanny before the camera] Did you ask your [nanny/nannies] whether it was okay for you to put in a camera? -- When did you ask? (before buying it, before installing it, after installing it?) -- What was that conversation like? -- How did you frame the question?

What would you have said or done if your nanny had refused to work with a [camera/audio monitor] in the house? What would you have thought? -- [If they had the nanny before the camera] If the nanny had refused to work with a [camera/monitor], would you consider installing one without telling [her/him/them]?

Would you hire a nanny who wouldn’t work with a [camera/monitor]? -- Have you ever had to make that decision? -- [If no] What would make that situation unacceptable? -- [If no] Are there any conditions under which you might consider hiring a nanny without being able to use a camera or some type of monitor? [probe for trust factors]

Have you ever had a nanny turn down a job you were offering because of the [camera/monitoring]?

Did you ask your nanny whether [she/he/they] had any preferences about privacy settings or what type of setup you use? (to protect the data) -- Did your nanny initiate a conversation about that?

Do you currently have a contract with your nanny? -- [If yes] Does it specify anything about cameras? About audio monitoring devices? [If yes] Who suggested what to put in the contract about that?

Is there a way that the nanny (or whoever else) can tell when the [device] is on? -- [If it records] When it’s recording? -- [If it live-streams] When you’re watching the feed?

Does your nanny have access to the [feed/recordings]? -- [If yes] Do you know whether [she/he/they] [has/have] ever accessed it? -- Did you have any concerns about giving your nanny that access?

46 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If older kids] [Do/Does] your child(ren) know about the [camera/monitoring]?

[If the camera/monitor was there before the nanny] Would you guess that having the [camera/monitor] affects the nanny’s behavior? -- Do you think it affects your behavior? -- [If they know] The kids’ behavior? -- Do you think there might be anything different in your relationship with your nanny if you didn’t have the [camera/monitor]?

[If the nanny was there before the camera/monitor] Do you think anything changed after you got the camera/monitor? -- In your relationship with the nanny? -- In the nanny’s behavior? (as a guess) -- In your behavior? -- [If they know] In the kids’ behavior?

[or v.v. if they got rid of a camera/monitor]

Have you ever talked to your nanny about something based on what you [saw/heard] on the [camera/monitor]? -- Did you mention what you [saw/heard]? Or did you find another way to bring it up? -- How did that conversation go?

Have you ever shared a recording with anyone or [showed/let them listen to] a feed of your child(ren) with the nanny? -- Just showed someone on your screen? -- Posted it on social media or sent it to someone? -- [If yes] What about if it was just the nanny, without the child(ren)?

[If yes] Did you ask the nanny first? -- How did that conversation go? -- [If older kids] Did you ask your kid(s) first?

[If no] Is that something you might do? -- [If yes] What about if it was just the nanny, without the child(ren)? -- [If yes] Would you ask the nanny first? -- [If older kids] Would you ask your kid(s) first?

Would you tell a one-time babysitter about the [camera/monitor]?

Do you tell other visitors to your house that you have a [camera/audio monitor]?

[If no] What do you think is different about those two situations?

47 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[Skip to Section C.]

1b. If No, Participant Has NOT Told the Nanny About the Camera/Monitoring Device

Why did you decide not to tell [her/him/them]? What pros and cons did you consider in making the decision? -- Do you think there are any risks to not telling [her/him/them]?

Are there any circumstances where you would have told a nanny about your [camera(s)/monitor(s)]? -- Any guidance anyone could have given you that might have made it easier or more likely for you to tell [her/him/them]?

To your knowledge, have you ever had a nanny figure out you had a [camera/audio monitor] without you saying so?

[If yes] What happened? -- [If yes] Did [she/he/they] say anything to you? What did [she/he/they] say? -- Would you guess that the nanny behaves any differently because of the camera? -- Do you think it affected your relationship after [she/he/they] found out?

[If older kids] [Do/Does] your child(ren) know about the [camera/monitoring]? -- Do you think the child(ren) behave(s) any differently because of the camera?

Do you currently have a contract with your nanny? -- [If yes] Does it specify anything about cameras? About audio monitoring devices?

Have you ever talked to your nanny about something based on what you [saw/heard] on the [camera/monitor]? -- How did you bring it up without talking about what you [saw/heard]? -- How did that conversation go?

Have you ever shared a recording with anyone or [showed/let them listen to] a feed of your child(ren) with the nanny? -- Just showed someone on your screen? -- Posted it on social media or sent it to someone? -- [If yes, if older kids] Did you ask your kid(s) first? -- [If yes] What about if it was just the nanny, without the child(ren)?

[If no] Is that something you might do? -- [If yes] What about if it was just the nanny, without the child(ren)? -- [If older kids] Would you ask your kid(s) first?

Would you tell a one-time babysitter about the [camera/monitor]?

Do you tell other visitors to your house that you have a [camera/audio monitor]?

48 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If yes] What do you think is different about those two situations?

[Go right into Section C.]

[Resolve Subfork 1.]

C. General Expectations and Attitudes About Cameras/Audio Monitoring

If you went to someone else’s house, would you expect them to tell you if they had cameras? Audio devices?

Do you know whether there are cameras in your workplace? -- [If yes] Are you okay with that? -- [If no] Would you be okay with it if they did? -- [If they’re not okay with it] What do you think is different between that situation and working as a nanny?

Do you think it’s common for parents who employ nannies to use these types of devices? -- Do you think it’s been getting more common? (to use them in general, to use them to check up on the nanny) -- Do you think it’s common to tell nannies about the devices?

Have you ever discussed cameras and monitoring with other parents who employ nannies? -- [If yes] What did you get out of those conversations? -- Do you think people’s attitudes about using [camera/audio monitoring] have changed over time? (using them in general, using them to check up on nannies)

Have your attitudes about cameras and monitoring of nannies changed over time? [probe for specifics/stories]

In your opinion, do you think employers should tell nannies if there is a camera or other monitoring device in their home? -- Do you think they should ask nannies’ permission? -- What do you think nannies need to know about devices that are collecting video or audio about them?

Do you think there are benefits to the nanny from working with a [camera/audio recorder]?

Do you have any (other) concerns about using [cameras/audio monitors] in your home? -- About what happens to the data? -- Any (other) drawbacks? [probe for specifics/stories]

49 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

D. Advice and Recommendations About Cameras and Audio Monitoring

If you had a friend who was considering hiring a nanny for their children, what advice would you give them about this issue? -- Mistakes they should avoid?

If you had a friend who was a nanny looking for their first job, what advice would you give them about cameras or other monitoring devices? -- Is there anything you wish more nannies understood? -- Any mistakes or misunderstandings to avoid? -- Any questions you would advise them to ask? -- Any conditions you’d advise them to set?

Did you hire your nanny through an agency, or did you try working with an agency to find a nanny?

[If yes] Did the agency offer you any information or advice about cameras and monitoring in homes where nannies are working? -- Do you know whether they offer nannies any information or advice? -- Do they get involved or help with negotiations between parents and nannies about cameras and monitoring? (For example, when you’re negotiating a contract.) -- Is there advice or information that you wish they’d given you, or that you think they should give?

[If no] If you were going through an agency, what kind of information or advice do you think it would be helpful for them to give parents about cameras and monitoring? -- What about for nannies?

Is there any advice you might have for the companies that manufacture these devices about how they could make parents more comfortable having them in their homes? -- Anything they could to to make nannies more comfortable with working with them?

[probe for suggestions about signalling, collection triggers, data security, retention, third-party sharing...?]

Do you know if there are currently any laws that say something about using cameras or recording devices in homes where there are domestic employees?

[If yes] What do they say? -- Where did you get that information?

Are there any laws you think we should have? -- Or should not have?

E. Query: Other Smart Home Devices?

50 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

Do you have any other smart devices in your home, or devices that might be able to collect data about people in the house? -- A smart TV? -- A smart speaker, like Alexa/Echo or Google Home or HomePod/Siri? -- Smart toys? -- A smart thermostat, fridge, lights, locks...?

[If participant does NOT have a smart speaker, use Section F.]

[If participant DOES have a smart speaker, use Section G.]

F. If Participant Does Not Have a Smart Speaker: Hypothetical Decision- Making

Let’s start with smart speakers. You said you don’t have one; is it something that you would be comfortable having in your home? Why/why not?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of audio, retention of text records of queries, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening]

[If they’re uncomfortable] What could make you feel more comfortable about having a smart speaker in your home?

If you did have a smart speaker in your home, would you tell your nanny about it? -- Do you think you would mention it before [she/he/they] made the decision to work for you? -- Do you think there would be any risks to telling [her/him/them]?

Did you know that some smart speakers have an app interface where the owner of the speaker can review the things people have asked it?

Would you feel like it was okay to use the app to see what your nanny had asked the speaker? -- What your kid(s) had asked it while [she/he/they] [was/were] there?

What if your nanny was not comfortable working with the smart speaker, and wanted to unplug it or turn it off while [she/he/they] [was/were] working? -- How would you feel about that?

[If participant does NOT have a smart TV, skip to Section H.]

[If participant DOES have a smart TV, skip to Section I.]

G. If Participant Has a Smart Speaker: Experiences and Decision-Making

Let’s start with the smart speaker. Can you tell me a little bit more about it?

51 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- What kind do you have?

What can you tell me about how it works? -- Do you know whether it [records/recorded] anything? [If yes] What [does/did] it record? -- Do you know whether the audio feed or recording or anything else [is/was] sent over the Internet? -- Do you know whether anyone else [can/could] hear the audio feed or recording [or whatever else]? -- Is there a way for people to know when it’s on? When it’s working?

Did you have any questions or concerns about the speaker that you considered before buying it? -- What pros and cons did you consider?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of audio, retention of text records of queries, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening]

Do you feel like you behave differently when the speaker is on? -- Do(es) your child(ren) behave differently?

Does your nanny know about the smart speaker?


2a. If Yes, Nanny Knows About the Smart Speaker

Did you explicitly tell [her/him/them] about it?

[If yes] When did you tell [her/him/them] about it? -- Do you think there were any risks to telling [her/him/them]? -- [If after nanny started working] Was it on in the meantime?

[If no] How did [she/he/they] figure it out? -- Did [she/he/they] say anything to you about having noticed it? -- Do you know whether the nanny would have preferred you to mention it? When? -- Why didn’t you tell [her/him/them]? (specific reasons vs. didn’t think of it?)

Have you asked whether it’s okay to leave the smart speaker on while the nanny is working?

How does the nanny feel about the smart speaker? -- [Is/Are] [she/he/they] okay with having the speaker on while [she/he/they] [is/are] working? -- Did [she/he/they] have any questions for you about it? Any concerns? -- Anything [she/he/they] asked you to do? (to protect the data/themself?)

Did you ask your nanny whether [she/he/they] had any preferences about privacy settings or what type of setup you use? (to protect the data) -- Did your nanny initiate a conversation about that?

52 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If the nanny isn’t okay with it] Did [she/he/they] ask to turn it off or unplug it while [she/he/they] [is/are] working? -- How do you feel about that? -- Did you agree?

[If it stays on] Do you know whether the nanny uses it? -- Do you know what [she/he/they] use(s) it for?

Do you tell (or would you tell) one-time babysitters that you have a smart speaker?

Does your smart speaker have an app interface where you can review what people have asked it?

[If yes] Have you ever used it to see what your nanny asked? -- To see what your children asked while [he/she/they] [was/were] on duty?

[If yes] Have you ever said anything to your nanny about anything you noticed in the query history? -- How did that conversation go?

[If participant does NOT have a smart TV, skip to Section H.]

[If participant DOES have a smart TV, skip to Section I.]

2b. If No, Nanny (Probably) Does NOT Know About the Smart Speaker

Why haven’t you told [her/him/them]? (specific reasons vs. didn’t think of it?)

Do you think [she/he/they] would prefer to know about it?

Does your smart speaker have an app interface where you can review what people have asked it?

[If yes] Have you ever used it to see what your nanny asked? -- To see what your children asked while [he/she/they] [was/were] on duty?

[If participant does NOT have a smart TV, use Section H.]

[If participant DOES have a smart TV, skip to Section I.]

[Resolve Subfork 2.]

H. If Participant Does Not Have a Smart TV: Hypothetical Decision-Making

You said you don’t have a smart TV. Do you know some features that smart TVs have that make them “smart”? -- Internet-based features?

53 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- Features that rely on on sensing the environment?

[Skip the following watch history/program recs and web browsing parts if short on time!]

[If not mentioned] Did you know you can use most smart TVs for browsing the web?

If you had a web-enabled TV and your nanny used that feature, would you feel like it was okay to look in the browsing history to see what your nanny had been looking at on the web? -- What your kid(s) had looked at while [she/he/they] [was/were] there?

[If not mentioned] Did you know some smart TVs can provide recommendations about programs you might want to watch? Do you know how that works? How does it decide what to recommend?

[if necessary, provide nudge that it uses the record of what programs you watch and rate and sometimes your web browsing history, depending on the TV]

Did you know that most smart TVs have an interface where you can see what people have watched on it?

If you had a TV that kept a viewing history, would you feel like it was okay to use that interface to see what your nanny had been watching? -- What your kid(s) had watched while [she/he/they] [was/were] there? -- Would you feel you should tell [her/him/them] you could do that?

[end skippable watch history/program recs and web browsing parts]

Let’s talk about features that rely on seeing or hearing what you’re doing, like voice recognition or gesture recognition or presence detection. Have you heard of those types of features? What do you know about them?

Do you know what kinds of sensors or what type of data a smart TV would use for voice recognition? Gesture recognition? Presence detection?

Tell me a little more of what you know about how that works. -- Do you know whether the sensors record anything? [If yes] What do they record? -- Do you know whether the sensor data feed or recording or anything else is sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who can hear or watch the audio or video or motion feed or the recording [or whatever else]?

Would you be comfortable having a TV with those types of features in your home? Why/why not?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of sensor data and commands, different sensor types, retention of text records of audio commands, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening/watching]

If your TV did have those features, would you feel like you should tell your nanny about it?

54 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- Do you think you would mention it before [she/he/they] made the decision to work for you? -- Do you think there would be any risks to telling [her/him/them]?

What if your nanny was not comfortable working with the sensors on, and wanted to turn them off or unplug the TV while [she/he/they] [was/were] working? -- How would you feel about that?

[If participant does NOT have any other smart home devices, skip to Section K.]

[If participant DOES have other smart home devices, skip to Section J. (If they only mentioned devices that are part of a home control system operated by a smart speaker, treat as ‘no’ and skip to K. If they only mentioned cameras hidden in children’s toys, treat as ‘no’ and skip to K.)]

I. If Participant Has a Smart TV: Experiences and Decision-Making

Can you tell me a little bit more about your smart TV? -- What kind do you have?

What types of features does it have that make it “smart”? -- Internet enabled? Streaming TV? Web browsing? -- Recommendations? -- Voice recognition? Gesture recognition? Presence detection?

[Skip the following watch history/program recs and web browsing parts if short on time!]

[If not mentioned] Does your TV provide program recommendations?


3a. If No, TV Does NOT Provide Program Recommendations

Do you know how program recommendations work on smart TVs? How do they decide what to recommend?

[if necessary, provide nudge that it uses the record of what programs you watch and rate and sometimes your web browsing history, depending on the TV]

Did you know that most smart TVs have an interface where you can see what people have watched on it?

If your TV kept a viewing history, would you feel like it was okay to use that interface to see what your nanny had been watching? -- What your kid(s) had watched while [she/he/they] [was/were] there? -- Would you feel you should tell [her/him/them] you could do that?

55 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[Can you use/So you said you can use] your TV to browse the web? -- [If yes] Do you know whether your nanny uses that feature?

[If yes] Have you ever looked at the browsing history to see what your nanny has been looking at on the web? -- [If yes] Have you ever said anything to your nanny about anything you saw in the browsing history? [If yes] How did that conversation go?

[If no browsing or nanny doesn’t use] [If your TV had that capability/If your nanny did use it], would you feel like it was okay to look at the browsing history to see what your nanny had been looking at on the web?

[Does your smart TV have/So you said your smart TV has] features that rely on seeing or hearing what you’re doing, like voice recognition or gesture recognition or presence detection?

[If no, skip to 4a No Sensor-Based Features]

[If yes, skip to 4b Yes Sensor-Based Features]

3b. If Yes, TV Does Provide Program Recommendations

What can you tell me about how program recommendations work? How does it decide what to recommend?

[if necessary, provide nudge that it uses the record of what programs you watch and rate and sometimes your web browsing history, depending on the TV]

Does your nanny use the smart TV? -- To put programs on for the kid(s)? -- To watch things [herself/himself/themself/themselves]?

[If nanny uses TV for self] Have you ever asked your nanny whether [she/he/they] [has/have] any preferences about privacy settings on the watch history? -- Or has [she/he/they] initiated a conversation about that?

[If not mentioned] Does your smart TVs have an interface where you can see what people have watched on it? -- Does your nanny know about it?

[If it has interface and if nanny uses TV for self] Have you ever used it to see what your nanny has been watching? -- [If yes] Have you ever said anything to your nanny about anything you noticed in the viewing history? [If yes] How did that conversation go?

56 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If no interface or if nanny doesn’t use TV for self] [If your TV had such an interface/If your nanny used your TV], would you feel like it was okay to use that interface to see what your nanny had been watching? -- What your kid(s) had watched while [she/he/they] [was/were] there? -- [If no interface] Would you feel like you should tell the nanny you could do that?

[Can you use/So you said you can use] your TV to browse the web? -- [If yes] Do you know whether your nanny uses that feature?

[If yes] Have you ever looked at the browsing history to see what your nanny has been looking at on the web? -- [If yes] Have you ever said anything to your nanny about anything you saw in the browsing history? [If yes] How did that conversation go?

[If no browsing or nanny doesn’t use] [If your TV had that capability/If your nanny did use it], would you feel like it was okay to look at the browsing history to see what your nanny had been looking at on the web?

[Does your smart TV have/So you said your smart TV has] features that rely on seeing or hearing what you’re doing, like voice recognition or gesture recognition or presence detection?

[If no, use 4a No Sensor-Based Features]

[If yes, use 4b Yes Sensor-Based Features]

[Resolve Subfork 3.]

[end skippable watch history/program recs and web browsing parts]


4a. If No, TV Does NOT Have Sensor-Based Features

Have you heard of those types of features? What do you know about them?

Do you know what kinds of sensors or what type of data a smart TV would use for voice recognition? Gesture recognition? Presence detection?

Tell me a little more about how that works. -- Do you know whether the sensors record anything? [If yes] What do they record? -- Do you know whether the sensor data feed or recording or anything else is sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who can hear or watch the audio or video or motion feed or the recording [or whatever else]?

Would you be comfortable having a TV with those types of features in your home? Why/why not?

57 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of sensor data and commands, different sensor types, retention of text records of audio commands, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening/watching]

[If they’re uncomfortable] What could make you feel more comfortable about TVs having such sensors?

If your TV did have those features, would you tell your nanny about it? -- Do you think you would mention it before [she/he/they] made the decision to work for you? -- Do you think there would be any risks to telling [her/him/them]?

What if your nanny was not comfortable working with the sensors on, and wanted to turn them off or unplug the TV while [she/he/they] [was/were] working? -- How would you feel about that?

[If participant does NOT have any other smart home devices, skip to Section K.]

[If participant DOES have other smart home devices, skip to Section J. (If they only mentioned devices that are part of a home control system operated by a smart speaker, treat as ‘no’ and skip to K. If they only mentioned cameras hidden in children’s toys, treat as ‘no’ and skip to K.)]

4b. If Yes, TV Does Have Sensor-Based Features

Which features does it have? -- Do you know what kinds of sensors it uses for the [feature(s)]? -- Do you know what type of data it uses?

Tell me a little more about how that works. -- Do you know whether the sensors record anything? [If yes] What do they record? -- Do you know whether the sensor data feed or recording or anything else is sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who can [hear/watch] the [audio/video/motion sensor] feed or recording [or whatever else]? -- Is there a way to know when the TV is awake, or when it is [listening/watching/sensing]? How?

Did you have any questions or concerns about the sensor features that you considered before buying the TV? -- What pros and cons did you consider?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with retention of sensor data and commands, different sensor types, retention of text records of audio commands, sending data over Internet, cloud storage, who else it might be shared with; concerns about passive listening/watching]

Does your nanny know that your smart TV has the [feature(s)]?


58 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

5a. If Yes, Nanny Knows About the Smart TV’s Sensor Capabilities

Did you explicitly tell [her/him/them] about it?

[If yes] When did you tell [her/him/them] about it? -- Do you think there were any risks to telling [her/him/them]? -- [If after nanny started working] Were the sensors on in the meantime?

[If no] How did [she/he/they] figure it out? -- Did [she/he/they] say anything to you about having noticed it? -- Do you know whether the nanny would have preferred you to mention it? When? -- Why didn’t you tell [her/him/them]? (specific reasons vs. didn’t think of it?)

Have you asked whether it’s okay to leave the TV sensors on while the nanny is working?

How does the nanny feel about the smart TV having those sensor capabilities? -- [Is/Are] [she/he/they] okay with having the sensors on while [she/he/they] [is/are] working? -- Did [she/he/they] have any questions for you about it? Any concerns? -- Anything [she/he/they] asked you to do? (to protect the data/themself?)

Did you ask your nanny whether [she/he/they] had any preferences about privacy settings or what type of setup you use? (to protect the data) -- Did your nanny initiate a conversation about that?

[If the nanny isn’t okay with it] Did [she/he/they] ask to turn it off or unplug it while [she/he/they] [is/are] working? -- How do you feel about that? -- Did you agree?

[If it stays on, and if the nanny uses the TV] Do you know whether the nanny uses the [feature(s)]?

Do you tell (or would you tell) one-time babysitters that your smart TV has [sensors]?

[If participant does NOT have any other smart home devices, skip to Section K.]

[If participant DOES have other smart home devices, skip to Section J. (If they only mentioned devices that are part of a home control system operated by a smart speaker, treat as ‘no’ and skip to K. If they only mentioned cameras hidden in children’s toys, treat as ‘no’ and skip to K.)]

5b. If No, Nanny (Probably) Does NOT Know About the Smart TV’s Sensor Capabilities

Why haven’t you told [her/him/them]? (specific reasons vs. didn’t think of it?)

Do you think [she/he/they] would prefer to know about it?

59 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If participant does NOT have any other smart home devices, skip to Section K.]

[If participant DOES have other smart home devices, use Section J. (If they only mentioned devices that are part of a home control system operated by a smart speaker, treat as ‘no’ and skip to K. If they only mentioned cameras hidden in children’s toys, treat as ‘no’ and skip to K.)]

[Resolve Subfork 5.]

[Resolve Subfork 4.]

J. Experiences With and Decision-Making About Other Smart Home Devices

[Iterate for each type of device depending on time/boredom.]

You mentioned you have a [device]. Is it on while the nanny is working?

[If no, iterate on other devices. If no other devices, skip to Section K.]

Can you tell me a little bit more about how it works? -- Do you know whether it collects any data? What type of data? -- Do you know whether it records anything? [If yes] What does it record? -- Do you know whether any of the data is sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who can [see/hear/etc.] that data? -- Is there a way to tell that it is on or [collecting data/recording]?

Did you have any questions or concerns about the [device] that you considered before buying it? -- What pros and cons did you consider?

[probe for comfort/discomfort with data collection/retention/use/sharing/etc.]

Does the nanny know about the device?


6a. If Yes, Nanny Knows About the Smart Home Device

Did you explicitly tell [her/him/them] about it?

[If yes] When did you tell [her/him/them] about it? -- [If after nanny started working] Was it on in the meantime?

[If no] How did [she/he/they] figure it out? -- Did [she/he/they] say anything to you about having noticed it?

60 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- Do you know whether the nanny would have preferred you to mention it? When? -- Why didn’t you tell [her/him/them]? (specific reasons vs. didn’t think of it?)

Have you asked whether it’s okay to leave the [device] on while the nanny is working?

How does the nanny feel about the [device]? -- [Is/Are] [she/he/they] okay with having the [device] on while [she/he/they] [is/are] working? -- Did [she/he/they] have any questions for you about it? Any concerns? -- Anything [she/he/they] asked you to do? (to protect the data/themself?)

[If the nanny isn’t okay with it] Did [she/he/they] ask to turn it off or unplug it while [she/he/they] [is/are] working? -- How do you feel about that? -- Did you agree?

[If it stays on] Do you know whether the nanny uses it?

[Skip to Section K.]

6b. If No, Nanny (Probably) Does NOT Know About the Smart Home Device

Why haven’t you told [her/him/them]? (specific reasons vs. didn’t think of it?)

Do you think [she/he/they] would prefer to know about it?

[Go right into Section K.]

[Resolve Subfork 6.]

K. General Expectations and Attitudes About Smart Home Devices

[If they have a contract] Does your contract with your nanny specify anything about smart home devices that might collect data about people in the house? (Smart speakers, smart TVs, whatever else?) -- Who suggested what to put in the contract about that?

[If they host a share, and if they have such devices] Do the parents of the other children in the share know about your [smart home device(s)]? -- [If the other family also hosts] Do you know whether the other family has any of those types of smart home devices? [If yes] Would you expect them to tell you if they did?

In your opinion, do you think employers should tell nannies if they have smart speakers or other smart home devices in their home? -- Do you think they should ask whether nannies want them turned off or unplugged while they’re working?

61 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

-- What do you think nannies need to know about devices that are collecting data about them?

[If they have such devices] Do you generally tell people that you have the [device(s)] when they come to your house?

[If yes nannies should be told, no I don’t tell people] What do you think is different about those two situations?

If you went to someone else’s house for a visit, would you expect them to tell you if they had smart home devices that could collect data about you?

Do you know whether there are any of these types of devices in your workplace? -- [If yes] Are you okay with that? -- [If no] Would you be okay with it if they did? -- [If they’re not okay with it] What do you think is different between that situation and working as a nanny?

Have you ever discussed smart home devices with other parents who employ nannies? -- [If yes] Do you think it’s common to tell a nanny if you have those types of devices?

Do you think people’s attitudes about smart home devices in general have changed over time? -- Have your attitudes changed over time? Why?

Do you have any (other) concerns about having [devices] in your home? -- About what happens to the data? -- Any (other) drawbacks? [probe for specifics/stories]

L. Advice and Recommendations About Smart Home Devices

If you had a friend who was considering hiring a nanny for their children, what advice would you give them about smart speakers, smart TVs, or other smart home devices? -- Mistakes they should avoid?

If you had a friend who was a nanny looking for their first job, what advice would you give them about this issue? -- Any mistakes or misunderstandings to avoid? -- Any questions you would advise them to ask? -- Any conditions you’d advise them to set?

[If they’ve worked with an agency] Did your agency offer you any information or advice about having smart home devices in homes where nannies are working? -- Do you know whether they offer nannies any information or advice? -- Is there advice or information that you wish they’d given you, or that you think they should give?

62 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

[If no] If you were going through an agency, what kind of information or advice do you think it would be helpful for them to give parents about smart home devices? -- What about for nannies?

Is there any advice you might have for the companies that manufacture these devices about how they could make parents more comfortable having them in their homes? -- Anything they could to to make nannies more comfortable with working with them?

[probe for suggestions about signalling, collection triggers, data security, retention, third-party sharing...?]

Do you know if there are currently any laws that say something about using smart home-type devices in homes where there are domestic employees?

[If yes] What do they say? -- Where did you get that information?

Are there any laws you think we should have? -- Or should not have?

M. Experiences With and Decision-Making About Out-of-Home Monitoring

Do you have any devices or apps you can use to check on what’s happening with the nanny and the kids when they’re out and about?

[If participant does NOT monitor the nanny outside the home, or if they only mention outdoor security cameras at their house, skip to Section N.]

Tell me a little more about that. What do you use?

How does it work? -- Do you know what type of data it collects? -- Do you know whether it records any data? -- Is any of the data sent over the Internet? -- Do you know who can see that data?

Why did you decide to use the [device/app]? -- Who decided to do it? -- What pros and cons or factors did you consider in making the decision?

[If it’s a separate device] Does your nanny know about the [device]? / [If it’s on the kid’s phone/tablet] Does your nanny know you’re using [device/app] to check in on what’s happening?


63 Parents Study Instruments Interview Guide (Long Form)

7a. If Yes, Nanny Knows About the Out-of-Home Tracking/Monitoring

Did you explicitly tell [her/him/them] about it?

[If yes] When did you tell [her/him/them] about it? -- [If after nanny started working] Were you using it in the meantime? -- Why did you decide to tell [her/him/them]? What pros and cons did you consider in making the decision? -- How did that conversation go? -- Do you think there were any risks to telling [her/him/them]?

[If no] How did [she/he/they] figure it out? -- Did [she/he/they] say anything to you about having noticed it? [If yes] How did that conversation go? -- Do you know whether the nanny would have preferred you to mention it? When? -- Why didn’t you tell [her/him/them]? (specific reasons vs. didn’t think of it?)

Do you know how the nanny feels about the [device/app]? -- Did [she/he/they] have any questions for you about it? Any concerns? -- Anything [she/he/they] asked you to do? (to protect the data/themself?) [If nanny agreed first] Any requirements or conditions [she/he/they] set?

What would you have said or done if your nanny had refused to have the [device/app]? What would you have thought? -- [If they had the nanny before the device/app, and if it’s possible for that device/app] If the nanny had refused to have the [device/app], would you consider doing it without telling [her/him/them]?

[If it’s an app on an older kid’s phone/tablet] Do(es) your child(ren) know about the [app]? -- What do they think about it?

Have you ever talked to your nanny about something based on data from the [device/app]? -- Did you mention where you got the information? Or did you find another way to bring it up? -- How did that conversation go?

[Skip to Section O.]

7b. If No, Nanny (Probably) Does NOT Know About the Out-of-Home Tracking/Monitoring

Do you think [she/he/they] would prefer to know about it?

Why did you decide not to tell [her/him/them]? -- What pros and cons did you consider in making the decision? -- Do you think there are any risks to not telling [her/him/them]?

64 Parents Study Instruments Exit Questionnaire

To your knowledge, have you ever had a nanny figure out you had a [tracking device/app] without you saying so?

[If yes] What happened? -- Did [she/he/they] say anything to you? What did [she/he/they] say? -- Do you think it affected your relationship after [she/he/they] found out?

[If it’s an app on an older kid’s phone/tablet] Do(es) your child(ren) know about the [app]? -- What do they think about it?

Have you ever talked to your nanny about something based on data from the [device/app]? -- How did you bring it up without talking about how you got the information? -- How did that conversation go?

[Go right into Section O.]

[Resolve Subfork 7.]

N. Wrap-Up

Is there anything we didn’t ask about that you want to tell us about these issues?

Did anything you said or thought during this interview surprise you?

- Thank the participant for their time - Turn off recorder

If in-person: - Administer paper-based questionnaire - Pay honorarium and get receipt

If telecon: - Explain about questionnaire; offer to paste a link into text chat or email it to them, as they prefer - Explain/remind how payment will work and confirm necessary details - Send questionnaire link

Exit Questionnaire [For in-person interviews, questionnaires will be printed on paper. Participant can fill in or interviewer can ask the questions and write down the answers. For telecon interviews, we will send the interviewee a Qualtrics link immediately after the interview.]

65 Parents Study Instruments Exit Questionnaire

A Little Bit About Yourself All information is confidential // All questions are optional

What city do you live in?

How old are you?

What is your gender? (However you define it.)

What is your ethnicity? (However you define it.)

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

When talking to family and friends, do you use: _ Mainly English _ English and another language about equally _ Mainly another language

Other language:

Check any of the following that describe you: _ My college/graduate school major or minor is/was computer science or computer engineering _ I work/have worked in a computer engineering or IT job position _ I have written a computer program

How often do people ask you for advice about computers or technology? _ Rarely _ Sometimes _ Frequently

About Your Childcare Situation All information is confidential // All questions are optional

How many children do you have?

How many of your children does the nanny/au pair (usually) care for?

What is/are your child(ren)’s age(s)?

Do you mainly employ a: _ Nanny _ Nanny/Household Manager

66 Parents Study Instruments Exit Questionnaire

_ Au Pair _ Other:

How many nannies/au pairs do you currently employ? (Not counting occasional babysitters.)

How long have you employed a nanny/au pair (in general)? (If you no longer employ one, for how long did you employ nannies/au pairs?)

If you’ve employed multiple nannies/au pairs over time, how many?

How long have you employed your current nanny/au pair? (If you no longer employ one, or if you’re between nannies, how long did you employ your most recent nanny/au pair?)

Do you employ your current nanny as part of a nanny share? _ Yes, full-time share _ Part-time share/Part-time just our family _ No

If you no longer employ one, how long has it been since you last employed a nanny/au pair?

About Your Home All information is confidential // All questions are optional

How long have you had a camera or security monitoring system?

Which of the following devices do you have in your home? _ Security camera(s) _ Full security/alarm system _ Individual spy cameras/nanny cams _ Audio security monitoring system _ Video or A/V baby monitor(s) (any type) _ Audio-only baby monitor(s) (any type) _ Smart TV(s)/streaming box(es)/smart home entertainment system(s) _ Smart speaker/home assistant (with or without screen) _ Smart speaker/home assistant with camera _ Smart lock(s)/door(s) _ Smart lights _ Smart thermostat _ Smart toy(s) _ Other “smart” appliance(s): _ Other “smart home” device(s): (Some devices may fall into more than one category; in that case, check both categories.)