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ALPHABETICAL LIST of CERTAIN LOCAL COMMON GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES APPEARING on MARINE CHARTS WHICH ARE GENERALLY NOT TRANSLATED. Prep ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CERTAIN LOCAL COMMON GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES APPEARING ON MARINE CHARTS WHICH ARE GENERALLY NOT TRANSLATED. Prepared by the International Hydrographic Bureau. INTRODUCTION. We have grouped below, in an alphabetical list, a collection of geographical common names and adjectives which, in practice, are generally not translated but are retained, in any case,in a form of transcription conforming* more or less to the original orthography, and which appear on the marine charts published or reproduced by the various countries. Lists of this kind are sometimes given in the topographical atlases on the charts of which a large number of geographical names are preserved in the form and with the orthography of the country to which they belong. The list which we have prepared from documents in the possession of the International Hydrographic Bureau, by adding the signification in French and English to each term, does not constitute a dictionary or a vocabulary. We have simply sought to avoid the omission of the most important terms relating to hydrography and for which terms a translation is generally not required on the reproductions. No special rule has been followed with regard to the transcription of names, owing to the lack of any common orthographic rule applicable to the phonetic transcription of all the languages, whether they use latin characters or not. Thus, one finds in the list, for instance, the Arabic word for m ountain given indiscriminately under the form of Jebel (English orthography) or D jebel (French orthography) or also Gebei (Italian orthography) etc. In order to partially remedy this defect it will suffice to invite attention to certain approximate phonetic equivalents, such as those indicated later on in our note. The list comprises a very large number of local dialects, although not all. We have not thought it necessary, for instance, to introduce the dialects peculiar to the islands of the Pacific, of which certain examples may be found in the prefaces of the various volumes of Sailing Directions for these regions. ABBREVI^ ABRÉVIATIONS used in th employées dans la Liste. AL A frika a n s A fric a in It. Ita lia n Italie n A lb. Albanian Albanais Jap. Japanese Japonais A n . Annam A nnam ite Jav. Javanese Javanais A r. A rabic Arabe K irg h iz K irg h iz K irg h iz A rag , A ragon Aragonais Lapon Lapponian Lapon A rm . Arm enian Arm énien Lett. Lettish Letton Basq. Basque Basque L ith . L ithuanian Lithuanien Bengali Bengali Bengali M ag. M ag ya r M agyar Ber. Berbere Berbère M ai. M alay M alais B ir. Burm án B irm a n M alg. M algache Malgache Brz. Breton Breton Manch. M anchurian Mandchou Caspian Caspien M ong. M ongolian M ongol Cat. Catalan Catalan N . Guinea N ew Guinea Nouvelle-Guinée Celt. Celtic Celtique N or. N orw egian N orvégien Ceh. Czech Tchèque Pers. Persian Persan Chinese Chinois Pol. Polish Polonais Cochin. Cochinchin Cochinchi] Polyn. Polynesian Polynésien Cor. Korean Coréen P ort. Portuguese Portugais Dan. Danish Danois P rov. Provençal Provençal H o ll. D utch H ollandaii Rhaetic Rhaetic Rhaetique E. E nglish A nglais Rum. Rumanian Roumain Esk. Eskim o Esquimau Rus. Russian Russe Est. Estonian Estonien Sam. Samoyed Samoîède Faeroë Foeröese Faëroë Scand. Scandinavian Scandinave F iji F iji F iji Scott. Scotch Ecossais F in. Finnish Finlandais Ser. Serbo-Croatian Serbo-Croate Fiem. Flem ish Flam and Shettland Shetland Shetland F r. French Français Cing. Cingalese Cingalais F ris. F risia n Frísien Slav. Slavonic Slave Gael. Gaelic Gaélique Soudan Soudanese Soudanais Georg. Georgian Géorgien Esp. Spanish Espagnol A ll. German Allem and Sumatra Sum atra Sumatra Gr. Greek Grec Swe. Swedish Suédois H aw . H aw aiian H aw aiien T a m il T am il T a m il H ind. H industani Hindoustani T a rt. T a rta r T a r tare Iceland Icelandic Islandais T h a i T hai T hai Indoch. Indochinese Indochinois T u rk. T urkish T u rc Ir. Iris h Irlandais W elsh W elsh Gallois Approximate phonetic equivalents. ch (english) = tch (french) au (english) aou (french) sh = ch aw au, ôou sch 二 stch ew iou th = z ee i = D j oo ou = ou ow éou = ie wan ouan (french) zh (english) eu (french) oe, ew (english) dh oei qu ou u th oi wa oui wee äu (german) oy (english) eui (french) eu oi o\ ö eu aa aa (danish) aw (english) = o,o-ou (french) â (swed) = Ô-OU y sk (danish) sg sg sj, skj, stj (norv.) sh ch ch (gael) k h auw, aoe {dutch) = au (english) = aou (french) ee = eh ij = ei ai oe = u ou oei oui ouw au aou sch sk sk ch tch c (italian) (english) = tch (french) cc k k ch k k G devant e ou i J D j g li ly see sh ch sei sh ch sch sk sk ts, dz ts, (spanish) V,b (english) (french) th, s ye ng ão (portug.) = aon (french) ãe = in õe on Ç (english) = s lh = ye gu gw gou qu k w th t sh e, ä (english) = é (french) av, af = av,af i = i ev, ef = ev, ef i = i mp mb, b = mb丨,b E (russian) Ye (english) = Ié (french) Y U = Ou H K h G (arab) Gh (english) = Rh (french) Xh (albanian) d j X dz (magyar) ts (english) ts (french) cz ts = ts CS ch = tch CCS chch tchtch sh ch chch L - s ㈣ (P ol W (english) W (french) s kh kh ch tch zh rz兑 j w sh ch v, f V,1 (english) = ch (french) = j c (slav.) C’, ć Ś Ż D, D , D j, Gj Dz g, V in itia l J c ? (turkish) j (english) dj (french) ch tch = 01 eut = sh ch mute muet la r ) plural 1er ( — pluriel possessive possessif BIBLIOGRAPHY — BIBLIOGRAPHIE A lexander K nox — Rules for the Transliteration of Place - Names occurîng on Foreign Maps 一 Topographical Section of the War Office — London, 1906. Instructions for the Spelling of Place - Names in Foreign Countries — S ta ff Intelligence Division — London, 1917. Edw. Gleichen and John H. Reynolds. — Alphabets of Foreign Languages transcribed into English, according to the R.G,S. II System 一 Royal Geographical Society, London, 1921 一 Second edition “ Alphabets of Foreign Languages ” London, 1933. ALPHABETICAL LIST NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH A Swe. R ive r R iviere Aa, pl. Àae N or., Di R ive r R iviere Ab Pers. W ater Eau — Abad Pers. ~ * founded by Lieu fondé par — Abajo Esp. Downstream A v a l Aber Celt. Haven, Mouth Havre, embouchure Abiad A r. W hite Blanc Abra Esp., Poi Cove,Bay Anse, Baie Abro jós Esp. Reefs awash Récifs à fleu <ł’eau Acqua W ater Eau Ada T u rk ., Ser. Island Ile Adar, pl. Adalar T u rk . Island Ile Adassi T urk. Island Ile Adrar Ber. Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne Aghz, Aghez T urk. M o u th Embouchure Agios, Aghios Gr. Saint Saint Aguada Esp. Watering Place Aiguade • Aguglia It. Needle, Obelisk A ig u ille , obélisque Ahmar A r. Red Rouge Aiguade F r. W atering place ------- - Aïk A r. Bank Banc Ain, Aïoun A r. S pring Source Air Suma Stream Cours d'eau Air, Ayre W elsl Beach Plage Ak Cnin” M ounîain Montagne Ak. T u rk. W hite Blanc Aka Jap. Red Rouge Akaba, Akba, Akabet A r. Rise Montée Akhal A r. B lack N o ir Akhdar A r. Green V e rt Akra Gr. Sum m it, cape, fortress, Sommet, cap, forteresse, château- castle fo rt Akri Gr. Peak, Cape, Promontory Pic, cap, prom ontoire Akropolis Gr. F o rt F o rt Akroterion Gr. Cape Cap Al A r. The Le Aldea, Áldeia Esp., H am le t Hameau Alf Swe. R ive r R ivière Alto Esp., H ig h ,above Haut, supérieur Altopiano It. Plateau Plateau Altura Esp., H e ig h t H auteur Amarillo Esp” Y ellow Jaune Ambato M alg. Rock Roche Ampanalana M alg. Isthm us Isthme Amper T hai D is tric t D is tric t Amu Cor. • Rock Rocher Anak A r. C liff Falaise Anatoli Gr. East Est Anchorage E. ----------------------------------------------M ouillage Ancladero Esp. Anchorage M ouillage Ancoradouro Port. Anchorage M ouillage Ancoraggio It. Anchorage M ouillage Ancoraje Esp. Anchorage M ouillage Angra Port. Bay Baie Ankergrund Swe. Anchorage M ouillage Ankerplaats Holl. Anchorage M ouillage NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH Ankefôâttning Anchorage M ouillage Anse Cove Ansteuerung Approaches Aterrages Antico Ancient Ancien Antigo Ancient Ancien Anza Cove Anse Ao Blue Bleu Ao,Au Bay Baie Approaches Approchés A r T am il R ive r Rivière Aral K irg h iz. Island Ile Archipel Fr. Archipelago Archipelago E.khh Archipel Arcipelago Archipelago Archipel Ardh, Erdh Land, country Terre, pays * Areg (pl.). Erg A region with large downs Région de grandes dunes Areia p o比 Sand Sable Arena & Sand Sable Arich, pl. Araïch F la t ground w ith bushes Terrain uni avec quelques arbustes Arish Ah r Dune Dune Arrecife Reef Récif Arroyo ES Brook Ruisseau Aroel MÈ a R ive r Rivière Arsenal Dockyard ce Arvor Coast Côte Jah Asaki, Asase Shoal H aut fond & Asfar Yellow Jaune Asoud Black N o ir GM r Aspros W hite R Blanc Aswad Black N o ir Atoll F& r A to ll Atterrages Approaches Aur NO Spring Source Aust ceM East Est Aven, Avon, Ąfon w R ive r Fleuve Ayer W ater Eau Ayre, Air A r Beach Plage Azreg,pl.
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    A DESCRIPTIVE CLASSIFICATION OF SHORE LINES c. s. ALEXANDER University of Illinois Studies of shore lines and shore line processes have neglected the development and use of descriptive classifications and have emphasized the use of genetic classifications. Genetic classifications are theoretical, con­ sequently they change, and perhaps become more complex as more is learned about the subject to be classified. While the genetic systems have served as useful bases for studying processes of shore development, they have, because of their many complexities and theoretical nature, made shore line description exceedingly difficult. There are several distinct classifications, each with its critics and supporters. In this B.uid situation of argument and disputed interpretation even an expert must proceed with caution in applying explanatory-descriptive terms to shores. It is the pur­ pose of this paper to propose a preliminary descriptive classification of shores that, first, will be useful in their description, and second, will be helpful in research. The classification that the author proposes stems from the belief that genetic classifications are not a satisfactory means of identifying shore zones1 for descriptive purposes. During the course of several field seasons devoted to the investigation of marine terraces along the central California coast, the northeastern coast of Venezuela, the Netherlands Antilles, and on the coast of East Africa it has become more and more apparent that the classic Davis-Johnson2 genetic classification of shore lines does not provide a satisfactory means of distinguishing between different types of shores. Evidence from marine terraces and alluviated or drowned valleys indicates that coasts on which emergence has been responsible for the form of the shore are probably rare and that submerged coasts vary so widely in appearance as to have no common descriptive qualities.
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