


We have grouped below, in an alphabetical list, a collection of geographical common names and adjectives which, in practice, are generally not translated but are retained, in any case,in a form of transcription conforming* more or less to the original orthography, and which appear on the marine charts published or reproduced by the various countries. Lists of this kind are sometimes given in the topographical atlases on the charts of which a large number of geographical names are preserved in the form and with the orthography of the country to which they belong.

The list which we have prepared from documents in the possession of the International Hydrographic Bureau, by adding the signification in French and English to each term, does not constitute a dictionary or a vocabulary. We have simply sought to avoid the omission of the most important terms relating to hydrography and for which terms a translation is generally not required on the reproductions.

No special rule has been followed with regard to the transcription of names, owing to the lack of any common orthographic rule applicable to the phonetic transcription of all the languages, whether they use latin characters or not. Thus, one finds in the list, for instance, the Arabic word for m ountain given indiscriminately under the form of Jebel (English orthography) or D jebel (French orthography) or also Gebei (Italian orthography) etc.

In order to partially remedy this defect it will suffice to invite attention to certain approximate phonetic equivalents, such as those indicated later on in our note.

The list comprises a very large number of local dialects, although not all. We have not thought it necessary, for instance, to introduce the dialects peculiar to the of the Pacific, of which certain examples may be found in the prefaces of the various volumes of Sailing Directions for these regions. ABBREVI^ ABRÉVIATIONS used in th employées dans la Liste.

AL A frika a n s A fric a in It. Ita lia n Italie n A lb. Albanian Albanais Jap. Japanese Japonais A n . Annam A nnam ite Jav. Javanese Javanais A r. A rabic Arabe K irg h iz K irg h iz K irg h iz A rag , A ragon Aragonais Lapon Lapponian Lapon A rm . Arm enian Arm énien Lett. Lettish Letton Basq. Basque Basque L ith . L ithuanian Lithuanien Bengali Bengali Bengali M ag. M ag ya r M agyar Ber. Berbere Berbère M ai. M alay M alais B ir. Burm án B irm a n M alg. M algache Malgache Brz. Breton Breton Manch. M anchurian Mandchou Caspian Caspien M ong. M ongolian M ongol Cat. Catalan Catalan N . Guinea N ew Guinea Nouvelle-Guinée Celt. Celtic Celtique N or. N orw egian N orvégien Ceh. Czech Tchèque Pers. Persian Persan Chinese Chinois Pol. Polish Polonais Cochin. Cochinchin Cochinchi] Polyn. Polynesian Polynésien Cor. Korean Coréen P ort. Portuguese Portugais Dan. Danish Danois P rov. Provençal Provençal H o ll. D utch H ollandaii Rhaetic Rhaetic Rhaetique E. E nglish A nglais Rum. Rumanian Roumain Esk. Eskim o Esquimau Rus. Russian Russe Est. Estonian Estonien Sam. Samoyed Samoîède Faeroë Foeröese Faëroë Scand. Scandinavian Scandinave F iji F iji F iji Scott. Scotch Ecossais F in. Finnish Finlandais Ser. Serbo-Croatian Serbo-Croate Fiem. Flem ish Flam and Shettland Shetland Shetland F r. French Français Cing. Cingalese Cingalais F ris. F risia n Frísien Slav. Slavonic Slave Gael. Gaelic Gaélique Soudan Soudanese Soudanais Georg. Georgian Géorgien Esp. Spanish Espagnol A ll. German Allem and Sumatra Sum atra Sumatra Gr. Greek Grec Swe. Swedish Suédois H aw . H aw aiian H aw aiien T a m il T am il T a m il H ind. H industani Hindoustani T a rt. T a rta r T a r tare Iceland Icelandic Islandais T h a i T hai T hai Indoch. Indochinese Indochinois T u rk. T urkish T u rc Ir. Iris h Irlandais W elsh W elsh Gallois Approximate phonetic equivalents.

ch (english) = tch (french) au (english) aou (french) sh = ch aw au, ôou sch 二 stch ew iou th = z ee i = D j oo ou = ou ow éou = ie wan ouan

(french) zh (english) eu (french) oe, ew (english) dh oei qu ou u th oi wa oui wee

äu (german) oy (english) eui (french) eu oi o\ ö eu aa

aa (danish) aw (english) = o,o-ou (french) â (swed) = Ô-OU y sk (danish) sg sg sj, skj, stj (norv.) sh ch ch (gael) k h

auw, aoe {dutch) = au (english) = aou (french) ee = eh ij = ei ai oe = u ou oei oui ouw au aou sch sk sk ch tch c (italian) (english) = tch (french) cc k k ch k k G devant e ou i J D j g li ly see sh ch sei sh ch sch sk sk ts, dz ts,

(spanish) V,b (english) (french) th, s

ye ng

ão (portug.) = aon (french) ãe = in õe on Ç (english) = s lh = ye gu gw gou qu k w th t sh

e, ä (english) = é (french) av, af = av,af i = i ev, ef = ev, ef i = i mp mb, b = mb丨,b

E (russian) Ye (english) = Ié (french) Y U = Ou H K h

G (arab) Gh (english) = Rh (french)

Xh (albanian) d j X dz

(magyar) ts (english) ts (french) cz ts = ts

CS ch = tch CCS chch tchtch sh ch chch s - L ㈣ (P ol W (english) W (french) s kh kh ch tch zh rz兑 j w sh ch v, f V,1


= ch (french) = j

c (slav.) C’, ć Ś Ż D, D , D j, Gj Dz g, V in itia l J c ?

(turkish) j (english) dj (french) ch tch = 01 eut = sh ch mute muet

la r ) plural 1er ( — pluriel

possessive possessif


A lexander K nox — Rules for the Transliteration of Place - Names occurîng on Foreign Maps 一 Topographical Section of the War Office — London, 1906.

Instructions for the Spelling of Place - Names in Foreign Countries — S ta ff Intelligence Division — London, 1917.

Edw. Gleichen and John H. Reynolds. — Alphabets of Foreign Languages transcribed into English, according to the R.G,S. II System 一 Royal Geographical Society, London, 1921 一 Second edition “ Alphabets of Foreign Languages ” London, 1933. ALPHABETICAL LIST


A Swe. R ive r R iviere Aa, pl. Àae N or., Di R ive r R iviere Ab Pers. W ater Eau — Abad Pers. ~ * founded by Lieu fondé par — Abajo Esp. Downstream A v a l Aber Celt. Haven, Mouth Havre, embouchure Abiad A r. W hite Blanc Abra Esp., Poi Anse, Baie Abro jós Esp. Reefs awash Récifs à fleu <ł’eau Acqua W ater Eau Ada T u rk ., Ser. Ile Adar, pl. Adalar T u rk . Island Ile Adassi T urk. Island Ile Adrar Ber. Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne Aghz, Aghez T urk. M o u th Embouchure Agios, Aghios Gr. Saint Saint Aguada Esp. Watering Place Aiguade • Aguglia It. Needle, Obelisk A ig u ille , obélisque Ahmar A r. Red Rouge Aiguade F r. W atering place ------Aïk A r. Bank Banc Ain, Aïoun A r. S pring Source Air Suma Stream Cours d'eau Air, W elsl Plage Ak Cnin” M ounîain Montagne Ak. T u rk. W hite Blanc Aka Jap. Red Rouge Akaba, Akba, Akabet A r. Rise Montée Akhal A r. B lack N o ir Akhdar A r. Green V e rt Akra Gr. Sum m it, , fortress, Sommet, cap, forteresse, château- castle fo rt Akri Gr. Peak, Cape, Promontory Pic, cap, prom ontoire Akropolis Gr. F o rt F o rt Akroterion Gr. Cape Cap Al A r. The Le Aldea, Áldeia Esp., H am le t Hameau Alf Swe. R ive r R ivière Alto Esp., H ig h ,above Haut, supérieur Altopiano It. Plateau Plateau Altura Esp., H e ig h t H auteur Amarillo Esp” Y ellow Jaune Ambato M alg. Rock Roche Ampanalana M alg. Isthm us Isthme Amper T hai D is tric t D is tric t Amu Cor. • Rock Rocher Anak A r. C liff Falaise Anatoli Gr. East Est Anchorage E. ------M ouillage Ancladero Esp. Anchorage M ouillage Ancoradouro Port. Anchorage M ouillage Ancoraggio It. Anchorage M ouillage Ancoraje Esp. Anchorage M ouillage Angra Port. Bay Baie Ankergrund Swe. Anchorage M ouillage Ankerplaats Holl. Anchorage M ouillage NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Ankefôâttning Anchorage M ouillage Anse Cove Ansteuerung Approaches Aterrages Antico Ancient Ancien Antigo Ancient Ancien Anza Cove Anse Ao Blue Bleu Ao,Au Bay Baie Approaches Approchés A r T am il R ive r Rivière Aral K irg h iz. Island Ile Archipel Fr. Archipelago E.khh Archipel Arcipelago Archipelago Archipel Ardh, Erdh Land, country Terre, pays * Areg (pl.). Erg A region with large downs Région de grandes Areia p o比 Sable Arena & Sand Sable Arich, pl. Araïch F la t ground w ith bushes Terrain uni avec quelques arbustes Arish Ah r Dune Arrecife Récif Arroyo ES Brook Ruisseau Aroel MÈ a R ive r Rivière Arsenal Dockyard ce Arvor Côte Jah Asaki, Asase H aut fond & Asfar Yellow Jaune Asoud Black N o ir GM r Aspros W hite R Blanc Aswad Black N o ir F& r A to ll Atterrages Approaches Aur NO Spring Source Aust ceM East Est Aven, Avon, Ąfon w R ive r Fleuve Ayer W ater Eau Ayre, Air A r Beach Plage Azreg,pl. Zerga Blue Bleu Azzuro Blue Bleu

Ba Soudan R ive r Fleuve Baa Celt., Gael., Dan. Reef breaking in bad Récif brisant par mauvais temps weather only seulement Baai Bay Baie Baar B a r Barre Bab, pi. Biban , Gate Détroit, Porte Bac F r. F e rry ----- Bach A ll. Brook Ruisseau Bach T u r Head, Sum m it Tête, sommet Bäch, Bäk Swe B rook Ruisseau Bäcke Swe H ill Colline Baek N or Brook Ruisseau Bagan S uit Fishing Village Village de pêcheurs Bagh Celt Bay Baie Bahia Esp, Bay Baie Baharu M ai N ew Nouveau Bahr, Bahar, Bahira A r. Sea, Lake, R ive r M er, lac, rivière Bai& Bay Baie Bäaaa B1• d B e B g B X ^ Desert 1* Desert Fr. Bay 1* 1 * Celt. Bay Baie P o rt Shoal H aut fond 珏 5 Sumatra Shallow water with Haut fond invisible bottom invisible E ^d D Aa Tr u Bajo Bank Banc Bakke n., H ill Colline Balad Country, Town Contrée, ville Balkan 'rk Mountains covered with Montagnes couvertes de forêts . BBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaa forests ll,, Ir. Village V illage . 2 Esp. Pond Etang Rum. Marsh, swamp Marais, marécage ltam n Esp. Red Rouge Thai V illage V illage Jap. Cape Cap n a Ser. Shoal, Bank H aut fond, banc n a F r. Bank n c P o r t. ,: Bank Banc n c Pers. Bank Banc n d A r., Pi Anchorage, Haven Mouillage, Havre n d Thai Village Village n g E., Swe Bank Banc n k H o l bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbpnn p s s Rus. Bank Banc a ã â Bank rrrrrrr k e2 Dan. Banc s Brz. Sum m it Sommet, Cime A r. Cape, Cap, Rivage 珏 2 M al. N ew Nouveau aaaaä rio Esp., P< Bar Barre Esp. Trough Ravin roaw a e Esp. District, Suburb Quartier, faubourg E. Tumulus css Jap. Bridge Pont Celt” < R eef Récif 汉ss% & ä It. Shoal H aut fond ss% F r. Shoal F r. Basin, dock 改 s r Country covered with Contrée couverte de pierres blan white stones ches, Batak, I T urk. Marsh, Mud Patch Marécage, bourbier Batang M al. R iv e r Fleuve, rivière Batee Sumatra Rock Roche Batoe, I M al. Rock Rocher Bay E. Baie Bayer Tur H ill,Hillock Colline, coteau Baz, Yas k Shallow Peu profond Bazar B r z. Market-place Marché Baze Reef Récif per Bäda s. Rock Roche Bae Dn a Rock Roche Bäda . detached shoal Banc détaché J Beach Plage Becken N0 Basin r. Cuvette Beek B rook Ruisseau i w Beg, Bet e - P o int Pointe Beheira Lake Lac Beida A. n W hite Blanc Beigat Bank Banc 1H0 1 . cel t. A. r A. r A. r NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Beira Port. Shore Rive Béit House Maison Beiyat Shoal which dries Banc asséchan t Bel, Bail Scott. Village Vfllage Beled, Bled, Blad; Country, Town, City, Pays, contrée, ville, cité, région pl. Belad; dim. Blida D is tric t ll Belok Crête neigeuse Belt .L Ceinture ( d ,ea u ) Bélyi RUS Blanc Ben sco Tête, pointe Bender Ar. P o rt

Beni Ar. Eperon de moritagne Benteng J atr F o rt Béo ser Blanc Bereg a RUS Côte, rive Berg Mont, montagn lAl Le Bergrücken . HO .0 Croupe Bergspitze All . Sommet, címe Berka All Lac d ’eau doue :e Besar . Grand Ar. Beting Banc de sable lMa Biad Blanc Bialy lMa Blanc Bianco Ar. Blanc Biar Source, Puits r Bielo Blanc Bien Ar. M er, Lac l Baie Binnen An. In té rieu r Bihan,Bian cel Little, small P etit t Bir Source swe Source Birket Cistern, pond Réservoir, étar cel ig Bit, pi. Biout t House Maison Biz, Bizq, Bizcarra Ar. Ridge Croupe Bjaerg Ar. M ou n t Montagne Ar Bjeli . W hite Blanc Bas Bjerg Mount, mountain Mont, montagn e Black Dan N o ir Blanc L W hite Blanco K W hite Blanc Blau Blue Bleu Blavet F. r Spring water Eau ja ES Blida, y. Beled P Country, Town, City Pays, « ville, cité Blue lAl Bleu . Bluff E. cel Promoi B lâ Swe.t Blue Bleu Bo C elt” Gael. R eef R écif Bo Nor. Rock Roche Boca Esp. Mouth, Bouche Bocca, pi. Bocche It. Mouth,estuary Bouche Bocht H o ll. B ig h t Baie Boden A ll. Bottom Fond Bodi, Boder Iceland Rock Roche Boe N or. Rock Roche Boesoeng M ai. Island Ile Boghaz, Bogaz Turk., Ar. Narrows, strait Défilé, détroit Bogha Celt., Gael. Reef R écif Bogt H o ll. B ig h t Baie Bokka Cing. Bay Baie Boloto Rus. Marsh, pond M arais Bolshoi Large Grand Bongo M ou nt Montagne Bordj Fort, Tower Forteresse, fort, tour Boreos Gr. N o rth N ord Borghel It. H a m let Hameau Borgo It. Sm all town Bourg, bourgade Borda Esp. Cottage, hut Chaumière, hutte Borg Scand. Castle, fort Château, château-fort Boroug] E. Sm all town Bourg, bourgade Bosch H o ll. Forest, Wood Forêt, bois Bosco It. W ood Bois Bosje H o ll. Bush Buisson Bosque Esp. W ood Bois Bouche, F r. M ou th Boulak A r. Source Source Boumi M al, Country, Land Pays, terre Bounar T u rk. F ountain Fontaine Bound H ind. Dam Barrage Bourg F r. Sm all town Bourou] T u rk. Ness,Cape Nez, bec, cap Bouz T urk. Ice Glace Braat N or. Collection of Rocks Amas de roches ou haut fond or Braen Scand. Glacier Glacier Branco, Port. W hite Blanc Bränna, B Swe. Shoal, breakers Haut fond, Brisants Braz, B Celt. Large, great Grand Brdo Ser. M ountain Montagne Breaker E. Brisants Bred Nor. Shore,- Rivage, rive Bridge E. Bridge Pont Brijec Ser. H ill,S i Colline, rivage Brisants F n Breaker Brise-Ls F r. Breakwi Bro Scand. Bridge Pont Brod Rus. F o rd Gué Brook E. Ruisseau Brough Gael. detached precipitous Ilot abrupt détaché Brott Swe. Shoal Haut fond Bruch A ll. M arsh M arais Brücke A ll. B ridge Pont Brug H o ll. Bridge Pont Brunnei A ll. Spring, Well Source, puits Brygga Swe. W h a rf Quai Brzeg Pol. Coast, shore Côte, rive, rivage Bu Jap- D is tric t D istrict Bu C e lt.,( Reef R écif Bucak T urk. Creek Crique Bucht A ll. B ig ht, bay Baie Bue Celt,( R eef R écif Bugt Scand. B ight, Bay Baie Bühel A ll. H ill Colline Bük T u rk. Creek Crique Bükit, E Thai,: H ill Colline Bukt Nor. B ig ht, Bay Baie Bukta Rus” Î B igh t, Bay Baie Buong Thai Large, great Grand Burg A ll” K Castle, Fort Bourg- fortifié, château-fort, fort Burgh Bourg, bourgade Burgo B urgh Bourg, bourgade NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

BBBBBBBBBiuucewc t vqbbggv • uuuuuuyyyr r r s s y 1 Town lep l TU Cape 3 n , Burnu RU nhn Al r Al Breakers TU u sc isan Ja Bushesaa r o Ja poí G u lf 2 ll lk Large, great ESf hi i 2 Town, Village rr 0 0 an R Roadstead dk h Roadstead I t. l Fr po Frí ad s e

Cabeço poc Top of a hill Soi Cabeza, Cabezon 2 Summit, Top Têt I t. Cabo Cape Caj RU ce Cachopo ES Reef Ré< Cairn E., Tumulus I t. 從 從 Cala Creek Anse ES co ce Calanca FR r Creek co Anse Calanque Creek c o I w I t . c o Calhetta c Creek Anse Cale 3 Dock ce Caleta ES Creek I t. Anse Calhau Ar PebbU Caillou F r Calzada I t. Cause Chaussée Campo I t. P lain Plaine ES Campu E. Field Champ E. Camus ESR Cove Anse Canada Vale, Vallon ch Arõ Canal — ,C. Canal

Canale chR Cham Canal Canon Canyo Ravin profond Be Caol F r S tra it D etroit F r Ar Cap Bi Cape TU * c p p Cape c aG M Capo Cape Carn M ountain Carrek, Carrick Rock ROM

Casa House 11r Casale Ham let H a Casba F o rt FO Cascade W ater fa l Cascata W ater fa l Cascade Castello Castle,Fo Château, château-fort Castillo Castle, Fo Chateau, château-fort Castle Château, château-fort Causeway Chaussée Cerro H ill,h illock Colline, mamelon Cay, Caye Caye Cha Sand Sable Chabet Ravina Ravin Cha-Mo Desert Désert Chan M ount Mont, montagne,massif D é troit Char Sand bank Banc de sable Château Castle Château d’Eau Water tower Chatt, Chott River, shore, large pond Fleuve, côte, grand étang Chaung Creek Crique Chay, Çay R iver Rivière Chegga Ar. Crevice Crevasse Cheher, Chehri Pers. Tow n, V illa Ville (villa) Chémal A r. South Sud Chenal Fr. Channel Cheng Chin. Town V ille Cheni Rus. B lack N o ir Cherg, Charg, Chark A r. East Est Chergui A r. Eastern O riental 一 cherri, —tcherri Ind. V illage V illage Chersonesos Gr. Péninsule Chia Chin. Cape Cap Chico Esp. Little, Small Petit Chiesa It. Church Eglise Chin Chin. Tow n V ille Chloros Gr. Green V e rt Chon Cor. R iv e r ' Fleuve Chong, Chaung Thai S tra it D é tro it Chorak, Çorak T urk. M arsh M arais Chott, v. Chatt A r. River, shore, large pond Fleuve, côte, grand étang Choui Chin. W ater Eau Chow Chin; D is tric t D is tric t Chu Cor. T ow n V ille Chuang Chin. V illage V illage Church E., Church Eglise Cima It. Sum m it Cime Città It. Tornn,C ity Ville, cité Cittadella It. Citadel Citadelle City E. Ville, cité Ciudad Esp. Tow n, C ity Ville, cité E. Falaise Cnoc Celt. H ill Colline Coad, Coet Celt. Forest, Wood Forêt, bois Coast E. Côte Col F r. Pass Colina Port. H ill Colline Collada Esp. Pass Col Collado Esp. H ill Colline Colle It. Pass, slope Col, coteau Colline F r. H ill Comb Celt. V alley Vallée Cone Celt. Cove Conque Concha Esp. Cove Anse Conq Celt. Cove Anse Continent F r. Continent Cordilière F r. Chain of mountains Chaîne de montagnes Cordillera Esp. Chain of mountains Chaîne de montagnes Corno It. Peak Pic Cornoc Celt. West Ouest Coroa Port. Sand bank Banc de sable Costa Tt.’ F Coast Côte Côte Fr. Coast Coteau F r. H ill, slope Cotuna Rum. H am le t Hameau Cove E. Anse Coz Celt. Old, Ancient Ancien Craig, Crug Celt. Rock Rocher, roc Creac,h,Creag Celt. H i l l kn oll Colline, Tertre Creek E_ Crique Creiz Brz. M id dle M ilie u Crique F r. Creek NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Crni B lack N o ir Croce Cross C ro ix Cruz E sí Cross C ro ix Cuello E sí Pass Col Cuenc; E sí Cove, Conque, bassin Cumbz E si Sumn Sommet, címe Cultuk Cas Bay Baie Cume Poi Crest Crête Czarnj Pol Black N o ir Czerw Pol Red Rouge

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDl DDDDDDDDDDDD D D D DDDDDD D D D D DDDDDD an Kalm ouk. H ill Colline 时 agh D’ T u rk. Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne ah. South Sud raa A r. Jap. Large, great Grand bai F o rt F o rt e Jap. Jap. Peak Pic akl Valley Vallée s m H o ll” Scand. M ai. Deep Fosse aa l - E. Vallée Black N o ir ae l T ha i H o ll. D am , dike Digue amant N or. Pond Etang am H ind. Foot (of rut) Pied (de montagne) aml Da, A r. House, Palace, Tent, Maison, palais, tente, pays e a r Country r aa r M ai. Country, Land Pays, terre Jer la Pers. Sea M er al r ah F r. Dock la re m a d , m Bassin ars I t ” Port. Dock Jap. Shoal H aut fond a D a ars 01 H ind. W hite Blanc Da' s rca Pond Bas fond en cuvette retenant l ’eau, has r F r. Landing stage ava e l , A r. V illage V illa ge de maisons aa aa ï E. Fosse A r. Convent . Couvent chrétien l F r. Delta i r- erl ie Rum. H illo c k , slope Monticule, coteau Y u r hec . T u rk. Anchorage M ouillage Dea T ha i Red Rouge ls, en 1•z e . epee T u rk. Sea,lake M er, lac F r. Prong eir rc : It. Prong Dent Porte elt Pers. Gate T u rk. Vale, Pass V allon, passage, défilé vnl elu Rus. Village V illa ge Rus. Tree A rb re yo em ll l roa Esp. - Landing Débarcadère

Esp. M onth Embouchure gen Desert r t F r. S tra it eng oit F r. H o ll. Gate Porte l H ind. Mount,Mountain Mont, montagne r T u rk. Pass Défilé -I0 1 H in d . R ive r R ivière ére H o ll. Deep Fosse



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DDDDDDDii e DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Fr. D ike ------H o ll. D ike Digue Dln u. l An. Principal-town (capital) Chef-lieu de province l pf b lie ’ Indochin. Island e Pers. F o rt Château-fort Diz N o rth N ord li a ^ 1 A r. Mount, Range M ont, montagne, chaîne de m d p. l ba . l . tagnes a Littoral, rivage ^ m A r. Littoral, shore Laa A r. Mosque Mosquée nG a éDj Dad é A r. Garden Jardin u^ Ü Lr, iou^ i Ar. Island Ile f A r. Bridge, cause-way Pont, chaussée

il ill Per: River, Brook Fleuve, rivière, ruisseau N or Deep Fosse Jap. Land Terre r Cor Island Ile á y Per: Land (between two rivers) Territoire (entre deux eaux) Por Dock Bassin ^a t E. ------Darse koc n E. ------Arsenal D A r., Bay Baie koc W1 D u T u r: R eef R écif n a ï u ï aoh laeJOn Tha M ou n t Montagne ok. Rus Vale V allon s Pol. Valley, vale Vallée, val ol Dolm en Dolm en iol Celt bJDrs SI” House Maison olm Chit Island Ile A ll. V illa ge V illa ge r Rus, Road, path Route, chemin H o l: V illage V illage ^o V illa g e de tentes r arr A r. Village of tents äa A r. Small house Maisonnette Celt Stream Courant, eau courante b Tha M ou n t Montagne ------c E. Coteau, Dune rag Ser. Cove Anse ä

, 削 2 - Faei Detached rock in the sea Roche isolée en mer s E., ------Courant, dérive ri ft k Pol. Road, path Route, chemin

en H o ll Bank Banc gro II k Celt Black N o ir

k a Ser. Deep Fosse u° b a H o ll D ow ns Dunes ubo Celt. Hill, Knoll Colline, morne . It. D ow n Dune F r. D ow n ------un eun Ser. Castle Château Nor Deep Abîme, gouffre r H o ll D ike, dam Digue, chaussée Gr. West Ouest yk iys

Ebene A ll. P lain Plaine Ecueil F r. Reef ----- Ed Swe Isthm us Isthm e Eid or. Isthm us Isthm e Eiland oll Island Ile NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FKJENCH

Eilean Celt. Island lie Einfahrt AIL Entrance Entrée Ejde Faero Low neck of land Langue de terre basse Ekklesia Gr. Church Eglise El Celt. W ater Eau El T urk. Country Contrée Elf Swe. R ive r Fleuve Elv, Eiva Nor., R iver Fleuve Embarcadère F r. W h a rf Embasis Gr. Entrance, Pass Entrée, passage Ëmbocadarm Esp., M outh Embouchure Enez Celt. Island Ile Engan Jap. Coast Côte Engpass A ll. Pass Gorge, défilé Enseada Port. Bay Baie 、 Ensenada Esp. Bay, Cove Baie, Anse Entrada Esp. Entrance Entré© Entrata It. Entrance Entrée Entrance E. Entrée Eperon F r. Spur Epiros Gr. Continent Continent, terre ferme Er Mag. Brook Ruisseau Erg,pl. Areg A r. Downs Région de grandes dunes Erhebung A ll. H e ig ht Hauteur Erîpia Gr. Ruins Ruines Ermita Esp. Herm itage Erm itage Eruthros Gr. Red Rouge Escollo Esp. Reef awash R écif à fle u r d’eau Escolho Port. Reef Ecueil Eski T urk. Old Ancien Estanque Esp. Pond Etang Este Esp. East Est Esteiro P o rt Sea-arm, Bras de m er,lagune Estero Esp. Mouth,Marsh Embouchure, Marais Estran Fr. Strand, Foreshore Estrecho Esp. S tra it Détroit, défilé Estreito Port. S tra it D é tro it Estuaire Fr. Estuary Estuário E sp .,] Estuary Estuaire Estuary E, Estuaire Etang Fr. Pond Ey N or. Isle t Ilo t Eyjar Icelan Islands Tics

Fähre A ll. F e rry Bac Fahrwasser A ll. Pass, channel Passe, chenal Fai Tha L ig h t Feu Fairway E. Chenal Falaise F r. C liff Falls E. Chute, rapides Falvu Mati V illage V illa ge Fanar T u r Lighthouse Phare Fang Chii Hamlet, House Hameau, Maison Farallon Esp, Reef R écif Farled Swe Channel Chenal Faro Esp Lighthouse Phare Farol Pori IJghtHouse Phare Fart N o r Channel, Pass Chenal, pertuis, passe HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW.


F a rv a iu Channel Chenal F a rv a tt Channel Chenal 崎 F a s ik a Sand Sable F a s h t Ar. Rocky reef Récif rocheux Fr. F a u b o u i Suburb ! l ! F a u ta u Roadstead Rade F e h é r, ; W hite Blanc F e ke te l Black N o ir F e ld Al l F ield Champ F e ll . H ill Colline F els, r Rock Roc, rocher

F e n E. M arsh M arais cEh i Peak, Summit Pic, sommet F e r r y n F e rry Bac F e s tla n d All Continent Terre ferme . F e stu n g Fortress Forteresse All F e u e r . L ig h t Feu F ie ld All Champ .

Firth, Frith E.l Fiord, baie étroite F iu m e R ive r Fleuve, rivière L. F jä ll swe Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne . F jä rd Dan Bay Baie F je id . H ill,Range Colline, chaîne de montagnes Nor Fjell, Fjöll . H ill, Range Colline,chaîne de montagnes l F jö r d J F io rd F iord F la c k Shoal Haut fond ‘ Dan F la k . Shoal H au t fond F la ta l Shoal H au t fond F le c k e n All B urgh Bourg, bourgade . P ies Rock above water Fae Roche émergée F le u v e r R ive r Fr. F lissa Rock above water Rocher au-dessus de l’eau

F lo d £ R iver Fleuve F lo m M arsh M arais F lu , F ly Rock Roche swe F lu a . Rock (under water) Roche submergée No F lu e r Rock (under wa ter) Roche submergée . F lu ss R ive r Fleuve, rivière r F oce M outh Embouchure Fogo I t. L ig h t Feu F ö h k port Creek Crique F o h rd e All Bay Baie . F ö ld Land, Field Terre, sol, champ All F o ly a m . R ive r Fleuve F o ly á s l , Stream Courant F o ly o Ma: R ive r R ivière F o n d e a d e ro Anchorage M ouillage Fondeadouro Mag Anchorage M ouillage F o n d o u k M a rke t Marché couvert ^ F o n ta in e Fountain F o n te r Fountain Fontí F o n té in F ountain Font; F o rd Fr. Gué F o re la n d I t. P roir F o re s h o re Holl Estra Forrás R R Sprint Souri F o rte F o rt i F o rt

F o rte zza E. Fortre Forte Mag Fosse Deep F o ts i I t. W hite Blanc I t.

F. r

Mal g NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH à Fo F Prefecture Chef-lieu de département Po A. r Opening (of a valley) Débouché (d’une vallée) Fo ------Fontaine Fo J M ou th Embouchure Fr« eo. I Strait, channel Détroit, canal Fri ------Bras de mer, embouchure ith Fu J Tow n Détroit, Ville Fu丨 W h a rf Quai l £ Fu Fountain Fontaine Futell l O uter Dehors, extérieur Fu F o rt F o rt Fuler Cove Anse a ll.Ho l l Fu Deep Fosse Furle t H a rb o u r P ort Fu Anchorage M ouillage Fukli pr o F o rd Gué Fy: t L ig h t Feu lka . Fy: l.iAl Lighthouse Phare Fy Lighthouse Phare Fyndr Lighthouse Phare Fy: swe Lighthouse Phare llll . £ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaali G'c V illage V illage b N( Mouth, Channel Embouchure, Chenal G« Table land Plateau G- House Maison G' Forest , Forêt G*& db ar C lif f Falaise A. r G- Peak Pic G« lMa . Old Ancien dalï G*c Old Ancien i c al RUS Old Ancien i . l el N< O ld Ancien c ke l i ku Rock Roche ml G* ml P o rt P o rt swe G*çmm . M arke t M arché i mlnn ò Nr o R ive r Fleuve [i . W h a rf Quai G- s c G swe Pond Etang, terrain nu i f . l F o rtle t F o rtin G*c l i ta Pass Gorge, défilé Jap G- nd . H i Channel, Chenal, Estuaire ara G-òc Jap.chi Roadstead,H a rbo u r Rade, H avre Jap.n Lake Lac i res . l òc E. Porte rga HChin.n i d H a rb o u r P o rt 3 Rus.l. G u lf G olfe L G-í â Basq. Sum m it Sommet 5 a AN. r or. Village V illage GGGQSS eeeeeeee Jap.L R ive r Rivière, Fleuve V. A r. Mount, Range Mont, chaîne de montagnes te H o ll. Range Chaîne de montagnes 5 va n A ll. T e rrito ry Territoire, domaine e G(GG r A ll. M ou n t Mont, massif ske A ll. Range Chaîne de montagnes Ke South wa A r. Sud bel Sumatra Shoal H aut-fond Sumatra Large, great Grand ber





Gemeinde All.l Commune, parish Commune Genya M arsh M arais , Goe, Gy Cove Anse Geul cel Pass, Channel Passe, Chenal t Geul, Göl Lake Lac Gézire, v. D; H01 Island lie Ghaba Forest F orêt I Gharb, Garp m Tr u West Ouest Gharbi W estern A r. Occidental Ghat A P o rt, harbour, passage Port, havre, passage Ghédir Puddle Flaque Gheul, Gœl A” r Lake Lac Ghiacciaja A. r Glacier Glacier Ghiri Mount, Mountain Hn i Mont, mont agne Ghour Mount, Mountain Mont, mont agne Ghourd A. r l D owns Haute dune ,montagne de sable Ghubbat Deep water inlet Bras de me r profond Giang R ive r R ivière IT E t t u 55 G î,Gîs Land d re乜 in r ^ Gieng W ells - Tor re Giessbach Hn i T orrent nt s nt. Gipfel Culminating point ipo c :nant m Ag f M ou n t s Giri l § l MO§ Glavica H ill t A r e Glaz cel Green Ar:t cle . va Gien, Gleann Vale, Ravina l rar ^vlu gorge l u Gletscher cel eGlacier e t Gla . e Glina Clay GAl.l r l l Glossa . M ole se% ll ll Mo Glubina A n Deep in A l A Gluboki Gl r Deep n . I

Go 1 H ill § A l | | = eae Gober l Tomb, grave iépulture Gobi D ry plain TO pla eau Hn i i Goenoeng, Gi M ount Montagne Goh Island Ile Gol 胤 R ive r R ivière Goléa || Castle, Fort Châtelet, fc)rtin Golf G u lf Golfe Golfe 务 G u lf Golfo G u lf Golfe Golouboï Blue Bleu Gora l = ££ M ountain M ont, monl:agne Górka H ill Petite mont agne G o ri D is tric t D is tric t Gorod Tow n V ille Gory (plur.) M ountains M onts Goso, Gosong Reef, island R écif, Ile Gouba, Guba Bay Baie Gouffre Deep Goulet G ullet Gounong Mount, Volcano M ont, vole;in F r Gracht . Canal, Wharf Canal, quai Grad F. r Tow n V ille Grand Mal. Large, great Grande Large, great Grana Granja F arm Ferme Grau r Grey Gris Great Grand Greben ESP Crest Crête .,l


Greda Ser. Sand banc Banc de Sable Green E. V e rt Grève F r. Beach Grod Pol. Town V ille Groen H o ll Green V e rt Gron Swe. Green V e rt Grond H o ll Bottom Fond Groot H o ll Great, I r g i Grand Gross A ll. Great, I sTQi Grand Grün A ll. Green V ert Grund A ll., Dai Shoal H aut-fond Grunn Dan. N. Shoal H aut-fond Gubbet A r. G u lf Golfe Guchi, Guti Jap- M outh Embouchure Gué F r. F ord Guemaa A r. Plateau Plateau étendu de peu de relie f butte Guen Celt. W hite Blanc Guennar A r. Summit, peak Sommet, piton Gueraa A r. M arsh Marais Guguk Sum Bay Baie Gul ï u r l P ink Rose Gul Swe, Yellow Jaune Gule Nor. Yellow Jaune Gullet E. Goulet E. Golfe Gunkô Jap. N a va l P o rt Port militaire Gunnung M ai. Range Chaîne de montagnes Gunto Jap. Archipelago Archipel Gurlo Rus. M outh Embouchure Gusong M ai. Reef of Rocks Récifs rocheux Guti, Guchi Jap. M outh Embouchure Gyros Gr. Meander Méandre Gyun B ir. Island Ile

Haci A r. Small wells Petit puits Hacienda Esp. P roperty Domaine Hada Chin. M ount Montagne Hadd A r. of sand Epi de sable Had jar A r, Stone Pierre Haf Swe. Sea M er Hafen A ll, Port, harbour Port, havre Hafsvick Swe. G u lf Golfe Hage N o r., D: Cape, Prom ontory Cap, Prom ontoire Haï Chin. Sea M er ide A ll. Heath, moor Lande Kan Chin. Bay Baie Kio Chin. Cape Cap Hainunn Chin. M outh Embouchure Ha A r. Wall, compound M ur, enceinte Tao Chin. Island Ile wan Chin. Cove Anse Yan Chin. G u lf Golfe Hajra A r. Rock Roche Hake Swe. P oint Pointe Hakou Jap. W hite Blanc Hakuchi Jap. Anchorage M ouillage Hakuti Jap. Anchorage M ouillage LANGUAGE ENGLISH

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHlJ [aJ A r • Sand bank which dries Banc de sable asséchant 5 ddd d L ns A l Peninsula Presqu’île [a fell lannd HOw l Peninsula Péninsule [ai 1 Dll s m Peninsula JJ ^ Presqu’île [a s r H ill Colline [aa dr NOm l Isthm us Isthme r r ag. J Peninsula Péninsule [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavo ^ Dr. Peninsula Péninsule vo daa Jap mannnnnnnnnnota Coast, shore Côte, rivage ma m. l E i E l la m Plateau Plateau la A r A r Thermal baths Thermes unaha p.. r A r H illo c k Monticule, mamelon ÄC c : S p it Epi îls ^ H a rbo u r Havre, port /e P la in Plaine amr ts . hndt A r Red Rouge Ja /e. na l p Cape Cap nd n m u r e nau Commercial port Port marchand A l .ii Peninsula Péninsule ntorrr Jap F arm Ferme ou L C oral Rock Roche de corail o g h g c Iao A r M a s p.. H avre mra E. x Beach Grève l T h i lg Rock Roche ^ dfe. M A r d . uvvyvvy Th Bank Banc H Shoal F. r a i ’r -. Sea M er NO G u lf, Bay NO an l Golfe, baie Port, havre E., Jetty Jetée vbu r . HO HC Port, harbour Port, havre ve NO l l. H a rb o u r n F r r ” Hé . Black N o ir r Head c h Cap, tête E. Headlan in. Promontoire Hegyv'r E. Mount, Mountain e M a Mont, montagne Hela H ill cn i Colline Hemhir Ruins 〜 Ruines Heugh’ A. r g- Crag,Steep H ill Colline abrupte Heuvel 3tt H ill Colline sco Hia Kat S tra it D é tro it l. l Hiang ] HO3 V illage V illage Hid n.dbbdd• . Bridge Pont Hien c hi Chief-tow n Chef-lieu de canton Hien Hs D is tric t D istrict Hieros M3 a Saint Saint

Higashi S East Est High á H aut Hikoui, L o w Bas Hill Jap Colline, hauteur Killock E M onticule Hin Rock Roche J ap Hir Long Long Hira E. a i P la in Plaine Hissar E. t.* Fortress Forteresse Ho Tha R ive r Fleuve Ho Lake Lac lce . i b n. Ho Village, Farm Village, ferme Ho Snow Neige Jap Ho Cove Anse A. r ich


Jap. Peak Pic H H T H H oa Chin. Yellow Jaune oc A ll. H ig h H aut oc J od he A ll. Plateau Plateau dn oe a Plain surrounded of Plaine entourée de montagnes HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHof" k by mountains og H o ll. Cape, Peninsula Cap, péninsule oh n oh Iceland H a rbou r H avre ol A r. Deep, cave Trou, fosse, excavation ôj rar ol Swe. Height, H ill Haut, Colline ol [l l A ll. Cave Caverne ol e on eg A ll. Pass Gorge, défilé dn ll oil dn 5 a on w N or. Height,Prominent Hauteur, éminence on H oo ,m Dan. H ill Colline oo N or., Da Islet Ilo t oo oo Swe. Isle t Ilo t oi Iceland Isle t Ilo t ok mer or Indochin. Islan'd Ile or l Chin. W h a rf Quai oro Chin. Red Rouge ou gIł H o ll. Cape,P o in t Cap, pointe ov H o ll. H aut ov fd ov g E. Pointe oz k H o ll. H eigi H auteur siu T h a i Strea Ruisseau eu ii gteu ue Jap. N o rtl N ord ue A r. Bay, Baie,chenal uf üg Jap. Cham Chenal . uis M alg. Bay Baie Chin. L ig h t Phare uk uk Chin. Lake Lac umTU Faeroe Prom Promontoire un de A ll. us ed N or., Da Head land Tête uu ed Swe., N< Penin\sula Péninsule ut l ut Esp. Pass Gorge, défilé u.y1 rta Chin. Mars,h M arais Chin. Lake Lac vu Celt. Heig)% Í Hauteur, éminence vit elu Esp. Gardim Jardin g s o s wa nmg N o r” Saa Cape Cap yd A ll. K n o ll Butte, colline yp yp H o ll. HouSiise M aison yp Dan., Sw Nor. L o wV poin: Pointe basse yp e 1 Jap. N o rtf.th N ord E. H illr Colline el l Chin. Red Rouge d d Swe. HouSiise Maison N or. HouSitse M aison 卿 E. H u t Cabane Jap. W hafa rf Quai or D is tnvric t D is tric t ero A n. N or. Whittite Blanc si lie ll Ieo Swe. Whin Blanc ng Yelhr,low Jaune .H Chin. OS Gr. Wate' Eau Gr. A i ?OVi Sur Gr. Ih tde) Sous, en bas Gr. H'Igh H aut Gr. H auteur lar Rus. Steep coast Rivage escarpé Ido Jap. Latitude Latitude le d T u rk. Green V e rt 1er T u rk. S oil Terre végétale, sol léri T urk. Roadstead Rade Igle Esp. Church Eglise Igr« Port. Church Eglise Iis N or. Ice Glace lka] Jap. Anchorage M ouillage Ike Jap. Marsh, pond Marais, étang Ikoí Gr. House Maison II T urk. C ountry Contrée Ile F r. Island Ilet Fr. isle t Ilha Port. Island Ile Ilhe Port. Isle t Ilo t Ilho Port. Islet Ilo t Ilot Fr. Isle t Inch Celt. Isle Ile Inclusa Esp. Cluse Indlöb Dan. Entrance Entrée Indre Dan. In n e r Intérieur Ingulf E. G ouffre Iniz,Inish, Inch Celt. Island, islet Ile , Ilo t Inlet E. Entrée Inlopp Swe. Entrance Entrée Inner E ” A ll. Intérieur Innis Celt. Island Ile Inre Swe. In n e r Intérieur Insel A ll. Island Ile Inselmeer A ll. A rch ip i A rchipel In s ö N or. Lake Lac Insula Rum. Island Ile Inver Scott. M ou th Embouchure Inwijk H o ll. Cove Anse loi T u rk. Road, Chemin, route Ioug Rus. South Sud Iourt T art. House Maison Irie Jap. Bay Baie Irmák T u rk. R iv e r Fleuve, rivière Irri, Ilii, Úri Basq. T ow n V ille Is h i Jap. Rock Rocher Isla Esp. stand Ile Island sland Ile Isle stand Ile Islet E. slet Ilo t Isloto, Isleta Esp. Ilo t Isola It. Ile Isoletta It. Ilo t Isthme F r. Isthme Istmo Esp. Isthm us Isthme Istók East Est Istotchnik Rus. Source Source (origine d’un cours d,eau) Isumi Jap. Source Source Itam M ai. B lack N o ir Itourria Basq. Source Source Iwa- Jap. Rock Rocher Izba Rus. Country house Maison rustique NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Izloutchina Rus. Bend (River) Coude (de riviere) Iz ô l Celt. River Rivière

aha Ktver Rivière arvi Lake Lac ârw Est. Lake Lac aur, Javre Lapi Lake Lac ebei A r. Mount, Montagne N. i Island Ile M a名 Ice Glace éghalom Mag Glacier Glacier elti Rus, Yellow Jaune enub T u r: South Sud etty E. Jetée ezaïr A r. Islands Iles ezero Sla\ Lake Lac ezioro Pol. Lake Lac ezirat A r. Island Ile Mali Sand Sable Jap. Island Ile ingira Hin< Island Ile A ll. Pass Col ökel, Jökull Nor. Ice Mo Montagne avec glaciers, glacier oki Fin. River Rivière oltyi Rus. Yellow Jaune ord Scar Land Terre ordhals Nor. Isthmus Isthme udetulù Ruir District Département ug Ser. South Sud unub A r. South Sud urang Mai. Creek Crique yu Tow n V ille

Kaap H oli. Cape Cap Kaar Thai Hill Colline Kade H oll. W hat Quai Kaf,Ki A r. Crest, Crête, rocher, pic Kafr A r. Hamllei Hameau Kai Chin. M arki Marché Kai, Ks Jap. Gulf Golfe Kaïa Turk. Rock, Rocher, Falaise Kaikyô Jap. Strait D étroit Kaj Swe. W h ar Quai Eajdam Swe. Jetty Jetée Kaku J a p .,( Cape, Pi Cap, Pointe Kalaa A r. Fortn Forteresse, château-fort Kalapu’ Cing. Lagoc Lagune Kale, B Turk. Castle Château Kali Hind. Black N o ir Kali M al. River Fleuve Kaiig A r. Canal Canal de navigation Källa Swe. Sourc Source Kalns Lith. Sumifi Sommet Kalv Dan. DetaCi Ilo t détaché Kaméni Rus. Stony Pierreux Kamém Rus. Carrière NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Kamen Pol. Rock, stone Rocher, pierre Kamen Rus. Stone, rock Pierre, rocher Kamen Slav. Stone, rock Pierre, rocher Kam i Jap. Upper, temple Supérieur, temple Kamm All. Crest Crête Kampóiig Mal., IndochÚK Town, village Ville, Village Kan Jap. Cape, Point Cap, pointe Kanaal Holl. Canal Canal de navigation Kanal Rus., All. Channel Chenal Kanava Fin. Channel Chenal Kanda Cing. M o u n ta in Montagne Kang Chin. Village Village Kang Cor. River Fleuve, Riyière Kansyo Jap. Atoll Atoll Kantara Ar. A c que duct, bridge Aqueduc, pont Kao Chin. High Haut, élevé Kap All. Cape Cap Kapelle All., Holl. Chapel Chapelle Kar Turk. Snow Neige Kara Turk. Black Noir Karang Mal. Coral Corail Kari Fin. Shoal H aut-fond Karié Ar. Village Village Karr Swe. Marsh Marais Kasba,Kassaba Ar. Citadel,burough Citadelle, bourg, bourgade Kasr, pl. Ksour A r. Palace, Castle Palais, château Kassar A r. R ock Roche Kasteel H o ll. Castle, Citadel Château, citadelle Kastell A ll. Castle Château Kastelli Gr. Castle Château Kastron Gr. Fortress, Citadel, Cast el Forteresse, citadelle, château-fort Kata Jap. L ake Lac Katar A r. R e e f R écif Katavothra Gr. Deep Gouffre, abîme Kato Gr. Under Sous Kau Chin. Mouth Embouchure Kava, Gava Jap. River R ivière Kavos Gr. Cape Cap Kea Ha w. White Blanc Kébar, Kbeur Ar. Tomb, Grave Tombeau, sépulture Kébir, f. Kébira, Ar. Large, great Grand pl. Kbar Kéboud Pers. Celestial blue Bleu céleste Kef Ar. Point Pointe Kéïé T u rk. Coast Côte Kejil, Ketchil M al. S m a ll Petit Kelat A r. Castle, Fort Château, Fort Kemper, Kimper, Celt. C onfluence Confluent Kimber Ken Jap. D is tric t Département Keni T u rk. V illa g e V illage Kéou Chin. Gate, barrier, mouth Porte, barrière, bouche Ker, Kaer, Car Celt. Farm, Castle, Manor, Métairie, château, manoir, village villa g e Kerd Pers. Town V ille Kereszt Mag. Cross C roix Kéria Ar. S m a ll tow n Bourg, bourgade Kerk Holl. Church Eglise Kerman Tart. Fort Forteresse Keui, Kœl, Koy T urk. Small town, villa g e , hamlet Bourg, village, hameau NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Keupru, Kœpri Turk. Bridge Pont Keurfuz, Körfez Turk. Bay, Cove Baie, anse Khabt Low plain, uncultivated Plaine basse, région salée, inculte salt region Khal Beng. Creek Crique Khalidj A r. G u lf Golfe Khane Pers. House Maison Khao Thai W h ite Blanc Khao, Kau Thai M oun ta in Montagne Khoba Tart. Cave brotte Khoï Sam. Stone, mount Pierre, mont Kholdj A r. Bog Fondrière Kholm Rus. H ill Colline Khor A r. Bay Baie Khora Gr. Tow n V ille Khorion Gr. V illage Village Khoto Mong. Tow n V ille Khoutor Rus. F a rm Ferme Khrebet Rus. Range Chaîne de montagnes Khuwair A r. Cove Anse Ki Cochin. C ountry Pays Kiang Chin. R iv e r Fleuve, riviere Kiao,Kao Chin. B ridge Pont Kibla A r. South Sud Kieuchk Turk. Pavilion, Kiosk Pavillon, kiosque Kil Nor. Cove Anse Kilissé Turk. Church Eglise King Chin. Tow n V ille King Chin. Im p e l Residence Résidence impériale King Chi Chan Chin. Peninsula Péninsule Kio Chin. Cape Cap Kirche A ll. Church Eglise Kirk E. Church Eglise Kirke Nor. Church Eglise Kita Jap. N o rth Nord Kiurfuz Turk. Bay Baie Kivi Fin. Rock Roche Kizil Turk. Red Rouge Kjöb Nor. M a rke t Marche Kjöbing Nor. Small town, market Bourg, bourgade,marché Kladbichtché Rus. Cemetery Cimetière Klasztor Pol. Convent Couvent Klettr Iceland Rock Roche Kl nt Nor. Rock, point Rocher, roc, pointe Kl nt Dan. C lif f Falaise Kl outch Rus. Springs Fontaine jaillissante Kl P H oll. Rock Roche Kl Pf Holl. Rock Rocher, roc Kl ppa Swe. Rock Rocher, roc KI ppe All., Nor. R ^ f Ecueil,récif Kl t Dan. D ow n Dune Klong Thai Cove, River Anse, Rivière Kloof H oll. Rovine Ravin Kloster A ll., Scand. C loister Cloître Knoll £ ------Tertre, Butte Knold H ill Colline Knowe H ill Colline Knude P ro m o n tory Promontoire Ko c hi Peak Pic n. Ko l Mouth, Harbour, Lake Embouchure, Havre, Port, Lac Ko Jap. Sm all Petit Ko Thai Island Ile Ko Mag. Stone Pierre Kociba, dim. de Kasba ___ Koeala, Kuala Mal. M outh chure K o h Thai Island lie K o i Turk. Passage, Passag s, baie K o k K irghiz Blue Bleu K o ka ku Jap. Promom Promc itoire K olodez Rus. W ells Puits Kolofon Gr. Sum m it, Somixi t,pointe K olp o s Gr. G u lf Golfe K o ltu k Turk. Creek Crique K om pong Indochin. V illage Viliág. K ong Chin., Cor. R ive r Fleuve riviere K oo u Chin. Gate, Bi Porte, barrière K op H oll. Sum m it Somm 丨t Kopec Mag. H ill Colline K o p f AU. Head Tête K ö p in g Swe. B u rg h Bourg, bourgade K oppe A ll. Sum m it Somm t,címe K o ra lle A ll. Coral Corail K o s c io l Pol. Church Eglise K o so u i Jap. Lake Lac K o u Jap. H arbour Havre K oua An. Bay, M Baie, embouchure K ou an Chin. Gate, B i Porte, barrière, forteresse K o u h Pers. M ount Mont, montagne Kouiou Turk. W ells Puits K ou kou Mong. Blue Bleu K oum Kirghiz. Sand Sable K o u n i Jap- Land, C Terre, pays K o u rg a n Tart. M ound, Butte, tumulus K o u ro Jap. Black N oir K ou ta Ceylan M ount, Mont, montagne K o w Chin. M ou th Embot chure K o y Turk. B ig h t Baie K oyam a Jap. H ill Colline K o y u n Turk. Cove Anse K ra a l H oll. Village Village ^indigènes (au Cap) K ra g Gael. C lif f Colline K ra j Ser. Shore Rivage K ra s n y i Rus. Red Rouge K re e k H oll. Cove Anse K ré p o st Rus. F o rt Fort, f orteresse K re s t Rus. Cross Croix K resta Gr. Crest Crête K re u z A ll. Cross Croix K ru is H oll. Cross Croix Krueng Sumatra R ive r R ivièn » K sa r A r. Village (Fort) Village; ou bourg fortifié K u Chin. Valley Vallée K ua Indochin. Entrance, Mouth Entrée,, Embouchure K u a la Mal. M outh Embouchure ß u b b a t A r. G u lf Golfe K u b i Jap- P rom ontory Promo:ntoire K u c h u k , Kiiçiik Turk. Sm all Petit Kuda Tamil. Bay Baie K u k Pers. H ill,Mountain Colline,Montagne K u la o Indochin. Island Ile NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH ^ Kulat Arw • Fort, Castle FO Kulle H ill c o TU e也也. lol i l ^ Kulleh TU TO co T ower Kum lAl Sand s a r v i Kun * . Tow n Jap s o Kuppe Rounded Summdt NO l le svv Kuro ). Black c o Kust lAl e., . Coast c r m l Küste Crest or i AU l II Küstenland Jap Shore ^ . ecittmto r Kuti er co á w x M ou th bo Kutsu Cape etep g叩 Kvabebis r. tte Cave m Kyarn ich or M ill e. p Kwang Lau á Lighthouse iul - ln . cd Kyklos )tt Circle ar Kyle . S tra it eper e Kyrka Church et Jap e.

• I l c l Kyo P refecture rg l e Kyzyl Red re加 ro ise

fec La Hind Col r m an o n n La a s u rm uge b cc b H oll. L o w Bas n n a e ^ ^ na e La n La Mal. Anchi Mouillage La Fr. Lake uo La Rum. Lake Lac La ggb Esp., Lake Lac La ö La Port. Lake Lac oo La J Fr. Lagoc La D E. Lagune La uu ggghkkk La It. Lagoon Lagune La Fr. Lagoon La t li ^ Fin. Bay, Cove Baie, Anse eh E. Lac Indoc R ive r Rivière 1• a ka ar Malg R ivu le t Ruisseau Celt. Land, Country Pays, terre Swe. D is tric t Département Land E., / Pays, terre, contrée Lande Fr. Heath, Moor Landingplaats H oll. Landing place Débarcadère Landing Place E. Débarcadère Landingplats Swe. Landing place Débarcadère Landspitze, Landzunge A ll. P oint Pointe Landungstelle A ll. Landing place Débarcadère Laoet Mal. N o rth Nord Larra Basq. Pasture-land Pâturage Las Pol. Forest, Wood Forêt, boîs Lau Chin. Tow er Tour Lauf A ll. C urrent Courant Laut Mal. Lake,Sea Lac, M er Leb Pers. Coast, Shore Côte, rivage, bord Led Nor. Channel Chenal Ledge E. Chaîne, bord Lednik Rus. G lacier Glacier Lefkos Gr. W hite Blanc Lek Thai Sm all Petit Lem, Len Thai Cape Cap Lempong Bay, G u lf Baie, Golfe Len Thai Cape Cap Les Rus. Forest, Wood Forêt, bois Leuchtturm AU. Lighthouse Phare Levante I t East Est Lho Sum Bay Baie Licht H oll L ig h t Feu Lichttoren H oll Lighthouse Phare Lido, pl. Lidi It. Shore, beach Rivage, côtes Light E. Feu Lighthouse E. Phare Lille Dan. Sm all Petit Liman T url Roadstead Rade Liman Rus. E stuary Estuaire Limen Gr. P o rt Port ' Limin Gr. P o rt Port Limni Gr. Lake Lac Lin Chin Forest Forêt Ling Chin Pass Col, Passage Linn Celt. Water falls Cascade, chute Linne Celt. G u lf Golfe Liod Rus. Ice Glace Little E. Petit Littoral Fr. Littoral, shore Littorale It. Littoral, shore Rivage Livello It. Level Niveau Ljiceni Alb. Lake, marsh Lac, marais Llano, Llanura Esp. P la in Plaine Llyn Wei: Lake Lac Löb Nor. Pass, Channel Passe Loc Celt. Chapel, Hermitai Chapelle, ermitage, oratoire, étang Loch, Loc,h, Lough, Loc Celt. Lake Lac Lock E, Sluice Ecluse Locuinta Rurr Place Localité Loisto Fin. L ig h t Feu Loma Esp. H ill Colline Longos Gr. Forest, Wood Forêt, bois Loug Rus. M eadow Pré, prairie Lough Celt. Lake Lac Louka Rus. Bend (river) Coude (d ,un e rivière) Lovoka Mali Bay Baie Low E. Bas Lower E. Inférieur Luang Tha: Green Vert Luda Rus. Rock above water Rocher au-dessus de l ’eau Lugar Esp. Small town, village Bourg, bourgade, lieu Luka Ser. H a rb o u r Port Luogo It. Place Lieu Luoto Fin. Rock Roche Luz Esp. L ig h t Feu

Ma Cor. Land Terre Ma, Maa,pl. Miah A r. W ater Eau Mabah A r. S alt m arsh Marais saumâtre Machi Jap- Town V ille Mâden A r. M ine Mine Maghreb, Moghreb A r. West Ouest Màgura Run Knoll, height Tertre, hauteur NOMS LANGUE ANGLAIS FRANÇAIS

Mahal Hind Garden Jardin Mai Thai N e w Nouveau Maïak Rus. Lighthouse Phare Mainti Malg Black N oir Maja Alb. M ountains Montagnes Makhi Jap. Tow n V ille Maki Fia. M ountain Montagne Makros Gr. Great, large Grand Mal, Mali Alb. M oun t Montagne Malah, dim. Mouïlah A r. S alt marsh Marais saumâtre Malaï Tami M ou nt Montagne Malka A r. Confluence Confluent Mallo Arag Isolated rock Rocher isolé Malom Mag. M ill Moulin Malyi Rus. Sm all Petit Mamelle Fr. H illo c k Mamelon Fr. H illo c k Mandracchio It. Basin, Dock Darse Manica It. Channel Manche Maouna, Mauna Haw. M o u n t Mont Mar Esp., Sea Mer Marabut A r. Tomb Tombe Marais Fr. M arsh Ä ;ire It. Sea Mer Mare Fr. P o o l Marea Rum. Sea Mer Marécage Fr. Szvamp Maremma It. Swamp Marécage Margen Esp. Skore Rive Maremme Fr. M arem m a Marigot Fr. Falling little river Marina It. Small harbour Petit Port Marsa A r. Port, Harbour Port,Havre Marsh E. Marais, marécage Martello Fr. Martello tower Maskara, Masker A r. Camp Camp Matala Fin. Shoal Haut-fond Matao Chin. Jetty Jetée Matla A r. East Est Matsu Jap. Cape C; Mattes Fr. Flat shoals Mavros Gr. B lack N o ir Mé Thai R iv e r Fleuve Méchera A r. F ord Gué Mecrhed A r. Chapel • Chapel Médîna, Médînet A r. Tow n V ille Medjez,Medjaz, Méjez A r. F o rd Gué Medjra A r. Current Courar Meer A ll. Sea M er Meer H oll. Lake Lac Meerbusen A ll. G u lf Golfe Meerenge A ll. S tra it Détroil Mégalo Gr. Great, large Grand Megás Gr. Great, large Grand Méhalla A r. Camping Campe] Mekta A r. Q uarry Carrièi Mel Rus. Shoal Bas-fo] Mélas Gr. B lack N oir Melen Celt. Y e llo w Mellaha A r. S a lt-w o rks Melnitsa Rus. M ill Moulin Men, Maen, Celt. Stone Pierre Menam Thai R ive r Fleuve Menang Thai D is tric t District Mendia Basq. M o u n t Montagne Menez Celt. M ount, M ountain Mont, Montagne Menhir Fr. M e n h ir Meraa A r. Pasture land Pâturage Mer Fr. Sea Merdj, Merd A r. Marsh, swamp, n Marais, marécage, prairie Meri Fin. Sea Mer Méros Gr. Region, Country Contrée Mers, Mersa A r. Anchorage Mouillage Mesa, Meseti Esp. Table-land Table, plateau Mesdjed, Me A r. Mosque Mosquée Metchet, v . : A r. Mosque Mosquée Meteoron Gr. Elevated place Lieu élevé Meur Celt. Great,large Grand Mező Mag. Cultivated land, field Terre cultivée, champ Mezquita Esp. Mosque Mosquée Mezzodi It. South, noon Sud, midi Miao Chin. Tomb Tombeau Miasto Pol. Town V ille Miasteczko Pol. B urgh Bourg Miau Chin. Temple Temple Midori Jap. Green V ert Middle E_ M ilieu Mijako Jap. P refecture Préfecture Mikro Gr. Small, little Petit Mili M ill Moulin Mina A r. P o rt Port Minami Jap. South Sud Minamoto Jap. Source Source Minar A r. T ow er Tour Minato Jap. Port, Harbour Port, havre Minde Nor., Dan. M o u th Bouche Mine Jap. Peak Pic Minster E. Monastère Mios N. Guinea Island Ile Misaki Jap. Cape Cap Misr A r. Chief-town,Capital Capitale Mittag A ll. N oon M idi Miya Jap. Temple Temple Młyn Pol. M ill Moulin Modàra Cing. Estuary, Mouth Embouchure Moeara Mai. Estuary,Mouth Embouchure Moer H oll. Marshy land Terrain Marécageux Mogiła Rus. Tomb Tombe, tombeau Moinho Port. M ill M oulin Mokta A r. Q uarry Carrière Möl Swe. M ill M oulin Mol Gael. C lif f . Falaise Mole Fr. M ole ,P ie r Mole E. Mole M o Montagne Mol, Moli Ser. « Molen M^ î Moulin H oll. M o Mole Molhe Port. ^ « Î Molino Esp. M « Moulin i Molle Dan. Moulin Mölle Nor. M^ Moulin NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

MO rib u Convent Couvent chrétien MO H oll. M outh Bouche Estuary, Mouth MO na Holl. Embouchure MO neM F r­ M ou nt MO it. M ountain Montagne MO Fr. M ou nt MO Esp. M ountain Mont, montagne g It., Esp M ou n t Mont, montagne MO Celt. P rom ontory Promontoire MO E. Lande, marais MO Celt. Sea Mer

MÔ ^ Swe. Marsh, swamp Marécage MO A il. Marsh, swamp Marais MOS Rus” S Sea Mer Esp. B row n Brun K n o ll n Fr. MO Esp., P Bluff} H ill Promontoire, Colline MO Rum. Compound Domaine Rus. Bridge Pont MO u a ra Mal. Marsh, Mouth Marais, Embouchure MOS s Fr. Anchorage Fr. M ill MO E. Digue, remblai E. Montagne MO s MO E. Montagne MO Jap. V illage Village S E. Embouchure, bouche Rum. Hill, Knoll Colline, butte Géorg. M ou n t Mont MO祖 Thai Town Ville Esp. Mole, Jetty Mole, Jetée MU A il. M ill Moulin MU Cing. Sea Mer MÜl A il. Deep Fosse Celt. P rom ontory Promontoire MU Gr. M ill Moulin MU Swe. M ou th Embouchure MU Chin. Mouth,Channel Embouchure, chenal MU A ll., Ne M ou th Bouche MU Dan., Isi M outh Embouchure MU A ll. Mouth, Entrance Embouchure, entrée MU Lith. M ount Mont MU A ll. Cathedral Cathédrale MU Rum. Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne MÜ Rum. M ounts Monts MU Basq. H e ig h t Hauteur s Jap- V illage Village Mai. M arsh Marais Turk. Moske Mosquée MU A r. S tra it Détroit MU Burm. R ive r Rivière MU Celt. Mount,Mountain Mont, montagne MU Swe. M ou th Embouchure M y Indochir Town V ille M y Rus. Cape Cap M y Gr. Peak, Point Pic, pointe M y M y M. y LANGUAGE ENGLISH

NNNNNNNNaaaaaas be Wharf, quay Quai da í i || dd d Bay, Sea Baie, Mer 如 River, Creek Riviere, Crique A nor Cape Cap ^£^ Sum m it Sommet es ga Curved Peninsula Presqu’île recourbée Naã hi Ness, Promontory Promontoire a p - s 餅 Long Long

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNi 'S Town Ville -íaa e u u Village, parish Village, commune mmm ^= . R ive r Fleuve â R ive r Rivière aaaaa Peninsula Péninsule nn ^^ . Water, Tide, River Eau, Marée, Rivière 3 South Sud ni South • Sud ns | nt South Sud osâ rr aaaaas ^ South Sud Blue Bleu sas ei 1 ^gd S outh-W est Sud-Ouest un | C urrent Courant vlw Church Eglise ^^ Pertuis, Passe *«aaac Ness Nez l Bay Baie ||| Ness Nez, Pointe 3 Lake Lac â Navigation canal Canal de navigation a Small,little Petit e $ Rock Roche Ned L o w Bas 1 1 Neder L e w Bas Nedjed Elevated country Contrée élevée Nedre I I L o w e r Aval, inférieur Needle á Aiguille Néfoud Sand current Courant de sable l Negro, Nero Black N oir Négru s t Black N oir All. Neos N ew Nouveau Nés an Ness Promontoire IEts Nesos p - Island Ile Ness, Né, Néo Ness Cap, promontoire, pointe Neu cel N ew Nouveau Neva t Ancho Mouillage Nevado L Snowy Neigeux

Neve Ar. Snow Neige Nevez Jap N ew Nouveau New . N ew Nouveau All. Nez Ness Nezlet Fin H amie Hameau . chi 1H0 West Ouest eder Low , Sous, bas, inférieur ESP Cape Cap .l N euw N ew Nouveau N eye per Snow Neige N jnii Low , i Bas, inférieur Nil £ Blue Bleu si, Nisos Island Ile si West Ouest va Rapide (subst.) NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn聊 12oooooooo va i Low er A val Jap. P lain Plaine e si Jav. Island Ile . î 3 Tha Little) small Petit 叩 d Fr. Black sr,N Tha Pond, P ool Etang, Mare e H o l: N o rth Nord H Mor g- Lake Lac : rae r d It. N o rth Nord ooooooooo r d r dŁ A ll. N o rth e rn Septentrional 咖 Dan N o rth Nord rtsh N o rth s Swe Nord Esp. N o rth Nord . E. Nord s l t ogv Rus. Ness, Cape Nez, cap M ai Island Ile s a. a y o a ^a y o Gr. South Sud v: yw M ai Island Ile ooo Faei Cape Promontoire fvli Rus N ew Nouveau Pol. N ew Nouveau, neuf uuuuuuyyyy m Esp. N ew Nouveau, neuf o v Indc Mountain, H ill Montagne, Colline s a Indc Island Ile t Jap. M arsh Marais u u It. N ew Nouveau Suir Island Ile Swe N ew Nouveau, neuf Cor, Rock Roche Dan N e w . Nouveau Cor, Rock which covers and Roche qui couvre et découvre uncovers

0000000000000000000000000 X ' X Ja Large, great Grand sls p a i Oasis bbb c ed e d bbb ala ^ Coast Cote

• Over, upper Sur, supérieur, haut er M t/5 las t r Province Province RU Ocean ean F.l r Cape, 伤 a de Shore et, s 11 P oint djo . en ° dgg M a p. West

stbee s.t/î ESP h Island c b Reservoir, Cistern j Fri la, s. L ig h t D s.Hm H n s H ill on A. r :akkkn Ocean RU Edge ral J a d i ldn nd n no p r p

RU l H n咖 a RURE r k ^^ r der

die M a £ a HO o » J st asu HO r o l HO cl f 邮 HO RU TU NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

l Orilla Coast, shore Côte, rive Orman Tur Forest Forêt Ormitirion Gr. Fortress Forteresse Ormos Gr. Bay, Anchorage Baie, Mouillage Orontani lMa Peninsula, Cape Péninsule, Cap

Oros Gr. Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne

Orthopagos Gr. Peak Pic Osta Fin Port Port .l Osten East Est

Ostra sw Eastern Oriental RUS Ostróg Fort, Citadel Fort, citadelle l Ostrov Island Ile ser Ostrvo . Island Ile Otero ESP K n o ll Tertre

Otlak Tur Pasture land Pâturage Otmel Shoal, bank RUS Haut-fond, Banc Otock Island Ile ser Otocic . Is le t Ilô t ser Ouad,Oued, Ouadi, . Stream, valley, river Cours d’eau,vallée, lit de rivière pL Aoudia & Ouidan Ar. Ouchtchélié w Pass Gorge, défilé Oude HO: •c O ld Ancien l

Oudjoung RU Cape, Headland Cap,promontoire Ma l. l Oukreplénié Ar F o rt Fort Jap Oula s.s R iv e r Fleuve, rivière Ba Oum .sa .ii Head of a valley Tête de vallée

Oumi Jap Sea, G u lf Mer, golfe Our, Ouoa W ater Eau RU Ar ' Our Ma qs-■. M ou n t Mont Oura, Ouras E.^ s B ay Baie Oustié, Oust TUE Estuary, Mouth Embouchure, bouche Outa p. P la in Plaine It; Outan s.. Forest Forêt Outer d . Extérieur r 5 NO / c Outios RU Rock Roc, rocher Ova k.H Plain, Valley Plaine, vallée Over Supérieur Ovest W est Ouest

. Ovre O ver, on r5c/ . Sur Ozéro Lake Lac

pppppppppppp a Swe On L s MO »»aac Fin. M ountain pla Mai P lain For m n dum Run Forest, Wood ret’ ^ con It. Country MOntr a'a Sam M ou n t Bla e ä W hite nt Chir Emnc An bot aaaa Tha E stuary For . Gr. O ld Ma T ur: F o rt col r

It. M arsh Lon ra ä i Chir H ill Ma li Mai Long For n Esp. M arsh Réc ng ii ii ra Pao Chii F o rt Riv Para Cin^ R eef Para B R ive r NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Parages Fr. Locality —- Paramo Esp. M oo r Lande Parcel Port. Reef Récif Partido Esp. District, parish District, canton Parvata Rock Roche Pasar Sumatra Village Village Pasir Mai. Sand Sable Pasmos Gr. Green Vert Paso Esp. Pass Passage, passe, col, 丨 Pass E., A ll. ------Passage, passe, col, 彳 Passage F r” E , . Passe Fr. Pass ____ Passo It. Pass Passage, passe, col, Patam Hind. Town V ille Patch, Patches E. ------Paté, Amas Path E. ------Sentier Patn, Patna Hind. Town V ille Patok Mag. B rook Ruisseau Pazar Turk. Bazaar Bazar Pé, Péï Chin. North, white Nord, blanc Peak E. Peak Pic Pechtchéra Rus. Cavern, Cave Caverne Pédias Gr. Plateau, table land Plateau Pedra Port. Rock Roche Peel Holl. M arsh Marais Peh Indochin. N o rth Nord Pélagos Gr. Sea Mer Pen, Penn, Ben Celt. Head, Top, Summit^ Point Tête, cime, sommet, Pena, Penon Esp. Rock Rocher, roc Penha Port. Rock Rocher, roc Péninsule Fr. Peninsula ------Peninsula Esp., E. ------Presqu’île,péninsule Penisola It. Peninsula Presqu’île,péninsule Pentref Welsh Village Village Pereval Rus. Pass Col Péri Gr. On Sur Pertuis Fr. N arro w s _,_ Pesok Rus. Sand Sable Pestchanyi Rus. Sandy Sablonneux Petra Gr., Rum. Stone Pierre Phare Fr. Lighthouse ------Pharos Gr. Lighthouse Phare Phoü L ig h t Feu Photos L ig h t Feu Phra Thai Pagoda Pagode Phrourion Gr. Citadel Citadelle Phu Indochin. Town V ille Piano It. P lain Plaine Pianura It. P la in Plaine Piasek Pol. Sand Sable Pic Fr. Peak _,_ Picco It. Peak Pic Pico Esp. Peak - Pic Piccolo It. Little, small Petit Piedra Esp. Stone, Rock Roche Pier E. ------Jetée, débarcadère Pietra It. Stone, Rock Pierre, Roche Pinnacle E. ' Aiguille Pirau Rum. Strong current, whirlepool Courant impétueux Piz Rhaetic Point Pointe LANGUAGE ENGLISH

Placer Esp. Shoal Haut-fond Plage Fr. Beach Plateau Fr. Table land Playa Esp. Beach Rivage Pnom An. Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne Po Cor. Bay Baie Po Chin. Lake Lac Poel Holl. M arsh Marais Poelder * Holl. M arsh Marais Poeloe, Poelau Mai. Island Ile Poggio It. H ill, slope Colline, coteau Point E. Pointe Pointe Fr. P oint Polder Holl. Drained marsh Marais asséché et endigué Polé Rus. F ield Champ Polis Gr. Town Ville Poljana Slav. Glade Clairière Poluotok Ser. Peninsula Péninsule Polou-Ostrov Rus. Peninsula Presqu’île Pom Chin. Peak Pic Pom Thai F o rt Fort Ponchak Suma Peak Pic Pond E. Etanj Ponente It. W est Ouest Poniente Esp. W est Ouesl Ponta Port. P oint Point Pontal Port. Headlm Prom Ponte I t , I B ridge Pont Pooï E. Mare Pocrt Holl. Gate Porte Porog Rus. Cataract Catar Poros Gr. Pass Passa Port E.,F Port Fr. Pass Porto It., P P o rt Port Portz Celt P o rt Port Posad Rus. Burgh, Suburb Bourg*, faubourg Potamos Gr. R ive r Rivière, fleuve Potok Rus. Torrent, stream Torrent, courant Poul Celt. Trou, bassin, rade Poul Pers. B ridge Pont Poulo, pl. Poulan Mal. Island Ile Pour, Poura, Pouram Ind. Town Ville Poustoch Rus. Moor, uncultivated land Lande, terrain inculte Poustynia Rus. Desert Désert Poutchina Rus. Deep, whirlpool Gouffre, abîme Pozzo I t W e ll Puits Prado Esp. M eadow Pré Praia Port. Shore Rivage Prato It. M eadow Prairie Praya Port. Beach Plage Predgorge Ser. Prom ontory Promontoire Presqu’île Fr. Peninsula Preto Port. Black Noir Pribrejenié Rus. Littoral, shore Littoral Pristan Rus. Anchorage, Port Mouillage, port Pristaniste Ser. H a rb o u r Havre Pritok Rus. T rib u ta ry Affluent Prokbod Rus. Pass Passe Proliv Rus. S tra it Détroit cap, cap, pointe FRENCH tête, cité, bourg, bourgade, , village tour Sable Sable Campement Porte Pointe Gris Préfecture Promontoire Promontoire Précipice Passe Sommet, Pointe Pointe Port, havre, col Pic Grand Pointe Passe Cap Cap Colline Roche Pont Etang Village Route D étroit Rebord Chaîne de montagnes Pic Nord Ile Haut-fond Lande Mont Maison de campagne, château, Village commercial V ille Rade Ravin Haut Ile V ille Tour Désert, lieu abandonné ------

- I s h

e n g l i Ravin Source 霞 ☆ 则 y / = = = = 51 í mí m í wr Wharf, quay Grey V illage Town, City, Burgh, Village Cape Merchant-illageV Camp Ravine Sand Sum m it, Head, S tra Cape, it point ss : ss 3 s Source P rom ontory Prom ontory Precipice Pond Pass Pass Rapids Roadstead Large, great Ravine Ravina Prefecture P o in t H ig h Roadstead H ill Edge Road p o t o t o m o l a n g u a g e . I ll l i A . M g . ch n .l P t . r Ma l n Ma l Ho l P .l Pers Esp. Chir Fr. Ser. M ai Esp. A ll. E. Swe N or Fr. Ser. Celt Esp. Fr. Gr. Tha Cor. Chir Rus. Pori Pol. Esp. Fr. E. A r. It. Rus. F r F r ES G r ES G r c a c o G r D a M a

e^ ^ ir di na n a m e s k o o o s o o o ru t nt nt nt , i s n a e a bl pl ho a l eb o - ll

st o 吨 lM -s . h m l


a y l


y p e e l s er t s, u d J a yl pi n i

uuuu m o m o yyy d e n c

!g n d ll lt w uuuuuuuuuuu i st


nt nt ä ä ä nt aaaa aaaa aa a aaa aa a rg r

rg eg en ka uuuu uuuu r 找 22 抑 u r I aa ppppppppppppp

i pppppppp

ppppppppppp ppppppppppp RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

sa ro

ro Quebrada

Quelle Quai RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR E6^6 N Celt. S tra it Detroit

hac E.

666ee66e6666e66666e. Fr. Reef e R cif e Port. Reef Récif Dan., Nor. Roadstead Rade cif ed d E. Red Rouge Swe. Roadstead Rade , A ll” H oll. Roadstead Rade d l d R dd Reef Ecueil

:def f I R eef Récif I Reef Récif l Reef Récif fva RUS Roadstead Rade

Jap H ill Colline fve .l 3 S tra it Détroit l Reef Récif Fin . R iv e r Rivière, fleuve RUS tlt Sand Sable i Ar. Channel Chenal ivi Dan ru Range Chaîne de montagnes ng ka a Jap Rock me . Roche Ind e Ar. Reef Récif ~ M eadow Pré anz Retchka Ma R ivu le t Petite rivière RUS Rettôsfa Row of Islands Chapelet d’îles l Jap Retugan . Row of Rocks Chaîne de roches

Rev, Revle Jap. Reef Récif Rhudha Cape Cap Dan Ri,Rin Hill, Knoll Colline, morne cel Ria t Cove Anse Ribeira cel R iv e r Rivière t Ribera l Beach Plage * Ridins Ripples por Ridge i t... i - Dorsale, arête Fr Rieka . R iv e r Rivière Fr. Rif Coast Côte E.k Rif Reef Récif Riff Ar.l Reef Ecueil, récif Rig F la t Bank Banc plat Rinne All. Channel Chenal

Rio Ar. River, Brook Fleuve, rivière, ruisseau

Ripa All. Shore Rive Riu R iv e r Fleuve ESP Riva Shore Rivage Rivage It. Shore RU River It . R iv e r Fleuve, rivière Rivier È R iv e r Rivière E: R iv e r Rivière Hol Riviéra Riviera, Shore Rivage Rizeka Fr. R iv e r Rivière It Rjeka .l R iv e r Rivière, fleuve Roads, Roadstead Rade sla Oc c r r c c Roca 7?尺 Roche E. 0 Rocca ESP O O O O Rocher,roc Roc’h It. i? Roche Rocha h M s i? Rocher, roc

Roche 1¾i? Rocher

Rock Fr. Rocher Rocky E.R Rocheux NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddd 00 Ö 00 Nor. Rouge Dan. Rouge Nor., Swe. Rouge 000000000000 . Esp. Rouge Holl. Rocher m Dan. Rocher

od- Holl. Rouge Celt. Cap, promontoire It. Rouge th° A ll. Rouge R u d R Pers. Fleuve, rivière ud, el, i A r. Sable o Russ. Lit (de rivière) 5 hen Russ. B rook Ruisseau Russ. Dike, Ditch Digue, fossé ôJ i n Russ. P la in Plaine oooo » ngu Russ. F la t,even Plat, uni a vny Pol. P la in Plaine I Esp. Red Rouge r t Mag. Parish Commune a k t uuuuuyy Ser. Promontory, Point Promontoire, Pointe zse haï Celt.. Cape Cap R Slav. M ine Mine , Brook dlli n . Rocher, roc Brz Rouge iss Rus Rivière e z Sla- Marché r Pol Rivière,fleuve eka 1 ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ekaaaaa iar Fm. Island Ile It. Sand Sable ibb Esp. M ountain Montagne Rus. Garden Jardin cä od aaaaaa Pers. W hite Blanc fid A r. Y ellow Jaune

fra Hind. Lake Lac A. r Large desert plain Vaste plaine déserte gr a 紅 Littoral, Shore, Coast Littoral, côte h a Sand Sable är ich West Ouest aaaalhe Jap T orrent Torrent 丨 Saint A. r n Cape, Headland Cap, promontoire F r. Canal Canal ä s ińaaaaaat South Sud s A r. S alt w orks l Anchorage Mouillage kjl i Fr. M ountain Montagne Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne T ha li 1 1., Sable Cll cor D is tric t D istrict Ir A] Saint Saint Sn’ JapE” aa Great, large Grand Peak, Summit Pic, Sommet n d Tr u Castle Château nûj d a l S a lt w orks Saline n kt Y ellow Jaune T ha p per ïaï Tr u tra l r y Tr u Sasso Rock Rocher, roc Satama P o rt Port Sattel A il. Saddle, Pass Selle, col Satû Rum. V illage Village Scala It. Scale, Port of Call Echelle, escalç Schaar A ll. Shoal Haut-fond ■ Schaar Holl. Pass Passe Schloss A ll. Castle, fo rt Château, château-fort Schlucht A ll. Slough, Ravine, Gullet, Fondrière, ravin, gorge, défilé Pass Schnee A ll. Snow Neige Schneeig A ll. Snotvy Neiget Schwarz A ll. Black N oir Scoglio, Scogliera It. R ock,Reef Rocher Se Jap. Rock Roche Sea E. Mer Sebes Mag. Rapid Rapide Sebkha Ar. Salt Lake Lac sa Sebz Pers. Green V ert Secca It. Bank Banc Sèche Fr. Bank Seco Esp, D ry Sec See A ll. Lake, Sea Lac, A Seebucht A ll. G u lf Golfe Seegat A ll. Entrance Entrée Sefid Pers. W hite Blanc Segelled Swe. Pass Passe Seghir Ar. Small, little Petit Sei Jap. W est Ouest Seil Ar. T orren t Torren Seki Jap. B a rrie r Barrière Selat Mai. Channel, Strait Chenal, Detroit Selga Fin. Range Chaîne de Montagnes Seile Fr. Saddle Selo Rus. Village with church Village avec église Selva Esp., Forest Forêt Semu Cor. Island Ile Sen Jap. R ive r Rivière Seng Pers. Stone, Rock Pierre, rocher Seno Esp” G u lf Golfe Ser Pers. S um m it Címe Séraï Pers. House, Palace Seranana Malg. P o rt Serra Port. Range Seto Jap. S tra it Settlement E. Sever Rus., N o rth Severnyi Rus. N orthern Sgeir Celt. Rock, Reef Sha Chin. Bank, Sand Shab A r. Rocky shoal Shamal,Simal A r. N o rth Shamandireh Turk. Buoy Shan Chin. M ountain Shan Tao Chin. Prom ontory Shanting Chin. Range Shar Rus. S tra it Shark, Sçark A r” 1 East Sha Sien Chin. Bank Shatt A r, R ive r NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

She Chi: Rock Roche She Cor W est Ouest Sher, Í Tur Towf V ille Sherm A r. Cove Anse Shi Jap O ld Ancien Shin Jap N e w Nouveau Shire E. D istrict Sho Jap Bank Banc Shoal E. Shoal Haut-fond Shore E. Rive, plage, côte E. Littoral Shoto Jap A r chip, Archipel Si Chi W est Ouest Sidi A r. Tomb Tombe Sidristi Ser Anchor Mouillage Sierra Esp Range Chaîne de montagnes, massif Sighi, { Bank Banc Sik, Si Mag P la in Plaine Sima Jap. Island Ile Simo Jap. Under Sous Sin Jap. C ountr Pays Sinyi Rus. Grey Gris Siro Jap. W hite Blanc Sivo Jap. Stream Courant Siyah Pers B lack N oir Sjö Swe. Lake Lac Sjöcat Swe. Entrance Entrée Sjökani Swe. Coast Côte Sjöstra Swe, Strand Rivage Skaer Nor. R eef Récif Skag Swe. P rom ontory Promontoire Skala Rus. Rock Rocher, roc Skär Swe. R eef Ecueil Skärgar Swe. Cluster of Reefs Région à écueils littoraux Skaw Celt. P rom ontory Promontoire Skeless T u ri Landing Débarcadère Scot Isolated Rock Roche isolée Skjaer Nor Reef Récif Skjär N or Reef, breakers rocky bank Ecueil, récif brisant, banc de roche Skjárgaard No: Cluster of reefs Région à écueils littoraux Skog, Skov Sw< Forest, Wood Forêt, bois Skopélos Gr. Reef Ecueil Skraent Dai C liff Falaise Slätt Swi P la in Plaine Siette No] P la in Plaine Slieve Ir. M ount Montagne Sliianié Rus C onfh Confluent Slot Dat Castle Château Slott Sw< Castle Château Sluice E. Sluice Ecluse Sluis Hol Sluice Ecluse Sma Sw« S m all Petit Smaa Not Sm all Petit Small E. Petit Snee Not Snow Neige Sneg Rus Snow Neige Snejnyi Rus Covered with snow Neigeux, recouvert de neige Snô Sw« Snow Neige Snow E. Neige t oe u So Cor. W est MM So Nor. Lake, Sea Lac ’ So Lake, Sea Dan. Lac ’l Sobre Esp. On, upon Swe. South 如 Swe. Southern sud

Mai. R ive r Mer re Rus. S alt-w orks Saline Rv i Fr. Sum m it i Cor. Island lie Dan. Southern Méridional Nor. Southern Méridional Jap. Reef Récif Indoch. R ive r Fleuve An. R iv e r Fleuve, rivière Rus. Extinct Volcano Volcan éteint It. On, upon Sur It. Source Source (origine d’un cours d,eau、 Nor. Black N oir Sotto It. Under Sous Sou Turk. W ater, River, Brook Eau, rivière, ruisseau Souk A r. M arke t Marché Soumaa M in a re t Minaret Détroit Sour A r. B u lw a rk Rempart Source E., Fr. Sourk Pers. Red Rouge South E. South Sud Speat Scott. T orrent Torrent Spiaggia It. Beach Plage Spit E. Epi Spits Holl., Dan. P oin t Pointe Spitze A ll. P o in t Pointe Sponda It. Shore Rivage Spring E. Source Spur E. Contrefort Srir, Sghir A r. Small, little Petit , Stakkor Scott. Columnar Rock Roche en forme de colonne Stad Holl., Scand. T ow n,C ity V ille, cité Stadt A ll. Town V ille Stagno It. Pond Etang Stan Rus. Canton, camp Canton, camp Stanitsa Rus. Cossaks borough Bourg de cosaques Stanovitche Rus. H a rb o r Havre Stanovoï Rus. Ridge Dorsale Staritsa Rus. F o rm e r bed o f a riv e r w ith Ancien lit de rivière couvert d'eau stagnant zmter stagnante Stary, Star Rus.( Ser. O ld Ancien Staw Pol. Pond Etang Steen Holl., Nor. Stone Pierre Steenweg H oll. Causeway Chaussée Steig A ll. Path Sentier Stein A ll. Stone Pierre Sten Swe. Stone Pierre Ster Celt. R ive r Rivière Sted Nor. Place Lieu, localité Stoib Rus. Pillar, Post Pilier Stolitsa Rus. Capital Capitale Stone E. Pierre Stor Scand. Great, large Grand NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

l Stora • Great, large Grand Store NOí Great, large Grand Strada ^ Road, path Route, chemin Strait Détroit, chenal, pertuis,passage l.l Al E Strand i Rivage, plage, grève, côte, rive Strath sco P la in Plaine t tt. Stream x Cours d’eau, fleuve, courant Streite ^ Pass) Gullet Gorge, défilé Stretto í , S tra it l. Al Bras de mer, détroit étroit Strom Stream, River Cours d'eau, fleuve Strömung lHo Ni. Stream Courant

Stroom lpo Stream, River Fleuve Studnja ch W e ll Puits Jap .‘ Su Bank Banc Succa lAl H ill Colline

Südlich lAl Southern Méridional Suido Channel Chenal Ja Sul p Lake Lac Sul cor South Sud Suma por Forest, Wood Forêt, bois

S um pf sla Swamp, marsh Marécage Suna v Sand Sable All. Sund Scand. Sound Détroit, chenal, pertuis, passe Sungei Mai. R ive r Rivière Suo Jap. W hite Blanc Sur Esp. South Sud Sussû (De-Sussû) Rum. Upper,Higher Dessu, en dessus, d ,en haut, supérieur Suu Fin. Estuary Estuaire Svart Swe. Black N oir Sviatoi Rus. Saint Saint Svieti Ser. Saint Saint Swamp E. Marécage sssssssssssss yyyyyyyyy ddoooo 取 Nor., Dai South Sud Swe. Southern Méridional Jap. Small, little Petit Jap. Bank Banc m Cor. Island Ile rtot Jap. Archipelago Archipel Tart. Table-land, Height Plateau, hauteur TVtea Fr. S y rt z get Fin, Deep Fosse ig ^ Mag. Island He zzz iko ow Mag. Rock Rochi s Mag. Vineyard Vigne

Mag. Pass Col

TTTTTTTTTTaa gT a , b Chin., Jap. Large,great Grand Thai Landing pier Débarcadère a.a Dan” Nor. Tower Tour ä Je l E. Plateau aaaaabe A f d f Turk. Stone, Mountain Pierre, mont, montagne All., Holl. Table land Table Malg. Anchorage Mouillage 1* ia Jap. Bank Banc 1: ï Chin. Fortified locality Poste fortifié Jap. Large, great Grand Takaï Jap. H ig h Také, Dáké Jap. Peak, Sum m it Tal Hind. Lake Lac Tala, Dala Mong Désert Dése Ta-Le Thai Sea Mer Tarnak Tart. Gullet Gorg Tamgout Ber. Peak Pic Tan Jap. P oint Poin Tan Chin. Rapids Rapi Tanana Malg. Town Ville Tandjoung, Tanjong Mai. Cape, Prom ontory Cap, Tan Jona Malg. Cape Cap Tani Jap. Valley V a ll Tanna Mai. Country, Land Pays Tanya Hamlet,Farm Tao, Tan Chin. Island lie Taou Turk. Mount,Mountain Mont, montagne Taphos Gr. Tomb Tombeau Tapu Hind. Island Ile Tar Hind. Lake Lac Tare Nor. Flat submerged Rc ck Roche plate submergée Tarf A r f Cape Cap TargÚ Rum. Market, small tow n Marché, bourg Târgusorû Rum. S m all town Bourg Tarsana A r. D ockyards Arsenal Tavi Georg. Head Tête Tcha Kurde Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne T c h a ï Chin. Fortress Forteresse Tchaï Turk. R ive r Fleuve, rivière Tchaïr Turk. M eadow Prairie Tchang Chin. Mine, middle, long Mine, milieu, long Tchasovnia Rus. Chapel Chapelle Tchechmé Pers. Source, Fountain Source, fontaine Tehén Chin. Burgh, small Tow n Bourg, bourgade Tchéou Chin. Chxef-town of a D is tric t Chef-lieu de district Tchiftlik Turk, F arm Ferme Tching Chin. Tow n,W a ll Ville, mur Tchornyi Rus. Black N oir Tchouen Chin. Stream Conrs d’eau Téhama A r. Flat country Terrain plat Teich A ll. Pond Etang Tekong Sumatra Reef Récif Telia, pl. Tell A r. H ill Colline Télouk, Telok Mai. G u lf Golfe Templom Mag. Church Eglise Ten Ind. South Sud Teng Pers. Narrow Pass Col étroit Ténia, Théniya, Téniet A r. Pass,path Col, sentier Tépé Turk. Hill, Summit, Kno Il Colline, sommety tumulus Tépi Mai. Coast Côte Tera JaP- Temple Temple Terra It. Land Terre Tertre Fr. K n o ll Testa It. Head Tête Thai Thai Sea Mer Thal A ll. Valley Vallée Thaïe Thai Lake Lac Than An. Fortress Forteresse Thermes Fr. Hot springs Thi-Thort Thai Anchorage Mouillage NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Thit-Nua Thai N o rth Nord Thit-Tai Thai South Sud Thit-Taiyanok Thai East Est Thit-Taiwanoktok Thai W est Ouest Thon H a m le t Hame; Thor A ll. Gate Porte Thurm A ll. Tow er Tour Tiefe A ll. Deep Abîme Tierra Land Terre ik h io n W a ll M ur mor East Est nd Summit, Peak Somm< T i Town, Promontory Ville, T i East Est T i Island Ile T i TO Pass Col TO Cor. P rovince Provin TO Jap. East Est TO Mag. Lake Lac TOh Jap. T ow er Tour Cor., Jap. Island Ile TO Chin. Bay Baie TO Lighthouse Phare TO Jap. TO Malg. Port, Anchorage Port,: TO J a p . , Pass Col TO Borneo Island Ile TO An. R iv e r Fleuve TO Chin., Cor. East, Copper Est, cuivre TO Thai M ountain Montagne TO TO Nor. Rocks above water Roches au-dessus de l'eau TO H oll. Tow er Tour TO ore A ll. T u rf-p it Tourbière TO Rus., Swe. Market place Marché TOh Swe. T ow er Tour

Ti Fin. Tozver Tour TO Swe. V illage Village TO TO Fr. TO Esp., It., Port. Tow er Tour TO Fr. T orren t TO It. T orren t Torrent TO Esp. Large Tozver Grosse Tour TO Country o Chin. Pays TO M ountain p Kirghiz Montagne TO Long TO Ar. Long TO Celt. Deep Fosse TO An. Large,great Grand TO Chin. East Est TOh Fr. T ozver Ar. Sluice Ecluse Fr. Small Tower Turk. S alt-w orks Saline Tour, citadelle Ville Esp. Summit with cairn, height Címe portant un cairn ; hauteur, éminence Tra I t. Between Entre Traghetto F e rry Bac rt. Traigh-Ayre, Trai î lt Beach Plage Träsk ce nd. Szvampy lake, marsh Lac marécageux, marais sc Tref wan Tow n V ille dsh Treibeis lAl . Floating ice Glace flottante Trez, Treaz Sand Sable Tsagan cel W hite Blanc t Tsen Town V ille Tserkov MO Orthodox Church Eglise orthodoxe Tsi chil Land Terre Tskhali R iver Rivière Tsou, Kou Harbour, Port Havre, port Ja Tsu p. P o rt Port Tsui Géo Cape Cap Tueed M eander Méandre Tumulus J a p. T tim ulus Tung East Est Ja Turnû p. Tower, Dungeon Tour, donjon Tweed chi Méandre

^s l o uuuuuuuuuuuuuud l ^ d a, di su墙 a , R ive r Riviere r bdd Upper, above Dessus de. 2 Cape Cap , f u j Cape, Peak Cap, Pic er n g feg Rive, rivage jam ^ Shore nin D is tric t District nden pp ^ G u lf Golfe te l tie Under Sous Under Sous op pea t lMa . Shoal Haut-fond Sur rs st lAl . R ive r Rivière Creek, Beach, Bank, Shore Anse, plage, rivage lpo . M ou th Embouchure

Jap . E yaaaaaw t art ll Ho Canal Canal a a vvyyvyvyyyyyyvyya ^ r V aar Al ï. , ge ul F a irw a y Chenal r ll Ho Gué l Al l l . F ord Gué do F ord l e y n u a d d s d r d ua ey n ff erà ftl W h a rf Quai Nr 0 aaaaacô a  . Bay Baie Nr 0 Coast Côte l . Dn a Vale . Valley Vallée lea F. r l Coast Côte L It. V alley Vallée swe .l V alley lie Vallée llea c ô a F. r Vale E Bay Baie llon Y F. r Water, Lake Eau, lac - Baie a J ap Bay yyyyyy . ndr r Land Terre noF 狂 V illage Village a Fortress, Fort Forteresse, fo rt E Fi 〔 ii aa Enceinte fortifiée

份S GN. il W h a rf Quai 【 a v lll Tow n V ille 【 a . Market, Fair Marché, foire West Ouest ar«* 11


Vatn N( Lake Lac Ma Vato, Yatobe sw Rocky Stone Roche, Pierre Ma Vatten Fin /e. Water, Lake Eau, lac Vavo I t. Mouth, Estuary Embouchure Väylä HO l lg Channel Chenal NO Vecchio HO O ld Ancien RUő . Veen T u rf-p it Tourbière ES M Vei RU& Road Route Veld F ield Champ RU Yelikiï RU rw . Large,great RU Grand po Venn, Guenn Fin W hite Blanc Yentisquero s. Glacier Névé, Glacier Da Ver china NOl lt. Sum m it Sommet, címe ci l Verde HOl Green Vert Yêrfû Sum m it Címe, sommet a s. Yerkhniï p- High, Higher Haut, supérieur bAl Yerkhovié m . Source, up-stream Source (d’un cours d,eau),amont Vermelho í s. Red Rouge Vési ^ s. Water, Lake Eau, lac r t Vest ESP . Ni West Ouest Vesten á l . West Ouest Vester E. n. West Ouest Fr Vesting . Fortress Forteresse w r . Yestra /e. Western Occidental NO u V estre Ar N 彳 Western Occidental ESP Via 见 Stream Cours d ,ea u It. Vieil, Vieille 如 O ld n . Vieux L O ld ES Viejo sla O ld Ancien Vig á G u lf, Bay Golfe, baie Vigia Ma Vigie RU p. Vigie HO Vigia, Look-out HO r . Vik RU she æ. G u lf, Bay Golfe, baie Vika Bay NO r” . Baie Ma Vilayet Ma^ D is tric t District Villa p.• Burgh, small Town Bourg, bourgade lAl Yillaggio A Village Village Vin Ma G u lf Golfe RUá iv. Vina Vineyard Vigne Yisni RUá vÿ . Upper, higher Supérieur

Visoki Gr. H ig h t Haut Viz s.n W ater Eau Vkhod Entrance Entrée l l Ylakte . P la in Plaine Ylek s. B u rg h ,sm all Town Bourg, bourgade Vo da et W ater Eau Voe r也 . Long narrow Bay Baie longue et étroite Voerk W o rk % Ouvrage Vohitra •. M ountain Montagne Volgy Valley Vallée Vorgebirge Prom ontory Promontoire Vorhafen Ig. Outer harbour Avant-port Vörös Red Rouge s. Vorota Gate Porte Vorrhâs N o rth Nord Yostok East Est Younos H ill Colline Yrakhos P rom ontory Promontoire Vrch SI Sum m it Sommet, címe Vung Indoch. Bay Baie Va ysélok dr H am let Hameau


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww1 w w als n ed R ive r Rivière Sun R iver Fleuve as A ll. Forest Forêt as Chii Bay Baie

a t Cini P o rt Port a te A ll. W ater Eau

a te A ll. W a te rfa ll Chute Tha Temple, Monastery Tempi at e E” Eau a y II E. Chute e d h A i h egh Hoi Canal, Waterway Canal lel E. Chemi

els w Ar. R ive r All.: W ay Chemin, route lel er err A ll. Pond, fish-pond Etang, vivier

el r A ll. H a m le t Hameau rfw A ll. W hite Blanc tes E. Well, Source Puits, source

h a Cinj Coast, Shore Côte, Rivage h i t All., West Ouest h ich er A ll. Western Occidental ers E. Quai ick l E. Blanc da le k lic E. Village Gael Open Bay Baie foraine ß s lle rfß A ll. Cove Anse Pol. Large, great Grand rle Pol. Peak Pic les All. M eadow Prairie Lake lla Cing Lac T orrent Torrent sce A ll. lld.ts H o i: W hite Blanc Wei Country Contrée,pays baa Iad Pol. W ater Eau np- A ll. Inhabited place Groupe d’habitations o d ö o h E. Bois o o í o r k E. Ouvrage e rcl e E. Epave A ll. Desert Désert ut s All. Desert (subst.) Désert (subst.) A ll. Cove Anse y k y s 3 a Pol. Island Ile

Yaké-Yama Volcano Volcan Yakornoe Mesio Rus, Anchorage Mouillage Yama Jap. Mount, Mountain Mont, montagne Yang Chir Blue Bleu Yar Tur: B lu f f , C lif f ,H ill Promontoire, Falaise, Colline Ydre, Yttre Dan O uter Extérieur Yellow E. Y ellow Jaune Yeni Turl N ew Nouveau Yermo Esp. Moor, Heath Lande Ynis Celt Island Ile NAMES LANGUAGE ENGLISH FRENCH

Yo Cor. Island lie Yol Turk. Channel, Rc iád Chenal, Route Yort Chin., Thai Peak Pic Yuen Chin. Country Pays Yug Rus. South Sud

Zab, pl. Ziban A r. Oasis, Foun\tain Oasis, Fontaine Zahn A ll. Spur Dent Zaki Jap. Cape Cap Zaliv Rus. G u lf, Bay Golfe, baie Zaljev Ser. G u lf Golfe Zamok Rus. Castle Château Zand H oll. Sand Sable Zapad Rus., W est Ouest Zatoka Rus” Bay Baie Zatoń, Zatok Ser. G u lf Golfe Zavod Rus. Manufactory Usine Zee H oll. Sea Mer Zeegat H oll. Passage Passage Zeleno Ser. Green V ert Zelionyi Rus. Green Vert Zémin Pers. Land Terre Zemlia Rus., Land Terre, Contrée Zerb A r. Hedge Haie Zima Jap. Island Ile Z o lty Pol. Y ellow Jaune Zuid H oll. South Sud Zuider H oll. Southern Méridional Zunge A ll Tongue Langue Zusammenfluss A ll. Confluence Confluent Z wart H oll. Black N oir

Scand Island lie Öar Swe. Islands lies öckei Swe. Desert Dé&ei Öe Nor. Island lie Öer Nor. Islands lies Öfre Swe. Upper, er Amoi Öfvei Swe. On Sur Öhav Nor. A r chipe Archi Ör Swe. Island Ile Öst Nor., East Est öster Swe. East Est östlic A ll. Eastern Őrien Östre Nor., Eastern Őrien ö y ,I Nor. Island Ile

0 Dan. Ile 0 s t , ( Dan. East, Eastei•n Est, Oriental

Nor. R ive r Rivière Swe. M oraine (S cand) Moraine spéciale à la Scandinavie