Flowering Plant Systematics

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Flowering Plant Systematics Angiosperm Phylogeny Flowering Plant Systematics woody; vessels lacking dioecious; flw T5–8, A∞, G5–8, 1 ovule/carpel, embryo sac 9-nucleate 1 species, New Caledonia 1/1/1 Amborellaceae AMBORELLALES G A aquatic, herbaceous; cambium absent; aerenchyma; flw T4–12, A1–∞, embryo sac 4-nucleate seeds operculate with perisperm but endosperm reduced or small R mucilage; alkaloids (no benzylisoquinolines) 3/6/74 YMPHAEALES Cabombaceae Hydatellaceae Nymphaeaceae A N N woody, vessels solitary D flw T>10, A , G ca.9, embryo sac 4-nucleate ∞ Austrobaileyaceae Schisandraceae (incl. Illiciaceae) Trimeniaceae tiglic acid, aromatic terpenoids 3/5/100 E AUSTROBAILEYALES A lvs opposite, interpetiolar stipules flw small T0–3, A1–5, G1, 1 apical ovule/carpel A 1/4/75 Chloranthaceae E nodes swollen CHLORANTHALES N woody; foliar sclereids A K and C distinct G aromatic terpenoids 2/10/125 CANELLALES Canellaceae Winteraceae R idioblasts spherical in I nodes trilacunar ± herbaceous; lvs two-ranked, leaf base sheathing single adaxial prophyll L Aristolochiaceae (incl. Hydnoraceae) Piperaceae Saururaceae O nodes swollen 4/17/4170 IPERALES P Y sesquiterpenes S woody; lvs opposite flw with hypanthium, staminodes frequent Calycanthaceae Hernandiaceae Monimiaceae tension wood + wood tension (pellucid dots) (pellucid ethereal oils ethereal P anthers often valvate; carpels with 1 ovule; embryo large 7/91/2858 AURALES Gomortegaceae Lauraceae Siparunaceae L E MAGNOLIIDS woody; pith septate; lvs two-ranked ovules with obturator Annonaceae Eupomatiaceae Magnoliaceae endosperm ruminate R features as in 6/128/3140 MAGNOLIALES Degeneriaceae Himantandraceae Myristicaceae “Early Angiosperms” infl spadix with spathe; lvs axils with mucilaginous intravaginal squamules M ovules atropous, seeds with epidermal perisperm and copious endosperm ethereal oils 1/1/2-4 Acoraceae S ACORALES mostly herbs and aquatics; rhizomatous; hydrophilous; intravaginal squamules woody infl ± scapose; flw G apocarpous; placentation often laminar Alismataceae Butomaceae Posidoniaceae Scheuchzeriaceae vessels absent endosperm helobial; embryo large/green Aponogetonaceae Hydrocharitaceae Potamogetonaceae Tofieldiaceae 14/166/4660 ALISMATALES eustele Araceae Juncaginaceae Ruppiaceae Zosteraceae sieve tube plastids twining vines (often); lvs often reticulate endosperm triploid endosperm embryo sac 8-nucleate sac embryo with starch grains alkaloids benzylisoquinoline ovary often inferior, style short, branched steroidal sapogenins/alkaloids 5/21/1050 lvs simple, persistent, entire DIOSCOREALES Burmanniaceae Dioscoreaceae Nartheciaceae Taccaceae Thismiaceae flw strobilar, perfect, parts free MONOCOTS Ca oxalate P parts varying, often in threes, raphides some woody (with terminally tufted lvs) scattered bundles in stem weakly differentiated infl sometimes with spathe + spadix 5/36/1345 no secondary thickening endosperm Cyclanthaceae Pandanaceae Triuridaceae Velloziaceae anthers tetrasporangiate nuclear PANDANALES mostly herbaceous stamen with broad filaments helobial often geophytes (bulbs, tubers, rhizomes); leaf bases often not sheathing pollen monosulcate pollen monosulcate flw T sometimes spotted, nectaries on T, anthers extrorse sieve tube plastids with seeds many Alstroemeriaceae Corsiaceae Melanthiaceae Philesiaceae G apocarpous (style short in most) protein crystals phytomelan lacking; fructans in stems, chelidonic acid 10/67/1558 ILIALES compitum (if present) extragynoecial L Colchicaceae Liliaceae Petermanniaceae Smilacaceae sympodial branching nectaries absent stem with ring of bundles lvs parallel-veined, entire siphonogamy fr follicle no glandular teeth 1/2/3 double fertilization > endosperm East Asia Petrosaviaceae flw pentacyclic PETROSAVIALES embryo very small P 3-merous, A opp. P often geophytes Amaryllidaceae (incl. Agapanthaceae, Alliaceae) Hypoxidaceae Iridaceae filaments narrow fr capsule or berry anthers broadly attached seed coat obliterated or with phytomelan Asparagaceae (incl. Agavaceae, Hyacinthaceae, Ruscaceae) Lanariaceae Orchidaceae 14/1122/36205 ASPARAGALES septal nectary woody, often monopodial Tecophilaeaceae Asphodelaceae (incl. Xanthorrhoeaceae, Hemerocallidaceae) single cotyledon lvs often palmately or pinnately pseudocompound, reduplicate-plicate extrafloral nectaries extrafloral radicle not persistent intense primary growth, large apical meristem, infl often with spathe 1/188/2585 Arecaceae Dasypogonaceae stem-borne roots numerous alkaloids ARECALES mostly herbaceous; lvs grassy; epidermis siliceous mycorrhiza – (in most) Bromeliaceae Eriocaulaceae Poaceae Restionaceae Xyridaceae flw often anemophilous, minute, chaffy, without nectaries 15/997/18875 (incl. Sparganiaceae) POALES Cyperaceae Juncaceae Rapateaceae Typhaceae flw monosymmetric or not, few fertile stamens infl thyrsus of scorpioid cymes Commelinaceae Haemodoraceae Hanguanaceae COMMELINIDS phenylphenalenones 5/68/812 COMMELINALES Philydraceae Pontederiaceae UV-fluorescing cell walls rhizomatous, large-leafed herbs; pseudostem common (ferulic/coumaric acids) flw irregular/monosymmetric, septal nectaries silicic acid in leaves A often strongly modified/reduced, G inferior; seeds often arillate Cannaceae Heliconiaceae Marantaceae Strelitziaceae cuticular waxes often in rodlets silicic acid 8/92/~2500 INGIBERALES aggregated into scallops Z Costaceae Lowiaceae Musaceae Zingiberaceae aquatic; herbaceous; monoecious lvs whorled, no pellucid dots; vessels lacking flw T0 or 9–10*, A1, G1, 1 apical ovule/carpel 1/1/6 Ceratophyllaceae pollen inaperturate, pollen tube branched, hydrophilous CERATOPHYLLALES lvs often divided flw parts whorled, P single or multiple whorls Berberidaceae Eupteleaceae Menispermaceae G apocarpous/paracarpous, superior Ranunculaceae ethereal berberines 7/199/4510 RANUNCULALES Circaeasteraceae Lardizabalaceae Papaveraceae oils mostly woody not in flw T often 4-merous Nelumbonaceae Platanaceae Proteaceae Sabiaceae idioblasts A epitepalous, connectives sometimes with apical appendage 4/85/1750 PROTEALES woody; vessels lacking flw T missing, ∞A , G>5 laterally connate with abaxial nectaries 1/2/2 Trochodendraceae recepta- fr aggregate of follicles TROCHODENDRALES cular E nectary mostly woody; lvs evergreen, stomata cyclocytic mostly monoecious, flw unisexual, T ± uniform or missing common 1/7/120 Buxaceae (incl. Haptanthaceae) U pregnane pseudoalkaloids BUXALES D lvs toothed, sec. veins palmate I dioecious, flw unisexual, T small to lacking 2/2/50 UNNERALES Gunneraceae Myrothamnaceae C ellagic acid G O absent mostly woody; lvs if veins strong, proceed to apex of teeth flw mostly K5, persisting, mostly ∞A , G mostly slightly connate Dilleniaceae T seeds often with aril; fr usually follicles 1/10/300 DILLENIALES S lvs with glandular teeth; often hypanthium, apically unfused carpels, stigma decurrent Altingiaceae Cynomoriaceae Haloragaceae Peridiscaceae fr mostly dry, dehiscent pollen tricolpate myricetin, flavonols Cercidiphyllaceae Daphniphyllaceae Hamamelidaceae Paeoniaceae protandry common 15/112/2500 SAXIFRAGALES flw K/C/P opp A Crassulaceae Grossulariaceae Iteaceae Saxifragaceae filaments rather narrow often tendrillar vines; lvs often divided and with glandular teeth nodes 3:3 A epipetalous, 2 ovules per carpel; raphides, pearl glands benzylisoquinolines berries stomata anomocytic 1/14/850 ITALES Vitaceae microsporogenesis V simultaneous cork origin deep-seated endosperm lacking resinous, lignans/neolignans, harman alkaloids Krameriaceae Zygophyllaceae 2/24/345 ZYGOPHYLLALES lvs often compound, pulvini (sleep movement) stipules flw A5 or multiple, branched style common Brunelliaceae Connaraceae Elaeocarpaceae mucilage cells Oxalidaceae oxalates 7/60/1845 OXALIDALES Cephalotaceae Cunoniaceae Huaceae gallic acids gallic S and infl cymose, flw small G often 3-merous, nectary often intrastaminal disk U COM clade seeds often arillate (red-orange) or winged Celastraceae (incl. Hippocrateaceae, Brexiaceae, Parnassiaceae) Lepidobotryaceae P 2/94/1355 ELASTRALES C ellagic ellagic E habits and habitats extremely diverse Achariaceae Euphorbiaceae Rafflesiaceae Ochnaceae Podostemaceae R F lvs margins toothed Chrysobalanaceae Hypericaceae Passifloraceae Rhizophoraceae flw G often tricarpellate C E R A 36/716/16065 MALPIGHIALES Clusiaceae Linaceae Phyllanthaceae Salicaceae U O B flwoften “papilionaceous”: wing, standard, keel, C clawed, G1 (most), A10 (most) Erythroxylaceae Malpighiaceae Picrodendraceae Violaceae O fr pod D S R I symbiosis with root nodule bacteria R 4/754/20140 I I O D diverse alkaloids, NP amino acids, lectins (in Fabaceae) FABALES Fabaceae Polygalaceae Quillajaceae Surianaceae E S lvs mostly simple with stipules C D S flw K valvate (and hypanthium) persisting Barbeyaceae Elaeagnaceae Rosaceae O S I carpels with 1 ovule, stigma dry Cannabaceae Moraceae Ulmaceae D N fix dihydroflavonols 9/261/7725 OSALES T R Dirachmaceae Rhamnaceae Urticaceae (incl. Cecropiaceae) S embryo large lvs mostly alternate S endosperm scanty flw often unisexual, G mostly inferior parietal placentation Apodanthaceae Begoniaceae Corynocarpaceae Datiscaceae cucurbitacins 7/109/2935 CUCURBITALES Anisophyllaceae Coriariaceae Cucurbitaceae Tetramelaceae mostly trees; lvs mostly undivided; flw small, unisexual anemophilous, thus T reduced or lacking, G mostly inferior Betulaceae Fagaceae Myricaceae infl spikes or catkins; fr 1-seeded, mostly nuts Ticodendraceae ectomycorrhiza; tannins, dihydroflavonols 7/33/1005 FAGALES Casuarinaceae Juglandaceae Nothofagaceae stems sometimes jointed at nodes; lvs with glandular
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