, Oticago, m. Week Eliding October 28, 1933 (acoPlJ Vol. Ill. - No. 1. • o

.. 100lI0 _

S tories A hout Olsen and Johnson Gene Arnold .I :Ai!:.') " ,,> 1\_';::: 1--___ phil Regan ',,, .", -...... --- Alexander Woollcott and

John L. Fogarty 01 c 1 and Johnson Q/

Your Problems Solved By The Voice of Experience

The True Story of FRED WARING'S Romance by Mathilda Breckenl'idBe CUPID Victorious

The Penn~ylvanians, E'/l­ a most devoted daughter. IYIl would be unanimOlBl:.' r' • But then she began to get elected the best cook Fred WaPin~ I'l71ds T~o TCst!CSS. She didn't know they've ever knolVn. Among just why, but she did know The Pcnnsylvnnians, you L ive M OI'e lhat somehow everything do 110t hear the boys talk­ Can Really diJn't seem ex:!ct!y right. ing about the (ake that She galle nervous littie mother used to make. They Cheaply man Just One S!:uts when the telephone talk. about the pies that btll rang. Now let us skip EvaJ)'11 uscd to bake. ;1(ross the continent to Apparently it is true, Tyrone, POl., town of Fred that old axiom the course By Mathilda Breckenridge Waring and The Pennsyl­ of true love never funning vanians. smoothly. At any rate, it Fred and the band ceThinly proved true in the else of fred :lIld EV:llyn. played an eng;\gement Ihere, and you can imagine the For ! So Ihose calls became nightly YOI.l see, El'al}"n has been with ;J.1T~irs 2nd each night they lasted Waring's orchcstr~ for the past four years-since fhe [valyn married a saxophone player in the band. Ilowever, longer. Pennsylvanians opened \\ith ··llello Youself" ill Baltimore they soon agreed to disagree, and after another year, they You can figure Ollt for your~e!f thilt even between in 1929. And frOIn that time to this, the chlrming lit:!e were dil'orced. I Ie is no longer with Ihe band. And a little such distnnt points ~s Pennsylvania ~nd C.1lifornia, an :JlBOO d:lIlseuse has appeared in every stJge engagement of the while :lftcr that, Fred was dil'orced from Dorothy McAteer telephone bill i$ a pretty size;lble telephone bill, and that'li orchestra except the one Fred and his boys are playing in Pittsburgh. what rred's bill moun led to. this weck in the Theater. This is the first time she Now you would suppose that by th,lt lime, those twn So one night, over the phone, he popped the .question. has ever sat down X1 front and watched Fred from the youngsters would have realized that they'd been just nude Maybe somcd~y, if he ever gttS around to it, he c~n win other side of the footlights. for one another wouldn't YOIl? BlIt did they? They did not. a dollar in one of the~ (Onte~ts newspapers run some­ rhe romance 01 Fred and EI'~lyn is one of the Mo\t emphatically not. times on ··llow I Proposed." I am sure his method W:.lS prettiest of radio's love stories. There i;plained, 'Td always been on the honor. Of (Our'\(!, the first few days \\ilh htr d .. d and her stage, and really I jU~1 ne\er thought of doing ~nything And a6 lo~g as-\\e·re on that ~ub.iect, I might as wt'll mOl her \leTe lovely. and the hours "pel! hy. for ~he hadn·t else. Bl.lt I never re;llly liked it. And now all I \\" .. nt tell you that If a \·ote ..... ere \Jlien a~~Jl; the members of z<.'Cn her pMentS f~ a ~ o.!:g, Ibng.till~c, ant.! ~he \\-a~ always to do is just be a wife to fred. ~ 2 [lAVE met Oley Olsen's brother. Next I am g01l18 to meet Gracie Allen's brother. And then I :1.111 going to ~ write a pa(J'Cf for the In!~r- COhose Two New Comics national Brotherhood of Radio Engineers 00 Brothers [ /lave Met. Already I have gathered data that is of little app:uent value. Oley Olsen's Monroe and Stale streets. not to trust anybody with brother is named Oley Olsen. If I find later on thaI Chick played four or fi\'e num­ their money; (b) gave them Gracie Allen's brother is named Gracie Allen, I think that bers and right then and there, Olsen and Johnson, their first real experience out· will be as important as breaking an atom. Personally I was hatched the teJm of Obca side the routine of their act; and Johnson, of which you have and (c) enriched the gentle­ could neyer SCf: much sense in breaking an atom anyhow, Vetemns if {he Sta!3e, They are such liny things, they cannot put up much of been hearing very favorably man they had engaged to take ever since. It Wl.S as simple as care of the show's financial af­ a fight. But to get back to the maHer of Oley Olsen's brother. that. Brin!3 .Wit to {he Air fairs to no inconsiderable ex· I hld a dale with Dley Olsen in the Sherman Ilotel in Their first eng:lgement of tent. Chic.1go, and I arrived better [:lIe than never. At least, any note was siIC weeks with The arrangement was a Balaban and Katz, playing the simple one. Olsen and John­ smaller theaters of that circuit. By Lewis Y. H agy son were to watch out for Agents were not very en­ things backstage, and this other couraging in their estimates of gentleman was to lI'atch the budding young team. out for things in front of the house. Now there is posi­ "You boys," they said, "you boys are okay for cafes, tively 110 mOlley coming into a the

PHIL REGAN ••. that hand~om .. young man, ... 6 !!EY lold him he'd hlve the Chicago Musical College to to 'conform' if he wa~ study voke. lie wall a diamond going to be a big-time medal for his singing the very first radio announcer. lIe'd year. There also. his teacher, Ver_ $ have to pep up his CJ3e YOURSELF 00[1 d'Arnalle, told him that his patter. speed up his spiel, electrify voice had a sympJthetic quality. It hi'! .king Some dra.tic action for her olVn sake as well as the N~w that )''''' have the baekgr~und, here i. my problcm, ask you for a date and that you will ~!ccept? And that "rI'., Is th.. e anylhing Ihat ,an b~ done with this Iype of man t .e~m to have fallen :n love with o~e of my instrudors. He has front this initial meeting a series of plc:lsant friendships A SISTER ... shown me unusual atlebtion, and I bolic"~ would return my aflee­ 'Will del/elop? ANSWER: First let me congratulate you upon lion. Marriage, howeve., i. out of the quo,tjon for ",e. Shnuld I chang~ to anothu sohoo' ,,·hcr. I wuldn't , ...ur. I am sulliciently interested in ~ll you folks that I have having refused to interfere in the marital problems of lu~h a goud oours •• or should I iu.t ""oid him! I am miserable. tried to help' to be desirous of hearing later Oll how things your brother and sister. That is a wise attitude that few Thjs ha, wrecked my pt.n, and made m. I~ndy .... h.re b.fOfC I turn out, and so I will be glad to hear from you again, in-laws are willing to assume. But now that your sister ..... content. Ptc~sc an.wer me through RADIO GUIDE. If you have any has come to you for adl/ice, she has opened the way for pampht.t. which would be "I help, plu," mail them in the u­ Your Friend and Adviser, you to off~r free counsel without that advice being con­ closed cnvelop" wh,cb ~ addres.ed to a fri.nd of mine. ~trued as interference. ROSALIE. ~T1-JE ,"OICE OF EXPERIENCE" In the first place, your sisler informed you before her. ~NSWER: In all kindne~s to ~'ou, let me say that (Coj>)I'ij;tot 1933 b.l' Radjo Gu~" }n<.) 8 LICE passed , things-"when his ey e Whoozi5 after chanced to fall on the other Whoozis wl!o Alice, as she stood walchinS paid her nn In them, and hi: checked him_ eouraging side to shoes! Of course she, hO.l"ing no teapot with her, as tbat tbe ollly paltern j,,/o seeing a lone book. It madc her feel somewhat previously disclosed, aho had no cup; and the laces of THE AUTHOR (9 wbicb this story cOllld be homesick, as if she were indeed wandering in a her shoes were tied tightly in a double knot. so even strange, strange realm; something, she supposed. as the if she had trembled at the bluster of the Whoozis_ fitted. was that 0/ LewiI Carroll's immortal ALICE IN WONDERLAND. ALlCE IN RADIOLAND is tbe other Alice must hal'e felt when she found herself falling whkh she did not because she happened to have been through the rabbit·hole and began worrying about coming rmllt. Tbe editors 0/ lunlo GUWE leel tbat, by giving born '!L"ilbollt a bump of veneration and v;itb a strong out among people who walked with their head$ d01l:IItI.·ard$ their rcadefJ Ibis peek bebilld the stelleS illfo tbose dark aversion to salaaming - the best he could han! hoped to -the Antipathies, she caUed them to herself. comers 01 Radiolmld u;/Jere kiloc,cle dramos Ofe born. shake loose, with feminine apparel as scanty and form­ But thcre was little time for such reflections. tbey may COl/tribllte tou!lIrd lbe eVeIIlt/lIl imprOVClllel/t fitting as it is, was a bobby pin from her short locks. '·Your claims are preposterous:' the Whoozis with the t/Jat IIIlpor/mlt brallcb fadio ellter/aiunreut. Not that his bluster left her unruffled. But her 01 vI Sf" Theater programs informed the other two, "utterly and cOl/filHles ber Iwrralivc Ibis week. control just happened to be unusually good at th"t time. absolutely preposterous!" Undoubtedly, he was Ihe most 'There's nothing I want more than to bre"k into elegant of all the extraordinary beillgs Alice had seen so far. RADIO," she told him e~rnl'stly-and he promptly it a bit oul of the ordinary-and that its participants looked And the mosl composed. Though probably no older in l;)(ll\ed as if he smelled victory. '·But," she continued for all the wurld like the squabbling Wonderland gardeners. years than his prissy ad\"ers~ry, he had a man-of·the­ firmly. "if I put all that effort into rewriting six scripts Five, Seven and Two, flourishing their paint brushes. world Ish look about him that made him seem distinc.t!y headed for the ash can, I couldn't break into a sanitarium While these poor creatures-the other Alice had to morc mature. "As far as capabilities are concerned,'· he -I·d land there feet first!·' hide them in a flower pot to save them from execution­ continued-and Alice had to 3dmire his assurance, it was so The Whoozis snorted. And he seemed about to were hurriedly painting the white roses in the garden on complete, "M, superiority is unass;Jilable!·' explode as she marched off coolly with her backgrOWrld. the Queen's croquet ground REO, to cOl"er their mistake I-lis progralTIs had a nostalgic effect on her too. but Iler cncountrr with this choleric old somebody lent in planting before she arrived, they splashed one another they contributed as well to the encounlgement she derived no :!>peciJI encouragement to her project, but even his copiously with paint. And as the modern Alice soon real­ from the presence of the book. As far back as she could preposterous demand could not complct~ly discourage her. ized, the cutting words flying back and forth between the remcmb~r, merely thinking about any ph);e of TI IE Despite Ihe none too flattering mOlive for her pilgrimage, Whoozes might as well have been paint from their un­ TIIEATER had thrilled her. And it was not at all un­ she could not help thinking that, by some quirk of Fate, pleasant effect! likely, she thought with great ebtion, that these progranu she had stumbled on Whoozes who were the exceptions One of the Wonderland gardeners, Sel'en, filing down were harbingers of goad luck to hcr- that finally she was ratliN than the gener.:t.l pun·eyors of !{ADIO rouline; the his brush, and had just begun, '·Well, of all the unjust on the brink of her first real opportunity to II'rile RADIO ·conditions they set forth were too exaggerated, Dramas! too unreasonable to be the Fl10DUS OPERANDI Of course the nature of this three cornered of an entire industry with such far·reaching en· argument did cause her to regard even such an tertainment possibilities. She still believed there opportunity with less zest than ordinarily. The was a WhOOlis who would provide not only an Wonderful Duchess, she recollected, had a moral opportunity for her to create RADIO Dramas that could be suitably applied to it. and an asylum where these mental offspring "Birds of a feather flock together." said this would hal·e at least 'a Chinaman·s ch;lIlce· for rOYil! termagant, speaking of flamingoes and sun·ival in their original form. but would al>o mustlrd and their tendency 10 bite. agree to a plan of remuneration by which S;'1e "Only mustard iSIl't a bird;' the other Alice would not be forced to J.SSUl1le all risks. So she remarked. "ll"s a mineral. I think." . again set out hopefully. "Of course it is;' agreed the Duchess, "there', She was looking intently from one scurrying a large mineral mine near here. And the mOfa! Whoozis to another, wondering which to approach of that is, 'The more there is of FIt INE, the less next. when she heard the words ·RADIO Dramal there is of yours'." Which evidently is what WlS loudly spoken somewhere near her-not only once in the minds of the Whoozes concerning statu, but several times-and shortly learned their SOllrce. and ability. "Yollr superiority?'· the Illiddle-aged Whoolis LMOST in the middle of the thorollghfare, fltmg at the elegant one, with incrcasing agitation. not over twenty feet ahead of her, three "Of all the insolence-" he had to stop and

Edward Davies 3:30 P.M Talkie Picture ~ 30 P." _ Sunday, Oct. 22 Features: "" '" 9 :00 A./U. WC FL--orrh.·tra WEHR- Dn ..l.n r:n",n.t,tt WAAF-n,~ S)'mphonic Ilour WENR--Gr."J 1/<0101; WE NR-Sc:mhl.nd 5kdcllu (NBCI WJ J D-_Grepk II",,, wtFL_:,,,.tnarrl Saho. Ot ,. ,I KYW-Dr. Curti., ~1'''n~c. WCF L-VHi.ly I 'ro~.~rn 5:011 I' .M. WEMR--('arlt» ~]"lina', O.d".t,a 9:30 A.M . KVW-T"'ili,hl Mu.;cal. WGN-Jan Garbor', Ot<'h"lra WAA F-Rih Mutt.y·, Fri.nd,hip Oub WAAF-Th. Tl"•• · Fl.!< 9:00 P.M. WBBM--~'u,i<.1 Gp",. WBBM -s..n~' 'I." 'I"ther 1',~,1 10 Si"~ KVW-Th~ Glob. 1 , .."., '1~'\'f WCFL-llighlighu 01 Mu.i. ,,~ ~[ ... ",I;r. WG N-Tony Won!. nurator ; Kunan . nd bOllor tbe NBC-KrW bondsman. w e fL- i'rin "-"chh. h."I.,n. W8Bv.-Vinnnl L"~.' Ore!. .. I •• Phillip •. pi~no ttam (CBS) at tht refract Gordol 01 the WIN D-Iud,.. ,,> "lrinrr T.,,, weFl- AI 1I ,0dl• • ', O. ch.,lra WI ND- Ted l~"'l" O•• h(,lr. ,\lorrllml I/otel. Cb/.;aRo. elll- 5:30 )',1\ 1. WENR -E13nt S."ic~" Th~ Rn. C. ,>t88f,'-Sm;: n' Ed ~lcConnI3C) KVW-n,9 Old """' he,.,, WAA F- Ihlbd 110\\. WGE5-G.. man ~Hod;t~' WBB M-"f\," ~I.r \!d'Mh'," O"i Garbo., J ... h~m. INBC ) WI ND_By,nn ~"'~; ,I,i"'( trio WC FL-i),"PY Johnson'. t)cd",I,a wCES-n.,rlio H""i~w WAAF-Thc ~poUi~ht WH D-F.. 01 O,'ck, o,~ani'l WGN-T,.morrow·. No'" WG H- I_~\\- .. Whit ..... Ioj,!; Alb .. Grn l , WBB M-Abe L)·Dlan'. Orehel. ','BC) WI MP-Talk by GO'N''''' \1. "uti pian;.! WGM - L «>n~rd 5al,'0, ot~.ni~t 5:',,"; )'.M. WMA Q--Loui. Mc ll ~nry l!~"o i.. l.ni".. d WI ND-Taylor Buckley and Rhoda Arnold, WIND- German 1I0ur; WilHam K I~in WBBM-Kenlu.k) IIjlll.>illi~. I Ly Waher Trumbull ("lit) , WlS-Th~ B"I',r.n>l alld Siline E".o",· WENR-Solo'.1 a",1 P,ano 9:35 P.lIl. ------'1W &nn~'IIIAO-Oid ((as) cl the o,urcb Sonu •• WIND-Will.,d Hol.in".n and iii. !'),n· WGM-llu dline. of O.h .. D~}. 8:00 .... 111. 10;15 A.M . WMAQ-Soloi'l and Piano e<>pa t ~d Snmon. (CO~I 9:. 5 1'.1II. "/ MB '-"un".'~n '.aur', Or~h .. t,a WGH-Th D,...am Ship WJJD--c.tholi. s..,,'icos t:OO P .M. WBBM- f r.nk Wi]..,o. ttno.; Jul•• SI-'n. WIN D-Pta;" an,1 Prc)",i,r 11,,", WMAQ- Balbdi.. n (1'1 8 (.) ~!~~~~~:~rOljct" R•• i tBlou~,al KYW- ~! e] od ,. on Pa ..d . (NBC) pianist, IU~51 arlish \VMAQ--('arlos Molina', Or~Io(.!ra WMBI-S"".dish S• ..-i•• ; ,...... d music Chur.1o .. WA"" -Singi~1 Ji... WCFL---(;trman 1'1I,""m )0:00 P.M. WCFL-· r h~ Ro!a.y Hour 8:15 A.~I. ,. WCES-I'oh.h Th.at .. "I t h. Air WtFL- Bark II"",. It,,", Rondo!; ... (NBC WBBM -~. V. Philha'n>Om. Orcht.lra WIND- II. V. K .It~~born (CBS) WGN-Or i"~t nu l.> 01 'h.I;. WSBe-Drama WGN -Salt I.• kt TabrrnuJe Choi, .1Id (C 6S) WJJD_l'iekord Family WMAQ- Mi., Wim. Bi,,1 ()l: BC) 8:30 A.M. 1 O~.n IeDS) WIND - Indiana Sltin( Tr j,o WL5--Vin(t'll Lop... • OrchUlra; AlkO l 10:15 P .M . WAAF-'lount;lio B~llad, WINO-ramo.. ' Dan •• Band. WL5--lIornemak.rs' !lour; \].,I}" Crane Jov. ronl .. l1o iNBC) kVW-S"",I. Report .. WCFl- lloll~lcul Polish PrOf,ram WJJD- liappy Go l u(ky TIm .., "', link" WMA ~ P~ ul Asi,'. Orch~8CI WGN - Leonard ~. I .o, or~.ni'l K YW--Globo T'ourr: ~.w. of Iht 10:W P.:U. W( FL -G~rm.n rro~ram WINO-Jud«, Ruthorrord. Wllch To.,... WGN_Footban; B.a,~ ' •. Cardin.b, World KYW--Jul.. Landp. '-;oli,,;q \BCI WM"O-.\IJ(n l::.oll, OU~ ". G,ttn BiO}' WMA Q-SymphO"'lto (/IOBC) KVW-Sunday al s",lh P,chr', (NSCI ------1 2:3() 1".1\1. 6:%5 1'.1\1. WtFL--Gorde Hi 'ch', O,.h~.l r . R",u~ KVW-Anlohal. Cu!.>.ano (SOC) KVW-Sports Rtyi.", 01 II,. WENR_Sporlo fl oporlN Church of Chin", ~ . - 0" WAAF -Tht ('.,.ali.r. G:30 P .M . WGN-Wa)·ne Kin~'. Ord,e,I" Yi.~, WJJO-Judg( Rulh.rlorJ; \\-.1.1. Tow •• (CB.<) KVW-Solo Sd.dion, (NBC) WIN D-Vinunt Lopez'. O.rl P .i'l. Hilliard. ,-o.,.H.I and O.. i. I':t1rd. B~nd (NBC) WAAF- FTlnk Bak~r, Ih. 8ook"crm WMAQ-D.n Rulod"rn ~1.hlie. F~th •• CaUlhlin WBBM--Me Bri(OO,,', Oroh.,I,. WENR- Phi l llarri.' Orchc,t .. . , " J" I', J J .\ f , ..1 I ''''''-';'',",01 Yo", FHQrH •• WAAr-Sunday Serenade WCFL-Al IlandIN', O.rh.. l .. WGEs-Jimmy G ....,,'. ()"'h~ (NBC) WCFL- Poli,h Pro~r.m WGN -Rln.Ti nT ,n n>rill P,,,,,rlm 11 :45 A.M. WJJD- I.ith"an;an lIou, (NBC) (NBC) WMAQ-f-;ddl ... Thr~~ (SOC) 7:00 P .M. WSBC-AII N.lio,,. Po"laco.,.t Church KYW- Benny Meroff'. Oroh~'lra I, Cominoncerl 3 :1 5 1'.1\[. II :10 P.M. 3:30 E~j!~~;::i;:"~:~;'(of Sorlow, C ..bo llt WAAF-'fh. S~'mpboni. Iiour WENR-V... ~ago] and Johnny WGH-R ..h~.d C"lo', Ord,.. lra WBBM-Fiv. Minules 1' ..1 Fo,ty I hur~l, .on(. and piano (N BC) I 11:30 P.M. 12:00 Noon WCFL-Iri!h I'ro~um WMAQ WMAQ-To Be AnnQun ..d WIND-Freddie Hid" Orelle.lr. (CBS) KY W-B.-nny " k.oll'. Orrh.,,,. KYW-Undp Bob "illl Iht Comia 3:30 P.M. WEN R-William !'e<>Hi', Orrl< ..". (SBCI I Hour WGN-Ch.. 1i. A~n."", Oroh •• lra WENR-Paul A.h'. O .. h ..!ra WGE5--M~ ' ''ory Tn.... . - PYFR , 100 ARTHn Pro,ram WL5--Sund.y E,·."i"~ Ch,b WGN-J.n Garber'. Orchntr' WGES-Poland In Song WMAQ-Jimmy "Schoo.. I." Duranle, "f th~ Air (CBS) WIN D---CI)de I. .. ca,· Orrh~.!ta '(B~I "The LiJrt;l!jf (,1$1 /1>1 JJJf Ai, . WIND- Fir.1 Engli'h Reform Chu.~b di (NBC) comodian: Rullo Ettin~. ncall" i D. WMA Q--Ca,lo! \foli"a·. O .. h.,lra (NBCI !loKi's :ORO,q'fR l' ",' OJ, I \ WJJD-l'nclc J.,.'. Sunday 'Ie~h n g Rubinoll'.Ord,.,lu 'SBC) ·0 1I:45 P.M. tC BS) WMAQ-F.d'.... d Da,,; ... l>2r;lon~; choir; '7 :15 P .M. o ..h, t ra (N B(') KVW-Corlo. Moli"a', Orch,lra WC FL--Gor,l~ Birch'. O,d. <:ra 4 :0() P.M. WBBM-P.l F lana~an'l Sport ... t WGE5--M.mory T ...... KVW-Bluo Voitn WGN-Conco,1 Orch"I" 12 :00 i\lid. W AAr-J~"o Carrol 7 :30 P .M . WBB M-"Around Ihe Tn""." D.nct Or· WB BM--Ro~u and Drum_. d,~n,a (CBS) KVW-llarry So,nik', Orell •• Ir. i",0 ~brlini. ttno.; Rapu's 12:30 A.M. WAAF-Ton~ " iduro. OroM.t.. Juliu, Tan~or; Jane Fro­ WEN R-Dan Rulion.1 Stud'nt Fed. I'ro,ra", WGES-Bohcmiao Melodlu KYW-n.. , ;\1aupio's Carnival ~rr.r. LCB~\ 4 :40 P.l\I,. I 11 'au h ..e !alenl_1t T,,", WGN-Good Mo,ning, Musical I'rO!:ra", WAAf-Band.tand WB8M-""WlI Sen-ice WLS-~I.ple C;I, Four; John Beo ..., Floyd Glbbou hu•• good .".. klne TO''''' WIND-Pol;'!, Hour; John R""k",..ki W8BM-The Vok. of Experience (CBS) Famo .. Xad,o {,ao .Io~. aol... rlt~, di,..,!: WJJO-Happy Go Lucky Tlm~; Art WEN R-Ccoe Amold's Commodore. l,i~n;'1 4:~5 P.ltL Brndo.. I., o. ..II _ Iben he," I. a. liniek WMAQ-1)d n KVW-Thre. Stnn!!:. .mnln~ DeW method 01 p ..... HWC) IIl'al lralnlnc !l, .. nt. 1O"-rl~hl Ie ,.OUT WLS_Wondcr13nd Trips WGN-C. Wollner, organ 1:45 P.)I . WAAF-R.y Waldron'. Sporls Revie.. Own I""n, 10 ,.uu< sp.,8 lime-for tbe j ... WMAQ-Brcakfa,t Club; ord,~.tra (NBC) WBRM-Co"·hoy Tom .nd lloe Indian 1"" w'n~. WIND-~lood Indi[o Toroh Tunes KVW-I'­ WBBM-Mu,ical Time S3 .... (NBC) WCFL-Eddy HanSon, or,an re~ihl. ,,,,,,,''. "r h>u,Mrow. Tbe Floyd (;Iboono wefL-Tlm. Parade 11:10 A.1'.I . WCN-I'.I",cr !louse En5emble WJJD_Th. Friendly Philo'oph« ",ilh SI'I,,,,,! will ~r.lu TO. In tbe le.l,nlque of WINO-Hungaria" lIour; Frank Kouoh WG N-Jun. Baker. home ",anagement WINO-,\"" Luf. org~nl't (CBS) n'"ner Grilfilh "r"",I,"";"~ ." Ih.. ,.0". 100. '''''' qual. WMAQ-The Wiurd of O. (NnC) Ir, rQr "n' <>r!er 11:15 A.IH. WJJD-Vi<>n"~!e Nights J"~. "1'1'," ~o "'lo" .,,0] women or Inlo.t n" 8;25 A.M. WAAF-World New. Report. WlS-SIu: Io""k 1'1 ... full .,ortle"ta ...... W LS-D~n!lcY'1 New. K YW-lIIiu,," Fedoralio" 01 WOlnen'. ~.'dt,,~ our C~u,.". H loll. yo" 1'0'" t.o 8:30 A.M. WENR-Vie and Sade, cO"'edy .k.tel, 1:50 P.M. Ch,i;,. "'ol"r. r.. r a ~"Q,I 1... lIIoo in TlrG.~e ••I_ WINO---G)'n'y Kina, song. (CBS) WBSM-J~rry Sulinn, 'OOJS WAAF-Bouquet of Ihe Suson', iii" I"~_h"w TvU can I",,, you, hldd." tolcnl. WB8M-YldropolitaD P)r~"~ (CBS) !o,,~ ,,,",,.,. wlthQut ~Ivlug "l' :<,001' pr•• • WJJD-Bu~b Pickard, Tennene. hiUbilly WBSM-Skippy. e:,ildren's skit (CaS) WeFL-Dan •• Music 2:00 P.M. "ut Job '" '''.~I"~ " .In:tl@ ."ermc. ot n il' WlS-Sunshi". Express I""e. W CFL-~~!dy H.nson. org.n recilol kln.l. lI~fi!l eO"I",n tur tro. I>oo~. WMAQ-Johnny ~Ia,,-in. I._nor (NBC) KVW-I!u Maupin'. Concert, vouij.t WENR-rlichord lIimber'. Ensemble ------.. 8:45 A.M. 11:20 A.M. WAAF-The I,cho 01 a Song (NRC) no,.d Glbbou !I"~ool ot Br.adeutiDjl', WCFl-Germln r::"I.rtllir""~nt WGN-AII.n Grant, pi~ni.t WRBM-Ed(li~ and Fannie Caunaugk IODO·lilh St .. N. W" De1>t. 3Jl3G. WGE5-I'0Ii.h Evening Bell! W .. hi"rloo. D. C. WI NO-Qrgan Md"Ji •• 11:30 A.M. WCFL-Itpu lIot and Lo'" Down WGN-Tealnla.d of Tun .. WGN-The ~Iu,ic Woncrs, coneeel oe Wlth~,,~ "I,U~"I<,~ .. ",I "'. yo", free_.... 8;55 AX KVW-Nalional Farm and Hom. WIND-R~r~"r W.dborg, tenor 10>1 .. II .... t~ ''In,1 rn". {,I.c~ In Bro,,,'. J1t. (1\8C) WJJO-Tea Tim~ Songst~rs ~,,,"Ih~" ud 'ull pa,U"ul.rl 0' rour 00 .... WJJD-8ubb I'i KVW-D>nee Orche.t .. (N8C) ('II, ...... Siale WJJO-Fr~d Seck, ot~anisl 2:15 P.M. WIHO-)Idropolit~n "antk (CB51 WAAF-Tea Time Tun.. WMAQ-Re:c Battle's Ensemble (NBC) WAAF-F.,t.lI. Ha'MS at tho Pian. WlS-lloS; FI.sh; llvesl""k R«~pl.: WBRM---Op<"ll S ••• me WMBI--Conlinued Story Rudin;; W.n· W88M_l'hiL ltJ"i.' Orchutra aundeson Hour WCFL-John Moxwe!t. food talk dell P. Lo,·ele ... WGN-~I.urle Sh~rm3n's Oreh~,t ... WMAQ-SeU;ng Up E~~rr;~~ 11:35 A.)L WINO-Voice of Experience (CBS) WENR_8;~ Beothor Club WGN------{'~nlluy 01 Peogress Concert SUPERFLUOUS 9;15 A.M. WBRM-F,alOk Wihe~. tenor and Jlliu WJJD-FdmOU5 OrchC,I, .. ch"'l .. KYW-Ir~ne Kin~. lalk S,~i". l,i."i,1 2:311 P.M. WIND-"Lurn 10 Spe.k E"gli.h," Mu· W8BM---Org"n S~ledionl WGN-Digest 01 Ihe Nt"" KVw-r.. onl-To ..hecs Peo~eam ~ar~1 L>6b WCFl-Popular Music WINO-Conccrl )lin;~lurn (C8S) HAIR WAAf--';ontr>ct Bridge CI ... ~onducted WGES-Ca"ary ConcOTt 11:45 A.M. WJJO-Re (NnC) W8SM-Wh.leh Trio WCFl-V.riety Pre~ram KVW-Unc!e Dob', Curbi.·th.·Umit Cub WINO-Ilou.ckceper Choh, WGtl-The ~~ory 01 H.len Trent WJJD-Esllo.r Bradiord, fa,hion advioe. WIND-.\bdi-on E"somble (CBS) WB8M-Jack Ann'lrong, tile AII-Amerio.n n,,,1 Wl5-II'.. th.r Report Roy (CBS) YOUR BEAUTY WMAQ-I'ro~ram Pre~i~", WJJO-Ni,k Nichol', urtoni1t 01 the air 11:50 A.M. WSBC-V.r, Vod"iI WCfL-Eooch. monul,,~ui.t WGN-~Iidu'y ~Ieditatior..; Rev. W. D KVW-L"eky 5.,'on Ta.dor WENR-Littl~ Orphan Anni .. children'. MADAME STIVER WAAF-Fr."k: U.k.r. Ihe Bookworm pl~yl~1 (NBC.I 9:35 A.M. WlND-,\lld-uay ~Icditalion W88M~.\liono Hon.ld;, barilone, and <>r- WGN-[JUI. Orpll"n Anni.. ohildren'l 1009 Morshlt Field Annex WGN-LNnard Salvo. orlan;.1 WJJD-Side Show, Chuck I •• oph;"r. Suit~ d,",Ie. (ca~) pi>rld (NBCI 2S E. W~'hington St~ Cenlr~1 4639 9:45 A.1\oL "barker" KYW-Cruy Cry.t.ls WlS-Tom .",t Don. harmeny WCfl-,\ftcrnoon Fro~e. WnW-SoDg at E'·~nLid~ ENCLOSE THIS AD FOR BODKlET WIND---OI~a \·.",un. ar WAAf---Operalio Gems 3:30 P .."\I. WJJO-The Pickard Family WSSM-Husk O·Har.'s Orohnt .. WGES--Rhyll,m Revi .... KVW-TVI'o Doelo .. with Aon of the Air WGN-Local ~!arh! Reporls WMAQ-;t, of WJJO-Th. Pickard Family; D.d, Molh .. , WENR-~r,orls ltcportcr Chic.go B"hb, Rutlo, Charlie and Baby Ann WIND-~lu,je"1 In~erlude WLS--Poullry and Livestock Market. WMAQ-Concert Ensemble U'iaC} WJJD-Moo'che,n Childr." Program lisHogs ore corr.cl when pu~. lished by RADIO GUIDE, but sal. of time RADIO GOSSIP CLUB WMAQ-Wome,'" Pa~e ef the 0\". 12:35 P.M. WMBI_"1 ~ce by the Papo .... Wendell P. by .talions and n.tworks and nulon.1 WS8C-P"li.h Early Bi"b WGN-p.lmer lIou,,, En"mbl. e",ergencie. often c.use d.vialion, which 10:15 A.M. 12:45 P.M. ' 3:35 I'.M. th. ,lations c.nnot fur.see. 2 P. M.---W B B M WAAF-PilOO Rambles futod~,S' E.t~lI~ KYW-S,oack Out Omc) WRRM-Pi."" ~nd Orgall Barne. waRM-Tho ~l."onger; h ••llh WENR-II.y Ho,therlo", barlton~ (Nac) WBBM-Sehool of Coo~in~ WCFl-Farm Talk WGN-Art'lts itctit.1 (CBS) WENR-Today'. Childre .. WGN-Mu.ic Wo.,·crs; ooncort ord,ntr. WGES---Organ Poetry WMAQ-Oan Rus'o'. Oroh.str. 3:45 r.M. T ho WGN-H.ppy Endinp. loll< 1:00 P.M. WAAF-WorlJ N..... WIND-Morning Mo<>d. (CBSI KVW---Origin.li(lc. (NBC> WBBM-Ke"Lucky l!illbillies SCIENTIFIC AERIAL WJJD-What i. New MII.ie, Vn've",'L)' WENR_L.. ly N.~t Doo! ~NilC) ,It WAAF_~~ng, of the Southbnd NEW! Witb t be D nal CODnectioD of ('hira~o WSBM-Loc.1 Mi .. , nlr. '0 buy. WMAQ-Rhythm Ramble •• (NBC) WiND-----O,h" ~cr"n.d ..s (CBS) WAAF_~I".i. ;n th Air Try One 5 Da.ys a.t 011l' Risk - More D istance and Volume WMBI-Oevotional 11011. WJJD-Ft~d Beck, or![anlS1; request WRBM-The Oicl'lo~ (CBS) WSBC-Poli.h Dantu gr.m WCFl---G"m' fro,n the Oper. ------, Not 08 u""r!m~nt bol tun, f"-"t<>e. 3.000 mile n­ '''ll\toU. mvu tr!ple Ihe ~olu'ne oYe< WINO---Gary Police Blotter WHO-Itull' Pichtd old time son,. ~;;~:~~ ig~~"~d'

7 :30 P,M. 1 :00 P.M. Dog Chat 6 :-45 P.M. Bing CrosDY '" Minstrels "" Tuesday, Oct. 24 "" (MONDAY CONTINUED) 9:00 r .M. 11 :00 A.M . 10:45 A.M . 1 :05 P ._I, 6:15 P .M . KYW-The Globe Troller KYW-Mu,... t Clock; uri.ly prOFa ... KYW-AI Be,nard, Ihe .'lin~!r.-1 Ma" WBBM--(:hioago Hou' WAAF-Bre.kb.1 E~l'r ... (NBC) 1:15 P .M. K VW_Tb~ Globe Trou •• WBBM--Cly.I. Ilepo.I., WMBI-Short Slory 1I0ur and G(l<;pel 9 :15 1'.1'1, 8:15 A.M , WMA Q--Board 01 Tr~,le WENR -SPy,1 Raeburn', Orch ••t .. WBBM-Ne",. Se,vice WINO- H un!"ri.n VrOlram; Frank Ko· 10 :55 .4..1\-1. Florence Lake (NBC) WCFl-AI l landler'. Orche.lra I WINO------G.ry Poliu Btulter WBBM-OIJrk ROil'" ill (loe Twenty·fi/lh vlch WAAF-IIhtlrm Ki,,~. ('onl",y. sl 9:30 P .I\1. WLS- I>.oduct ll~t>ofle, 11 :00 A.M . W8BM_lIill Billi .. WeFl-Tom Cook, tenor KYW-To bhn flo ..kowski St~r WBBM-"F"'e Melod),," D.vid C.I· WlS-B.nlley'. New, WGN-Fred Meinkpn. piani.1 ~r~m WJJD-O",rk MOl"'!";" S)-mploony ¥in; Mclod~ M.slers ~nd Violini't 8:30 A.M . WINO-Mood Indigo WL S-Mal'l. Cily Four; John Brown, WMAQ-Lum ~nd Abner (NBC) WCF L-Dippy John!rge E. Sokol.ky WJ J O-Bu~b I'i~kard. T.nne.. ~e hillb,U)' WGN-D••• m Ship WL S-Mu.ieal Program WB BM-Fh" M'nute. Pa.t Fo,Iy, ulk 9:00 A.M . tun~ WINO-Whilln~ CommunilY Program WMAQ--Btue RO<)m Ech"". fNBC) WCFL-Ih,r) !:>cbeck. A Ne'Khbotly UQ'OO KYW-Ed".rd M"cHugb, WMAQ-Th. Widow .nd Ih. Angel (NBC) 10:06 P.l\L 1 :50 P .M , (b~' (N BC) 11 :20 A .M . WBB M-Jerry Su11i,-an. KYW-Spon. Re~'ew oj Ih. D.y """!' WGES-Flrtt ~Io, · •• 110." WAAF-Morni,,! Merry Go Round WGN-F WIHO-BilI ant] Ging.. (CBS) (NBC) I Bob WLS-.·ra"k BI .. Slrin, S)-mphony WIN D-Whiting. Indi .. n. Communily P .... • WL$-lIo, fla.hi lIVe Stork WAAF- ~Ieat R.cipe T.lk. Mild,.d BIU WCFl-Red HOI .nd low Pown wilh ,k', R""~pl.s; Hawk (NBC) Jr"nt Dr. DUlld.,.n lIuur WBBM_C' WC rL-lobo, FI~.hel KYW-M omi,,~ Parad,,; n,ie!y (NBC) 1I :4S A.M . WIND~lo~ H"lO)'':-'' Orclwslra (CBS) WAAF-The An.,.-er 101"" WG N-Rin~ (",o.~y (CBS) WAAF-Child He.hh 'hlk: "Why YOllr WAAF-Variely !' ,~gra," WBBM-Dr. Wynne, 1~lk WIN O-Ilul SIO"~ Le,~u.; J<>hn"y O'Ha .. WMAQ- Hoofincham., ~kelch O\lldren Shoold H. Vaocinated" by Dr. WGN --Good H".lth .,,,1 Trainin, WGN -St"ry of Hden T,ent WLS-T<> hr .nno,,,,o.,1 10:35 P .M . Homer K. Ni,,,11 "I Ih. IIlinu" Slale WJJD-RADIO GUIDE Intor.iew, . I ~ WINO-E"o1yn Nolan, pi.oi.1 WMAQ_tluyd Gil.obon. (NBC) WENR-Buddy Ro.e:... ' Oreh .. t .. Medical Socidy Eu n< Plumme, 7 : 45 P .1U . 10:45 P ,I\1. WBBM-Deauly Ch.t WJJO-Ni.k Nie!,ob, cartooni.t 01 tbe .i. WLS-Wealher nrpo.1 WMA Q-Andrea Ma"h, ~onlraJlo WIND-Frivolili•• (C DS WLS-Prairl. Fa rmer Dinnerb<:l! Pr"lrllm ; WMBI- lladio S(hool 0.1 the Bibl" KVW-Cl,i .. """ "~,""I.r ~!,," Jl c~, WMAQ-Ted W~cm's Orrne,tra WJJO-llni"C,"ity 0/ Clric"!"; EnviroJl · Jim Poole W. Taylor Joy.e WBBM-The B i~ Show, I.IlI" M,·Con"ol1, WSBC -Poli.1t Motinee 12:30 A.M . WSBC -Boh~,,,i",, Melodi •• 12:36 P .M . Gr'!'lJ,l. Ni ...," an,l lsl""n Jonu' Or· 3:05 P .M . oh •• lra (CBS) WEN R-D." HJJ~"". Orch.slra m~nl ,0J! Rate KYW-Rex Maupin's o.d, •• lra WIND-]"Ic,n,dioo,1 Melodies V.LS-Po .. llry and Liv.stoole Ma,lId . WAAf-Sympho"ic Hou. WINO-V. S. Navy Band (CaS) WCFL-Orchc .. r.1 Pro~ .. m llo~.,,' WMAQ-G")"~y ,,[ 5la,. (NBC) WBBM-Easy Ac .., comed)' drama (CBS) 3:15 P .M. WENR-M.lo,lv M~n'",". (NB(I WMAQ--Buny on,l Joe. drama WBBM-Bi~ F , ~ddie Miller KYW-Two D .... loTS with Aces WEHR-Tod_)". Children 12 : 45 P .M . WAAf-W.rren Gaylore WGH -II£arl 10 H •• rt Clyb !-Iear YOllr favont~s WGES-VariN), Pro~um KYW-Sm.<:k Oot, ...medy d~o 4NDCl WBBM-New. fl•• he. (CBS) of the air mterviewed WGN------Gr."d Old lIym"" WBBM-The Musen!.. hnlth ne _ WEHR-Sports Annollncer WIND _~lorning V~u,Je,'ill~ WCFl-Farm Talk< WINO-L<>ata Ol..,n, .opr.".. WMAQ-F.an ... L ... Barlon Hou.tItold WGN-Musi. W .. ~ers WJJO-Moo... hu,t Children Radio Guide Presents talk INBC> WfND -]>.~~y Flanag.n, pian;. 1 WMAQ-M"redilh Wil ... ,,' • ...... 10:25 A.M, WMAQ--Dan llu«o'. OT.h ..b a (NBC) WMBI-Standina~ian SeniH "STAR INTERVIEWS" WGH -Markel Il~PQ ' I' 1:00 P .M . 10 :~ A.M . KYW- Mu5ic~1 Originali,in; 3:lS P.M. K YW- I 'i~no 11«it.l (NBC) (NBC) W8BM-Jack B"rnelt and o.IU. WJJD WAA F_l.i"on Wa,h Pr""l,ar" WAAF-Hno,j., Philo.opbor WENR- Tu D.II.ant (NBC) WBBM-To,,)' W<>". (CBS) WBBM-LOJ:al M.rkets WGN -Enoch Light'. Or Thursday, Saturday WCFL-G

Crime Clues HlO P.M. Ben Bernie 1 :00 P.M. "" "" BANDSTAND and BATON rTl) ESOAY CONTINUED) WENR-n,. CoId1><'r~'; dram. (N BO 0,\1 [Til [;-";G new in [menan Gill and Don PedrQ re­ WGN -!"p<>.I, R.port .. cbl progrJm~ bt'g,ln last main ill Detroit, over WJ R, for the 3:50 r .M. WMAQ-I)(m C", .. ) '. Ooc Slo.ie. (NBC) 5 I ue .... IJ)" Ud... , Fo.ly lI'ay"e Killg is 10 remain a~ a W 8B M--WRB~1 ~UUli"n.1 f orum Wefl-J."i'h T'dd.~ t·nion. program for a t. lemphlS WGN feature, according to the W EN R- H .t'~ o..",,~' Or~h~'Ir' (sse V.G E!>-"'",~, .. I l ,tt,,,.,,,. concern. broJtka,t to a late~t dope in Chicago, even thou!(11 WIND-EIl.n R.y, ..,nK' - WG N- E lm~r E'Cf.11 Y... , ' o",.di.," Dixie nel\HJrk 1'0 other th.e\"er pic k-ups wou ld follow. !lowe,n, 7:0" P.M. record tha'" -,_ .• WIND_I",Ii.". "1r;I1( Trio WlS-V.n Ru<Td, I,no' WCfl-AI lI andl~.·, Ord'Hlu Not to be conllued u-Ilb BemlY. INS(') Chicago. la,t summer. " WGN -Sin~i,,' <';~m; I/."y Frank.1, bari· t he conudlan. thIS popular bands­ CI}'Jc McCoy beats 1/'11 Kemp WIND-Yo"n~.ur·. Clob; Uncle Funk 'on. (CBS) account h.n been in Ihe man, aided by Scrappy Lambert back into Qicago by rour da\ s WJJ O-Srn ".nt.r, buiIM.; popular WINO-Rulh Cobb. wp.anc Quite a while. At present, when these two stellar baton "'a,'ers ... I.rlion< alld lea,I/lIe '"ang. $Iarts a new KVW- H."y Solink (N BC) WAAf-Su"ul Salute commercial Wedllnday. Oelaber the G3rden~ No,ember I. I 25, o",,'er CfJS·WABC. It 1611 also their Windy City lind WG-"': '1'<01'. . :40 P .M. WBBM-T"e ' ·oi« 01 ElopedO'n •• (CBS) postponed indefinitely because W88 _~.", ~I.,h •• WeFL-Jo. Gn"'. talk be beard Fridays and Monday". Kemp takes o\"er his stand at Ihe Ihe nece~,ity for his pre'ence 4:45 P .M . WGES -!:>G"~' .,f Li,I,","" Bl ackhawk October 2) for ;111 111- K Y W-<~nh")' 01 Prot,. •• Conu'l Or­ Chicago. ut'fini(e time, and. if Chi.:~g(> f,ms WGN--opporl""il}' nmu not his n-Ad\Onlu ... In 11 ".l1h INIIC) The \\"orld"',;;:~,,",;r'di;~ recortl of the old CoolI-,\mu}ns W BB M-l"on<~'1 Orch~.lra WMAQ-W"·",, hi,,~·. OTth.,tra (NBC) shortly, but n that Orche,lra is outfit which played at the BL((k­ WE NR -~h,-Tra.i. and Md-~ I u<; ..1 ".mo.;'.; Ed!at Glle,t, \\ho do not ask for tremendous poel; AI;<~ \1o.ill happen 10 MeA promi'e~ .. WCfL-.I .... n "' .~ .... Il food u n. KYW-~I'.,,~. AdHntu,., !'oew Yo rk just before '1 han'kgil illl-: WEN R-B;~ B'olh•• Club WBBM -~Io.i .. of ft •• 1 Lif ~ the CJnton pick-up. I lu~k was still roaming around for a new wmmercial. maklll,ll: the WGN --C~nlu.y of rro!.~ .. Orchesl •• We FL-II.h. H .... ". <0""01\0 heard for QUI te a "'hill' o,er two mid-we'l, hut he i~ return Trip from California Ili,h his WJND- Ihppi"••• Expru. WEHR- To 1><' annOU,,1"."0 (NBC) 8 :35 P.M_ Cbarlit n fllehlll, bariton~ from WGH-Th. S;nlin, Lady, jinlle.. sonl' WBB M-WB B ~ Con.ul Or.hesl r. AT WIT'S END + + By Whitney Bolton Cali fornia According 10 Ihe '\t,ry. and " ••ie, 8 :45 " .M. Breuhn~ was pulling l jinrid,i,h:1 WIND-M.... i1J Foland KYW-Vr. S"rin~.r In,l. "'ith Ash f(lf a fal<·. WJJD- .-,ed 8<,.a, ,inging away 10 hilll>elf 1'.11.1 WMA Q-lIymn Sinl INBC) 9:00 F .M. in forty-eight st3te~ and in each ca':e Signed him immediateh' :\,h 1\ II' ,I" 5:45 P.M. KVW-Globo T.o" ••. " ..., or the _ Id the baby. It has popped at him WBBM-J •• k BrO<'b. t.e.,. as authentic from t w~nty-eigbl dif­ it was a comely young girl of 800<1 stage appea rances a'ftcr 'he I '~i r WBBM-L <~.nd or Amuiu, drama (CBS) doses. WCFl-Eddy H ..."",. orc"n . ..il.l WCFl-SceJ.:oy In""ul. ferent s t ate~ and four foreign family. T he de tails are too much WENR-Lillie Orpha.. A ~nl', .IuJdru,'. WtN R--o".. T,,~do, Mniull Ie ..." countries. l ie means 10 find that alike for it to be true. playld (N BC) (NBC) Wc;;H-LiU fe Orphan Annie, child.e,,', original dog or some one who knew If you can solve either of these DISCARD YOUR WGN -Rubo Awlebeny, .ketch lhe dog. Personally, he doesn't tornlen ting mysteries for him he pin", (NBC) WIND-;\I.lody Man WIN D-~! al E"onlid-Popular Dinn .. Oanu KYW-To be .nno~" ..d t ..... bl~ .. ) 1" .. 'ow, .~, U7' WBBM-O",·id C~I~in, M.ledy Masl .., ... b.r. Wc;;H-Unele Quin. Jun. Qo"hY Drca... , WEH R-Pod Pine. (NBCI II :30 P.M. BETTER rDHE­ .nd Oroo1 GI.. ~ Club WlHO-German 1I0u.; Willi.m Kltl. WINO-N.", ..... "·i<~ (eRS) wefl- To Be Announ.. d !lenoUhU, ....1~ctl' '' 7, I~ o . WJJD-TM Pich.d Family WENR- B.n"y "' ..off'. Orem" •• WMA Q-Te". (Ca S) uptloa So Ucbl _ ~ u ..... KVW_TIw Glabo T.ott .. WeFl-WO 'L o,.h ... I,a WMAQ-C.,los Molina', O.~h •• tr. .~ctlon_no ~ u r ... DI u ..d WBBM-G._in' Up : ,kol. h (NBC) 9;35 P.M. WEHR-Sporl' R.porte. 12 :00 Mid. TRY ONE S DAY S 101 OUR RISK WCFL-WCFL Oreh.,l ra WGN-W.)·ne KinC·' o..c".. I ,. 11.11 <"'lUI' ••1 •• (C BS) r ~ .. r.. unl ... _I.e. on d~l1.t.7. It nol .0_ p .M. WEHR-Earl It ;n~~' 0r<1o~"" tI .. 11 .. tI.II N . ... lIhln tt ... lIadio i .. Eduulion (NBC) 9 :45 WMAQ_ Th< H oofi,,~h.m •. ,ht.h Iura .. d'I' u4 Wc;;(S-Famou. Orchr,tra WBBM-M.HI and M'.,e (CBS) WGN-Bcmi. CU",Olin<' O •.-he.I •• ,."''' SI ... \1 1 be .. 'uadotoby Griffi n 14 Radio Guide

8:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M.. John McCormack Moran [,. Mack m Wednesday, OCt. 25 "" 8:00 A.M. WGN-Board of Trade Market n""",lo 12:00 Noon 3;00 P .M. 6:00 P.M. KYW-~!us.icat Clod.; uri.l,. pr<>l;ra", WIND-In the L""emool.lq; G;l[d"n~ WAAf-No>onlime Concttt KYW-Lucky Seven KYW-F~tdie Nieb.uer's Orch.,l,." WAAF-Brukful Exprest (CBS) W8BM-~larit, th~ Little Fren~1t rein- WAAF-F.. a"k Baker, the 800k.. ·orm W8SM-~tit.i Grun, Happy undinp W88M-R~i, and Dun.., "<)m""y and WMAQ-Tony Co.b<>och, m"n .. lo~uill Ch., dr>ma CCBS) WBBM-CI."de Hopkins' Orche.lr. (eB<;) WeFl-WCFl Orchestra songs(CBS) 9:35 A.M. WCFL-luncheon Conctrt WCFl-Ah.,.noon Frolic, WENR-Whu'. the News! WCFl-[{iddi.. Atroplaot Club WGN-L.onard Salvo. organi.t WGH-Mid·{)ay s..ni«o WIND-Indi.n. String Trio WGES-Oinner Serenade WGES-Bolt.miatl Moindie. 9:45 WIND_Noond~y Meditations WJJO-"Maud and Elsi.'" comedy ,kit WGN-Und. Quin, Jun, Dobb)' O.. urDe .. , "'.M. WHD-Side Show; Chuck Lonl'hicr, WlS-Betty and Bob; drama (NOC) and Wi.hbon.: ehildren'. p.ografD WGN-G~od Mornin,; Musi~;1! rrngr~'" KYW-Donald ~",·js, tenor "lo.,'h," WIND-I>o~.h lIour; Jobo Ro>iw""k, WBBM-Al and P~te • .s<>ngs and comedy WMAQ-p"p C"ncert (NBC) WIND-Gerrnan Hour; Wilhm Kloj" WJJD-l!appy Go Lutky Time; Arl Lin· WLS-Tom and Don, harmony WMSI-Sunday Schoo! Lessan; Mr,. Mc· WJJD-I'in WJJD-!.i,...(ook Mukd.; Phil Evan. WBSM-~hdi.on Singers (CBS) WCFL---Ord'nlro WBBM -~rusical Time S'~H WGN-W."het Rep<>,ls 16;00 A.M. WLS_l'r~iri. Farm.r Oin".rb.:U Pro,rom; WIND-,\rti,t Redtal (CBS) WENR-Gems of M~lody {NBC} WCFL-Time Parade Ji,,, PDQI" W1JD-Je ••• Crawl"rd, org.nist WGES-I'olish Idyll WIND-Hungarian lIour; frank h>v>~" KYW-Four s"llthern Sing.. , (NBC) WlS-fl"ulldup; Westorne.. ; Joe Kelley WGN-Ce"lury of P.ogr." Orch"I~. WLS-p,·oclucc Rcpoder WAAF-~Iemory Lane 12:30 P.M. 3:31) P.M. WMAQ-Ne .. , "I the Ai. 8:25 A.M WBBM-~,"fY Elli. Am.', cooking talk KYW-Ru Moup;n'. Orche~tr. WAAr-Ol'cratie Gen,. KYW-T... o Doel",.. ,,·ith Acn of tile Ai, 6:25 P.M. WlS-Bel\lley', News (CBS) WCFl-Koba, WS8M-Eaoy Ace. (CBS) WAAF-Helen Gunderson KYW-·51'0rll nepo't~. 8:30 A.M. we; ES-ltJ,yth", Re,·iew WGH-~I"rkct Heport. WB8M-Ne ... $ Setl·ic. (COS) WENR-SllOrh Report •• WBBM-"IelrOpl)litan P~u\l~ (C65' WG N-Mo,·i. Persanal,ti" WIND-The lIevclcr$ WEN R-Sporl. Reporter 6:30 1".111. WeFL-Oance Mu.ic WIND-I" Thre. Quart .. lim.; W~I\.~. WJJO-I'i"brd FamUy; D.d. Moth.r, WIND-Pi'llo Inlerlude KYW-l\,'~gi. fhild', Orcheslra (NBC) Chica~o; Oubb. Hulh, Chartie and Bab,. An .. WJJD-,\loosell•• rt Children WIND-l.st Night', Slars WJJD-Uni,·ersity 01 En,·iron' WSSM-Ouok Ro~." in the Twenty,fiftlt WlS-Su!lshint E"pron m.,,! and ra.e WMAQ---Orlando·s Concul Ens.... bl. WMAQ---Outsl'nding Speak.. (NBC) (',"tury, .kit (CBS) 8:45 A.M. WlS-Pou!try and Lins\<)Ck Mark.to INHC) WMElI--<:!ue,tiQn lI"ur; Wcnd~ll I'. Lov.· WENR-POI,.!. and Perlmulter, ."".. d,. ,~, WeFL-Gcrman Enterhiom~o' WMII.Q-Womcn'. Page of th. Air 12:35 P.M. ,k~tcl, (NBC) WIND---Orga" Mclodi~s WSBC-Poli.h Early Bird. WGij-En,enoble Mu.;c 3:35 P.M. WGES-P"Ti.h ~!elooie. 8:55 A,M.. HI;15 A.M. 12:4$ P.M. WBBM-Jack Burnell and Or,0"i1l WGN-To 8. Announced WBBM-Denlal Soddy. t,uttl. blk KYW-Radi" Hou,ehold Institute, drama· KYW-Smuk Out, (omody duo (/'fBCI WENR-Teu. Co"-girl. (NBC) WIND_Polish flour; John Ro",",oonld 9:00 A.l\L Ii",'ion (:>;BCI ~SaM-The M ....ngu, health MW. WGN-Adi.1 Recital (CBS) WJJD---O:urk Mountain Symphon,. KYW-Billy Allen Hull ..... AAF-Pi'no Ra",b!,., fuluring E.ld\o: WeFl-Farm.n U"ion WIND-~Iatk Warnow'. Orch •• t •• WMAQ-Lum and Abner (NBC) WAAF-lh. Stock Matk~1 rhool,.·. Barne, WCN-'Iu.ie Weav.r, 3:<15 P.!I. 6:3S P.M. WBBM---Oraa" and Pi~no Duo WBSM-The Four Sh"wm ... (CBSt WIND...... (:a .. Lorn. Orehut •• WAAF-\\'orld New. WENR-D.n Ru's,,'. Orehe,t ... WGES-Songs 01 G~rma"y WENR-Too.y's Childru WMAQ-D.n Ru"o·, Orch.. tr. WBBM-Keolucky lIillbilli., 6:45 P.l't[. WGN-]; .... p Fit Club WGES---Orga .. Poetry 1:00 P.M. WGN-'lark Warnow'. Nov.lt,. Orchutn WLS-llog Flash; Lilt510ck n«1"pt.: Dr. KYW-Boyd Ra.burn'. Orcllulu WGN-Happy Endings KYW-:\Iu,ieal Originalitiu; 1'~di.t. CBS) Ounde'en Hour WIND-rour Showmen (CBS) (NBC) WIND-Th ••e Quader Tim. WBSM-IJQake C""tt... ewl eOln",",'-t.. WMAQ-Settiog Up Rurci .... , WMAQ-Board of Trad•. m ••kol .... "'''11 WJJD-'loo1"0· (N8C) KYW-Ir."" Kin~. talk WMAQ-Sing;ng SIring. (NBC) WCFl-EdJy l1aMon, orlu reeit.1 gram (NBC) 4:1)0 I",M. WCN-TI,e Sports Re/>Orte. WCFI.-l'al'uJar Music 16:25 A.M. WGH-J",t Plain Bill WMAQ_I ••ne Rich (NBC) WGES-C.. "ary Cancert WGN-Doard of Trode R.po.h WIND-.~nn L.af, or,.nisl WAAF-Piano NoveWe.: Jimmy K"uk 7:00 P.1\[. WGN-Clara. Lu '0' L",•• n.,1\ I"... n WMAQ-!rma Glen, organi.t (NBCI WJJD-h.1 and Fur;"u. WSBM-WOO~! Ed"cat;onal Fo.um to.. ip (NBC) KYW-Senny MeraW, Orch.. tra (HBCI 10;30 A.M. WlS-Unoi. Eua WENR-l i m m y Gorrigan's Drch .. lra WBBM-Fiv. Minute P.rd of Trad. KYW-Earle T.nn ... len"r 7:15 P.M. 10:4.0 A.M. WAAF-Mu,ic.! Dram~ p,e•• nt.d b,. WIND-(;.ry Po!ie. Bl"l!er 1 :20 P.M. WAAF pla)·e .. WBBM-P.t Flanagan'. Sporhca.t 10;45 A.M. WLS-~ln,k.1 I'rogram; M.rketl WBBM-'lovi. Ch.lt .. WCFL-AI Ibn die.'. Orche.t,,, WGN-Edwin C. Hill (CBS) WAAF-Songs of Y.slerday 1:25 P,M. WCFl-Juniur r~deratian Club WSSM_Newo F1.sh., WENR-The Song Piiol (NBC) WIN D-I',,,Ii,," MeGa".h. sopran" WBBM-Da~~inr Echoes (CBS) 7:30 P.M, WCFL-Popu];". ~Iu.ic 1:30 P.l'L WIND-Young,ter'. Cluh; Uncle rr~nk KYW-TIl. D.ncing Mutt< WENR-Women's r.~lu.u KYW-R.be, in HollYlvood; Arlhur ....1 WJJD-Remioih. Bto-. WHD-TIle rriendl,. Philowph.r .itk WBSM-TIle \'ok~ of Experi.n"" (CBS) Homer G.illith WMAQ-WaUI Time; Abe Lymoo'. 0.-. WENR-Ey. Ta)lor, songs (NBC) pi.ni.t ch.stn (NBC) WMAQ-U. DI C. Progra,.. WMAQ-Wiurcl of 0>., .kelcll (NBC) WGN-Allan Gran!., piaoi.t 5:00 P.M. 7:35 P.M. 1:,15 P.M. WIND-Bob Asche, pianist KYW-:.1e1 Stihcl at the Pian.. WBSM-WBBM Cnncorl Orchul.. WJJD_l)r3matic .keich KYW-PruMnce Penny, eOOnOlllJ' t:o.. WAAF-Bouquet 01 the S... &n'. mt. 7:40 P.M. WMAQ-G. n • Arnold'. Commodor •• WAAF_I11'l·thmi~ t:onttrt WBBM_Skippy (CBS) WIND-Mu.;c.! Interlud. (NSC) WS8M---Org.n Rueri.. WCFL-E;ddy H.ni. Dickson, horito,,", WlS_n.d D.vis, dr3ma (NBC) W[ND-Tun~ Tea~e", d,nce m".ic 1:50 P.M. WMAQ-p.ul Ash's Orche,tr. WJJD-Bubb Picbrd, Tenne.see hillbilly W8SM-Jcrr,. SlJlliv.n, song. , 5:10 P .M. 8:00 P.M. lUll.' 2:60 P.M. WAAr-Ton;gh~·. Radio Fealu••• KYW-Detomb.rdo'. O«h.,t•• (CBSl WCFl-Variety Program WGN-l·hc Slory 01 Helen Tr.nt talk WIND-Iloy Parke.', Orch.st.. WGN-Good Heahh ""d Tc~ining WIND-Wuin.c Warm with Ellin~ ... WENR-Liltle Orphan Anni ... Ch..iWnl\'. WMAQ-L... Rei$m'D'. Orehestr. (Mact. WINO-F.mou. Donee Sands WJJD-Nirk Nichol •• cartonist 01 Ihr air playlet (NBC) 8:35 P,M. CORPORATION WJJO-}:slhor Bradford, f"uh~ .. Advillt. WSBC-\,.l·. Vadvil WGN-Utll., Orpha" Anni ... a,ildrta', WSSM-Ma,io Fior.llo, Sol";'t; WlS-Wcalhc. Report WMAQ-Ual'PY Oay. in Dix..it (HBO playlet (NBC) a..­ PHOTO· ENGRAVERS Wheel•• ', Orche.tr. 11;50 A.M. 2:45 P.M. WINO-(;.orge Sch~rbonk' i Ord.eslr. 53S S, WELLS ST. WBBM---Ors.n Rccihl WBBM-Ave,,. ,nd Slcde (CBS) 11 :45 P.M. CHICAGO 11:55 A.M. WGN-Fletcher Honderson', O«h ..tra WHD-Spo,t. Re,·iew. J"hnny O'II"t. KYW-Dr. Sprin!:""," WlS-Ucnltcy'. Now. WMAQ_Widow and An,.l (NOel, WMA.Q-J .... I'.uee, \.ollor (NBO, WCfL-ToO)' ..." J"- ..._ Radio Guide 15

1:30 P.M. Spalding '" Behind the Scenes in Chicago Studios By Rollin Wood (WEDNESDAY CONTI NUED) 1i\D, GARY, will soon lay W rlOlm a much hl'lI\'ier signal 9:UO P .i'II. throughout Ihis arra due to the KV ..... -Th. Glob. THill .. , WBBM-CI}'de Lucas' Orch<,.I •• new transmittrr site and radical de­ WCFl-WCFL Occh,,'lra parture from Ihe generally ac.:epteJ WE ~ R----Cor" Cob p,p" Club of Vir,ini. method of lransmissioll. (NBCI The new single tower ma~t ris~s WG N-Fred Wari,,;', 0",10 .. ,1,3: ~Io,"n }:;O feet abo\'e the ground anJ ~nd M3Ck, cnmedian. (CBS) servcs, 1101 as a support, but as a WI ND-Hungari ... ~h"ic \\;,h Frank Ko­ radiator iBelf. The tower is the nch Intest in design, being only sixteen WMAQ-Tod WeI'''''' Ord,.. ,h. fcel across the base. This IS ap­ WSBC-Song. 0/ Poland proximately equi\ alent in spa(e to !):15 1'.1'+1. the compartment of an ordina~y KYW-Th .. C.,h·I,. ""I.. q" .. rl,-\ ('levator. The tower ilself is ener­ W88M-No',. ~",,'i.c gizeu, not at its base but through WeFL-Ai U,,,,dlo, • Oroh".!ra a loadlllg coil at the very top. ThiS 9:30 1',1\1. load coil gh'es the tower the ef­ KYW-Nalional 11;"1;,, Foru", (~R{,) fecti,-e length of the trJnsmitted W8 6M-Fi,," Stir H~q,~. navid Call';". wavelength of ;60 kilocycles. N~w ~leI"dy Ma,l .. ," "",I Yiollnist and decidedly different in design, WCFL-\\'CFJ. O,.eho.I,,, r:idio engineers ,md operntors of stJ­ WEHR-NeiI51,t..... WGN-TornOIIGw, Ne ... , tioll~ througl1out the country are WI ND-Alcx,nM, Woolkn!!, ''T",,'n \\'~tching the innovation closely. C,ie'" ICBS) A late model Western Electric WM AQ-Nalional nu,lio Forum (J-;nCl transmitter \\ilJ supply this system 9:;5 ),.1\, . of r:ldiation_ Frmlk FalkilOr, COIl­ suiting engineer, hopes to have WBBM-~l,1'r1 and _\1drgo (CBS) everything ready for the operation WCfL-Kob,r WE N R-Fr~nk L"th," A,jl~rikan. by Sunday, October 21. WG N-H,I K~"'l", Orcho.!ra ~ WI ND-il.li." I'ro~ra", ~ William Po"a "Squaring the Triangle," a light 10:00 P.M. romantic comedy by DOllg Hope, KYW-Spo,l, RepOr'" skilled director of the PrillCl!H Pat WCFL -~l'hoo1 Tud, ...' r,o~ram Pageallt, will be heard on that pm­ WENR-Amo. 'n' Andy (NBC) gram ol'er l'\BC-WENR at 9:30 p. WGN --Cha,'i. Agnew', Oroho.tra m. Monday, October 21 The drama WMAQ-Amo. 'n Andy port. n op"rt., Fihy-t,yo stations in 32 stales CJf­ Peggy has two re asons for JPpellTing WGN - Wayne King', O"ch.,tr~ Nid~ Nicbol!i makes of celebrities in­ Talkie PiclHr ~ Ttme, dirt·etc.! by ried the ' ROHUd Table" dbcussi<.JlJ in the pajama atti re. First. lhe WIND-Hay "'''hr'. Orche,tra terviewed on the RADIO GlilDE pro­ Cbarles P. IIl1 gb~s and spol1sored by noon hotlr is practi c:llly the middle J! oolingh~m ,k.t.h of the Universily of ChkHgO la'l WMAQ-The •• gram over WJJD are available Luxor, heard over WMAQ. Sunday of the night to her be~,lll,e she merely for the postage required, at 4:30 p.m" will present "Ililis Be­ Sunday morning at 11:30 a, m. You 10 :35 1',1\1. can pick the feature lip every Sun­ works so late and second, the To d~te, fourteen are avaiJable, anj yond" this week. I n the cast will pr.1ctice is Jinble to start a c01l1forl­ WENR--(arr.y l.}n"', Orohe.lra are: Jack and Joe, 111<': Log Cabin day at the same time over WI-I \Q be / UIU Mereditb, /o/m SIal/ford, in Chicago_ ,lble new style for girl nxalbb. 10:45 P.M_ Boys. Norm Sherr, Auriole Cra\'en, Jack Do/y, Murray Forbl'$, and ~ Frank Prince, Billy Sunshine. Paul WCfL-WCfL Orchestra Gilbert Douglas. Roumary IIllgbtJ, .. Herr Louie al/d dff Wea'.!, he~rJ WIND-Q.. i. Nel.on·, Ord,." .. (CBS) Ash, Myrtle Vail. "lilTgie "linter, sis ter of Charles, the proou.:er. will A play-by-play description of Ihe ntghtly over WGN except un Satur­ 10:50 P.M. Art Linick, Emrie Lincoln, Dell be featured as soloist, A/icbiglm ~late-.l1arq",.tle game day and Sunday, have hc~n nOlifie d Paul, AnnoulKH Bob Brown of NBC ~ WGN-Bernie Cu",miM' Orohestra will be broadcast by AI Buettner by Ihe m:lMgemcnt of 0/,1 Ifcldd­ and Lee Bennett, /larry Ricbl/la/l recei\ed thr over "'ISN, Milwaukee, Salllhl;!y, bllrg that they arc to remain after 11 :00 P .~ L Within a few days, the sketche~ coveted honor of being sele~led to October ?I, at 1:45 p.m, the offici.11 closing of Ihe Century of KYW--(ab Callo".)'·, Otcheslra (NBCl of Princess Ahi, Bob Taplinger and fili the place of David ROH as an­ Progress, Nm-emiler J I. WEHR-nalph Kith<>ry. baritone INBC) !lomer Griffith will be ready. nouncer of the Old Gold, f'Ted W.lf- ~ WIND-Barney napp', Orche,tra (CBS) Probably the fIrst appointment ,.)f Any eight sketches will be sent for 1118 program broadcast _ fr,?m \\'JnteJ----a good hillbillv bass­ WMAQ--Cab C.llo"aI·' Orchestr. (NBC) a three-cent stamp, or for a two­ this type ever n~ade is the ~tJtioning W S 8C -~lidniibt ROI·i.", Chicago, Wednesday. Ross, tit WIth baritone y,ho plays at lea~I' t'lO ;n­ cent stamp to readers living in a cold, could no! travel to Ch1(ago. of Dr. /olm II. /lalla lid. a~~iqaat II ;05 P,M. pastor of the Chicago Temple. at strllmen[s. ,<\pply 1. L. I'rilnh. 2;U, Chicago. O\'er eight rrquire two ~ N. Ra.:ine, Chicago. WENR _amldy RoV'" Orche,lra (NBC) stamps for mailing. WLS by Bishop ErueJt 1._1'1111 li'al­ "Today's Children," the onty dar/. 11 :10 r .III, dramatic program originallng at tl'e WG N-Don Carla,' Oreh•• !r. .. Bill Vickllllld, famous for his out­ NBC Chicago studios \\lth ils uo.n 11 :30 P.M. standing portrayal of Abraham lin­ production man, insists upon this Lmnellce Sa/eruo and .'111<111 Crad FEAR GIRL WRITER'S of the WGN staff, pleased the :ludi­ KYW-TT""y So'ni"', Ord,estr. (N BC) coln in the "Prairie President" srrie~, feature because it is fclt th~t only WCFl-Gordc Bird,'~ O,ehest,. as the pastor of the "Little Brown someone close to the pulse of the ence at their recital last Sund .• y afternoon at Kimball 11:tIL DJ;ly PLANE HAS CRASHED WEHR- Henry Kin~', Orehe.tr. (NBC) Church of the Air", proprietor of script is qualified to direc t and WGN -Bernie C,,",mins' Orchestra the "Book Shop" afld numerous obtain the finest shadil1gs of por­ newspaper critics Edward Moor,I, Gal'l Brews!er Long 0 d e WIHD-P.ncho', Orohe.lr. other dramatic roles, is leaving trayal. Walter lVicller, who also Eugene Sri/ISOl! Jnd lIerlllall I)n'- • ver 1I WMAQ-Carlos Molina's Orehcstra WLS for free lance work and per­ tllkes the role of Bob Crane in the ries were e n th\lsiasti~ over. the per- in Flight to South Seas 1l:45 P.I\I. sonal 'lppeaqnCes. Vickland was sketch, is the prodllcer of the Irlla fyrm~flCistof the raclto bartlonc :rn.1 MAN ILA, October 25 __ A plane WCfL-WCFL Ord.. ,\". h s plnn . Icft !'rylng GnU BrewsteJ', weU kno ..... n WG N-J"" G"'~tr'. Orchestra Nick ..,.,lie/H'ls " New York newspaper feature wri t_ 12;00 I\lill. 1J,/J0 skel(/)fS TOllY e(lflo reports that ,ince a er. to the South Sea Islands, is re­ W8aM-Late D"n<~ Ord,c,lra. ulebrilies OIl switch to situ~tion from gag hUlllO:, ported as three days overdue. Au ­ WEtlR-E.rI Hinc.' Orchestra tbe R ... OIO the 'Two llightalians" uf WCI'L. thorlties lear the plane has crashed WGN-George Dc,",on', Orch.,lra Gum!; pro~rams TO/,y and JOt, arc dr~wing Iriple in a typhoon. Miss Brewster was WI ND-n.y l'a"ker', Ord.. ,I .. , "g irl \o"lli~1 \'.ilh FACIAL POWDER 16 Radio Guide

7:00 P.M. Showboat 1:00 P.M. Paul Whiteman 9:00 P.M. Thursday, Oct. 26 Rudy Vanee "" '" "" 8:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. WIND-Arl JaM" tenor 3:300 P.M. " 6:25 P.H. kVW-Musinl Cock; ...nttT progT.... KYW-Buddy C[ark WJJD-Pichrd Fami[y; Dad, Vothe.-, KYW-Two Docto .. wtth Acu of tlle Air KVW-Sp3rl. Report .. WAAF-8rraklMt Express WAAF-~Iemory Lane Bubb, lIutl>, Chorli, and Baby Ann WAAF-Jam'" Hamillo. WEN R-Sports Rcpor!er W88M-Tht F,,11I' Eloll So", qu~rtet WBBM-D,!Z"1t aDd Ramsdan P""ralll WMAQ--Orlando', Conart Ensemble WBBM-News Huhes (NBC) 6:30P.M. WCFl..-Kiddid Aeroplllu. Cub WCFl-Kobo.r WENR-Sports Reporlor KYW-Cone"rl Footli&hts; .o.. li.t.; _ WGES-I'oland'. Music WGES-Rhythm Re,·ie .. 12:15 P.M. WIND-Mu"'c.1 inte,lud~ che.lra (NBC) WeN-Good Momin,. Muw.al prograM WGH-!>1ovie Pers.onalitin WCH-en•• mble Music WJJO-~[oo",he~rt Children WBBM-Buek Rogers In Ih. 25th c...... WIND-P<>~sh Hou.; John RG5kowslci WIND-Sunnl·.i.in Symphony 3;15 A.M. 10:10 A.M. WGN-~(".ic Weavers WIND--A",eri~an Lo!ion S,,".~.r (CSSI WMAQ-Lum and Almer (NBC) W88M-~ltI:oica1 Time ~yet WENR-5tudio Progr3m WIND-(;uy u>mb'Tdo'~ OrchHln 3 ;45 P.M. WGES--Poli.h He"uc WeFL-Trm" Parad. 10:15 A.M. WMAQ-Dan Ru.... •• Orioles WAAF-W"rJd N ..... 6:45 P.M. WIND-Ihmgarian lI1u. ic ~nd Mi.sionary Hour; John WJJD-Judy Talbot. !><'rson.lity cirl WCFl-S.liona! Induslri,[ Recover1 Ad KVW-Ed..... rd MacHugh~ pspol singn R. Rioh 1:25 P.M. 4;30 P.M. New. Fla!h... (C';SC ) WSBC-Forenooll Re~i_ WBBM-~.w. flashes KYW-Hoo.ier G.nlle",.n 7:15 P.M. WAAf_Li,·" Stock M.d:et Fhs],,,, 10:40 A.M, 1:30 P.M. WAAF-l"o,-e[tiu WBBM-Bill and Gln~, popubr son~. KYW-Dramatization WIHD-Gal')" Poliu BloUer KYW-B.be. in 1I<>llywood; Arlhur and WBBM-~Io"ie Ch.ller (CBS) 10:45 A.M. WBBM·-Sporll Review of Ih. Dar Florence Lake on C[uh WCFL-A[ Handler'. Orchutra WGES-Song:! of Ger""ny WA:l.f-Salon Mu.ie WAAF-I!hllh,~ Kine. WENR-The Soli! Pi[ol (NBC) WGN-Singin'Sam (CBS) WGN-WGN K.~p Fit Clnb WBBM-The Wh,le" Trio WBBM-Kentucky Hill Sillie. WIHD-YQu,,~.I.,"' Club; Uncle Frank WINO-;\[oming Melodlu WIND-Indiana StrinJ: Trio WCFl-Popular Mu.ie WCFl-Voice oC Ih Air form World', WJJO-Ben Kantor. harilone WlS-Dramahzalion WlS-[[Oll flash; tiv .. toek R~(eipls; Dr, WENR-IIIl)·thm R.mblor,; OI"clo.."',, Fair WMAQ-Dr. Doolittle (NBC) 7:30 P.M. Bllnde<~n 1I0~r tNBC) WGN-~Iauri. Sherm.n Orches!... 4:010 P.M. .f, WCFt-Popu[~r MlUie WSIJC-Timcly Tunes pi.ni.1 WAAF-Ray Waldron'. Sport. Revi",.. WGES-Canary Conoort 0'1/31'0 11:00 A.M. WMAQ-V. of Chicago I.oolu,. WBBM-Concerl Prog"'" WLS_Advenlurc, in llealth (NBC) WGN-Cb,.". Lu 'II' Em. smaU 10"''' KVW-R.,< Maupin" Carniv.1 1:45 P .M. WENR-Mu'ic.l Moment. (NBC) 7:40 P.M, ~ ... ip <'z' Orch •• lr. 9:25 A.M. WGN-Fred ~I.ink.n, pianl'l WGN-En'embl. Music $:00 P.M. WCFL-Spuken Buruu 01 C. F. of L WBBM-Varlety Progr"", WINO-~!ood Indi!,o WJJD-F,,,,ou. D.nee Band. WJJD-\'iennese Night. KVW-Adull £dunlion.1 COdnd! WENR_B. A. Rolf •• Croonin~ Ch ..... 9:30 A.M. WAAf'-lValt ... (NBC) WMAQ-Merry Mae.; vonlills (NBC) WlS-SIUdio ~Iu,ical Progra .. KVW-:'IIorninl!: Parade, ..arid, (~BC) WBBM-Skippy. children'. pl~ylet ceBS) WGN":"'Palme< H"u .. Ensembl. 11:16 A.M. 1:50 P.~(. WBBM-Beauty Cb~1 WCFl-Eddy Ha"son. organ recital WIND-Harl.m ~r.nade (CBS) WGN-June Baker. home man)Ctmuot WBBM-JerTJ Sullivan. wnga WGES-~Ic!ooy Parad~ WEHR-Richard lIimber'. En~mb[. WLS--Re,·el.rs Quart.t (SBC) 2:0~ P.M. WGN-Mathl Report. 11:15 A.l'II. (NBC) 8:00 P.M. WIND-Tod:Iy'. Dane. WAAF-World New' ReporU; M ..kot. KYW-Re:< M.upin'. Concort WGES-Song. 0/ PolQnd KVW-Dclectiv~. Black and B[ue WMAQ-Tnnj Cabooch. monol"'Iuist WBBM-Gene and Ch~rli.; ViTsini. WAAF-Chk.go on Parad. WGH-T,"in[o~d 01 Tunu WB8M-Phil Harri.' Orcheslr. 9:35 A.M. Clark WBBM-Eddie and F.nny Cann.ugh. WINO-Hele" Block. conlro.llo WCFl-Mm~. Dorolhy Dord" ... oontralto WGN-Leonard Sa! .... 0'1t3ntst WEHR-Vic and Sado. comedy .kelc" radio go .. ip WJJD-Bob~ie Dichon, barilont WGN-J,n Garbor'. Orche.tr~ 9:45 AM. WIHD-Conni. Gal"".... ng"! (CBS) WCFl-IIei,no team, food talk (NBC) 11:20 Al'Il. 5:15 P.~I. WMAQ-Captain Hcnry'. Showboal (NBC) WJJO-I!,,~h Pi"kard. hmbilly sonp WBBM-Al and Pd•• oom<"dy and WGH-F"red M~inken, pianisl KYW-You and Your Go,·ernm.n! (NBC~ SO P.M. WIN O-{i.orge Scherb.nk's Oroh.slra (NBC) and ,lor i •• 11:45 A.M. WAAF-Anlwer Man WIND-Momory Lane. with Merrill F... WBBM-Coneert Orchellu WAAF-Variety WBBM-organ Melodi". land. pi'nist 8:45 P.M. WGN_He.lth T.lk: Organ M~ . ic WGN-Story of Uelen Tt~nt WJJD-Fr.d Bo~k organi,t KYW-Dr. Sprin~r WJJO-RADIO GUIDE IntuvltW1 .,..ith WIND-Dr:omatic !Ohtch WMAo-John B. Ktnnl!BC) WENR-lland. Aero .. the Border (NBC) WAAF_NMn lime M.lodi •• : W •• th •• WIND_Cory Yard and Garden Progra.. WIND-So"g, al r.vonlicle WG:tI-Rube Awl_""rry .hloh WBBM-~Inri~. Ih. Little I'ronoh Prin_ WJJO-(;uy I.o,nbard,,·s OTche.tr. WMAQ-TI,. Si ..l~rs (NBC) WIND-Willa,d Robi,o,,', Deep Ri"er O!-- ..... "ram. (CBS) WMAQ-Widow and Angel WJJD~Sporh He"i.w. Johnn1 O·H... d,utr. (CBS) WCFL-Lunoh.on Con~nt 3:00 P.M. 6;00 1'.1\0(. WMAo-Pau! Whiteman', Orchntn; WGN_Mul · "3~ S.rvioc. KYW_Tbr"" String. KVW-F.ddit Ni~hlU"" Oroh... l.,. O""m. Taylor. ma.tor 01 unmoniett WIND--"i"d:'y Medit.tion WAAF-Frank B~k.,.. Ihe Book""o",, WBBM-lIusJ.; O'llare', Oroh... !.a WSBC-Me!odi... of 1Ia[y WJJD-Side Show; Chuok Lanp/!nr. WBBM-Curti. Symphony Ort,,"tr. WENR-What'. Ib, N.",.t 9;15 P.l'IL "barht" (CBS) WGES-Populor Dinner Danu WlS-Tom and Don, barmony WCFl-Afterno.on Froelies WGN-Unde Quin. Joan. Donny Dr.. ", ... KYW-Eddie Nieb3ur', Orch"!ra WBBM-New. s",,·ite WMAo-l'OtlTO Vh', Orche.lr. (NBC) WIND-Leota Olson, .oprano and Wi.hbone; childreo'. progra", WCFl-AI Hand!er', Qrd,utra WMB(-Loop Eyang.li.ti. 5t;1"i/io:c WJJD--F"r<"d Beok org."isl WIND-Sormon mu.ie wilh \vImam Klein lZ:15 r.M. WlS-Belty and Bob (NBC) WJJD_Pichrd Family WGN-Rioh:ud Cole', Orohntn WBBM_Husk O'Haro'. Ofthl!5tr' WMAQ-Wint.r, .nd Weber (NBC) WMAQ-Twonly FiuseTO "r lIarmony 9:30 P.]\oL WINO_noi, ."d Dunn (CBS) WMBI-GO'J1>"1 Music (NBC) KVW-Boyd Raeburn'. Orchul ... WJJD-f.ivestr V)ndi•• WSBC-Uthu.oi.o Hour r::!:l.;d WBBM-El.y 1\<0" oome"," ...... uo (CBS) WMA Q-Briti.h I'olilic'[ DilIeu ..i_ (NBC) WCH-Contut)' of Prog..,'~ Orcbesino ' ;35 r .M. 10;SO·IO;Vo WMAQ-Ne...... f I/w; Aif WG N-lInd_eII .. 00 ... 0 .... ••11. O.S.'1'. WCN-Market Rq>o.v WMBI-Mu•• ,. Radio Guide r1 By Carleton Smith IN SALZBURC + NEWS from

ilE spirit of ~1oJart still abides My path led across the Like of in SaJthurg. Traditions live Constance tl1.rough the Black Fore,1 T here, and Ihe old town is as to Freibourg and its J\\un~lcr, v.hcre restful a~ ever. The roots of its I spent an afternoon with its drO\l'y WJJD culture lil' detp in the ground and custodian above the belfrr ... the Saltkammcrgut. ~nd nothing has looking down on the valley 0 Ihe disturbed them. Rhine and back at the candy-like ARY ALCOTT is hack on,e more with the WJJD statf r I have been 101.1 that Ihe secret houses in the hills. Days to re~t M of Sallburg's dlarm is in a blend­ in Baden-Baden, most Illxuriou~ of after a long re'it \\hi(h re­ ing of the old Italian ~pirjt lind European "cures," and time in lite stored her to good heallh. Mary the deeper GermJn culture. Be that All Heidelberg castle.. , ~nd Ihen is one of those radio entertainers as il may, J\\ozart's music was born before saying "Auf Wieder,;ehn," a \\'ho never disappoints her admirers of the spirit of the place and his jaunt to Weimar and ]'j<;('nach, to when she makes a public appear­ works are heard to advantage there. visit the "cradle of Gernun cul­ ance, as you can judge from Ihis The same Bruuo Walter. W!>Om ture". photograph, Mary has 1Il;11lY hob­ you ha\'e been hearillS the past few Scbiller and Gotlbe are Ihe n~mes Sundays, conducts the symphonies carved on two worn wooden Oo:\es bies but her favorite one is out­ and opt'ras Under his lOlling care, in the cemetery vault at Weimar. board motorboat racing at \\hich Mozart's audible sunshine glows What images Ihose names hrin~! she was a champion. brightly. Nor is it dimmed by the The greatness of ~rmany ~till Missed entering the re~ent re­ darkness on the evenings Bunbard lives, and there is no beller rla~e gatta only because it \las run off Paumg(lrt/ler directs a chamber to commune lIith it than here \\here at the time she had radio pro!:,:rams, JOAN BIJIIKE orchestra by candle-light in the it was born .... another, 10 visit She is much in demand on programs Residenz-court serenades, These Sbe's tbe octress oPPofite Chorlo the halls where Tannhauser S;lIIK ' • hours with Mozart are always re­ Lyon., NBC OllllOUllur, 0" tbe walk down the slopes and r~~ (CBS) SCbOIU, and i'ra,,{ VtJIlur. Whcn political reports to the WlIlrary. WCFl-Kob.. the more recent Strauss works are Bruxelles, .. the War Zone.,. almos,t every walk of life. WENR-rr~Dk t.uth.. 's Adlorik.n. brought to America, we shall un­ the inevitable nights in Paris.. , a WGN-Drum Ship; d~ .. ic~t mUlic doubtedly hear Ihese arti~ts. After smooth sea .. the Statue of l.ihefty • WINO-Ea.' U,ic.~ Co,,,",unity PCOJ,am "Elektra" and the revival thts ... and a befuddled brain tryinf,: 10 THE M?Oseheart Child.Ten I'h't:r~m changes its timt: with the re_ 10:00 P.M. winter of '·S310me", it does seem /ollimpse accurately l\ R·\. AA.A., sumption of ~hool. I ht>e 1;l1t'nted )'oungster~ \1111 now be h~,Lrd KYW-Sport, Rtporter that there will be con~itlcrable in­ CCc. NLB, RWA, XVI. and to WCfL-S~hool Teacbfrt Talk terest in hearing the laler Str;!.uss. from 3:30 to 4 p.m. cadi d.'l Chrpt Saturdays and ~undays. WENR-Amol 'D' And, (N8C) decide why Rudy lIallte ~tn~s MaJ!­ WCN-<:olumbi. S)mphony Orcbutr. .. rico's airs from "II Tro\alore"_ (CBS) • WMAQ-Amol 'n' Andy (NBCl Legends O NE of the most poPu!;lr ~inger~ mer WJJD i~ nubby Did",,", 10:05 P.M. AFTER Sabburg it is hard Star Static Results the "Neighborhood ~m~Nrr, he.ud e\ery day ex,cpt Sunday dnd KYW-Ihrr)' Sosnik's Orcheslr. to be contcnt with other The PrI{t WillI/en ill Ibe "Star Monday on the t-:eighborhotJd ~lOre5 program at 5 pm. 10:15 P.M, pl<:ces, unless perhaps )'OU st~y WCfL-B.rrett O'Hu•• \Ilk in Bavuia. I did _ to con- Static Game." cona,/rlid by WENR-To be announud template the prepar:lIions for next Radio Guide reuIIII", for -aNcb • WGN-old Iltidclber, summer's PauiOIl flay at Oberam· JIJXJ(} in catb pri;l's u·tre BEN KANTER holds Ihe ,li,tin(fion of being the losingest ~t;lff WINO-World Wide N.wl (CBS) member. All year he lo_t money on baseball v.agers and on the WMAQ--The lioolln,h.m, mergau, and to feel again the ex- o/lered, will bt amumnc(.1 '" 10:30 P.M. pansiveness and warmlh of Southern first Saturday football pool he finished KYW-J.ck Denny'. Orchestra (NBC) Germany's hospitalilY, Small shrines tbe issue on sale Tbure~in to de­ Quin Ryan: "WG:-.:J \lill not WMAQ--Erni~ 1I0Isl', Orch •• tra (NBC) scribe )'ou to these band~". - Mrs. broadcast a game ne\' Saturday, WSBC-A NiRht in 1l •• km Irvin Etter, Chicago, Ill. becau~ that game i~ 1 ·ing rlj)'ed 11:10 P.M. today". - Ibrmond fltJples, Slur­ WGN-Don C.rlos' Orch.lr. .. geon, Bay, Wis, 1I:l5 P.M. October Z _ KDKA - Baby KVW-Bu~)' ~I.roft'. Rose Marie - 7.15 p. m, .. Orchulra II :30 r,M. Announcer: '·Put your child on a October 5 - WGN - 9:39 p. m.- KYW-II~rry Sosnik '. O'chestra cake of yea5t daily". - Eleanor Bob Elston: ·Corn 1()\\H, ofT a WENR-OaDanl in T"iD Cili~. INBC) Turner, Princeton, Pol, WGN-<:I,.rli. A~ne",'. O,ch,tr. dollar a bale". - Don Davison, WIND....(:1)d. J.un" Orcht

7:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M.. \1:00 P..M. cos Phil Baker

8:00 A.M. ll:OO A.M. WENR-To ~ 2nn.... nc..,j WENR_Th. GoIdber,!,,! (}j'8C) Ion, 1 F-~pr!, WHO-Ruth Pi~kard, old ti~ >on!_ Oreh~tr. (CBS) 8:15 A.M. WIND-W.ek·End Tour; Frank Morro"". WB8M-\'i,ginia Chrk. Gene and Charlie 4;30 P.M. WC;L-Tin,. P:or:ld. WEN R-Vic and Sad •• "..,.,wy .kekb ,uide KYW-Earle Tap~",", t~no. I'fINO-Hullg"ri3n Program with F .. nk WIN D--Gypsy Nin •. ,ongs (CBS) WLS-Ethel Shutla, Yocali,l; Walter WAAF-Eve Lpm I':·., ,eI, WJJD_HillbiUy Time (YKe.fe; Don B ••tor'. Ord,eslu (NBCI WLS-I',oo\lc' Reporter WBBM-~Iovi~ Chatter WMAq-Coneert Oro1oe,I'3 (NBC) WMAQ-Wcn.1\-1. WL'i-Bentl.y·, N.~ WGN-,\ll>n Grant, pi,nist WIND-YBung.te,'. Club; Uncle Frank WCFL-Nationa! Industria! R.clI¥,ry Act NOl'I Fta.he> 8:3'0 A..M. 11:30 A.M. WJJD-Ben Kanter, b"ilone WBBM-~!~t,opo!itan P:l.r~de (CBS) KYW-N,\;(}n.1 Farm and WMAQ--The Moan.,,; orch",tra (NBC) 7:15 P.M. WCFL-Pt>pubr D~nee Mu~ie (NBC) ClY!)E MCCoy WBBM-5po;lt, Revi.". 01 th~ Da,. WINO_L»t Night', St.u 4:40 P.M. WCFl-AI Handler'. Orcl> ..tn WAAf-Rhylhrn Kin~. WBBM-N~"., Fl,.h.. WL$-Su<"hil\. Exprea. TlJe (IOPIJ{l)f AlcCoy, pictuud WGN-Edwin C. lIill. neWS commentalo. W86M_News Fla.he. (CBS) with bis /d'f)Qrite 1.-'ice, returllJ to 8:45 A.M. WENR-Home Serv;ce 4:45 P.M. (CBS> nw&e mime at tbe Drak~ Hotel wrNO-Thr~. Buddie.; girl. Irio WCFL----German EnI~rtain.mn.1 WGN_30.. d of Trade ROlJ'lra KYW-Thr... String. WUIG--O"l"n Melodi., 11IIJ over WGN Oft Saturday, WAAF-Ray WaldTo,,', S!>"rh Review WMAQ-K;ng', Jnl.~. hHlI\OnT InDo WINO-'\[u.ic.l Interlude (NBC) 8:55 A.M. WJJO-Fred Beck. organist Odoba 21. WBBM-Cowboy To,n ~nd Indian Chid INB8f¥t-.\",.riran Dental s..tm)' WMAQ_llox Batt1.', Ensemble (NBC) ______1 ~CBS) ';30 r.M. 9;00 A.M. WMBI-Continu...t Story R.adinl W[NR-Mu.i".1 Momen" (NBC) WBBM--GoOOrieil program WiNO-Ford and Clun, harmony Ium KYW-Bilil' AU~n Hufl ll:35 A.M. WLS-)IJple City fout; Brown, WCFt-y. M. C. A, £clueational lkpt. WAAF-I.i,'c Sta<:k Ma,ktt fla.lte. WBBM-Frank Wilson. tenor, and Jul.. 1,i."i.t WJJO-The Friendly PhilO'opher with WGN-f,larch of Time; udchn (CBSI Hom., Griffith WINO-"Hot Sto~e Lugue"; Johnny WBBM-Singinr OrIani,l Stein 1:~ P.M. WMAQ-Tlu! Wizard af ()Z. (N8C) O'Hara WG£'i-Songs of Gormany WGN-Digest of Ihe Day', Ne~ WJJO-Cou";" P~I1I, old _ WGN-K.cp Fit Club WINO-~1isth3 R.gins~-y'. On:h."lra, 5:00 P.M. WLS-Danler..... Paradise. d ..m~Uc ". 1:45 P.M. ,htch with Ehi~ Jlit~ (/'iBC) WtNO-today', Dance I"n music (CBS> KYW-~Id Sti,z;;:! al Ih. piano KYW-P,"denc~ I'e"ny. econ"my WMAQ_~lr. T..-i$lt<. Jim Jordi!,. WlS-H~~ .·b$h; Live510ek Receipts; 0.-. 1l:"5 !U~I. WAAf-Bouquel of the Sea.on', mt. WAAF-~Ilrk.ts .nd Wuther B'", l ..en Hour WAAF-Varidy Program WB8M-Skippy. children·, .kit (CBS) 7;35 P.M. WBBM--Organ Interlud~ WMAQ--~Hing 1.'1' Ex.rds., WCFL-Vari.ty Program WCFL-Eddy Hanson. organ r""il.1 WBBM-WBB\\ Conoerl Or.heslu WCfL-s.,n.ta Rcit~1 (NBC) 9:15 A.M. WGN----{;o"d Health and Tra;n;nl WENR-H.nry King'. Orebe.lr. lNnC) 1 :40 P.!U. WGN-I'.lm .... H"u~. Ensomble KYW-Iren. Kin~. lalk WINO-Vin«nl L""",' Or~hulra WG[S-Poland iD SOnl WINO-Indi>o~ Strint T'io WL5-Sludio ~lu,i<.1 I'rOlJr ..... WCFL-Popul~r ~Iu,ie WJJO-E,th.r Braill"rd, fashion WGN-Trainload of Tunes 7:45 P.M. 1:51) P.M. WG[S-C.""y Concert WLS-W.ather Reporl WINO-Indi3na Siring Trio WBBM-V;ne~nt lope.' Orchntra WBBM-Jerrl SuU;'"n, sonp WGN-C!3,a, La 'n' Em, .mall lo.. n 11:50 A.M. WJJO-Bobbie Dick'on. b3ritan~ WCFL-WCFl Orchntra 2:01) r.lI-f. ~o ip (NBC) W88M---Org.n Ile~il.al WMAQ_Paul A,h'. Orebestra Wt5-Rtd Davis; dron'. OIBC) KYW-Ru M'"pin', Cnnerrt WINO-tf"u.ok ...ping Chat,; Virgini~ 11 :55 A.i\f. 5:10 P.tU. WMAo-B~varian Ensemble B"nn,,1l WAAF_t::oho af • SU"ll' WL5-lkntley'. New. WAAF-Tonight'. R,dio F~'lurn 1:00 P.lI-f. WMAQ-l'rogram Preview WBBM-Ed,ll~ and Fanni. Cavanaugh, 12;00 Noon radio gu Hot .,HI Low D,,_ KYW-Henry King'. Orohe11ra (NBeI WBBM-Cbr~nc~ Whcde" Oroheslra .nd W8BM-Vnricty P'ogr.m W88M-~brie, the LillIe Fr"n~h Prin. WGN-~Iu'ie WNHrJ WBBM---O""n Sesame Olia Vernon 9:30 A.M, cess. dr,ma (CBS> WINO-Educa(iun)1 F •• 'ure (CB~ WCFL-John ]',1",,..11, food loll. WGN-Clyde McCoy', Drehtslr. KYW-The Strolling Fiddler (NBC) WCFL-Lunohoon Canrn,onlc Ord'e." WINO-HaJlPino •• E"prUs 10111 ... Ii",,,, (NbCI WGN-~lork.1 lI.porto WJJO-Slde Show; Chuck Lonphier, tn (NbC) W1JD-R...t Hot D,nce Tun., WMAQ--F,,..j Allen. comodian ~ud Co.; \IIIINO-Ue Morrymah" (cas) "1I.rko," Forde Grore'. Or~hcst'" (NBC) WSBC-Ibnd Puode 5:30 P.M. 'NMAQ-To"y Cabooch, monolO!Uiat WL5-Ton' .nd Don, harmon1 2:1S r.M.. WSBC-Poli.h V,rieti.. WMAQ-Diok fiddler'. Ouhest", (NBC> KYW-Unde Sob', C"Tb·i.·the Limit Cub 8:15 P.1\-[. 9:::5 A.M. WAAF-E.toJl. Barne, al tbe P'i .... WBBM-Jaek Arm.lronl. All American I'IGN-L.onord Salvo, organilt W,,",BI-L!op E,·an;elisti. Sen-iu_ W88M_Phil Ifarei.· Orch .. lra KYW-Eddie Ni~bour', Oreh"'lr. 12:15 1'.1\-1. Boy (cns) 9:45 A.M. WGN-!>l.urie 5-h<>,noan'. OrfhHI... WCFL--Gru. WiI,on. food TIn. WSBM-Phil Harri,' Orche.tr~ WBBM-Hu$k O'llare's Orchest", WCFL-Food ~lnhn KYW-o.,n3ld Novis, teno, WINO-Aln: Semmler. piani,l (CB~ WENR-Variety Pmgr ..n WINO-TIle PI"y Boy. (CBS) WGN-TIu1:ad. of Happino .. (CBS) WBBM-A! an,1 Pd •. con,..,jy .ad son,. WJJO-~·am(tU. Orchest,. WGN-The Singing Lady; jinGln, so~1S. WJJO-Lh'e.ta<:k Marke!<; Phil E,·an. WSBC-AJ...." the Slue Danube WSBC-Po!ish "~rieti .... WCFL-Hi~I"i!ht' of Music WL5-Pra;ri. rarmer Dinnerbell Prolram; ""d storie 8:30 P.l\-L WC£'i-~lusical Gnb Bal 2:30 r.M. WlNO----Memory Lane; Merrill Fol.nd, Jim Pool. KVW-Boyd Raeburn'. Orch ... lra WINO-Rrn bemie',O«:h•• l", 12:30 P.l\f. KYW-Woman'. R.dio R.vi",..; lalk, .... pianist WMAQ-Bott)' C«>eke. (NBC) sio (NBC) WJ1D-Fred Beck, "rg~ni.t WBBM-AII Am~rie. FoolbaU SIu> ... (CBS) KYW-Ru ~I'upin'. Orchest .. WAAF--Charlie Gill WMAQ--11,e Ad,·entu,.. of Tom Mill: WCFL-Poli.b Program 9:50 A.M. WAAF----Opcratu: Gems W8BM-Dr. 1V}'nn, N. Y. Hnlt~ (NBC) WEN R-Phil Baker, je,ter; H~,ry Me· WI;N-.\l!:tn Grant, o;OUtut pi:laiot WB8M-Ect.y Ace.. comedy duma eo... mj.>i",,~r. talk Na~ton: noy Shidd·. Orchestra' (CB~l 5:"5 P.M. 11):00 A.M. WGN_TI,. Siory at H.len Trent """.ti.l. (NBC> WC.N-~brkot Reports KYW-~I",i. Appreciation Hour: W~!I .... WBBM-Homer Griffilh, Edward Houllerrie ~en Qu~rtet (SBC) pby!et (NBC) P.\U. WB8M---OrK"U and Pi.no 8:015 WCfL-Kob.lr 12:35 P.M. WGN-Little Orphan Annie, ohildrtil'. KYW-Dr. Springer NGES-Rhl"thm R...-inr WGN-En"''''hl" Music 2:15 P.M. pl,ylet (NBC) WGN-W,yne King', Orch.. lra 1~:45 WAAF-II."lth T.lk hy a Momber 'hGN-M.,,·ie Pe ..nn:illlie. P.iIoL of n· WINO-Enoch Lighl" Orchestra (("BSJ WINO_Ray Parbr"s On:hestr~ 'NlNO-W.tltz TIme KYW-Sm.,,,k Out. comedy duo (~BCl lillni, ~t.t. ~Tedical SocietT WJJO-Sports Re"i~w, Johnny O'lb .. WSBM-l'athcrin. Aver,. .nil 9:00 P.M. WJJO-Vnive",ity o! Chicago; Envil"Ofl· WaaM-Tll. ~1.SSr. hulth WMAQ-Betty Soap F KYW--(;Iobe Trotter. new, of th WCM"ld WCFL-F,rrn Talk 5loeh· m ..,,1 and R~ct 6:1)0 P.M. W8BM-OI.~n and Johnson, wmed,ans; WGN-~rusic We.v~" WGN-A!ternoon Mu,ic.l. WLS-p.,uhry and Liustock M~rket_ KYW-Eddie Ni~b~"er'. Orch... lr. Ifarry So.nik·, Oreh'IU (CBS) WINO-T~d Lewis' Orohe.tra WJJO-f1.<1 Kemp'. Or~hutr. INMAQ-Womn', Pag~ of the Air W88M-Mihi Grecn. "lIappy LandinI" WENR_D. S. Army a,n,l (NBC) WMAQ-D." Ru.sa'. Orchestra WMAQ-Widow .nd An~d (NBO WS9C_Pt>/i;h Early Birds WENR-What', Ih. News: WGN-Bccnie Cummins' Orcheslra 1:1)0 P.lI-t. :: :00 r.M. 10:15 A.M.. WGtS-Popular Dinner D~nrnow'. Oceh,.,!r. (CBS) WJJO-Fr,·d 8.,-1<. oqpn.ist WINO-<:pi .. aod V~ridy WGN-Rube Appleberry WJJO-Nick Nichols. c:utoon;'t of the air WL5-s.,tty .nd BoO; du.... (N8CJ. 6:15 P.M, WM~Q--Board of Tracie 9:3(1 P.M. WllD_"asl and Furio,,' WMBf_U WMAQ-Organ r.""it;ol WCFL-WCFL Orch.Slra 3;1" P.M. WCFl-Oi""y John""n', O«hcSI.... WMAQ--U. S. M~rint B>od (NS(;) 1:05 P.M. KYW-Dr. H. N. Bund_ ... bt.Jt.It t.1k W[NR-Dan Russo's Or"hestr. (N8C) WGES-Commllnity Prt>g:'"'" W[NR_To be "oitouncthY W"", (CSS) WAAF-so..~ ..t the Strj~ 3:30 P.M. (CBS> WCFL~'lIe O'COII""II. barit_ WCfL-Ci,·ic Talk Mayor's OfflCOt KVW-T"", Docto..... ith A.,. of tJ.. Air 6:%5 P.lK. WMAQ-T1M North...-".,,, WENR-Col1~ge Illn Comeel,. WGN-Ensenthle Music WAAF-lVarren Gaylore KVW-Sparts R.porter 9:35 P.M. WGE5-P"li.h Re''llt WJJO-Fr..,j Bock, organist; request p,.' WB8M_N.". f1 ... h .. WENR-Sports Re-port", WGN-Utadlina ., Oth .. Da,.. WGN-AII.n Gr~nt. concert piani,t WEN R-C.lilor"i~ Ramblen (HBO 6:30P.M. ~,am 9:45 p.M. WINO-Fat'orltt Dance Balld. WIItO-'lusiul Jnlerlu"," WlS-Today'. Alm.nac KVW-Jack and Lorella cr.mn>! (NBC) KYW-Ftoyd Gibbon.. Hudlioe HUDter WJJO-Dtamotic Sketch }:20 P.M. WJJO-~l..., •• h.ul Ch,ldr~. WBBM-Ra<:ky, the sh... m".r (NBC) WMAq-~lu.ic Apprl(:iatio H .... r (NBC) n Wll O-"Ioos~h.:u-t Children WMBI----{; ...~ ~h.n~e WENR-Polash and P.rlm"tta-. CO WMBI-~I",ic 01 La.. nd Rad,o Sdlool WlS-~IU$ic>1 P,~rom; r.lark~1I 3:3$ P.M. slcHeh (NBC) WCfL-WCfL O'cit6l .... Bi~I~: M~. McCord W8BN.--Gr~b Rag. varictT show (CBS) WGE5-Polisb Idelodi ... WMAQ-aoard or Tr.~e WGN-The Dr."m Sllip, cemcut mil.... W'iBC-Po!ig<"'" WGN-"I'a~lted Dream." WIND-Mtl1 (CBS> WAAF-Dramatiutitm KYW-Boyd Ruburn', Orche,tra WMAQ-Amos 'n' A"'!!y (NBC) WtNO-]l-1o>ocI ludig:o WJJO-F,td. a....:k, .r,."ist; r£quelt p.o· WBbM-F.duntio,,~1 F. r ... ;; ...... i"" WBBM--Boake Carl .., ~ cBolo.ental.., 10:0;;: r.l\l. WJJO-~"g. and S~rmon. "r~", LNguo Sketd. (CBS) KYW-M"Yu Davi.· Oreh.. lr. (N!ICI Radio Guide 19 REVIEWINC RADIO + + + By Mike Porter ECENT comments herein (00-1 fashioners a biT salary for this into many thousands of. Amt"rican Bergh, the director of the ~Ilemy's !Iexible enough to infuse fresh ncW! cerning the trend of radio work, and not Radio Row. If the homes. radio department: interest in it as well as new eflleT­ 10 lime. R music, and the newer technique producers demand a certain "'The popular song "'riters are not "Moran and Mack hine be·en en­ tainment vOilue from time in Ihe business for the 101"1'. of the As you know. Gul! Refillill./!. r.; of variety presentation by adroit type of material, it's the task of gaged, as you know, for four bro~d­ sponsors (if one is to judge by the the song writers to comply. It IS game alone. Thl'Y ll!SO eat. They .casts on the Old Gold progOll1 following that principle in ils Sun­ reaction of intelligent corre~pond- strictly a practical business pro­ OIre not evil-mindeJ. They are starting October 25. This is in day night programs. Gulf had W,ll ents) seem to have encompassed a position - no different from oth1!T merely trying to supply 01 demand. line with the definite policy of the Rogers for ten weeks. ,~rlb", br3ce of major problems. It is my competitive industries_ The public, by its obvious pre­ sponsor to keep freshness, e'i:cite­ Brisballe for four weeks. IVallH thought that the solution of them "The fact that these songs later ference for certain songs is calling ment and constantly new drarnatiG Kelly for a few weeks, Geor!.'.e M. for what you term 'pashy paeans' Cobn>!, then Fred Statle, nnd now will go a long way toward reviving receive much p1,lblicilY ~nd become interest in the program as 01 supple­ popular interest, which, if we are part of th~ V~rlOllS radiO, programs and I'm sure that if the song writcr~ ment to the music of Fred Waring Rogers wil! return. Vnllee wOlks to believe in recent surveys, pas docs not JustIfy the radIO moguls refused to turn out su,h stuff they It is our feeling that the old to the same idea in his wtll\ly waned because of the monotony of saying that 'tbe smlg0L7ilers are be­ would get very little credit OIny­ orthodox idea that radio slars must change of bill on his vnrieties. He where for their virtuous restraint. does his job superbly well. BUI jl m<1ny current features. wmil!g dO'1lmrigbt. dirt".' A SC!ng be signed up for 01 minimum of When one mentions songs. or.e used In a movIe \\'llh accompanymg Certainly not from the broad­ thirteen weeks will soon be OIS ob.;r.... there is any flaw in the Vallee idea. seems bestir ninety percent of those gestures by Mae West ,?r Lyda casters. I think we can safely have lete as the speakeasy. it is that he doesn't get any kind who read. That. probably, is be- Robedl may seem very risque m­ faith in the basic cleOinliness of the of carry-over value out of the cause most everyone. secretly or deed, but thJt same n,lmber sunJ,l minds of those millions of Amer­ "To get maJ5 appeal 011 a -rndio OIrtists he puts on. The happy otherwise. regards himself as a po- o~er the ai~ by a 'str~ight' warb~er icans who regularly twist Ihe dials. program requires Ireslmess aud compromise it seems to us. is to tential 50ng-4cd) 20 Radio GUide

8:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. nc WLS Barn Dance Saturday, Oct. 28 Jack Pea rl "" 8:00 A.M. 10;15 A.M. W!NO-D"n~in~ Echo~s (CBS) WHO-Rahbi. Oi,bon. b~ritone 8;15 P.)\(. Ii" and Bible Readinl 5: 15 P.M. WGN -Conoert Ord,.,lca lNLS-\·ariety p,.o~ra", WCFl-IVCfL Kiddie.' Aeroplane Club WJJO-f... t1 Beok. organi.t 1:10 r.M. WBBM-H"ry SI ••le anJ I\~thcrine AVNY WGES-llohenlia" Melodi~. WEHR-Edna Oden, songstress W88M-Kcnlucky Hillbillies WENR-Big Brolhor Club 8;30 P.M. WGN-Good Modcrn Contra~t. QUilie Hoblein WGN~ Wa)'ne King's Oroh •• tra irk WHO-ReJ Hot Danct Tunes 10:3{1 A,~I. we N-Palr"~r House Ensemble 5;30 P.M. WINO-Jackie Tal'lor'. Orel'eura WlS-Sp.. erib'. Fairy Tales WJJO-fred Book. organist WLS-The WeSlernn. KYW-Rhylhm RamblHs (NBC) KYW-Und. Bob'. Curb·iHhe·lhnlt O'.,b WMAQ-Charlie Whit~" Gym of th~ Air WAAF-Bal1ad. WLS-To'" and Don, h.rmony WMAQ--Lco Reisman's Orch~.lra; Yacht WSB e-~lu.i~ of Poland WBBM-Jark A'mstron~ AI1·Am~dnk Ko· WGE!_holi,n Shopper KYW-Dr. Spriuger v.,clo 1:30 P .l\f. WGN-Cenlury of Progr ••• Orchesln WGN-Lennard Salvo, oe~ WINO-I!.waiian Serenade WAAF-I!h~·thm King, WINO-lloy !',,·kc,·'s Orch.,t,.. WMAQ-Ihe.kfaon Rni~w WCFl-\\'CfL Oroh~!lr~ WIND_I. •• t Night'. Star> 10;45 A.M. WJJO-~ubb Piclord, hillbilly son~, (CBS) WLS-'Iaple City four; John Bro",", WGN-L£wi, Whil~. ooloi.t WlS-JUllior Roundup KYW-~Ii .. Gay WENR-Little Orphan Annie; .hildre.n'. pl"}·let (NBC) WINO-Columbia Public Affairs In.titute 8:f5 A.M, WAAF-S.lon ~fu,ic (CBS) WGN-Lilli. Orphan Annie; children'l ,WBBM-R~js and Dunn, ~omod1 ud WCFL-I'OilUlar ~!u.jcal I:fll P.:U. WlS-GraBC) 10:55 A.M. WBBM -Fredorl<: Willbm W1Io; Th. Poli. KYW-EdJi. Ni"ba"er', Oroh.str. WINO -F~otbal1 Game (CBS) WSBM---(:I)'dc Lucas' Ord'cslra WAAF_l.i,'e Slo.k Market Flashe. WINO-G.ry Police Blotter WJJO-Foo!ball; Chicago vs. Miehi,. .. tic,1 Situalion in Wdshington Tonight (CBS) WCFL-AI Ilandicr', Orchestra .WBSM-Funk Wi"egar', Orche.! .. 11:00 A,M, WlS-II"ocld's Fair Concert WIND-" nn 1..,( at Ihe Orgon (C85) (("1I~) WtNR-Whot'. the New. KYW-Ro.~ ~laupin'. Carnival WMAQ-Faotball Game, N.W, VI. Ohio WGES-Pola"d In Son, WlS-~lao and BGb, nld time tun~. WGES-Songs of Gennan)' WAAF_lhllad. SI.I~ (NBC) 9:30 P.1\I. I""GN-WGN Keep Fit Oub WGN-Unde Quin, Jean, Donny Drumer, WBBM-Vinc.nt Travers' Orohe!tra (CBS) 1 ;55 P.M. KYW-Cuckoo Pro~ra"" com~Jy (NnC) , WIN D-~!ornin~ Melodies WENR-Spanish Idl'lJs (NBC) WBBM-Pitl.hurgh al Notre Dame, foot­ and W;,hbone; children'. pTo~ram WlS-Jolly Joc'$ Pet Club WIND--German Hour. William Klein WBBM-"'·ew. FI ..h., WGN-Vincent Tra\"Cod Indigo; Torch Song. 2 ;011 P.l\I. 9:15 A.M. WMAQ-MeJu Dni.' Orohutr. (NBC) WGN-Tomorrow', New. WJJO-Famous Dance Band. WAAF--Chica~o on Parad~ WINO--George J.ss.I «"BS) KYW-Irtne Kim:. talk WMAQ--G"n~ Arnold and Co",modoro WCFl-R.. d Hot and Lo,,· Do,,-n with Bob 6:15 P .M. WLS-Gepp"r( Sludio' I'rogram WCFL-I'opular Mu.k WMBI--Church Sohool Period KYW-Globe TrOll .. , n~w, 01 the world WGN -l.onord Salvo', Mail Bo," 1I~,.k 9;35 P .1\I. 11:15 A.M. WlS-~lury-Go-Round; variety WBBM-~tilcl,"d Boilry. son"tr •• , (cns) WIN D-Ilou!~keeping Chats; Yirg,,,i1 a,- WeFL-Il,lian pri~!y (NBC) 2:20 P.l\(. 6:25 1'.1\f. WlS-"Song Slo,-ic<." n"lph aud Elsie ~ WAAF-Orgnn Melodies 11:30 A.M. WMBI_Yo"ng I'eopl .. Hour; Rev. J KYW-Sporh noport~r Ma~ Em~rson ~ WSBM-Bo.uty Chat KYW-F~roner'. Union Program; IIlk.; Guy Jurd"" WENR~Sl'orl. Reporter t WG ES-roliih Program n""i~ (NBC) 111:00 1'.~t. 2;30 P.)\[. KYW-Sport. Rept:orte. WCN -~Ia!kot Report. WAAF-Vari~ty Program WAAF-Tio. A"swe( Man 6:30 P.M. WBBM-l'iowl FI.shu (CBS) KYW-Contury of Pro,re.. Conout Or- weFl-School T~a<:loe" Union; talk l WIND-Top of the Morning (CBSI 2:45 P .~(. ' W lS-DJddy H.I WeFl-\'ar,,,ty P WLS-Barn Dan.. (XBC) WAAF_Frank B~ker. the Bookwor .. WMAQ -O"c Man', ramily, duma (NBC) WG N-LNnard Sako. or~ni.t WINO-~!odern Song. by Modern Sinlers WEN R-K.horl. Reporter 6;55 P .M.' WGN -Woyn~ King'. Orche.lra j WAAF-Momory Lane WJJD-Radio Gu idt Progr.,,, WINO -~tu.ic~1 Interlude WBBM-U, 5. School of Mu.ic WINO-C".a f. om~ Orel'o.lra (CBS) ~WBBM-V. E Meado","S Buuty T~11r: WLS-W~.lh .. Report WMBI-Pbi" Talk. 7:00 P.~I. WMAQ-ilolly"ood on the Air (NllC) \.WCFl-l(ob.t WMAQ-I'ar.nt Teachr Talk W GtS-poliSh Idl·n 3;35 P.M. KYW-Throe Strin,. 10:45 P.~I. 11 :55 A _~[, WGN-Mo,i. P.rsonahtin WINO_S.turday Sl'ncopators (CBS) WBBM--Clyd. Luca,' Ord.. ,tra WCFL-Dippy Johnson', O,~he.tr a WIND-\d,~ntu"" of Holen ani \I>or Union Inlu .. n.~ T.lk 10;50 P .1\I. r «'liSl 12;110 Noon 3: 45 P.l\L WGN -Eln'.. E,'"reU Yes" comodian WGN-Berni. Cumm;n.' Oreh~s\r". (CBS) 'NJJD-t:ni"erbiy of O,ka£" Ioom~ ec",,' WAAF-N oonlim~ Coocert WAAF-lVorid News 11;00 P.1\I. o",its WBBM-H>rold Knighl 's Orchulra WMBI-~I u.ical Program WIND-Und. J .... and hi ' Pumpkio KYW-R~~~i~ Child'. O,~heslra (NBC) OUSI ..... W lS-l'ou!try WLS-Sporls R~portor 1l:45 P.M. BARN , DANCE KYW-Rex ~faupin'. Orch.. tra WAAF"-l'o,·ehi". 7 :30 P.l\I. WCFL-WCFL Orth~"r. The Ndion's Greatest WAAF-S~·mphoni~ Hour WBBM -O,!:~o aod Piano due KYW-L'nder the Britl~u of P~ri. (NBC) 12;011 1\lid. WBBM_l.oral ~Iarht R~port. WCFL-Junior F.Mration Cluh SaturJay Nigbt Program WBSM-Vincent LOj>u' Orch •• lra WBBM-J.ate Da"c~ Ore1> ..... , WeFl-Eddy Hanson, organi., WtNR -l'~il Si.t"," (NBC) Tonight you can hear the famou l WCN -Loc.1 Market Report. WeFl-Wame,,'. Jligh ScI,,,,,,1 Teach.,. WENR-Earl IIl"e.' Or(ho,tr. WINO-Youn~.t~ .. Club; Untie Fr.nk .·edNalion WLS National Barn Dance. More WINO-I.i'·cstock M>rk.ls WJJD-B.n Kanler, hariton. WGtS-Owl Car WGN -H.. l Kemp', Orch~slr~ WGN-Jan GJrt..r'. Ofeht!tra than 40 u.dio artist:! will llIake [he WlS _~llrket., Farm Topin WMAQ-N~il Si,te" (NBC) "olJ hay-loft'· [1og with mirch and WMAQ-Berrie Brothtu, harmony tu." WIND-Sport. Re,·iew; J~h""y O'Hora WIHO-n,y Parktr', Orolo~.,,~ 12:35 P.M. 4:W P.M. WlS-Rdi,nce Progr3m WMAQ-Ted Weem,' Oroh~'tr. melody. Old fa$h1oncd singiug and WBBM-Ncw. flash., WMAQ-Anlobal', C"ba". (NBC} 12:15 A.M. tI~(}ci!lg, hill-billy band$, quarfette1. WBBM--Chicogo Hour of Musie "ld Va· rirty 4:45 1'.1\1. 1:40P. M. WGN-Richard ,ule', Orcho'(r~ snappy 1000gs, old time runes, lancy WINO-Nor> Z.igIN, oon!rllt. 12:30 A.M. fiddling, crolS-fOlds comedy. A WGN-Palmer Hou.e En.embl. KVW-Pcr$onalili.s in Paint 12 :45 P.l\l. WAAF-Ray Waldron', Sporl, Revi . .. 1:45 P.M. WEHR-Dan Rus>o', Or~h~slr . whokhouroffun fO( old acd youog. WGES-Dr>m. KYW-Sm'ck Out (NBC) WBBM- I'hil Harri.' Orchestra WeFL-WCFt, Or~hr.lr. WGN --Chorli. Agn~w', Oroho.(r. D.,,'t Mi,; Itt A real sho... - WeFl-fa"n Talk WENI'I -~Iu,' Orche'lra .ragcd ill " real theatre-before • WCN-Sp."ish Serenad~ (CBS) WINO-Internalional Melod"" WGES-J"bnny Van, the piano melody 8:00 P,M. WMAQ-Bonny Moroff'. Orc\, .. tra red audi=. On the air 8 yeus­ m,o WJJD-Th. Frieodly Philosopher . ilh KYW-lambo ... ; voriety (NBC) 1 ~:45 A.1\I . over 5,000,000 liSteners. No ... WGN-Ti,e 'Iu,ic Weav~" 1I0",,,r Griffith WBBM-Phi( H • .,•• ' Orchestra brought [0 you each Saturday nigbe, WINO-.\Ii,ch. Radin,ky'. Ord.. llra WGES-,tohnllY \'3n .• h. ~Irlodf M'Q 5:00 P.M. WeFl~ S,lon R.~il,1 WGN-Don Carlos' Orel, .. lra direct ftDIQ Chical':o, over sution-. (CBS) WGN-C I~·d. KYW-Rickard Hlo,bt<', Ensl:mbl. (NBC) McCo)", Orohntra 1:\10 A.M . WJJO-"u.ic and Bantor WAA F-lI'all ... WIND-Triple Bar X Day, and Nights WGES-Owl Car WMAQ-Dan nus.o·s Orchestra WBBM-Kentucy f!i!lbilli~ . (CMS) WLS WGN-B erni ~ Cummins' Orchutr& 1:00 P.M. WeF"l-Eddy Hu>soo, or~.n redial WLS-B.. n Dance 10:00 P.M. to 11:00 P_M. KYW-Origin.llIie. (NBC) WEHR-Te. Dan. WMAo-Ja~k " .. rI, 110. B ar~", Ciolf Hall, 1:15 A.1\I. WAAF-lloosier PhUosopl' .... WGES-Uk"inian Folk SORI "Sharlio"; Al GOO{!,n.,,·. Orohe.lra WIH o-n.y Parker', Orch~.lr . WBBM- Ih.. k O'Hare'. Oreht,t ... WGH _Tr.io!~~d of Tun •• (NBC> 1;30 A.1\[. WGH- Jinl"'Y G~rril:an'. Orcholr. WINO-Vo",1 Varkt;"'J WSSe-J" Gay Napoli WIND-Milk""n', M.\in,"", Bot. Griff.. Radio Guide 21 • '- PLUMS AND PRUNES + + + + By Evans Plunun~

oo bad about that airliner ex­ him out of the Philadelphia bene~ without La Cruise? A prune to I"Wants j okes Danished From Air."! ploding on its flight from fit. I Ie was coming home by train, Reisman's mike cr~ckins. ;\1>0. 10 Il hlCh we ask, \\'hat Jokes? .. • T New York to Chicago, but il and couldn't make the date. "' They ca.n't lake off the an "'hat proviped alert managers and press And we don't blame him I Poor old Al fa/SOil said gaod~ they don't have on it...• Funny agellts of radio folk many columns bye t o Pau l Wbl{emall 011 the about Irene Rich, the screen lum~ based on the always good yarn that " T bursday 11igbt reVH~ 0/ Colum- inary whose name has been built up so-and-so was all set to lake thai Plums and Prunes bus Day. We /eel sorry for AI. for years by many , In t\\O plane, but didn't H AVE you tuned in the new because u'e know be TRIED bis short \\>eeks on the air, Irene. who One reliable Windy City program best to make good, bllt be illSt is plugging a certain brand of grape 8) I Scn~ (premiere Oct. loover hasn't clicked. Sillgm' Sam. u'e juice. has lost her identity. Every~ chronicler feU for the tale of Bos. tinels show, Sundays at 4 :30 p. m.i' well manager, Harry Leedy in a T ry it_ If you enjoy unique vocal tbillk you'll agru. bas more ether one, even her show's production big way. \larry's story was that pt!fs01la/ity than l o/son lL'IU evt!f man. insists upon calling her Irene effects. you'll find this bill extreme­ bave. Welch . . _ For a time. when Harry the Boswells missed the ship by a ly to you r liking. Noble Cam has a whim-the whim that Connie didn't 7Q..voice a capella choir which. with "' SOS11ik's great l7-piece band opened wan t to fly, or romething. A check the support of Jose/ Hoestner's 28- Before we forget it, john McCor- at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, up proves that 1I1r. Leedy was very piece symphonic orchestra, provides mack's p remiere, Wednestby (II), Chicago, with an NBC pickup, it imaginative, as the Boswells extraordinary musical eHects. Har· was a surprise. Informal, ple~sant looked like trouble ahe.ld. Rumors couldn't pOSlibly have taken the vel Hays as narrator, Jeall Paul and friendly. 1·lere is a pattern for were-because Sosnik does the ship. Klllg as announcer and Edward other programs to emulate. Plums, music for the CDS Olseu and lahn· To date, an hundred odd name Davit! as vocal soloist, round out j ohn. . And now to Friday, OcIO- SOil commercial_that NBC an­ stars on the air seem to have missed this very plumful presentation be r 13. and its hoodoos. Marel; 0/ nouncers were introduced ~OT to the ship by a hair or two. The which is different from the usual. Time marched on the stage for a mention Sosnik'S 113mI'. But NBC only reason the Baroll lack Pearl great premiere and plums are certainly wouldn't be tbat small. didn't even try to miss it. according duly awarded. We thought the The t\100 vocalists with the new unit to Shnrlie. was that he was east Tbis ·week's full" cargo 0/ !L·ilb- editors might have dram atired the are PIlil Sbllkill and Bob I/llJ'OIl. boun,!. inste:Jd of west. and any. ered. moldy prunes IS dlSpatcbed "curtain" for Chkago's public Like them? \\'a.V. lle already was in New York. witb sOllie 5al;s/actiOlI to tbe par· enemy, Gus Winkler. but nothing '" Of such is the kingdom of bally· ties respol!sible for tbat aw/ul doing. Nevertheless. t\RA receil'ed hr.o--but here is a real story about "Elmer Ewrett Yes$" yipillg. 01 quite a play, and the impersona- A Cbicago NBC 'lLVl rbl"r ca llie George /eHel which is related all tbe s(H;alled radio prograllls tions. as in past years. were voice back /rom a trip tbroll gb tbe closely to the air disaster. launcbed Ibis uason. tbis effort is perfect Remington Rand's brief SOIlI/) wit/) a qfUlrt 0/ ,orll COII~ und0/4btedly tbe worst. TWit in, GEORGE jESSEI. credit ex panded from two to a cealed;1I wbat she tbougbt U'os () il yolt want 10 be bored. nail !Cat· f essel. hearing "Norma Tal1lladg~ Georgie's new shO"JJ is spotted dozen words---but that's still some- shoe box, but UPOIl il1'1JestigahOlI 'Was ill on the west coast, completed ed alld overcome witb cXCI!Hive over CBS-KMOX eacb Salurday thing for other adlertisers to the label revealed "Olle Pllllterijl~ product ball,'!Joo. Please. Mr. shoo t at, . . Fred Allell very funny TrOit'CI" ••• PIck 'em liP alld lay hiS program a week ago last Satur­ at 9:30 p. m. But . .. he doesn't day night and boarded a plane Ior Chrysler. do SOllletblug about wit h his "Bedlam Sanatorium" 'em dou;n! Los Angeles. The trip was a tou$ Elmer. 'are for airplallfJ. flO sir! routine. particularly the brondc:m '" one. I-Ie was airsick and sore. He of a tonsil clipping .... ith testimon- At the moment, Syit'i(} Skr6 k. saw Norma. And he was due back Leo Reism.an "for Phillip Morris, theme song, "That's Why Little ials! ... Phil Baker good. but not head of the Joe Sollders fan cl ub, Wednesday of last week in Phild­ October 11. Sales pat ter some of Boy Blue Was Blue." just because as good as we have heard. wonders if band fans really would delphia to join Kale Smitb in rais­ the best weve ever heard. Page they liked the theme of Narriet "' like to have Joe and his new arches- - ing funds for Leopold Stokowski's boy, paging product name is clever Crllise, who has used it a half dozen What's What tra back 3t a Chicago spot She Philadelphia Orchestra. To make idea, but to counterbalance the years on the air, is no excuse for feels joe won'l return unless he the benefit dale, he would have to plums for the smart hooey and the the lifting... Yeah. we know liar· WE SEE by the nev.><;papers knows that he is desired (not a bad fly back. music of Reisman and his vocalist riet was sponsored last year for a (Aircaster speaking) th:lt the Iexample for other bands to follow) Then the airliner exploded. Art Wright, we have a basket of whi le by this ou tfit- and she slill public is tiring of jokes on the air. and she'd li ke to hear from you. So George wired CBS to alibi prunes for the sponsor's use of the should be-but why take the theme One paper headed the (;olumn Address 912 W. Monroe St., Chicagl). Help Improve Radio--Win $50 Weekly! WEEKLY PRIZES Enter This ConteSt CToday FIRST PRIZE $25 RADIO GUIDE wants the honest opinions of listeners everywhere about the ent('r~ SECOND PRIZE $10 tainmcnt value of important sponsored program _~ on the networks. Fan mail is an uncertain guide because. with few exceptions, the people who do not like a prognm and three prize s of $5 each do not write to the sponsors or the stations. The sponsors and the broadcasting COnl~ CON TEST R ULES panies arc doing their best to give you the kind of programs that you want but, in 1. Lotte .. must be written in ink ~r I}'pewriter OJ\ one side of the paper ~ n ly Ind many cases, they are shooting in the dark because they do not know what you pre· mu.' nol u",,"<:! ZOO wo.d. in lu; (h. fec in the way of entertainment. 2. E"eryon~ i. "ijgible .,.o~t ~mp!oy~. of Radio Goid. and mcmbtrs of Ih~ir faoniliC'!'. 3. Ea~h letter mud be ••""mp.ni~d by the enlll' blank priut"" bclow or rOUI tr .. ~nc of the san,e. RAmo GUIDE is now bunching a campaign to improve radio programs by ob· 4. Yeu may (O".ult (Opi .. of Radio Guide .1 the offioes of this I1"hticatiDII or at I'ublic uining first-hand information for sponsors about your reactions to their presentations. libraries. You do not b,,"e to pUlChue Radio Guid~ to ""t.". th, f(l1l!r't. Y ou h ave a very definite opinion about every program to which you listen regularly. S. Th~ ~ilors of Radio G,uide shU b. the judgo, in eaoh "'cek!y C

Remember. literary ability will not influence the decisions of the editors. who will ENTRY BLANK act as judges in the (ontest. Not the manner in which you express yourself but THE VALUE OF YOUR IDEAS is the important thing. TELL YOUR FRIENDS AN D OTHER M EMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY TO ENTER THE CONTEST, T oo. T he m ore. the m e [~ Better Radio Contest n cr. RADIQGUIDE - The program upon wbkh you ar-e asked to comment this week is: I nave read the rules of this contest UNCLE EZ RA and agree to abide by them. National Barn Dance NAA1E ...... , ••••••• . •• . • STREET and NO . .... _... , •• • , ...... NBC-WJZ neiwO)·k Saturday, 11 :00 PM. EST; 10 :00 PM. CST_ CITY ...... __•• ••••• •• • , STATE ~ ...... 22 Radio Guide ,Yoiceof the Listener

R ~ad~r$ wrli lng to Ih ls department are rtquestd to (onfine t he ir remarkl to 200 words or less. Anonymous communications will be Ig nored blLt til, name of tht writer will not be published unlu, dnlrd. Add ress all letten to Voice of lite LI ~tetl e r. Radio Guide, 423 P lymo~th Court, Chicago, III .

Row About It, Vivian?, ing Ih. value 01 saxophon .. in an 0 ..... Is It That Bad? Iiowever, inslead af picking lQ AU­ che.tra. 1 Ihink we att ~gree t ~ ~t Ihe Amerkan ord,est", I am ""nding in my Likes Boswell Sisters Branlford, Ontario Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. s""ophon~ is an impOrtanl inslrument Chieago, lIlino" choice for All-American o.-.;:hestra leaders Dur Sir' Dear V. O. L.: in any band. Imagine one without a su. Our Voice 01 Ibe Lislenero: and here Ihey are: Hal Kemp. Ted I have been a constant reader of The .weclest sounding '",ophone. I In Ihe lasl Ihre" yurs I have ""en Have be<:n .-.;:adinll: the RADIO GUIDE RADIO GUIDE lor a long lime and Weems, B erni~ Cllmmin', Ben Bernie, have eve' hoa,d in any orchc.lra are Ih one of the wonders 01 Ici~nce become. Isham Jones. Fred Waring, George m.en, for about sevon month. and enjoy it would "(1\ be without it. thoroughly. I am a great radio Ian and 11"0" with Lacry Fllnk's band. Don'l dirty splash on the page of achiev.· Jan Garbe" Wayne King, Guy lombardo, (t is 100 bad In knock certain radio YOIl other listene" agreo wilh mt! men". Pa,,! White,nan and O ..ie Nelson. have bo.n for quile a while. I hav~ shlS lih ,orne of the letters in V. O. L. My (he way, why don't we hear some· Ihdio talent seems to h.ve become so Sest wishe, lur Ihe continued SIlC';O.S li,tcned to program. 01 all t)·pes and '\0. Naturally. we all have out la_ thing about his orchestra I When he inleri", as to nccessitate a ganging up 01 of this swell m.g,zin. and yOur wonder· kind •• and I've cloo.en the Bo.wen Sis­ vorile>. bul if we all picked the same Ilsed to be on the air o\"Or Ihe NUC, we as n,any a. SeVen entertainer. on a ful colun,n. Ie ... a. my iovorites and they have b.~" on.' why",. wouldn', necd ally "'nre for quite .om~ time. I agree wilh J. B., h.~rd a' read about him constantly. bul single program. Donald Wendel thn I couple 01 stations to broadc~'I. now that h. is tou'ing we never hear Th. easy .winging. melodiou. lune Ihal Ih£y 'ure a .... worthy 01 having 3 spOn.oc. I hav~ many radio favorites and friends I Iik~ Eddi~ Ouchin and his orche.I", ~nylhi"g ahout him. quicken<'d our blood and 'tiu<'d Ollr leet .. and til." .. I don'l reaUy Ure to hUT I IIi, orche.tra beats many Ihat I havt ha, changM to the prolonged, monotonou. and ...oond George IbJl and his orchestra, ju,t by. In ngard to a leiter Wants Less A rgument p,.. he.. d and he made a hil while in lru. groans 01 a funeral dirge. Lao... and including Ih.t charming ~Ii .. loretl~ le•• ill your i ••ue of Oct. 8 to 14, by Vivian Westville, N. J. Here', a good bet for a 'pOnsor. too. city touring this 'ummer. 1J0rpy, as if half th. orcheslra were Dear V. O. L.: Broughton. I can say I ;un somewhat I think RADIO GUIDE is a I",at fatting asleep. These di.mal and de· Why mudio st,,. ,nd I ag",e with "Guidc m3g"ine, nAIlIO GUIDE, Please write k""pin.g tight On .eading your swelt Enthu,;,st", when he says Ih,t "Every­ and Ihe ,,,usi~al croak of ftop. ma!pZlne. Bernie boo.lor dllt. for Bernie. aU Ihe au arlide about Alan Kent, including hi, Criti.a,t...... dy hn dilleron! tast .. ," and may I Norman Johnston• bds and P3t Kennedy plea ... wrile Mrs. picture and I'm Sure thai it would add Kennelh E. Mar .. • dd I Ihink e'·ery radii:> .tar brillgs JOY 10 your magazine's popularity. May..... Glenna Riley, 119 South 7110 St.. N . .. inlo somebody's h .. rt. .. Ca.lle, Indiana, or Mi •• Phylti. Siewort, "This Time II's love"-I wonde •. .. The,. h.. be<:n some dispule ~mong 1,.1 South Ibncock St. ~bdison, Wi •. Bealriee En~uilt Salve (or tile Wound. More All-American Mrs. Glenna RUe". the <~~dns 01 the V. O. L. abo"l an ~ Washington, D. C. • U'U< pro!.,m. I would like to ""e and Fo"nt, Ulino'. Dear v. O. L.: .. htu the lollowing program on Ihe .ir Eddie IV ollld,,'t Like It D.u V. O. L.: Unlike Detroit. am salisfi<'d wilh aollle d.y: Bartel.ville. Oklahoma The RAOID GUIDE i. truly "Ihe ,rut" Carlelon Smilh', dncnplions whether 01 Too Iffllch Hot-Gila Orch~stra. Fr<'d Berren. Our Mr. V. O. l.! radio magazine and 1 enjoy it'. many mu.ic or IraveL They art one of Ihe H ..nmond, Indian. ~hl. Soloist. Bing Crosby Will you pluse I.U Canlor whon h. dandy feature.. \'ou .. i. my lavorile best leature. 01 RADIO GUlIlE. We a.re De ... V. O. 1..: romedian. Jimmy Dunnle comeS bock on Ihe air 11001 when he column in this magatine and 1 like 10 graleful 10 your pu~lication for prinling I do lih ItADIO GUIf}E immeMely, M.ut"r nl c.,r~monieg, Paul Douglds Sing', 'W" Wanl CanlO'" to ~dd-on 'ead lhe inlere.ting co,"mc"t. 01 the article. about ouf Europe.n neighbor!. so b"t why not adverti,e ~n edUCOlional and ThaI ""uld b. a swel! progr.,.. , 1 the !':"rl 01 a Rope. Tut. tul. poor Cn· lIIany contrib"lo... t h3t Ihe radio public of Am~dcan may very cntertaini"g I"'lgram like that of thi,,~. lor. He was .ueh a good Idlow. As a regular rc~der of V. O. L., I lor devolop an appreciation of (ulture. In Walter Ilnmro,d,! I'~rha"s noore .pon· Murray Bhx:k And IIhen the n."t Guide i. published ant. like tho All·Ame,ican . eI.elion. for Ihat lit. the bosi. lor genuine inter· SOr! would accepl talont like Albert .. "Ie"e have a black band on th front lhe AlI·America", ~nd hollt Ihey wiJl IUtion.1 undersl~nding. Spalding if listeners were helped 10 ap_ pag.. S. 11. rontinlle to be .enl in 10 your (olumn. Foreign Born American pr~ciale it. YOIl know we haven't h:ad He Like. Will mu~h choi~e in I~rning IlL. dial IrofO. Hollis. New York bol·cha program •. D.~r v. 0_ L.: 10 Hagen Ju.1 bollght my Ihirly...,ighth copy of THOSE TWO NEW COMICS + + By Lewis Y. Hagy RADIO GUIDE, and have rud aU 01 .. tl,e leltcrs on page 22. (Collti,m~d from Page J) it to the Erlanger Theater in Chi­ He Wrote Allyway I wanl 10 Ihank Bill L. of Brookline. is extremely simple, it seems to departure the dilatory officials of cago. "Take a Chance" is still at me that it is aho extremely ef­ O,hkosh, \Vi,consin Pa., lor inrluding Will Osborne on his the EriaLlger, and if you can judge fectiYe. Ii" of hYorites. beeause thai I~tt~r, Mr. the RKO circuit, with whom they Dear V. O. l.: had been tryin~ to do business for from the number of cash customers "I have to ask myself," he eJl;­ Who starttd Ihi' All-American B."d BiI( L_. go's right into my Will O.borne that go in there every night (Nights, fcrap bool<. such a long and discouraging time, pl - Radio Guide 23 ALONG the AIRIAL TO + + + With Martin Lewis N TilE October 14 issue of time the crowd yelled, "'We want a,e line maker, wbose first script RADIO GUIIIE, the Voice DI Ex­ Vallee, We want Vallee." olkn.1 fpr Pearl's new s.:rics was I perietlce, in his page, quoted it It was a grand tribute to a really r('jc{t..;li. Celie Conrad. who writes Jelter from it mother who a~ked the remarkable fellow. Incidentally, for BJlrJ/j and Allell has the assign­ Voice's a~si5tance in trying to !ocate Rudy has been signed up by his menl for a,wl~ile and Wells may be her daughter whom she has not ~ponsors to tontinue his Thursday hrou!;ht 1,,1Ck If he concentrates. , • :leen for almost scvcnle(!n years. night Variety Show, for the entire Tho>!' A mOl "1' A1ldy sponsors For the benefit of those who may yeu of 1934. heard a lot of stuff but not one of not have read the letter, I am re­ Leaving the place in the early the ~ing('rs has drawn the assign-­ printing it. dawning. I stopped to talk to Waller ment 10 date. "DOH Voice of Experience: lYiucbcll, who was standing at the I hne daughter oul in this wide door. Our conversation was inter­ T b e contracts" 0/ Jim m y "'orld somewhere whol1l I ,,'oold like rupted by a telephone call for him. Durl1J/tc and Rutb Elling liG'l)t to find. Wkn .he was (LV. yoar. old ! Ie answered it and the voice on the bUll rClzCjl!e(/ for two more weekJ. she waS placed oul !'fl'" the County lIum" wilh a fan.ily by the n.rne of other end inquired as to who wa'l tlZuth Manche.ler, CotUltcli­ a bunch of celebrities and smelle­ Fddie. Cantor i$ relurned fo lilat ~ul. Mr. McKelvey w •• wQrkill" for brities including Marty Lewis." SJJllda), Jlillbt spot wiJic/J is teJl­ Cheney Broth.," Oil their f.rm. They ! don't know in what category tallJ.'Cly sci lor November 5. ",oved fro01 Iher. 10 NewirLgton, he placer! me, but don't you think COllnecticut, and from thore II .cem. he ~hould have told the caller Ill~t lubull.? Marviu," the lonesome as if Ihey v.ni~l,.d. I lI.v. ,I'me e,,~,ything I toold. Th~ 1.. 1 f"kld there were also a few Broadway singH, huilt ~ yodeling trio while Agenl I .ow agreed I" do all she could columNuts in the place? he "~s in ,vaudeville and is expe~t­ bOlt it is going On two yu," and I ed to intro.!uce it on the air soon .. _ h.nn'l heard anylhing. I Om 3n .~.d " PTlmk Blac!1 will have a full svm­ ,,·oman now, the mother 01 nine ohild· Studio Chatter phony ()fi:he~lra of 55 men behind ren and Ihi. d3u~hl.r " \h~ only one £gOlI I'dri when the noted pianist that i. not wh~re I tan "'~ hpr. She MATTlIEW CROWLEY, who i. now twenty·one }·03r. ,,1,1. He, originated the role or "Buck ~tJrts his ~eries over NBC on Sun­ n~me i. IIden I.oi. W.t.h .. Rogers." left the cast the day he­ day... It actually happened Mon­ MRS. CHARLES S. (;llOS!'. fore the series resumed on CBS. The Baron, Jack Pearl, turned this Redcap's face white day nil/hI, however strange it 16 Mitch,.ll St.. New Briui", Conn." and now it's CurliH ArHall .",ho when he related a Hollywood adventure upon his arrival wund~ It was in the I\BC studio P. F. O'Brien, of Peacedale. Hhode has stepped into his shoes to pby ill Hadio City, with A,ltboJlY From~, Island, read the letter in RAVia the pan of the adventurous Buck. back in New York, Tune 10 NBC-WMAQ at 8 p. m. the "Poet Prince," and Di.:;k Leibert, GUIDE and recogniled the name im­ That Little Italy series on CBS Salurday and Iry one yourself. his a"ompanist, as the stellar play­ mediately as that of a girl he has seems to be another Rise 01 tbe ers in the ~cene. Old debbilMicro­ 1mown since childhood. Ill' immed­ Go/dbergs in its success as well as rhone. .",as the villain. It seems iately tommunicateJ with police reqzie$t of the malIDgemclll, Kllte the listeners limp... A program th~t thert'S a standing mike through its general theme. llillllJlz BnYd:n. askcd lor coutrzbu/ious to Ibl that will prove anything but S("Jl­ headquarters in New Britain, Conn .. author-director and lead of the whi,h Fsome sings, and another 'l\ho in turn communicated with the bllld after smging aH operalle SOItional is the new Ellner l:t'eNtI atop Di~k's organ, and just as the sketches, had much to do w;th the Mia Wltbill five ml1rzlln JI5GO )'en series heard OI·er CBS. It mother. Mrs. Cross and a son drove launching of "The Goldbergs". I Ie's prowam I!ot under wav. f-rome's to Peacedale where arrangements ilJ casb cOJllribzdiOlzs u'as piled up sounded like a lot of unnece!>5ary micril,hone 'Hnl dead. This cOlltrol also the producer of Marie, tb, olilbe piano ilzlrollt of Ih $iJlger! noise and left me jittery and slightly !lad been made for the reunion. Little Frencb PrinccH_ ... They say ntan fill.l;:CT-waved a message to the Here's hoping they live !lappily ever nen'ous_ Which prompts me 10 "POCI Prm(e", who "gOt" it immedia­ that the ageless Edlla WI111I1Cl " second limmy (Radio Editor of after. !-Iopper will be back on CBS be­ Niuo Marlilli is a crack horf>l'- tely, lmd jumped atop the orgao, m~n, and call be seen daily camer­ New York 1V0rld-Telegram) eml­ ~inglllg his song sonnets in a highly fore long. Th:lt will insure pleflly IJOlI'S nomination for Elmer Everett of rapid chatter on the kilocycles ing through Central Park to ke~p unromanti.; pose. That's lhe reason Rudy Wows 'BIn himself in trim. Nino rides tne Yess as radio's first bore. for the forty-five second "bre, (if his wind peppIest horse at the rid i n g you might have wondered about. academy, whereby h~ngs a t~le. The M those present at 0111' of the big- la~ts) and Ted HI/sing all ralliing first time he appenred the're he Low Downs gest opellmgs to take pla~e Along off their swift syllables l-IowlIrd JnTY Wald, wbo used 10 writt the Airialto in years. Everybody 8arlo-<.II, who has been taking a rest­ asked for the most spirited mount W ILL ROGERS replaces Frcd II gOIHp rIJ/JlJJZu lor R-ItJlo GUIIlE avniLtble. The request was g(~nte(t SIOlIe and his flmily on nc~t is (1111 OJ! Ib~ C{)(Ist writhz;; (J. radIO who is anybody SCellled 10 be at cure. came back from his sick-bed but as Martini was a ne"'copler the I/ollywood Resltlllrollt that for the first time to dire~t the music Sunday's program ... L'p until 7:)0 stury lor Warner llrothen If there, the m~nagement insisted that night to pay homlge to Rudy for "The March of Time" in its I~~t Wednesday evening. it was un­ 1[1( pidnre fl/rns Ollt /0 be as for his sJfety's sake he be ac­ <.lecided whether or IIOt Conrad IWIIIlY I1S tbe idea it sr.-oilid pruut VaiLu. From letters I receive I debut on. Friday thc 13th .... companied by a groom. The hand­ IInow I have a gre~t many rea.ders Tyrone, Pennsyll·lnia. Fred lVar­ TblbaJJ/t would be able to llIake his to be a big bit. \\ho worship the ground Rudy iug's home town, will meet MrJ. some tenor smiled and assented. and 8:30 WABC program, on which he stands on. Fred lVaring for the first time when he and the groom set off together. is feJtured with Albert Spalding. " To them [ say it would have done the maestro and his bride stop off But as soon as they started down Conrad, apparently recol'ered from DRY HumAIR your hearts good zf you ""cre present there on their way to New York the bridle path Marlini put Ihe an attack of Iii. grippe, had attend­ A WRITER brought what he to hear Ihe tremendous OvallO" from OJicago where the Penn~yl­ spurs to his horse and !eft the I:Toom ed the rehearsal during the after­ titough! WlS a comic play to given this masterful showman .",hen vanians h~ve been. ap~.aring this open-mouthed and far behind. The noon, but had to go back to bl:d FJdl~ om( Ralpb, Si~ters of the he was introduced by the Master of Ipar.t week I~ vaud~vdle. II~e Pem:5Y groom came in with a face full of follo.",ing it. as the strain sent his SI.IlIt:'T. As they read It he told defeat and apprehension long afttr temperature up to 103. Swathcd them holY hard he had worked to Ceremonies. For fully five minutes Railroad Will deta~1 a ~peclal engl~e Martini had gone home grinlllng! Vallee had to stand ~i1en!ly but to take Fred and hts bnde to I JarrlS­ in blanket~. and bundled into a produ~e it, how he'd slal-ed each ~milingly in the beaming spotlight burg to meet the flyer which w~1I " taxicab, Thibault sped over to ni~-ht until his fingers were worn until the thunderous applause take them b.ack to New York In Good and Bad Columbia headquarters and procee.t­ 0111. "Ah," ~aid Eddie, as he passed ceased. After thanking the onlookers time for thetr rehearsal. ed to do his usu:d mlsterful job on the manu~cript back. "all work and he proceeded to entertain, "hich . "' . . TIIOSE \\-ho heard the auditions the program. He missed the Max­ NO play!" Catch on?~Frank made me realize more than ever why Kate. Snulb sallg u:rl~ tb~ Phzl- predict that Ethd ("Stormy "lull 1I00He program the following /JIark, NBC's musical dire.;tor, Rudy VaIJee is number-one man of I1ddpbza Or(;bestr~, d"ecitd by Weather') lVa/ers, who starts a new nighl, however. .. 1 here's s.cript ha~ iI friend who insist;; that Ihe air. Leopold Stokowskz, at tbe diIJ/ltr CBS series next Sun{13y, will be the trouble in the 1(J.~k P(arl camr, with l.IIa{k \hould use his influence 111' did excellent imitations of iI. PEiladtlpbia lal! u'uk 10 rniJt singing sensation of the season. She the sponsor ~ing plcnty peel-ed ~t in l,-~in~ to have some chess games Bing Cro.lby and Mllilrice C/Jevaliu. IUllds for the oubes/ra. tit tb~ auditioned for one hour and left the actions of Billy K. We1l5, PearJ"s bro;zdta~l. Black finally said he'd 1-11' sang while the Yankees played Itdp Jrr;mge such a broadcast if all the old-time favorites with which the friend, a musician, would write he and his orchestra have been iden­ all Clpt:"ra to broadcast between tified, such as the "Stein Song,~ SHORT WA VE-DX By Melvin Spiegel Il~Oles.. "'I'm just a Vagabond Lover" and many others. Several times Rudy {'or till lid 1I01fa:" "What's the quin of Civil War days with noted stage stars H gue,t arti,I'. CBS-WBBM at 4 p.m. jOllNNY f',\ARVIN-NBC-WMAQ. Monday at I [:15 a,m. SUND.\ OCTOBER 22-joe "Wanna Buy a Duck" Y. BING CROSBY-CBS-WGN, Monday at 7:30 p.m. P~nller and Oaie Nelson's orchestra. with Ibrriet Ilill­ "Talkie Pictl.lre Time;"' drama. starring June Meredith in iard, I'o.;lli,t, over NBC-WL.S at 6'30 p. !ll original plays based on Iiollywood acth'ities. A Charl~ BIG rREDDY MILLER-CBS-WBBM. Tuesday and jimmy "Schnozzle" Durante ami Ruth Etling. Rubinoff P. llughes production. l-:BC-WMAQ at 4:30 p.nt. friday at 10:15 a. Ill. and his or.:hestra. NI3C.W,\\i\Q at 7 p. m. CO~NIE GATES-CBS-WIND at 11:1 5 a.Ill., Thursdays rred Stone and ramily, Re\'el~rs, and AI Good- KATE SMllll-CBS-WIND. TUe,day at nun's orchestra, NBC-WGAR at 8 p. m. 7:~) p. m., also Monday at 8.15 p. m. j:"k Bcnny, assisted by ~hry Livingstone. Next Week In RADIO GUIDE IRI~NE BEASLEY-NBC-WENR, Wednes­ I rank Pnrker and I rank Blad."s or..:he~tra ,by It 5;3{} p. m. ol'er ~BC-\\"J\\AQ at p. Ill. 9 JOIiN McCORMACK. Irbh tenor, NBC. 1'110,,1).\ Y, OCTOBER 2l-SIllJ.:k Out. George Olsen, the lucky husband of the charming Ethel WE'-:R, Wednesday at 8.30 p, 01, c{l[l1edy with lI\arion and jim jordan .,t Shutta, is the subject of a revealinq story by Willard Quayle In 12.~' p, Ill. ol'er NBC-Ints of his crowded life ate included in this fascinat- SUNDA Y, OCTOBER 22-The Seven Star NIJC-\\·,\I,\Q. Monday~, Weul\l',dJ}s, hi­ in.q story. Hevue, with Nino Martini. tenor; Jane Fro­ d~!y5 ~It (i p, Ill. man, (On\r:dto, TeJ I lusing. Illa~ter 01 cere­ Therr' is an interesting aniele by Ruth Cornwall, who turite,~ 1 UI:SD.\ Y, OCTOIH·R 24-'"J';J,y \cc,." (,ver monies; Emo Rapce's orchestra ~nd julius the scripts (or '"Dr'ath Valley Days," about the strange desert Tannen, CBS-WBBM al 8 p, m. C!3S-\\'IlB'\\ at [1'3() p, (11, alo;,., \\·edlle~da.\·, -I liursdlY ;I!!d l'riuJY. . characters whose liues are portru;fed in this popular series. MO,\DAY, OCTOBI~R 23-Vddie and rannie C~\'an:llIgh's Radio Gossip Club; news ~l1d f'ddie ,wd Iblph, Dun Vourh~e~' hanJ. NRC­ Julius Tannen, Ihal popular mosier of patler, provides Hilda interviews wilh cclebriti~; fmm their own \\".\1.\0 ~t 1:1:30 p, m. Cole wirh an opporltmillj /0 lI.'rile one of her entertaining stones Chicago Theater studio. WBBM every Wf'D'\J5D.\ Y. OCTOBLR 2,· -Bat Lahr about a netu radio person,llifr,}, A[ajor, Sharp and Minor, the weekday at 2 p. m. (n~w time). ~nd Gcorg~ Olo;en's mU~IC, NI~C-WLS at three girls whose harmoml has carlt/red a great army of listeners, "The Big Show,"with Lulu McConnell, Ger­ 7 fl. m. and the Landt Trio and \Vhile. who greet early risers on an NBC trude Niesen and I~harn Jones" orchestra network every morning, are also among the stars of the oil' dis­ Bums and Allen. lI'ilh Guy Lombardo's 01- Paul Douglas, master of ceremonies. CBS­ che,tra, CBS-WGS at 8:3<) p. nL cussed in next week's i.~sue. \\'\3B.\\ at 8:30 p. m, S.\TL'RD.\Y, OCTOBLR 2B--Leo I{ehman and his or­ Fred .\IIi!n. I{oy ,\twell. PurtlJnd Iluffa. The Songsmiths. 6AS p. nl. chestra, the Yacht Chlb Boys and Vivian Ruth, singing rl'rd~ Grofe'~ orchestra, l\\3C-WM.\Q at 8 p. m. popular ballads over NBC-W.\\.\Q at 8'30 p.m. lIlO:\D,\Y, OCTOBER 23-"lletty and Bob," NBC-WLS, Carefree Carnival. a full hour variety show from the Phil Baker and 1larry McNaughton, Roy Shields' orches­ ;\\onday to I'riday indu~il'e at 3 pm. PJCific co~~t wilh Ned Toliinger as mJster of ceremOflies tra. :\BC-\\-I SR at 8')0 p. m. ~tld :'Ilere,lith Wilson's ordlcstra, NBC-WM.\Q at II Today's Children. Monday through I'rid~y at 10:/5 a.m. p.m. "O[e" Ol,en and "Chic"'" Johnson. a"i,ted by I larry Sosnik :\BC-WI·-"-:R and his nrchc~tr~, CBS-WBIJM :It 9 p. m. Vic and Sld~: the serial ,ketch of an American family in a smali town. t\BC-WI'NR, j\\ontlay to l:riday inclusive NEWS 5.All+RD.\Y, OCrol1l·R 2~-·garon '"Jack Pearl" 1I\u!'- atll:15a.m. cllJU,en a,~hted by Cliff "Sharlie" I lall, 1\BC-W.\1.\O at 8 p. m, Ihdio Guild Drama, "'1 he Wild DLICk," NBC-WMAQ at BOA!{E C\RTER-01S-WBBM d;Jily at 6:45 pm., 2 p.m. c~.:epting Saturd~y a.nd Sunday. Georgie jc.,>sd at 9:30 p. !ll. over CBS-WIND Adl'entures of Tom Mix; drJ1llatic progrJm for boys. EDWIN C. IIII.L-CBS-WGN i"\fllld"y, W~dIlCSI.l:ty and based on the life of the falllull~ film star, NBC-WMAQ I;riday at 7:15 pm. MUSIC network at :; :}O p.m., also Wednesday and I;riday fLOYD GIBBONS, [[eadline Iluntcr-NIK-WMAQ Mon­ PrilKess Pat [iTa, over NI3C-WM \Q at 3.'10 p, m. Bill Dal'idson, Monday thruugh I'riday at 6:15 p.m. SPORTS o\'er CBS-Cl":L W MO~D\Y. OCTOBER 23-11~rry llorli~k'$ Gypsies, Red Davis Sket~hes; ~d~enture. in the lire of an l8-year­ nUD.\ Y. OCTOBER 27-"All Ameri~Jn fo"thall Show.­ hank Parker. tenor. N!lC-WM \Q at 8 p. m. old boy in an a"era!;C American small town. l\BC-WLS _ with Chri~ty Walsh and a prominent f(}olh~ll coach as at 7:45 p.m., also Wednesday and l;riday. gue,t artist, CBS-WBBM Jt 8:301),nl. rliE~D.\ Y. OCTO~R 24 -United States Naly BJnd TUESDAY, OCTOBER Z-l--"Paintcd Dreams," WGN SATURDA Y. OCTOBER 28-Army-Yale football game prc,cnting a patriotic groul) of sunl!~. CBS-WBB.\l at Tuesdays through Fridays at 10:45 a. m. being played at Yale Bowl. New IIJven. Connecticut. 3 I' m. Crime Chles, NBC-WMAQ at 7 p. m. abo Wednesday The game will be aired over CBS-WIND at [:45 p. m lIo\\,'arJ Barlow's New World SyJllI'hony Or.:he~tra, CBs.. Legend or America. a COtvak...Je 01 Aillcri.:an hbtory. CBS­ Northwe~tern playing Ohio at Co[umhu~. Ohio. To be •WIN D at 10 p. m. .\VBBM at 9 p.m• uroadca~ t over NBC-WMAQ at 1:4) p. m • This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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