, Oticago, m. Week Eliding October 28, 1933 (acoPlJ Vol. Ill. - No. 1. • o .. 100lI0 _ S tories A hout Olsen and Johnson Gene Arnold .I :Ai!:.') " ,,> 1\_';::: 1--___ phil Regan ',,, .", -... .... --- Alexander Woollcott and John L. Fogarty 01 c 1 and Johnson Q/ Your Problems Solved By The Voice of Experience The True Story of FRED WARING'S Romance by Mathilda Breckenl'idBe CUPID Victorious The Penn~ylvanians, E'/l­ a most devoted daughter. IYIl would be unanimOlBl:.' r' • But then she began to get elected the best cook Fred WaPin~ I'l71ds T~o TCst!CSS. She didn't know they've ever knolVn. Among just why, but she did know The Pcnnsylvnnians, you L ive M OI'e lhat somehow everything do 110t hear the boys talk­ Can Really diJn't seem ex:!ct!y right. ing about the (ake that She galle nervous littie mother used to make. They Cheaply man Just One S!:uts when the telephone talk. about the pies that btll rang. Now let us skip EvaJ)'11 uscd to bake. ;1(ross the continent to Apparently it is true, Tyrone, POl., town of Fred that old axiom the course By Mathilda Breckenridge Waring and The Pennsyl­ of true love never funning vanians. smoothly. At any rate, it Fred and the band ceThinly proved true in the else of fred :lIld EV:llyn. played an eng;\gement Ihere, and you can imagine the For <lbout a year after she joined The Pennsylvanian~. greeting Tyrone g;!\·e her favorite son! No conquering hero ever G1111e home to a larger ovation. ·"1 No lTansatlantic flyer's progress up BroJdwJY ever was more wildly acclaimed. You would think Fred Waring would be thrilled to death, and that he would be so happy he just about couldn't ask for anything more. \\ouldn·t you? ~ But th:lI night, tired after a stren- uous d:lY. he paced the floor at his MRS. FRED WAR1NG home, a puzzled frown on his face• • all I want to do is just be a lie knew there was something missing wife. to m:lke Ihe day's triumph complete. but for a long while, he couldn't F you don·t believe th~t think what it could be. two can live more che~ply than one, or Suddenly his face cleared. I Ie sat that absence doesn·t down by the telephone, and gave curt c9 make the heart grow instructions to the long distance ep­ fonJeT, just ask Fred Waring. He'll eratN. tell you And he knoll"s, too. A telephone Can from Tyrone to For now that Fred is married to California is something of a rarity. the beautiful little brunette who until hut a telephone call from Tyrone to :.I few weeks ago was Evalyn N;,ir. Califomia that lasts for more than a he doesn't run up any more ;1800 half hour pretty swiftly becomes the telephone bills calling her every talk of the town. You know how tho5C night out on the coast. And you can things get about. buy a Jot cf groceries with ,ISOil. And as for the abscnce part of it, if UT :1t nny rate, whcn Fred the petite Evalyn hadn't t~ken it fini;hed talking to Evalyn, he into her bewitching little hCJd to go J3 felt a wllole lot better. So the to cagle Rock, California. and visit next night he tried the same remedy. ber parents, it is doubtful if the when he began feeling a little blue dashing young maestro of The after the. e'(citcment of the night's Pennsylvanial!S would have ·realized show had subsided. And it worked Quite so soon what a lot he cared again . ;tbout her. • • • Fred with his bride, the former Eualyn Nair, at their wedding breakfa:>! So Ihose calls became nightly YOI.l see, El'al}"n has been with ;J.1T~irs 2nd each night they lasted Waring's orchcstr~ for the past four years-since fhe [valyn married a saxophone player in the band. Ilowever, longer. Pennsylvanians opened \\ith ··llello Youself" ill Baltimore they soon agreed to disagree, and after another year, they You can figure Ollt for your~e!f thilt even between in 1929. And frOIn that time to this, the chlrming lit:!e were dil'orced. I Ie is no longer with Ihe band. And a little such distnnt points ~s Pennsylvania ~nd C.1lifornia, an :JlBOO d:lIlseuse has appeared in every stJge engagement of the while :lftcr that, Fred was dil'orced from Dorothy McAteer telephone bill i$ a pretty size;lble telephone bill, and that'li orchestra except the one Fred and his boys are playing in Pittsburgh. what rred's bill moun led to. this weck in the Chicago Theater. This is the first time she Now you would suppose that by th,lt lime, those twn So one night, over the phone, he popped the .question. has ever sat down X1 front and watched Fred from the youngsters would have realized that they'd been just nude Maybe somcd~y, if he ever gttS around to it, he c~n win other side of the footlights. for one another wouldn't YOIl? BlIt did they? They did not. a dollar in one of the~ (Onte~ts newspapers run some­ rhe romance 01 Fred and EI'~lyn is one of the Mo\t emphatically not. times on ··llow I Proposed." I am sure his method W:.lS prettiest of radio's love stories. There i<n·t any use in trying tn camoufl:ll!e it-because sufficiently uni("Jue [0 impress Ihe judges. It began that day in Baltimore when the. little brl.lnetle radio f:.lns everywhere know that there were rumors th~t Even ~fter Evalyn haltingly said 'yes', there w~re dancer tripped across the stage in the first rehearsal 01 Fred Waring would marry the glamorous Dorothy Lee. still lengthy telephone con\ersations abol.lt just \\hat was "'I lelia Yourself." Of course, like m~ny of the pranks Dan and then laler that he was carrying the torch for Ihe beau­ to be done next. Fred's engagements prevented him from Cupid plays, the un~uspecting targets for his darts are tiful Lyda Roberti. going to CJlifornia for the (eremony, and he just couldn·t oft.:!n among the last to know the mischievous little feUow But Dan Cupid is a smart little fellow, and he had wait uotil Ev~J)'n could come ;).11 the way to Pennsyl­ has singled them out. ideas of his own on the subje~t. vania, $0 he flew \~est to Chicago and she fJew east 10 And that's the way it happened with Fred and Evalyn. Chicago, .:Ind ql!ietly, unostentatiously they slipped off They know now that when they first set eyes upon ,W I!HOUGII a year's engagement of the Pennsylvanians to a parson and lIere married. !line another in that B;!ltimore theater in 1929 that Ihey with 'The New Yorkers" in IIhieh Evalyn With a bu~y man like Fred WOlring, a honeymoon fell in love, but they hadn't the slightest idea of it then. was understudy to Ann Pennington during that is something you just ~an·t find the time for, llnd that E\"~n ;lfter "J lelia Yourself" closed. ending a run of ~holl'~ long run. Fred and the pretty little dancer were con­ is that. So their \\"~dJing trip was the trip together back sixteen wet:ks, and Fred inviled Evalyn to remain ""'ith the stantly thrOlln togelher. That"s the way lo\"e·s little archer to New York, and IIhat:.l lIe1come they got on their arrival orehe,tra for a \'audel·i!le engagement-even then they engineers tho<e things, the wily fellow! from tho:\oe hays in the o"he~tra .. didn·t know they were in Jove wilh one another. Evalyn L:.Ist July Fred and The Penns)h":lIIians and the They tell me Ihe party the baod gave the ne\\ly. thought Fred W3S one perfectly wonderful fellow-whi~h gorg«lus little E\·alyn concluded an eng<lttement at tt.e: wed,;-jl.lst a private pany, all to themselvC5--was some­ he is-and he thought she was a be:"lUtiful and talented P~r"mount Theater. thing that everyone pre~ent \\-i)) remember and tel! his little dancer, and a d,Hned ~\\eet girl-which she is,too. And \\ hen the final curtain had rung dOlin, over the grandchildren about. But that was as far as Ihey got, coffee she had prepared on the little electric ~tOl'e, Eval}"n Now you might ~urro~e Ih~t a girl like [valyn, Of course, some of the bOys ill the orchestra-and you ;lnnounced sudd~nly that she W"$ going to Dlifornia to talented, be~uli'ul, brought up from girlhood in the at­ know The Penllsyh·ariians are just alaI of grown-up kids \i~it htr parents. mosphere of the theater, \\uulll want to cling to her at heart-some of the boys beg,tll to suspect EvalYll when "I haven·t been home for so long, ~nd I thillk I'll just CJreer aud exact from it the fuJI measure of all its bril­ she bought a little electric SIOI·e and took it on tour \dlh lake :I nice, 1011g rest," ~he decided. liant prOllli'e after she W;)S married, wouldn't you? And the band. Every night, aflenhc ~holl', savory ordors 1I"0uld Fr~d antl the rest of the boys were rather surprised,· espccijU.v afler sM 'd m;)uicd <;Q prominent a figure as seep from back stage, and then there would be a feast of hut tof course.
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