Key Words A Journal of Cultural Materialism 10 (2012) edited by Catherine Clay Simon Dentith Kristin Ewins Ben Harker Angela Kershaw Stan Smith Vicki Whittaker Key Words: A Journal of Cultural Materialism Editors: Catherine Clay (Nottingham Trent University), Simon Dentith (University of Reading), Kristin Ewins (University of Salford), Ben Harker (University of Salford), Angela Kershaw (University of Birmingham), Stan Smith (Nottingham Trent University), Vicki Whittaker. Guest Editor for this issue: Elizabeth Allen (Regent’s College, London). Editorial Advisory Board: John Brannigan (University College Dublin), Peter Brooker (University of Sussex), Terry Eagleton (National University of Ireland Galway and Lancaster University), John Higgins (University of Cape Town), Andreas Huyssen (Columbia University, New York), Peter Marks (University of Sydney), Sean Matthews (University of Nottingham), Jim McGuigan (Loughborough University), Andrew Milner (Monash University), Meaghan Morris (Lingnan University), Morag Shiach (Queen Mary, University of London), Dai Smith (Swansea University), Nick Stevenson (University of Nottingham), John Storey (University of Sunderland), Will Straw (McGill University), Jenny Bourne Taylor (University of Sussex), John Tomlinson (Nottingham Trent University), Jeff Wallace (University of Glamorgan), Imelda Whelehan (De Montfort University). Contributions for prospective inclusion in Key Words should comply with the style notes printed on pp. 201–203 of this issue, and should be sent to Catherine Clay, School of Arts and Humanities, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Campus, Nottingham NG11 8NS, UK (
[email protected]). Books and other items for review should be sent to Angela Kershaw, Department of French Studies, College of Arts and Law, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK. The reviews Editor, Stan Smith, can be contacted at
[email protected].