Style Guide and Logo Policy Design and graphic elements to implement a consistent image Index

introduction 3 Our identity 4 elements of the brand 7 mandatory elements 9 1. Logo format 9 2. Base wave device 13 3. Typeface 14 4. Colour palette 15 Applying the Elements 16 Stationery 17 Letterheads 17 With Compliments slips 18 Business cards 18 DL envelopes 19 Facsimiles 20 Invitations 20 Publications and printed material 21 templates 22 Manuals, internal and basic documents 22 Back covers 23 Folders 24 PowerPoint 25 How to create your design 26 DESIGN EXAMPLES 27 signage 29 Motor Vehicles 29 clothing 30 collateral 31 non-campaign and classified advertising 32 campaign advertising 33 outdoor advertising 34 television and multimedia 35 Radio 36 websites 36 Further information 37

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy  Introduction

The Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy is an appendix of the Whole-of-Government Communications Policy 2003, and should be read in conjunction with this document. The Whole-of-Government Communications Policy articulates the accountability structure for Government communications, including specific procurement requirements for communications services. Other relevant documents include the Tasmanian Government Web Publishing Standards and Guidelines, the State Government Captioning Policy and the Tasmanian Brand Guide. Links to these and other relevant documents can be found at

Who does this policy apply to? This policy applies to the following Tasmanian Government departments and agencies: Department of Economic Development Department of Education Department of Health and Human Services Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Department of Justice Department of Police and Emergency Management Department of Premier and Cabinet Department of Primary Industries and Water Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment Department of Treasury and Finance Inland Fisheries Service Institute of TAFE Tasmania Fire Service

Any exemptions to the policy must be approved by the Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet.

The logo may be used by: • Government business enterprises (GBEs) as defined in Schedules 1 and 2 of the Government Business Enterprises Act 1995 • with approval of the Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet, any other entity that is wholly controlled by the Tasmanian Government or subject to ministerial direction The logo may not be used by any other entity that is not wholly controlled by the Tasmanian Government or subject to direct ministerial control (e.g. joint State/Australian Government/industry bodies). Government business enterprises (GBEs) and state-owned companies (SOCs) are not compelled to use the Tasmanian Government logo because of their commitment to their own corporate identity, which relates directly to their trading activities.

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy  Our identity

In a crowded marketplace, nothing is more important than our brand. It communicates with our customers and stakeholders, projecting our values and the aims of our organisation. Tasmanians have confidence in the credibility and authority of advice, services and information which carries our branding. While the Tasmanian Government consists of a wide variety of departments and services, we share the same goal: to serve the people of Tasmania. This is best communicated by a consistent brand. The Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy has been developed with this in mind. By applying the following formats and rules, all departments will be able to create consistent communications that complement each other and reflect the core values of the Tasmanian Government. The approach contains a number of uniform elements that ensure a consistent style and focus on identifying that these services are provided by the State Government. As communications content can vary widely between departments, this policy’s flexible visual guidelines allow for the effective presentation of a wide variety of information to different audiences. Please keep this Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy handy as a ready reference. It is your link to our brand.

The Tasmanian Brand

Tasmania is natural essence

core values Authenticity, innovation, connection

benefits Less complicated, island lifestyle Tailored products and services of premium quality Clean air and water, fertile soil and disease-free status

key attributes Sense of community and relative simplicity Resourceful, creative, friendly and genuine people Extensive, conserved natural and cultural heritage Isolated, temperate island on the edge of the Great Southern Ocean

The Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy is aligned to the broader Tasmanian brand. For more information see the Tasmanian Brand Guide at

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy  Our identity

Tasmanian Government Logo and Positioning Statement

The current Tasmanian Government logo was introduced in 2006, an evolution of the original thylacine logo introduced in 1997. The logo is a copyright design and has been registered as a trademark under the Trademark Act 1995 (Commonwealth). Its use on all communication mediums across government builds and maintains a clear and consistent Tasmanian Government brand identity. This enables the public to recognise government initiatives and therefore improves the delivery of, and access to, government programs and services. While the logo is a visual communication of the Tasmanian Government’s brand essence, as well as an identifying device, the positioning statement reinforces the message through language. It works strongly in partnership with the logo to create an overall brand image. Using the positioning statement wherever possible in communications (it can also be used separately in addition to use with the logo) conveys a consistent image to the market. The positioning statement ‘Explore the possibilities’, also introduced in 2006, reflects the way Tasmanians view their state and their lifestyle, and expresses their sense of confidence and optimism in the future. It is based on the values of the Tasmanian brand. Generally, the Tasmanian Government’s positioning statement should be incorporated into ALL communication – as outlined in this policy. However, there will be instances when the use of the positioning statement will be incompatible with a particular piece of communication. Decisions not to use the positioning statement must be made after advice from Agency Communications Managers and approved by the Director of Communications (Office of the Premier).

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy  Our identity

Use of sub-brands The use of logos other than the State Government’s thylacine logo must be approved by the Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet. There are a few occasions when a logo sub-brand is necessary for operational, communication and marketing purposes. Approved sub-brands of the Tasmanian Government are: • Tasmania Police Service • Tasmanian Ambulance Service • Tasmania Fire Service • State Emergency Service • Tasmanian Government schools • Parks and Wildlife Service • Inland Fisheries Service • Tasmania Prison Services The Tasmanian Ambulance Service, Tasmania Fire Service, State Emergency Service, Tasmania Prison Services, Parks and Wildlife Service, and Inland Fisheries Service may use service-specific logos on vehicles and uniforms. These organisations must comply as a sub-brand in all marketing and communication, i.e. use their brand in conjunction with the Tasmanian Government logo as outlined in this style guide. Note: All of these organisations are required to comply with the broader Whole-of-Government Communications Policy 2003. Tasmania Police It is recognised that Tasmania Police requires its own public brand to maintain the integrity of its operations. Its exemption from this Style Guide and Logo Policy is for operational purposes, including operational communication to the public, uniforms and vehicles. Tasmania Police is required to comply as a sub-brand for all departmental communication and marketing, including recruitment. Tasmanian government schools Tasmanian Government schools must comply as sub-brands in their promotion and marketing material.

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy  Elements of the Brand

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy  Elements of the brand

Style Guide and logo policy The Style Guide and Logo Policy has two distinct sets of elements – ‘mandatory’ and ‘flexible’. There are four mandatory elements which are NOT to be changed: 1. Logo (including positioning statement) 2. Base wave device (exceptions – signage, stationery, TV and web) 3. Typography and font 4. Colour palette The flexible elements are: 5. Pictures 6. Style (use curves, not boxes) 7. Specified water lines 8. Texture These are all design-driven choices that must be presented alongside the mandatory elements. This approach allows for the creation of solutions relevant to a specific marketing or image requirement. The golden rule is that these elements are to be interpreted within a ‘curves and water’ framework – except where it would infringe the moral rights of professional artists. The possibilities therefore are endless, as curved shapes and specified water lines can be used in any configuration or orientation. Use of lineal, boxed or angled shapes should be avoided. You may also be minimalist in your design approach. You have the power to make design decisions that will give you the best outcome. 1. 2. Explore the possibilities

Depar tment (and/or) business unit name here

Explore the possibilities

3. Heading is 4. 7. placed here

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy  Mandatory elements 1. Logo format logo colour The colour logo appears in three colours – Blue PMS 653, Olive PMS 618, and Black. There are two formats available – horizontal and vertical – both with the strap line included. The colour, horizontal logo is the preferred choice. Format selection should be based on achieving the most significant representation of the logo in the space available. Mono usage should be restricted to black, either positive or reversed. In the event of a single PMS, use Blue 653 as the preferred option. Minimum size The minimum size for reproduction of the logo is 20 mm wide if vertical and 30 mm wide if horizontal. A smaller version of the logo can only be used when the surface area of the object demands it (i.e. pens). 30 mm 20 mm When the size of the logo is smaller than indicated, the strap line must be removed.  Colour

Block shapes are examples of background colour only

Reverse mono colour Blue mono

Black mono

Colour field Reverse mono black

Black field

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy  Mandatory elements 1. Logo format (continued) positioning statement exemptions Decisions not to use the positioning statement must be made after advice from Agency Communications Managers and approved by the Director of Communications (Office of the Premier). Without strapline


Block shapes are examples of background colour only

Reverse mono colour Blue mono

Black mono

Colour field Reverse mono black

Black field

To access logo files visit

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 10 Mandatory elements

1. Logo format (continued) dos The logo must only be used in the forms specified and illustrated in this Style Guide and Logo Policy. don’ts No change to the format, colour, shape or typeface used in the logo. No outlines of any kind can be used. The colour logo appears in three colours – Blue PMS 653, Olive PMS 618, and Black. Do not use different typefaces. Do not create your own logo or add text underneath – use only the versions available from the Communications website.

Incorrect background colour. Incorrect format. Incorrect typeface.

Incorrect colour. Incorrect colour.

Incorrect format.

Incorrect colour. Incorrect shape.

Department name

To access logo files visit

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 11 Mandatory elements 1. use with other logos SPONSORSHIP and support The words ‘Sponsored by’ or ‘Supported by’ in type above the logo and positioning statement can be used in cases when the Tasmanian Government is sponsoring or supporting an initiative through funding or in-kind assistance. The logo should be provided to our partner in an electronic form to protect it from distortion. Electronic files can be found at In the case of a joint project, all logos must be the same height. (Please note that when used according to height, the landscape version appears bigger.) However, if the project is primarily a Tasmanian Government initiative, the Tasmanian Government logo must be more prominent in size and placement. Sponsors should be identified by the words ‘Sponsored by’ or ‘Supported by’ and represented separately from the Tasmanian Government logo. Where there is more than one sponsor, the sponsor logos should be grouped together.

use with australian government logo  The Australian Government logo must be positioned on the left of the Tasmania Government logo with a minimum width of 20 mm for the Coat of Arms. The Tasmanian Government logo is to be the same height as the full Australian Government logo.

sponsored by ¾X supported By X


Government initiative with sponsor support

Joint project with equal contribution

sponsored by

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 12 Mandatory elements

2. Base wave device Logo and base wave device – Mandatories 1 and 2 Unless specified to the contrary, the primary position for the logo is in the bottom right-hand corner, as shown. The wave separates images and colour from the logo. Department names should always be separated to avoid the appearance of an integrated logo. Using the logo in this consistent manner will create a strong identifier when applied to a varied range of printed material. Note: A white-only border is acceptable in cases of desktop printing where bleed is unavailable.

Explore the possibilities

Depar tment (and/or)

10 mm E dge of page business unit name here 7 mm Bottom edge of page 10 mm Use Gill Sans light 12pt (in A4 documents) upper and lower case, with 80 em letter spacing. Can sit in two lines where needed. Explore the possibilities

Depar tment name

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 13 Mandatory elements

3. TYPEFACE The government font for all usage is the Gill Sans family. The preference is to use Gill Sans regular or bold for headings and sub-headings and Gill Sans light for body copy. The default font, when Gill Sans is unavailable, is Arial. Web font usage is to be Verdana. In all Government communication material, the minimum type size is 10pt. Only disclaimers, footnotes and some stationery text can be a minimum type size of 6pt.

Gill sans bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Gill sans REGULAR abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Gill sans italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Gill sans LIGHT abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

arial– full font family may be used abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

TYPOGRAPHY The style for presenting the main heading is upper and lower case. Sub-heading is half-size, and runs on from main heading. Interpretations can be created by use of font size, style and placement. The minimum font size for headings is to be determined by the space available. Heading is placed Heading is in here X X placed here Sub-heading 1/2 X  Sub-heading follows 1/2 X follows on from the heading. on from the heading.

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 14 Mandatory elements logo format 4. colour palette

The logo colours are specified as shown below.

brand colour palette

black PMS 653 PMS 618 C – 0 R – 0 C – 96 R – 33 C – 11 R – 174 M – 0 G – 0 M – 59 G – 87 M – 10 G – 164 Y – 0 B – 0 Y – 4 B – 138 Y – 68 B – 68 K – 100 K – 17 K – 25 HTML #000000 HTML #21578a HTML #aea444

Design colour palette – Mandatory 4

PMS 668 PMS 710 PMS 7455 PMS 5415 PMS 555 C – 74 R – 97 C – 0 R – 222 C – 90 R – 64 C – 57 R – 92 C – 82 R – 32 M – 73 G – 77 M – 84 G – 69 M – 60 G – 95 M – 23 G – 127 M – 13 G – 108 Y – 7 B – 125 Y – 41 B – 97 Y – 0 B – 175 Y – 10 B – 146 Y – 64 B – 73 K – 20 K – 0 K – 0 K – 31 K – 45 HTML #614d7d HTML #de4561 HTML #4060af HTML #5c7f92 HTML #206c49

PMS 666 PMS 7411 PMS 637 PMS 4655 PMS 623 C – 40 R – 160 C – 0 R – 225 C – 65 R – 82 C – 6 R – 189 C – 36 R – 157 M – 39 G – 146 M – 42 G – 163 M – 0 G – 198 M – 38 G – 146 M – 3 G – 188 Y – 2 B – 180 Y – 69 B – 88 Y – 7 B – 226 Y – 42 B – 113 Y – 21 B – 176 K – 5 K – 0 K – 0 K – 18 K – 10 HTML #a092b4 HTML #e1a358 HTML #52c6e2 HTML #bd9271 HTML #9dbcb0

PMS 617 PMS 7495 PMS 7403 C – 7 R – 198 C – 30 R – 135 C – 0 R – 232 M – 6 G – 191 M – 4 G – 150 M – 11 G – 206 Y – 52 B – 112 Y – 85 B – 55 Y – 51 B – 121 K – 15 K – 30 K – 0 HTML #c6bf70 HTML #879637 HTML #e8ce79

These colour specifications were sourced from the Pantone colour bridgeTM coated matching system.

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 15 Applying the Elements

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 16 stationery

The following examples are set templates and no alteration to design is allowed. Specifications of the printed matter shown are to be strictly adhered to by all agencies. letterheads Department font: Gill Sans regular 14pt. Sub-branch font: Gill Sans light 9pt all caps COLOUR Address font: Gill Sans light 9pt on 12pt leading 16 mm Stationery is printed in three colours unless Department of Premier and Cabinet Corporate serviCes 14 mm 10 mm 25 mm specifically required in one Level 3, aMp Building, 86 Collins street, tas Gpo Box 1409, Hobart, tas 7001 ph (03) 6233 2223 Fax (03) 6233 3335 colour. No other colour email [email protected] Web combination is available. The logo should be placed in the top right-hand corner. sub-brand Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources

If a sub-brand is required, the Level 3, 210 Collins Street, Hobart TAS 7000 Ph (03) 6234 5678 Fax (03) 6234 5679 logo is placed in the top right- Email [email protected] Web hand corner. Sub-brand logos cannot have a vertical height greater than the Tasmanian Government logo.

MONO Use the black mono logo. Layout and positioning of Department of Education

Level 3, 210 Collins Street, Hobart TAS 7000 elements is the same as Ph (03) 6234 5678 Fax (03) 6234 5679 Email [email protected] Web the colour version.

Note: The strap line is not used on letterheads. Generally, stationery does not use the base wave device.

To access templates visit

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 17 stationery with compliments SLIPS The trim size for With Compliments slips is 210 mm wide x 100 mm deep, standard DL size. Below is an example only for a particular unit of the Department of Premier and Cabinet. If a unit name is not required it is simply omitted and the positioning remains the same. ‘With Compliments’ sits at the bottom left-hand corner in Gill Sans italic.

10 mm 10 mm

12 mm Department of Premier and Cabinet Corporate serviCes

Level 3, aMp Building, 86 Collins street, Hobart tas 30 mm Gpo Box 1409, Hobart, tas 7001 australia ph (03) 6233 2223 Fax (03) 6233 3335 email info@ Web

With Compliments

8 mm business cards The card is to be a landscape format, standard business card size of 55 mm x 90 mm and follow the dimensions specified below. Where a unit is to be listed, follow the ‘With Compliments’ guidelines. Note: There is an option to have a blank white back to the card. 4 mm area from edge on all sides of card

Department of Premier and Cabinet office of parliamentary counsel

John Smith manager of his section

level 3, amp Building, 86 collins street hobart tas gpo Box 1409 hobart, tas 7001 australia mobile 0123 456 789 ph (03) 6234 5678 fax (03) 6234 5679 email [email protected] Web

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 18 stationery

DL envelopes Envelopes are shown in two different configurations: DL – off-peak and standard variations (220 mm wide x 110 mm deep). If larger envelopes are to be used then the specifications for DL will be used with alterations to width and depth as required. All envelopes are printed in black only. (Note: Size shown is reduced to fit on this page.)

DL off-peak Text and address line up with the bottom of strap line. Department font: Gill Sans regular 10pt on 11pt leading Address font: Gill Sans light 8pt on 11pt leading, upper and lower case 7 mm 7 mm 36 mm 36 mm 7 mm postage 7 mm off Department of Premier and Cabinet paid 26 mm If undeliverable please return to peak GPO Box XXX australia Hobart TAS 7001 Australia

Note: departments should use their own return address

DL STANDARD Text and address line up with the bottom of strap line. Department font: Gill Sans regular 10pt on 11pt leading Address font: Gill Sans light 8pt on 11pt leading, upper and lower case 7 mm 36 mm

postage Department of Premier and Cabinet paid If undeliverable please return to 26 mm GPO Box XXX australia Hobart TAS 7001 Australia

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 19 stationery

facsimileS Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Level 3, 210 Collins Street, Hobart TAS 7000 Use the black and white logo in the top Ph 03) 6234 5678 Fax 03) 6234 5679 Email [email protected] Web right-hand corner. Department name is placed in top left-hand corner of the page. facsimile TO: Fax No: (Template available) From: date: re: pages:

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER The information in this transmission may be confidential and/or protected by legal professional privilege, and is intended only for the person or persons to whom it is addressed. If you are not such a person, you are warned that any disclosure, copying or dissemination of the information is unauthorised. If you have received the transmission in error, please immediately contact this office by telephone, fax or email, to inform us of the error and to enable arrangements to be made for the destruction of the transmission, or its return at our cost. No liability is accepted for any unauthorised use of the information contained in this transmission.

DL – front is an option for external printing

invitations (Not mandatory) Front cover design may be interpreted in any way as long as curves and wave lines Your are used. Invitation On the reverse side, use the logo in the top right-hand corner to a minimum of 20 mm wide. Place the department name in the base wave device that bleeds off either edge. Your (Template available) Invitation TO: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh 100 mm euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magn aeliquam erat volutpat.Wisit wisi. Pis ent augait ullam, sum quip esto eu feugiam consecte dolesse venis non utpatuero er suscin enis alit, commodolut prat. Met doluptat wisit am, velis ex ero exero

Department name here

200 mm

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 20 Publications & printed material

Design guidelines and mandatories The mandatory elements must always be present on brochures, fliers, newsletters, posters, banners and other communication materials. Templates are provided for corporate, internal and other basic design documents. With few exceptions, the State Government considers annual reports as compliance documents, and they should only carry basic design. All Government publications must include the following bibliographic information: • Author (the name of the department, NOT the name/s of individual employee/s) • Source (the unit/branch/division producing the publication) • Contact details such as postal address, phone, email and website address • Date of publication (month and year) • Volume/issue number if the publication is part of a series • International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or International Standard Series Number (ISSN) where applicable • Acknowledgement of copyright – Copyright State of Tasmania, (year of first publication)

The Guidelines for Government Publications (available at provide more information on these and other publication requirements.

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 21 Publications & printed material

Templates Manuals, internal and basic design documents These templates can be used for manuals, internal documents, government submissions, annual reports, etc. Photos may be incorporated into basic design if desired. Basic use of the colour palette, tints and the water lines should be used to simplify design. Mono version and a two-colour combination with white text are available.

Manual title is Manual title is placed here Sub-heading placed here Sub-heading follows on from the heading. follows on from the heading.

Depar tment name here Department name here

Document title is placed here Sub-heading follows on from the heading.

Depar tment name here

To access templates visit

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 22 Publications & printed material

Templates full-colour back cover The back cover should be universal for all full-colour printed material – a full PMS Blue 653 background with a 75% tint of the water lines bleeding off the bottom left-hand side of the page, and two curves angled across the middle of the page and one across the top left-hand corner in a 65% tint of PMS Blue 653. The logo with strap line is placed on the right-hand side in the top half of the page. Contact details are in white type at the bottom right-hand corner of the page, lining up with the left edge of the logo. back cover base Where text or a small size prohibits a full back, a 1/5th height base can be used to display contact details together with the logo. A template is available in standard sizes ( A4, DL) at

Cumsan vullam dolortisit, quisismolore commodip erostio Cumsan vullam dolortisit, quisismolore commodip erostio nsequis sectet velisi blamet, quiscil landrem dolobor ad eum nsequis sectet velisi blamet, quiscil landrem dolobor ad eum venibh et diametu eraestio odit nonullaorem dipit aliquipisit venibh et diametu eraestio odit nonullaorem dipit aliquipisit volumsan hendrem exeros augait lute dipit acidunt wismod- volumsan hendrem exeros augait lute dipit acidunt wismod- olobor augue dolor amconse erostrud mod euis auguercidunt olobor augue dolor amconse erostrud mod euis auguercidunt 90mm prat. Illa augueros dipis eugueriustie commod erit augait adi- prat. Illa augueros dipis eugueriustie commod erit augait adi- onsecte exerat ipit dolorer aessis aut il ea feu feu feugiame- onsecte exerat ipit dolorer aessis aut il ea feu feu feugiame- from top tum dipismodigna faccum eumsandiam, quis nim vel ing exer tum dipismodigna faccum eumsandiam, quis nim vel ing exer ip et la feu feuipsum quipsum quisit alisit prat. Lamcon utpat, ip et la feu feuipsum quipsum quisit alisit prat. Lamcon utpat, sed dolorperos nibh ex enit dolortionse magna at nulputpat. sed dolorperos nibh ex enit dolortionse magna at nulputpat. Ut dignis ero dui esto exer auguerostrud magnis etuer si eum Ut dignis ero dui esto exer auguerostrud magnis etuer si eum eugait lorerat la feugiamcor ad diam iure commod del ut ex eugait lorerat la feugiamcor ad diam iure commod del ut ex exerat prate dolor adignis el utpatum zzriure commy non exerat prate dolor adignis el utpatum zzriure commy non hent nim eugait at. Illa facip exeraestie diat aliquatem zzriure hent nim eugait at. 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45mm 1 5 Uptat luptat aliqui bla feugiam dit alit ip eu faci estrud dunt ut nim nulpute tio od eum / th base ip eugue conse ming ero ea am, velit nullaore tat, quip euis nostrud tem inibh eliqui bla commod tie mincil diam qui bla facilis nullan from bottom

Heading is Heading goes here. placed here Sub-heading follows on from the heading. 50mm from top Ratincil luptatet lutem adionsed tie velit vel dolorperat, commodigna commod minciliqui te con ver sequis enis atio dunt laoreet luptate do con venibh exerilis adit eniscidunt wisim elendio dunt ipismod olenisis nostrud tem diam dolore cor aliquisci ex endit ipit ad magna aut aciduisl ut vulla alissit ex elissequi bla feu facilla ad tatueros alit ip eummodolum iniatummod minit ullaore con ute deliquisi. Ut eriuscipit la cor in ute dipsum iustrud duisl irit wis- 20mm high modit iriureet utatie conum quat, quat, sum quate tat. Ut la feum veraesed modipis nibh euis et, veliqua tetumsan eu feuis nosto digna feu facip ex et ute tatem velenis nulpu- tat. laor aut aliquiscilit la feugiam dolore commy nullam ip et nulla facipsu msandipit loreetummy nonsent alissim ad ming endre mod doloboreet nos er inibh et ad molor iustrud te magniam, quisi. adiam amconsequis dunt volor sed mod te del inciduis ex Design area utilising eratie magna feuguer sum quam, commodit praesto odit wisl diametuer am vulputpat wis diam in ver autat, quisl curves and water iriusciduisl utat vulla facil et adiam alit, quat. se vullandiat velis ent at. lines graphics. Xer accum nos non esto consectem nisi. na facipsu scilisl delit etummodolore magniam etuerilit Style to individual wis nit dionse feuisl esent alisl irilla alit loboreet praesed digna feum iurer alisissed magna cor adiam eum dolore tet choice loreet lutpatin utat, si et in euguerc ipisis dolor iriure eu facipit wisse del et il illamet wis nullamc onsequam, quipit ContaCt details iureet ut nulput verci blam velit amcon utet augiat dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis

at vero eros et accumsan et

ius to odio dignissim qui blan

dit praesent luptatum zzril

delenit augue duis dolore

contact details Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh 25mm 1/5th base euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim ve niam. from bottom Department name here

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 23 Publications & printed material templates Folders – Corporate presentation style This example shows a generic use of the mandatory and flexible design elements to create a bright, distinctive look. Folders can also follow design guidelines to include photos and graphics as necessary.

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 24 Publications & printed material

Templates powerpoint Like the brochure covers, the cover design is flexible within the four mandatory elements. Text pages follow a set style. Template available.

The heading goes here only

ple m a x e

Department name here

Heading for presentation

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet • consectetuer adipiscing

• diam nonummy nibh euismod only

• tincidunt ut laoreet dolore ple m

• magna aliquam erat volutpat a x e

Department name here

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 25 How to create your design

The Tasmanian Government style is maintained by using the mandatory elements in their required style and position. This does not restrict individual design and styling in the ‘design area’ above the base curve, as long as it uses the correct colour palette, curved shapes and, where possible, the water lines. This allows for the individual creation of the ‘image’ that is required to communicate to your target market.

Mandatory Your heading typography is placed somewhere in this area Water lines are flexible

Use colour palette

Your ‘design area’ using the design elements – photography and/or curved shapes can be styled to individual choice

Department name here Mandatory base elements

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 26 design examples white space covers Example 1. How much white space is utilised is up to design preference. The solutions are endless, as long as the mandatory framework is followed. Example 1 Basic style covers Example 2. Designs are to be based on the use of curves and water lines emanating from the logo. Shown are two examples Your heading (2 and 3) of how the designs can differ but still look like a ‘family’ is placed somewhere using the curves and water lines. (Refer back to page 26, ‘How to in this area create your design’.) The design does not have to incorporate photos, but when only

images are used, the selection is to align with the Tasmanian

brand, and have the flexibility to identify/communicate with ple m specific markets/targets. a x All covers must contain the logo and base wave device. e mono covers Example 3. If reproducing in mono, a white space or basic style cover should be used. This low-cost example should only be produced in one or two colours. Images are in one colour Department name here or as a duo tone only. Use solid areas of colour in cases where Mandatory elements no images are used. When using a sub-brand logo, its height should not be greater than that of the Tasmanian Government logo.

Non-photo minimalist example Example 2 Example 3

Heading is Heading is Heading is Heading is placed here Sub-heading placedplacedhere Sub-headinghere Sub-heading follows on from main heading. follows on fromfollowsmainonheading.from main heading. placed here Sub-heading follows on from main heading.

Design area utilising curves only

and water lines. Style to individual choice ple m a x e

Depar tment naDemepaherr tmente name here Department of EDducaepatirtomnent of Education Depar tment name here Depar tment name here Department of Education

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 27 Design EXAMPLES promotional-style covers The designs for promotional brochures are to follow the style and character of the promotion within the mandatory framework. colour selection Colour selection is to be made from the ‘design’ colour palette only. graphic devices Promotional logos or motifs require prior approval from the Director – Communications Policy. image choice Images should be of high quality, align with the Tasmanian brand and, where possible,

Design area utilising curves and water lines. Style to individual choice example only Heading can be placed here.


Department name here

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 28 signage

Internal and External Mandatory elements must be adhered to for all internal and external signage (street front and directional). motor vehicles Logos for Government vehicles are to be in colour on a white background and appear on the driver and front passenger doors. No logos are to appear on windows, boot or bonnet. Minimum logo depth is 100 mm and maximum depth is 200 mm. Individual agencies may determine which of their vehicles should carry the logo, according to the intended use of the vehicle. Emergency services may use service-specific logos on their vehicles.

NO signage on window, boot or bonnet

NO signage on window, boot or bonnet

Department name goes here

Minimum logo depth is 100 mm and maximum depth is 200 mm

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 29 clothing

The Tasmanian Government logo should appear on all uniforms. Department and division names must not appear as part of the Tasmanian Government logo (e.g. directly under or beside ‘Tasmania’). Business units associated with the provision of law and order or emergency services may use service-specific logos on operational uniforms. Use the logo on the left breast. The department name is to be positioned on the right breast and aligned with the word ‘Tasmania’. If the strap line is inappropriate for reproduction, contact the Director of Communications (Office of the Premier).

X height Business Unit or specific program

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 30 collateral

Minimum representation A smaller version of the logo can only be used when the surface area of the object demands it (i.e. pens). When the size of the logo is smaller than indicated, the strap line must be removed. STICKERS Use the vertical logo to a minimum of 20 mm wide. Colour or mono logos can be used depending on the specification of the job. pens 30 mm 20 mm Use the logo and print it along the centre of the pen. Use strap line only if size allows. notepads Place the logo and department name under the base wave device. drink bottles Place the logo in the centre of the top half of the bottle. The logo is a minimum of 30 mm wide. Place the department name under the base wave device.

Explore the possibilities

Explore the possibilities

Department name here

Department name here

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 31 non-campaign and classified advertising

‘Non-campaign’ advertising includes recruitment, employment, educational courses and enrolment, auctions and tenders, announcements, public and statutory notices and emergency notices. All non-campaign press advertisements are to be placed in the ‘composite’ section under the Tasmanian Government banner. The only exceptions to this are: •  where there is a recognised need for a display advertisement to be placed in the early general news (EGN) or other non-classified section and approval has been given by the Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet (through the Director – Communications Policy); • advertisements that market TAFE courses. Classified advertising is to be booked through the existing whole-of-government contract for classified advertising. Details of the contract and the Whole-of-Government Communications Policy’s non-campaign (classified) advertising requirements are available at

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 32 campaign advertising

Campaign advertising is a sustained series of advertising used to motivate, inform, educate, or change attitudes or behaviour amongst a broad group of citizens, and can appear in any media or combination of media. The Whole-of-Government Communications Policy’s only campaign advertising requirements are available at ple m a x small space – Mono and colour e The base wave device, logo, typeface and colour palette are mandatory. The minimum size for logos on press advertisements is 30 mm wide (horizontal version) and 20 mm 20 mm wide (vertical version). Small space ads can be minimum depth of mono and/or colour. the curve display

Both formats of the logo may appear in advertising. The typeface, 30 mm minimum width base wave device, logo placement and colour palette are mandatory. Minimum size for logos on press advertisements Heading is is 20 mm wide for vertical version and 30 mm for the placed here horizontal version. campaign Exemptions Where a unique style is required to convey a campaign message,

mandatories – other than the logo – may not apply. Approval only

should be gained prior to production from the Director – ple

Communications Policy (Department of Premier and Cabinet). m a x BANNER DESIGN EXAMPLES e

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie conse quat, vel illum dolore eu

feugiat nullafa cilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit

augue duis dolorte feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum

dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing,nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreagna aliquam erat volupat.


EDU5085_SOL_Banners_2.indd 1 27/11/06 4:53:16 PM EDU5085_SOL_Banners_2.indd 4 27/11/06 4:54:48 PM EDU5085_SOL_Banners_2.indd 2 27/11/06 4:53:55 PM Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 33 Outdoor advertising

The Tasmanian Government logo must be clearly visible on all outdoor advertising. The following minimum size requirements are provided for standard size billboards, bus backs and taxi backs. Application of the logo to outdoor advertising of varying sizes should be guided by the ratios provided in the examples to ensure that the Tasmanian Government logo is prominent and clearly visible at a reasonable distance. BILLBOARDS Logo has a minimum size of 520 mm wide on outdoor signage, based on average 24-sheet billboard dimensions of three metres high and six metres wide. BUS BACKS Logo has a minimum size of 285 mm wide on bus backs, based on average dimensions of 2100 mm high and 2100 mm wide. taxi BACKS Logo has a minimum size of 70 mm wide on taxi backs, based on average dimensions of 400 mm high and 800 mm wide.

Heading is placed here.

Heading is placed here. Minimum width is 285 mm Minimum width is 70 mm

Heading is placed here.

Minimum width is 520 mm

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 34 television and multimedia

All television advertising produced for, or on behalf of, the Tasmanian Government, unless exempted, must carry a pre-end logo frame and authorisation frame as detailed below. PRE-END LOGO FRAME 30 seconds and above The State Government logo must appear for a minimum of 3.5 seconds on the pre-end frame screen of all television commercials/productions produced by agencies, while the strap line is spoken. The logo is to be a minimum size of 1/3 of the screen height, and should appear in full colour on a white screen. A television- ready audio-visual file is available from the Director – Communications Policy (DPAC). If sponsor logos are to be used they are to appear evenly spaced along the bottom of the screen under the State Government logo. In cases where the use of the strap line under the logo is inappropriate, contact the Director of Communications (Office of the Premier) for an exemption. 15 seconds and below The State Government logo must appear for a minimum of 1.5 seconds on the pre-end frame screen as above; however, the strap line is not spoken. The strap line should appear slightly larger and shrink to a proportionate size. A television ready file is available from the Director – Communications Policy (DPAC). Authorisation frame All television advertisements must carry the official authorisation end tag, “Authorised by the Tasmanian Government, Hobart. Spoken by (name/s talent)”. These words must appear on a black screen for at least 1.5 seconds. The words “Authorised by the Tasmanian Government. Hobart” must be spoken at the same time as the authorisation end frame is shown. The authorisation is written in Futura mid BT in 20-24 point. Approved audio of the strap line and authorisation visual file available from the Director – Communications Policy (DPAC).

Authorised by the Tasmanian Government, Hobart. Spoken by (name/s talent)

Logo screen 3.5 seconds Authorisation screen 1.5 seconds Captioning All television commercials/community service announcements, videos, DVDs and CD-ROMs produced for broadcast or viewing by the public must include captioning for the deaf and hearing impaired. This includes general information videos and DVDs playing in a government office, customer service area, public hospital, public event or trade show and videos and DVDs that the public can request, hire or purchase. See the Tasmanian Government Captioning Policy at for more details.

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 35 radio

Approved audio file of the strap line should be used at the end of radio advertisements. In cases where the use of the strap line is inappropriate, contact the Director of Communications (Office of the Premier) for an exemption. Audio file available from the Director – Communications Policy (DPAC). websites

Logo placement and its function as a link Those agencies that are required to use the Tasmanian Government logo must include the logo on all web pages as a clearly identifiable link to Tasmanian Government websites must be designed in accordance with the Tasmanian Government’s Web Publishing Standards and Guidelines – including the Design and Navigation Guidelines and templates available at For display and title pages, the banner can utilise photographic or colour content. Images Images should be used in the top right-hand box and must reflect the Tasmanian brand (see the brand pyramid on page 4).

Department name here

Depatment of Premier and Cabinet IndustDepartmentrial Relations name & State here service management

Service Tasmania AllD of epartmentyour Government Services name in one here area

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 36 further information

Initial contact is to be made with your Agency’s Communications Manager agency Communications Units Agency Phone Economic Development 6233 5832 Education 6233 4665 Health and Human Services 6233 4890 Infrastructure, Energy and Resources 6233 6174 Inland Fisheries Service 6261 8050 Justice 6233 7537 Police and Emergency Management 6230 2424 Premier and Cabinet 6233 7293 Primary Industries and Water 6233 6340 TAFE Tasmania 6336 2707 Tasmania Fire Service 6230 8443 Tourism, Arts and the Environment 6233 8583 Treasury and Finance 6233 3670 Tourism Tasmania 6230 8174

For further policy information Director – Communications Policy Julie Pellas Department of Premier and Cabinet [email protected] Ph: 6233 7293

Communications Policy Co-ordinator Mandy Smith Department of Premier and Cabinet [email protected] Ph: 6233 2859

To access all electronic files visit

Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy 37