Postal Address P.O. Box 546, Rosny Park Tasmania 7018 RETIRED POLICE ASSOCIATION OF TASMANIA i n c Newsleer Issue: April 2020 Email:
[email protected] Patron: Sir Max Bingham QC, BCL, LLB, LL Secretary Kerrie Whitwam President David Plumpton Treasurer Steve Collidge OUR LIVES INTERUPTED BY COVID—19 Today we find ourselves in a world and in circumstances Recently, the RPAT circulated advice concerning the that none of us would have envisaged three months services it provides under normal circumstances to properly ago. Even with the hindsight of the last three months, it is recognise and respect the passing of a member. In some difficult to picture where we may be in a further three circumstances these usual services are not going to be able months. On a daily basis, we are receiving almost 12 hourly to be provided. information updates which identify the progress of the virus Subject to a request from the family, the RPAT provides an and the measures being taken by our Governments to opportunity for a former colleague, or close personal friend, address it. to read the ‘Ode to a Police Officer’ at any service. In the Most of us would never have imagined possible the remedial absence of such person nominating, a RPAT Executive strategies that are now in place concerning international member usually reads the Ode. Given the previously and inter-state travel and the requirements for social isolation. mentioned sanctions, this will not be possible in the The progress of these strategies has been followed by the foreseeable future and, as an alternative, the RPAT will RPAT Executive Committee, particularly given that the provide a copy of the Ode to the family to incorporate into the service as they would like.