
ber 23, 1920

Vol. XX-New Series V. IOWA CITY, lOW A, WEDNESDAY,---- NOVEMBER 24, 1920 NUMBER 53 IALPHA OMICRON DECEMBER 1 TO LOCAL CAMPUS IS NAME OF NEW PLAYERS W'ILL START SALE OF BASKET TOSSERS LOCAL SORORITY 1922 HAWKEYE ORGANIZATIONS Alpha Omicron, a local sorority, re­ SHOW AT CEDAR Twenty-five hundred subscriptions BREAK OUT FOR ceived recognition by the University have been set as the the goal for NATIONALIZED social committee at their meeting Fri­ RAPIDS-BOONE the sales campaign of the 1922 day. Hawkeye to start Monday, Decem7 WINTER BATTLES Numerous Social Organizations Being bel' 1, according to A. Carlton Ern­ The officers of the orianization as 'Production at Other Towns Are Con- First Conference Game Will Be the Founded on Campus in Line With stene of Nebraska City, Nebr., edi­ announced yesterday are: president, templated, Notably Clinton Minnesota Mix, January 15 Larger Social Life tor-in-chief of the annual. The sales Dollie G. Dulgar A3 of Muscatine, vier and. Davenport Other Practice Games president, Gleneva F. Klooping A3 of force will be announced within a few IVRE CLUB FOUNDED IN 1918 Newton, treasurer, Irene E. Woodrow MEMORIAL UNION TO BENEFIT days. The present plan is to close THREE OF LAST YEAR'S SQUAD A3 of Newton, corresponding secre­ the campaign on December 4. Former lvre Club Receives Charter tary, Mary Q. Mathewson A3 of Mus­ "Her Husband's Wife" Will be Car­ Five dollars is the price of the Of Phi Epsilon l'i, National Jewish Shimek, Kaufmann and Devine Arc catine, and secretary, Ruth. Meyers ried About State in Cooperation Hawkeye and a deposit of two dol­ Only Regulars Out - Chances For Fraternity - Lamba Theta Local A3 of Newton. With Memorial Union Drive­ lars will be made at the time the Women's Educational Society 'Be­ Championship Quintet Not Dazzling Besides the officers, seven women Alumni Dinners in Conjunction - subscription, is taken. Books will -Small Number of Last Year's comes Pi Lamba Theta are announced as charter members. Director and Coach to Travel With be ordered for only those who sub­ Yearlings to Pick From They are, Helen Nicholson A4 of Iowa Cast scribe for them as the high cost of Leading soci~l events of the week City, Carol Henning A2 of Scranton printing makes it impossible to Coach Jimmie Ashmore put his include the securing of the national Marvel M. Belknap Al of Hopkinton. Out-of-town production of the play, print extra copies, according to squad through a few preliminary pa .~ ­ charter of Phi Epsilon Pi by the for­ Matilda K. Ravell A3 of Odebolt "Her Husband's Wife," by the Uni­ Dwight G .Rider L1 of Waterloo. es last night, although real work mer "Ivre" club, and the installation Effie I. Page Al of Scranton, Mllr­ versity Players has ben postponed un­ business manager of the Hawkeye. with ' the entire squad out will not next Friday night of Pi Lamba Theta guerite E. Krampe A2 of Baxter, and til next week, Ralph G. Grassfield, dir­ Last year a number of students fail- start in all earnestness until next women's educational organization. Irene M. Kessler A2 of Odebolt. ector of the Iowa Memorial Union ed to order their copies and were un- week. A great many new social groups • campaign anounced yesterday. able to obtain them in the spring. Last night's practice incIu,INI Capt. have been organized on the campus According to Ernstene, a large part 1.'lafman and At.brey Devine, l'egu­ since the opening of the University Complete arrangements have been made for giving the play at Green's of the work on the annual will b( hilS of last year's team, wh:.l clid not year, in line with the administrative completed by the first of the year. take a rest between the two major GEORGE MEADER theater in Cedar Rapids, Wednesday policy of the encouragement of group All but fifty of the 550 juniors have sports. Shimek has been out all seas­ night, December 1, and at the Vir­ Hfe. The chapter of Phi Epsilon Pi, had their pictures taken for the jun. cn but Fnilayson is not able to play ginia theater in Boone, Friday night, is the first of its kind which has ap­ WILL SING HERE ior section, and the entire class willi on account of th" effects of a'l opera­ December 3. peared on the local campus. have had their sittings by tomorrow, t:C!Jl for appendic1.tis. His rl'turn to A charter for a chapter of Phi Music Assoc:iation Arranges For A It is probable'that the players will the last day for such pictures. the raem is not certain. Epsilon Pi, national Jewish frater­ Concert at Natural Science /llso play at Clinton and Davenport al­ The book will have 464 pages and Fundamental., have been tIle main nity has been approved by the faculty Tuesday, December 7 though complete arrangements have no display advertising. Novel art part of the eve_ling workouts so far acording to information from the not yet been made in these cities. work, an Iowa girl sectien, and a this sea,son, such as basket shoting office of Robert E. Rienow dean of George Meader, American tenor, These presentations will be given snappy humorous sedion will be and prateice t~Rmwork, although the men. The fraternity is composed of will appear in concert at the natural under the auspices of the Iowa Mem­ special features of this year's Hawk- ('0 ahclines his Dlt-n up for f. session members of the "Ivre" club, which science auditorium, Tuesday evening, orial Union and the proceeds will be eye. at regular scrimmage each night. was organized January 27, 1918, and December 7, at 8:15 o'clock, according equally between ,the Union and So far there pas been no teams is an outgrowth of a feeling of the to Mrs. Phillip G. Clapp in charge of the University. picked or any mr.n placed fo •.' tryQ\1t!j necessity of a Jewish fraternity at the concert. Admission will be one Preceding the play in both Cedar ACQUATIC STARS in certain POSitiO;lS. As far ail pros­ Iowa. dollar and tickets will go on sale the Rapids and Bone, the Players will pects go, it can be said thaI; ther The names of the charler members first of next week at the book and give a dinner to the alumni and are indicatIOns "f an average team,. which eppear on the petition al'e M~ ' music stores and at Whetstone's. friends of the Univel'dity at whicl, LOOM UP DAILY \lut no reason to ".'{pect a c:mfel'ence­ Kadesky D2 of Dubuque, Louis J. These tickets may be later exchanged speeches will be made in the inter­ championship quintet nor is there any Coach Armbruster's Amphibians Put U~danger A3 of Muscatine, S"m H. for reserved seats at the office of the ests of the Memorial Union. reason for gloom. There is plenty of In Hard Work For Coming Shulkin of Sioux City, Philip H. Shel- department of music in the Dey build­ The students who will participate gOl>d material out which should de­ Water Meets man M1 of Des Moines, Abe J. Myers ing, is the plan of Mrs. Clapp. in these presentations are: Eleanor velop. The practice tilts with minor Ll of Des Moines, Ralph L. Hilfman George Meader is an American F. Talley A4 of Sigourney, Marion During the past three weeks several teams ami the early conferenc~ games D4 of West Liberty, Isadore Bern- tenor who is touring America for the H. Smith A3 of Independence, 'Anna water stars have come into notice on will teJI part of the story. stein A4 of Centerville, Charles first time this year under the mana­ F. Rummelhart A3 of Iowa City, Coach David A. Armbruster's tanlc Fi1\layson's uncertain return to the Greenblatt A3 of Muscatine, Morton gaments of National Concerts inc. and ;Robert L. Block, A3 of Davenport, squad. The team has been game leaves but three who warp, regu­ I I A. Blum Al of Des Monies, and is being brought to Iowa City by the Lauren M. Smith A2 of Cherokee, a quarter mile every night since the lars lats year, Capt. Kaufman, De· Archie Urdanger S1 of Muscatine. University music association. Prior Charles B. Gould A3 of Des Moines, beginning of the season and is now vine and Shimek. Other members Lamba Theta, women's educational to last spring his career was limited Margaret S. Sherman of the public rounding into form for speed work. of last year's team who have been out organization, will \>e installed as a' to Europe. speaking department is coaching the The long swim has developed a num­ so far are Lohman, Barnes, Froh­ national chapter of :fhi Lamba Theta The program has not been definitely players. Beginning Friday the play­ ber of point winners. Competition is wein, Newcomb, Dyke, Klatt, Olson, next Friday night. Pi Lamba Theta announced but it will include the in­ ers will all put in a period of inten­ strong in every event except in the is a honorary scholutic sorority to terpretation of American, Italian, Prentiss and Ehresman. sive practice In order to have their 150 yard back stroke race which still Members of last year's yearling which students majoring in education French and German groups of songs. production up to the highest possible has room for more competitors. The and women instructors, are elected. The'first American concert of squa dwho have shown up are Ty standard when they present it in the 40 yard dash and the 440 yards swim Smith, Kedesky, Vollmer, Burgitt, It is the sister organization to the Meader was given in Aeolian hall, other cities. men's hOJlorary literary society, Phi New York last spring. are the two most popular events Postman, Collis, Carlyle, McGovn,ey, Delta Kappa. "This is not a money making pro­ among the swimmers. and eZU. A fresman squad will be Initiation and installation will be -- position for the Players," Charles C. Bob Brown A3 of Des Moines, who formed under the direction of Coach in the liberal arts drawing room Fri- SOPH PARTY DATE ANNOUNCED Bowie A4 of San Benito, Texas, busi­ was individual point winner on last Jen.kins and the first call for this day evening. At the ceremony four ness manager for the play, said yes­ year's team, is back in school but squar win probably be made next representatives from the national The Sophomore cotillion will be the terday, "and we are producing the bas not reported for the team up to week. play in these towns only to aid and chapter will be present. After instal­ twenty-eigth of January. The number the present time. If he fails to ap­ Little will be done for at least a arOU8e interest in the Memorial Un­ lation a banquet will be given at the of couples will probably be limited to pear his loss will be greatly felt in few days toward picking a perman­ Jeff'erson hotel, at which Mable I. 200. The orchestra wil consist of at ion campaign throughout the state." the dashes and the back stroke. The alumni of the University in these entteam. Coach Ashmore will put Shedaer, president, will be toast mis­ least ten pieces and will be brought Roy K. Forney AS of Tabor has t ehmthorugh some preliminary work­ tress. from out of town. towns are very enthusiastic over the been plunging the full length ef the plan and have signified their willing­ outs until he iets the teams lined up pool every night and will probably an dsomedata on individuals as there ness to help in making it a success. have his own way in this event al­ FRITZI SCHEFF BETRAYS are a number of new men out. There I Arrangements are being ma~e though Stuart w,. Short A2 of Coun­ were 35 out last night but with the cil Bluff's, and Pearce Newport M2 of MANY OPEN SECRETS. whereby Margaret S. Sherman, in­ opening of the reol season a larger structor in the public speaking de­ Adair are showing up in good form. number is expected. Fritzi Scheff strutted into the Hote' "I hats the stage. I play simply partment who is coaching the play, In the distance swims, Captain Wal­ Jeff'erson with the air of State street. from a mercenary standpoint. I am ter Anneberg, Douglas Boynton and Practice iames will be held before and Mr. Grassfield, can serve as the Christmas holidays and there are She was swathed from head to foot chaperones of the cast in their ab­ William Goodell are leading the field. a homey woman by nature. I like to three games scheduled during the in an immense light brown fur coat. sence from the University. It is prob. T!te relay team will probably be com­ cook, sew, and do fancy work. holidays. The first conference game A small dark hat was tilted at a chir able that the play will be given in posed largely from last year's team. "Do I like America? I like it so will be at Minnesota, anuary 16. angle over her penciled right eyebrow ~ other towns of the state before the Anneberg, Shepherd, Weidlein, Bond, A blue chenille dotted veil was ar­ well that I have forgotten I ever lived Christmas holidays but no definite Brown, Rademacher, and Clark seem ranged over her cosmetic face am' any place else.' She laurhed and hur­ plans have yet been made. to have the edge in the dashes. In the PARTIES MAY BE hair and caught up tightly at the back ried on toward tne station. dives, Illif Shepherd and Ivan Weld­ HELD AT EITHER of her hat. Her manager, W. R. "I studied for grand opera because DISCUSSIONAL GROUPS WILL lein both veterans of last year's 8quad THIS YEAR Williams met her at the desk. "I want people said I had a voice and it was a COMBINE WITH LECTURES have the advantage. to eat. I am nearly starved," she duty, but there were so many other Rockwell Proctor, breast stroke Fraternities, literary societies, and exclaimed. waiting for the same parts that I Pro.f C. W. Wassam will speak on man, is showing up in stellar form. clubs will be given the use of one of Immediately, Madame and her part~: went into comical opera. Again from the subject, "What is Success 1" at In the tryouts held recently under the two gymnasium floors for their disappeared into the elevator. The the mercencary poiAt of view. , the Quadrangle, Sunday afternoon at the ausllices of the Eel club, Proctor parties and dances this year, it was show was over. The actors burlt out Fritzi Scheff was born in Vienna 1 :30 o'cloc:k. This.is the first number swam the 440 yard swim breast stroke announeed today by Robert E. Rienow, of the theater and rushed to the Inter­ in 1882. She appeared in opera in on the Quadrangle Lyceum course. and fiJ\ished two lapi ahead of the dean of men. This action wu taken urban station to catch the 11 o'clock Vienna in 1900. In 1902 ehe appeared Teh pI naa,ccording to Ben W. Robin- crawl stroke men who were started at a meeting' of a committee composed car. in comic opera in New York City. son, pres. of the Quadrangle, is to at the same time. Phillip MiJIs and of E. G. Schroeder, director of pbysi­ Fritz Schneff' murmered laughing­ Since 1918 she hall ben playing In have a talk every Sunday during the P. O. Vedova are also strong contend- cal education for men, Robert Rie" ly, "My face." As ahe raised botl­ Glorianna. wintre months upon which there is ers fer places in the breast stroke now, dean of men, Marlon R. ,loved palms upward, "'I have to Madame Scheff married a captain of no espVer service. A Hst of speak. swim. director oj physic,,' eatch the 11 o'cloc:k car." the German army. In 1908 she mar­ ers and subjects Is now being prepar- The water basketball team i8 re- women, and Wllbllr J. ner face was a white mask accent- ried John Fox Jr. They were divorced. ed. The talks will be given by Uni- porting Monday and Wednesday man of the Univenily b, ber red cheeke, her earnalnE' In 1918 Ihe married Geor,e Anderson, versity profe8sors. nights. It is imposible to predict now tee. the blue JInes drawn under her an actor. In addition to the talIca on Sunday what luccel8 it wiU have against the Previous to this aIllIOU))V and her arched penciled eye~ The madame climbed ~ the afternoon., )fro Robinson announees other conference teams. Northweatem, the six bl, parties of She radiated a .... :tr..... nc~ car. The frqrance which ftUed the thta there wUl be cliacuQion croups especiaUy has a stron, water basket- been held In tb, kbid of a redolent toilet water, air Unrerect. every Wednelday evenin,. ban team. aome time it was - PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ' Wednesday, November 24, 1920 l I Wednesday, It is said that a child who still em­ I qualities that the wI'iter mentions, know that in a few weeks it will be THE DAILY IOWAN ploys baby talk at the age of five is "the sloth, the vindictiveness, the sub­ too long." ) ~bli.hed every morn ina except Monday by the mentally deficient. One can wait for ! Daily Iowan Publishlna Company at 111- missiveness ,the cynicism, the insensi­ 116 South Clinton Street. Io.. a City, Iowa the mental classification of the bird bility, the cruelty, the egotism of the One way to say good-bye when the I who makes loud mouthings in a thea­ MEMBER lOW A COLLEGE PRESS pllst-war," front porch is crowded is to sit ver~ r ter during a stage embrace. While we didn't wreck Ames, we at li.:netered .. leeond et... mattei at the po.t --I-­ close .... to her .... look deep in hel least sidetracked them. Perhaps the office of Iowa City, Io.. a MERELY DECENCY eyes .... and use Christian Science. No m~tter how any game comes Engineers are satisfied. Suhec:riptioo ra~. delivered ••.. $'.00 per rear Consider for a moment simply the CaUecl for ...... sa.I" »er rear "latural, ordinary standards of de­ SIDaie copy ...... 6 cell" Funny! A man can live at home cency and modest behavior which with father and mother for eighteen BRITISH UNIVERSITIES HAVE BOARD OF TRUSTEES I should be a part of the moral back­ or twenty years and yet know abo Charlet! H. W~Uer, Chairman; E. M. !dcEweo. bone of any who lay claim to the AN ATMOSPHERE OF CULTURE i R. B. Klttred"e. Edmund J. Harrtneton, solutely nothing ab,)ut marriage. Dorothy M. Lin"ham. WUllam O. Moore. Earl W. Wells. slightest culture of the gentleman. H.A. Note: This is the second of a ser­ at the University for at least two Without insisting on a standard high­ ies of articles by Mr. Bo e to appear years. Again, an Oxford or Cant· GEORGE L. STOUT . . " . . ..• Editor-In-ehief Telephone Black 1767, Room U L. A. er than the normal elevation of the in The Daily Iowan. The writer was bridge student must not be seen at Buildlnc average human being, is it possible an instructor in the department of night on the street with a young lady G. Devine, for the University public to be misled ~.; all likely DWIGHT A. DAVIS .. . . BUllneaa Manall"'r political science in the University unless she happens to be his "sister" Telephone 1~9 . 116 South Clinton Street have been into patronizing and approving such last year, and is now on an extended or "cousin." He must be in his room To T. Norris , Advertlsin" Manager ey who has a theatrical exhibition as is heralded I ~uiM1f m tour of the world. by ten o'clock. To be caught without Dorothy M. Llnlrham Mana"in" Editor CAN COLLEGES BE CIVILIZED? week on a Robert W. Hayes Associate Editor by an advertising display of the most cap and gown at night by the uni· ThellJ\a Graves News Editor turned and n. obvious and wanton vulgarity7 Under the above caption Frederick By Sudhindra Bose versity police (known as the "bull Harry 11. Psge Sporta Editor last night Harold Andrews Humoro1l.l Editor There exists no specimen of the hu­ J .Haskin, a Washington correspond- (Special to the Daily Iowan) dog") is a very serious matter. Loula G. Madison Society Editor freshman Charles B. Gould Book and Drama Editor man race toward whom most people ent of teh Davenport Democrat and London: "What is it that impress- These British universities have Warren L. BlI3sett Feature Editor feel less liking than the reformer; but Leader made some very interesting es you most about Cambridge Un i­ Prince, Scott, M. F. Carpenter many,regulations which appear to me Special Sporta Writer when a display of ugly, suggestive hail, are also revelations in a recent article pubish- ve!'sity?" I askei a friend of mine a bit l'llzzlmg. One of the;r I'UlC1 NIGHT EDITORS dition, Coach Huberteen Kueneman Thelma B. Grevea partial female torsos appears in a lo­ ed by him nothe existing conditions who had been cor.n.:cted with the Uni­ is t.hat students must not frequent sa­ Harold Andrew. Margaret Brady the outlook cal newspaper, with the leering infor­ foul'd in the modern institutions of versity for several years. "Atmos­ loons, or "public houses" as they are Charlea B. Gould Ralph W. Boeder mation that the reader may see more the higher learning. phere," was his reply. Mter having call(>.1 over I pre. noes this m an that NIGHT EDITOR of the so-called beauties at the show, CIA college or university," says Mr. spent a few days with this same that they are expected to be teetotal· Charles B. Gould it becomes almost imperative for some Haskin, "is theoretically a place tc friend, in driving and about lers? Not at all. Students can not show of resentment on the part of the study . ... but it is decidedly not the the streets, seeing beautiful old col­ only have as much liquor shipped into FROM BOTH SIDES insulted reader. way the majority of undergraduates lege buildings, and visiting lecture their rOO I Il ~ I.S nClr pocket-b \ 'h wi!! No lasting good can come from an Information has led us to believe look at the matter. They go to col- l'(loms, I put th a n \ ~ I- {Ol' Of humanity is such an ineffable Of cOurse that is one side. and it is our institutions by the hostility of themselves for their industry, keen­ Pleasure. pulbic opinion. But why not look at ness, and alertness. They are among fair to see 1l.11 sides of the situation And Ohl when the dance is done the brigh tside of things and think the most popular ot foreign s~udents . GoveMfr W. L. Harding, in his pro How am I thrilled to find that my clamatlon of Thanksgiving, recount "hat perchance Mr. Haskin is not en- The more I study the British \Ini- '"New overcoat has been exchanged tirely right in his conclusions? v(>rslties the more I am impressed some of the material and spiritual ad For a frayed sheepskin and a P. 0, V. with the 'fear th:,', American student­ vantages for whiCh we may justly be Worn pair of gloves .... grateful: "Homes and firesides, the in the United States have many priv­ Oh! In reading the publicity matter con­ call of tenderest heart love, are ileges which are unknown to the Brit­ Ohl cerning the proposed Memorial Union vouchsafed in peculiar sanctity. Cul­ ish. For instance, no Oxford or Cam­ I am impressed more than ever with utre in musiC, art and literature, is brige man can take a book from the The Open SeaSOD I the truth of the statement often made, university library unless he has been the heritage of the most humble and Party who took green silk pa­ that tbe Iowa student does not know obscure. Our fields are fertile, for .-- jamas from clothesline at 440 what giving is. ,'I <'l wi!Ji'J~~;WI.Jm<'l<'l<'l <'l'1l<'lJath; the hush-a to date we have made forty-eight ap­ How different that is from the atti­ troubled hush, but still an hour of pearancea and have thereby incurred tude of the average student at the counsel arid advice of experienced relative quietude-before the last the enmity of forty-eight individuals University of Iowal bank officers, young men today are phase of Armageddon: that final bat­ on the campus. Although this is not I am not offering any remedy for tle, in which diabolical contrivances particularly pleasant to us, still W( this condition of student thought. progressing faster than ever before. .' of a potency even now hardly dreamed cannot afford to worry. At the rate Perhaps the only thing that can .' of will make a desert of a continent, of one enemy per day we can last change it is Time, in her slow but cer­ Make this bank your bank, young will destr:>y the cities, tl\e wealth, the until spring, since there are about tain process. But of one thing I am man, and you will have as your busi­ life of the Old World." five thouaand of us here..... On the positive, the students of mid-western This is getting closer to home. The other hand when one individual iF universities, at least the students at ness partners men who like yourself .. Old World is not at band, Geneva, and razzed unmercifully the other four· the University of Iowa, do not have • are progressive alive and loking for­ the League seem at times like myths, hundred and ninety-nine, enjoy read· the reverence, tespect and feeling of ward to development of bigger but this talk of war baa a very intim­ ing about it. gratitu(le for their institutions that ate taitg• Just as now everyone is the students of the eastem universi­ things for Iowa City and the sur­ about to pause for a moment to give The Cause and the (.uc! ties and colleges do. rounding community. thanks it seems that we ought to think You are invited to drup in and The difficulties that are in the way seriously of doing s?methlng. try my big lunches. I am also notwitboltanding, I surely hope that it is a moral condition that Is agent for the Dr. Sakman prod­ the day will come when those In we might take stock of ou~ own ucts.-T. L. Auld. charre of the Iowa Memorial Union FIRST NATIONAL BANK We might inquire if we -Bode Bogle. project'can announce to the State and content to fool ourselves In­ to the nation that the,. have ,.Iud a that duire iB .trongel· Our little iftDocent 8&)'1: "I hope million dollars, or whatever I1IIIl tbe,. lila,. deem neeeua".." ••iII.~: II ' We might turn fOUr fratemit)' gima a party lOOn. II 1 and uk If we have tho.e I have a new part,. eire .., and I just J. M,l Hickmon, '20 • , /. , " ~ '. ~. •


lers. The team will be picked some shirts is the official uniform, and rid· 'QUAD RESIDENTS HAVE TO McDonald, director of student health. not'::::I:: ) IOWA MAT MEN time after Christmas, the chosing be­ ing the rails is the method of trans- SUBMIT TO VACCINATION Victor Tracha of Cedar Rapids, ing done by competitive elimination. one of the residents of the uad­ ! - portation used by the "bums." All students living at the Quad. Coach Parcaut together with mem­ The organization is not a rough­ rangle, was taken sick with the dis­ rangle were requested to report to ~:~~p:et~! bers of the squad gave an interesting neck bunch, but, as one of the leaders ease a short time ago and has been HARD AT WORK the Stduent Health department yes­ exhibition of various holds and wrest­ stated, "it is a publicity organizatioJ' removed to the University Hospital terday afternoon for a small pox vac· ling tricks last night before a group to uplift K. U. We do not expect to In order to prevent any spread of the Close of Football Season Releases cination. Those who did not do so Captain White, G. Devine of fans at the Jefferson hotel. "Other make it all that the name implies, but disease, it was thought wise to order will be hunted up and required to Hunter and Smith exhibitions of this sort will be given simply to show that there is boosting the vaccination of the men. I take it, acording to Dr. William J. from time to time," said Coach Par­ spirit back of the team." Iowa stock took a consid­ caut, "in order to popularize the ar~ The slogan adopted at the first reg­ 1'... _ ...... ,...... '""11."**'"'""''' .... erable jump forward with the closing and impart a knowledge of the com­ ular meetnig is "my last cent for of the 1920 football season. Hunter, mon holds and allow the public to eats, but not one cent for car fare. /I G. Devine, Smith, and Captain White judge wrestling bouts intelligently." The official emblem is an opened tin all likely material as mat contestants Last night's exhibition was 'arranged can. The officers are two Grand Bums Edward's Dancing have been added to the squad. Sween­ by Ernest G. Schroeder, director oi and a Grand Knight of the Charcoal ey who has been absent for the past physical education for men. Cinders. week on a trip to Des Moines has re­ Studio Five hundred of the Bums "rode turned and took another priming up "BU'MADIER" CLUB FORMED the rods" for two hours last Satur­ last night with members of the AT KANSAS TO BOOST PEl' day to be on hand for a football game Co. A Hall freshman squad. Bob Smith, Vana, and they added zest to the contest by Prince, Scott, Vedova, Thompson, Ca­ A "Bumadier" club was recently or· parading about the streets and down Private Lessons by appointment hail, are also fast shaping into con­ ganized by about 700 men in the Uni· the field, each armed with a cow bell dition, Coach Parcaut is elated with versity of Kansas, to attend footh,.ll and a' placard bearing a greeting to Phone 1298 or 82 the outlook and is looking forward to 'Sames in other cities, and to boOllt their opponents. tbe development of some real wrest- their school. Overalls and old army

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But from the east, from the ancient Orient, come these gifts distinctive. 8urrounded by an I ineffable atmosphere of things oZd and wise as the ages, wilt you find them. I We can suggest 'nothing more t'l-uly interpretive I ... of the Christmas spirt than these gifts of perfect individuality. From the Orient, from Turkey, from Pans, connoisseurs in things desirable, select for the Denecke company alone, gifts for your inspection . . We recommend the Art Needle .Work Shoppe as a1~ admirable headquarters for you durinflyour I Christmas shoppi1~g tours, and in fact at all other times. \. Equally true it is, that in the selection of all linea or mer­ chandise, we havf\ striven to maintain quaUty paramount.

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1. ______.... PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Wednesday, November 24, 1920 , ~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday, N, of the committee on elections, said, in the All-American honors. Dep- @[:l~mJii!llQ!li!!Ji!!ffil.Jii!!li1!li!!J@J'f~!@Jii!!Ji!!Jii!mJii!llQ!li!!Jffii!1Jii!!li1!li!!li!!Iii!liillii!li!!lii!!Ji!!Jii!IQ!li!!J~i!!mJi~i!Iii!Il!!li!!Iii!@Jii!~ elAL MEMBERS "The social comm,ittee should repre- leI'. captain and eenLer of Ilinois it ~ sent the whole student body, and the shifted to guard on the first team and i degree to which it does represent Oss, Minnesota, and Crange, Illinois, CHOSEN FRIDAY them deepnds upon the interest they are placed at half and fullback on Kalo Dance S ohwitnhe election Friday." t.he second team. r~ Kalo club w Seven Names Have Been Submitt,ed :;J ing party We< To Election Committee-Only EASTERN PAPER Slater of Iowa received It compli­ Dinner chapter house. Three of Four Juniors to Be mental' ymention as being a powedu' Love will chap Elected CHOOSES FIRST tackle and A. Devine is mentioned Woman's Asso GHOST ELEVEN p:gh among a l eg : o~ of quarterbacks. The woman' a dance Thur, The election for student members Other conferenCe men mentioned hon­ is something we like to eat at horne. But since A. hall. Dr. : of the Ul"i v r ;+ y social committee Since the fOotball season is prac­ orably are Hoffman of Ohio State af ,"'jl be hd:] Frilay. Ballot boxes will tically over in Big 'Ten circles myth­ ar~ wh'] chaperon. a lineman, Bob Fletcher of IllinOis, Universitq folks denied this privilege not b ' plac J i 1 t :lC corridors of all col­ ical all-American. a1 -Weestern, and vVorkman of Oh ;) State as Quarter- Delta Zetn n~ I gt· ;, and v:ti .g will be from 9 a. m. all-Conference e:eHns are now the eat it where the food will be most nearll:] I k ~ lhat t ') !j p. m. All University students vogue c-f sport de. artments. backs, Stlnchomb of Ohio State aft Delta Zeta qou would get at horne. A regular old fa,hiolled at a Th1JJIcs ;-i" ar J qualified to vote for three senior The first ghost te'm choice of 1920 halfback. anll Crangle of Illinois as 4),<1 three junior representatives. . lIIP'Pears in the Philadelphia. Evening fullback. crhank:sgil1inq Dinner .... Turkeq or Chicken Cran .. day night tit tl , .1/1;,<. i:l. and Mrs. Erne Therll will be no contest for the Bulletin as follows : First team: ,~,\,.,;; .. '~~ .. . berrq Sauce-mince Pie t: rce places as senior representatives, ends, Weston, Wisconsin and Urban a ;only three candidates are in the Bostgn College; tackles, Keck, Delta Zetn Delta Zet-! . fi' lrI. Four juniors will contest for princetown and Sonnenberg, Dart· Saturday ht ·three junior places. mouth; guards. Dune, Michigan, and AS'TIMEE All the ''fixen's'' that qou love will be THEATRE Miss Bess The election is in charge of a "'er l ~ r, Illinois; center, Havemeyer P waiting for qou at the (·ll.'rtion committee composed of one Harverd; halfbacks, Glpp, Notre l"!' ior riom each college of the Uni- D, mf' and Davies, Pittsburg; quarter. Last Time Today £ v'fsity. The member from each col- Lourie. princeton; and French, Army I "(" ~ will conduct the election in his fullback. ' WILLIAM RUSSELL own college. The candidates will ap- The second team: ends, Robert­ , In his latest photoplay pN' r on the ballot in the following son, Syracuse and Carroll. Washing­ Mdd Hdtters qed Room r or dr: for senior representative, Wi!- ton and Jefferson; tackles, Fincher, "THE CHALLENGE I' l1 m G. Teegan D4 of DavenpQrt, GeOrgia. Tech and King, Navy; c-· Henry of n ~ bert W.Dethlefs S4 of Iowa City, guards, Griffiths. Penn State, and OF THE LAW" Myrtle Lee lnd Clarence E. Hamilton L3 of Win- Woods. Harvard, center. Alexander, Here is a dandy Canadian Northwest Iota Xi t ~ l'~et The junior candidates are, Syracuse; halfbacks, Oss, Minnesota, Mounted Police Story. One that 12 to 2 Mrs. E. Florence V. Bierring A3 of Des and Way. Penn State; quarterback will keep you guessing iting her Ji.fnines, Fred E. Egan 2 of Missouri McMillan. Center; and Crangle, 1111- .at the Delta Valley, Edwin A. Nixon B3 of BUrl- nois, fullback. ) Also Gumps, Pathe $1.25 dnd $1.00 j "ton, and Joseph M. Dean of Sioux __T_h_ls_pu_t_s_th_f_e_e_c_o_nf_er_e_n_ ce_pl_6_ye_fs News, Ford Travelogue Ci··f. t"";Tl'he seatssix studentsin the committee elected will immedi- take GAR DEN _c_om_e__ E_ a_rl_y ___A_d_m_is_si_o_n_l_6_-3_0Cfc! !!"':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~~s~::da:!I!~~~ ~~~; ;;:!~ t~~: THEATRE COMING j"""".,.,"""."""..... ".. "'""""""",.. ,"'''''''''" .... ".. ,'''''" .... ,, .. ,, .. "",,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,, ..... ,,.,,,,, .. ,,,, ..... "', .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., •• _...... ,,,,,,·,·, .. ", ...... ,· .... "" .. -1"

r.r ,.in) ocmmittee, composed of six fac- L T· If d Thanksgiving and Friday I f 1'1 ~ members and six students has aat Imea 0 ay CONWA Y TEARLE Th D B f l r ' nrge of all social regulations for i the University. So far this year the "M 0 0 N (Formely Norma Talmadge's e ay e ore ,I' f ,, ( Ity members have met without M A D N E S S" leading man) t',,. stuednt representatives. Vern M. With a notable cast in his first starring picture Th k .. My"" L3 of F,,' Dodge, ,hainnan Desert Love - PARIS "MAROONED J an sgJVIDg I

EJ TGLERT THEATR - E ;}TDYENlTYRthESt· · DA'f HEARTS" J!I. T\,. d N 29 h nang e a IS 1 - • ' Ylon aY,', ov. t ferent Girls, this is a dandy love story Today Also Good Comedy , Pathe Review ! NEW A Robertson-Cole Admission 16 & 30c Continuous shows I Special Thanksgiving Day The Triple Organization

. ....I . II.. " ~MmI ""' .. W...... " " ...... IItIll"III'""IN6I'"I .. ttHl .... IMlKI.M"I'"'I.. IIIHtll '"lllIIUlMUllltlIIIMIlIININIM,tlNIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIlIIMIIIIIHKIIIUIIIMIlIlnlllllllMl",.."'llllUloWllllllllllllltI The Triple Is the time to prepare for that Dinner to­ was organized tion by the morrow. It may be Turkey or Chicken, both last meeting. ~stablished by are high enough in price-That- is not now, ,structor in fOR the case with these wonderful Hand Tail­ the beginning munity club. ored all wool Suits built by Hart, Schaffner The club has TRY THIS ON YOUR TASTER buque street. I & Marx, being sold at Coasts' Big Sale TO­ members in DA Y at $55.00. officers in the Cream of Chicken Soup 10c terson A2 of

Prices 60c to $2.00 Roast Corn-fed Goose, Oyster Dressing 50c Seats Saturday I They formerly sold as high as $90.00. Mail Order. Now Fricassee of Chicken a la Georgia ..... 50c 'Complete' Range Styles and Models Roast Leg of Pork, Baked Apple ...... 45c Full line color effects plain and fancy. i A. I Roast Sirloin of Beef, Brown Gravy ... 40c If you need a Suit- i ~ We recommend this Mashed Potatoes As a good buy. Today and Tomorrow \, Peas and Carrots in Cream MARSHALL NEILAN I Plum Pudding Hard Sauce Feature I "The Country That I God Forgot" I , Also IOWA LUNCH ROOM c.- a A S T S steaks. HALL ROOM BOYS 'Breaking Into Society'

_ ...... 11 ..' 111'.'1 ...... ' • ...... 11111 • 1 ...... -...... 11_...... ' ___-- .... - FOOT BALL---THANKSGIVING DAY Ft. Dodge High vs. Iowa City 'High Q IOWA FIELD 3 P. M~ c Admission, Thursday, $1. Before Thursday 75c Tickets on sale at Whetstone's and Racinesr Wednesday, No\'ember 24, 1920 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE

IIIIIII'IIII'IIIIHj'IIII"KII,"II"IIIUIII"IlltIIlllllllllllllt,II"nl,1I11I111I1I1"1'""""II,""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"'"IIIIII"IIINIIIIIIII"1I1I'""iI'"'IIIIIIU''III'IIII''''''''' '''''111" ,. '!lU ll' 1II .. ".II''''IIt,,,,IIIII''"IIII''''IIIM Pearl J. White A1 of West Side, sec· Iowa City, Daniel Sinclair A3 of .1\ J 1 I rteary, and Esther Shiplee A2 of 1-; )"1 on, Dwight Kinsey A1 of Grjllle~, BY REQUEST I Clarion, reporter. The other mem­ and John E. Adams A3 of Cedar I~ap . KaJo Dance bers of the club are: Violet Koften ius. It is planned to increas'" th\! Kalo club will entertain at a danc­ A4 of 'Tyndal, S. D" Winifred M. .:,taft' to twenty-five. Dr. Martha Turner ing party Wednesday evening at the Lewis A3 of Woodbine, Edith E. Kat­ Officers of the Sunday school or­ chapter house. Dr. and Mrs. Frank tel' A1 of Garner, Madel E. Water­ ganization will be elected nex& Sun­ Will repeat the Lecture Love will chaperon. man A1 of Klemme, Fern M. Olson day. ' A constitution will also be a­ Woman's Association Dance A2 of Spencer, Lenore A. Davis Al dopted. It is planned to give enter­ HYGIENE, EUGENICS The woman's association will give of Clear Lake, Margaret Stotts AS tainments for the crippled chilclren a dance Thursday afternoon at Co. of Chicago, Constance Carlsen A2 of ut different times during the year. PHYSICAL CULTURE A. hall. Dr. Henrietta Calhoun will Spencer, Gladys Watkins A1 of The aim of the Sunday school is to General Health and Care of the Skin chaperon. Woodbine, Zenita F. Lemley A1 of educate the crippled children a:ong Centerville, and Mabel A. Frescoln religious and moral lines, so that Dr. Turner is one of America's recognized autuorities Delta Zeta D:lllcing Party A1 of Batavia. when they return home they will have on "Beauty and Health" and her lectures Il:'C practical' Delta Zeta S Jrority will entertain the desire to continue their relj giou~ and interesting. She will tell those who come to hear her at a Th~nl. cr.mposed of Thom:ls Roche S;j of • • • Gwend.olyn Bennison of Des l\f Jines "It's Right Here For You" J Iowa City, Esther }J.uekintosh A4 of is visiting her sister Lucille B"nnisoll Iowa City, Esther E. Sharpe A3 of • • • I .at the Gamma Phi Beta house. Hampton, Dorothy Brooks A2 of in "Algiers" Julia Wade, Kathleen Chaney, and Tiffin, Lester Heckman S1 of Anita, • • • l Vernie Bisgard are spending Thanks­ Josephine Bockwoldt A1 of Galva, and if "The Japanese Sandman" gjving at Fairfield. Ruth Wolcott M1 of Hawarden, Ma­ • • • I Students who will spend Thanks­ nle Trueblood A2 of Belle Plaine, will "Hold Me" giving out of town are H. Maynard r ersis Carney A1 of Greene, Myrtle • • • Groam A2 in Cedar Rapids, Oscar Cheadle A2 West Side, Verna Van with his "Naughty Eyes" - CHICKEN? Strom A2 and Cecil Powell A2 in Dome Al of Grimes, Irene Lewis of · . ~ Waterloo; Helen Maulsby A3, Char------­ and "12th Street Rag" lotte Thornton A3 and Luola Madison • • • I Either, cooked just like' Mother's and, A2 in Cedar Rapids; Agnella 'Gunn A2 until "I'm Lonesome--That's All" - with everything else that goes with a real in Williamsburg, Alice O'Reiley A3 • • • in Marengo, Mae Ludeman A2 and you might ask, honest-to-goodness Bernice Brimm A2 in Blairstown. • • • REGULAR "Old Pal Why Don't You Answer THANKSGIVING DINNER! PRICES! Me?" , NEW WOMAN'S CLUB FORMED Only a part of our menu for tomorrow:- Our request-Com­ • • • Turkey and Cranberry sauce ..... 55c while you're in The Triple 0 Recognized as Social pare with other's sale prices. Then • Chicken, Roast, with dressing ..... 35c Organization by Social Committee • • buy where you get "Avalon" Chicken, Fried ...... , ..... 35c the Best Values. • • • The Triple 0, women's social club, and "Tripoli" Sweet Potatoes .. , .... , , ...... 10c was organized as a campus organiza­ PURE WOOL SUITS • • • Salads .. , ...... ,',...... 10c tion by the social committee at its with "Yo San" last meeting. This society was first Tailored to Measure Cake ...... IDe and Guaranteed • • • ~stablished by Miss Ethel Hale, in­ Mince Pie ,...."...... ,.,. 1Oc structor in the elementary school at $37.50 Do you like the beginning of this year as a com­ Extra trousers • ., . Tutti Frutti Ice Cream ...... 5c munity club. FREF' GOOD music? Anyone can purchase and enoy a well- The club has a house at 311 S. Du- • • • cooked Thanksgiving dinner here. buque street. There are eighteen r 'fny one of the above members in the organization. The • • • You are welcome at the Quadrangle and officers in the club are: Helen E. Pat­ Is GOOD. just try terson A2 of Marengo, president, • • • You can get them at ' r-1:m:~~:m::Km-~I:m:~mN$I-==--~ • • • GREER'S The • • • Uniyersi~y Cafeteria I I Thank Youl ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • IA Sugg'estion .... ,...... , _,... ".... "",,tf,"", ..... '""ttttt"""""lII.. lnlll .. II'... IIIII ...... nlllM4 .. IIIItIItIKIIIIUII .. tII""IIIIlllIutl .. "III ...... MI .... 'ltWtlltff.. "fllnl l ..' ...... ,______-: HAVE YOU DEOIDED WHERE YOU ARE GOING TOE.A:TON In the morning Waffles an

I , Evening meal one of our 30c T. 'Bone MENU, THURSDAY, NOV. 25,1920 Roast Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce steaks. Roast Loin of Pork, Apple Sauce We bake our own pastry. Roast Sirloin of Beef, Pan Gravy B~ked Fresh Spare Ribs, Pickled Sauce A Special Thanksgiving Menu Order also includes Mashed Potatoes, Buttered Aspara­ gus Tips, B"eaq, Butter, Cocanut. Cream Pudding and Tea, Coffee or Cocoa WE SELL A $3 MEAL TICKET FOR $2.50 • QUAL'ITY, PURITAN CAFE '(One block north of University Hospital) COFFEE ROOM . , I~---___.. _____ ~· ______~n".' __._. ___ ,__ ~_

1111 .... 111111 •• 11111111111111 • .,.1111111111111111. II 11.1111111111 •• 11111111.1111111111 ••••• men and women in the hospital. This Theodore D. Berjegerdes A2 of Manly, CLASS SECRETARY number included patients in the isola· Fredel'ick M. Miller L2 of Des Moines, SHOWS TEACHERS tion hospital. and Harold, H. Murray D2 of Buffalo ARE POORLY PAID Center. No arrangements have yet I "UNDER COVER" TO BE PLAYED been made toward the election of a D' A NeE In compiling the statistics of hi~ captain for the 1921 season. class, the secretary of the class of PhiJo-Thanet Society To Stage Com­ 1910 of Cornell University, has ar­ edy March 2. rived at the conclusion that the mem­ Philomathean and Octave Thanet CHRISTMAS SEALS TO BE SOLD bers in the teaching professibn an literary societies will present "Under The annual Christmas seal sale of Thanksgiving Afternoon the m-ost poorly paid. His report Cover," by R Cooper Megrue for their the Iowa Tuberculosis Association will cover the record of 352 men, and his annual play, according to Norman V. start abou~ the first week in Decem­ findings in the matter of present in­ Sherwin, chairman of the play com­ ber. The following committeee will have charge of the University sales: comes and salaries are given as fol­ mittee. The date set for presentation VARSITY HALL R. W. Chaney, chairman, Mrs. R. B. lows: is March 2. Plans for the tryouts will be worked Wiley and Dr. Mary K. Heard. The Average income married men, out this week, with Romola H. Latch. proceds from this sale will be used ,5752; average income, single men, em of he University elementary school in fighting tuberculosis in the state of $5151; average income, 352 men, in charge of the coaching. Iowa. $5385; average salar"" m,arried men, $455; average salary, single men, $4627; highest salary, $30,000; lowest CROSS CO UN TRY =-::-:;.::-::~::-::~::-::*::-::-::.:r""''''::-::~-::-::=-::.::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-~-:Mr~..M~ salray, $840; seven men, $20,000 and TEAM CLOSES H up; four men, $15,000 to $20,000; 1920 SEASON ~ THE STANDARD EXTRAVAGANZA OF ENGLISH SPEAKING AMERICA twenty-one men, $10,000 to $15,000; By professions the average incomes are as follows: I CIo~:o~:stc::~~~~:e~:il:e~~~:! 1° . ~ ff ' of 10 bankers and brokers, $11,040; athletic board to apropriate any mon- J .Y 1. arcus4 S·1n 0w 1920 6 manufacturers, $8,524; 18 physi~ ey for sending the team to Urbana at cians, $7,944; 31 merchants, $7230; the conference cross country meet. 29 lawyers, $5905; 41 salesmen, The action of the board was due pri. ~ The colossus of modern amusements, whose prestige books no rivals, whose advent $5,600; 3 purchasing agents, $5,600; marily to the lack of interest shown I is ever perennial and new, comes now in its tenth season of uninterrupted success, 6 insurance men, $5533; 4 advert1&­ in the sport during the present sea· it with a plethora of novelties, roster of distinguished artists, wealth of rich investi· ing men, $5476; 5 newspaper men~ son, and not to the showing that the R ture and CONGRESS OF VENUS' DAUGHTERS, such as only an artist might $5180; 5 accountants and statistic­ team has made. Ii dream of. . ains, $5504; 14 farmers, $4461; lQ "While the season has not been par· R builders and contractors, $4287; 7 ticularly bright from the points gain· ft veterinarians, $3724; 33 teachers, ed," said Coach M. F. Carpenter, "we 11 ENG L E R T $3137. baye reasons to feel proud of the ac· I - - complishment when we take into con· B STUDENT HEALTH CALLS sideration the dearth of competition HI AVERAGE THIRTY ·TWO A DAY under which the team had to work." WEDNESDAY -24th With the possible exception of Ris· I "University students examined 80 tine who has broken the Iowa cross NOVEMBER far this year seem to be in better phy. country record, letters will not be I sical condition than those examined in awarded the team, as one of the reo previous years," said Dr. W. J. Mc. quirements is that it must win at leas. This is the original and only company including the following di.stinguished galaxy Donald, director of student health, one meet. Iowa was nosed out by both B of artists who will appear in person during the engagement: when asked bow t e general Cornell and Minnesota meets by three ii Mike Sacks, Bee Winsome, Charles Abbate, Mlle. Loletta, Billy Dale, Charlotte health of the new students compared or four points. Allen, Oliver & Maria Vespo, Lawrence and Quirk, Bailey & Mack, Ruth Elmore, with the condition of the incoming The men who compose the Iowa Box, Alexander, Dave Harris. MARCUS PEACHES. II students in former rean. squad are as f911ows: Arthur G. ( "Not only are they in slightly bet· Kruse (captain) A4 of Dysart, Lester PRICES-50e to $2.50- SEAT SALE TODAY ter physical condition, hut they are V. Peterman A3 of Iowa City, Leon·

alsoment," making continued more theuse doctor.of the depart-"More ... people are coming to the department ;~d=P:.:R:l:·s:ti:n:e=M:l=:o:f:M=aq:u:o:k:eta=,: ==:aaa=:~==:~==:=:~=:~:====~:~===~=====5===555======~ for advice than did last year, and the 2 Days Commencing Friday Night, Nov. 26 department is fully able to handle them." The doctor then pointed out ENGLERT THEATRE ---MATINEE SA.TURDA. Y--- that only students taking physical training and military training are giv­ • en an examination, but said that the department would eventually like to give physical examinations to all stu­ dents of the University. There are seven persons employed in the stu· dent health department and it is be· lieved that this number would be suf­ ficient to carry on such examinatioJls if the policy was adopted. So far this year there have been 592 men examined and 776 women. This leaves only one small group yet to be examined. This number will be taken care of this week according to Dr. Mc­ Donald. Calls at the office for medical atten· tion average thirty.two per day ex~ cept on Sundays when only four. or five people report. "A large number of those are' coming of their own ac· cord, however," said Dr. McDonald. The ailments for which these students are being treated are numerous with no certain trouble prevailing. Those Price. who are required to report are Real troubled with diseases of the skin, heart, tonsils, eyes and a few infec· tious disturbances. During the month of October there was a to..u of twenty-eight.University ftj J!!20 "ENUS~

TPENCILS • ..IJ, .'h. These famous pen- • r I 1 - cils are the standard . '~l I.RTI-I I ' . by which all other ~ pencil. are jud~ed. ELODV 17 blac.'l. fkgree. ' 6 B sofirsl to 9 H harde ..; l and hard IUId mediwn copying GYlES . LLO 'fJ WELLS, -llRrUTJR MST, I Look Jor the VENUS [mUla I · IlL 1ifoIiLfTAN, ;.ErIl1 ctRRl{. ANY • Af- FREE! JOHN SIiEJ1llAN mm 11 CoM1?J1.NY OF SI Th.... Trial lluapl.. 01 and r= VENUS Penal .. 1300lr if:.. JEAN IlAvfz -iyrlc.r lInd J1iui~~ ud ~_, 'DENS WD Ine. -;::ANC-HON {j MARCO. . Rood • P'- ___ucI.,...... ~ I•• was- ,_ ...... W",. Prices-Nights: SOc to $2.50. Saturday MatiDee Enlie Lower Floor $1.50, Balcony SOc ad $1.00 wo" American Lead Pencn c.. we uk for alleaer show IUD FANCHON IlARoo pte iI"Let'. Ge". Tlef ai,1V\h A~cau •• N. Y • c.w .1uI_ --I ...... Wednesday, November 24, 1920 'i.HE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE SEVEN ber 24, 1!J20 Smib, 1:,' 1,iam Goodbll, Irvin·; Web­ was formed in 1897 as the Whitney so­ H. Potter of the Latin department. New Chancellor of P lttsburg University er, ~\lbf. rt Cnnnoll, rearc.' Nc- wpol't , ciety were: the late Dean A. N. Cur­ In 1907 the present name, Humanist Stuart Short, Edward Hallback, rier, Prof. Charles B. Wilson, head of society, was adopted. Wiillam McCullough, R. D. Proctor, the German . department and Prof. F. J. P. Mills, P. O. D. Vedova, Homer Straight, George Saunderson, and E George Ashton. • Events for the meet include novel­ ty stunts by both clubs; women's and men's fancy diving, plunge for dist­ ance, dashes, and an Eel-Seal handi­ cap relay. One of the special feat­ 'Ihanksgiying 'Day ures is the opening act, a novelty called "On the Peaceful Iowa." Both clubs take part in this stunt. -no R this day we have prepared a spe­ THOMPSON TO READ PAPER r cial dinner, a dinner as near like the Humanist Society To Meet Nov. 29 at Maulsby Home one our Grandmothers would have pre­

Professor E. N. S. Thompson, of the pared as we know how. There will be English department, will read a paper on"Some Phases of the Mysticism in turkey of course, and plenty of it, so you the Poetry of the Seventeenth Cen­ tury" at the next meeting of the Hu­ may have your choice piece-white or manist society to be held November 29 at the home of Prof. William S. sweet potatoes, pumpkin pies, and all the Maulsby. "The Humanist society is composed other little things to make it a of members of the faculty who are in­ tere~ted in the study of language, lit­ real Thanksgiving Dinner. erature and the fine arts. Only facul­ ty members who are voted in are act­ ive members, but their wives and hus ~ 11.50 per plate bands may attend the meetings. At each meeting a member reads a paper upon the subject in which he is most interested, after which the paper is open to discussion, acocrding to Pro­ Hotel Jefferson fessor Thompson. - The society has fifty members this year. Prof. B. L. Ullman, head of the E. A. FEENEY, Mgr. latin department, is president Rnd Miss Olive Kay Martin of the French department, is secretary. Some of the charter members of the society which galaxy Jobn G. Bowman, former preside nt of the University of Iowa, ap- pointed chancellor of the Unlversit y of Pitte\:)uIg, w\\l assume his dut- ~~~'W-...mr.A:-~m:=-=:vo...... -=:vo~:vo ...... w-.A:-::-::-::-::~-::~*""*::-::-::-::-::*::m:.::-m:.:vo ...... -==::-: ies January 1. t· , i'i ------* . # EELS AND SEALS last w,eek. The men selected at that # H WILL HOLD MEET time were: Captain Walter Anneberg of the Varsity swimming team, Iliff U~ I I '· Iitt ON DECEMBER 8 Shepherd, president of the Eels club L n Ivan F. Weidlein, Wilbert Bond, ~ g The Eels-Seal Aquatic Carnival, Robert Brown, J. Radamacher, John the annual swimming meet betwen Goltman, Douglas Boynton, Willard the men and womens' swimming or­ ganizations, will be held at the men's Stover. oscoe Nash, C. Q. Drum­ mond, John Patrick, Ross Clark, Roy HANKSGIVING • 26 ~nasium Wednesday evening, De­ I I cemberR Forney, M. Ward, George Gallup, C. k « Tryouts were held by the Eels club I. Colby, ?aulus Craemg, .l\'mrray D& if i Are you going home for Thanksgiving Ii 4 ' lJou've HedrJ . I UJben • , Rl]dn'S Wonder BoJs ::::e :::::~:::::eed good clothes, I warm coat, new tie, new hat, shoes and I

lJou Surely Will Want Cfhem :::e:nbuy high-grade clothes now at I For \Jour Very Nex.t greatly 'reduced prices. Every suit or 11 overcoat bearing the labe.l of Society- Brand, Fashion-Park or L-System are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction.

I IB Price. Reasonable Date. Available at Once This is a 'season when we return thanks for all the many Real Dance Mu.ic Too Phone 757 blessings and privileges we have enjoyed during the past year. . . . 1;N e especially wish to extend our sin­ o c~re thanks for your liberal patronage you have given us during the past season.

,I I -


PIPE'S the thinl[ with men. Under the Ipell of A W D C Pipes men relax, !alllled brains are relieved. The Ipecially lealOned Kenuine French briar brea'" in .weet and mellow, It will not crack or bum throuah. The W D C Trianal. on the bowl i. your luarant... A.k any Rood dealer. / OWA CITY, IOWA WM. DEMUTH & CO.• NEW YORK WORLD', LAAOItIT MAKItA' 01' 'INI plPll

• • PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Wednesday, November 24, 1920 DOCTOR AURNER PUBLISHES NEW BOOK ON IOWA LOST-Overcoat. Racines No. 3, .. . Saturday, pair old brown kid glove. The Sta~ H1~tor~cal Soc1ety of in pockets. Finder please call Black Iowa has Just d1str1buted the fifth 1187. 5i' volume of the "Hstory of Education in Iowa," by C. R. Aurner. Prof. --';:F:':':O~R~S:::-A~LE-'=""-:D"""r-es-s-s-u""it-Wl""""""th-Tu"'-x- Aurner is an alumnus of Iowa State edo coat to match, 42. Two dress vests Vol. XX-NeW" Teachers College and holds three de- and two dress shirts. Everything grees, one of which is the degree of new, $100. Leave numbe rcare Iowan. Doteor of Philosophy from the Uni------­ versity of Iowa. This volume which FOR RENT - Furnished room. is now being distributed includes Phone Red 1385. 53 brief accounts of the history of five ------­ types of state educational or semi- LOST-A pair of tortoise shell The 8to1'e for M en- educational institutions in Iowa: the rimmed glasses on Linn St., between College for the Blind, the School for Fairchild and Washington. Phone the Deaf, the Soldiers Orphans Home, 565. tf Iowa's Largest the Reform Schools, and the Institu- - R-O-O-M-S-F-O-R-R-E-N-T-C-I--'- . tion for the Feeble-Minded. The au- very reasonable' B 182 ose ;' thor dwells mainly upon the educa- • ,. , tional and social phases of the history MODERN double room for men. of these institutions. Close in. 24 No. Gilbert. 53 The four previous volumes of this monumental work deal with the fol- FOR RENT-Modern room, heat­ lowing aspects of education: Volumes ed, close in, men students. 526 South I and II, the common schools of Iowa; Dubuque Street. Phone 1106. 563 Volum? III: the history of secondary MARY V. BURNS, PUBLIC education In Iowa; Volume IV the STENOGRAPHER 8 P I H I h' t f th th t . . . , au e el1 1S ory 0 e ree s ate institutions Bldg. Phone Red 1999 Blk 1810 of ~igh~r learning in Iowa, viz, the Notes, themes, theses ty~ed . · 53 Umvers1ty of Iowa, the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic :======a Christmas Arts, and the Iowa State Teachers dren at the College at Cedar Falls. TO RENT TO A drive for STUDENTS conducted in Charlotte W. WANT ADS in ebarge of Rates: one insertion 2 cta a At Reduced Rates four years word. Three insertions 5 ets a ~. campaign in word. Minimum charge 30 eta. UNDERWOOD Iowa City MODELS ately, but LOST-A long handled black silk cepting umbrella at Reich's Monday, Liberal TYPEWRITERS named. F. reward for return. Phone Red 1388 U found. 55 $4.00 Per Month

F OR RENT-Double front room . '. '.: • ':'J I' -t Schaffner $& Marx for three boys, dose in. Phone Red IOWA OFFICE 1062. . EQUIPMENT CO. FOR S)\,LE-Nearly new Royal No. 10 typewriter. $70.00 Phone Red 822. On Iowa Avenue You've Never Seen Such 55 Phone Red 902 LOST-Parasol, straight brown Overcoat and Suit Values Drastic price reductions applying to our Overcoats and Suits from ten of

Boxes for Helen Donovdn the country's foremost quality makers. Christmas ternityand DRESSES drug stores, They're the strongest values on record A tag day funds but a at nitely set. . _0 n co"operation with Iowa CJ Cih)'s leadi~g Stores, be .. ginning on Fridaq $27 $37 $47 $57 For Overcoats and Suits For Overcoats and Suits 20 %Reduction on Euerq .. worth fully . $40 to SSS worth fully $60 to $80 o thing in the house The extraordinary character of these clothes values can't be emphasized too strongly; absolutely all-wool Distinctive StQles dt lowr fabrics from the best mills of Scotland and America', , est prices to cledr"""" smart styles in garments designed exclusively for young '. Coats, Dresses and Skirts, men; expert hand tailori}1g. .' We've marked these fine as well as Evening Gowns, clothes 'way down; ' the prices are next Spring'~; we Blouses and Neckwear. believe, in many cases, they're lower. Profit immedi­ Special novelties in Bags ately on a stylish Overcoat and Suit at $27, $37, $47 and and in Choice Necklaces to $57. match costumes. ... Armstrong Clothing Co, Six South CHnton Street Iowa City, Iowa 2 blocks north from Cedar Rapids, 2 blocks north from Interurban station Iowa Interurban station
