Calcofi Report Vol 51, 2010
VOLUME 51 DECEMBER 2010 California Cooperative oCeaniC fisheries investigations Reports VOLUME 51 JanUary 1 tO DEcEMbEr 31, 2010 Cooperating Agencies: California Department of fish anD game University of California, sCripps institUtion of oCeanography national oCeaniC anD atmospheriC aDministration, national marine fisheries serviCe CalCofi CoorDINATOR John n. heine eDitor John n. heine this report is not copyrighted, except where otherwise indicated, and may be reproduced in other publications provided credit is given to California Cooperative oceanic fisheries investigations and to the author(s). inquiries concerning this report should be addressed to CalCofi Coordinator, scripps institution of oceanography, la Jolla, Ca 92038-0218. eDitorial BoarD John n. heine laura rogers-Bennett Printed and distributed December 2010, La Jolla, California ISSN 0575-3317 calcOFI rep., Vol. 51, 2010 cOntEntS I. Reports, Reviews, and Publications Report of the CalCOFI Committee . 5 Review of Selected California Fisheries for 2009: Coastal Pelagic Finfish, Market Squid, Red Abalone, Dungeness Crab, Pacific Herring, Groundfish/Nearshore Live-Fish, Highly Migratory Species, Kelp, California Halibut, and Sandbasses. Dale Sweetnam, editor . 14 State of the California Current 2009–2010: Regional variation persists through transition from La Niña to El Niño (and back?). Eric Bjorkstedt, Ralf Goericke, Sam McClatchie, Ed Weber, William Watson, Nancy Lo, Bill Peterson, Bob Emmett, Jay Peterson, Reginaldo Durazo, Gilberto Gaxiola-Castro, Francisco Chavez, J.T. Pennington, C.A. Collins, John Field, Steve Ralston, Keith Sakuma, Steven Bograd, Franklin Schwing, Yan Xue, William Sydeman, Sarah Ann Thompson, Jarrod A. Santora, John Largier, Chris Halle, Steven Morgan, Sung Yong Kim, Karlina Merkens, John Hildebrand, Lisa Munger . 39 Publications . 71 II.
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