Outline of Banking History from the First Bank of the United States Through the Panic of 1907 by B

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Outline of Banking History from the First Bank of the United States Through the Panic of 1907 by B Outline of Banking History From the First Bank of the United States Through the Panic of 1907 By B. H. BECKHART Columbia University United States was particularly The entire capital was subscribed THEfortunate in having as its first within two hours on the day the sub- Secretary of the Treasury a veritable scription books were thrown open, and genius, whose program of fiscal reform the Bank was ready to begin business quickly placed the new republic on a on December 12, 1791, with Thomas sound financial basis. As an essential Willing as president.6 From the very part of his program, Hamilton urged outset, the Bank proved to be a great the establishment of a National Bank success, in providing the country with in a report to Congress, dated Decem- a sound and elastic currency, in supply- ber 1~,1~’90. Since the economic signif- ing the needed banking facilities, and icance of banks was then but crudely in preventing any excess issue of state understood, Hamilton, in this now fa- bank notes by having such state notes mous document, first indicated the as were in its possession redeemed. In numerous advantages resulting from the performance of its fiscal functions, banking in general and from a National it transferred government funds and Bank in particular, taking occasion to provided a safe depositary for them; it dispel some of the current erroneous also helped to collect the revenues and ideas on the subject.’ After showing provided the bullion needed by the that no one of the three banking insti- mint in coinage. Further, by 1795 it tutions2 then in existence could be suit- had loaned the government $6,200,000. ably employed as a National Bank, In order to procure funds to repay the he laid down in great detail the plan loan, the government by 1802 had sold for the new institution.3 The act all of its stock at a profit of $671,860, chartering the bank modelled upon this and while a shareholder had received plan was signed by the President on $1,101,720 in dividends of 8§ per cent. February 25, 1791.44 On April 20, 1808, the stockhold- ers memorialized for a re- 1 Hamilton’s report may be found printed in Congress full in the American State Papers—Finance I., newal of the charter which expired in pp. 67-76. 1811. A month later, Albert Gallatin, 2 The Bank of North America founded in then Secretary of the Treasury, in a 1781, the Bank of Massachusetts in 1784, and to enumerated the the Bank of New York in 1784. report Congress fiscal services of the and advised 3 Hamilton’s plan closely followed the charter Bank of the Bank of England as it existed at that time. that the charter be renewed with a few 4 The act provided for a capital of $10,000,000, changes. Nevertheless, the bill to con- of which one-fifth was to be subscribed by the tinue the charter was defeated, the government. The administration was placed in the hands of twenty-five directors elected an- oftener than once a week by the Treasury nually by the shareholders. Branches were to Department. be established where the directors saw fit. The 5 July 4th, 1791, at Philadelphia. circulation was not to exceed the capital. State- 6 Formerly, president of the Bank of North ments of condition might be called for but not America. 1 Downloaded from ann.sagepub.com at Bobst Library, New York University on June 18, 2015 2 opponents charging that the Bank was to 1817. Further, without the assist- a &dquo; money trust&dquo; controlled by foreign- ance of the Bank, the government had ers,7 a tool in the hands of the Federal- difficulty in selling its bonds (even ists, and that the act chartering the when offered below par), and was bank was unconstitutional-so the forced to borrow sums from the state First United States Bank went out of banks and to issue some 37 million existence on March 3, 1811.8 dollars of &dquo;Treasury notes&dquo; which &dquo;ultimately degenerated into a kind of FINANCIAL CHAOS, 1811-1816 currency.&dquo;&dquo; Writing in 1831, Gallatin stated that had the Bank been rechar- It was a most unfortunate time for tered, the have been the country, on the verge of a war with suspension might and the state banks would England, to be deprived of the services prevented have been restrained within of the Bank. State banks on proper sprang up bounds. every hand to take its place. Their number increased from 88 in 1811 to THE SECOND BANK OF THE UNITED 24s in 1816 and their circulation grew STATES from ~~.’~ million dollars in 1811 to 100 As early as October 14, 1814, Secre- millions six years later.9 Such a rapid Dallas,12 in a report submitted to inflation of the currency resulted nat- tary called attention to the need urally in the depreciation of bank notes Congress, for a National Bank, the in terms of gold, amounting at the emphasizing fact that such a bank could restore the maximum to 23 per cent in Baltimore, currency to a gold parity and 16 per cent in Philadelphia and depreciated New York.lo and that in its fiscal relations with the would be of incalculable The revenues of the government, Treasury assistance. After seven unsuccessful consisting largely of tari~ were duties, within two the charter for the most part collected in this attempts years, of the Second Bank, closely resembling depreciated currency, while it was that of the was Con- necessary for the nation to make First, passed by large and became law on disbursements of funds in New gress April 10, Eng- 1816.13 an with land where specie payments had been Through agreement maintained. reason of con- 11 By this Willis, H. P., American Banking.1918, p. 209. dition, it has been estimated that the 12 Alexander J. Dallas from Pennsylvania, government lost $5,000,000 from 1814 appointed Secretary of the Treasury, October 6, 1812. 7 Though three-fourths of the stock was held 13 The act provided for a capital of $35,000,000, abroad, the foreign shareholders exerted little of which the government subscribed one-fifth. control, as they were not allowed to vote through There were to be twenty-five directors, twenty of proxies. whom were to be elected annually by the share- 8 By 1834 the process of liquidating the assets holders and five appointed by the government. had been completed, the shareholders receiving Branches were to be established wherever the in all $434 for each $400 share. The assets of Bank thought necessary, managed by from seven the parent bank in Philadelphia were purchased to thirteen directors appointed by the parent by Stephen A. Girard, which was reopened on bank. The circulation was not to exceed the May 12, 1812, as "Girard’s Bank." capital. Deposits of public funds were to be 9 This increase was due to two factors: (1) made in the Bank unless the Secretary of the the suspension of specie payments everywhere Treasury should otherwise direct. The Bank during August of 1814 excepting in New Eng- was required to pay the government a bonus of land; and (2) to the withdrawal of the restraining $1,500,000 and to transfer public funds without influence of the Bank. charge. Weekly statements of condition might 10 The specie was either driven abroad or into be called for and Congress was given the right to the New England States. inspect the books of the Bank. Downloaded from ann.sagepub.com at Bobst Library, New York University on June 18, 2015 3 the state banks in the larger towns, the bursing government funds, in furnish- resumption of specie payments was ing domestic exchange, in paying the brought about (nominally at least) by pensioners of the government, and in February 20, 1817, thus realizing the acting until 1833 as the sole depositary first purpose of the Bank. Due partly of public moneys, the Bank was of great to governmental pressure and partly to service to the whole people. a lack of banking training, the direc- In his first message to Congress, on tors, at first, extended loans and rapidly December 8, 1829, President Jackson increased the circulation, a policy expressed doubts as to the constitu- which resulted in a heavy loss to the tionality of the Bank and the sound- Bank and in the retirement of William ness of its notes. The President’s Jones as president in January of 1819. hostility subsequently cooled, but Langdon Cheves, chosen as his succes- when the Whig party at Baltimore in sor, immediately inaugurated a policy 1831 took the side of the Bank, there of retrenchment and deflation. Under ensued a long and bitter struggle which his management and later under that ended in the defeat of the attempt to of Nicholas Biddle, the Bank became recharter it. The reasons as given by &dquo;the most powerful and best managed Professor Catterall for this opposition financial institution the country had were the &dquo; widespread belief that the ever seen.&dquo; ~4 Its notes, circulating from Bank was unconstitutional, the hostil- Montreal to Mexico City, were safe ity of the states, the opposition of the and elastic, In transferring and dis- state banks, the rise of democracy, 14 Willis, H. P., American Banking. 1918, p. 210. Downloaded from ann.sagepub.com at Bobst Library, New York University on June 18, 2015 4 and the envy and hatred which the and the government, whereby they poor always feel for the rich.&dquo;15 were required to give security for the Upon the failure to recharter the funds deposited &dquo; whenever the deposits Second Bank, the era of central banks, should exceed one-half the bank modelled after those existing in Europe, capital paid in,&dquo; 17 or whenever the passed.
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