21 APR 44 Lio in THB LDIB ., Liar • 21 APR 35 TIIB Karolllp OP 1 Cdif DIP DIV 3'1 AU.Nm BD1!'Mrauaif Sm;.Tbor Dtilijio Fjib M1'bll 19Go44 58
NOTE This is a preliminary narrative and should not be regarded as authoritative. It has not been checked for accuracy in all aspects. and its interpretations are not necessarily those of the Historical Section as a whole. Ce texte est pr~liminaire et n'a aucun caract~re afficiel. On n'a pas v~rifie son exactitude et les interpretations qulil contient oe sont pas necessa;rement cel1es du Service historique. Directorate of History National Defence Headquarters Ottawa, Canada K1A OK2 July 1986 c OPV NO.1 BBPOa! CAH:.DIAlf 0PIlRA'l'ICII8 Dr ItiIK, 5 JA!l • 21 l.Hl 44 -. 1'IIB 8ITUt.'l'IOB A'l' 1'IIB BBGIDIBG CP ,T}JIUARlC 1 1'IIB ARDLLT SROIf 2 TIIB 1IA8'l' & P.B.B. A'l'mCIt ALONG 1'IIB VILLA. (JuVDB • 'l'0LL0 BQAI), lI0-31 JAJr 44 10 PUlf OP ATfACK U 1'IIB P'IIlST A'1"l'.AOK, 30 JAJl 44 12 TIIlI: 8BOCIID ATfAOK, 31 .TAll 44 14 1 CDIf COIIP8 A881lD8 COJlIIAHD IN '1'lIB ADRL\'l'IO SBC1'OIl. 1 PBIl 44 18 1'IIB AIlRI:.fIC IWlIWIADB • 1 CDN CORPS' 'l'/15K 19 1 CDN COBPS III TIIB LI1IB. 1 PBIl • ., lIAR 44 21 BBllIIID 'l'IIB LIIIB 28 1 CDII OCilPS IBAVES mB LDIB, ., IWl 44 29 1 CDIf I1IP DIV'S ROLlI:• ., lIAR • 21 APR 44 lIO IN THB LDIB ., lIAR • 21 APR 35 TIIB KarolllP OP 1 CDIf DIP DIV 3'1 AU.nm BD1!'MRAUAIf Sm;.TBOr DtIlIJIO fJIB m1'Bll 19Go44 58 lIlP ""," - 1he At","ok !oIIar4e !b8 Arielll, U Cda Inr !Ide, 1'1 .TllD 44 aJld !be Attack L1~ ~'1Ula Gl'IIJlde _ ~Uo Bod (Baa" & PoBoB.I, 50 - 51 .Ten 44.
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