COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATION - FINALISTS Award Finalists COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATION THANKS TO City of Charles Sturt - Open Space, Recreation & Property Team - St Clair Recreation Centre The three year, $28 million jointly funded infrastructure project to rebuild the St Clair Recreation Centre was a collaboration between the Minister for Education, the Department for Planning Transport and Infrastructure and the City of Charles Sturt. The result is a facility for tomorrow - catering for the indoor sporting needs of the western suburbs communities. The involvement of stakeholders and community clubs in the project was significant and the development of relationships fundamental to its success. Strengthening the long term sustainability of recreational facilities in the western region, St Clair Recreation Centre is accessible to the Woodville High School and enabled the amalgamation and relocation of three sporting groups. The project was supported by the State’s 30 Year Plan, the Western Region’s Western Adelaide Sporting Facilities Supply and Demand Study and the City of Charles Sturt Community and Corporate Plan. Collaboration with Government and alignment to key strategic directions enabled the development of significant infrastructure associated with the Centre, which services the western region and some 200,000 residents, through the provision of a six court stadium including roller skating, gymnasium, regional immunisation clinic and sustainable building design. Contact: Sam Higgins Manager Open Space Recreation and Property, City of Charles Sturt 8408 1157
[email protected] Award Finalists COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATION THANKS TO City of Holdfast Bay - The Kaurna Nation Partnership Team Throughout 2019, the City of Holdfast Bay was both humbled and honoured to work with the Kaurna community to complete two significant initiatives that demonstrate the role that local government can play in indigenous affairs and reconciliation.