ffff Linking Precincts Minlaton_ August 2018 A Framework for Urban Design Improvements Contents page 1. Summary 3 2. Introduction 5 3. Strategic Context 9 4. Investigations + Engagement 12 5. Urban Design Framework 16 6 . Overall Concept 19 7. Staging and Implementation 31 8. Appendix 1: Workshop Summary 36 9. Appendix 2: Shovel Ready Project 43 Renovated front court to rest area and public toilets with more seating and skylights with planted build out and new crossing point. Revision number B August 2018 Prepared by Jensen PLUS Level 1, 21 Roper Street Adelaide 5000 South Australia 08 8338 5511
[email protected] www.jensenplus.com.au Opportunity for Parklet or new build out in front of Chocolaterie for out door dining and street greening 2 Linking Precincts Minlaton Framework for Urban Design Improvements 1. Summary Minlaton is a town of about 1000 people, on South be involved in the identification and prioritisation of Ten Principles for Improvement Projects to respond to Australia’s Yorke Peninsula. Minlaton enjoys a classical, concepts and projects for both early wins and a longer Be a devil: stop, refresh and are: long, country main street dissecting the town grid – with term strategy. An Engagement Framework was agreed 1. Link the precincts many historic and modern buildings built to the footpath at the start-up meeting of the project to get the best enjoy at Minlaton with wide verandahs and few trees on the kerb. These response from the Minlaton community. 2. More economic activity strong Australian main street characteristics form a 3. Green the town foundation for this urban design framework.